
Chapter 1

I used to like to think that if I was kidnapped or stolen, I would never surrender willingly because I would have something to fight for. Something that would keep me holding on until the last breath because that person, thing or whatever was worth the world and beyond to me.

Being thrown from pillar to post, mother to father, from pretty much the day I was born let me know exactly what I was worth; a government cheque with not much money on it. I was kept under whichever roof until I was no longer any use to them and at which point, I would be shoved out the door with a black bin liner of hand-me-downs to the other party for the next year or so. Usually as punishment for whatever wrong I had done such as being born, or not cleaning the cooker with enough blood, sweat and tears to last a life time. Funny but I never thought I would stop crying in the beginning knowing that I wasn't loved or cared for, in the end my tear ducts had been used up until shrivelled and the almost fatal blows to my body didn't bring out the desired effects. Taking my 'punishments' in silence probably didn't do me any favours as the beatings got heavier, almost as if they wanted me to crack. But I think this was the only control I had in my life and I'd rather die first than see the look of intense satisafaction on the faces of the strangers that were supposedly my mother and father.

Truth is. I had nothing. I was alone in a world that should never exist for anyone with nothing to live for, and much to fear. Well I did, but nothing worth a fight to the death. The only thing I ever possibly had, turned their backs on me in what feels like almost a life time ago. My second family turned and walked without a backwards glance and I was left in the aftermath broken beyond repair and willing death to come to deal the final blow to my ever fragile existince.

You see I knew right from day one that the those two perfectly sculpted people that saved me from the life I was living before, would one day realise that I was beyond saving or of any use. I started out as damaged goods from the start, why would anyone want to waste their time with someone like me. They could have picked a prim and proper rich kid with looks that could rival their own but instead they saved me, a run-down, abused, worthless ugly teenage girl with no prospects. Sooner or later karma was going to come back and bite me, and it sure as hell did, right when I had everything I could ever wish for.

But this right here is all I will ever have to join me wherever it is my body will end up. Well, my body will never actually move from this position because no human alive would ever find me here in a world where none exist, apart from me. But that doesn't matter to me, I'll love my new family all the same for as long as I shall live because the life they showed me insured that I would never return to what I had before. How could any one person take all the knowledge and experience I have been blessed with and then return to an average life? I'm almost certain you will agree with me all the way up to this moment in time.

I think this is the right point to start my sad story on. Not everything has a happy, perfect ending and it looks like right now, my story might be one that breaks the usual fairy tale stories. So sit back and read all about the life of Vallery Picket, it might just make for an interesting read.

Chapter 2

"Go to the corner shop and get me my fags." Hand thrust in face. "NOW VERMIN!"

Yep. I know the sentence between those two lines looks like a stage direction but that's only because that's what my life feels like. An awful stage play that seems never ending, or at least, not with the type of finish that would raise the audience to their feet in delight with clapping that could leave their hands tingling with appreciation. No. The type of play that only the gruesome people that love a good horror would watch. But I strongly believe even they wouldn't sit and watch the whole thing for it would be too much for them to handle.

I can't understand why I'm thinking of those people when who I should really be thinking about is me and dealing with another task set before me by my unholy and devilish mother. I obviously use the term 'mother' loosely, but I suppose being the person that gave birth to me and grants me one meal every day, she should be honoured with such a title.

I bent forward, crawled across the floor and thrust my hand underneath the sofa to retrieve £6.20 from my mothers secret stash. Only I, apart from her, know of it's wherabouts and I like to keep it that way. You see, I have faced my mother when she has realised money is missing and my backside remembers only too well what my punishment would be if there was a repeat. Although I'm pretty sure the rest of my body would get a good seeing too aswell. Rico, mum's ex-lover, was the wonderful bloke that whisked away £700 from her last 'safe' and managed to point his stubby finger in my direction before he hightailed it out of the city for 'business'. Quite a lot of business I can imagine as that was almost 11 months ago now with no contact since about 9 months ago when the money run out. My mother, however foolish and constantly drunk she is, knew exactly what he did, what he was after and in no uncertain terms told him where to shove it.

I did feel slightly sorry for her as she did seem quite taken with him although that pride and pity soon vanished when her fist collided with my face. Nothing halts love like a broken heart and the only thing left is hate and pent up anger. That is of course, where me, myself and I steps in to become the much needed punch bag and to fill the void until the next man. The next man just so happened to be the scumbag who was currently feeling my mother up in places that left vomit circling my throat.

I shoved my feet into my too small reebok classics, stuffed the money and keys into my jean pockets, quietly shut my front door and started my hasty walk to the corner shop 2 blocks away. Supposedly a corner shop but isn't actually on the corner or even that near where I live. I realise 2 blocks doesn't seem all that large but when there is a long alley to walk through, which manages to stay dark even in the daytime, the route seems forever.

I don't really know why but always five steps before the entrance, I seem to halt in my journey and peer as far down in to the darkness as humanly possible. Around about this time I manage to take a few deep, calming breaths and cautiously tiptoe into the alley. I know it sounds pathetic and really, I've had worse than any tramp or peadophile could do to me, so why do I worry so much about a pathetic dark patch in my journey? Well don't ask me because I really don't understand the logic in my brain. I just always feel like i'm being watched down here which is obviously ridiculous because it's literally only wide enough for one person in certain places. Just everything about it gives me the creeps and then I start to panic and it's really hard to force myself to continue.

If I had a choice in my life, I would walk the long way round but if I don't hurry up, I won't be walking for the next couple of days. At least, not properly.

Deep, calming breaths is all I need. Nothings going to jump out and get me.

The Bogey Man doesn't exist Val, you know that.

Only 10 steps in and i'm completely surrounded by the darkness. Well the quicker I get through this.

I manage to hoble along a bit faster, careful not to touch anything around me incase it moves and feel so much better when I can see the other end.

Something flashes infront of me and for a second, I can't see the light at the end of the alley. Could that of been a really large cat that walked on two legs? Highly plausable right? My breath hitches in my throat and everything in me stops and freezes. Although thinking about it, i'm not just frozen on the inside, my skin is pricking with goosebumps and I feel a cold gust of wind hit me on the outside.

I released my breath and start again, being careful to only follow the pattern of my feet. If I can't see them, they can't see me. I suppose that theory would be great if the air on my right side didn't just blow and leaves didn't rustle not one whole step away from me. This time I wasn't waiting around.

I ran toward the light as fast as my legs could take me and the determination to get to the end pulsed through me. Until my legs tangled and I tripped landing straight on my face.

Reaching up to cup my aching head, I pulled away when my hand felt like warm water was trickling through it. Would be great if it was just water but I could smell the blood dripping from my wound and that last breath was shallow enough for me to realise I was about two seconds from blacking out.

Funny but I can't remember seeing a pair of feet a second ago.

Chapter 3

"Why did you bring her back Alston. She doesn't belong here and you have put her life and our own in jeapody." I could hear the faint footfalls of whoever the owner of the voice was. Quite strange really but even though I gathered they were talking about me, the feelings of apprehension and nausia didn't make an appearance, instead I felt peaceful. And no, it doesn't make any sense especially when I realised that there was no way in hell I would make it back in time to ensure I don't recieve a beating. But this situation was a welcomed distraction from my every day life and chores.

"I didn't honestly think you could get more stupid but you've clearly outdone yourself this time." The owner of the same voice let out a small audible sigh that I think I only managed to hear because I wasn't using all five senses. You know what I mean. They always say if you close your eyes and focus on the noise around you, it gets louder right? Well... it always works for me. Not that my eyes are closed through choice. I'm still struggling with actually opening them right now but there is a slight fear that once I am awake, I'll find out exactly what it is these two unidentifiable people want with someone like me.

"I just do not get your thinking sometimes. You obviously got what you wanted as I can smell the blood from here yet you still defy strict orders set by the council to never bring back a feed. I can't imagine they would care to much if you wasn't their bloody leader!" The pacing had stopped as soon as the speaker's voice had risen. To be quite honest, I had been almost fine with the current situation but his voice told me that I wasn't taking part in amature hour and this bloke meant business.

He scared me to the point of wanting to throw up and it wasn't even me his anger was directed at. With my life, anyone could well imagine that my scare threshold is severly heightened, but he didn't just scrape my level he cracked right on through to a level I didn't even think possible. Although right now it wasn't me that was facing his wrath, I can honestly say that I have no feelings of pity and I definitely do not feel sorry for the poor guy named Alston as he has infact stollen me away to god only know's where and apparently, according to the 'council', that was pretty much illegal.

Great. I am, as of however many minutes or hours ago I was taken, an illegally kidnapped victim to a crime I can't even remember due to severe head injury which feels, at this point in time, what I imagine having a hangover feels like.

I managed to use my mystical brain energy to open my eyes slightly and what I saw almost brought me to the brink of cardiac arrest. I knew without opening my eyes that I was laying down, on what I wasn't sure, but my eyes revealed a whole new world to me and I really couldn't help but gasp at the beauty of it.

White marble flooring with a few plush and expensive red rugs were the first thing I noticed from my current position. That right there was enough for my gasp because as you could well imagine, the only marble my hands had ever touched was the little piece handed round in the science lab at school. The very idea that I actually had my whole body laying on it was something short of a miracle and one of the 'To Do's' on my ever growing Wish List. Parrallel to my body, covered in the same white marble as the floor that it almost looked like a water fall, was a set of centered stairs so wide that students could pose with space for the dreaded school photo right in this very room.

I'm pretty pleased I managed to get my gasp out early because focusing my eyes further than the floor and stairs showed me a room fit for the Royal Family. Deep red walls with paintings hanging in golden frames (double the size of me both ways) were on every available wall and where there wasn't paintings there were floor to ceiling windows with red and gold drapes. All this showed beauty that was so rich in colour and grandeur that it was like nothing I had ever witnessed in any building I had ever entered, including the wonderful art galleries in London. That wasn't everything though of course.

I had managed to overlook the two people standing right in front of me. Never ask me how I managed this as I can assure you all that it was probably one of the hardest things I had ever managed to do to this date. Saving the best until last, I peeked first at the clothing worn by such perfectly sculpted, to the very last detail, God's. I know that seems pretty epic but there really wasn't any other word I could find that would explain exactly how wonderful these blokes looked.

I focused first on the bloke furthest away as I didn't quite have his attention yet due to the fact he was still huffing and puffing over their exchange; black, (polished until shining) loafers, dark pinstriped trousers that hung perfectly and a crisp white shirt that seemed just tight enough if you get my drift. Looking further up I managed to find no fault's up there either, instead I saw a strong jaw line, smooth almost baby like skin, tight lips, pointed model worthy nose and a pair of piercing green eyes the purest I had ever seen. Framed quite nicely by styled jet black hair. All in all, this bloke was very appealing to the eye. I was almost sure that I was ready for the next contestant. Sweeping my eyes toward the closest figure my body done the happy dance, figuratively speaking of course.

Gulping none too attractively at what I saw drew the attention of the very man I was eye-raping and the action caught me off guard so instead of making a gradual way to his face, my eyes snapped straight to it and by the way my heart stopped a beat, I think it was safe to say that no one would ever match the standard of guy set before me.

Once again I saw jet black tousle styled hair, gorgoues sea blue eyes (a shade I had never seen before), straight nose leading to light stubble that was framing a full pair of rounded lips. These same lips were etched with a smirk that told me all I needed to know about this one, arrogant jerk. I know that's slightly forward of me but that 'sort of' smile assured me that this man knew just how jaw-droppingly gorgeous he was and I've never liked that type of egotistic attitude in any man.

I know most girls go for the 'bad boy' type but I was more into the quiet nerdy type that wouldn't give me any trouble or take one look at my mother and want in, if you know what I'm saying. It's so true that heartbreak's a beach (you know what word I mean) and I'd suffered once before, enough to know that love was never worth that. At least I know I had a heart right? Just like every other teen out there I had my first ever love rip my heart out, jump on it, cut it into pieces and then hand it back to me after he had screwed with my mother enough to feed his little fantasy.

I knew right then and there that this guy, however tempting he was, wasn't going to make it anywhere near my date list. Might also have something to do with the fact that he was the one who kidnapped me and whisked me away. No, he would sit quite firmly on my crush list and that is exactly where he would stay for the remainder of the time I knew him. I gathered it would be a short while as no one that defies the law likes to keep their victim's for too long incase they get caught. Which means he will dispose of me. Oh my god... I'm going to die and soon.

That feeling of peace that I was banging on about earlier just took the express train to Scared City and it managed to take me with it. It was a slow build-up when my senses started catching up with my brain waves but the look on my face must have said it all because Mr Blue Eyes truly smiled when he saw the look of fear plastered across my face.

Leaning down so that he was level with my body he wiped the loose hair from my face and brushed his thumb over my trembling lip. "Why hello pretty lady. Nice to see you awake and alert on this fine morning. I trust you slept well."

He snickered ever so slightly but the smile lightened his eyes enough that they appeared to dance. "I know you caught the last of our conversation and have realised that my name is Alston, pleased to meet you." He picked up my hand and shook it slightly and placed it back down across my stomach gently.

Oh... before I forget, just a quik tip. It's never good to ease drop. You might not always like what you hear" He waggled his finger that had only just let go of my hand, toward me.

He paused to take in my appearance and looked straight into my eyes as if he knew everything I was thinking. "Smile please, your dampening my mood." His once beautifully alight face took on quite a menacing look.

I'm happy to report that I obviously did not smile because I really couldn't find anything remotely fun or happy about this situation that I was currently in. He wanted me to go from fear that was barralling through me with ease, to happy go lucky 'smile time' Vallery when all I really knew about the bloke was his name without any clue of where I was. What an idiot. I did however shove a fake smile out with enough gusto to 'please' him because he stood up swifty and walked away from me toward the right wall.

"See that she is fed and watered Fredrick, our guest cannot see us as anything less than the perfect people we are." Then he left right through a door I had never saw before. Weird but I was pretty sure I had roamed the room quite well earlier.

At least I knew the name of the other one, Fredrick. Seemed fitting really because he didn't look like he came from my time, if that makes any sense. He just seemed to carry this wisdom about him that I thought you could only get with age but he didn't look all that much older than me.

Extending out a hand he said, "Miss Vallery Picket, would you like some help getting up. You took quite a blow to the head and lost quite a lot of blood." Fredrick sighed and shook his head as if he didn't agree with me losing blood through a head injury.

"That would be wonderful actually. Not quite all there at the moment as I'm sure you can understand. I'll just rest awhile if that's okay with you and be on my way. I'm extremely late home and my mum... well she won't... like it." I gratefully took his hand which felt cold to the touch but not too much, just enough to feel a temperature difference, and hauled my aching body up. Who knew hurting your head affected the rest of your body but I'd suffered much worse and this really was nothing.

Wait. He knew my name. "How... how exactly did you know my name because I really can't remember uttering a word and yet you know my full name. Who are you? What are you?" The look of alarm was evident on his face from the start but that last question through him straight into panic mode although if I wasn't so close to his face, I know I wouldn't have caught it. It's almost as if he wasn't expecting it so suddenly but really, being part of the mafia was the only plausable explanation for all the wealth in our area. He must of known I would ask.

"I'm afraid you wont be able to leave anytime soon, I know your name simply because you carry your provisional driver's licence in your coat pocket and I will pretend you never asked that last question for fear of your already 'in the ballance' life Miss. Now did you understand all that because I wont be repeating it." Fredrick all but dragged me from the room and was starting down a long hallway before I really had time to catch-up to speed.

"Dinner is at 3 and you'll be expected to attend. There are suitable clothes in this room and this is where you will be staying for the remainder of your time here at Libatarion Manor."

Timed to perfection, we arrived outside a door that had been pushed open to reveal a master piece. Designed primarily for a woman, the room boasted a Queen sized four poster bed, vanity table with a T.V dressing room mirror, ensuite bathroom, walk-in wardrobe and a flat screen situated directly opposite the bed for comfy viewing.

"I'll leave you to get settled but if you need anything just shout, I'll hear you." He smiled at his own personal joke and then left walking back the way we came and I was left alone facing the room of my dreams.


Hey invisible readers :) Thanks soooo much for paying some interest to my new baby. I know it isn't all that great yet but I promise it'll pick up soon.

Chapter 4

To be completely honest, it really didn't take me all that long to get comfortable in my new room. In a way I'm sure anyone would agree with me on this one. I mean, this right here is my dream room and that's all I ever thought it would be. To actually be standing right here inside a room that's so utterly perfect it leaves me speachless, is one hell of a tic on my Wish List. That's twice in one day now that I've managed to complete things on my list that I didn't ever even expect to cross one thing off.

A girl like me didn't really have much hope of living a full life let alone experiencing things that are well beyond any boundries God set for me. I came to terms with my life very early on and exactly what I could ever expect to achieve. It wasn't really a long list with many positives. Trust me, I know that right now it's hard to understand why I wouldn't be freaking out about why I'm here. Don't worry, it hasn't left my mind yet but I figure, if I'm going to die, at least take some comfort in the fact that I'm fulfilling life long dreams in the process.

I know it's a short life filled to the brim with many things I should never have experienced but maybe they all lead up to this point. It may be that all I ever went through; the hurt, pain, feeling completely unloved and certainly uncared for meant I would cherish more the best things in my life. Even if it turned out to be at the end of it.

I have no doubt whatsoever that I will be killed off and shoved in a shallow grave somewhere, abandoned without a headstone to mark my burial. But before my poorly timed death I will get to sleep on a real bed, eat until I want to puke and dress in beautiful clothing that will make me feel pretty for once in my miserable life.

I've never felt pretty before. Not once. Not even when I was with the boy that broke my heart because altough I loved him and told him how handsome he was, he never once told me one nice thing about me. He always managed to dodge my questions or sometimes not even answer at all. Somehow told my mother how gorgeous and perfect she looked all the bloody time with no problems at all though. Funny that isn't it.

Feeling pretty and wanted was something I strived for my whole life with my mother and I got it all just by being kidnapped. You might not understand the whole 'wanted' part but you see, I was, wanted that is. I was expected to arrive promptly at 3 for tea and that was only because they wanted me there. I hope now it's easy to see where I'm going with this because I can't stop the feeling of happiness appearing suddenly to guide me along and truthfully, I don't want to have to squash it down.

I had already decided what to wear after trying on absolutely everything that was inside that walk-in wardrobe and let me tell you, it was the most beautiful dress my eyes had ever seen. Even when I had managed to sneak a peak at mum's celebrity magazines that always seemed to have glamorous starlet's at V.I.P partys on the front cover, I had never seen them wearing a dress quite like this one.

Having normal straight brown hair, dirty green/blue eyes and an almost translucent complexion, I didn't have many colours to play with but this dress seemed to be made especially for me. It was pale blue (almost grey really), bodice styled with a tiny band round the middle in a whispy material that carried on to the knee with a small flare that completmented my body perfectly. After pulling my hair up in pins with a few pieces left down to frame my face and light make-up, I looked more like I was going to a film premiere than dinner with the Godfather.

I hope he wasn't planning on bonking me off right after we've eaten because I don't think my death would be worth ruining this dress. I can't imagine being worth half this dress on the black market and I didn't want to take my chances.

I heard a light tap on the door. "Vallery. It's Fredrick. I realised you didn't know your way around so I thought I would come and pick you up." Of course I didn't know my way around but I didn't want to be rude and second his comment so I hastily shoved my feet into some white heels I found that went with my bangles aon my wrist nd hobbled over to the door. Don't laugh. I'd never worn heels before in my life. Well, if you didn't count the couple of minutes I got when mum was getting busy downstairs and I was sent to clean her room. Apart from that, I was a heel virgin and judging by how long and how much concentration it took for me to get to the door.... tonight was going to be long.

I pulled the door open after I'd steadied myself and squaked out a quick, "Hello. Thanks for coming to get me. I'm ready now," and then we were off down hallways, hidden passages (because it was a 'quicker route' as Fred had explained) and only stopped a couple of times when I lost my footing. If I'm being honest with myself, it was only a couple because I was holding onto Fred like an overboard shipmate to a float but he was kind enough to stiffle his laughter and we made it to the dinning room with time to spare much to my surprise.

Taking a quick peek round I couldn't really find anoyone that looked like they were mixed up in the wrong crowds at all. For one, none of them were wearing black suits and dark glasses and two, they were all smiling and talking like free speaking happy people. This is not the image painted by any of the films I've watched or books I've read at the Library. It's too... normal. But it isn't at all because they are all so exceptionally beautiful they look fake. Maybe mob bosses surround themselves with these characters to blend in. Gotta tell ya, not doing a good job because these people make you stare in envy but want to look away all at the same time.

It's almost like they give off positive and negative energy equally and they're both battling to win. You either look or can't but it's incredibly hard to look away even if you want to coware in fear all at the same time. I can understand why Alston wanted these people. Come to think of it, he looked just like them although I can honestly say I don't remember feeling what I'm feeling now, I just felt normal. Like you would feel around any person. Save from the fear coursing through my entire body at the time. It could be that the fear took over everthing even if I wasn't completely terrified of him.

Whilst I was thinking my brain only half picked up on everyone stopping to stare at me. I'd looked at them, it was only right for them to see who it was that had invaded their home but they all looked at me with the same look. I couldn't identify it but it seemed to me like the look of starvation. Growing up, I'd had my fair share of starved nights and hungry days but these people had plenty of food in front of them and enough red wine to drown a boat. How could they honestly look so hungry?

"Ahhh you made it young one and dare I say, you look delightful. Almost good enough to eat." The tinking of laughter filled the room but sounded as if a choir of angels had broken into song. Didn't quite get the joke but the compliment was enough to put a smile on my face and I thought I did well on blending into the crowd whilst I was being herded toward the head of the table.

Keeping what I would call a protective stance, Fred whispered to me, "As a guest you are to sit next to our King. Do not speak unless spoken to and always address Alston as 'Your Majesty'. If you need me, just think of me, I'll be right with you okay?" Without letting me answer I was seated next to the King, Alston to be less formal.

I knew he was a leader but I thought I was dealing with the mafia, as far as I know there are no Kings associated with the mafia. Who the hell was I sitting with and what did Fred mean about 'if you need me, just think of me'?

None of this was making any sense at all and all I really wanted to do now is go home where I'm comfortable. I know the rules and I know the only people I'm dealing with is my mother and her boyfriend. I wanted to cry. How could everything change so suddenly? Just a few seconds ago I thought I was dealing with something I understood and now I'm told something completely different. What's going on here? I thought we only had one Queen in England, I'd never heard of a King? How long was I knocked out for? Where am I?

I think now it's safe to say I was a scared little girl that had been kidnapped and dressed up for what purpose I really don't know but I sure as hell didn't want to find out. Even though what Fred had said didn't make any sense, I didn't have many options right now and I'd sooner just think his name then try running and cause a scene. Well here goes.

'Fred I need you. Get me out of here, take me home please. I wont tell anybody about anything I've seen or heard. I promise Fred. Just let me go.'

Nothing. I didn't feel differnt at all. It just felt like normal, like when I used to talk to myself back home. I thought he said he would hear me or something. Jesus. I'm talking to my own mind about someone hearing my thoughts. How messed up could I possibly get.

'I'm sorry Val but your going to have to stay put right now okay? I promise I wont let any of these people harm you. They wouldn't dare, not when Alston has told them that not one drop of blood should be spilled from your body. Just sit tight and enjoy the night. I'll tell you everything later. I promise.'

Oh my god. He spoke back. I heard him almost as if he was just whispering into my ear. I stared straight at him to see if he had moved but he looked to be in deep conversation with the person next to him. What the hell just happened then? He can't honestly have listened to what I said and replied, in my bloody head? No one can do that. Maybe he just guessed what I was thinking and then ran really fast to reply in my ear and then ran really fast back to his seat. Except he was sitting at the other end of the table.

'Relax Vallery. People are going to realise something's wrong just breathe in and out. Like I said, I'll explain everything later. By the way, you look beautiful."

Oh well.. as long as I look okay everything is fine. Sarcasm wasn't really helping so I tried to breathe deeper and calm my breathing. I suppose I could have looked slightly suspicious and what would I have used as my excuse if anyone asked what was up, 'Me and Fred are speaking together in my mind'? Oh yeahh because they wouldn't just kill me straight away. So that's what I done, just focused on breathing.

And that was it. For almost 4 hours while these people dined with happy smiles on their faces and the occasional lingering glance in my direction, I sat like stone afraid to even move incase I drew more attention to myself. Of course I ate what was shoved on my plate and answered any questions when asked but that was it. Alston tried forcing me into many conversations with these strangers and I did speak, I just managed to dropped out of the discussions when I could and stared at my plate hoping that sometime soon, the meal was going to end and I would be allowed back to my room and plan my escape. Don't always get my wishes though and it seemed that the meal was moving into another room for more drinks and natter. How long exactly could this thing go on for.


A further 2 hours later saw almost everyone in attendance dancing to music that had been provided almost immediately and the room we currently resided in seemed to be decorated for a party. Fred had somehow whisked me away to the far corner of the room underneath a set of stairs that threw our current position into darkness, at least now I wasn't being stared at.

"Your coping extremely well for a human in this situation." Fred smiled at me with a warmth I hadn't seen today and was surprisingly welcomed even though his sentence didn't make sense. "Everyone will be leaving shortly and we'll be able to slip away back to your room if you'd like. I'm sure you have many questions for me but now is not the time to be answering any of them." He had taken both my hands in to his own and the look he was giving me silenced any thoughts I had.

"Well there are many things about this situation I don't like and I never asked for any of it." I shook my head and looked toward the floor, "Why is this happening to me?" Fred understood that the question was directed at myself because we both knew I wouldn't be getting an answer to it anytime soon. I just couldn't fathom why these people had chosen me to take. Surely I wasn't worth anything to them. I didn't have any information for them, I wasn't rich so they couldn't ransome me (not that I would be wanted back anyway) and I definitely didn't have any unique skills that could be used in their organisation. Unless your counting cleaning as a skill, in which case, I could be useful as a maid. I suppose I would have to wait to get some answers to questions I couldn't even piece together yet.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow lean into our little cubby whole. "Hiding from me Vallery? And you Fredrick? Not getting up to anything naughty I hope." Alston laughed lightly. "May I have this dance?" Wonderful timing Mr DJ. A slow song had just begun and I really didn't have much choice in refusing did I? He was the King. So I took his outstretched hand and walked into the bright lights of the room leaving my only alli back in the comforting darkness.

Chapter 5

Hey guys, just wanted to say a massive thanks for reading my story so far. I know it's not all that great so I would really appreciate some comments on everything you've read up to the end of this chapter. Would be greatly appreciated.

Hopefully you will enjoy this chapter.



Pulling my body just a little bit closer to his, Alston twisted us round again gracefully. I've gotta give it to him, this bloke really knew how to dance and by the looks of the faces we passed, every woman here was insanely jealous. I mean, yes he is handsome, a King and obviously has money but apart from that he really hasn't got anything going for him. His sense of humour is atrocious and I swear he is so conceited that if he says one more nice thing about himself, his head will explode. I'm extremely surprised he has lasted this long with his head still intact. As you can well imagine, my night was stumbling down hill pretty rapidly.

It started out fine with a few nice words, "How are you enjoying the night?" Followed swiftly with, "You look absolutely breathtaking and that smell... what is it.... mhmmm delicious." He just didn't leave enough room to breathe before that setence so I had no chance of answering him and instead just smiled weakly in hope that he would think me as a shy person. I am shy (and it worked in my favour) but this situation I was shoved into by none other than this man himself didn't leave me with many pleasantries to add anything positive to his one-way conversation so I settled with keeping shtum. Besides what exactly was he expecting me to say, if I had even suggested that I wasn't having a good time I would be killed on the spot and there was only one bottle of perfume in my room so there wasn't much to say on that.

As the song continued though, he seemed to gain more and more momentum with every passing sentence, "I'm sure the council will be fine with you, you have such an allure most of them will be begging to keep you for themselves," to, "When I found you, you lacked purpose. I've given you a whole new start at life." Can't say I really understood much of what he said so not saying anything at all seemed like the best idea. I didn't want to look stupid and anyway, Fred assured me that he would tell me everything I wanted to know later, what's the point in asking questions now? I'm almost certain Alston wouldn't give me a proper answer and I don't think I would want half answers from him anyway.

My personal favourite speaches really didn't give me much encouragement on the mental stability of the King, "I know I am gorgeous and practically perfect but women eye-raping me is so off putting, wouldn't you agree?" and next in line was, "If you could live for eternity here with us, with me, would you?" Slightly above himself I think.

Clearly he was insane and needed to be institutionalised. Maybe his title, money and looks got to him and made him think that he could live like this forever. Newsflash, we all die. Terminal from the very beginning. What could possibly have driven him to believe that he could live forever? That anyone could cheat death.

"If eternity was an option for someone like me, it would never be one I would choose willingly. I don't want to live forever if my life is what I can expect and living with the mafia/King and royal subjects wouldn't make me want to live any longer either." That was literally the only speach I contributed to our conversation and that was fine with me. If he was going to kill me, I wish he'd do it sooner because trying to install false hope, however misguided, is a cruel thing. Almost like when a whale plays with it's food, nasty and vicious.

We got through one more dance before I saw Fred weaving his way toward me through the throng of people that were dancing so close to us I wondered how we had all managed to breathe. Breaking the crowd and standing a step to my left he bowed forward and extended his right hand, "May I have this dance my lady?" I saw Alston grimace slightly but released me with a gentle, "It has been a pleasure. Enjoy your night. Don't stay up too late listening to ghost stories," and then he vanished in the time it took me to blink. He just went, just like that.

Kissing my left hand and hooking me in Fredrick leaned into my ear to say, "You look very pretty my lady."

"Thankyou very much. This is a beautiful dress." I blushed slightly but I felt comfortable enough to not have to hide it and further embarass myself.

We turned a couple of times in each other's arms before he asked me one solitary question, "Have you enjoyed your time here so far?" Truthfully I didn't really know what to reply. I had been having such a great time until we had been seated at dinner and then I found out about Alston. Just to throw me even more of balance there was that conversation in my head with Fredrick which I just couldn't understand at all however, after moving to the ballroom things had picked up slightly. I had my first ever dance at a party with a guy, a King actually and now I was here in the arms of someone who had fast become my friend. There were good and bad aspects to the whole day but which out weighed the other? I suppose I couldn't really decide until I knew everything later.

"It has been very fun in places and I feel like I have made a friend in you, so I think I would agree that so far, my day has been enjoyable yes." And that was it. He knew what I meant and my answer told him that there was still so much about today that left me in the dark and I wasn't happy about it.

He stared at me for a quite awhile and it seemed like he was deliberating about something. Almost as if he was still worrying about what it was he would have to explain later and if he could do it.

It wasn't long before I saw the look of determination on his face and I knew he would answer any question I asked to the best of his ability, "Then perhaps we should call it a night. I will escort you back to your room then."

Gingerly walking through those blasted hallways was a lot harder then when I had started out as my feet had used the time in heels wisely to expand and get a hell of a lot more uncomfortable. After awhile of walking just a tad slower than a snail, Fred had offered me a ride on his back and I was still swinging my shoes in my hands when we arrived at my door. I hoped down and swung open my door standing back to allow Fredrick room to pass.

Collapsing onto the bed, Fred exhaled before saying "This room hasn't changed at all really in the last 50 years save from the few additions added to make your stay more comfortable."

I was still standing next to the door so I started toward the vanity table to remove my make-up and make myself ready for bed. "How do you know that Fred?" It seemed a strange thing to hear but it dislodged the butterflies in my stomach which had started to flutter ever so gently around my stomach. I knew instantly that I wasn't going to like his answer.

Leaning forward, he looked straight into my eyes as if he was trying to see if his answer was taking effect before it had even left his lips, "because....", it seemed just too hard for him to say.

"Go on Fred. You promised." I continued brushing out my hair and swiping the make-up wipe across my face with vigour in certain places due to smudging. Having something to focus on assured me I wouldn't faint or something if I heard anything I didn't want to.

Pulling in a deep breathe he carried on, "because I was here when it was being remodelled." Pushing the air out from his lungs he hung his head.

I really couldn't help it but I let out the loudest gasp of my life and in the struggle to get my breathe back I dropped everything in my hands. What he said couldn't possibly be true. At most he was about 3 years older than me and I was 17. He just couldn't be over 50 years old. It just wasn't at all possible.

He was young, granted a little too smart for his appearance but you hear about little Einsteins all over the place these days. This really couldn't be happening. Somebody pinch me please.

I sat in silence contemplating everything I had seen, heard, thought was weird and didn't make sense until I came to the conclusion that I bumped my head so hard that I was now in a coma and making this whole thing up. I must be.

I just kept going over and over the same list of things I could come up with that didn't seem at all right since being here:

- Fred was over 50 years old and he could speak to me inside my own mind
- There was a council that would find me 'alluring' and want to keep my for themselves even if I was against their rules
- Alston was a King although we don't have one in England
- He was also boasting speedy feet, good looks and followed by eternity
- Everyone was so undeniably hot that if these people were released in public, human's would have a new set of role models.

Looking at the evidence, it did all seem very strange and I can't understand why I didn't pick up on any of this earlier. Who would though really? As a human we find any explanation that could be plausible to cover over anything that we can't explain. That's why we're always so involved in science because it gives us answers that everyone is happy to believe. I'm happy to believe. But being happy to believe in a situation that goes against everything I've ever thought leaves me on a little rowing boat without a paddle in very rocky waters.

If only I was one of those people I usually call a freak for thinking any of this could be real, I would have had time to put together an escape plan and been on my way out by now.

"Vallery. Please say something outside of your head it's driving me crazy and you have no chance of escaping now. I'm sorry but it's too late." The sudden noise had me almost snapping my neck to look at Fred. how could he be saying this. What the hell is going on. I can't escape? I thought I was just here as a guest. Not being able to escape means I'm a captive and puts a whole new angle on the very idea of being here. Right about now I'm hoping even more that someone pinches my arm or even kicks me in the face to wake me up from this nightmare. Anything. I would do anything. Desperation came knocking at my door and there wasn't anything I could give that would pacify it.

So this time I cried. Like a baby.

"Please be rational. Your not here to be harmed. Look at it as being saved from the torturous life you led before coming here. Libatarion Manor is your new home and your just going to have to accept it. In time you'll grow to love it here I promise. Maybe you just need time to settle into our way of life, what we are. I can understand that. Even Alston can see that you need space. Time to heal and accept. Like I said, anything you want answered, I'll be more than happy to help." Fred was knealing in front of me with his hands resting on my knees looking up at my tear stained face.

I didn't want him near me but what choice did I have? After piecing everything together it was pretty obvious what Fred was even if he was a thing of film, book, legend, nightmare, horror, he was completely and utterly real and standing not one whole step away from my body.

Wiping my nose and eyes so I could see him I choked out the only question that needed to be asked, "What are you?" But I knew already, I just needed the confirmation.

"A vampire."

That was about the point where my body just couldn't take any more and I collapsed into his arms.

Chapter 6

Who knows how long we had been in this position but seeing the sun peeking through the windows confirmed that the sun had risen while I was being comforted by my new bestfriend.

A vampire.

Such a strange concept really but I had finally swalled whatever pride I had and accepted that everything I thought I knew had really been lies and stories full of deceit because this was the truth and actually, I was happy with it.

Don't get me wrong. It wasn't easy coming to terms with everything I had found out and exactly where my future now lay, I just realised that I had to be okay with where I am right now. It took me hours of crying so hard I thought my eyes were just going to pop out of my head and beating up Fredrick when it all just seemed so wrong, but he held me tight and promised me that everything that had happened was only for my benifit and that he was always going to be by my side.

And I believed him.

I never fitted in back home as anything other than a slave to a woman that never loved me and would only say my real name, the one she actually gave me in writing, after she had suffered heartbreak. As much as it was wonderful to have my mother utter my name with any emotion, it wasn't me she was truly sorry for, it was herself and she would soon revert back to her old ways as soon as another male showed her any attention. So I cherished our 'secret' time but didn't hold to tightly to any thoughts of true happiness with the woman I had called mother.

But now none of that mattered. Yes I was in my own way, heartbroken to be away from the only person that had been my only support system my whole life, it's just that I felt whole here. I wasn't told everything straight away, I know, but I gained a friend in a day because he truly cared for me and I couldn't deny that. I knew that he would do everything possible to make my new life here as great as he could and I wouldn't ever ask for anything because he offered me the world. I didn't want or have a need for any of the luxuries this place seemed to possess but the gesture was kind enough and Fred assured me that in time, I would forget my old troubles and learn to enjoy life for what it was.

How many teengers were there that got the type of happy ending I had stumbled across? To live with a King in a huge Manor (well castle really but apparently it sounded much nicer as Libatarion Manor)? To have a friendship that wasn't limited by such trivial things as time?

Everyone here was going to live together forever and I was welcomed in as a part of that. Even if I refused to be changed, I could grow old knowing I would be cared for and never have a need to lift a finger for cleaning purposes ever again. Everything just seemed perfect. I had a perfect life after years of praying to a God I never truly believed existed. A wonderful life was just around the corner and all that was left to do was embrace it.

I was given a choice, an out. I could go home, back to the life I had with no prospects and rocky future with an authortive figure that severly lacked the compassion needed to raise a child. I just wouldn't be allowed to remember any part of my time here because that was against the council's rules and if I ever tried to think hard enough, my brain would shut down and would only come up blank. Though Fred assured me all I would ever remember would be tripping and blacking out, it wasn't a real option for me.

I know it sounds like a weird decision and many would take the second option and go running back home with only an empty head full of wacky dreams to accompany them, but after listening to all the positives and realising that I wouldn't ever have to change if I didn't want to, staying here seemed like the only option and who was I to throw anyone's hospitality back in their face when they offered me the world?

No, I was to stay here and live the rest of my life surrounded by vampires because these people were my new family. for once in my life, I had a home that I wanted to be in. So here I was, still wrapped around Fred with my arms across his body, head on his chest and my legs entwined with his.

Stretching my face, I could feel the many tears that had dried to my face overnight crusting and the smell of a dog's ass was emanating from my open mouth in waves. I seriously need a shower.

Taking in a whiff of Fred, I relaxed just a tiny bit more into his arms as I could taste freshness on him. Adding the question of 'why that is' to my newly forming list, I started peeling my body from his with one aim, the bathroom. Disentangling my body and peeling back the duvet, I crept gingerly toward my sacred haven with a few quick peeks back to see if I had disturbed Fred in my efforts. I hadn't and I thought it quite odd that a vampire with supper hearing didn't hear me sneak away but I wasn't trying to wake him and I was happy that I snuck around quiet enough not to be heard.

Reaching the bathroom with maximum stealth skills, I saluted myself and pulled my arms round and round for a happy dance. Short lived but it felt right.

Composing myself quickly I turned to reach for the door handle but instead, jabbed something very hard which quite obviously, was not supposed to be there.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh.......... What the effing hell Fred ! You almost gave me a frigging heart attack!"

Clutching my already extended hand to my heart and leaning on the now available Fred for support, I gasped trying to get the breath back that had left my body when I had touched something that shouldn't have been.

And that's when Fred decided to release the most almightiest laugh I had ever heard. That on it's own could have scared me to the state I was in but without the bodily resources to go through that again, all I managed to accomplish was look toward him in utter shock. Posing like this for several seconds to get the feeling back, I started to see the funny side of his little joke.

And so I laughed almost as loud as he did.

"I believe the phrase is 'oh my god?'," Fred glanced quickly at me for comfirmation, "That was the funniest thing I've done in decades. You screamed like a little girl." Mock wiping his supposedly 'tear stained' face, he reached for his stomach with his available hand as if he had actually caused himself pain in laughin so hard.

To be quite perfectly honest, I think he deserved the biggest happy punch my hand could give and so I did just that. Really blooming hard and guess what, I heard the most almightiest crack.

The pain didn't really register at first but by the look on Fred's frozen face, he heard it and it was not him. How could it be him, he was practically made out of stone. No it was me and I had just broken at least one knucle on my poor right hand.

Cradling my hand ever so gently in his, Fred seemed to be assessing the damage but the coolness of his skin served as an ice pack and the gentle movement didn't further distress my hand. I wanted to scream slightly but that would only make him feel bad and I had worse in the past so this really shouldn't pull such a huge reaction out of me.

Breathing evenly and concentrating on a painting just behind Fred's face, I waited for him to tell me exactly what I had broken. "I think you've cracked at least 2 knucles almost in half but the other 2 seem to have just shattered slightly. I need to get you to our family doctor and if it's okay with you...," Fred swept me off my feet and held me close to his body. Looking down at my face he completed his sentence with, "I'm going to run. Now close your eyes."

And we were off.

I'd never felt anything close to this sensation and I was teettering ever so slightly on upchucking anything I had in my system all over him. Even though my body wasn't being jostled by the movement, I felt a whole lot worse then before we started moving. Ergghhh... I would never get used to this.

In what felt like seconds later, my ears ceased to ring and motion sickness wasn't barrelling it's way through my stomach anymore. However, in my current state, I just couldn't work out what that meant exactly.

"Val. You can open your eyes now sweetheart. We're here. Do you want me to put you down?" I heard Fred whisper to me softly but it sounded quite loud inside my still slightly swirling head. Ahhh... that's what it meant. I just couldn't perform the action required to place my feet upon solid ground so his idea was the only reasonable idea right now.

I managed to splutter out a sentence and thanks to his vampy hearing skills, he heard enough, "yes please if you don't mind. I feel extremely sick."

I didn't even feel a jostling and I'm lucky that he was willing to place me on my feet gently because I don't think I had the combined strength to do it myself. As it was, I didn't really hold up for long anyway and I crumbled to the floor placing my throbbing head between my knees and started to inhale and exhale how I had been taught back in first aid classes.

I'd never felt like this before in my entire life and quite honestly, waking up from fainting only yesterday, didn't reach how sick and completely drained of energy I felt now. I just couldn't seem to muster up the required anything to focus and even though I could see people hovering around me and voices speaking, it all felt like I was a fish in a tank and all I could hear was a faint wobble in the glassy haze around me.

Although now that I try to focus, the more black spots are starting to frame the edges of my eyes. A sure sign that once again, my human body couldn't take it and I was close to blacking out and I thought I was doing so well this time.

Just blooming great.

Chapter 7

One of the worst feelings in the world, waking up from a full stage blackout. But with closed eyes, I could already see the bright light in front of me, surrounding me completely. What's worse is the groggy feeling that was leaving me wishing I hadn't woken up at all, even if my body felt stiff enough to have been laying still for days.

Suppose I should open my eyes at some point.

Lifting my lids carefully, dislodging any sleep that had caked itself to me like glue, I peered through the mist to a light bright enough to awaken a blind man and one which I only thought I would see when heaven beckoned me forwards. I tried to focus past the blinding light but I didn't have to for long as a shadow blocked it from my view.

"Jenefer, Get Fredrick. She's waking up and I think she wouldn't like it much if I stuck around at such an awkward time." The shadow disappeared from view after a quick snap of fingers and my eyes forced shut from the burning intensity of the beam of light.

I faintly heard a chair being scraped backwards to my left, the brush of a hand through my fallen hair and the delicate feel of lips being pressed gently to my forehead. Ever so quick and soon the soft sounds of footfall made their way towards a door which sounded like it opened and closed across the room from where I was laying but just out of my visible line.

Well that was weird. Two people were here, in this room, but one disappeared without any kind of movement and all I could hear however much I strained my ears, was a snap of fingers. The other who I'm guessing was male had soft, cool, lips and hands just the same and was also in this room, sitting with me and it wasn't Fredrick. Who the hell were they?

And what is that awful clinical smell?

I lifted my good hand toward my face and brushed away the crumbling sleep with the smallest of energy left in my system. Great, a bloody medical room, I must have really outdone myself this time. Gently squeezing the bridge of my nose to calm myself and in hope that the events leading up to being here would miraculously jump to the forefront of my mind, I tried to piece together the fragments of memory coming back to me. The last I can remember was bashing my hand full pelt at Fred and flying through the air at an incredible pace.

Trouble being, I don't know exactly how long that minor accident occured but I must have been well out of it while they bandaged my knuckles because I could feel the cast wrapped around my arm immobilising it from movement. Probably didn't do that without sedating me incase I woke up which leaves me hours out of the current time zone.

I huffed realising I wasn't going to get any closer to finding out how late it was and the searing agony running through my arm made me want to yelp out in pain. Mhmmm... amazing, spend hours laying flat and resting and in fact feel more like I've just thrown my body into a blender. I focused on breathing through the pain, 1, 2, 3, in... 1, 2, 3 and out... in... and out.

I distantly heard the door being softly opened and closed, not like before, and the sudden dip in my bed and smell of expensive cologne told me that my best friend had come to my rescue once again.

God, I'm such a frail human.

Carefully lifting my hand from it's position and clasping it between two cold hands, I heard a voice that had come to be my most favourite sound, "Hey Vallery, I don't know if you can hear me but I just want you to know I'm here."

Although I could hear fine, my mind had also been spoken to through our special connection, 'I'm so genuinly sorry my beautiful human friend. I never meant for you to come to any harm, is there anything I can do.'

I don't know why we had the connection we had and how it came about but at this point in time I was greatful because in all honesty, my throat was raspy as hell and I didn't want to have to speak until I had at least had something to drink, 'It's fine Freddy, I'm okay. Honestly. You done nothing wrong, it was all me. I should have known it was stupid to hit a rock-hard vampire, so don't blame yourself, please. And yes there is something very important you can do for me, if you want?'

I knew he would blame himself forever and constantly be cautious around me and I didn't want that. It's not that I minded what he was, even if I got over it quickly, but I didn't want the constant reminder and being treated differently then before. I wanted him to trust me like I was learning to trust him.

'Anything Val. What is it?'

The urgency I felt from that last sentence made me want to burst into uncontrollable laughter, but that was why I was here in the first place and besides... In my current state, breathing was hard.

'Calm down man. I just wanted a glass of water.'

That heartbreaking smile of his erupted across his perfect face and I knew there and then that I had found my true friend, someone with a humour that mirrored my own to perfection. I honestly don't think I could ever feel as close to someone as I did right now. I know it's hard to understand where all this mushy heart felt stuff came from but for someone that spent her whole life being bullied when she actually went to school, abused at home and without a real friend, this was everything to me.

I didn't need love or anyone else but him, Fredrick, my antique best friend and I especially did not need anyone like Alston. Someone who thinks my life is just a game, someone who doesn't make me feel special. The only feelings I ever managed to get from that centuries old boy was being caged, kidnapped away to become a lab rat or something that was amusing to watch struggle through life. Fredrick made me feel wanted in a place where I was a complete outsider.

Holding a fresh glass of water out to me, I greatfully took it and gulped it down almost in one. Looking back into those familiar eyes, I didn't need to use my actual voice because he knew everything I was thinking through our special connection, 'thank you'.

And that was that. Simple enough but conveyed everything. Thank you for the water, thank you for being my first ever best friend and my saviour, thank you for being you. I don't think he realises how much he is worth to me, the world and more would be an accurate enough guess, but right now everything was perfect.

You know, apart from the fact that I have been lying in the same place for what feels like days and that this place just so happened to be the brightest medical centre I have ever seen.

Can't understand why my presence is needed in this room, it's deeply depressing on it's own. I mean, yeah it looks all brand new and state of the art modern but c'mon, I'm amongst vampire's. That word says it all, why would they need this. No. This place is obviously meant for me, the troublesome human that manages to blackout at the most random times and breaks anything on her body without much pressure at all.

And while I'm coming to these great conclusions, who the hell was here with me before if it wasn't Fredrick? That right there is scary enough because I don't know anyone enough for them to feel like sitting with me whilst my body is recuperating from a stupid accident. There isn't anyone I know really apart from Fred who is already eliminated from the line up of him and.... Alston.

Although why that no good, pompous jerk of a King would want to sit with me whilst i'm not even awake beats me. I'm not interesting at all or worth any of his time.

But that little niggling feeling at the back of my mind is telling me that there must be something that draws him in, otherwise, why didn't he just kill me already or at least leave me behind after he had fed. Ewwwwhhh.... such a horrible thought.

Asking him would be pointless. He would never admit his reasoning and make me out to be some stupid little human that is wasting his time. But there is someone who could quite possibly know the answers and this person is sitting right in front of me with a face that looks as if he knows exactly what I'm going to ask him.

Could be down to the fact that I can feel him fishing about inside my brain I suppose. His little sparkle of energy or as I like to think about it, his bright light, was proding around my brain during my internal ramblings and although he never said anything, I could feel his body responding to the direction I was leading toward.

'What, about me, could possibly entertain Alston, the King of Libatarion Manor, to find me worthy enough of his precious time when he has not, at all, expressed any particular friendly feelings towards me?'

Save from tearing me away from my dark corner at the party and pushing me, ever so bluntly, into the spotlight I was trying ever so hard to evade. If anything, he has seemed so far, more likely to be edging towards trying to pee me off without doing so at the same time. God, he is such a creep. Reminds me of, ohhh I dunno, every teenage boy I have ever met.

Feeling me pushing hard on hysteria and anger, Fred responded with an answer that chilled me to the bone, 'I believe our good King is falling in love with you, even if neither of you can see it yet.'

The shock on my face must have been evident because this cool and calm sentence was followed with a rush of words that utterly left me stumped.

'It is too early to tell of course, You've known each other for two days now. It's ridiculous and hardly understandable but you must realise that Alston is the King and was the heir to the throne his whole life, and never once in that time has he encountered any woman, vampire or human, that hasn't looked at him twice and the first time with a look of disgust, such as you have. He simply cannot comprehend why you do not want him the way he wants you. Not just as a meal ticket but as something more, otherwise, as you have said, why wouldn't he have left you for dead back on Earth. It's plain for anyone to see, he wants you in a way that shocks him completely to the bone and that is why you are both oblivious to it'.

Now you must have picked up on a few pieces of information in those few sentences that doesn't make any sense. Well snap! Because even though everything said, focused on the ridiculous idea that I was possibly loved by someone I've met twice, maybe three times, in two days, the only thing that was registering in my mind was the fact that I may not be on planet Earth anymore.

Somewhere I have lived my whole life - in fact my whole life was left back there - and I was just snatched from it and taken to some planet? Universe even, that could sustain a life force? How could that even be possible? What the hell was going on here? Fred had promised to tell me everything. Wouldn't he have thought this was something big enough not to leave out of his 'stay here with us' speach.

Realising the truth in his words and that he had failed to mention that tiny little detail, Fred's mouth dropped into an unmistakable 'Oh' and his hold on my hand slackened when I tried to pull them away. How could he have not told me this? I couldn't even walk outside to smell the outside world of pollution and horrible little children screaming in the road if I wanted to. I thought we were just in the secluded parts of England surrounded by countryside and now I hear that we aren't even on Earth? Sub-consciously I knew it was too quiet here, my weak body had picked up that I didn't belong but my foolishness made me believe that it was because I was amongst creatures that shouldn't exist.

But now I knew.

Not only that but there is no chance in hell that Alston could love me? It's just too fast and soooo pathetically cheesy that it makes me want to halt everything and go home? Even if that sleezebag, back on Earth, that jumped into bed with my mother supposedly loved me the moment he saw me, I know better than to ever fall for something so ..... so ..... just plain ridiculous!

And for the first time since my arrival on a planet I didn't even know existed and that I was even on until just a few seconds ago with people that could fall in love at the drop of a hat, I was completely and sickeningly unemotional.


Texte: Do not own cover, (save for my added additions).
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.10.2011

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