
Chapter 1

You would expect that after four years of legal drinking and three years of sneaking around before that, I would know when enough was enough. Well your so wrong. I was, once again wasted with my best mates at yet another party they had dragged me to this week. I must admit, this was the coolest and actually the only one I wanted to go to. With best buds like mine, parties become the norm. They all blend into each other and I don't actually have any that stick out. However, this seemed to be a promising night.


The bash was hosted by none other than Vogue, the party gods themselves.

Doing a quick swivel of the head, taking in as much as I could, I noticed the usual girls that appeared at every party. You know the types; good looking, great body, complete airheads and always drunk looking to get laid. Spud and Pike had had their fair share of these girls and the most recent ones where drapped all over them. I had always been slightly more reserved than my friends. I had taste. Only going out with the ones that weren't completely desperate to get in my pants because I was 'Silverman', the dude with the insanely rich father. For the most part it just wasnt worth it.

The stories they made up in hope of scoring some serious dough were ridiculous. The most recent one being that she was pregnant with my baby. We didn't even have sex for christ sakes. Being the spoilt kid, I was given a jacuzzi as an easter present for my 18. Don't ask.


Anyway. There we were at mine and we were... ahem... messing around for the better part of four hours. Not that I am bragging. But that was it. Now she rekons my sperm shot out and wriggled its way from my shorts into her briefs. Yeah right. More like she shagged my next-door-neighbour after she casually departed - more like ran - from mine and got knocked up with his kid. Realising that the only money he could splash out to her was from his late grandmothers Will that he had been living off and has now, up to this point, run out.

This was almost two years ago though and as far as I can work out she is still trying to get money out of him. Didn't realise for one moment what he was getting into. Poor man.


There was this one group of girls that were new though. They were gorgeous. I mean drop dead absolutely jack-off-right-there-in-your-pants hot. My guess is models. Runway models. One bombshell really stood out.

She had jet black hair dropped right down to her backside, jade green eyes (that seemed to be looking my way actually), longest legs I had ever seen and the most perfectly taut breasts I had ever starred at. Not that I was planning on looking at them but her dress kind of made it impossible not to. A neckline drop right to her waist exposing some seriously soft looking, defined skin. All this was followed by what looked like a belt. She was just asking for it. But I had this niggling feeling that she didn't look at her body like I was right now. Like she just looked at is as money while she still had it. But obviously not in a slutty way. All I could see was a work of pure art. All my years worth of chasing skirts and I had never seen one so god damn beautiful.

She gave me a polite little smile and dropped her gaze to the ground then straight back up to look piercingly into my eyes. All the while I had my mouth open like a guppy fish. Dear god. How long had I been standing like this. I must look a total wreck. I was way to late to pass for slightly drunk. I was amazed I was still standing for that matter. I yanked up my jaw from the floor as quick as drunkenly possible. It was bad enough that I had been standing like it for almost ten seconds, any longer and I would have had to have dribbled and walked out like a complete idiot.

I flashed her my trade mark smile. Or what I hoped was my good one would be more accurate. I wouldn't be at all surprised right now if I looked like a rabbid dog to be honest. I truly felt like utter crap. But I was holding it together. I liked this one.

Putting my tenth... twelve... something pint of Stella down at the bar (as carefully as I could without looking like an utter moron) and sucking in a good, long breath to clear my head in some vain hope that within the next two milliseconds I would sober, fat chance, I turned back and looked at her to see if she was still interested. If I was her, by now, I would have latched onto the nearest respectable bloke to stop the drunk one coming over.

Good. She was still looking my way. I walked... well more like hobled over... as straight lined as I could. Looking down at every other diamond shape on the floor. A trick I learned at the very tender age of fourteen when I was smashed out of my head and trying to get past my parents. Before they grounded me for life of course.

Reaching her, her mates sort of dodged out of the way like I was carrying explosives and was about to let off at any point. Well, to be fair, I must have smelt like a stink bomb or the local tramp so I am sure their dodging was well justified. I stood on one girls foot who completely over-reacted, gave me a dirty look and was followed like the main sheep by her flock when she stormed off. Actually she was practically carried but she remembered to stomp her good foot.

All this left me inches away from the black haired beauty in the corner of a very crowded room.


Texte: I place copyright on all written works. However, I don't hold copyright on images and/or other data.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.03.2011

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