
The Beginning Of It All

Have you ever felt alone like you did not have any friends and that you were the laughing stock? I have. I remember when I had no one to talk to. Then one day I met this boy named Barrett Romstone. He was nice and I became good friends with him and I found out he was also bullied. We started talking all the time.

Then there were rumors that spread about us. First it was Sierra likes Barrett. Then it was Barrett likes Sierra. It continued for a while with different rumors and soon enough the rumor started that we were dating. That was hard because then the rumor became that we had sex. It was great for him, he got bullied less. It was horrible for me, it made me be bullied more and more.

People always came up to me and said, “are you going out with Barrett.” Some people asked, “what did you do with Barrett in the hallway”. I kept on having to repeat that we never went out or did anything. It felt like no one was listening. People would not leave me alone. Over the weeks it got worse and worse.

Barrett started getting mad too and began flipping out. He became more and more aggressive towards everyone who asked us if we were together. Then one day when we were outside, these two girls walked by and asked the same questions. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. He reached the blowing point, he was very angry. That day he yelled, “I don’t care if you are a girl I still will beat the crap out of you.” The situation was getting out of control. He was about to attack the two girls. I saw him and I got in front of him and held him down. They got away.

Barrett said that he could have gotten away from me. He said: “You are not strong enough, girls are weak”. I said “if you could have gotten out, why didn't you?” He was just annoyed that I was stronger than him. That’s when I realized that he was very competitive with me.

The rumors were still spreading. I could not stop them but I could minimize the affect that it had on me. I just stopped paying attention to them. They did not go away they just got worse. The worse they got the more I had to hold back and control myself because I didn’t want the rumor spreaders to see how they were affecting me.

So that’s when one of the security guards, Ms.Thorne at my junior high heard one of the rumors. Apparently the rumor she heard was that Barrett had humped me at school. Of course that was not true. She came up to me and without even asking me if anything happened, angrily said that she didn’t think I should be friends with Barrett. At that time, I was mad because I thought she had no right to talk to me like that. She never asked me a question and just assumed she knew what was going on, and she wasn’t very nice about it.

One day Barrett told me “hypothetically if I asked you out would you say yes”. That’s when I realized he liked me more than a friend. I said yes because I did not want to hurt his feelings but I just met him and was not ready for a relationship. After that very short conversation we never talked about it again. I was ok with that, I just wanted to friends.



The Twinz

That’s when I met these two boys,- they were twins. Their names were Dennis and Eric. They were very nice and I started hanging out with them. We became a group. It was a cool group with Dennis, Eric, Barrett, and me. We joked and laughed about almost everything. We were very immature, we made everything negative. We were always making up new things about random topics. For a while we got along really well. I felt happier than I had in a long time.

Then something changed. I felt like the twins treated me nice. The twins respected me. They stood up for me and pointed out how other people didn’t treat me well. Barrett always controlled me and made me do things. He made me feel bad about myself. He did that because the worse I felt the more I only spoke to him. He would tell me that I looked ugly. He told me that he was cuter than me. I realized that he was just saying that because he did not like how he looked. I did not realize how badly he treated me until the twins treated me so well and I saw that there was something other than what Barrett was doing. My mom and my family kept telling me that Barrett was not treating me well and that I should put a stop to it, but I couldn’t hear it from them at the time.

Soon after the twins came into my life, I stopped doing everything Barrett told me. I did not hang out with him every minute of everyday.

Barrett started to behave strangely. I didn’t understand it at the time. He started telling me that the twins were trying to split us up. He tried to get them out of my life. I did not budge. I did not stop being friends with the twins. Barrett got more and more jealous although I did not realize it was jealousy until much later. I learned how to ignore his mean comments. Finally I got tired of him saying bad things about the twins and asked the twins if they were trying to split me and Barrett up and of course they said no.

Dennis is skinny and has glasses. He is a goody two shoes because he does nothing bad. His brother Eric is skinny but has some fat on his face. Eric is not scared to break rules. He is less of a goody two shoes but he still follows the rules a lot of the time.

They both listened to me and respected me. They had a good sense of humor. They treated me the way I wanted to be treated. That is what I really liked about them. They were always there for me.

We were pretty content except for Barrett. He seemed different and way too attached to me. He also seemed very agitated. It got worse as the weeks went by. It seemed to me that he was like a whole new person. Or maybe I was a whole new person and was seeing him for the first time.



The Change - Who Is This Person

Barrett became violent towards me. I finally realized he was jealous of me and the twins hanging out. We were all a group so I was confused at why he was jealous of them. I could not understand that a person could be mean to someone he said he Iiked. I thought that it was stupid and that I should just ignore his violent ways.

I got more and more mad at Barrett because of his actions that he continued to do after I asked him repeadedly to stop. He would keep on poking me and doing inappropriate things. I would get really mad at him and he did not seem to care. So I found myself wondering what happened to him and why was he acting like this. Things kept on getting more out of control.

I felt less close to him and more close to the twins and realized Barrett’s faults more. He was mean to me and put me down. He would yell at me and try to control me, and tell me I had to do what he wanted. He acted like I could be controlled and that I was his slave. He actually thought that I would do anything he said. I could not believe the things that came out of his mouth. Everyday he said something that would surprise me. He infuriated me more than you could imagine. He thought I belonged to him and that I was his property. I started having outbursts and began yelling at Barrett and I had meltdowns. I did not like this new side of him at all and distanced myself from him as much as possible.

At the same time that I was having problems with Barrett I had an English teacher who was pushing me hard. I felt like she was out to get me no matter what I did. One day I started to cry about all the stress when Barrett was there. It appeared like Barrett was trying to help me. I trusted him and then I regretted that I did. One day later we were having an argument and he provoked me. I started yelling back and getting emotional and he said sarcastically: “what, now are you going to cry”? I think that’s the meanest thing a person can do: use someone’s emotions against them.

Every outburst I had was funny to the girls at the other table. Every time I started yelling at Barrett the girls at the other table started clapping. They were happy that I was standing up for myself. Even though it seemed they were supporting me I felt like they were egging me on to fight when I really didn’t want to. And it made Barrett even more mad that they were clapping for me.

This situation continued for a while and at the end of the 7th grade I was ready to burst. Barrett and I were not even friends anymore. I started preparing for the worst to happen. For me the worst was a physical fight. That school week brought on 4 big arguments and an outburst. I honestly did not know how far he would take it and how much I could take. My fuse does not blow easy but I had no fuse left at that point; even little things set me off. Each argument was bigger and longer and made me more and more angry.

In one of the big arguments he expected me to agree with everything he was saying. I do not want to be controlled by anyone. I told him he did not own my life. He of course denied that he was trying to control my life. I was getting really angry with him and it was getting to the point where I could not control myself.

I remember the day, it was a Thursday that I had a break down. He said that I owed him something for always yelling at him. When he says you owe him something it means you have to do whatever he wants. I got pissed off. I said to him “just because I yell at you does not mean I owe you. You don’t deserve anything from me so no I do not owe you”.

That day I knew that something was going to happen the next day. I knew we were going to have a fight. That Friday at lunch he repeatedly threw a water bottle at me. I took the bottle and threw it in the garbage. That’s when all this bad stuff started happening.

That day he got his water bottle and came over to me and punched me in the face. That’s when we had a fight, a small one. I defended myself and punched him back. Soon after the fight started I decided to stop it. I never like hurting people so I stopped and walked away. That was the first fight we ever had but our battle had just begun.




The Battle Begins

I wish I would have listened to Ms. Thorne, the security guard. It turned out she was right. I wish I had not given her that attitude when she told me not to hang out with Barrett. She would have stopped all the arguments we had and all the yelling I did. I would have apologized to her but I was so embarrassed. I couldn’t hear her when she first told me to stay away from him. My relationshisp with Ms. Thorne bothered me. I mean I respected her so much before that incident. Then when she did that I could barely look at her. Then the fight happened with Barrett and I felt bad for giving her an attitude. I think if she would have been a little nicer I might have listened to her. Or maybe I just had to go through it before I learned.

My mother complained to the principal about Barrett punching me in the face. She insisted that the school do something. She persisted until the principal decided to suspend him.

After that fight and the threatened suspension I hoped that it would be the end of the fighting. I also knew that it was the end of our friendship. I thought we could just not talk to each other. That did not work out. The same evening of the fight I got a call from an unknown number. I picked up the phone and it was the twins. Barrett had told them to choose between me and him. I was shocked. How could he ask them to choose? They told me if they had to choose they would choose me. I told them that I had no interest in making them choose. Barrett was trying to take away my friends. Then I knew that our fight would not be over for a while.

Those last weeks of school were torture. Barrett and I were not talking and he was trying to take away my friends. I tried to make amends by trying to have a conversation with Barrett to fix the problem. It seemed like that was working or that’s what I thought. The next day I found out he was trying to be my friend so he did not have to get suspended. I was really mad at him for trying to escape his punishment for punching me.

It ended there officially because he decided that if I was not going to let him get away with hitting me, that I was not his friend. Also the principal said we should stay away from each other, which was fine with me. I was fine not being friends with him. I just was not prepared for what it would mean. I was confused and angry. I thought about how he did not deserve to have me as a friend. I started writing songs; mean songs to express how I was feeling. I tried everything I could think of to get him to stop coming between me and my friends. I tried to make deals with him.

One of the deals I made was that we both had separate days with the twins. Like I would have Monday and he would have Tuesday, I would have Wednesday etc. He refused, he wanted to have them all to himself. I did not agree of course but I was mad he would not make an agreement. So we argued the rest of the school year.

I finally told the twins that if they were going to hang out with Barrett I could not be there. They said they understood and would not hang out with him if I was there.

Then I went to Canada and missed school for a week. When I came back it was in the afternoon and I missed school that day. When school was out I went to hang out with the twins at their house, with my sister Jazmine. When we got there we saw Barrett. Then I called the twins and asked them what he was doing there. They said he came over their house, even though they told him not to.

I was mad at Barrett but I pretended he was not there and went to hang out with the twins. As we were walking to the park Barrett saw 7 tall Black kids and said “run, run black kids”. I yelled at him, “don’t be racist, you don’t say that, you’re going to get us in trouble”. The 7 kids were already on their way back to us. They came up to us and asked angrily, “what did you say”?

I remember being so scared and then Barrett got punched in the face. One of the kids started coming up to me and then my sister stepped in and cursed him out. I guess it would be important to let you know that Jazmine is Black. (Although I don’t understand why it should be important). Then they left and threw a bottle at Barrett on the way out. I was angry and scared because it could have turned out worse. Barrett was shocked and held his face while Jazmine asked him if he was ok. He said he was fine and he did not want to go home.

Barrett then started cursing me out. He said, “you bitch, you caused me to get punched in the face”. At first I was confused. Was I to blame? I said, “what are you talking about? You are the one who insulted them because they were Black. He said “yah but you said that I was being racist and they came back”. No, I yelled, “they came back because you insulted them, you said that not me”.

That’s when Jazmine stepped in and told him off. She said “I don’t care how hurt you are, you do not talk to my sister like that.” He said “I don’t care, you can’t do anything to me”. Jazmine told him “oh yes I can” and she would not stand down. Barrett wouldn’t stand down either. I just watched him say all the bad things he should not have said. After we left Jazmine told me that she had never seen me so angry before. I laughed and said I never wanted to show her that part of me.

That’s when I got a call from my mom. My mom was really angry because she got a call from Mary, Barrett’s mom. I rushed home and told my mom everything that happened. That’s when she showed me the voicemail that she got from Mary. The message said that I was getting her son Barrett in trouble and following Barrett. She said that my mom should control me.

When I heard that message I was so mad at Barrett’s mom. She pretended to be my friend and then when she talked to my mom, I was suddenly evil. She was so two faced. I remember wanting to just yell at her. I felt so betrayed. She was helping Barrett to keep me from hanging out with the twins. I was going to have to try to ignore her along with Barrett.





The Summer Vacation

That summer for me was ok although it was a little boring. I was staying in different places because our kitchen was under construction and I’m asthmatic. So I could not see the twins because I wasn’t in the neighborhood. I was very sad about that and missed them a lot.

August 11th 2012 was my birthday party. I invited the twins and they came over and met my whole family. During the party my sisters and I talked to the twins about Barrett. The twins said they hated hanging out with him because he was pushy mean and aggressive. We told them that if they hated hanging out with him they should not hang out with him. I also told them that Barrett was ruining our friendship. They agreed and said they would not hang out with him after the summer ended.

My family is Jewish but not very religious. So because it was my thirteenth birthday, they decided to follow tradition and lifted me up in a chair and we all sang a Jewish song. I laughed while my little brother got scared and started to cry. I had so much fun that day. I never wanted it to end.

Since I had a summer without any problems with Barett I thought all my problems with him were over. I was very wrong.

One weekend I went upstate. When I was on my way back I got the surprise of my life. The twins texted me saying that Barrett and his mom had told their grandma that me and my mom were sluts. Then he told me that his grandma said that we couldn’t hang out anymore.

That news hurt and shocked me. Thanks to Barrett I couldn’t hang out with my friends. I was so mad and ready to hurt him. He wouldn’t stop messing with my life. I had no idea he would take things so far to ruin my most important friendships .

That was my official wake up call that summer was almost over and I would have to deal with him for the rest of the year. I hated what had become of our “friendship”. We were now enemies and we would never be friends again. I was so hurt when I thought that me and the twins might never be able to be friends again either.

Not only that but yet again Barrett used my emotions and my deepest secrets against me. I had made the mistake of sharing with him that my mom is a single parent and that me and my brother have different fathers. Apparently this makes my mother a slut.

Now I was planning ways get revenge on Barrett. I was scared about what he would do next and what I would have to deal with. On my way home from upstate it was the worst experience. I was nervous about the twins and my friendship. I was very antsy because of Barrett. I did not know what to think or say to the twins.

I thought about all the horrible secrets I knew. I thought about all the hurtful things I could say. Then I thought, but I’m not Barrett. I will not stoop to his level. By spreading rumors and saying mean things about him I would basically be him. So revenge went through my mind I just did not act on it. Revenge was not my thing. I did not like the idea of hurting him. No matter how much someone hurts me I don’t want to hurt them back. It’s a curse at times caring so much about other people. My empathy can make me feel responsible for people’s problems. I could not help but wonder why me, why do I have to go through this?

It was getting closer to school starting and I was scared about what would happen. I was getting very sad and I did not know how to stop feeling sad. I was about to walk into a disaster as soon as school started. I was able to avoid Barrett all summer but I couldn’t avoid him any longer. That’s what scared me the most. He had all summer to plan how to hurt me. I was just walking into his trap and he was going to torture me all school year.

I had to sneak around with the twins because I was not allowed to hang out with them. I was upset about how they would always have to cancel on me because they could not tell their family that they were hanging out with me. So when we hung out I always had to go 2 blocks ahead of their house in order to meet them. I always had to go out of my way to keep this friendship going. I was annoyed that the twins still insisted on hanging out with Barrett even though he was ruining our friendship.

Barrett was ruining everything. I worked hard to get away from being bullied, just to get bullied by my so called friend. I felt like running from all my problems. I thought transferring schools would be perfect. Then I remembered what is running going to solve? He would still be in the neighborhood. It wouldn’t solve anything to run away. It would make him think that he’s doing the right things to get rid of me.

I refused to let him win. I had to change my mood before school so that I could survive my last year of junior high. I wanted my last year to be the best year of junior high. So I thought to myself this is a battle and it’s time to fight back. I thought I’m stronger, tougher, faster and if I work hard enough I would be able to win. I was going to go to school with a new look and new intentions.

I was happy that I could hang out with the twins at school. At the same time I was scared that Barrett would start bothering me as soon as school started. The night before school, I got my clothes and supplies ready. I did not sleep that night, I was too busy thinking.



Goodbye Summer Hello Winter

       The first day of school I started out being excited about seeing all my friends.  Everything seemed to be going fine.  I got all the teachers I loved, I enjoyed my classes and to top it off there was no homework that week.  It was great.

        Then I went to lunch and that’s when I saw Barrett.  I was avoiding him and there he was.  He was talking to the twins and I was mad at the twins for hanging out with him. The first day I was there he threatened the twins.  Barrett said “why are you hanging out with Sierra, if you hang out with her I will tell your grandmother.”

      I was pissed off. I told them “I don’t care, he is trying to ruin our friendship.  Stop letting him. You are hanging out with him even though you don’t like him.  He is controlling you and you’re letting him.”  They said “we don’t care what he says we were still going to hang out with you.”  I asked them “why did you tell me that Barrett threatened you, if you don’t care.”

     They told me all the problems they had with Barrett but they wanted to still hang out with him.  When I told them they should stop hanging out with him if he is so annoying, they said “we are not hanging out he follows us”.  Then I watched them outside. When they were bored they started chasing him.  I didn’t get it; they don’t like him but they hang out with him. Then they always complained to me about their problems with him.

     I was starting to not hang out with the twins because Barrett was always there.  Then I became very sad and felt like nothing was helping. Most of the time I felt like crying.  It was very hard, Wherever I was, I did not feel there.  I started avoiding everyone including my whole family.  I felt isolated in my own mind.  I stayed in my room all day and night.

     I kept on thinking about what happened and me losing my friends.  I thought; “why me why me what did I do to him”.  I was not eating a lot and lost some weight.  I was also scared that I could not get out of my head and be happy.  My mom thought it was teenage hormones but I did not think so.

     So I worked harder to get out of the mood and somehow I was able to make it better.  I really don’t understand how that happened but I started talking to my mom again and I did what I needed to do.  I still had a little sadness left but was better than before.  I laughed more and smiled and did more work.  Everyone started noticing the difference in me.

      Even though my mom thinks everything is getting better it’s happening slowly.  Ever since 6th grade I feel like me and mom are getting less close.  I used to be able to talk to her easily but now I don’t even know how to tell her how I feel.  I don’t want to be distant it just happens.  I started writing poetry to release the pain I was feeling.  

     After all that I started skipping lunch so I could write this non-fiction story.  There were days where I could not write and stayed in the main office and talked to my favorite teachers.  I loved doing this, they would make funny jokes.  Sometimes the office would get really packed.  Sometimes I would help them.

      This happened for a while and I enjoyed it.  Then one of the security guards caught me with my phone out in the main office.  He took it away and locked it up.  Then I had to go talk to him to see if I could get my phone back.  So I when I went to go talk to him I saw him next to Ms. Thorn the security guard who I wanted to apologize to.

     He was apparently mad at me for multiple things.  The security guard started talking about how I never went to lunch any more.  I told him I didn’t want to, I was avoiding someone.  He of course asked me who and why.  I did not tell him because I was right in front of Ms. Thorn.

     The security guard guessed a couple names until he got to Barrett.  He realized from the way I looked that that was the person I was avoiding.  I had to explain why in front of Ms.Thorn.  I got emotional and started crying.  Then Ms.Thorn said “well everyone told you not to hang out with him”. She said those words that I hated to hear. “It was all your fault”.  I remember that just playing over and over in my head.

     I wanted to scream at her. I was ready to just yell at her and threaten her.  Yes I wanted to threaten her. I wanted to say I can go to the principal and tell him how last year you took me by the hood and pulled me into the other room to stop me from hanging with Barrett all because of a rumor she heard. But I did not say  anything. I stopped myself.

     The other security guard finally gave me my cell phone back and told me to go to class. So I walked up the stairs and I tried to calm my nerves.  When I got to class I was calm enough.  Then the next day in class he came and took me out and said “ you have to go to lunch tomorrow and I am worried about you. Do you want to see (assistant principal) Ms. Salga?   I told him  “I am fine I don’t have to see her”.

     I was thinking about how quick feelings change.  When it came to Ms. Thorn my feelings went back and forth.  First I liked her then she was rude and mean to me and I did not like her.  Then I realized my responsibility in that situation and decided to forgive her.  Then yet again she was rude and I disliked her again.

End Of All The Drama

My first day of lunch went well at first. I thought maybe that because I had been gone for so long, things calmed down. When I went outside I realized nothing changed. Then yet again what I was running from found me. I was mad because I felt like I could never escape. I had to face the situation with Barrett like I face all my fears. The question is how. How do I face it, what do I do? How do I get him to stop? Yet again I was stuck thinking about what to do. I felt like my brain was not working. However I stopped running from him. That was nice. I just had a hard time because I still did not have my friends. They didn’t seem to get what I went through to keep them as friends. I had to try to keep contact with them. They never seemed to actually try to keep in contact to me. I felt like we were not really even friends anymore. So I finally told them that if they wanted to still be friends they had to work for it. I told them I was done working to keep the friendship intact, it was their turn. Then they asked me a stupid question “are we still friends”? I told them flat out “it’s up to you because I can’t work for something I know I can’t achieve”. They expected me to do everything. I had to tell them “I did my part it’s time for you to do your part”. Things like this don’t just go away, I thought. Will our friendship ever be the same? I have not ever dealt with something like this. I mean I was losing my friends to a person who was very mean. Then on top of all that I had to deal with that security guard, Ms.Thorn. Ms.Thorn had been rude and disrespectful. Every time I passed her she would give me a dirty look. I was starting to get really tired of her. She was kind of blaming me for being a teenager. I needed to learn the lessons of this friendship with Barrett on my own. All these problems developed because I could not let go of the only friend I had at the time. He was the only one who cared. He was a good friend but no one could see that. People blamed me for being friends with the only person that was nice to me. I mean yeah he was different but he was nice to me. Then I saw what I couldn't see originally and that made me realize who he really was. At some point Barrett finally stopped. He did not forget about me he simply stopped. There was no more drama. I came to realize that after about three months of him not bothering me. I was happy about it. I always knew that at any moment he could start again. I also knew that I had to be happy with whatever break from drama I had.

The End Of The Drama Or So I Thought

A couple months after I pronounced end of drama something happened. One day I was going in the computer room and barrett was there. He saw me and pushed me out and tried to slam the door in my face. Then I pushed him back and got into the room. Then he saw my face and he knew it was time to leave. I was shocked again, again he decided to start why. Oh my god I am so tired of this. I could not seem to find anything to stop him. So I left the school after it ended. I had to call my mom to see what I should do. She told me to go right back into the school. She wanted me to tell the assistant principal. So I went in and could not find the assistant principal. Instead I found the 6th grade dean. Then I decided to talk to her instead. I told her exactly what happened. Than she seemed to think that I was looking for him. I was not looking for trouble I was looking for the teacher. So she finally said she will tell the assistant principal on monday. Then I left the school and went home to tell my mom what happened. Monday came around I had to talk to the assistant principal. She told me she would look into it. So I left the room and went to class. An hour or two later I had to go back to her room. She told me that Barrett had said he didn't do anything. Like he always never did anything. Then Barrett came in the room. Barrett looked really angry. The assistant principal said Sierra tell Barrett what he did. I was thinking not again you did this the first time. It does not work making us talk does not help. He was always going to say he did not do it so why ask him. I thought it did not make sense at all. We were both mad. I was mad because he never gets in trouble for what he does. He was mad that I told the assistant principal what happened. I was confused and hoping that it would just end. Then he decided to be rude and mean for the rest of the day. So I avoided him the whole time. After a week or two everything stopped. He stopped being mean and rude. I will never really know if he truly is done but I have 2 more months of being in this school. So I will last and will get through no matter what. I will say that school will always be tough and all you can do is push through it. School gives me headaches stress and is just not fun. In the end it will work out for the best. So I work hard everyday to try to keep my head held high even on bad days. The best way for me to not be sad is to always think about the good things in bad situations.

Only If This Was True

 Then one day I found out Barrett went missing. He was out of school for a week. His parents thought it was me that I did something. I was a suspect of something I did not do. I could not help to think what really did happen to him.So I decided to go on an adventure to learn what truly happened. I became interested and so did the twins. They came with me to see what happened. It was a mystery to us all. Mary thought that me and the twins were working together to hide a body.We started solving the mystery when we saw something shocking. We found a map to this old abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. Ok so it was not that shocking. We went to the house to see what we would find. What we found was someone we were not expecting at all.We found an alien. It was purple and like nine feet tall maybe even taller. We were so scared but at the same time I was happy. Why was I happy you must wonder? I was happy because Barrett was out of my life. Let me correct myself the old Barrett was out of my life. The old him would never come back. He was still alive but he had some sort of chip in his back. I found myself laughing while I was running for dear life.When we finally escaped and got into a safe area I did something crazy. I used a voice changer and I called Mary and I told her, without laughing if you ever want to see your son go to the old house on Moonrock Street. When I hanged up the phone the twins and I started laughing. We were happy to get rid of these two problematic people and be able to replace them with nicer people. Then we decided we should probably tell someone about our discovery.We called the special services that dealt with weird events that had to do with aliens. We told them what we saw, they told us call us when we have more proof. We hung up the phone and we went back to the house to get proof. When we got there we took a video of the aliens and then ran. Then we called the special services again and told them that we had a video of the aliens. Then we sent the video to them. They made sure it was not a fake and then asked us what the address was. We asked them what’s in it for us. They said that if it’s true then we will give you a cash prize for saving everyone from aliens.We finally agreed and told them where it was. We met them there and showed them. They had these weird guns; it did not even look like it was meant to kill them. We watched them as they walked in a started shooting at them. Then they took the aliens out and searched the place and found Mary and Barrett cleaning the place. They then gave me and the twins one million dollars to split. We then quit school and bought a house on Hawaii and lived a happy life together. So Barrett and his mom were changed people. They were nicer and respected me and the twins. They also thought that me and the twins saved them. They never bothered us again. It was the end of all the drama and all my troubles.Oh wait that’s too good to be true. That’s just a dream I have had for so long. I just felt like sharing. That is such wishful thinking. Hey a girl can dream can’t she? So that’s the end of that wonderful dream and an end to how my friendship turned bad. 

After Note

Everything I said in this short story is true. This all happened to me. The only thing that changed is the names. I have always been bullied. This time was just the worst. The feeling of having someone you thought was your friend take advantage of you, is not something easy to go through. Bullying is not easy and that is why I write about it. I write about it to help myself and others understand how I am feeling and to release those emotions. And maybe someone else can relate to and be helped by my story. But all in all things do get better. I graduated went to a wonderful high school. In that high school i met my best friend. She changed me for the better. She showed me that some people and some friendships can be truly amazing. So when you think that things can never get better push through a little farther. Things do change. I got too close to trying something i would regret. But instead i let all the small good things that would happen help me get through the year. Because of that i am now a very happy sophomore going to urban academy. 


Texte: Sierra Farmer
Lektorat: Esther Farmer
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2013

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to all my friends and family that help my out of my slumps and helped me go on through all the pain and drama

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