
chapter 1-(alex's pov.)

"beep, beep, beep"my alarm was going off. why did they had to invent alarms. i quickly turned it off because if you leave it alone it gets louder and annoying. i stood up from my bed because if i go back to sleep my brother is still going to get me. and talking about the devil he came to my room. my brother is kind of a player, but i dont care at least he takes care.

"hi alex" chris said while he came running and hugged me really big. he took the air out of me.

"" i said between breathes. he let me go and quickly i scooted away from him.

"so what do you want" i asked him.

"oh nothing just wanted to say hi" he told me. my brother is just weird.

"ok could you leave now"i told him. he stood up and left my room at least i was alone. i went to the restroom to do my stuff that i dont want to say. then i looked at my self in the mirror and i looked horrible. my big green eyes were just normal like always, my brown hair was everywere. i just brushed my hair down and it was back to normal. i got out of the restroom and changed into my baggy pants and a shirt of the beatles, dont judge i like the beatles. i then put my black converse on and grabbed my bag for school, oh and before i left my room i got a jacket.

i was going down the stairs when i forgot to text message to my dance crew.
me: everyone meet at our usual spot to talk about the dance moves i made.

Lucy: okay see you there alex.

Logan: going girl.

the rest of the crew: okay, alex.

when i got in the kitchen everybody was already there. they were arguing about something, they didnt even see that i came. well i didnt care what they were arguing so i put my earphones in my ears and put the song starships by Nicki Minaj. i got cereal and turned around when i saw that everyone had stoppped talking and now they were looking at me. i then figured out that i had started singing without me noticing.

"wow alex you could sing"said simon, one of the peoplle that stays here. well to tell you i live with my brother and his 5 friends. they are all in the football team, except me. it is simon, derek, daniel, zane, and xander that is chris's best friend.

"why didnt you tell me you could sing"my brother told me.

"well you didnt ask"i responded back making a duh face. i finished my cereal,and put my dishes in the sink.

"well bye chris see you at school and you too guys"i said to them while i left the kitchen.

"ok see you at school"chris said.

i left and got in my motorcycle. yes, i like motorcycles and i have one that has blue fire marks on the sides. i like the color blue and black. while putting my helmet all the guys were already going to their cars. i got ready and left and was in the school in minutes. well you could call it hell if it already sounded like it. well hexhall high school was my school.

i saw a parking lot and parked. i got off and put my helmet in the back. i got my stuff or my bag and went to see my friends. they were all in our usual spot chatting of the dance that was coming.

chapter 2-(xander's pov.)

We got in our cars when Alex was verly leaving. Me and derek got in Chris's car. He had a black mustang. And Simon, Daniel got in with Zane in his car. We left quickly and got to school.almost all the girls jumped to be with us but i was with only one girl. i was looking for her, Alex talking to her friends, she was always with them. Then out of nowhere she started jumping up and down. i wanted to know what was happening because we never saw her this happy. Chris must of have seen the same as me because we were all walking to her.

"What happened Alex"chris said to her.

"oh nothing just something we were talking about, right guys?"she said giggling, wow i was suprised because i have never seen her giggle.

"Yes defenetly"said her friends. then lucy started to burst into giggles. While Alex tried to calm her. Giving her a look that said 'you better not say anything'. There was someting different about Alex that she was hiding something really special or important to her.

Before we left we each gave a hug to Alex while she rolled her eyes , we always tried to annoy her. Then we left and went with our friends. It seemed that the whole school was talking about the dance that was coming. It was more of halloween dance but instead of dressing up we could were masks. Suddenly the bell rang and it was time to go. while we were walking people were hanging some flyers of the dance crew of our school. And to tell you they were amazing i was in love with the leader, but i think she had somebody else by the way she danced with her partner.

i got in the class and saw that alex and her friends were already here sitting at the back like always so we sat with her. Logan sat by her side like always and Lucy by the other. she just rolled her eyes when she saw us. i chuckled she was always like that when she was with us or saw us.

"so who you going to the dance?" Logan asked her when we got by her side.

"I dont know" Alex said back.

"Do you want to go with me?" Logan asked her.

"i dont know" she said again.

"She is not going with you because she is going with me,right alex?" said daniel.

"what makes you so sure that she is going with you" derek asked him.

"because she likes me most" daniel responded him.

"Why dont you just let her choose" i said.

"Yeah alex who do choose" said Logan who was also waiting. Alex made a face that she didnt want to answer and wanted to ran away right there.

"Wow im jealous of you right now Alex" said Lucy that was with a face that she wanted to know right know who she will choose.

"So who are you going to choose Alex" said Simon.

"i am-"Alex was cut off by the teacher that came to the class. She had a face of relief but we gave her the look of 'you still need to choose' then we all sat at our seats.

chapter 3-(alex's pov.)

"I am-" i was verly going to tell them that i wasnt going with anyone i was going by myself but the teacher came in the class. I was reliefed that i didnt want to tell them or they will start whining about it and it wasnt fair and blah blah blah, they always made me choose about something. They just annoy me to much.

the teacher started to teach and i didnt even know. I was to busy listening to Lucy about her dress to the dance. I didnt even know what to say because i never used a dress except on our performance we made last time. Ok it is time I will tell you one of my secrets i own a dancer studio were i teach dance in secret also. I got it when my oldest friend, Natalie helped me build it. She finished college and she helps me with the studio to teach. Without her i wouldnt have made one and of course my parents who gave me permission to do it cause it was their money.
My parents are never there for me, even now that they are at work in china but i still love them.

now i was getting really bored with the lesson we were learning so i consentrated on the moves we were going to do in the dance. then i felt some eyes on me and when i turned around, Xander was watching me. when he saw that i saw he turned away really quick. Wow that was weird, i thought. I doesnt really matter cause every guy is wierd. My phone started to buzz in my pocket. It was lucy. This was our conversation.














We ended texting and the bell rang. I got my book bag and ran because i was sure not going to stay and be tortured to tell them who i wanted to go with. So i went to my locker and put my stuff back when i felt arms go around my waist. I held a giggle cause i knew that it was Logan cause he always acted like this around me. And i know what you think but no we are just friends and now you know that he is gay.

chapter 4-(chris's pov.)

i saw that my sister was at her locker with Logan's arms around her. And me being the over protective brother i went to her. I think Xander was also mad because i saw it in his face and he was also coming with me. I knew that he liked her but i didnt know that he liked her that much to be jealous. When we got their they turned our way cause they knew we were coming their way. Logan saw us and he still doesnt let my sister go so i gave him the 'you better let her go' look. My sister saw this and she told me.

"you better stop glaring or you will regret it." alex told me. And i stop because she is getting mad and who knows what will happen with Alex cause she has beat every one of us. Then Logan said something to her in the ear and she laughed. She then told Lucy and she laughed too.

" And what are you laughing at" i told her with a frown.

"oh nothing just that you think that Logan likes me when you dont even know him" alex said laughing. Know i was confused cause i thought he liked her. She must of have seen my face cause she laughed even harder.

"you will get it soon" she told me and with that she left us to go to class.

"what was that" Xander said.

" I dont know cause i thought he liked her" i said to him.

" me too" simon said. Now we all had confused looks cause we still dont know what happened and what she was talking about.

chapter 5-(xander's pov.)

I was so jealous because she let Logan put his arms around her. But their was something in me telling me that i didnt have to worry, that I should trust her and what she said. After she left me and the guys went to our next class which was also with alex and her friends. when we got their she was talking with them about something personal cause when we got close she said,
"we will talk about it later ok and you know were to meet".

"You trying to hide from us alex" i asked her.

"of course not why would i" she said innocently. Wow her voice sent me shivers and not the bad kind it was the good kind. I just wanted to keep her talking.

"Cause you are going to meet somewhere and we want to know, right chris?" i said back.

"so were are you going alex "chris asked her.

"to Lucy's house, right Lucy?"she said too quickly.

"oh yeah of course" Lucy said. I think that Chris liked Lucy by the look in his face when she talked.

"for what?" i asked.

"it nun of ya buisness" alex said,"it is personal".

"it's for the dance that is coming" Logan said.

"oh so Logan is going with you to Lucy's house" I said with a little jealousy in my voice, but they didnt notice and thank god.

"yes he is going, cause he is going with Lucy to the dance." Alex responded back with annoyence.I also sensed that Chris was kind of tense when she said that.

"now i remember what i was going to say,"derek said all of a sudden,"so who are you going with to the dance?"

"before you guys start whinning im not going with anyone im going alone okay and that is my last word" Alex said.

"but-" all of us started to say.

"no buts go find some one that you could take" alex said. Wow she was good at this cause we all stayed quiet when she said that and now i have to find a someone to go with. It isnt hard its the part that they are none like Alex out there.

chapter 6-(alex's pov.)

it was already lunch and i already wanted this day to end to go to my studio. Me, Lucy , and Logan were on our way to the cafeteria when we saw that the boys were already their sitting down.

"hey guys we better hurry and go outside before they notice that we are here" I told them. They agreed and we went to get our lunch and when i dont get my lunch i get cruncky and my friends knew about this. Well they already know not to mess with my lunch time, because i perfectly rememeber when Chris got a black eye for it. Very good memories i have of my life.

We were on the tables outside and we started talking about the ideas for our dance crew.

"So have you made up any moves" Logan asked me.

"yes i just need to see if they fit, oh and remember me to go the office" I told him.

"Why you need to go to the office?" Lucy asked.

" 'cause I need to know what are the colors for the dance to pick for our dancing clothes , also you need to help me tell the rest of the crew when we meet at the studio" I told her.

Someone covered my eyes and i couldn't see anything.

"guess who it is?" the person asked me. To me the person sounded like xander, but who knew who it was so i made a lie.

"zayn" i said. Then i heard Logan and Lucy laugh. All of a sudden my eyes were uncovered and I saw the guys with angered looks and cofused. While Lucy and Logan still laughed. they knew that i was a one direction fan of Zayn.

"who is Zayn?" chris said with anger.

"You dont know who Zayn is " i said trying to hide my smile.

"No now tell me who he is" chris said again.

"he is the most awesomest guy that ever existed "I said. While Logan and Lucy laughed even harder of what i said.

"Then were is he"Xander asked with anger and cofusement of why was Lucy and Logan laughed.

"Maybe on their tour" i told him.

"why is he in a tour"they asked me. which at this point made they made me laugh that they really didnt know who he was so i was going to have a little fun.

"wow this is so funny they still dont know who he is Lucy."i told her in her ear.

" I know this is super funny but we should tell them" she told me back.

"ok guys have you ever heared of one direction?" i saked them all.

"yes"they all said.

"well im a big fan of hot, sexy, Zayn"i told them, "so i was just joking and you guys believed me" i said again laughing. well i may be a tomboy but i like boys and one direction.

"what does he have that we dont have"asked daniel. Do this guys always have to compete in who is hotter, seriously.

"He has a great voice like an angels" i said."ok know what are you here,need anything" i asked them.

"oh we wanted to know if you were avoiding us?"asked Chris. Now i cant escape.

"Who said anything about that" I told them with sarcasm.

"Okay so you dont mined if we join you?" Xander asked.

"no of course you could join us, you are not bothering anything" i told them but i guess they didnt notice my sarcasm cause they sat down. I guess no more privacy.

"so what were you talking about , Alex" Daniel said.

"oh nothing serious " I told him. The guys started talking about the game that friday when they asked me.

"so are you going to the game to see us, alex" Xander said.

"i dont know i have to go do something but maybe."

"And what is that you need to do?" Chris asked

"I need to go to the principals office for some talk" i said to them.

"What did you do this time" Chris said to me with anger.

"Nothing I was just told to see him after school and who knows when i will finish, but i promise that when i finish i will go"i said lying.

"okay but when you finish you come"He told me.

"wow stop being overprotective im going to be ok even Lucy and Logan are coming, im not going to be alone."

chapter 7-(chris's pov.)

We were going on our way to the gym cause it was our last class and we need to change, when i saw that Lucy was going to the locker room with Alex. I liked Lucy but i didnt know if she liked me back, maybe i should ask Alex about it.

we were changing in the locker rooms and then we got out. Today we were going to play football which was all boys dream to play. We heard that a girl wanted to play with us and when i saw who it was I got scared. It was my sister, i got scared cause she gets in the game really serious and last time we paid.' Just great we are going to have a fantastic time'i thought with a sigh.

"Dont get to excited boys you dont know what you are going for" i told them. They just gave me a confused face. Oh they are so going to find out that she is the best at playing at this game.

"okay now lets get started" the coach said. Everybody was in their positions an we started. Next thing you know Xander was tackled to the floor by Alex. Now everbody was watching even the girls because nobody has ever tackled Xander down. Right now we were all wide eyed. So to stop the quietness here i yelled.

"woohooo thats my sister!"i yelled out loud. From this moment Lucy and Logan started to cheer.

"okay lets get this game going everybody!"the coach said or yelled.

chapter 8-(xander's pov.)

Okay i cant believe that Alex tackled me, i mean nobody has ever done that to me. I was impressed cause I knew she was strong but this strong. Right now i could just say WOW. But then i got a little mad cause know they will say that a girl tackled me. I saw her go to Logan and they started talking. I dont know what she sees in him, because right now im too jealous.

"uuuuuhhh man she got you down" derek said. Wow now they are going to tease me. Great just great.

"okay lets get this game going everybody!"the coach said or yelled.

We played and it was time to go. By tomorrow they is going to be news that a girl tackled me the quarterback. Alex was leaving with Lucy and Logan. She got in her bike and left, while Logan and Lucy went on the car. I think she was leaving again something about her parents or who knew what she does i dont remmember. when i got in my car some of the guys went in my car. When we got home Alex bike was there while her friends were waiting outside for her. She came out witha bag with her name on it. They just left so i gave an idea.

"hey guys now that Alex is gone lets go check her room" Itold them.

"okay but be carefull and dont leave anything messed up or she will fined out."Chris said.

When we got in her room Derek checked her bathroom, Zane her underware, Daniel her desk, while the rest i dont know what.

"Guess what i found?" Zane said.

"what" I said while i went to see. Right there were some of our boxers.

"hey those our mine i been looking for them" said Simon while he got his Spongebob Squarepants boxers.

"Chris what is she doing with our boxers" said the guys.

"I dont know why dont you ask her" Chris responded.

"I think we will" they said.

We were going to wait until she got here.

chapter 9-(alex's pov.)

When we got to my house or should i say mansion. I got my dancing bag and left before my brother comes and catches me by asking questions to where im going. I got in the car while my brothers and the guys came. I knew they saw my bag but i didnt care i just wanted to get to the studio. We drove of and got to the studio with the rest of the dance crew. I still needed to talk to the principal about our performance and some stuff that we needed.

When we got in the room for practice i had forgotten that their was going to be a class. They were kids from our school and other shools. I recognized Xander's little brother Kyle in this group now he knows my secret. So I went to talk to him.

"Hey Kyle" I said.

"Hi Alex, what you doing here?"he said or asked me.

"well i was wondering if you could keep a secret?" I responded.

"yes what is it" he told me.

"Well could you not tell anyone that i come here and that i own this place or that i have my own crew" I said.

"okay but with one condition" He said.

"it dependes what is it"

"That you let me dance crew of yours"

"okay but remember dont tell anyone about me, you could still tell them that you are dancing with my crew."

"okkie dokkie" He said.

I was teaching the kids some moves for them to practice to leave Natalie alone to rest. Some were very excited to dance, and i could tell that they are going to be great dancers in the future. Whe this class ended we got permission to let Kyle stay to practice more. We danced for hours until we got it right and we even got a space a space for Kyle and it was great. We were going to dance a song that had mystery in it and excitment. At the end of our practice we said our good byes to everyone.

When Lucy and Logan left me at the house i was super tired. What got me unexpected was that my brother was waiting in the leaving with the rest of the guys and some boxers on the floor. Then i got the picture they went in my room.

chapter 10-(chris's pov.)

When Alex got here she looked really tired but i didnt care she had to explain why she had our boxers in her closet. She had a pissed look on her face when she saw the boxers and then before she talked or yelled to us about going in her room I talked.

"Tell me Alex why do you have our boxers" I asked her.

"How many times have i told you not to go in my room!" She yelled to me.

"It doesnt matter just tell me why you had them"I yelled back. Know everyone in the house were watching us argue about it.

"It does matter it shows me that i cant trust you anymore and never will." She yelled with that she stormed to her room and came back with a bag.

"Where do you think your going" I said to her.

"Im going were im not being treated as a child" she said." I just want to be alone just give me that." She left while i yelled to her to come back.

The guys yelled at me to why i didnt stop her and i said .

"She wanted time to herself so i let her be, know all of you go to your rooms I need to be by myself" i told them. It had already past some time when the phone started to ring. 'RING,RING,RING'

"Hello" I said.

"is this Christopher Hamilton?" they asked.

"Yes its me"

"sorry sir but your sister is in the hospital she had an accident"

"what, what hospital is it?" i asked.

"Madison hospital" she said.

"okay i will be right their" I said.

After i hanged up I told the guys to come down and they must of heard the panic in my voice because right now i was crying. I told them and they said that they were coming too. We got in the car and from my eyes i saw that Xander was crying also. We got in the hospital and we got inside to check on her.

That is when Xander told me "If something bad happens to her it is going to be your fault." That had me thinking that it really was my fault if i had not gotten in her room then this wouldnt have happened or if i had not gotten mad at her and i knew that it was my fault.

chapter 11-(alex's pov.)

I got in a fight with my brother and i cant believe he got in my room without my permision and treated me like a child. Now i was not mad i was pissed how could he treat me like that i was not little anymore. So i left cause i did needed sometime for myself and some rest. I was calling Lucy if i could stay in her house for a while.

"Lucy could you do me a favor" i asked her.

"what is it" she said.

"i wanted to know if you let me stay with you for a while"

"yes but why what happened" she asked.

"I got in a fight with my brother"

I was on a stop sign but when i didnt see anyone so I went on the direction to Lucys' house.
Out of nowhere a car came and for me to move out of the way I crashed in the pole that i didnt see at first. I bumped my head and all i could hear was the sound of Lucy's voice yelling my name.

"help Lucy" i told her quickly threw the phone while i was still awake. I felt somebody trying to open the door.

"help is on the way dont die" someone said.

Before i was consumed by darkness I heard the ambulance and someone trying to help me out.

I woke up in a white room with someone that i didnt know in the room. When he heard me he stood up and saw who he was. he was hot with what every girl wanted in a guy.

"who are you?" I asked him.

"Im Lucas and im the one that made you crash and i am really sorry for what i made you do" He said at a point of crying. Wow he had an accent that was amazing. Lucas was really cute and to tell you hot. Damn, I just wanted to keep staring at those beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh dont worry, I forgive you and it was my fault too, i was talking on the phone"

"okay i guess we both have our own faults" He said.

Then my brother, the guys and my friends came in all worried.

"What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?" Chris asked.

"calm down i am alright now so dont worry" I said.

"No you are not fine you got in an accident and you say you are fine" Chris said with a very worried expression on his face. He was by my side in a second and by the conner of my eyes that he was nervious with this much guys in a room. I guess i had to tell them. I send him a 'dont worry I will handle it' look.

"I am alright, and if you guys are wodering who the boy over here is he is Lucas" I said.

"What is he doing here?" Asked Xander with a jealousy in his voice.

"Well i know you guys are not going to like it but he is the one that made me crash-" But before i was finished Chris had him in the corner.

"Stop Chris!" I yelled." It wasnt all his fault it was also yours and mine, Yours for making me leave and mine cause i was in the phone." He let go of him and Chris gave me a pained expression. And i shouldnt have said that cause then Lucy made a crying sound cause she was talking with me in the phone. "Lucy dont cry please if I wasnt talking to you I woulnt be hear, please" I said to her.

"okay" she said trying to get calmed.

"And if you guys all cause I think im getting clastrophobic here" I said.

Then the nurse came in and she got wide eyed when she saw this many people. She made everybody go and make me rest. Except Lucas, Chris and Xander left they just stayed with me.

"im really sorry, and somehow im going to pay you back" Lucas said. I got his hand and told him.

"Its okay but can I ask you something?" i said.

"Yes what ever you want" He said.

"Okay are you new here cause i have never seen you"

"yes i am new and I was getting mad cause i didnt find nowhere to sleep" He said.

"well in that case why dont you stay with us, we do have a spare room" I said.

"no way I cant accept that i just made you crash" He said.

"I dont care, please Chris make him stay" I told chris.

"Lucas would you like to stay with us?" He asked in a annoyed voice.

"I still dont know, but are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes and stop asking questions you are making me think and my head hurts"

"okay" he said finally.

"Xander and Chris will you please go I need to talk to Lucas for a minute" I said with an exciting voice.

"Are you sure cause-" i cut him off.

"I need to be alone with him and ask him something" With that they left and with both a worried look on their faces. I gave them both a 'im okay' look.

"okay down to buisness, Do you for any reason like to dance?" I asked cause when I saw him walk I saw that he walked more like a dancer.

"Actually yes I do" He said.

"Well would you like to be in my dance crew, I even have my own studio" I said.

"okay cause i really do want to dance" He said with a happy smile.

"alright but with one condition, you cant tell that im in the crew but you could say that you are on it, okay?"

"Alright but why?" he asked.

"Cause if you havent notice im a tomboy and i want to keep it a secret that will surprise everyone" I said. " Will you like to be my dance partner?"

"of course" he said with excitment.

" oh this going to be fun"I said before going to sleep.

chapter 12-(xander's pov.)

I was getting kind of jealous of Lucas cause he was Alex alone in the hospital room and doing whoo knows what. Maybe im exagerating a little it is not like they will be girlfriend and boyfriend, right?

"Why did you let them be alone Chris who knows what they are doing" I said to Chris.

"I dont think they are doing anything " He just said.

"Are you sure?" I said.

"Yes and it looks like someone is jealous" He said teasing me.

"Psh No im just worried" I lied. Dammit i did the 'Psh' again. Dammit.

"Yeah sure" The others said. Wow they even knew.

~~~ * ~~~

Later on the next day Alex came home and I think everything was resolved and well. Except that I had a feeling that Alex and Lucas were hiding something.

"Guys! how many times have I told you to clean up your mess!" She yelled from the kitchen. To us she was like our mom and us her children. I had forgotten that we left a mess when she wasnt here.

"You better come here in this instint!" Alex yelled.

"We are going!" Yelled simon with annoyance.

"you better not be annoyed cause if you are I think I should leave" She yelled.

"Im annoyed but I dont want you to leave" He said.

"Just tell me that you are annoyed or not" She said when we were all with her in the kitchen.

"okay I am Annoyed" Simon said and even some of the boys. She just made a happy face and then said.

"Okay then im leaving and dont wait for me, Oh and Lucas come on lets go!" She yelled.

"I dont think you are going to leave" Chris said with a mad face. But I understand why Alex wanted to leave when you are stuck in the house.

"Stop worrying im going with Lucas we are going some where special" She said with a wink to Lucas. Lucas had of a face of 'It sure is special'. She must of had seen our faces to say what she said next.

"You guys are so perverted and no im not doing that with him we are going somewhere special to me" She said.

"Okay but be careful and take care of her Lucas" He said giving a 'You better' look to him.

"It is okay she is like a sister to me" Lucas said. With that they left and who knows where.

"did she made up the excuse of annoyance to leave" said Simon. And know that i think about it it is true she made it up to leave. Ha sniky girl.

chapter 13-(alex's pov.)

We were going to the studio and on the way I told Lucas that he was going to be my partner. When we got there I wasnt surprised that everyone was here.

"Here we are" I said.

"Wow" was all he said.

"yeah that is what we said when we saw it too" Said Logan.

"arent you supose to be in bed" Lucy said and Logan was at her side.

"Nnnnoooo" I said slowly lying. She gave me her look of 'you better not be lying to me'. And if she gives it to you, you will be f**kend scared. "Okay I am but you know I dont like to stay in bed, You also know that I perfer to dance to get well".

"Alright but just this time"She said," And what is he doing here?"

"Oh I forgot he is going to be my partner from now on"

"Okay and if we are finished here lets go practice the others are waiting" She said. We went to the others. In our Dance Crew we had 8 people in total which each had a partner. They are Rose and Micheal, Lucy and Logan, Kyle and Arianna, and Lucas and me. Rose and Micheal are also my friends but we dont hang out with them much. Arianna is in our dance team when she came here and said she wanted to join and you already know about Kyle.

"okay lets get started" I said. We put the music that Lucy made and if I havent told you Lucy is like the best music composer and DJ. First we danced slow with the boys hands on our hips and swaying like lovers. Then the music changed to more movement. We practiced and practiced and if I tell you Lucas is great at dancing, he learned it really fast. At the end Kyle told us that we should leave early cause Xander was coming for him.

"No I will wait till he comes inside here" I said.

"But he will know your secret" He said.

"I will just tell him that I was visiting my friend" I said pointing out to Natalie who if you know is my friend.

"Okay " He finally said.

Lucas went with Logan and Lucy they offered to take him. Me and Kyle do get along not like me and Xander. We were talking and talking about some stuff when I realized that it already passed like 30 minutes so we decided that he could go with me. Remember when I told you that they were players, well if I didnt then I tell you now cause they are. I knew that he was doing what I think he was doing. If you are wondering were I got a car it was cause I have a garage in the dance studio and I left one of my many cars. We made a plan so to make it work we called Kyle's mom and told her and she agreed. Okay the plan was to tell Kyle's mom to yell at Xander if he calls and tell him he better find Kyle and while he is trying to find we are going for ice cream and then to the house. It was kind of a good plan cause we will be enjoying it and fun.

~~~ * ~~~

We were on the Ice Cream shop and we ordered two waffle cones of strawberry and vanilla. Guess who got the strawberry? Not me ,Kyle got it I got the Vanilla. When we left we got in the car and went to the house. What I didnt expect was that their was no cars in the drive way. Yes we were alone and we should have fun.

"hello anybody home!" I yelled their was no answer. I got an idea to put cameras on their rooms to see what they do and you are saying that im a creeper. Nope it is just that I want to know their deepest secret to use it against them and Kyle was with me. We hurried up and got them installed. When we finished I told him to take a shower and I went to take one too. I put my strawberry and berries shampoo sent. It smells great. After I finished with my shower I got out and changed in my underwear (cause they took all the boxers)and bra. then i put on a big shirt and some shorts I found on my dresser that I didnt even know I had. When we both finished taking a shower we both went to the living room and watch tv. Then I called Chris to know what they were doing. And this was our conversation.

"Hello " Chris said.

"hi Chris what you doing?" I said.

"Sorry to say this but do you know where Kyle is we are looking for him" He said.

"Why what happene" I lied inoccently.

"Nothing its that Xander forgot to pick him up and we dont know were he is"

"And what if I do know were he is?" I asked. Kyle was giving we a questioning look of 'what are you doing'.

"You do where?" He asked quickly.

"well I dont know maybe with a good friend" I said.

"okay let me tell Xander to talk to all Kyle's friends"

"okay wait let me ask Kyle what his friends phone numbers are, okay?"

"Okay hurry up" He said. Wow is he really that stupid to know that im with Kyle. Kyle gave me their numbers and I gave them to Chris.

"Okay bye Chris im busy playing hide and seek with a friend and I dont want you to know who it is so bye" I hung up before he asked me who it was. Me and Kyle were our butts out. Then out of nowhere my phone started to ring and I saw who it was ' Chris'. Guess he found out who I was talking about and how I was talking with him in the phone.

"Hello" I said innocently.

"Dont Hello me I know that Kyle is with you"

"And what makes you think that"

"Dont you play with me, just tell me if he is their with you"

"Why dont you find out bye" I said at last.

Wow that was close, I thought. I told Kyle to get ready because the boys were coming any moment and I got another idea to mess with them. We were planning that when they came in my room we were going to be cuddled together and act surprised when they came, like we werent doing anything wrong. When we heard the cars pull up in the driveway we ran to my room. We cuddled together in my bed and stayed like that. When Chris yelled my name I just stayed like that but I could sense that Kyle was nervous. When the door was opened their stood all the boys with angry faces. Ha and Xander was the most angry one of them.

"Hey guys" I said to them.

"kyle where were you?" Xander said really mad,and he was eyeing me and Kyle's position. He even had jealousy in his eyes but he hid it immediately. Seriously what was his problem he is the one that left Kyle their for half an hour.

chapter 14-(xander's pov.)

We were all looking for Kyle up and down. And when I mean down I mean down. Suddenly Alex called Chris and he asked her if she knew were was my brother. She said something and hung up. Then I saw that Chris made a thinking head and when he makes a thinking head it is because Alex made him confused.

"Dammit Kyle was with Alex all this time" He said. Then he called Alex and said that he knew that Kyle was with him and I dont know what else. But when I heard that Kyle was with Alex my worries were all gone. One because he was my brother and I loved him and Two cause my mother will kill me if I lost him. When we got to the house, everybody was tired from looking for Kyle cause we did look everywere. What I expected when we got in the house was for Kyle to attack me for leaving him their. But no they were no where in sight.

"Alex!" Chris yelled. But we didnt hear any respond. When we got to her room they were in her bed cuddled together and I was angry that I was all worried and he was snuggled together, But what got me the most angry was that he was snuggled with Alex. And no one snuggled with her except maybe Chris. How could she let him. I was just jealous and before she saw it I hid it quickly.

"Hey guys" Alex said.

"Kyle where were you" I said ignoring her and with anger in my voice. It was hard to ignore her when she was in front of me and in that position with Kyle. Dammit im getting jealous again.

"Dont you yell at him when it was your fault" Alex said getting up from the bed. Now she was right in my face well not in my face cause she was kind of small compared to me and the guys.

"Why is it my fault" Oh crap I shouldnt have opened my mouth because now i know why it was my fault.

"You were the one that left him in my dance studio for half an hour" When she said that the word 'my' she made a face 'what did I just say' look. I was verly going to say something when Chris beat me to it.

"What do you mean my dance studio" Chris said.

"I guess you guys were going to find out sooner or later" She said but she said it mostly to her self.

"Find out what" I said.

"Wait just dont get mad at her she did it for a good reason" Kyle said.

"Kyle dont get in this even thought you are already in it" She said.

"What do you mean that he already is in it" Xander said.

"You havent told them right that you dance in the dance crew" She said eyeing Kyle.

"Nope i havent except Xander" Kyle responded. Then I remember that he told me that he was in the dance crew from our school. Now I think I get it.

"Okay first you know the dance crew from our school" She asked them. All of us nodded at ones when she said that.

"okay well lets just say that it is my dance crew and that im the leader"She said. Everyone of us was impressed that she could dance that good and that it was her that was dancing.

"why didnt you tell us" Chris inmediatly said.

"Well you know im a tomboy and I just didnt want that to stop just because I like to dance" she said. "And before you say anything I practice at my dance studio which my friend Natalie runs for me when im not their."

"okay but you didn't have to hide it from us we are like your family" said Derek.

"Yeah and I'm really sorry for not saying the truth earlier but you cant tell no one from school now that you know." she said.

"alright but don't keep more secrets from me" Chris said. She just nodded.

"Okay so now could you leave me alone in my room" Alex said.

We all said our goodbyes and left. When we got to the living room we got all quite cause who had thought that she was a dancer and had a studio. That is why i love her. Wait what am I saying I cant impossibly love my best friend's sister. God help me take her out of my mind.

chapter 15-(alex's pov.)

Okay know that I told the guys about my secret I was so relieved that it was out to them. It was like a ton of weight was pulled out of me. Right know I needed to concentrate and call Lucy and Lucas to come to the house to say to them that the secret was out. Logan couldn't come cause he had to go to some reunion with his parents. Who knew what they were doing in her house. I called her phone and on the second ring she answered.

"Hello Alex" she said. Hey how did she know that it was me oh wait she has caller id.

"Hi Lucy I just wanted to say if you wanted to come on a sleepover cause I need to tell you something to you and Lucas."

"Okay we will be right their"she said and before she hang up I told her.

"You better tell me what is happening between you and Lucas and if you not I'm still going to find out"

"Alex you always find out everything and okay i will tell you in your house"

"Okkie dokkie and I have a surprise bye" I hang up before she tells me what is the surprise cause she can get it out of you without even knowing she did. That is why we were best friends cause she was the best at everything. And if you want to know what is the surprise it is the cams that I put on the guys room. Yeah this night is going to be fun.

At least ten minutes have passed and I heard the door bell ring. Lucy was here and Lucas too. Now I'm going to have some fun with them.

"I will get it"I yelled to the guys that were starting to get up from the couch. When I opened the door I was expecting Lucy and Lucas but not my worst nightmare.

"what do you want Adan"I said to my ex-boyfriend.

"I want you to forgive me I miss you" He said.

"Well I don't and if you want to live I suggest you leave right now before my brother sees you" I said. Why did he had to come this moment when I'm happy. He always had to ruin things. So that you know he cheated on me with some slut from our school.

"Please just give me a five minutes" He said begging. He was even getting on his knees.

"Okay but hurry.. " Before I could finish I cut off by Chris.

"What are you doing here Adan!" Chris said with a mad expression in his face.

"Sorry Chris but I didn't come to talk to you I came to talk to Alex" Adan said.

"Please Chris just go back I'm going to talk to him"I said to Chris.

"Alright but just cause you say so " Chris said with hate in his voice. When Chris left Adan stood up and faced me.

"Please forgive me" He said to me." I made a mistake and if you please just forgive me" He kept saying.

"How could I forgive you when you broke my heart for someone else" I was saying."Sorry Adan but I cant forgive you for what you did"

"Please, I just want to be friends with you at least"

"Nope and bye because your five minutes are up" I said to him and closed the door in his face. When I got back to the living room everybody turned to look at me.

"What did he want" Chris was the first to answer from them all.

"Oh nothing just wanted for me to forgive me but I didn't so I'm just going to stay here cause Lucy and Lucas are coming" I said seating down in between Daniel and Zane.

"Why didn't you forgive him? what did he do to you?" Simon asked.

"I just don't want to talk about it" I said.

"Alex you know you cant escape the truth anymore" Said Chris. Only him and Lucy knew what happened between me and Adan.

"Okay if you insist, you know he is my ex-boyfriend" the guys nodded"okay well he cheated on me with some kind of slut at school." The guys had anger on their faces cause I we are all family and we care for each other.

"What why didn't you tell us ALEX!" they all started to yell. Wow I didn't even think they will get this emotional.

"Guys stop yelling it was a long time ago and it is in the past but I still will not forgive him." I said to them. After when I said that they all calmed out but still wanted to rip the shit off of Adan."Don't worry guys just be quiet" Then the bell rang and I went running cause I wanted to know if it was Lucy and Lucas. When I opened the door it was sure them and with a secret they both had. So I took their hands and took them to my room while passing by the guys that were in the couch.

"Bye we are going to be in my room "I yelled over my shoulder while passing them. We went up the stairs and to my room. when we got inside I locked the door and sat down with them in the bed. I had a king size bed so fitted.

"Okay guys I know you are hiding something now tell me because you know I'm still going to find out even if you don't tell me" They first looked at each other Lucy nodded to him to go on then they looked at me.

"Okay um...I'm gay" Wow that is what they were hiding and they didnt tell me.

"This is so exciting I always wanted a friend that was gay and I guess I found it." I said to them.

"You are not mad" Lucas said to me.

"no why would I be mad it is your choice"

"Thank you for not getting mad"

"Hey I wouldn't be mad you are my friend and if you want we could keep it a secret"

"Yes thank you I was going to ask you that" He said.

We all got in a hug and then I told them that I told my brother and his friends that I was a dancer and the studio and the crew. At last when we finished talking Lucas left to go to sleep and when he left I told her of the surprise that I had.

"You know I called you to come right Lucy" I said to her.

"Yes to tell me about the news that you told your brother about you dancing" Lucy said.

"Well yeah but I had a surprise but we need to call Kyle for this."

"Okay lets go" We left and went to the living room were some of the guys were watching TV. What we saw was Xander and some girl kissing and they looked that they were getting on it. Yuck! It was no girl it was a slut. We made like we didn't see that and saw that Kyle was their just sitting. I told Lucy in the ear that it was better to tell him in quiet. We went by his side and told him in his ear."Hurry do you remember the surprise we made come on lets go to my room". He just nodded his head with a smile when Chris saw us. I guess we were discovered.

"Were do you think you are going"He said mostly to Kyle and to us too.

"Nothing just, nothing" I said really quick. I gave the 'help' look to Lucy who just nodded. Maybe she had a plan.

"We are not doing nothing just going to have some fun" Said Lucy who had a evil smile in her face. Everybody in the living room was watching us now even Xander and her little slut. God I better not be feeling stuff for Xander cause he is an ass.

"Yeah and we are taking Kyle cause he looks like he needs some fun, right Kyle?" I said. Everybody looked at Kyle like if he was a god and I didn't know why. Oh they thought that we were going to have sex, Yuck they are so gross.

"Yeah some fun we are going to have" he said with a big smile in his face. That is when we saw the look on Xander's face, I wondered why was he angry. Did he find out our little secret? Omg he better not tell. Well I already knew why Chris was angry but I have to tell him not to worry so I went by his side.

"Chris don't be mad I will not be doing nothing of what you are thinking we are just going to have a sleep over with him like a little party and I promise we are not going to make any noise well just laughing, so just calm down" I told him in the ear. He gave me a 'you better not' look in which I just rolled my eyes. With that I left with Lucy and Kyle laughing all the way to my room. When we got to my room we locked the door and sat on my bed.

"Hahahaha that was funny did you saw the looks on their faces" she said when she was laughing. Me and Kyle just nodded our heads cause we also were laughing. When we finished laughing we got started by getting my computer out. At this time I told Lucy all about our plan or surprise and like I said I will fined all their darkest secrets. I was more of a computer girl so I started to connect all the cameras. That is why I had cameras cause I was good with them. When all of them popped out in my computer screen I saw that not all the guys were in their rooms so I went to investigate who wasn't in his and tell them to go to sleep. I went to the living room and sure their they were still their.

"Guys it is time to sleep so go now before you make me make you" I said with a threatening voice. They all had a horror face cause they know I can. Even Xander who still had the slut in his lap. At last they all sat up and left to their rooms. I guess it is show time.

"Hey are they all in their rooms" I said to Lucy and Kyle when I got in my room. They just nodded their heads they were really interested in what was happening in their rooms. And what I saw made me laugh really hard, it was Lucas dancing but in a girl way the song Single Ladies by Beyonce. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I was laughing really hard. I dont care if they hear me it was super funny. I was know on the floor cause I fell down from the bed from laughing to hard but when I fell down, the floor made a big noise. I think my brother got worried cause now he was knocking on the door, I mean pounding. When we heard that he was trying to open the door Lucy closed the computer and hid it under the bed. When I opened the door he wasnt alone all the guys were here. My brothers eyes widened when he saw me.

"What do you want" I said to him with an annoyed voice.

"We heard a big noise" Oh so they did hear when I fell from the bed.

"Yeah I fell from my bed from laughing" I said to them.

"Then why is your hair messed up" Simon said. This time I went to the mirror and saw that my hair was messed up so I just fixed it really quick and went back to the door.

"Their, happy" I said to them. Chris just nodded and continued to look at me weirdly.

"were is Lucy and Kyle?" Xander asked. 'God stop asking questions and go to sleep', I thought.

"Okay we are leaving" Derek said while picking up his hands in surrender. I think I said that out loud.

"Yes you did" said Daniel. Wow haven't seen him much and damn he looked hot right now without a shirt. When Simon was opening his mouth to say anything. Xander's little slut came in the view and said something that made me want to vomit.

"Xander hurry up you said we were going to have some fun" She said. God her voice was horrible that it made me want to cover my ears. I made a disgust face cause how could he be with her when he could have better, it is just disgusting to do it. When Chris saw my face he was chuckling of me. Now he is going to pay.

"If you guys don't leave I'm going to find out your deepest secret and you know I will"
I said to them with a serious face. Wow they always get scared with my threats cause they went running like little kids. Well I will still find out their deepest secret Ha Ha Ha. (that was my evil laugh.)

I went back to my room and went to check the computer where Lucy and Kyle were. When we saw the screen it was kind of disgusting cause Xander was having sex and it was nasty.

"Okay lets hurry I don't want to see them having sex" I said to them. I was kind of jealous cause I did have a crush on him but I cant cause now I know that he doesn't like me so I will just leave it like that.

While Simon, Derek, and Daniel were sleeping. I guess they were tired. Zane was just laying in his bed looking in the ceiling listening to some kind of music that was exciting. Then I saw Daniel it surprised me cause I thought that players don't read except for school but he was actually reading a book. Chris was drawing and I didn't even know that he could and from the looks of it he does really good. Now I know some of their secret that they were hiding and they didn't even know it.

"Okay lets turn it of cause we need to sleep and tomorrow is Friday" They agreed with what I said and turned of the computer and went to sleep with Lucy and Kyle. we got together in my bed and we were in an order of me in the middle and Kyle and Lucy by the sides. I was closing my eyes and that is until I heard a lot of noises. Then I remembered that it was Xander and her slut having sex. God I'm tired I just want to sleep.

"Will you guys shut up or something cause I'm trying to sleep cant you wait for the weekend when their is no school the next day!" I yelled while pounding the wall where they were. After that they got quiet and I was grateful they did or they were going to pay the next day.

chapter 16-(chris's pov.)

When I woke up in the morning there was someone knocking on my door. When I opened it their stood Alex eating an apple, now what does she want.

"what do you want now Alex?" I said to her.

"Hey don't you get all annoyed on me, but don't you have practice" She said while eating her apple. What she said perked me up cause it started in twenty minutes.

"Thank you Alex for reminding me what would I do without you" I said to her while giving her a hug and grabbing her apple from her hand.

"Hey give me my apple back" She said to me. She even started to pout, aww how cute.

"I will give it to you only if you help me wake up the guys" I said to her. She looked at me in the eye and I knew she found out I was lying. She was good at this lying thing.

"Nope thank you I could get another one" She said while leaving me standing their eating the apple. I tiredly went to every door and knocked telling them that we were late for practice and that coach was going to be mad. When I heard that they all were getting ready I went to my own room and changed. I put some jeans and a blue shirt. When I got to the kitchen Alex was the only one in their eating an orange instead of an apple. She was turned around and I wanted to scare her. I slowly walked not to make any noise and I was almost reaching her when she said.

"I know it is you Chris" She said to me when she was still turned around. Wow and she even had her Ipod on.
"How did you know that it was me" I asked her when I was in front of her. She took of her earphones and looked at me.

"You will never scare me" She just said. With that She got of the counter and went to the direction of the front door chris. Then Lucy came down and got a water from the fridge.

"Hi Chris, bye Chris" She said quickly and left. She gets nervous with me alone.

"I'm going for a run with Lucy"Alex yelled to me from the door.

"Hey guys hurry up we are going to be late!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. All the guys came running down the stairs and to the kitchen. "Guys just grab an apple or something we need to go now" I said.

"Okay but were are the girls because when I woke up they were gone" Kyle said looking at me. I gave him a look of 'why were you in my sisters room'.

"Dont give me that look I was in your sisters room cause we had a sleepover remember" Kyle told me and he started to laugh. How could I forget but why was he laughing.

"Why are you laughing about?" I told him. Then he inmediatly stopped laughing when I said that.

"Nothing just a joke I remembered" He told us really nervous." Oh I will be careful cause Alex can find out your biggest secret" He said again but with a serious face. Now that scared me cause I know that she can find out and my secret too. I looked at my friends faces and they had a scared look too. Guess they had secrets too.

"Alright, Okay are we going or not cause I know I am not going to be late" I said to the guys on my way to the door. I got in my car and then the guys got inside too. When we were on our way to school we saw that two girls that looked like Alex and Lucy were dancing in the park with some guys cause they were Alex and Lucy. God I got jealous when someone was with Lucy cause I had a crush on her. When we were little she was my first kiss but I havent told Alex about it.

"Hey isnt that Alex and Lucy" said Simon who was interested in what they were dancing. When I looked again they were dancing some kind of dance involved some dirty moves in which I didnt approve. I was going to have to talk to her later. But in all she was a good dancer.

chapter 17-(alex's pov.)

Me and Lucy went on a run in the park that we loved. Our childhood was here. We used to run and play on the little playground when we were very little. I also know that Lucy and Chris were their both first kiss here when they were little. I know they think that I dont know but I sure do know all about it. Guess they didnt want to tell me when I asked a question to them of where they were. Well they are old know and they still dont tell me.
We were on the park now when we saw our other childhood friends of when we were little. I sure wanted to see my crush, Ace cause I remember he was a very good dancer. When I saw two familiar blue eyes I ran and jumped on top of him. He hesitated before hugging me back but he sure doesnt know who I am. When I got off of him he looked at me with a confused look. It was cute cause it was him that did it.

"Who are you?" He asked me. He sure didn't recognize me.

"You dont remember do you?" I said to him." We used to dance together the cha cha cha" I told him with a smile.

"Alex! Its you, It been very long I havent seen you" He smiled very big."Especially cause I had a crush on you" He said with a sexy smile. He sure is a flirty one.

"Well why don't we celebrate by dancing our very special dance" I said back but with a sexy smile too." Oh and this is Lucy you do remember her,right?"

"Of course I do, you two were like magnets when you were little" He said.

"Okay lets start cause I sure do want to dance" I said to him. He introduced me to his friend that for now was Lucy's partner. His name was Blake and he sure was sexy. Both of them looked like they were in a gang. But they looked hot like that. We started to dance and for sure he was very good but not better than me.

"So what have you been doing?" I asked him curious of what he has been doing without me.

"Nothing just dancing and you?" He said to me while we were dancing.

"I also danced like when we were little remember, hiding from Chris and his friends" I said like it was no big deal. He gave me an amused smile and I knew he wanted to know more.

"So you haven't had any boyfriends" He said and that made me frown.

"yes and a very freaky one too. I don't think I will have another one after that one" I said with a frown still in my face." He never leaves me alone, maybe he is hiding in the bushes right now".

"Okay, what if he leaves you alone if you have another boyfriend?" He asked." Will you go on a date with me?" He asked.

"Okay but could we go out today?" I asked. " Cause I don't have time tomorrow."

"Alright I will pick you up at 7 at night" He said to me.

"I'm looking forward to it and one more question, What do I wear?" I asked.

"What ever you like it is like normal date okay?" He said to me looking me in the eyes.

"Wow I always liked your beautiful eyes" I said also looking in his eyes.

We finished dancing and me and Lucy left. We were walking and talking about my date cause I sure was looking forward to it. Then a car pulled up on us by the side. And I knew who it was. He never leaves me alone.

"What do you want Adan, I told you to leave me alone" I said to Adan with anger in my voice.

"Please Alex forgive me it was a mistake and I only want you" He said thru the window begging.

"No and please just leave me alone" I said to him." Let me make my own life."

"No I will not leave you alone until you are with me." He said getting angry."You are going to be mine if its the last thing I do" He threathen me. With that he left me and Lucy scared cause he made a nasty voice when he said that.

"please lets go Alex Im scared" Lucy said begging. As we left we I told her not to tell anyone about what happened then they will exagerate and we cant go to the store alone and she knew how it was to go to a store with a lot of boys. She agreed with me. We got home and the guys were still not here. Then I heard a car pull in the drive way, They are now home. Before they came in I gave a 'Remember what we promise' look to Lucy. She just nodded her head.

chapter 18-(mystery guy's pov.)

I am not going to rest until she is with me. She is going to be with me cause I say so and even if she didnt want me. I dont know I was just with another girl for a night. She didnt even want ot be my friend for gods sake. To me she was the most pretty girl I have ever seen. To me she was the best. But first how could she accept to go out with that guy called Ace. Now I hate her for cheating on me. I will get her soon and she will be all mine and only mine. If she is not with me then she cant be with anyone. I will take my measures to extreme to get her, I will do anything.

chapter 19-(alex's pov.)

When the guys got in the house they all looked sweaty and nasty looking. Guess they had a ruff practice.

"Hey guys how you doing" I said to them. Lucy was by my side and she was kind of nervous. I think it was of what happened earlier on our way home. I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze and then let go. She needed to be sure that nothing was going to happen.

"What were you doing at the park dancing with some boys you dont even know." said Chris who got angry really quick.

"If you havent remembered he was your friend too, and it is my buisness not yours" I said back.

"I dont remember him being my friend" He said." What is his name?" He asked.

"We were friends when we were little and his name is Ace" I said. He suddenly said something that I didnt want anyone to know.

"Oh the guy you had a crush when you were little." I was really embarass with what he said but I didnt care I just nodded.

"Yes and Im going on a date with him and I dont need your permission" I said." Come on Lucy we need to get ready for school." Before I left I saw that they had shocked faces but what got me confused was that Xander had a jealous face with angerin his eyes. Why is he jealous he has sluts from school to keep him busy. Well I didnt care I need to get ready for school. I'm not that sensitive but I can be.

We got to school and I saw that Xander was happy with his sluts all over him. I just made a disgust face cause it was sure nasty seen that. I left with Lucy to class but we were scared of seen Adan in the way cause he sure threathen me for sure. He still was in our school.

"Dont worry Lucy nothing will happen, come on lets go to our lockers to get our stuff." I told her.

"Alright lets go before we are late" She said back to me but with nervous in her voice.

We got to our lockers and I saw that when I opened it, someone had put a note inside. I started to read it but it scared me shitless who will do this, I asked myself. I showed it to Lucy and she started to hug me like if I will leave and never come back. I wanted to cry but I couldnt I needed to be strong and what if it was all a joke. I left my locker with Lucy and we both went to class. Lucy was getting nervous cause of everything that happened today.

"Lucy dont worry maybe its just a joke from the guys" I told her in the ear.

"You think so?" She asked me.

"Yes and please lets just continue with our lifes nothing is going to happen."

"Okay" She said nodding."Lets just get this day started cause remember we need to go to the office at the end of the day."


It was already the end of the day and I needed to go to the office. I went to my locker and put all my stuff in their. I saw the note that they gave me. I got it and threw it away. I didnt care who gave it to me I was going to continue with my life. Like I said maybe it was a joke. When I got to the office Lucy and Logan were their waiting and I have to hurry up to go to the guys game before it ended.

"Thanks guys for coming with me" I said to them and they just nodded. We went inside the pricipals office who was waiting for us. His head went up when he saw us.

"Alex I have been waiting so what was that you wanted to ask." He said.

"We wanted to know what colors are the dance going to be for our costumes?" I asked.

"Well they could be black but it is your choice cause it is a mask dance" He said. We just nodded for what he said.

"Alright bye Mr.Blent we need to go to the game before my brother gets worried sense it already started" I said to him.

"Okay but im going to too so I think I will see you their" He said. He stood up from his desk and we left with him to the field or the game. Then I remembered that I forgot my phone in my locker.

"Guys go without me I need to get my phone from my locker but I will see you their." I told them. Lucy wanted to go with me and I let her. Logan left to the game to save some seats while me and Lucy left to get my phone. When me and Lucy went to my locker we saw that a note was sticking out. Not another one please, I said in my head.

"Lucy tell me that is not another note" I told her. She just nodded her head really slowly. Really who is this guy with the notes. I got it and read it. It said: 'I will get you very soon just dont wait, LOVE YOU.' This guy needs to stop before I go crazy. Ijust wanted to cry and never stop, this was the most scary thing I know and I think I needed to talk to the counsler. I told Lucy my plan of talking with the counsler and she agreed but we needed to go now. I got my phone and left to the counsler. When we got their the counsler was their in her desk reading some papers. We went inside.

"Mrs. I think I have a problem" I said almost crying cause I sure wanted. She looked at me and I knew she saw the panick in my eyes.

"Okay calm down what is going on." She made me and Lucy seat down on the seat. We told her everyting seens the beginning till right now. She just nodded her head but didnt seem convinced it was real.

"Okay but are yous sure it is not a joke" She asked us. We looked at her cause is she crazy, we just told her everything that happened and she still doesnt believe us.

"We are sure and please help us" Lucy said. I guess she was desperate too.

"Okay but just wait I dont think it is nothing" She told us." You know that their has been kids with notes like that here that are just a joke."

"You know what lets go Lucy I dont know why I came here anymore" I said to Lucy. We left and I told Lucy that we needed to protect each other now.

"Come on lets go to the game before they search for us and remember dont tell anyone, we just need to protect each other" I told her. She nodded her head and looked like she wanted to cry. I holded her in my arms for a while until she calmed down. We left to the game and found Logan who was worried shit about us.

"What happened I was going to go look for you two" He said.

"Nothing we just needed to go to the restroom really quick" I lied to him. I was a good lier so he believed me.

"alright and the game is half way" he told us.

" Okay who is winning" I asked him.

"We are and your brother said he was going to talk to you at the end of the game."

"Why does he want to talk to me?" I asked but mostly to me.

"I dont know but lets just wait and find out" He said.
(Sorry I dont know nothing about football so Im going to skip it)

chapter 20-(alex's pov.)

The game had ended and our team had won. Everybody was cheering and shouting from the won. I really didn't care I wasn't interested in the football game thing. I just don't get it and to me it was great cause I prefer dancing. I needed to just talk with my brother like he said he would at the end of the game but I couldn't cause he was way more busy being popular and admiring their cheers for him and the other guys. I just text him to talk to me in the house I sure needed to get ready for my date with Ace and I was sure looking for it. I was leaving with both Lucy and Logan they were my ride to the house. I got my bag and left I didn't like to stay and show of that he was my brother, I was already proud of him and his friends. I didn't need to show it to them how I was proud. We left and of course I needed to ask something to Lucy right now.

"So Lucy can I ask you something?" I said to her.

"You just did" She said back to me. I just smiled at her.

"Okay I will take that as a yes" I said back to her with a grin." So who was your first kiss cause I sure do want to know" I said to her. I saw her that her face had gone a little pale and I just wanted to laugh of her reaction.

"W-why do y-you want to know "She studded but still didn't look at me.

"Cause I now a little secret" I said in my head but instead answered." I will like to know how it feels cause maybe I'm having mine today" I told her with a smile.

"Is it really your first kiss?"Logan said amused.

"Yes and please don't tease me okay?" I told him. He sure was going to mess with me cause he gave me a smirk saying that it hadn't ended. Well I'm a tomboy and I don't go around kissing people for no reason.

"It just feels magical like you never would have imagined" She told me with a smile but still had her face pale.

"Thank you but I just wanted to know who was your first kiss" I said to her. She even got more pale and I don't know how it is possible.

"Okay I will tell you, it is about time i told you," she said."Your brother was my first kiss."

"I knew it!" I yelled while pumping my fist up. Mean while Logan had a shocked look and it was super funny that i couldnt hold it in and started to laugh.

"How did you know that he was my first kiss?" Lucy asked me.

"Oh that, i saw you guys when we were little and he gave you a kiss," I said it really casually like nothing special happened, but on the inside i was really happy cause I was really sure that my brother liked my best friend since they were little.

"Your not mad," she asked like I was going to attack her at any moment. Hahaha now that will be funny.

"No and it was when we were little, why would I be mad?" I asked her.

"Because it is your brother we are talking about," She said back.

"Dont worry and I dont care what you do with my brother but he better not steal you from me," I said while trying to make a serious voice.

"Well i am surprised cause i would have never thought that he was your first kiss" Logan said after a while.

"Okay believe it and please lets just change the subject cause i dont want to talk about it anymore." Lucy said.

"okay alright, because now i have to get ready for my date tonight."I said with a very excited voice, but with a squeal at the end and i dont know where that came from cause I never squeal. Why am I turning into such a girl.

Chapter 21- Alex´s POV.

I have never been told what to do and everyone knows that even my brother. Today was my first date with Ace and I didnt want to ruin it, even if I had to act all girly but Ace already knew me too well. I started first by telling Lucy if she could help me and she said yes with a squeal like always. Fisrt she started to do my hair then went to the rest. It was really fustrating when i really excited girl is pulling my hair till i dont have anything. At last she was done and i already wanted to look in the mirror because she wouldnt let me look at my self not even a little bit.
"Is that really me?" I asked because i couldnt believe who i was seen in the mirror, it was not me all I saw was a very hot and sexy girl that I couldnt believe was me.
"Well believe it because right now you are a smoking girl that needs to hurry because her date is in 10 minutes and he is going to come for you any minute," Lucy said with a really bright smile.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.06.2012

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i dedicate this book to everyone. i hope you like it.

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