
It started when..


The light was flickering I knew I wasn’t in my bedroom anymore the soft pita patter of the drops of rain hitting the already full puddle at the end of the alleyway I knew he was there I could feel it I didn’t need to turn around I knew he wasn’t there but I could feel his presence behind me I wanted to get out of there as quick as I could I knew this was a dream but it feels so real I looked down at myself now conscience my old tank top was fading the dark blue of it now almost white you can’t even tell, the shorts I was wearing were just above my knees the night was so warm I didn’t bother wearing my pyjamas so as the wind blew across my body it felt cold like the feeling of ice being rubbed across your skin it made my insides crawl if didn’t get out of here I knew he would get me I started walking towards the end of the alleyway to the street I’ve been in this dream too long I knew the place  inside out but tonight it was different as I reached the entrance to the darkened street with the one street light illuminating the bus stop I felt a cold hand touch my bare neck I turned around so fast I almost got whiplash my body froze my dull brown eyes meeting those of such clear rich green ones “ now, now Ruby no need to be frightened I won’t hurt you” his voice sounded so convincing and deep I almost believed him, I tried to step back but he held me his large hands circling around my small waist stopping me from stepping back I couldn’t go with this anymore why was I having these nightmares the same one over and over again.. I looked down my eyes full of despair I didn’t even try to hide my emotions that moment like I always do “what do you want from me” I looked down now studying the concrete as if it was the one I was talking to I couldn’t risk looking into his eyes. Those eyes….so green so clear and bright but deep down they were cold and soulless. “look at me” he ordered I tried my best to fight the urge and not look at him I knew I would drown if I looked into those eyes “Ruby  look at me” his voice demanding I betrayed myself and looked at him trying hard not to focus too much attention on his eyes but he didn’t seem to mind “I need you to listen let me prove myself to you let me show you that you can love me.. his voice getting fainter at the end I didn’t even hear it.


“RUBY! RUBY! WAKE UP!” Mom? What MUM! I sat up on my bed so quickly I almost hit my mum in the head she started laughing then telling me it was 8am and I should get ready for my first day as a senior she walked out of my room talking to herself about how clumsy I was and that I got it from my father. You see that’s the problem my dad died in a car accident 4 years ago him and mum were the best couple practically doing everything together I’m serious they would even open a freakin can together they were super close he was awesome I miss him every year of every month of every week of every day of every hour of every minute of every second I know that’s a lot but hey it’s my dad.I know what happened was an accident the car crash I mean no one could stop it from happening. I got up and went into the ensuite connected to my bedroom mum redesigned this bathroom turning every object a sparkly white that the whole room was shining as the light that poured in through the window capturing the stones inside the granite top and making it sparkle. After a quick shower I tried to straighten my hair which was a fail in the end I gave up my fight with the hair straightener that I just left my hair natural and out the soft light curls of my chestnut hair dipping all the way to my lower back. I put on a short pleated skirt that reached my knees and a plain white –shirt that I tucked into the skirt pairing it off with a small belt I opted for gladiator flats than heels I didn’t want to look tardy on the first day back people seem to judge you a lot just by how you look so yeah not that I really could give two wits about it. I went down stairs and bid goodbye to mum kissing her cheek on my way out “honey! Did you have breakfast!?’’  I turned around and shouted from the hallway “no mum! Ill grab something along the way doesn’t worry!” as I was about to open the door my mum called out “ok honey have fun now and don’t forget to tell me all about your first day!” at that I closed the door behind me and made my way to my blue ford KA2. I put the radio on blast and my favourite song at the moment started playing by Sam and the womp BOM-BOM you just can’t help dancing to this song it’s so upbeat and lively just what I needed for my short boring drive to Lakewood high we didn’t even live near a lake stupid I know. On the red light I looked sideways my eyes getting a glimpse of a shiny black porches’ the windows were tinted black so I couldn’t see who was the driver clearly probably some rich old man but then why do I suddenly feel a chill going through my body. I didn’t even realise I was daydreaming until I could hear the beeping horns of the drivers behind me I saw the green light flashing and I put my foot down on the accelerator a bit too hard since I could see a little cloud of smoke behind me. As I parked my car in the students parking lot I felt the same chill go through me again I somehow found myself looking to my right and saw the black shiny Porsche that was next to me on the motorway not too long ago some of the kids started crowded against it admiring it probably but whose Porsche was that? It couldn’t be a students and I don’t think it’d likely be a teacher so maybe a parent? Or someone of a higher status? .The school bell rang and at that precise moment Mrs Inglewood came out shooing the students away from the expensive car. I got my bag and held on to it a bit tighter feeling the straps clinging to my shoulders. I made my slow long journey to attendance  Mrs Perry my attendance teacher was pretty nice even though I was 5 minutes late she still marked my name and said it was ok if I was a bit late and that were only humans seriously I love that teacher and I think everyone does two. I checked my timetable English urgghh no I absolutely hate advanced English but I’m genius at it and plus its compulsory for you to do it room: 244 nooh that was upstairs I couldn’t be bothered climbing all the way. As I made it to my designated classroom I saw that many of the students have already sat down and that the only spots left were at the front next to this girl I’ve never met and Jeremy  at the back the weird gothic guy , guess its new girl then I made my way towards her desk and sat on the free chair next to her “hey this spot taken” I politely asked even though I knew it wasn’t I didn’t want her to seem like a loner “ no its free actually your welcome to sit in it if you want” “ ok thanks I’m Ruby by the way I’ve been at this school since well forever I’m guessing that your new right?” she smiled shyly “hey I’m Emma yeah is it that easy to tell” “well yeah kind of I haven’t seen you around like ever so yeah I guess” I answered her confused because if you were knew everyone would notice?..Duh. OMG....’ did you see him his like….’he looks yummy’…’no I think…’I’m going to faint....’ some of the cheerleaders were gossiping the girls really need to get a reality check if there still talking about Toby Morris the football captain of our school Lakewood eagles. 

“Ok class settle down and take your seats I’m Mr Giovanni and I’ll be your new English teacher since Mrs Woods won’t be joining us this year”

Wait that voice that deep velvety voice I’ve heard so many times it couldn’t be no! It just couldn’t I turn my head at that precise moment he looked at me and our eyes meet…..

Just where you wanted me to be..


“But please call me Mr G” it was like he was talking to me and I was the only one in the room he was talking to. His brows furrowed than arching up with an astonished look those bright green eyes seamed darker than almost Smokey green that defined jaw line those full light lips his facial expression almost turned instantly the astonishment quickly wiped away and replaced by a smirk that I found my eyes being pulled to his lips again almost inviting.. ‘How old are you! ‘What’s your first name Mr G?’ the moment shattered by the quizzical students his eyes left mine and at that moment I felt empty almost needing his eyes to be focused on me what was he doing why was he here he was only meant to be in my dreams my beautiful nightmares not here not as my English teacher for pits sakes!.

I turned around and saw him engaged in a conversation with the head cheerleader of Lakewood high her small build sitting on the wooden chair leaning provocatively close to him it was so absolutely obvious that she was flirting with him or at least trying to by the looks of it her skimpy dress sense and shortage of brain cells weren’t enough for an easy catch her ways of flirting definitely were rumour has it she practically slept with the whole male population of Lakewood I know what you’re thinking.

“wow thank god I moved aye he is a delight  what do you think Ruby?” Emma stared at me awaiting my answer her baby blue eyes fixated on the backside of Mr G she returned her gaze to me again “yeah whatever” I replied not to interested with how drop dead sexy he looked without even seeing his face I looked down and got my notebook out to take down any notes in this lesson but by the looks with his interaction with Amanda Clarke I guess that won’t be happening anytime soon.

He turned around catching me in the act of staring at him my cheeks grew warm but I could feel the cold sensation that came over me every time he looked at me he gave me a smile small but genuine I almost melted but no something wasn’t right about him there was this aura present around him almost dark and mysterious which he sure was did he know me did he remember me or was this all a coincidence.

start of flashback

“STAND BACK! NO! MISS YOU CAN’T GO THROUGH THIS BARRIER” DAD! Daaad! I shrieked my voice being less and less audible they wouldn’t let me and mum pass the barrier the paramedics were getting dad out of the car blood was everywhere people started crowding around the wreckage of the two cars I couldn’t see who was in the other car but there was someone leaning against it he looked around to be 16-17? Long jet black hair that reached his shoulders the look on his face was one of pure panic and anger now I knew he was the one the one who was the self-centred teenager who was speeding and killed my dad “I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!” I screamed out hopping he would hear me he did he looked at me straight into my eyes those eyes clear as daylight tinted with emerald “ I hate you..” my voice was soft inaudible even but I got a feeling he knew what I said he mouthed four words I would never forget in reply ‘I’m-Sorry-Forgive-Me?’ “Never” I turned my head breaking our locked gaze I returned into my mums wide open arms “we will be ok everything will be fine I promise everything will be ok sweetheart I promise” she stroked my hair repeating those words trying to convince me and herself. I started having those nightmares the night after the accident I would stand there in that dark alley trying to figure out where I was and how I should get out he would find me and try to make me forgive him for what he did I wouldn’t and he would become violent but never hurting me he was so sweet he grew up with me in my dreams and every night he would invade my mind and I would let him take over but never giving him the chance in forgiving him no matter what he did’.

End of flashback

I got up and out of my chair almost knocking it over I had to leave I had to get out of here I couldn’t take it anymore the chair scraped against the polished tiled floor I grabbed my notebook and held it tightly in my hands I made fast movement towards the door when he came in front of me blocking my only exit out then I remembered there was the stock room and I could easily go through there I turned around and he moved aside thinking I would go back to my seat I made fast movement towards the stock room door and tried to open the other door inside which led to the hallway of Lakewood high but he came into the small room his hand gripped mine on the handle of the door not hard but enough to stop me opening the door he gripped my other arm and I let my notebook go falling freely down on the ground with a small thud  I turned around to face him but later realised how close I was to him so close in fact that half of my body was pressed against he’s I looked up embarrassed by the awkward situation “let me go” I said in a breathy voice “no, not until you tell me why you are running away from me young lady” I laughed ha actually laughed “young lady? Really your so demanding E...Th...An” he arched his eyebrow and the small action made me laugh again he’s serious gone and replaced by a goofy look which made him even more attractive. “guess I should get those giggles out of your system huh” and with that I didn’t even know what he was up to when his soft lips connected with the hollow of my neck I couldn’t help but sigh but then the horrible truth came crashing down and I knew it everything about him how he killed my father , how he invaded my dreams every night, how he was now my teacher and how 20 students were waiting for him in the class only a few mere meters away I had to make him let go of me forever...

the truth



 I pushed on his hands to try and pry him off me I was getting weak every time he kissed there the soft spot near my collar bone “please Ethan let me go I don’t want you” I knew that I didn’t mean it but I had to say it in order for him to let me go. That seemed to have had an effect on him because he let me go so abruptly like I was burning hot metal against his skin I looked up at his face and in that moment?, second he looked so sad. ..Disappointed that I almost felt like telling him I was joking but soon later those emotions on his face were gone his face portraying nothing but coldness something caught my eye then a thin mirror placed against the stone wall but it wasn’t the mirror alone that caught my eye it was was the reflection that I could see.

A pinkish/red love bite was their bright against my light olive skin I quickly pulled my hair over it so it wasn’t as visible as before but unfortunately he saw it a smirk appeared on his lips almost playful “come here” I said he quirked his eyebrow but still obliged and came closer I could already smell his scent sweet with hint of the spicy cologne he uses I couldn’t help myself I lost it I grabbed him by the shirt and forcefully pushed him closer if that was possible I let my hand slide down on top of his shirt I could now feel how light it was now his muscles tensed underneath my hand and I secretly smiled to myself knowing that I could have that effect on him.

I leaned my head up so that I could see his face I leaned closer to him our face just inches apart and pressed my lips against him lightly but he pushed his lips closer and kissed me hard so hard my lips ached with the passion that ignited my body I could feel myself melt into him when he grabbed on to my thigh and hoisted me up so I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his built waist I had to stop and go up for air but he didn’t stop there he started kissing my neck and nibbling on the soft flesh igniting a soft moan from me I knew he was smirking even though I couldn’t see it, I pulled him up and planted I kiss on his lips he growled.

“stay after class ruby” he said and with that put me back on the ground and made his way out of the closet holding a big box full of English textbooks “ oh can you get the Romeo and Juliet books behind you on the top shelf also” and with that he left my mouth opened wide and shocked at what happened how I let myself do that yuck….not really I thought he was an amazing kisser that was for sure I knew I couldn’t stay here any longer and then remembered that the class was still out there.

I was surprised when I walked back into the classroom everyone was talking loudly off huddled into their small groups I was expecting silence and accusatory looks from my peers.

I quickly walked to my seat and plopped down, suddenly remembering the love bite that was on my neck I fished I scarf out of my bag and wrapped it around my neck making sure the mark was out of sight. Ethan looked in my direction then, with a knowing smile plastered on his face. “CLASS QUITE PLEASE” his voice boomed it sounded so delectable everyone’s eyes shifted towards him stopping their obnoxious chatter. “I know it’s the first day back as seniors and everyone’s excited…”DANM STARIGHT!” one of the jocks shouted earning a few excited cheers from the rest of the class “But as seniors you also have to remember you have to work so I will be handing out these books you must finish reading them by the end of this week and then you will have sort of a mini test I have made about it” the class starts booing and Ethan just laughs evilly.

The end of the period has finally come and as I’m about to make my exit from the classroom a voice stops me in my tracks “Miss wild could you please stay behind?” it sounded like a question but I knew it wasn’t ugh damn you I cursed him under my breath and turned around to face him “what do you want?” I asked icily he of course just smirked “don’t you remember me Ruby? Or yes that’s it you do” his voice didn’t hide the mocking undertone. Then his face turned dark and in one swift motion he was two inches away from my face “I’m sorry ruby…” his lips curved in a sad apologetic smile I turned my gaze back to his eyes the lightest of green l have ever seen the light contours on his golden skin down to his full lips begging for attention, a sliver of hair tumble from my pony tail then he tucked it behind my ear leaving him touching my face he stepped closer bringing me to him holding my face with both hands now forever moving closer… closer. Closer almost nothing separating us now. It was as if then my brain had dramatically been switched on “No… I can’t do this” I couldn’t force myself to look in his eyes I wouldn’t want to see it he would just pull me back in take everything away I didn’t give anything away and I wouldn’t be starting now. I unclasped his hands from my face and walked away picking up my bag that had dropped to the ground and loudly banging the door by accident on my way out.

I couldn’t see where I was going tears clouding my eyes preventing me not to see anything the dropped freely on my cheek making a burning trail down my face I didn’t know why I was crying. I hated myself for even doing that it was painful I’ve never cried since the…accident I willed myself to stop. CRASH my books were sprawled on the floor the hallways were silent with all the students in the cafeteria probably, my legs got tangled around my bag while leaning down before the I could fall I was caught mid-air around the waist by a strong hand I was slowly lifted up so that now I could face the person holding me his hands were still around my waist his skin a glowing pale colour my eyes trailed upwards met by dark ones tinted black and glassy you could almost see your reflection pale unmarked skin and that’s when I noticed the scar almost translucent on the side of his neck. And then it came to me rushing like a tidal wave I was angry, I was angry a stranger had seen me like this…vulnerable, weak “LET ME GO!” I screamed half wailed at him he looked at me those dark orbs trained piercingly at me and then as if I almost imagined it the corners of his mouth quirked upward and instantly that was gone. “why the tears may I ask?” hes voice melodic as if an angel was talking… that’s it I’ve lost it now imaging things and hearing angels what’s next…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.04.2013

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To my friends shanks

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