

Rachel was making a weird look at me.

"Well, Lily, if I were you I'd go jump off a cliff. You know what it's like to have 50 boys follow you like PUPPY DOGS who are begging to ask you for the Easter Hop Prom next Friday."

I look at Rachel. Her icy blue eyes glanced at my green eyes. Her mouth was a frown and her eyebrows were all the way down, cause I stole her boyfriend. My heart pounded real fast, sweat coming down from my cheek and felt faint. My hands were feeling numb, and I couldn't breath. I felt very ill when this happen. "Well, Lily," Rachel said, twirling her brown hair. "I think you should get out of here before I have Amanda come and make

you leave." She said. Rachel looked at me, and sashayed into her house. I dropped my backpack at that girl. I started to cry and cry about the words. Her voice was haunting my head, causing a brain freeze. A little bit from my ice cream at lunch, but it was pain. /font>


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2012

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