
Zander's Miracle

      "Look, I am tired. This entire day has been a terrible mess. I am going home to grab some much needed rest. If you wish to ascertain any more questions they may wait until tomorrow. I will endeavour to be nice, refrain from using sarcasm, and go through everything as much as many times as you will. Good night Officer Wannamaker." On a last thought Callie Covac turned back to Officer Wannamaker.

      "Will you walk me home in case one of the bad guys is in my house?" She tried her best to relax, but it wasn't happening. So she forged on with what needed to be said.

      With a look of genuine fear she forged on. "I wasn't kidding when I said, 'Today has been a terrible mess. "

      No Callie was not joking. Her day began by finding a knife in one of her car's tires; with the other three slit. There wasn't any saving her new tires. They were $300 a piece. 

      She called into work letting her employer know what happened,  snapped a few pictures for proof, and called the cops. When their report was finished they left with out saying a word.

      As a result of slit tires she was force to borrow four jacks from her landlord. Promising that, for the amount of days she kept his jacks; he could take her on a date of his choosing.

      Unfortunately, the man was as ugly on the inside as he was on the outside. She would be paid in a week. That meant eight dates that she would be forced to endure his bad breath and sweaty door. GREAT!!!

      By the time she arrived at work, three blocks away, half of her work day was over, there was a rip in her hose, and her skirt was stained with only God knows what.

      She began working immediately by; cleaning all of the kennels, bathing all of the animals, fed, watered, and walked the ones who needed it. Once that was completed she tended to their cuts, grabbed a five minute break, she began her medical classes for the day.

     She set a few broken bones, dissected a tumor, de-clawed a cat, neutered a couple dogs, and politely told a few clients to fuck off in a way that had them smiling as they left. Some people should not own, or have another living being under their care.

      She was begining her nightly closing ritual, when two beefy men barged in. One carried a mangled dog, the other, some kind of bag. She was in her "rush" mode. A mode in which she transeds into when the life of a critter depends on her. So she didn't see they were wearing ski masks until she held the bleeding dog, in her arms. She almost dropped the poor dear when she realized what was happening. 

      Callie screamed. The poor dog whimpering in her arms began growling at the men. Callie used the training she occurred during her time as a bank teller, while slowly backing up towards the operating room.

She noticed piercing blue eyes on the taller one. He was wearing heeled Tony Loma cowboy boots, Calvin Cline jeans, Justin Gypsy red white and black shirt, and a black Stetson cowboy hat. 

      The gun in is hand was a 40 calibre Smith and Wesson M&P Shield. Its safety was on. Thank you Lord for small favours. He was about six foot two inches, maybe. Definitely white. His hands were weathered as if he worked hard out, in the sun, for a living. That is fairly common in Texas.

      The shorter man looked to be about her height at five foot three inches. His eyes were a blue green mix. He was almost dark tan in color. He was dressed identical to his counter part crime mate. His gun looked like a semi rusted 40 calibre Baby Desert Eagle. Their ski masks must have holes up top for their hats to fit. Hmmm.

      "Are you the only person here?" The shorter one asked. He acted as if he were in charge. His voice was deep, a baritone maybe, and a little gravely.

      Callie raised her voice so Vanity would hear. Maybe she wouldn't  come rushing out. "Yes, I am the only one here. I don't appreciate guns pointed at my face! Aim both weapons else where please. I'll do what ever you want after this poor baby is taken care of. He looks as if he is about to kick the bucket." Callie turned her back on the criminals. She hated to do so. Knew that it was dumb, but the fact was that poor dog really did not look well. Scared as she was she knew the dog needed her. So that is what she tried to focus on.

      "Don't turn your back on us little lady. You will do as we say! Not the other way around. We want all of the clinic's money. NOW!" The shorter one snarled in her ear. 

      "Kill me if you want. You won't find the safe with out my help. I won't help until this baby is safe." She stated with conviction. 'I may be scared out of my mind, but if they are going to kill me I won't be able to stop them any how. May as well go out doing what I love.'

      "Show us the safe, and then deal with the dog. Other wise I will kill the dog." Baritone snarled in her ear, while yanking on her braid.

      Callie backed her way into the operating room, and laid her charge on the operating table. Turning her music on, she washed up. Hoping Vanity recieved her message loud and clear she calmly stated. "The safe is through those doors, behind the "hang in there" poster. No, I do not know the code. Good luck."

      'Please, Vanity, please tell me you called the cops, and slipped out the window by now. Poor baby.' This dog was covered in precise deep cuts. He was missing four square patches of skin, and one of his ears was cut down the middle. Looking in his eyes; they were in great shape. They tell me that he was well hydrated, despite the blood loss. His tail and paws looked wonderful as well. Well manicured and painted red.

      Callie placed an IV in his front right leg, with a bag of blood attached. She pushed meds through the IV to knock him out. No point in allowing him more suffering.

      She set to work cleaning, stitching,and replacing skin and cuts. She stitched his ear up last. "Poor baby what is your name?" Looking at his name tag on the collar. "Polar bear huh? Let me clean you up while you're unconscious."

      Police sirens lit up the sky. 'Thank you Vanity.'

      " You are surrounded! This is the Austin, Texas Police Department. We do not negotiate with terrorists. You have to the count of three to come out with your hands up! Otherwise S.W.A.T. will take you out!" Came a loud voice. It reverberated throughout the clinic.

      With Polar Bear taken care of, and in a kennel, Callie hid in an empty cupboard marked for towels, and waited for a savior.

      "Damn it! George, where is that woman?!"  Yelled baritone.

      "Duh, I don't know Damien. I was with you. Well, I was watching you crack the safe." 

      "George Lukas Wiggins! Why were you watching me, when ma wanted you to watch the victims? She is going to be very cross with you. We need to go, now." There was a lot of banging and cursing going on. Callie curled in more on her self.

      "Damien I like watchin' you work. I am gonna tell ma you said my name. She will be mad at you to."

      "Hey dummy. The chick is gone no-one can hear us."

      "How do we get out Damian? Tha cops have us surrounded."

      "Like ma said; the roof has an exit. It's this way."

      Callie refused to budge for fear the thieves had not really gone. 'I believe I'll stay right here. At least until Vanity gives the all clear.'

      A few seconds later a bright light filtered in through the cracks of the cabinet. It was followed by a deafening sound. Ears ringing Callie covered them and silently cried.

     Her hearing slowly returned. "Clear! Clear! Clear!" Hollering voices echoed through out the building.

      "Ma'am is this some kind of joke? I don't find it funny!"

      "Do I look like the joking type? No! Hold on a minute, would you?" Vanity turned away from the S.W.A.T. member hollering for her employee. "Callie. Sweaty it is all clear. You are safe hun. I promise. Callie!" 

      Callie slowly unfurled. Clearing her face as best as she could with her sleeve. She crawled out of her hiding place. 

      "I'm fine Vanity. I am glad that you heard me, and climbed to safety." Vanity smothered Callie in a bear hug. 

      That was how Officer Wannamaker found them. Interrupting their moment of relief, he began his barrage of questions.  Callie, of course,  answered them the best she could. Telling him what she was able to remember. Names, physical descriptions, sounds of their voices, the dog, how she suspected their involvement in harming the poor dear, how she escaped them, and how they escaped the cops. Well, she did till she had enough.

      "Yes ma'am I'll escort you home. Go ahead and get in my car. I'll drive you."

      Officer Wannamaker is a tall well built man. I would say about six foot, and maybe 230 pounds of pure muscled man. Alas he possessed a wedding ring. He was attached to one lucky woman.

      "I live at 1012 Florida street. It is three blocks west of here. Thank you for the ride officer."

      "I figured this way I can ask some personal questions." He tossed her an award winning smile.

      "I'm sorry officer, like I said I am too tired and cranky too answer any more questions. I would rather not be any more rude than I already have been. You probably think that I'm a bitch. That would be my exhausted  personality for you." Callie leaned back further in the comfy car seat and closed her eyes.

      "Nah, you are not being a bitch. You were acting just like my wife when she is exhausted. I am use to it. My main question is if we are not able to find the culprits and their mom; would you be willing to go into hiding? Only I would know where you are. I have a cousin in Alaska who would be willing to pay you under the table indefinitely.  That way you wouldn't have to change your job title. Unfortunately you wouldn't be able to contact your family. Well maybe you could through my cousin and me. Have him email me letters, and I could give them to your family. Ah listen to me think out loud. Rambling, it drives my wife nuts." He giggled.

      "Do you think that they would come after me?"

      "We will need you to testify in court. With the charges that these two numb sculls have against them and their mom... I would say yes. Not maybe; but a resounding YES they will." He gazed at me intently. So I would understand the dept of shit I am in.

      "Yes sir I would."

      "I'll contact you in two days time to let you know the verdict."

      "This is me. Would you check out my house? No-one but me lives there." Callie said a little on the shaky side.

      "No problem sweets." Shaking his head and smirking he climbed out of the car. The door to her apartment was unlocked. Strange. He noticed the look in her eyes, and pulled his gun. "A bad day huh?"

      Grabbing the radio on his shirt he called for back-up for a possible B&E. Giving the address. He waited five minutes, gun trained on her door the whole time, for back-up.

      Hearing the sirens he looked at Callie. "Stay in the car, and lock the doors until someone knocks on the window." Without another word Officer Wannamaker barged into the apartment. Cop cars pulling up left and right, lights and sirens, blaring through the night, made Callie feel a little less hopeless. Half of the officers spilled out of their cars, and into the apartment quick as a wink. The other half sat a perimeter up around the premises.

      Startled by a knock on the car's window; Callie's shaky hands rolled the window down enough to speak through. Looking up she recognized the cop from that morning standing on the other side of the glass pane. 

      "Hello Officer Higgs.  Officer Wannamaker was nice enough to drive me home, and check out my apartment. Thank the Lord for his diligence. It has been an awful day."

      Right as Officer Higgs was to speak Officer Wannamaker hauled a man out of her apartment.  The man's hands were cuffed behind his back.  He was a tinny bit on the chubby side. His brunette hair was an unruly mess. He wore a Gray hoody, black jeans,dark purple shoes, and his head was bent low hiding his face. Despite all of this Callie  recognized her brother. Pushing the car door open as hard as possible, Callie ran to her brother.

      Before she could get a word out edge wise Officer Wannamaker  stated clearly. "This man is wanted for questioning about a liquor store robbery down town. He was grabbing money from your mantle,  along with a few other valuables. Do you know him?" Finally looking at Callie's face, he saw the hurt.

      "Yes. His name is Ayden Lane Connors. Ayden lives at 304 west pine street. He is my baby brother." Callie shifted her gaze to Ayden. 

      "Did you have anything to do with the robbery of the liquor store?" 

      "Yes." He replied solemnly.

      "Who all was involved?" When he didn't answer she asked again.

      "Ayden, who all was involved?"

      "James, Jonny, Robert, and Myra."

      "Did you do it willingly?"


      "Why?" She sadly asked.

      "I wanted Myra to like me, and to fit in somewhere."

      "Why did you try to steal from me? Why break in? Why not call? You know if I am able to; I would help you."  Callie wrapped her arms around Ayden's shoulders.

      She whispered,  "My bunny I love you." Pulling away she let him see her tears fall. He knew he hurt Callie in the worst possible way.

      Crying now Ayden replied, "It was dark out when I arrived. I saw your car here, and you didn't answer when I knocked. So I thought you were in the shower. I used your hid-a-key in the vent by the door. The one you left for me in case of emergencies. I needed help out of a bad situation.

      You weren't here so I went for the money, but it wasn't enough. I swear sis I was going to replace everything. They were going to kill my dog, Polar Bear. They were cutting him up pretty badly. They said that if I didn't pay up they would kill him. Then after Bear, if I still didn't pay, they would go after you at the clinic. I'm so sorry sissy, but that Wiggins family is just plain nuts. When they say they will kill; they mean they will kill." Crying harder, he fell to his knees.

      Callie looked at Officer Wannamaker.  "Do you still have to take him in? He is a material witness for my case. I can keep him here. He won't run from me. Please Officer Wannamaker. "

      "Im afraid so ma'am.  He did just admit to a burglary.  Being a witness to what happened at the clinic tonight may help him out."

      "Callie Co what happened at the clinic?"

      "Sorry son your sister has had a very ruff day. We are going to allow her sleep. You are going to jail for the night at the very least. I will bring you up to speed on the way." He would stay true to his word. Leading Ayden to the car, Officer Wannamaker yelled over his shoulder. "An officer will be posted near you at all times. Tonight two will be outside and one indoors. Those are your volunteers. Goodnight ma'am." With that he climbed in the driver's seat and sped off with Ayden locked in back.

      "Ma'am I am Reesa . These two knuckle heads are Kavika and Kalauni. Twins and a pain. They mean well enough. I will be indoors with you. So please lead the way." Reesa stated this in her no nonsense athorative way. Leaving no room for argument.

      "Go ahead and make yourself at home. The kitchen is through there. This is obviously the living room; and I am going to the bathroom for a long hot shower." Callie stated never once glancing at Reesa. 

      After grabbing her night clothes Callie headed for the shower. 'Hmmmm this feels so good. It is just what I needed. I don't like having people in my home that I don't know. Well I guess it's better safe than sorry. I'll grab my gun from under the bathroom sink, and place it on my ratty old night stand. Almond shampoo. I forgot how wonderful this stuff smells. Yummy. Hurry finish your shower . It's bedtime.' Callies thoughts always tended to the scrambled side.


What now

       Groggy; Callie opened her eyes. Glancing at the clock, she jumped out of bed. "Shit!!! I'M LATE!!!"

      She stumbled over her fallen pillow. Sucking in air sharply, she gained her footing once again. A bit more carefully, she hastened to the closet. 'Shirt, pants, bra, panties, socks, tank top, shoes, and head band. Great, I need to hustle. Faster Callie. Get the lead out."

      Finally dressed and refreshed; Callie Dashed out of the bathroom. Not paying attention she ran smack dab in to Officer Reesa; knocking them both over.

      "Well good morning to you to sunshine. What are you doing?"

      "Work! Running late!" Callie almost made it yo the door when Reesa reminded her of her boss giving her the next two days off.

      "If you feel like, we can go down town so you can see your brother. I am sure he would love that." Reesa stated jovially.

      "You are a morning person aren't you? Never mind. Are you hungry? I'll make waffles, sausage patties, eggs, biscuits,and cut up strawberries. We can have orange juice, milk or tea to drink. Afterwards we may visit my brother. I'll bring him the left overs."

      "That sounds amazing. Do you have any honey?"

      Food finished, and the table set, Reesa and Callie fixed the twin plates. After they each were handed their portions Reesa and Callie rushed back to the table to fix their own plates before the food cooled.

      "My Grandma Till use to make us homemade biscuits and serve them with warm honey every morning. She did it so we wouldnt be hungry before we climbed in the bus every morning. At least that's what she told us. I think she just loved having kids around every morning. It always seemed to put an extra bounce to her step. Any way I make a point to do the same. Unfortunately I do not always succeed. Ayden has always loved my food, but the biscuits are his favourite."

      "It sounds as though you have a very loving family. You are lucky to have those experiences to remember."

      When everyone finished eating, the leftovers were packaged up, and the dishes were washed. "Off to see my brother."

      One stop later.

      "Come on Polar Bear. I'll be your new owner until Ayden is capable of taking care of you properly. He didn't do his job when it came to protecting you." Snuggling Polar Bear in her arms, carrying him to the police car, Callie spoke softly in his ear.

      The poor dear was still in excruciating pain. She ment what she said. She was taking him home to care for him. He definitely has spirit.

      "Callie a word; if you would please." Vanity called out.

      "Hey, Vanity I need to take this little one to the car. Then I'll be right back."

      "Just set him on the chair. He will be fine."

      This must be serious. Still holding Polar Bear in her arms; Callie sat in one of the chairs.

      "Okay, shoot. What is wrong?"

      "Wrong? Oh, nothing. I just need to make sure you are okay. With everything that happened here, and your home. I am not sure on how I would have reacted if I were in your place."

      "I am fine. I promise. I was only a little shaken. They didn't even have an eye on me when they went to crack the safe. George seemed to be a few crayons short of having a pack. I was able to save this poor fellow. He turns out to belong to Ayden. After I finished saving him I even had time to hide. I didn't suffer too much stress. I only had gun exposure for 10 minutes at most." Pasteing a smile on for her friend Callie rose.

      "I need to get going. I have a ton to do and not a lot of time. Before I go, i figure I owe you a warning. Officer Wannamaker said he may need to relocate me. I don't know where to, and I will not be able to contact anyone. bye now." Blowing her boss a friendly kiss, Callie raced out the door.

Witness protection. Kind of.

       "Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Is that home made biscuits? I'm starving. Are they all mine? Ayden looked so excited at the prospect of his sister's cooking that it made Reesa giggle.

      "Yes, Bunny, it is all for you."

      "So, what was that all about yesterday? What trouble did you have?" Ayden asked worriedly. 

      "Nothing that these officers can't handle." Callie replied evasively. She was like that. If she thought she could spare someone she cared about, then she would to the best of her ability.

      "No. I want an answer Cali Co. You had a hard day yesterday. Then I went and made it worse. Don't make me evoke the pact." Ayden replied grumpily.

      "Pact or no, I won't spill. You have enough on your plate. Look, I came mostly to see if you were doing well. You had a rough go of it yourself. So spill Bunny." Callie stated compassionately.

      "Nope. Sealed up tighter than a vault." Ayden made a zipping motion over his lips.  Playing obstinate. 

      "What ever! You were never able to keep a secrete. Any time you buy a gift you wind up blabbing about what it is before said gift is presented to the giftee." Callie chuckled.

      "Not this time sis."

      "I'll be ready to listen; when you are ready to talk. Until then bye Bunny. I love you. I have some business to discuss with Officer Wannamaker." With that last bit Callie waltzed out the door with Officer Ressa on her hills giggling.




 Zander's Point of view

      Soldotna, Alaska this is my town. Slow town as the kids call it is only ever busy during tourist season. Why; because the Kenai Peninsula has the Kenai River. The Kenai River has the best salmon fishing world wide. People from all over the globe travel here to fish, hike, climb mountains, see wild life, and to just get away. 

      We like to say we are a small drinking town with a fishing problem. Well to be honest most of the peninsula says that. There are after all so many places to fish, both secrete and public, that Hillary Clinton's lies and dead bodies together couldn't compare.

      Now here I am on Funny River Road surrounded by my land, wild life, and employees. I wouldn't have it any other way. I hate cities. I am definitely a small town man. You see I am a rancher. What kind? Cattle. I am also a farmer.

      I own 15 acres of land, two three story buildings, and around 300 critters roaming my fenced in land. It is expensive upkeep, but I enjoy it. If only I could get animal care for cheep. It's $300 just to get a shot at the clinic per critter. It's almost $500 plus $300 per critter for a vet to come to you.  Too expensive. 

      I need to figure this out. The ranch is already upside down on the loans from the previous quarter.  Unfortunately I can't sell cattle without shots. Fortunately the farm's produce will cover half of that debt. Unfortunately that produce was suppose to be for the cows food.

      Zander perks up after hearing the asshole song ringtone. Hurting to take off his gloves, zander almost missed the caller.

      "Zander what's  your need?"  He answers exasperated 

      Odd way of answering, yeah, but the only time people seem to call is if they want something. So it is fitting.

      "Yo, Zand man. How's it going? Did y'alls cops ever figure out who stole your cattle?" Wannamaker asks.

      "No. The cops here are useless. They refuse to even dust for finger prints.then they say it isnt their job to go after and find thrives. Dumb i know but there you have it. What's up cuz?" It was nice hearing my cousins voice. He is the only one who ever calls or e-mails me with out a constant agenda.

      "Unfortunately I need a favour from you.  Before you say anything listen. I'm looking to hide a witness away. She is in danger. The people she needs protecting from are sociopaths. They aren't afraid to kill. Matter of fact the relish it. 

      You could hire her on as an animal care taker, and pay her under the table. She is a top of the line certified veterinarian. She will need lodging, but not much else. So what do you think? Would you be willing to hide her?" Wannamaker founded desperate.  Not good.

      "Well it does sound rather perfect. You have great timing. Do I need yo pay for her ticket as well, or are you taking care of that?"

      " I'm taking care of that, along with giving her some money to hide her over till her first pay check." Man he sounds excited. He must have grown attached to the chick.

       "This may bite me in the butt, but I'm in." Zander sighed.


Texte: Tashia Marie Garrett (Dablemont)
Lektorat: Myself sorry Ive kids and barley any spare time.
Übersetzung: Me, myself, and I
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.06.2019

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this story to the man of my dreams, my husband Ryan Keith Dablemont. Why, because he picked up the pieces of my shattered heart and pieced them back together with a few pieces of himself added in. He is an amazing man who I probably don't deserve. I love you my hubba bubba hubby.

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