

*beep* *beep* my hands slam down on the alarm clock and I groan loudly as I roll out of bed. I walk over to my closet and pull out my black short shorts and a red crop jumper that says SWAG in big bold letters. I walk to my draws and pull out some underwear and go to have a shower.


When I get out the shower I pull on all my clothes and sit down at my desk and start to do my makeup. I put on some eye liner over my deep brown eye shadow and put some lip gloss on, I top it all off with blusher and I’m done. I look around for what shoes I am going to wear and decide to go with my Nike wedges and not my Jordan’s.  So I lace myself up and grab my back pack. I take one more look in the mirror to check myself out. I wouldn’t call myself pretty but I’m not ugly either. I have long black wavy hair that reaches my belly button with shocking blue streaks; I have big grey bluey eyes and big lips. I also have long caramel legs and curves but I’m not fat. I guess I looked ok but I can’t judge myself so I don’t really know.  *knock* “Shana are you ready we need to go we don’t want to be late on our first day!” yelled my brother from outside my door. He pulls me out of the train of thought that I’m in and I look once more towards the mirror before grabbing my car keys and running to open my door. “What’s up Kaykey?” I say with a smile on my face using the nick name that I have used since I was a little girl. Me and my brother are close I mean he’s all I have since my mum and dad work and live in new York having packed up me and Kayden and sent us to this house in California. They send us money but it’s not the same as having them around.  “Nothing’s up Shanna Banana just don’t want to be late.” I laughed at his nickname for me and then looked him up and down while we walked to our cars. He was wearing his dark washed black jeans a white top and a leather jacket, I know in this weather.  We walk outside and are met with two Lambos a silver one and a black one. “Can I take the silver today, pweeas?” I ask using my puppy dog eyes and he just sighs throwing me the keys. I throw him mine and we get in. it takes us 5 mins to get there and I pull into the space next to Kayden. We walk to each other and in his hand he has two beanies. I grab the one which says dope on it and pull it on while he pulls on the plain black one, then we switch back are car keys. “Are you ready, Shanna Banana?” he asks with concern on his face. “Hell yea I am Kaykey!” and to that he just rolls his eyes. We walk to the main doors and count down from five. 5…4…3…2…1… we push open the doors.



Laughter erupts from the crowd of boys around me as my best friend Matt tells a joke. I don’t know what’s up today but I just feel different. I start to talk and everyone goes silent to listen to me I guess I have to explain. It all started on the first day of high school, my Dad had just been arrested and my Mums brother had just died leaving me most of his money, all of his land and 70% of his company the other 30% was given to my uncle Steve who only has it until I am old enough to take over. When I came to school I was always angry until I started playing football. I earned respect from all my team mates and was voted captain and then after second year I invited three of my best friends to come live with me in my mansion and after that I thought I was happy but I always felt like something was missing.  “Hey guys tonight I was…” I got cut off by the main doors being opened, that’s when I saw her and she took my breath away literally. I drew a quick intake of breath as I looked at her. She had soft caramel skin and beautiful curves in all the right places her black hair had blue in it and was tickling her exposed stomach. But none of that mattered when I saw her eyes, grey but blue at the same time, I looked and I was hooked her eyes swallowing me in them even though she wasn’t fully looking at me. Just as I thought it she turned her head to me and looked at me I was lost in her eyes I could hear my team mates trying to get my attention but they seemed miles away, finally she tore her eyes away from me as the boy next to her whispered something in her ear. Her laugh rang out and warmed my soul but I hated that the boy was the one who had made her laugh a growl escaped my lips before I could stop it. “Hey man you alright?” asked my best friend matt and I nod still unable to speak. I watch as she walks away and my heart clenched why did she have to leave? I have to get her back.


Walking into school for the first time was such a rush having everyone staring was cool. We had walked halfway into the first corridor and Kayden had stopped to ask where the front office was. While he was doing that I looked around to see people staring and it made me blush and look away. It felt like it was taking ages for him to get the directions and I turned to see that he was talking to a girl, I groaned and looked away. I felt someone’s eyes boring into me and looked up to see a tall guy of 6’3. He had on black jeans and a navy blue top which brought out his brown eyes and made his dark brown hair shine. Damn is all I can say. He’s big and muscular but not only that but he looks kind and warm and kissable. KISSABLE! Slow down there tiger we only just got here shouts my brain and I tear my eyes away from him as Kayden whispers in my ear. “If these boys don’t stop staring at you soon I’m going to start punching faces.” He says angrily and I laugh even though I know he is being serious. We walk away from the corridor and go to find the front office.  When we arrive the lady gives us our schedules and the locks to our lockers with the combination. Me and Kayden exit the room and hug before going our separate ways. My first lesson is English and I smile as I enjoy it. I walk to class 178, I nervously knock and open the door the whole class turns around and stares at me and at the back of the class I see the guy I was staring at, omg this is so awkward. I walk up to teacher whose name is Mr. Cloud and apologise for being late he told me to introduce myself to the class and say a fact about myself so I did. “Hey guys my name is Shaniaha but that are a bit of a mouth full so most people just call me Shana.” I say with as much confidence as I can muster and everyone says hello back. I continued when the room went silent again. “And a fact about me is that I love to dance.” I said in a cheery voice. “She might love to dance but it doesn’t mean she’s good.” Says a blond girl in the back row of the class room. People start to laugh and I just smirk. I drop my bag on the floor and run down the middle of the rows of seats and run up the wall to do a back flip then turn an innocent gaze at sir and smile. I walked past her I stop and say loud “look don’t be mad that I’m good at that your good at stuff to.” I stop and frown. “Just not covering up that zit though.” And as soon as I say it the class erupts with laughter. That’s what you get when you mess with me. I picked up my bag and walked to the only free seat which just happens to be next to the really hot guy from earlier, I shiver runs down my spine and I look away from him.


The lesson finishes in a blur and so does the next as I try to get settled in my new school. It is 10 mins to lunch and I’m in French when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to face a beautiful girl with brown curly hair and big green eyes.  “Hey I’m Maddie but everyone just calls me mad.” She says and to the last bit we both giggle. “Hey I’m Shanna it’s nice to meet you mad.” I say and she just rolls her eyes at me like I’m being stupid. “I know who you are you’re the amazing chick who stood up to Samantha and did a back flip in one lesson, you’re a legend. And you are going to be my best friend.” At that I can’t do anything but laugh this girl was awesome and I knew that I was going to like her. The bell rings, Maddie and I get our stuff and I follow her to the cafeteria where I get and apple and a hot chocolate not feeling that hungry. I follow Maddie as she goes to a table with a load of people near it. We sit down and she introduces me to some of the girls. Sasha, Chloe, Christina, Casey, Libby and Coco. The girl said hey to me and we all start talking, they are really nice. That’s when some of the boys came to sit down and I tensed seeing who was leading the pack. It was the dude who I had stared at, my cheeks flushed as he sat down at the head of the table which also happened to be next to me. Maddie introduced me to them. Blake, Matt, Conner, Jason, Sam, Alec, Josh, Jo and Chris. The boy who I stared at name was Damien. I smiled to all the boys and returned to talking to the girl. I look up to see my brother and he walks over with girls behind him, I shake my head slowly. “Think fast Kaykey!” I shout and throw the apple at him and he catches it and takes a bite. “Thanks Shana banana.” He says and I groan. That’s when I see Samantha walk up with her posy of sluts. She sneers at me then looks at Kayden. “Why are you talking to that bi*ch and not me is she your girlfriend.” I was just sipping my hot chocolate when she said it and started chocking. I looked up at Kayden and we both fall about laughing. I was laughing too hard so Kayden explained to the confused faces what was too funny. “One I’m not talking to you because you called Shana a bi*ch and two I’m not going out with Shana because she is my little sis.” Everyone’s faces start to understand and my and Kayden look at each other and make gaging noises.



When Shana had stood up for herself in class I don’t know why but it turned me on more, the way I knew I wanted to protect her but at the same time knew she could look after herself. The next lessons went as slowly as I waited for the bell to go for lunch so I could go find her. Walking to the cafeteria door I found my guys waiting for me and said hi to them. We all went to the que but all I got was water. We walked to are usual table and there she was talking and laughing with the girls, fitting right in like she had been here for ages. I stumbled a bit when I saw her and was glad no one saw. I walk over to my chair at the head of the table and see that I’m sitting so close I could smell her shampoo. Maddie introduces us to her and she smiles at me we stare at each other again until she turns to go back to talking to the girls. I see the dude who she walked in with approach the table and tense. I black out a bit with anger wanting to hit him again and again. “Two I’m not going out with Shana because she is my little sis.” My head shot up at Shana this is great she is single I can make her mine. “Ewe you’re related to that skank.” Said Samantha, I looked at Shana anger all over her face her eyes turning cold. “I hope you did not just say what I think you said?” Shana said taking off her bracelets. “What are you going to do about it skank?” Samantha asked and her group starts laughing. “What’s she going to do beat me up with her maracas?” That was it Shana pounced on Samantha and knocked the both to the ground. Shana pulls Samantha’s hair and some of her extensions come out. “God your completely fake bi*ch!” shouts Shana. I run over to the girls, I wrap my hands around Shana and pull her off Sam and take her to the side. She is still kicking and screaming so I hold onto her. “Shana calm down. Do you really want to get suspended on your first day?” I whisper into her ear. My hand is around her waist my thumbs rubbing her bare bally to try and calm her down. She starts to relax and leans back on me and my whole body tingles, how she not knows how she makes me feel. I remove my hands reluctantly from her waist and grab her hand. We walk back to the table to find Samantha picking herself up and dusting her clothes. I see a look of disgust on Shana’s face and get angry gripping to her hand even tighter. “Shana I think you did a good job with her hair, I mean it covers up that enormous zit now.” When I say it Samantha clutches her face and runs out with her posy. Everyone is quiet for a bit and then the table erupts into laughter. The group hasn’t laughed like this in ages and now they won’t stop and it’s all thanks to Shana. 



The first day went really quickly and the only thing I can really remember is Damien’s arms around my waist, holding me like I was a prize. On the first day we had laughed a lot and now we have been here for a week and are getting into a routine. On Wednesday I tried out for the girls’ soccer team and got in. I had walked to the table in my jacket and put on a sad face. “What happened did you get in?” asked my big brother, worry in his face. A huge smile breaks over my face and I pull off my jacket to revel a 23 soccer shirt. “Uh what do you think?” I shout and all the girls run to hug me. My brother stays in his seat and throws me an envelope. I open it and inside am nearly $1,000 dollars. I look at him. “It’s our mum and dads love. Better than having them around though.” He says and I fist bump him. “True dat!” I say and walk to my designated seat next to Damien. He grabs my arm and pulls my ear close to his mouth. “Congratulation Sha I’m proud of you.” I feel his lips brush against my ears and my whole body tingles, what is wrong with me.


Today is Friday and I have just pulled up in my black lambo. Today I’m wearing my ripped skinny high wasted jeans with long sleeved crop top which shows some cleavage and a red and black shirt tied around my waist. I have on my Jordan’s and my dope beanie. I open the school doors and my two best friends are waiting for me. “Hey mad hey lib how are my girls?” I ask and they both smile at me and hug me. “Were good how are you?” asks lib with concern on her face, I give her a baffled look and she points to Damien. I follow her finger to see Samantha and her posy standing next to the boys. I shake my head. “Common girls let go say hi.” Some more of the girls turn up and we walk over to the guy. Some girls run to the boyfriends while Libby and Maddie stay by my side. I walk over to Damien and Samantha look at me and the blood leaves her face. “Bye.” She says and rushes of with her posy. I and the girls start to laugh. Damien grabs my hand and pulls me to him. “Your pretty but that doesn’t mean you should use your powers for bad.” Her whispers into my ears and shock cover my face. “You, you think I’m pretty?” I stutter quietly so only he could hear it. He pulls back from our hug so he can look me in the face. “Shana you the most beautiful girl I have ever met.” We stand there entwined in each other’s arms the rest of the group staring at us while he stared at me. I blush and look away. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look at him, I get lost in his eyes. “Shana you will never have to hide from me.” He says and just when we are about to kiss there is a loud screech. I hold my ears until it stops. “Announcement for all students due to the fact that the air conditioner is broken and we only have enough fans for five classrooms school today is cancelled.” Everyone cheers and I get a huge smile on my face. I turn around to the group. “You know what this calls for right?” they all stare at me like I’m crazy. “Beach party!” I shout and everyone laughs this is going to be a good day.



“Beach party!” shouts Shana and everyone laughs. We start to organize everything and I realize that Shana is leaning back on me and I have my arms on her waist. I didn’t even realize how we got to this position but I don’t care I just pull her closer to me kissing her ear. “Ok so if all the girls come to my house and I can sort out swim suits and bikinis for them because I have like 40.” Shana says taking lead, the girls nod in agreement. “And I will pack my computer and wireless speaker.” She adds then turns in my arms to looks up at me. “Hey Damien pleas can you sort out some drinks for us?” she asks and all I can do is nod her beauty knocking me off, I find my voice. “Sure me and Blake will sort it out, all the boys can come to mine I have louds of trunks which are still in there packs, we can meet you at the beach in an hour.” She smiles and hugs me again thanks she whispers in my ear and pulls back from my arms. I wince from her leaving. She grabs Maddie’s hand then turns BAC to me. “Hug you later!” she says and squeals and all the girls run out of the now empty corridor to their cars. The boys start to laugh and I look at matt who is staring at me. “What?” I almost shout and a smile breaks over his face. “Is the famous dame in love?” and to that I grab him and give him a noggie, the boys laugh harder. “Come on lets go, we don’t want to be late.” I say and the boys all howl and we run to are cars.



The girl’s all following me to my house in their cars while Maddie carpools with me. We arrive and I punch in the code of the gate and drive up the long driveway, passing the tennis court and basketball court. I look to Maddie and see her mouth drop and laugh at her expression. I park and climb out of the lambo to see the other girls parking and climbing out as well. We walk to the front door and I look at all the girl’s faces and fall about laughing. “Shana I know you said you where rich but this is something else this is huge.” I look at Sasha and give her a weird look. What was she talking about? “Sasha this is small house are big one in in Texas.” To that all the girls’ mouths drop and look at me and then we all start laughing.


We are all in my bedroom and they are all getting ready. I walk to the guest room next door and change into my fave bikini. I pull on my Missguided High Waist Lace up Bikini Bottom and my top black bra to match it. Over it I put on a red and black shirt which I tie at the bottom and some white short shorts with my flip flops. I walk back to my bedroom to see the girls have finished getting ready. I grab my laptop and shove it into the case and Maddie grabs the two wireless speakers and walk downstairs. I open the doors and we all stand there talking about which cars to take. “Hey why don’t we take Sasha’s pick up and Libby’s range rover?” I ask and every one and the nod climb into the two cars. Maddie and I climb into the back of the pickup truck while Sash and Christina climb into it. Everyone else gets into the range rover. It’s a ten minute drive to the beach and we make it just as Damien and Blake arrive with a keg and some cans. I knell on the floor of the pickup and give Blake a hug. Then I turn to see Damien and jump onto him, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he hold the bottom of my thighs to keep me from falling. *cough* I turn to see the group staring at me and Damien and he lets me down. “What are we waiting for let’s get this party started!” I shout and everyone cheers as we run onto the beach. We climb into the hut we ordered and it was big. Like it could fit all of us and like 30 others. The boys put the keg down and started to sit on the sofas while the girls got out of their commons and tops to reveal their bikinis underneath. Some of the boys wolf whistle and the girls laugh. I just grab my towel and put it just outside the hut and grab my laptop from the floor. I boot it up and put on Selina Gomez when you’re ready and turn it up all the girls cheer and start dancing. Maddie runs up to me a pulls me up to dance, I groan but she get me up. I start by swaying but by the end I’m full out twerking and shaking my groove thing. The song comes to an end and I look around to see everyone staring at me. I laugh “so do you want to go swimming or nah?” I say and everyone bursts out laughing. I pull off my shirt and my short shorts so I’m in my bikini everyone stares at me again even the girls because they didn’t see me change. “Hey guys eyes up here.” I say and everyone laughs again. The guys start to run down to the beach and there’s just me and Damien he smiles and we start to walk down together. “Ewe. Omg my eyes looks like the sluts ugly hurt them.” Samantha walks over with her posy and I just roll my eyes. “Puta pleas I don’t have time for this.” I say back. (Puta: bitch in Spanish.) Her mouth drops and I just laugh before running over to Damien and jumping onto his back. He holds my thighs and we catch up to the rest of the group who gives us shocked faces. “so are you guys going out or nah?” asks Sasha straight to the point and I climb off of Damien’s back and turn to his face and stand on my tip toes to give him a peck on the cheek and whisper into his ear, “You have to make the move.” I’m about to pull back but he grabs my waist and pulls my lips into his lips. He bites my lip and I grant him into my mouth and am tongues dance together. We pull apart and I’m all flushed. “Shana is my girlfriend no one touches her she is mine.” Announces Damien and I can’t help like smile like an omf. “Conner stops staring at my ass.” I say and turn around and he blushes everyone bursts out laughing and Damien growls really loudly like he wants to kill something. I turn in his arms and make him look at me and just hug him and he calms down instantly. “I love you.” He says and I just nod and kiss him on the neck.



We all walk down to the sea and I can’t tear my eyes away from her body. She is beautiful with her smile and her eyes. I lose myself in her eyes.  I see Samantha and I feel a knife go through my stomach, maybe I should tell Shana about are past. But I can’t lose Shana not when she is making me finally want to settle, omg I think I’m in love with her. “Ewe. Omg my eyes looks like the sluts ugly hurt them.” Says Samantha walking over to Shana with her posy. “Puta pleas I don’t have time for this.” Replies and I can’t help but laugh at Samantha’s face. Shana runs over to me and jumps onto my back. Her belly rubbing against my back and I can’t help but laugh, but only to cover over the way I feel for her. How she makes me want to be a better person. She lights up the darkness and I don’t know how I ever lived without her. “So are you guys going out or nah?” asks Sasha and I let Shana off my back. She turns round to face me and I’m about to pour my heart out to her but she kisses me on the cheek. “You have to make the move.” She whispers and starts to pull away, now’s my chance. I grab her waist and pull her closer to me so I can kiss her. I bite her bottom lip and she grants me access as are tongues play together. “Shana is my girlfriend no one touches her she is mine.” I say to the rest of the group but don’t break my gaze away from her. “Conner stops staring at my ass.” Shana says without turning her head. When we both turn to look at him he is a little red. The rest of the group starts to laugh but I want to punch him. A growl escapes my lips and Shana turn’s in my arms to look at me.  Her hands go on either side of my head and pull me to look at her. Then she put her hands around my neck and pulled me closer and rests into my neck. “I love you.” I say out of nowhere hoping she will say it back but she just nods ad kisses me on the neck, a dagger goes through my heart.


It has been an hour and we are now sunbathing. Shana lies down on her towel and I lay with my towel under me and my head on her leg. We are peaceful and calm like we have been dating for years. We watch as the sun falls and are friends climb out the water. We all walk up together and see a fire, but instead of wood it has. Oh gosh this is bad…



We walk back up the beach an in front of the hut I see fire we get closer and I see the fire is made up of all my stuff. I let go of Damien’s hand and run up to the fire. At the very top see my laptop and grab it my hands Burn but I don’t care I open up the laptop and try to turn it on but I know it’s destroyed and with it all the memories. “Hey Shanna banana I’m back.” I look up at Kayden and his smile deserters from his face when he sees my burnt hand and the laptop. He punches the hut wall and blood appears on his fist I look away from him back to the laptop and all the things I lost from it. “Why are you two getting so upset over laptop? it’s a shit one as well.” asks Samantha with a smug look on her face, by this time the rest of the group has court up with me an is standing round the fire staring at me and my brother. “When I was ten and Shana was eight she started writing, all her thoughts all her feeling and all her adventures. When Shana found out she had cancer she started writing more, everything was on that laptop. From the music she listened to through her chemo to what she was going to wear at her funeral.” At that everyone was silent shock seeping into them. “I, I didn’t know?” says Samantha and I can’t take it anymore all I see is red. I stand up and run towards the sea not wanting to have to deal with this anymore. Hot tears burn my face but I keep running. “Shana come back!” people shout but I don’t want to; I want for the waves to swallow me up. I try to dive into the water but before I can do anything there are two strong arms around me and I know it is Damien. I calm down instantly and the sadness takes over me and I begin to cry, my knees buckle and I can’t stand any more. Damien picks me up and takes me into the backroom of the hut and lays me down on the sofa. He goes to close the door and then starts to walk to the chair opposite mine. I grab his hand and pull him onto my sofa with me before sitting on his lap and cuddling into him. “Please don’t leave me.” I whisper, it doesn’t take long for us to fall asleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.04.2016

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I Dedicate this book to my amazing Forster parents. michelle and jez and to everyone who has looked out for me.

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