
chapter 1

I started in a new school. The school is called Annieén. I will start in the 6th grade. But when I go to school I found a house. It looks abandoned. I continue to walk towards the school, but I think there is someone behind me, but when I look behind me, no one is there. I didn't think much about it then. I entered the school and introduced myself to the class. I made friends right away. Theresa kind of became my best friend. We talked at the break later.

- Hi, Theresa greeted.

- Hi, do you know anything about a house that has been abandoned? I ask.

- Yes, if it's the house here near the school, Theresa said. It is said that it haunts there.

- We should go there, I said.

- NO! she yelled.

- Why? I ask.

- I don't want to, she whispered as if she were afraid.

It rang in so we didn't have time to talk about it anymore. I would like to go there. The next break I talked to Moa.

- Do you know anything about a house that is abandoned? I ask.

- If it's near the school, then yes, she said.

- We should go there, I said.

- I can come with you, she said. When do we go there then?.

- I do not know, I said.


Moa came with me home so we could decide when to go there. All of a sudden, my cell phone rang, I answered. I felt an icy shiver when I answered. there was a man who called, he wanted to meet me, Moa and Theresa. I got scared and hung up.

- What did the person say, Moa asked whispering.

-h ... he ... he s..said t ... that, I stammered to Moa. He s..said that h..h ... he w ... wanted to me ... meet an ... and with T ... The..theresa.

-Ohh ... o..okay, said she.

chapter 2

 Moa and I slept over at my place. The next day when we going to school we looked for Theresa. We did not find her. School started. Theresa didn't come, but at the break she came. She was apparently at the dentist. When she came, I said that it was a man who wanted to meet us and that Moa and I were going to the house that the man wanted.

- ARE YOU SERIOUS, Theresa exclaimed.

- Yes we are going there but he wanted to meet all three of us, Moa said so you Theresa might want to come with us.

- Hmm maybe….? she said questioningly.


After school when me, Moa and Theresa were on their way home to me, my phone rang. It was the man again. I answered.

- hey… can you maybe come to the house today 14:55? he asked.

- ehh…. k..maybe, I replied.

- Okay…., He said.

Then we'll see you soon. I looked at the clock, it was 14:50.

- WE HAVE TO HURRY! I shouted at Theresa and Moa.

- WHAT ?! Moa shouted back. -

YES WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOUSE NOW !! I replied screaming.

- OK! shouted Theresa.

We started running to the abandoned house. When we arrived, the man wasn't there. I looked at the clock again, it was 2:54 pm. We stood outside the house now, waiting. all of a sudden we heard the man say hello behind us. I look at the clock, now it was 2:56 pm.

- Well, what do you want now? I asked, turning around.

- uhm …, he began.

- uhm what…? said Moa to him.

- uhm… You should not be in here, he continued. It's dangerous.

- did..did you know..that we were going here one day? Theresa asked but she sounded scared.

- Yes, how? ? I said a little louder.

- It's a ghost or spirit, whatever you say, he said.

- Haha you should not believe that, I said and laughed.

- Haha you are an adult, Moa estimated.

- I'm serious! he screamed. The ghost is called Oliwia.

- Haha really ?!


I could not sleep at night. Moa and I have decided to go into the house when it's Christmas break. The Christmas holidays were just a few weeks away.


chapter 3

Now it's Christmas break. Moa, me and Theresa are standing outside the house and are unsure if we should go inside.

- Now we go in, Theresa said as if she really wanted to go in.

- huh ... you and go in? did I ask.

I was completely worried about Theresa because she is usually scared but now she did not sound scared at all.

- Yes, I want now, she replied.

- WHAT? Moa shouted at Theresa.

- Yes I know… I have been so scared to go in before, but now, now I want to go in, Theresa continued.

- Okay, I said and let out a long sigh.

Now we have decided that we will go in. We went in. Now I was really scared. I really want to go out. I think Moa also wanted it because I saw how scared she was. But Theresa .. yes she ran laps and was not the least bit scared. I'm worried about her too.

- Where shall we go? Theresa asked.

I did not answer, I did not get words but Moa got… -

Well, I do not know, said Moa. -

Yes, I do not know if we should really do this…, I found out.




Texte: me
Bildmaterialien: me
Cover: me
Lektorat: me
Korrektorat: me
Übersetzung: me
Satz: me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.06.2022

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