
The House

I saw the armchair move a little. I heard a bang I was so scared I could not scream, I could not do anything. My eyelids closed and it turned black. I thought it was reality, that I saw my mother! That she went out on the ice then it started to crack. I heard myself screaming. I woke up from my dream and felt someone lick my face. It was Rocky my dog ​​or really Dad's German Shepherd. No… now I have to tell you everything from the beginning.


Mom was out on the ice and I sat and drank hot chocolate and mom would show a trick but the ice was too thin and… .. Yes she fell and did not go and save. My panic grew and I shouted at my mother all I could, and then I started crying. Mother had fallen into the water and not survived. My legs shook so scared I was then. Now my mother was dead.


When I was on my way to my new house that my father had inherited from an old relative, I sat and thought about my mother. Dad and I had decided that there were too many old memories of mom when we lived in our little house on Öland. I looked at my dad, my nice dad with short hair and a hat on his head.


- Shall we stay at Max, Dad wondered when he saw that I was hungry.

- Sure, I muttered. But was really most happy that I would get something in my stomach.

Dad stopped outside Max and asked what I wanted.

- A cheesburger with a large french fries, I announced.

While Dad walked in the door to Max, I turned on the radio, they talked about a football match afterwards, then came advertising for a new sports store that would open soon, then it became quiet throughout the radio. I thought it was just poor coverage, and suddenly it started making noise all over the radio. The noise sounded scary as if it was something that did not match the world. I felt my heartbeat harder and harder, I got colds. Then the noise stopped and Dad got in the car, I took a long sigh. Dad handed me the bag of my cheeseburger.

- Thank you, I said relieved when Dad had gotten into the car

- So now we can continue, the ferry leaves in an hour and we have to be there at least a quarter of an hour before, Dad said

- Okay, but the radio was just starting to roar, I mumbled with cheeseburgers all over my mouth.

- Well, Dad said in surprise, Strange.

- I do not know it just started to roar in the speakers and I no longer heard what they said, I continued.

- It was strange, said dad, we have to check if there is something wrong with the speakers when we come to Gotland. My tiredness made me unable to answer and instead I took my phone and put the headphones in my ears. The music made me relaxed, I fell asleep and all of a sudden we arrived at the ferry.


Now I would leave Öland and go to Gotland. Dad talked to an old man (who probably worked there) and then he got on the ferry. Then I felt most irritated and happy that we would move, but now in retrospect I do not know what I think. When we had got on the ferry and it had started to go, I began to think about whether we would move back to Öland at some point. We still had some stuff left on Öland. Which we had not been able to bring.


Dad and I drove out on Gotland and it was not far to get to the family house. Then just before we arrived we went through a small forest, I had looked out the window and thought I saw a shadow between the trees. I froze to ice and felt my heart rate increase again. I thought of the shadow and realized that they must have been an animal. How stupid I had been, what I really thought. Ghosts do not exist. We rolled into the driveway and I realized that it probably has to be fixed quite a lot for it to feel really at home.


Since I've been here before, it was not so strange but more welcoming. I entered the house the wooden floor knocked under my shoes, it smelled old and damp. My heart is in two parts because we left all my mother's memories in our old house. I chose a room that I felt quite comfortable in. The room looked quite modern, I did not think it was necessary to do so much new in it. I went out of the house and into the small stable that was right next to the house. I went into a room that I think is called a saddle chamber. In the room hung a photo of a black horse. I went out of the room and into the stable. I thought the box I saw looked nice to be able to have a secret place for me and friends if I would even make new friends in the new school. I went to Dad and asked him,


- DAD? Hello, can I have the room opposite the kitchen as my own room? I yelled

- Hmm, OF COURSE, but then you can promise not to be so negative, Dad answered me.

- Yes okay, but why would I be so negative? I wondered and scratched Rocky behind the ears.

- Yeah, you're a little short connected, so to speak, Dad told me.

- Well, but it's not meant to be, I mumbled and looked down at my shoes.

- It's okay Alea, can you help me carry the mattresses? Dad asked, pointing to the mattresses still lying huddled in the car.

- Yes I can, I replied.


In the evening the rain poured down and me and dad sat in the kitchen and ate the sandwiches we had prepared the morning before. We had had time to fix a bit in the kitchen and in my room. There were already very many things that the previous ones who had lived here belonged to. I went up to my room and lay down on the bed, then Dad came to me and said goodnight. Actually it was only half past seven but I was so tired I wanted to go to bed after the long journey. When I lay in bed I felt a discomfort of something and shuddered. I had to turn on the bedside lamp and get out of bed. I sat down on the bed and looked around the room, then my gaze fixed on a plank that protruded a little from the floor. At first I hesitated then took over my curiosity and I went to the plank and pulled a little on it, it was loose. I pulled up the plank a bit and then put a small photo, there under the plank. I took the photo and looked at it. It was a girl with a horse in the picture, but I was so tired that I could not care, but put the photo on the floor next to the bed and went to bed.


The next morning Dad would go to work, he works as a baker now. Before when my mother was alive he worked as a policeman but he stopped after the accident and because I would not be so much alone because he worked during the day and came home late at night. Today I would be home myself and I did not know what to do, I might be able to go for a walk or fix to the box. After eating breakfast and getting dressed, I decided to go for a walk. Just before I walked out the door, my gaze fell on a framed photo of me, Mom and Dad. That photo was taken a week before my mother died. Mom has exactly the same black hair as me, in the picture you saw a wide smile on her lips.


I went out and followed the gravel road. I felt that something was not right but I ignored it but it still felt okay in the house. But when I went out there on the long gravel road I saw something faint, a black van far out in the field. I felt that someone might be in the front seat because I felt observed by someone with a black mask all over their face. But tried not to bother me, I felt that someone was following me with his eyes.


When I got home it was windy and I passed where the car was before but it was not left. I went in and checked myself in the mirror. My black flat hair was completely tousled. I had a blue eye and a slightly greener eye but thought it did not fit me but mom always said I had a superpower that only me and mom knew about.


When I watched TV for a while and ate, I realized that I had found a photo on my floor the night I was going to sleep. I went up to my room and picked up the picture of the girl with the horse. The picture was old and depicts a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. She was holding a halter shank attached to a horse with a light blue halter. The horse was black with a tall man. I thought the picture of the horse and the girl was nice but then I turned the picture because I thought that there are usually things on the back of the picture. On the back of the picture it said "M • K" nothing strange really.


I decided to research it more and went to our family tree. Or really it was a book with all our relatives. I approached the book and opened it. The book was brown with very thin pages and on the front was the Kjeldsen Family. I opened the book and since the picture was quite old, I opened it almost in the middle of the book. I flipped back and forth in the book and there I saw her, in a small picture her name was Margareta it was below the picture.


I did not understand anything, what would I do like. I went out into the living room and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and thought it was only Rocky who was lying in the armchair. When I turned around, I saw the armchair move a little. I heard a bang I was so scared I could not scream, I could not do anything. My eyelids closed and everything turned black. I woke up to Rocky licking my face and I was dreaming my worst nightmare.


Later I got the feeling to go out in the stable. I do not know why but it felt like something said I should go there. I opened the stable door and went inside. As I stood next to the box, I saw a horse sticking its head out. I got a shock. I went into the box, the horse was calm, I looked out the box window. When I turned around, the horse was gone. I was very surprised and must have imagined. I heard a car stop outside the house. It was probably Dad who came home early from work. I looked out into the stable aisle and saw that it was the black van that had been standing in the field. A man with a black mask jumped out of the car. I'm shocked. I picked up the phone and called the police while I ran straight out onto the gravel road and would wave to the police while the man stood outside my house and looked at me and shouted if you call the police I shoot you and your family but I did not care but the fear screamed inside me.


I stood at the far end of the gravel road and waited for the police, I started to get worried because the police did not come! The man started to get close to me and I panicked a little because the police did not come. He came closer and closer, now was the man really near me now. I decided to take it into my own hands. I saw a white shadow and it looked like mom I checked an extra time and it really looked like mom I heard her voice in my head. It was as if she said what I was going to do and she did. She said "run straight to the stable and jump on the horse all you have to do is believe that the horse exists and I promise it will help you, but hold on to the man" I ran to the stable and did as my mother said.


I ran into the box and thought and believed in the horse. The horse came back and I jumped up and it worked I held on as I should and the horse started running fast towards the man and the horse stopped and I heard my mother's voice again “now it's time to pat the horse 3 times on the side of the horse's stomach and hold on ”I did as she said and the horse started kicking the man. He fell and got up quickly again but was very injured but I was already on my way galloping across the fields and into the city. I did not know if others saw me and the horse but I shouted for help as loud as I could. The horse stopped slowly and started to disappear I had to run the rest of the bit into the city where dad worked at the bakery I went into the bakery breathless and sad. I looked up my father and told him that there was a man with a gun in our yard and that I had heard my mother's voice and seen her. He was played and asked if I called the police and I answered yes but that they never came.


Dad followed me home and when we got home the police were standing on our farm waiting for us. When we came back, the man was arrested and I got a teddy bear from the police where the police assistant was on the shirt. I felt proud of my efforts and I also think my mother was proud of me.


When I was going to bed, I saw the photo I looked at before. I took the photo and showed it to my dad.

- Who is this really? I asked Dad.

- Yes, I recognize her, I do not really know but I know that she was involved in an accident that happened here twenty-five years ago, Dad said.


I said nothing more but gave Dad a hug and turned off the light. The next day I went to my new school and actually made quite a few friends and a friend came home and her name was Linsa. When we got home, Dad offered us buns and he told us that Margareta had been in a traffic accident 25 years ago with her horse. And I told Linsa that with the man and dad also listened to the whole story with the horse. He was unsure but trusted me.


Texte: Me
Bildmaterialien: no one
Cover: bookrix
Lektorat: me
Korrektorat: me and Tessa
Übersetzung: Me
Satz: me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.06.2022

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