

Lilith waited in her Mercedes, for the boy that she had glimpsed the day before to step off of the bus. She was impatient as she waited, knowing that there was a certain shyness about him that crippled his ability to approach people, wich meant he sat alone at the back of the bus. She knew enough about human nature to make this assumption, without using her mind reading ability, and was entirely confident about it. She was still unsure of why she was doing this, since there were plenty of other men in the world, and many of them better than this one in almost every way, and yet, even though she only got a glimpse of him, there was still something about him that called to her.  She meditated on that, trying to determine what it was, and as the last of the students were removing themselves from the bus, she saw him. Even with the way he kept his head down, and appeared invisible to the other students, he was easy for her to find him.

He was an attractive young man, about average height for a freshman but he had a very slim build. His blond hair hung shaggily, concealing the blue eyes that she saw yesterday, and made it easier for him to hide from the view of people.

As he slowly walked past her car, she caught a wiff of the boy's scent and felt her incisors lengthen. She struggled for a moment with the impulse to pounce onto him and drain the blood from his jugular. Even though she was a six-hundred year old vampire, there was something about this boy's blood that pushed her restraint. She held her breath for a moment, and he glanced at her, as if he could sense the danger coming from her, but quickly looked away. She sighed and smirked, Sometimes having the appearance of a teenager has its benefits. As the boy was walking away, she took a deep breath through her nose and winced. His scent was still strong to her, but she winced due to the anamilistic scent she picked up.

 Shit!, she thought her eyes darkening as a feral growl, too low for the humans to hear, erupted from her chest. A girl who looked the same age as she did turned around and smiled at her, her eyes flashed a bright red and claws extended from her fingers, and just as quickly disappeared. Lilith knew as soon as she smelt it that this girl was a werewolf, and an alpha if the color of her eyes were anything to judge. She lost hope in being able to keep this boy as her mate when the girl looked to him and then back at her. Lilith stepped out of her car and stood directly in front of it as the girl approached with a knowing smirk growing across her face.

"Hello Lilith" the girl said in a sweet voice that Lilith already knew meant trouble, "it's been a long time."

Lilith blinked, confused for a moment, "Have we met?" she asked.

The girl's eyes flashed red for an instant before she growled and said, "Does the name "Simmons" mean anything to you?"

Lilith paled and several obsene phrases shot across her mind. The Simmons were a powerful family of werewolfs that had been in the town of Chicago in the nineteenth century. The majority of the family had been wiped out over the next two hundred years, to where there was only one small group of the family left. The last time Lilith was here, about ten years ago, she had brutally murdered the Alpha in the family, he went by the name of Dennis. His mate was long dead, and she could have sworn that the children were thououghly unconcious at the time. There were two daughters and a son, the names as well as their faces were still fresh in her mind. Lilith tried to push her way into the girl's mind, and encountered a barrier as thick as steel.

"Emma!" she growled. Emma laughed a humorless laugh and bowed.

"Didn't think you would recognize me", she smirked, "of course I always forget that vampires have almost perfect memory."

"What the hell? I thought you were a beta, if you were an alpha I would have smelt it on you!" Lilith groaned, "I knew I should have drained you and your brat siblings like I did your dad!"

Emma laughed, with actual humor this time and said, "I was a beta but there is something interesting you should know about werewolves Lilith," she leaned forward her eyes glowing red again, "when we are born of an alpha parent, the eldest child inherits their power once that parent dies. So you practically did me a favor ten years ago."

Lilith blanched, she remembered as she left the house that day, the snarl the girl made when she had fled, the sudden power she sensed coming from the house, "So you mean to tell me," she started, "that once I put your father down like the rabid animal he was, you became alpha of the pack?"

"Wow, I guess you aren't as stupid as I thought!" Emma said sarcastically, at the same time exaggerating jazz-hands.

Lilith growled and flashed her fangs, "Watch it bitch! Keep in mind, I tore your dad's fucking throat out, and he was also an alpha. That means that I could easily dispatch of you." she knew that this was an empty threat, and that the only reason she killed the bitch's father was because he was drunk off his ass that night, however she likely didn't know that. Of course, the father was quite small in comparison to his daughter, the daughter was easily a foot taller than Lilith, and Lilith knew enough about wolves to know that the size of wolves influences their strength.

Emma shrugged, "You probably could, except for the fact that my siblings, as well as the rest of my pack are standing right by the school doors, and if they see you move an inch, they will all jump on you at once." she then smiled and let out a soft howl. Lilith looked up and saw six pairs of eyes, two of them luminous gold, the others a cold, steely blue. She knew that a wolf had killed before if it had blue eyes, a kind of damage to the soul the rumor was. All but two pairs of eyes returned to normal as they still stared at Lilith, the two pairs still glowing blue were attached to faces that she recognized, Fuck me! she thought as she tried to enter the minds of the pack members and encountering a similar barrier to the one she noticed with Emma, The siblings really have changed!

Lilith sighed and willed her fangs to retreat, "So what do you want? If you wanted me dead, you would have already dosed me with the Juniper berries I know you have and tore my head off." She felt no fear in that statement, she caught the scent of the vile substance on the girl, and yet she was still standing, so that meant the gil knew at least one of her weaknesses, but didn't want her dead. Yet she thought sourly, so that means she wants something from me. The fact she couldn't hear their thoughts was starting to piss her off.

Emma smirked, "I want you to feel what I felt when you killed my father, when you took something special from me. I know you are after that boy, my brother Phil is really good friends with him actually, so I will settle with making sure you will never have him!" Her eyes glowed red again and she tensed as she saw the look on Lilith's face.

This bitch really thinks she can keep me away from him?! I will make him mine, then I will make him tear her family and her pack apart as she watches. And then as she watches everything she has fall apart I will make him kill her too! she thought with a blood thirsty satisfaction.

Emma laughed again, and Lilith had to fight the urge to tear her throat out with her nails. "Oh you won't be able to turn him, I'll turn him into one of us, so that way you will have no chance to, and after he has control over the shift, I will have him rip your head off and burn the rest of your body until it is nothing but ashes into the wind." Emma gloated, "It sounds like I'm going to be late for class Lilith, we'll continue this later, after Jake has been turned into one of us!" she sped back to her pack and they walked into the school.

There is no way in HELL Lilith thought,that I will let that happen. She walked after them following the boy's, Jake she corrected her thoughts, scent to his first hour. She stood outside the door for a moment, steeling her resolve to not drain him. Getting into the class was easy, she just approached the teacher and stared directly into his eyes, "Hi," she said to the teacher, "my name is Lilly and I am a new student in your class." She focused the power of compulsion into him as she entered his mind and he nodded to her in agreement. I will do anything to please her. he thought blankly.

Fool she thought and after making sure he didn't hear that thought, she continued, "You are to seat me right next to the boy Jake, and not expcet me to do any school work or anything, but you will give me a perfect grade in here and not cause me any trouble, understand?"

The teacher shook his head slightly in confusion, but the said, "Of course Lilly, we're happy to have you here! Sarah go sit over at the empty spot across the room! Lily sit next where she just got up from, right next to the boy in the white t-shirt." She looked over to where she was going to sit and saw that the boy was staring at her. She could smell his arousal, and it pleased her to no end. I haven't even impressed my power on him yet, she thought, and he is already posesses strong desire for me. This is going to be easy! Lilith smiled and approached the desk she was "assigned" and after she sat down, turned to Jake and smiled at him focusing her powers again.

"Hi," she said in a velvet voice, "I'm Lilly".

Chapter 1

Jake's POV

I stepped off of the bus, last as usual and sighed, You've got this! I thought to myself, What's the worst that can happen? I hated school, I hated the feeling of being in a large crowd, where disaster was likely to happen. I walked towards the door with my head down, and I noticed my only friend in this town Phil standing by his twin sister and their friends right by the door. Phil and I knew each other from Alabama, him and his siblings were in the same foster home I was in, since I was five. When I was sent back to Chicago with my new foster family, him and his two sisters came with. Phil and his twin were the same age as me, while his older sister was two years above us. I knew Phil and Kate-his twin- very well, but I never met the older sister. I debated on whether or not I wanted to join them, and while I was in the middle of that I passed a black Mercedes and I caught a glimpse of the most beautiful redhead I had ever seen, and she was staring right at me, with an almost hungry look in her eyes. All I could see of her though the window was that she had emerald-green eyes, with artfully curled hair, and a heart-shaped face. I looked away very quickly, certain that it was my imagination and I really didn't want to get bitch-slapped for staring. As I walked away however, I couldn't shake the feeling coarsing through me. That girl, I thought, looks like a barbie doll. I decided to avoid approaching Phil at that moment, I was notoriously shy, and I didn't have the confidence to approach Phil's friends, since they were all on the football team and I didn't want to get any crap from Phil about the tryouts that were going on the next day for the freshmen team.

As I was walking to the door I glanced back at the parking lot, and I saw a girl, just a couple years older than me and it seemed she was staring straight at me, and I sensed that it wasn't my imagination this time. She had black hair that was cut to her chin length, brown eyes, a slim yet built body structure, and a strong facial structure. She was the opposite of the girl in the Mercedes in my opinion. I thought That girl looks like a GI Joe, compared to the Barbie doll red-head. It was true, this one looked like she could easily kick my ass, the other one looked like a gust of wind would knock her over. Of course it wasn't like I was one to talk, I was so skinny a seventh grader could probably kick my ass. I shook my head and kept moving not wanting to draw the attention of anybody, and walked through the door. School had already been in session for a month now, so I walked to my first period class, first in the room as usual, sat down, and plugged in my headphones. There was still a good fifteen minutes left until class started, so I desided to listen to my I-pod for a while. I relaxed to the sound of Nickelback playing in my ears until I felt something hit the back of my head. I jumped, ripping out my headphones in the process, and glared behind me. Unsuprised I saw Phil leaning back in his chair, pointing at the clock, which indicated the bell had rung, so after I gave him the finger, I prepared to sit through what was likely to be another boring lecture when the door to the class opened. My heart doubled in its rate, it was the girl from the Mercedes.

I watched her talk to the teacher for a minute and the teacher said something to the girl sitting next to me, but I had no idea what it was. I was absolutely fixated on her! She was wearing a tight denim skirt, fishnets, heels, and a white crop top that was EXTREMELY tight on her chest. I felt myself get hard, and I couldn't find it in me to care. The next thing I know she is approaching my desk and I thought, OH SHIT she is so going to slap me!  However I still stared, and she sat down in the chair next to me, I was shocked because I thought there was someone else who sat next to me, but the minute I looked in her eyes I didn't care, I couldn't even remember my own name.

"Hi," the girl said, "I'm Lilly."

"H-hi L-l-illy" I stuttered like an idiot.

"What's your name?" she asked, I felt a strange compulsion to please her, to do anything she wanted.

"My name is Jake, it's nice to meet you!" I said, a strange new confidence flowing through me. I took her hand and kissed it, tasting something like stawberries on her skin. I pulled my face away from her hand and smiled at her, but kept her hand in mine. Somewhere in my confused thoughts I thought, Damn it, you're being to forward! Tone it down a couple notches!

She smiled, and withdrew her hand from mine, but she suprised me by resting it on my leg. I gulped as she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you too!"

My cock, already straining to rip through my jeans, tightened even more. For a virgin, I had uncommon sexual restraint, but if I could have moved, I would have jumped up and taken her right in front of the entire class.

"Do you want to go out tonight?" she asked, "There is this place in the woods I like to go to at night, we'll have a lot of fun!" I felt her hand sliding up my thigh, touching the base of my erection, and I felt the blood boil in my face. "We can meet by the school gate, what do you say?"

The confidence I had felt moments before quickly vanished, "Uh s-s-ure" I stuttered yet again, God what is wrong with me! , I struggled to keep my voice steady, "what time do you want to meet?"

She smirked as if she heard what I wass thinking and started rubbing her hand up and down my thigh, I felt ready to explode right then and there, she leaned in close and whispered, "I was thinking around ten." I felt her warm breath against my neck, I didn't want this to end. I smiled and gave her the thumbs up, and she pulled her hand off of me, and turned around to look at the teacher. She glanced at me again and said, "I'll meet you at your house". I was so estatic that I didn't even notice that she already knew where I lived.

 I glanced around the classroom to see if anyone noticed our little exchange, and as far as I could tell, the only person who had was Phil. He usually gives me so much crap about my shyness that I would have expected him to be as estatic as I was, but he looked furious, and as my mind finally started to clear, I could have sworn that I saw his eyes flash a bright blue. Somewhere deep in the back of my mind I wondered what his problem was, but at that current moment, I couldn't care less. I have a date! I thought with a grin.


Phil's POV

I watched that leech's entire performance, even the part where she was rubbing up on my best friend. When she had turned away from him, he had looked around to see if anyone had noticed, and when he saw my face, confusion blossomed there for a second, then he shrugged as if he couldn't care less. I growled quietly, so quiet in fact that the parasite couldn't even hear me. I had a sneaking suspicion that she had used that power of theirs "compulsion" or whatever the fuck it was called, and that had basically put his balls in to her purse. Not only that, but I was sure that he noticed my eyes change color for an instant. He looked as if he blamed his imagination, but there was no way to be sure, his heart rate was already jumping from the sexual tension he had from the encounter with the girl. I sat there for the rest of the hour clutching my pendant in my hand, focusing my mind to a chant that helped betas control the shift during their first few years as wolves. I hadn't needed to use the chant since I was ten years old, but I hadn't felt fury like I was experiencing since then. 

The three things that cannot be long hid, I though slowly, the sun... the moon... the truth... I kept repeating the thoughts trying to keep my fury and the shift in check. I decided during lunch, I'd sneak off to the boiler room and let it out, since it was sound proof, and I needed to be able to focus. After I had calmed down enough to where I didn't have to worry about my claws coming out and going through the screen, I took out my phone and texted Emma and Kate. I decided that they needed to know what was going on.

Kate texted me back first, Don't do anything rash, it won't do him any good if we are exposed. I sighed, of course she would worry about our true nature being exposed, even though we weren't the exact interpertation of what werewolves were thought to be, if the humans discovered our existance, we'd be doped up with Wolfsbane faster than Kate went through men, and sent to the science labs to be studied. Emma texted me while I was thinking my less than kind thoughts about human nature.

Meet me in the boiler room as soon as the bell rings, it read and I rolled my eyes. She had no idea I was planning on going there during lunch, but at least I would have an opportunity to shift and let off some of the stress that was eating me. I responded, K. The bell rang a moment later and I saw Jake hurry off to his next class, Lilith stalking after him. I stood there for a minute, trying to reign in my fury, and failing that I ran straight for the boiler room, my claws had come out and my teeth were legthening as well by the time I made it to the door. I practically ripped it off of its hinges in my haste, not caring who saw me. I felt my face start shifting as I closed the door and my mind started to blur, thoughts of Jake popped into my mind, the usual reaction when I was trying to anchor my humanity, but the fury was too strong. I blacked out, and the next thing I knew, I hear my sister's roar which bites through the blackness and I felt myself return to normal. I look up at her and see that she shifted fully, her facial structure wolf like, as well as her claws were fully extended and her eyes were bright red. Seeing that I was back in control, she let go of the shift, her eyes returned to her human brown, her claws and fangs retreated, and the bones in her face returned to her previous appearance.

"That was close Phil!" she growled angrily, "If I hadn't came in here right after you, you would have killed someone, again!"

I snarled, not appreciating the reminder. "It was seven years ago Emma!" I shouted, pissed, but more in control than before, "You know damn well I hadn't learned any control at that point and that pussy just wanted to keep running his mouth!" She should remember that situation, the son of a bitch was trying to blackmail her after all.

"True" she admitted, "but it wasn't as if I didn't have a plan to deal with it. YOU decided to approach him and get him to stop talking, YOU are the one who got pissed and shifted, and YOU are the one who now has the eyes to show for it!"

It was true, since I took that poor bastard's life, my wolf eyes have gone from a luminous yellow to a cold blue. It was supposed to be a sign of the damage delt to my soul since I took an "innocent" life, even though I still thought the pecker-head deserved it. I bowed my head, feeling the anger fade to a deep sorrow, and replied, "You're right sis, I'm sorry. However we have bigger problems right now! The leech is going after Jake, she is meeting him at his house at ten tonight, we have to stop her!"

Emma sighed, "Invite him over to our house dumbass! He's over enough as it is." I fought back a chuckle, but I couldn't hold it back, so it went on and on until I was in full on hysterics. Emma shot me a look that promised a slow and painful death, so I struggled to reign in my laughter.

"She compelled him Emma!" I shouted, "He'll stop at nothing to meet her, we'd have to imprison him or turn him!"

Emma smirked, and I saw the meaning of it in her eyes, "NO!" I roared, my eyes glowing and my claws coming out, "NO! I WON'T LET YOU DO THAT TO HIM!" I seethed, she knew how much I hated what we were, and she wanted to make my best friend experience that?! I'm not letting this happen! I thought violently. Emma moved slightly and before I knew it, my head was flying into the brick wall. I felt myself loosing conciousness, and before I blacked out I heard Emma say, "I have no choice now!"

Chapter 2

Jake's POV

I sat at home, counting down the minutes till the arrival of Lily, feeling more and more impatient as the seconds passed.I paced around my house repeatedly, thankful that my foster parents were out for the night.  With only a minute to go, the impatience passed, and was replaced with fear. Am I overdressed? Does my breath stink? Should I bring a condom? I thought these questions several times in that minute, and when the doorbell rang, I felt my fears evaporate and I strode to the door with that same strange confidence I felt this morning.

She stood there in the same clothes she was in before and I felt myself get hard almost instantly. God I really gotta get a lid on this! I thought, hoping that she wouldn't notice how excited I already was. She smiled, and gestured to me with her finger to join her, which I did without hesitation. I locked the door, took her arm in mine, and we started walking towards the end of town. I knew she had a car, so I was a little confused as to why we were walking, but I went with it for a while, until curiosity got the better of me and I had to ask.

"Lilly?" I said, softly.

She turned to face me, eyes glittering in the moonlight and said, "Yes?" in that sugar sweet voice that I couldn't get enough of.

"How come we're walking? I mean, I know you have a car, and while I love walking I thought you would rather drive."

She laughed lightly, put her hands on my shoulders, and with suprising strength pulled me down so she could kiss me. As her lips met mine, I felt all of my curiosity vanish, and wanted nothing more than this moment to end. Of course it had to, and as she pulled away she said, "So I could do that, without having to worry about traffic."

We approached the trees that marked the entrance to the woods, and the closer we got, I felt a strange forboding. I shrugged it off, blaming my usual shyness for not wanting to be somewhere alone with a girl like this. Little did I know, alone was the last word that described my situation. We began walking though the trees, me with an unbalanced step, and her with a step that said she had been here before. We continued for a while until she stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seeing her tense posture, and when she turned, she had a vicious smile playing accross her face. I gasped, not because of the smile, but because of the fangs I saw within it. I turned to run, but she appeared right in front of me, I felt an aura of calm seep over me as her eyes met mine.

"Just relax my love," she said softly, and I couldn't move, I couldn't feel anything but the calm that was being saturated into my mind. "It will be over quickly" I saw her lean in closer to my face, but she wasn't looking to kiss me again, I felt a sharp twinge in my neck, and suddenly the world began to go fuzzy. I heard a howl that sounded a lot like a wolf, thinking that I was going insane. The next thing I knew, Lilly was being flung away from me, at the same time I felt four sharp points dig deep into my side, and tear through flesh. I screamed, feeling the pain override the calm that Lilly had forced onto my mind.

When I got my bearings again, I looked to see the same girl from this morning, the one I thought was comparable to a GI Joe, but there was something different about her. Her eyes were glowing red, her nails were so long they looked like claws, and her teeth resembled those of a wolf. As I stared into her eyes, I felt something in me change, I felt my fear wash away, and felt as if I looked at the sun, but was so mesmerized by the beauty I didn't even notice the burn. When I looked away from her eyes, I saw blood under the claws of her left hand, and touched my side. I realized that she had to have been the one to deal the damage to my side. While I stared at her, trying to understand what was happening, I saw Lilly charge her, her eyes showing her bloodlust. At that sight I turned quickly and ran, ran faster than I ever had before, out of the woods, back to the other end of town, and back to the saftey of my house.

I opened the door quickly, and I held my breath, listening for my foster parents. There was not a sound, so I assumed that there was nobody home. I limped to the bathroom, the adrenaline wearing off, and I finally was starting to feel my injuries again. I looked at my neck in the mirror, and was shocked when I saw that there were only two slight bumps on my neck where Lilly bit me, and when I looked at my side, I saw only thin white lines where I had been scratched. Even though my wounds were healed all of a sudden I still hurt, but it wasn't just at where the injuries were sustained, it was all over my body. I felt as if I had vinegar and baking soda in my veins, and my body was fighting itself. I somehow managed to make it to my bed, and as the pain intensified, I blacked out.

Emma's POV

I held Lilith by the throat against a tree, my claws ready to tear through her flesh if she even breathed. I couldn't believe that this was happening! Not only did this bitch think she could get away with taking my brother's best friend, but she bit him at the same time I scratched him, which was something I had never heard of. Vampires were immune to the virus werewolves transmit though the tooth and claw, just like we were immune to the virus vampires spread through their bite. There had never been a person who recieved both at the same time, which meant that he could turn into something that we had never experienced before. I should have just ran straight after him, and tore his throat out, but when he had looked into my eyes, I felt something strange. I felt as if he wasn't looking at the color of my eyes, but at my eyes themselves, and I couldn't smell any fear from him for a minute. As I was struggling to discover what it was, Lilith had so helpfully decided to spring on me, which renewed his fear and he ran off faster than I could have imagined. Lilith snarled at me, fangs gleaming with Jake's blood.

"Come on bitch! Let's finish this!" she shouted, and I rolled my eyes. As much as I hated to admit it, I couldn't kill her now, I needed her.

I set her down on the ground and willed myself to shift back to normal, after I did I said to her, "We can't now. I don't know if you noticed, but I scratched him at the same time you bit him. There hasn't been anything like that before, and I hate to say it, but we have to discover what he is going to turn into, BEFORE we can finsih this, so I'll make a deal with you." I held out my hand, " I, Emma Simmons, as an alpha swear not to harm you in anyway, so long as you take no lives in this town, until we have figured out what we will have to do with the boy. If you shake to this, you will be bound by an ancient wolf magic to uphold these terms, and you will not be able to violate them. Do you agree to them?" I stared her down, waiting for her to make her decision. It didn't take long.

"I," she muttered, "agree to your terms" and she took my hand. As power flared between our entwined hands, I knew the deal was set.

Chapter 3

Jake's POV

I woke up, after a night of strange dreams running through the woods with vampires and werewolves chasing me, to a stiff neck and a cramping side. I opened my eyes, and noticed there was a difference in the way I saw everything, it was more focused and I could see the heat and motion of everything around me. I also noticed that I could hear two hearts beating in the next room, and smell the roses from the neighbor's garden, it was as if I gained super senses. I jumped out of my bed, and felt the frame bend as I did so, and as I turned to investigate, I heard a girl's voice, "Impressive!"

I flew across the room, to where I could see her, it was the girl from last night and I felt my side twinge slightly in memory. She was standing there with Lilly, Wait what the fuck? Why is Lilly here with her?!

The girl said to me, "I have never seen anyone move quite that fast, but you aren't just anyone, not anymore."

What the hell?!, I thought, confused, Does this have anything to do with last night? Did what I think happened last night really happen?

As if she could read my mind Lilly said, "Yeah, everything that happened last night was real, and I know you have several questions for us. First off, my name isn't Lilly, it's Lilith, I'm a vampire in case you haven't figured that out yet, and the girl standing next to me claims to know you." she rolled her eyes. The other girl slowly approached me, hands up in the air as if to inform me there was no danger, I felt a strange pressure in my incisors as rage shot through me. I rushed her, moving faster than I could think, and I held her against the wall by her throat.

"Who the fuck are you, and what do you people want from me?!" I snarled, feeling a strange pricking in my fingertips, and looking at the hand that wasn't around the girl's throat, I saw claws forming. I released the girl in shock, and ran to the mirror on my dresser, and I barely suppressed a scream. My eyes were glowing a luminous yellow flecked with black, my incisiors lengthened, and the bones in my face had changed, giving me a wolf like appearance. I turned around slowly looking at the two girls and asked, "What's happening to me?"

The girl who I just tried to strangle sighed and said, "We don't know exactly what's happening to you, but we can at least tell you what happened last night." she sat down on my bed and snarled, her eyes flashing red. I felt my body returning to normal appearance. "You actually already know me, even though you have never met me. I'm Emma, Phil's sister." I gasped, Phil's sister is a monster? I thought quietly.

"I am a werewolf," she continued, "in fact my entire family are werewolves, but I am the alpha, I am the strongest out of the family, and also the only one able to turn people into wolves." She sighed and rubbed her eyes, "Lilith here has had her eye on you to turn you into her mate, basically by turning you into a vampire she hoped to keep you for the rest of eternity. However, my family and the rest of my pack had no desire to let this happen, considering she ripped my father's throat out right in front of me and my siblings when they were four and I was six. So we had planned to turn you into one of us, so that way she couldn't have you, and so you could live a somewhat normal life. However, we were unable to keep her from biting you when she did, so I rushed to pull her off of you, and at the same time I scratched you, which is one way that we give people our gift."

Lilith stepped up and said, "As far as we know, you are the only person to have been bitten by a vampire and scratched by wolf at the same time. The viruses we transmit fight off the other's so to speak, as in if you were a vampire, a werewolf's scratch would have no effect, just like if you were a werewolf, a vampire's bite would have no effect." Her eyes turned black as her fangs slid out, and she bit her wrist. As she pulled away, I smelled the blood and rushed to her wrist, latching my lips onto it and drinking deep. It tasted like strawberries, the perfect ripeness, and as I felt arms grab me and pull me

Emma slapped me and shouted, "ENOUGH!" it broke though my blood haze, and I realized what I had just tried to do. She looked to Lilith and said, "Well that answers one question."

Lilith smiled, "Yes it does." she said.

I blinked stupidly, "Um, what?"

Emma laughed and said, "You appear to have both natures in you, you are wolf, yet you need blood. It appears the only way we can make this work, is if we both train him, we have to observe and find out what powers he has, and what powers he doesn't."

"I'm in agreement!" Lilith said, and I sighed. Really I have just discovered that I am a werewolf/vampire hybrid, I have no control over my powers, and I have strong attraction to both of the monsters that have turned me into this, while I also learn that my best friend and his family are also monsters! I ranted in my head. And the worst part of it is, I'm worried about how this is going to affect my chances on the football team! I felt a hand touch my face, Emma.

"I know that you are confused, but we will help you through this. However there is something that needs to be said." She looked over to Lilith and continued, "I sense that you are my mate, due to the connection we experienced last night, and Lilith has tried to claim you as hers by turning you. After we have trained you to control both sides of your nature, you will have to choose which one of us you will have, and which one of us you will kill!"

I blanched, "What do you mean, 'kill'?"

Lilith snorted, "The only thing our species have in common is that we don't do well with competition, when we mate, it is only one mate. That means, which ever one of us you choose, is going to have you kill the other, and there is no avoiding it!"

I looked away from the both of them, Mate? As if I would even consider  it!I But I was considering it, the strange attraction I felt for both of them flaring and fading as I grew furious about my entire situation.

"What, in the name of fucking hell," I started vehemetly, "makes you think that I would want to mate with either one of you?! In fact, what's stopping me from tearing your throats out, and drinking you both dry?" I felt my vision focus, and pressure grow around where my fangs were hidden.

Emma chuckled blackly, "If not for the fact that I'm Phil's older sister, and he would kill you for touching me, then how about that without my training, you'll kill every human in this town on the night of the full moon."

Lilith stepped up and said, "And, not only am I much older than you, which means stronger, without me to teach you how to control your feeding, you'll be discovered and staked by the rest of my kind before the end of the week!"

I blanched, feeling the pressure around my fangs dissapate as well as my vision return to normal. Shit, I thought, why do they have to be right?! "Fine," I said slowly, " I will accept your training, however I want time."

"Time for what?" they asked in a once-in-a-lifetime unision.

"To make a choice. I want to be able to learn how to control myself, but I need time to find who I am in all of this, and I want to be able to choose a mate," I said, my confidence growing with every word, "without feeling the desire to kill them. There has been too much manipulation from you Lilith, and Emma your family has told me too many lies. I could happily kill you both right now, if it weren't for the truth in what you said before. So, do we have a deal?" The part about killing them was a lie of course, but I needed to be able to decide, and I was telling the truth about the lies and manipulation. I wanted to find the truth in what was going on, as well as get to know the two of them better before I had to make my choice.

The girls looked at each other, and groaned. It was obvious that they wanted  a quick decision, the alliance between the two of them was temporary, and it was obvious they wanted it over so there could be bloodshed. I don't know what Emma did to Lilith to earn such treatment, but I could understand why Emma would want to start bloodshed. Emma held hands with her for a moment, and I saw her eyes flash red yet again as a strange aura formed around their hands. Emma reached her free hand out to me and I took it, and I felt a power surge though me that shook me to the core. "We agree with your request!" they both said in unison, and I felt the power flare.

Emma spoke up on her own this time, "We will give you until your seventeenth birthday to make a decision, but after that, if you do not choose, we will kill you, and then fight to the death. Understood?" I felt the power in her voice that shaped this deal, and I agreed. The power vanished from our hands as she said, "It is done!'

Lilith cleared her throat and said, "Well, that went well, now we will contact you when you are to start your training. You will train one day with me, and the next with her. In order to speed things along in the mating decision, Emma and I will have no contact for the next twenty-three months." Emma nodded her head in agreement.

I smiled, feeling accomplished and more confident than before, and said, "I will await your contact, who should I expect first?"

Lilith laughed and said, "Me of course, just because I have to make sure that you feed regularly, if not then you might kill someone sooner rather than later."

Emma just shrugged and said, "That's fine with me, so long as he doesn't recieve too much stress, he should be able to control the shift for a few days." I rolled my eyes, Stress, really? I thought in a peevish manner, I know I over reacted earlier, but Jesus Christ, it's be nice to not be made out to have the temper of a four-year old. As I completed this thought, Emma slipped out my window, leaving me and Lilith alone.

Lilith looked as if she was going to follow, but then stopped and approached me, "Look," she said, "I know it's hard to see right now, but I gave you the best gift in the world! You've aged to your full physical maturity already. You will never age again, and unless someone cuts you head off or stakes you, you won't die"

I stood there shocked and looked down at the rest of my body. My jeans were stopped above my calves, and my shirt barely covered my pecks. I ran to the mirror, and I saw that my facial structure had changed. My jaw was stronger, my face lost most of the child like roundness it had yesterday, and the strangest part was my eyes. My eyes were now a darker color, more like a ocean blue than the sky blue they used to be. If what she's saying is true, I'll be like this forever. I thought as she walked right up to me and she rested her hand on my cheek, I froze What the fuck is wrong with me?! I thought, Not only did this monster ruin my life, turn me into something that has to kill in order to survive, but she still  tries to approach me, and I can't find it in myself to back away. She drew her face closer to me, and my breathing sped up. "I know that you will forgive me, and that you will choose me, in the end." she whispered, I felt her warm breath tickle my face, and as I debated on what I should do, she kissed me.


It wasn't like the kiss we shared the night before, my senses were dulled by her power and by my humanity back then, this one was extraordinary, it spread though my entire body like adrenaline, and I felt raw desire for her. I grabbed her shoulders and threw her on the bed, barely noticing the groan of the bed frame at the force of her hitting it, and in an instant I was on top of her, kissing her roughly and squeezing her hips so tightly that she had to have been in pain. Suprisingly though, she didn't cry out in pain, she moaned in pleasure, and wrapped her arms around my neck in a vice grip, clinging me to her. I had no idea what I was doing, I went purely on instint, reaching for her shirt and quite literally tearing it off. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that was going to cause me a problem later, but at that moment I wanted to feel every inch of her body against mine. The next thing I know, I'm on my back, her hands tearing my shirt away and her eyes are dark with desire, I brought her head down to mine and proceeded to kiss her forcefully. I felt her hands reach down to unbutton my jeans, at the same time I fumbled for her bra strap, and even though I was a complete novice in that department, I didn't even have to struggle to unhook it. In a flash of movement I was on top of her again, her boots and skinny jeans lying somewhere with mine. She was wearing black lace, and it was practically see through, so I could see all of the merchandise. I pulled her bra off the rest of the way, and I stared at her breasts. Damn, 34-DD! I thought.

I felt my cock rise up in my boxers at the same time as my fangs decended, and I wanted to be inside of her, so badly, I started trailing kisses from her jawline, down her throat, to her right breast. I kissed it softly, and as she moaned in pleasure, I got rougher, licking her nipple and I bit down , tasting her sweet blood. she tensed for a moment, then moaned as she stuck her fangs into my shoulder. We laid there like that for a moment, each of us savoring the taste of the other's blood, then she flipped me underneath her in another blindingly fast movements, and pulled my boxers off of me. I didn't notice until that moment that her panties were already off, which sped things up a bit. She took my cock in her hand, simirking, and started stroking it. Holy shit! I thought, losing myself in the pleasure of it all, This is something else! I growled as I flipped her over again, and started licking her breast again, but at the same time I started rubbing her pussy, and if her moan was anything to judge, I was doing the right thing. I kept it up, until I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder that indicated that she was drinking from me again.

It wasn't like I minded, it was very pleasurable in fact, but it increased my desire for her. I pulled away slightly, so I could get into a better position, and I rammed into her. I felt her fangs tighten in my shouleder even more, and as I started thrusting, I sunk mine into her neck. As the sweet nectar from her veins entered my mouth I began going faster, and after a mere few minutes her legs tightened around my waist, her breathing sped up even more, and I felt a sudden wetness blossom around my cock. The feeling of it was so intense I came before I even had a chance to pull out.


I pulled away from her, wincing slightly as her fangs left my shoulder, and felt my fangs retreat as my breathing returned to normal. Lilith started roaming around the room picking up the clothes she had left, and I followed her example. Of course, only my boxers fit me properly due to my immense growth spurt overnight, so I focused my hearing to see if my foster parents were awake, and it sounded like during my encounter with the ladies, they left. I sprinted up the stairs to their room, and went through the closet, pulled out a random pair of jeans and a black T-shirt, and tried them on. I sighed in relief, my foster dad and I were now in the exact same sized clothing, and I froze at that thought. How the fuck, I thought on the verge of panicing, am I going to be able to hide this from everyone?

I ran back to my room, noticing Lilith was fully dressed minus the shirt that I mutilated. "I don't suppose you have a shirt I can wear do you?" she said with a smirk. I opened my closet door, and handed her a black long sleeved shirt that looked suitable for her. "Thank you!" she said lamely.

"No problem." I stated. "However, this doesn't change anything about our situation. I still need time to wrap my head around all of this." I looked at her neck, rather than her eyes after I said this, and I noticed that the bite marks from just a few minutes ago were already healed on her.

"Why am I not suprised?" she said, and I looked up at her face. She looked pissed, but more resigned then anything else. "Nothing about this situation has gone in my direction."

I blinked, suprised that she actually said it, "Then why are you even bothering?" I asked.

"I have no idea." she replied, "You might want to hurry, school starts in an hour."

I glanced at my alarm clock shocked that so much had happened and it wasn't even seven o'clock yet, and when I looked back, she was gone. I swore loudly, and rushed to get my things together

Chapter 4

Jake's POV *From now on, the book is going to stick in Jake's POV*

 I managed to get everything together within ten minutes, and I stopped to grab something to eat from the kitchen instintively. Before I knew it I had devoured the chocolate Pop-tart that I grabbed out of the cabinet, and was shocked that it actually filled my stomach. I'm going to have to remember to ask Lilith about that later. I thought. I looked around the house to make sure there was no evidence of what had taken place this morning left, and I walked out the door just as the bus passed. Shit! I thought violently, How am I going to get there in time now?! I started running down the route to the school, which was roughly about five miles, and felt myself gathering speed with every step I took. Before I knew it I was at the McDonalds a block away from  the school, so I stopped in front of the door and checked my phone. It had taken me only three minutes to get there, and not only did my breathing stay even the whole time, I was put from way behind schedule to twenty minutes before my bus would even arrive to the school. I stood there for a second so I could think about what to do with my free time, and I decided to grab a breakfast.

I walked inside McDonalds and approached the counter slowly, as not to scare anyone with unnaturally fast movements. When I got to the counter, a woman looked at me, smiled, and said, "Welcome to McDonalds, how can I help you?" She was an attractive black woman, likely in her early twenties. He looks delicious! I jumped slightly, recognising her voice, but noticing her mouth didn't move. I smiled at her, masking my shock held my index finger up to signal that I needed a moment. I hope he takes all of the time in the world! God, the things I would do to this man. I heard it from her again, and I was certain that it wasn't my imagination this time.

Holy shit! I thought, torn between shock and excitement, I think I'm listening to her thoughts! As I came to that conclusion in my mind, I said to her to avoid unwanted attention, "Let me get two sausage egg Mcmuffins, some hot cakes, three hashbrowns, and two large iced caramel mocha lattes." After I said that, I imagianed a window opening in her mind, that would allow me to see the entirety of her thoughts, and shockingly enough it happened. I felt every thought going though her mind, saw myself as she saw me, and felt all of the emotions coursing though her. The thing that caught me the most was the obvious details of her fantasies she had for me, and as she said, "That will be $15.75." I saw her thoughts of what she wanted me to do to her, and I smiled.

"Thank you," I said pulling out a twenty, "Keep the change!" A thought occured to me, since I was begining to notice the scent of her blood, and I acted on an instinct. "Come join me." I said in a velvet voice, imagining my thoughts of her compliance as a probe entering her mind. She slid over the counter as my food arrived, so I took it and we sat at a booth together. I shoveled down my food, sending the thought to her mind to sit quietly and stare at me, and after I finished I took her by the hand and walked over to the men's restroom. I whispered to her, "Let's have a little private time!" and at the same time, concentrating the thought into her mind. She smiled and followed me through the door, which I proceeded to lock as soon as it was closed. I set my bag down next to the door and smirked thinking about how easy this all seemed As I turned around, I noticed that she had already taken off her shirt, and was already in the process of unhooking her bra, so I walked up to her and placed a tender kiss on her lips. She moaned happily, so I proceeded to trail them across her jaw, all the way down to her throat, and when I reached her throat I sent her the thought, You won't scream, cry out, or move at all. and I bit down, right on top of her jugular. If I hadn't been worried about wasting a single drop of her blood, I would have sighed when the first drop of her blood touched my tounge.

I drank deeply from her, sucking from her like a child with a large soda at the movies, and even though my mind was telling me that I needed to stop before I killed her, I coudn't stop. I felt her heart start to slow dangerously, and out of nowhere I felt a hand on my shoulder fling me back into the brick wall with suprising force, seperating me from the girl. I snarled and moved to protect my prey, barely noticing that my claws had come out, when suddenly, I felt a hand fasten around my neck and I froze. Lilith was standing in front of me, her teeth bared in an animalistic grimance. I felt my claws return back to normal nails, and my fangs return back into their sheathes in my gums, and I slowly put my hands in the air in a sign of surrender. She looked at me suspiciously, and slowly retreated back to the girl, eying the marks I made on her flesh.

"Shit Jake, good thing I got here when I did. She was another drop away from death." Lilith said as she brought her wrist up to her mouth.

"Woah!" I said running up to her, my thirst back in control, "What are you doing?"

She rolled her eyes and bit her wrist, "I'm healing her, when we feed and aren't planning on killing them, or turning them, we give them a small amount of our blood." She explained, "It helps with the healing proccess, put a couple drops on the bite marks, and give her a few sips and she'll be fine in roughly ten minutes." She demonstrated, and before my eyes the bleeding stopped, and the wounds were scabbing over within minutes. I stared amazed, then the girl opened her eyes and focused on me, Shit! I thought, struggling to focus on entering her mind again, but finding another presence in there that prevented me.

"What the hell?!" I practically shouted, "I can't get back in her head!"

"Really?" Lilith asked, sounding interested, "It usually takes weeks for newborns to discover that ability, of course, they usually don't have the restraint to stand in a crowd of humans without feeding immediately either. But don't worry, I've got it handled"

"Wait," I said confused, "if that's the case, then why were you telling me to come to school?"

She laughed, and the girl continued to sit on the floor, staring blankly as if she was stoned. "I wanted to make sure that you were in my sight the entire day, I figured risking the lives of your classmates was better than risking the lives of others in town, especially since I wouldn't have been able to cover your tracks."

"WHAT!" I shouted, feeling my fangs shoot out and my face changing. "You mean to tell me," my voice was turning rough and animalistic, I was seeing red and starting to lose control, "that you would prefer to have me kill people I've known for three years, just so you could cover it up?!"

"Yep." she answered, looking wary, but confident she could handle me. That one word was enough to send me over the edge, I roared and charged her, noticing that even though I could see everything that I was doing, I had no control over it. She tried to jump over me, but I reached out with a clawed hand and flung her down on the cement floor hard. I didn't even stop as I heard a sickening crunch when her head hit the ground, I was too consumed with rage, so I flipped her over on her back, and started slashing her with my claws, relishing as her blood sprayed up into my face. I slashed her repeatedly, then grabbed her throat with my right hand, and put my left on her shoulder, ready to rip her head off. I tightened my grip, about to follow through, and then I heard a roar that made me freeze in my movements. I turned slowly and saw Emma as I did the night I was turned, and I felt the power she held in that roar, forcing my body to revert back to human and the rage to slowly ebb aout of my mind.

"WHAT THE HELL!," she screamed as soon as she reverted back to her human appearance, "IS GOING ON!?"

Lilith sat up groggily, blood flowing down her temple at a steady rate. I felt my fangs legthen, and I struggled to resit the urge to pounce on her and drain her dry. What the fuck is wrong with me? I thought violently, I had no problems with controling my thirst, but now I want to drain everyone dry! I turned to face Lilith and said, "That's actually a good question, all I know is I somehow entered that girl's thoughts, convinced her to come in here with me, and I was only planing to take a small amount of blood." I laughed blackly, "Of course, I had almost killed the girl, Lilith showed up just in time to stop me, but I almost killed her after our conversation pissed me off to the point I couldn't control my transformation." I focused on reigning in the anger that was building up from remembering, I knew that turning now wouldn't help me where this convorsation was going.

Lilith shook her head and said, "Yeah, I don't get what his problem is though, he had no problems feeding on me this morning after you left, but he damn near killed that girl and ripped me in half!"

Emma groaned, "Great, this is just how I wanted my day to go! Do I have to worry about her turning? I know Jake isn't an alpha, so he can't turn her into a wolf, but I don't need her turning into a vampire either."

For the first, and quite possibly only time I have ever seen, Lilith reassured her, "No, in order for us to turn someone, we have to have the intent of turning them when we bite, mindless feeding doesn't qualify."  I sighed in relief, that was one of my fears, condemming this innocent girl to a life of darkness and death. "However I do think that we should all get to school."

I gaped at her, thinking back to what she said about my classmates, and growled feeling my claws and fangs extend again. "Why would you even suggest that?! You already told me that you expected me to kill somebody today!"

Lilith smirked, "True, but you've fed, and it seems like you are maintaining control over your temper, so I don't see any harm befalling anyone by your hands today." she reached into the bag she left leaning against the door frame, since the door was now in splinters, and pulled out two plastic hospital bags with red fluid in them, I felt increased pressure in my fangs  "However, I want you to keep these in your bag at all times, and if you start to feel thirsty, sneak off to the bathroom or manipulate the minds of your classmates, whatever you need to do to feed." I took the bags from her, careful not to let my claws puncture them and at the same time not looking directly at them as I put them in my bag. Lilith smiled and continued, "You are already showing more restraint than the common newborn, most of them wouldn't have been able to resist feeding even from a glance of seperated blood."

Emma sighed and said, "Okay, now that we have his feeding issues handled for today, we seriously need to work on helping you control your shifting." She reached into her pockets and pulled out a small pendant with a strange triple spiral on it. "This is known as a Triskele, it is the symbol of my pack and everyone of us has one of these." While she was talking she handed it to me, just looking at it helped to put my mind at ease, and I put it on as she continued, "These pendants often help us when we first develop our shifting abilities, the main way to control the shift is to find an anchor, something that helps you think more with your human mind than the animal. My anchor is anger, I remember all the wrongs that I have suffered in my life," she shot an ugly look at Lilith, "and the anger helps me reign in the shift. Before that however, we are taught a chant that holds a different meaning for each of us, but has the same result." She reached out and took my hands, "Now I want you to repeat after me, The three things that can't be hid..."

I echoed, "The three things that can't be hid..."

"...the sun...the moon...the truth"

"...the sun...the moon...the truth." As I finished the chant I thought about what it meant, the sun obviously will always come out just like the moon when it is hidden by clouds, so that means that the truth will eventually come out. I paled, Shit! I thought, If


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.09.2014

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I want to dedicate this book to my friends Phil, Emma, Rachel, Dennis, Michael, Trevor, and Christian. Without your input, and your faith in my way with words, I never would have been able to do this.

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