What I have is not mine, although it is a part of me ... All that I am, was lend to me by God, so I can share it with all those who come into my life. No one crosses my path by chance, but we always come out of a particular reason in someone's life. There is plenty of what we give and receive, a lot to learn with good and bad experiences. This way it is ... try to see the negative things that happen to you, as something what was happening for a reason. And do not regret that it happened. Apart from it won`t help you if you regret something you should prefer to direct your eyes forward and continue your way. If you cannot manage to forget something that has hurt you, you just re-energize the wound again and again, which is even greater at the end than the offense at the beginning. Not all people hurt us intentionally. Often we feel violated in our feelings without the person noticing it. We are then disappointed because the person does not live up to our expectations. We remain disappointed and disillusioned and disappointed.
Certainly, it is much easier to think of things that concern us. If someone says he has not done anything intentionally, you believe him / her. That will do you good! Perhaps you can then understand better if you need to say one day: I did not want this.
Give from yourself, whenever you can! You know, once you step out of life, is the only thing that remains is the memory of you and what you have done here. Be good, like the flowers, make the first move and never refuse to help if this is in your power. Forgive, even yourself. Be a blessing! God does not come to the people, to bless them. He uses those who are here and ready to fulfill this mission. We can all be angels. Eternity is in all our hands.
Live. in a way, as if you stay, as those who have the good desire to meet you
My big love...
For me it is very, very hard to believe that you're gone, just not here, but in a better place, on the side of God. Nothing and no one can or will replace you. You were my first and only love, more and more. Besides the fact that you were my best friend. As long as we knew us ... and nothing will be able to delete these moments with you from my memories, let alone your smile out of my heart.
Without you everything will be empty here now. My nights will never be the same. Without your voice I do not know how to follow my life in the future. Without the person I love most, I'm going to have to try to fight; you're a winner, who fought until the last minute. I admire your will.
And now you're the brightest star in the sky, my guardian angel, my eternal love. You were and are and you will remain the eternal love of my life. Every time I wake up and see the sun, I will smile, because I know that you wake me up and say "good morning my dear, I'm with you". It was all like a dream, and when I woke up, you were next to me. You were a wonderful person. I thank God that he has brought you into my life. He has chosen me for your mission on earth. Before you could go home as an angel, I could enjoy with you this house and our lives; I will remember this at all times.
And if I then when I cease one day to be a human being, one day, then we will be back together and can perform all the plans we had made. And if nobody else is next to me, I know that your eyes will show me the way, and what I should do.
When I close my life and finish my journey, I'm looking forward to you. I know that we all return one day back home. Thank you, that you made me the happiest girl in the world, my guardian angel. I loved every minute that has passed together with you. Every time I close my eyes to find you, I feel that no distance can separate us.
So go in peace, I love you, my dear, my sincere love. The important thing is that the storm has already passed, and you're the winner. Wait for me until I have won the palm too.
If you love me, then do not weep for me.
If you have really loved me, then do not suffer because of me.
Continue living your life on earth.
If you still would only know the secrets of heaven, where I am now!
If you could only feel but what I feel and if you could see thiss endless horizon, with this light that penetrates and touches everything, then you would never cry for me. Now the spell of God absorbed me, full of infinite love and beauty.
I am now facing a new life; how small and insignificant are things of the past. I keep my love for you all; a tenderness that I never could fully prove, if I was still alive.
Live the gift
Affectionate I loved you in life, but it was all so elusive and so very limited.
Now I live in a quiet anticipation of your arrival one day; God guides. Now that you still dwell among yours, I start another life. A life intensely in each moment, because life, this gift of God is there to be lived, to be completely loved, intense and happy. Live this gift. Above all, love yourself and think of me, so:
In your battles, think about this wonderful place, where death no longer exists and where all live in fraternal union, in its purest and most intense joy, at the inexhaustible source of joy and love of God.
If you really love me
But remember to hold your earthly life as stront as you can, because in this cycle you will reap the rewards, of those seeds the future will bring the greatest wealth of the soul and future prosperity.
If you really love me, do not cry for me because I rest in peace now. I am eternally grateful to you. Your beloved father
Inspired by the words of Chico Xavier
If I die before you, please do me a favor: Wine as much as you want, but please do not grumble at God, because he took me with him. If you do not want to cry, do not cry. If you cannot cry, do not worry. If you prefer to laugh: laugh. When some friends tell you something about me, listen and add something. When they praise me too much, correct the exaggerated. If they criticize me too much: Defend me. If they make me a saint, just because I'm dead, show them that I had a little of the saints, but that I was far from being the Holy, that they paint. If they make me the devil, show them that I had maybe a bit of the devil, but I always tried throughout life, to be a good friend. When they talk more about me than about Jesus Christ, draw their attention. If they desire to talk to me, talk to Jesus; I'll hear you.
I hope to be with him and thereby continue to be useful for you, wherever you may be also. If you want to write something about me, just say this one sentence: It was my friend who believed in me and should be closer to God. Now you may even shed a tear. I will not be able to be with you, to dry them, but that does not matter. Other friends are doing this in my place. If I can see that I have been well replaced, I can take care of my new responsibilities in heaven here. But now and I'll take a look at God's direction. You do not see me, but I would be very happy if you'd look up at him. And if it is then once you returning to the Father, not a veil will separate us anymore; then we want to live, in God, in the friendship that has us prepared for him. Do you believe these things? Yes?? Then pray that we both live as someone who knows that he will die one day and that we are living like someone who knows how to live correctly. Friendship makes sense only if one brings the sky closer to the people and here makes a beginning itself. I will not surprise the sky ... Why? Being a good friend is already a part of it!
In the words of Vinicius de Moraes
Lord, if I feel overwhelmed one day, drowned, when I'm stuck, when I am really tired of life,
when I have the desire to run away to die,
whens I am dissatisfied with myself and with the world around me,
then ask me if I want to replace the light against darkness,
Ask me if I want to exchange the full table against rests, which I dig out of the garbage,
Ask me if I want to exchange my feet against a wheelchair,
Ask me if I want to change my voice against gestures,
Ask me if I want to change the world of sounds against the world of silence in which I do not hear,
Ask me if I want to replace the newspaper, that I throw in the trash after reading, want to change with the plight of those who take this newspaper out of the trash in order to cover up,
Ask me if I want to change my health against diseases of so many people,
Ask me by when I have not forgotten thy blessing, who has made my life a song of praise and gratitude in to order to say every day from the bottom of my heart: Thank you Lord for another day!
Normally we look at the word death solely in connection with the absence of life; However, this is a mistake. There are other kinds of death and we have to die every day.
Death is nothing more than a passage, a passage, a transition, a transformation. There is no plant without killing the seed.
There is no embryo without the murder of egg and sperm.
There is no no butterfly without killing the caterpillar.
If you want to be a good university student, you eliminate yourself in the elementary school student inside you, who thinks still having plenty of time before him.
If you want to be a professional professional, you need to run the university students down, who thinks his life only consists of learning and exams.
You'd like to have a good relationship? Then you remove the insecure, jealous young person or the free Single who thinks that he can plan everything alone, without sharing space, ideas and time with someone.
Anyway: The entire development process requires that we have to “kill” our past, low "I". What is the risk if we do not act like that? If we try to be two people at the same time, we lose our focus, we are giving away our productivity to finally detract thereby diminish our success. Many people do not develop further, because they hold on to what they were and not to focus on what they want to be. You want to make a step forward, but without abandoning the way, as they previously thought and acted. At the end are unfinished projects, hybrids and childlike adults.
We can sometimes act like children, for example, with respect to a gimmick, an open smile, vitality or creativity; this childlike virtues may not be missing. But if we want to be an adult or want to grow up, we must forcibly neutralize the child's thoughts, to think like adults can.
You want to be someone who is a leader, a professional, mother, father, citizen, friend or girlfriend/boyfriend, better and further developed? Therefore one must daily inwardly "kill" inside to be reborn and to be what one want to be.
God loves us
When someone loves you, he or she speaks out your name differently, smoother and embraced.
You can feel that you're safe with this person. Everything is gonna be okay!
God also speaks to us because he loves us. God has asked me to inform you that from now on everything will be fine. You have been determined to be a successful person and will make it. Firmly believe!
All your targets are coming closer, your dislikes will disappear, your victories finally come. I knocked on the door of God this morning; he asked me: My son, what can I do for you? I replied to him: Father, please protect and bless the person for whom these lines are determined. He smiled and confirmed with a soft voice: granted petition!
Then he read to me a simple, but extremely interesting prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive my sins, I love you very much, I need you today, tomorrow, after tomorrow, next week, ... always. You 're always deep in my heart. Cover my family, my house, my home, my job, my finances, my dreams, my projects and my friends with your precious light and your divine blessing and let happen again and again thy wondrous works.
At what point occurs the miracle of life? The answer to this question has always occupied people. Religious people, philosophers and science have tried to answer it. The religion offers security; interesting by the way that different religious traditions around the world go out almost unanimously believe that life begins at the moment of conception; in the moment in which the sperm fertilizes the egg and starts touching the complex formation process of a new human body. Religious people assure that already here connects the mind with the body.
Therefore, all religions are also in agreement on the condemnation of abortion. The only exception: if the pregnancy poses a threat to the mother's life. So why humanity insist on abortion when the religions speak out against it. Why do parents kill their little baby? What drives us to commit an act that victimizes such a fragile and unprotected creature? The answer: our selfishness. When we feel threatened in a situation in our comfort, we protect ourselves usually by a defensive position. The problem is when our defensive stance violates the rights of someone. And this happens in every case during an abortion. This immortal spirit, this forming human being is already under God's protection. What do we do with this divine gift that arrives in our hands? Is it right to stifle or kill it when it is still so small? No, life calls for protection and assistance. In all the countries and languages of the world maternity is worshiped as divine. We cannot, in the name of modernity, corrupt damage our inherited ethical and moral values. The natural law is the progress, never the regression.
Often there is talk that women can decide about their bodies on their own authority. The legalization of abortion is presented as a human rights process, because it supposedly protects poor women from illegal and risky abortions. These arguments are a misunderstanding on the wrong basis. First, because the fetus is a being itself; it does not belong exclusively to the mother's body. And you have to ask the question: About which human rights do we speak? Human Rights are to protect ethical actions, but not to legalize the killing of children. And if we want to protect poor women from the consequences of an illegal abortion, in fact, we should invest in health and education. These are the real antidotes. Well-informed women will use methods of birth control; they have access to information. You do not have to kill to avoid pregnancy. On the other hand, where is the so-called love, which we want so much to feel? The pursuit of love recommends to take care of the weak. What kind of love is it to abort a thriving life? Love protects, blesses and strengthens. It is the maximum expression of brotherhood. Love certainly does not kill!
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.12.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-9091-9
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I dedicade this eBook to all my loved ones and to the Creator.
23rd Psalm
The lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures
leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He guides me in paths of righteousness
His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the darkest valley,
I fear no evil;
for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
You prepare a table for me in the presence of mine enemies.
You anoint my head with oil
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord.