

You write well, interesting, versatile, error-free, imaginative ... then you could turn your skills into cash.  The hobby writer could turn a professional writer. In my e-book, I show you how to make his talent to money. Author tips, experiences, proposals to enter into really big business of writing and copywriting. How to write good lyrics? How to deal writer's blockage? How do you stay creative? How to market manuscripts, publish your books or publish your own e-books with ISBN number? Also blog article are described step-by-step, plagiarism, content marketing, Ezines, internet threats, freelance writing, and more. Start writing!

Writing and selling your manuscript

You have just set the last set point on the page and look sympathetically at your finished work: your manuscript is ready! With a sigh of relief, you can leave behind all the spent midnights, back pain, curses, in the sight floating lines, last red pencil corrections and thoughtless hours. Specifically, you have managed the first half. Now comes the second half, which may possibly be even more difficult, namely to bring the manuscript to the customer (to the publisher).


The correct format is an especially important factor. Assuming that each publisher receives hundreds of manuscripts a day, you need to pass this hurdle first, so that your manuscript is read at all. This is so to speak a "visual testing". If the document does not look appealing at sight, you have no chance. Your work then lands perhaps right in the trash.


Also check first on whether own illustrations are desired, or whether these are generally carried out by publishing staff. Use high-quality, white paper. The line spacing should be 1 ½; do not write in "No Space" method. At least 3 cm edge must be respected. Use an easily readable typeface such as Times New Roman 12. So-called "headers" from two to three words on the top of each page are desirable. Articles for front pages and short stories must include your name, address and contact information in the upper left corner; they may be written in block form and single-spaced, whereas the title is specified with a larger typeface than the actual text. Number the pages consistently.


Individual articles can be sold for blogs or even collected, summarized into books.


If you see your name finally under a printed, publish articles or book you'll agree: It was worth all the effort!


How to publish a book - professional tips


You always wanted to write a book? You have a great idea for a cookbook, a science fiction novel or a kids` story? Writing means to transform thoughts into reality, with a lot of discipline and preferably with good insider tips. Hundreds of thousands new titles are published every year, now simplified by e-books. Nevertheless, about 90% of written books remain unpublished. Why?


Author errors

Most authors, perhaps you too, are looking desperately for a guide on how to deliver their work into the right hands. Publishers usually have a lot of demand and new manuscripts are always needed and welcome. Authors need to know how to navigate the crowded market and how to publish.


According to experts and publishers, most new authors made the same mistakes.

One should know the wishes of the editors and what is currently "in". The book titles must be powerful and interesting, inviting to read. You must attract the attention of a publisher (editor). Learn techniques to promote your book (e.g. readings or signings) and to increase sales. Read internet tips on how to find the right agent and work with him. Contests are an excellent chance to become known as a budding author. Usually one earns at the same time the book publishing contract. The revenue-percentage show significant differences!


If you want to circumvent all these difficulties, you should think about an internet publication as e-books. Inform yourself among others at Amazon self-publishing, book-on-demand, ruckzuck book, wege-zum-buch, August Goethe Verlag, eleboo or epubli; Incidentally, all free of charge!



How to publish your e-book!


Particularly important for authors the issue of e-publishing. Cost-effective, simple, almost no restrictions. Check out the author margins; there are differences in the percentages! Last year, 12 million e-books were sold, after all!

Also an e-book begins as a "normal" book. You need a good product that can be sold. This already happens in frontpage, the so-called "cover", which must be as attractive as possible, as it is supposed to attract readers. Ideally contract a graphic designer who is familiar with creating book covers. But some publishers offer free templates too.


Marketing is extremely important. This can ideally be done through the social media, but also through ads or handouts (flyers), business cards, etc.


According to distribution platforms, most e-books are bought with a price from 2.99 to 5.99 Dollars (self-publishing authors, among others, at Lulu, one of the largest online self-publishing provider). Amazon, the largest e-book seller calculates 30% fees for Kindle books (range from 2.99 to 9.99 USD selling price), otherwise 35%.


Attention: The following listing is not complete and will never be, because new companies appear daily!

Amazon, Kindle, Smashwords, Lulu, XinXii


With Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) in several languages (including German, French etc.) the file upload is made directly, without intermediaries. One can make his own cover with Word files by a free software Tolls (Calibre, Mobipocker eBook Creator) format in HTML.


Kindle KDP formatted only for a fee.


Amazon (30% of the author fees income) also includes Barnes & Noble Nook and Kobo as well as Apple equipments like phones. Authors can upload e-books directly here (fill out application). Therefore, many authors prefer to use Lulu or Smashwords.

Anyone offering with KDP Select up to 90 days exclusively on Amazon, receives particularly reductions. Books can be offered to million potential customers, increasing sales opportunities.

According to experts, information the market share of Kindle is at 60%, Nook at 25% and Apple at 15% (direct suppliers).


Lulu sells e-books among others on eBay and Barnes & Noble (Nook), is usually free of charge, including Creator guide and conversion tool. Premium services such as ISBN and prints are chargeable. Author profits are reduced by 30% fee. Payment by PayPal monthly or quarterly by check.


XinXii Germany with about 28,600 e-books online, is currently only free, if it comes to the genre "fiction and poetry". For


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.12.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-9034-6

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