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The Magic Flying Horse
Once upon a time, there lived a great king, who ruled over all of Persia. It was at the time of the Persian New Year, which is at the beginning of spring, when everyone was celebrating, and the king always held great parties at the palace too.
The king was very fond of art and science and geometry, and he loved to find fascinating new treasures and inventions. So as part of the festivities, he would open the palace doors to all the ordinary people, and invite all the best master craftsmen and toymakers and inventors, to come to the palace, and show him and all the spectators their creations.
He would then choose the best works of genius and craftsmanship, to keep for himself and his court, and reward the inventors well. All the local people looked forward to the spectacle every year, and every artist and inventor who knew about it, eagerly prepared themselves all year round, for this special day too, hoping that they would win.
So today was the great day, and three skilful master craftsmen, who had not been seen before, had come to present their inventions.
The local people arrived in their throngs, accompanied by music and dance, laughing and chatting. Some people set up stalls outside, and sold souvenirs and food. The crowds were spilling out of the palace doors and onto the street. There were some people outside, who could see and hear nothing, whilst others, leaning out of trees and the upstairs balconies of the buildings, shouted down to them what they could see was happening.
It was time to begin, and there was a hush, as a man at the front told everyone to be quiet, then a great cheer went up from the crowd, as the King came into the hall smiling, and seated himself before the court and his people.
The first artist-inventor was from India. He came forward and greeted the king. He lay down and stretched himself out on the floor in front of him, prostrating himself before the king, as a sign of respect. Then he presented his creation.
All the crowd gasped in amazement, as it was wheeled in by his servants. It was the most beautiful, large figure, about five men high, of a magical creature, that was made of gold, richly decorated, and set with precious jewels. In its hand, the beautiful strange creature was holding an engraved, golden trumpet, raised to its lips.
"Oh dear sir, I am most enchanted!" said the king, "but what else, apart from its great beauty, is the virtue of this figure?"
"My lord," said the man, "It is a magical figure, that knows, of itself, when an enemy approaches, and if it is so, it will alert
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-4619-4
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