
Chapter One

“What did you say?” I was sure I heard wrong. As bitchy as my mother was, there was no freaking way she just said that!
“I’m sorry, Hun. But that doesn’t change a thing. You’re getting married…and that’s final. Now go pack your stuff. You’ll be leaving tonight. And make sure you put on a nice dress, because they’re coming over for dinner!” My mother said what?!
“What the hell! I have to marry a freaking stranger because you lost a bet!” I screamed on the top of my lungs. I just couldn’t believe it!
“I know, Honey. Okay, I admit it, I was foolish back then,” like that totally changes things, “But a deal’s a deal. Now go pack!”
“Fine.” I huffed as I rushed to my bedroom. I don’t want to see her face ever again! She just sighs and busies herself in the kitchen. Screw her, she doesn’t have to worry about marrying a stranger or something like that.
Ugh, why me? I just turned 17 and my world or teenage is about to end? My mother above all mothers, had to make a bet that she couldn’t pay off so I had to marry a total stranger? This is not freaking happening to me…
As soon as I reach my room and flop on my bed, I call Alice, my best friend in this whole demented world. She answers on the first ring.
“It’s me, Tori. I have some bad news…”
“OMG! You’re pregnant, right?”
“EW, Ali! Definitely not! I’m a freaking virgin, alright?”
“Oh…then what?”
“Get your ass over here and I’ll explain.”
“Okay, okay. No need to swear, I’m on my way. Bye.”
“Bye,” I say as I snap my phone shut. I suddenly have an urge to chuck it against the wall, but think better of it. It is my only phone after all.
As I wait for Alice, I dump my all my clothes onto the ground and start sorting them into two piles. One to take with me and one to leave behind. All my clothes have one thing in common. They’re all black. No, I’m not emo or anything (like those retards at school think), I just love the color black! Even my hair is dyed jet black!
The doorbell rings, which means Alice is here. But I don’t want to see my shitty mother’s face, so I stay upstairs. Mom answers the door and I can hear Alice stomping up the stairs. She barges through my room and gasps at the black mess on my floor. I’m usually a very neat person.
“Eh my gawd! Are you guys having a garage sale?” There’s one thing you should know about Alice and that’s that she guesses on everything if she has an opportunity to.
“Ugh, hell no! Do you have a singe idea what I’m doing?
“Um…cleaning? Sorting?” Well, she is pretty close.
“NO! I’m packing!!!
“For a vacation? Where?”
“Arg, NO, Alice! I’m moving!” There, that ought to catch her attention.
“What?! No freaking way!” Alice’s eyes grow wide.
“Do you think that’s my fault? No way! It’s not my fault that my bitch of a mother lost a bet and forfeited her only daughter. Not my fault that I’m getting married in 7 months to a total stranger! Not my fault that this is an arranged marriage! An arranged marriage! I have no freaking say in this thing! Where are my rights? GONE, that’s where! Do you think I want to move in with a dude I don’t know the hell about?”
Alice’s jaw drops. At least she got it now. “Wow…OMG! You’re getting married? Like in 7 months? At age 17? Oh, Tori!” She reaches over and hugs me while fresh hot tears flow down my cheeks. “Are you meeting them today?” I nod. “Well, we better get you dressed and stuff, alright, Hun?” I nod again too tired to speak. At least Alice was trying to make an effort to cheer me up. She squeals and rushes into my closet. I sigh, as she starts pulling random black dresses off their hangers and throwing them over her shoulders. Alice has just about as much energy as Alice Cullen from Twilight, but believe me, they don’t have any further similarities other than that. Alice has blond hair with black streaks in them. Today she has it slightly curled and tossed into a loose, messy bun. Her big blue eyes are framed with long black eyelashes and bold black eyeliner. Yeah, her favorite color is black as well! We are so alike in many ways!
When she’s done rummaging through my dresses, she makes me try on every single one of them. Not even kidding and there was probably about 20 dresses! She finally found one that satisfied her fashion sense. It was black, of course. It was a v-neck that tied together at the back of the neck. It reached down to my knees. There were little slits that ran up my leg about 3 inches, which made it more comfortable to move in. I had to admit it looked pretty good. It showed all my curves, and made my dark hair stand out.
I sat down, and let Alice work on my make-up and hair, while I relaxed. It was my last day with my best friend in my own house and I wasn’t going to let that slip away.

Finally, Alice squealed, indicating that she was finished. I leaped up from the padded chair, and waltzed to my full-length mirror. Alice was jumping up and down (with her endless energy), making some finishing touches with some powdered blush and a few bobby pins. I stopped in front of the mirror and was speechless.
There was a beautiful girl in front of me. One with black hair curled ever so slightly, giving it a little wave. It was held half up half down, with a silver butterfly pin. Her gray eyes were drawn with black eye liner and brimmed with luscious, black lashes. The lips were shiny with gloss so they looked puffier and fuller. The dress made her body look stunning and her silver flats and hoop earrings pulled the outfit together perfectly.
I moved my hand across the mirror as an experiment. My mirror image copied me. So this was me! Alice was finally silent, waiting for me to speak.
“Alice! This is so awesome! You’re the best!” I exclaimed with much effort. She just smiled and shrugged.
“It’s a wonder what I can do with my hands. Well, I better leave now. Mom wants me back before 4! Have a nice dinner with your fiancé!” I rolled my eyes and she punched me lightly in the shoulder. Then, she stood up and headed for the door. And then stopped waiting for me to follow. She looked at me questionly with I didn’t stand up. I shook my head.
“Sorry, Alice. I would walk you to your car, but my mother is down there and I don’t really want to see her bitchy face right now!” I gave her my best ‘I apologize for the inconvenience’ face. She sighed, but walked down the stairs by herself. That’s all right, knowing Alice she’ll probably forget all about this in about 10 minutes. I glance at the mirror again and bop my head, watching my normally stick-straight hair swish around in waves.
I don’t know how long I stood there. I zone out a lot. But I was pulled out of my reverie when the bell rang. I looked outside my bedroom window and saw a sleek, black limousine. Ooh, pricey! Definitely not Alice, she drives an old, crappy slug bug. My gaze drifts back to the limo. Wait, that means my husband-to-be is already here! Yay me—note the sarcasm.
I stomp down the stairs, leaping on the third to last step and landing with full balance. Wow! I actually landed on my feet for once! I usually fall over or land on my butt. I’m a terrible klutz after all. I run into the dining room where my bitchy mother is already seated. I barely glance her way. It’s her own fault that I got stuck in this stupid arranged marriage in the first place! Instead my gaze falls onto the hottest guy I’ve ever seen. Seriously, he was tanned, dirty blond hair, and a preppy. A total god in a T-shirt and shorts. Wait! T-shirt and shorts? And what do I wear? A dress, that’s what!!
He catches me staring, smirks and eye-rapes me. Ew! I can tell by the way he’s looking at my body. Gross! Talk about perv! Did I say he’s hot? Forget it…he’s a jerkface (that’s hot, but pretend I didn’t think that). A jerkface who’s a player. I roll my eyes and his smirk deepens. Ugh, jerk alert. I can’t believe I’m marrying this retard! But it could’ve been worse. He could’ve been ugly. Better ugly then preppy. And this guy was a total preppy. I’ll call him Mr. Preppy from now on. He’s wearing full Abercrombie shirt and shorts. I’m past those stores ages ago. You basically just bust $20 on a shirt that your going to wear once and then it’ll shrink in the washer. At least that’s what happened to me and I swore never to walk in one of those stores ever again.
My mother…I mean the bitch cleared her throat, bringing me back to reality. Stinking reality.
“This is my daughter Victoria.” Arg! I hate my full name. It sounds so girly! I grimace, but stick out my hand to Mr. Preppy’s parents.
“I go my Tori, actually,” I say as I shake his parents’ hands. My mother’s big smile falters a little, before she can correct it. Ha, mother!
“Hello Tori. I’m Mr. Sanders, but just call me Richie.”
“I’m Morgan Sanders. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” Well, at least Mr. Preppy’s parents seemed nice. “And this is our son Jake.” So…Mr. Preppy’s name is Jake? It suits him pretty well, since all ‘Jake’s are prepsters. Jakes that I’ve met anyways. Jake sticks out his hand and smiles, revealing bleach white teeth. I smile in return, but am scared to touch his hand. He’s probably carrying STDs on that hand. Gross! I make a face in my head and shake his hand. Relieved when he lets go, I make a mental note to wash my hand thoroughly later.
“Dinner is served. Tori, you sit next to Jake so you guys can get to know each other.” *Gag*! But I do as I’m told, because I don’t really want to fight with my mom in front of these people. As soon as I sit down, Jake moves his hand to my legs. I sit on the very edge of my chair so he can’t. I don’t really want people groping my leg while I eat. He keeps trying though, and it’s really getting on my nerves!
“Dude, quit trying to grope my leg!” I whisper/yell. He just grins. Ugh, jerk!
“Just getting to know my wife’s body parts.”
“Well, you’re not going to do it here!”
“As in, we’re going to do it later?”
“Why the hell are you making this so difficult?”
“Because I am difficult.”
Arg! This guy is so retarded! I really want to punch his face inside out! So that’s what I do.
“OW! What the hell was that for, Tori?” Wow, this guy was stupid. He didn’t even know why I punched him?
“Next time I tell you to get your freaking hands off me, you do as you’re told!” He just groans and faces away from me. Yay! I get to eat my dinner in peace, finally. The parents didn’t even notice, they’re too busy chatting about the wedding plans.

Chapter Two

“Tori go grab your jacket! Hurry! You’re stuff is all packed and—” I cut my mom off.
“WHAT? You packed my stuff? You looked through my private things?” I was outraged. My mother glared at me through her wired glasses and put her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tough out at my fiancé. “Fine, I just need to grab my jacket—”
“Already packed. Just go out to the car with Jake. Now.” Her expression signaled that it was final. I huffed at her, punched Jake hard the shoulder and stormed my way out of that stinkin’ room!! I slammed the door hard as I walked out. I pounded on the window of car where the driver was seated. He woke up with a start from his nap and unlocked the doors with raised eyebrows. Like I gave a crap what he thought of me, my life was already stupid the way it was!
I got in just as Jake and his parents were heading out our house. F*ck him! I hated him…no wait, I loathe him. He grinned at me through the window as I scowled at him. He slid open the door and smiled like a fool as he clambered in. What was his freaking problem? Did he just bump his head and completely forget about his black eye? Whatever, it’s his problem not mine. He sat on the opposite seat of me and started texting on his I-phone. I slumped down and pulled out my I-pod…ah, Paramore always lifts my mood! I was so comfortable and before I knew it I was asleep…

“Wake up, Tori! TORI WAKE UP!!” Someone screamed into my ear. I slapped them away, thinking it was my mom. I always slap her when she tries to wake me up in the morning. Emphasis on tries. Well, whoever was yelling at me stopped. I opened my eyes a little, but it was dark. I wasn’t in my room, why…I was in a car! With a boy…and then the memories flooded back. This boy was a pervert who I am arranged to marry. Yay me. Note the sarcasm.
I sniffled my laughter and turned my attention to the window before answering, “I’m up. What do you want?” I briefly turned to see his expression.
He glared but said, “We’re here at my house. I was waking you up so we could go in, but obviously you have other plans.” I rolled my eyes and stepped outside and gasped. In front of me was this huge mansion. White and lined with gold pillars. Wow, this guy is RICH!!I heard a small chuckle and turned to see Jake laughing at my reaction. I frowned, but let it go. He was my future husband after all.
“Surprised, Vicky?” I mentally imagined myself punching him again in his other eye. I hate, and I mean HATE the nickname “Vicky”. That’s because in 5th grade, there was this girl named Vicky that was biggest bully EVER. She use to push me around and dump her milk on my head at lunch. That’s where I packed my first punch actually. She stopped bugging me after that, but I still think about some of the really disgusting things she made me do before.


“You do as I say, or I’ll make sure my brother gets you tonight!” I gulped since Vicky’s older brother John was a known rapist, sleeping with the entire cheerleading squad and loads of other girls. But, what Vicky was asking for was downright gross.
“…Fine…” I mumbled, a bit to myself. Vicky heard it though and a smile spread across her face. An evil smile. I shuddered, but bit my tough.
“Alright then! Now, you listen to me. Strip!” I turned red and checked to make sure no kids were around. Then, I unbuttoned my jeans and scrambled over my shirt. Vicky was stripped, standing with her hands on her hips only in a bra and g-line panties. She grinned at me maliciously. I just slowly pulled off my tank top, stalling as long as possible. Vicky sighed and urgently yanked it over my head. Now I was shivering in only my purple bra and white underwear. She towered over me, and pulled out a blindfold from her jean pocket. “Stand still,” she ordered, wrapping the cloth around my eyes so I was totally blind. I was just blinking a few times in the blackness when something forced itself onto my lips. After a few seconds, I realized they were Vicky’s lips. They whispered, “Respond, or John will find you.” I quivered a little, and then began to move my lips with hers. I wasn’t enjoying this one bit. To me, this was a major ‘no-no’. This was what lesbians do, not me! But, like that helped my situation.
Suddenly, hands were fumbling with my bra. As it unhooked, it fell to the ground, revealing my plump, white breasts. Cold hands jostled them against my permission. My hands tried to shove them away, but were held in a lock hold above my head. Vicky had always been a built and strong girl after all. The pressure on my lips was removed as they were placed onto my breasts. A tough licked at the nipples and one of her hands slipped into my underwear. Her finger probed around, then slipped into my ‘hole’. I screamed, because the pain was intense, but was silenced by her hard kiss, from my same gender.

*End of Flashback*

“Tooooorriiiii?” Someone’s voice pulled me out of my reverie.
“Hmm..what?” I blinked a few times, clearing my mind, confused. My eyes focused on Jake, who was trying to hide a chuckle. I frowned at him, which made him giggle more. Ah, such a girl.
“Seriously Tori, do you zone out that much? I’ve never seen anyone dream off like you do,” Jake said. I just rolled my eyes at him and stood there still dazed from my trance. He looked at me with a playful glint in his eyes. Out of no where, his arms swooped down and pulled my body up as if it were nothing. Hell, he was strong! I protested, but was powerless against the bricks that encircled my waist. He just grinned carelessly, and brought me to the entrance of the mansion. Jake knocked twice, then waited silently, with me, still squirming in his arms. His hard, warm, velvety arms. Wait, pretend I didn’t think that. I’m so not falling for this idiot that probably got dropped loads when he was little. Stupid mood-swings.
A nice looking maid opened the door a few seconds later, properly dressed in her maid-attire. Jake barely glanced at her, but handed his keys and jacket to her. No “thank you” from him. How spoiled! I made sure to use my manners, since this poor maid looked like she had enough on her plate.
“What’s your name?” I asked her. She stared timidly down at the floor.
“Carla, Miss Cormela,” She stated in a quiet voice. God, is that how they all act over here?
“Well, Carla, I wish for you to call me Tori, alright? ‘Miss Cormela’ is to grand for a frumpy girl like me,” I replied cheerfully. Frumpy, ha, ha.
She just nodded slightly and whispered, “As you wish, Mis—Tori.”
Carla offered to show me my room, so I followed her. We went up about 3 staircases, which just about pooped me out. You will not believe how long it takes to get up these freaking stairs! But, likewise, we finally made it in front of a huge doorway, framed with gold swirls. Pretty indeed. She indicated that I go in, so I did. And guess who I found in there changing in the bathroom with the door open? You guess it—Jake. I would have thought an average 17-year-old would learn to close a bathroom door, especially when guests are over. In this case, his beautiful, lively fiancé. ßNote the sarcasm.
“JAKE!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. He jumped up, startled. Teehee, I can scare him. He turned around fully, facing me. I just blushed and looked down. He was wearing shorts and no shirt. Jake just smirked at me after recovering from his fright.
“Like what you see?” I mentally gagged. Hell no! I just looked up at his face (and tried not to look at what was beneath that) and smiled sweetly.
“Um, no. I’d rather fuck a squid than you, asshole,” Lies. I’ve hated squids ever since I was five. But it worked. Jake looked slightly hurt before regaining his composure.
“Whatever freak. I’d never dream about fucking you either, slut.” WHAT! Who did he just call a slut? How dare he compare me to one of those desperate little bitches that wear clothing that barely cover their cleavage?
I almost screamed before a simple thought hit me. What the hell was he doing in MY room? I asked him this, and he just smirked a dirty little smirk.
“Well, princess, this is your room. And mine. We’re sharing a room,” Oh hell no! Of all the millions of rooms in this huge mansion, we had to share a room? I made a decision.
“Fine then, I’m sleeping on the second floor tonight,” I said. He just shrugged and said, “Suit yourself.” Ugh, he is NOT going to win this. Two can play a game as well. This is going to be one memorable night! (*evil cackle*)

Chapter Three

Carla was still staring at me through the shadows behind the door. I walked out with ideas swirling in my head. Maybe hair-dye in his shampoo…or throwing his all his underwear into the pool (yes, we have a pool in the back yard…and a Jacuzzi!)…Or even wake him up at 5 in the morning by dumping hot and cold water on him. Or, singing Paramore all night long. The ideas just kept coming. Teasing him with lingerie, squeezing whip cream all over his face, drawing on his face with permanent marker, putting make-up until he shone…Ah, the possibilities were endless…
I took a quick shower in one of the guest rooms, which multiplied to over 100. However, I forgot to grab clean clothes from my closet, so I sent Carla. I specifically notified her that I wanted some lingerie. She looked at me funny until I told her I wanted to tease Jake. She got it instantly, a grin brightening her face. She rushed out and came back just as quickly. I slipped into the stringy, lacey crap, my hand getting stuck in some of the loops. But, at last, I finished, glancing at the mirror. Holy crap, I looked like a total slut. Maybe Jake was right after all. NOT. This was just a tease. Obviously.
I hurried out of the room, after getting Carla’s approval. J She said that Jake’s eyes would probably pop out of their sockets. I sure hope so, after going through this stringy mess. I was excitedly jumpy, my legs skipping every 3 steps. Boy, I must really want to show my chest to Jake. Ha, note the sarcasm.
I grasped the knob with my hand, turning it gently before flinging it open. It was dark. And no one was in there. But being the curious me, I crept inside anyway. Suddenly the air moved and I was being swung up in the air. I screamed, before a rough hand cut it off. I landed on the bed, still frightened. I looked up at my kidnapper’s face. It was Jake. AH! His hands were on both sides of me. He looked surprised, as his eyes roamed my body. Jake’s eyes got this hungry glint in his eyes. Mixed with lust, maybe? It was hard to tell, since the entire room was dark.
“Let go of me, you bastard!” This was like Bella and Edward in his room all over again.
“Only if you agree to sleep in my room tonight,” he said smoothly, with a hint of seduction.
“No way, I can stay in this position as long as you want, but I’ll never agree to sleep with you!”
He shrugged, before a new spark enlightened his eyes. “Are you ticklish?” Oh god, no! I’m super ticklish, everywhere! And that was not helping me right now! I shook my head, but he saw through that lie like someone looks through glass. His fingers lightly ran up my arms, while his other hand roamed my stomach. I hitched up, giggles bursting through my lips.
“Say it…come on, this could all stop if you just relented!” Jake said. That traitor, I’ll never say so! This was blackmail! I shook my head back and forth, laughing and hiccupping, out of breath. Oh god, I’m going to pee my pants if he continues!
“Ok…ok, fine, I’ll sleep with you tonight,” I said between gasps. He hands stopped and hovered over my skin. “If you let go of me…NOW!” He withdrew his hands from me, his smile barely covering the triumph of his win. “…And if you keep your hands to yourself.”
“Ah, baby, but that’s the best part!” He pretended to pout for a few seconds, glancing at me.
“Well, that sucks for you. No groping, got it?” I looked sternly at him. He just nodded a few times before brightening. Weirdo.
We both got into bed, after Jake turned off the light. I glared at him as he got in. Bastard, I’ll get him tomorrow. And when I do, he’ll wish he were never born.


I rolled over, before hitting something solid. My mind cleared, leaving bits of drowsiness draining deep. I tried to sit up quickly, before realizing I couldn’t. I opened my eyes, before my gaze fell on the arms that encircled my waist. Jake! I told him to keep his hands to himself. And did he obey? Not entirely, so he’d have to pay! J
I briskly got up from the comfy bed, strolling into my mega-huge closet, filled with countless preppy clothing. Ugh, I need to go shopping by myself sometime…SOON!
I finished dressing, after finding a black v-neck, and dark blue skinny jeans. It was the closest thing to decent in my account. I leaped down the stairs 2 at a time, leaping at the end. I landed, once again, with full balance. Pretty awesome, for me at least. I rushed into the kitchen where Carla was helping an elderly cook with any needs. She greeted me and introduced the cook as ‘Shelly’. I nodded at them both, then asked for two cups of water. Once freezing, the other hot. This was going to be hilarious!
I ran up the stairs as fast as I could without spilling the water. I just couldn’t wait to see his face. I grasped the doorknob and slowly eased my way into the silent bedroom. Jake was still asleep, sprawled across the bed. The clock on the nightstand blinked 5:00 am at me. I scrambled over to the bed and slowly edged the cups over. First the hot water: Three, two, one—
“AHHHH, WHAT THE HELL?” Jake’s eyes fluttered wide open, as I stifled my laughter, unsuccessfully. I gently tipped the freezing water onto him, draining him from head to toe. His face was hilarious, as he twitched from the cold. I grinned at him playfully, as he eyed me murderously. I took one look at his face and made a run for it. I heard him flinging the covers aside and his footsteps after me. Holey crap, this guy was fast. I’d never be able to outrun him! I rushed down the 2 staircases as fast as I could without tripping over my nightgown. Jake was slowly gaining on me; I could hear his breath coming out heavily. This guy was in shape! I was just reaching the bottom stair, when a flying impact hit me full on. I fell onto the ground, with a brick on top of me. Jake.
“Dude, get off. You way a ton. What’d you do, eat a brick this morning?” I glared at him, his body mashed against mine. He just grinned sarcastically.
“Actually, I didn’t really have breakfast this morning. Maybe I would have, if someone hadn’t woken me up at 5 in the morning with water!” He replied. I struggled underneath him. God, this guy weighed a ton! I couldn’t even get my hand from under him.
“Well, maybe you should have thought of that before forcing me to sleep with you last night!”
“Hey, baby, if you hadn’t wanted me to sleep with you, why’d you wear all that lacey stuff? It seemed like you really wanted me!”
“Ha, ha, in your dreams. It’s called a tease, stupid. Do you honestly think—”
“I know so, so stop trying to dismiss it. You know that in your heart there’s a fire blazing for me. Come on, babe, just admit it!”
“Never! Let go of me!”
“Not until I get the kiss I deserve.”
“Your deserve no kiss, you blackmailing bastard!”
“Then I’m not getting up. I’m fairly comfortable in this position.”
“Arg, Jake! Well, I’m not! As you might have noticed, you’re squishing me slightly!”
“Which side hurts? Front or back?”
"Shut up, don't talk to me, you perverted meanie!"
“No one uses the word 'meanie' anymore, sissy!”
"Look who's talkin' now!"
"Hey, look at this from my point of're stuck under your future husband, doesn't he at least deserve a little smooch?"

Oh, this retard! I’ll get you back!

...But I'll have to escape from him first...

Chapter Four

I breathed in heavily, then layered my voice, low and seductive.
“Jakey, you look so hot in your underwear.” He looked surprised for a moment, and then grinned cockily.
“So, honey, finally decided to listen to me?”
“Yes, I guess you’re just too irresistible.” Ha, as if! He was as resistible as a pig.
“How about the kiss?” His eyes looked hungry as they bore into mine.
“But sweetie, I’m not very comfortable kissing from my position.” He thought for a moment, then shifted his weight, so that I was practically on him! I locked away the thought of pushing myself away from him. Instead I moved closer and closer…our lips were barely an inch apart, when I abruptly stood up and ran for it. I saw his eyes flash open as he watched me scamper away.
“AW, DAMN YOU, TORI! YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW, OR YOU’LL REGRET IT!” I smiled to myself. Then I hollered over my shoulder, “If you can catch me!” I heard him get up, and I pumped my legs harder, willing them to go faster. I ran into Carla’s maid room. She was on her laptop, listening to music. She jumped at the sight of me. I slammed the door shut and locked it.
Before long, I heard Jake rushing to it. He knocked on the door, rapping it hard. He yelled from behind the door, “Tori, I know you’re in there! You’d better come out right now or—”
“Or what? Huh, retard? I’m going to stay here as long as I want, no matter what you do!” It was silent for a moment, then—
“Carla, this is Jake. You’d better open this door, or you’re fired!” Carla gaped at me, her eyes huge, asking me what to do.
I sighed, “Fine, Jake. You win. But you better not gloat about for too long.” I slowly unlocked the door and stepped out. Jake was glaring at me with his glistening green eyes. I gulped. “I know, I know—”
“Save it for someone who cares.” With that, he strolled down the hallway and out of my sight. I sighed, getting depressed. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. This guy probably never had his feelings hurt before, Mr. RichyRich.
Another maid, Emma, came to me, while I was going up the stairs and informed me, "The master says you'll be leaving soon for school, so you'd better tidy up. Actually, miss, his exact words were, 'Tell that bitch that she'd better get dressed, otherwise I will go and beat the shit out of her!" She smiled at me, her eyes crinkling at the corners, to ensure me that she was completely on my side. I laughed at her, but my stomach ached. Sure, now Jake won't even talk to me face-to-face. How rude! I can’t believe I’m marrying him! Life’s unfair. I reached my bedroom, and peeked inside, making sure Mr. Grumpy was inside. He wasn’t, so I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I combed my hair, which was a complete curly mess, so I pulled it into a high pony. Ah, much better!
I went down the stairs where Carla was waiting, holding my backpack and jacket. I thanked her, but right before I left, something hit me. “Carla…aren’t you going to school too?” She sighed and silently shook her head. I didn’t want to pry but I was insanely curious, this girl seemed younger than me! “Why…?”
She took a deep breath before answering, “My father was terminal cancer and my mom died when I was born. I have a sister who works at Wal-Mart, and we both make the best out of our money. But things were forfeited, including school.” I saw tears sparkling in her eyes. Aw, poor thing! Then I turned angry.
“Jake doesn’t know about this does he?” She shook her head, no. I asked her how much salary she gets paid. “$20 a day.” And she works 24/7! I’m going to kill Jake! I stormed out after reassuring that she was most definitely getting the education she needs as soon as possible.

Damn you Jake, the self-centered, retarded, asshole!

I ran into the garage, whirling around trying to find Jake in the mist of cars. Suddenly, on my right, there was a loud HONKING sound that scared the shit out of me. I scowled as I found Jake trying to contain his laughter. He pointed to the empty seat next to me, emphasizing that I was to ride to school with him. Hell no! Not after all he did, he definitely doesn’t deserve my presence. I shook my head once, indicating that if I had to walk to school, I would. But, I’d rather not, since it looked rather muggy out and I’m not much of a runner. He sighed, his dark mask falling back into place. He leaped out of his car, and ran towards me. I used my instincts and ran. Not a great idea, I almost hit an orange car on my left, which would not have ended well. He took the moment to seize my arm and roughly shoved me into his car. Meanie, I though as I stuck my tough out at him. He just rolled his eyes at my immaturity and started the engine.
Don’t ask me how he got out of the maze of cars, but miraculously he did. There was an awkward silence between us, so I took the moment to turn on the radio. It was on Y94. Yay, I love this station. And guess what song was on? TODAY WAS A FAIRY TALE! I loved this song! So, I pretty much sang along for the rest of the way:

“Today was a fairytale
You were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale
Time slows down whenever you're around

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is it's getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down whenever you're around
Yeah, yeah

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down whenever you're around
I can feel my heart
It's beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can't put this down

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way

Today was a fairytale!” I sang loudly as the song came to a close. Jake looked at me, and I stared back coldly.
“What?” I snapped.
“I just never knew you could sing.”
“Ya, well now you know.” He just turned his eyes back onto the road with a silent shake of his head. I looked out the window and noticed we were already at school. There was a big sign in the grass that said, ‘Primrose High’. Who the hell would name their school after a flower? But, whatever, that wasn’t my business. Jake parked the car and stopped the engine. I stepped out quickly, wanting to avoid more silent treatment. He got out more slowly, taking his time. People were pouring onto the cement. The sound of chattering was high in the air. Yippee, school, I thought. I miss Alice…a lot.
Jake walked over to a group of hot guys, apparently his best buds. I didn’t really want to join them, so I scanned the crowds, looking for someone like me. A gothie. I finally spotted a group that was sitting under the trees, wearing all black with hints of silver. I walked over to them. They became silent, as they looked me over.
Then one of the girls, a blonde chick with her hair cut in heavy layers, giggled at me before extending her hand, “Hey there, new girl! What’s your name?”
“Tori, and sorry, but I don’t shake hands. Germs, you know?” I smiled slightly, my lips curving to one side. She withdrew her hand with a playful grin.
“I like you already, germ-free Tori!” I laughed, this girl seemed pretty friendly, if not overly bubbly. “Oh, silly me! I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Misty, like when water evaporates into mist! Pretty easy to remember, I’d say. And these are my other friends, Drake,” a dark haired emo guy with a lip piercing, “Shawna,” black-haired girl with a pink streak in her bangs, “Sophie,” redheaded girl with a black hoodie, “and, last but not least, Cole!” She pointed to a boy with brown hair that swept across his forehead, sort of like Justin Bieber’s.
We sat around and listened to Shawna’s I-pod. Finally the bell rang, making us jump. We all rushed into the building, that was filling up by the second. Suddenly, there were two arms entwined around me. I looked up and saw Jake. My new friends stared at me with open awe and distaste.
“Uh…” What am I going to say?

Chapter Five

“Hey, babe,” Jake whispered seductively. I just raised my eyebrows and pushed his arms off me. Misty’s jaw dropped to the floor. The entire hallway as silent, watching Jake and my exchange. Suddenly there was a creaking noise, as the door slid open. Three extremely slutty girls walked through the doorway. Two of them were obviously twins, by their similar looks and hairstyles. The one in the middle was less slutty, but seemed to be the leader. The 3-some pranced up to Jake, their butts swaying and chests popping. Finally, they stopped, in front of Jake and I. One of the twins ran her index finger down Jake’s chest, and purred, “Oh, Jake-sweetie, I’m free tonight. Wanna come over and study?” Oh, right, study, huh? Ya right.
The leader, who had fake dirty blond hair with her bangs clipped up, slapped the twin’s hand off Jake. She glanced at me and sneered at the pouting twin. “Oh, Brita, he’s already taken, you idiot!” Brita turned to me and glared at me through her livid, cold blue eyes. I stared back defiantly, making sure the message got across. No one messes with me and doesn’t get hurt. Period. Brita and her twin linked arms, and with their snooty noses pointed in the air, they turned and flounced down the rest of the hallway. The blonde, however stayed. She gave me an once-over, then playfully punched Jake’s arm. “She’s a keeper, Jake! You’d better keep this one!” I looked at him, questioningly. This IT girl wasn’t flirting with Jake, she was friends with him!
Then I remembered my friends. I turned to see Misty still looking at me through betrayed eyes. I held my palms in the air, and looked directly at her. “Look…uh, Misty…” She closed her mouth and stared back at me with glaring eyes, which made me shut-up instantly. She turned to leave with the rest of the group, when my hand shot out and whirled her around to face me. I glance around making sure I wouldn’t be overheard, “Misty, it was an arranged marriage. Arranged, meaning I don’t have any say in it! I—”
“You’re married? To Jake Sanders, of all people! And you didn’t tell me?” She exploded. Well, hel-loo! I don’t go around telling random strangers that I’m already engaged! Welcome to the real world!
Sophie walked over and stepped in the middle of Misty and me. “Excuse her, she’s had a crush on Jake for some time,” She paused as I looked at Misty, who was blushing with her head low, “Don’t ask me why, she just does. She’s just a bit jeal—”
“I AM NOT JEALOUS. I…well, I just…uh…” I patted her shoulder. She didn’t swat it off; I took that as a good sign.
“Misty, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I just didn’t want the whole world to know. And I’d just met you and all…” Misty looked up at me with gratitude.
“You know what, Tori? I should be the one apologizing. I was wrong…I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, how about we all go to Dairy Queen after school and I’ll treat you guys.” I smiled a real smile while Drake, Shawna, Sophie and Cole cheered. This might turn out to be all right after all.
"And soooo...that's why I'm having a party this Friday! You all have to come! Especially you, Tori, since you've never seen my house before!" Misty grinned triumphantly as she tried to keep up with her fast-melting ice cream.

I just shrugged, "I don't know, Mist. Jake might not want me to go..."

"So what? He's not your prison guard, or something!" I smiled slightly, pushing my thick hair behind my ears. 'Prison guard' was so Alice...but it had come out of Misty's mouth. I just shrugged again, and she let it go...surprisingly.

Shawna stood up suddenly, glancing at her watch, "Oh crap! Mom's going to kill me if I'm not home at 4! And it's already 4:05! Shit, shit!" We all laughed, but got up and started cleaning up.

"God, do you know how long, it'll take to get this stupid stain out?" Sophie asked, pointing to her white shirt that had a beautiful chocolate imprint.

"Wash it under warm water when you get should get most of the brown out," I told her, while Drake rolled his eyes at my knowledge.

"Or just toss it to your mom," Misty said, while my eyes widened.

What? All girls should know their cleaning stuff, because in a few years, there won't be your mom that'll wash your laundry!

We all piled into Cole's dirty, mud-splattered Mustang. Misty sat shotgun, while Sophie and I jumped into the middle seats. Shawna and Drake sat in the back. Drake was listening to his I-pod Touch, while Shawna was repeatedly looking at her watch and saying, "Does this car go any faster?" Sophie, Misty and I were cracking up over some stupid Twilight jokes, and Cole was as quiet as night.

Finally, we reached Shawna's house, where her mom was waiting at the door with a very stern face. Shawna gulped, as we reassured that it would be alright. But her mother is a very uptight woman...or so it seemed.

We were dropped off one by one: Shawna, Drake, Sophie, Misty, and me. As Misty shut the car door and ran into the lighted house, I jumped into her seat. Cole looked at me, and smiled his crooked smile. He was actually quite cute...if you think about it. J We talked a bit about his job; he works as a model for Abercrombie and Fitch, which is funny since he isn't a preppy. But I'm glad he's not, otherwise I would have never met him. We talked some about his family and mine...and about my stupid arranged marriage. I know, it's odd, since I barely know this kid, but I feel like I can trust's just this inner feeling, you know?

We reached me house, right in the middle of a story about his sisters, which are those stupid twin bitches, I learned. Ew, I cannot believe he is related to them. They have nothing in common, as far as I'm concerned.

I invited him to come inside, assuming Jake wouldn't mind.

It wasn't a date after all.

Chapter Six

The door creaked open as we stepped inside. I asked him what he wanted to do and he suggested watching a movie. I thought it was a pretty good idea, since we (Jake and I) have a 90 inch Plasma screen TV. Pretty awesome? Tell me about it.

I walked into the living room where the TV was…then wished I hadn’t. On the couch was Naomi, Brita’s equally-bitchy twin and Jake. They were right in between a make-out session, where Naomi was straddling him from on top with their mouths glued to each other. The sight made me want to upchuck.

“Knock, knock!” I raised my voice as I rapped my knuckles against the white wall. They jumped and sprang apart. Cole chuckled softly somewhere behind me. Naomi looked at me with a look of disgust and anger.

“What do you want? Are you that fucking poor girl that’s Jake’s sex maid?” WHAT? Sex maid, puh-leez! Give me a break! Jake smirked under his stupid, soft, blond hair. That freak-o!

“Well, JAKE. Cole and I want to watch TV. Maybe you guys should go get a freaking room, before you get STDs on the couch!” I remarked. Jake’s eyes narrowed as he digested my words.

“Cole? Who’s Cole?” He questioned. Naomi gave him a what-she-thought was a flirty smile and answered him.

“Cole’s my stupid brother. Remember?” His face cleared of all confusion. He looked at me expectantly. I rolled my eyes and waved Cole in. Cole gave a wry smile and raised one hand to wave. Jake just looked at Naomi and together, they descended up the stairs into his room. Wait, OUR room. Ew, remind me to change the sheets before I go to bed tonight!

I opened the DVD cabinet and took out Spy Next Door. (A/N: That is like the FUNNIEST MOVIE EVA!!! You guys should totally watch it! LOL.) Cole looked at the title as I turned on the TV and slid the DVD in.

“Aw, come on Tori! I’ve watched this movie like a hundred damn times!” He faked a frown. I smiled.

“Well, maybe you should have waited all those hundred times to watch it with me!” He pretended to be annoyed and blew a gust of air out of his mouth. I laughed as the commercials on the disk started. It was about Space Monkeys!

“OMG, freaking Space Monkeys! I love them!” Cole looked at me like I was crazy. I looked skeptical at him, “You have got to be kidding me! Everyone’s watch Space Monkeys! They’re so fudging cute!” Cole chuckled at me as I freaked out.

“Relax Tortia! I’ve watched Space Monkeys before, and yes, they are super cute, but please…don’t pee your pants before the actual movie starts!” I punched him in the shoulder gently and we both laughed.

“I’m not going to pee my pants, doofus! And don’t call me Tortia!”

“TORTIA! TORTIA, TOOORRRRRRRTTTTTIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAA!!!” He mock-sang. I clapped my hand over his mouth as the commercials ended. He pulled my hand off and his hand enveloped mine as I started the movie.

It was hilarious, especially the part where Ian feeds the pig bacon, and Farren’s all “That’s so wrong!” and they tell Nora why (‘cuz she’s only 5), who quickly spits her half-chewed bacon back onto her plate. Cole and I laughed so hard, I think I might have unset the coffee table.

It was about the half the movie, when the phone rang from the kitchen. I raced to get it, while Cole continued to watch the movie.


There was a silence, before an operator began speaking, “This is Merit Care Hospital. Is Victoria Cormela available?”

“That’s me.”

“You need to come to Merit Care Hospital immediately. Your mother was in an accident—”

“What? There was be a mistake—”

“Do not delay. She is in critical condition and does not have much time.”

The phone buzzed once, and then went dead.

My world fell, right there and then. This was my mother, the one who had sold me into an arranged marriage…the one that had held me when father died, the one that kissed my tears away when I fell off my bike, the one that had lived to her potential to raise me as a single mother for as long as she could. Deep inside, I knew I couldn’t hate her. She was my mother, for god’s sake!

Now my fury turned to God. He had taken away my father. Had he come to take my mother away from me as well? Did he want me to be miserable and parentless? Was that it? Had I done something so bad, that I deserved a severe punishment and this was it?

I stood still for who knows how long. Long enough, however, to draw attention from Cole. He walked into the kitchen, after a few minutes of silence.

“What’s wrong, Tori? Bob just fought the blond Russian dude with a chair at that Chinese restaurant,” He attempted to make me crack a smile. Not likely. I slowly unfroze from my rigid position. He looked at my cold, dazed face and his smile etched off his face. “Tori? Victoria? Look at me,” He grabbed my chin and made me turn to face him, “Tell me, who was on the phone?” I couldn’t speak, my throat had clogged up. Tears burned around my eyes as I tried to hold them back.

“Cole…” I started, but broke down as warm tears exploded from my eyes and dribbled down my cheeks, “It was the hospital. Mom’s been in an accident.” He looked astonished for a moment, and then raced to get his keys.

“What the hell Tori? Why didn’t you say so? Let’s go and see her!” God bless him. I hurried after him, before remembering Jake. I’d have to tell him, since he would wonder where I am if I wasn’t back by nightfall.

“One sec, Cole! I have to tell Jake!” I yelled over my shoulder as I raced up the stairs 3 at a time. I quickly grasped the doorknob of our room and turned it. Damn it, it was locked! I knocked the door loudly. There was a thump of a solid object hitting the floor and a groan that followed. If I weren’t in such a bad circumstance, I might have laughed.

Jake opened the door in only his boxers. He was sweating and Naomi was breathing heavily on the bed behind him. I curled my upper lip in disgust but held back any revolting comments.

“Jake, my mom’s at the hospital and I have to go see her. Cole’s taking me, but I thought you should be informed in case I don’t make it back tonight.” I said this fast, then whipped around to run back downstairs. I was in mid-step when Jake called after me.

“Wait, Tori! The hospital? What happened? Wait for me! I’ve just got to put on a shirt and pants. I’ll be right down. Tell your boyfriend to go home. I’ll drive you!” The last thing I heard before I flew down the stairs was him rummaging for clothing. And Naomi, who was pouting madly, like a little girl who had her lollipop taken away, was puffing like a mad cat.

Chapter Seven

I ran out of the house and climbed into Cole’s mini van in less than 3 minutes, after grabbing my purse and a few hair-bands. That’s a new record, since he parked outside of the huge white gate that surrounded our mansion. That’s quite a ways away, you know! I scrambled to buckle my seatbelt as Cole backed the van onto the driveway.

I jiggled the tuner until it played soft country music. It settled my nerves a little, but I was still scared about my mother. Was she going to recognize me? Would she still love me? Would she completely be covered in tubes, until she wasn’t even recognizable anymore?

I played with the cute little charm that hung above the middle mirror of the car. I watched it flip up and down as the car jerked, trying keep my thoughts occupied as we reached closer and closer to the hospital. My breath quickened.

Much to fast, Cole stopped the car in the parking lot and quickly unlocked the doors. I snapped my seatbelt off and literally flew through the rotating doors. The bell jingled as I stepped into the building. The smell of sickly cleanness in the air seeped in.

I walked quickly up to the front desk, where a pre-occupied middle-aged lady was unconsciously running her hand through her fake blond hair. She looked up as I approached the desk.

“Hello, how may I help you?” She asked in a honey-dripping, sugary voice.

“Hi, my name is Victoria Cormela. I’m looking for Stacy Cormela, my mother.” I stated fast. She moved her wheelie chair to a cabinet full of files.

“Carte, Cass, Cassandra, Crème, and—ah…Cormela. Yes, Cormela, room 47b. That’s upstairs sweetie!” Ugh, I should start calling her the sugar lady. I remembered my manners.

“Thanks for your help!” She nodded as I rushed towards the elevators. Then I remembered—Cole. I looked back and saw him standing outside the glass door. He waved a reassuring hand and I mouthed ‘thank-you’. He motioned that he would be waiting outside until I came out. I nodded as the elevator door dinged.

An elderly couple stepped out and I smiled sweetly at them. The man (more like Grandpa) elbowed the woman (Grandma) very lightly and said, “Ain’t she lovely. Reminds me of you.” The Grandma just smiled and replied, “Yep, she’s just darling.” She winked at me and I grinned back. They limped away happily as I entered the elevator. Ah, elderly. You gotta love ‘em!

I stepped out, onto the 2nd floor above the lobby. Nice-looking nurses smiled at me in their blue coat/blue hairnet duo. Some smiled reassuringly, while others smiled with passion. Bless them, good-natured nurses.

I took two turns to the right and another to the left. It was like a crazy maze and I was out of breath when I reached 47b. I looked at those black letters for a while before regaining my composure. Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out. Ready or not, here I come, I thought as I knocked gently on the pale white door.




The knob turned slowly and I stepped inside.

Chapter Eight

I gasped. My mother was completely covered in thick white blankets. Only her head was uncovered. She looked tiny and vulnerable in the huge white bed. I dreaded to see what was underneath those covers. She looked sickly pale under the florescent lighting. Lots of tubes were connected from the machine to underneath the blankets. A monitor was measuring her heartbeat.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The nurse who had opened the door for me was standing in the corner, shadowed by the drapes. She smiled pitifully at me.

“Darling, you must be Stacy’s daughter. Come,” She dragged a small wooden chair over and patted the seat, “Sit…now what’s your name, sweetie?”

I smiled sincerely at her, “My name’s Tori. Could you possibly answer a few of my questions?” She checked her watch.

“Yes, I could answer for a few more minutes. What is it you wish to be answered?” She stared at me through her ice-blue eyes and re-adjusted her blue hairnet.

“Well…do you know what exactly happened to my mother?” She looked thoughtfully up into the air, then back at me.

“According to the police, some drunk teenager rammed his truck into her car. On the highway.”

Anger boiled inside me. My mother was going to die because some stupid teen was careless enough to drink and drive? I bit my tough to keep from lashing out at this kind nurse. “What rotten luck.” She sympathetically put her hand on my shoulder and we stayed silent for a few minutes.

“Well, I have to go now. Duty calls. Don’t lose hope! She still has time…don’t think about the future before it happens!” She waved her gloved hand as she backed out of the room, leaving the loneliness to drift in. I reached under the blankets and grasped my unconscious mom’s hand. It was frigid cold. I tried warming it up by enveloping it in my own.

She stirred and I nearly jumped out of my pants. She slowly turned her head to face me. I gently stroked her face. She looked as fragile as a porcelain doll. She started to speak, but stopped, cleared her throat then said, “Hi Honey…I—”

“Shhh…mom, you’ll need the strength later. What happened out there?”

She paused, closing her eyes for a moment. She took a deep breath, then started, her eyes still closed, “I was going home from the conference and all I could think of was you. Your image was just fixed into my mind. Tori, darling, I’m so sorry I sold you to them! I was so angry at myself and…I’m just so sorry, I—” I put my fingers to her blue lips to stop the rambling.

“Mom, it’s ok. I forgive you. Keep on going.”

“I was turning onto the highway, when a huge, red truck swerved and…I didn’t see it hit me, but I felt the vibration…and I felt the car sliding from the impact…and…” She stopped, as if to relieve the moment, “I saw stars. They were pretty like you. They were all glittery and bright and in my mind I saw you again. But you were happy…smiling and laughing. You looked so beautiful and grown-up…” She smiled in awe as she glimpsed an unseen image. She looked like a little girl getting a teddy bear for the first time. I grasped her small, fragile fingers tightly, my voice clogged in my throat. She opened her eyes and gently brought her other hand up to my face and brushed it. It was like tiny feathers rubbing against my face. I looked into her unreadable face. We stood like this for some time.

At last, the monitor’s loud beeping awoke us to our senses. I looked at the clock on the pale wall. I had already been here for an hour! My mind swerved to Cole…but I didn’t want to leave. Mom looked at me with her beautiful green eyes and nodded knowingly, “I can see you need to leave. Don’t worry, I promise I’ll stand firm and fight. Darling, before you know it, I’ll be out of here! We’ll be knitting scarves and making booties, just like we used to! Just promise you’ll wait for me.”

I looked straight at her, memorizing every tiny strand of hair and every faded wrinkle, “I promise. Just don’t leave.” She held out her pinky and I hooked it with my own.


“Promise.” We shook our pinkies and let go. She grinned at me and winked. She was already starting to glow again, her paleness fading.

I waved one last time and slowly backed out of the door, still watching her face. She mustered a small wave as a tiny tear rolled down her cheek. Finally the door shut, her image erased from my view. But in my heart, I knew she’d make it. She was strong and never broke any of our pinky promises. Ever.

Chapter Nine

I walked to the elevators slowly. Since I visited my mother, I wasn’t in much of a hurry. More like, in deep thought. I honestly knew she’d get better…but what if she didn’t? What would my life be like without parents? I was already fatherless. Would God be cruel enough to make me motherless too? I hope not. Soon, I’d be 18, a legal adult, be married to oh-so-preppy Jake, and officially moved into our mansion. God, my life looked like heaven compared to a hobo, but to me, I’d rather have the hobo life than mine right now. I smiled at the irony of it all.

The elevator dinged and opened. Inside I found Jake, his blond hair tousled from the wind and his shirt unbuttoned. Can he try any harder? I rolled my eyes mentally.

“What do you want Jake?” I asked firmly. How the heck did he find me? Oh yeah, I told him. Sorry, blonde moment (even though I have hair the color of a raven’s).

“Tori,” He took a moment to smooth his wind-swept hair, “I’m sorry. That was completely irresponsible of me and I’m very sorry. Your mother was close to death and I was in that room with…with—” He broke off for a moment.

I simply stared at him unforgivingly. Gods know he’s going to have to try harder than that to earn back my trust. “Are you done?” He looked up startled. He nodded slightly, side-stepping out of the elevator. “Good, because I rarely forgive…and I never ever forget.” I stepped in before he could block the way and shut the door before he would follow me.

I felt the air move as the elevator went down to the lobby. It dinged and swished open. I walked through the rotating doors and saw Cole sitting in his van with ear buds in, listening to my I-pod. I stroll up to the van and gently knock on the windshield. He looks up and grins, holding up my I-pod, which he was using without permission. I tried to stifle my laugh, but failed as he unlocked the doors. I climbed in, grabbed my I-pod back and slammed the door shut as he started the engine. It roared to life and we took off.

“So…how was your mom?” Cole asked softly, not taking his eyes off the road. I smiled and he gave a sideways glance at me.

“Perfect. Drunk kid whammed into her car, but she’s healing.”

“That’s good.” There were a few moments of silence, but it wasn’t the uncomfortable type, more like we were both deep in our thoughts.

My mother…her beautiful chocolate brown hair, deep gray eyes with a twinkle of laughter, and her lips quirked into an easy smile. Her hair fanned out around her as she flew. Soaring in the sky, laughter bubbling up, and eyes wide open taking in the excitement. Her beside me, teaching me how to pray beside my bed, her soothing my nightmares and promising it would all be okay, her planning my first sleepover birthday party shopping all day for the right supplies, her putting on her coral lipstick getting ready for her date with dad, and her…crying over Daddy’s casket at the funeral. I remember it all, standing there trying to be the firm rock my mother needed so much, even though I felt like breaking down and weeping too. Afterwards, it seemed she loved me even more. I was her only reminder of Dad, a precious gift from heaven as she used to say before she tucked me into bed.

“Hey…Tori?” What? I blinked twice before looking at him. He was drumming his fingers quietly on the steering wheel.

“Yeah?” He looked a little embarrassed, avoiding my eyes.

“Would you…maybe…want to visit your father’s grave? I mean, I would love to see him…you don’t have to thought if—” What the hell? Why didn’t I think of that?

“That’s perfect,” I smacked my forehead, “Why didn’t I think of that?” He smiled a little.

“Maybe because you’re not as smart as me!” He teased. I hit him lightly on his arm. “Hey! Don’t smack the driver!” He said mock-sternly. We were silent again the rest of the way to the grave sight.

Cole cut the engine and we both hopped out.

“Springrose Graves, right?”

“Yeah…” He walked beside me, heading towards the lumpy graveyard.

“I, uh, actually don’t know where he is…” I admitted. He gave me a warm smile.

“It’s alright, we’ll find him. You check that section, I’ll check this one.” I agreed and we parted. Sherry Block, Kara Dwight, Sarah Tame, Darren Rider, Taylor Winge, Grace Perlenfein…on and on. I stopped at Melody Song who had died yesterday according to her headstone. She was only six. How sad…her flowers were yellow and still fresh-looking. How were her parents holding up? Did she have parents? Gosh, those stones always leave out so many unanswered questions. I stared at her pale white grave for a while in deep thought. Then, the twinkle of the sun brought me back to reality. I thought hard, God bless you Melody. I hope you’re happy where you are. And I hope your parents, whoever they are to cherish their moments of you. I hope they’re fine and may they get over this hard time in their life. I wonder if you were like me…light and cheerful…maybe even musical according to your name. It’s really a lovely name: Melody Song. I hope you were alright.

I walked on after that, but couldn’t get her name out of my head. Melody Song…now where had I heard that name before? I racked up my brain trying to remember. No use, there was nothing but the sound of it that rang a bell. I strolled on, looking for any sign of Rob Cormela

“HEY TORI! OVER HERE! I THINK I FOUND HIM!” I raced towards the sound of Cole’s voice.

Rob Cormela

Born: January 21st, 1965 Died: October 16th, 2006

I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music.

I felt tears stinging in my eyes, “Daddy…” I croaked, my voice shaking. I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music. I will make music. I will make music…This was my father’s favorite verse, he said almost everyday…I could still remember.

I had been twelve the day the disaster struck. My father on that gurney. The blood. The pants…and when they stopped. The white-netted busy-body nurses that should have; could have saved him if only they had tried hard enough. “Death happens, we’re sorry.” Bullshit. If you were, you would have tried harder. In no means, it was empty pity.

I shook my head, trying to withhold the rushing flood of tears threatening to trickle down. I knelt by the grave.

“Daddy…” I began, feeling guilty I had neglected his grave for so many years, I told him my life story picking up where he had left off, “Well…as you know, I’m in 12th grade, my last year of college. Yah, the past few months have been pretty eventful,” I gave a pathetic giggle. ‘Eventful’ didn’t cover it, “Well, you see…I’m getting married.” I heard Cole gasp from behind me, but didn’t turn around. “Yah…I guess mom wants me out of the house already,” another giggle, “But dad…sorry I haven’t been by much. I guess…I hate being reminded that you’re really gone. I still think sometimes that you’re only on a business trip…pathetic right?” I took another breath, closing my eyes, “Daddy, I just want you to know…” I bit my lip. Could I say it? “I…loveyou…I mean, I love you. Mom and I, we both do.” Tears were coming back, “Why did you leave us? You should have taken me with you!” This time I broke down sobbing, really weeping. I felt Cole rest a hand on my shoulder, a friendly gesture. I heard him clearing his throat.

“…hello Mr. Cormela,” Cole started uncertainly, “I’m one of Tori’s friends, Cole. How is it up there?” He glanced up in the clouds as if receiving an answer. He resumed after a minutes pause, “Well…life down here is…normal. Apparently your daughter is getting married; I assume you are very proud. I was not aware of this, but I’m sure she picked a nice man. I’ll check to make sure though.” He winked at me, and through my tears I gave a wobbly laugh. He continued, “I haven’t met her mom yet either, but she sounds like a nice lady…” Awkward pause, “I really like your daughter, I hope you’re ok with that. She’s really a good friend and I like being with her. Although she’s getting married, I’m sure her fiancé won’t mind…I hope. I’d hate to lose a friend like Tori.” Ok, blushing now. Cole flashed me a smile. He finishes, “Well…it was nice meeting you Mr. Cormela. I truly hope we’ll meet someday. You sound like a good man, if you could raise such a good daughter like Tori.” He stood up, running a hand through his hair. I began to stand too, flicking the dirt off my jeans. I pulled my hair into a pony as we walked silently back to his car. As he reached over to open the car door, I grabbed his arm. His blue eyes flitted up to meet mine. Catching his gaze I whispered, “Thank you.”

BREAK - Gameshow with your lovely hostess: ICICLES

~Break: Game show~

Icicles: Hello everyone and welcome to ‘iChat’ with me your hostess, Icicles!


Icicles: Well, without delay, our latest guests: Vic-uh, Tori Cormela and Jake Sanders!

*Tori and Jake walk over and sit down next to Icicles*


Icicles: So…welcome to ‘iChat’. Let’s get started, shall we?

Tori: If you would please…Jake! You’re hogging the seat!

Jake: Oh I am, am I? Well, what’s wrong with sitting next to my soon-to-be wife?

Tori: Next to me, my ass! You’re practically on top of me!

*Jake chuckles*

Jake: Well, there’s not much I can do, unless you want me to fall off the seat!

Tori: Actually, that sounds like a good idea, I think you should—

*Icicles clears throat*

Icicles: Um…

*Tori and Jake look up, startled*

Tori (abashed): Sorry…*elbows Jake*

Jake: Whatever…*stares off into space*

Icicles: (clears throat again) Let’s try that again…well, I’m going to ask you guys some questions about so far in the story. Answer as best you can.

*Tori and Jake nod*

Icicles: Ok, so…how do you feel about each other so far?

*Tori and Jake exchange glance*

Tori: Seriously?

Icicles: Completely.

Tori: He’s a complete asshole with a prickly rose stem stuck up his butt.

Jake: Excuse me? Quote: ‘prickly rose stem stuck up his butt’…that’s harsh. *fakes hurt*

Tori: (slaps his shoulder) It’s the truth, deal with it.

Icicles: Jake, what about you?

Jake: (thoughtfully) Well…she’s a bitch with something stuck up her ass. Preferably my dick.

Tori: (screams) ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KNOCKING AT DEATH’S DOOR TONIGHT? *kisses clenched fist*

Icicles: (coughs) Back to topic. This one’s for Tori.

*Tori looks up*

Tori: What?

Icicles: I said this one’s for—

Tori: No, I heard that. I mean, what’s the question. Hurry before I kick his sorry ass.

Jake: I’m trembling. But, do so Icicles…I don’t want to lose a limb tonight. I have a date with Naomi.

Icicles: (raises eyebrows) I see. Well, Tori…how is your emotions about Cole? Too bad he couldn’t come tonight.

Jake: That bastard? He’s a freak-job.

*Tori looks murderous*

Icicles: I’d stay quiet, if I were you. Tori?

Tori: (blinks) What? Oh yeah…uh, well, he’s nice. He is a good friend. No special feelings.

Icicles: Is that so? Well…alright. Jake, anything to add—

Tori: Are you honestly asking him? Did you hear what he said before?

Jake: Shut it Tori—

Tori: Don’t tell me to can it Jake Sanders. It’s no one’s trap but yours yapping.

Icicles: Alright! Both of you CAN IT!

*Both turn and blink, astonished*

Icicles: (brushes hair away from forehead) Ok, back to script, Jake…so do you feel any emotion when you’re with Naomi, after knowing you’re engaged?

Tori: (mutters) Obviously not.

Icicles: Why is that Tori?

Tori: He has a date tonight. What do you freaking think?

Jake: (laughs) Chillax Tori. Quit being a jealous freak. It doesn’t help add to your hotness.

*Tori whaps him in the back of the head*

Jake: (rubbing head) Ow…

Icicles: As entertaining as it is, we’re running out of time. Jake, your answer?

Jake: Well…not really. I mean, I still have freedom to do what I want. My parents don’t control my life, and sure as hell this marriage won’t.

Tori: As surprised as I am, I agree with you. This won’t stop me from staying away from Cole either. I didn’t ask for this marriage, and I am rebellious…

Icicles: (laughs) That’s right. You do have a rebellious streak in you. Well, that’s all the time we have…(turns to audience) Thank you all for tuning it! You will see the next chapter of Engaged to a Jerkface…and I have no say in it very soon! I promise!

Tori: You’d better not put anything bad about me in it!

*All three laugh*

Icicles: Well, thank y’all for coming. That’s a wrap for iChat! See you all after the break!

Chapter Ten

The car ride home was pleasant. We didn’t talk much, of course. But that was alright. My dad’s grave was engraved in my mind.

I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music.


I will sing…I will make music.


My head suddenly shot up. I knew what would make my mother heal faster.


“Thank you so much Cole…honest. I never had the guts to visit Father, but you gave me that courage.”

Cole rubbed his neck, embarrassed by my compliments. “No, no. It’s alright. It was an awesome experience for me too.”

“Ya, well…I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Of course. Do you want me to pick you up for school?” He asked, brushing hair out of his eyes.

I thought about it…I might need someone to hitch me to the hospital tomorrow. But Jake, his face. He’s probably furious. Or sulking like a spoiled brat. Jake…why was he in my head? I shook my head to clear out any poison of him. Cole was clearly still waiting for an answer, “No, it’s alright. I’ll be fine. See you!” He waved and I waved back as he walked to his truck. I waited until he was out of view and then shut the door and held my head against it. The cold wood soothed my headache. Alright…back to topic.

Music…music. Did Jake have any useful stuff in this house? I heard footsteps going down the stairs and looked up. It was Carla. Great, I’d ask her! She should know where everything was in this maze…right?

“Hey Carla!”

“Yes Miss—” She stuttered.

“Uh – uh – uh! I told you, no titles,” I said smiling. Poor child.

“My apologies, Tori. Um, is there anything you need?”

“In fact, do you know if there is a piano here?” I asked. She thought about it for a second, then nodded.

“It’s on the 4th floor. The elevator’s over there.” My eyes widened. I had already spent a night here, yet I didn’t know how many levels this mansion had?

“Um…thanks. I mean, thank you. Honest,” I mumbled. I cannot believe there were more than 4 levels. And I thought the first 2 levels were huge.

“Would—would you…like a snack?” My head snapped back to her.


“As in like an afternoon snack. We have chocolate éclairs with chocolate dipped strawberries. Mr. Sandeen likes his with dark chocolate. We have caramel too, if you prefer that.” My eyebrows shot up. That was…a snack?

I smiled as I thought of something, “Carly, are they delicious?”

She stepped back, “I don’t really know. I’m guessing they are since Mr.—”

“Would you like to try one?”

I could see her wondering where this was going.

“Well, of course. But Mr. Sandeen strictly says that no lower classmen are to try any delicacies, unless…I mean, we’re just not allowed to.”

“Carly…were you going to say ‘unless…with permission’?”

She blushed red, but stayed silent.

I laughed, “Well, how about this. Because of your helpfulness, I hereby give you ‘permission’,” I said that word with bitter distaste, “to eat any desert you’d like. Tell that to the other maids, please.”

Her brows furrowed, “That’s probably not too smart. Mr. Sandeen would be most unpleased.”

“But I’m also in a point to give commands aren’t I. I say you can. If he questions you, tell him it was all me. Now go enjoy.” I smiled as she quickly rushed to the kitchen, barely able to contain her excitement. I felt so proud…take that Jake!

Now…to that piano.

Chapter Eleven

I walked into the grand ball room. It was exactly where Carly had said it would be. Dazzling chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the entire floor was made of smooth stone—perfect for dancing. Roses in vases, and best of all: a glistening black grand piano on the left corner. Walking up to it, I felt my eyes widen. It was the most beautiful piano I’d ever seen—and probably the most expensive. It had a glossy top, hard strung chords and just magnificent.

I glanced at the doors, making sure there were no servants or anyone following me. Then, quickly, I sat down on the velvet stool in front of the piano. Lightly placing my hands on the pearly keys, I took a deep breath. It had been a while since I’d last played. I had quit cold turkey when my father had died…it was the most important thing him and I shared. Now, this may be the only thing that could make my mother heal.

Sighing, I felt the familiarity of the keys beneath my fingers. I racked my mind for a song and came up with River Flows in You. Stretching my fingers a bit, I automatically remembered the notes and with a deep breath, began playing the familiar melody I had been long embedded in my mind.

The relief was fast…I felt so much calmer as I played. The melodies just to sooth me as it did now.

I fell away in my own world…no arranged marriages, mother-related deaths…or confusing men. Just me, myself, and my dear memory of my father. He was sitting next to me, praising me, clapping for me, cheering me on…

Much too fast, the song was over. My hands hovered above the last note. I was awake from my trance…and I heard clapping behind me. I whipped around and saw Jake standing there with a grin on his face and applauding.

I gave an embarrassed smile as I quickly reached to close the piano case. But he reached me in two strolls, grabbed my hands and shook his head.

“Play more,” He gestured to the keys, “I didn’t know you could play so well.”

“Ya, I quit a while ago. Say, I have a question…” I said slowly.

“Shoot at me. What is it?” He looked slightly happier, as if thinking I would forgive him.

I looked down and played with my fingers, “See…I was wondering if you could record me playing?”

He looked surprised, “Why? I mean—sure…I can do that, but why do you need to tape yourself? You can play anytime you want.”

Twirling the loose string on my shirt, I said, “No, I need it for my mother. After that, I won’t be playing anymore. I just need her to heal, so I’m doing this,” And I added more quietly, “It’ll remind her of Father.” He still heard me, since he was close. He seemed to understand this was a touchy subject for me, so he just scratched his neck awkwardly waiting for me to continue. When I didn’t, he just nodded.

“Alright then, I first need to get a camcorder, I’ll do that now. Do you, um,” He coughed, “Want to come with me?”

I laughed breezily, slightly messed in the brain. I wasn’t thinking clearly, only on Father. “Sure…why not? Make sure you don’t sell yourself short a bad camera.”

He looked surprised that I had agreed, but I paid no heed. We had to hurry, I wanted to get this to her as fast as possible.
”So…do you want the silver one or the black one?” Jake asked, as he pointed at two sets of camcorders. I sat on the dirty Walmart floor, feeling fed up and high. I shrugged.

“Does it matter? Whichever one records,” I said, feeling lazy in my bum.

He looked at me strangely, “Um, they both do?” He said it like a question.

“Thanks Captain Obvious. Now just grab one and let’s go,” I said as I got up from the floor and dusted myself off.

“Ookay…fine I’ll go with silver,” He added grabbing the box underneath the model.

“Yay,” I said sarcastically, “The great Jake Sanders has made a decision.”

He paid, and we got the hell out of that stuffy little shop. Driving home, I made sure to stare out the window in silence. I hadn’t forgotten…you know, what had happened. But, he was being strangely dear and helpful…

I tugged my hair, a habit I did when I was confused. Which I was…above having to think about mother and father, Cole was being a sweetie and now so was Jake. But I hated Jake. Jake was a bastard. A sick perverted one. So why was he being so nice? It made me dizzy thinking about it. I leaned back on the seat as he tapped his finger impatiently on the steering wheel.

For some strange reason, maybe just being overly tired and loopy but his small hand gesture was cute to me. I watched him tap his finger and it was…I shook my head. Get your head out of the gutter Tori! This was Jake Sanders…ugh! Did it matter anymore?

I felt my lids drooping as the rays of sunlight hit my face. The soft humming of the car engine slowly put me to sleep.


As you may have noticed, my past viewers, I have cleaned up and changed the formatting of this story. However, it pains me to say that this is it. I have no motivation whatsoever to continue this story. This may be an apology straight from my heart: I am going to discontinue this story. I’m terribly sorry—you don’t know how much; it really does pain me to end the story here, but the plot was going downhill. After not writing the plot for so long, I’ve looked back and reread some of the parts and they honestly make me cringe. I cannot bear to continue, since the writing is lacking the needed parts to sustain the rising action. Truly, from within my heart, I am sorry. I hope I can earn your forgiveness in time.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.10.2010

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