

"Jolie, wait!" Branden yelled after me as I left his house. I turned around and smiled at him as he ran up to me. This was the last time I would see him before he officially moves for Organ.
"I've got to tell you something." He said breathless.
"Okay shoot." I told him.
"I like you Jolie, and not as a friend.I've liked you since Kindergarten." When he said this I could tell it took him every ounce of courage to say this. However my heart sunk.
"I'm sorry ,Brandon, but I like you as my brother ,not a boyfriend."
"So you wouldn't even consider it?" I hated my self for hurting him, but I would hate my self even more if I lied by saying I liked him to.
"I'm, sorry but I can't see it."
"I get it." He said trying to smile. I pulled him into a hug. I was revealed when he hugged me back.
"I'm really sorry. Your sweet but I'm not the girl your meant to make happy."
"I guess..." was all he said. I pulled away and kissed his cheek before I turned away. I turned around and waved at him before tuning to corner. I saw him wave back. That was when we were thirteen.
Four months later... well I'm almost sure that was the absolute worst night of my life. I laid in my bed as I tossed and turned, trying not to think about Brandon, and just fall asleep. It has been like this for months since Brandon left. I picked p my phone and was going to call him like I always did when I couldn't sleep, but then I remembered that I broke his heart and now he's 700 miles away. I felt a stray tear roll down my cheek. I have always been an easy crier. I curled up into a ball an stared at my screen-saver. It was a picture of us at school. Now I was really crying. I missed him so much it hurt. I clenched my phone in my hands and stared bawling. I hurt him so much. He looked like I just killed his dog that day I left. What made it worse is I acted as if him saying he liked me wasn't a big deal. Why couldn't I say I liked him too? My eyes shot open when I realized what I just thought. I like him. I really really like him. I might even love him. Shit! What have I done? I just told my first love he's my brother. I flipped open my phone and dialed his number. I don't care if he's sleeping, this is pretty important.
"Welcome to Verizon wireless. The number you have reached has been changed-" I slammed the phone shut. He changed his number. Now what? That was my only way of reaching him. He didn't even call to tell me his new number. Then again why would he? I was the bitch who stomped on his heart. Now I really wish he was here. What hurt even worse is he might have gotten a girlfriend by now. Shit! I really screwed up this time!

Here Again

I ran down stairs the moment I turned my alarm clock off. It's been four years since he left and today he was moving back. I ran into the kitchen and say my dad making breakfast.
"Hey girly. Why so happy?" he asked. I stared at him wide eyed. was he serious? Iv'e been counting down the days since mom told me Brandon ad his family were moving back to town. I'm going to tel him that I like him just like he does.
"Hmm.... let's see. How about the fact that my best friend since dipper days is moving back today?" I asked rhetorically. My dad laughed.
"Yup, I would be bouncing off the walls too." He said. Just then my mom walked into the kitchen.
"Mornin'. Jolie by the way, were going over to the Martin's for dinner tonight. Do not and I repeat do not forget." she said. How could I forget? I want to go over there right now! I nodded and then focused on the pancakes my dad laid in front of me. Right after I took my last bite, my phone rang.
"Hello?" I said with my mouth full.
"Ewwww! talk to me after your done chewing!" She yelled into the phone. It was my best friend Carmen. I swallowed and said,
"Okay, so whats so worthy of you calling me at eight in the morning?" I asked her. She laughed and started talking,
" I wanted to know if you could spend the night. Plus I have someone I want you to meet." She said.
"Sorry but I'm going over to Branden's for dinner."
"Your going to Organ?" she basically yelled I'm going to-.
"No. He moved back so tonight were going over there." I looked at my parents and saw that they were listening to every word we said. I got up and put my dishes in the sink and then went up to my room.
"I'm going to tell him." I told her. She screamed into the phone.
"Oh my God, Jolie! That's probably The cutest thing I've heard so far! May the force be with you!" Needless to say that Carmen was the biggest Star Wars fan know to man. I laughed and said,
"yeah well, I just hope he still likes me." I said.
"How long has he liked you?" she asked me.
"Well your chances are a billion to uno. If he has liked you that long, why would he had stopped?"
"Carmen, people can change so much in four years." I heard he sigh.
"Okay then. I'll let you go. Oh, and we'll just reschedule. I really want you to meet him." Wait what?
"Hold on! meet who?" I asked.
"and who's Cole?"
"My twin brother." she said.
"Your what? Since when did you have a twine."
"Since yesterday night. I guess when we were born my mom was so young that she wanted to give both of us up, but Grandma made her keep one. So he says he did some research and found mom. Now I have an older brother by eight minutes!" It was true Carmen's mom was sixteen when she had her.
"Yeah diffidently. Oh, and I'll tell you how it goes." After that we said good by and I hung up the phone. I laid there on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Ten hours, just ten hours and I get to see him. I wonder what he looks like? I hope he still has his curly ash blonde hair. I honestly hope he hasn't changed two much. Then again I'm a completely new person. Four years ago I was timid, soft spoken girl who rarely spoke her mind, and now I'm president of the photography/news paper/drama/art club who is well know for being a loud mouth and is on good terms with almost

everyone. I hoped up and did my daily routine. After that I grabbed my sketch book and camera and walked down stairs.
"Going to the park?" My mom asked.
"It's a Sunday mom. Of course I'm going." I told her. I walked out the door and headed towards the park.
I live in a small town called Ebanie Falls. It's a small town in California somewhere in the Sacramento valley. It's a quiet and friendly town where every one knows everyone. I love it here because t me it's perfect. It's not to big but not to small. It's big enough to have a mall, a few museums, several family owned restraints, and of course an amazing park. I also liked it here because there a trees every where. And now that Brandon is back... I might never leave this town.
I arrived at the park and went over to my usual bench by the lake. I took a photo of one of the row boats and ducks. After that I sat down and continued sketching an uncompleted drawing that I was going to use for the new mural at school. As I peacefully continued sketching a pair of hands covered my eyes. When they were removed I turned around to see Terrance, my vice president of the art club.
"Hey what are you doing?" he asked me. I lifted the book up to him to show him.
"What do yo think? It's for the new mural we're doing at school." I told him. He sat down next to me and sighed.
"As always, Jolie, what ever you draw is perfect." He said. I smiled at him.
"Thanks but it's not done yet."
"Aw shit! Way to set the bar, Jolie!" He yelled. I laughed and went back to drawing.
"hey, I've got something to tell you." He said.
"Alright. What is it?"
"I think I'm gay." He said. I turned and stared at him wide eyed.
"When did this happen?" I asked him.
"When I full on made out with a guy." He said.
"well, no offense but when a guy calls Adam Levine sexy, and then asks to barrow my clothes... I start to wonder. But good for you. I completely support you. " He laughed.
"Fist of all he isn't sexy he's sexy beyond comparison, and second of all you scarf are warm and adorable. How could I not ask? Anyway... I heard that Branden kid is moving back to Ebanie today. are you going to see him?" He asked me.
"Of course! You know how much I've missed him!" I punched him lightly in the shoulder. For the first time I noticed that his jet black hair now had neon blue tips.
"When did you get those?"I asked him.
"Oh, last night." Just then his phone buzzed and he took it out to read the text message.
"Well, my mom is about to have a heart attack so I'll see you later." As he walked away he turned around,
"Oh and thanks for being okay with it. It real means a lot to me. I kind of feel alone right now." He forced a smile towards me but it quickly faded for the first time I actually saw pain in his eyes.
"Your one of my closest friends. How could I not. After all your still you." I told him with a smile. After that he turned and walked away.
It was four O'clock when I finished the sketch and walked thew the door.
"Hey hon, did you finish?" My mom asked.
"yeah, I did and it's pretty kick ass." I said as I pulled out of my bag. My parents gawked at it.
"That's amazing, so when is it going to be painted?" my dad asked.
" Well, were painting it next week Friday to Monday morning. So it should be down by Monday after school." I explained briefly.
"Okay now go get ready for diner." My mom said as she shooed me off. I went up stairs and took a quick shower, after my hair was blow dried I plugged in my curling iron. I went in to my room and rummaged threw my closet until I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a black satin polka-dot button down top with ruffles going down the side. I Then found some dark skinny jeans and my grey converse. After I was dressed I went into the bathroom and started curling my hair. I applied a little makeup, just mascara and foundation. I walked out of the bathroom and walked down stairs.
"Okay, I'm ready." My mom turned around and smiled at me. She was wearing a pink sweater and her light hair was flipped at the ends. As for my dad he wore a light blue polo and kacky pants.
"Oh good you're wearing something his mom will approve of." My mom said. Branden's mom always told me that I dress like a "hooker." I honestly have know idea why. We walked out side and got into the car. It was about a ten minute drive to the Martin's new house. My pulled into their drive way and turned off the car. I practically threw my self out of the car and restrained myself from bolting to the door. I didn't want it to be obvious that I liked Brandon. To be honest I was terrified at how many ways my parents could embarrass me if they found out I liked him. I stood there patiently on the front porch and waited for my parents. I rang the door bell and thirty seconds later Mrs. Martin opened the door. When saw us she threw a nasty glare at me and then hugged my mom. I walked in and tried my best to avoid her.
"Is Branden home?"I asked as civil as possible. Mrs. Martin turned and scoffed,
"Were else would he be?" She told me coldly. I looked around a bit confused,
"Okay..." was my brilliant response.
"He's in his room." She told me. I walked to the stairs and stared up them. I had no idea what door his room is. I heard his mom groan.
"Second door on the right." She told me. As you can probably see Mrs. Martin has always hated me. I walked up the stairs and opened his door. I say him sitting at his computer desk with his back turned to me. I quietly went over and sat on his bed. He still hadn't noticed me.
"I think your mom has me on her hit list." I said. He was startled and turned around. I was a little shocked to see how much he had changed. His ash blonde curly hair was know short and matched his honey brown eyes, he now had higher check bones, his dimples were not as deep, and his jaw line was now well defined. In conclusion he has completely changed in appearance.
"Jolie?" He asked. I rocked back slightly and smiled at him,
"yup. So how was Organ?" I asked him. I swiveled around to face me.
"Salome was a hell lot better then here." He said bluntly. My facial expression softened slightly when I heard this. I wondered why he would say that to me. He knows how much I love this town.
"Well I love it here." I told him.
"that's probably because you've never been out side the valley." He told me. I decided to brush it of and just focus on the fact that he's here now.
"I missed you, Branden." I smiled at him.
"I missed you too." He said.
"I tried too call but you changed your number."
"Yeah, well my phone was stolen so we had to disable the phone, and I got a new number. I didn't know your phone number so I couldn't tell you."
"Oh." I said. His phone vibrated on his dresser and he got up and looked at his phone.
"Four months after you left, I realized that I liked you the same way you liked me. The thing is I still do, and if I'm lucky enough you still do too ." I said in a rushed breath. Oh my god I said it. He turned around and stared at me in shock.
"What did you say?" He asked me.
"I said I like you." I repeated.He came closer to me and when he was right in front of me he stared down at me and brushed my stray hair out of my face. He bent down and crashed his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he nipped my bottom lip asking for entrance. Which I granted him. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and explored my mouth greedily. I let out a muffled moan. He pressed his hands against my shoulders and pushed me down. He shifted positions and was now straddling my waist without breaking the kiss. He broke away and started kissing my jaw line and trailed down my neck. I felt his hand snack up my shirt and under my bra. He cupped my right breast and gave it a squeeze. I then snapped back to reality. We had gone way to far.
"Branden, stop." I said.
"Mhmm..." Was his only response.
"I mean it. I said stop." I repeated. He finally stopped and sat up and was now looked down at me.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I don't want to." I snapped at him.
"You said you liked me so this is okay." was he serious?
"What happened to no sex before marriage?" After I said this he started laughing.
"You can't be serious? Why would I even think of marrying you?" I can't believe him.
"I though you said you liked me."
"I did four years ago, Jolie. I stopped liking you after I got my first girlfriend. I realized that you were a waste of time." He was right he never did say he liked me, he only kissed me.
"Get off me, Branden." I snapped at him as I pushed him off of me. I got up and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Home." I simply said.
"Whatever." Was all he said. Before I walked out of his room I turned around to face him and screamed,
"Fuck you, Branden!" He scoffed and looked over at me,
"You almost did." Now I was pissed. I ran down stairs and past the adults. I wanted to get out of here before I started crying.
"Jolie whats wrong?" I heard my mom ask. I didn't mind her I just kept walking.
I was now about halfway to our house when I passed the park. I walked over and sat down on one of the benches.


It was now nine O'clock at night and I had cried my self dry. I sat there on the park bench with my knees brought to my chest. I knew it was getting late ,but I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to face my parents and explain to them what had happened. I pulled out my phone and scrolled threw my contacts list. I paused at Carmen's name and hit send. I heard her pick up at the third ring.
"Hello?" She said in a groggy voice. I take it she was sleeping.
"Hey," I said in a small voice.
"What's wrong?"
"I told him but he rejected me... hard." I could hear my voice begging to shake.
"Do you want to come over so we can talk?"
"Mhmm.." was all I could manage to say.
"Where are you?" she asked me.
"At a bench at the park. I'm near the swings and the parking lot."
"alright I'll be there in like 30 seconds."
"Okay, bye." I said.
"Bye." after the line went dead I leaned back and stared up at the stars. I started to drift of to sleep. I was woken up by some one yelling my name. I opened my eyes to see Carmen's silhouette and headlights shining into my eyes.
"Hey girly, sorry but your going to have to wait to sleep." She said as she helped me off the bench. We walked over to her Chevy Celebrity.
"Wait your driving me? I'm pretty sure that's illegal."
"It is but this is an emergency." She quickly augured as she pushed me into the passengers seat. When we were both in the car, and were now driving down the rode, she turned to me and asked,
"Okay, so exactly what happened that made you cry?" I felt a lump in my stomach and looked over at her.
"He's changed. He's a total douche now."
"Man whore Douche, or stereotypical blonde football jock type of Douche?" She comically asked me. I laughed at her remark and said,
"A nasty combination of both."
"Oh wow..."
"So what did he do?"
"Well, he said that the city is better then Ebanie, then when I said I liked him he kissed me, he then tried to have sex with me, He said that he would never even think of marrying me, and as if my heart wasn't broken enough not only did he say that he didn't like me but he said I wasn't worth it. So really the question is what didn't he do?" I whipped a stray tear and could feel the water works coming. Carmen looked over at me,
"Oh hell no! You are not going to to cry while I'm driving! I'm already breaking the law right now, I don't want another distraction." As soon as she said that I held my breath and tried to hold back the tears. We pulled up to a stop light and Carmen sighed,
"You have 30 seconds to cry yours eyes out." I did exactly as she said. I brought my hands to my face and bawled into them.
"Okay times up!" I then stopped crying and tried not to cry again. It continued like this for another seven blocks until we finally reached her house. We walked in and Carmen called to her mom telling her that she was back. We walked upstairs and into her room. I plopped down on the bed face down and groaned
"This fucking sucks!" I yelled into the pillows as I continued to cry my eyes out. Carmen laughed and sat down and pivoted in her neon green office chair.
"It's called heart break. It's a bitch isn't it?"
"Your damn right it is!" I yelled. I heard her laugh again.
"I know what would make you feel better." she said. I looked up at her and glared.
"a hair cut." she stated.
"Hell no."
"My mom would be the one doing it. It will look cute! It will feel like a fresh start!" She argued. I rolled my eyes at her
"Fine." She squealed and dragged me down stairs. Honestly I wasn't worried, Carmen's mom was the own of one of the two hair salons in town. What I was worried about was loosing most of my hair. My hair went down my back and stopped at my hips. Well if it's Carmen's mom it will always look cute... I hope. Carmen grabbed her mom and then the three of us went into her mom's bathroom and I pushed down into a chair. About an hour later I was allowed to see my hair. I turned around and looked in the mirror. I now had layered breast length hair, with side bangs, and yellow highlights.
"Do you like it?" Miss. Palmer asked.
"yeah. It's really cute." stood there looking at my self and played with my hair. Carmen was right, it did make me feel better. Carmen grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the hallway,
"I'm tired lets go to bed." I ripped my hand away and headed for the guest bed room,
"Where are you going?" She asked me.
"To get my stuff." I practically lived at Carmen's so I had my own drawer of stuff in the guest bed room.
"Wait!" Before she could stop me I barged into the guest bed room to see a tall and well built guy in the middle of taking his shirt off. He had dark hair and blue eyes just like Carmen, as well as her pert nose that was lightly dusted with freckles.
"sorry I- I" I couldn't seem to gather my thoughts. He scoffed and said,
"It's alright." Just then Carmen caught up to me.
"Sorry about that Cole. By the way this is my friend Jolie. She's spending the night. Jolie this is my twin brother Cole."
"That actually explains why I found this in my top drawer." He said as he held up an object. When I realized it was one of my bra I could fell my face heat up.
"Thats mine!" I said as I snatched it from his hands. I turned around and my cheeks was now a florescent red. As I walked out the door I herd him speak,
"I guess these are yours two then." He said as he handed me a bag of folded clothes. Wow, he even had the decency to fold them.
"Um... thanks." Was all I said. I looked up to see him smiling down at me, and couldn't help but smile back at him. I turned around and walked over to Carmen. We walked down the hall and in to her room. Carmen busted out laughing.
"Oh, my God that was amazing!" I turned around and glared at her,
"That was not funny! I completely embarrassed my self!"
"Whatever you say. More importantly isn't he gorgeous?" She asked causally.
"he looks photo shopped." I told her.
"I Know right! It sucks he's my brother!"
"his eyes are amazing..." I sighed.
"he looks just like me." Carmen said sarcastically.
"Sorry but he's hotter." I told her. she rolled her eyes at me, and threw a pillow at my face.
"Whatever just go to bed." I laughed and got up and headed to the bathroom. I changed and brushed my teeth and then walked back to her room. Carmen was already asleep when I walked in I crawled under the sheets and fell asleep as well.
I woke up with a throbbing pain in my throat. I let out a dry cough and rested my hand on my throat. This was probably the worst soar throat I have ever had. I got out of bed and went down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and glanced at the clock. The neon green numbers read 2:46 am. I went into the pantry and pulled out a mug. I filled it up with ice water and stared sipping it. When the water went down my through I started coughing again. Suddenly I herd something move on the other side of the kitchen.
"Can't sleep?" I heard a deep voice say. I looked over to see Cole in the door way. I shook my head at him
"My through hurt." I said as I stared down at my water. I herd Cole exhale as he walked over to me.
"Here," He said as he took the mug from my hands. He dumped the water into the stainless steel eletrice kettle and turned the dial on. Then he placed the empty mug on the counter and took out honey and a tea bag. He placed the tea bag into the cup and squeezed honey into the cup. He then crossed his arms and leaned against the counter next to me.
"So what happened earlier? When I first met you your eyes were red, and Carmen was frantic and cussing before she left." He asked me.
"I just... needed a friend." I said with my eyes looking down at the tile. 

"was it a guy?" I heard him ask. I felt a lump in my thought and I though about him. a say the imiage I had created in my mind of what I thought our reunion would be like. Then I hought about the person that I saw tonight. 

"Yeah... yeah it was."

"judging by that pause I'd say it was pretty messy." Cole pushed him self off the counter and went to stand over the tea kettle and looked down at the thermomiter on the side of the apliance. 

"waters warm." he said as he picked it of the hop plate and poured some water into the mug. I watched as he dipped the tea bag several times before handing it to me. 

"there, that shouldn't be to hot."

"That was fast. that must have been a tea making record."

"no just the wonders of the new tech of the new year." He grinned. I gave him a soft smile and sipped my tea.

"So what happened?"

"mmm... I guess... well- a few years back I rejected him, and he was just returning the favor tonight." I told him.

"Okay, my turn. Where are you from?" I asked him.
"I've lived all over the country, but the last place I lived was San Diego. I was in a pretty bad situation back there. My foster family is a nice couple and have eight other foster kids, so I was kind of forgetten about. I guess I felt like I wasn't needed. I didn't have much supervision so I was kind of recless. My foster mother had had enough and was getting iritated with my behavior. So, when I mentioned my birth mom, she jumped at the oppertunity and helped me do some research and when I found out I had a twin and that my birth mother had kept her, I started doing some more research and I ended up here." He answered.
"So how long will you be staying with us?" he asked me.
"I don't know probably until I'm ready to tell my parents." I said as I stared down at the floor.
"Why can't you tell them?" He asked me.
"Oh I don't know... like I siad... I just needed my friend. plus if I go home now, my parents care to much about me that they probely won't stop asking questions." I said with a heavy tone. I then looked up at him , and waited for his reaction.
"Point taken." He said as he laughing under his breath.
"you to good for him." He told me. I smiled at him,
"that's what your obligated to say, but if I'm to good for him then why do I keep thinking about him?"

"You just need a destraction. You obviously haven't heard the term 'Rebound' have you?" He told he. I scoffed at him,
"I'm not going to ask a completely random guy out just for my own self esteem. It's not fair." I said to him.
"It would just be a date. I'll have Carmen help." He told me. I bit my lip.
"I don't know...." I said As I sipped my tea.
"I'll think about it padre." I said as I took another sip.
"Padre?" He scoffed at the name.
"Yup. Your from San Diego. Their baseball team is the Padres, so that makes you a padre." I explained to him. He laughed at me.
"What ever you say. Now drink your tea and of to bed Cindy loo." He said as he ruffled my hair. I scrunched up my nose and asked,
"Cindy loo?" Which earned me another scoff from him.
"Well you are short." He said as he walked away. I rolled my eyes and continued to drink my tea.

Gates of Hell

I was jerked awake not by an alarm clock, but by Carmen rudely throwing a pillow at me. I shot up out of bed and looked around the room frantically. I then saw Carmen leaning against the doorway with a smug look on her face.
"Morning sunshine." she said. I glared at her and fell back down into the pillow. She sighed and walked over to me.
"None of that missy." And then with out warning, she literally flipped the mattress over. Which caused me to herbal onto the ground. I moaned in pain,
"was that really needed?" I asked her from the floor. She laughed and said,
"Absolutely, Stacy texted this morning and said that her mom (from admin.) was told that there is going to be two new students." She said. I rolled over on my back and glared up at her.
"So?" I said.
"One of the new kids is Cole while the other is..." She raised her eye brows at me as she trailed off. I closed my eyes and sighed as I said,
"Branden." I knew it was completely pathetic of me to feel pain even at the mention of his name. I the curled up into a ball and grabbed a pillow and blanket and dragged them towards me.
"What are you doing!" She shrieked a me.
"Going back to sleep. There's no way in hell I'm going to school on his first day." I told her. I gasped as I felt her grab my ankle and start to drag me. 

"You crazy bitch!" I yield. She laughed at me and then continued to drag me. She dragged me into her closet. She finally let go of my foot. I sat on the floor with my arms crossed. She laughed as she rummaged threw her closet. She threw some of my clothes that I keep at her house at me. I looked at the off shoulder pastel colored floral camisole, and the ruffled denim overalls skirt. she then ran over to me and placed a necklace around my neck, and a straw pork-pie hat. I looked down at the necklace and noticed that it was my gold juicy couture heart necklace. She then handed me my Mindy Lace Up Booties. I looked up at her.
"I'll start the curling iron for you." She said with a smile before she walked out of the closet. I sighed and stood up. I stripped my clothes of and slipped into my fresh ones. I turned twirled in front of the mirror. I must hand it to Carmen, she can be a crazy bitch half the time, but she had amazing taste. I smiled down at my outfit and walked out of the closet. I walked into the bathroom to see Carmen leaning on her the sink as she applied her eyeliner. I shock my head at the heavy amount of make up she wears. I picked up the curling iron and began curling my hair. After about half an hour I was done. We heard a knock at the door and looked over to see Cole standing in the door way.
"Are you two ready." He asked us as our eyes met.
"Umm... yeah just a second." I said as I diverted my eyes from his. I looked over Carmen who obviously saw and raised her eyebrows at me. Cole nodded and turned down the hall.
"Hey did mom make breakfast?" she asked him.
"Yeah she did. Apparently you eat a lot." He said with a smirk. Carmen did a fist pump while jumping into the air and cheering. Typical Carmen. I turned back to the mirror and finished my makeup. after I was done, Carmen and I walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

As soon as we walked in I smelt bacon, pancakes, and eggs. I sat down at the table next to Carmen, and across from Cole.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.12.2011

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