
Chapter 1:on Probation


My name is Kara Miller, I am tall, thin , with strait natural blond hair, and teal eyes with black rings around the outside of the iris. My life fell apart when I was 15. It was like a blur to me. All I remember was my friends and I , they wanted to take me to a party so I came along. Then I had some alcohol. The next thing I Knew was I woke up on a couch with my friends next to me. After that my mom couldn’t take living with “a delinquent” so she kicked me out. After that, I bounced around place to place. It was as I was just drifting away and not getting anywhere. I kept calling my last high school years “a three year hangover”, but I deserve it. I mean, I got a nose piercing at thirteen, started drinking at 14, and had a tattoo by 15. I was inconsiderate and a total bitch. My friend’s parents would tell me to leave after a week or so. Like they say “ what goes around comes around.”
It was only last week right before I got kicked out of Tammie’s house, when I was e-mailing my best friend and pen pal, Diana.
KaRRA.Mill7761: Hey girly, what up.
Diana.britOXOX : Not much. U?
KaRRA.Mill7761: Life’s good… about to be kicked out. The usual -_-
Diana.britOXOX: ahhh…hey can I ask you something?
KaRRA.Mill7761: sure
Diana.britOXOX: what happened 2 u? I mean you were almost perfect before I moved.
KaRRA.Mill7761: I really do not know. I guess I crashed and burned without you keeping me in check.LOL
Diana.britOXOX: Hey, you are going to be kicked out soon right?
KaRRA.Mill7761:yes … thanks for reminding me /=(
Diana.britOXOX: What if you move in with me this summer?
KaRRA.Mill7761: r u sure?
Diana.britOXOX: ya! Maybe I can get you back on track.
KaRRA.Mill7761: alright then. I’m moving to England
Diana.britOXOX: YES!!!!!!!

Before I knew it, I am a high school graduate, and am on a plain to England. I am happy to have a fresh start and to see Diana again. Diana moved to New Hampshire when she was nine and moved back when she was thirteen. Diana is pure perfection , she is quiet , thinks before she acts, is kindhearted, smart, short caramel brown hair , tall and thin enough to be a model, and has these amazing shining glacier blue eyes. She is the only person in the world that I can count on. When Diana was Sixteen, her mom remarried, but six months later her new husband and her died in a car accident. She can’t even speak about it even know.
I looked out the window to see New Hampshire fading away. I could feel my face light up. “I am free! I think I’ll take a nap to make the time go by faster.” I laid my head back and blacked out.
I felt the plane descending, and eminently woke up. I glanced out the window and there it was! England! As soon as the plane landed I wanted to jump off and rush to see Diana. I stared fidgeting in my seat. A man across from me stared at me for a minute now,
“Dude, calm down.” He said. I folded my hands and hung my head.
“sorry,” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. The man continued to stare at me. I shrugged my shoulders and gave him the ‘ you must be crazy’ look
“what?” I said. The man stared at me with his eyebrows raised.
“It’s your first time in England. Isn’t it."
“Yes. I’m moving here.” After I said this I looked up at him. He laughed at me.
“That’s a riot!” he snickered.

I got off the plane and started looking around for Diana. There in the distance I saw her, and she saw me as well. She waved at me. I ran down the stairs with my extra large duffle bag slung over my shoulder. I ran up to her and hugged her. She hugged me as well and laughed,
“God, I missed you, Kara!”

Diana drove me to her town house that would be my new home. We drove up to the curb and I saw a three-floored brick house, with a small green fount lawn, a white picket fence, and a white narrow but tall front door who’s white paint was faded and peeling off.The inside of the house was very plain ; it had the basics, couch, TV, kitchen, etcetera. The staircase was wooden with a landing in the middle.
“Kara, your room is this way.” Diana pulled my arm and lead me up the stairs and to the last door at the far end of the hall. I opened the door and saw a Victorian style room. Of course why did I expect anything else different? There was something about this room though. I looked at the window , the wind was softly blowing the silk curtains, and the golden sun light shined down on the sheets of the bed. It felt…It felt…safe…that’s the word. “Well, I’ll let you unpack.” Diana patted me on the shoulder and left the room. I pulled my iPod nano 5th generation out, unplugged the headphones, and let the music play out loud. I unpacked my clothes, laptop, a few books, few CD’s, the last thing I unpacked was the photo of my dad, who died when I was ten. The room was officially mine! I sat in my new window set, and stared at the sky. The gentle wind blew on my face. I heard Diana coming into my room. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Diana’s brown short hair. I smiled, and turned my head towards her. It was not Diana. It was a man,but I didn’t really focus on him looks because, #1 - I was petrified with fear, and #2- I was pretty sure that only Daina and I lived here! So naturally, the first the thing that popped into my head to explain this was “home invasion and rape,” like the stories you hear about in law and order SVU. I quickly grabbed the pillow next to me, threw it at him, and screamed.
“how are you!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. The corner of the pillow hit him in the eye. He covered his eye and grounded in pain.
“What was that for?” he asked. I heard Diana coming up the stairs; she ran to my room and saw this very confusing moment.
“Kara? What’s wrong?” she looked at me franticly, she then looked down at the man on the floor,
“Michael? Why are on the floor?”Wait...she knew him! Daina looked at me in confusion.
“I thought he was a perv, so I threw a pillow at him and it hit him in the eye.” I explained. Diana put her hand on her forehead and said,
“Both of you, down stairs. Now.”


I had nothing better to do except sit in my room waiting for my stepsister, Diana, to get home. She had said that her good friend from America was moving in with us. She also said that she has a strong will, a good sense of justice, pretty, and this was all fine except for the fact she also said that the new girl had major issues. I didn’t remember her name though. I imagined her to have a nose ring, heavy eyeliner, and layered jet-black hair, and pail skin. This was going to be hell on earth. Just then, I heard a car door shut and then a second car door shut. I knew Diana brought “it” home with her. I heard Diana tell her
“Kara, your room is this way.” Kara! That was her name I hear them walk past my room and into the guest bedroom. I heard Kara unpacking her stuff. It took about an hour. I couldn’t take it any more I hade to know what she looked like and if she was the emo chick I imagined her to be. I walked down the hall, and Diana went up the stairs and into the bathroom. I walked and looked into Kara’s room. I was in total shock. She was not emo at all. I saw a girl with long blond hair, who was sitting in the window seat and looking outside. She looked like a painting sitting there. She turned around and had captivating blue-green eyes and a bright smile. I could not believe that Diana thinks she has behavior issues. Unfortunately, her perfect smile turned in absolute fear. She backed up into the corner of the window and grabbed the pillow next to her, and threw it at me. I found the behavior issues part.

The two of us were sitting on the couch glaring at each other while Diana glared at us.
“Kara, What the hell? I told you I have a stepbrother living with me! Why did you freak out?” Diana asked me. I looked over at Michael, he was completely gorgeous, He had bark shaggy brown hair, was extremely tall , muscular, was well shaved, and had bright green eyes.
“I must have missed that part .” I said,
“I told you in my last email.” Diana told me
“well I didn’t get it, and I’m not living with a guy.” I said.
“and I’m not living with a mental chick.” Michael agreed with me.
“You two will get along! Got it!” Diana yield.
“Kara, your hear for rehab. Remember?” Diana pointed her finger back at me.
“Rehab? Diana, I’m not a druggy!” I assured her. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
“Are you sure you’ve never done drugs?”
“Not even cigarettes and tobacco?” she asked. I looked off to the side, and bite my lip before I answer.
“Okay, maybe once or twice,” I confessed. Diana let out a groan of disappointment.
“But that was when I was fifteen! I even got rid of my nose piercing! See?” I pointed to my right nostril and showed them the sealed up hole.
“Okay then, since you’re not on drugs, let’s call it…probation! You’re probation for your bad behavior!” Diana announced. I heard Michael snickering. I told him to shut up.
“I do not have a bad attitude!” I protested
“ yes you do” Michael taunted.
After that we all went into our rooms. I was still unpacking my crap. I came across an assignment from high school. It was my “self reflection” paper. I usually toss all my returned homework, but this one I kept to remind me of my behavior and what I need to change. I read the fist line
“I know that this assignment is just so the teachers can hear us all admit we are worthless. Therefore, I am just going to say it. I am worthless, ignorant, self-centered, short tempered, and am extremely mouthy. I may be all those things but, I am not pathetic or stupid like some think I am. “
That first paragraph was the one thing that kept me going. I then heard a knock on my door.
“Come in,” I called. Michael opened the door
“Hey, it’s time for diner.” He said with his British accent.

Chapter 2: Meeting the devil

For diner Diana Went and got an extra large chess pizza and a 2lt of soda.
“I hope you don’t mind. Ididn't think you would like British food so I got some Pizza.” Diana said.
“It’s fine. I will never hate pizza.” I sat down and grabbed the first slice.
“Shouldn’t we pray?” Diana asked.
“God’s great let’s eat!” I said. Diana laughed and sat down next t me while Michael sat across from me. I looked up at Michael who was grinning at me. I kicked him and whispered,
“Stop staring at me.” He rolled his eyes and began eating. Diana and I talked about what happened in high school, guys who we dated, Diana said she had dated the son of CEO, and I told her I dated a guy who owned a tattoo parlor. I should her my heart tattoo on my inner ankle. The tattoo was a red heart that was broken.
“When did you get that?” she asked.
“ After I broke up with Travis.” Diana was in shock. I knew what she was thinking, “I will never get a tattoo”
“did it hurt?” she asked
“I don’t know, I was drunk.” I said honestly. We all continued eating our food. I looked up and saw Michael staring at me. I then felt his bare foot rubbing my leg up and down. I chocked on my food slightly, after I calmed down, I kick him in the leg. After that, i looked at Diana how didn't seem to notice, she just got up and carried the pizza box into the kitchen leaving me alone with the devil.
“why did you kick me?” Michael asked.
“ because you were grossing me out.” I said
“ I was only trying to be nice.” He grinned at me. I stood up and glared at him.
“ A little too nice.” I told him I stormed into the kitchen and the door slammed the door behind me.
“Hey, Diana I’ll clean up the rest.” I assured her.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.” I started to put the pizza in the fridge and the dishes in the dishwasher. When I was done I headed for the stairs and saw the back yard. I walked over to the sliding glass door. I looked out the large window. It was a was a small garden with bright green grass and a glass table in the middle. I looked and saw a pouch sing in the corner of the garden. I walked outside towards the wooden swing.
As I sat there, I looked at the lavender sky and thought, I did it, and I am here! I swung back and forth on the swing. I thought of what I will do next. Most likely get a job, and try to get a scholarship or something like that. I will not go back to my old ways. I will be a new person.
I saw something out of the corner of my eye and looked over my shoulder. It was Michael. He slid the door opened the door and made his way over towards me. God please, No! I begged.


I saw her sitting outside on the pouch swing. Her blond hair had a pink tint in the sunset light. “Would it hurt to try to talk to her?” I thought. Then I remembered that she thinks I’m a player. I am a player but it didn’t feel good knowing that this one girl hated me. I tried to think of an excuse for talking to her, and then I remembered diner! I can apologize for diner then I would have a reason to talk to her. I took a deep breath and slid open the door. Kara turned her head and looked over me. She glared at me the turned her head away from me. This is going to be harder than I thought. I sat down next to her on the swing.
“What do you want?” she snapped.
“I just wanted to apologize for what I did at diner.”
“Don’t do that again.” She still had her arms crossed and was still glaring at me.
“Fine, I won’t.” I promised. I leaned back and looked up at the purple sky.
“So what’s your story?” I asked. Kara looked at me for a moment.
"well evryone has a story." I said. Kara then let out a long sigh.
“After Diana moved back here, I started hanging out with a bunch of thugs. They got me into drinking. When I was fifteen, they took me to a party to help me forget about Travis and I got drunk . When I woke up I had a tattoo. When I got home I asked my mom what to do, but she just made me pack a duffel and kick me out.” She looked at with a small smirk.
“Why do you care?” she asked.
“I was just curious.” I said.
“What about your family?” I asked.
“My mom disowned me, my dad’s dead, and I have no other relatives. So I have no family.” She said briefly. At first she looked as if she didn’t care, but after awhile you could tell it was painful for her to think about it.
“ what about a boyfriend. Do you have one in America?” I did not know why but I wanted to know every little detail about her.
“No. I’m single.” She said. A feeling of relief came over me
“Good.” I said. I then realized what I said and knew I shouldn’t have said that. Kara turned and looked at me. Her aqua eyes looked at me in disbelief. Her pale cheeks turned a bright red. I didn’t know what came over me and kissed her on the lips. When our lips touched, a thousand words flew through my head. I have never felt anything like this. Kara was struggling to get away, but I didn’t pay attention to her. She then bit my lip to tell me to stop. When I pulled away, I saw that she was furious. She whipped her mouth and pulled her arm back. With all her might, she slapped me on my face.
“What the fuck was that? Who do you think I am? I am not so girl you can just mess around with! I’m your roommate and nothing more than that!” she got up off the bench and ran to the door. I called her name but she didn’t look back. I could hear her stomp up the stairs. I had never been hit by a girl before. It discouraged me to now that the one girl I wanted was the one girl who wanted me dead. What angered me more was she saw right though me.

I felt completely humiliated. Not only that, but I enjoyed his kiss. He is completely deceiving! I actually thought he cared! Ha! I could not be more wrong! I knocked on Diana’s door.
“Come in” she called
“I hate him!” I said
“Hate who?”
“why what happened?”
“He kissed me!”
“What? “ Diana stood up
“Why do you keep him around?”
“Kara, he’s the only family I have, and he is very kind.”
“Well he’s being a little too nice to me!”
“I’ll talk to him, Kara. I find out what he’s thinking.”
“Please do.” I said. I walked out of her room and saw Michael standing right in front of her room. He probably heard every single word, and I didn’t give a damn if he did. I walked towards me room and gave him the middle finger. He looked up at me with painful eyes. I went into my room and turned on my iPod. About half an hour later, I fell asleep.
Diana looked at me for a minute; she motioned me to come in. When I stepped in the room then motioned me to close the door.

“did you hear Kara and I” she asked
“It’s kind of hard not to when she was screaming it.”
“good then you’re up to speed.” After that, there was a moment of silence.
“I want you to stay away from Kara,” she said
“What? Why?” I asked
“She’s been through so much, and every man she’s ever met has treated her like shit.”
“But I won’t”
“Well I’m not convinces seeing what happened today.”
“Why her? You can walk out that door and any girl would want to date you. So why must you mess with my best friend?”
“I don’t know, I just…I-” I stop in the middle of my sentence to gather my thoughts.
“When I saw her sitting in her room, I was amazed. She beautiful and radiant and she’s the first person who has ever seen through me!” After I said, this Diana stared at me in disbelief for a moment,
“Fine, if you really like her and swear you would never hurt her, then chase after her, but if you make her cry I will kick your ass out.” She warned
“when our parents died, they wanted us to take care of each other because, we have nowhere to go, but my mum taught me to always help a friend in need.” She explained.
“I understand.” I said. I started to walk out of her room.
“Hey!” she called. I looked back to see her grinning.
“Good luck” she said. She tossed me a thick folder filed with papers. I opened the folder to my surprise; the folder was over filling with chat logs and e-mails. I locked up at Diana and she had a devious smirk on her face. I walked out of the room looking at the papers. I have been blessed and given a guide.


I woke up the next morning felling refreshed. I showered and got dressed. I decided to wear a baggy purple v-neck, bark blue skinny jeans, and a long silver pendent. I tied my blond hair in half pony tail and tied it back with a black ribbon. I walked down stairs into the kitchen, where I smelled bacon and fried beans. I sat down and said good morning to Diana, I only ignored Michael. Breakfast was completely awkward. I had a large scowl on my face while Michael had a fat lip. We sat in silence until Diana decided to break it.
“So how did you sleep?” Diana looked up at me with a warm smile. I stopped angrily stabbing my food and looked up at her.
“I actually slept fine. How about you?” I tried my hardest to smile.
“ good.” That was the only word she said.
“I didn’t sleep to well actually, because the throbbing pain from my lip kept me up!” I did not look up at Michael when he said that. I just kept eating and gave him the middle finger. Michael groaned at me,
“is that the only thing you know? gesh, I’ve know you for not even a full day and I already have a red eye, and fat lip. I wonder what would happen if I actually meant to kiss you?” I dropped my fork and looked up him. I smiled and leaned across the table.
“If that’s the case then I should have hit you in the balls instead.” Michael’s smirk diapered. Diana was laughing silently to herself, and I leaned back in my chair with a look of victory. Michael looked over at her and she instantly stopped laughing.
“you’re a bitch, you know that?”
“well you’re a dick. So we’re even. ” After that, breakfast continued in a heavy awkward silence. Diana finally decided to break the silence by clearing her throat. I don't usually care when people call me a "bitch", I think the reason for that was I was know as the campus "bad-ass" and I knew it. But this time ... It hurt. I think living here is going to be interesting.

Chapter 3: Beach day

After breakfast we did what any one would do normally. That was clean up the dishes, vacuuming, dusting, and laundry. Micheal had turned on the TV and Diana and I were in the kitchen cleaning.
"I'm surprised the weather is so nice today." Diana sighed. I looked out the window and saw thick cloud cover. I looked at her with my eyebrows slightly raised.
"It is?" I asked.
"Yes, it's not raining."
"does it rains in the middle of June here?" of course Diana didn't seem to hear me. Diana stuck her head out of the kitchen.
"Micheal, do you want to go to the beach?" I heard the TV turn off.
"Good idea, the weather is great today!" Yup I was the only one who could see the rain clouds.
"This weather makes me want to crawl back in bed with a cup of hot coffee, not go to the beach." I said.
"okay then lets leave in about an hour." Diana pranced up the stairs and slammed her bed room door. Which left me alone with Micheal.
"We aren't going in swimsuits are we?" as soon as I asked him I started regretted it when I saw him smirk.
"The beach is to rocky for that, but I wouldn't mind seeing you in a bikini." I crossed my arms and stared at him with a blank look.
"pig." without another word I went up to my room and shut my door to get ready for the beach.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.09.2011

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