

I remember it very well. Mother and I were working in the kitchen while Father tended to the cows. We lived miles away from the city, on a peaceful farm, there was never chaos, and we were not affected by the war agents France. We had no money we survived on what we grew and made. Although I never went to school, I still knew how to read and write. Mother would teach me thing like mathematics, science, and literacy, while father taught me archery and swordsmanship, but he also taught me about navigation such as how to use the stars as a map. So although were mere farm peasants were knew all there was to know about the world. As I thought how perfect my life was, I glanced up at my mother. Her curly caramel brown hair was tied back into a bun and her emerald eyes reflected the sunlight. Although she was thirty-four years old, she looked about twenty. I was proud to look just like her, but my grandmother would always say that I had finer skin and that my eyes lashes were much longer then hers.
Mother and I saw a covered wagon and seven men on horseback come up the walkway. My father Ran through the door.
"Vera, Lillian! Do you know who those me are?" he was frantic. Mother held his shoulders.
“I have never seen those men, but we cannot let them terrify use. Do you understand?" She then looked at me.
"Vera, go hide." I nodded my head and ran into my bedroom. I opened my wardrobe and hide behind the clothes. I took a coat and pulled down a draped it over myself like a blanket. I tried not to breathe heavily so I could hear what was going on. I heard a loud bang at the door.
"Hello, may we help you?" I heard my father say. I then a raspy voice replyed
"You may." I then heard my father scream and crashes of dishes. I closed my eyes and prayed for it to end soon. I heard my mother scream. I covered my gasp with my hand.
I heard footsteps come down the short hallway. I was terrified that my heartbeat would give away my hiding place. I saw the shadow of the man move under the door of the wardrobe. The man stopped in front of the wardrobe. I tried my hardest not to let my tears escape but fear over threw me. The wardrobe door slowly opened. The man took all my clothes of the rack and threw them on the ground. He looked down at me as I trembled in fear. The man knelt on one knee. He looked at me with an evil grin on his face. He griped my jaw and roughly turned my head it see both sides. He then turned my head to face him.
"And how old might you be? third-teen maybe?" he asked. I did not answer I only spit in his face. He then released me to wipe the spit out of his eyes. I pushed aside and tried to run but he grabbed my waist and carried me to the barn He put with my parents. My mother was relieved to see me but also sad that they found me. She tightly raped her arms around me and my father put his arms around our shoulders. A middle-aged man walked in and looked at the three of us. He looked at me for quite awhile.
"Take the young one with us." he said. I could feel my heart sink. Another man came and picked me up by my waist. My mother grabbed my wrist and tried to pulled me from his grasp, father helped her by pulling her back.
"Please, please don't take her!" my mother wailed.
"We beg you!" father pleaded.
"Shut them up!" the man ordered. Two men pulled them away and tied them to a post. I yelled their names as they graded me out. They threw me into the covered wagon with all the things they had stolen from us. The last thing I saw before they closed the wagons flag was my home burning to the ground.


It is now early August, I can tell by the amber leaves and the night sky. It has been a year sense I was taken prisoner. Every day is exhausting and pain full. A man named Fredrick kidnapped me and now makes me work as a slave for him and his men. My hands are scared from chopping the food, and my ankles are bruised from the shackles chaining me to a post in this small tent. The heat of the fire stings my face as I steered the stew. I looked over to the bucket of water in the corner of the room that was surrounded by dishes. I pulled the bucket near the fireplace and tried to do both chores at the same time.
"Wench! Is our food ready?" Fredrick yelled at me through the tent.
"Not yet sir." I answered. Fredrick is a ruthless cruel man. The only thing that proves he is human is the fact he doesn't kill children. That is one of the things I have noticed about him. I scooped the beef potato stew in to the seven-teen wooden bowls. As I looked down at their food I spat in each bow. I walked over to the tent entrance, but the chain always stops short of the door. I reached and pulled the curtain open
"Oi dogs, food." I called rudely. I knew very well that they would not harm me, because I was the only one in the whole camp that knew how to cook. The men lined up and one by one I handed them there stew. I hated the way these men looked at me. The all hated me and I knew it well. I sat in the kitchen tent and at my stew alone. I then laid down on a haystack I was given to sleep on and tried to fall asleep.


The next morning I was woken up by yelling and Liam jerking.
"Vera!Vera!Please wake up I need you!" I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. I saw Joshua on the brink of tiers.
"Joshua why must you wake me as well?" Liam snapped. Joshua gave a large frown.
"I had no choice! I couldn't see her! You were crushing her so I decided to wake you!" he explained, although his logic didn't make much sense. I whipped my eyes and sighed,
"Joshua, why do you need me?" I asked.
"I need your help carrying water."
"Alright then let me get ready and I'll come find you." I promised him. Joshua smiled and left the tent. I shuffled out from underneath the heavy quilt, and walked over to the wooden clothing rack at the far side of the tent. As I pulled the dress over I glanced at Liam. He stared at me with almost a worried look in his eyes. It felt almost as if his gaze had petrified me, as if he could hear every word I think in my head. His stone face now had creased in his eyebrows. I final broke away from his trance and continued getting dressed. I quickly braided my hair to the side. As I walked out of the tent, his voice stopped me.
"Vera," I quickly turned around. He sat in silence for some time, and once again, we only stared at each other.
"Be sure to take a bow and quiver," was the only thing he said before I left. I walked to the kitchen and tried to remember where the river was, but the only thing I can think of was Liam's expression. His eyes looked as if he was in pain; as if he felt that, I was in danger. Then again, who wouldn't be worried about a fifteen-year-old girl and a seven year-old wondering threw the woods that are crawling with outlaws.
I quietly walked into the kitchen where I saw Jack cutting meat, and Joshua watching him patiently. Jack looked up at me
“Oh, thank god you’re here. I need you to go get water, I’m afraid that our remaining water is no good.” He looked at me with a look of relief. He walked over to a wooden barrel outside the tent. Jack Lifted the wooden lid of the barrel allowing the three of us to peer in. When He lifted the lid a strong stench of mildew came from the water. I peered into the rotten water, and saw the mosquito lava and the algae that had turned the water a displeasing green.
Jack had told Joshua where the river was and gave us each two buckets. Before we left, I went to ask Isaac for a spare bow and quiver that he graciously gave me. We walked to the dense forest and after a few minutes, we could no longer see the camp. Joshua had run ahead despite my warnings not to. I had to teas him about the robbers lurking the woods to make him behave.
Joshua had stopped in his tracks, and seamed to see something I did not. He suddenly dropped his to buckets and bolted forward. I ran after him and picked up his two buckets he had dropped.
“Joshua! Joshua, wait! Where are you going?” Despite my effort, my voice did not reach him. I ran desperately trying to find him I finally fond him by the time I was out of breath. There he stood in the middle of the woods; he stood there silently looking forward. I ran beside him
“What are you doing? We need to go to the river,” Tried to ask him under my breath. Joshua looked up at me with his bright blue eyes.
“I saw men on horse but I wasn’t sure so I….” Joshua had trailed of and stared at the ground. I Looked forward and saw that we were standing in a narrow cattle path. I stared into the distance. A wave of worry and discomfort swept over me. Joshua also felt uncomfortable; he gripped my skirt like a small child. I smiled at him and put my hand on his shoulder. We again began to follow the sound of running water. I looked over my shoulder to the cattle path with a blank expression on my face.
It was now noon and we have just reached the river. Joshua smiled and rushed to the water. He quickly ran into the shallow water that came to his knees. I bundled my skirt up and reached down into the water, and filled the two buckets with water . I relaxed for a few minutes under the sun with my feet in the cool water as Joshua attempted to catch the passing fish. Joshua suddenly whipped his head up and looked around, while still holding a small river fish in his hands. He threw the fish back into the river, ran to my side, and knelled down behind me. I chuckled at him quietly,
“What are you doing now?” I said calmly smiling. Joshua stood up and pulled the sleeve of my dress.
“I want to leave.” He said nothing more; I did not understand what he was so worried about. I sighed and got up. We took our four half filled pales and began to walk back to our camp. Joshua looked frantic, he constantly looked thru the trees acting like he saw something. I asked him what he was doing but he only looked at me and told me not to worry. We continued walking to the camp with our four buckets in hands. Joshua stopped in front of me and looked around. We both heard rustling in the bushes, I looked over to Joshua whose face was pale white. He began to walk faster, and then his walking pace turned in to a sprint. Before I knew it… he was gone. There I was left alone in the silent woods. For a moment, I was petrified with confusion and fear but then a loud shriek woke me from my shock. I then realized that the voice came from Joshua. I set the water down and ran as fast as I could. I followed Joshua’s pleas for help. I came to a small meadow with a fallen tree, and there in the middle of the field were to men standing over a small boy who was Joshua. They had beaten him and were now robbing him. Joshua did not fight back instead, he lay on the ground weeping, only hoping that his life will be spared. I hide behind a tree; I then reached into my quiver, and loaded my bow. I quietly stepped out from behind the tree. I made my way over to the two thieves who had their backs to me. I pulled the sting of my bow back with my thumb and aimed at them.
“I suggest that you stop that now.” I hissed at them, they turned around and began to stand up. I tried not showing any fear but instead I showed anger.
“Don’t take another step or I’ll shoot you both.” I warned them but they did not believe me. The taller on laughed.
“Oh you’ll shoot use, will you? I never imagined seeing a woman threatening me.” The two men laughed at me they took another steep towards me. I pulled my arrow back farther. They jerked back at my reaction, but then continued to laugh.
“And where might have you come from?” the fat one said.
“Same place as him.” I answered. The two men smiled at me with amusement
“And where might that be?” the tall one asked
“As if I’d tell you.”I refused to become distracted by them. The fat looked at me from head to toe and his look of amusement turned to lust. What a disgusting fat pig he is!
“Oh please don’t be like that.” The fat one took another step towards me and without a second thought I pulled, my arrow and it flew from my fingertips, and pierced the fat brute’s foot. He collapsed with agony, the other one knelt down to comfort him. They both looked up at me with pure hatred. The tall one began to draw his sword.
“If you do that I’ll shoot you as well” He stopped and placed his sword back in its sheath.
“Now leave all your weapons and go. If I am to ever cross paths with you two I will kill you.” The two thieves set their swords on the ground and arm –in-arm the limped off. I did not lower my bow until they were no longer in view. After they were gone, I ran to Joshua and sat down next to him. He was covered in bruises, and his lag had been slashed, while tiers ran from his sapphire eyes.
“My god! What did they do to you?” I was horrified that anyone would do something so cruel to a small boy who has lost everything. I whipped the tears from his checks and tried to give him a reassuring smile.
“Thank god I found you.” I said. Joshua struggled to stand. I carried Joshua on my back, as I managed to carry the two remaining buckets, which were still full, on my elbows, while Joshua held my bow and quiver on his back. Joshua’s blood ran down my side, but he did not notice. Instead, He laughed at my actions
“Did you see the fat ones face when you shoot him? He dissevered it! Didn’t he?” I laughed lightly at Joshua’s ignorance.
“Yes, he did deserve it, and you will never be harmed by anyone like him as long as I have my bow.” I could feel Joshua’s eyes light up.
“Really? Then that will never happen because you will always have a bow at hand! I wonder if you sleep with it near you bed.” He said I laughed at his innocence once more.
“Vera, will you always be with us?”
“Now what type of question is that? You know very well I could never leave.”
“Yes, but what if you had to?”
“Then I hope that I could choose to stay.”I said after awhile Joshua’s bleeding had stopped and he had fallen asleep on my back.

As the camp came into view, I could see Liam sitting on a log with his head cupped in his hands. As I approached the camp, the crunching of the leaves grew louder. Liam’s head quickly shot up, and he raced towards Joshua and I.
“You two were gone for hours. Are you okay?” He was frantic and barely stopped to breath. Then again, he has probably seen too many of his men go and never come back, so he had every right to worry. I sighed and looked up at him.
“Yes, I’m fine but Joshua could use medical treatment.” I turned the upper part of my body to show Liam Joshua’s condition. Liam’s eyes widened and he tried to process what he was seeing.
“Homer, Bring your brother! We need to treat him fast.” Homer yanked Henry up and the two brothers attempted to make their way over. Homer Mouthed to Henry what we needed him to do. At first, I thought that he did not understand, but then I realized he understood the situation perfectly when he pulled Joshua off my shoulders and hailed him into the tent. I followed behind and watch quietly at the tent entrance. Henry treated his wounds swiftly yet gently. He cautiously wrapped the cotton cloth around his leg. He took his hand to his forehead. Henry turned and looked at me
“Vera, bring me the water.” I rushed to Henry’s side with the two buckets of water. Henry biped a cloth in the water and placed it on Joshua’s forehead.
“He’ll have to stay bedridden until his leg heals. “ I walked out of the tent and clenched my fist I walked into the kitchen. Jake jumped up when I entered the tent.
“How is Joshua? Will he be alright?”
“He’ll be alright.” I said I helped Jack prepare lunch by chopping sausage, potatoes, onion, green beans, and cilantro, while Jack prepared the base of the soup. I carefully diced the meat and slid it in to the large caldron.
“Vera, how old are you?” Jack suddenly asked me most likely to avoid silence.
“I’m fifteen. Why do you ask?” after I had said this Jake’s eyes shot up at me in shock.
“Fifteen? Why you are not married yet? Most girls have children by your age!”
“My parents had arranged for me to go to Oxford to live with one of their close friends who owns an Inn, and then marry their son. Unfortunately, my plans changed when I was kidnapped, but I plan to go to Oxford and decline their offer. Jake, what about you? Why are you here?”I explained briefly to him my circumstances, and then asked him about his former. Jake looked at me blankly for awhile and then answered me.
“My father was friends with Fredrick, but when Fredrick asked to take our horses my father refused and he was killed , Fredrick took what he wanted. My older brother, Samuel, and I went after Fredrick, and as we were touring the border of Scotland, we came across a town. We came across a small farm seeking shelter where we meat Francis, who was about your age at the time, and he was sheltering Liam who was eleven. After that, we found out that Fredrick had stolen something from all of use, and that we all wished for the same thing. Not too long after that, the four of us began tracking Fredrick together. “
“What happened to Samuel?” I asked
“He died of the plague three years ago, after he died we appointed Liam as the next leader.” after that the room fell silent. After a while Jake turned away from the fire to look at me
"Vera, could you wash the dishes?" I nodded my head and looked around for the water barrel. Jake noticed my confusion
"you'll need to take them to the river to wash them." he told me i nodded my head and carried out the woven basked filled to the brim with food covered wooden bowls and utensils. As I was about to leave the camp, someone grabbed my shoulder to stop me. I turned my torso around to see Liam looking displeased.
"Where do you think your going?"
"Jake told me to take these to the river to wash,"
"Don't think that's a good idea, or perhaps you have forgotten that there's a boy with a bleeding leg?"
"I'll be fine on my own, the men who did that to Joshua will not bother me again."
"and what makes you think that?"
"because one of them is now crippled"
"You crippled one of them!"
"He deserved it." I said bluntly. Liam exhaled and rested his hand on his temple.
"Fine I'll go with you." He said suddenly.
"very well," I said. The two of us walked thew the dens wooded once again following the sound of running water. The after noon sun warmed my arms and Liam walked closely behind me reaching for his sword ever time he heard something move.
"Liam the squires are not going to throw nuts at you." I told him with a sharp tone in my voice. Liam stopped in his tracks
"I am only taking percussion." I rolled my eyes am continued walking
"Then you are percussion while I must foolish"
"Your right about that." i looked up at him in disbelief.
" what did you say?"
i asked him.
"I was only agreeing with you."
"I do believe that when someone slanders themselves, the proper thing to do is to reassure them." I said to him.


I was woken by the sound of men fighting outside. I was so terrified that I did not dare to look outside. The clanking of metal and the sound of men crying out from agony petrified me. My hands shook from the fear, I rapped my arms around my legs and cried into my skirt. I could see touch light threw the tine fabric of the tent. The fight continued until sunrise. I heard men cheering. I was sure if I would be gladder to know that Fredrick's men had lost and I was most likely going to die, and if they had won and I was going to continue my horrible life.
I then heard an unfamiliar voice yell,
"Look for goods, and survivors." I heard all the men cheer. I then heard crashes come from outside. I whipped my head up when I heard heavy boots approach the tent. I looked up to see a handsome man who looked two years older then me, how was wearing a chain mail. His blond hair was raged, and covered his jade green eyes. He was in shock when he saw me. He unsheathed his sword as he entered the tent.
"Do you speak English?" he asked. He had his sword pointed at me, I wanted to speak but I could not because I was still crying. I simple nodded yes to him. He looked at me from head to toe. He noticed the chain on my left ankle. He looked up at me again.
"Are you a captive?" he asked. I only nodded. He then raised his sword and rushed towards me. I crawled backwards away from him.
"Don’t move," he demanded. I covered my head with my arms waiting for him to kill me. I heard a clank and looked down at my ankle. He had cut the shackles of, but grazed my leg in the process, which caused my leg to bleed. The man knelt down and tore a piece of my blanket off, and wrapped it around my leg.
"I told you not to move," he reminded me. I could only think of the chain laying on the ground. I am free. I am free yet where do I go. I started crying again. I do not care about that, the only thing I can think is that I am now free. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was shocked at first but he then wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I said under my breath. I saw a young boy standing in the entrance way. I released his neck, but he still had his arms around my waist.
"Sir Liam! Sir. Fredrick has escaped, and we found no survivors- I see you found one." he had interrupted himself when he saw me. Liam got up and walked away. He looked down at me.
"You are free now, go where you want." he then left the tent. I do not know where I am, nor do I have any place to go. I whipped the tears from my eyes and whispered to myself “I am not weak” I got up and raced out side.
"Wait! Wait! I can help you find Fredrick." I said. Liam and the brunet boy turned around.
"How?" Liam asked.
"I was held captive by him for a full year. The only one who knows him better is his men, but there all dead." I said calmly. Liam thought about it for a while.
"I don’t need a woman with use who can't defend herself, and you'll only get lost." He said. They started walking away.
"I can defend myself! I was taught archery, and it’s impossible for me to get lot, I can read the stars quite well!" I pleaded. Once again, they stop to look at me. Liam took the bow and arrows off the boys back, and handed them to me.
“Then show me," he said with a grin on his face. I took the bow and quiver. I placed the quiver over my shoulder. I took one arrow and loaded the bow. I pulled the bowstring back. Liam tried to follow my aim to see where I was shooting.
"Where are you aiming?" he asked unsure.
"The tree top." I said. I continued to pull the string back. The string slipped from my hand and sent the arrow flying. The arrow landed at the tip of a large pine tree, exactly where I was aiming. I looked boastfully at Liam and the boy; they were still looking at the arrow. I took the quiver from my back and handed the boy his things.
"If you can read the stars then you can come with use, but I have to ask why you want to come with use so badly." he answered. I winched at the thought of that one day.
"Fredrick killed my parents, and destroyed my home. I only want to see him dead." I said. Liam grinned at me
"There is a high reward on Fredrick neck so I can't let you kill him, but I can help you so that you may see him beheaded."
"What might your name be?" the young boy asked.
"Vera." I said. Liam went to gather his men, while I went to Fredrick's old tent. I looked around the tent. I saw his bed and reached my hand into his mattress to search for a leather scroll. I felt something rough. I pulled it out, and to my excitement, I had found it. I opened it up to read it. It contained three maps. The first was a map of the United Kingdom that charted Fredrick camps all over the United Kingdom, The third was a star chart for each month, and the third was a map that charted roads that went threw dense forest.
"Vera, what did you find?" the boy asked.
"Exactly what I wanted." I left the tent and went to find Liam. I found him preparing to leave.
"Joshua, Vera! We’re leaving," he said. I handed him the leather scroll. He stared down at the dusty scroll in disgust.
“What is that?" he said with disgust.
"It's a map of Fredrick's hideouts and favored cities." I told him. Liam grabbed my wrist and led me to his horse. He mounted his horse, and lifted me up and put me in front of him.
"Liam, where will I ride?" Joshua complained. A curly red-haired man road by and swept Joshua up.
“Joshua, you will ride with Frances." Liam said. The red haired man looked at me.
"William, who is the girl? I'd be willing to switch with you," he sarcastically offered. Liam glared at Frances ,
"Vera is to only ride with Me." he ordered. He kicked the horse, and we took off running.
"Liam, where are we?" I asked trying to make sense of the map.
"You’re the star reader," he said.
"I cannot read the stars if I can't see them!"
"Fine, we're in Wales."
"Thank you." I said I looked at the map and saw that a hidden road was coming up.
" Liam go left!" I told him. He turned on to the left road. The road was narrow. It was rugged and highly uneven. The hours jumped over a fallen tree, threw me of the horse, but Liam put his arm around me to secure me.
" I can't have you falling off." He said. I looked up at the sky, It was twilight now.
"The first camp is not too far from hear." I informed him.
The map was correct. It was now nighttime, Liam decided to stop and rest there for the night. I helped the men pitch the three enormous tents. It took use about three hours to pitch the tents. After that, Joshua and I help the cook, Jack, in the kitchen.
"Miss. Vera, how old are you" Joshua asked me with curious eyes.
“I’m Fifteen, and how old are you?" I asked him. Joshua dropped the potatoes he was peeling on the ground to hold up all of his fingers.
"I'm seven!" He smiled. Joshua was a sweet boy with bright blue eyes.
"OI! Short one! DON'T DROP OUR DINNER ON THE FLOOR!" Jack was frustrated with Joshua who really was only helping because I was.
"uhem" we all turned to see who made the sound. The sound came from Liam ,who was standing in the doorway.
"Vera, may I see you?" Liam asked. I got up and walked with Liam to his tent. When I walked in, I noticed that there was a dress lying on the bed. I looked back at him in dismay.
"You've been wearing that dress for only god knows how long, and you smell like a pipe smoker," he said. I laughed slightly. I began to pull my dress off,when I noticed that he was still watching me. I raised my eyes and stared at him.
"are you just going to watch me undress?" Liam seemed to be frozen in a state of shock almost.
"Liam! OUT!" I ordered him. Liam woke up from his daydream.
"I'm so sorry, I'll watch - I mean guard the door." Liam left the room in a hurry. I smiled to myself and giggled at his foolishness. I lifted my dress over my head and slipped on the new one. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The dress was an emerald green gown that reached the floor, the sleeves were ruffled and a golden ribbon was placed below the bust. I enjoyed looking at the dress, but my hair is a rat's nest I undid my braid that I haven't taken out sense that day. I combed my hair with my fingers and tied it back with my ribbon. I was going to tell Liam that I was finish, but Joshua came in running.
"Vera! My finger, my finger." he was in tears and tried to grip the cut. It wasn't too long before Liam and Jack came in running.
"Hey runt! I told you not to come in here!" Liam yelled.
"You can't run out while working!" Jack was even more frustrated with him. I glared at the two of them. Then I turned back to Joshua, and tried to calm him down.
"Joshua, your cut is not that bad. look." I whipped the blood from his fingertip, showing him that the cut was no bigger than a paper cut.
"do you see what I mean?" I smiled at him. Joshua sniffled.
"I-it still stings." He wind. I chuckled, and got a small cloth and dipped it in water, I then dabbed his small cut.
"Does it still hurt?" he shook his head.
"Vera, how do you know all this?" he asked. I showed him my hands that were covered in knives scars, and burns.
"how did you get all those?" he asked I smiled at him and told him
"the same way you cut your finger." after he calmed down he waved and went back with Jack.
"Joshua seems to like you." Liam said. He walked into the tent sat next to on the ground.
"I guess he does." I said.
"You probably remind him of his sister."
"He has a sister?"
"Had* a sister. I've been taking Fredrick for many years, for reasons like yours. You’re not the only one to have this happen to you. Joshua was five years-old and his sister was fifteen. She was the one who taught how to shoot. Whenever he talks about her he always says that she was pretty, smart, kind and that she was greatest achreress. He also said that she did a funny thing with her thumb when she pulled back."
"she used her thumb instead of a claw." I pieced together why Joshua was so close to me.
"what happened to her?" I asked. Liam looked at the ground and looked back up at me. His eyes were always emotionless, but this time they were sad.
"Joshua, his sister, and his parents lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere. And on day Fredrick and his men were passing by and decided to robe them they took everything in the house to sell it, and tied his family together in the house and burned it down."
"You said she was fifteen, why was she killed? He never kills children."
"She said that she would rather die than live without her family. Therefore, Fredrick granted her wish. As for Joshua, he ran-away into the forest where I found him trying to steal food." Liam looked over at me and saw me crying silently.
"You don't have cry." he said.
"Yes. But I was so sure that I was the only on who's parents were killed like that." I said. Liam whipped my tears he pulled me close to him and laid my head on his shoulder.


I cried on Liam's shoulder for a long enough time for his shirt to be soaking wet with my tears. It wasn't too long after Liam had changed his shirt that Joshua came in pulling me saying it was time for supper. Liam and I waited in line for supper. It was rice with tomato and basil sauce poured over it, with diced potatoes on the side. Jack had also boiled water for use to brink. I would never do this for Fredrick because I would hope that that he would die from rancid water. After diner, Joshua played a pan flute while other men sang folk song and stories. They danced and laughed for hours. At one point, I had joined in clapping, and then danced with then for a song. All the men in this camp were young and handsome, and each one of them had something unique to offer to the group although there was only eight of them they were all skilled fighters.
Homer and Henry were a funny tag team. Homer was name after the Greek poet, Homer, because he was born Blind, despite that he had the ear of a hawk and could hear an enemy coming almost a mile away. He also told humored tall tales. He sang about how he walked over the oceans, and met a skilled masked ninja in Japan who taught him every martial art fighting style known to man, and how he was walking in the woods and he heard an evil man running, but homer was too fast for him and he jumped over him and kicked him all the way to England. The evil man then met Madusia and together they had a child who grow up to be Fredrick Clarkson. I admired Homer for his cleverness. He was able to comically explain how Fredrick was born and how a blind man has never fallen. As for Henry, he was the exact opposite as homer. He was not funny, and he was not blind. He was deaf, and could climb a tree like a chimp and could see from the tree top miles and miles of land. He was a scholar and knew all there was to know about diseases and could easily get medication, Which came in handy when one of them fell ill.
There was the black smith Isaac; the Scottish farmer Francis, the old padres, Hervey the tailor who was (who is a homosexual), Joshua was extremely young but was a skilled marksmen as well as a musician, and finally William (or Liam as he goes by) who is their leader and is skilled with a sword. Foolish men they were but I knew there would never be a dull day. Liam stepped onto a log
"Quiet!" he yelled. At the sound of his voice all, the men stopped to look at him.
"To day was a grand day! We defeated Fredrick's men, we found a safe haven for the night, we have enjoyed comical stories with music, but we all so meat a shining addition to our small troop!" Liam reached down and asked for my hand. He helped me up onto the log.
"May I introduce, Vera. Who like all of us is a victim to Fredrick's cruel insanity. She will help us find Fredrick. She is also a star-reader and she is skilled with house work and archery , like our own Joshua." I smiled and looked to the back see Jack celebrating that he no longer had to all the work. I also saw Homer and Henry chattering I imagined them to be saying

Homer: what does she look like?
Henry: I don't know what he said!
Liam continued his speech.
You must not touch her in an improper manner, you are to treat her with respect. Also because she is the only

female here she is to have her privacy when she request it. That is all. Now off to bed." I enjoyed Liam's speech it made me feel like I was not the dirt that Fredrick had told me I was. I have never had a man that was not my father say such kind things like that.
Where am I to sleep?
I looked around the camp, I did not want to sleep in the kitchen tent , nor did I want to sleep with men. I saw Liam holding the flap to the tent open. He motioned me over. I walk towards his tent.
"Liam, Liam afraid I'm confused about my sleeping placement." I said meekly He grinned at me and said.
"I think it would be safer if you slept here, and I'm sure that you don't want to sleep in the Kitchen." He knew exactly what I was thinking.
"I find it more dangerous to spend the night with one man alone in a room." I argued.
"There you are wrong. I don't think it is a good idea to sleep in the same room with seven men who have not seen a woman in seven months." I figured he was right and I figured I should sleep in the same room with as little men as possible.
" Fine, I'll sleep here, but I swear if you touch in any inappropriate way I will slap you." I warned him. I went to the other side of the room ,and removed my dress and remained in my satin slip gown.
"That is not very lady like." He rudely commented.
"Well neither is sharing a bed with a man I'm not married to." I hissed. Liam laughed at me.
"Don't worry about that! I'll be sleeping on the floor."
The night was cold. I was shivering like a child. The bed was a straw mate with a fur pelt on top. My blanket was one quilt. I tried my best to endure the cold, but it was hopeless. I heard Liam get up and walked over to me. He crawled into the bed next to me.
"What are you doing?"I hissed at him
"Your cold, aren’t you?"He reminded me. Liam laid down next to me. He put his muscular arm around me to help warm me up. His chest was cold as ice but we quickly warmed up. Liam ran his hand over the top of my palm.
"What was it like?" he asked as his large hands traced the numerous scars on my hands.
"What was what like?" I knew what he was asking but I did not enjoy talking about it. He held my hand and gently ran his thumb over my hand.
"Fredrick's camp," He said. I took a deep breath
"It was a nightmare. Every day I was left alone in a smoky room. I was forced to do all the kitchen work, I cooked for all eight-teen men, did their dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and if I did not do my job correctly...I was beaten. The worst thing was the fear of Fredrick being arrested by the law, because if he were captured then I would also be killed. If that were to happen then I wouldn't care, because I had nothing left."
I felt Liam stiffen I looked up at him thinking that maybe he was bothered by my story . He confirmed my thoughts when he entwined my hand in his as he pulled me closer against his bare chest eliminating the space between us.
"That will never happen again, you are free now. Remember that." His breath tickled my neck as he whispered quietly into my ear. I managed to smile at his words 'free' i am free. I can go where i want, but yet why do i want to stay here? It must be because of the kindness and laughter within the camp, or maybe it is Liam? after all Liam is so kind to me as if he is a mentor or older brother. Then again he is only sheltering me because I am useful to him. Suddenly Liam woke me from my thoughts. He nuzzled the back of my neck like a small child. He was soundly asleep, I wonder if he was ever planing to sleep on the floor? I giggled slightly to my self. I sighed and rapped my free arm around his and drifted of to sleep.


The next morning I was woken up by yelling and Liam jerking.
"Vera!Vera!Please wake up I need you!" I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. I saw Joshua on the brink of tiers.
"Joshua why must you wake me as well?" Liam snapped. Joshua gave a large frown.
"I had no choice! I couldn't see her! You were crushing her so I decided to wake you!" he explained, although his logic didn't make much sense. I whipped my eyes and sighed,
"Joshua, why do you need me?" I asked.
"I need your help carrying water."
"Alright then let me get ready and I'll come find you." I promised him. Joshua smiled and left the tent. I shuffled out from underneath the heavy quilt, and walked over to the wooden clothing rack at the far side of the tent. As I pulled the dress over I glanced at Liam. He stared at me with almost a worried look in his eyes. It felt almost as if his gaze had petrified me, as if he could hear every word I think in my head. His stone face now had creased in his eyebrows. I final broke away from his trance and continued getting dressed. I quickly braided my hair to the side. As I walked out of the tent, his voice stopped me.
"Vera," I quickly turned around. He sat in silence for some time, and once again, we only stared at each other.
"Be sure to take a bow and quiver," was the only thing he said before I left. I walked to the kitchen and tried to remember where the river was, but the only thing I can think of was Liam's expression. His eyes looked as if he was in pain; as if he felt that, I was in danger. Then again, who wouldn't be worried about a fifteen-year-old girl and a seven year-old wondering threw the woods that are crawling with outlaws.
I quietly walked into the kitchen where I saw Jack cutting meat, and Joshua watching him patiently. Jack looked up at me
“Oh, thank god you’re here. I need you to go get water, I’m afraid that our remaining water is no good.” He looked at me with a look of relief. He walked over to a wooden barrel outside the tent. Jack Lifted the wooden lid of the barrel allowing the three of us to peer in. When He lifted the lid a strong stench of mildew came from the water. I peered into the rotten water, and saw the mosquito lava and the algae that had turned the water a displeasing green.
Jack had told Joshua where the river was and gave us each two buckets. Before we left, I went to ask Isaac for a spare bow and quiver that he graciously gave me. We walked to the dense forest and after a few minutes, we could no longer see the camp. Joshua had run ahead despite my warnings not to. I had to teas him about the robbers lurking the woods to make him behave.
Joshua had stopped in his tracks, and seamed to see something I did not. He suddenly dropped his to buckets and bolted forward. I ran after him and picked up his two buckets he had dropped.
“Joshua! Joshua, wait! Where are you going?” Despite my effort, my voice did not reach him. I ran desperately trying to find him I finally fond him by the time I was out of breath. There he stood in the middle of the woods; he stood there silently looking forward. I ran beside him
“What are you doing? We need to go to the river,” Tried to ask him under my breath. Joshua looked up at me with his bright blue eyes.
“I saw men on horse but I wasn’t sure so I….” Joshua had trailed of and stared at the ground. I Looked forward and saw that we were standing in a narrow cattle path. I stared into the distance. A wave of worry and discomfort swept over me. Joshua also felt uncomfortable; he gripped my skirt like a small child. I smiled at him and put my hand on his shoulder. We again began to follow the sound of running water. I looked over my shoulder to the cattle path with a blank expression on my face.
It was now noon and we have just reached the river. Joshua smiled and rushed to the water. He quickly ran into the shallow water that came to his knees. I bundled my skirt up and reached down into the water, and filled the two buckets with water . I relaxed for a few minutes under the sun with my feet in the cool water as Joshua attempted to catch the passing fish. Joshua suddenly whipped his head up and looked around, while still holding a small river fish in his hands. He threw the fish back into the river, ran to my side, and knelled down behind me. I chuckled at him quietly,
“What are you doing now?” I said calmly smiling. Joshua stood up and pulled the sleeve of my dress.
“I want to leave.” He said nothing more; I did not understand what he was so worried about. I sighed and got up. We took our four half filled pales and began to walk back to our camp. Joshua looked frantic, he constantly looked thru the trees acting like he saw something. I asked him what he was doing but he only looked at me and told me not to worry. We continued walking to the camp with our four buckets in hands. Joshua stopped in front of me and looked around. We both heard rustling in the bushes, I looked over to Joshua whose face was pale white. He began to walk faster, and then his walking pace turned in to a sprint. Before I knew it… he was gone. There I was left alone in the silent woods. For a moment, I was petrified with confusion and fear but then a loud shriek woke me from my shock. I then realized that the voice came from Joshua. I set the water down and ran as fast as I could. I followed Joshua’s pleas for help. I came to a small meadow with a fallen tree, and there in the middle of the field were to men standing over a small boy who was Joshua. They had beaten him and were now robbing him. Joshua did not fight back instead, he lay on the ground weeping, only hoping that his life will be spared. I hide behind a tree; I then reached into my quiver, and loaded my bow. I quietly stepped out from behind the tree. I made my way over to the two thieves who had their backs to me. I pulled the sting of my bow back with my thumb and aimed at them.
“I suggest that you stop that now.” I hissed at them, they turned around and began to stand up. I tried not showing any fear but instead I showed anger.
“Don’t take another step or I’ll shoot you both.” I warned them but they did not believe me. The taller on laughed.
“Oh you’ll shoot use, will you? I never imagined seeing a woman threatening me.” The two men laughed at me they took another steep towards me. I pulled my arrow back farther. They jerked back at my reaction, but then continued to laugh.
“And where might have you come from?” the fat one said.
“Same place as him.” I answered. The two men smiled at me with amusement
“And where might that be?” the tall one asked
“As if I’d tell you.”I refused to become distracted by them. The fat looked at me from head to toe and his look of amusement turned to lust. What a disgusting fat pig he is!
“Oh please don’t be like that.” The fat one took another step towards me and without a second thought I pulled, my arrow and it flew from my fingertips, and pierced the fat brute’s foot. He collapsed with agony, the other one knelt down to comfort him. They both looked up at me with pure hatred. The tall one began to draw his sword.
“If you do that I’ll shoot you as well” He stopped and placed his sword back in its sheath.
“Now leave all your weapons and go. If I am to ever cross paths with you two I will kill you.” The two thieves set their swords on the ground and arm –in-arm the limped off. I did not lower my bow until they were no longer in view. After they were gone, I ran to Joshua and sat down next to him. He was covered in bruises, and his lag had been slashed, while tiers ran from his sapphire eyes.
“My god! What did they do to you?” I was horrified that anyone would do something so cruel to a small boy who has lost everything. I whipped the tears from his checks and tried to give him a reassuring smile.
“Thank god I found you.” I said. Joshua struggled to stand. I carried Joshua on my back, as I managed to carry the two remaining buckets, which were still full, on my elbows, while Joshua held my bow and quiver on his back. Joshua’s blood ran down my side, but he did not notice. Instead, He laughed at my actions
“Did you see the fat ones face when you shoot him? He dissevered it! Didn’t he?” I laughed lightly at Joshua’s ignorance.
“Yes, he did deserve it, and you will never be harmed by anyone like him as long as I have my bow.” I could feel Joshua’s eyes light up.
“Really? Then that will never happen because you will always have a bow at hand! I wonder if you sleep with it near you bed.” He said I laughed at his innocence once more.
“Vera, will you always be with us?”
“Now what type of question is that? You know very well I could never leave.”
“Yes, but what if you had to?”
“Then I hope that I could choose to stay.”I said after awhile Joshua’s bleeding had stopped and he had fallen asleep on my back.


As the camp came into view, I could see Liam sitting on a log with his head cupped in his hands. As I approached the camp, the crunching of the leaves grew louder. Liam’s head quickly shot up, and he raced towards Joshua and I.
“You two were gone for hours. Are you okay?” He was frantic and barely stopped to breath. Then again, he has probably seen too many of his men go and never come back, so he had every right to worry. I sighed and looked up at him.
“Yes, I’m fine but Joshua could use medical treatment.” I turned the upper part of my body to show Liam Joshua’s condition. Liam’s eyes widened and he tried to process what he was seeing.
“Homer, Bring your brother! We need to treat him fast.” Homer yanked Henry up and the two brothers attempted to make their way over. Homer mouthed to Henry what we needed him to do. At first, I thought that he did not understand, but then I realized he understood the situation perfectly when he pulled Joshua off my shoulders and hailed him into the tent. I followed behind and watch quietly at the tent entrance. Henry treated his wounds swiftly yet gently. He cautiously wrapped the cotton cloth around his leg. He took his hand to his forehead. Henry turned and looked at me
“Vera, bring me the water.” I rushed to Henry’s side with the two buckets of water. Henry biped a cloth in the water and placed it on Joshua’s forehead.
“He’ll have to stay bedridden until his leg heals. “ I walked out of the tent and clenched my fist I walked into the kitchen. Jake jumped up when I entered the tent.
“How is Joshua? Will he be alright?”
“He’ll be alright.” I said I helped Jack prepare lunch by chopping sausage, potatoes, onion, green beans, and cilantro, while Jack prepared the base of the soup. I carefully diced the meat and slid it in to the large caldron.
“Vera, how old are you?” Jack suddenly asked me most likely to avoid silence.
“I’m fifteen. Why do you ask?” after I had said this Jake’s eyes shot up at me in shock.
“Fifteen? Why you are not married yet? Most girls have children by your age!”
“My parents had arranged for me to go to Oxford to live with one of their close friends who owns an Inn, and then marry their son. Unfortunately, my plans changed when I was kidnapped, but I plan to go to Oxford and decline their offer. Jake, what about you? Why are you here?”I explained briefly to him my circumstances, and then asked him about his former. Jake looked at me blankly for awhile and then answered me.
“My father was friends with Fredrick, but when Fredrick asked to take our horses my father refused and he was killed , Fredrick took what he wanted. My older brother, Samuel, and I went after Fredrick, and as we were touring the border of Scotland, we came across a town. We came across a small farm seeking shelter where we meat Francis, who was about your age at the time, and he was sheltering Liam who was eleven. After that, we found out that Fredrick had stolen something from all of use, and that we all wished for the same thing. Not too long after that, the four of us began tracking Fredrick together. “
“What happened to Samuel?” I asked
“He died of the plague three years ago, after he died we appointed Liam as the next leader.” after that the room fell silent. After a while Jake turned away from the fire to look at me
"Vera, could you wash the dishes?" I nodded my head and looked around for the water barrel. Jake noticed my confusion
"you'll need to take them to the river to wash them." he told me i nodded my head and carried out the woven basked filled to the brim with food covered wooden bowls and utensils. As I was about to leave the camp, someone grabbed my shoulder to stop me. I turned my torso around to see Liam looking displeased.
"Where do you think your going?"
"Jake told me to take these to the river to wash,"
"Don't think that's a good idea, or perhaps you have forgotten that there's a boy with a bleeding leg?"
"I'll be fine on my own, the men who did that to Joshua will not bother me again."
"and what makes you think that?"
"because one of them is now crippled"
"You crippled one of them!"
"He deserved it." I said bluntly. Liam exhaled and rested his hand on his temple.
"Fine I'll go with you." He said suddenly.
"very well," I said. The two of us walked thew the dens wooded once again following the sound of running water. The after noon sun warmed my arms and Liam walked closely behind me reaching for his sword ever time he heard something move.
"Liam the squires are not going to throw nuts at you." I told him with a sharp tone in my voice. Liam stopped in his tracks
"I am only taking percussion." I rolled my eyes am continued walking
"Then you are percussion while I must foolish"
"Your right about that." looked up at him in disbelief.
" what did you say?"
i asked him.
"I was only agreeing with you."
"I do believe that when someone slanders themselves, the proper thing to do is to reassure them." I said to him. I sighed and said.
"You are like a gnat." I said.
"On another matter, what happened to you and Joshua?"
"I am not quite sure. I feel as if he say something I did not. He ran out of my sight, despite my protest, and the I herd his yell. I then found him on the ground bleed, and the rest you already know." I told him.
"I see. On another matter, I heard something alarming from Jake. Is it true you are engaged and to be wed?" He asked me.
"More or less. It is true that my parents expected me to marry George. It is also true that it was arranged that I would go to Oxford this summer. However, it is also true that I had planned to revolt against this request. It did not suet me. I do plan sometime to travel to Oxford, but only to inform the Franklin household of what has occurred. Due to the recent events I now have a reason to refuse their offer." As I said the last part I looked up at him and smiled.
"That's a relief to hear." He said.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.02.2011

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book not yet finished. I will TRY to update weekly.

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