
The last thing I remember was the end. It was another gloomy day of December, I was wearing my gray button-up knitted sweater that came down to my knees, a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and curled the ends of my long brown hair.I was walking to our neighbor, Ian's, house. Ian was my best friend and lived twelve houses down from me. I was heading to his house for movie night, something we do every week sense we were little. I heard footstep behind me I looked and saw two men walking not too far behind me. I recognized them from the dinner I worked at. Their names were Anthony and Chad. They were about twenty-five and were clean-cut and good-looking. I lived in a small town so seeing people from the dinner was common. I continued walking and noticed that Chad and Anthony were not just walking my direction, they were following me. The slowed down if I did so, they stopped if I stopped. I started running and they chased after me. Anthony grabbed my arm, but I managed to break free by scratching his arm. I ran off the sidewalk into the woods, they were still chasing me. I ran as fast as I could but they were faster, they grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth with their hand. I struggled against them, but his grip was too firm to break away. I then bit Chad’s hand and stomped on Anthony’s foot with my boot. They then let go of me out of pain. I ran away from them heading deeper into the woods. I looked over my shoulder, and saw one of the men pull out a gun. He shot the gun at me. The bullet grazed my arm, and ripped my sweater. I then tripped over a root of a tree and hit my head. I saw the amber leaves in front of me fade into a blur. I glanced at my arm that was bleeding. I was in to much pain to move. My vision became worse and the peaceful mossy forest faded into black shapes. I could feel my heart slow down and then it stopped. I was dead.
I opened my eyes, to see that I was unharmed and alive. I looked down at my hands. They were my hands but they were different. They were pale and translucent. I looked behind me and saw my dead, cold, body lying on the forest ground.I was confused for awhile and was somewhat frantic. I then realized that I was a spirit. I Heard Chad and Anthony running towards me.
"There she is!" chad yelled. he ran to my body and graded my wrist. He bent my wrist back and checked my pulse.
"Is she dead?" Anthony asked.
"Yeah. we can't use her now.Well have to find someone else." Chad stood up and walked away.
"should we hide the body?"
"no. WE don't have a shovel, and burning the body would be like a signal fire, and if we take it with us then someone might see. Besides the body will start to decay soon." Chad said.
"I guess you’re right."'Asshole, not even burring me. They walked away as if nothing happened. I keeled down and whipped the hair of my body's forehead. Now what do I do? I looked behind me and saw a door. The door was white with a round handle with angels in graved on it, the white paint was peeling off. I walked slowly to the door. My transparent feet past through the leaves on the ground without disturbing them. I opened the door to see a lush green meadow like the ones in a story book or a oil painting. The bright green grass still had morning dew and the wild flowers were in full bloom. There were people of all ages playing, laughing and enjoying the warm sun. I walk on the stone path past houses and small children playing. Everyone here was healthy and happy. They all wore pure with. A small girl waved to me and ran towards me as if she had known me here whole life. She was very young about six years old. She had curly blond hair and bright green eyes her hair was tied into ponytails with white bows. Her eyes with wide with excitement and happiness, like she had woken up on Christmas morning. She smiled at me and laughed
"Are you new?" she asked.
"How can you tell?"
"You look lost," she said. Grabbed my hand and lead me to where some adults were sitting at a picnic table and talking.
"Mommy," she called.
A blond woman waved to her and she stared running to her with little hand wrapped around three of my fingers.
"Mommy look!" she said. The woman looked up at me.
"Why do you look so frantic?" she asked.
"Umm..." was the only thing I could say.
"Laura, go play with your friends." she said to the little girl. She let go of my hand and ran back.
"Your must be new. My name Dianne." she said. She led my inside the little house.
"So what happened?" she asked.
"I was killed and now I'm a ghost." I said.
"Not exactly," she corrected me.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
" well, By looking at you I can tell... your 17, have a small family, work at a dinner in a small town, have a friend you were going to see, and had no idea this was going to happen."
"How do you now all that?" I asked. Dianne rolled up my sleeve and showed me a code that was written on my arm.
"This tells me everything about you and what you are planned to do, including the date you die."
"Wasn't I supposed to die today?" I asked.
"No, you are going to live a long happy life. This was not part of your plan."
"Then what do I do?"
"First we get you changed, then you'll have to follow the road to the court house at the end of the road. There you will meet the maker and he will help you from there.” She said. Dianna searched in a large wardrobe for clothes for me. She handed me a white sundress with a white quarter sweater. The dress had a three-layered skirt with ruffles at the hem of each layer.
After I was changed, I walked out into the living room where Dianne was waiting.
“What about shoes?” I asked. Dianne laughed lightly.
“We don’t need shoes. We are all dead. Remember?”
“How did you die?” I asked suddenly.
“Laura and I were in a car accident. It was raining extremely hard that night, I could barely see and then all of a sudden I lost control.” She said with a smile.
“How can Laura smile if that happen to her?”
“This place is so perfect; there is no illness, war, or sadness. It’s physically impossible to be sad here.” She said. After that, she gave me some food and sent me on my merry way. For some reason I felt like Dorothy, finding herself in a strange world, meeting people who help her, and now I am following a yellow brick road. The only difference is that I am from West Virginia, the bricks are red, and I am dead.
The courthouse looked like the US capitol building without the large dome. I walked through the heavy doors. I saw a woman sitting behind a desk that was about fourteen feet tall. The woman looked like she was from the 60's. Her blond hair was pulled back into an undo, her light green eyes where hidden behind thick glasses.
“Excuse me," I called up at her. The woman stopped pecking at her typewriter and looked down at me. Like a slinky, she stretched over the tall desk and her face was inches away from me.
"Name?" she said.
"Uh... Sar-Sarah, Conner." the woman then went back to her desk and looked the large heavy book. She flipped the pages and found me name.
"Ah! Here you are, but we are not suppose to see you for many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many years." To me, it seemed like she had said 'many' for every year I had left to live, but I did not feel like counting them all. She then picked up a telephone and punched in many numbers. I tried to count the 'beeps' for my amusement but lost count after seventy-nine.
"Yes, sir we have a problem. Well Sarah Cooper is here, and it seems that she has gone off her decided path. Are you sure? Very well I'll send her in." In addition, without another word,she had pressed a button that opened two large doors. I looked up at her in confusion but she only waved me to enter the dark room. I guess if I had to work as a secretary for eternity I would be bitter as well, but still she could at least smile. I walked into the dark room and saw a man in a cream suit looking out the window behind him. I felt like I was in the movie 'the God Father'. I cleared my throat in attempt to get his attention. The man whipped around in his chair and looked at me. If he was petting a white cat I would have ran the other way because that meant his mafia men were going to kill me, but instead of a cold, terrifying looking man behind the desk, he had a warm smile and glassy eyes. The was very young looking man. His dark brown hair was sleeked back; he had a light five'o clock shadow, with captivating blue eyes and a white smile.
"Are you Sarah?" he asked excitedly. I nodded my head yes. he motioned me to sit down in the leather chair in front of him so i did so.
"Wow! So you aren't dead and it worked! Wow!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Well, those two men made their decision so randomly that not even I saw it coming. so when I saw what was happening I made you ...I temporally shut down your body ,like a machine." he explained.
"What was the point of that?"
"I did that so you

could set things on the right track. You see they were in debt and were

planed to pay it off the legal way, but they then decided that ransom would be better, and that was going to through everything off because they were going to accidentally kill you.So, to save you and everyone's future I shut your body down and you will stay like this until you make things right." He stopped talking for a moment.
"And how do I do that?" i asked.
"Any way you want. None of this is supposed to happen. Remember? I'm not suggesting this, but because you’re thinking of it, scarring them in to doing what they're supposed to do might work best." I laughed a little at the thought of scaring to grown men.
"Ha! That might be fun!" I got up and started walking out the door.
"Oh, and one more thing! No humane can enter through the door of Gabriel because if they do then they will die. So good luck Sarah, and please don't mess up the time stream too much." After that, I ran out of the courthouse, down the gold pathway, and past the meadow to the Door of Gabriel. When I went through the door, I was back in the forest. I then started running to my house. I thought about my sisters and my mom. I thought about our trip to DC last year, and the funny conversations at dinnertime. I snapped back to reality when I saw I had somehow made it to my house.
Note to self: ghosts can teleport. This explains a lot about horror movies.
I went into my room and looked around for a pen. I wanted to write a note saying I had suddenly gone to my dad's house. I figured that this would delay the panic. As I reached for the pen, it passed through my hand. I am going to need someone alive to write the note. I heard the doorbell ring and I saw my mom pass my room. I passed through the floor to see Ian standing in my doorway.
"Is Sarah home? She didn't show up to movie night." Dammit Ian! Keep your mouth shut! My mom stared at him in confusion. He then showed her my bag that he most likely found on the sidewalk. My mom fell to the floor trembling. My sister, Theresa, stared at Ian,
"You should go put that in her room." Ian made his way up to my room. He looked around my room. His eyes were empty and I could fell his disappointment and worry.
He saw my leather braided bracelet that I always wear and picked it up and stared at He it. He clenched the braclet in his hands and tucked it into his pocket.
"I hope you're okay," He whispered. I felt a strange energy in the room and wondered if he could hear or see me.
"more or less," I replied. Ian looked up at me and turned pale white as if he had seen a ghost, then again he kinda did. After awhile of him freaking out at the fact that he is seeing his know missing semi-dead best friend's ghost he was ready to talk.
"Sarah, what the hell happened? you weren't-" I lifted my hand to cut him off.
"No, I wasn't raped. I guess you could say I was killed." when I said this Ian's face flushed,
"who the hell killed you!" He raged, I rolled my eyes,
"Relax, I'm not dead dead." Ian looked at me in confusion.
"you could say that I was temporally shut down. That is until I get the world back on track and I get to scare the living shit out of them." He crossed his arms and sat down on my chair.
"I know you'll be good at that." he said. I crossed my arms and grinned. Ian's face became worried and he looked up at me and swallowed hard,
"so what about your body?" I looked at him with a serous glint in my eyes,
"follow me." I told him. He nodded and meet in the front of my house.

(I will update soon! keep reading!)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.02.2011

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