
Chapter One

I walked down a cold pathway, in the middle of a forest. I knew not why I was here. Actually, as a matter of fact I really didn’t know anything. I had no idea how I’d gotten here, where I was going, I didn’t even know who I was. This was all, so strange…
I kept walking though, for that was all I thought that I could do. As I walked further, I noticed a building at the end of the pathway… it looked more like a stone temple, or something. I cautiously approached it, and opened the door. I proceeded in, and there sat a single person in a throne.

“Welcome, welcome.” The person said, it was a woman… “I have awaited your arrival for a long time now, I’ve been watching you.” She said, with a sly smile.

“What do you mean, waiting for my arrival? Watching me?” I asked her, I was quite confused.

“My name is Lyra; I am the goddess of the afterlife.” She smiled, “I watch those who seem to have great importance. I wait, until they have died… so I can welcome them here. You, seem to have great importance. I am glad, that you’ve finally come to me. I can’t wait to see what you will achieve in your afterlife.” She said, smiling.

“I’m not dead though.” I stated simply.

“Yes, yes you are. Tell me, don’t you remember anything? Do you remember your name? Your age? Your birthday? Do you remember anything at all?” Lyra asked. I thought, and I thought hard. I didn’t know any of those things. My mouth spoke though, without me even knowing what I was going to say.

“Iris, Iris Rikuto… I believe that’s my name.” I don’t even know where that came out of. “I am not dead, I can’t be.” I said.

“Iris? No, no… that’s not your name. I know not where you came up with that… but you cannot move on into the afterlife until you have realized that you are dead.”

“I am not dead, so I am not going to the afterlife. That seems simple enough to me. Besides, there was something… something that I was searching for. Something that, I wanted… I can’t move on…. Until I find it…” I muttered. There was something… I didn’t know what though. I needed to find it though, it was special.

“Well this is just great…” Lyra snarled…

“What is?” I asked.

“You, you are not going to be going to the afterlife today… It’s so sad; I’ve watched you go through endless lives until you got here. Now, I have to wait again…” She said, and there was a sad tone in her voice.

“Am I going back to whatever life I had before then?” I asked….

“No, you are not… You are going to be sent to the living world as a new person. Rather you will start as an infant, teenager, or adult I know not. Of course, you will have false memories if you are a teenager or adult. Memories, so that you don’t doubt something weird has happened. Whatever it is though, I hope that you find what you are looking for… so that I can finally have you.” She hissed.

“Have me…? I am not an object! I am a person, no one just owns me.” I snapped.

“Have you, as in you will be in my world… Under my control and laws. I wanted you personally as my servant; I’ve been waiting a long time for the right person. I hope that you find what you’re looking for quickly, and die quickly…” She hissed.

“That’s, that’s cruel… I hope that I remember you the next time I see, for I do not want to be your servant.” I snarled. I turned around, and ran out the door. I ran down the path, and the world started to dissolve around me…


I woke up lying on the ground in the forest. I yawned and stood up, and looked around. Where was I? I … didn’t know anything. Slowly, I remembered something. I remember my talk with Lyra! Some of it anyway. She had said that she was going to be reborn or something, but why? I didn’t really remember much from our talk, but I also knew I wasn’t supposed to remember this. Whatever, at least she knew what was sort of going on.

Though, when I thought about it… I had strange memories that didn’t seem quite familiar. My name was Iris Rikuto, I was fifteen, and I had always been homeless. Those memories seemed weird, but whatever.

I ran down the pathway that I was on, and it lead me to a city. I remembered the city, so maybe these memories were correct. I ran down the street, but I saw a bulletin bored. I turned around and went back to look at it. There were a lot of things talking about missing peoples and what not, but one thing caught my attention a lot. It was talking about wolves… Hmm that was strange…

The last wolves:
After many years of hunting down these vicious animals, it has been located where the last wolves live. High in the mountains of Ash, they are there. We would appreciate anyone’s help in getting rid of these last wolves. The world is not at all safe, until they’ve gone.
- General Bryan.

I didn’t understand why there were trying to get rid of all the wolves though. They stated that they were vicious, but so were a lot of animals. Why were they only targeting the wolves then? It must have taken a long time go get rid of all the other wolves in the world, so why was I only hearing about this now? Maybe, the news had just been kept secret from our town…

The last wolves though, they lived in the Ash mountains? I turned around and looked up at the mountains that loomed in the distance. That was where they were. I wanted to see them though. I had never seen wolves before; I heard they looked like dogs but bigger. They couldn’t bark either, but they could howl.

I had seen vague pictures of them, so I had a sort of Idea what they looked like but not really… I wanted to see them though, in person before they all got killed off. That sounded fun, and that sounded like something to do with my life.

I knew what I was going to do then; I was going to the mountains to search for the wolves! This sounded like it could be fun!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.07.2012

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To my strange dreams and Wolf's Rain <3

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