

I jumped out my window, and landed with a soft thud on the ground below. I looked around; just to make sure the neighbors weren’t out or anything… When I saw that it was clear, I took of running towards the forest. The sun was just about setting; this was the perfect time for me to make a run for it.

I had decided that it was time to run away from the foster home, even though I’d only been there for two years or so. That had been enough for me to lose it though, especially since they all hated me more than anyone else. That was okay though, because I hated everyone there too.

Just as I made it to the forest line, and had made it a few steps in… I heard the door to the foster home open. I ducked in the bushes, lying flat on my stomach to stay hidden from sight. It was Lady Verna. She was the head of the foster home, and the one that watched over specifically me.

“Arayna where the hell did you go!?” She screamed at the top of her lungs. I just sat there silently; I wasn’t going to give my position away. She grumbled, and started to head around the back of the foster home. When she disappeared from sight, I jumped up and took off into the woods.

I ran as fast as I could, leaping over things, and ducking under things. Finally, I stopped when I got to the riverside. It had been a long time since I’d see the river, and it actually looked about the same. That was a bit surprising to me…

I made my way across a fallen log, into the other side. I ran until I made it to the west side of town. That was where the richer people lived, and where they’d think that I was less likely to go. I ran down the street,, and ducked into an alley.

That was when I ran into her


I ran into a girl that looked about fifteen. The same age that I was. She gave me a strange look, a look that I returned. I could feel it though; there was something strange about her. Something that wasn’t normal…

“Hi, I’m Evoney, what’s your name?” She asked me.
“Arayna” I told her.

“Arayna, that’s a unique name. It suits a unique person, too.” She said, “Hey, do you want to be friends?” She said, with a slight smile. It wasn’t a mischievous smile; it was more like just a friendly smile.

“Sure,” I told her.

“Awesome!” She said, and then she paused. “Arayna, actually that name sounds a bit familiar…” She muttered. I started at her… “You’re that girl that ran away from the foster home.” She said, but she continued before I could say anything.

“So you don’t have anywhere to go right now, I bet. Well you can come meet my friends, we all live together. I bet that we could fit you in the house with us.” She said.

“Uh, okay…” I replied, but I was cautious around her. There was something suspicious about her. She brought me to a house that was on the edge of the west side of town. She unlocked the door, and I followed her inside.

There were two guys and a girl sitting on a couch, and another guy sitting in a chair. They all looked at us as they walked in… One of the guys had orange hair, one had brown, and one had blond. The brown haired one stood up and pulled Evoney a few feet away from me.

“Who is this?” I could hear him say in a hushed voice.

“Her names Arayna, she ran away from the Foster home.” Evoney said, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

“Why did you bring her here? This not a place for normal…” He growled. Normals, what in the hell was that?

“That’s why I brought her here… I can feel it, she’s not a normal. I can feel it in her presence.” She said. What where they talking about?

“So, you brought her here for what reason? It doesn’t even look like she knows what we’re talking about. She probably doesn’t even know what normal and abnormals are.” He growled.

“That’s even more the reason to bring her here then. She should know what she is! It’s not fair to her, to not know… Besides, its helping everyone. Someday she’d learn of her powers whatever they are and we can teach her to use them properly.” Evoney said.

I was thinking that these people must be insane. I didn’t have powers, and I never would. No one had powers…

“Okay, fine. We’ll let her stay for now… depending on what she is…” He said. He turned away from Evoney and walked over to me. “You have no idea what we are talking about do you?” He asked.

“Nope, no Idea…” I replied.

“Give me your hand.” He said. I listened to him, and held out my hand. He took it and closed his eyes. I felt a weird sensation flutter through me, and for and instant I felt kind of funny… almost in a good way though. He opened his eyes, and dropped my hand.

“Arayna, we are called abnormals. Or more formally known as, Mystics.” He replied. “Mystics are people who have abnormal powers. They may shift into things, or be something of a vampire….” He replied.

“What.” Was all I could say, I was for sure these people were crazy now. I just had to figure a way to sneak out of here without them going physco on me…. Well I could wait until they weren’t paying attention to me then run for it…

“Jase, she thinks that we’re crazy.” The red-head said. Was it that obvious that I thought that?

“Oh,” he said. “We’ll prove it to you then,” He said. He snapped, and the Evoney walked over. She held her hand out, palm up. Suddenly a flame burst from her hand and flickered up through the air, then disappeared.

I started in amazement, but they could have staged that somehow… as if Evoney had read my mind, she moved her hand around so that flames erupted around her and engulfed her. With a snap, they were all gone.

“Believe it or not, it’s true. We are what are called Mystics, and you are one too. You just haven’t unlocked your powers yet.” He said.

“So what is she?” Evoney asked.

“It seems that she is a Halfling, a shifter and faerie.” He said.


I had tried to leave, but they wouldn’t let me. One of them attacked me out of the blue, and I didn’t know what happened. One minute there was something hurdling at me, a fire ball I think .The next moment I was safe behind a wall of Ice.

A wall of ice that I had created.

So, it had been true.

I really was what they called, a Mystic.

And that was the beginning to my new life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.07.2012

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