
I glanced at the mirror before leaving for the first day of school. I had on a black V neck t-shirt which looks good with my blue eyes, light skinny jeans with patches on the thighs and knees, and black ballet flats, mascara, and eyeliner. I curled my blonde hair so instead of it flowing to the middle of my back it was about an inch higher. One flaw about me is my freckles on my face. I don’t have a lot but they are noticeable, but they are only on the top of my high cheeks. I sighed and grabbed my bag off my desk. I walked down my stairs to my garage. I opened the doors to my black range rover 2009 to look for the keys. I looked under the seat. Ugh, I forgot where I put them. At that moment something sparkled on the rearview mirror. My keys! Yay I found them. I sat in the driver’s side and shut the door. I started the ignition and drove to St. Myers high school for senior year!
I pulled into a parking close to the front door next to Sarah. She’s been my best friend since childhood. I got out and grabbed my back pack from the passenger’s side. She ran to me and jumped on my when she gave me a tight bear hug.
“Hey to you too,” I gave her a squeeze back. She lingered for a few seconds then reluctantly let go. At that moment is when I noticed Jake next to. I looked at him and smiled. He had gotten taller now about 6’2”. So he was tall, has blonde curly hair, green eyes, and a god like face. He was lean too.
“Hey,” I said to him awkwardly. Jake is my ex. He broke up with me during this summer because he said there was someone else. Now whenever I look at him all I can think about is when I sat on my couch watching love movies eating chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream screaming at the TV that love is not true.
“Hey Alice,” he said awkwardly too.
“So sis, what’s your schedule?” Sarah asked scrolling down hers.
“Um let me see yours. We have calculus and English together!” I exclaimed excitedly.
“Really let me see your schedule Sarah,” he took it and looked it up and down and smiled. “I have those classes with you guys too, but my other ones are different,” he seemed sad but I didn’t care, he made my summer horrible.
“I’m so excited we’re seniors can you believe it!” she exclaimed. The bell rang which made us jump. Sarah linked her arm in mine and we walked to calculus which is our first period.

I sat by Sarah who sat by Jake. The room was filled and the seat next to me was empty. I was taking a piece of paper and a pencil out when someone slumped into the seat next to mine. I looked to see who it was. It was a very tan boy. He looked pretty tall even when he sat. He was muscular, built, he had black short hair that was sort of long, brown eyes, and he was warm. He apparently felt my gaze because his eyes flickered to me. I turned my head fast hoping he didn’t see me. The teacher was hard to pay attention to. She just talked about what this year was going to be about.
“Hey, I’m Matt,” he extended his hand toward mine making sure the teacher wasn’t looking.
“Alice,” I said as I took his warm hand. When he let go I felt something hit my arm. It was a piece of paper. I unfolded it and started reading it.
To bitch that this is being thrown at,
Bitch back off of him he’s mine. I called dibs. And besides I just saved you from a lot of heart ache. He is a player and you know only I can tame them. Besides he wouldn’t like you anyway. You’re fat, ugly, stupid, and a total nerd. If you ever touch him again I will mess you up got it Alice?
I got up and threw the note away. Looking for who threw it when I saw Sapphire smirking. Sapphire is the school slut. She has all the guys crawling on their knees for her. She’s my height about 5’6”. She as well as I has blonde hair, but she has green eyes. She always wears slutty clothing and who is she calling bitch. She might as well be looking in a mirror while saying it because I’m pretty sure even her posy thinks she’s bitchy which she is. I rolled my eyes and slumped back into my seat. Mrs. Nickerson told us to pair up. Right then all the girls besides me and Sarah ran over to Matt’s desk. All the girls were asking to be his partner but he pushed his way out and stood in front of my desk. I looked up and he looked down to me. He was 6’4”. That’s tall.
“Want to be my partner?” he asked. Sapphire came over and stood in his way of vision so he couldn’t see me.
“Why would you be partners with her when you can with me?” she winked and he looked like he needed to puke.
“I’m good,” he said sidestepping her to get to me. She sidestepped with him.
“Really I think we would be great together, if you ever get lonely call me,” she shoved a piece of paper in his back pocket when she whispered in his ear. She winked again at him, flipped her hair and gave an intoxicating smile to him. She combined all 3. Wow she must really want him. He completely ignored her and came over to me.
“So is that a yes?” he smiled and brought his chair next to mine.
It passed a few boring periods of the day and it was lunch time. I didn’t have any other classes with Matt but I wish I did. I know this sounds crazy but I think I’m in love with him. I mean maybe I haven’t known him for too long, but what if its love at first sight? I know not many people believed in it but I do. When I saw him I felt drawn to him in a way. I was interrupted with my thoughts when I collided with someone on my way to lunch.
“I am so sorry I didn’t see you,” I said getting up and coming face to face with Matt.
“It’s okay. Do you want to sit by me at lunch?” he asked and started walking forward.
“You see I would but Sapph-” he cut me off.
“Sapphire won’t let you. I don’t care. What is she your mom?” he asked sarcastically. Right now he is just getting me angry. He grabbed my hand with his.
“Please!?” he begged. Aw he’s cute when he begs.
“Fine,” I said like I wasn’t going to enjoy it. Truth was I was jittery in my stomach, and his hand holding mine did not help the situation.
We walked into the cafeteria and sat at the jock and cheerleading table. He sat me down then sat next to me. Sapphire was at the table giving me the death glare. He was still holding my hand. He glanced at Sapphire then turned to me.
“Let’s go get lunch,” he got up and pulled me with him.
“Thanks she looked like she wanted to chew my head off,” I said to pick up a pizza with a salad.
“She was extremely mad,” he said in agreement. He picked up a lot pizza, salad, fries, and the carrots. I looked at him shocked.
“What in order to be good at football got to have proper nutrition,” he exclaimed. We walked back to our table and Sapphire was sitting on the other side of Matt. We sat down and Matt looked very uncomfortable.
“Well, well my man can really work up an appetite,” she said as she put her hands on his shoulder and set her head on them and batted her eyelashes. He shook her off his shoulder then smiled. She tried something else.
“Well I’ll help u eat that pizza,” she shoved it in his mouth then she bit the other side.
“You know I’m just going to go sit with my friends but thanks,” I whispered in his ear. He spit the pizza out as I was getting up and pulled me back down.
“Please stay,” he begged. Damn why did he have to be so cute when he begged it’s not fair. I sighed and stayed. The rest of lunch he was turned to me talking to me completely ignoring Sapphire. It was funny because she kept trying to get his attention.
“So, did you drive to school?” he asked as we walked to class.
“Yeah, why?” I already knew what he wanted to do.
“Well then can you give me an address so I can start being your chaperone?” he asked and that made me blush.
“I have a perfectly good working car right now,” I exclaimed. He sighed.
“What class do you have 7th?” he changed the subject.
“I have wood shop,” I said looking at my schedule.
“No way me too,” he smiled and stared into my eyes. His eyes were a beautiful milky brown. His smile got even wider. We parted our ways until 7th period.
We walked into wood shop with Mr. Deena. I saw my other best friend Tiffany.
“Tiff!” I yelled while I and Matt walked in. She looked up and smiled.
“Alice!” she yelled back excited in her British accent.
“She’s British?” he asked in my ear.
“Yeah,” I whispered back in his ear. Tiffany walked up to us staring at Matt. She held out her hand. He took it.
“Matt,” he said shaking it.
“Tiffany, but all my friends call me Tiff though that’s quite a girly thing I suppose,” she looked him up and down.
“Well I’m taken but lovely thought,” he told her happily. I sensed he was attracted to her. She’s 5’4”, has long naturally curly brown hair, skinny, and has a nose piercing.
“Well I wouldn’t dare take someone from my best friend no matter how cute they are,” she turned to me and winked. I laughed a shaky laugh full of envy. He put his arm around my waist and gave it a squeeze to reassure me.
“Well it was nice meeting you Matt, see you guys around. I’m the T.A. Oh and Alice before I leave I’m having a party Saturday and your invited bring whoever,” she smiled then left. We both waved at her and she left. Class was easy and fun with Matt. The bell rang and I got up and went to the hallway. Matt stood in front of me and pushed me into a wall with his body. He leaned his face to my ear.
“Please let me drive you home, I want to ask you something,” his breath flew across my neck and I shivered. He laughed a throaty laugh and kissed my neck then looked at my eyes. I sighed and shoved his shoulder so he was off of me.
“Fine,” I breathed frustrated. He grabbed my hand and smiled.
He had a black 2010 mustang.
“Holy crap, this is your car?” I was very surprised he had a good car.
“Yeah it’s mine do you like it?” he opened my door and went to his side and sat down. I got in and jumped up and down like a child.
“Like it, I-I love it,” I clapped my hands. He smiled and started the car. We sat in silence until we reached my house. We got out and he walked me to my porch.
“So what did you want to ask me?” I asked.
“If I could do this,” he leaned into kiss me, as his lips started to touch mine the front door swung open. My sister came out. He pulled back and I growled and looked at my sister.
“What? You weren’t home yet so I was worried I was going to go get you,” her head snapped in Matt’s direction and she smiled. Why does everyone have to do that?
“Well, well who are you?” she asked suddenly interested.
“Um I’m Alice’s boyfriend,” he stated without hesitation. Her smile dropped and she looked at me evilly.
“K bye,” she went back inside. He immediately pushed me against the door. He had his hands on my hips pulling me to him eliminating all space between us. He crushed his lips to mine. They started moving together. His tongue skimmed my bottom lip and I pulled away. I pushed him away playfully.
“See you tomorrow morning,” I winked, blew him a kiss, and smiled. He walked away laughing and drove back to his house. I went inside and saw my sister at the living room window.
“Excuse me, Stephanie,” I waved and she got away from the window.
“Is he a good kisser?” she asked. I rolled my eyes and went to my room. I shut the door and put my back to it and slid down biting my bottom lip.
“Yeah he is,” I whispered to myself touching my lips. I looked around my room. I have light pink walls, a pink zebra bed spread, light pink closet doors with a huge mirror on the back of it. I smiled and took my cell phone out of my bag. I dialed Tiff’s number. She answered on the 2nd ring.
“Hey Tiff its Alice,” I said casually.
“Oh hey Ali, what’s up?” she asked and I heard her plop down on her bed.
“Matt took me home and kissed me!” I screeched in the phone.
“No way that’s awesome, score for Ali. I knew you could do it. He’s hot to. Oh my gosh is your sister jealous?” she asked while laughing.
“Yes totally,” I said.
“Oh hey Ali we are going dress shopping tomorrow after school with Sarah, I’m excited,” she squealed.
“Dress shopping? For what?” I asked confused.
“My party duh…..I know who you’re going to bring, and he is totally invited,” I laughed.
“Oh right I forgot the party, yeah I’m excited,” I tried to sound thrilled but I didn’t. So I tried again, “Yeah, yeah I’m so excited,” I did sound excited and she squealed and then sighed.
“Ugh I got to go. I’m helping my mom make food for the party, I told her the party is on Saturday and that today was Thursday but she just doesn’t understand, bye love ya,” she made a kissing noise in the phone and I heard the line go dead. I grunted. I can’t wait to go shopping for a dress. My parents aren’t coming home tonight because they’re in Texas cleaning up after the F4 tornado. I got ready for bed and slept. I dreamt about Matt.
I woke up to my alarm clock telling me it was 6 in the morning so I turned it off. I walked to my closet and pulled out a gray Hollister shirt that was loose at the shoulders and exposed a little of my belly at the bottom, black skinny jeans, and white sandals to match the white Hollister logo. Today I left my hair straight but took my bangs twisted them, and pinned it to the side of my head. I put on my makeup, grabbed my back pack, and descended down the stairs. I heard the doorbell ring and I ran to it. I opened the door and saw an angel. Well I saw Matt but he looked like and angel. He smiled and pulled me into a hug.
“I missed you,” he said into my hair. I pulled away and smiled.
“I missed you too, but I have bad news,” his face soured and he lifted his eyebrows.
“You can’t take me home. I have to drive myself because my friends are taking me dress shopping,” I said and frowned.
“Is it for the party?” he asked as we walked to the car.
“Yeah,” he opened my door then went to his own side. We settled in and he started the car. We drove in silence.
He opened my side again. When I got out I saw Sapphire walk up to Matt and throw her arms around his neck. Matt took off her arms and grabbed my waist. I stuck my nose in the air and closed my eyes. Ha he doesn’t want her, he wants me so back off. I rolled my eyes and Matt started walking away pulling me with him. We went to the senior waiting area for the bell to ring. Matt pushed me against a tree eliminating space again………. He stuffed his nose in the crease of my neck and I giggled. It tickled a lot!
“Alice!” I saw Sarah run up to me. She and Jake were holding hands.
“Wow, Sarah you never told me,” I exclaimed. She looked confused then looked at their hands and frowned.
“Uh, I-I-” I cut her off.
“It’s totally okay just next time tell me,” I laughed and she joined in.
“We’ll talk about the details while shopping,” she smiled and kissed Jake. He looked uncomfortable. Matt got off me and took my hand. The bell rang and Sarah grabbed my arm and we walked while the boys talked about football.
It was lunch time finally. I was starving. I and Matt walked there together again. He started to walk towards the jock table but I pulled him back.
“Can we sit by Sarah, Jake, Tiff, and Mark?” I asked and bit my bottom lip. He laughed.
“Of course,” we walked to them and they all looked at us.
“Hey guys,” I said and sat next to Tiff and across from Jake. Matt turned to me and asked, “Are you hungry?”
“Naw, I had a huge breakfast,” I assured him. He kissed me, made his nose touch mine, kissed my forehead, and got up to get lunch. I turned to Tiff.
“You two are like the cutest couple in this school, I swear,” she said in her same old British voice.
“Thanks, I think it helps that he’s cute,” I laughed after that. Tiff laughed with me, Matt came back with a huge plate that had cheeseburger, fries, salad, and coke. I took his salad and he raised his eyebrows.
“What I suppose I am a little hungry,” I pecked him on the lips and started eating my salad.
“So Sarah when did you and Jake start dating?” I asked with a mouthful of salad. Matt chuckled.
“Um during the summer, after he broke up with you. I’m sorry,” she said guilty.
“No it’s fine…. I found the true person for me,” I smiled and hugged Matt.
“Sorry about that Alice, I meant to apologize but I never did,” Jake said slowly.
“And as I said before it’s perfectly okay because if you wouldn’t of dumped me I couldn’t of dated Matt, so I thank you,” we all laughed.
“So the party is going to be awesome. We’re going to have, food, games, a pool,” she lifted her eyebrows up and down.
“Ha sounds fun can’t wait,” Sarah nodded her hand in agreement. Matt grabbed my hand and I smiled at him. I finished my salad as Sarah and Jake had a private conversation.
“So Matt, you don’t need to take her home. She has to drive to the mall,” Tiff sang.
“Tiff, I already have plenty of dresses,” I said.
“But don’t you want a new one?” Tiff asked me.
“No I’m fine with the ones I have, besides I want Matt to drive me home,” I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Ugh fine I guess whatever,” Tiff looked over to Matt. “You’re stealing all of her love, it’s all going to you,” Tiff jutted out her bottom lip.
“Look you know what, I’ll go get a dress with my friends and Matt you can take me here and from school for the rest of the year,” Matt nodded in agreement and I sighed. The bell rang to go to our next classes.
I went in the parking to my car. Matt was holding my hand and we were walking together.
“Are you sure you want to go pick out a dress?” he asked as he pushed me up against my car.
“Y-yes I’m sure,” I was sort of shaking because of how close he was. He kissed my forehead and started walking towards his car.
“See ya tomorrow at the part text me, I’ll pick you up,” he said.
“Okay,” I yelled and got in. I drove to the mall down the street.
I picked up a short dress that was strapless, white, and had a black belt in the middle of it.
“Oh my gosh that is so cute!” Sarah screeched. Tiff looked at the dress I was holding.
“That is gorgeous, we should also get prom dresses while were here,” she suggested and I shrugged.
“That’s a good idea to me,” I said and started looking for a prom dress, I picked up a strapless light pink dress that flowed all the way to the floor. It had a gap in the back exposing most of my back. It looked cute. I went to the register and bought my dresses while my friends did the same. When we were done I said goodbye to everyone then we all went our separate ways.
I opened my door to see Matt sitting on the couch. My sister came out with some water and handed it to him. He said thanks and stood up. “I came to see you and make sure you are okay, you never texted me the details about the party so I got worried,” he sounded sad.
“I am fine, and thanks. I was going to text you the details tonight,” I said taking off my back pack and setting it by the coat rack. He came over and hugged me.
“Hey I’ll be down in a little bit. I have to take a shower. Feel free to watch whatever you want,” I started to walk up the stairs. I put my dresses in my room, went to the bathroom and I took my clothes off and started the shower. The hot water rolled down my back and soothed my muscles. When I was done I wrapped a towel around me and went to my room. For pajamas I put on really short black bloomers I got from cheerleading and a pink sweat shirt from victoria secret. I brushed my hair then I walked down the stairs and Matt looked up at me.
“Feel better?” he asked. I shook my head yes and he opened his arms on the couch inviting me in on the couch. I sat down and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. I looked up in his eyes and he leaned into my lips. His thumb came to my cheek and traced it lightly. I drew my hands up around his neck making him lean deeper into the kiss. His tongue traced my bottom lip again and this time I opened my mouth. Our tongues met and they danced together. He broke away to trace down my jaw line then my neck and back up. I put my hands in his short hair and brought his lips to mine again. His hands went up my sweatshirt exploring my stomach. I broke away and kissed his cheek once, twice, and then I pulled away completely.
“Alice? What’s wrong?” he asked and I laughed.
“Nothing silly,” I pecked him on the lips and got up.
“I’m going to get a drink,” I said and stretched. He got up and went behind me and grabbed my butt. I giggled.
“Like what you see?” I giggled a lot louder.
“Yeah but I can’t help myself especially since you’re wearing really short shorts,” his hands went from my butt to my hips following me as I walked he stayed like that. I got in the kitchen and grabbed a cup. I ran it under the faucet until it was to the rim. I drank every drop. Man I was thirsty. I turned around and he had me trapped against him and the counter. He put both his arms on each side of me on the counters. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back and grabbed his chin. He hands were on the small of my back clutching at the skin as if stopping himself from doing something more. I moaned as he slid his tongue in my mouth. He started clutching at my skin harder. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked to the couch but didn’t stop kissing me. He set me down on the couch and got on top of me. I made a trail of kisses down his neck and he groaned. He lifted up my sweatshirt and started kissing my stomach. Then he looked up at me and smiled. He started kissing and nibbling on my belly button ring. I laughed and brought his lips back to mine. This time I traced his bottom lip and he opened up. I took off his shirt and gasped. He was ripped. He had what an eight pack jeez this guy works out. He laughed and pecked me on the lips. I left a trail of kissing over his chest and muscle. Then I kissed him. I sat up slowly and pushed him down. Then I got off of him and handed him his shirt.
“So I heard there’s this party at Brandon’s house tonight


Texte: Illustration is from google images. Words, ideas, script, story all belongs to me Aubrey.. it is illegal to copy this.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.07.2011

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To my friends for pushing me and helping me on writers blocks and people who enjoy this <3 muah<3!!!

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