
Prologue & Announcement

Hello guys well this is my first story that I had written on and well I thought I would post it on here. I have been writing stories on Fanfiction since 2012 and I thought I would post some of my stories on here.

So I hope you enjoy them and please tell me what you think. Comments and votes are always appreciated :)




I wish he hadn't have left me here by the lake, every time I gaze into the water all I see his pale visage taking over my own reflection. This place he has left me in deep within the forest has left me questioning myself. Why am I all -alone? I left my own family to be with him.

I look up at the midnight sky watching the moon move and the stars twinkling. So I lay my head back down on the hard-stone ground and I lift my hands up and pray. I pray he will return to me. I can still hear his sexy-soft voice saying those three words that I desperately needed to hear before he left me here all alone 'I love you.' He whispered in my ear. I am Allie Jenkins and this is my story.

Chapter One Back to the Beginning


Midnight has become my favourite hour of the night. It is the only time where I can envision myself being somewhere else. I feel like a little kid at times wanting to have friends here around me in the house, I know that may sound ridiculous and before you ask yes I do have friends but what I mean is basically when I was little I imagined I had friends that would be like angels, vampires, wolves creatures that could talk to me but only in my dreams.


The sound of the light breeze coming from one of the glass windows that have been left opened in the room is peaceful to me, I am after all twenty one years old, as I write this in my diary I can't help but think back to when I was younger back to when I was different so flirtatious at times, bubbly, sassy and a little minx as some people or some of my friends would say.


I feel like a completely different person not because I am no longer living with my parents but because I am now a married woman with a baby on the way and being a mother as well as a devoted wife will be a great experience for someone like me not only because this is the first time I have ever been married to someone but also it will be a lot of responsibility for someone like me to carry on my shoulders.


I recalled in my younger years my life had been normal I had a few friends and well I did keep in contact with them either on the phone or on msn. As I sit here by my desk in my bedroom writing this my husband sleeps peacefully in our large king-sized bed I find myself gazing out of one of the glass windows in our bedroom the sky is pitched black not a star nor a moon in sight. Just: plain black.


I can't see the sea that is in the distance due to the darkness, I can see however the garden outside that surrounds the house outside with a fountain in the middle of it. Normally there would be flowers in the garden but it is winter and so as you all know flowers hibernate in the winter. The trees are bare, their leaves have all fallen off their long strong branches and I can't help but wonder when will spring come back? It's not like I am complaining here, I do enjoy the winter, the snow is lovely when it comes, children having snowball fights and also Christmas is my favourite part of the winter season.


I gaze at my beloved husband in the bed once more, before turning back to write in my diary and begin the first chapter of my story back to the very beginning when everything seemed normal until that very day when everything changed. I still recall the year, it was the year 2013 and I was seventeen years old at the time.


"Hey darling get up you can't have another day off of college." My mother said pulling my duvet covers off me. I groaned in protest, it was Monday again, and last night I had spent most of the evening at my best friend's house since it was her birthday and she was having a party to celebrate her birthday.


Like most teenage girls we danced, had chats about anything really and we had drinks with each other.

I didn't have too many drinks though I wasn't a big drinker anyway. My parents were strict but not too strict with what I decided to do with my friends.


I heaved a sigh as I rubbed my head for a few minutes before getting out of bed and walking out of my bedroom towards the bathroom that was next door from my bedroom on the left-hand side.


The bathroom wasn't very big but it was a decent enough size for a bathroom. The walls were white like the shade of snow, the floor was black-tiled, there was a white toilet at the left-hand corner near the white-coloured bathroom door, and the sink was on the right across from the toilet. There was a silver rail on the right across from the sink and the shower was beside the rail.


And there were two drawers underneath the sink. I opened the bottom drawer getting out some shampoo, conditioner and some shower-gel before opening the shower door and putting them in there. I undressed myself and made sure to grab one of the fresh clean towels off the rail and placed it on to the edge of the sink before getting into the shower and closing the door after myself.


I turned the shower on to full heat allowing the hot water to cascade down my skin, I quickly poured some shampoo into my hands carefully and rubbed it into my hair giving it a good hard scrub. After two washes of shampoo I did the same with the conditioner before cleansing my skin with the shower-gel.


After ten or fifteen minutes I stepped out of the shower turning it off and grabbing the towel that I had left on the edge of the sink drying my hair and body with it before wrapping it around my body and walking out of the bathroom and into my bedroom again.


I rambled over towards one of my chest of drawers that was not too far away from my bed; I picked out a pair of white undergarments and a matching white bra. I wasn't too fussed about what I wore to college to be honest; I wasn't one of those girls that spent hours trying to decide what to wear to any event really. I quickly picked out a red checker shirt, a blue t-shirt and a pair of dark blue trousers to go with it and a pair of socks. My shoes had been left beside my bed yes I know what you are thinking typical teenager.


I got attired into my outfit quickly and placed my shoes on to my feet before walking over towards my cupboards that was beside my bed on the left. Picking out one of my coats and placed it over my checker shirt. I ambled out of my bedroom making sure I had turned off the lights and closed the door behind me before making my way downstairs into the kitchen.


Our kitchen was quite small to be honest, the walls were purple, the floor was a dark brown-wooden colour and there was a small rounded table in the center of the kitchen. Sitting at the table were my mother and father sitting directly opposite each other. Father was a banker so it was only natural that I would see him all dressed up professionally. He wore a grey suit, a white long-sleeved shirt, a pair of matching grey trousers and a pair of black shoes to match the shade of his hair. His eyes were a dark blue colour. As for my mother she was lovely, she worked as a nurse in St Andrews Hospital, which wasn't too far away from our house only up the road really. We lived in a white semi-detached house on the street called Lady's End.


My mother had the darkest brown hair almost black, dark brown eyes, beautiful ivory white skin and was attired in a dark blue nurse uniform dress that covered her knees and covered her pale arms. She was about five foot six. I wish I had been born with brown eyes at times. At times I secretly envied my mother, she was so kind towards people, she never shouted or anything even if some people claim that she does, to me I know my mother better than anyone except for dad of course.


At times yes she would tell me off but she would never raise her voice at me. I loved her dearly.

I smiled as the smell of delicious pancakes had been placed on to a plate that had already been set upon the small rounded table before me with chocolate spread on them.


I wasted no time and sat down on one of the silver stools in the middle of the table eating away at my pancakes.

"How did you sleep dear?" My mother questioned me sweetly.


"Quite well thank you mum." I answered truthfully.


"I'll take you to college Allie so don't worry about asking one of your friends to give you a lift to tech today." Dad stated.

I thanked him before he handed me my lunch bag and my college bag for college. He told me he had made me my lunch and he had got my college bag out for me in my bedroom while I had been taking a shower.


After breakfast my dad took me to college, college wasn't very special, it a was a big red building bigger than my own school that I had left last year and thank goodness I hated that place but I will leave that for another time.


"Have a good day sweetie." My father gave me a kiss on the cheek before saying goodbye to me and watching me leave his car. He had parked outside the tech. I made my way into the tech; there were two double doors at the main entrance of the tech. Outside of the main entrance there was a large car park that was already full with expensive looking cars.


I entered the reception and made my way towards my class since I was studying journalism, yes I wanted to become a writer or a journalist if you want to put it that way. I hurried down the hallway before I noticed my best friend Sarah running towards me in the hallway towards the reception stopping me in my tracks.


"Allie, Allie!" She shouted running from beside the narrow staircase in the main reception that led to the library in the hallway.

"Heya Sarah." I greeted her as she stopped running in front of me. One thing you should know about Sarah she is a pretty girl but she could also be a bit of a drama queen at times.


She was prettier than me; to be honest anyone is prettier than me. She had long light blonde hair that sat on her waist but for today it had been tied back in a tight ponytail, she had emerald light green eyes, pale skin but not as pale as mine and she was five foot seven. She wore a red dress that covered her arms and stopped mid length, a pair of black leggings and a pair of black boots. I on the other hand, wasn't as pretty as her, I had light sapphire blue eyes which I had inherited from my father, I had pale skin, dark brown hair that rested on my back unlike my mother, her hair rested on her shoulders. I was also taller than Sarah: I was five foot eight.


"How are you buddy? Did you enjoy last night?" She asked me while smiling at me showing off her pearly white teeth.

"Yes I did, did you? I hope you had a great birthday." I answered politely.


"Yeah I did, it was great fun having you over at my house last night. I just wish it wasn't Monday again." She responded.

"I know I hate Mondays. We better get to class before our teacher gets there first." I exclaimed.


"You mean Mrs. Ferguson who tells us to call her Britney." She half-joked before giggling.


I nodded before we made our way up towards the D floor and made our way towards D twelve and thankfully our teacher hadn't had arrived yet so we just decided to sit outside the class and sit on the ground beside each other.


"Where are we after this class?" I inquired.


Sarah quickly un-zipped her light purple bag that she used as a college bag and got out her timetable and rolled up her eyes.

"What?" I asked.


"We have maths after this." She stated.


"Oh right." I answered understanding why she was annoyed about that.


It was because we had both not got our level two in maths so we had to do maths and recently the maths teacher had not been showing up to teach us probably because she had been off sick.


Once Mrs. Ferguson had arrived ten minutes before 9.30 am we walked into class, it was a decent-sized class, and there were enough tables for the amount of students that were actually doing the course. I sat at the back row on the left- hand side so I was next to one of the windows.


Sarah sat beside me on my right giving me a warm smile; I loved her so much she was such a good friend. I could tell her anything without being backstabbed or anything like that.


We both disliked people like that: they were so bitchy. We had been friends since school. As more people arrived I couldn't help but notice the popular people arrive. One of them was called Hayley-Taylor Johnston. She was the most popular girl in the class.


She was rich, her hair was naturally blonde but she had recently dyed it to a strawberry blonde, it sat down on her waist but it was always seen tied back in a plat, a ponytail or a fancy bun. Today she had it tied back in a tight fancy bun; she had hazel brown eyes, ivory tan skin and she stood at the height of five foot ten so yeah she was very tall. She was eighteen years old and before you ask no she wasn't a virgin. How do I know this? There was a rumor a few months ago that she had lost her virginity to her boyfriend called Thomas Hilton who was one of the popular guys that had been studying performing arts in the college but one day he had stopped contacting her or she had found him cheating on her and he had left her for another woman. I don't know if the rumor is true or not since I don't really listen to gossip unlike Sarah she likes a good gossip sometimes. If the rumor is true I don't know whether or not to feel sorry for her or not considering the fact that she bullied me when I attended school.


I on the other hand was in fact a virgin still not like I really cared or not. Was it really a big deal? I sighed trying to think of something else. Since I had a secret that I couldn't tell anyone, not even Sarah. I read erotic books and I didn't care less I often wondered what making love was like. I shook my head trying to rid myself of such thoughts.


I couldn't help but notice what Hayley was wearing, it was a black strapless dress that stopped at her mid thigh, a pair of black tights that had patterns of butterflies on them, a pair of black boots that stopped halfway up her long legs, and a dark green long-sleeved cardigan to keep her warm from the cold I assumed.


Okay so she probably wasn't the class slut like she used to be in school. However, there were some popular women in the class that were friends with Hayley and believe me they did dress for summer in a sluttish way despite the fact it was winter.

They all sat in the middle row normally some of them would sit at the back row but strangely they didn't come over and complain to us about sitting at the back row.


"Now everyone today I want you to pick a topic to write for your portfolio." Mrs. Ferguson explained.

I watched as Hayley put her hand up before I could and asked the teacher if she could write it on about Fifty Shades of Grey. I rolled up my eyes really why couldn't she have chosen a wondrous book instead of that crappy book? I haven't read the book but I had heard that it had been badly written.


"What are you going to do your portfolio on babe?" Sarah whispered to me.


"You two at the back zip it!" Mrs. Ferguson snapped.


It wasn't long until I noticed Hayley smirking at us. Really what is her problem? I thought as I took out my notepad from my bag and a pen before writing a short poem in it.


I put my hand up asking the teacher if I could write it on 'Wuthering Heights.' I may have liked reading erotic books but I still thought that there were better books than Fifty Shades of Grey but in fairness I guessed it was better than Twilight anything was better than Twilight. After all vampires do not sparkle.


The teacher agreed and before I knew it was time for maths. We both waited for the popular people to go first because we both knew that if we even attempted to go before them they would just be bitchy to us and there would be consequences, Hayley and her bunch of friends would make sure of that by accusing us of something and then we would both get into trouble.


As we wandered out of the class and made our way down to the B floor to B seven we entered the class and sat in the middle row this time because Hayley and her friends had arrived at the class before us and were sitting at the back row. Now before you ask, no we weren't scared of them, they were just really bitchy and it was a mystery to us.


Sarah and I once again sat beside each other, and as we waited patiently for the teacher to arrive I was about to get out my notepad once again only to feel something like a piece of paper hit my head. I noticed that it had landed on the classroom floor beside my desk and like any decent person I picked it up and reckoned that perhaps there was something that had been written on it. It had been crunched up into a ball and as I un-wrapped it I felt my eyes widen at the message on it. The writing was messy, it had clearly been written by one of the boy's in the classroom but I couldn't help but wonder if one of the girls had told them to write it.


"Watch yourself missy or else I will make sure that will be the last time you and your little friend will be sitting at the back row." This was indeed a warning or in other words a threat. What have I ever done to them? I shook my head trying to clear my head and fold the piece of paper neatly before getting up off my seat and walk towards one of the bins that was next to the teacher's desk up at the front of the classroom and put the piece of paper into the bin.


I honestly hated messages like that, I was here to enjoy the course not to let anyone bother me but then again I couldn't complain even if I wanted to because the teachers would only say that I was paranoid.

Honestly when will: this bullying stop? Probably: never. Sometimes I see some of the popular people in the class whisper when I am near them. It's so impudent in my opinion you would think they would know better than that.


As I sat down in my seat again beside Sarah I was surprised to see Mr. Barkley turn up to teach the class apologising for being late.

My eyes scanned what he was wearing; he wore a dark navy blue suit, a light blue long-sleeved shirt, a pair of dark rusty brown coloured trousers and a pair of light brown shoes to match his light brown short hair. He was a man in his early forties. He had dark green eyes and was okay with his students but I can say this if he was in a bad mood you wouldn't want to cross him.


"Morning class." He greeted us in his deep voice that was kind of raspy for some odd reason today.


"Morning Mr. Barkley." We all greeted him back.


"Did you hear about Hayley?" Sarah whispered only to be interrupted by the teacher.


"Miss Emerson if you have something to say would you mind sharing it with the class?" Mr. Barkley had ways of pissing her off.


"No Mr. Barkley I have nothing to share with the class." She said trying her best not to sound sarcastic.


As I did my best to focus on the lesson, we were all given a page of sums that started off easy and eventually became harder.


"Hayley and Thomas have gotten back together." She whispered again.


"Good for them." I whispered back.


In all honesty I didn't care about other people's personal love lives, it wasn't any of my business and it wasn't any of Sarah's business anyway. I desperately wanted to tell her that I didn't care but then again she is my friend and I didn't want to seem rude.


Just when Sarah was about to speak again Mr. Barkley spoke again to her this time a bit too harshly I feared.


"Miss Emerson from now on I want you to sit beside Mr. Renferson I can see you are too much of a chatterbox beside Miss Jenkins over there. Move now please." He said in a voice that said ' don't make me repeat myself again.' I could tell Sarah didn't like this one bit because Connor Renferson was the college player, he had always been a player during school. Any girl who was foolish enough to go out with him always got their heartbroken in return.


He was the same age as me, dark brown short hair with a few spikes at the front, light emerald green eyes, real tan skin and to most girls he was cute for his age. To Sarah he was aggravating and she hated his guts. But even still she didn't dare protest against Mr. Barkley's wishes.


She moved over towards the desk beside the player and did her best not to show she was irritated by the fact she had to sit beside him in maths class from now on.


I guess I would be sitting in maths class on my own from now on. As the time passed I did my best to get the sums done and before I knew it the class had ended and it was break time.


As we departed from the class I picked out a red apple out of my bag and ate it quickly as I made my way towards the library I always went there at break time, it was a place where I could think and have some spare time to myself.


As I rambled through various hallways  I had finally reached the library I smiled at the very thought of having some peace and quiet. I ambled into the library, it was a decent sized library, and there were plenty of computers on the left-hand side of the library for students to use, to check their Hotmail messages or to do their studies on. However they did have their rules, for an example you weren't allowed to eat or drink in the library or use the computers for social media purposes.


There were plenty of shelves on the right hand-side of the library where there were plenty of books to read, there were a few tables with four chairs and on each shelf was a category to say what types of books were there.


It was quite useful in my opinion. I made my way over towards the 'romance' section and picked out a book called 'Angels Home' by Regina Farrell. She was a brilliant author I loved her books, they were so well written I wish I had her talent to be honest.


I took hold of the book and sat down on one of the chairs at one of the tables that were free to sit at. As I opened the book and read the first page that talked about the author I couldn't help but chuckle quietly at the sentence apparently the author lived in Cuba with her eight imaginary boyfriends. Really how original I thought before deciding to move on to the first chapter of the book.


It wasn't long until I began to feel slightly tired from reading the book but I did my best not to fall asleep I was after all at college not at home in my bedroom.


I sighed checking the time on the clock in the library that hung on one of the grey walls and noticed that I had five minutes to get to my next class. A sigh escaped my red luminous lips before putting the book back in its place and leaving the library we were back in D twelve apparently with Mrs. Ferguson.


I didn't waste any time I made my way back to my main classroom. When I entered the classroom I sat down beside Sarah who was still looking annoyed as ever so I thought it was best not to speak to her especially when she was in this state.


To be honest we really didn't do very much in the class all we really did was talk about how important it is at being a journalist and everyone was asked what kind of journalists they would like to be when they are older.


Most of them said that they wanted to write about famous people, like Katy Perry and Brad Pitt. But I wanted to write about nature and animals, which I ended up getting some laughs and some whispers from some of the popular people at the back row.


As for the rest of the day, lunch wasn't anything special I just spent it with Sarah in the canteen and spoke about what we planned to do on the weekend. When we both mentioned that we weren't doing anything really on the weekend Sarah came up with the suggestion that we could go to the cinema.


"Allie how about we go to the cinemas on Saturday?" She suggested.


"Sure what time?" I questioned her.


"How about 7.00 pm? You could meet me outside the Riverside Cinema." She exclaimed.


"Yeah sure. I'll check with my parents." I admitted.


"Okay babe." She smiled happily.


After lunch our classes went by very quickly and I have to say when the day had come to an end I have to say I couldn't wait to get home I wanted to fall asleep so badly since I had such an headache.


I made my way over towards one of the buses that were already at one of the bus stops outside the tech. I took out my purse that was in one of my college bag pockets and thankfully I had enough money to afford the bus.


Once I had paid the bus driver to take me near to where my house was I sat down on one of the seats at the back and gazed out of one of the windows and eventually I found myself drifting off into what I hoped to be a peaceful slumber.


I was in a woodland area: it was a forest. I: was surrounded by large trees, grass that was tickling my legs and flowers that were growing beautifully. The sun was shining brightly almost blinding me. I continued to wander through various parts of the beautiful forest. Hours passed and as much as I admired the scenery of the forest I found myself wanting to go back home before dark.

I took different routes each time I would come to a junction in the woods, and if I did not come to a junction then I would come to a dead end in the forest. To make matters worse I started to hear someone speak my name.

"Allie, Allie." It was a voice that I didn't recognise but it was a male's voice. At first it was like a soft melody as if someone would be comforting a small child by singing sweetly to them. Even so I continued to wander through the woods.

As I ventured further through the woods the voice continued to say my name but it was no longer that soft-melody tone. It had been replaced by a demanding tone of voice as if the person who had been speaking my name had been angered by my disobedience since I had not come to them.


The hairs on my arms began to flare up as I started to get goose bumps on them due to the fact that it was getting slightly cold probably because night time was on its way and it wouldn't be long for it to arrive.

I started to run and place my hands over my ears to try and tell myself that this was my imagination playing tricks on me but the voice continued to get louder and louder until I started to become scared of the sound of its malicious tone.

My feet began to feel sore due to the fact that I had been running through the forest and I became hungry and thirsty. Was there anywhere were I could sleep? I wondered as I sighed deeply only to see a dark mansion in the distance I forced myself to walk onwards through the forest.


I soon came to a bridge in the forest, it was flooded since it had been raining I guessed but it looked safe enough to cross. I walked forward despite the fact that it was flooded but when I reached the middle it creaked making me feel as if something was wrong as if to warn me not to go any further. I tried for a second time to walk on but it creaked even louder making me back away. I wanted to cross but something inside of me told me not to do so.


I walked back until I saw a man standing behind me.


"You cannot cross the bridge, do not cross the bridge do not even attempt to do so foolish girl." He said but I couldn't see his face only his figure due to the fact that his hood had been pulled up to hide his pale visage.

"Why must I not cross the bridge?" I asked.


"Only she who is of beauty and royal blood may cross this bridge, only she who loves her master and only she who is of kindness and unselfishness may cross this bridge." He says before everything in my vision falls into darkness.



I gasp as I open my eyes just a dream I tell myself it was only a dream I tell myself repeatedly as I realise that the bus has already come to a stop and it has stopped at the bus stop across from my house.


I thank the bus driver and get off the bus only to open the gate to my house and to close it after me. I walk down the driveway that is full of gravel. I walk towards the back of the house and open the back door that leads me into the kitchen. I walk through the hallway and make my way upstairs into my bedroom closing the door behind me and sit down on my bed wondering, just wondering why on earth did I have such a nightmare? Did it mean something? I shake my head of course not after all it was a dream and nothing more just a dream.


Chapter Two New Schedules


"Allie dinner is ready!" My mother shouted from downstairs. I responded quickly by shouting just as loudly.

"I'm coming!" I shouted before walking out of the room closing the door behind me. I made my way downstairs and entered the kitchen.


My mother stood at the black island in the center of the kitchen. She wore a light emerald green long-sleeved shirt, a pair of blue trousers and a pair of black shoes. Her dark brown hair almost black had been tied back in a tight-fitted bun. Her face was pale looking due to the fact that she had been doing a lot of nightshifts recently at the hospital.


"Allie do you want to get a drink for yourself?" She suggested.


I nodded before getting pit a clean glass from one of the cupboards in the kitchen placing it on the small island before opening the fridge and getting out the milk.


The kitchen wasn't very big to be honest, the walls were a light purple, and there were a few cupboards, a fridge, a dishwasher, a small black island and a small-rounded table.


"Allie do you want to sit down at the table?" My mother questioned me.

"Do you not need any help?" I asked her.


I took the time to notice that three plates had been set on the black island already. She was already putting some pasta on each plate while speaking to me.


"I'm sure, you go and sit down." She said.


I sat down on one of the chairs at the table before noticing my father entering the kitchen. He had taken off his black-leathered blazer and now only wore his white long-sleeved shirt, his black trousers and his black shoes.


He sat down on one of the chairs at the table beside me.


I didn't have to wait very long for my mother to set my plate down before me at the table before putting the other two plates down on the table.


"How was college today? Allie." My mother questioned me.


"It was okay thanks." I answered.


"That's good honey." She responded.


We ate our dinner in silence for a while at least until I decided to break it.


"I was wondering would it be okay if I could go to the cinema with Sarah." I asked my mum.


At first my parents looked at each other as if they were having a private conversation with each other without words.

"I suppose it would be okay, what day were you thinking about going to the cinema with her?" My mum replied.


"We have arranged to meet up at the cinema on Saturday, we were thinking about going to see the hobbit: desolation of smaug." I responded.


"What time were you thinking of going to see the cinema at?" My father threw me another question.


"We planned to meet each other at 7.00 pm outside the Riverside Cinema." I stated.


"I'm afraid you will have to reschedule the time." My mother told me.


"Why you're not busy are you?" I questioned.


"We have arranged to go out for dinner with Mr Thompson. It has been booked for all three of us to meet him and his son." She exclaimed.


"Why did you not tell me this earlier?" I urged.


"Allie we didn't tell you earlier because you never asked." My mother explained.


"Who is Mr Thompson?" I sighed.


"He is Aidan's father." She answered.


"Who is Aidan?" I questioned.


"He went to your school you'll know when you see him on Saturday." She said.


"I think I know who you mean. But why are we going out for dinner with strangers? You haven't even met Mr Thompson in person." I complained.


"Your father met him a few days ago last week I believe outside the bank." My mum remarked.


I turned towards my father as if I was seeking an answer from him and as if he knew what I was asking he nodded.


"Yes, I saw him last Friday outside the bank with his son Aidan." My father retorted.


"But why have you both arranged to have dinner with him?" I pushed them.


"You'll find out when we have dinner with them." My father answered this time.


"I won't have dinner with a bunch of strangers!" I raised my voice angered by this arrangement.


After I had raised my voice I immediately regretted it because my farther stood up from his chair and raised his voice just as loudly.


"You will join us for dinner on Saturday, the table has already been booked by Mr Thompson. You're going whether you like it or not. It has been decided." He shouted at me.


"Well I don't like it at all, I have never met Mr Thompson, his son used to bully me at school and now you're telling me I have to have dinner with a bunch of people that mean nothing to me!" I shouted again.


"We are your parents, you will show us some respect!" My father raised his voice again for the last time before storming out of the kitchen.


I stood there in the kitchen in silence behind my chair. I watched my mother walk over towards me pulling me into a hug.


"Allie you shouldn't have spoken to your father like that in such a manner. You know how he is when he loses his temper." My mum tried to comfort me.


"I do not to be forced to do something that I don't want to do, or to go somewhere that I don't want to go to." I complained.


"I know you don't want to go out for dinner on Saturday but perhaps you could consider this as an opportunity. Maybe you can still meet up with Sarah on Saturday just at a different time. Please Allie the table has already been booked and you won't be harassed by Aidan or by anyone. According to your father he is quite the gentleman actually." She explained.


Another sigh escaped my lips despite the fact that I didn't want to go out for dinner something told me that it was important that I did go out for dinner with my parents on Saturday night.


"I'll see if Sarah and I can reschedule." I noted.


"Thank you dear." She responded.


"Where will we be going for dinner?" I wanted to know.


"We will be going to a fancy restaurant called 'Charlie's Factory'." She stroked my cheeks.


"It sounds like it is a new restaurant from the way you have said it." I pointed out.


"It opened a few weeks ago, it isn't too far away from where I work actually." She smiled happily.


"I take it I will have to wear some fancy dress to this restaurant." I folded my arms.


"Allie please don't be like that. You know you can't wear whatever you want to a fancy restaurant." My mother made a point.


"I mightiest well go upstairs to call Sarah. Thank you for dinner it was lovely." I thanked her. I desperately wanted to say that it was lovely right up to the point where my father had ruined it.


But I knew better than to say that to my mother. I walked out of the kitchen and made my way upstairs again until I was in my bedroom again.


I closed the door behind me, I took out my mobile phone from one of my bag pockets and turned it on.


I pressed the contacts tab and decided to ring Sarah she picked up on the second beep.


"Hello babe." She greeted me.


"Hey Sarah." I greeted her back.


"What's up?" She asked.


"Nothing much really. I've just been told to reschedule my plans since my parents have already made plans of their own to take me out for dinner on Saturday night." I sighed once again.


"Can't you tell them that you don't want to go?" Sarah suggested.


"I tried doing that and it didn't work. They told me that I'm going whether I like it or not. Well my father told me that anyway." I stated.


"I guess this means we can't go to the cinema then on Saturday." She exclaimed.


"Can we not reschedule the time?" I asked.


"Bird I can't go to the cinema in the afternoon because my parents need my help and also my boyfriend is coming over at 3.00 pm. The only time that I am free is 7.00 pm." She informed me.


"I guess we will have to meet up on Sunday then." I gave up.


"Can't do that either babe, going over to see my granddad for most of the day on Sunday." She told me.

"Yeah." I replied.


"Tell me who are you going out to have dinner with? Apart from your parents." She asked interested in the subject.


"We're having dinner with Mr Thompson and his son. He apparently attended our school." I answered.


"Who is his son?" She threw me another question.


"Aidan Thompson, he used to bully me at school." I exclaimed.


"Oh my god are you serious? I thought your parents didn't know the 'Thompsons.'?" She stretched out the surname. I sighed one more time before talking again.


"That's what I thought also but it seems like my father has already met Aidan and his father. Also apparently Aidan has changed, apparently he is now quite the gentleman." I heard her laugh once I had finished my sentence.


"Babe maybe he has. I guess you're going to have to wait and see. I wonder if anybody else will be there apart from him and his father." She said.


"What do you mean?" I questioned.


"Well a few years ago, there was a rumour going around in our school that he had a brother, I don't know who started the rumour. Or who had passed it around." She stated.


"But if he had a brother, surely he would've gone to the same school as Aidan." I responded.


"Nobody knows, Aidan never commented on the rumour or even answered people's questions ever when they tried to find out if it was true or not. They never found out if he had a brother or not." She explained.


My curiosity had gotten the better of me and I soon found myself throwing questions at Sarah.


"Do you believe the rumour?" I asked her.


"I often thought about it, but I don't know if I believe it or not. The rumour soon stopped anyway and Aidan normally keeps to himself since he was always so quiet about his personal life." She explained.


"How do you know?" I motioned for her to continue on.


"Well I would often see some of the school girls trying to chat him up and I remembered one time I overheard one of the girls talking to him and I noticed that she was trying to ask him if he fancied anyone and he told her politely that he would rather keep that to himself. That gave me the impression that he was the quiet sort of guy." She stated.


"Really wow, but how did the rumour about his brother start off? What were people saying?" I asked.


"Well it started off with people saying that he had a brother but people never saw him, and people continued to gossip things around the school. You know the saying what goes around comes around." She said with as much enthusiasm that she could muster.

The saying was so true though, I despised gossip in a way unless it was coming from a best friend then I didn't mind it but if it was coming from anyone else like people like Hayley or teachers even then I hated it.


"I guess we'll never know if he has a brother or not." I told her.


"You could always ask him on Saturday, I'm sure he would tell you." She said jokingly.


"Very funny, I'm sure he'll tell me how large or how small his penis is too if I ask him." I joked back.


I didn't have to wait very long, it was only mere minutes until I heard Sarah burst out into fits of laughter nearly hurting my ear since it was so loud.


"Cheeky little bitch, I wouldn't ask him that." She chuckled.


"You know I wouldn't ask things like that." I chuckled along with her.


"I know you wouldn't bird." By this stage she had already calmed down.


"Do you think he really has changed since school?" I questioned her.


"I don't know bird, he probably has. Just wait and see when you see him on Saturday. You might actually enjoy talking to him." She remarked.


"Enjoy talking to Aidan? I don't think so. The guy is nothing but a pervert." I said.


"You'll never know. Anyway babe I'm going to go here. Love you." She said making me smile.


"I love you too, take care bye." I said before ending the call with her.


After I had ended the call with Sarah I plopped myself down upon the bed and rested my head against one of the pillows, I couldn't help but wonder if Aidan did have a brother. If he did have a brother what would he look like? Would he look like Aidan? What would his personality be like? Would he act like Aidan? I couldn't help but allow questions to circulate around in my mind.


I decided to take off my shoes and rest my feet upon the duvet only to climb into bed and pull the duvet cover over my chest and switch off the lights. But before I could close my eyes and even think of having a rest I heard my bedroom door open and my mother entered the bedroom.


"Allie honey what are you doing in bed?" She questioned me softly turning on the lights again.


"I just wanted to go for a nap." I admitted.


"Are you not feeling well?" She asked me.


"I'm fine, just tired mum." I yawned before covering my mouth.


"Do you want me to get you anything?" She asked another question.


"No thank you mum." I answered sleepily.


"Okay let me know if you need anything." She kissed my forehead switching off the lights and leaving my bedroom.


I nodded before allowing my eyes to close and allowed myself to fall into a deep slumber.


I found myself being absolutely bored to death, despite the fact that my eyes were closed I simply couldn't sleep as the flashes of that stupid dream had appeared once again but I decided that I wasn't having any of it.


I slowly opened my eyes after squirming around in my bed, I wasn't able to sleep at all.


Thoughts were spinning around in my head constantly, I slowly got up and turned back on one of the lights in my bedroom making my way towards one of my bedroom windows only to see that I had forgotten to pull the curtains over, they were still pulled back and it was pitch black outside now.


I found it impossible to tell how much time had passed since I had that conversation with Sarah on the phone, perhaps an hour maybe more I thought.


My thoughts were still on the conversation that I had, had with Sarah about the rumour was it really true? Or was it false? I couldn't decide. All I knew though was that when Saturday came, if Aidan was to give me trouble I would make sure to return the favour to him with pleasure.


No stars nor a moon in sight, I couldn't see but that didn't stop a smile from coming to my lips.


I really wanted to know if he had a brother or not and if he did I wouldn't mind trying to get to know him. Anyway anyone is better than Aidan right? Or at least I hoped that.


I stared out of my window continually that night just wondered and prayed that on Saturday night nobody would piss me off and if they did I wouldn't let them bring me down so easily.


Chapter Three Our First Meeting

I gazed out of my bedroom window, staring out in the darkness I felt so bored. The week had dragged in quickly, too quickly in my opinion.


Saturday had already arrived and I had not seen or heard from Sarah since Friday. Probably due to the fact that we had to cancel our meeting up schedule thanks to my two loving parents who had arranged to go out for dinner tonight.


I heard my bedroom door open, my mother walked into the room only to tell me to hurry up and put something appropriate on for dinner.


At the minute I was wearing a navy blue checker shirt, a black 'Breaking Benjamin' short-sleeved t-shirt, a pair of black leggings and a pair of slippers.


"Mum do I really have to dress up in some sort of fancy dress?" I complained.


"Yes Allie you do." My mother responded.


I sighed distastefully before storming into my small dressing room and picked out a plain light pink strapless dress, and a black cardigan to go with it. I removed my tops and quickly lifted out a strapless bra from one of my top drawers. After removing the bra: that I had been wearing for most of the day, I soon replaced it with the strapless bra before putting on my strapless pink dress and my black cardigan before putting my other bra into the small wash basket that I kept in my bathroom.


I stepped out of my bathroom only to notice what my mother was wearing. She was wearing a long blue cerulean dress with straps, a pair of silver pumps and a long-sleeved white cardigan. Her hair had been tied back into a tight fitted-bun.


"You look lovely mum." I complimented truthfully noticing the dark shade of red lipstick that covered her natural shade of lips

"Thank you dear, shall I do your makeup for you?" She offered.


"No thank you, I don't want any makeup." I answered.


"Allie you can't go out for dinner without any makeup on what would people think of you?" My mother started to give me one of her lectures.


"I don't care what people think of me, they can say and think what they like about me. I don't care." I stated.


"Allie at least let me put some mascara on for you." My mother insisted.



I eventually gave up sitting down on the bed in defeat only for my mum to fiddle around in her small makeup bag and take the black mascara out.


"Look up honey." She instructed.


I looked up towards the ceiling doing my best not to blink my eyes, as my mum started to put some mascara on to my eyelashes before going to my left eyelashes.


After she had finished doing my eyelashes, I allowed her to put some of her red lipstick on to my lips. I thanked her before I watched her leave the room. After I had finished getting ready I heard my mother telling me to come down. I sighed I really didn't want to go out for dinner.


I walked out of my bedroom and made my way downstairs and made my way into the kitchen only to see my parents at the back door.


My father stood at the back door holding it open for me. I walked out thanking him before getting into his car and getting into one of the back seats.



The drive was long and boring to be honest due to the fact that there was nothing to talk about.


It felt like hours, the journey I mean but sadly we had only been in the car for half an hour. When we had finally arrived in the car park we departed from the car and wandered around in the streets until we noticed a restaurant with big flashy lights and big bold letter words saying 'Welcome to Charlie's Restaurant' or something like that. In all honesty I wasn't really paying any real attention to the letters since my mind wasn't on the letters.


I was more focused on whom I would be having dinner with.


We entered the restaurant and it was pretty busy with many people waiting in their seats some couples chatting away to one another while waiting on their meal, some eating their dinner on their own and some just having drinks with one another.


We didn't have to wait very long for one of the waiters to come up to us and greet us.


"Welcome, may I help you with anything?" The waiter asked. He was attired in a white short-sleeved shirt with red stripes on it; he also had his own name badge on his shirt that had his name on it.


Jackson was his name: he had light chestnut brown hair, emerald light green eyes: and pale skin. He was also quite lean and stood at the height of six ft one.


"Yes we have a table booked under the name Thompson." My father explained



I watched Jackson walk over towards a desk that had a large book with all of the bookings that had been made for tonight I assumed. He didn't take very long to grab menus for us and showed us to our table.


When we arrived at our table there was already three men, one elderly man possibly in his mid fifties was sitting in the middle with two men that looked as if they were both in their early twenties.


I sat down first near to one of the glass windows, I watched my mum sit down beside me and my father followed afterwards sitting down beside her.


"Well is this your daughter?" The mid aged man asked. He was attired in a black jacket, a white long-sleeved shirt with gold cufflinks, a pair of black trousers, and a pair of black shoes. His hair was white, and his face was pale covered in winkles and long lines at the sides of his nose.



He must be a smoker I thought.


I took a look at the younger man that was sitting at the left-hand side, he had dirty blonde short hair, light blue eyes, pale skin and he must've been about six ft one. He wore a navy blue jacket, a white-long sleeved shirt, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black shoes.


As for the other man that was sitting beside the elderly man on the right- hand side, he had light blonde hair, hazel light brown eyes, pale creamy skin, and he stood at the height of six ft five. He wore a black suit, a white long-sleeved shirt with silver cufflinks, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black shoes. I had a feeling though as if he was very muscular, because underneath his shirt, I was pretty sure I could see a six pack or an eight pack since it was quite visible through his shirt.


It wasn't long until I noticed a large grin appearing on his red luminous lips, I found myself blushing since he had clearly noticed me staring at him in awe.


I shook my head, really why did I have to stare at him? There was nothing special about him.


"Yes this is our daughter Allie, Mr Thompson." My father's words brought me out of my trance.


"How old are you child?" He asked me.


Child! I am seventeen years old. I am a teenager not a child. Do you not know the difference?


I thought but knew better than to say that.


"I am seventeen years old sir." I answered politely trying my best not to grit my teeth.


"When will you be eighteen?" He questioned me.


"I will be eighteen next month." I stated.


Before he was about to speak again, I decided to beat him to it.


"Sir sorry but which one of your sons is called Aidan?" I questioned him.


I almost regretted it because Mr Thompson soon made his fist show at the table. But instead of banging the table he growled out quietly.


"I will be the one to ask the questions, not you feline." He replied.


"May I introduce my son Aidan?" He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder the one that was sitting beside him on the left-hand side of him.


He wore a grin on his face before I heard him speaking to me.


"Oh someone doesn't look very happy." He teased me.


"Oh someone doesn't look as if they are getting enough attention I flirted slightly.


"Allie quit your flirting." My father warned me.


"Who is this handsome young man on your right?" My mother asked Mr Thompson.


"Oh don't worry about him; he's my bastard servant Damian." He patted Damian's shoulder.


I cannot believe the words that I am hearing; this man is so rude and arrogant. I do hope Damian isn't like him.


I noticed Damian folding his arms slightly and gazing out of one of the windows, who could blame him I would too if someone called me a bastard.


"Turn around and face the front boy!" Mr Thompson shouted.

Damian faced the front continuing to stare at me, why was he now staring at me? Did I have something on my face? I'm sure I didn't.

"I love your dress, you look lovely in it." Aidan decided to compliment me.


"Thank you." I thanked him.


"Want me to un-zip it for you?" He winked. Great he was teasing me again.


This night keeps getting better and better. Sarcasm, this night is the worse night ever.


"Maybe you could stop being such a show off" I continued flirting slightly.


"Maybe I would love to be a show off." He flirted.


"That's not appropriate, you can't say that to her." Damian barked out furiously.


Okay what is his problem? I do know how to defend myself so why is he getting annoyed at this when it wasn't pointed at him?

But then again I had to admit, he did have a point. It wasn't appropriate especially when we are in a public place. But I really didn't care what was appropriate and what wasn't. But then again I was seventeen so what could you expect?


"Oh really now are you jealous?" Aidan teased.


"You can't say that to me!" Damian growled out. Okay somebody is in a very bad mood.


"Oh somebody is on their period." Aidan joked.


"Shut up! Aidan play nicely and you bastard shut the fuck up!" Mr Thompson said before I got to witness him slapping Damian across the face.


I watched Damian rub his sore cheek that had turned red from the hard slap. I couldn't help but feel angry at the fact that he had received a slap from Mr Thompson. What sort of father was he? No parent should ever hit their children no matter what age they are. Not to mention in front of guests! But then again Damian was a servant. But for some odd reason, I felt as if Mr Thompson had lied to my mother because if Damian was really a servant then why was he here? Why had he dressed up so smartly? But then again I have no proof to say Damian was related to Aidan, perhaps they weren't perhaps he was just a servant. I didn't know.


"Now let's get down to business." Mr Thompson announced.


"Yes of course." My father agreed.


"Now I would like it if the wedding would take place in three weeks time." He exclaimed.


"With all due respect Mr Thompson we would like to be able to celebrate our daughter's birthday next month. Would it not be possible to postpone the wedding until after her eighteenth birthday?" My mother explained.


"Insolence Mr Jenkins you would do well to teach your wife to hold her tongue in another man's presence." Mr Thompson exclaimed.


"Please dear, please let me handle this." I heard my father ask my mother politely.


"Now as I was saying, I have changed my mind now it will be two weeks time that the wedding will take place." My eyes widened at that. Two weeks no way!


"Very well, two weeks is good enough for us and Allie." My father pissed me off at that stage.


"Has everyone forgotten that I am listening to this conversation and I have not had a saying in it? Or am I all of a sudden invisible and no longer existing here." I folded my arms unimpressed with everyone at this table.


"Allie you cannot say that." I heard Damian speaking again.


"Gee all of a sudden I have a new brother to tell me what I can and cannot say." I said sarcastically.


"Mind your attitude Allie." He told me off again.


"Hmm very good Damian, you certainly know how to handle this feline." He patted Damian on the shoulder.


"The name is Allie, not feline." I gritted my teeth.


"So what films do you like?" Aidan decided to try and ease the tension.


"All sorts apart from scary movies." I replied.


"Oh it is a scary movie, I'm afraid." He decided to say in one of those silly voices just to tease me again.


Honestly if I didn't know any better I would say he was doing this deliberately just to annoy me. I wish I could put a bucket over his head just to get him to stop teasing me. As for Damian I didn't know why he was continuing to look at me, did he have some sort of staring problem? I had to admit though, he was nice looking, actually very nice looking. His light hazel brown eyes were enhancing I couldn't explain why though.


He continued to smile showing off his pearly white teeth. In fact they were so white I could almost say that they looked as if he had bleached them. But then again I don't know if he does or not.


"So what kind of music do you like? Allie?" Aidan questioned me making me break all contact with Damian.

"All kinds except artists like Lady Gaga and shit like that." I said.


"Don't swear!" Aidan told me off this time.


"I can swear if I want to." I commented back.


"Allie you can't say that." Damian growled out.


"I agree with Damian you can't swear. After all Allie we did not bring you up to be rude." My mother reminded me.

"Can we please get back to the subject?" Mr Thompson butted in.


"Of course we can. Mr Thompson." My father sounded guilty.


"Now I would like it if the wedding would be held in the church near to where my home is." He exclaimed.


"And who will I be marrying?" I said frustrated with this conversation.


"You'll find out next week." He stated.


"I would prefer to be told now." I stated.


"You will find out next week." He demanded.


"What day?" I wanted to know.


"Friday, you will find out." He gritted out his teeth.


I disliked this man with a passion, on one hand Aidan was grinning at me, and then on the other hand Damian was staring at me with a bigger grin on his face. Seriously why do both of these men have to be so strange and yet so handsome? Aidan was sociable but there was something about Damian that I couldn't put my finger on.


Why was he staring at me with a huge grin on his face? Why was he rude towards me? But not in the same way as Mr Thompson was. Was he really a servant? Something told me differently but I didn't know. He was very handsome though, in fact he was the most beautiful human being I had ever seen in my seventeen years of being alive.


"Why not today?" I asked.


"Allie: that is none of your business." Damian responded.


He was really pissing me off; in fact all three men were annoying me. I couldn't ask this, I couldn't ask that. Honestly it was as if I was in school and I had to act all grown up. This was awful. Thank goodness Damian wasn't related to me. Whoever I am to be married to, I hope it is not either one of these men especially Damian even if he is a gorgeous looking man.


I couldn't possibly like Damian. I mean fair enough both men are really handsome but to like them as in 'like, like' would just be wrong. There would be no way that I would be getting married to either one of them.


"I want to know now who I am getting married to." I banged my fists on the table.


"Allie where are your manners?" My mother shouted at me.


"Oh for fuck sake, shut up! You will find out soon." Mr Thompson shouted.


"I want to know now." I demanded.


"Shut up!" Mr Thompson banged his fists on the table this time.


"Hi there may I take your order?" A girl came over.


"My diet is ruined." My mother said out of the blue.


I was soon elbowed on my arm by my father; he did that when he was in a bad mood or when he was angry with me.

I made a face towards my dad before turning around only to see Damian rolling his eyes up at me. What is his problem now?

I cursed silently underneath my breath; I turned to face the waitress that had come over. She looked really pretty in my opinion; she had long red auburn hair tied back in a large ponytail, light emerald green eyes and pale skin. She stood at the height of five ft six. She wore nothing special, just her uniform. Her uniform actually looked nice. She wore a white- short sleeved buttoned up dress that rested at her knees. She also wore an orange apron, and had a name badge on her dress with her name on it.


Carissa was her name.


"Yes may I have a tiger beer? Please." I heard Aidan order.


"Sure: and you madam?" She asked me slightly blushing in the process.


"Am I'll have an apple juice? Please." I responded.


She smiled writing down the order before turning to Damian, only to blush even more when she made eye contact with him. Someone definitely has a crush on this male. I thought doing my best not to chuckle at my little conclusion.


"Hmm, I'll have an apple juice too." He said grinning cheekily.


He's such a copycat why couldn't he have ordered something different? How old is he anyway? I shook the thought off from my mind, I didn't care how old he was, and he looked about twenty or twenty two even.


As if reading my mind, he started to rest his chin on one of his hands, before speaking to me again.


"Do you like apple juice?" Such: a random question. I thought


"Yes I like apple juice, do you?" I questioned him.


"I love apple juice." He answered truthfully.


When our drinks had finally arrived after five minutes of waiting, we ordered our food. But unlike some restaurants that are very good with the service, we ended up waiting for forty five minutes and still our food had not arrived yet.


"I wish they would hurry up with my god damn meal! My staff at home: are better than these brats of rats." Mr Thompson started to complain again.


"I'm sure it will be here soon." I said.


"Nobody told you to speak feline." He still continued to call me that.


"Mr Thompson, my name is Allie." I told him.


"Shut up!" He scolded at me.


I stayed silent why did I have to be here? I sighed before seeing Mr Thompson march over towards one of the waiters.

I was actually surprised that none of the waiters or waitresses had come over to keep it down or to ask us to leave due to all of the commotion that had been happening at our table.


Eventually all of us ended up leaving due to the fact that we didn't get any dinner. Perhaps it was because most of the waiters and waitresses were scared to come over. If that was the reason, then I couldn't really blame them but I was hungry.


As we left the restaurant I couldn't help but ask Mr Thompson one more time the question that needed answering.


"Please tell me who I will be marrying." I pleaded.


"This is the last time I am going to be saying this, you will find out next week." He barked.


I watched him leave with Aidan. But it wasn't long until I felt a hand pinching my neck; I turned around only to see Damian walk off.

"What was that for?" I questioned


He didn't answer; all he did was turn around to give me a cheeky grin.


For some odd reason, his hand had left a tingly feeling in my neck; it was as if he was trying to tell me something.


For all I knew, he could've been the man that I was supposed to marry. But who knows, I'm seventeen years old, far too young to be getting married.


But then again as I decided to stroke my neck I couldn't help but notice that it was warm, Damian must have really warm hands.


I couldn't help but smile faintly at that thought. I still couldn't help but wonder who I was going to marry. And what had started off to be the worst night of my life had turned into a night of curiosity, this was after all our first meeting and what could I say? This had been a meeting that I would never forget.


Chapter Four Advice


When we returned home that night after our first dinner with the Thompsons, well it didn't go as you would have imagined it. Instead of my father raising his voice at me, he gave me the silent treatment and that was even worse.


He wouldn't acknowledge or even speak to me at all. He must've been very angry with me.


As for my mother in the car she was the one that had to tell me off for my behaviour.


"Allie I am very disappointed in you. I brought you up to be polite and very lady-like not to be rude and ignorant, especially at the dinner table in front of other people." She exclaimed.


"But mother, Mr Thompson was annoying me, and so were Damian and Aidan they wouldn't leave me alone. They were both irritating in my opinion anyway." I replied.


"Allie Mr Thompson might've been very rude, but Damian and Aidan were just trying to be sociable and were trying to get to know you. If you ask me Damian and Aidan were very polite and very mature. You on the other hand could've behaved better. You were very rude and very immature at the dinner table. You could've tried to be polite especially towards Aidan." She explained crossing her arms over in annoyance.


I sighed when we had entered the house, I rambled up the stairs and walked towards my bedroom when I had finally entered my room I sealed the door behind me before getting changed into my pyjamas and climbing into my bedroom. 


I pulled the duvet covers up towards my chest only to hear my mobile vibrate near one of my pillows.


I checked who was calling me and it was Sarah. I answered it only to hear her speak on the other line.


"Heya bird, did you miss me?" She asked me.


"Yeah, I missed you today, how are you?" I answered.


"I'm okay thanks, how did it go tonight with you and Aidan?" She questioned me.


"It was awful, his father is a mad man that doesn't know how to control his temper, and he brought a so called servant with him that was annoying the hell out of me tonight. He treated me as if I had been a naughty child that had done something wrong. It was just awful." I explained.


"Sounds like you had a fun time tonight." She said clearly getting the message.


"But the funny thing was, his so called servant didn't even look like a servant, he didn't even dress like a servant." I exclaimed.


"Hun I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet, maybe he had been told to accompany Mr Thompson to the restaurant." She suggested.


"But Sarah isn't that what an usher would do?" I pointed out.


"Maybe yeah, but like I said, maybe there was an explanation for this." She exclaimed.


"Yeah I have to say though they are both really strange." I stated.


"Really, I bet they are: all men are chick." She chuckled.


"Well maybe all men are strange, but the two men were both really strange. I mean one of them was teasing me and grinning at me and the other one was just staring at me and telling me that I couldn't say this and I couldn't say that." I told her.


"Sounds like: they both like you chick." She responded.


"Like me? I don't think so. I don't like either of them." That made her chuckle loudly.


"What's so funny?" I wanted to know.


"Allie, you are funny. If you didn't like them, you wouldn't be talking so much about them to me." She continued to chuckle.


"Oh Sarah stop teasing me, I've already had enough teasing from Aidan tonight, I don't need you teasing me now as well." I folded my arms fed up with being teased.


"Sorry bird, let's change the subject." She suggested.


"Yeah I would like that." I replied.


"Did you hear about Hayley?" She brought her up.


"No what about her?" I said.


"There's a rumour going around saying she is pregnant with her boyfriend's child." She explained.


"Well if she is pregnant with her boyfriend's child then I don't have any sympathy for her. She was after all rude to us and still trips us up in college." I stated.


"That does sound kind of harsh Allie." Sarah surprised me with her comment.


"Since when do you feel any sympathy for that cow?" I covered my mouth so I could yawn.


She didn't answer instead she stayed silent.


"Are you okay?" I asked.


"Yeah, I'm okay thanks. I'll let you go okay." She said before ending the call.


Well that was a strange call, I thought before turning my phone off to save the battery on it before turning off the lights and falling into a deep slumber.


The next morning was strange; I ended up waking up with a bad headache that I couldn't get rid of.


I continued to think about last night's events I know it was bad to dwell on passed events but I couldn't help it. Questions were still swimming around in my mind, and they wouldn't stop until they were satisfied with answers.


I probably wouldn't get any answers though, I sighed before getting dressed into a pair of dark blue trousers, a black short-sleeved top and pair of white sketchers. I left my hair down after I had given it a quick brush.


I really did feel like I wanted to go back to sleep again, I couldn't believe that it was Sunday; I kind of hated Sundays because it meant that tomorrow would be Monday. I was about to make my way downstairs until I heard my mobile vibrating.


I picked it up and checked who was calling me, it came up with a number that I was sure I didn't have in my list of contacts.

I answered it only to hear a man coughing on the other end of the line.


"Hello." I said quite shyly.


"Hello is this Miss Jenkins?" A man asked.


"If you are referring to Allie Jenkins, then yes this is Allie." I replied.


"Miss Jenkins, this is Joe I am the butler of Master Thompson, Mr Thompson; I believe you have already met him?" He explained.


"Yes I have met Mr Thompson why?" I asked again very shyly.


"He has requested that you come to his house tomorrow evening." He answered.


"Very well I shall bring my parents with me. At what time would you like us to be there at?" I questioned him.


"Oh no: he doesn't need to see your parents; it is just you he wants to see at 5.00 pm at his house." He responded.


"Okay why?" I questioned.


"He would like to see you tomorrow to discuss important matters."He stated.


"Okay sounds fun." I smiled.


"Okay enjoy the rest of your weekend Miss Jenkins." He said pleasantly.


"Goodbye Joe." I said before ending the call.


It didn't take me long though to realise that I had forgotten to ask for the house address since I didn't know where Mr Thompson lived.


It was only a few minutes until I heard my phone ringing again. It was a different number this time and I was sure this was yet another number that I didn't have in my contact list.


I answered it shyly.


"Hello." I greeted the person on the other line.


"Heya Allie, what's up?" I heard a young man speak, his voice sounded familiar.


"Who is this?" I avoided the question he had asked me.


"It's Aidan silly." He chuckled on the other end of the line.


"How did you get this number?" I wanted to know.


"Oh the genie gave me it." He teased me.


"Oh: really? Very funny, okay now who actually gave you my number?" I said.


"I just asked Joe what number he had dialled and he gave me the number so I could dial it on my phone." He answered.


"Oh okay, well I would appreciate it if you could delete my number, I'm hanging up now." I stated.


"Do you know where we live?" He questioned me reminding me that I needed to get the address off of him.


"No I don't. Can you please give me the address?" I responded.


"Sure 14 Elmo Gardens Sesame Street." He teased me.


"Oh come on be serious here." I pouted.


"24: Elswood Gardens in Emberwood Village." He replied.


"Thank you, now I'm hanging up." I said before ending the call.


I seriously wished that I didn't have to go to see Mr Thompson; it didn't sound fun to me at all despite the fact that I had told Joe that it did sound fun to me, I had lied just to be kind of course.


I walked downstairs noticing that my father and mother were sitting in one of the living rooms, they looked as if they had just recovered from some sort of argument or something.


When my father noticed me he gave me a faint smile and motioned for me to enter the living room.


I rambled into the living room sitting down on one of the sofas beside my mother.


"Did you sleep well? Allie." She asked me stroking my cheeks.


"Yes I slept well." I replied.


"That's good honey." My father stated.


"Why do you two look as if you've just had an argument? What's wrong?" I tried to find out some information.


I listened to my mother's sighing before I heard her speak.


"Allie we have to tell you something very important." She started.


"What is it?" Again my mother sighed forcing me to look at father for answers.


"Allie I take it you received a phone call from Mr Thompson's butler?" He suggested.


"Yes he rang me on my mobile number; I don't understand how he got my number though." I told him.


"He got your number because we gave your number to Mr Thompson so he could give it to Joe in order to ring you today." He admitted.


"You did what? I don't want that horrible old man having my number!" I screeched out.


"We gave it to him for good reasons Allie." My mother stated.


"What were these good reasons?" I said doing my best not to snap.


"It's difficult to explain." My mother replied.


This time my father sighed before speaking again to me.


"Allie, you're going to be moving in with Mr Thompson and his family." He announced gently.


"What why?" I almost jumped off the sofa.


"Someone robbed the bank that I was working at and has stolen a dreadful amount of money from my bank account which I cannot afford to pay back right now. The bank will be closing down in a few days and I am having a great deal of trouble finding a new job at the minute to support our family." He tried to explain clearly.


"I don't care, I don't want to be sent away to live with that asshole." I complained.


"Mr Thompson has given me his word that he will look after you." He stated.


"I don't need looking after! I'm not a kid anymore. I don't want to live with them!" I screeched.


"Allie don't you raise your voice to me. You're going to be moving in with the Thompsons until you're married of course. Then you and your husband can decide where you both want to live. But until then you'll be living with Mr Thompson and his family." He exclaimed.


"Do you two not love me anymore? Is this why you both want to get rid of me so eagerly?" I folded my arms over my chest.


"Of course not honey. But Mr Thompson has promised your father that he will help us with our money problem if we promise to let you stay with him for a while. He feels that it will be a good way to get to know you better." My mother admitted.


How sickening can this man be? I thought angrily before gritting my teeth together.


After a long argument, I decided to go back upstairs to my bedroom to pack my belongings. I couldn't believe that I was going to stay at Mr Thompson's house. It was strange I had never heard of Emberwood Village before, must've been quite a journey. I thought while I continued to pack for tomorrow.


After I had finished packing everything for tomorrow, I ended up resting on my bed before drifting off into a deep sleep.


I stood outside a woodland area; it looked like some sort of forest. I ended up walking through the various parts of the forest as if I was going on a little adventure of my own. I stopped after a while of wandering through the forest and decided to climb up one of the trees only to sit down on one of the large strong branches.



I carried a book in one of my hands and decided to open it up so I could read it. However I didn't get very far in the book because before I was able to turn the page I noticed a boy of maybe eleven or twelve years old gazing at me.



He had dark brown short hair, dark brown eyes almost black and pale skin. He looked about five ft six; he wore a dark blue navy hoody, a white long-shirt underneath it, a pair of blue trousers and a pair of white sketchers.


A smile had been plastered upon his red vibrant lips as if he knew something I didn't.


"What is up with you?" I questioned him.



"Nothing I was just wondering why a pretty girl like you would be wasting her time reading silly books when you could be doing something useful." He replied.


"Hmm I could be doing something useful like what?" I answered back.


"Hmm like playing hide and seek with me." He winked at me.


"I'm too old and mature to be playing games like that with a child like you. Being flirty doesn't work with me, and I'm too old for you. Find somebody your own age to flirt and to play with." I advised him.


"You're no fun at all. Grownups are so boring." He muttered.


"What is your name?" I asked since I didn't know him.


"Daniel, but my friends call me Danny." He responded.


He continued to make his smile even warmer by showing off his pearly white teeth. Seriously when will this kid cut it out?


"What's your name?" He questioned me.


"Allie." I smiled at him.

"Nice name." He complimented me.


"Thank you; I really like your name too." I admitted.


"Please, I really want to play hide and seek with you." He begged.


"Okay I'll play with you, on one condition, it is only one game." I stated.


"Okay I agree." He said climbing down the tree only to go and run off I assumed he was going to find a place to hide.


I covered my eyes and began to count to one hundred to give him plenty of time to find a hiding spot in the forest.


I woke up slowly from my nap, well at least that wasn't a nightmare, but it was one strange dream.


I checked the time on my watch that I was wearing on my wrist; it was 8.00 pm an hour after my usual dinner time.


I sighed leaving my bedroom only to go downstairs and into the kitchen to try and find myself something to eat.


I opened the fridge to see a margarita pizza. I licked my lips in delight; I took it out before setting it down upon the small black island.


"Have you everything ready for tomorrow?" I heard my mother questioning me.


"Yes I do." I turned slightly to see that she was standing next to the small black island gazing at me lovingly.


"That's good honey. Honey you know your father and I never really wanted to agree to this arrangement, to be honest I wish you weren't going to live with this man, after last night's events." My mother admitted.


"If you ask me the man is very temperamental." I stated.


"Well honey just be on your best behaviour and do everything they tell you to do and you should be fine. Just make sure you have everything packed for tomorrow." My mother smiled at me.


I watched her put the pizza in the oven for me and turn it on to full heat. I took this time to notice what my mother was wearing. She was wearing a light vivid green short-sleeved dress that stop at her knees, and the sleeves stopped at her elbows. Her hair had been tied back in a bun and she had a black coat to keep her warm.


"Are you working tonight?" I questioned her.


"Yes I am Allie." She answered truthfully.


I sighed I wish she wasn't going to work especially on a Sunday night. Sometimes I thought she worked too hard.

She smiled warmly before walking out of the kitchen and leaving the house locking the door behind her.

After a while, I took out my pizza and began eating it savouring the taste of it.


After I had finished it I made my way back upstairs to my bedroom only to go into my dressing room and find a decent-sized suitcase in there. My dad must've put it there.


I sighed as I lifted the suitcase up with my hands and placed it on the edge of my bed opening it only to put all of my clothes that I had in my drawers and in my dressing room into the suitcase.


I really didn't want to go to live with this man not to mention with two boys living there as well.


Tomorrow would come all too soon I knew that much since it was already 11.00 and I still had to dump a few other things into my suitcase.


There was perfume and a few other things that meant a lot to me.


After sometime I had finally finished packing my suitcase. I was about to set my alarm on my mobile until I noticed a message.


See you tomorrow sweetheart x


I didn't recognise the number so I didn't bother to respond to whoever had sent the message.


But the thought of the message never really left my mind, I wonder who had sent the message maybe it was Aidan since he had my number but then again it could've been anyone.


Without thinking about it any further I set my alarm for 6.00 am so I would be able to get up early for tomorrow before putting the suitcase down on the bedroom floor before putting on my pyjamas and getting into the bed pulling my duvet covers over my chest only to drift off into a peaceful night sleep.


Still at the back of my mind I wonder what tomorrow would bring along with college and moving into a house with a pair of strangers.


Chapter Five Welcome to Hell


Forwards and backwards, how many more times would I stir in my sleep? I thought before I fell out of my bed.

I groaned when the floor came into contact with my butt as I had landed on my butt on the brown-wooden- bedroom floor.

I rubbed my head before rubbing my eyes trying to get the sleep out of them. It was Monday and I wondered what the day would bring. I probably wouldn't learn anything new anyway. And like all teenagers I hated Mondays.


I was about to turn towards the bed that I had fallen out of until my eyes landed upon a suitcase that was sitting on my bedroom floor next to my chest of drawers.


Then reality had hit me, like a bolt of lightning. Today was the day that I was going to be moving in with Mr Thompson and his family. I groaned in annoyance as the realisation had come back to haunt me. I had packed nearly everything that I had needed and was precious to me last night into that suitcase that was now resting upon the wooden-brown floor.


If only the bank wasn't shutting down and if only someone hadn't robbed my father's bank account then I wouldn't be in this situation right now.


I slowly got off of the floor and sighed when I heard my alarm on my mobile going off. When I turned it off I wasted no time and rambled into the bathroom undressing myself only to have a quick shower.


The hot water that cascaded down my skin was relaxing. After five or ten minutes I turned the shower off and draped myself in a warm towel that had been on the rail. I brushed my teeth quickly and wandered back towards my bedroom only to get attired into a plain-white-short-sleeved top, a dark-green-checker-shirt, a pair of dark-blue-trousers and a pair of black shoes.


I quickly brushed my hair and didn't bother to do anything with it. I just decided to leave it down.


It wasn't long until I noticed the bed that I had fallen out of this morning, and the horrible realisation had struck me once again. Last night, had been the very last time that I would have slept in the bed that I had grown up sleeping in and getting out of in.

I couldn't believe how dark it was outside this morning after I had taken the liberty of pulling back the curtains and gazing at the black sky that was as black as bleak.


I quickly grabbed my college bag putting it on to my back and grabbed the handle of the suitcase that held all of my belongings inside.

It was strange though, normally my mother would've walked into my room to wake me up even if I had set the alarm on my mobile to get me up at 6.00 am. Even if she had been on nightshifts, she would always wake me up in the mornings no matter what.


I rambled out of my old bedroom after taking one last glance at it.


Questions started to swim through my mind would I have to say goodbye to Sarah? I hope that wouldn't be the case. I hoped that if I moved into the home of a man that I already had a massive dislike for that I wouldn't have to say goodbye to anyone that I was friends with.


A sigh left my lips as I ambled down through the hallway until I had reached my parents' bedroom that was at the other end of the corridor.


The bedroom had been made up carefully and neatly, and neither of my parents were there in the bedroom so I assumed that they must've been downstairs.


After closing the bedroom door quietly I carried my suitcase in my arms carefully as I made my way down the stairs until I had reached the bottom of the staircase.


Once again, I grabbed the handle of the suitcase and started to pull it until I had entered the kitchen. No smell of pancakes filled my nostrils, but then again I guess you couldn't have pancakes every day in the morning.


I stopped as I had entered the kitchen. I saw my mother and my father sitting opposite each other like they had always had.

My mother looked very pale with huge bags underneath her weary eyes, she looked as if she had been weeping quite a bit and she was still in her uniform that she had worn last night to work.


"What's wrong? Mum." I questioned her softly.


"Nothing dear, I just wish you weren't leaving that is all." She said as I enveloped her in a hug. But somehow I got the feeling that she wasn't telling me something. As if she was hiding something from me.


"Allie, I'll take you to college." My father told me.


I nodded in understanding before sitting down at the table and eating the toast that had been placed on a plate on the table for me.

I ate it quickly before giving my mum one last hug and letting my dad take my suitcase and my bag off of me so he could put them both inside the car.


After saying goodbye to my mum I walked out of the back door and got into the front passenger's seat I looked back at the house that I had spent my seventeen years in. And now I would be leaving it probably for good.


The whole situation was too much to take in, at one minute my life was normal and now it was going to completely change. For good or for worse I didn't know and I couldn't tell but my best guess is that it was going to change for the worst.


Why did I have to marry a complete stranger? All because of someone robbing my dad's bank account.


Well if you ask me whoever robbed my dad of his money should go to hell because they have made our lives go down the drain.


For a few minutes the drive was quiet until I decided to break the silence.


"Dad must I really have an arranged marriage with a complete stranger?" I questioned doing my best not to sound desperate.


"Yes you must marry the person that you are going to marry but I promise you Allie, it won't be a complete stranger." He responded.


Cocking an eyebrow at my father's response I couldn't help but let the curiosity build up inside of me.


"Who is it? Who will I be marrying?" I urged him.


"I can't tell you that Allie. You'll find out on Friday." He admitted looking very weary.


"Why not? It's so frustrating. I shouldn't have to move into a house that is owned by a repulsive man that doesn't care if he hurts others or not." I complained.


"This is hard for me too Allie, your mother and I don't want to hand you over to Mr Thompson but we have no choice. And he has given me his word that he will not lay a finger on you even if he loses his temper with you." My father assured me giving me a kiss on the forehead.


"But it's not fair." I stated.


"I know it isn't but we have no other option." He explained gently.


I sighed deeply there was no point in arguing over the subject since it would be pointless. And before I knew it we had reached the entrance of my college.


The expression that had been plastered over my father's pale visage had given me the feeling that we probably wouldn't see each other again for a very long time and it saddened me in a way to see him in such an emotional wreck. Never in my life had I thought that I would live to see the day that my father would be depressed by my absence.


However, he managed to hold back his tears that I could just picture wanting to slip from his eyes that were threatening to swallow up with water.


"Good girl." He sighed deeply before embracing me in a tight hug and stroking my back tenderly.


"I don't want to go." I blurted out before allowing some tears to fall down on to my father's shoulder. Sobbing quietly while he was patting my back with care.


"Now, now no tears. You cannot cry Allie, you must be strong. You must be strong." He said the last few words with emotion that told me he was fighting back his tears and it was hard for him to do so.


"I don't want to leave you and mum, I love you daddy." I continued to sob quietly until I found them quietening down as my father started to hum a tune that sounded familiar to me but I couldn't place it.


"I know you do honey. But listen to me. Your mother and I never would give you up. We're doing this because we love you. Please if you won't do this for your sake then do it for us. Do it because you love us. Just as your mother and I love you." He decided to break the hug only to wipe a tear away that had started to run down my cheek without me noticing it.


I listened quietly. I nodded in response to my father's statement while considering my next few words carefully knowing that these words would probably be my last words that I would be saying to my father.


"Can I visit you and mama?" I questioned carefully.


"I'm afraid that will be up to Mr Thompson. But you may write or ring us if you can find the time." He answered.


"I love you daddy." I repeated those words again.


"I love you too my daughter." He said stroking my cheeks tenderly.


"Promise me I won't lose you." I pleaded doing my best not to break down into tears once again.


"You will and could never lose either of us Allie, it will only be for a little while. This isn't goodbye forever. You will always be in our hearts." He hugged me once again tightly as if he didn't want to let me go.


"And you will always be in mine." I exclaimed truthfully.


After I had said that, we ended up breaking away from each other and I couldn't help but ask him one more question that involved the suitcase that I had packed last night.


"What about the suitcase? Do I take it with me?" I asked trying not to sniffle.


"No preparations have already been made." He informed me.


"However, you will need your college bag." He said getting out of the car and opening one of the passenger's doors to the backseat and pulled out my college bag before closing one of the back-doors and handed it to me as he got back into the driver's seat and closed the door after him.


"Have a good day Allie, I love you." He said warmly.


"I love you too." I leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek before holding my college bag tightly and was about to open the door until I felt my father's hand touching one of my shoulders. I turned to face him once again.


"Never forget Allie, you will always be in our hearts." He stroked my face one last time.


"I will always love you and mum no matter what." I admitted before hearing him say goodbye to me.


I did my best not to sniffle as I got out of my father's car one last time and waved goodbye to my father that I probably wouldn't see ever again.


Today was going to be awful, I just knew it as I wandered into college. I felt as if someone was watching me as I made my way up the stairs and made my way to my maths class. I apologised to the tutor for being slightly late and sat down in my usual seat in class on my own.


Mr Barkley was giving Sarah grief because she had done her work wrongly. When I had been given some maths work to do, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Sarah, I didn't know whether or not I had been given the same sheet or not but I assumed that I had been given the same sheet. Since normally Mr Barkley would give everyone the same sheet.


The maths sums were very difficult especially the division ones. I could hardly answer them at all. I could only do the multiplication, adding and subtraction ones.


"Well Allie, I expected better from you. I thought you wouldn't have any trouble at all with division." Mr Barkley said, disappointment lingering in his harsh tone of voice.


"No-one is perfect at everything." I muttered as he was about to walk away towards another person.


"Did you say something Allie? If you did say something would you care to share it with class?" He managed to irritate me.


"Yes I did say something. I said that no-one is perfect but I don't think people like you would understand that. Mr Barkley you expect everyone here to be perfect at these stupid fucking sums and yet you can't accept the fact that some people in this class find some of these sums difficult. You treat us like animals. You're nothing but a fucking moron!" I snapped out.


"Detention Allie Jenkins! Get out of my class right now!" He demanded.


"Gladly Mr Barkley." I retorted.


Mr Barkley's shouting caught the attention of most of the students and I couldn't help but notice that Sarah was smiling whether or not it was at the fact that Mr Barkley and I had just had a massive debate with each other I didn't know. It probably was because of that but I also noticed that Hayley was wearing that preposterous smirk upon her pale-perfect features.


Everything recently had just made me snap, everything had happened so quickly and my life was now all over the place.

I left the maths classroom and headed towards the detention room but was told to go to the headmistress's office since there were no spaces left in the detention room.


The headmistress was known as Miss Larson, she was a very strict woman that had a plump figure, and her face was red and rounded. As I made my way towards her office that had a labelled embroidered upon the door with the words 'Headmistress's Office' I couldn't help but cringe at the words.


I knocked on the door three times until I heard her telling me to come in with a sharp tone.


This day was definitely not the best. I entered the room and closed the door behind me carefully. I could see her sitting at her desk that could be tidier if I am being honest here. It was full of papers that were all over the place.


The ceiling and the walls were porcelain, the floor was a golden-yellowish-brown colour that had a cerulean blue rug on the floor that was at the front of the door in the office.


Miss Larson had her hair tied back in tight-fitted bun, her hair was black with some bits of grey in it. She was a woman in her mid-forties I guessed. She had a pair of dark-blue eyes that often made me feel as if they held nothing but pure coldness and bitterness in them and that often made me shiver or I should say everyone shiver since everyone was afraid of her.


She wore a dark green cardigan with a dark-blue-long-sleeved dress, and a pair of black shoes. Her face was pale with wrinkles on it and she had a few lines on her visage. It actually made me wonder if she was a smoker, she probably was.


I ambled up towards her desk in front of me and stood there until I saw her averting her gaze from her computer to me. Her computer sat at the right-hand side of her desk along with her papers.


"So what brings you to the office? Miss Jenkins." She spat out spitefully.


"Got detention for snapping at Mr Barkley." I muttered.


"Speak up! Don't mutter when speaking to me." She shouted at me.


"I got detention for snapping at Mr Barkley." I spoke up just as loudly as she had.


Once I had spoken she made a sort of 'Hmm' sound in disappointment I guessed before speaking again to me.


"Well I'm very disappointed in you I wonder what your father will do once he hears about this sort of behaviour coming from his own daughter." She just made me feel more and more irritated I couldn't stand the woman.


"My father won't be saying anything to me." I snapped at her.


"Oh really so has your father gone soft on you? Pitiful man." I heard her say I was about to protest until I heard three loud knocks on the door.


"Don't you dare say a word against my father!" I told her off.


"Well that means you will be sitting here until 5.00 pm missy. You can wait an extra hour after home time can't you?" She mocked me.

I groaned sitting down in one of the brown-wooden seats in the room putting my bag down on the floor angrily.


"Are you huffing? Miss Jenkins." She continued to mock me.


"No." I gritted my teeth in response.


"Good." She smirked and I so wanted to slap it off of her.


I sat in silence before getting out my notebook from my college bag and started to write a poem in it.


Do not be gentle, do not be shamed by the wickedness that may be plagued by those who may dislike or hate you.


Fallen tears may leave your eyes with one last goodbye as you cry.


Snaps and debates may be shared with bitterness and hate as you feel nothing but emptiness inside.


Traps are quick and so are tricks.



Carry me home, take me away and never leave me alone.


As one looks at you with love and care, another may gaze at you with nothing but hate from all the mistakes that you have made.

Accept your enemies, love them as much as you love your friends.



Never show fear, never show shyness.


Never hide away as you despair before you hear one single prayer.


Pretty and popular may not be the same, so do not be ashamed.



I was about to write more until I noticed that it was 4.00 pm, and I couldn't help but sigh until I heard the door squeaking slightly. Another thing also caught my eye, Miss Larson who had been mocking me earlier had now fallen asleep in her chair. Some professional bitchy headmistress she is. I thought before looking at the door to see Sarah taking a small-sneak-a-peak through the room.


"Allie!" She managed to say in a whisper just loud enough for me to hear.


Nodding I picked up my notebook, and bag carrying them carefully and tip-toeing almost towards the door so I wouldn't wake up the bitchy headmistress.


As I left the room Sarah closed the door as quietly as possible before speaking to me quietly.


"Why were you in there? I thought you were supposed to be in detention." She stated.


"Seems that there weren't enough spaces available in the detention room." I answered.


"What's wrong?" She crossed her arms across her chest.


"Nothing family problems." I said not wanting to talk about the whole subject.


"Ah that sucks. Well want to get a lift home with me? You could stay overnight." She offered.


"It's okay. I'll be fine, thank you for offering though." I thanked her smiling warmly towards her.


I couldn't possibly tell her that I was going to be moving into Aidan's house. What would she think of me? I know that this was wrong of me. But it just didn't feel right to tell her what had exactly happened not now anyway.


We walked towards the exit of the college and hugged each other before Sarah said goodbye and departed from the college leaving me alone.

I sighed heavily before I noticed a man waving at me in the parking lot motioning me to come over.


In the past my father and mother had taught me to never speak to strangers. I continued to stand at the exit of the college until I noticed the man that had previously waved at me, coming over towards me.


He was attired in a black suit, a white waistcoat, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black shoes. He was probably about six ft. one. His eyes were a dark brown and he had black-tousled short hair. His skin was pale but not as pale as mine.


He stopped in front of me giving me a faint smile before speaking to me.


"Are you Miss Jenkins?" He questioned me.


"Yes I'm Allie." I responded.


"I'm Joe, I'm Mr Thompson's butler. It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Jenkins. Come we mustn't be late for your arrival at your new home." He said taking me gently by the hand and leading me towards a black limo. Oh my god he is rich! He is bloody rich! I thought as he opened the passenger door for me allowing me to get in and to put on my seatbelt.


I watched him walk over towards the other side of the car and got into the driver's seat before starting the engine and reversing the car out of the parking lot before driving out of it.


"This is Mr Thompson's car, since I'm his butler. I have to drive it." He looked at me as if he had known what I had been thinking.


Okay then the man that I dislike the most is filthy rich then! I sighed deeply.


"How far away is Mr Thompson's home?" I finally decided to make a conversation with Joe.


"Not too far away." He answered abruptly.


I decided not to speak after that as I found myself leaning my head against the glass window out of complete boredom until I found myself drifting off into a deep slumber away from the drive that seemed rather long to me.


I was in the forest again. I was sitting on the same strong large branch reading my book, I had just put my book down after seeing the young boy climb down the tree and run off somewhere in the forest to find a place to hide I assumed as I started to count to one hundred.



After I had reached one hundred I decided to descend from the tree and walk through the woodland area. With every step that I took, the shade of the sky would become darker and it worried me slightly.



The cold air that I was inhaling in and exhaling out was getting colder and colder by the minute. As I continued to walk through the forest I continued to look around at my surroundings searching for Danny.



However, it was strange. As I wandered through various parts of the woods I soon stopped as I noticed my vision started to get slightly blurry but luckily I could still see what was in front of me.



There were at least two or three figures standing in the middle of the forest in front of me in the distance, I tried calling out to them but somehow I couldn't find my voice, no words would come out at all.


I found myself staring at the two women that were in the distance, one was draped in a black long-sleeved-frock with a black veil over her head. I couldn't quite see her face due to the veil that covered it well.



The other woman seemed to be pushing a buggy but stopped in front of the woman in the black dress.



My vision was blurry, so I couldn't make out the other woman's face either. But somehow I found myself feeling as if I was shrinking down to a lower level, and then I noticed a boy. He was holding hands with the woman who had been draped in the black-long-sleeved dress.

It couldn't possibly be Danny could it? I wondered as I noticed him walking over towards the buggy that the other woman was holding.

After that everything had gone black and I couldn't see a thing.



I woke up only to hear Joe's voice speaking to me.


"We're here Miss Jenkins." He announced as I rubbed my eyes only to take in my new surroundings.


We had driven through large-black iron gates that looked rather creepy with the crows sitting on top of them thankfully they weren't making a sound.


There was a long driveway in front of us, as we continued to drive straight on. I couldn't help but notice how misty it was or perhaps it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. As the mist cleared a large black mansion came into the view and my eyes widened like saucers.


It was huge! There was white gravel that we were now driving on and when we came to a stop in front of the entrance of the house I couldn't help but notice some steps in front of the entrance of the house and three people standing on the very top steps watching the car stopping at the house.


I couldn't help but cover my mouth as I yawned and stretched out my arms.


Joe wasted no time and got out of the car only to open the passenger door for me and allowed me to take off my seatbelt and take hold of my college bag.


"Please let me take your college bag for you Miss." Joe offered kindly.


"It's okay I can carry it myself. But thank you for offering." I answered.


"Madam, I have to take your bag because I have to take it upstairs to your new bedroom." He told me and I got the impression that if I were to refuse then he would get into trouble or something.


I handed him my bag and he thanked me before I heard Mr Thompson's voice roar out.


"Ah welcome foolish mortal. Come in." I heard him say which made me wonder if he was drunk or not since he used the word 'mortal.'


I walked up the steps only to see the two boys staring at me with grins on their faces.


Aidan and Damian were both standing on either side of the entrance to the grand place that I was going to be living in.


Aidan wore a white-long-sleeved-shirt with a dark-green jumper over it, a pair of light-blue jeans and a pair of black shoes.

On the other hand Damian was wearing a white-long-sleeved shirt, a dark-blue-long-sleeved jumper over it, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black shoes.


As I ambled up the steps with Joe beside me I noticed their grins getting broader by the minute.


"Do you two have some sort of staring problem?" I questioned them both.


"Aw and I thought I was going to get a 'nice to see you' or 'I have missed you so much' but instead Miss Barbie is in a bad mood." Aidan teased me.


"My name is Allie, not Barbie plus I don't have blonde hair. Idiot." I remarked.


"Hello Allie." Damian greeted me.


"Hello Damian." I greeted him back.


"Aw Miss Barbie is favouring someone over me already." Aidan continued to tease me.


"Will you shut up already?" I started to get pissed off.


"You really have to work on your maturity." Damian told me.


"Oh shut up and before any of you ask me if I like you, the answer is no I both hate you." I marched inside.


"Why are you so fucking slow? Missy." I heard Mr Thompson complain in irritation.


"I don't know probably because Mr Dumb and Dumber outside there were annoying me and wouldn't let me inside the house." I replied as I took in the new area that I was in.


The large hall had a deer-head on one of the walls which I found rather uncomfortable with looking at.


I averted my gaze back towards Mr Thompson whom was standing in one of the living rooms, he stood next to the large fireplace where a magnificent fire had been lit.


"Well how was the trip here?" He questioned me firmly.


"It was fine but I slept through most of it." I admitted.


"Hmm good." He muttered underneath his breath.


I watched him sit down on one of the seats in the room and told me to take a seat.


I sat down on one of the sofas waiting for him to speak to me since I thought I couldn't speak without getting told off by him.


"Now as you know, this is now your home. You are under my roof now and you will be getting married in two weeks. So this is how it is going to work. When I give you an order or an instruction you will do it without any questions, you may look around the house but no going to the east wing or going to my study without my personal consent first. If you disobey me without a doubt you will be punished and I mean it. No pestering Joe or any other members of staff that work in this household unless it is for a good enough reason. Lastly but not least no sending letters or making phone calls without informing me first and above all no leaving the house to go anywhere else apart from the gardens." He explained harshly.


"What about my parents' sir surely I don't need your permission to ring them or write to them? May I go to visit them?" I stated.

"Silence! You may not go to visit them however you may write to them but no phone calls unless you are using your own mobile phone and if it needs topped up don't come whinnying to me about it sort it out yourself. Now there is also the matter of your marriage. When you marry your future husband it will be his responsibility to decide whether or not you move out of here with him and if you do then don't come asking me for money." He started to annoy me.


"I don't want to marry anyone and I will not marry anyone." I shouted.


"Take care child or I shall have you restrained." He warned me.


"You just try." I challenged.


However despite the fact that I had challenged him it was almost regrettable because he had called Damian and Aidan into the living room and had ordered them to take me to my room and to make sure I wouldn't go anywhere.


"I'd rather go to hell then go to a stupid pathetic room!" I boomed.


"Well maybe that can be arranged because you're in Hell now missy. Welcome to Hell!" He boomed back while I tried to fight off Aidan and Damian. I started to kick Aidan where it would hurt making him bend down on the floor.


"For god's sake shut up!" I heard Damian mutter before hoisting me up in his arms carrying me in bridal style.


I started to struggle within his grasp, he held my feet tightly so I wouldn't be able to use them as he took me up the large staircase in the hallway. When he was carrying me up the stairs I could hear Mr Thompson ordering him to lock me in my bedroom and that worried me but it didn't stop me from trying to fight Damian off.


My feet might've been bounded by one of his hands but my hands were still free so I decided to use those hitting him in all the places that I could think of but he behaved as if they weren't affecting him at all. He behaved as if they were nothing but mosquito bites.


"Let me go you filthy brute!" I screeched.


"Hey would you like to be punched?" He growled which kind of made me feel slightly uncomfortable.


"You wouldn't, would you?" I croaked out.


"Unless you want to be locked in your room I suggest you pipe down." He warned me.


But somehow I didn't think he was threatening me, he was just trying to give me some advice.


"I don't want this! Let me go now!" I could be loud when I wanted to be at times.


He caught me by surprise when his free hand grabbed my two hands and I struggled to get them free out of his grasp, they wouldn't budge not even an inch. Which made me wonder how strong he actually was.


"You will be quiet or you will be punched it is your choice." He warned me once again before throwing me over one of his shoulders before he walked down one of the corridors and stopped in front of a door that was at the end of the corridor on the left-hand side.


I looked around and couldn't see the living room anymore, I must've spent so much time arguing and fighting off Damian that I had not noticed that we were on another floor and not on the first floor.


We must've been on the third or maybe a second floor? I guessed silently before hearing a door opening.


As we entered a room I started to bang on Damian's back.


"Hey behave you!" He told me.


"Let me go what do you think you are doing? Bastard!" I growled.


"I believe I am leaving you in my room until you settle down!" He shouted at me.


"What! I don't want to be in this room it is filthy and dirty just like you!" I shouted back.


Before I knew it, he had dropped me on the floor and had started walking towards the door again.


"I guess you are no different from the others. You're nothing just a stupid human being that needs to grow up!" He shouted again.


"You can talk you haven't been forced to leave your family all because of a robbery! I would rather die in here than sleep in here!" I raised my voice.


"Shut up! Silly girl." He raised his voice even more.


"I hate you so much!" I said meaning every word of it.


"I hate you too sweetheart!" He admitted.


"Oh I do love a good Barbie fight." I noticed Aidan coming into the room with a stupid smirk on his face.


"Oh leave me alone pathetic worm." I retorted.


"Aw don't be so mean to me now." He pretended to be hurt by my words.


"Leave my room now mongrel." Damian warned him before pushing him out of the room and slamming the door behind him.


I was left in pure darkness, where I couldn't see anything apart from the bed that I ended up throwing myself on sobbing.

Why did this have to happen to me? Why were they all so cruel towards me? In that moment I knew, I not only had a massive dislike for Mr Thompson but for Damian too. I hated him, I hated him! That's all I knew and I would hate him for the rest of my days here. I told myself as I wept on the large-king-sized- bed praying that I wouldn't marry either of these boys because I hated them both with a passion and that was that.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.03.2018

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