
Chapter One

                                          Chapter One


"So how's life?" Dean Colen questioned as Damian Shaw stood inside a new nightclub that had just opened for business. Damian Shaw had blonde hair that reached just above his neck with a pair of hazel-nut brown orbs, his friend had dark brown hair that rested upon his shoulders with a pair of emerald green eyes. Both men were dancing to the loud music that was blasting inside the club making it difficult for anyone who was trying to hear what others were saying. 



"It's fine, how is life in general for you?" Damian  shouted over the music. At times he felt as if he was going to fall down due to the fact that he was slightly tispy due to some of the alcohol that was in his system.


"It's great!" His best friend shouted.


At first it had been one dull and tedious day, probably due to the fact that it had been raining all day, the rain had been clashing against the glass windows in the young male's apartment as he had been planning to sleep the whole day around since it was a Saturday. But clearly fate had other plans for him.



He sttired in his deep slumber as he heard his phone vibrating on the small bedside table beside his bed. 


Groaning in protest he got up and checked who was calling him when his best friend's name turned up. He answered in a raspy tone of voice.


"Hello." He ran a hand through his blonde locks.


"Hey man wanna hang out with Dan and I?" He heard Dean say on the other line.


No I do not want to hang out wth you I want to go back to sleep. He thought about saying but he knew better than to be rude towards his best friend.


"Sure what time?" He answered.


"Am how about 8.00 pm? We'll meet you at your apartment and head down towards the new nightclub that recently just opened for business. People have been raving about it. It's got really good reviews." Dean sounded giddy over the phone.


"Sure sounds fun to me." Damian did his best to sound cheerful.


"Okay see you in a bit." Dean responded and with that they ended the call.


A small sigh left his vivid red lips before noticing the time on the phone noticing it was 7.00 pm giving him an hour to get prepared for going out with his friends. 


Going into his bathroom he got undressed and entered the shower allowing the water cascade down his skin while he washed his hair carefully. 


After ten or fifteen minutes he left the shower and got attired into a blue short-sleeved top, a pair of black slacks and a navy hoody to go with his outfit. 


He had been living in London for at least a year and had been studying drama, since he wanted to be a drama teacher. Of course, there were other various reasons why he had been living in London the main reason was because he was gay and his mother despite the fact that she had accepted him, she thought it was better if he moved out of the house since his father wouldn't accept him. 


Not even his best friends knew of his sexuality and secretly he wanted to keep it that way since he thought they wouldn't accept him if they ever found out about it.


After a while, it was coming up to 8.00 pm and it wasn't long until a knock on the door was heard. Opening the door he was greeted by Dean and Dan. Dean and Dan were both older than him, Dean was twenty-three while Dan was twenty four, with black cherry hair, and honey- coloured skin. 


"Come on mate. Let's go." Dean persuaded him.


"Okay give me a minute." Damian simply said getting his keys from the drawer at his bedside table only to put them in his hoody. 


After he had done that, they had departed from his apartment and had made their way down to the new nightclub. 


So now a few hours later, they were dancing to the loud music that could make anyone deaf. He had a few drinks which had resulted him nearly stumbling a few times as he moved to the beat of the music. 


For a while he spent time with Dean dancing with him before he disappeared off somewhere. It had not been a total waste of time, he had met a new girl called Sally who worked as a waitress somewhere in town but he couldn't catch the name of the place due to the sound of the music. She was lovely, she had black orbs, long blonde locks that had been tied back in a high ponytail, and she was attired a white-short sleeved summer dress.


However, as he danced with her, he couldn't help but wonder where his friends had gone to. At the back of his mind that was still working, he couldn't see his friends anywhere and felt something was wrong but he couldn't be sure. All he could do was wait and see.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.10.2016

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