
A spoiled young boy




There was no response.


His mother climbed upstairs to his room, only to find Timothy wearing his headphones, playing video games, at a full volume. The room was a mess. His closet was open, some of the clothes were on the floor, the bed wasn't made and his dirty clothes were lying near the laundry basket instead of being kept inside it.

"Timothy!!!!", she snapped, as she entered the room, switching the video game off.


"Mom!!!! What was that for??!! You know how it annoys me if someone messes with me when I am playing"

"And you should know how it annoys me seeing your dirty room and being called by the principal, complaining about your behavior and your grades. You almost broke that poor child's leg!!"

"Well, its not my fault, I only asked him to give me his bike. He didn't. We got in a fight. I'd say, he was lucky that my boys stopped me," Tim replied, arrogantly.

"That bike wasn't yours to begin with. If he wasn't willing to give it to you, you shouldn't have taken it."

"Mom, you always said, what Timmy wants, Timmy gets. Timmy wanted that bike, so..."

"That is not what I ever meant!!!! Stop using my words against me!! That was when you were a baby. It took hard work and sweat for me and your father to raise you. We never made you feel that we were struggling financially. So I used to make sure that you get whatever you needed and wanted. Had I knew this was how you'd turn out to be, I'd made you know all of our struggles and be a part of them."


"Alright, mom. Now, if you're done lecturing me, please leave. I have a game to play and my friends are online".

"When will you take things seriously?? Your dad stays out of town to make sure he earns enough to feed us and pay for your education. I work two jobs, and here you are, our son, a bully, who's no good in anything except harassing other kids".


"Mom!! That's it! Leave! Now!"

"Fine. I just hope, one day, someone or something teaches you a lesson. That was never how we wanted you to be", his mother said, leaving his room, closing the door behind her.


Timothy was an only child. His parents met each other during their high school and fell in love. However, their relationship and later marriage wasn't accepted well by their families and so both were abandoned. With all ties cut off from their families, life became difficult for them. They had to struggle a lot. When Timothy was born, it added to their problems but they made sure that his needs were never compromised.


As he grew up, his parents went above and beyond to give him both what he wanted and needed even if it meant that they themselves would sleep on an empty stomach. His father began to work two jobs and little by little things began to improve. Tim grew up as a pampered child, so much so that he began to feel entitled of getting what he wanted, when he wanted.


His mother would lovingly say, "whatever my Timmy wants, my Timmy gets". Now she was regretting her love for her son. 

Game night

"Hey yo! Timmy! What's up, man?!"

"Hey Chad. Nothin much, just the usual. I didn't see ya today at school, all good?"


"Yeah man. Woke up late, didn't feel like going. Rest all good bruh, all good".

"So tonight's game night, yeah? Your place at 9?"

"Nah man. Not my place. Mom's super mad at me already because of the math test. We do at Bobby's place".

"Bruh! What's up with these moms? My mom too, Timmy this, Timmy that. Heck, she calls me Timothy even at school if she comes to pick me up and boy do I hate it".

"Timothy! Hahahahahahahaha", Chad laughed, "I don't know why but that name of yours cracks me up".


"Shut it dude", Tim responded, a bit angry.

"Alright, alright. Sorry bruh".

"Anyhow, is Bobby down for tonight? Or he has mommy issues too", Tim asked.

"Bob's down bruh. His parents are outta town for the week so he's got all the place to himself".


"Cool bro! But hey, what about his sister? What was her name.......Em... Emr..... Emeralda?"

"Emily. She's out for her night shift. She'll come in the morning and that too, probably half knocked out".

"Remind me what she does again?"

"She's a doc, Tim. You know they are geeks. Never see outta books, always busy, smelly and dirty with the cough and blood and...."

"Shutup dude. You're gonna make me barf! I wonder how Bobby even lives with her! Yuck!"


"I don't want her near me, yo! She better stay yards away from me unless she has an hour long hot shower".

"Bruh, chill. Emily will be out, I told ya".

"Alright man. See ya tonight".


Later that day.... 

"Timothy! Come out for lunch!"

"Timothy... how many times have I told her", Tim mumbled to himself. He went downstairs and snapped, "How many times do I have to tell you, DO NOT, call me Timothy mom! I hate that name!"

"Well I don't. And I get to decide what or how I call you".

"No you don't".

"Silence. Now go wash your hands and sit at the table".



Timmy scoffed and got up to wash his hands and came back, only to get annoyed once he saw the lunch.

"What? Spaghetti?! Mom! This is third time we had spaghetti this week. Can't you make anything nice??"


"Well I'm sorry, Your Highness. But unlike you who stays on the couch, doing nothing but play games, can't even manage his school grades, I work. And..."

"Enough with the lectures!", Tim yelled, pushing the plate of spaghetti towards his mother. "I am so full with your lectures that I have lost appetite for spaghetti. I'll order something".


"With what money? The pocket money I gave you?!"

"Shut up mom!", Tim said, as he ran back upstairs, leaving his mom teary eyed.



The phone rang. Tim's mom picked it up. It was his father. 


"Hey sugar! How are you? How's our son?"


"Where were you these days? You didn't call this whole week".


"I know. I'm sorry, love. Work's been really tough. You don't sound so well, something wrong?"


She sighed, trying to control her voice as she knew it would break. She was wiping her tears. 


"Honey? You crying?"


"No. Ummm..."


"What's wrong? Is Timmy okay? Wait. He did something to upset you, didn't he?"


"He just doesn't listen!! And talks back at me if I try to teach him!! He's not doing well at school. I get constant complains of him bullying other children, barely passing or failing his classes. I just don't know what to do honey, I think I've spoiled him. I have been a horrible mom!!", she cried. 


"Hey! Hey! Listen. You're a great mom, I know that".

"What mom spoils her son?!"


"Listen. If he's spoiled, it's my fault too. Okay? Don't blame yourself. Look, life teaches everyone something. Timmy will learn too. He can't stay spoiled for long. When things get tough, everybody learns."


"You sure?", she asked.


"Yes! Look, he's in high school right now. He has you taking care of him. Soon he'll go to college, then he has to find a job. He may face rude or cruel people at a higher position than him whom he would have to treat nicely despite not wanting to. Do you remember how I told you stories of one of my seniors how annoying he was? How I badly wanted to punch him once but I couldn't?


She laughed, "Yes, you did. And I told you that I am certain that Timmy gets his anger from you".

"Yeah, yeah, now you blame me", he chuckled.

"So you understand, he'll get better,


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2024
ISBN: 978-3-7554-7960-4

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