
chapter one

Ah!!!! Ellen screamed as she's been fling down by two men from an angry mob. 


She looked around there was no route of escaping as she been circled. she could see all kinds of weapons brandishing, ready to hit her. Racks, shovels, stick of different sizes... "Wicked witch, wicked witch, !!! Kill her, kill her, kill her !!!! The mob screamed repeatedly.... Ellen managed to raise her head up , she felt a hard hit on her fore-head, blood gushed out. 'wait!!!' a strange voice shouted out from the mob .. There was silence .. Make way !!!, make way!! . 'Ellen , a deep male voice called out .. Ellen raise her head up , her vision wasn't clear ,blood has covered Her sight . she wiped off, she saw a blur image standing in front of her. Her blurness faded as she regain concious from the hit. She was shocked when she saw Richard flint standing in front of her ... 'You Richard, you did this to me'. She sobs, how could you' she stammered . " I'm sorry Ellen , I .. . .. Sorry about what' Richard's father cuts in. 

She's a witch she deserves all this ... 'Ever since you came in, our land has been curse ' one of the mob member shouted' 

Our children has been missing , you ate them, one angry old woman screamed . wicked witch kill her kill her . 


John flint, Richard's father was the mayor of the village. 

. 'Our land was holy until this (pointing at ellen) wicked witch came in, She is the cause of all the pre-mature death in our land , 

'yes !!!! the mob shouted . 

"our cattle's , our grins , even our children are dying because of her !!!!! Richard father shouted furiously, as he glared at ellen . with an evil smile 

" She should be hang to death.!!! 

'yes !!! the mob replied . 

father this is not what we ... 

Shut up!! this is for you son, John whispered .. She even poisoned my poor son's heart ... I said we should burn her, an old man from the mob shouted .. Yesss!!! yess!!! burn her!!!, burn her!!!, both children and adults screamed ... Men from the mob drag ellen roughly and tied Ellen on a wood, poured oil on her .. Any last words witch, john said . Richard was watching the Scene speechless .... 


Ellen looked at John and Richard 


"For this you have done I will be back. I will hunt down your generation and make them feel the pain of my heart". "shut up witch, John said, go back to hell as he drops the fire on the wood .. Ellen screamed in agony, the mob watches as she been burnt to ashes 




Many years later 




Ding dong!! The door bell rings. Jane opens the door seeing a beauty young fair lady , looking so decent, standing in front of her. 'How may I help you' ? asked Jane. 


I saw a notice out, that ..... 

'Oh about the nanny stuff ?, Jane cuts in. 

Yes ma'am, Replied the young lady... Come inside please. My husband and I , you know always out for a business trip. We are looking for some one to take care of the kids while we are out. "Ma'am if that's the case am the right one for the job" Jane stared at the young lady from head to toe.. What's your name young lady ?. 


Ellen , Ellen ma'am.. Ellen then , welcome to the Flint's family........ 




©copywrite2016 by wezzybm

chapter two



So luckily, you are the only one to apply since one week we posted the notice. "Really I must be lucky" replied Ellen.

Unfortunately my husband and I are going out on a meeting, with our business partners, you could stay with the kids if we come back we can discuss about your salary and other stuffs . 

 Yes ma'am that's not a problem' Ellen replied in a gentle manner. 

 Henry!!! Jane hollered ... 

Yes  Darling !!!' Henry answered from the kitchen side. ' 

Come meet the new girl . henry came out, he was puttinon suit just like a gentle business man should. ' She's great henry added'. .. '' you look just like Richard '' Ellen said .. 'Excuse me' .. "I mean, Richard his's my favourite actor, you look just like him ... Everybody says my husband look like this , like that, Jane added .. Honey we are already late I think we should start going, henry said

I told Ellen that she should stay with the kids till we return , she said no problem.. Okay let's go then .. 

Don't be in a hurry let's introduce the kids to her.. Jane called out for the kids .. 

This is.. Marry she's 11 and this is Zack he's is 13 and this is Linda she is 10.

 Mom she is pretty Linda compliments.

.. Thank you. Said Ellen's ....

Kids this is Ellen your new Nanny. 

'honey,  Henry said .. Henry phone rang .. See they're already calling ..

 Okay ,, Bye bye Jane waved to the kids .. Bye,  the kids waved back.

The left .. The kids stared at Ellen..


' Do you believe in witches '? Ellen asked 

Yes, the kids reply..

I wanna tell you guys a story ...


Long time ago there live a witch who fell in love with a normal human.. 

She was afraid that if the man found out she's a witch, he will run away, so the witch decided to keep her secrets to herself, but their love grow even deeper.. So one day she asked the man 'If she was a witch will he love her the way he do now'  

"I will love you who ever you are, my love for you is unconditional ",

 replied the man which gave the poor witch hope, later the witch told her secrets to the man, that she is a witch .. Nothing change the love was still there even stronger than before .. A plague came upon the land,  the young children , grins .live stocks start to die.. The village was worried.


 ''Is it because the man loved the witch caused the plague? Linda asked ..


 No replied Ellen, you know sometimes climate changes and things will go from normal to abnormal .. '  

So the man blamed the witch for all that is happening. The witch said "because I'm a witch doesn't mean you should blame me for all this" . out of anger the man called her a 'wicked witch' . The witch slaps the man. The man left and let out her secret that she a witch . the villagers gather and burn the witch alive. but the witch promise that she will be back to hunt the man's generation .......

Did she come back ?? asked Linda ... 

Yes the witch is me. 

Ahh the kids were freighten and   shocked... Ah ah ah ah '  I got ya, Ellen said  the all laugh ... The witch must havd felt bad ..Linda added  

really bad, said Ellen 

..did you guys love the story  ?? 

Yess .. Tell us another one

Okay I will . they all laugh..

chapter three



The board members were already waiting for the couples to begin the meeting.

Henry and Jane bursted in,

'Sir you are 15minutes late' says one of the security officers ..' 

I know , I know' henry replied in a hurry. As henry opens the door leading to the main room where the meeting was holding all the board members stared at him. Henry notice the dissapoitment looks on their faces 

' I know I know I'm late and I apologize, please find it in your humble hearts to forgive my wife and i, he said smiling ... 


The boards keep staring at him ... 

Well, henry about the meeting, is postponed.. 

One of the board directors said.. 

Why, why is it postpone is it because am late or what ? .come on I have already apologize for that.

'Not at all we are happy to inform you about the new joining partner' Miss Ellen..


''You look just like Richard'..... Miss Ellen added .. . Richard ?? Henry wondered . '' Nah his's just my favourite actor " Ellen explained . . well, Welcome henry, we may as well discus business.

I'm all hears, henry replied ...

'Richard hmm to keep things short, my enterprise would like to team up with yours.

"miss am Henry not Richard.. So that's just it? Henry asked 

"do I really have to repeat my self " Ellen asked the board members ... 

Henry we have already discus this of cause you were late, the chief director added

'How can you discus business in my absence with out my acknowledgement' Henry yelled.

' honey calm down, Jane whispered.. 

Henry sighed as he start to feel uncomfortable.

Can we talk out side '' the chief director said. As he notice henry sudden change. Henry and the chief Dir went out of the room..

'What the hell are you guys thinking , she might be a fraud ..

'She's no fraud . she's a multi million business woman that base in UK and she returning today, If we can get to sigh deals with her .I swear our company won't regret it, the chief dir tries to convince henry. 6million ! what she's asking is to much, Henry said..

Man you have to make sacrifice to get to the next level chief dir replied. Henry breath in and out calming himself down, okay but what if this doesn't work out, our company could go bankrupt, my company could go bankrupt, But since the board had agreed on it let's go for it ..

Yeah man that what am talking about ...

Henry company sighed the deal with Ellen .. Took some pictures together and champagne tossing to Successful business. 




Henry pressed the door bell ' ding dong 'its rings there was no response, he didn't give up but press it the second time still no response. He opened the door with his spare key , the lights were out, the room was quite as a grave yard . He wondered were the kids could have gone to ..Jane on the other hand checks most of the room down stairs but there was no trace of the kids. 

Zack !!! Linda !!! Marry !!! Where are you .. Ellen!! .. She called out as she approaches the staircase slowly ..

Surprise !!!!!!! The kids shouted, as they jump out from thier hiding

don't you kids ever try that again you scare the ghost out of me . Jane screamed .. Mummy, mummy we won't, you guys got scared right? .

yes ,yes henry said in a less concerned manner. 

Where's Ellen Jane asked ... 

Am here ma'am ..

Nanny Ellen , we love her mummy we do. Linda said hugging Ellen, 

Seems you make the kids happy they love you....

. Ellen turned on the TV ..' Breaking news ... ' There had been a private jet crash of one business woman base in UK by name miss Ellen, who has just took off from Nigeria heading back to UK.' resource said the plane felled due to damage of the left engine , This is Ellen reporting live from CNM stay tune for more details..

'Wait, wait did she just said Ellen .. 

'No Jane replied.

Henry start sweating profusely ' what do you mean by no .my money, my money no no this can't be, tears run down his check. My money no no no no that must be a fake news, 6mill no no .. He walked up and down the room restlessly, his children stared at him .. Daddy whats happening to you is everything all right , ' don't tell me that nothing has been alright , everything is getting worse each second ' henry shouted at Linda, henry collapsed His wife called mark the chief dir and their private doctor ..

chapter four



"His pulse are normal, his blood pressure is okay, but he should take this medicine every 12hours, the drugs will help stabilize his B.P" the doctor narrated to miss Jane.

Bang !! Bang !! Bang 

" Zack go check who's at the door "

Mark rushed in to the room were henry was laying on a bed looking so pale and weak staring at the ceiling. 

"Man, how are you"?? 

He recognise the voice cleary . Henry glared at mark ' 

do I look fine to you ' ?  

"man calm down" ' 

don't you ever tell me to calm down, you made me  sigh those deals, now where is my  money? Gone, gone and never coming back' he yelled at mark. 

"But there was no news, no plane crash " 

'What are you trying to say , that I'm crazy or am delusioned or what , I watch it live with my two eyes' henry start boiling up ..

' but I check all internet, social media there's was no news about any plane crash, beside your wife and kids said it was a ball station and you suddenly become upset, screaming my money '. 

"ball station ? They said it's a ball station, he chuckles,  are they trying to make me a fool ? He asked angrily.  

which news station broadcast it then ?  mark asked

 " CNM" 

Henry replied without hesitation ..

 "CNM" hmm man there's no news station like "CNM" in this country .. 

Man, man do you think am crazy I told you I watch it live on my TV sets" henry barked ." But the kids said  its a ball station .

. damn ball station okay you all think am crazy right I see what this is all about ..

No no man what's the reporters name I could .. Check .. ' 

Ellen , Ellen Henry  answered .. Ellen, ellen he said repeatedly

He starts getting flash back " you look just like Richard " both said I look just like Richard". He murmured. mark stared at him in confusion wondering this my friend have lost it.. 

"Daddy ,daddy Ellen told us a story about a witch, she said she's the witch , guess what she was just joking. ' Ellen,  Ellen .. Richard ... Ellen!!!!  he screamed as he Jerk up from the bed , went right where Ellen was playing with the kids.. Ellen ! He Yelled grabbing her on the neck .. Who are you, what do you want from me huh huh .. Who the hell are you !!!!!! , Ellen gasping for air , she's already suffocating . mark pushed henry letting him loose grip of  Ellen's neck .. What do you think you are doing, mark yelled at henry .. The kids were shocked of the act they have  just witness , they didn't know their father of begin this kind of furious.. Jane rushed out on hearing the scuffle Only to see mark holding henry on the ground ... 

Is everything alright , what is happening.. She caught sight of Ellen who is still gasping for air , breathing in and out heavily...

Man stay cool ... Mark let hold of Henry . henry stood up staggering, leaning on the wall for balance. Am cool am cool henry said panting like a dog ..

 Ellen I'm sorry , he sobs ..I wasn't my self I lost it .. I'm sorry, am sorry .. Mark lead  back henry to the bed room..

 " man what the hell are you thinking , trying to strangle a poor girl to death"

 I lost it .. Both said I look just like Richard .. Who is "Richard "

 their favourite actor both said '

 maybe its a coincidence ..

 Yeah maybe , look I wasn't thinking straight am just so confuse ...


Jane pat on Ellen's shoulder  who is still gasping for air. Are you alright ...

 Yes mama ..

 I'm sorry for what happened, my husband wasn't him self. He's been drinking all day , 

no problem ma'am I'm alright lemme go get some air outside .. Ellen went out with an evil smile on her face " it just begon ' she let out a witch laugh 


©copywrite2016                                                   by WEZZYBM


chapter five

 EPS 5

Tap, tap, tap !! Henry  woke up by the strange  noise. He looked at his wife who was still deep asleep, kisses her on the fore-head " I love you, he whispered . He rub his eyes cause his vision was a little bit blur . he went back to bed laying on his back, with his face,  facing the ceiling, still confuse about the 'news and the ball station thing . and how everybody thinks he's crazy .

Tap tap tap !!! The sound was a bit louder than before . Henry jerk up, turning on the lantern. He look around the room, his eye glance at the wall clock, it was 1:00pm. ' what will make this noise by this time of the night, he ask rhetorically. He sat on the bed with his head down . still going through about yesterday incidence. 

Tap tap tap !!!

This time he was sure that something is not right, maybe somebody have barge in their house  trying to steal some stuff. 

 He check on the kids but all was deep asleep .

 Tap tap tap!!!! . the sound came from down stairs, he walk slowly turning on the lights as he approaches the staircase. 


He check around the rooms down stairs no trace, no clue where the sound was coming form. What was making the sounds, but he was sure it came down here .. 

He found out that one of the window is not close " may be the wind that prevails in cause the window  to tap on its edges and make those disturbing sound. or someone had open the window to pass through. He shrugs,  He closes the window , 

 he went to the fridge . to take a bottle water. He returned back to the main room finding out that the window he just close is still open " mmm this is strange, I thought I..." he doubt himself ' maybe the wind had push it open again , he went and close it this time making sure he bolt it..

Bang!!!! Bang!!! Bang !!!! A sound made by a falling stainless plate, draw his attention to the kitchen side . 

He tip toe slowly to the kitchen door ' who's there ? He asked quietly holding the door knob with his bottle set, ready to hit anything that comes in his way. He swung the door open, on the kitchen light  just to find two rats running around.. "Damn rats nearly scared me to death " he muttered as he went back to the fridge to keep the bottle water and found out that the window is still open . ' what , I bolt this ' he went back again to close it the third time . as he was drawing the window closer to its edge he caught a sight of a silhouette , sitting out in the field, he wasn't sure of what he saw , he peered closer to get a clearer view .he could only see the figure's back side.

He open the door  every where was cold and quiet only the wind and some insects sounds could be heard . he stalk towards the figure . the figure's view became clear each time that he move towards it .analyzing it : that's a human figure , precisely a woman". He was few yards away form it when he hits his foot on a stone ' ah !!. He let's out a soft cry .he look down its was nothing big , looking up just to find the figure gone .He look around and saw it standing at the extreme . as he approaches it this time a little bit faster . when he slip of, and lose sight of the figure. He look around but it was no where to be found . he went back only to find the open window close .


chapter six



Jane snoozed the alarm clock. She caught sight of Henry who was staring helplessly at the ceiling looking so depress. 

" darling, are you okay ?' She asked in a concerned tone.

 " yeah I'm okay." Henry replied . henry was still thinking about the night incident . He didn't want to discuss about it with his wife. Ever since the news and the ball station thing happened , he thinks that they thinks his becoming insane, he himself is more confuse about everything, he breaths out heavily. Jane knows that something wasn't  right, but she didn't want to ask more questions, her husband strange behaviours bothers her  a lot , he wasn't on drugs or alcohol . she wonders as she thinks henry might want to be alone ' 

wanna go take a shower ' 

she thought that might be a better excuse to exits her self, though she really want to take a shower .

She walk towards the bathroom.

 Few minutes later Linda rush in

 " daddy daddy there's some one outside, he said he's looking for you". 

' for me?' Henry ask surprisedly  because he wasn't expecting any visitors this early morning, on a second thought he thinks it might be mark but hell no mark won't visit him this early .

" yes daddy he's waiting outside" Linda smirk .

 'okay honey.


Henry opened the door and saw a young man staring at the environment , probably admiring the beauty ." how may I help you " despite all the odds, he asks in a gentle manner, trying as much as possible to keep his composure . 

' good morning sir, the young man greets " I'm job.. 

 Ah the picture guy ' henry guessed  

' yes sir' job replied .

' what took you so long to deliver the pictures?' Henry queried. 

" our system was having some bugs , he hand over an envelop

 "okay." As henry collects it from him. " nice to see you" henry added as  job left.


Henry drops the envelop on the table , he went to the fridge to take a can-beer. He lead his way back to were the envelop was. He stared at it for some few seconds before picking it up. He open the envelop and brought out two copy of photos , he look at it smiling, all the board members and Ellen taking a pose of the business deal. Few seconds, he notice something , there was no Ellen on the picture . He check all the face one by one but he could not find Ellen . " this is strange " he remember clearly that Ellen was standing right next to him, shaking hands . he immediately look at the spot , he could only see himself shaking hands with his secretary  " how could this be" he rubes his eyes peering closer to the picture to be sure but could only see his secretary whereas it was Ellen on that very day they took the pictures. He calmed himself down, he didn't want to freak out or cause panic , it's wasn't a good idea. He picked his phone and call mark.


Mark pointing at the secretary "that's Ellen shaking hands with  you..." 

" man are you drunk that's my secretary joshpine " henry said .

" but on that day it was Ellen " mark said  ' I know, I know " Henry cuts in - " but I'm not seeing Ellen there." " you mean  , you are seeing your secretary instead of Ellen " mark ask in curiosity .mark sight a can beer ' henry follow mark eyes , Henry knows that ,that's not good, he will probably think his drinking or something, to avoid that " no no mark not what you thinking ' ' have you been drinking ?' Mark  finally asked. Henry sighs mark add " I don't know how you are seeing your secretary and I'm seeing Ellen.' 

That's it mark henry cuts in " somebody is messing up with my mind somebody is manipulating me." ' ah ! Do you mean like a witch ?' Mark asked jokily. 

Yes , yes  Henry answered .

 " c'mon man you and I know that those things don't exits anymore " mark said 

"I know man but I'm so confuse , I feel like I'm losing my senses ' " Man I think you're under the influence of alcohol ' mark said which got henry angry " I told you I wasn't drinking , henry bellowed .

 " then I think   you should see a doctor " mark suggested "

 do you think I'm crazy or what , am not hallucinating " he shrieked "

 no, I think you're depress you need rest man and quite drinking"

 henry glared at him " it's not the drink."

 " Can you hear yourself, you are seeing things , you need a doctor . I have a friend he's a medical doctor , I will try and talk with him' mark said . henry shrugged as he took a copy of the photo. Take a look at it again still seeing his secretary " oh God this can't be " he murmurs.  

chapter seven



Tap!! tap!! tap!!


 Henry jerk up from the bed, now the taping was continuously, he went down and saw the window hitting on its edge. He went to close it, again  sighting the same image he saw last night sitting at  the same spot. He open the door he walk towards it trying hard not to lose sight of it. He was few yards away when a dog barked at him furiously it happened so fast he look around there was no dog he look at the spot the figure was gone . he saw it again standing at a tree few yards from where he was standing . he bravely walk towards it maintaining his sight cause he notice each time he loses sight it will disappear and again re appear at a different spot . he finally reaches three yards away from it , now he is close enough when a frog hop on his leg . he maintain his sight , fling his leg roughly the frog hop away . 

"who are you !! 

He stammered, though He's pretending to be brave, you could see him shuddering in fear . the figure stood still. He approaches closer 

" who are you , how may I help you ?

 His voice echoed . he stretches out his arm trying to touch the figure's shoulder when the figure suddenly turn and grab his hand . it's face was hollow and darkish henry couldn't even see the hand that grab him but he felt it warmness and its grip, he couldn't stand the horror he scream out 


Jerking up from bed sweating profusely painting like a dog , " honey are you okay " Jane asked patting his shoulder .

He wonders yesterday nightmare was real or could it be a dream

 " notting dear just a terrible night mare "


The doctor check Henry's pulse and his heart beat , 

"he needs rest it's not a big thing"

 ,the doctor remark . Henry gaze at mark who's sitting next to him 

" man I'm confuse " 

the doc parked up his equipment and exit them. 

" I have a nightmare but I'm confuse , the first one feels real, the second one felt like a dream " .. ,

" you heard the doc you need rest" mark said

"why don't you even listen to me each time I try to discuss something with you , you always think am crazy. what's the point of talking to you anyway , he shrieked 

before mark could say any thing henry had left the room banging the door.


chapter eight

 Tap!! tap!! tap !! 

Henry jerk up from the bed .

 " no not again " he murmurs 

 he went down, right at the tapping window 

 and saw the image. He opened the door approaching it

 " who are you !!! 

He yelled

 "what do you want from me" .. 


"Do you really want to know, come"


 Henry was more frightened, he start shuddering as the voice echoed like it was coming out from a hollowed tunnel.

 He walk towards it.

slowly the figure turn around

 it was Ellen . the same Ellen he sigh deals with .. 

Her face was pale and whitish , 

Her eyes yellowish, bulging out like it was coming out from its sockets and unfocused  as she glared at henry who was frozen in fear, 

"what I want huh ? I want you to feel the pain that I felt"

 .. "But I have done nothing wrong to you " Henry's stammered in fear


"yes "

she hissed 

"that I know , but some people connected to you did'"


" what ever they did to you why don't you torment them , why me ? 


' she hummed 

"good question ' 


 " please forgive...... .


" forgive  , there's nothing like forgive 

she yelled and vanished ,

henry stood out all night in the field crying 


I think I'm going insane , someone is tormenting me ' 

who ? Jane ask .. 

" Ellen '

Ellen , Jane repeated. Having 'not again looks on her face


Henry observing her reaction 


" no , no not that Ellen. . she said some  people connected to me did something to her and she want to revenge on me..


" She want to revenge on you for something you didn't do 

Jane asked surprisedly. 


I don't know .  henry sobs . 


Jane couldn't bear seeing his husband this way tears run down her check, she hug him. 

"Honey it will be okay.. 

She whispers .


chapter nine


"Somebody help me!! 

Henry yelled as park of wolves chase after him. He run furiously for his dear life, each time he turn he saw the wolves closer . he put more effort to speed up but to no avail. He run down to an alley with two path ( in form of y ) he stood in the center confused thinking of which route to take , left or right he kept puzzling in his mind, as he could hear leaves breaks , fast foot steps stamping hard on the mouldy soil and low growls fast approaching .

He look around and saw a big log he quickly hid behind it thinking and waiting for the wolves to run by.

He heard a sharp crack noise behind him , he quickly turn seeing the whole park snarling at him viciously reviewing their fangs with wide red eyes locked on him.

One of the wolves charges , pound on henry , henry wedging it with his hand immediately  flipped it over and it scratches his hand with its claws, the wound were deep causing blood to gush out rapidly, Henry grunt in pain  as he quickly jerk up and make a dash, others charges and run after him.  He manage to get out within their range, as he run towards a cliff. He reaches to the dead end , the only route to escape is turning back and its blocked by the wolves as they approaches slowly snarling at him . henry had no choice . to be eaten by the wolves or jump of the cliff . the wolves lunched their attack as he jump off the cliff screaming loud .

He jerk up from the bed, sweating, his scream woke up his wife who was deep as sleep his children and some near by neighbours .

" honey " 

Jane pat on henry who was seriously gasping for air . 

' I'm okay , I'm okay ,

 he felt a sharp pain on his right arm, he lift it up and saw the exact wound mark he got from the attack. 

' oh no , this can't not be ,

 he glanced at his wife

 " how did you get those scratches" 

she quired .

" it real, oh God it's real " 

" what's real" ?

 Jane asked this time feeling uncomfortable about her husband acting weird . 

" the nightmares the are real " .


In the name of the father , the son and the holy spirit, any evil power on this house, manipulating this family should be consumed and destroyed by the holy ghost , the rev said as he sprinkles the ' holy water' around the house . 

"something is not right , something evil dwells here I can feel its present ,

 the rev father said .

"We bought this house not less than a year, is this house hunted or what ? 

Henry asked the rev father as he wait patiently for an answer .

" I don't know , but something evil dwells here , I can feel it.

 The rev father gestured on Henry's hand

 " your wounds, you said one of the the wolves attacks you "

 he asked henry looking at his hand 

" father I'm still wondering how can someone get wounded in a dream and see the same wound in real life ". 

" you see my son , 

the rev father stops as he cleared his throat, "fire is a beautiful thing , it can bring happiness , it can bring pain, depending on how you use it." Yes sometimes when you die in dreams , you die in real life. That what is called evil projection  , evil attacks . if they can kill you in dream , then you are just like an ant to them in real life that they can just stamp on as easily as that . that's why if you are not strong in being , you have to be strong in spirit .

This witch that is hunting you did you do any thing in the past , or your ancestors . " you cant solve a problem when you don't know the root... 

Let me tell you son sometimes when you do things it won't hunt you but your children's children ..something we called generational course 

Henry stood there speechless as he start getting flash back 

"Ellen told her that some people connected to him did something. Flashes through his mind .



chapter Ten



Ellen was sitting on a couch outside the field  , enjoying the fresh cool air. 


" hey, how are you ?

The voice came from right behind her. It was henry , she was surprise and at the same time shock she didn't answer Henry's greetings but greets back 


' good day sir, how are you ? 


She said politely. Henry let out a sigh ,

'to be honest  I'm not fine ' 

Ellen doesn't want to show interest . 

' well, my kids the seems to love you', 

Henry complimented . Ellen was speechless she only nod her head 

" well do you enjoy, you know hanging around with them ?.

 Ellen doesn't want to start a conversation with henry  , or answer any of his questions. She has No choice than to co- operate .

 ' I do sir , 

she answered trying hard to keep her composure and to avoid anymore questions . 


"okay that's good, Ellen can you please forgive me if I have done something wrong to you or people connected to me did.. 


Ellen gulp down bubbles foaming on her throat '

 sir I don't know what you are talking about , beside you have not done nothing wrong to me.

 Ellen replies in a gentle manner .

 " look you don't have to pretend you told Linda about ......... 

" but that's was only a joke 

Ellen cuts in 

besides the story is a myth , just trying to impress the kids .

" ever since you came into my house , everything has change . henry said

  " sir if you want I can quite the job . 

Ellen said boldly showing seriousness all over her face .

 ' no no no henry tap on his head what I'm I even thinking' discussing this with this poor girl

The questions runs through Henry's mind . ,' I'm sorry if I push too far..


 "Daddy, daddy'

 the voice interrupts

 ' I wanna take a walk with nanny Ellen down the street. 

Linda yells as she run towards them

. " okay honey  be careful out their okay. 


Linda and Ellen strolled along while henry deep inside keeps suspecting ellen as he watches Ellen and Linda disappears into the thin air .


Henry keeps smacking his head as he walk down the bathroom he squeeze the tap water runs through , he let out his palm allowing water to full in before he splashes it all over his sweat full  face as he look at the mirror only his pale face and shadowed eye looking right back at him. He haven't had a healthy sleep due to the nightmares, he could feel his brain aching . he need a long rest .

He let out a big sigh as he bent down toward the washing basin 

Rubbing his hair forth and to as his stretches out his palm towards the running water , he splashes it all over his face. He breath heavily gasping out for like his was been choke, his heart seems to be pupping faster . he felt all kind of feeling all over his body  it felt strange like some cold air is running down through his veins . he caught sight at the wall mirror, he saw his reflection glaring viciously at him, he was shocked

His reflection was suppose to mimick everything he dose, instead it was still glaring at him, he wipe some of the vapour around the mirror to be sure , to have a clear view . he peered closely but the image changes in what seems to be a ghost form. It was all black and hollow, black socket and mouth 

Henry stumbled back in fear as he slip off hitting his right side check hard on the tied floor, he manage to stand up after few minutes staggering as he use the washing basin for balance , his head aches . he look at the mirror again , it was gone and this time its was his reflection .

He staggered out from the bathroom , he felt a sharp pain right on his right ear , he holds it trying to cease the pain . 

He hard a sharp hissing sound flew by he look around to see where it was coming from but he could not detect any exact spot .

He start hearing hissing and strange language all over , inside his head

It was echoing like it was coming directly from an empty tunnel. He places both hands on his head, he let out a loud scream which attracts his wife who came running , slaming the door open only to see his husband holding both hands on his head screaming 

 stop , stop , I heard enough stop 
as he flip his head side to side roughly .
Jane ran towards henry 
" calm down, calm down , 
she yells trying to get hold of henry 
"They won't stop , they won't stop they are in my head they won't stop .
 henry cry out as he twitches side to side giving his wife a hard time.
Who won't stop , what's in your head
 Jane ask as she make more effort to get hold of henry who's twitching roughly .
I don't know , they won't stop ah stop please stop I heard enough.
 Jane swing henry slapping him hard that someone downstairs could hear it .
Henry regaining himself , the hissing stop. Henry breath heavily as he start to sob Jane who's exhausted , panting and gasping like a fish out of water .
honey calm down , 
she pat on his shoulder 

chapter eleven


" you look beautiful" 

Linda compliment as her and Ellen stroll along a narrow lonely road


Thank you" 

Ellen replied. Linda grin at her

 ' where are from ?"

 She raise her eye brow, Ellen who's surprise with the questions

 " do you really want to know ?" 

Ellen grin back at her .


"Yeah of course, people from where you are have good heart and are caring , I wish when I grow up , I will marry from there . My husband will be caring as you are, don't you think so ? 


Linda smile. Ellen laugh sheepishly and smile back at her 

 " sure he will , cause you're a queen . 

Linda winks and felt shy lowering her head .


Do you believe in love at first sight ?, Linda ask .looking up, pretending she didn't ask any question at all. 

" yeah, I do . Ellen replied 


Have you ever been in love before ? Linda ask

The questions got Ellen deep down she said nothing as she caught  glimpse at the young girl who's waiting for her to answer . being completely honest 


" yeah I have' 

she let out a fake smile . 


" did he break your heart or are you still together with him? Ellen glance at Linda trying to keep her composure cause she was getting uncomfortable with all the love questions

 " yeah he did, "


 I'm sorry , it feel bad don't it, for someone you love to just break your heart 

Linda added 

" sure it did feel bad,. Do you believe in love at first sight ? 

Linda grin 

" yeah I do " 

Have you ever been n in love before " Ellen asked .

Don't you think I'm too young for that , Linda grin

Oh what I'm I even thinking . both laugh as they stroll down . 

They came across billy a trouble maker , the same grade with Linda .billy was known for bad mouth and causing trouble every where he found himself in, he insults everybody he didn't give a damn about your age or status, his parents had try every possible means to make him to be a better person but to no avail. They  even put him in a missionary school which he was expel for insulting a rev father . due to that no schools offers admission to him which made his parent to relocate to another state  and he finally gain admission . him and his lackeys bullies those the can and take their lunch money , he has been suspended severely and all the advice given to him by his parent and elderly people but still he haven't change a bit. 

Hi Linda , he greets grinning . linda know clearly that this is trouble , she played dumb .

I'm greeting and you are walking away seems your old woman don't teach you shit at home, 

Linda  had enough as she approaches him angrily but Ellen manages to hold her back


"Ah should you have let her come, lemme kick her fat ass, he chuckles as well as his lackeys 

"at your age you shouldn't use those language . Ellen said gently 

Where's this witch from huh tryna lecture me.

Bang ! The word " witch" hit Ellen at the head " what did you just call me, Ellen's voice was getting mean 

" what you gonna do huh " wicked witch " his lackeys chuckles 

Ellen anger reads hundred she just want to act but glancing at Linda she controls her self 

It not nice to pee on your pants in front of the ladies , Ellen said gently . linda got sight of Billy's trouser it was already wet , Linda couldn't hold it but laugh . 

He couldn't even hold his own pee

Linda mocks

Billy who was still confuse, still wonder how come

Ohhh billy that's nasty his friends mocked him

" huh that's the best you can do witch, billy yelled 

Ellen couldn't take it she remembered the last man that's called her witch was Richard , and this little brat has the guts. She really want to cast a spell on him or even worst but Linda's present keep her calm . 

Ellen glared at billy and let him only see her true self, billy start shuddering in fear , he couldn't believe what his eyes saw , he start sweating now more pee could be seen dripping off his trouser , he Start yelling and ran

 off , others kids were shock to see billy grip in fear that way before. Though he was the smallest and the youngest but the toughest . they ran after him yelling his name.

Linda was still battling with confusion " what would have cause billy such fear, she wanted to ask Ellen what did she do .but kept to her self 


Jane gently lay henry on the bed 

Brought a towel and soak it in a chilled water, putting it on Henry's forehead to lessen the fever.

Don't worry honey every thing will be alright 

Pating him 

Henry was speechless

The water on the towel dry out, she socks the towel in the bowl 




chapter twelve



Henry holds the door knob, he has the urge to open it but something holds him from doing it, maybe it could be the glaring reflection on the mirror or the voices. He summoned courage and swung the door open. It still took him few seconds before he walks into the bathroom . He caught glimpse of the mirror, there was no glaring reflection . His beard are already pumping out henry doesn't like beard with some reasons best known to him, but one is that he thinks it makes him look older than his colleagues. That's why he shaved once every week. He open the drawer and brought his shaving stick and shaving cream out. pressing the cream , notting was coming out  it was empty .

"Shit " he exclaimed 

Damn kid.   Zack !!!! He yelled out from the bathroom his voice echoed .

Zack although his only 13, he seems to be seeing beards and to him it's makes him look older than his classmate /age mates, to avoid mocking and beefs from other students he decides to shave it off.

Henry walks angrily towards Zack bedroom

He barges in  barking 

" how many times do I have to tell you to stop using my god-damn cream!!! ??? 

Zack was a little bit shock and confused the way his father speak vaguely.

" dad I didn't use your cream beside I have mine" Zack replied still staring at his boiling dad.

Henry felt a strange wind pass by  he start hearing echos of a language he can't identify or understand , it was hissing. He felt instant dizziness  , he look at zack

" stupid man because of a small cream you are barking like a puppy hahahahaha. The laughter kept repeating   , he grabbed hold of Zack's head hits it on the wall

" how dear you talk to me like that huh, huh 

He drag and fling him hard, Zack acquired some minor inquiries from the fall. 

"Dad I didn't say anything " Zack sobs 

" you dear deny it huh what you tryna say that I'm a lier huh, huh "

He drag Zack roughly 

Jane rushed in and pushed henry off 

"What do you think you are doing " she bark furiously as she charges on henry hitting him , slapping him randomly .

"Are you out of your mind. Henry where're your senses" she bellowed.

She had never know henry of being this violent , her husband she use to know never touches or hit any of the children , this man she is seeing now is a different man .

The voice that echoes in Henry's head faded and finally stopped. Not minding his sweating and panting wife he saw Zack on the floor with bruises 

"Zack did you got in to a fight" he ask as he approaches him . Zack could not answer those questions as he glare at his father 

Henry looks at his wife with all those sweats 

" Jane did you got into a fight with Zack ? 

" you did that to him" Jane  said angrily 

" me? , What . no, no " 

" shut up henry' Jane yelled ' you did that to your son

 Gesturing at Zack who's still on the floor finding it hard to stand.

Henry was more confused with the situation he never recall of doing that to Zack.

" what did you mean I did that, I can never do that you know I though...

'It was me ,jane cuts in ' with all these sweat I get trying to stop you from causing more damage on him  , you thought it was me huh.

Jane couldn't utter any other word 

She grab hold of Zack helping him to be on his feet as both staggered out of the room slamming the door.

Henry sat down with his face up, he doubt himself but he Saw blood on his hand probably not his but whose ? Zack's .

" oh God no, no "

His eye glance at Zack's digital camera .

Zack was probably doing a home video of himself , when he barges in.

He pick up the camera, flip it sid3 to side

He saw something which got his attention as he glance at the screen

," sav3d video, press play to watch"

Without hesitating he pressed play and the video start playing.

Zack was doing a couple of freestyle vibs .

Zack always had a dream of becoming a successful musician , as Zack was performing something cuts Zack attention it was when he barge into the room, he could see himself hitting his son head  on the hard cement wall . dragging him, the screen flipped over probably the camera fell of from where it was set but he could still hear scream , yelling. In the background before the video stopped...

"Jesus Christ " he exclaimed

He still can't get to believe that the man  on the video was him

When did all this happen , he never remembered doing any of what he just watched 

"No, no no

He stood up, swung the door open, he search around for Zack and probably found them.

Jane was applying worn water on Zack bruises , Zack letting out a faint grunt 

" dad did you do that to Zack?" Linda asking as tears run down her check.

No, no honey he approaches towards Linda 

" don't come closer to me dad, just go

Henry sight marry who's sobbing, he has probably done the worst thing in his life , 

To not push further or worsen the situation , he g3t his car k3y and drove off




Texte: wezzybm
Bildmaterialien: bm'$book
Lektorat: bmbooks
Übersetzung: bmbook
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.07.2016

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To God almighty To my mum Mrs Ifeoma oku To you readers

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