

 Some people say that the world was made from only four elements. But those are only the primary elements... The elements are like colors, there are some primary colors and some secondary colors. The primary colors support the secondary ones. Same with the elements. Water, fire, wind and earth are the primary elements, but light, ice and lightning are secondary elements. They are not as important as the primary ones. From a land far away, these seven elements played a special role. And each element was passed down to a horse. A horse that would bring them together, and one day, become a truly great power.

 * * *

As the sun shined on the seven horses, one stood up. This one had beautiful blue hair and light indigo skin. She had the wings of and angel and a blue horn. She looked at the others and was looking for something. The others looked at her. One of them had brown skin and green hair that resembled grass. Another was white and had light blue hair. There was a another one that was a mix of red, orange and yellow. Those four horses had a horn and wings. They stood the tallest among the rest. There were still three more. One of them were yellow and had golden hair. That one only had a horn. There was another one who was light blue and white, but had icicles hanging. That one also only had a horn. Another was dark blue and had white lightning scars over it's body. That one only had wings. They were all beautiful. But one was missing. There were seven of them gazing on the grass. But there was foretold to be another one. This one was dark purple with black hair. And no one wanted to meet her... But the horses knew that the dark one could never follow them, but she would return to face them one day. Each one had it's own element. Water, earth, air, earth, light, ice and lighting. All seven elements in all seven horses.


That day, there was a terrible storm. They all cried in surprise and panicked. The horses got separated and they were never found together again. They each found their own owners. Some of them found each other, but others were lost. This story has remained a legend... Until those seven horses one day reunited...


Chapter 1: Life

As the sun shined on the stable, Tara woke up and got out of bed. Another beautiful Sunday was coming along. She gazed out the house and looked at the stable. The shiny red paint glittered in the morning sun. Tara walked down the hall to Luna's room.

“Luna!” she cried, “Wake up! It's time to go horse riding!” Luna twitched and turned around.

“Five more minutes! I'll be out of bed soon.” she replied. Tara shrugged and skipped downstairs. Luna and Tara were great sisters and both loved horse riding. But their horses were a bit different.

“Hi mom!” Tara greeted as she sat down to eat pancakes.

“Hello dear!” replied her mom as she placed another pancake on the stack. Tara smiled and started to eat her stack of pancakes.

“Going horse riding again today?” asked her mother.

“You bet! Aqua and I are going to have so much fun! We're going to head down towards the beach for a nice run!!”

“Sounds like a relaxing day!” cried her mom. Tara nodded and looked at the staircase. Luna walked down and yawned.

“Good morning mom!” she said. She sat down beside Tara and started to eat.

“Guess what? We're going to the beach!” pointed Tara.

“Really?! Ventus is going to be so happy!” exclaimed Luna. The two girls finished their pancakes and headed out the door. They reached the stables and opened the door. A light blue horse with beautiful blue hair looked at Tara. It had a horn and wings.

“Hello Aqua! We're going to the beach today for a little adventure!” cried Tara as she got Aqua ready. Beside Aqua was another horse. This one with swirly gray hair and light blue skin. It also had wings and a horn.

“Hey Ventus! Ready for a run?” suggested Luna. They got on their saddles and galloped off.


They started galloping in a field and stopped for a while. They looked at the horizon. It was beautiful. Aqua neighed and started to run off.

“Aqua! Stop!” cried Tara. She finally stopped.

“What scared her?” asked Luna.

“I don't know, but something sure made her jump.”

“We better head off to the beach. It's almost lunch time!” suggested Luna. Tara nodded and they started to run. Faster and faster, the horses started to lift up. Their wings were flapping and they flew. They flew over the sea and landed on the sand. Well, only Ventus and Luna landed on the sand. Aqua and Tara landed on the water. They were standing in the middle of the water.

“That's a new power.” admitted Tara. They started to head towards land where Ventus and Luna were waiting.

“Let's go for a run on the shoreline!” suggested Luna. Tara nodded and they started to gallop. The horses ran and ran. It felt so good to be running in the sun. They splashed in the water and raced off on the sand. The girls were laughing and giggling the whole ride.

“It's lunch time, we have to go home.” said Luna. They started to burst off and ran into the fields again. Aqua bucked Tara off and neighed. Tara laughed and lied on the ground.

“This is fun!” she cried. Luna jumped off and joined her sister as they lied in the grass. The horses were taking a break with them. As time started to run out, they hopped back onto the horses and headed home.


As they reached home, they stared at the woods.

“Let's go there tomorrow!” suggested Tara. Luna looked scared.

“Okay, let's ask mom first though.” replied Luna. They settled their horses in the stables and ran to their house.

“Hi mom!” greeted Tara.

“Hello girls! How was your trip?” asked her mother who was preparing sandwitches.

“It was so much fun! We splashed in the water and flied...” cried Tara but then, she got interrupted by Luna. They didn't want to mention the horse's powers to their mom. It would be too dangerous. Their mom never really cared about the wings and the horn.

“Very funny dear, you flied?” she giggled.

“I mean, swam in the sea! It felt like flying.” said Tara nervously.

“Hey mom, can we head off the the woods tomorrow?” asked Luna, remembering the conversation.

“Sure dear, just be careful. Be home by six o'clock when you go, alright?”

“Sure! We'll be careful!” grinned Tara. But the worst was yet to come...

Chapter 2: The monster

The next day, the girls got up and headed out the door. They met the shiny stable like the day before and saw their horses.

“Hi Aqua! We're going to the woods today!” exclaimed Tara. Luna looked at Ventus nervously.

“This wasn't my idea, but might as well have a go.” sighed Luna. They got on their horses and started to gallop towards the forest. As they got closer and closer, the wind blew harder and harder. Aqua started to slow down. Finally, they reached the woods. They started to walk a couple miles into the deep forest.

“Look! A raccoon!” cried Luna. A raccoon family passed by and stared at the horses. Their eyes started to glow red. One leaped on Ventus and started to scratch her! Ventus started cry in pain.

“What's happening?!” exclaimed Tara as a giant raccoon lunged towards her. Aqua neighed and created a wave that washed the raccoons away.

“Strange raccoons...” Tara sighed. She looked behind her to see Ventus on the ground, bleeding badly. Luna knelt down to stroke her hair. She was badly injured.

“We better head home.” she said looking at the trees.

“Which way is home?” asked Tara. They didn't remember where they came from.


They looked at each other in fright.

“What do you mean which way?” asked Luna nervously.

“I don't remember anything...” said Tara.

“Let's keep walking, there has to be a way out.” suggested Luna. Tara nodded and looked at Aqua.

“We'll be home in no time.” Tara whispered. And they were off into the deep parts of the woods.


They walked for several miles and they were all getting tired. Aqua stopped walking. The poor injured Ventus looked up at the trees and started to look worried. Something was scaring them, and it might just be the thing that scared Aqua the day before... Suddenly, they saw something fly by. They didn't know what it was. Suddenly, it started running around them, running super fast. It was sort of a dark color of blue, purple, black and green.

“There's more than one!” cried Luna. They started to run faster, and faster, and faster! Till suddenly, they stopped. Four huge wolves were surrounding them. They growled and saliva was dripping out of their mouth. Their teeth were super sharp and they had scars over their body. They all had a symbol on their shoulder. It was a skull in the middle of a circle. Aqua and Ventus neighed and started to freak out. Aqua started running.

“Aqua!” exclaimed Tara. Aqua ran and ran till she turned around and started charging towards one of the wolves. She let out a blast of water and some waves to wash it away. But there were three more. They came lunging at Aqua but she flew. Ventus looked at them and let out a mini tornado, but strong enough to blow two of them away. There was still one more. This one looked bigger and had even more scars. It growled and walked slowly towards the horses. Suddenly, a huge flame appeared and the wolf was surrounded by fire. Up in the sky, was a horse just like Aqua and Ventus except it's color was a mix of red, orange and yellow. It's hair resembled a lot like flames. It flew down and charged the wolf with it's horn. The wolf whined for one second and then, it was dead. Aqua calmed the flames with water and she started walking towards the fire horse. They first stared at each other. But then, they were so happy! Ventus felt happy too and neighed.

“What's happening?” asked Luna. The horses started jumping like they met a long lost friend. Aqua looked at Tara and shook her horn. Some sparkles came out and wrote something on the ground.

“Ignis...” read Tara.

“The horse's name is Ignis!” exclaimed Luna. Ignis smiled and started to walk off. She turned around, waiting for them to follow. Luna and Tara looked at each other and sighed.

“Let's follow her, she might know the way!” suggested Tara. They took Aqua and Ventus and started to follow Ignis. But Ignis wasn't heading for home, she was headed somewhere else...

They started to walk some more until they came upon a clearing. Ignis stopped and had a suspicious look on her face. There was a tiny rustle in the bushes. Aqua got closer, and closer, till a chipmunk jumped out and ran away. But there was something else... Something bigger was behind the bushes... Ignis stepped back and Ventus watched. Suddenly, a huge black bear with red eyes stood up and looked at Aqua, who was frightened. It roared and growled. This one also had a symbol on it's shoulder, the same that was on the wolves! Aqua started to run towards the others, but the bear caught her and tried to scratch her. Ignis shot out a flame to the bear's eyes. It cried and fell down. Aqua ran for her life. Ventus created a huge gust of wind that blew a tree down and landed straight on the bear. The bear was dead.

“Things like this keep happening...” worried Luna. Ignis looked at her and started to walk. There was much more danger ahead of them...

Chapter 3: The Truth

After several miles of walking, it was getting dark. There was nowhere to sleep and nowhere was safe in the woods.

“Why did we come here in the first place?” cried Tara. Luna looked at her in surprise.

“It was your idea!” she argued back.

“But you just had to remind mom for her permission. We've been walking a bunch of miles and still didn't reach home! Why do we even trust Ignis?!” complained Tara.

“Ignis knows the forest better than we do. And plus, if mom suspects something is wrong, she'll call for help.” replied Luna.

“But mom doesn't actually care about us! Remember? She once forgot that she had kids! After dad died, she only took care of us but never loved us!” exclaimed Tara with tears streaming down her cheeks. Luna opened her mouth to say something, but let out a sigh instead. Their lives were hard. Their mother never actually loved them because of their father's death. They once caught her sleep talking about how she wished that she never had kids. Tara and Luna never felt what it feels like to be home. Their father died when they were toddlers. Their father gave them Aqua and Ventus. Back then, their mother loved them very much, but now, she changed. Their dad died from a wolf attack, same as the girls experienced. But he didn't make it out alive. That's why their mother wouldn't allow her beloved kids there. But no, she doesn't love her children anymore. When they ask her to go to the woods, she allows them as if she never cared. The horses looked at the stars and stared at them. It was telling them something. Aqua went up to Tara and knelt down for her to get on. Tara got on and helped Luna also get on. Ventus was too weak to hold anyone. Ignis started to run. They all started to run. From behind them was a loud roar.

“Another monster?!” exclaimed Luna in disbelief. They started to run and run till the roaring was gone.

“We're safe...” sighed Tara.

“Let's make camp.” suggested Luna. They gathered fire wood and made a little shelter. They sat at the fire, not knowing what to do.

“Let's hope we'll be home by tomorrow.” yawned Luna. She walked towards the tent and fell asleep.

“Let's hope...” whispered Tara and lied down and fell asleep. The horses looked at each other and also fell asleep.


There was a rustle and Ignis woke up. She woke up the others and they got up. The rustling got closer and closer, till suddenly, it came out of it's hiding spot. An old man came and looked at the horses. He petted them and sat down near the fire.

“Do not fear, all of the dark one's tricks are gone.” he said. He smiled and looked at the girls. Tara woke up with surprise to see the man sitting near the horses.

“Wake up!” cried Tara as she shook her sister. Luna got up and looked at the man.

“Excuse me, but, are you supposed to be here?” said Luna.

“Do you know these horses?” he asked.

“Yeah! That's Ignis, Aqua and Ventus!” replied Tara with a firm voice.

“Good, but you might be in their way.” he pointed.

“How?” asked Tara.

“Young ones, there is so much you don't understand. Ignis has been leading you the opposite way of home the whole time!”

“What?!” they both exclaimed.

“It's not her fault. Ignis escaped from her owner to reunite all seven horses at Moonlight Meadows.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. Tell us from the beginning.” suggested Tara.

“Alright then... Long ago, this world was created using seven elements, not four. Fire, earth, water and air are only primary elements. Lightning, ice and light are secondary elements. These seven elements have been passed down to seven different horses. Ignis possesses the element of fire, Aqua possesses the element of -”

“Water!” interrupted Tara.

“Yes, and as you know, Ventus possesses the element of air. There was a storm one day and they got separated. But they will be planning to reunite one day to battle the evil one. The monsters you've seen today were sent by the evil one. That is why you must leave Aqua and Ventus. You are slowing them down. And that is a problem.”

“But how will we get home?” asked Luna. The man got up and gave them a bag of dust.

“Use it to get home.” he said. He turned around and disappeared.

The next morning, Tara looked at Aqua. She went up to her and hugged her.

“I'm gonna miss you, all the adventures, and now, this.” she said as streams of tears went down her cheek. She's had Aqua since she was little. And now, Aqua has to go fight. Aqua looked at Tara and neighed. They looked back to see Luna and Ventus.

“You were awesome, I'll never forget you.” she said, hugging Ventus. Ventus licked her and looked at Aqua.

“Ready Luna?” asked Tara.

“Ready.” she replied. They waved at the horses and then, Tara sprinkled the dust on Luna and herself. They disappeared with a sparkle. Ignis neighed and the three horses set off.


After some hours of walking, Aqua was worried. She misses Tara already. Ventus took her horn and started waving it. A whirlpool in mid-air appeared. In there, they saw a mirage of Tara and Luna. They landed home. But something was wrong. Their house was destroyed. They saw panic in their eyes. It was one of the Evil one's tricks! Tara and Luna sat there, hopeless. Aqua neighed and wanted to head back, but couldn't. If she headed back, her team would be no match against the evil one. She cried and walked on.


Lesson: The truth hurts, but sometimes, we have to carry on.

Chapter 4: Forgotten

Notice: When the horses talk, they are actually communicating or thinking, not actually 'talking'


A glowing light shined on Aqua as she got up. She shook her head, trying to remember what had happened the day before.

“Tara...” she murmured to herself. She went over to Ventus, who was still asleep.

“Do you think she'll be okay?” asked Aqua. Ventus blinked and got up. She went to a little ledge and stared at the horizon.

“When we finish the battle, we will know...” sighed Ventus. Aqua looked at her and went back to Ignis.

“It's time to start moving. We are all ready Ignis.” informed Aqua. Ignis got up and started to walk.

“We need Terrae, the fourth primary elemental horse.” pointed Ignis. Ventus and Aqua looked at her, waiting for her to move. Ignis sighed and started to walk.

“To save time, should we fly to our next destination.” suggested Ventus.

“Alright, we'll find a little clearing so we can take off. There are too many trees here.” agreed Ignis. They started running and running until they came to a tiny clearing. The three of them started flapping their wings. One by one, they took off.


They flew high in the clouds, but soon, they came upon a little town in the dessert.

“This is it, Terrae said she lived in a little town in the desert.” said Ignis. Aqua nodded and started to lower. The two others started to follow. As soon as they got to the ground, they started to walk into the town. Many people were smoking and drinking. Some of them stared at them. Suddenly, they heard a loud gun shot.

“I'm telling ya! If you don't hand over the horse, I'm shooting ya!” cried a man. Ventus turned around and saw a little boy and his mother holding a horse. The horse had beautiful green hair and brown skin. She had some cracks on her legs and had a horn and wings.

“This horse ain't for sale pal!” shouted the mother.

“I'm paying ya all this money for that horse! Now hand it over!” argued the man. The man looked mean and was desperate to get the horse. Then, Ventus noticed a symbol on his shoulder, it was the same they found on the bear and the wolves!

“That man is working for the Dark one!” cried Ventus. Aqua started to walk towards him. She looked at him with a mad face. The man looked surprised and stepped back.

“I mean, you can have the horse...” he stumbled. But secretly, he pulled his gun out. Ignis saw and charged towards him. She stabbed him with her horn and he was dead.

“Quick! Let's get out of here!” cried Ventus. The whole town ran towards the horses.

“Terrae! Come! No time to explain!” directed Ignis. Terrae looked confused and looked at the boy. She sighed and started to run.

“Where are you going?!” exclaimed the boy. They ran faster and faster.

“Do you know how to fly?” asked Aqua. Terrae looked at her wings and nodded. They started flapping their wings and took off.

“That's four horses.” sighed Ignis. Terrae looked at her in confusedness.


They landed in a little field of hills.

“This will be a good place to stay for the night.” Aqua said. Terrae still had a sad face.

“What's the matter?” asked Ventus.

“Why did I leave? Why did you come? What is this all about?” wondered Terrae.

“You mean, you don't remember the storm? You don't remember we're supposed to reunite?” asked Aqua. Terrae sighed an shook her head.

“This must be what happened to Tara's mom! The Dark one must've made her forget!” exclaimed Ignis. Terrae looked at her in disbalief.

“Can you girls please tell me the whole story?” begged Terrae. They all nodded and began to talk.


After several minutes of talking, Terrae finally understood that she played an important role.

“And if we miss just one horse, we won't be strong enough to fight her.” continued Aqua.

“That's why we were looking for you.” concluded Ignis. Terrae sighed and nodded.

“That made sense. The man always wanted to buy me, but the boy never let him.”

“So now you remember?” asked Ventus.

“Yes, now I sort of remember.” chuckled Terrae.

“It's getting quite dark...” pointed Aqua.

“Good night everyone!” yawned Ignis as she went to sleep.

“Good night...” replied Ventus. Aqua stood there, looking at the stars.

“What are you looking at?” asked Terrae.

“Don't you ever feel like the stars are telling us something? It's like they are encouraging us to continue and battle the Dark one.” explained Aqua.


“And each star forms a picture that tell a story.”

“Hey look! A shooting star!” cried Terrae. Aqua looked at the flaming hot star. It was bright red and orange.

“There's another one!” A blue shooting star flew by.

“And there!” A white shooting star zoomed past them.

“And there's a green one!” pointed Aqua as a green comet shot the sky.

“Stars are so magical...” sighed Terrae. Suddenly, a purple shooting star came straight at them.

“Watch out!” cried Aqua. The two horses ran for their lives.

“Wake up! A star is coming! Hurry!” shouted the two. The others woke up and started to run. The purple star hit the ground with a huge dark explosion. Purple and black smoke was everywhere.

“Hold your breath and close your eyes!” directed Ignis. Ventus couldn't see. She coughed and screamed.

“Well done dear...” said a dark voice. Out of the smoke was a dark purple horse and black hair. She had bat wings and a horn.

“I am Tenebris. As you may call me, the dark one. I'm here to tell you, if you ever want to reunite, it's too late. I have captured Lumen, horse of light, and now, she worships me. And soon, poor Ventus shall worship me too!” she chuckled. Suddenly, she disappeared into a mist of darkness.

“I can't see!” cried Ventus in pain.

“Poor Ventus! She's going to turn evil!” cried Ignis.

“Ah! It stings!” she shouted. Ventus slowly turned darker. Her skin turned dark blue and her hair turned black. She looked at the others and disappeared.

“Where did she go?!” exclaimed Aqua.

“Where Tenebris is.” sighed Ignis.

“We have to find her!” cried Terrae.

“She won't remember us. There's no way.” argued Ignis.

“Unless she meets the sun light!” jumped Aqua.

“That's right! Tenebris only attacked at night because that's the only time there's no sun!”

“Alright, we'll find her tomorrow. For now, we need rest.” yawned Ignis. Terrae nodded and fell asleep. Aqua stared at the horizon.

“We'll find you...” she whispered. Her sister, was now gone. They've been together forever. Not even the storm could separate them. But now, Tenebris took the relationship. She looked at the others and sighed. Aqua set off to find Ventus.

Chapter 5: Friends

The next morning, Terrae woke up and looked at the sun.

“Aqua?” wondered Terrae. In the sun, she saw a picture of Lumen, the horse of light.

“Help me... Aqua set off to find us. But she fell for Tenebris's trap...” murmured Lumen.

“Lumen? What?” exclaimed Terrae.

“Help us...” faded Lumen as a cloud covered the sun. A drop of rain fell on Terrae. Then another, and another. Then, it started to pour.

“Where's Aqua?” asked Ignis. Terrae stood there, frozen.

“Lumen... Aqua... Find... Ventus... Sisters...” whispered Terrae, trying to believe what just happened.

“What?!” You're telling me, Aqua set off to find Ventus and Lumen?! Tenebris now has three horses! How are we ever supposed to reunite?!” exclaimed Ignis. She started to walk in circles. The rain poured harder and harder.

“We have to find them, or we'll never make it to Moonlight Meadows!” pointed Terrae.

“You're right. The prophecy states that we can't find Moonlight Meadows without the four primary elemental horses.” sighed Ignis. Suddenly, a bright golden star flew past them. It stopped for a moment and waited. The star came back to the horses and flew around them.

"Follow..." it whispered. Terrae and Ignis looked at it with weird looks.

"Should we?" asked Terrae after a long moment of silence. Ignis sighed and nodded. The horses started to follow it.

“Will it lead us to Aqua and the others?” asked Terrae, remembering what Aqua said the night before.

“Maybe...” replied Ignis, "Maybe..."


The star floated in the air till they came upon a cave. The star faded and slowly disappeared. Terrae looked down and saw a puddle of blood.

“You don't think...” said Terrae with her eyes opened widely.

“Don't worry, it's not like they're dead...” stumbled Ignis. The horses started to walk towards the entrance.

"What do you suppose is in there?" asked Terrae a bit nervous.

"There's only one way to find out..." replied Ignis as she started to walk towards the cave entrance. Terrae ran up to her and suddenly, it was pitch black. Ignis made a tiny light with her powers and looked around them. Not too far in front of them were Aqua, Ventus and Lumen, sound asleep.

“It's raining, we can't make them have contact with light, they have an advantage. We'll have to save them tomorrow.” sighed Terrae.

“You're right.” replied Ignis. They started to head outside and the rain calmed down. As a bit of the sun shined, a beautiful ray of colours shined in the sky.

“Maybe we can save them today...” thought Terrae with a smile. Ignis looked at her in a confused way.


“Are you sure this is going to work?” asked Ignis for the fifth time.

“Of course!” exclaimed Terrae. She galloped into the cave. It was pitch black, again. She looked around and saw nothing.

“Hey you! Stop it! Leave!” cried a familiar voice. It was Ventus!

“Hey! If you want me out, then come after me!” exclaimed Terrae. Ventus started charging towards her. Instead of running, she shot out a blast of clouds to confuse Terrae.

"What?!" exclaimed Terrae, not knowing what just happened. Terrae started walking around in circles.

"That'll teach you!" cried Ventus. All of a sudden, a huge wave of water came towards them. Aqua galloped out and charged towards Ventus.

"Are you okay Terrae?" asked Aqua.

"You weren't affected?!" gasped Terrae.

"She wouldn't dare hurt us..." added Lumen from behind. As Ventus laid on the ground, the three of them dragged her towards the exit. They placed her under the rainbow. As soon as the light touched Ventus, she remembered everything.

“What happened?” she asked, blinking and shaking her head.

“We'll explain later...” said Ignis.

“Moonlight Meadows is still far from here, we better start moving.” suggested Ignis. They all nodded and grinned.

“We should find somewhere safe to sleep first,.” suggested Terrae. They all smiled and started to gallop.

“That makes five horses...” sighed Ignis.


The sun shined bright above the horses that looked at the dessert they were about to travel across.

“This is the most driest dessert! If we're ever gonna make it, it'll be impossible!” complained Lumen. Lumen was a yellow horse with golden hair. She was shy, but talked when she wants to. She also loves to complain about things.

“This is the only way to Moonlight Meadows!” argued Aqua.

“I should be with my owner! He's probably worried sick after seeing me get kidnapped by some mega flying bats!” exaggerated Lumen, remembering the evil bats taking her away.

“Will you two knock it off?! We need to find somewhere to stay for the night. We'll leave tomorrow.” concluded Ignis.

“How about the lake? There's one that's not too far from here.” suggested Ventus.

“Lake Loin? That lake smells worse than Ignis's breath after she eats a lump of soggy grass!” insulted Terrae. Ignis looked at Terrae with a surprised look. They laughed and agreed to go stay at Lake Loin.

“Let's fly there to save time...” suggested Ventus. They nodded and started to take off. Aqua started with a run. She galloped faster, and faster and flapped her wings. All of a sudden, she lifted off. After Aqua was Ventus. She followed and flew after Aqua. One by one, the rest mimicked Aqua and Ventus. But there was just one problem. Lumen had no wings. She was a secondary elemental horse. She only had a horn, like a unicorn.

“Don't worry about me, I'll follow you...” cried Lumen. She started to run after them. The sun slowly descended and they were there, Lake Loin.

“We'll rest here.” concluded Ignis. Aqua headed towards the polluted water. She looked down and saw a skull of a horse. She flinched and headed towards the tall grass.

“It feels almost like they are here.” sighed Ventus from behind.

“If only Tara and Luna were actually here. They're probably dead by now.” regretted Aqua. Suddenly, she heard a little rustle in the tall grass. A horn stuck out. It was light blue and resembled to and icicle.

A white light blue unicorn jumped out and charged at them. There was no escape...


It started to charge and stopped right in front of Aqua. It looked at her with wide eyes and stared at her in awe.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I'm Aqua, there is no need to come charging towards us.” she said with a wise but firm voice.

“Aqua! Let's leave before he makes another move!” whispered Ventus cautiously.

“I'm Glacies.” he introduced. He stood a bit taller than Aqua and looked strong.

“I'm Aqua. You must be a secondary elemental horse!” she said. Glacies blushed and looked at the horizon.

“So, have you found the others?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“Yes, we have. They're right over there.” pointed Aqua. Ignis came up and smiled.

“Only one more horse to go!” she cheered.

“This is Ignis, that's Terrae, that's Lumen and this is Ventus.” introduced Aqua.

“It's nice to meet you, Glacies.” greeted Terrae. They took some time to know each other, after those centuries of not seeing each other.

“I never actually had an owner, I lived in the forest all alone. I never knew we had to reunite till I saw the stars the night before. That's when I started to make my way to this lake.” explained Glacies.

“So you were a wild unicorn ever since the storm?!” exclaimed Ventus.

“Well yes, I guess so.”

“It's getting dark, we'll have to sleep now.” sighed Ignis. They nodded and all fell asleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.07.2013

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The Spirit Duets (Emberdawn and Mistflower)

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