
Chapter 1

Its late at night and the library is closed with her in it, he is somewhere here to, shes scared of him but while hiding from him, she cant stop being aroused by the demonic mating ritual of hide and seek, hunter and prey and she was his.

first story so i'd like to know how it is, i'm really not good with judgment but if its the truth and your opinion with what you think would be/make it better then i thank you

I'm on my way to school, running like a maniac and you would not believe my luck, it starts raining and i'm still a good 5minuets from school! anyway i forgot to introduce myself, i swear i'm so forgetful that i can plan my own suprise party lol, i'm Jade, i'm seventeen and this is my last year of school which starts today so even almost soaked i have to get to school on time to get a perfect record so that i can get a scholarship for college. i was in class just after the second bell but of cause no one noticed and the teacher was not there yet so i took my seat at the back of the classroom on the opposite side of the populars. after roll call i took the opportunity to nap for 10minuets since i only had a few hours of sleep because of my mixed martial arts session evry sunday at half ten to half twelve.

its finely lunch and i take my queue to...the library. our first project is english of cause :/ and we have to do it in a group, which will be announced at the end of last period on the white board, in the mean while we should think up topics that are critically judged and the truth. i already got my topic, i just have to do more research, as a loner thats mostly reading i come apon strange books and one that interested me is 'witchcraft', i just wish i have a good group. "hi miss scrubs, i'd like to take this book home but i don't  have a card, because you know i always read here but i'm doing a project and n-" "i'm sorry my child but although its just one book, without a card you cannot borrow, bring in your things in tomorrow and fill in this form and you can borrow up to seven books for a week" she smiles and walks away, sigh maybe i'll go to our local library and see if they got more than one book and wait to see if we can do this topic since i got a card there and it would be no use borrowing it for nothing.

Chapter 2

on my way to my third class i heard gossip all around me about a super hot new guy but i knew he would most likely not notice me as well so i just listen to the gossip but keep out of everyones way. i'm so nervous to find out who i'll be paired with and i'm also curious about new guy, i never see him since he didn't show up to any classes but i know his in our grade if most of the gossip is to believed, i wait to be the last to read so to not get trampled on. oh shit! i have five teammates that so happen to be the all guys, four are the most popular guys in school! and last, well they just have 'the new student' that i so happen to know is the guy everyones gossiping about. i can't believe it, i'm the only girl? you have got to be kidding me!? i now know that the few months inbetween the debates thats to be due is going to be a whole new hell, sigh i'll talk to the teacher first thing tomorrow at english, maybe she can chang it? i hope...

when i get home i greet an empty house, i guess mummy is delayed and she probably pick Katy later or allow her to stay at her friends house which hardly ever happens because as a single parent is hard and we basically are all we got so shes really really stricked with us, i go make dinner for us and eat alone, listen to music since we have no homework for our first day and then go to sleep.

mummys dropping me off today so i have to wake up and get ready early, i just got out of the shower to see its six fifteen, i only got 25minuets to change and have a snack bar so i get out things that don't need ironing and my luck its only skinny jeans and any tight top that i only wear at home or anywhere no one from school will spot me, not like they will recognize me, i look totally different when i dress up. i take my bulky hoodie and leave my black hair loose to hide my face, i have striking blue eyes that stands out so i wear black contact lenses, i run downsrairs just in time to see my mom putting her lunch bag in the car so i take my bar and takes the keys to lock up.

when i arrive at school the gates are closed but i'm used to it since whenever mummy leaves me its always to early to be opened but i understand, in order for her to be on time at her job, she has to leave early and i prefer it to walking most days. its english finely! "mam? i have a problem with my group for the project, you see it seems like i'm the only girl and they are not people that i talk or socialize with" "then this is the perfet opportunity to learn to socialize with them and i'm not changing any groups" i was shocked because i really thought she'll change groups for me because although i'm a loner, i'm good at school and the teachers love me, or so i thought "class you will sit with your group of six and as you can see we rearranged your desks for each groups, please discuss your projects quietly" i was so scared to go to my seat that i excused myself from the classroom.

when i came back the class was settled with hushed whispers and it looks like every other group is getting along, how good for them 'note the sarcasm', i went slowly to my seat "hi" they either didn't hear me or didn't care, i choose the later so after a few awkward minuets i sat down and blurted out a bit loud to get there attention "i think our topic should be on witchcraft!" they all stopped talking and looked at me so i looked to see if other groups stopped as well, which they didn't to my relief and looked down and said quietly "i just think that it is the most judged and its a topic that the others will not think of so we'll probably get higher marks for originality" i peeked through my hair to see Adrian "i'm sorry but who are you" i roll my eyes which does not go unnoticed by the glare he gives me so i meekly say "i'm Jade and i'm in your group"

Chapter 3

Adrian is the schools best soccer player and he's a player out of the fields as well, no surprize there, but i hate watching sports so i never go to their games, he is tall with a lean posture and light blonde hair with those perfect sparkling light blue eyes, unlike mine that is more like the green/blue caribbean waters, then there's his friends, Jake who is tall, lean with brown hair and light green/blue eyes, Karian, tall and lean with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, Zack, tall and lean with chocolate brown hair with hazel eyes "what the hell, she's going to do everything anyway, we'll just show up to do the debate" Karian said with a roll of his eyes, i was astonished and pissed off! how dare they put it all on me! this is a 'GROUP' project/debate, and i'll be damned if i do their work, i might be a quiet loner but that because no one chose to get to know me and i liked being alone, does not mean i'm a push over "sorry guys but i'm not doing this project on my own, if that's the case than i'll do my section only and you all can fail" with an angry scowl on my face which they can't see "wow look at here, a nerd that got guts" said Adrian "one-i'm a loner...not a nerd,two-just because i'm a loner does not mean i'll roll over and submit to any asswhole like you" i said slow, like when you speak to a child.  someone snorts on my left and that is when i see the new guy "oh hi i'm sorry i never see you there guy, i'm Jade, are you atleast going to help with the debate?" i asked and smiled like i didn't just cuss just a few minuets ago, i'm really not a bad person, i don't cuss unless i'm pissed and i don't talk much or try not to because once i do and get hyper, i speak my own language that nobody understands most of the time and i feel stupid and embarrassed, well mostly with guys i like and hot guys. he just looks at me and i swear i can't hear a pin drop, the whole class seems to be listening, i guess no one had the guts to approach him which is understandable, i wouldn't have talked to him either if he wasn't in my group project that caries 25% of our mark this term. he has this vibe that just makes people back off just by looking at him and radiates danger and a look that promises violence if you dare to speak to him or mess with him. he has raven black hair and black eyes that captivates me and holds me hostage, its like i'm drowning in his eyes, he sees my expression and his turn to disgust while everyone laughs seeing his expression and he just looks away, i guess that means not.

the bell rings for lunch and i swear i almost fly out to the library and huddle in my corner with my vampire diaries book and got so lost into it as usual that miss scrubs had to tell me the bell rang 5minuets ago! omg i'm going to get into trouble and i have maths with the horrible mr h naidoo, when i enter class, thank the goddess! the teacher was not in class so i speedily made my way to my seat and you would not believe my luck, mr tall, dark and scary is on the seat next to mine with his legs on my seat lying sideways and his eyes are closed, how the hell am i supposed to tell him move? even asleep he looks like he wants to murder someone. "hi guy? can you please move to your seat?" he didn't even look at me but i somehow know he is awake and alert to everything around him "new guy you on my seat" i heard footsteps coming to this class and since i'm the last student in this class, it has to be the teacher so with panic i got courage seeing the new guy won't be able to do anything because of Mr H Naidoo...i slapped him hard because i'm still mad at him for making me the laughing stock in english class, but he just opened his eyes and glared at me and i'll admit i was scared of him, as if seeing my reaction, he smirked! how dare he, well i'm not one that lets my fear control me so i snapped at him "you on my seat and i said move!" well...its not a good comeback or a good snap but if i didn't want to babble nonsense that'll do, it seems like an eternity till he sat up straight just when the teacher walked in "Jade would you please sit down and class take out your text books" as i sat down and avoided danger guy, he kept his glare on me and it seems till the whole period, i know i should act confident and act like he doesn't scare me because as soon as he sees i do, he'll strike but under a few minuets of his intimidating glare i crumbled "i-i'm s-s-sorry b-t you where in m-my seat and you did't listen when i-i as-asked you to move" i saw him smirk when he saw me scared of him but he still glared.

Chapter 4

At the end of class I was the first one out and I didn't look back, I went to the bathroom and I cried, of all people to make an enemy of, I chose the new guy that radiates danger like a second skin, shit what is wrong with me! I wipe my tears and rush to class and I'm greeted by my empty table and the empty table next to me, so I'm safe to say the new guy doesn't take this class.

It seems the new guy shares only english, maths and french with me and luck should have it, sit right next to me but I never had any of those subject after our encounter today, thank goddess, on my walk home the clouds became dark and when i was half way home I saw I had a tail, its a guy for sure, though I can't make out who since his far away, when it came to walking in the ally, I decided to take out my small knife but before I got the chance I was pushed roughly to the wall with my hands in the back, I was facing the wall so I don't know who this is but they got a iron grip that bruising and I can't get out of "don't fight it, you'll just end up hurting yourself more" he purred, like he was enjoying my struggles, his voice was dark and deep, low and mysterious "please let me go, I don't have money, I swear, please.." I begged but he just gave a low laugh "this is not a robbery girl, its a warning" he then turned me around and banged my head hard on the wall, with tears to blur my sight I couldn't see him but after what he said next I new who it was "if you slap me again I'll make your life hell, and maybe take you there as my slave" he laughed and than let me go to fall to the ground and cry for who knows how long but it must have been only few minutes since mummy and katy aren't home so I made dinner and did my homework and went to sleep.

I was so scared to go into class, we have double english now and I don't want to meet up with him but I have no choice 'please don't be in school, please don't be in school, please don't be in school' with crossed fingers and... no such luck, I just sit quietly in my place which so happens to be next to him. "So jade when are we to get started on this debate project?" Asked Zack, I smiled at him "how about we meet up at the local library after you'lls practice and research and take down notes or photocopy the book to take home? Each of us can focus on different sections and go from there" they all nodded and than looked at new guy "what say you new guy?" Asks Adrian, he just gives a small nod so I'm sitting and doing nothing when the others talk away, besides new guy, sigh its getting annoying referring him to new guy, what the hell is his name anyway, I look at him through the corner of my eyes and I'm speechless, although I saw him before, I only saw and felt danger but now that I'm actually looking at him, his absolutely Georges! The mysterious danger vibe just makes him even more attractive, iv been staring so long that he probably felt my stare because he looked up to me and just like before, I was caught in his gaze, I saw his eyes widen with shock before he schooled his features again "your eyes where black yesterday, know there blue, why do you wear black contacts?" Shit I'm not wea- how does he know the black was contacts "what makes you think the black were contact lenses?" I think the whole class is listening but I really don't care, the bell rang signaling the second period but we have double english so we stay but mam decides to give us an essay to do that due at the end of the period, one page about the effects of divorced parents does to the child, so I looked away and started my essay. Gosh that was some 40min! Its like I could feel him, his every movement and looks he kept sneaking to me, it didn't help that the whole class was quiet and staring, waiting to see what's happening with the new guy and the loner.

I went to buy lunch since I forgot to pack and I saw that new guy was with four others, they are also badboys that promise to beat you into a pulp if you cross them wrong, jacob used to be the leader, I say used to because I don't see him leading new guy, only the new guy radiates danger and violence while the others are anger and hate? Oh well..when I went in line and standing for what seems like hours! Ok so it was few minuets but let see you standing alone and you'll see, it feels like hours, anyway I saw they had the last hotdog and I was still few people away so I kept wishing no one would ask for it before me and..they didn't! Happy dance, in my head of cause but I was grinning when it was my turn "hi miss, can I have a hotdog and some chip fry's" I should of known non of the girls will eat the hotdog, at least not in school, they all eat like birds? know now that I think about it, birds eat a lot, like everytime there's food so no, not birds, oh...I don't think I can find anything not human that eats like them. On my way out I spotted a can of something on the door and there's no way I can go through without being splashed but I'm used to the bulling and of cause I got spare clothes so here goes..'Please don't fall' 'please don't fall' I opened the door and it somehow balance in a unnatural way, I of cause acted like I didn't know there was a can there and just walked out. There's something happening to me and its freaking me out! Its like magic sometimes but when I tried to do a spell, even if it was from the internet, nothing happened, gosh I'm so confused, it all started the day people say new guy came to town, maybe he is doing things to me? Oh nevermind, its not like magic or whatnot exist..even though it would be so cool and a dream come true...sigh.

Chapter 5

Omg what is that terrible noise? It is a saturday for goddesses sake! No alarms! No alarms! No a- oh shit the project! Sigh its only eight, thank you!, but I got an hour left, damn you! to whichever bafoon put the dang alarm on, curse you! sigh... 1 sheep 2 sheep 3 sheep 4 sheep arg! I can't go back to sleep now! Stupid alarm...atleast I can concentrate on dressing up nice since I'm going to be with the populars. Mwhahaha 'evil laugh' they won't be able to recognize me and it would be hilarious to see there faces when they find out laugh out loud I'm carrying my camera because this I just have to catch on film.

So I'm 15minuets early so I decided to get all the books on witchcraft with the help of the librarian, we also got witchy stories and one of my favorite of cause is...THE SECRET CIRCLE! So I decided we each will get a subject and research the truth and the myths about it and go from there so I wrote down the subject and put it in the middle of the table and folded it so we each can pick when they come.

They were half an hour late! And I have no way to contact them, stupid ass jocks and why isn't new guy here? I maybe kind of understand the soccer jock since the only half an hour break but not new guy and if th- oh now the whole gang comes in with new guy, what are they friends know? I remembered my plan and it lightened my mood a bit so while walking towards them I took out a photo for before and after photo, they looked when they saw the flash and frowned so I took out again "hi guys, took your'll long enough, like about half an hour? I can understand you jocks but you new guy! Why where you late" they looked like fools in between shock, amazed and confusion and I took out two pictures while I got the chance, but of cause new guy just stood there with anger on his face and as I look closer I swear I can see tomato sauce at one side of his mouth "Jade?...stop taking out photos of us" oh whatever let's just start the work "come on, pick a piece of paper each before your'll sit down but don't open it" they actually did what I asked them to quietly! Yay I smiled a small smile. "Ok so before your'll open, let me explain, we each got a topic and we will research only on that topic, stating the truth and the myth, I only got that so far. Anyway the piece of paper will tell you what topic you got, the topics are tools, elements, spells, beliefs, customs and lifestyle" I took mine and motioned them to open "I got element" I told them, adrian got tools, karian has beliefs, jakes got customs, zack got spells and new guy got lifestyle. "Hey new guy! Do you have a name because I'm getting tired of calling you new guy" he scares me but I'm not going to let him get to me, asswhole! "Fabian" I just gave one nod and started my research "oh and all the books on that table has to do with witchcraft, both myths and documentary"

I of cause took some copies home of all topics and what I found was that I really liked witchcraft and that I might try this religion out but I have to find people for a coven because I can't do it alone, so I went on a witches site and put a profile and a message saying 'I'm new to this but interested and looking to be or make a coven in london' and logged off and went down for dinner, mummy and katy who is playing with play dow was in the kitchen so I got a glass of milk and made small talk "hey mom I'm just saying that if I don't get high marks in english this term, its because of this group debate that I have that carrys 25% of our mark, I have idiot jocks and a badboy in my group" I heard mom sigh and I new I was in for 'mummy lecture time' "honey I told you to never judge people by the way they act because people put on different masks each time that there is no way to be sure whether what they showed you where their real face and you of all people should know that!" "I know mom but I just hate their jock and badboy masks then! Gosh the least they can do is drop it because believe it or not, I dropped mine at todays meet-up that they showed up to half an hour late!" "I'm sure when they comfortable they will, why not invite them over here next time for dinner after your meet-up as you call it" "because they more party animals than dinner people.." "Jade! None of this nonsense, you will not judge them when you don't know the whole story! And you will invite them and if they say no then I'll call to make sure" sigh why did I bring it up! Great! Oh just great thinking jade, gosh it isn't like you didn't know this would happen and what's more, dad was a jock in school and its just a few years that his gone so of cause mummys still sensitive.

Chapter 6

I awoke to bright sunlight streaking through my room and curse myself for being lazy as always and not closing the curtains before going to bed last night. I won't be able to go back to sleep so I got up, looked for clothes and went into the bathroom.

After breakfast I decided to see if I had any mail, I was really interested in trying witchcraft, I had two messages, both saying they researched and would love to be in a coven, Alisha is 19 and Averra 16, I quickly replied to them saying we should meet up and gave my cell number so we could chat easier, I don't have friends so this is a plus and I guess that is why I am always with work, I should do some shopping to buy away time than continue with witchcraft studies.

The mall was busy as always and mostly full with teen groups and friends so I'm the odd one out..sigh again! I just don't get it, why not bother to befriend me? Am I that bad, how do they not like me when they don't even know me? I went into hot topic which has to be my 1 best shop besides food outlets of cause. After a few minuets! And yes you read right I hate shopping, its good to pass up time but kind of boring just walking around, I went home to play with katy for the rest of the day, we watched cartoons and I showed her some awesome dance moves! She fell asleep half way through Cinderella so I carried her to her room and tucked her in, luckily I new from past scenarios to eat before movie time.

I was on my way to cleaning the mess I made in the kitchen of my pizza master piece when the bell rang but mummy who was doing some of her work at home went to opened and next thing you know? I'm in the kitchen washing dishes with four guys sitting around the counter bored and by the looks of there stares at the left over pizza, hungry*roll eyes* after I finish wash the dishes, than only did I turn around with an eyebrow raised "can I help you boys?" "Yeah can you make us some dinner? Your mom invited us through our parents so we couldn't say no" said karian, groan I should of known, "there is a play station in my room which is the second room on the left upstairs, ill be up with food just now, would you'll like pasta, pizza or cheese and ham sandwiches?" They all chose differently but after a few arguments they all agreed on pasta and ran upstairs. I went upstairs and my room is a mess! "What in hells name did you'll do to my room!" They were all on the floor lying on my bedding they stripped from my bed with my tiger teddy on the floor and all the play station games scattered everywhere! Oh they better clean up before they leave! "You'll pasta is ready" I walked out the room and set the table while I heard them coming I dished out my food and sat down, they dished and sat down and dug in so I just ate as well without talking. They finished and went back up so I went and washed the dishes and when I went up I got new bedding and set it up and lied down watching them play and I can see non of them beat my high score, I smiled and before i fell asleep, i wondered if mom invited fabian as well...

Chapter 7

It is sooo cold today! I don't want to go school and its a monday! I woke late so I had to walk to school so I plugged in my headphones and listened to music, music is one of my favorite things to do, since I'm a loner. I started humming to evanescence- taking over me, one of my favorite bands, I was listening and humming to lithium by evanescence when I entered school, I waited for the song to finish than put it away, don't want to get into trouble and get my phone taken away. On my way to class I got a message, it was from alisha, she wants to meet up today at the mall to discuss the coven so I quickly typed yes I'll be there and I got another person interested so I'll ask her to meet us there and sent a message to aveera and went into class.

It is break and I never have any classes with Fabian or Adrian and gang but I saw them and typical, they acted like they don't know me while I waved and smiled, making me a fool in the eyes of others but what did i expect? they jocks and i'm a loner, a loser to them. next is english and I don't want to meet up with them after they embarrassed me but I can't not go to class so I decided to ignore them the way they did to me, mam gave us work to do, saying we can discuss our debates after the work so I took my time doing it, I was on the last question when the bell rang but I didn't have to take my time because four of them didn't finish and surprisingly Fabian did but said nothing. I had french than P.E, yay... *note the sarcasm* I had him in all three periods straight after breaks on mondays, just another reason to love monday *again sarcasm* he was in class before me and again on my seat so I acted like I didn't see and sat on him "oh! My bad I didn't see you there, plus it being my seat and all I didn't know anyone but me would sit here in this period" "bitch remember my warning" he said in a low deathly voice for only me to hear "but I didn't slap you Fabian" I leaned onto him and whispered before kissing his cheek and turning away waiting for the teacher. I have no idea what made me do that or gave me the courage to but I enjoyed it! i never really pay attention to guys, i mean i check them out, the hot ones but i never felt attracted to them so why do i feel them towards fabian of all people? The teacher came in so he didn't have time to react and I didn't want to see his rejection so I payed attention to the teacher and did my work when I was called to the office by the loud school speaker "sir? I was called to the office" while I stood up and collected my things since there was just few minuets left and didn't look back at Fabian or anyone really, just walked out and into the office to see my mom "hi mom, what you doing here? Sir" I asked mom and greeted the principal, "I got a call that katy was sick so I decided to take you out as well" oh "how she's doing? What happened?" "Oh she's fine honey, just the flu but being so young and all..." Yeah sure like I know what she means..I don't even remember when I was that young.

Chapter 8

When we got home, the first thing I did was go up to the attic, my secret special place, its secret because I made a staircase over the junk and put all of it by the door so you would not be able to go in if you don't know where the stairs are, over the stairs the place is clean. I sat on my makeshift couch by the roofs window with my diary that I abandoned for three weeks.

^dear diary the first week of school I got put into a group project/debate with all guys! Four of the most popular plus the new guy that came this year, he seems like a real badboy, not player badboy or wanna be gangster and I think I got on his bad side...I slapped him...stupid of me, I know, that's the bad news, the good is I might have made friends! Because of this project I started learning about witchcraft and I think its cool, peaceful and I can see myself doing it so I went on a witchcraft website and two are interested, I have not met them yet but..I'm meeting them today! Yay 'happy dance' anyway I got to go so until next time diary XO XO^ sigh there is nothing for me to do! And since katys sick, I can't count on her company, mom went back to work, leaving me in charge of katy so I can't leave either, gosh I can't believe I prefer school and there is still hours to go before I can go to the mall, maybe I should go over the research on witchcraft coven's since we are meeting up to see if we can make up one...yeah at least it would take up time and maybe I can try a spell.

I decided to dress up really nice so I wore my skinny ripped jeans, black of shoulder lace dress top with my stiletto high heel boots and I left my hair open and a bit wavy but I decided to wear my black contacts. I was on my way out when mom shouted out that she invited my group to the outing and dinner because she and the rest of their parents where going out and not to worry about katy because she's taking her so I should wait for all of them to come before I go to the mall, it didn't take them long to get here and they didn't look happy at all! And fabian was here as well?! sigh what am I to do...I took my guitar and went out to meet them "hey guys, no offense but I got things to do so..when we enter the mall you'll can do whatever you'll want to do, go you'lls way and I'll go mine, alright?" My mom came out with coke for everyone and a angry scowl on her face for me "darling why didn't you invite these gentlemen in and offer them refreshments? I'm so sorry boys, I did teach her better manners but she's been acting out lately" I was shocked and I'm sure I had a comical expression on, seeing as the 'gentlemen' where trying not to laugh. "mom if they are coming with me to the mall then i'll make sure to take them to the cafe first but there is no use wasting MY precious coke so drink up boys" and smiled sweetly at them.

when we got to the mall i just waved at them since they came right after me and took out my phone and gave an sms to Alisha and Averra that i arrived and that i'll meet them at the cafe and that i'll be the one thats dressed all black. i knew the guys were following me but i though they will go there own way when i get to the cafe but noooo, they follow me in and just when i was going to tell the waiter for a table for three, Zack came and said for five "sorry but i will be having two friends coming so make that seven" i said the last part low and gave the guys an irritated glare that they just shrugged off and walked past me to the table.

Chapter 9

on the side is a picture of fabian with his vampire eyes

I sat looking through the menu while the guys chatted and left me out, despite them coming with me, its like I'm invisible, I can't wait for my friends to come, I just got a message from Averra saying she just got to the mall and is on her way to the cafe and I replied saying that plans kind of changed and that we will have 'the guys' with me. I told Averra and Alisha all about the project so they know about the guys and they said that they'll help me.

I was so bored waiting for Averra to come that I was in my own world and didn't see a goth girl with blue hair come up to the table and try talking to me until Jake snapped his fingers in front of my face "your Georges friend here has been trying to get your attention" I looked up at her and apologized over and over until the guys got annoyed at me and shut me up by them all glaring at me, although to be truthful, the only glare that truly frightened me was Fabian's, we ordered drinks while we waited for Alisha who just sent an sms saying she's running late and that she might not make it, to carry on our plans, so Averra and I got to know each other and got on well.

We were at the back entrance for a rock club called 'The Soul Suckers' the owner is really creepy but damn HOT! its a place like every club, the difference is that here they play Rock music and you get bands that play and there is a shelter for those that live a hard life to get a break or homeless I guess, well I'm one of the people that sing and today's my shift so I decided to show Averra this since she seems the type then we will hand out food to the shelter people but we got stuck because all the guys are with us and the bouncer does not want to allow them in, us performers are only allowed two people in free so they had to pay but since they with me, they don't have to stand in the queue at the entrance and entered with me "go in and dance or whatever, I'm going to get ready for my performance" I knew the songs I had to sing but I went over it again so I don't forget the lines,now that would be embarrassing! And in front of my new friend plus five hot guys!. It was my turn so I took a deep breath and went into my own world and sang through my soul.

Evanescence-My Tourniquet

I tried to kill my pain

But only brought more

So much more

I lay dying

And I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal

I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming

Am I too lost to be saved?

Am I too lost?

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

Do you remember me?

Lost for so long

Will you be on the other side

Or will you forget me?

I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming

Am I too lost to be saved?

Am I too lost?

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

(return to me salvation)

I want to die!!!

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My God my tourniquet

Return to me salvation

My wounds cry for the grave

My soul cries for deliverance

Will I be denied Christ


My suicide

(return to me salvation)

(return to me salvation)

Chapter 10

after my first song I join in on the fun, deciding to sing the other just before we leave but...some idiot spiked my drink, I don't drink alcohol when its my day to perform so it was definitely spiked! I was dancing and grinding on a guys lower region while he was kissing and nipping on my neck to shoulder, probably giving me love bites..I had my hands on his hair, pulling it and pulled his mouth down to mine and kissed him, he took control of the kiss though and later, me altogether, I found myself in the back room, rooms that belonged to performers, his hands skimmed the edges of my top before circling under my top at the back where he opened my bra and I started getting uncomfortable "s-stop please" I moaned, he groaned before kissing me and picking me up and carried me to the bed, held me close and made out until we fell asleep in each others arms.

I wake up to loud rock which is my cell ringing, I get up to answer but am paralyzed when I can't move due to a guys arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest, I reach for my cell in my pocket to see mum and that its half eleven, half an hour after my curfew! Shit I was here for so long?

"Hi mom, I'm so sorry I'm not home but I'm at a friends house and fell asleep"

"ok honey, we'll talk about this tomorrow but I just wanted to tell you not to wait up because I'll be coming late"

"ok love you"

"love you too honey"

when I cut the call and tried to get up, he turned me around and kissed me so I couldn't see him but I can vaguely remember few hours ago, eyes are my weakness in a guy and his pulled me in and made me weak in the knees and brought me into submission, those eyes as dark as shining black orbs of marble, so sure to get there dominant...they looked familiar and now as I pulled away with a moan, I knew why "oh my..f-f-fabian?" "Hello little witch" he growled! As in a dogs growl, it is not possible to growl like that! While I was in a daze, he took the opportunity to kiss the edges of my jaw to my neck and I found myself tilting my head, offering up my neck, he nipped with sharp teeth than he put a hand on my mouth and bit me! It was the most painful thing that I have ever felt, my screaming was muffed under his hand and my tears a never ending waterfall..but soon my screaming turned into moaning, it didn't stop the pain but the tingling I got that somehow reached my down region and propelled me to grind onto him, I heard him growl again and that animalistic sound was like ice water being thrown on me, I struggled to get away unsuccessfully and when he pulled back, I saw he had fangs covered in blood, dripping to his mouth and chin, he licked it all away then leaned in and licked my neck, I let out a strained sound, he looked back at me with amused eyes "what's the matter little witch? Vampire caught your tongue" and then licked my lips and smirked, I was terrified! I didn't want to move in case he does something but at the same time I wanted to run away screaming and crying "you no fun" he signed and got up, I flinched when I moved my head to watch him leave then I let my panic take over me and shook and cried, vampires don't exist! Oh goddess what am I to do! People will think me crazy if I tell them what he did and worst of all! I have to act like nothing happened! I got up slowly because I felt weak, no doubt because he took too much of my blood, how am I even thinking straight!?I looked in the mirror and there is no bite! The only difference is how pale I am.

when i got home, i was still shaken so i got into bed without eating or changing and tried to go to sleep, key word being tried, everytime i closed my eyes, all i see is his bloody fangs, my blood with his dominating eyes that can see through you to your soul. i was lying on my bed looking up  to my ceiling when i thought that i just disappeared so Averra was probably worried sick! i texted her that i got home safe and sorry for ditching her.

Chapter 11

when I got up, I felt like sleeping for a year but I go to wash up and eat noodles for breakfast, hey don't judge me, it would keep me full, unlike cereal and I bet healthier! Oh and it just taste better, I have carry, cheese and mushroom flavors only, I run up to change, it seems cold so I wear a bit baggy jeans with a black oversized shirt and my big baggy rain hoodie, on my way out I kiss mommy and katy on the cheek and spead walk to school, what subjects do I have today? tuesdays are not good days either, even worse! I have double math for the first two periods(pout) someone save me from my dying, from the nothing I have become(lyrics from evanescence) the good thing is, I don't have Fabian in my class today'happy dance' I am too tired to actually dance so its just in my head, plus I'm walking by the road, just imagine what the drivers would think.

When I enter class and take my seat at the back, I put my head down for a few then I hear the class quiet down when the chair next to me is moved, I look up to see Craven, another badboy though he is a loner but what scares me is that he has a vibe like Fabian and seems to be a friend of his, maybe he is a vampire too? "I know what you thinking and you would be right but I'm not here to hurt you, this time" he says the last extra soft but I heard and it terrified me. I decided to ignore him, maybe there was no other seat? Oh who am I kidding! He hardly comes to class but he can chase anyone out of there seat but instead he chose to sit here, the class is so quiet and with him staring at the side of my head really puts me on edge "w-what d-do you w-want?" Really Jade? You going to stutter and show him how terrified you are of him? That's like an invitation that says 'you can do anything to me' he smiled a sarcastic smile with amused eyes "you can start by" "right class, take out your text books and good to see you in my class Craven" saved by the teacher I sign but it doesn't go unnoticed.

When class was at an end I told mam I had to go to the office for something but ran to the library for break and hid and prayed that they won't find me. i started relaxing after awhile, i don't think they will think of looking for me at the library, if they even are. I'm reading my second book of vampire diaries when i hear a book fall behind me and even though my heart starts racing, i don't think its them, i mean about fifteen minutes has probably gone by and i am hoping that means they gave up. being a good person that i am, i go to put the book back, but i see no book but i think nothing of it, obviously the person that dropped it, put it back, i see another book fall and i put my hand up going to it when it kind of flooas above the floor, I'm spooked and drop my hand and the book falls, i look to see if anyone saw that then put the book back, this has been happening for awhile so i;m not that surprised but what the hell is happening to me?


at the moment i have two other stories that i am writing as well so updates may be slower, please vote and comment...I'd like to know if my writing style is good and what needs to change

Chapter 12

I creep back to class without been seen by those two but I think Jaden saw me, gosh I didn't notice that the badboys are everywhere! Arrgh can't I have any peace? At least he didn't see where I came from, it looked like the girls bathroom, they would probably think it fitting that I hid in the girls bathroom*roll eyes* shit! I'm going to be late to class again! So typical, I get excited about something that I forget something else(pout). I knock with an apologic face and a sheepish smile "I'm sooo so sorry sir, I was in the library wayyy on the other side and I -" "just go sit in your place Jade" he said with a loud sigh, I'm a good girl so I hardly ever get into trouble, plus I'm a master in getting out of it as well, in school that is.

The end of school comes and I never see or hear of the badboy group so I'm in a good mood and think of going to the club and singing to make up for the other night, maybe I'll sing Lithium...oh and of cause its sung by evanescence! I started to jog home while listening to music, I hate exercising or doing housework but when I'm in a mood to listen to music...I can sing and dance while doing work and I find that most of my ideas comes from when I'm listening to music, I reached home early because of the jog so I went to take a bath, a bubble bath, I'm just never to old to make bubble beard! Ok so maybe I am...but that doesn't stop me! Noooo, it just encourages it, like with my cartoons, mummy always says I'm tooo old to watch baby programs but I still watch and love my ben10 and lion king, oh my goddess I cry like a baby every single time I watch it and I never get tired of it, plus how can you get tired of adorable cubs and fierce but kind lions! I fall in love every time.. Oh goddess I'm babbling again, anyway I forgot what I was saying..sooo I'll just stop now so I don't make me more of a fool, not like talking to myself doesn't *roll eyes* great I'm rolling eyes at myself *face palm*

I was in the middle of the song when I got the chills but I thought nothing of it, I stayed for a few hours to waste time since katy is having a sleep over and mommy is working double shift, I could feel eyes on me but since I'm a well known singer at 'the soul suckers' I just brushed it off, I made sure that none of my drinks are spiked even though I didn't have to perform again today but I didn't want another encounter like last time, I was feeling hot so I messily tide my hair and went to get fresh air then decided to just go home and watch a movie.

Oh, no.

[Juicy J:]


Ya'll know what it is

Katy Perry

Juicy J, aha.

Let's rage

[Katy Perry:]

I knew you were

You were gonna come to me

And here you are

But you better choose carefully

'Cause I, I'm capable of anything

Of anything and everything

Make me your Aphrodite

Make me your one and on- oh goddess! I don't wanna go to school..I'll sleep for just a little while more "JADE! I'm off today so can you take katy to school?" Sigh there goes my extra minuets *pout* I get up sluggishly and do my business in the bathroom and when I come out, I see I took too long argh! Why me goddess, why do I have to suffer? I change as fast as I can and run to katys room to wake and help her then we go, I guess that means I have to enter the cafeteria again...

Chapter 13

we going camping, Yay me *note the sarcasm* for LO, to teach us how to live in the wild, in case anything like this happens, the school government body thinks that because a lot of people got lost and found dead that it would be a good idea to teach us hands on techniques to survive in the windiness and lucky us, how we do will be marked down and given as LO and PE marks, we camp for three weeks, oh but what killed the joy of camping? We have to camp with our rival school because the forest is in there town whereas the malls are in ours, we only have two weeks of school before we go so that the school could get the camping stuff for those that are going, only the grade12.

Now I have english and since I've been avoiding him like the plague, I'm not looking forward to sitting beside him for forty minuets, sigh..he's not in class yet but the jocks are and they are ignoring me like they were for awhile now, I'm guessing its the gossip about seeing them at my house and a club so I went along with ignoring them, mostly because Fabian or the badboy group are close by in a separate crowd but because of this project that I have to get an A in, I can't ignore them in class so I went to my seat "hey guys, did you'll do the research? Or at least got an idea about the topic?" They looked to me and most of them besides Zack had part confusion, thoughtful and then guilt on their faces so I know they did not go over anything, as for Zack, maybe he did or he's just good at facial expressions..moving on, we can't get started if they don't do there research! Oh what the hell, I knew this was coming, I mean these guys are the jocks, what did I expect? Sigh if this keeps up than I definitely won't get my A "so class because of your camping trip, I decided for your work, you all will write a two page essay on your trip, your friends and what you would have done differently due at the end of the week you get back" oh that seems cool...

here we go again, cafeteria time! Oh gosh I can't wait to go inside and socialize *sarcasim* oh just put your hood up, head down and enter the lunch line Jade, avoid eye contact and little to no contact...but that's easier said then done. As soon as I entered the line I got pushed out "I'm sorry little girl but this is a school lunch line, not a homeless shelter" and he laughed while his friends snickered, I doubt he recognized me because of the way I'm covered up but...I'm not going to do anything because when it comes to school work I'm brave but anything else, not so much and he being mister popular and all that would definitely shame me so I just shuffled behind Adrian and gang or the jack ass group, I know its not original but why should they have original names when they not? Every popular group is like them, bullies!

I went up to the library but entered a classroom next to it so that I can eat and drink because you can't eat and drink 'in' the library but its just my luck to run into Jacob who I'm guessing is still the leader since I never saw Fabian with the gang again, and sure enough, I saw them all there with no Fabian when I got on my toes and peaked behind Jacob, he raised an eyebrow and folded his arms "what you doing here nerd" I swear it wouldn't be possible to sneer the word 'nerd' anymore "I emmm I w-was just going t-to eat here bef-ore going in t-the library but i-il leave now" damn it! What the hell was that Jade? You were all confidant in your head so how the hell did you end up scared or nervous or both enough to make you stutter as a fool!? I was outside the classroom and looking for another close by when I was pulled in the same classroom and I looked up to see it was one from the gang "don't worry about Jacob, his an ass, you can sit in here to finish your lunch, you will probably finish before he gets back anyway" and then he walked back to his friends who where just staring at me or glaring but I think they use that facial expression so much that it stuck like that so I slowly walked to the other side and sat down and they were still staring! They started talking to each other but still looking at me! Oh gosh they made me so nervous, I wanted to turn around and face my back to them so that I can eat because I can't with them staring like that but that would have been rude and that is not me, well maybe when it involves work it is "are you just going to sit there? Aren't you going to eat? Like you planned" "I can't" he just blinked "you'll making me to nervous to eat" I saw amused looks and smirks at this, then they turned away so while they were busy, I turned my back and ate.

Chapter 14

on my way home I decided to meet up with Averra and Alisha at the club to have fun, luckily I don't have to sing.

It was always busy but even though I'm not going to perform, I can get in free and backstage, we decided to make food and leave it for the homeless before we go into the club, this is the first time we going to meet Alisha and we excited, she new this place and said she'll meet us at the back entrance, I keep wondering if she's a performer since she's using the back entrance and how we never met before, we waited only for a few minuets then we see a girl dressed up in black tights, short fluffy black skirt with wedges boots and a one shoulder tight top with a big silver glittery skull and a pink side fringe with black straight hair going down to her elbows and Averra and I that are just in tight black jeans and tops, I feel way under dressed "hey I'm Alisha, are you'll Jade and Averra?" "Yes I'm Jade and this is Aveera, its good to finally meet you Alisha" "yes Jade has already told me about you so I'm glad we get to meet" it was kind of formal like and I didn't like it "so why don't we go in and have fun, do you perform here Alisha?" "I do but I'm not a famous performer like you and only sing back-up, I love your singing by the way" "thanks" we go in and one of my favorite songs come on, florida georgia- line stay so I pull them on the dance floor and we dance till we all complained that our feet were killing us and sat down at the bar and drank and chatted, the last thought I had before going home and to bed was that we got along well and this witchy thing has really changed my life, for good.

I opened my eyes to bright sunlight, even though its freezing! I looked to my alarm clock to see it is past ten o clock but than again, with the dancing and drinking, mostly dancing it is not weird that I awoke so late, after all it is the weekend so I can lie in bed all day... But that of cause was a fantasy that was ruined by the damn doorbell and knocking a couple of minuets later, it turns out to be my Gramma and grampa, they hardly visit so of cause I'm excited but I'm dead tired and for as old as cows as they are, they are the most energetic and outgoing people you'll ever find but I guess thats what allows them to continue with their relationship, they keep their sparks alive, people these days just do things because its expected of them or they need to live, so when they grow up to the real world, they lose the spark, well...that's just my opinion, oh and of cause with no spark in life, you not happy like you where when you first entered and relationships are just like that, you lose your spark after awhile and unlike life, you can get divorce, well technically you can divorce life, by killing yourself but there are just too many opstickles. I got up to wash up and change, since we won't be going anywhere plus the cold weather, I decided to wear warm leggings under aa tight light blue white jeans and a camisole with a large sweater and ran downstairs to have a family get together that only happens on rare occasions so I decided to cook so my gramma and grampa can see that I'm growing up to be a fine lady, they word that they always install not mine *roll eyes*

Chapter 15

the last week till the camp starts on saturday and I am actually excited, I mean both Alisha and Averra attend stanton secondary which is our rival school in the next town that we camping in so I'll have company, the way I see it, I do not watch and support sports so why should I hate a school just for rival sports? Ok never mind, all you need to know is that for the three weeks, we going to have fun like we never did before.

I was in class but for the life in me, I couldn't concentrate on work when I could feel a burning stare on me the whole time, I tried to look around casually but I didn't catch anyone looking, I felt like I was being watched the whole time and what scares me is that I think I know who it is since it only started the day we were in the club together...and my instincts are never ever wrong, even when I wish them to, suddenly the bell rang and I took my books and ran out of the class and onto the next as quick as I could. After class I found myself in the class alone! Not even the teacher was here and the room was filling up with thick mist, after a while I couldn't even see the desk right next to me! I then heard footsteps walking to this room and the door bang after whoever came in, I was so terrified but didn't want to move in case they find me, I heard the tell sign of a chair being moved right next to me, I felt cold breath being blown onto my neck "you cannot avoid me forever Jade..." A guys menacing voice said, I than just startled awake with his devilish laugh to see the class started, I looked around to see if anyone saw me sleeping but no one takes notice of me so why would they now? Just then the bell rang again, I swear it just rang a minuet ago...I furrowed my brows when I see everyone get up to leave and the teacher stop his lesson, I must of slept for most of the period. I was tired like every mondays, I mean why do I have to have mixed martial arts training so late on a sunday anyway when they know I have school the next day. I was sitting in the library and trying not to sleep when I felt a kind of pull towards the damaged room, where they keep old and warn out books, I went to the back and I felt the pull toward an old dusty thick dairy I think, I opened it up and I was shocked to find out that it is a book of shadows (witch's diary of spells) I quickly looked around me to see no one so I put it in my jacket and went to sit in my place, this is the first time I stole something so I was scared but determined.

After school I called both Averra and Alisha and told them what happened and we agreed that we will go over it and try out some spells when we meet up at camp, for now we will do research on what we need and who will get what, plus we need to be safe so we will wait till we no the facts, kind of since witchcraft is not all fact. After the research we all decided to meet up at the mall and get things we need, we bunked school! Why didn't we do this yesterday...sigh, oh goddess of pain are you not satisfied with all my monday pains that you can't spare me one monday?

we knew what we needed so we all went our separate ways with our list of things to buy, we will all be going home after we buy our stuff so we said our good byes before we went and i was kind of wishing that we could of had something to eat but i guess another time, i was in charge of plants and herbs so i went out to the market to get few of everything, we decided to do a protection spell first so i got most of those plants like Acacia, African Violet, Ague Root, Aloe etc

Chapter 16

school was boring as always but I got good news that kept me happy, my group did there research! Oh yes if they keep this up I'm definitely getting an A, I mean my work would be really good plus I would probably get extra because I got the jocks in my group to do the debate research! We meeting up tomorrow after school to finish our research together than brain storm then friday is free for those going camping on saturday to pack and say our goodbyes.

I'm playing today at the club so I decided since I won't be here for three weeks, let me sing more then my usual for free then I would cuddle up in bed and sleep till the group gets here, and yes that means I'm bunking school again but what the hell! We going camping for three weeks so there would be no work or homework and if there is, well I'll probably do it in one day and get an A so I can stay in, under the blankets, safe from the cold and...Fabian, I must admit, he intrigues me but scares the hairs out of me, its quite painful and the after math is disaster placed on earth, a hairless amount of make-up would stop peoples eyes from bleeding tears when they spot me, sigh.

The sun is out people! How the hell can it be so freaken cold? There's no wink I can see, I mean I can't see the trees or leaves shaking so again I'll ask, how the hell is it so cold with the sun out? Sigh what time is it, its defiantly not morning..oh shit I forgot to put the clothes in the washing! Mummys going to be nagging me nw, plus I need my good clothes for camp that's in the wash basket, damn it! I get up and quick as a tortes I wash up then take the clothes and put it in the machine.

I've been reading on wattpad and waiting for the the machine to finish but as usual, I got caught up in the book that I forgot about the clothes till the alarm came on to get ready before the group came, I rushed to go hang the clothes then picked my clothes but sadly the bell rang before I got to change, my PJ's are decent, long silk pants and top, black with white roses so I answered the door "I'll be right back, just need to change, don't make yourselves at home, we going to the library" I was on the last step when I finished the sentence, I changed to the quickest outfit I could find..a dress, mummy baught it for me but I surprisingly like it, it thin strapped and to the knees, its dark purple with black thin fancy writing on it with words like 'goth' 'killer' 'death' 'pain' 'silence' etc. I put my hair in a bun, slipped on black pumps on and ran downstairs and into a muscled body and fell on my ass, ouch my ass bones hurt a lot "ouch! my ass, you idiot" I grumbled, I heard laughter and my cheeks grew hot in embarrassment.

We took two cars and I of cause made sure not to be in the same car as Fabian, I kind of hope that I was too drunk that night and imagined what happened but I still freak out with all the dreams and well memory of what I thought happened that night, Zack and Adrian was with me in Adrians car, Zack sat in the back with me, so sweet of him but then he had to ruin it "so I broke up with cassie and need to release..would you like to do the honors?" He put his arm around me and smirked like it was no big deal asking a girl to do something that's suppose to be personal and behind doors but instead chooses, in his friends car that so happens to have his friend driving! And Adrian is acting like he didn't just hear his friend ask me to blow him! I swear the more time I spend with these people is the more I reach the depth of darkness with no return! Just so you know, reality is hell enough already, no need for me to visit or be a permanent resident of hell...

Chapter 17

I scooted to the other side of the car, away from Zack, sigh and just when I though there was one normal person in their group, way to ruin my thoughts Zack, I thought bitterly. I was looking out the window and daydreaming about nothing, just bored out of my mind and didn't recognize that we reached the library or that Adrian and Zack left the car or that someone else entered the car until he carried me and put me onto his lap and started kissing me, at first I didn't kiss him back, I don't even know who he is and the kiss doesn't feel right but when he licked my upper lip, asking for entrance, I followed his movements and kissed him back slowly but stopped and pulled back when I felt him harden underneath me and I was shocked to find Jake, I mean don't get me wrong or anything, he is a jock and in their group but from the guys that I would think to pull a move on me un bashfully, I thought maybe Adrian and Karian would be it, Jake just grinned at me and I was still in shock to even move so he probably thought I'm an easy lay because he held my waist and grinded himself on me when there was a knock on the window, I startled and jumped off his lap then out the car when I saw who knocked and I don't know why but I felt guilty seeing the anger in his eyes but I should not, who the hell is he to me that he had the right to make me feel guilty! I did nothing wrong, well besides let a guy kiss me when we not dating...he is hot and popular so if he where to ask me out, I'd say yes, I'm not experienced so he better not want me for sex and making out though, I'll show him that there's many ways to have fun besides all that and drinking till you drunk, yes maybe I should show him I'm interested and I won't feel guilty then, so its a plus, he won't have any hold on me because I don't feel strong emotions for him, at least I think, I mean if I did than his kiss would of felt right, not wrong.

We discussed what we researched and came to a conclusion that we would bring the topic up first and we each will give out both a positive and a negative thought then we'll discuss how the tools or whatever can be used positively and negatively and give an example each of everyday things we use now that effect us positively and negatively and prove that's it the people that make it either positive or negative. We were all packing up when I decided to invite the guys for supper, I've had enough of them for now so they can do whatever till supper but I want to meet up with Jake, maybe I can get him to stay till supper time? Or we can go to the club after supper..yip that would be best, then I can show him that I'm not a nerd but the real me and if he likes me as me then I'll give him a try.

I'm picking through my drawer for the perfect dress to impress Jake but I hardly got any dresses, I'm definitely going shopping for date outfits to wear for our dates, imagine if I wear a normal jeans and top, he'll think I'm not making an effort for him...I'm going crazy! Here I am looking for an outfit for a guy I want to impress and I don't even know if he likes me or was trying to use me as a quick lay and I already thinking an outing with probably his whole group as a date with him when there is a chance we won't go or he won't go.

I made cauliflower and mushroom in a creamy sauce and plain spaghetti, mummy's doesn't eat spaghetti and Katy likes to eat it plain so I made it all separately, when I was finally done I switched on the tv and watched cartoons, mummy came home with Katy when Ben 10 started, I told her to lie down and I'll look after Katy till the gang came, she recently started getting the flu so the work load plus looking after Katy after her class ends must be tiring.

Chapter 18

the whole gang came plus one, Fabian brought a friend, never knew he had any but...I guess if he had any, Craven would be it, so Craven came along and well supper was awkward but nice "hey Jake? I was thinking about going to the club for the last time before we go camping, would you like to come?" The guys where playing PS3 in my room and I was lying on the bed when Jake came up to me and asked me what I was up to and I used this chance I have with him alone to ask "I would love to" he smiled and tucked a stray hair behind my ear, I looked down and blushed, he lifted my head up with his finger on my chin and kissed the side of my lips and got up "hey guys! We going to the club, anyone wanna join?" We all ended up going and I must admit, I was a bit disappointed because I wanted Jake all to myself, I changed into a tight black jeans and a silver silk short top and high heeled boots and met Jake out in his car, at least I get to ride alone with him, they all going home from the club so they took there cars, I'll either come home with Jake or walk home, its about a twenty minuet walk so I should try to stay sober.

I was just sitting in a booth alone and drinking my Savanna dry cider waiting for Jake, he and his friends went to get drinks but its probably been five minuets by now and I'm feeling cold and tipsy from just sitting and drinking, I finally got fed up and decided to dance, I've never been to this club before so I was cautious at first but letting loose is better then nothing, on the dance floor I spotted Jake, he was being grinded on by two sluty girls but he didn't seem to mind but neither did he encourage it so I decided I'll forgive him if he come to me but he'll have to work for it, I started dancing and let my body flow with the beats and waves of the music and forgot about everything else until a guy started kissing my neck and holding onto my hips, I can't see him but it must be Jake so I danced away to the booth, our booth was in the corner, away from the bar and dance floor so we'll have privacy but as I look up when he came, it was not Jake, was Craven and Fabian, I was scared because I was avoiding them for a reason but now I'm trapped and I can only hope one of the gang comes back to the booth or for Jake to remember me and come to get me, they box me in so there's no escape, Craven to my right and Fabian to my left and the only thing I can see in there dark eyes that I can't seem to look long into is hunger but I don't know which and I'm not sure which hunger I'd prefer, sexual or blood thirst...

Fabian traced my neck line with his knuckle and I swear I heard a growl "listen here sweet Jade...we going to feed our appetites from you on the camping trip and we want no trouble from you so we have a friend that would take your little sister Katy if you don't cooperate and you do not want to imagine what our kind does to little kids..." I was shivering and I got goose bumps everywhere, I was nearly in tears, how can they think of even hurting a sweet innocent child!? Do they not have compassion? My baby sister, gosh there is no thinking about it "please please! I'll do anything you both want just leave my little sister out of this, please, I'm begging you" "then you would become ours" I looked down because I was ashamed that I couldn't do anything and I was terrified "yes" I gave out a very quiet yes but I think they heard because the smirks on there faces sure seems like they pleased, Craven was playing with my hair and leaned in and sniffed, my eyes grew round like a dear caught in front of headlights but I remained still "hmmm she smells delicious, can we not feed from her now?" "I told you she was and I'm afraid not, I'm hungry to so let's go hunting" Fabian pulled my hair back till I was facing him, my scalp hurts but there's nothing I can do, he smashes his lips to mine and kisses me roughly that my mouth actually hurts then nips my neck and leaves, Craven kisses me to but manages to bleed me "delicious" he says softly and leaves as well, I want to cry and sleep and never wake up, I'm owned property now!

Chapter 19

I ran from the club but I can't walk home in the hysterical state I'm in and I don't know where I am, I should have just gone up to Jake and asked him to drop me off at home but I didn't want anyone to see me like this but that would have been better then being lost so late at night in a dark alley that I managed to stumble through...I feel very drowsy all of a sudden, maybe I should just lie down for a while and hopefully the alcohol would leave for a bit so that I can concentrate on going home but luck was never on my side, as soon as I sit on a stair leading up to a building, I hear laughter and they coming into the alley, I'm not drunk enough to think these people would help me but just the opposite so I try thinking of were to hide and run up the stairs to the building but the gates locked so I sit and keep quiet hoping they don't come up and see me but carry on their merry way but there's a bark and I let out a squeak and turn to look at the dogs behind the gate, there two big black and brown dogs, I think they rottweiler's, ok Jade their behind the gate so you safe "well well well looky here boys, we got ourselves a toy for tonight" well safe from the dogs, I slowly turn around and just my luck, its Jacob and gang "I know you" says Jacob and walks around me while looking me up and down "ya she's the nerd chick from school" "well she sure does not look like a nerd now, would you like to play a game with us little nerd?" I knew that whatever game they wanted me to play was not something that would end well for me "well...erm you see, I'm err very tired and just wanna sleep so can we just play another time?" I was walking slowly backwards, out of the ally but forgot that there's more then one and ended up surrounded by them, leaving no room for escape "how about we take you home...after you play with us" "and what would people in school say when they find out you where with me? A nerd slash loner" I could see they didn't like the answer to that "you know you trash, we can do way better then her guys". Someone sneered from the group and I know I should not listen to them but I did and it hurt, even though it came from them...because I believed it, I mean I'm in high school for gods sakes but I've never had a boyfriend or any friends besides Averra and Alisha but we only began our friendship plus we became friends because of a weird subject that we all happen to like, one that would put us way worse then I already am if anyone finds out... "Err before you go..can you guys help me out?...I'm not sure where I am or where I stay so can you please show me the way?" "I mean I know where I stay but I don't know how or where to go from here" they all snickered "I can't believe this! We where gonna play with a worthless trash like her who doesn't even know where she is or stays..." Jacob says in disgust "well pumpkin, this is your lucky day for we know where we are and we where just heading to the schools district, I'm sure you can find your way home from there right? Or do you not remember anything" another said and I got excited to go home "of cause you would have to give us something in return" until he said that "that won't be necessary, for she's coming with us" I looked out of the circle to see...

Chapter 20

Jake! Oh my god thank you thank you thank you for sparing me..oh and the whole gang but Jake came for me! *happy dance* again its only in my head *roll eyes* there was a few arguments but in the end the badboys didn't want to start a fight with the jocks of the school, well in my opinion...they didn't want to get sued or whatever by the jocks parents if something happened just for 'a useless nerd' and I understood them, I mean there parents are the richest folks in this town and have a lot of influences because of that.

I ran up to Jake with a big smile and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a kiss on my forehead "oh my gosh! Thank you for coming and just in time" I gave out a relived sigh "you know we also came to your rescue, do we get a hug like that?" Asked Zack, I rolled my eyes but gave each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek "why didn't I get a kiss" I heard Jake mumble so I went up to him and put my arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips, I pulled back just enough to be still touching his lips "the best for last" I whispered and kissed him again, he just licked my upper lip, asking for entrance when I heard the guys teasing and complaining so I grinned and walked away but looked back to see him checking my ass *roll eyes* typical guy, they led me to there cars and took me home, when I was opening my door, Jake got out of the car and came up to me "I know this is fast but I'm starting to like you and I can't wait three weeks to date you so I'm asking if you would be my girlfriend?" I was shocked, but extremely excited "yes Jake! I'd love to" he grinned and kissed my forehead "well goodnight my sweet Jade and please do dream about me" "night Jake" I went in with a goofy smile on my face and leaned on the door until I heard their cars speed away "I'm guessing you had a good time?" "Oh yes" I danced on my way upstairs and just fell onto my bed and without changing or what not, I fell asleep with Jakes smile and light greenish blue eyes as the last thing on my mind.

I awake to the smell of food and my stomach instantly growls, warning me that it is empty and needs to refuel, I sluggishly get out of bed and run to the bathroom for a well deserved steaming hot shower, when I get out, I notice that not only did I forget my undies but also a towel and since coming out of the shower, I'm shivering because of the cold and dripping wet! I tip toe out and rap myself with the towel after drying myself and look for an outfit, I wear a track suet pants with a large golf T-shirt since I'm pretty much just packing today then I'll change before I head to school. my gosh! I can't believe I had to pack two bags, didn't we have a bigger bag somewhere? Arrrgh! I'm too tired to go to the basement so I'll just change and wear takkies, no need to carry shoes because takkies are ideal to wear in forests, I almost forgot to pack the plants and the book of shadows but luckily before I left for school, Aveera sent an sms, mummy is driving me so I put everything in her car and went to give Katy a big goodbye hug "I'm going to miss you baby sis" "me too" her face was currently smashed by my tummy so her words sounded like 'me moo' aww soo cute! Sigh but I know for a fact that she can be a brat some of the times "take it easy on mummy ok? Or at least until I come back" she never say anything so time to change tactics "ok how about this, you take it easy on mummy and I'll get you ice-cream for a week when I get back" she looked up at me and grinned "yes!" I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek "bye you brat" and showed her tongue and ran to the car.

Chapter 21

when I entered school, which looked deserted by the way, I walked around and had a little panic attack when I saw no one here, my thoughts where all over the place, are we suppose to meet elsewhere? Did I come to late? Did they leave already? I have no friends so I can't call up anyone from school, my heart was beating a bit fast and I can feel the thud thud thud...then I saw the janitor and ran to him "hey! Erm hi I'm lookin-" "they all in the gym getting supply's for the camp" I gave out a sigh of relief and all but sprinted to the gym without say thank you to the janitor who stopped my mini panic attack.

So it turns out I was the last to come and they were waiting for me so as a shy nobody that hates attention, the attention I got when I entered the gym brought upon my anxiety and all I could do was stand in my spot where people were giving out glares and relief signs "you are late as it is so don't delay us anymore by just standing there, get in line!" The principle barked at me so I ran to the back of the line "right, now that you all are here, I will explain the rules before you go but for now miss s moore will take it from here" miss s moore is my favorite teacher, she takes me for business studies "the tents we got for you will hold three people so I'll call you according to the list, gender doesn't matter because you will just be sleeping and you will have no privacy plus the tents are not soundproof" she called up three people, they got there tent and then each of them got a sleeping bag and a bag that must have all the supply's we need and went to sit on the gyms benches, I wasn't paying attention till she got to my name and I see I'm the first so I'm anxious to see who I'll share with and scared "rebecca and lydia" oh cool, I got all girls plus they not from the crowd that bullies me but they pretty popular and both friends so I can see it now, me lying down to sleep because I got nothing better to do while they chat and gossip and pretend I'm not there.

Oh my word, thank goddess we leaving now, our principal thought to bore us to death with rules that, let's face it, we'll probably forget as soon as we enter the bus, we have to take three buses and we got five camp leaders, a lot of students signed up to become camp leaders and they had to go through tests, or that's what I heard but if that was true then how the hell did janet, sophia, adrian, jacob and diane get to be camp leaders? They might pass class but that's mostly due to having nerds do their work, anyway..I'm sure I can stay out of their way since I'm a good girl, as in I follow the rules...mostly.

We are at the next town and heading towards stanton secondary to meet and socialize with our camp buddies so we can get along then go to the campsite together but I think it won't work because they already know one another and since their rivals, they don't get along but maybe at camp when they forced to work together, they'll see another side of their rivals.

Wow is all I can say...our school is big but plain, stanton secondary is hugh and stylish! And it looks like there is way more people going to camp from there school then ours, I start looking for Aveera and Alisha, as soon as I finish ogling their school that is, I can't see them so I decide to look further and when I mean further...I mean walking into our schools rivals crowd, although we suppose to socialize with the other school and them us, they not so when I move in, everyone looks at me, on both sides I get daggers and glares but I'm determined to find my only friends, I guess the attention on me did pop out a good thing because Alisha and Aveera just popped out of nowhere and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug but I returned the favor, after the hug we see that people are still throwing us glares so we walk to our own spot, away from both schools "oh my chocolate cakes! I'm so happy I became friends otherwise I'd be alone for the whole of camp and that's just..." "Uncool? Depressing? Boring? Heartbr-" "yes yes yes to all of the above" my gosh Alisha sure knows her stuff, I say sarcastically *roll eyes*

Chapter 22

we where at the campsite and I had to help set up but before I got to my roomies, I got pulled aside by Adrian and I knew what was coming since everyone never stopped glaring daggers at me from the time I joined Alisha and Aveera "so I've never seen you at any of our games" ok...and I thought he was going to tell me off but I'm mistaken because he wants to chat? "Yea about that..I don't really pay attention to any sports so take no offense, you can mention anyone from our country's sports teams and I won't know who or what they play, or any country for that matter" wow he looks partially shocked "well no matter but you in our school and stanton secondary is our rivals, your rival and as camp leader I order you to stay away from them" he said a bit loudly and when I looked around I see that they surrounded me and glaring my way so instead of back talking to him, I decided to keep my mouth shut, I'm sure Alisha and Aveera are getting a lecture, scolding or ordered too but if they don't lighten up soon, we can just sneak out and meet, I must say though, I have no experience in sneaking.

I'm in the tent pretending to be asleep or trying to but to no avail, why? Well I'll give you a clue, it has to do with two people with me. My gosh, rebecca and lydia have not stopped gossiping and giggling!

I'm wide awake but I can't get up, It is freezing! Rebecca is still sleeping but Lydia was awake before me but she's reading! I know, it shocking to me but then again, lydia and rebecca are not your average perfect bimbo dolls *roll eyes* a piercing whistle sound around the camp, maybe that's our cue to wake up, rebecca sure was shocked awake and shit her shocked expression plus her bed head is hilarious! I couldn't help but laugh out loud and so did lydia, she tried holding it in but when I burst into laughter, so did she, rebecca just looks at us with doe eyes but a smile creeps at the corner of her lips and when she looks into the mirror lydia pulled out, she also looses the fight and burst into fits of giggles.

Turns out there are camp officials but then again we are learning to survive out in the wilderness and we can't do it alone, they purpose in all this I guess is giving us lectures and tasks, well more tasks thank goddess..they got us up so early saying we should never stay in one place too long because our scent plus food and the fire attracts predators or other small animals that will attract predators so we all had to pack up and hike to our next camping place, our first challenge is setting up camp on our own..and let me tell you that was no easy task! You would think its easy to just choose a place but when there are too many people choosing plus rivals always going against each get chaos.

After walking on and on and on, my legs started killing me plus I'm starving! I decided since they all distracted fighting, I can go look for Alisha and Averra! I can't help but grin because one, I'm going to see my friends and two, I'm going against an order which I've never done before! But I can't help but think that it is because an adult didn't order me but a teen but anywho I still feel a little rebellious because of it and its half thrilling and half scary, my heart is beating fast hoping no one catches me sneaking out of my schools crowd and into the other, I took a guess on where they'll be and I was right *happy dance* I think I got a goofy grin on while thinking of mysel dancing because when Alisha and Averra saw me and came running, they stopped half way and gave me weird looks, I gave out an embarrassed face and a sheepish smile and went up to them.

Chapter 23

Averra and Alisha is sharing a tent so what we decided to do was, camp out in the middle of both schools and of cause I chose to not listen to Adrian and we where on our way to get my things, we made sure to come late so no one will see us snooping in and out of camps plus we can't let them see us together or we'll be in trouble, the camp is quiet so I went to my tent on my own so if I made noise and someone came out to check, they'll see just me, I slowly unzipped the tent to see my bags and sleeping bag, thank goddess I set up my bag after getting up, I took my things and tiptoed out so not to wake lydia and rebecca who was fast asleep.

We had to duck and dive when we had reached where we were to camp because some guys from Averra's and Alisha's school were drinking around the fire, I'm quiet sure we were seen but they didn't bother us or were too drunk to care so we set my things and sat around the book of shadows that I brought, we were just going over the book plus the research that Averra and Alisha brought "so what made you interested in witchcraft of all religions Jade?" Alisha asked "well..I always read but one day I just didn't want to read my usual books so I went and explored the library, I saw a girl acting shady and hid a book so I waited till she left and then I took the book out and read and I just got interested but I didn't get far because another person that reminded me of the shady girl came so I left the book back and read my usual books with that book and subject in my mind, what about you two?" I asked both Alisha and Averra "I went through my family history for a project and found out that my family was accused for witchcraft but there were no proof but then people took law into their own hands and stoned the children and burned the rest, few survived, including my great great grandmother who was just a teenager then" said Averra "well for me, I just want to do something to feel close to my mother, she died when I was seven, my father never talks about her but I remember she was a healer of the pac- I mean family and she use to practice witchcraft" "oh my gosh! I'm sorry Alisha" we all hugged than decided to call it a night and went to sleep.

I awoke to rustling to see that I was not at camp! I was tide to a tree and that its still late, I could hardly see and I was scared because I was alone in a forests and helpless to do anything if danger comes, I heard rustling again then I heard growling, my heart was beating so hard and fast that it was the only thing I could think about until I saw the wolf that came out of the bush, I was terrified and I didn't no what to do, I didn't want to do anything in case I encourage it to attack but I had to do something, I looked around, hoping I could see someone to help me, who the hell tied me here? It doesn't seem like something Alisha or Averra would do, oh my gosh! What if they are tied up too? The person who tied me won't just leave? "HELP!!... SOMEONE PL-" I was cut off by a howl and the wolf plus others that I didn't even know were there ran away but that didn't help my anxiety, only made it worse! Why? Well the howl was loud! And the only other wolves I know or think can scare wolves are werewolves, I've never meet one or seen one but Fabian being a vampire, I witnessed and there can't only be vampires so when a gorgeous guy came out of the bush with only three quarter pants, I knew he was a werewolf but instead of being afraid of him, I was fascinated and couldn't get out of his stare, he, a gorgeous guy, was staring at me! Like I was his dream come true...sigh his golden eyes was the last thing I saw before a frantic looking white wolf came barreling into me, oh I'm sorry, werewolf and licked me like it was happy I'm ok.

Chapter 24

I was still tied up so I didn't want to upset the werewolf so that it would think I'm prey instead of friend, the guy probably noticed my frightened eyes and stiff posture so he took mercy on me and chased the wolf away, it was reluctant but after a hard look from him that even scared me and it wasn't even directed at me, it left with its head down low in submission and tail tucked between it legs, he than stalked to me and his happy gaze gone and replaced with a blank stare until he released me, his stare was questioning and expectant "er th-thank you for saving me from being er..eaten by wolves and untying me..?" "Dominic" I smiled and blushed a little "Dominic..."

Sigh I was lying in my sleeping bag with Alisha and Averra beside me, after telling them my story, I noticed Alisha looking uncomfortable and maybe a bit panicky? "Hey Al what's up?" "Well..I was the wolf that was excited to see you alive..I'm a werewolf guys..and Dominic is my Alpha" I was shocked and didn't know what to say but Averra intervened "its alright, its actually really cool having a werewolf as a friend plus we might become witches so we going to be in the supernatural world and find out about other supernaturals anyway" now that I think of it, it really is cool, so I also told them about Fabian and Craven, they said they'll help out and this just gives us more of a reason to start practicing.

I awake to sun in my face to see that I'm the only one in the tent, with the flap open so that I can see the sun playing peek a boo with me behind the clouds, although the sun is out, its still freezing! I get up and get my thing to go to the lake to wash up, I see Alisha staring at me in a way that brings goose bumps but I brush it away, probably its just the cold..though when I walk away, I can feel eyes boring into me.

I was just drying my hair when Alisha came looking determined "J I have something to tell you, its to do about what happened yesterday" I finish dry my hair, leaving it half damp and sat with Alisha "sure no problem" "so I was thinking about what you said you felt when you looked into Dominics eyes and with what I remember about both of you'll around my happiness that you were alright and...I think he is your mate" I didn't think of what could possibly be important enough for Alisha to look so determined when deciding to talk to me but this beats anything I would of thought of anyway "are you sure? Is it even possible for a human to be a wolves mate?" "Its very rare, very but yes its possible but you were destined to be a witch so you not all human...and that gives you more of a chance to be a supernaturals mate" wow "do you think he'll accept me? Wait! First of all, what kind of person is he?" "To be honest, I don't think his a good Alpha or a guy for you, he always treat me badly because I'm not fully wolf, his a badboy but always gets away because his quick or because people are too scared to go against him and to answer your question, he will accept you but only to mark you so he can become more powerful but since you don't have a wolf and he thinks you human...he might reject you after he gets what he wants or he'll treat you horribly" I don't know why but I felt heartbroken and I don't even know him, I just want to go to sleep, stay in my dreams and never wake up, I was always a wallflower, never had anyone but my family then my life all changed with a English debate project, I found two friend then a BOYFRIEND, a real one, not a boy that's a friend and then I find out I have a soulmate! But he probably will use and reject me? Sigh I shouldn't worry, I mean I got Jake!

Chapter 25

so I have a date! I of cause could not get caught with Alisha or Averra again so I creeped back to camp, acting like I came from the lake, which was partially the truth and on my way I bumped into Jake! he caught me and held onto my waist then he teased me by acting to kiss me on the mouth but changed in the last second to my forehead when my eyes were closed then he asked me to have a picnic with him as our first date, he was disappointed that camp had to interfere with his plans on making my first date spectacular but I told him that is the company that counts and the fun we have together is what matters to me, he smiled at me then pulled me in for a french kiss to which I just followed his movements, he squeezed my waist before he left my lips and I just let out a dreamy sigh.

I never get to meet up with Alisha or Averra to tell them about my date tomorrow but I'll meet them at night, though I have to hold in my excitement till I get it all out when I meet up with them but I can't seem to keep all my excitement from dripping out of my hold so I had a lot of 'what the fucks up with her' looks but for the first time, I actually didn't give a damn though in the back of my mind I just can't stop from thinking if all this is a prank or a dare and if tomorrow he'll do the first prank...oh I should really stop second guessing and doubting everything and just live in the moment, if it comes down to be a prank or whatever, this time I have Alisha and Averra with me to help sooth my pain.

We at the lake, learning to catch food with spears we had to make with tree branches and big stones and let me tell you now, if this was a subject, I failed my second project, setting up the tent was bad but we did it after a while but this? I'll get an egg, a big fat zero! Alisha seems to be doing fine but Averra...not so much, at least we on the same boat together that's sailing itself towards the current that's going down towards the waterfall and dragging us down too, sigh I can feel eyes boring into me and I'm quiet sure its not Alisha this time so when I look around, I'm shocked to find Dominic, he seems to be angry with me but I didn't do anything and his glare actually scared me, giving me more of a reason to reject him because if you think of it, his a powerful Alpha and i'm just a human or a biginner witch so if it comes down to a fight, even if I become a full witch...i'll lose anyway and he'll get his way and that makes Alisha's theory correct.

I was wet and tired and all I wanted to do was sleep then get ready for my date but of cause life never goes the way you want, we have another lesson to do, we all have to start a fire with just stones! maybe...if we can meet up that is, Alisha, Averra and I can go over the Book of Shadows again, i'm sure they have a spell there to start a fire, I think I saw it there last night, it looked like a small spell so I don't think anything can go wrong! oh and it would be my very first spell! I hope it goes well always its not only the camping lesson i'll fail but I guess I can't take it to heart if I do fail, I mean it would be my first real try...

"Averra! Averra!" I tried to get her attention but she seems too engrossed in whatever she seems to be doing so I decided to scare her, I creeped around her untill I was behind her to jump on her but I was the one to be scared when a wolf came up to me and scared the shit outta me, it was black with striking goldish yellow eyes that looked so familiar, I know he is a werewolf because he is too hugh to be a normal wolf and now that I think about it, it was the same eyes that was glaring at me a few hours ago and no its not Alisha, she doesn't even have any reason to glare at me anyway...

Chapter 26

I don't know what I did for him to dislike me just after saving me so I don't know how to solve it but then again, its not like we going to be friends, I planned on rejecting him...I should probably thank him for saving me though "I really don't know what I did to you that you have to keep on glaring at me but I don't care, thank you for saving me and sorry but I reject you..." He seemed in a bit of a shock so I used this moment to run away, I never see Averra so I just thought we can try the spell tonight, I've already wasted time looking for them when I should have tried to set the fire, I only managed to get the rocks to let out sparks but so far the logs are not catching alight, maybe I should of gotten something that would of caught alight easily? Like...hay or something? I tried once more before giving up too look for something easier to light and put on top of the wood, I saw a patch of dried grass and leaves, that would do right? I was running over when I tripped and fell face down, I think I bust my lip, I got up and looked around to see if anyone saw but relieved when I saw no one "it sure takes skill to trip over flat surfaces" I gasp and turn around, only to bump into Fabian, he captures my mouth with his and I hate to admit that his a great kisser and that I melt, until I remember that I'm going out with I push him away and he let's me "if you haven't gotten the news, I'm Jakes so back off" I reply but I was scared of what he'll do but he didn't get to do anything because Dominic chose that time to appear, he growled and started to fight Fabian, Jake out of nowhere came with the whole gang "hey are you ok?" He looked so worried and I wondered if he'll be that worried if he knew Fabian kissed me or that I liked it "yeah I'm good thanks" I smiled sweetly but then I blurted it out "Fabian kissed me and I told him off but I was scared of what he'll do but Dominic just came up and fought him" he smiled and kissed my forehead "its alright, I saw and heard, I saw you leave your fire very frustrated so I thought I'll cheer you up, by the way, I loved the way you called yourself mine" I blushed and looked down but he just held onto my chin and gave me a full on kiss, he licked my lips, asking to let him in and I did and got so carried away in the kiss until I heard a very thunderous growl, Jake pulled away and looked around while I already knew who it was and I felt guilty and panicky and scared.

Jake helped me make the fire, it looked so easy when he did it that I felt embarrassed that he did it with one try, he said that his father use to take him out camping and taught him many things before he died and that he misses him and this is the first time that he actually went camping without him but it brings back memory's, I hug him and tell him I'm sorry and stay in his arms, I'm almost asleep when he wakes me "sorry sweetheart but they checking out our fires so I better go, see you tomorrow" he gives me a mind blowing kiss and then gets up and goes after a peck on my forehead.

I was walking to our tent, in a daze...thinking about how Jake and I were and how awesome it would turn out tomorrow for our date when I was slammed into a tree, I looked up to see Fabian glaring at me, he was so close that I could feel the cold emanating from him and I knew he was here to feed off me "we've made a deal but you need to keep your boy toys out of it, do you hear me?" He said in a cold and hard voice that sent shivers down my spine, when he saw the effect he had on me, he smirked, how the hell could I be both attracted and scared at him at the same time? How can I fall for three guys in less then a month?

Chapter 27

Fabian had a hard grip on my arm and was dragging me into the deeper part of the forest, more secluded should I say "I'm starving...and you smell delicious" he pushed me on the floor "What th-" I was cut off my whisper scream when he sat on my hips and pulled my hair to expose my neck and I got scared, remembering how much it hurt last time "don't worry sweets, I won't hurt you" he said like he read my mind "this time..." After he kissed my neck and licked, finding my sweet spot, he bit, his fangs going in my neck hurt a lot but like he promised, it soon went away and in its place was intense pleasure that had me gasping in wonder and whimper in desperation for him, in the back of my mind I knew this was probably a power of his and I was being trapped in it like an antelope surrounded by wolves but the pleasure over powered my rational thoughts...I moaned out loud when I felt his hands enter underneath my top, I whined when I felt his fangs slip out, he just chuckled and licked my neck clean while messaging my breasts...he gave me butterfly kisses from my neck to my lip which he then nipped and kissed me and slipped his tongue through when he made me gasp by pinching my hard nipples...

I awoke to the sun striking in my face and making it impossible to sleep while the cool breeze that's giving me goose bumps woke me up all the more to hear whispering, laughing and chuckling, I open my eyes but instantly close them to save them from the bright sun, I get up and everything goes quiet...I open my eyes again and look around to see that I am outside but more importantly, in my rival schools camp! I feel the breeze on me again to notice that my top is above my breasts and my bra is nowhere to be seen...I panic and pull my top down and get up and run but not before I see Dominic glaring daggers my way and he looked pissed! I take the long route to where Alisha, Averra and I are camping so no one catches me, when I enter the tent, I burst out in tears from embarrassment and heartache, Ali and Ava are shocked when they see me but nonetheless they embrace me till my tears dry out and I only have hiccups to worry about, after my shock leaves, they ask me about what happened, I tell them everything and of cause I'm in tears at the end again so we stay huddled up till we called upon by the loud whistles but I'm so scared to go out, one because I'm embarrassed, two because I'm sure my school will find out and I'll be in trouble, three because I can't face Fabian again after what he did to me and neither can I face Dominic and oh my goddess! What will Jake think or do? He'll definitely dump me now...

We decided to stay the whole day here but Alisha had something to do so it was just Averra and I, we were just lazing around, Ava was asleep while I was wide awake thinking...should I go to my date? Would Jake still plan the date or be expecting me? I got that answer soon enough, when I was almost asleep I heard Jake calling me so I went outside to see him "hey babe, why are you not ready for our date?" His acting like nothing happened! Maybe he doesn't know? "Yeah well I thought you wouldn't want me after my incident this morning at the other camp..." He just shakes his head "everyone does stupid stuff when they drunk..hell I've done worse, so get changed, maybe a dress? It'll be quicker" I just grinned and ran in the tent and shook Ava to get her up "help me find a nice dress for my date quickly, his waiting outside" "oh my gosh shit, wait I got just the dress for you" she pulled out a grey short dress with black over and under the breast line with a black sting to tie around the neck, to put it simply, it was...well simple but gorges, I didn't take anything else because he set everything up so I went out to see him smoking *roll eyes* he threw the bud on the ground and then smashed it with his shoes and came to me "you look hot babe" and he smirked, I of cause just smiled with a blush, he took my hand and led me to our picnic place, I was looking to the ground but when he stopped, I looked up to see that we where by a was so beautiful! I grinned and kissed him on the cheek, he chuckled and we sat down, I was going to sit opposite him but he pulled me and sat me down in between his legs so I rested on his chest, he put his arms around my waist and we just sat there for a while listening to the waterfall.

Chapter 28

I was starving and you don't have any good food in camp but Jake somehow got a hold of some,oh my... my mouth is watering! He brought the first real food that I hadn't had in days! There was pasta and hotdog and chips and we can't forget the chocolate! He brought wine aswell...when we finish eat and had a sip of wine, not a lot because I wanted to swim, he said we'll have later, I didn't want to wet or dirty Ava's dress but I didn't want to take out my dress..."Babe we dating so its fine, besides, its the same thing as a bikini so why do you'll hesitate?" I guess he made sense but...I've never worn a bikini "ok but I'm still not comfortable so turn around" what I didn't know was that he was peeking when I was going in the water "you can come in now" we swam and splashed and played till I got tired, Jake forgot the towels so he convinced me to loosen up so I encouraged myself and came out, lying down I was just staring at Jake, his brown hair was darker because it was wet and his greenish blue eyes sparkled "awww babe! You cannot look at me like that yet not talk me, I said I'm sorry..." I'm not talking to him because while I encouraged myself to get out, he left me and took my dress! I just huffed but I can't stay mad at him so I went up to him and lied on him, he grinned and gave me wine while he was on his second glass after we went swimming, I drank it all and I started feeling dizzy, maybe because I drank the whole glass one time and I'm not used to alcohol? This is my first time and when I watch movies, I see them only sipping so yeah but I don't want Jake to see me drunk on just one wine glass so I just told him I'm sleepy...when I was half way asleep Jake woke me "here babe, drink this, I didn't know this was your first time drinking or I would have brought something lighter" well here goes the plan on keeping Jake clueless about me being an alcohol newbie, he gave me water but it didn't taste right...I started to feel more dizzy and my head was pounding!

When I awoke, I found myself in my tent and under the covers! I turn around to see if Ali or Ava is with me but they not...I thought they could give an answer as to how I ended up here when the last thing I remembered that happened was me falling asleep in Jakes arms...mmm maybe Jake brought me here, i'll have to ask my girls when they come, or maybe I should change and get out of this lonely tent.

I can't believe they left me! they couldn't even leave a message, ok so they could not send messages as we in the forest but they could have woken me or maybe stayed with me? atleast one of them could of stayed to tell me where everyone was going... so i'm sure you confused, here what happened, after I changed and went out to meet up with Ali and Ava before going to my class camp but what I saw outside gave me a mini heart attack, you know that feeling when you where younger and got seperated from your mom or dad at a shop? well that happened quiet a few times for me and that was the feeling I was getting now, since i'm in the forest alone!

I have been going around camp for so long and I didn't see anyone, i'm going to Ali and Ava's schools camp to see if anyones there but i'm scared because last time they saw me, I was half naked! gosh that stuped ass Fabian! sure Jake said that a lot of them did things when they were drunk that they not proud off or was stupid and made a fool of themselves but I was not drunk and its just not the same!

Chapter 29

it looks deserted as well but I swear I feel like someone's watching me and its creeping me out! I mean I'm alone here, what if this person is plotting my murder or something, I got no one to go to and I can't call for help because no one is going to hear me besides the animals and if they come, it just probably they think I'm food.

I hear a rusting in the bush so I turn with my heartbeat beating louder than anything in this forest since its the only sound I can hear and out comes...oh my goddess! Dominic's wolf form comes out and know that I'm all alone, damn he is big, scary and very intimidating, not that he isn't all the time but I can put on a brave front when I'm surrounded by people "arh do you know where everyone went?" I decided to just ask what's been bothering me so it would seem that I'm scared of being alone but by his glare I know he knows that I'm scared of him...I take a step back and he growls lowly, I guess that's wolf language of stay put! He went and put his head in a tent and took out clothes and went behind a bush to change, I still didn't move because as of now, his calling the shots and I don't know what his capable off and I don't want to test him either way.

He was walking towards me in a confidant and rushed manner, all the while, glaring at me and I was terrified of what he'll do to me when he gets here, I back away when he gets too close but he growls again and stops so I do as well "you are a slut!" He spat at me in a cold hard voice that both gave me chills that scared me and butterfly's that also scare me, I backed up again but ended up trapped by the tree and him, he gripped onto my chin with so much pressure that I almost burst in tears with the pain but I managed to just let out one or two tears "you did not say the right words to reject me, therefore you are still mine and since I need you to become a true alpha, you would do as I say, when I say it or you'll be punished" I couldn't hold it in anymore, I burst out crying in front of him but all he did was tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear, kissed my forehead and leave! I slid down the tree and cried my heart out! I now have another guy to control my life, oh gosh why am I stuck with bad luck with guys? I'm sorry if I kept breaking hearts in my dreams but they not real so please goddess, stop punishing me...oh my gosh what would Dominic do to me for punishments?

I ran to my tent and stayed in there, crying and waiting for the others to come but the didn't so I took out my small black book that I carry everywhere with me, I use it to write down things when I'm bored or important things so I won't forget etc. I started writing a poem 'you are a stranger, yet you are so familiar, to my heart and soul, which bleeds your name over and over...would you be able to heal me? Or would you shatter my already broken heart, let the pieces fall...into the hollow abyss, we where fated to be, yet there you are, playing catch with my heart, oh so carelessly...' I have no more inspiration to write anymore so just kept my book aside and tried to think of something to do but ended up blank so I left the tent again thinking about how I'm letting people take over my life, I can't let them do that, Dominic is the closest so I'll deal with him now and Fabian later so I walked into his camp and called out for him and waited but I don't think he heard...maybe he left already, with that in mind I turned to leave but I than heard a growl behind me and turn to see Dominic "you called" he said oh so sarcastically with a sneer but not even that could deform his perfect face, goddess why do you have to male it so hard on me? Why do you gift the badboys with your consorts beauty?

Now that he was in front of me with his big build and intimidating stare that always brings me into a submissive role, I just couldn't say what I planned but I should give it a small shot, that's better then nothing anyway.

Chapter 30

I played with my fingers, looked down and got ready for my speech "I will not do as you asked as I have rights and I might not have done some rejection ritual but you will never see me after this two and a half weeks so you cannot use me to become more powerful" I peeked through my eye lashes to see him calm and bored! I looked down again thinking of something else to say but he beat me to it, seeing I had nothing else to say "you have no choice in this sweetheart and you will be seeing me, a lot and I am already one of the most powerful werewolves around but you will make me the most" I can't believe him! I'll find the right way to reject him from Alisha then I'll be free of him "y-you can't make me be your mate i-if I don't want to!" That came out better in my head, sigh he knows I'm just talk and I can't do anything, that I'm 'his' either way because he gave out a loud laugh and shook his head "darling.." He walked up to me and lifted my face up by my chin with his finger so that I had direct eye contact, my heart was beating fast and it was not because I was scared "you are just a human, a weak, vulnerable and pathetic human that is nothing compared to me" my heart shattered when he said that and I hate that I care what he thinks about me but I do and I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry so I did what he wanted from me, I gave up my quest and submitted to him, its just sad that just because of a heartless sentence, I'm ready to submit but I looked down "fine you'll have it your way but..." he moved my face to expose my neck and kissed my vein that had my heart speed up in fear but I couldn't do anything "but nothing, now I'm going to bite you..just a little bite to mark you as mine" I was going to back away but he held me and I froze in fear, he licked than bit me hard, I whimpered and squealed but he blocked my mouth before I screamed, his bite lasted for a minute but it hurt bad! It left a burning feeling long after he bit me, I was drowsy after and could not support my own weight or do anything but want to sleep but I was scared of not knowing what was happening, he carried me into a tent and put me down on the bed and just left, after a few tortures moments, I couldn't keep my burning eyes open and fell asleep.

I awoke to arguing outside, I woke fully when I noticed I was on an actual bed! In a room but I was still to tired to get up and explore my new surroundings or hear what it was they were saying but in the back of my mind I recognized a girls voice and Dominic's and it was like a messy break-up fight because of another girl, I did hear her say 'I'm way better than she will ever be and I'll stand by your side as luna and make you and our pack the most powerful' I lost track after that because they moved away and I fell asleep again and when I awoke again, it was full dark but Dominic was awake, his back was to me so I don't think he knows I'm awake yet, at least I now know that I'm in Dominic's house, I tried to go back to sleep but I think I overslept because I just don't feel like sleeping and I'm wide awake, wow I put Katy perry's song in my sentence laugh out loud...

Chapter 31


I looked to the door and back again to Dominic, sigh there is no use in trying to get away.."They going to know I'm missing from camp and send a search party" he looked back when I spoke but he didn't look interested in what I had to say "they can look but they won't find you, after you settled I'll go back and say I never saw you as I went looking when they mentioned you missing plus I'll make sure they know wolves rome the forests so they'll think the wolves got you" he smirked like he made a joke which I guess he did because he being a wolf caught me "by the way, I love how you look and smell in my clothes" I looked down to see that the blanket came half down and I was indeed in his shirt and I mean just his shirt! "YOU ASS! How dare you change me!" He growled and next thing I know, his on top of me "you are MINE! That means I can do whatever I want with you, with or without your permission and don't YOU dare raise your voice towards me ever again! Do I make myself clear?" I was so scared that I was trembling "y-y-es i-i under-stand" I was almost in tears, shit I can't believe this is how my life is going to be...if I don't escape him but how the hell am I to do that "I love that you scared of me..." He bent down to kiss my mark that tickled which caused me to shiver but I saw his eyes and I'm quiet sure that he does not like the fact that he scares me.

Dominic left a few hours ago and I just finish checking any possible way to get out of here and believe it or not but there is not! This house or mansion more like it goes on forever it seems since I still have not been to half of it but by the half I have already seen, there is absolutely no exit open for me plus I see guards all around the mansion and I'm starving! Let me steal some food for all the exercise then search the other half, I know I saw a kitchen somewhere...Mmmm something smells good, I didn't see anyone other than me here so how did they get in? I looked for anything I could use for as a weapon and held onto it tightly while tip towing "that's a priceless vase please don't break it! If you can hit me with that" I was shocked to find a kid about eleven years old "oh I'm sorry I thought I was alone here than I smelt food and thought someone broke in and by the way, the umbrella is broken" he giggled "why would someone break in to cook?" I just smiled and gave out a 'I don't know gesture' while he giggled again "so who are you and why are you in my house?" "I'm Jade and I was kidnapped by a guy named Dominic and I thought this was his house?" The kid does remind me of Dominic in looks though..." I'm Jamie and I'm his brother and it is, mummy and daddy are gone so his taking care of me" oh gosh that's why his so dominant, he had to take charge at a young sad, maybe I should take it easy and give him a chance, I mean we are mates so that does mean we belong together but gosh what should I tell Jake?

Chapter 32


I was laying on the bed thinking...sigh I do have feelings for Jake but the truth is...I have a stronger connection to Dominic, more so now because I'm actually wanting to give him a try and not hide from it, I don't want to lead Jake on and its because I like him and I already feel guilty about the things that went on behind his back and then becomes a way bigger problem, Fabian, if a werewolf and vampire go head to head, who will win? Will Fabian even fight for me? What about Dominic? Ok so he will, even just to be the most powerful werewolf in this generation but I feel an attraction towards Fabian as well and I wonder if its one sided or if its just some vampire mojo.

I looked through his cupboard to look for clothes and I'm not being creepy, even though it really sounds creepy, I'm just looking for a shirt and string tide pants to sleep in and my luck, there was only sting tide boxes so I took a ben 10 one and took a hot shower to relax my muscles and when I came out I remembered that I forgot to remember to bring a towel but guessed after listening through the door that Dominic did not come back, that had me thinking on how bad it was of him to leave him little brother all alone and it seems for the whole of camping too, does he not feel guilty that his putting his baby brother through the same thing that he went through at a young age when his parents died? Or is he teaching his brother to be independent the hard way? The only way he knows how...

I found a towel and wrapped it around me while I looked for the hair dryer to dry my hair when the door opens, I, thinking its Dominic go back into the bathroom and lock it, I stand for a few minutes panicking than I change and decide to go out, I mean he changed me the night before in just his t-shirt so its the same thing, kind of...I opened the door and peeked through but saw no one so I tip toed out just in case they in a blind spot through the bathroom door, I know its silly since his a werewolf and would obviously hear me either way but its habit I guess, I was safe so I just walked to the bed but before I reached I was tackled to the ground and I panicked so I said the only thing that came to mind "Clustavania!" It allows me to call upon wind, I used the wind to throw whoever it was out the door, the wind was so powerful that it took the door out of its hinges.

I took the first thing that was closest to me and ran to see who just tackled me but there was no one, my heart was beating so hard that I swear I could feel my chest vibrating from it, I went back inside and sat on the bed and was trying to calm down when I saw Dominic inspecting the door and looked to me with his eye brow raised "why is my door broken and why in gods name are you carrying a calculator" "the wind pushed it of its hinges and for protection?" He was looking at me like I'm crazy which would sound right if I didn't know why it happened "someone tackled me to the ground so I pushed them away and they broke the door and I took the closest thing to me at the time for protection that so happened to be a calculator, its not my fault you don't keep a knife lying around" he breath in deep and rubbed his face with his hand "there is no one here besides you and I'd be dumb and stupid to keep a knife, easy access weapon for you or anyone to handle" I pouted "well I talked to your little brother so I know for a fact that I'm not alone and why in gods name would you leave your brother al-" I stopped what I was saying because he looked between shocked and confused and pained "I have no other family besides my pack, my parents and brother is dead" he said in a deadpan voice and left.

Chapter 33

I was tucked in bed all nice and warm but I could not sleep, not when I know I hurt Dominic and brought on memories he probably doesn't want to remember plus I want to know how and why I could see and talk to him...Jamie that was his name "couldn't sleep?" I got a shock and turned to see Dominic back and he was changing..he had his shirt out and he was just in boxers and my goddess he had a gorgeous body with just the right amount of muscles, suddenly the muscles was closer and I looked to see him looking at me with amused eyes but there was still some seriousness and sadness "do you always sleep shirt less?" He just smiled and got tucked in, he pulled me towards his chest and put his chin on the curve of my neck "I sleep naked but I don't want to give you ideas so early in our relationship" my heart skipped a beat with how close we were and the way the wind tickled me when he talked "the boy you saw...tell me everything about him and what happened" I knew this was coming "I was looking around the place.." "More like looking for exits" "whatever! Anyway I got hungry and decided to go make something, I went to the kitchen and smelt food and I thought I was alone so I took the closest thing to me which was a vase...I tipped toed and I then heard him say 'that's a priceless vase please don't break it! If you can hit me with that' and he was pointing at some umbrella, he looked about eleven and he reminded me of you so I knew he belonged here so I apologized, he asked who I am and why I'm here so I told him you kidnapped me, he said he was your brother and his name is Jamie, I excused myself for a moment to go to the bathroom and when I came back, he was gone and so was the evidence that he cooked" we kept quiet after that and I eventually fell asleep.

The sunlight is to bright early in the damn morning! Who the hell opened the curtain, don't they know we sleeping here...oh shit! WE sleeping, argh me and my sympathy complex, why do I always have to feel bad or guilty for someone even if they don't deserve it *eye roll* I move to check if his still awake but I find him nowhere to be found, maybe he woke early and maybe HE was the jackass that opened the curtains, yip I'm definitely blaming him! that ass, oh he sure does have a lovely ass though..."I've been here from the time you woke but you just ignore me! I don't think I wanna be your friend" I jump in surprise and fright when I hear his voice "why do you always have to scare me and I don't think we gotten past the stranger danger part to be friends" now that I see him as what he is, I can see a shimmer and his a bit transparent "why you looking at me lydat" he pouted "why are you here, how can I see you?" He all of a sudden became so serious that it scared me, I mean he is a child that is so happy go lucky and energetic one moment then he changes into a serious dude the next, its really pretty scary "I believe its because you a witch and necromency is one of your powers and I'm not sure why I didn't leave with mamma and papa but I guess we'll find out soon" then he just disappeared


Chapter 34

I'm at the mall but according to Dominic I have to dress like a guy so no one recognizes me, lol if only he knows this is how people will recognize me but he went to the extreme so I'm not so sure, expectedly since I have no friends besides Averra and Alisha but they at camp and would probably look in the forest but Alisha is in Dominics pack so she should no he has me but she can't do anything, after all, he is her Alpha.

You would not believe where I am! I'll give you some clues, I've never been here before, never had any reason to be here before and people are glaring at us since it looks like we two guys, and no guys are suppose to be in this section! "Dominic can we please go..people are glaring and I won't wear any of this anyway, you just wasting your money" I've been nagging him for the past five minutes that we were here but to no avail so here I am going into the changing rooms with curious and weird stares, he picked out three bathing two piece suits and two lingerie and some matching underwear and you do not wanna no how uncomfortable it is for a guy you barely no to pick your underwear out plus having witnesses and dressed as a guy...

I was trying the silent treatment but it was not working and I'm getting frustrated! Argh he will ask me something but because I'm not talking to him, he just makes a decision for me! His not effected by my silent treatment because he said I'm acting like his submissive and he loves it, I pouted and looked away, its not fare he always gets his evil plan forming *rubs palms together with creepy look* in my head of cause *roll eyes* I'll get info about him from his brother and maybe have him help me prank him *happy dance* I was hungry so I just walked to the food court and sat down at a booth, I knew Dominic will follow but it seemed he didn't, I looked behind me but didn't see him than I felt someone sit next to me "I hope you don't mind but I ordered for you" I was furious but I still didn't say anything but I wanted to know what he ordered for me but I can see he will only give me the answer if I talk to him, maybe he is effected by me not talking to him, it is so awkward just sitting in the booth and not talking till our orders come but I decided that this would probably annoy him more so I should just shut my mouth and carry in with my silent treatment "Dominic has really terrible anger issues so I'll refrain from angering him if I where you" I was just a little shocked when he popped up on the other side of the booth but I was expecting him back so not by much "well you not me" I said softly but I think Dominic still heard because he gave me a raised eyebrow as question but I just looked away from both of them "ah oh you gonna be in so much trouble, his really angry, you should start talking to him, I'm serious" I know I should take his warning seriously but I just brushed it off when our food came, the wait was tortures for my tummy so it greedily consumed every last food that was served to me and then it started complaining that it was going to burst, Luckily he didn't take me to do anymore shopping but headed home and let me tell you, in the car you could feel the anger vibrating out of him and he was speeding but this time, it was not the silent treatment that kept me silent but fear although when he nearly knock someone I did my best to over come my fear "stop driving so fast, you going to hurt someone" he looked at me from the side of his eyes and just drove faster "please stop driving so fast" I'm sure he could hear the panic in my voice but that didn't stop him "I told you not to anger him but did you listen? No, you no why? Because I'm just a child, a dead child at that" Jamie just had to put in his told you so but he left before I could find a comeback "I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry...please Dominic you scaring me" he took a deep breath in and out than slowed down to a reasonable pace


Chapter 35

as soon as we got to his house I ran to the room and cried, now that I have calmed down, I noticed that he didn't follow me in the room but let me be but I have to face him sometime, better now than later, he'll be more mad if he thinks I'm avoiding him all together and then goddess knows what he'll do...I went to open the door but I find it locked! That ass, no wonder he didn't check up on me, he locked me in the room with nothing to do "Jamie! I know you floating around somewhere" "I fly not float!" *roll eyes* "same difference" "that doesn't even make sense weirdo" "whatever and I'm not a weirdo" "only weirdos talk to themselves" "ya well I'm talking to you not to myself" "same difference" he smirked, smart ass sigh he is definitely Dominics brother. Since I was locked in, all I could do was chat with Jamie and get juicy tid bits about Dominic, he doesn't want to prank him because his scared he'll get mad and I'll suffer and after thinking about it for a while and remembering his anger, I agreed but I was disappointed, Jamie keeps telling me to give Dominic a try but let him know that I'm willing but if it does not work out, I'll leave, Jamie also promised to help if it doesn't work out.

I'm laying on the bed thinking about everything Jamie said and wondering if I should take his advice when Dominic opens the door and comes in and locks the door again and keeps the key, he does not look at me but I know he feels my stare but he just picks out clothes and heads to the bathroom, it seems his giving me the silent treatment now...sigh I'm in no mood to talk or fight with him so I'll chat to him in the morning, I move from my place at the middle of the bed but not too far away and fall asleep before he comes out but I'm not fully asleep so I feel him pull me to his chest but I'm too tired and weak to even lift one finger so I just sleep in his arms.

I awake to my bladder feeling heavy and I know I need to go to the bathroom fast but a hand is restricting me, I try moving his hand but his holding on tightly but I then hear him sign then he let's me go and I run to the bathroom without saying anything. When I'm relaxed and clean I get out and find him still in bed so I look to the time and see its twenty four past three am so I hop in bed but I take a chance and slip in under his hold and he tightens his hold and brings me closer to his chest


Chapter 36

I awake to butterfly kisses given to me all around my neck and shoulders and think I could live like this if I give him a chance, I turn in his hold till I'm facing him and bury my face under his and speak softly but I know he hears me "I'm willing to give us a try but if it does not work out, I'm leaving and I'm going to get help from your brother on that so you won't be able to find me" he lifts my chin up so we eye to eye "I'm glad I got this chance to be with you and I don't know how you can be in contact with my brother but you my mate, he does not know the connection that's between mates for he did not meet his so you can run my little mate but you'll never get far" I don't know what I was going to say but we got interrupted by an explosion downstairs and a whole lot of barks and growls, I was scared since the only thing coming to mind are vicious huge wolves, I mean Dominic is a werewolf, it makes sense that werewolves would attack him "stay in this room and stay calm, I'll sort this out" then he changed to his black wolf and was out, I locked the door behind him than locked myself in the bathroom, it seemed I was in there for a really long time and it was quiet so I didn't know what was happening and the quiet was somehow more nerve wrecking.

Its been hours, I know this for sure so I tip toed out of the bathroom than the bedroom and went downstairs and I don't know whether to scream or run away, I chose to run away obviously so I jumped over the dead wolves but when I went outside, I saw wolves and humans tending to the injured and I know this is Dominics pack so I go around asking for Dominic and helping ease the pain, again its from the spell book and it seems to help a great deal, I see Alisha and I run to her "Ali oh my goddess please be alive, please please please" she moans when I ease her pain and opens her eyes and trys to talk "no Ali you are hurt! Don't talk, I'll look after you" luckily I'm good at listening at class and have a photogenic mind so I remembered how to treat wounds and heal and ease pain from the book so I got started and when I was finished, Ali was just too tired to get up so I left her with the other wolves and went to look for Dominic and finally after about an hour looking and panicking, I found him away from all his wolves, in wolf form breathing shallowly so I ran to him but his wounds were severe so after healing him a little and easing his pain, I ran to a wolf that seemed to know how to treat wolves "hey Dominic is badly injured but I have no idea how to treat severe wounds" she panicked when I said that and while running to help him she screamed Alpha is hurt! And a few people came to help, I guess I should have done that, they treated his wounds and took him to something called the medical wing, I guess I never see that part of the house when I was looking around.

Everyone just disappeared and so did Alisha so I was alone in the room again thinking I should probably look for everyone and ask them to take me to Dominic but most of them are hurt or treating the hurt so I don't want to disturb them but then again I can heal a little and ease their pain so with that in mind, I went through the part of the house I didn't go before.


Chapter 37


I get a call and its from Aveera "hey Avi, I'm so sorry for disappearing without a word or calling to say I'm alright but I was kidnapped-" "hey hey I know, Alisha told me and I just think we should get together so we can learn to protect ourselves and others we care about" "I think that's an excellent idea but Dominic and Alisha are hurt so after I help them, I'll come, why don't u email me small, simple spells to help out the hurt and injured?" Practicing spells also help you become a better witch and makes harder spells simpler plus I'm going to help people so that's a bonus in my perspective, I heard crying and screaming so I rushed into the room where I heard them and saw a crowd around a bed, I got closer and it was Dominic...he was still and his eyes looked lifeless and as I went to him, people made way for me to go, my mind went blank until I touched his hand that was still a bit warm but stiffening and I started screaming 'NO! NO! NO!' Over and over in my head, 'I healed him! I eased his pain! They should have treated him! I just met him and was debating on giving him a try! Oh goddess I should have...'I broke down and cried for a loss that felt like a chunk of my heart was ripped out which don't make sense since I only met him, but does since he was, or I was his mate "Dominic...I'm-I'm sorry" I got up and ran away, I went up to his room because that was where we started getting along and where I was kind of happy 'oh goddess! Why! Why take him from me when I was...' I threw myself onto his bed and cried to sleep on his side.

It seems as if I didn't sleep, my eyes are baggy and swollen with tears, my muscles are weak and aching and my mind is fried up by working on overload, I felt my stomach grumble out its hunger but just thinking about eating makes me nauseous, I look to the time and wow no wonder I'm hungry but how can I feel like shit if I slept till one pm...I make myself move to the bathroom and burst into tears I thought where all shed when I saw his boxers that he'll no more wear hanging onto the toilet seat, as I'm showering I keep thinking how short life is, why his passing away left such a deep hurt in me that I feel half dead myself? In such a short amount of time that we knew each other and fought each other, I slid down and sat criss cross on the floor and I keep thinking that I have no right to mourn him when I didn't know him, plus he kidnapped me and now I will be why does that not make me feel better? I got out of the room so that I could eat and take a sleeping tablet but at the entrance of the kitchen, I stopped because sitting on the counter was no other than...

Chapter 38

"Jamie..." He didn't seem to move or give any sign that he heard me but I guess he had more of a reason to mourn but wouldn't his brother join him? Oh! Would that mean I can meet up with him like I do with Jamie? "Hey Jamie? Is your brother with you? Oh can you ask him to visit me the way you do...Jamie why are-" my voice had a lilt but ended up dry "I was only here for him and since my purpose is finished because...I can't stay anymore and I won't see HIM because of YOU" than he was just gone...poof and I was left stunned and somehow even more depressed, what did he mean when he said he wouldn't see him? And why or how is it my fault? My fault he died? Oh goddess no! Please tell me its not so...oh but they where attacked by another pack so...I don't understand! Alisha! She'll know who and why they attacked.

It feels like I've been walking around for hours looking for her but so far..nada and I'm getting so frustrated! How can I not find one person in this damn mansion when there are so many! Argh maybe this is my chance to...I don't think I want to leave...but I have to, my family and everyone must be so worried! I go to his room and pause before I go in and get the little things he brought when he kidnapped me and than I went to search of a way out but likely I have a photogenic memory and remembered the way out but I was nervous of what I'll see, I love animals and even if they where the cause of his death...they were wolves in my eyes but when I got out, they were all gone and there where no one in sight so I dashed out looking for a way out but all I saw was forests and no path, of cause they wolves so they need no path.

I decided to just enter the forest and see what I can find or another opening where a road might be but I would definitely not go near any house in or too near the forest because there is a ninety percent chance its a werewolves house. I was almost at a dirt road/path when I heard a grown and I froze, I heard shuffling than a voice I never thought I'd hear here plus accompanying a wolfs growl "sweetheart, I'm so glad you safe and I'm sorry for involving you into...well you know...rival pack wars but his gone now" I didn't know what to do because in just that one sentence I have found out so much, the first being Jake is a werewolf and in a pack that was rivals with my mates pack, second, he doesn't know HE was my mate but that it was revenge of some sort and three was the worst, my current boyfriend killed or was involved in attacking and killing my mate and his pack members "Jake?! Wh-what are you doing here? And pack? You a werewolf? You killed Dominic? Why?" I didn't turn to him because I was scared he'll read what's probably an open book expressions on my face "he was a rival pack and he kidnapped you because of me, you should be thanking me for saving you, not whatever it is you doing, now come on, let's go before the rest of his pack sniff us out" "ok..."


Chapter 39

so I'm at the police station for two reasons, one was me being kidnapped to which I had to make up a story but kept most of it real and another was a missing persons report update because Katy was gone and the first thing to come to mind was Fabians and Cravens threat...but I'm stuck here so I can't find out and they could be doing worse to her by each minute that goes bye but damn it! I was kidnapped so its not my bloody fault for breaking the DEAL that I had no choice to.

It has been three crappy hours at the station and all I want is to sleep and forget but I need to get into contact with Fabian or Craven and I have no idea how to do that, I don't even have anything of theirs to use for a locator spell I could try...

I decided that they would probably want to see me and I'm sure they heard that I'm back so I've been walking around aimlessly on my road since mummy does not wish me to go anywhere but I understand that, first I got kidnapped than Katy than I was back...she just doesn't want me gone again and to be alone but I have no choice, not if I want Katy back...after a while I went back home and told mom I'm going to sleep to which she pulled me into a hug which just made what I'm going to do that much harder but its my fault that Katy's gone so its my problem to sort out and get her back...after I went to my room, I waited for a few hours than I heard mummy come up and try to check up on me but my door was locked, I felt bad but I can't have her coming in the middle of the night and freak out when she finds out I'm not here and I know for a fact that if I do come back, it would be early morning, thank goddess I don't have to go to school but I can't seem to get excited that I would have no school tomorrow or for the whole week.

Its freezing! And all I have on is my thin fabric pj's, I was in such a hurry that I forgot to carry and wear a jacket, so here I am walking in dark ally's looking and hoping to find or be found by Fabian or Craven but its been an hour and I have no such luck and I'm getting scared because I'm quite sure I have been followed in the last half an hour so I decided to go back home, if they wish to find me, they know where I stay...I was a block from my house when I heard the footsteps of whoever was following me pick up and I panicked but I didn't know what to I run? They'll know I know they after me and will make a move, do I stay my pace? They'll think I don't know they after me and still keep they distance, the was they did for over an hour now...but when I heard them closing in, instinct drove in and I started running and I'm a good runner so when I was knocked onto the ground with someone on me I was shocked and dazed but soon started fighting which did nothing but hurt me more for he was holding onto my arms in a tight grip, I heard the other person come up to me and kneel in front of me and grabbed my hair which stung and I winced to which they just chucked to in response than the guy in front of me banged my head on the road and I started to see black dots than my eyesight disappeared all together and I felt drowsy and I fell into the abyss...


Chapter 40


I awoke to someone shaking me and crying "Jay Jay wake up" it sounds like my sister...I open my eyes and I see her tear streaked face and it breaks my heart, well the part that actually works "I'm awake, oh Katy I'm so happy to see you, are you ok? Did- what happened?" "Two boys came into my room, one mean and the other nice, he always plays with me, the mean one only hurt me and they said I'm with them because you didn't keep to the deal, what did they mean Jay Jay?" I smiled but it didn't reach my heart "I'm sorry Katy, you know you haven't called me Jay Jay for years..." We where interrupted by the door opening and Fabian walked in "hey kiddo how are you doing?" She smiled a big smile so I'm guessing he is the 'kind' boy but how dare he! "I hope you don't mind but I have to take your sister for a little while" he looked to me but I didn't look to him but to Katy who didn't want to let go and I knew that if we take long, Craven who I guess is the 'mean' boy would come and hurt her "hey Kay Kay? I'll be back, I promise" she hugged me and cried but I could see Craven's shadow pacing and knew he was impatient so I pulled out of her hold and kissed her forehead and walked out with a heavy heart "finally!" Craven stopped his pacing to say angrily but then a big creepy smile with a mischief glint in his eyes started up and it scared me, I jumped and my heart started beating so loud that it was the only sound I could hear when Fabian grabbed my arm in a hard grip.

The next thing I know, I'm being dragged into a dark room, from the little light that's show cast from the open door, I see a bed and things hanging on the walls but before I could see what or anymore, I was shoved into the room and they closed the door behind me and left me in complete darkness and all I can hear is the 'THUD' 'THUD' 'THUD' of my heart, I quickly try to find a light switch but I end up pricking my finger, I don't want to stay in the dark but I don't want to cut myself anymore so I decide to find the bed and stay there until they come for me, I doubt they'll leave me for long but I guess the longer they take, the calmer they would be but I don't know if that's a good thing, on one hand, they can lash out in anger but I feel Fabian is more dangerous when he is calm...

I'm falling off to sleep, my eyes are burning from trying to keep them open and they taking so long to come, I can't stay here because mummy will freak if she finds out I'm gone, that both Katy and I are gone...again and there's nothing she can do. Argh I didn't think this through, how am I to get Katy back? How am I going to convince Fabian and Craven that it was not my choice to brake the deal? What will they do to me? Those where the last thoughts before I surrendered to sleep that my body and mind need.

My back and thigh bone hurt but every time I turn, some other part of me hurts but I was so tired until I got a wake up call by someone touching the swell of my breast and I shivered because I liked it, argh no you don't Jade, because a stranger is touching you, my conscious said so I opened my eyes and I saw Fabian and wow the first thing that I thought was how gorgeous he is! Which is stupid because he is my kidnapper! And a vampire lol kidnapper vampire, get it? Lol its not so funny the second time...

Chapter 41


I look away from him before he sees my thoughts through my eyes and look to my surroundings and oh my word, I'm in a boat...I get up and now I know the reason why my body keeps aching, could they not wait till I was awake or wake me? Or I should say he since his the only one here, I wonder why Craven never come...oh no! That means his left with Katy! I look to Fabian to see him concentrated on paddling the boat "why did you bring me here? And leave Craven with Katy! He will hurt her!" He looked to me then but he with a blank poker face "Katy will be fine and Craven is not with her" I gave a sigh of relief thinking that she would at least be safer "you didn't answer my first question, why did you bring me here?" He licked his lips, making me want to kiss him "because I wanted to talk to you alone, I wanted to be with you" he pulled on my hands and I found myself falling onto him, he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and looked into my eyes and I got lost in them, hypnotized by them and I moved closer for a kiss but I heard HIM call me, I don't know whether or not it was only in my head because he is dead and I never see him like I did his little brother but it was a wake up call and I instantly felt guilty for not staying faithful to him, even if we didn't date, he was my mate "what are you thinking so hard about?" I was shocked to find that I was still on him and very comfortable so I jumped off him but the boat shook with my sudden movement and I nearly tip off the boat but Fabian caught me just in time but I was scared because he was so close to me plus by the deadly glare he was giving me, I knew I was in trouble and I had no where to run since I was on a boat!

I'm tied up and I got tape on my mouth because I was so scared that I started screaming for Dominic of all people and I managed to slap and kick Fabian but you know the weird part, I felt safe because I felt Dominic's presence but of cause luck was not on my side, like it ever was *roll eyes* I think sarcastically, because I was already tied and taped up like a package ready to be delivered, only I do not know where to...Fabian never spoke to me after our incident and I wish I could say I was thankful but there was a part of me that hated hurting him and than there was a bigger part of me that was terrified because I know when we reach where ever we going, Fabian is going to punish me and it would be worse than him striking me out of anger...

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even know we had arrived and it was a forest so that's saying something, I always get so lost in my thoughts that I forget reality but all my thoughts were abandoned when I saw the forest and the cabin for it was one of the most beautiful thing I have ever saw...there was a long staircase through the woods, I couldn't see the cabin clearly but from what I saw, it was gorgeous! It was a dark brown cabin with a glass open modern feel to it but being surrounded by the forest also gave it a free, untamed and wild feel to it that brought out the adventurous side of me and I could also feel like an electric current flow through me and the forest that somehow made me feel at home...

Chapter 42


I was so lost in the moment that I didn't know that Fabian had long ago finished setting up the boat and was lazily watching me with hooded bedroom eyes, when he noticed my stare, he carried me out the boat bridal style and as much as I wish to think it was uncomfortable and I tried to get down, was very comfortable and I was tired so that's a plus and I'm not an idiot, I'm tied up so I'll get hurt if he drops me and I can barely run from him when I'm not tied, it would be pretty stupid to try running from a vampire when tied so I just let him carry me through the breathtaking pathway and to the cabin while I focused on looking at the beauty.

My ass hurts and no matter what position I try to move to, it just adds to the pain and it is all because of that-that...asswipe! As soon as we got in the cabin and I was lost in the beauty as usual, Fabian carried me to the room but instead of dropping me on the bed! He dropped me the hard wooden floor and just left! So here I am, in a deserted forest with no one to go to for help and I just made the only person here, enemy or not, mad at me and although I hate him, I can't stop to think of what we could be if we weren't enemy's but I got to remember that he is a vampire and he doesn't care about anyone but himself and that he has Katy...but if he does feel what I feel, even if he's fighting it like me, I could use his feelings against him but to do that I have to be convincing which I know will make me open up to him and let him in and I don't know whether or not I can keep him out and what's worse? I feel he'll bring out the old me that I have tried so hard to conceal and forget...after all, I'll have to use my old skills to get away and its never good for a recovering alcoholic to be so close to alcohol plus it has only been a year and a half, I transformed myself so much that not even Dash would be able to recognize me but still, its just so soon...

I heard the door open and there he was, leaning onto the door frame in a 'I'm a badguy and don't care attitude' that was so damn attractive, sigh I've always hade a thing for badboys and it seems it hasn't changed which sucks since one of the main reasons I ran was because of them and here I am, yet again being doomed to carry on my mistakes. When I try to ignore my feelings, I get them killed but when I don't...I get myself into shit that hurts me, always, so either way I get hurt and I'm sick of it! It just doesn't change whether I'm a good girl or a bad girl, the outcomes are always the same...sigh I can't believe I've been fooling myself so much "what the hell are you thinking about so deeply" I looked to him and decided that if the world don't care about me, whether good or bad, I shouldn't care either so let's bring back Fraya "I hate you! I really do...but..." I looked away from him than and when I saw him step in the room with a knife and kneel by me, I was terrified but all he did was set my hands free then touched my cheek and then...he disappeared while I smirked, lol I guess he does have feeling for me...

Chapter 43


I was on the bed and oh my word it was so comfortable after my experience with the floor that even though I was starving! I couldn't leave, hell I don't even know if I'm allowed to leave the room but he certainly isn't bringing me food and as a vampire, I'm sure he could hear my stomach growling like cats when they fight! After promising the bed that I'll be back to enjoy its comforts, I walked to the door but what a surprise! It was locked but that won't keep me in, I brought out a skill from Fraya's time and took out a hair pin that is actually a pin disguised as a hair pin that I always wear, guess some habits are a bit too engraved in me to forget, I expertly unlock the door with the pin and exit and I find the kitchen and waltz in there like I owned the place and started my hunt for food, I found eggs, milk, mushroom and cheese so I decided to make omelet, I went looking for spices but I just couldn't find any and just at that moment Fabian decided to enter with a furious light in his eyes that sent a shiver of fear through me but I dismissed it "oh great, I've been struggling looking for the spices for so long, would you mind showing me where its all kept?" The fury that entered his expression terrified me yet there was a small spark of excitement, like what the hell? Next thing I know, Fabian slapped me back handed and I ended up on the floor in pain, he pulled me up by my hair and I whimpered in pain "how did you get out?" I looked to him in anger and pain since he was still clutching my hair in a tight grasp "I picked the lock obviously" he sneered at me "top shelf to the left, the second last draw" and walked away.

I want to get whatever Fabian wants from me done with so I can go home but damn it what excuse can I use when I get back? Being kidnapped from a werewolf because I'm his mate than escaped when they were attacked and he died than went willingly to a vampire to get kidnapped so I can get my sister...ya right! They'll think I'm a nut case and need to be put into the mental institution but that would not be as bad as if they have to find out everything about my past, maybe they would tell my mom that its better that they didn't find me or that my past has caught up with me but there is no way they can know unless 'they' have found me and I know they good but I'm the second best in everything.

I took my omelet to the lounge area and decided to sit a seat away from him and watch whatevers on tv, turns out its the transporter movie, I didn't watch the last movie when it came out because it reminds me too much of my past when the girls and I would watch an action movie after our training "can't we watch another movie that's not a boring action?" He just through the remote at me but with my quick reflexes, I caught it and decided to ignore his surprised look "don't worry, I won't put on any romance" I switched the channel until I got to a movie I know would bug the hell out of him and its not a romance! With a sly smirk, I put on Frozen and silently laughed when I saw his face out of the corner of my eye

Chapter 44

"you've got to be fucking kidding me, out of all the movies you choose a bloody childrens movie?" I look at him innocently "that's not true, I've seen adults in the cinema and watching cartoons" he looked to me in anger "that's because they children want to watch and its not reliable to leave children alone" I pouted "I think they like it and I know a lot of people who watch cartoons that are older then 10" I glance sideways, to see him scowling towards the screen "you not in touch with your childish side if you don't like cartoons and in order to be happy, you should" after that comment I concentrated on the movie and ended in tears a couple times to which I heard Fabian snort but the fact that his still here, watching the movie and did not disappear says something for itself so I ignored him.

Fabian stayed for the whole movie but to tell you the truth, after I got really interest in the movie, I just never noticed him till the end to which I just had to tease him about and he stormed out to goddess knows were, I realized that him in a bad mood is not going to get me anywhere so I've been thinking up ways to make it up to him but so far I've not been so lucky, so I signed and thought apologizing would be a good start so I went looking around and saw the door next to 'my room' closed and thought it must be his room so I knocked but after a while I heard nothing so I knocked again and I think I heard a sigh so I went in but he was tangled in bed sheets half naked and all I could do was stare at him, his face is relaxed but still gives of a danger and be ware vibe, his chest is a bit muscled, not like a body builder but someone that knows how to look af "what the fuck do you want!" I was so busy drooling on about his chest that I didn't realize he woke up and was glaring my way "enjoying the view?" He asked in a very sarcastic but satisfied voice "I...urm..I was...I came to to ap-apologize" and blushed and hoped my hair was blocking and he couldn't see that well in darkness "well? Are you just going to stand there all night drooling?" I unconsciously felt for drool but came up empty to which he fell into a fit of laughter "oh your just too easy..." I didn't know what that was about so I just mustered up the courage to apologize "I'm so sorry fo-" "I'm sorry but I can't hear you, you all the way over there" I frowned because his a vampire so he can hear a car miles away...nevertheless I walked over to him but he pulled me under him, onto the bed which half scared me and half excited me "I'm so-sorry fo-for earlier b-bu-" his started trailing kisses on my neck and I instantly forget everything but what he was doing to me "be my little slut and I'll release you and your little sister, start now by submitting and let me have my way with you"


Chapter 45

that woke me to the present and I tried to push him off me 'tried' being the key word for he was to heavy that I don't even think he budged a little! "No I will not, you disgusting pig and GET OFF ME!" I realize screaming in his face was not a smart thing to do but I was frustrated that I could not move him when years ago it probably would have been no big deal for me to do so and I felt vulnerable and scared and that was not a feeling I was used to since there was only one person that could strike fear and vulnerability into me and since I have run away from that life and him, I should not feel it now but what he said reminded me of so many things about him and my past that I tried so hard to bury and than there's also the fact that he took advantage of me and raped me and there was nothing that I could have done or at least not as Jane.

Damn it to hell! I should not have given up everything of my past, I should have at least stuck to exercising and kept up with my training and than I would not be in this situation "I will not be your slut but anything else I will do, just let my sister and I go home" I asked quietly but it made no difference, his face was as hard and unmoving "please..." I looked up to him in half fear and half plead but it made no difference, I guess the feelings aren't mutual, I looked away when I felt a tear drop caress my cheek "get out!" He let me go and faced away from me but I was too stunned to take my chance to escape "I said get out, NOW!" I ran out and went into my room and sat on my bed thinking and shit I could have took the deal and gotten away but I was so angry that I didn't think and now my chance is gone, goddamn it!

I was lying on my bed and trying to fall asleep when I heard my door open but I knew who it was so I pretended that I was asleep but I guess as a vampire you know sleep and faking because all he did was throw me over his shoulder and I gave out a little squeak that should not have came out of my mouth but alas it did but I kept quiet and waited for him to tell me what's going on "your sister is home and you will be on your way but first off, you'll need to know the price you would have to pay" my heart was beating so hard that it was vibrating throughout my body because of how scared and nervous I was of my so called price "since you will not be my slut, the next best thing will do, you will be my human servant, that is all you will know for now till you we go back to school and then I will mark you as my servant" I kept quiet because I didn't quiet understand but I didn't want to anger him and make him change his mind when I was so close to freedom! He was walking back to the boat so I hope that means he is really taking me home and that Katy was home already...

I was lying on my bed, it seems like I did that a lot but I missed this bed, my bed but I couldn't sleep because everything that has happened is floating around my head and all I can think is that you can run from your dangerous life but been born in danger and surrounded by danger, it would just follow you like a lost puppy...for so long I was on my own, away from my dangerous family and I was almost fine but than something like this past weeks happen to spoil my fantasy of a life without the danger that was my life from birth.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.08.2014

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