

This story is not recommended for people who are scared of horror or can’t take horror that well. If you happen to have a heart attack don’t blame me. I didn’t do it. You DID  it at your own risk. YOU TOOK THE RISK AND READ IT. YOUUUUUUUU IGNORED THE WARNING!! Now enjoy the story if you can that is.


Prologue ( I CANT SPELL)

Hello and welcome to the house of doom. Where all your parents are hung and dead. Where dreams are haunted. Where lives are to be sacrifced to live. Children out of all things must participate or shall see their parent's die by the hands of us dream keepers. We dream keepers are not the nice ones. We haunt people in their dream and leave them crying to sleep. We may act nice but listen to me, Don't trust us.



 Billy: 10 year old 

 Sam: 9 year old

 Jessica: 15 year old

 Jasmine: 15 year old 

 Olu: 17 years old

 Joshua: 13 years old

 Sadina: 14 years old

 Joseph: 6 years old

 Dream keepers (Bad ones): ?? Age

 Dream keepers (Good ones): ?? Age

 Narrator: 13 years old (almost 14)


Chapter 1: How it all began

 When I was younger I made a promise to a devil. A devil of some sort with devils on his head and had a tail with a pointy end. I didn't know any better I mean i was a child right? My name is Joseph. Im the youngest one in my family. My brother Joshua is the oldest one. Were the only two kids in the house. No one knows that I am the one that made the promise. I couldn't bring it up. I knew if I said anything they'll definitely be mad at me. My brother would start hating me. The devils will take away my parents and my family and I would of been alone by myself. *Creak Creak* went the old tile floors of the house. Someone was coming. I quickly ran into bed and buried myslef in there pretending to sleep. A voice whispered "Listen to me child, I am the Dream keeper and if you disobey me, your going to regret even talking to me" I tried closing my ears but the voice got closer and closer. Each time it got louder. Soon after it said "I WILL WATCH OVER YOU. DO SOMETHING WRONG AND YOUR DREAMS SHALL HAUNT YOU. For now good bye child."

Chapter 2: Dreams

 After awhile i fell asleep. I was dreaming about how making a promise with the demon was a bad idea. I didn't think that I would get haunted by one. That demon told me that it'll bring me happiness. It really bought me nothing but trouble. In my dream I was running away from the dream keeper. Despite how it looks, it was horrific. They had no eyes, there was blood running down their faces, there arms were teared off. There faces were so scary no one approached them. They were chasing me like I was their prey. I was scared I didn't know what to do. If I screamed for help no one would come I mean look at them. They came closer and whispered "Come to me child, Come. If you don't you know what will happen won't u?" I didn't stop I kept running. Soon after I saw myself in the house but I didn't know if it was a dream or reality. My parents stood infront of me telling me to run away. I tried running but it didn't work. It was useless, they trapped me there. I watched as my parents were slaughtered. *Splish Sploosh* Went the guts and blood as they stepped on it.

Chapter 3: Dream no more

 I woke up from that terrible dream, but that were no dream. It was real, my parents heads they were hanging off the walls of a house. A house that I can't remember. I look around there was only kids around here. The dream keepers stand around hanging bodies. I can't find Jospeh anywhere so I started to shout his name. This wasn't the only thing that I needed. I wanted my parents. If I did what I was told to do this wouldn't have happened. I started to weep to myself. Soon a someone patted my head, I turned around and there stood Joseph. Still inperfect shape. I told him everything I knew and why we were here. Joseph looked around and nodded kind of understanding and also confused along the way. Joseph said "Joshua I heard you talking to yourself all the time. But I never know what your talking about so I pretend to ignore it." I started to scold at him as loud as I can from the top of my lungs. I was furious. I couldn’t believe what he said. I just didn’t know how he could betray me like that.


Chapter 4: Seperated

Soon after I scolded at my brother I was heard by the dream keepers. The terrible monsters who killed my parents were going to take  me away from my brother and keep me in a chamber. I screamed in terror and shouted in horror, the dream keepers didn’t mind me they just kept dragging me away from Joseph. I was scared, I was trembling, I didn’t know what to do. I felt useless in this place because there was nothing I could do in this house. Joseph turned away from my sight after I scolded at him. He wasn’t even helping me ether. He just stood and looked away.  I thought maybe he would help me. I felt bad about earlier that there wasn’t anything I could of did about it. *Clang* went the chamber door. The terrible monsters said to me “Stay in there kid and don’t cause trouble or you’ll be a goner.” Inside the chamber were nothing but rats and what seemed to look like other dreamkeepers. They too were trapped inside the chamber. Though they didn’t look scary, rather they looked kind of friendly. Finally, the dream keepers came back and said “Kid if you want to know your own safety don’t talk to them over there. You got that?” I nodded but said “Why not? I mean they don’t look mean like you.” The dream keeper looked away and smiled with a smirk on it face. I kept looking at the others and they said nothing. I thought maybe I could of been friends with them, but they didn’t want to be friends with me.

Chapter 5: The Adventure

 The dream keepers came back and unlocked the door for me to leave. I kept looking back at the others. Yet nothing happened they didn’t even look back at me once. I felt as if  I was hated. I decided to explore the house on my own. Joseph was nowhere to be found near me so I had to stick alone and explore. Sure I was scared but, I had to be brave and not be a scaredy cat. I passed through the chimney and it gave me chills down my back. I looked at the chimney, there stood heads of my mom and dad and the bodies of unknown peoples. I got the creeps that someone was following me. I looked back, nothing, absolutely nothing. There was a presence there I just know there is, but I just don’t know what is there and why is it there. It felt like a soul of a lonely person down in the chamber who had just followed me out when I was set free. How I longed to meet Joseph again to say sorry. I bumped into so many people in the house but not once did I meet Joseph. It was hard for me to not think about him. He was only one I had left in the family. The only one that cared for me the most and understood me at times. All those times I was selfish and only thought about myself.

Chapter 6: The Unfaith Truth

If only I hadn’t done anything wrong. In truth I didn’t think it was going to be that bad to make a promise. A promise with the devil. The promise with the untruthful dream keeper. That day i’ll never forget what I had done wrong. I want to find him. Joseph I mean, I have to find him and apologize. I always thought that a story ends when the main character finds their love ones. But this one is different, this one isn’t the same as any story. All those happy ending, all of the sad endings, this one won’t even have one. It’ll have a ending just a horror ending. A ending where no one gets to live in terror. Where the dream keepers shall keep you buried in their chamber. The ghostly horrors of the story shall continue. I went down stairs, *creak creak* went the old wooden floors. There stood another dream keeper, like the sandman the story goes like this “The sandman doesn’t like children who sleeps late, so he takes a spoon and digs out your eyes, and eats it,” That's what I usually heard when I was a kid. There was the dream keeper, digging out the eyes and the parent was close to the child as it stared in horror. The child’s eye widens up and closes again. He tried to blink but was taunted by the horrible memory. Did you know what happened to that kid? If you guessed that he was sent to the chamber you are correct. Why he was sent there? Well i’ll explain why, because this child was too scared he couldn’t participate in the events that were held in the house. The house of doom was only for brave children, I was an exception because I was the one who made the promise. Maybe I started all this mess. I might not know but there's one thing I do know for sure, i’m not alone.

Chapter 7:Memories

 I use to think that I was the only child. That my parents only needed me. That’s when I learned that my parents had a baby brother. His name was Joseph. When he was first born I thought he’d be annoying, because you know how babies are? They cry when they're hungry, they cry when their diapers are wet. When I first met him though it wasn’t that bad. He didn’t cry as much as I thought a baby would. He just sat quietly staring into space. When his diapers were wet he’ll try to crawl with a saggy diaper. When he was hungry he’ll just point at his food. I thought he was pretty cute. Pretty funny for a baby too. For all I knew I was in charge of him. I had to take care of him, it was my responsibility to do so. I took care of him for sometime but sometimes my parents did. When he turned 5, there I was right across from his room. He was whispering to something or shall I say someone, in the darkness. I did hear someone say “Listen to me and i’ll spare your parents lives, IF NOT YOU SHALL ALL BE A GONER. A GONER I SAY. take my advice and listen as I say for now farewell.” I went inside and said  “Hey Buddy, how’s it going?” He didn’t answer and just nodded. I looked around his room and said “Pretty big room you have here right?” He still didn’t answer and just kept nodding away. As if I was scaring him. I asked him “if you need anything or scared i’ll always be here for you okay buddy? Just know that i’ll stay by your side.” Joseph in a low whisper said “thanks bro”

Chapter 8: Weeping Angels


Chapter 8: Fiery Death  


That night, I saw someone die. Someone almost like Joseph but just wasn’t. I too went to explore this gigantic house like mansion. I couldn’t concentrate on anything at all. My mind was blank, only insearch of Joseph was my objective. I never intended to live in this death house forever.  I never thought that my precious family would be killed right in front of my eyes well Joseph’s eye in reality. I couldn’t say anything either. Just wondering around the house alone. In this haunted house of death. Where only children can play this game. It's stressful yes, it's dreadful, we all know that at least I hope so. This house everything  here is all dreadful, everything is a crime like scene yet so innocent but deadly. Yet the outside looks so clean, but inside looks so dirty and haunted. For there are things I know that don’t exist that are in reality now. It's quite scary but it all true to the eye. Many things aren’t see able in the eye. There are stuff that I don't believe  that actually happened. My brother Joseph was probably dead by now I mean really it been days or maybe years that I haven’t seen him. What if he was dead? What if the dream keepers killed him? What if he got lost and was locked away? Oh! How I worry about him so much. Where in the world can he be?  Looking around alone Joseph walks past chambers and thorns. Thorns of roses that may be poisonous to the skin. Joseph along the way was looking for his older brother Joshua. Perhaps they had the same idea of them both being dead. The thorns had seemed to grow longer, following the trails Joseph takes. Joseph looks all around, seeing the thorns just creeping up on him. He took a long look and saw weeping angels. Weeping angels? You may wonder what weeping angels are. Weeping angels cover their eyes with their hands. When you look away they start sliding to you. They’ll kill you is what the show Dr.Who said. ( I THINK) I looked away for a bit longer, soon after I heard stone sliding on the floor and still I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. That night I stayed at the chamber where the weeping angels. I was scared to sleep after watching so much Dr.Who had scared me. Was I going to die here? Was I going to live to see my brother one more?

Chapter 9: Confusion

That night I woke up, to seeing a weeping angel right in front of me. I scremed in terror, only noticing that it still didn’t move. How’d it get there I don’t no. I slowly moved away looking at the weeping angel as I moved. As I moved I still heard stone sliding. Where’d they come from, I looked around, I was surrounded by weeping angels. All these angels everywhere. Everywhere had an angel, how do I hide. More like where do I hide?  Surrounded by all these things, I feel like i’m going to die here, i’m going to rot here and just die. I guess i’ll be alone in this chamber. This chamber full of  weeping angels. All these terrors just haunts me to death, this is very difficult for me. I can’t do anything to save myself,  there was nothing I could do about  being alone here in this chamber. The chamber will be full of weeping angels where i’ll rob in terror and probably die faster. I looked around, shadows everywhere. I whisper “Who’s there? Show your self.” There stood a dream keeper. “You!” I scream. “You made all this happen, if you never  took my parents away from me I would've never been here! I WOULDN’T HAVE TO BE HERE!”  The dream keepers said “We made a deal kid. If you disobeyed us your whole family is a goner. You and your brother must survive in this house. This house full of weeping angels.Things that no one could ever imagine killing you .” "Now you just stay put. Don't move an inch. They might come kill you. We didn't tame them. More like can you even tame them." I stared blankly ahead. I was going to chase after them only to relize they were no where near me. There too fast I cant keep track of them. *Creak creak* went the floor up stairs as if something was bound to fall on me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.04.2016

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Note: This book is not fully completed yet

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