

“No, don’t… Rickeeeeeee” I screamed again and again until, in despair, I sank to my feet with my right hand grasping at thin air.  He was gone and I was alone except for the vast Indian Ocean and the occasional seagull.


I’m sure you are wondering who I am.  Well, it is pretty simple, if not obvious.  I am Kajol, the protagonist of this story, that is, if the author ever makes up her mind as to what this story is about.  While she’s doing that, let me tell you about myself.


I live on the beautiful north coast of Durban.  Gosh, but that sounds like a contestant in a beauty contest.  Well, I’m afraid that that is exactly what I was.  From a very young age I had been pushed into beauty pageants and beauty commercials, not because I was stunning or gorgeous but because it had been my mother’s dream.  My mother was all I had, as my father had deserted us when I was five years old.  Not that I minded, for when he was around my mother was never happy.  I could never understand how a smart, beautiful, charming woman like my mother could fall for a snake of man like my father.  Thus, if there was any beauty in the family it was my mum.  I was just ordinary – brown hair, brown eyes with a healthy figure (not too thin but not too fat either).


Kajol's mum, Nikita and her had a complicated relationship at best.  Nikita was Kajol's world and she loved her but Nikita could be quite controling and authoritative.  Nikita had experienced alot of hardship and very little love.  She was an only child with quite elderly parents.  They had loved her but they were not very demonstrative and not always able to keep up with the demands of a young child.  Hence Nikita had been left much to her own devices.  She was beautiful - in the classic, petite, beautiful hazel coloured eyes, fair skin and chocolate brown long hair.  Nikita had always wanted to take part in beauty contests - to be a star, to be loved.  Unfortunately, she was never really able to make it big.  So Nikita felt the beauty pageantry world looking for love - that's how she ended up with Kajol's dad.  He had been a musician but not a very good one.  Despite Kajol's assessment of him, he had loved Nikita but he had loved drinking more so Nikita had actually chased him away when Kajol was five in order


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Prita Kana
Bildmaterialien: Prita Kana
Lektorat: Prita Kana
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.08.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-2791-2

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my amazing husband, Vekesh Kana and my two beautiful angels, Savir and Tisya Kana.

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