
The accident

As I meandered restlessly through the soft sand dunes, the pungent breath of the sea rushed my senses. My gaze followed a path of its own, starting from the cool, frothy waves at my feet until finally it rested upon the blue shimmering sea in the distance. Such awesome beauty filled my lonely soul with thoughts that warred with my senses.


Life was full of idiosyncrasies but to be dealt two gruesome blows in one fell swoop was enough to drive any poor soul to the depths of despair, deeper than the darkest ocean. With this idyllic thought, my mind, like an enemy, twisted a knife into the gloomy depths of my soul to re-enact an ugly wound.


Saturday, September 1st, 2000 – a beautiful spring day in the new South Africa. My husband, John, my five year old daughter, Megan and myself decided to enjoy the day to the fullest by celebrating Meg’s birthday in her favorite park, Brie Gardens, which was fifteen kilometers away from our suburban home in Morning Side, Durban. I made a picnic basket filled with birthday goodies and we set off in the highest spirits with four of Meg’s friends to help us celebrate.


Fortunately, the journey was short because it was a tight squeeze to fit two adults and four children into my old red Mini but once we reached the park everyone settled into a party mood. John and I found a suitable spot away from the lake and began to set the food out. The children, in the mean time, began to play a game of hide and seek so John took this opportunity to go to the car and bring Meg’s birthday present, a bicycle.


John had been gone for fifteen minutes, in which time I had got everything ready while keeping an eye on Meg and her friends. After another fifteen minutes I began to worry about John and I got up to go to the car, glancing at the children to see that they were quite happy in their play. As I approached the car, glancing back every few minutes to see the children, I saw John hurrying away from a woman. When he saw me, he glanced back at the woman and then blocked my view of her telling me that we should not leave the children alone.



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Prita Kana
Bildmaterialien: Prita Kana
Lektorat: Prita Kana
Übersetzung: Prita Kana
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4102-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my husband, Vicky and my beautiful children, Savir and Tisya.

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