
The Female Vampire, Hayden Rose


Seth and his pack ran faster after the fleeing vampire. The male vampire had just fed on a human in public, breaking one of the many Crestfallen Society laws. And it’s my duty to make sure he pays for his act of ignorance, Seth thought. Right, the rest of the pack thought. Seth rarely forgot to put up his mental wall up to shield his thoughts from the rest of the pack, since every werewolf pack shared a mental link with each other. Which, Seth thought, could be a total pain sometimes.

Seth then refocused his attention back on the vampire. Seth knew the boy didn’t have a chance against any of them. He was just a fledgling, a newborn vampire. And by the way the vampire was tripping over fallen tree branches and twigs, he could tell the person who changed him didn’t teach him much. Tired of chasing the vampire boy any longer Seth told everybody to get into formation. Dylan and Ashley, who were both mates and was Seth’s first and second in command moved in on either side of him, while Natalie and Kristen moved back behind them. With everybody in formation, Seth launched off toward the vampire boy, who made the mistake of looking behind him and resulting in him tripping and falling over a tree branch.

The boy fell, rolled, and returned to his feet. But it was too late. Seth was already on top of him. Seth, pinning the boy down to the ground, as Dylan move forward, his lips drawn back into a snarl with his fangs dripping with saliva. Dylan then leaned down and sunk his fangs into the boys throat. The boy let out a sharp cry and squirmed helplessly under Seth, only making Dylan’s fangs sink deeper into his throat.

Weakly, the boy tried to pry away Dylan’s fangs, but Seth sank his claws into his stomach. Blood seeped through the boy’s shirt, making the air around them smell of blood. Seth and Dylan then stepped away from the body. Seth looked over at his pack and nodded, sending a clear message to head back to the cabin. Seth walked farther ahead of the pack so that his thoughts wouldn’t be heard. Seth always left the pack behind after dealing with a target. Seth, after dispatching a target, always felt light-headed.

At first, Seth thought it was just from running to hard. But it was actually from remembering what he had done to his pack. His mother. Seth felt bile rise in his throat as he remembered seeing his entire pack’s body ripped open. None of the other pack members knew of him killing his family, not even Dylan and Ashley whom he could tell anything to. Without noticing, Seth had turned back into his human form and was walking up the gas lit red brick steps that led to the front door. Seth quietly opened the front door and walked upstairs to his room. Seth then changed into a black long sleeved shirt and black pants.

Seth, after grabbing his phone, walked downstairs to find T.J checking everyone for wounds. T.J was the care-taker of the pack. He always made them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes, the pack would take advantage of T.J’s niceness. However, the whole pack knew to never get into a physically or verbal fight with him. Because, well, he would win. Once Seth walked into the living room, Dylan walked up to him and nodded. 

Dylan smiled, “we did pretty good today huh?”, he said cheerfully. Seth smiled back, “yeah we did, you guys all did good.” Seth raised his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone looked back at Seth and smiled their appreciation. “Thanks Seth”, Kristen said sweetly. Seth nodded toward her and felt a buzzing in his front pants pocket.

He pulled out his phone, looked at the caller I.D and instantly flipped it over. “Yes sir?” Everyone snapped their head up to look at Seth. Seth glanced over at them and then walked out of the living room and up to his room. Closing the door behind him, Seth said “hello?” The man on the other end spoke, his voice deep over the phone.

“Is the target terminated?”, the man said. “Yes sir, he was a very easy target.” The man chuckled softly. “Good, I hope none of your pack is hurt, because I have another target for you.” Suddenly, the man’s voice turned grim. “Your target is Hayden Rose. She is a vampire who has been killing certain members of werewolf pack’s. She’s has to be stopped immediately. She’s very dangerous and is armed with arrows made of silver. We don’t have her location,but we know who’s her next target. He’s the alpha of the Mayland pack. She’ll be close to your area. Can I trust you to take care of this?” Seth took in a deep breath.

“Of course sir, the pack and I will take her down.” The other end went dead and Seth flipped his phone shut. Seth opened his door and walked down the stairs to the living room. Seth walked into the living room. The pack was sitting on the couch, but once Seth walked in, everybody stood up. Dylan walked up to Seth, with Ashley falling in behind him. “Another job?”, Ashley asked. Seth nodded, “yes, it’s a female vampire. Her name’s Hayden. Hayden Rose”.

The Imprint


Once Seth told the pack what the Head Councilman had said about Hayden and to be cautios around her arrows made of silver, they all set out to look for her. A few hours later, they spotted her chasing after the Mayland werewolf pack alpha, Carter. Carter was bleeding from several lacerations on his arms and legs. He was limping and tripping over several branches. Seth looked around to see where his progressor could be.

Then he spotted her. She was jumping from tree to tree as if she was a cat. Once Seth saw her, time slowed to a halt. It seemed only Hayden and Seth were the only two people in the world. Seth’s eyes wandered over Hayden's face and body. She was gorgeous. She had olive colored skin that glowed in moonlight. She had a petite physique. However, she was slightly curvy as well.

She had dark brown freckles streaking her cheeks, eyelashes any girl would kill for, burgundy oval shaped eyes, and two scarlet red facial tattoos that slashed down across her eyes and ended at her cheeks. Her midnight black hair was shaved on the left side, while the right side, had long straight hair cascading down to her arm. Seth could feel his heart beating more and more rapidly like he was running a marathon. As Seth's eyes continued to trail down her body, Seth saw that she was also wearing a black bandanna that was covering her mouth and nose. Hayden, Seth noticed, also had three ear piercings and wearing a black leather quiver that was strapped behind her back, holding her arrows. Seth was snapped back to reality from the sound of Dylan’s mental voice in his head.

Seth slowly looked over at Dylan, who was looking back at him worriedly. Are you okay?, Dylan asked. Seth didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to, he said everything with his eyes. Seth looked around to look at the rest of his pack, but they were gone. Where’s the rest of the pack?, Seth asked. Hayden was about to take aim on Carter, so I told the pack to go after her, but not kill her. Seth nodded. Seth still could feel his heart pounding in his chest. A million thoughts were racing through his mind at a mile a minute. How was this possible? Was this some sort of mistake? How was it possible for a werewolf to imprint on a vampire? Please tell me you have an answer, please? Seth looked desperately over at his best friend for an answer. Dylan looked back at him silently, then looked down. Because how could you have an answer to something you didn’t know was possible yourself?

Awake and Very Angry


Seth was hysterical now. He was pacing back and forth frantically, still thinking how this could possibly happen. Seth then turned to Dylan. How is this possible? Seth asked telepathically. How could I have imprinted on a vampire. Again, Dylan said nothing. The only response that Dylan gave Seth was a puzzled look. Seth and Dylan stood there for minutes, silently until the rest of the pack came back. Once they did, they were changed back into their human form, with Jesse holding an unconscious Hayden. Her bandana was gone and so was her arrows. For some reason Seth couldn’t understand, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Hayden laying limp in Jesse arms, with parts of her clothes ripped and claw marks on her neck and arms. Seth immediately changed into his human form, snatched Hayden out of Jesse’s arms, and started walking back to the cabin. Everybody stared at Seth with wondering eyes, then began to follow him back to the cabin silently. 


Once they returned to the cabin, Seth ordered T.J to tie Hayden up and take care of her wounds along with the packs. Seth then ordered Ashley to inform Dylan and Seth when Hayden gained consciousness while they both talked privately. Upstairs, away from the rest of the pack, Seth and Dylan consulted about Seth imprinting on Hayden. “Are you sure you imprinted on her?, Dylan asked. Seth rolled his eyes at the stupid question. “Of course im sure.” Seth began to pace again, biting his lower lip softly. Seth always bites his lip when he get’s extremely nervous, Dylan thought.

“Do you think this has something with you being a Rogue?” Seth stopped pacing and turned to Dylan with wide eyes. “That could be a possibility, I’m going to have to talk with Luke about this. Maybe he might know something” “May know what?”, Ashley said walking up the stairs. Seth and Dylan turned to Ashley. “Is Hayden awake?”, Seth said, ignoring Ashley’s question. Ashley nodded and smiled slyly. “No not yet.” Seth sighed and nodded. “Ok. We’ll be there in a second.”

Ashley nodded and turned to go, but then turned back to Seth and Dylan. “How come the order’s were changed? How come we couldn’t kill her?” Seth glanced over at Dylan and then stared at Ashley. Seth made his eyes turn yellow. Ashley whimpered and walked back down the stairs quickly. Seth turned his eyes back to normal and ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up in several places. Seth then turned back to Dylan and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by footsteps coming up the stairs. Seth turned to see Nick running up the stairs. Nick's hair was tousled and he had small cuts on his arms and hand. “Seth you need to get down stairs quick", Nick said breathlessly. Seth drew his eyebrows together in confusion and said, “why what’s wrong?” “Hayden’s awake, and very very mad.”


The Interrogation


 Nick had been right. Hayden was awake and very mad. When Seth walked into the living room, it was in pandemonium. Hayden had managed to cut her ropes that were bound to her arms and was holding two small red-orange daggers with a rose symbol engraved on the blade, and was slashing at anyone who came to close to her. Justin, Alex, and Jack already had several cuts on their arms and rips through their clothes. “Hey!”, Seth yelled angrily, making everybody turn their heads to him, except Hayden who was cutting the ropes tied to her legs. Seth looked over his pack.

Alexander had his lips pulled back into a snarl, Jack was holding his arm where he was cut deeply, and Kristen was glaring at Hayden. Then his eyes fell on Hayden. Seth could feel his heart quicken its pace as his eyes roamed over Hayden’s body. Her black hair was sticking up in several places, her pupils were dilated, and there was a white gauze bandage wrapped around her arm that was stained with blood. Seth eyes traveled down her legs that were skinny, but still slightly curvy, just like her body was. Seth shook himself out of the trance and looked over to Dylan.

Dylan gave him a nod back and walked over and grabbed Hayden by the arm, who managed to cut the binds at her feet. Hayden raised her arm to strike Dylan with her dagger, but Seth already had his arm around her other arm. At that moment, Seth thought he was going to melt into a puddle at his pack’s feet. Hayden’s skin was so smooth and soft. Dylan started half dragging Hayden, who was squirming and thrashing, to the interrogation room that was in the basement. The pack only used the interrogation room when they needed to get answers out of the targets before killing them.

The interrogation room did not hold any sort of torture devices, because, well, the pack was the torture devices. The interrogation was designed just like a police station interrogation room was. When you walked in, there was a silver steel table nailed to the grey concrete floor, grey painted walls, and a mirror that could allow people on the outside see into the room. The only thing different about the interrogation room was the people on the other side of the mirror, couldn't hear what was being said in the room. Not even with the advanced hearing of a werewolf or vampire could hear inside the interrogation room, not even with there ear pressed up against the door. Once Seth and Dylan reached the interrogation room, they threw Hayden into one of the chairs and quickly tied her back up, using chains this time. After chaining Hayden securely to the chair, they started their interrogation.

Fighting Against The Pain


“Why were chasing the alpha of the Mayland pack?”, Dylan asked for the millionth time. Ever since Dylan and Seth started questioning Hayden, she hasn't said a single word. She just kept giving them blank stares as if they were speaking a different language. Dylan sighed and looked over at Seth. Dylan was losing his temper, which he rarely did, especially with a target. Putting up a mental wall so that the other pack members couldn’t hear, Dylan said, I think we need to resort to violence to get some answers out of her.

Seth looked over at Hayden, who was still staring blankly at them, her face as blank as her stare. A pocker face. Seth looked back to Dylan and nodded. Fine. Do what you have to do, Seth said. Dylan nodded and stepped in front of Hayden. Hayden looked up to Dylan slowly, as if she was suddenly tired.

“This is your last chance to give me what I want. Either you give me the answers I need, or else.” Seth stared at Hayden, hoping she would come to her senses and just give them what they needed. Instead, the corners of Hayden’s lips rose into a mocking sneer. “Fine. You had your chance.”

Dylan clenched his hand into a fist and punched Hayden in the face, hard. Hayden’s head snapped to the side and Seth heard her let out a gasp of pain. Dylan then raised his fist again and punched Hayden in the stomach, making Hayden wrench forward. Hayden spat out blood and sat up slowly. When Seth saw her face, he sucked in his breath and felt his heart jump into his throat.

Hayden’s eye was already starting to become swollen. Her lip was bleeding and a purple bruise was forming on her right cheek. When Dylan raised his fist to strike Hayden, Seth took a step forward to catch Dylan’s hand before he struck. Seth then stopped himself. What am I doing?, Seth thought. She’s a vampire and a target. We have to get answers out of her one way or another. These feelings that i'm having towards her, mean nothing, Seth told himself.

Even when Seth thought the words, he knew instantly they weren't true. Seth knew he, somehow, imprinted on a vampire. And no matter how much he hated the thought of it, he couldn't help how he felt about her. However, Seth stepped back and continued to watch as Dylan punched Hayden over and over again. After several more punches to the face and stomach, Hayden was doubled over, spitting out more blood, and was still not answering any of Dylan's questions. We need another plan to get her to talk, Dylan said, turning back to Seth. Seth nodded, Yeah we do. Go back to the living room and make sure no one disturbs me while I question her. Dylan gave Seth a questioning look, but said nothing. Dylan nodded and left the interrogation room. Once Dylan left, Seth turned to Hayden and started to unchain her.

The Hybrid


Once Seth unchained Hayden, she instantly fell to the floor, coughing up more blood and sucking in air frantically. Watching Hayden, Seth felt his stomach drop. Without thinking, Seth slipped off his shirt and knelt down to Hayden. Seth then started dabbing at Hayden’s blooded lip and the cut on her cheek. Once Seth touched Hayden, her body tensed and she looked up at him suspiciously. 

But, surprisingly, she let him clean her up, staring curiously at him as he did so. Once Seth finished and slipped his shirt back on and stood up, Hayden instantly moved away from him. Seth looked at Hayden, and Hayden stared back at him. Her shirt was torn slightly at her right arm and Seth could slightly make out a tattoo with thorns and a stem. Was it a rose?, Seth thought. For what seemed like a decade, they just stared at each other. Then, finally, Hayden spoke.

“Why are you being so nice to me? Aren’t you going to beat me up like your friend did?” Seth ignored her, he was more focused on Hayden’s slowly healing face and her tattoo that he couldn't quite make out. Seth knew all vampires healed fast, just like werewolves did, but she still had the claw marks on her face and her lip was still split and bleeding. “Why did you unchain me? You know I can easily escape? Hey! Are you even listening to me?”, Hayden yelled, obviously getting annoyed. Still not listening, Seth took a step closer to Hayden and knelt down and took Hayden’s face into his hands, gently turning her head left to right.

Seth still had to fight the urge of melting into a pile of goo from feeling the softness of Hayden’s skin. So Seth focused on her cuts that were slowly healing. Then he looked at her arm. Hayden following his eyes, her hand covered the rip in her shirt. Seth looked at Hayden and then stood up. After Seth finished examining Hayden’s face, he pushed back her face, rather roughly, and stood up and stepped back. This girl was obviously not an ordinary vampire. If she was, all of her wounds would be healed right now. Is that why the Head Councilman wanted her dead? Seth glanced down at Hayden, who was frantically looking around the room for a way to escape, still covering her tattoo. 

Seth then grew out his claws and grabbed Hayden by the neck, who let out a surprised gasp. Seth sunk his claws into Hayden’s neck, seeing red drops of blood form from her neck. Hayden frantically started grabbing at Seth’s hands weakly, trying to, unsuccessfully, pry his claws from her neck. This only made Seth sink his claws into her neck deeper.

Seeing Hayden’s hands drop to her sides, a voice sounded in the back of his head. Stop you're hurting her!. Seth pushed the voice away and said to Hayden through clenched teeth, “What are you?” The only response from Hayden that Seth recieved was a look of confusion. Seth, now frustrated, shoved Hayden against the wall, slowly lifting her body off the ground. “Now i'm only going to ask you one more time. What are you?”

Somehow, Hayden managed to choke out a, “What are you talking about?” Seth growled angrily and dropped Hayden to the floor with a thud. Once he dropped her, Hayden started sucking in large gulps of air and choking. Seth looked down at her and instantly felt bad. Seth mentally cursed himself for being so rough with her. Seth then leaned down to help Hayden back to her feet.

Once Seth’s hand brushed up against Hayden’s arm, she instantly flinched away. Hayden looked up to Seth, and the look on Hayden’s face almost made his heart leap out of his chest. Hayden had a look of complete fear on her face. It was even shining in her eyes. There was also something else shining in her eyes, something shining even more brightly than her fear, Seth noticed. It was hatred. Seth instantly felt his heart sink. Seth sighed softly and stood. This time, much more nicely he asked, “What exactly are you?”, Seth asked. Hayden glared at Seth with complete malice, but said, “I'm part vampire and part human.”


Be Our Guest

 Seth sucked in a breath. At first, Seth thought Hayden was lying. Never in Seth’s life had he ever heard of a vampire-human hybrid. Is this why the Head Councilman wanted Hayden dead?, Seth thought. Seth then stood and held out his hand to help Hayden up. It was the least he could do for almost choking her to death.

Hayden looked from Seth's hand to Seth, then smacked his hand away. “I can get up on my own”, Hayden growled angrily. Hayden stood up slowly, using the wall to help her. Once Hayden was standing, Seth mentally called Dylan to come back into the room. Okay. But Ashley is demanding that she comes to the room also, Dylan responded back.

No, I only need you here, Seth thought back. Fine. But she won't be happy about this. Seth could live with that. Seth didn’t want any of the pack knowing about Hayden being what she claimed to be, nor him having imprinted on her. Well, at least not yet. While Seth waited for Dylan to come back, Seth thought of what he was going to do with Hayden.

As if she was read his mind, Hayden asked, “so what are you going to do to me?” Seth turned to her. “You're going to stay here in the cabin until further orders.” Hayden wasn’t satisfied with that answer. “Order’s from who? I thought you were the alpha.”, Hayden asked. Seth rolled his eyes and mentally told Dylan to hurry up. A few minutes later, Dylan knocked on the door and stepped inside.

Dylan looked over at Hayden, who was know sitting on the table unchained, snapped his head toward Seth. Dylan closed the door behind him and stepped in front of Seth. Why is she unchained and what happened while I was gone?, Dylan asked, completely confused. Seth told Dylan everything that had happened while he was gone. Seth told Dylan about unchaining Hayden, almost choking her to death, and Hayden telling Seth that she was a vampire-human hybrid. Once Seth was finished explaining everything to Dylan, Dylan looked over to Hayden suspiciously, looking over her slowly healing wounds. Dylan turned his attention back to Seth. Okay, so what are we going to with her then?, Dylan asked Seth. Seth smirked and turned to Hayden and said aloud, “Well, she’s going to be a guest at at the cabin, of course.”

Welcome To Casa Del Werewolf


Both Dylan and Hayden gasped and said “what?” in eerie unison. They both looked at each other and made a silent agreement to never do that again. Before Seth could resay his sentence again, Dylan grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged Seth outside into the hallway. “What are you thinking? Are you seriously going to let her stay her?! Did you forget that one", Dylan raised his index finger. "She’s been chasing and killing werewolves for a reason we have no answer to yet. And two", Dylan raised his middle finger. "And that the Head Councilman wants her dead?”

Seth simply shrugged and said, “No I haven’t forgotten those things. However, we still need to find out why she’s was killing werewolves and find out why she was chasing after the Mayland alpha. So how about we all make friends, or at least pretend to, until we get what we need from Hayden.” Dylan stared back at Seth with a look of uncertainty in his eyes. Dylan bit his lip thoughtfully and instantly Seth knew Dylan was about to ask a serious question. Seth braced himself for when Dylan said, “Please, just please, tell me you're not making excuses for her to stay here because you imprinted on Hayden?”

Dylan immediately regretted asking the question when Seth’s blackish-brown eyes turned black that then held a look of hostility within them and his face turned hollow. Seth glared at Dylan which such an intensity that it made Dylan visibly squirm. “Look Dylan, I can’t help who I imprint on. I can’t help it if she’s a vampire-human hybrid and not a werewolf! Nor can I help my feelings for her.”, Seth said through gritted teeth.

Seth could feel his eyes turn yellow, which made Dylan cower and whimper. Seth hated making his pack, especially a good friend like Dylan, cower in submission to him. However, Seth thought, i’m not going to let him question me about Hayden. Seth turned his eyes back to his regular blackish-brown color and held out his hand to Dylan. Dylan looked up to Seth and took his hand firmly, slowly standing back up. “Look”, Seth said more tenderly.

“I know it’s weird that I imprinted on someone who isn’t a werewolf. I still don’t like it and I’m still going to find out how it’s possible. However, I can’t pretend I don’t have feelings for her. If Ashley wasn’t a werewolf, would that stop you from loving and protecting her?” “Of course it wouldn’t”, Dylan said immediately. “Okay then. So please don’t try and stop me from doing the same with Hayden, okay?” Seth stared back at Dylan, his best friend, hoping he would understand. Dylan stared back at Seth with an unreadable look carved onto his face. Finally, Dylan said, “Fine. I know when a werewolf imprints on someone, they'll do anything to protect that person”, Dylan said, smiling faintly as he thought of Ashley. “Even if I don't agree with the plan of her staying here, I’ll stand by your side to help you figure out this imprinting mess.” Seth smiled cheerfully and said, “thanks Dylan.” Dylan returned the smile and said, “no problem.” “So shall we go back in face the living nightmare that is named Hayden”, Dylan said, jerking his chin back to the interrogation room. Seth laughed wholeheartedly and nodded. “Yeah, we better before she ends up finding some way to escape.”

Seth and Dylan reentered the interrogation room to find Hayden sitting criss crossed on the steel table, rubbing her neck where Seth had dug in his claws a few minutes ago. Hayden hand flew away from her neck once they entered the room. Seth bit his lip softly as he felt his stomach churn. Once the door was shut Hayden asked in a husky but rough voice, “So am I still staying at Casa Del Werewolf or can I leave?” Dylan smirked mischievously and stepped forward, putting his hands on either side of Hayden so that they were face to face.

Even though Seth knew Dylan had a mate, he didn’t like seeing Dylan so close to Hayden, their faces so close together... “Sorry Hayden. But you're trapped with us werewolves for a while. However, you can leave whenever you want. Only if you have a pack member escort you.”, Dylan said. Seth thought Hayden was going explode in anger. Instead she started laughing. Dylan stepped back, surprised at Hayden’s reaction to what he said. Hayden doubled over then, clutching her stomach as she laughed harder.

Once Hayden was done laughing, she sat back up, wiping tears from her eyes. “Oh Dylan. Poor poor Dylan, if you think im staying here, you more of an idiot than you look."


Seth cringed. Seth knew all too well that Dylan hated being called an idiot. Dylan raised his hand, clenching it into a fist, and right before Dylan could deliver a blow that would’ve broken Hayden’s jaw, Seth grabbed his arm. Seth then mentally said, hey! Calm down. She’s just messing with you, go outside and take a walk. Dylan angrily snatched his hand away from Seth’s grasp, glaring coldly at Hayden, who was staring back at him mockingly. To make the situation worse, Hayden stuck out her tongue at Dylan. Dylan growled, but opened the door and slammed it behind him, making the hinges shake slightly. Seth sighed and turned back to Hayden. Was this girl really my mate?, Seth thought to himself. 

“You just had to piss Dylan off, didn't you?”, Seth said to Hayden. Hayden chuckled softly and shrugged. “What? You guys are keeping me prisoner here. Mind as well have some fun in pissing you guys off.” Seth rolled his eyes and said, “like Dylan said before, you can leave whenever you want. You just hav-”. “Yeah I have to have an escort, I got that already”, Hayden said, cutting off Seth. “However you put it”, Hayden continued. “I'm still a prisoner”.

Seth shrugged again and replied in a firm tone, “where keeping you here for three reasons, Hayden. Want to know what those reasons are?” Hayden shrugged carelessly but said, “Sure. Go ahead and tell me.” “Okay, the first reason”, Seth held up his index finger. “Is because we need to figure out who and what you are. The second reason”, Seth held up his middle finger. “Is because someone with high authority has ordered us to capture and kill you.” At that, Hayden’s eyes snapped up to Seth’s face to see if he was telling her that to scare her. But Seth’s face was only tight and serious. Seth then held up another finger. “And the third reason”, Seth continued, looking squarely into Hayden’s burgundy eyes. “Is that I, somehow, imprinted on you.”

Explaining of The Imprint


Hayden looked at Seth with a confused and vacant look on her face. Hayden then asked, “What does that mean? What’s an imprint?” Seth leaned up against the wall behind him, crossing his arms over his chest, and started to explain what an imprint was to Hayden. Who was leaning forward, impatiently tapping her foot for Seth to speak. “An imprint is something werewolves do when they find there mate. Werewolves don’t know when an imprint is going to happen, nor can they control who they imprint on.” Seth looked into Hayden’s eyes and continued, “An imprint happens when a werewolf looks at their mate. It can happen at anytime and anywhere. At the mall, at a restaurant, on the sidewalk.”

Hayden then raised her hand as if she was in school and needed permission from the teacher to speak, then she put it back down. “Wait a minute. How would a werewolf know he imprinted on someone?” “When a werewolf imprints on someone”, Seth started. Seth then caught Hayden’s eyes and stared back into them.

“When a werewolf imprints on someone, it seems as the whole world has stopped.”, Seth said, keeping his eyes locked with Hayden’s. “It seems as the only person on the earth is just you and your mate. Nobody else matters. Nothing else matters. And at the moment, he would do anything for her. He’d do anything to be with her, do anything to protect her.” Seth hadn't noticed his feet were moving involuntarily and was moving toward Hayden. They stopped right in front of her, making Seth’s face only inches from hers. Seth took Hayden’s hand in his and said, “Imprinting means that we are together, and that I would do anything in my power to make you mine”, Seth finished.

After Seth was finished explaining, Hayden’s face was somber and unblinking. For what seemed like hours, Hayden just stared at Seth, not blinking, just staring. Then, finally, she spoke. Her voice was so soft and shaky, that even with Seth’s heightened hearing, Seth strained to hear what she said. Hayden cleared her throat, and this time with a more louder and steady voice said, “How is this possible? How is a werewolf, who is only supposed to imprint on werewolves, imprint on me?”

Seth could feel Hayden’s hand start to shake. Hayden then jumped off the table, snatching her hand back from Seth, and started pacing back and forth. Seth watched as Hayden ran her hand frantically through her hair, mumbling about how this imprint was a mistake. Hayden then stopped, took deep breaths, and then turned to Seth. “How can we get rid of it? Stop it?”, Hayden said in a raspy voice. Seth grinned, “like I told you, once a werewolf imprints on someone, they or no one else can stop it.” Hayden sighed heavily and ran her still slightly shaking hand through her hair again, making it stick up in several places. Hayden then looked up to Seth. Her face veiled, showing no emotion at all. Then Hayden said, “well I guess I have no choice but to stay here, huh?”

Not Like The Other Vampires


“Finally, we agree on some-”, Seth was cut off by the sound of the door behind him opening to reveal Dylan. Dylan closed the door behind him, nodding toward Seth and said mentally, It’s okay, I've cooled down. Seth nodded back and filled Dylan in on everything that happened while he was out. Once they were finished with their mental conversation, Seth turned back to a quizzical looking Hayden. She then smiled and nodded and then said, “so that’s how you guys talk huh? You guys have some telepathic link thing.”, Hayden said. Seth glanced over at Dylan. Who was staring at Hayden with an awed expression.

Hayden looked over at Dylan somberly.“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Dylan cleared his throat and said, “well, it's just that no vampire, well in your case, a vampire-human hybrid usually figured out about a werewolves telepathic link with its pack.. Hayden looked from Seth to Dylan and then shrugged

nonchalantly as if finding out a werewolves telepathic link wasn’t a big deal.

Hayden then walked back to the table and sat on it, letting her feet dangle off the side of the table and said in an unreadable voice, “well it really wasn’t hard to figure out. I just watched your facial expressions and I knew that, somehow, you guys were talking in some way without words, so that left only one logical explanation”, Hayden said, using a finger to tap the side of her temple.

Seth looked over to Dylan and smirked, she’s really observant and smart, and definitely not like the rest of the vampires, Seth said to Dylan. Dylan smirked back and replied, well you got that right, she's not like the rest of the other vampires at all. “See there you guys go again”, Hayden said to no one in particular. Seth expression then turned somber. He was then going to say something mentally to Dylan, but then decided to say it out loud. “I think I figured out why the Head Councilman wants you dead.”

Jake, The Other Man


At those words, Hayden’s body visibly tensed and her eyes widened. “How does the Head Councilman of the Crestfallen Society know that I exist?” Seth and Dylan both look at each other with a look of puzzlement. What did Hayden mean by how did the Head Councilman know she existed? Why was Hayden so worried about about being known in the Crestfallen Society? Was she some type of criminal who’s on the run?, Seth thought. Dylan and Seth started to think of reasonable answers to these questions that kept running through each other's mind.

Meanwhile, Hayden jumped off the table again and was pacing back and forth, talking to herself, and mentioning a guy named Jake while she was talking. For some reason, Seth instantly became jealous hearing Hayden saw another man’s name come out of her mouth. Before Seth could speak, Dylan said, “Who’s Jake”, knocking Hayden out of her reverie.

Hayden looked at Dylan curiously, then realized she must have been talking out loud. At first, Hayden didn’t say anything, then she shrugged and leaned up against the wall behind her and said, “Jake? Oh, he’s just my boyfriend. Dylan cringed and instantly looked at Seth. 

Deadly Silence


Dylan, Seth, and Hayden stood their in an agonizingly awkward silence for what felt like an eternity. At Hayden’s words, the air around the three of them quickly thickened with tension and deadly silence. Not being able to take the silence anymore, Dylan cleared his throat loudly. Seth, however, was still standing tensely, glaring at Hayden, who was still leaning up against the wall, arms crossed over her chest. Seth looked like he was shooting daggers from his eyes toward Hayden. And, if it was possible, Dylan knew Seth would. However, Hayden was staring intently back at Seth. The faint trace of a sly smirk on her lips. Dylan knew, somehow, that Hayden was just saying this to get a reaction out of Seth. Seth must have told Hayden about what imprinting meant and she was taking advantage of that, Dylan thought, but why? So he would let her go? Well if that’s what she’s expecting than she can forget about it. Whenever a werewolf imprints on someone, they'll do anything to make them theirs. Dylan opened his mouth to speak, but Hayden spoke first. “So now that you know that I am happily taken, can I please get to my significant other?.” Dylan scowled at Hayden and when Seth spoke, it was only a whisper. “Yeah sure you can leave Hayden,” Seth said blandly. Hayden, astonished by his answer, jumped off the wall and walked to the door. But Hayden was stopped when Seth grabbed her arm and said with a glazed expression, “But you can only leave if the pack goes with you.”

Chapter Fourteen


Hayden stopped, her body going rigid all over. Then she spun, glaring at Seth, a dangerous fire blazing in her eyes. “What?”, Hayden said angrily. Hayden’s eyes then turned black with anger as she glared at Seth. Seth jerked his chin up, staring squarely back at Hayden, not backing down. Dylan smirked. He knew Seth wouldn’t let Hayden toy with him like that so easily.

Dylan stepped back, leaning back against the table, and stared at Hayden. “Why does your pack have to come with me?”, Hayden yelled towards Seth. “I just told you I have a boyfriend, so why do you want to continue in following me? Why not just let me go?” Seth smirked. “Like I said before Hayden, sweetie”, Seth said sweetly, only making Hayden even angrier. “Once a werewolf imprints on someone, they will do anything, and I mean anything to make them theirs.”

“So what? Are you going to kill Jake?” Seth shrugged and grinned, “Who knows. Maybe I will if it means means that I can have you. I have to get rid of the competition”, Seth said. Suddenly Seth’s voice changed from playful and carefree to rough and serious. Seth turned a fixed gaze toward Hayden, making her angry gaze evaporate into one of question.

“Look. I know you may be in a relationship, or you could just be saying this to hurt me or just to get out of us escorting you. Whatever the reason”, Seth felt his legs move involuntarily toward Hayden. “I won’t stop until I can call you mine."  Suddenly Dylan felt as if he was intruding, listening into a private, intimate conversation. Seth moved even closer toward Hayden until he was in front of her. Hayden didn’t make a move to step back. She only stood her ground as she looked up to meet Seth’s awaiting eyes.

Something in Seth’s eyes made Hayden’s eyebrows come together in wonder. Why is he looking at me like this? He possibly can’t have feelings for me, we just met, right?, Hayden thought. But the look in Seth’s eyes told Hayden otherwise. Something inside Hayden’s stomach twisted. Hayden always kept walls around her, never letting anybody get too close to her. However, she wanted to know what the look in Seth’s eyes meant. As is they both shared a telepathic link and Seth could hear her thoughts Seth said, “let me show you how I feel, Hayden”. Without waiting for an answer, Seth cupped Hayden’s face into his hands and leaned down, closing his eyes. Seth’s hands were warm and soft against Hayden’s cold skin. Hayden tiled her head up, closing her eyes. When her lips brushed up against Seth’s lips, Hayden felt tiny explosions go off around her. But before she could pull Seth deeper into the kiss, Seth pulled back, revealing a lopsided grin. “So you were lying about Jake”, Seth said.

Chapter Fifteen


Hayden stood staring at Seth with black empty eyes. When she spoke, Dylan nearly cringed. “Why did you do that?”, Hayden said dangerously. Seth cocked his head to the side like a dog would when he didn’t understand something his master told him. “Oh please do tell me what you mean Hayden, dear”, Seth said mockingly. Hayden growled and clenched her hands into fist by her sides. Dylan watched intently at her hands. Hayden’s hands were shaking badly and small droplets of blood were sliding down her hand from Hayden digging her nails into her skin.

But there was something that drawed attention to Hayden’s hands. There was a slight red-orange light that emitted from Hayden’s hand, that made faintly them glow. Is, Dylan thought. I must be seeing things. That’s impossible… . Dylan slowly drew his eyes away from Hayden’s hands, refocusing his attention on the on-going argument between Hayden and Seth.

“Don't play this game with me! Why did you pretend to kiss me!,” Hayden yelled fiercely. Hayden’s face was lit up with anger and frustration from Seth’s sudden forgetfulness at how he almost kissed Hayden. “Oh! You mean that?,” Seth said, suddenly remembering the incident that happened about ten seconds ago. “Well you did say you and Jake were dating, so I wanted to see if you were lying or not. And, as it turned out, you were”.

Hayden opened her mouth, but faltered. “I didn’t lie. Jake is my boyfriend”, Hayden said softly, all the anger gone from her voice. “Oh? Is that so? So if you guys are together, then why did you let me almost kiss you?”, Seth said, raising an eyebrow. A flash of anger flashed over Hayden’s face, but as quick as it came, it disappeared. Hayden took a deep breath and shrugged, digging her hands into her jean pockets. “Fine. Yeah I lied. I only lied because I thought you wouldn’t want anything to do with me if I already had a boyfriend”.

Seth smirked again. “Oh you vampires just don’t listen do you? With that heightened hearing one would think you would listen better. However, let me say this again. Do you have your listening ears on?”, Seth pretended to turn a knob up around his ears. Hayden rolled her eyes and muttered something unpleasant under her breath. That made Seth’s smirk widen, showing all of his white sparkling teeth. “Like I said for the, what? Millionth time, whenever a werewolf imprints on anyone, they’ll do anything, and I mean anything to have that person. And now, please don't forget it. So since you're going to be staying here, why don't we go meet the other pack members.”, Seth said.

Hayden groaned and said, “Do I really have too?”. Seth smiled and nodded. “Yes, you do. It’s the least you could do since you caused havoc every since you woke up.”. Seth turned and nodded towards Dylan, who nodded back and leaned off the table and headed for the door, opening it and stepping out of the room.

“Ladies first”, Seth said, holding the door open for Hayden. Hayden laughed and bowed, “Well then, that means you go first”. Seth chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his throat, and he walked through the door. Hayden followed behind him, letting the door shut behind her. As Hayden followed Seth down the hall and up the stairs, she lifted her fingers to her lips, still feeling the lingering effects of the kiss, and smiled.

Chapter Sixteen



Once Dylan, Seth, and Hayden reached the living room, Hayden stayed back, making sure Seth didn’t notice her. Seth and Dylan entered the living room, seeing that the chair that Hayden broken was cleared away and the rest of the living room furniture was put back in place. Some of the pack was sitting on the couch and the rest the floor. Jack and Snow were snuggled close together on the couch. With October and Jessica huddled on the floor sharing an earbud with each other. Seth couch hear the song from where he was standing. It sounded like “Throne” by Bring Me the Horizon. The whole pack came to know most of the songs Jessica and October listened too since they blared it through their speakers or headphones. Meanwhile, October’s mate, Nick was sitting next to October, twisting and turning stands of her blond hair between his fingers. Kristen was sitting on the couch, with Natalie sitting on the floor in front of her, braiding her hair. Justin, Jack, and Jesse were playing rock, paper, scissor, shoot on the floor, in front of the tv. Jonathan and Alex were flipping through the tv channels, looking for a decent tv show or movie to watch as they usually did. T.J and Ashley were sitting next to Jonathan and Alex, both tapping their fingers impatiently on the couch, waiting for the two boys to pick a channel. This is my pack., Seth thought. If there not out killing a target, there here being their lazy usual self. No one seemed to notice that Seth and Dylan had come back, so when Seth cleared his throat loudly, everybody’s head turned to him. Ashley instantly jumped off the couch and walked towards Seth and Dylan. Ashley put a up a wall, blocking the rest of the pack from their thoughts. So is the target terminated?, Ashley said to them. Seth and Dylan exchanged glances, letting Ashley know the answer. Ashley sighed, and instead of speaking through the link, she spoke out loud. “So you haven't killed her yet?!”, Ashley said angrily. At Ashley words, everybody was standing and making a crowd around Dylan and Seth. “What do you mean, you haven’t killed her yet?”, Jonathan said. “Have you forgotten that she’s a dangerous target that has been killing werewolves for a reason that we still don't know?”. Jonathon’s mouth was starting to peel back into an angry snarl, showing his pointed teeth. “Also, Jesse started, “the Head Councilman demanded that we get the answers we need from her and then kill her.”.  “And anyway where is she if you guys haven't killed her yet?”, Kristen said. “What? What do you mean? She’s right he-”, Seth spun around, pointing a thumb to a Hayden who was supposed to be right behind him. Seth’s stomach clenched. How could I’ve been so dumb to let her go behind me?, Seth thought. And just as Seth was about to send Dylan to go in the forest to search for a fleeing Hayden. Hayden appeared behind the wall, her arms crossed over her chest. “I really don’t appreciate being talked about when i'm not in the room”, Hayden said.

Chapter Seventeen


Everybody stared at Hayden with wide, disbelieving eyes. Suddenly, the whole room was thrown into complete and utter silence. Hayden was staring back at the pack, arms crossed tightly across her chest, a look of fearlessness on her face. It was Ashley who broke the silence first. “Seth! Why is she here? Why isn’t she tied up somewhere where she can’t escape?”. Ashley made a move toward Hayden, but Seth stepped in front of her, cutting her off. Hayden looked up to Seth, staring at his back questioningly. Ashley looked up at Seth, confusion drawn clearly over her face. “Seth. What’s gotten into you? She”, Ashley pointed an angry finger towards Hayden. “needs to be tied up before she escapes!”. Hayden chuckled softly and smirked. “Look, if I wanted to escape, I would have done it already”. “No one was talking to you, vampire”, Ashley growled towards Hayden. “Uh. Excuse you. I have a name. And its Hayden, not vampire. Ashley’s eyes glowed a bright blue and her teeth started to grow at the ends into sharp points. Dylan instantly walked over to Ashley and turned her away from Hayden. Dylan looked back to Seth. A question written on his face. Should we tell them about the imprint?, Dylan said telepathically. Seth shook his head slightly. No not yet. But go ahead and tell Ashley all that happened. She’s my second in command. She has the right to know. Also, if she doesn’t know, she might attack Hayden. Dylan smiled and nodded, taking Ashley out of the living room. Making sure she stayed out of arm's length of Hayden. Once Dylan and Ashley left, Seth turned back to the rest of the pack, who were glaring at Hayden over Seth’s shoulder. “Look, Seth started, making sure his voice was firm and steady. “Hayden will be staying here until further orders from the Head Councilman.” The room was filled with unpleasant murmurs and growls. “However, Seth continued. “I don't want any fights springing out between any one of you. You guys don’t have to like or talk to her. All im asking is to coexist until then. Do I make myself clear?”. When no one said anything, Seth spoke more sternly. “I said, Do I make myself clear?”. Everybody then said “yes sir”, not including Hayden, of course. Everybody then started to file out of the living room, one by one. Each giving their fair share of glaring looks. Once everybody left, Seth let out a long and turned back to Hayden, making himself put on a smile. “So, wanna go see where you're staying?”, said Seth.

Chapter Eighteen


The walk up to the spare bedroom upstairs was silent and very awkward. Hayden was standing on the right side of Seth, twiddling her hair between her fingers nervously. Once they reached the room, Seth glanced over at Hayden, who was looking at the door as if this was her execution. Seth reached out and wrapped his hand around the knob, twisting it to the left. Seth slowly opened the door and stepped inside.

Hayden looked inside hesitantly, then stepping through the door frame into the room. Seth closed the door behind Hayden with a click. Seth turned back to see Hayden staring in awe at the room in front of her. The pack rarely used it. They only went into this room if someone was hogging the bathroom.

However, the room wasn’t awful. The walls were painted a comforting grey color. Their was a king size canopy bed, with white drapes cascading down around the bed, in the middle of the room. And in front of the bed, hanging on the wall closest to the door, was an HD tv. To the far right of the bed there was a bay window seat decorated with small white and red pillows and a white blanket.

To the right of the bed, was the bathroom. There was brown mahogany dressers alongside one wall of the room, and on top of it, was a small lamp. Hayden turned in circles as she took in the whole room. “Wow. This room is so…”. Hayden’s voice trailed off. “Amazing”, Seth finished for her.

“Yeah. Yeah it is. It’s the room I always dreamed of and wanted.”. Hayden smiled then, and turned to Seth. “Are you sure you didn’t know I was coming. I have a feeling you planned this.”. Seth laughed. Genuinely laughed, which he hadn’t done in a long time. “Phhssh!. If we knew you were staying with us, we would have created a steel cage, not this”, Seth said jokingly. Hayden laughed at that and said, “true, true”.

She then walked over to the bed, looking down at it thoughtfully. Hayden then jumped on the bed, groaning pleasantly against the soft material. Seth chuckled softly and followed Hayden over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. “What is this bed made out of? Clouds?”, Hayden said exuberantly. Seth raised an eyebrow as he watched Hayden roll back and forth on the bed. Her eyes showing a sort of blissfulness that Seth thought he would never see inside Hayden’s eyes.

Well...I saw that look in her eyes when I was about to kiss her…, Seth thought, thinking about the almost-kiss Seth and Hayden shared back in the interrogation room. Seth was so deep in the memory that he didn’t hear Hayden’s rising voice. “Hello? Seth? Earth to Seth!”, Hayden yelled. Seth shook his head softly and looked up to Hayden’s questioning eyes, “What? What’s wrong?”. Seth shook his head again, “Nothing. Just thinking about something.”.

“About what?”, said Hayden, sitting next to Seth on the edge of the bed. Her hand brushing up against his slightly. Even though the touch was slight, Seth still felt electricity pass through him. Seth wondered if the same thing happened with Hayden.“Oh nothing important.”, Seth shrugged nonchalantly, hoping that Hayden wouldn't see right through his act.

“You know for an alpha, you're a terribly lair”. Crap. “But. I think I know what you were thinking about”, Hayden said softly. Seth’s eyes snapped to Hayden’s bowed head. “You do?”, Seth said anxiously. Hayden shaked her head, making her hair swish along her shoulder. “Yeah. It’s about the almost-kiss isn’t it?”. Seth sucked in a breath. How did she know that was what he was thinking? “It’s written all over your face”, Hayden said, answering his question. Seth cursed himself mentally. Seth always made sure to conceal his feelings from his pack. How could she see right through him?

“Yes, it is.”, Seth said. Hayden smiled an odd smile. “Can I ask you something, then?”. “Yeah. Sure. Ask away.”. Hayden didn’t say anything for awhile. She only bowed her head more and started twirling her hair again between her fingers. She then breathed in deeply and said, “If I never lied to you about..about Jake, would you have stilled kissed me? I mean, not then, at that moment, I just mean…”, Hayden’s voice trailed off then. Her hands were shaking slightly. Clearly, Seth noticed, Hayden always tried to conceal her emotions from everyone else, too. Putting up walls to do just that.

But, now, in this moment, it seemed Hayden was taking a risk and taking down her walls. She then looked at him. Her eyes gleaming with a yearning Seth couldn’t quite place. “Yes...I would have kissed you. I would do it right now if yo-”. “Yes, I want you to kiss me”, Hayden said urgently, as if she knew that something was going to ruin this intimate moment they were sharing.

Seth nodded slowly, placing a finger under Hayden’s chin, pushing her head up to his. Seth closed his eyes as he leaned down to connect his lips with Hayden’s. Hayden pulled her head up as well, feeling her lips brush up against Seth’s. And again, before Seth could fully enjoy the softness of Hayden’s lips, there was an urgent knock on the door. Not waiting for an answer to come in, Ashley barged into the room shouting, “How did you manage to imprint on a vamp-”, Ashley’s voice fell away when she saw Seth and Hayden on the bed, lips brushed against each other.

Chapter Nineteen


Once Ashley brust into the room, Hayden and Seth jumped apart. Seth standing up and Hayden sliding back on the bed. Ashley was staring back and forth between the two of them, her cheeks red from anger. “What is going on in he-”, Dylan was standing behind Ashley when she barged into the room, staring wildly between Seth and Hayden as well. But now, he had his hand covering her mouth.

“Ashley, be quiet! The rest of the pack can’t know about this!”, Dylan said softly.. Ashley yanked Dylan’s hand away from her mouth and brushed past him to close the door, slamming it shut. After the door was shut, she turned back around, glaring at Seth, “How in the world did you imprint on a vampire?!”, Ashley whispered-screamed angrily, her face flushing a deep red. “Ashley, I didn’t let Dylan tell you what happened so you can get pissed at me. You know werewolves can’t control who they imprint on!”, Seth voice rose in anger, making Ashley’s head bow slightly in submission. Seth could feel his breathing come in quick paces, his heart beating faster and faster, with each moment his anger grew. Trying to control his anger, Seth started to pace back and forth in the room.

“I-i'm sorry.. Seth. I didn’t mean to blow up like this. I know we can’t control who we imprint on”, Ashley said softly. Seth nodded and turned back to Hayden, slowly. She was looking down, her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them. Seth could automatically tell that she put her walls back up. Seth could almost picture them, tall and cornering her, all around. With barbed wire around the top, making sure no emotions escaped. Seth bit his lip. Just one more moment, one more second...and he could have knocked down those walls, made Hayden trust her. But no, Ashley had to barge in and ruin everything.

Seth took a deep breath, feeling his anger starting to bubble up again. “So”, Ashley said awkwardly, “what are you going to do about..her?”, Ashley said, pointing carelessly toward Hayden. Hayden ignored Ashley’s pointing hand, staring intently down at the white silk bed sheets. Seth sighed, “she’s going to stay here until we get the rest of the answers we need-”.

“Why don’t you guys stop talking about me like i'm not here”, Hayden said harshly, cutting Seth off. “And I can’t stay here, I don’t have any clothes and besides”, Hayden glared at Ashley. “Im clearly not welcome here. So I mind as well leave.” Hayden jumped off the bed then, her head down, wiping vigorously at her eyes. Watching her, Seth’s heart clenched tightly. Was she...crying? Seth leaned out to grab Hayden’s arm as he past her, but she side-stepped him.

Seth’s hand brushed against her arm. Hayden was almost at the door when Dylan moved in front of her, blocking her from leaving. Hayden stopped, but kept her head bowed. “Move out the way”, Hayden voice was shaking violently. Seth, even from standing where he was, could see tears spilling down to the floor around Hayden’s feet. Hayden raised a shaking hand, and placed it on his chest, weakly trying to make Dylan move. She didn’t make him budge, not even flinch. He smelt it now. The salt from Hayden’s tears. He could even smell it, the smell making his stomach twist and pull in sickness. Tears were streaming down her face.

“Dylan. Move out of my way, please.”, Hayden said weakly. When Dylan didn’t move, Hayden’s legs gave out, making her crumble to her knees in front of Dylan. Seth instantly walked over to her, bending down on his knees to look her in the face. Seth’s heart clenched again, tighter this time. Absolute pain was written across Hayden’s face. It was like someone drew it on her face with a pencil, pain. Pain. Pain that i’m causing her. No. Pain that Ashley caused her.

Seth whipped around to look at Ashley. She was staring at Hayden guiltily. “You”, Seth said through clenched teeth. “You. You did this! You hurt Hayden!”. Ashley flinched as if Seth was about to strike her down. “S-Seth...i'm sorry. I didn’t know…”. Seth stood up, standing in front of Ashley. Towering over her like a statue. “Why do you always have to be so dumb. You know you shouldn’t treat my mate like that!”. As Seth’s anger rose, he could feel his eyes turn bright yellow, his fangs poking his bottom lip painfully. Seth felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He knew it was Dylan but he still grabbed the arm, twisted, and pushed him back, hearing a loud thud and Dylan yelp in pain. Anger was blurring his vision. Seth didn’t even realize it when his hand made it’s way to Ashley’s throat, picking her up off the ground. Seth could feel Ashley’s pace. It was beating faster and faster with each growing second.

“You will apologize to Hayden. Do I make myself clear?”, Seth said in a growl. Ashley couldn’t speak, so she shook her head instead. He dropped Ashley with a thud and turned to where Hayden had once been on her knees, tears cascading down her cheeks. But know there was nothing. Hayden was gone.

Chapter Twenty


Hayden ran faster. Tears blurring her vision as she ran as far away from the cabin. I have to get out of here. The moon was out, shining brightly, casting a silvery-white glow on the forest ground. Hayden’s heart was pounding loudly in her chest. The cool wind blowing Hayden’s hair behind her. She could feel her blood pulsing in her ears. Hayden slowed her pace, knowing that she was far enough away from the cabin. And more importantly, from Seth.

Hayden’s heart clenched tightly when she thought of Seth. His glowing yellow eyes, hand clenched around Ashley’s throat. Hayden shaked her head viciously. No, she wasn't going to think about him. About Seth. Seth. Hayden’s hand involuntarily moved to her lip and rubbed her fingers against them slowly. He said it. Seth said it right then and there that he would kiss her if it wasn’t to try to pry a lie out of her.

Hayden smiled inwardly, thinking about the softness of Hayden’s lips and how his lips tasted strangly of strawberries. Nevertheless, Hayden liked the taste. Hayden stopped walking and leaned up against the nearest tree trunk. What are these feelings…? I can’t…, Hayden thought. I can’t love him. And with that thought, Hayden flung herself off the tree trunk, running at top speed.


Once Seth saw Hayden gone, he instantly dropped to his knees, feeling hollow and empty. Seth ignored Dylan as he walked over to check on the gasping and choking Ashley. Seth glanced over towards Ashley, who was leaning on Dylan, an arm draped around his neck. He instantly felt bad. Seth’s sudden protective nature just kicked in when he saw Hayden crying, begging on her knees for Dylan to move away from the door. Seth stood, turning to face Dylan and Ashley. Ashley had indents that were already healing from where Seth’s claws had sunk into the skin.

“I..I'm sorry Ash, I don’t know what came over me”, Seth said apologetically. Ashley shaked her head weakly, “It's fine. Really Seth, it is. I knew she was your mate, I should've kept my mouth shut.”. Seth bit his lip softly. He honestly did feel bad for hurting Ashley. Seth then turned to Dylan, who had his arm wrapped around Ashley’s waist securely.

Dylan looked up to meet Seth eyes. Seth nodded, hoping the apology was written on his face. Dylan smiled and nodded back. Seth felt instantly relived. Good they didn’t hate him. I’ll help you find her, Seth., Dylan spoke in his mind. Thank you, Dylan. I really appreciate this., Seth spoke back. Seth really had a good friend in Dylan. Dylan swung Ashley into his arms, holding her bridal style, and carried her out of the room. Making them look like a just hitched married couple. Seth sat back on the bed, suddenly feeling weak. Where are you, Hayden?, Seth thought.

Seth remembered the look on Hayden’s face when she saw the room. It held a look of complete bliss and awe. It was the first time Hayden had actually smiled. Like, actually smiled. Without any of the sarcasm or arrogance in the smile. Moments later, Dylan was back without Ashley. Seth sat up on the bed. “Ready?”, Seth asked. Dylan nodded, “Yeah. But how are we supposed to find her? Who know’s how far she is now.”, said Dylan. “Oh yeah. Thats right.”, Seth said, worrying his bottom lip. “Wait”, a light bulb sprang to life in Seth’s head as the thought came to him.

“When I asked you to leave, I wiped some of Hayden’s blood off with my shirt.”. Seth pointed down at his shirt. Dylan smiled. “Well now we have her scent. Let's go.”, Dylan said, already stepping out of the room. Seth smiled and followed Dylan down to living room, which was empty, and to the front door. “Wait, maybe we should write a note first,”, Seth said.

Dylan nodded, going into the kitchen and grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. Seconds later Dylan hunk a note on the refrigerator and walked back to Seth. “Now are you ready?”, Dylan asked. Seth nodded and held up his shirt to Dylan. “Sniff first, catch her scent.”. Dylan nodded, bending down to smell Deth’s shirt. Dylan stood back up, “Got it”. Seth nodded, sniffed his own shirt, and opened the door, jumping into the air. And in mid-jump he turned into a pure black wolf with glowing yellow eyes.

Chapter Twenty One

It was raining hard when Hayden walked up to the door and knocked on it. Her midnight black hair plastered on her forehead, and neck. She heard his footsteps clamber noisily down the stairs and then walk up to the door. The door opened and Hayden saw Jake standing in the doorway. The light from the living room was surrounding him, making him look like an angel.

Jake smiled, that bright warming smile that made Hayden’s hard tug and pull inside her chest, like it always did. “C’mon inside, before you catch a cold”, Jake said. Hayden stepped inside the house, closing the door behind her, and rolled her eyes. Jake knew she couldn’t catch a cold, nor could he. Jake was a vampire, and she was a vampire-human hybrid. Neither of them felt heat or cold, nor could either of them catch a cold.

“So. How did the hunt go?”, Seth asked, walking into the kitchen.  Hayden didn’t say anything for a while. Hayden sitting on the couch slipped off her drenched shirt and put on one of Jake’s shirt that was laying around the living room. Hayden didn’t want to tell Jake about what had happened during the hunt. That she didn’t get the answers from the Mayland pack alpha. That a werewolf somehow imprinted on her. And not to mention that the Head Councilman knew she existed. But she had to tell him. But how… . Hayden shrugged nonchalantly and got up from the couch, walking into the kitchen. Jake was holding two small cups of dark red liquid.

The rich, familiar mouthwatering smell filled Hayden’s nose and she breathed in deeply. Blood. Jake handed her one of the cups, and she nearly drank down half the cup in one gulp. Jake stared at her in amusement. Once Hayden was done, she set the cup down on the counter, wiped her mouth, and met Jake’s eyes sheepishly. “Sorry. I haven't fed in a while.”, Hayden said. Jake smiled. “Yeah I see that”.

Hayden smiled back and jumped up on the counter, letting her legs hover over the white tiled floors. “So”, Jake said, leaning up against the counter next to Hayden. “You still haven't answered my question about the hunt”. Hayden bit the inside of her cheek. She had hoped he wouldn’t ask again since she ignored him the first time he asked. Hayden shrugged. “It went okay, he didn’t talk, though. He managed to get away”. Jake looked up to Hayden questingly. “You seem very calm about it. You never would be this calm about not getting the answers you need.”. Hayden was silent. Hayden dedicated all her life since the age of twelve to finding out which werewolf pack had killed her parents. Once Jake came and saved her from being killed by the werewolves, she learned about the Crestfallen Society, and about herself. She knew she was half human and vampire. But she hadn't discovered her true power yet and what Hayden could do with it.  Hayden could hear the rain outside, once coming down hard, now coming down onto the roof in soft pitter patters. Hayden jumped down from the counter, turning to walk up the stairs to her room. Before she could, Jake grabbed her wrist softly. When Jake touched her, she didn’t feel the electrical tingles when Seth touched her. Seth. Hayden instantly remembered the taste of lips. They tasted like strawberries, Hayden thought. Hayden felt her lips tug up into a smile. “What’s with that smile? I haven’t seen you smile like that since we dated”, Jake said. Hayden looked up to the familiar handsome face she grew up with. Hayden’s eyes roamed over his face. Jake still had the same green gold eyes. Same ebony skin. Same angular cheekbones. Same sharp, pointed nose. The same scar across his left cheek. Same shaggy blond hair that stopped at the nape of his neck. And same tattoos and muscular build. The same Jake that she fell in love with. The same Jake that she had her first kiss with. The same Jake she had her everything with. Her best friend. The one person Hayden trusted. But, do I actually still love him?, Hayden thought. Well, this is the perfect time to find out. Hayden pulled Jake closer until her body was pressed up against his. Instead of warm skin brushing against her"as, she felt cold smooth skin. Hayden suddenly wished she was holding Seth. Feeling the warmth radiating from his skin. Hayden cursed herself mentally and pushed Seth in the back of her mind. She smiled up at Jake. “Kiss me”, Hayden said seductively, making her voice deeper. Jake smiled, knowing all too well what the voice was implying. Jake placed one hand on the back of Hayden’s neck and the other on her waist. He slowly pressed his lips on Hayden’s. Hayden kissed back slowly, waiting for the tiny explosions to come like they used to do. Jake pressed Hayden closer to him, opening her mouth more with his. His hand running through her hair. Hayden kissed Jake back with the same intensity but with numb lips.


Chapter Twenty Two

 Nothing. She felt nothing. She kissed Jake to see if she would feel the same thing she felt with Seth. Tiny explosions, her heart quickening in her chest, a rushing heat surging through her body. She didn’t feel any of those things with Jake. She only felt his lips on hers numbly. She was now in her room, laying on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Moonlight was pooling in from her open window. Hayden could hear the sounds of the night. The owls hooting, the leaves swishing in the cool night air. Hayden desperately wanted to jump out of her bed and jump out of the window, running and jumping off of trees, feeling her fair fly behind due to the night air. But Hayden had this strange feeling that she was being searched for. Her thoughts suddenly went back to Seth. How his lips felt against hers, making her have a sudden burst of energy. How his warm skin warmed her’s. Hayden felt her heart squeeze and her stomach flutter. Hayden smiled. What is this feeling?, Hayden thought. She never felt this way with Jake. A voice in the back of Hayden’s head spoke. That’s because you and Jake only dated for a month. And the only thing you guys did was a kiss, nothing special, the voice said. The voice was right, even though Hayden didn’t know exactly where the voice came from. Hayden and Jake had only been dating for a month. And the more Hayden thought about it, it wasn’t even a month. And, technically, they weren't a couple. They never held hands, went to the movies or go on dates. The only thing they did was train and have quick make-out sessions in between training. Nothing serious. Yeah, she had liked Jake. But that was only a silly girl crush, Hayden told herself. Every girl has one. But what Hayden felt for Seth, that was totally different. Both times she kissed, well almost kissed Seth, she felt her body shiver. Her stomach flutter and her head start to swim with the smell of Seth. Things she definitely didn’t feel with Jake whenever she kissed him. I guess I was forcing my feelings with Jake, Hayden thought. But, Hayden thought with a sickening realization, does that mean I love Seth?

Chapter Twenty Three


Seth and Dylan’s fur was still drenched with rain, even though the rain stopped to a halt a while ago. Seth growled. They’d been searching for Hayden for horus, following the trail of her scent. But that trail was quickly becoming harder to trace due to the rain. The cool air whipped through Dylan’s and Seth’s fur wildly. The moon was out, full and bright. Seth thought back to the pack, wondering if they were outside in their wolf forms, howling up at the moon cheerfully. Do you still have her scent?, Dylan asked mentally, slicing through Seth’s thoughts. Seth lifted up his nose to the air, sniffing, searching for a smell that marked a girl named Hayden. At first, Seth only got the scent of tree bark and dirt. Then it hit him. Hard. The scent of Hayden. Soap, watermelon, shampoo, and tears. The scent of Hayden’s tears made Seth’s stomach churn painfully. Seth let out a howl into the night, now even more deteremined to find his mate. Seth made his legs move him faster. Trees were whipping by Seth as he told his legs to move him faster and faster. The sweet smell of Hayden was getting closer now. Seth could tell. He could feel it. Seth felt Dylan run up beside him. Seth looked over to see Dylan, his dark brown fur whipping back in the wind. The bright moonlight making his fur look glossy. His once emerald eyes now a dark red, alive with adrenaline. Hey Dylan. Dylan looked over to Seth. His red eyes gleaming slightly in the moonlight. Yeah?. Seth moved closer to Dylan, nudging him softly with his shoulder. Let’s race, Seth thought to Dylan challengingly. Dylan smirked, or did his best too, and nodded. Your on. Seth and Dylan both stopped, their hearts pounding rapidly in their chest. Who ever finds Hayden first, wins. On three. One.. Two. Three!. Seth and Dylan both launched off, throwing up clouds of dirt behind them. Seth made his legs push him faster, feeling them burn pleasantly with adrenaline. Dylan and Seth were once neck and neck, but now Dylan was currently a few inches behind Seth. However, Dylan was rapidly spreading up, almost back to neck and neck with Seth. Oh no you don’t!. Seth thought of Hayden. Of kissing her again, holding her against him. That gave Seth the motivation to move faster. The scent of Hayden was getting stronger now, filling the air around Seth. Seth pushed himself even faster. Then he stopped abruptly in front of a two-story cabin much like the one the pack stayed in. Seth sniffed the air again and looked at one of the windows. There. Seth had found her. Hayden. My mate. Seth changed out if his wolf form, and turned to find Dylan behind him, out of his wolf form as well. Dylan met Seth’s eyes and nodded. Seth nodded back and walked up to the door. Seth didn’t even hesitate when he raised his hand and knocked on the door loudly.

Chapter Twenty Four


Jake was woken up to the sound of knocking on the front door. Jake was currently on the couch. He fell asleep there, waiting for Hayden’s heartbeat to slow down, letting him know that she fell asleep. But he had dozed off. Now he was fully awake. Tugging on blue jeans and a black t-shirt, he trudged over to the door. Rubbing his eyes, he looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It read 3 A.M. Jake was muttering who it could be this late in the night when he opened the door wide to see two naked guys at his door. Instantly Jake knew they were werewolves. He could smell it on them. But what were they doing here? Where they angry Mayland pack members?, Jake thought. Then, one of them spoke. It was the one to Jake’s right. He had tan colored skin and blackish-brown eyes. “Where looking for Hayden”, he said calmly as if he wasn’t naked or in the presence of a vampire. “She’s currently not here”, Jake was about to say but was cut off Hayden’s voice. “Jake, who's at the door this late? I couldn’t sleep and I heard voices”. Hayden came down the stairs, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She was wearing a black tight tank top with the words ‘Of Mice & Men’ written across it in bold white letters and red short pajama bottoms. Once Hayden stopped rubbing her eyes and looked at the people at the door, she audibly sucked in a breath. “Seth?”, Hayden said sharply.


After twenty minutes of fighting with Jake to let the naked werewolves in and Hayden averting her eyes as Jake gave Dylan and Seth some of his clothes that were lying on the floor, uncleaned. Seth was given a blue shirt and light brown cargo pants. And Dylan was given a light gray t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Before Seth put on the shirt, he sniffed it and shuddered. He held it up toward Jake and said, “Can you please wash this?”. Jake only gave him a dirty glare and turned back to Hayden, who was sitting on the granite long countertop that separated the kitchen from the living room. After Seth and Dylan were fully clothed, they sat on the couch. Dylan managing not to touch an unknown glob of something green. This place is a mess, Dylan thought..If T.J were here, he would go absolutely into cleanup mode. Seth smirked. Yeah, this place does need a little cleaning up. Dylan was about to say something back to Seth mentally, but then Jake spoke. “So how do you know Hayden?”, Jake inquired. Seth swore he could see Hayden cringe behind Jake, who was standing in front of Hayden, with his arms crossed over his chest. Ignoring Jake’s question, Seth leaned over slightly to look at Hayden over Jake’s shoulder. She looked absolutely beautiful, even though she had a severe case of bedhead. The tank top she was wearing was showing off her curves, and a hint of something else that made Seth’s face hot. “You haven’t told him about what happened?”, Seth said with a fake hurt in his voice.. Jake whipped around to Hayden, his eyes big and full with the question. “Hayden. What is the werewolf talking about?”. So this is the guy Hayden was trying to pass over as her boyfriend. Seth thought. Hayden didn’t say anything for a while, only glared at Seth over Jake’s shoulder. Then she spoke softly and carefully. “When I was going after the Mayland pack alpha these guys interrupted me.”, Hayden said, pointing an angry finger at Seth and Dylan. “That’s why I didn’t get the answers I needed out of him. And the other thing is…” Hayden’s voice trailed off. Seth was certain she wasn’t going to tell Jake about the imprint, so he opened his mouth to tell Jake himself. But then Hayden spoke again, meeting Jake’s questioning eyes. “Seth imprinted on me. We kissed. Twice. The first time was when he was trying to find out if I was lying about me and you being together. The second time was in the bedroom I was going to stay in at their cabin. Oh and the Head Councilman knows I exist and sent out his pack to kill me. But you clearly see how that went.”, Hayden said hurriedly, adding the last part as if it was an afterthought. As Hayden finished explaining what happened to her to Jake, she tried hard not to reminisce in the memories of her and Seth almost kissing. Twice. Once Hayden said the words, she noticed that Jake’s green gold eyes became darker and darker until they were a darkish green. He didn’t say anything either. Just stared blankly at Hayden. No. Through her, as if she was a ghost. Then Jake smirked Then laughed. Hayden looked at him in confusion. Hayden surely thought he would burst in a torrent of anger. But laughter? Jake suddenly stopped laughing and turned to the couch where Seth and Dylan were sitting. “Oh you stupid, stupid werewolves.”, Jake said, chuckling softly. “Hayden was just playing you. We are dating”. Abruptly, Jake turned back to Hayden. He suddenly grabbed Hayden by the neck, pulled her forward, and kissed her deeply.



Chapter Twenty Five

Hayden gasped at the feel of Jake’s lips suddenly on hers. She almost fell off the counter, but Jake caught her by the waist and held her body close to his. Hayden looked over quickly to where Seth was sitting. He was staring at them both with wide and surprised eyes, his fist clenched at his side. This is my chance, Hayden thought. Hayden closed her eyes and started to move her lips against Jake’s. Hayden wrapped a hand around Jake’s neck and slide a hand through Jake’s hair. Hayden felt Jake smile against her lips. Jake pulled her even closer and lifted her off the counter slowly.

Suddenly Hayden felt Jake’s lips off hers and heard a loud crash. Hayden’s eyes flew open and she then saw the cause of the crash. Seth was standing up now, breathing hard. His ears were pointed up sharply, black fur growing on his arms and face, his nails turned into claws, and his usual black-brown eyes were now red. Hayden never saw Seth this angry for him to halfway shift into a werewolf. Not even when he had Ashley’s throat in his grasp and her feet levitating above the ground. Hayden then heard a moan come from somewhere on the ground. It was Jake. He was laying face down in a pile of glass and books.

“Jake!”, Hayden yelled and ran toward Jake. She knelt down next to Jake and rolled him over slowly, carefully. He was bleeding from several cuts on his arms and face. His shirt was ripped in the front, exposing his flat ebony stomach. He looked up at Hayden and smiled, raising his hand up to caress her face. “Your so beautiful”, he said, his words slurred slightly. “Shhh”, Hayden said and wrapped Jake’s arms around her neck, slowly pulling him up. Seth was staring at Jake with complete and utter loathing.

“I think it’s best for the both of you two leave. Now. And please don't come back.”, Hayden said, suddenly tired. “Hayden wait”, Seth said, back to his normal form. Seth stepped forward, but was stopped by a firm hand on his shoulder. Seth turned and saw Dylan. Dylan shook his head slowly and turned back to the door, hoping Seth would follow. Seth followed Dylan to the door and turned to watch Hayden carrying Jake up the stairs. Without Hayden looking, Jake turned his head and gave a cocky smirk to Seth.

Seth slammed the door shut behind him. Seth let out a sigh and saw his breath form in front of him. It was the middle of December and Seth felt the chilly air around him, not that it bothered him much. “You really screwed up this time”, Dylan said. He had. Hayden was never going to forgive him for what he did to her boy-. Seth stopped suddenly. He couldn’t believe it was true. Hayden and Jake were together. A couple.

But then why did she almost let her kiss you? Twice, a voice said in Seth’s head. Maybe she was faking it. Maybe she was playing him. But that doesn’t make any sense. Seth thought back to the intimate moment in the bedroom Hayden and him had shared. The way she turned her voice to sound seductive. The way she looked up at him when she asked for him to kiss her.

She couldn’t have faked that, Seth thought, could she?. Seth, reluctantly, started to replay the moment when Jake took hold of Hayden and started to kiss her. Hayden at first looked surprised, but then recovered. She started running her hands through his hair, kissing him back fiercely. Somehow Seth noticed that Hayden didn’t shiver slightly when kissing Jake, like she did with him. Hope rushed through Seth. Maybe he could get Hayde to forgive him.

“Hello. Earth to Seth”, Dylan was saying worriedly Seth shook his head slightly and looked to his friend. Dylan was staring at Seth, his eyebrows drawn together. “Sorry. I was just thinking about something.”. “Let me guess. Hayden?”. Seth nodded. Seth was always thinking of Hayden. Dylan chuckled, making more clouds form in front of him. “So I guess we're not leaving, then?”, Dylan inquired. Seth looked up to the moon, which was slightly covered by white puffy clouds. Seth smiled then. “No. Were not”.  

Chapter Twenty Six

 “Ow”, Jake exclaimed. “Sorry”. Once Dylan and Seth left, thankfully, Hayden carried Jake up to her room. She laid him down on the bed and took of the shredded remnants of his shirt. “That was my favorite shirt”, Jake had said, sniffling softly. Hayden laughed, throwing him a shredded piece of the shirt. “There. You can hang it on your wall as a shrine”. Hayden was sitting on the bed next to Jake, taking out shards of glass that was lodged into his skin. A bowl filled with water was sitting next to her. After Hayden had taken out all the shards of glass, she got a rag and dabbed away the blood left on Jake’s skin. The water was now slightly red with Jake’s blood.

“You know, I can get used to you being my caretaker. All you would need is a nurse’s outfit. But just a little shorter.” Hayden laughed and punched Jake lightly on the shoulder. “Shut up. I wonder why it’s taking you so long to heal. I mean you are a full vampire.”. “It’s because of the glass that was in my skin”. Hayden stood, taking the bloody water and rag into the bathroom. “At first I thought he was lying. That werewolf. About imprinting on you. Then I knew it was true by the way he looked at you as you came down the steps and how he reacted when I kissed you.” Hayden nearly dropped the bowl.

“What do you mean by the way he was looking at me?”, Hayden asked while cleaning out the rag, watching the blood from the rag swirl down the drain. Hayden’s stomach suddenly rumbled. “Yeah. He looked at you as if you were the only girl in the world. Like you were his girl. But we all know you're mine.”. Hayden walked out of the bathroom and sat back down on the bed next to Jake. “I'm your girl”, Hayden asked, curious. “Yeah. You are”. Hayden smiled and shook her head slightly. “I thought we both decided that our relationship status was going to stay mentor and student”. Jake sat up on his elbows, looking up at her. “Yes, we did. But still….”, Jake trailed off. “ still have feelings for me, don't you?”.

Jake nodded, evading Hayden’s eyes. Hayden sighed and looked out the window, then she wondered if Seth actually left, if he finally gave up on her. “But, i'm guessing you have feelings for that werewolf boy huh”. It wasn't a question, Hayden noticed as her eyes snapped back to Jake’s face. “What? Why would you guess that?”. Jake shrugged as if they both had this conversation before.

“You said you both kissed. Twice.”. Hayden cringed, “Look, Jake I-”, Hayden’s words were cut short when Jake leaned forward, grabbing Hayden by the waist, pulling her under him. Hayden looked up to Jake, surprised. Jake smiled down at her. “You don’t have to explain, Hayden. I know you only did it to play him. I know you love me”.

But do I really? Do I really love you, Jake? I guess...I have to find out. Hayden smiled and wrapped a hand around Jake’s neck. Jake smiled back, showing all of his white sparkling teeth, and leaned down to kiss Hayden. Thier lips crashed together. There kisses were very different from Hayden’s and Seth’s. Jake kissed Hayden roughly, with a heated passion, knowing what he wanted.

And knowing how to get it. Seth, on the other hand, kissed Hayden with a certain fragileness, like she was a precious china and would break easily if he was too rough with her. Jake made a noise deep in his throat. Hayden felt Jake’s hand on the bottom of her shirt.

Do I really love Jake? Can I really do this? What about Seth? What would he do if he saw me and Jake like this? Hayden pushed those thoughts away violently. Hayen placed her hand on Jake’s chest, over his heart. He didn’t have a heartbeat, and if Hayden wasn't half human, she wouldn’t have one either. Jake lifted her up suddenly, wrapping his arms around her back. Jake’s skin was ice cold, making Hayden shiver. Jake, didn’t think her shivering was from the cold, though. He erased all space between them and kissed her deeply, running his hands roughly through her hair.

Chapter Twenty Seven

“This is a very bad idea”, Dylan was saying to Seth. Seth, determined that Hayden wasn’t faking those two kisses and had feelings for him, was climbing up the side of the house to Hayden’s open window. Seth wouldn’t listen. “Just stay here, Dylan”. He wanted Hayden to admit that she had feeling for him. Admit that she loved him, like he loved her. Seth was halfway up her window now. Almost there. Almost to Hayden. Seth then reached the window sill. He raised himself into the room and landed silently. Then he froze.

The sight before him made thousands of emotions go through him. Sadness, betrayal, hurt, heartbreak, anger. Anger. Hayden was is Jake’s arms, his arms securely wrapped around her back. Hayden’s head was thrown back, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, her hair like a black waterfall down her shoulder. Jake was kissing her neck softly. Seth felt rage like a burning fire rise in his body.

He felt his eyes turn red, his nails turn into claws, his black fur grow back onto his arms and face. He let out a low growl. Hayden’s head snapped up and turned to the window, where Seth was standing. “Seth!”, she said, surprised. She pulled her slightly drawn up shirt back down and scrambled out of Jake’s arms, toward him. Jake was staring at Seth, with the same cocky smirk on his lips. That only made Seth angrier. So angry when Hayden touched his arm softly he pushed her. Hard.

Hayden went flying against the wall across the room. She hit the wall hard and came crumbling down, unmoving. “Hayden!”, Jake got off the bed and ran over to Hayden’s body. Before he could reach her, Seth grabbed him by the shoulder and flung him back, making him hit the window and fall out of it. He heard a loud thud. At that point, Seth wasn’t controlling himself, only the wolf part of him was. And that part of him said to kill Jake. To destroy anything standing in between him and Hayden. Seth walked over to the window and jumped out of it. He landed right beside Jake’s writhing and shaking body.

He grabbed Jake by the back of the throat and slammed him into the ground hard, over and over again. Harder each time until he was suddenly pulled back by a hand. He turned on that hand when he was kicked back into a tree, making the wood splinter and crack under him. It was Dylan. Kneeling over Jake, his hand on his throat, at his pulse. Seth shook his head, his claws turning back into nails, his eyes turning back to its regular color.

Dylan walked back over to Seth, anger coloring his face. “What were you thinking Seth! You nearly killed him! What happened up there anyway?”, Dylan asked angrily. Seth looked to Dylan, his eyes slightly glazed over. “He..he was kissing Hayden’s neck...I got so angry I-”, Seth suddenly sucked in a cold breath. Hayden. He was so angry he threw Hayden across the room, making her hit the wall and lay on the ground, not moving. Seth was on his feet then, jumping back up to Hayden’s window, Dylan yelling after him. Hayden was still laying on the floor, still not moving.

Seth ran to her. Falling down beside her, turning her over so that her face was showing. She was bleeding from a cut on her forehead, making her hair sticky with blood. “Hayden!”. Seth was holding Hayden close to his chest, tears suddenly stabbing the back of his eyes, threatening to spill out. “Oh God. What have I done?”. The tears then started to spill. Spilling rapidly down his cheeks down to Hayden’s face.

Seth started to rock her back and forth. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up. It was Dylan. “Come on. She’s fine, just knocked unconscious. We can take her back to the cabin.”. Seth nodded, taking Hayden into his arms and walked back to window, jumping down gracefully. Dylan jumped down next and looked at Jake, still lying unconscious. “We should hurry before he wakes up”. Seth nodded and started walking into the woods. Dylan followed after his best friend.  

Chapter Twenty Eight


Seth laid Hayden down into the spare room’s bed, where they had there second almost-kiss. Hayden’s smell of tears still lingered in the room. But now it was filled with the smell of Hayden’s blood. It took at least an hour to get back to the cabin. Seth and Dylan walked in silence. The only sound was the rustling in leaves,the crunch of leaves under their feets, and the crickets chirping happily. Once they got back to the cabin, the whole pack swarmed toward them both, asking what happened.

But Dylan told all of them to give Seth some space and, if Seth wanted him to, tell them what happened when they were gone. Now Seth was sitting in a chair next to Hayden, holding her cold hand. Seth watched the rise and fall of Hayden’s chest. Seth remembered the emotions whirling inside him when he saw Hayden and Jake locked in the intimate embrace. Jake’s lips brushing Hayden’s neck. Seth felt his hand tighten around Hayden.

“Ow…”, Hayden said softly. Seth jumped loosening his grip on Hayden’s hand. “Sorry. Are you ok?”. Hayden turned her head to Seth. She smiled and raised her free hand and touched Seth’s cheek. “W-what happened? Seth?”, Hayden asked, sounding drunk. Seth sucked in a breath. He had to tell her. “Hayden. I hit you. I walked in on you and Jake… I'm so sorry. I lost control. I was so...angry. Angry at you. I was going in there to get you to confess your love for me. I...I know you love me Hayden. I just know it.”. Hayden looked up to Seth, skeptical. “You...hit me?”.

Seth felt his heart clench. He looked down. Not being able to look at Hayden’s shocked face anymore. “Seth. Look at me…” Seth slowly looked back to Hayden’s face. She was smiling. Actually smiling. “I don’t care that you hit me. I saw your eyes turn red and I knew you weren’t yourself. I forgive you.” Hayden said slowly, as if choosing her words wisely. She was slightly drowsy from the medicine they gave her while she was unconscious. Seth was grateful for it now.

Seth gulped and looked into Hayden’s round burgundy eyes. “ you love me?”. He asked it. The question that would change everything. Hayden smiled and shook her head. “No. I don’t. I love Jake. That’s why I was kissing him last night. I'll never love you”. Hayden giggles and rolled over, taking her hand out of Seth’s hand. Seth only stared at Hayden, disbelieving.

I love Jake. He replayed the words in his mind over and over again. Seth then stood up, kicking his chair back. He walked to the door, opening it. Before leaving the room, Seth looked back at Hayden, hoping she would say something. Anything.

She didn’t. Only layed there in the bed, wordless. Seth sighed and closed the door behind him. Hayden sat up in the bed. She looked at the door that Seth just closed. She lied. She lied to Seth. She did have feelings for him, but she couldn’t tell him. Wouldn't tell him. Hayden laid back on the bed, and looked up at the ceiling.

Chapter Twenty Nine

Hayden cried. Hayden cried until her throat burned and the white of her eyes were blood red. She kept replaying what Seth had said to her downstairs. But she couldn’t believe it. Wouldn’t believe. He looked as terrible as she felt. Apparently they both hand’t left there room and they both hand't eaten anything in three days either. Maybe I should’ve told him how I felt last night, Hayden thought bitterly. Then I wouldn’t be feeling this way. Neither of us would.

As if on cue, Hayden heard a knock on the door. She hoped it was Seth, here to apologize for what he said and tell her that he still loved her. She peeled herself off the bed, walked over to the door, stopping to look in the mirror briefly. She still looked terrible, the skin around her eyes were puffy, her eyes were still bloodshot, and her throat was still burning. Pushing how she looked aside, she placed her hand on the doorknob and turned. Seth wasn’t there. But someone else was.

It was one of the other members of the pack. She was short, almost reaching Hayden’s stomach. She looked about fifteen, with pale skin, light brown freckles across her cheeks, dark brown eyes, and black blue hair that ended at her jawline. Hayden could tell that the girl was strong, despite her age and her height. She looked up to Hayden and gave her a nervous smile.

“Hi”, the girl said. “My name is Natalie. Have you been crying?”. Natalie looked at the girl concerningly. Hayden was taken aback by this. Why would this girl care if she was crying? Everybody in the pack despised her. Wanted her dead. So what was different about this girl? A heartless, freak a nature… . Hayden heard Seth’s words in her head. Hayden looked down to the girl.

“Yes. Yes I was crying.” “Why? Do you mind if I can come in so you can tell me?”. Hayden shook her head and opened the door fully so Natalie could come in. Natalie sat in the chair Seth threw back when leaving last night, then she looked over to Hayden. Hayden closed the door with a click and sat back on the bed. “I’m not supposed to be in here. The pack heard what Seth said to you”. Hayden cringed.

The whole pack heard what Seth said to her? Oh great. “Yeah we did. I didn’t like what he said to you. You're his mate. He shouldn’t speak to you like that”. “But he is right. I am heartless, a freak of nature.” Hayden felt tears start to rise in the back of her eyes. No, Hayden thought bitterly, I refuse to show any weakness to her. No matter how nice she is to me.

Without noticing, Natalie had managed to move from the chair, onto the bed. She was now sitting next to Hayden, her hand on hers. As if reading her mind, Natalie said, “It’s okay, you can cry in front of me. I won’t tell anyone.” Hayden looked down to the girl, and then to the girl's pale hand on her olive colored one. Hayden felt the dam keeping the tears at bay break. She let the tears spill out from her eyes down to the bed sheets. Natalie smiled and pulled Hayden into a hug.

She felt Natalie rub her back softly. Natalie smelled of soap and roses. A very comforting smell. “It's okay, let it out”, Natalie whispered into her ear. And she did. She let all her bottled up feelings about Seth be released through her tears be washed away. After a few minutes, Hayden sat back up. She smiled down at Natalie and sniffled. She smiled back at Hayden.

“Thank you, Natalie. I really appreciate this.”, Hayden said. “No problem”, Natalie said carelessly. “But...does this mean you love Seth? I mean if you didn’t i'm pretty sure you wouldn’t be this upset about what he said”. Hayden looked away. She didn’t know what she felt for Seth. All she knew she felt something strong and powerful for him. And that scared her.

“I don't know exactly Natalie. All I know is I haven't felt this way about anybody before in my life. And to be honest, it's scaring me.”. Natalie smiled and took hold of Hayden’s now shaking hand steadily. “I can’t say I know how you feel. But how about you come down stairs with me?” Hayden shook her head instantly. “No. I really don't think that’s a good idea. The whole pack hates me and you said you weren't supposed to be talking to me so…”. Natalie shrugged and pulled Hayden off the bed anyway. “I'm not taking no for an answer”. Suddenly Natalie’s hand was clamped onto Hayden’s hand like steel. She was clearly not going to let go of her hand. Hayden sighed and let Natalie drag her out of the room and down into the living room.


Chapter Thirty


“So tell me about yourself?”, Natalie asked, coming back into the living room with orange juice and a small piece of sausage. “Well… I'm eighteen, both of my parents are dead, I love bands and favorite color is red.”. Hayden shrugged. “That’s about it.” Natalie chuckled “That can’t be it. What type of bands do you like?”. “Well, I love Of Mice & Men, Black Veil Brides, Pierce the Veil, Bring Me The Horizon, Sleeping with Sirens, and Panic! at the disco”, Hayden said, shrugging nonchalantly. “Wow! Really? That’s all the bands October and Jessica like!”. Natalie exclaimed.

“You know what. I'll be right back. You stay here.” Before Hayden could stop her, Natalie was already taking two steps at a time up the steps. Hayden waited quietly in the living room until Natalie returned with two girls. One had long blonde hair with the bangs covering her left eye, caramel colored skin, a black tank top that red ‘My music taste is better than yours’, red Converse, and black skinny jeans.

The other girl had chocolate colored skin, three red cheeks marks, round purple eyes that were laced with black eyeliner and red eyeshadow, black hair with red streaks dyed in. The girl also had a black nose piercing and wore bracelets with band names on them. Hayden felt herself smile. Hayden felt a sudden burst of hope. Maybe these girls would like her since they liked the same thing. But that hope was washed away when Hayden looked up at their scowling faces.

Natalie pushed them both closer to Hayden. “Hayden! This is October and Jessica.. They like the same music you do. They also like anime! Now be nice.” Natalie pushed October and Jessica on the couch. Both scooted down the couch, away from Hayden. “Well im October”, said the girl with the blonde hair, gruffly. “I'm Jessica”, said the other girl. Hayden nodded and held out her hand.

The other girls just stared at her hand as if it was dipped in poison. Then after Natalie cleared her throat, they both shook her hand. Natalie clapped her hands, “Good. Were making process! I'll be right back. I'm going to go get snacks.”. With that, Natalie rushed out of the room. The room was suddenly thrown into a dead silence. Neither of the girls said anything. Oh what’s the point? These girls hate me, why would they willingly talk to me? “So Natalie says you like the same bands we do. Is that true?”, October said. Hayden shook her head, “Yeah. My favorite band is Of Mice & Men. My second is Black Veil Brides”. Are they giving me a shot? Both of the girls nodded in approval.

“The rest of the pack hates our music. They call it annoying since you can’t understand the words sometimes. But we always tell them to shut up and if they don’t like it they don’t have to listen.”, said Jessica. Hayden smiled brightly. She did the exact same thing when she was going to school and played her music out loud. People would tell her to turn it off. But she would never listen, she would just block out everybody else. “Yeah, I understand that. When I was going to school, before my parents were killed, I played my music out loud. People told me to shut it off or that it was distracting. But I would still play it, no matter what people said.” Hayden heard Jessica suck in a breath. Hayden looked up to Jessica quickly.

Did I say something wrong?, Hayden thought. “Your parents were killed? So were mine.” Hayden blinked. They had something in common besides having a strong passion for bands. Hayden saw tears start to rise at the back of Jessica eyes. With her legs making the decision before the brain could, Hayden got off the couch and walked over to Jessica. Hayden leaned down and hugged Jessica tightly. Jessica sucked in a breath, but hugged Hayden back. Hayden knew how Jessica felt. Jessica’s parents dead maybe had been when she was young, Hayden guessed. No matter how long ago it was, you can never forget the pain of losing your parents. Jessica pulled away first, looking up to Hayden with grateful eyes. “Thanks. You know, you're actually not that bad. Say October, let's go get the rest of the pack so they can meet Hayden. This Hayden.” October smiled and nodded. They both jumped off the couch and ran up the stairs. As they left, Hayden felt herself smile.

Chapter Thirty One


It had taken a while for the entire pack to warm up to Hayden. Once Jessica and October dragged the rest of the pack, besides Seth, Ashley and Dylan, down the stairs into the living room, they all just ignored her and pretended as if she wasn’t there. They would have stayed like that if Natalie, October and Jessica didn’t force the whole pack to make conversation. Now, the whole pack was joking around with her, laughing with her. Not giving her hateful glares. “Oh great. The last thing we need is another goth girl.”, Alexander said jokingly. In perfect unison, October, Jessica and Hayden said, “We are not goth”. The girls both looked at each other and laughed. “Fine. Emo then”, Jonathan jabbed back.

The girls both rolled their eyes and punched Jonathan in the arm. “Ow”, he said, rubbing his arm softly, “No need for violence, ladies”. Hayden smiled and looked around. The whole pack was starting to get along with her, maybe even like her. And not just because Seth told them too, because they wanted to.

Before Hayden could stop her mouth she said, “So does this mean we're friends? You guy’s don’t hate me anymore?”. The whole room went into dead silence then. Hayden bit her lip. Here it comes. The part where they said they still hate and despise her. But Natalie stepped forward, taking Hayden’s hand. She smiled sweetly at Hayden.

“You're my friend, Hayden”. Hayden smiled brightly and pulled Natalie into a tight, warm hug. Natalie hugged back.

She then pulled away and turned back to the group. It was still silent in the room, but the next person to step forward was Jessica, then October. Hayden smile grew bigger. Jessica and October stood beside Hayden, hands on her shoulders. Hayden smiled her appreciation to both of them, and they smiled back. Big bright smile. Next, was T.J and Justin, standing behind October and Jessica. Then the rest of the pack came to stand behind Hayden. Except Jonathan. His arms were crossed around his chest, looking at Hayden with a blank stare.

Then his face relaxed, producing a humorous grin. He shrugged and stepped forward, slightly blushing and saying, “Yeah, I guess you're pretty cool”. Hayden laughed, really laughed. Was this what it was like to have friends? A family? Hayden felt tears stab the back of her eyes. And instead of holding them back, she let them fall carelessly down her cheeks. She felt a hand wipe them away. She looked up and saw it was Jessica.

Hayden smiled and opened her mouth to say thanks but was cut short by a voice. “Oh isn’t this touching.” It was Seth. He was wearing a rumbled grey t-shirt and black jeans with a hole in the knee. Next to him stood a girl, with Seth’s arm draped around her waist.

Hayden felt her heart plummet. Seth’s hair was messy, as if someone’s hands had been running through it continuously. The girl had golden brown skin, round sky blue eyes, and red curly hair that fell like fire down her back.. She was wearing a blue blouse, some of the buttons that were supposed to be there were ripped off, the strings sticking out.

She was also wearing blue skinny jeans, her feet bare. Hayden felt Natalie squeeze her hand tightly. Natalie said, “Kristen? What are you doing?”. Kristen? Then Hayden remembered. That was the girl she had cut deeply when she woke up from being knocked unconscious. Now the girl was staring at Hayden with a cheeky grin.

Hayden wanted to rip her head off right then and there. She would have, if it wasn’t for Natalie holding her hand so tightly. Kristen chuckled. “Oh dear Natalie, I didn’t tell you guys?”. Natalie didn’t say anything, but shook her head no. “Tell us what?”, Natalie inquired sharply. “Oh it must have slipped my mind”, Kristen said, purring. “I'm Seth’s new mate.”.

Chapter Thirty Two


Everybody felt Hayden tense. Jessica and October tightened their grip on Hayden’s shoulders. Hayden felt her hand tighten around Natalie’s, making the other girl yelp in pain and yank her hand out of Hayden’s. Hayden glared at Seth. He was staring back at her, a mischievous smile played on his lips. Hayden cleared her throat and forced her mouth to speak. “W-What do you mean ‘new mate? Seth, i'm your mate. Not her”, Hayden said viciously, jabbing a finger at Kristen. Seth shrugged. “Things change. Isn’t that right, Hayden.”. Seth said her name as if it was a name of evil. Wickedness. Seth eyes left Hayden’s and moved to look at his pack. “Sorry everyone. I'll be upstairs if you need me. Let's go babe.”. Seth turned to make his way back up the stairs, but stopped. “Oh and Hayden. I think you have stayed here long enough. Get out of my cabin and don’t come back. Go back to Jake”, Seth spat at her, then turned back, walking up the stairs.

Once Seth and Kristen disappeared, Hayden shot off the couch. Tears were spilling down her face. Her heart felt as if Seth had took it out of her chest and stabbed it in front of her,laughing bitterly as he did it. Hayden felt rage swell up inside her like a black fire. Hayden clenched her hand into a fist and slammed it into the wall, making it crack and splinter. Hayden drew back her hand, it was bleeding. The blood curling down her arm, onto the floor.

Hayden saw from the corner of her eye Jessica stepping forward, taking Hayden’s hurt hand into hers. Hayden smiled and turned to Jessica. “Hey Jessica, have you heard Bring Me the Horizon’s new song, Throne?”. Jessica looked puzzled at the question, but shook head yes. Hayden snatched her hand away from Jessica’s abruptly and walked over to the door, the pack hesitating, then following her.

Hayden opened the door with her uninjured hand and turned slowly, “Well the lyrics ‘Every wound will shape me, Every scar will build my throne’, sadly, there true”. Hayden smiled bitterly and walked out the door, slamming it behind her. After she left, nobody said a word, just stared at the door Hayden just exited.


Hayden was breathing hard. Her breath was coming in quick takes. She was leaning up against a tree, her hand in her hand. She couldn’t believe. Seth had moved on. Hayden didn’t think Seth ever would move on. But he did. He moved on so quickly too, as if to pour salt on the wound. Hayden had stopped crying.

She didn’t have any more tears to shed. Her heart, or what was left of it, was broken. Hayden was sure she could feel her heart shatter when Seth told her he had moved on. But no, Hayden still felt the thump thump of her heart in her chest. Stop. Just stop, Hayden, said a voice deep in Hayden’s mind.

Stop whining out here. Isn’t this what you wanted? Wanted for Seth to leave you alone? Well now you have it. The voice was right. She got what she wanted. But did she? Did she really want to say goodbye to Seth? The pack? Seth had awaken something inside of Hayden, Hayden never thought was inside her. However, Hayden peeled herself off the tree trunk that had gave her support from falling to the ground when her legs were about to give out.

Hayden took one step away from the cabin and heard a tree branch snap. She whipped around. No one was there. Hayden looked around, and after seeing no one there, she turned and started her walk back home. Then something hard came down, quick, almost like a flash. Hayden felt her mouth let out a quick gasp before she was pulled into a whirlwind of inky blackness. 

Chapter Thirty Three

Seth’s lips were numb from kissing Kristen. After Seth and Kristen went back upstairs to his room, Kristen was all over him. Seth knew that she had a crush on him, it was hard not to. Seth could tell by the way he caught her looking at him, how she casually tried to move closer to him, trying to make sure he didn’t notice. But he did. And now he was using it to his advantage. Seth was only using Kristen to get too Hayden, make her feel jealous and hopefully leave and never come back.

The only people who knew of his plan was Dylan and Ashley, and neither of them liked Seth’s plan of using Kristen like that, as if she was a tool only used when needed then thrown away. However, since Seth was alpha, his word goes. The easy part of the plan, getting Kristen to believe Seth liked her back, was easy. But telling Hayden off and telling her to leave was the hard part. Even though Seth hated her for breaking his heart, he still loved Hayden. He couldn’t help it. Once you imprint on someone, no matter how much you hate them, you can never stop loving that person. Kirsten bit Seth’s lip, dragging him back to reality.

“Ow”, Seth said, pulling away from Kirsten. She blushed and smiled, moving closer to Seth. “Oh sorry. Did I bite to hard?”, Kristen asked, trying to make her voice sound seductive, but failing. “No. You just surprised me, that's all.”. “Oh good.”, Kristen said cheerfully. Seth could taste the slight bitter tang of blood in his mouth. Seth inched away from Kristen again, wanting his own personal space, not caring if Kristen noticed.  She frowned, obviously noticing.

“What’s wrong? You were all over me and now, after we told that girl off, your all distant. What’s up with you?”. Seth shrugged, slightly getting irritated. Kristen was always nagging and complaining when he wasn’t either kissing her or in about two inches of her. “I'm fine, okay? I just need some space.”, Seth spat at Kristen. Kristen flinched, only slightly, but Seth still saw it. She then regained her posture and turned a blank stare onto Seth. “This is about her isn’t it? That freak who’s half vampire and half human”.

Seth let out a long sigh and ran a hand over his face. “Yes, yes it is. Even though I hate her, I still love her”. Kristen’s shoulders slumped. She looked to Seth with blank, emotionless eyes, but Seth could clearly see the hurt and betrayal in them. Hayden can hide her emotions better than Kristen, Seth thought. “So...So you were just using me? To get to her? I should have known…”, Kristen said bitterly. She was shaking her head, a bitter smile plastered onto her small lips. “Kristen please let me explain”, Seth reached out to touch her, but she jumped off the bed and went to the door, opening it and slamming it shut behind her.

The hinges on the door shook violently. Seth could hear Kristen’s angry steps as she ran down the stairs. Seth went to the door, about to go after her, but his phone rang, buzzing in his pants pocket. Seth’s hand instantly went to his phone, pulling it out, instantly recognizing the phone number. It was the Head Councilman.

He flipped it open and answered, “Yes sir? Is there another target we need to go after?”. “No. I want to know about the process of Hayden Rose.”, the Head Councilman's voice sounded feverish, as if he was excited about something. But what? The Head Councilman, as Seth had noticed with the many phone calls they shared, was that he never expressed what he was feeling. He always kept his voice in a neutral tone, never leaking his true emotions, rather they be angry or happy.

Seth made the mistake of thinking he was going to get a “thanks” the first time he completed in dispatching a target. But he was young and naive. Now he wasn’t. “We’ll sir”, Seth began. He didn’t know how the Head Councilman would react to this. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. Seth straightened his back and made his voice harden. “Sir, she escaped. The pack and I are searching for her now. I promise we’ll find her and get the answers we need from her”. The other line went eerily silent. Seth couldn’t even hear the Head Councilman’s breathing.

Then he heard a laugh. Was the Head Councilman laughing? Seth was sure that the Head Councilman would be furious. Even beyond furious. But he was laughing. The laugh made Seth’s skin crawl and a chill run down his spine, making him straighten his back even more until he was standing pencil straight. “Sir, aren’t you upset that we lost one of the targets?” The laughter died, then. Making the Head Councilman’s voice turn back to emotionless and dead. “No, i'm not upset, Seth”. Hearing his name come out of the Head Councilman's voice made him physically shiver. It was rare when the Head Councilman said his name. “Even though I am quite disappointed that your pack didn’t pay more attention to her. But, nonetheless, I know where she is. She’s simply with me.”.


There was a man sitting opposite of Hayden. He was clean-shaven. He had the same color hair Hayden had. The color of a raven’s wing, black and glossy. His skin was slightly the same shade of Hayden’s, but slightly darker. He had sharp cheekbones that stuck out sharply, rich dark brown eyes, and big full lips. He was wearing a navy blue tailored suit. He smiled at her, showing gleaming white teeth, then nodded down.

Hayden looked down. She wasn’t in her usually tank top and skinny jeans and Converse. Now she was wearing a red strapless dress, and black heels. The hem stopping right above her knees. Something bright caught her eyes. There were diamonds in the bodice of the dress. Real diamonds. Hayden hand involuntarily shot to her hair. Her hair was still in it’s regular hairstyle, but it was curled. She felt something cold on her throat. She looked down and saw a pearl necklace around her neck.

Suddenly Hayden felt as if she couldn’t breath. The dress felt like it was squeezing her, as if the dress didn’t want her wearing it anymore. She looked up to the man again. He was still smiling, his eyes gleaming with an evil darkness. But instead of regular teeth, there were fangs poking into his bottom lip. Suddenly Hayden felt a rush of fear go through her. She opened her mouth to let out a scream, but no sound came out.


Hayden shot up in the bed. She was drenched in a cold sweat, her chest rising up and down rapidly. Hayden ran her hand across her brow, wiping the sweat away. She let out a deep breath and looked around. The room she was in was neither her’s at Jake’s or the spare bedroom at the pack’s cabin. It was one Hayden had never seen before. The room was painted a brilliant red color. The paint looked freshly painted, as if it was just painted days ago. Hayden swung her legs off the bed, and winced.

The wood tile floor were freezing cold. Standing up, she took a closer look around the room. The walls were bare. There were no pictures, no paintings. Nothing. There was one window, but it was blocked off by a piece of steel, causing Hayden to wonder if it was day or night outside. There was also a small black leather couch on her left.

To her left, was a bathroom. Hayden tried to remember how she got here. Then she remembered. She was leaving the pack’s cabin after Seth told her that he had a new mate and wanted her to leave. She heard a twig or branch snap, but didn’t see anybody or anything. Then she felt something hard come down onto her head. Then everything went black. Panic started to surge through Hayden’s veins, making her breathing start to quicken. Who kidnapped me? Why?

And as if on cue, the door swung open, bathing the room in a bright golden light. Eyes not having adjusted to the light yet, she covered her eyes with her hand. She felt someone walk over to her and she removed her hand from her eyes. She then sucked in a breath. The person standing in front of her was the man from her dream, his fangs winking dangerously at her in the golden light.  

Chapter Thirty Four

 Seth felt as if his heart was lodged in his throat, he couldn’t get enough air into his system. The news he just got from the Head Councilman couldn’t be true. He had Hayden? But why? How? This made no sense at all. Well I guess I just have to find out, Seth thought. Seth shoved his phone back into his pocket and opened his door, storming down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Once Seth was down stairs, he grabbed his jacket from the coat rack and opened the door calling back to his pack, “i'll be back in a few.”

But before Seth could get out of the door, the pack was behind him, Dylan in front of him, shutting the door. Seth sighed and turned around to face his pack. He didn’t have time for this, he needed to save Hayden. “What do you mean, ‘you'll be back in a few?’, Dylan asked. Seth looked over his pack, everybody stared at him with angry gazes. They were still mad at him for using Kristen and hurting Hayden, as they should be. “Look guys”, Seth started. “I know you guys are mad, as you all should be. I’m pack leader and caused pain to one of our members, our family. And I'm deeply sorry for what I did.”

Seth met everyone eye’s, hoping that they'll know that he was telling the truth and not just lying to get them off his back. Seth’s eyes landed on Dylan. Dylan gave Seth a nod, which Seth returned. Seth took in a deep breath, “I only did what I did because I was to much of a coward to confess my love for Hayden. I didn’t want to admit that I imprinted on someone I was born to hate..” The pack looked from one another, trying to figure out if this was for show or if he actually was telling truth.

Seth groaned inwardly and ran a hand through his hair, then nodded. “Okay, i'll go and try to talk to her.” Seth then turned and started to walk back upstairs, but was stopped by October’s voice. “Wait, before we stopped you, where were you going?” Seth turned back to the pack and looked to Dylan, then switched his eyes to his pack. “I got a call from the Head Councilman. Dylan and Ashley both took an anxious step forward. “And? What did he say?”, Ashley asked. “He kidnapped Hayden and he's doing who knows what to her right now as we speak.” Seth then turned and quickly walked up the stairs to Kristen’s room, leaving the rest of the pack staring after him, shocked and open-mouthed.


Seth knocked on the door again. Nothing. This was Seth’s tenth time knocking on the door and he still didn’t hear anything from the other side of the door. Tired of being ignored, Seth slowly opened the door, putting his head through to see into the room. “Kristen, are you in here?”, Seth asked. Still no answer. Seth opened the door fully, closing it behind him. Seth looked around the room. The curtains to Kristen’s room were fluttering in the wind from the open window. Seth walked over to the open window, Kristen scent was there.

It wasn’t fresh but it lingered there. Seth looked out the window, panic rising in his throat. In the slowly drying mud, were footsteps, leading away from the cabin. Seth then ran out of the room, rushing back down the stairs. The pack was waiting in the living room, everybody wearing their hunting clothes. Seth ran a puzzled look over his pack. When the pack noticed Seth, everybody stood up, Dylan and Ashley walking up Seth to stand in front of him. “Where do think you guys are going? You guys are not coming with me to get Hayden”.

“Yes we are.” It was October and Jessica. “We know that we all hated Hayden in the beginning but that's changed. We consider her a part of the pack. Apart of the family. And family don't leave family behind, no matter what.”, said Jessica. The rest of the pack stepped forward and gave a chorused “yeah”. It looks there was no sense in arguing about this one. The pack was coming whether he liked it or not. And Seth definitely didn’t like it. “What about Kristen? Did you talk to her?”, Snow asked.

Seth shook his head, “No I didn’t. She's not in her room. Her window is open and footsteps leading away from the cabin. When I went to the window, I smelt her scent.” Snow’s face dropped. Seth’s heart squeezed and he put his hand on Snow’s shoulder. “It'll be alright. She probably just went out for a run to clear her thoughts. Im sure she'll be back soon. And we can probably catch her scent when we're looking for Hayden.” Snow looked up to Seth with tear-filled eyes and shook her head, making a tear slide down her cheek. Seth wiped the tear away with his thumb and ruffled Snow’s hair. “Don’t worry, she can’t be far. We'll find her, I promise.” Snow smiled and shook her head, “Thank you, Seth.” Seth nodded, feeling a warmness spread through his heart.

Seth looked over his pack. They all wore determined expressions on their faces. Determined to get Hayden back. Seth smiled. “Now, let's go. We’ve got a vampire to save!”, Seth said. Everybody yelled “yes sir!” and started to follow Seth out the door.

Just by looking at the man, Hayden could tell that he was powerful. It seemed to slide off him like dark waves, telling Hayden that she better know her place, or else. But that still didn’t answer the question of who this man was, what he wanted with Hayden, and where in the world was she. As if reading her mind, the man said, “I am the Head Councilman of the Crestfallen Society and you're currently at my home.” Hayden felt her heart squeeze painfully, thinking that Seth told him to kidnap her after telling her to leave the cabin and never come back. Replaying the scene in her head again, tears started to sting the back of Hayden’s eyes. No, Hayden thought bitterly, I need to keep a straight face. I can't show my true emotions in front if this guy. 

The Head Councilman then laughed, shaking Hayden out of her thoughts. “If you are thinking Seth told me to kidnap you, you're horribly mistaken, my child. But I will tell you everything you want to know if you just do a small favor for me in return.” After saying that, the Head Councilman walked out of the room, not looking back to see if Hayden was following him. Hayden hesitated, if this was the Head Councilman of the Crestfallen Society, then why wasn’t she locked up in some dungeon being tortured for answers?

Pushing the thought aside to the back of her mind, Hayden rushed out of the room, remembering that the Head Councilman left, and also determined not to be left alone in his house. As Hayden started walking to catch up with the mysterious man, Hayden looked around at the scene around her. She was walking down a long corridor only lit by torches and lanterns, the flames blazing furiously, making their shadows bounce wildly off the walls. The walls were completely black brick, jutting out of the wall dangerously. Finally catching up to the Head Councilman, Hayden asked, “So why aren’t you torturing me right now for answers?”

Even though his back was turned to her, Hayden could still sense his smirk. “Just be patient my child”, was his only response. Hayden sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, but didn’t ask any more questions. And why does he keep calling me his child?, Hayden thought. After what felt like walking an eternity down the mass stretch of the corridor, the Head Councilman stopped in front of a door. He reached out, twisted the doorknob, and opened the door. The door ominously creaked open, flooding the hallway with bright light. The Head Councilman stepped aside, ushering Hayden in first. What a gentleman, Hayden thought as she glared at him and stepped into the room.

What Hayden saw in the room made her give a horrified gasp. But what made her gasp wasn’t the exact same red strapless dress from her dream, it was the person who was holding the dress. It was Kristen. Kristen smiled up to Hayden. Kristen was wearing a black silk dress that cascaded down to the floor like a black wave. Her hair was curled and she had diamond earrings in. Kirsten smiled up and waved as if they were best friends. “Hello, good to see you again, Hayden”, Kristen said cooly.



Chapter Twenty Five

  As Seth opened the door into the night, a scent hit Seth so hard that he took a step back, knocking into Dylan. The scent was familiar, Seth could tell. Seth looked over to Dylan, and by his facial expression, Dylan sense it too.. Seth walked forward, sniffing the air. Seth, hoped that his nose, for the first time, was wrong. But it wasn't. Out of the shadows, came out Jake. He was wearing a black tank top with a leather jacket over it and black skinny jeans. Dylan and Seth looked at each other then back at Jake. Jake started back with bloodshot and angry eyes. Had he been crying?, Seth thought curiously. Looking more closely, Seth noticed that Jake was holding a piece of paper. Jake was holding the paper so tight that the veins in his hands bulged aggressively.

Behind Seth, he heard several of the pack growl low in their throats. He turned and shook his head, silencing the growls instantly. Seth cleared his throat and said, “so I guess you came back for your revenge for me throwing you out the window, huh?” Jake didn’t say anything just continued to stare angrily at Seth. Seth was starting to lose his patience. Hayden could be dead right now and i'm wasting my time on Jake. I have no time for this, Seth thought.

Before Seth could punch out whatever Jake had come here to say, Jake cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. It was obvious he was nervous. “How could you?”, Jake said softly, barely audible even to Seth’s ears. “How could you do this to Hayden!”, Jake then yelled. In a blink, Jake tackled Seth, hands around Seth's neck, fangs gleaming in the moonlight with a murderous gleam. Jake’s hands closed around Seth’s neck tighter, making it harder for Seth to breathe. Suddenly, the weight of Jake’s body was off of Seth’s body and air rushed back into Seth’s lungs.

Seth sat up on his elbow and saw Dylan walking over to Jake, who was slumped up against a tree, slowly trying to get up. Seth, even though his voice was strained, cried out a “wait”, making Dylan stop in his tracks. Seth stood up slowly, rubbing his sore throat. Jake was standing now too, glaring at Dylan and Seth. “How could you give her up to the Head Councilman? If she's your mate, then why did you do it?! Aren't you supposed to protect her?!” What is he talking about? I didn't turn in Hayden. Seth eyes caught the letter in Jake’s hand. Then the puzzle pieces started to come together in his mind.

The Head Councilman somehow knew that he had imprinted on Hayden and knew that when he told Jake that Seth had turned her in, he would come to rescue her. Jake was an obstacle to slow Seth and the pack down. But slow us down for what?, Seth thought worriedly. “Look, i'm not trying to fight you. But what you need to know is that I did not turn Hayden in. Yes I did tell her to get out of my cabin and never come back, but I was only doing it because I didn't want to admit my true feelings for her.” Seth could feel tears sting his eyes painfully, he tried desperately to hold them back, but then stopped, and decided to let them fall down his cheeks. He was tired of hiding his emotions from everybody.

“So I did the cowardly and selfish thing, I used one of my own family to drive her away and then tossed her away like a broken gardening tool, and I hate myself for it.”

The tears started to come faster now after hearing the bad things he had done to Hayden and Kristen come from his own mouth. “But you have to understand that I love Hayden. I know that now and I accept that fully, and I was a fool not to accept that before. But when I saw her with you, something inside of me just… snapped.”

“I'm sorry, it wasn't my place to throw you out of the window. If Hayden loves you, then I just have to accept that, no matter how much it pains my heart. But I swear to you that I did not give her in. She was kidnapped. The Head Councilman told me himself, he has Hayden and i'm going to get her back, no matter what it takes. No matter how many people I have to go through, even if I have to go through the Head Councilman myself.” Jake didn't say anything, just gave Seth a blank stare, and after a while, Jake looked down at the paper, and started to rip it up into small pieces. Jake then let the pieces of paper flutter to the ground like free-falling snow.

Jake then looked Seth in the eyes sternly. “You really do love her, don't you?”, Jake mumbled. Seth surprised, looked back into Jake's eyes. Seth shook his head, “Yeah. Yeah I do.” Jake nodded then, as if satisfied with Seth’s answer. Jake then tilted his head to the side and cracked his knuckles. “Well then, if she has been kidnapped that means i'm joining you guys and there's nothing you can do to stop me from coming.” Seth nodded, not even bothering arguing with the vampire. “But I have to make a quick stop to the cabin first, I need to pick up some weapons and change into different clothes.", Seth said, looking down at his clothes. 

Seth nodded and looked over to Dylan. I guess we'll have to turn. Dylan nodded and gave a nod to the pack. The entire pack’s faces grew as a grin spread across their faces. Seth watched as his pack changed into their wolf forms, furs of all colors blowing wildly in the wind. Seth smiled and then turned to find Jake staring at him. “You know she doesn’t love me. The night you and that other guy came by and threw me out the window, she said she loved you. She didn’t have feelings for me anymore, which I totally understand.” Jake stared down at the ground, hands shoved in his pockets. Despite how bad Seth felt for Jake, a small fire of hope flicked to life in his heart.

Seth was now more determined than ever to find Hayden, and so was the pack. Okay guys, enough wasting time, let's go find Hayden! The pack lifted their heads and gave a long howl to the moon, then everybody whipped past Jake and Seth on all fours, full of energy due to the full moon. Seth turned to Jake and gave a sly smile, “do you think you can keep up?” Jake returned the sly smile and nodded, “yeah I think I can manage.”

“Good, i'm glad you said that, because I wanna race you.” Jake nodded. “Okay let's do it.” Seth was about to change, but then stopped. “Oh, and sorry for throwing you out the window.” Jake gave Seth a lopsided smile and said, “It's all in the past, just like your going to be.” Jake then started running at inhuman speed, barely visible to Seth’s eye but Seth still caught glimpses of him. Seth smiled and launched off into the air, landing back down as a black wolf with yellow eyes glowing with a bright fire. 





Texte: Sara Imes
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Sara Imes
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.09.2015

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