
When everything gets turned around

She looks down, at her feet, tears streaming down her feet. No one seems to notice when she cries, no one seems to try and help her. To her, her life isn't worth living. For them, they laugh at her clothes. They give her so dirty looks, but none seem to wave and say, “Hello.” All she wants to do is run and hide. To never be found, but when she looks at her father's eyes, she see’s one reason to stay. To help him, find his happiness that’s her only quest. Every day as she goes to school, she's known as the girl that should not be named. People have never spoke her name, for they believe if they do, they shall be cursed. They only person who’s ever spoke her name died the next day. That's when the rumors began about this little girl. She’s only fourteen, and known to curse the people of the village. No one trusts her, no one loves her, only her father. For he has came into her life two years ago, after her mother left her, left her in the woods. She never had faith of her daughter who wore all black, who cries every night looking for that one piece of her. She's seen him once, but he ran when he seen her. Poor Eleanor didn't have a safe place, she only had a place of doom. Eleanor had wished for many moons for the man they call “God”, to save her. Not once has he came. Not once has he answered her prayers . But one night, one fateful night, he has brought her someone. For he is a man, a man of his words. He looks at her, like he's proud to have her. Through, she's never been loved by anyone other than her father. She's not so sure how to feel about this. Though he says everything will be okay, like he's God’s son. He has problems of his own but he dares to take her on his journey. He doesn't want to see Eleanor cry one more tear another night. For he only wants to see her bright smile, looking up at him. For he truly loves her.
She walked in the empty hallway for the teachers didn't want her at school. Eleanor put her headphones on, blasting her music. She couldn't hear a thing, people threw things at her making her feel so worthless. Until he came, he who no one knows the name of. Only she knew his name, but yet she didn't dare speak it. And she won't speak it until she knows he won't leave her, like the rest.  He's tall, about 6’4, he has long black hair. But his eyes they’re blue like an ocean  blue after a storm. She wonders when he wraps her up in his arms if what this is, is true, and not a dream that she has no control in. She sighs, holding his hand, shivering as if it was winter. He stopped walking, taking his jacket off he gave it to her. His eyes filled with happiness as she put it on. As Eleanor smiled and blushed lightly, she put on his jacket, and held his hand once more. They don't speak to each other, for if they do something may happen. He doesn't want to lose her, for he is her queen in his kingdom. As for she, she’s still not sure how to feel about this. Her heart skips a beat each time he's near, but he never speaks and nor does she. It feels her with sadness how they can't speak. For this curse that's upon them keeps them so far from this feeling. She’s lost without words all she can do is hope, that one day soon she can be with him, speaking to him. That one day this curse will be broken. No matter what comes at her, now that she has him she’s stronger. At least that's what she thinks.
He walks her home, her father yelling at them both. She cried when she went inside, for her father doesn't like him. He doesn't like him because he makes her happy. He doesn't care about her happiness he only cares for his, and seeing his daughter with him makes him mad. She slammed her bedroom door shut, locking it, she hid in her closet crying. Her dog ran up to her licking her cheek, she laughed a bit. For her dog is the only thing to make her happy when she's home, she has a phone but if she text him her father would find out. That she just can't bare, she can't bare this pain it's bringing her. The fact she can't be happy hurts her. She got on her laptop to play a videogame, there the curse doesn’t exist. She can talk to anyone without hurting them, without making them hate her. She wonders why her life is so hard on her, why she just can't be happy. All she wants to do is cry and cry. No one can see her pain because she's always smiling, for her online friends always knows whats up. For they don't care who she's with as long as he makes her happy. They say online friends aren’t real, but they’re real to her. She feels so lost in this world, feels so lonely, she feels as if no one loves her. Yes, she's cut, and tried killing herself. But she's getting past that. No one can know her secrets.  

While in her closet she found a door, a small door. She looked at it. “It looks like it needs a key.” Eleanor mumbled to herself. That was her new quest, to look for a key, a key to let her leave this world. She looked at her barking dog, as she had the key in her mouth. Eleanor was confused, how her dog had found the key so fast. This isn’t right. She thought, something was clearly wrong but she doesn't know what it is. She took the key from her dog, and put it in the lock. She unlocked the door opening the small door. She heard music, the type of music she loves. Her favorite song “Lithium - By Evanescence” played. Her heart skipped with joy, she crawled into the door, it was a long way. It took her and her dog about twenty minutes just to get to the other side.

She got up, looking around this new strange place. It was very colorful, but it was night time. The sky was a dark blue, the stars where a light pink, and the grass was a light purple. Something caught her eye, it was a young man, it looked like her man. The boy who has been there for the last couple of days. She looked at him, seeing him with a young women. She stared, not knowing what this was, she couldn't speak. For her mouth was sewn shut and her dog, was now a stuffed animal. She picked Amber, her dog, up. Sighing lightly, she walked up to him, and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at her, he smiled lightly and brushed her hair out of her face. Eleanor’s face turned bright red, for it was the first time he’s done this. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him, he kissed her nose then backed away from her. Grabbing the young woman's hand he walked away. Hand and hand with her, Eleanor started crying, button tears, not real tears. For it's almost like she's a toy.

She cuddled Amber, sobbing softly, it feels like her heart has been torn to shreds. He’s left her once more, like all of the rest. Everything will be okay. Someone spoke to her, as if it was a mere whisper, but yet it was in her mind. Maybe she's just going crazy, or maybe this place is making her go mad. She sighed, Go away! She said in her mind, she doesn't have her mouth just stitches that are there. More buttons fell down her cheeks as no one replied, she wished she never came here. She knew this place was bad, but she wanted that one bit of hope, that bit of hope that was here. A male fox came up to her, nuzzling her arm, with a note wrapped around his chest. Through he was stuffed he could still move. She took the note off of his chest and it read: Even though you may not see me, I’m still here. Holding your hand through the darkest days. I may just be in your mind right now, but I will still love you, for you are my queen. And this is our kingdom. No matter what you see it’s not true my love, for I only hold you through these days.

The fox ran away after she had read the note, she sighed heavily for that sparked her heart. This is just another curse my love, for this you must not fail me. He whispered, for this is her one chance to prove herself worthy of his love. She sat there still holding Amber close, for now she needs to get her dog back, for she is the only key to help Eleanor. She left Amber by the rock, as she got up to find him again. To find the red male fox who help Eleanor once.

She came to a forest that's made out of candy. Who would've known there's a candy forest here? She laughed at herself for that was a stupid thought of hers. Eleanor walked into the forest, it smelled like magic. She seen chocolate, skittles, m&m's, butter cups, reeses, and so much more. As she was walking she heard a low growl. Eleanor turned around, it was a cute little panda bear. She smiled and reached out to the panda. It growled at her, a very hateful growl, for it can sense her curse. She looked down at it’s chest, looking at the note there. She picked some gumdrops from a bush, handing it to the candy panda bear. He looked up at her with this you-think-i'm-stupid-look. Leave! He screamed at her, for now she hears a small yelling voice in her head. She sighed. I need that note then I may leave. She replied to him, looking him into his eyes. He laughed at her, turning into a human. He’s 5’9, with short white hair, and his eyes, black as night.

Eleanor gasped, looking at the man in front of her. H-how did you do that?! She asked him, staring at him as if he were her new king in this kingdom. He smirt, placing a hand on her shoulder. It’s a secret dear, now leave before you get into trouble. She started into his eyes, they were filled with truth but she didn't want to listen to him, for it was only fair. She didn't know the way back for it was a trap. I need to find something to turn my stuffed dog back into a real animal. Button tears started falling down her cheek, for she really misses her pup. He wiped the tears off of her cheek, as he grabbed her arm pulling her into an embrace. Her heart jumped as her touched her, for this was wrong of her. Eleanor already has a king in this kingdom she doesn’t need another one.

She took the note off of his chest, he looked down at her blushing lightly. For she unwrapped her new hint/note. It read:
Dear Eleanor,
This here is your knight as I will always be your king. He will be there to protect you for the danger here. If he tells you to leave then please obey my queen, no matter what the cost. He will risk his life for you as you’ve done for this kingdom. For your own father doesn't do for you. Here you will always be loved, here you will have everything you need. If you do break the curse my love.
She looked up at the knight, her eyes filled with tears for it was as if he didn't want to be knight. He placed his hand on her cheek, pulling her into a sweet embrace. Whispering into her ear he said, I will give my life if you will be safe, my queen. For it's my job to protect you, for you to stay with your king no matter what the cost. I will fight for you once you know what you want. Her heart skipped a beat or two, for his words were like magic in the dark moon.

It was getting late and she was getting tired, poor Eleanor for she doesn't have a clue what's ahead. He laid on the soft marshmallow patting the spot by him, Eleanor came to lay by him. For her king did not like this one bit, she's becoming too close with her knight. I never did get your name Sir. He laughed a bit for he did not know why she would want his name. He was just a mere peasant before he became her knight. My queen do not worry about my name, for it's just something you could  call me, but i'm not sure your king would like that. Sadly he was right, her flirting and everything was getting carried away. She laid her head on his chest closing her eyes, she drifted off in this odd world.

Her knight got up, leaving her there were she was. Her pale sleeping face, just to cute. He bent down kissing her cheek lightly for he had something he had to do. He walked over to a pound, it was a very, very light blue as if it wasn't there. He looked down at the pound, dropping something odd inside, he spoke. Show me the way to defeat her king, and then her! He commanded. As it showed him how to defeat them, Eleanor woke up. For she felt so very alone. Knight?! Knight?! Please come back to me! She yelled, feeling so alone once again, she sat on the ground crying. For she doesn't like the feel of loneliness. He came running up grabbing her hand, pulling her up to him, he wrapped his arms around her. Everything is okay my queen, I didn't mean to leave you but your king wanted me to do something. She got a feeling he was lying but she pushed it aside. He laid her back down, laying by her as he cuddled her.

After a long night's rest she sat there waiting for her knight to wake, through she is not rude, but she really needed him to wake. Eleanor got up, making him some candy breakfast, she got a leaf of milk and a plate of cookies and gum. It was an odd breakfast but it’ll make do for now. She sighed, setting the table for him, and getting out some clothes. Remembering she was only fourteen she sure has grown up since she's got her. Eleanor wondered what her dad was up to, if he was looking for her, or getting a wife.

An hour past his breakfast getting cold as she went to pour water on him just to get him up. As she poured all of the water on his head, he sprang up and out of bed. As if now the marshmallow bed was sticky so he couldn't get back in bed. He looked at her, her clothes are dirty and her hair is a mess, for she didn't know what to do about it. He sighed and sat at the table with the cold breakfast, as he ate peacefully she went to go take a bath. My name is Ree-san, my queen. He spoke in a soft tone. For I do not know our king's name, and I do not know my own queen's name. She smiled back at him, I am Eleanor. Eleanor left walking to the watering hole, and there she stayed.

As she bathed in the nice cool water, Ree-san got up and left once more. For who knows what and who knows where. Eleanor's feelings are all mixed up she's not sure what she want anymore. Does she want her king or her knight? She sighs going under the water with the fishes. Eleanor?! Ree-san called for her, for he didn't know she was underwater. She came up to get a breath of air, looking up at him, her face turned bright red. Perv!!! She screamed, throwing rocks at him. Get out!!! She screamed once more. He walked away from the pound. Idiot. He mumbled under his breath.
Eleanor got out of the pound, her long black hair covering her, as if it was her towell. Her bright blue eyes, like a ocean after a winter's night. Her skin, as pale as the moon on it's darkest night. She grabbed her clothes, a black long sleeve shirt, a red and black plaid skirt, knee long socks, a red tie, and black shoes. Eleanor brushed her hair out with a twig. After she got dressed she walked over to him, slapping him for he knew she was bathing in the pound. Perv! She said once more, grabbing her bag. Well where to now Ree-san? She sighed not liking the fact she has to keep going with him.
She’s forgotten all about her stuffed dog Amber, poor Amber must be alone. Ree-san started walking, holding Eleanor's hand, for she didn't want to get lost in the candy forest. She’s the only female left in this kingdom full of males, she didn't like it. She has to choose, her king over all of them. She didn't like choosing for she doesn't want to hurt them anymore. She doesn't want to kill their hopes and dreams, but she doesn't have a choice. She clong to Ree-san thinking about all of this, she sighed, looking at his snow like hair, she couldn't keep her eyes off of her knight. He looked over at her, she turned her head acting like she wasn’t looking at him, he laughed a bit. Eleanor didn't understand these feelings she's having at the moment. Her heart was pounding in her chest, just because of them holding hands.

We’re here. Ree-san said, leading her to the rock. She looked around, all she seen was the ocean. Is this a joke?! She was angry, this wasn't on the map, looking at him, he had a small smile on his face. I don't want to take you to your king, I want to keep you for myself. He grabbed her by her waist pulling her close to him, looking at her eyes. Something wasn't right, she knew that for sure. Her knight wouldn't act like this, he wouldn't betray his king. But she would, she would betray her king, for her love for him wasn't there. She’s lost her love for him the whole time she was with her knight.

Let me go! She screamed, right by his ear. He let her go, staring at her, licking his lips slightly. I won't hold you. but yet I will make you mine, one way or another, my dear queen. At this point she was scared, her eyes showed fear betraying her. What is this?! Why is he like this?! She thought forgetting that through her thoughts he can read. Her beloved king, that's who she really wants, being here with her knight, there's no love. Her heart is with her king, her love is with her king. She needs to get to him and fast.

Backing away from her knight, looking at the water, that was her only chance of getting out of here. He raised his hand at her, she kept backing away, at the end of the earth, she was at the water. You have nowhere else to go my queen. But yet she does, she jumped into the never ending ocean. Oh well, you chose to die in the ocean then, okay. She scraped her arm on a rock, that's not a good thing. Eleanor swam to the top of the water, taking a deep breath, she went back under.

She swam about an hour straight, tired she wished she never jumped. Looking around for a place to sleep tonight, there was nothing. I'm so stupid! She mumbled under her breath. Cold and scared she kept swimming, swimming in the never ending ocean. Swimming to find her king, for the knight he's given her is nothing but a jerk.

As the sun was setting there was still no sign of a place to stay. Her arms and legs are now tired for they couldn’t help her no more. She stayed there, the clouds rolling in, she’s in a bad place. Eleanor, fights her tired limbs to keep moving, to keep swimming for there is a storm rolling in, for she may not make it. She wouldn't give up hope, taking off her black long sleeve shirt, she still wore a white tank top under. She kicked off her shoes, for they were slowing her down. Caught on something her socks came off, she took a short break putting her hair up, into a long black bun. She continued swimming, for the rain started pouring down on her. She lost her bag, the bag that had her map, that had her notes from her king. The salt water got into her eyes making her cry while she swam in the never ending ocean.

Where am I now?

She got swept away from the storm, her head hitting a rock, for she was now asleep. Being scraped by rocks, bleeding half to death, at this point she won't make it. Her arms bruised, her face cut, her feet has small little rocks in them, her legs bleeding, as for the rest of her bleeding and bruised. Nothing there to save her, for the ocean has a plan for her.

Moments after, the storm had gone away, the ocean pushing her onto shore, for there she stayed for a few days. The scorching sun, burned her pale moon skin, her skin now a rose red. Geese flew above her, making a lot of nose, for she was still lost in the darkest parts of her mind. Her hair no longer in her cute bun, her hair is filled with sand, not as cute as it was. There’s no shine when the sun hits her black hair, no tint of blue.

About a week has passed by now, she still hasn’t woken, her skin peeling showing a light snow color, not as bright as the moon, but a bit darker. Her hair now filled with sea shells, sand, and now is a rats nest.  Animals surround her, treating her wounds. There's no one else on that small island that the animals know of, they’re usually in hiding.

As the sun hits it’s highest peek, she woke.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.10.2016

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