
List of Characters


Ever - Ashlynn's bunny

Benny - Ashlynn's dog

Raven - Ashlynn's older sister that she didn't know she had



Angel - Ex boyfriend

Justin - Marry's boyfriend and Angels best friend

Marry - Ashlynn's new best friend

Horon - Marry's younger sister

Jude - Justin's older borther



Desmon - murderer and Damen's tiwn brother

Emily - Angel's ex girlfriend and wants to see Ashlynn sufer



Alex - Raven's husben doesn't talk much


Emines soon to become friends?:

Damen - murderer and Desmon's tiwn bother

Chapter One

"Ashlynn!" I heard a vocie from behind, when i turned to see who it was no one was there. Was anyone even there? I thought or am i hearing vocies again? I shuged and started walking again. Its a very dark valley where my mother was killed. I hated this place so much all because of that. It used to be my sceret hide out, until that night when my mother and father where fighting. Although it seems to pulling me back here for some reason, almost like i missed something.

When I arived back at my house it seemed to be different. I looked for my dog Benny, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. I yelled and yelled for him but no answer, instead of Benny I heard someone else. Is it the killer that killed my mother?! I thought while shaking.

"Ashlynn, sweetie?" Someone called to me.

"W-who's t-there?!" I said in painic not knowing what to do. Not knowing why he called me sweetie?

"Ashlynn, it's me."

"Whos me?!" I yelled.

"Your father." The man said, but i know that wasn't my father. I know from deep down inside that he wasn't my father, because my father died with my mother.

"You're not my father!" I yelled, getting ready to run out of the house.

"Well are you a smart little girl." Why is he being so settle? Why doesn't he just kill me like he did to my mother?  As I was thinking someone came up behind me. He touched my arm. I frooze in painic, not willing to move. His touch so gentel and sweet, but so mean and nasty at the sametime.

"What...what do you want from me?!" No answer. He didn't say a word.

"I want you." He whispered in my ear. Why the heck does he want me?! What do I fugging have that he wants?  Just then my window borke and a strange man apered. 

"Desman, what are you doing with this poor young lady?" The tall man asked?

"I am not a poor young lady!" I interuptied. They both gave me a weird look.

"Well...I have a name y'know. And whom is this Desmon guy?" I said looking around then remembering the guy that is holding my arm. 

"Damen?" The guy whom seems to be Desmon asked.

"Yes Desmon? Oh and whom is this lovely looking young laidy you have? Knowing I just got here and all I don't seem to know her name." Damen said. While there bussy talking I kicked Desmon and bit his arm.

"Ouch! You little mut what the heck was that about?!" Desmon said madly. But as he finished I was already out the door and running for my life, running as fast as I could go.

Finally I reached the forest not to far from my house. I keeped on running, when i finally stopped I was lost deep into the woods. I looked around, I never been in this part of the forest. I seen a pond and I walk toward it. When I looked into it I seen something, something I didn't want to see for the rest of my life. It was me, the real me. The girl that was abandoned and abused. I fell to the grownd crying. The someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"You'll be ok, you're safe now." It wasn't Desmon or Damen. It was somone who was a lot nicer and sweeter. Someone from my childhood past, someone whom I forgot. The one person whom gave me love and care. I looked up and I seen him.

"Angel?" I said in shocked.

"Ashlynn, its been so long. How've you been?" He said looking at me with a so caring face.

"It's been fine." I sighed and looked into his eyes. Their filled with happiness and sorrow.

"Just fine? And where is Benny?"

"I don't know where Benny is." Tears start going down my face.

Chapter Two

Angel wrapped his arms around me and said everything will be okay now that I am here with you. I smiled but not a secounded later Desmon and Damen found us. They grabbed me out of Angels arms. Ouch! Why the heck do they have to be so fugging mean? I think, I had a sad look on my face but i didn't realize it.

"Let go of her! She doesn't need this!" Angel yelled. He's eyes are filled with anger now.

They didn't listen and started walking away with me, while mubbling something. Angel seen a gun in one of the guys poket and that's when he realized that they where ganna try to kill me. Tears streaming down my face. I know Angel doesn't have the guts to try to save me like last time. When I was being abused all he did was stand there and watch as I suffered great pain and sorrow. So it wouldn't be a surprise if he doesn't save me again. Why would he I mean he has a girlfriend who is my old best friend but I lost her when she started dating Angel. There is just no reason why he should bother trying to save me 'cause in the end he will just die. Knowing these guys that's what they are good at, but who knows maybe Angel is stronger then before. I sighed at my own thoughts.

"Ashlynn, if we keep you alive would you be our slave?" They both asked. But of couse I was gonna say no because there was no fugging way I would be a slave again. Before I could answer both of the guys were knocked out. As I was looking of my savor I see Angel. I was so socked that I couldn't move. As he walked up to me and grabbed my hand, all i could do was smile and i couldn't stop smiling no matter what.

"So um..Angel where is Emily?"

"Oh, Emily she's with her dad for the week so you can stay with me if you want."

"Just like old times?"

"Yeah, just like old times." He said with a smile and led me to his house by the pond. But when we got there Emily was there. I looked down not knowing what to do and knowing this would end horroably for Angel and me. Emily looking at us in shocked. What should I do should I leave I don't want to see how this would end after all Angel loves her.... so .... I am just going to go. After I made my mind up I start heading towrd the pond.


"Ashlynn what the heck are you doing here with my boyfriend?!" She say in a very unpleased vocie. I couldn't say a singel word but I didn't have to, becasue I didn't have to answer her nor anyone for that matter. I smiled and the words came out of my mouth while facing her. "Oh nothing just haning with Angel and I do recall you taking him from me, but that's not why I am here. I'm pretty sure you don't care why the heck I am here, but if you really want me to tell you then fine." I said all of that without thinking and seeing her face the way it was made me laugh. She said something to Angel that mad Angel so very mad.

The next thing I know was that Emily left crying. I was so puzzled at frist until he told me that he broke up with her, just so he could watch over me. Also he knew that Emily hates my guts, and he's pretty damned sure that she's gonna try taking me down as well. I sighed while thinking about all the good times I had with Emily before I told her about everything.

Chapter Three

"So what are we gonna do while I am here?" I asked while glazing into his eyes, remembering our last kiss but after that Emily took him away from me until now.

"Whatever you want, I mean you're my guess and all." He said with a smile. I hug him. He still doesn't now what I've been hiding all my years the one thing that some people can see. How am I gonna tell him?! How is he going to take it? Is he going to be mad at me or will he walk away and leave me alone just like the others? Will he be different? Would he still love me, like he used to? I sigh and get out of my thoughts.

"Can we sleep outside tonight? Y'know just for fun?" I asked hoping he would say yeah. It took him a while but he finally gave me an answer and his answer was yes. I was filled with so much joy and happiness. I gathered up all of the things we would need and get the tents set up, the fair started, food cookin' and the sleeping bags in each tent. Knowing that I am expeting a few people to come, just for fun and their Angels friends knowing that Angel is my only friend at this point.

About an hour later they arvied, just two of them tho. A male named Justin and a female named Marry. Marry had very light skin and dark black hair, her eyes where a deep blue like the ocean she is so very beautiful. Justin on the other hand had a darker skin tone and he also had black hair, his eyes though they were a very beautiful emerald green he was just to die for. Marry and Justin from what I heard of has been together for three years now and yet they make such a nice pare.

"Hello, you must be Ashlynn." Marry said with such a sweet, nice, clam vocie. Her eyes filled with joy. As I repilde Angel came out. With a strange look on his face. As he walked tord me I smiled.

"So wheres Emliy? You two still together right Angel?" Justin asked looking around for Emily. My smile disapered while I looked at the ground. When Angel got down telling them everything that happened, Marry was deperset for some reason. I thought she hated Emily? Hmm....I guess I was wrong. But she doesn't seem to really care although Justin seems really sad it's almost seems like hes gonna cry. I ended up starting a conversation.

"So whom wants to play a game?" I asked in a hurry.

"Sure what game?" Marry said gladly almost like she was going to say the smae thing.

"Um....I don't know I guess whatever ya'll want to play" I said laughing.

"Anything! I am up for anything!" Marry said.

"Well then lets go on a walk. And give the guys some space."

"Ok," Marry kindly agreed.

After we came back to where the guys are it was midnight and they both were alseep in a tent. Marry and me said our goodnights she was so happy. I never seen anyone as happy as her. After a while I became tired and went into the tent that Angel was in and fell asleep.

When I woke I noticed that he was up and out of the tent, I heard laughter. I didn't want to mess up the fun so I stayed in the tent after a while I heard fighting between the guys. That's when I got out of the tent and asked what was going on. Of couse they said nothing and started laughing again, I figered that Marry was still sleeping because she wasn't out here with us.

After a while when she woke Justin and her both left after I gave her my number so we could hang out more. Last night was so fun just haning with her. She's so bright and happy unlike me. We are so different in so many ways. I guess that makes us kinetic.

Chapter Four

I am gonna tell him soon so soon he wouldn't see it coming. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I need to tell him but I don't know when. How about now? Yeah now would be a good time, right? Ugh the only people who know's are Emily, mom, dad and my foster parents. I am going to tell him now im so tired of waiting. I sighed and started to speak. "Angel?" I said in a rush. But he wasn't listening. I started turning away and walking, but he grabbed my arm and said "yes?"

"I need to tell you something, but I don't want to to freak out." I said so clamly.

"Okay?" I tooked him by the hand and lead him to a rock. It's time. I thought.

"Are you ready?" I looked at him with a smile.

"Yeah I am ready...but what are you doing?" I got up on the rock and lucky it was on a cliff.

"You'll see." I smiled and then fell off the cliff. 

"ASHLYNN!" He screamed. But I didn't die, I flew up but onto the cliff. 

"I am a fallin' angel." I said. My wings as black as night, my hair as dark as a stormy cloud and eyes as bright as the moon. He stared and stared. I watched as he walked away. I shouldn't have showed him huh?  Bloody tears going down my face as I cried. Just siting there. I knew he wouldn't love me. Just like my parents they hated me because of this. 

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He said looking down at me.

"B-because I thought you wouldn't like nor love me." I said while crying. He bent down and wiped away my bloody tears. He lifted up my chin and smiled at me.

"No matter what you are, or who you are I will always love you." There was nothing left to say or do. I just sat there not saying anything.

That night I stayed with him. I'm just waiting for May 9th. That's when I leave this crapy world that's when I can see the other's just like me. If there is any left.

When I woke the next morning breatfest was already made. It was bacon, eggs and tost.

"Good morning my sunshine." Angel said with a smile on his face. He called me sunshine just like the good old days when he was mine. It's been three years since we broke up. After we broke up we never talked, I was in so much pain then. But now I am with him agian and I hope he will never leave me.

"Moring." I say.

"Come have a seat."

"Okay, um...but why did you make breatfest?" I said while taking a seat.

"Oh, just for fun y'know." He smiled a bright smile, that I haven't seen in a while.

" any plans for today?" I asked hoping that he had some.

"Nope, why?"

"Just wondering..." I sighed. Gawd I have so much to do but not a lot of time. As I thought, there was a knock on the door. I watched as Angel got up to answer it. When he did there was a women whom looked to be in her 20's. She had blonde hair, warm wecoming eyes the color of diamonds, and she was so very pale.

"Hello, is Ashlynn here?" She asked. Her vocie as soft as a cats meow.

"Yes she is. And whom may you be?" Angel asked.

"I am her sister Raven." Angel looked at me in shocked. I was foozen. I have a sister!? She looks nothing like me! Who in the world is she?

"Ashlynn, did you know about this?" Angel looked at me pozzled.

"No, I never knew I had a sister. She doesn't even look like me." I pointed out.

"Oh, my dear sister. That's only because you're a fallin' angel and I am not. You see young one. You fell from heaven. It was my fault tho I didn't mean to drop you, into the wong hands." She gave out a sigh. But before I could say anything she contiude.

"You were never suposed to meet Angel nor anyone else here. You were suposed to be rich and famouse tho because the whole world was suposed to know that you're an an-" I cut her off in rage.

"And yet you chose now out of all times to come and see me! You know something you're the wrost sister ever! Let me guess you never really loved me huh? Nor did you ever care! I have been abused for ten fugging years of my life and not even once did you come and save me!" I was so mad at her. My older sister not even coming to save me. That's what is messed up.

The next thing I knew I ran out of the house, ran out with rage and anger. Then I realized I ran into Damen. I huged him tight, and I didn't want to let go, I never wanted to let go. I cry into his arms even though I knew that he was uncomfortable with it, but he still held me close. I asked if I could stay over, all the stress was making me unalert. He agreed too fast, making things akward. He pulled me twords his car, and my feet wilingly folowed. I hoped into the backseat, my eyes drowsy. Damen walked into the passanger side, but I couldn't yet see who was driving. The air was heavy, and the seat was sticking to my legs. Sweat was starting to accumulate on my body. I looked down to relize that I was still in my pajamas. Shorts and a t-shirt. My whole face turned a shade of rose pink. 

As the sun started to fully come up, the driver told me we were about half way there. I looked up front, trying to see the driver. But when I cought a glimpse of the driver, my heart pounded faster then it probaly would in my whole life. It was Desmon. My puplis grew small with fear. What am I doing?! I thought. I'm in pj's, and now I'm in two murderers car! 

My face was blank as we pulled into the crumbling driveway. Vines and moss clinged on for dear life on the house walls. My hands were shaking, and my mind was racing. The car jerked to a rough stop, almost making me hit my head on the front seats head rest. I was as plale as the mooon, and my eyes looked glossy. Damen forced me out of the car. I was facing my nightmares. Well, mabey the word 'forced to face' is a better phrase for it. 

Chapter Five

 They started at me vicioulsy, with souless eyes. I freaked out, and ran inside, not knowing what I was doing. My mind just told me to escape. Desmon followed close behind holding something shiny close to his side. I feard that if I turned to look, just for even ONE secound, it would be to late for me. I knocked down stuff, anything, just to try to find a room I could lock. I was holding myslef together as best as I could. I felt like screaming, and crying at the same time. Scrying. Hmm, a new word. I'd have to remember that one. My clafs were burning, and my lungs felt as if they would explode. 

I turned into a room on the left, as Desmon stumbled behind. I was lucky. I found a lock on the door. I turned the rusted lock all the way, when Desmon reached the splinterd door. I heard heavy breathing. Mabey it was me. The light tapping on the door had turned into violent banging. Shut up! I thought. Shut up, shut up, shut up! 

The banging stoped, and changed to words like, "Hey, please come out." to, "Let me in, or I'll force my way in!" 

The voices stopped, and all went quiet. Tears washed down my face, and my rickety breath grew louder. 

"Fine," I heard him growl. "Starve, or whatever!" I heard footsteps grow farther away from the door. I sighed. I looked around the room, trying to observe everything. The walls, celing, and floor were tile. There was a bathtub and a window. Who would put a window in a bathroom? I thought, while shivering. 

I stood up, my legs shaking and sore. I had to step into the bathtub to reach the window. I checked the window, but I was not that lucky. It was locked up pretty good. I looked down, upset and mad. As I started to step out of the tub, my foot kicked somthing. It was a rusty pipe. I tooked it in my hand, and slamed it onto the window. I did it over and over agian until it shatterd.

I felft my wings coming out from my back, just then I started flying though the window. I felt the glass scraping my wing, every secouned burned. As soon as I made it to the ground I started running, with my wings dragging accros the dewy grass. As I turned I notcie blood drops on the ground. I concenet the dots and realized it was from my right wing. I bit my lip trying not to make any sound so I wouldn't be noticest, and I countiued to run. As I was losing blood I was getting dizzier. Soon enough I was crawling on hands and needs. Then everything went black as I herd someone rushing over to me. In the shadow of Damen.

When I woke up I seen Damen sitting next to me, with a worried expression mix with anger and confustion on his face. 

"Desmon tried killing me," I blurted out, instantly regretting what I said.

"You really had me worried, I thought you were dead." He said with no expression whatsoever. I got up and started to walk away. He grabbed my wrist then my waist and soon he was drawing in closer and closer to me. I could feel his breath on my face. I didn't know what was going on, but sudently I realized what was going to happen. I reached out my hand and slaped him. HARD. He sat there in shocked not knowing what to do next. I started to walk out the door and he followed. I was capablie of hearing the footsteps behind me, on the creeky floor.

"WHAT?!" I said annoyed. Looking at him in destused.

"I just wanted to tell you something Ashlynn," he said drawing in closer. I found myself back into a corner, as I closed my eyes thinking that my death would come, but he just said a message in my ear. Saying you can't live without me. I stare at him with a worried expression.

"You'll be mine and soon," He said happly with a rejoyced tone. I smiled weakly. Why does he think that? I thought to myself.

Chapter Six

Damen has black hair, a light skin tune and ivygreen eyes. He pushes me onto the bed, and takes a knife to my wing. I painiced. Please tell me he's not going to ciut my wing. He gets ready yo cut off my wing.

"What do you want?!" I yell in painic. I don't like where this is going. I thought he was nicer then Desmon....but I guess I was wrong. All I know is that I am cring. He put down the knife and sat up. He grabbed me and held me in his arms. I pulled away while cring and slaped him as hard as I could. I wish Angel was here or better yet my sister, Raven, after all she is suposed to be here saving me. Gawd why does life has to be so hard on me? I just don't get it, what did I do to get to this point? Only if someone could here me. I get up and walk out of the room just leaving Damen there. I head to the door, but Desmon was there waiting for me. I look down, while he is watching me.

"Can I please just go Desmon, this is no place for me. I don't understand why you both want me. There's other fish in the sea y'know." I sighed while my wings go back into my back.

"Well, you see young one there's no other fallin' angels like you. We hate angels but fallin' angels are quite different from angels. Desmon said while smiling. I hear something in my mind and its not my vocie. Where are you Ashlynn??? It sounded like my sisiter, but I am not sure. I am with Damen and Desmon....and who are you? And how the heck are you doing this?! After that there was nothing, I sighed.

"I have a sister y'know, and she's coming to save me with Angel." I say trying to act like I don't really care. He caught on.

"Oh, really? Well where is she? By the way she wont be here in time." What does he mean by in time?? Someone gradded my arms and tide them together, and then duck typed my mouth shut. Really?! Ugh, why does this always happen to me???? I closed my eyes. They dragged me out of the house and into the car.

Five hours later, they take me out of the car. I opened my eyes, I seen a treehouse it was so big. It kinda looked like a mansion. The treehouse was white. They tooked me inside it, it had blood everywhere and picutors of other falln' angels from the past. I guess this is my end.  

Damen un tided my arms and tooked off the duck type that was on my mouth. I don't get this one bit.

Chapter seven

Later that day I was walking in the forest by his house, he came up behind me and rap his arms around me. It was a bit freaky.


Lektorat: Abigail L.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.09.2015

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