
My Husband

I woke up feeling like something was wrong. As I sat up in the full sized daybed in our guest room, I realized that was what was wrong. For the third time in the past week, I had slept in here. Raymond said I was avoiding him.

"What did you expect?" I stated coldly.

It had been a long week since Raymond, my husband of twelve years, had announced he was having a son. I recalled the moment. I was standing in the kitchen, waiting on a pot of coffee to brew. As he walked in, I peeked back at him and noticed his demeanor. He looked as if he had witnessed his childhood dog killed by a careless driver. I turned my full attention not speaking, but waiting on him to just say what was wrong.

He slumped his shoulders in defeat, " I'm having a son." The words seemed to fall out of his mouth. Like the weight of the situation was just hanging on to his tongue and he finally released it.

"But I'm not pregnant.." I mumbled, holding my stomach. It felt like some one had stabbed me. I knew that comment probably seemed ignorant, but it's all I could get out. I felt my stomach turn and I darted out the room. Once in the bathroom, I threw up the small breakfast I had. My mind began to swarm with questions. Why? How? When? After trying to conceive for years, this was the deepest betrayal. I heaved for the last time and wiped my mouth with the tissue near by. Tears began to stream down my face. I got up wiped my tears and washed my face. That was the last time I was going to cry about this situation; or so I thought.


I slid out of the bed and slipped on my fuzzy lavender house shoes. I couldn't start my day right until I had those on my feet. I trailed into the bathroom down the hall. I didn't hear or see Raymond, and I honestly didn't care. For all I knew the man drank himself to death downstairs and fucking with me, he will be there, dead. I looked at myself in mirror. My curly red dreads were all over my head, as usual. I remembered when I had started these things and the doubt I had. I doubted Raymond woul be attracted to me. I usually sported my natural curly fro and no make-up, but I had matured and wanted change. That was four years ago, and now my hair had grown just past my shoulder and dyed to a spicy red. Raymond said he had loved it. Was that what drew him away?  I shook my head, trying to fight the questions. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, still idolizing my hair. My tone had looked paler that the warm bronze it usually presented. I knew it was the lack of nurishment, but I shrugged it off. 

I exited the bathroom and headed for my walk-in closet. I'd have to walk through my room to get into the closet, so I might see Raymond. I felt like a kid, hiding from my parent after getting punished;but things were too awkward and I didn't have the nerve to face them yet. I cracked the bedroom door to see if he was in the bed. Of course, he was, sleeping soundly in the bed. I eased in and crept across


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.06.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-1829-3

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Drama comes in every style. Sometimes it's love. Other times it's hate. Read my forms of drama through these Ebonies' eyes. I want to thank you for reading and please lmk what I need to work on and what you enjoy most.

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