

How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

True love is something so rare many people never experience it. When I refer to true love, I don't simply mean an emotional connection, or even an exchange of vows. I mean a union of souls, a dedication to each other that is so complete, they might as well be a single person.

When a love like this is found, it must be celebrated. And that is the purpose of this tribute... to celebrate the romance of two young individuals who's love for one another grew into something so powerful, it changed their lives. I am referring to Tommy Oliver, and Kimberly Hart: the original Power Couple. Each story is written to a song, which I feel aptly describes what's happening through the various stages of their romance.

This chronicles events during "There's No Business Like Snow Business,"

the most hated episode ever for Kim/Tommy fans around the globe. While this story isn't really Kim/Tommy, it fits into the flow of "Love Is"

from Kat's perspective. The song "I'll Be There"

is one of Mariah Carey's ballads on the "Number Ones"

album. I listened through that album, and it really smacked me in the face with inspiration. And it goes without saying that the Power Rangers belong to Saban Brands.


Katherine Hillard wore a serene smile as she strolled through the peaceful town of Angel Grove. The warm California breeze gave no testimony to the typically frosty season of winter, allowing the Australian woman to bask in heat comparable to her native land. The sun glowed in the crystal clear sky, and birds chirped their blissful song for all to hear.

The Pink Zeo Ranger shifted the weight of her backpack onto her other shoulder, and took a deep breath as she continued her trek from school.

Things simply couldn't be better. She had finally gotten her midterms back, which she aced with ease. At first, she was afraid she wouldn't perform well at American schools, especially with the added pressures of being one of the planet's premier superheroes. But with the aid and support of former Ranger Billy Mitchell, as well as diligent study, she was able to beat the odds and garner one of the highest scores in all her classes.

An additional bonus was the relative peace the city enjoyed. It had been several days since the Machine Empire's last monster, and it didn't pose much of a challenge. It seemed like the domineering engines had run out of good ideas. The battles became easier. Either the Machines were getting worse at creating formidable monsters, or Katherine was acclimating to her role as a Power Ranger.

In either case, things were going well for her.

"Jeez," came a voice, startling Katherine out of her blissful stupor, "you're grinning like a cat! No pun intended, of course."

"Of course," Katherine laughed, gazing up at the young man who had fallen into step beside her while eluding her notice. "So Rocky, were you trying to sneak up on me, or was I really that spaced out?"

The Blue Zeo Ranger laughed in response, pulling his fingers through his copper-brown hair. "I guess it was a little of both. I saw you from across the street, and I decided to join you... but you seemed so happy in your little daydream that I didn't dare interrupt."

Kat rolled her cerulean eyes as the pair stepped onto the threshold of the popular teen hangout, the Youth Center. "Well, I have every right to be in a good mood," she defended, walking into the restaurant, "I did great on my exams, it's a beautiful day, and the Machine Empire's been unusually quiet."

Rocky frowned slightly. "They've been too

quiet, Kat. I think they're up to something."

Katherine blinked at Rocky's instantaneous change of tone. "That sounds a little... pessimistic. Coming from you, at least."

Rocky shrugged his eyebrows. "I've been a Ranger for over a year, you know. In all that time, I've learned that it's always quietest before the next strike. The Machines have been quiet, which must mean they're scheming something very time-consuming." Rocky then waved the grim thought away, his bright smile returning. "Of course, doesn't mean we can't enjoy the downtime while we can! If you'll excuse me..."

Kat smiled as she watched Rocky bound off towards the gym section of the Youth Center, where the exercise equipment was located. Rocky quickly located two of his best friends, and listened intently to what Adam was saying while Tommy laid down on the bench. Adam proceeded to heft a free weight into Tommy's grasp, and counted aloud as Tommy proceeded to lift the dumbbell.

Despite herself, Katherine's smile fell into a wistful grin as she watched Tommy Oliver. The distinguished leader of the Zeo Rangers. The merciful hero. The fierce warrior.

He was simply the most compassionate, gentle, handsome, wonderful

man Katherine Hillard had ever laid eyes upon.

Oh yes... Kat had fallen for him. Hard.

In fact, Katherine couldn't remember a single moment during her acquaintance with Tommy that she wasn't completely captivated by him. Even when she first met him, while serving as Rita's pawn and spy, she had a soft spot for Tommy. He was her primary target, but she couldn't bring herself to really hurt him. Instead, she just wanted to be in his presence. She wanted to possess

him... to occupy his attentions as he had hers.

Once she was freed from the dark spell, her weakness for Tommy didn't change. True, it manifested itself differently. She was no longer dangerous, either to Tommy or his loved ones. But she still wanted to be with him.

Of course, that indomitable desire was accompanied by a dark truth. Katherine knew that, no matter how strongly she cared for Tommy, she couldn't do anything about it.


Because Tommy was in love with Kimberly Hart. And Kimberly Hart was in love with him.

That probably would never

change, Katherine realized. Tommy nearly died

trying to save Kim. True, he risked his life for many individuals, but with Kimberly it was always different. Tommy fought with a desperation that simply didn't surface under normal circumstances.

Therefore, Tommy was totally and completely off limits. In fact, just thinking about her feelings for him made the young woman feel guilty... as if she was somehow betraying Kimberly's trust.

Why did her heart betray her... by allowing her to be so helplessly in love with someone she could never be with?

Katherine dealt with her conflicting, frustrating feelings by ignoring them. She did her best to put aside her desires, and channel her attentions in different directions. Instead of focusing her love for Tommy on selfish desire, she did her best to love him in a pure and chaste way. Her happiness was his happiness. So long as Tommy was happy, she would be happy. Her primary concern was his well-being. Her feelings... took a back seat to his.

In her opinion, Tommy deserved that kind of love. That kind of whole-souled devotion. And since he deserved it... it wasn't love in vain.

Chapter One

You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love
I'll be there

"Hey, Kat!" called a strong, almost worried voice. Katherine turned around in shock, and locked her blue eyes with wide, dark eyes. Her mocha-hued forehead was wrinkled slightly as Tanya turned in the direction Kat was looking. A rosy blush crept on Kat's pale cheeks when a grin of understanding tugged at the Yellow Ranger's full lips.

"I shoulda known," she sighed, gazing at her best friend knowingly, "After all, you only have eyes for one thing. Or rather... one person."

Katherine sighed defeatedly as Tanya grabbed her slender arm, and guided her towards the congregated group. "Tanya... what are you doing


Tanya grinned mischievously. "I know you like the view from here, but it's even better from up close."

Kat's faint blush erupted into full-blown embarrassment as the two women crossed the Youth Center. "Tanya Sloan... you aren't actually encouraging

my crush on Tommy, are you?"

Tanya shrugged. "Hey... just because you can't buy, doesn't mean you can't browse."

Out of all the Zeo Rangers, Tanya was the only one entrusted with Katherine's secret regarding her feelings for Tommy. She only opened up to Tanya because she was her best friend, and also because she, unlike the other Rangers, wasn't acquainted with the original Pink Ranger. Katherine couldn't get over the feeling that her love for Tommy was wrong, and she feared that anyone who knew how sturdy a relationship Tommy and Kimberly had would judge her harshly.

It wasn't rational to think her friends would condemn her. After all... you can't control your feelings. You can only control your actions. Katherine couldn't help loving Tommy. But she could restrain that love by not acting upon it.

That was all that was in her power to do.

"Hey ladies," Adam greeted, grinning widely at Kat and Tanya, "What brings you to this neck of the Youth Center?"

Kat cast her gaze away from the Green Zeo Ranger, allowing her companion to answer. "Well, it was getting a little lonely at the Juice Bar, so we figured we'd see what all the fuss is about here. It doesn't take three men to spot Tommy, now does it?"

"No," Billy answered, stepping forward, "but Tommy is utilizing a new workout regime he and I developed. It is intended to strengthen the person's durability and endurance, which are invaluable to an active Ranger."

"Yeah," Rocky chimed, his hands hovering over the metal bar Tommy was lifting, "So far, Tommy's acclimating to the new workout pretty well." He then turned his attention back to Tommy. "Okay, you've got two more sets. You ready?"

"I was born ready," said Tommy enthusiastically. With a frown of effort, Tommy lifted the heavy bar into the air, and began another set of repetitions.

Katherine couldn't help but stare as Tommy continued the exercise. His healthy arm muscles rippled as he extended and contracted them, and his tan skin glistened with a light film of sweat. But what Katherine most attended to was his face. He wore his grim expression of determination.

He never failed at anything he put his whole heart into. He always walked away the victor. That was because of the devotion he put into everything he did.

If it wasn't worth doing whole-heartedly, then it wasn't worth doing. It was the motto of Tommy's life. It totally encompassed how he lived his life. He put all his effort into all of his activities. No battle was too insignificant to merit his full attention.

And on the flip side of that, nothing was too much for him to handle. No emergency would shake him, no challenge would shatter him. Every stumbling block became a stepping stone, forcing him to become stronger.

How could someone with that amount of dedication fail at anything?

Katherine was completely convinced, as she watched his determined expression in awe, that there was absolutely nothing Tommy Oliver couldn't do. There was no challenge too great... no mountain too high. There was no pain too excruciating for Tommy to heal from.

Nothing could break Tommy's spirit.


Just one more reason why Tommy deserved

her complete trust and support. And yes... even love.

Chapter Two

I'll reach out my hand to you
I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name
And I'll be there

"Hey Tommy," Kat heard Ernie say, "a letter came for you."

"It's from Kimberly," Billy added. Katherine's expression was neutral as she watched Tommy. She keenly noticed how Tommy's determined expression brightened into a wide grin of joy.

She couldn't help but feel saddened as she considered how only one person in the whole world could give Tommy joy of that degree. And it wasn't her, either.

"Cool! Hey Adam, could you do me a favor and read it?" Tommy asked, looking back at his friend enthusiastically, "I have one more set to do."

"You got it," said Adam, taking the letter and opening it,

"'Dear Tommy, everything is going great here in Florida. Coach Schmidt has me as ready as I'll ever be for the competition.'"

"Man," Rocky interrupted, "Kimberly is gonna do great!"

"What else does she say?" Tanya inquired, leaning closer.

"'Tommy, this is the hardest letter that I'll ever write,'"

read Adam, a frown crossing his face.

"'You've always been my best friend, and in some ways you're like a brother to me. But, something has happened here that I can't explain. It's both been wonderful and painful at the same time. Tommy, I've met someone else...'"

Adam stopped short, and looked up from the letter, his eyes wide with alarm. Tommy, who was in the middle of a lift, nearly dropped the weight on his chest. He set down the dumbbell and sat up urgently.

Katherine blinked in utter astonishment. She wouldn't have been more alarmed if someone started firing a round of bullets in the establishment. "What?!" she shouted, her voice raw, "That can't be right!"

She felt a pit of pain in her stomach when she noted Tommy's confusion and frustration. She had never seen him so... unnerved.

It was a sight she never thought she'd see.

"Tommy," said Adam, fidgeting slightly, "maybe you should finish this another time."

"Let me see," said Tommy, turning around and snatching the letter from his friend's grasp. After a moment, he continued to read.

"'Tommy, you know I would never do anything to hurt you, but I feel like I've found the person... I belong with. He's wonderful, kind, and caring. You'd really like him...'"

Tommy chuckled bitterly at that statement, his dark eyes starting to glass over. With deep breath, he continued to read the letter to the astonished audience.

"'Everything would be perfect if it weren't for hurting you. But, I have to follow my heart. I'll always care about you Tommy.'"

He paused for a moment, as if lacking the strength to continue.

"'Please forgive me.


Tommy's voice had lowered greatly as he read, to the point where it was a barely audible whisper. He squeezed his eyes tightly, and slowly folded the letter. His proud shoulders were uncharacteristically slumped, and his face was hidden by loose strands of chestnut brown hair.

Katherine felt herself tremble, as she tried to look past the curtain of hair that covered his eyes. She couldn't help but feel... slightly scared. And guilty... as if somehow, her desire to be with Tommy had caused this incredible turn of events.

"Are you all right?" asked Billy gently, keenly watching Tommy's hazy expression.

"Huh?" asked Tommy, snapping out of his tortured reverie, "Yeah."

The valiant leader of the Power Rangers then rose to his feet, his legs barely managing to hold him up. He turned to face his friends, keeping his gaze away from any of their faces. Moisture began to spill out of the corners of his eyes.

"I uh, I have to go; um, I'll uh... catch up with you guys later."

Then, the young man pushed past the rest of the crowd, rushing to the door. And all Katherine could do was watch, wrapping her arms around her body and biting down on her trembling lip as she stared at the door through which the one love of her life passed.

It didn't take long before she reached a decision, and hurried out of the Youth Center after him... desperation speeding her stride.

Chapter Three

I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
I'm so glad I found you
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know I'll keep holding on

Katherine practically burst through the doors of the Youth Center. No doubt many pairs of eyes were on her back after her abrupt departure, but it didn't matter to her one bit.

Now wasn't the time to be reserved. Now was the time for action.

She blinked in astonishment, tossing her gaze around the green grass just outside the Youth Center. She saw groups of friends sitting around, enjoying the warm weather. She saw cars buzz along the road. She saw teens walk into and out of the Youth Center.

But she didn't see Tommy.

"What did he do? Break into a run?" she whispered to herself, folding her arms. She was right on his heels. How did he get away so quickly?

And where was he going?

"He's probably at the lake," said a voice, almost sighing with a heavy heart. Katherine quickly noted Billy's presence, as he appeared alongside her from the Youth Center.

"The lake?" she repeated.

The young genius nodded. "That's where he sorts out his problems. He's always been one to like bodies of water. The shore, a river... it's easier for him to delve into his own mind in serene surroundings. And considering what's on his mind now... the lake is definitely the place to look for him."

"Thanks," Kat said, quickly directing herself towards Angel Grove Park. However, after just a few steps, Billy's words brought her to a rapid halt.

"He's not going to want you there."

Katherine turned around urgently. "I'm sorry?"

"He's not going to want you there," Billy repeated, catching up to the Pink Ranger, "He's going to want to be alone."

"I understand that, but..."

Katherine let her sentence hang. She didn't quite know how to put into words the need she felt to help him. To rush to his aid... as if he could ever need her help.

Billy waited patiently for Katherine to complete her sentence. When she didn't, he nodded in understanding, and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Kat," he began, as the pair began walking in the direction of the park, "you haven't really known Tommy too long."

"That's true," she responded, "Only a couple months."

Billy's lips curled into a weak smile. "So, you've only known Tommy as he is now. He's a brilliant leader. An accomplished warrior. He just gushes self-confidence, doesn't he?"

"Well, yes," Kat answered, fixing Billy with a confused look, "What are you trying to say?"

Billy sighed quietly. "The Tommy you know... well, the Tommy you think you know... doesn't exist."

Katherine blinked in astonishment at Billy's words. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, he's not like that. He's not invincible. I know sometimes he comes off as almost god-like. I can see the way you look at him with awe."

Billy smiled as Kat blushed slightly in response to that comment. "It's nothing to be ashamed of," he assured her, "He's quite impressive, as either the White or Red Ranger. I remember well when Rocky, Adam, and Aisha joined the team. They felt the same way that you probably do... that Tommy can't do wrong. That he has no weakness. That he's as strong as steel."

Billy bit his lip. "But he's not."

"Billy," Kat whispered, knitting her brow, "why are you telling me this?"

"Because you need to hear it," the wise ex-Ranger responded, "Tommy's going through something right now that's very, very major. I can see that you want to help him, and I figure that before you can, you need to know a little bit about him before

he was the exemplar of Ranger-dom."

"You mean the Green Ranger?" she inquired, nodding slightly, "Oh, I know about that. I know he once served Rita-"

"It's much more than that," Billy interrupted, "True, Tommy began his Ranger career on the wrong side, but that just marked the beginning... of his self-doubt."

Doubt. That was one word Katherine never associated with Tommy Oliver.

"He doubts in himself, much more than he lets on," Billy explained, "Over time, he learned to hide that doubt, and to a certain extent overcome it." He paused for a moment. "And a big contributor to his transformation is his relationship with Kimberly."

At the mention of her predecessor's name, Katherine tuned in even more intently to Billy's story.

"Kimberly is special to him. She's the one who never doubted him. The one who drew him out. Of course, all the original Rangers did their part in helping him adjust. But Kimberly is different. He looked to her like a radiant star. When they began dating, his confidence was bolstered by the mere fact that someone like her would care for him."

Katherine listened with great interest as Billy plainly recapped Tommy's earlier days. He mentioned the power losses, the disappointments, the evil spells, and everything in between. During their trek to the park, he went through them all.

And as tears built in her eyes, Katherine couldn't ignore the common thread throughout the tale. Whenever Tommy fell, Kimberly was always there to pick him up.

Kimberly was almost a guardian angel to Tommy. Someone cherished. Someone respected. Someone adored.

Someone... irreplaceable.

Their relationship was far more than just puppy love... at least as far as Tommy was concerned. It was the core of his self-image. During the months as the Green Ranger, Tommy transformed from a caterpillar to a butterfly. He endured so much, but Kimberly was at his side.

Katherine couldn't live up to that.

She shivered slightly as she felt Billy's hand rest on her shoulders. "I'm sorry I had to tell you all this," he said gently, "I... I hope I didn't hurt you, or belittle what you want to do for him. But I thought it was best to lay the truth bare before you begin to help him."

Katherine managed to prevent herself from crying, although tears glistened in her eyes. "But... I don't think I can help him..."

Billy grinned reassuringly. "Well, you're certainly going to try, aren't you? After all, someone has to help him. At times like this, when he wants to be alone... it's always the case that this is when he needs someone. He may seem like the man of steel when he wins, but when he loses..."

Katherine held her breath, as the lake finally came into view. And standing beside the shore, absently tossing pebbles into the still waters, was Tommy.

He looked so fragile and alone. So broken.

"When he loses," she whispered, "when he loses something important to him... he shatters."

"And we have to help him pick up the pieces," Billy concluded, giving Katherine a gentle push in Tommy's direction. She cast her eyes back at him hesitantly. "Go ahead," he pressed, taking a seat at a nearby bench, "It's what you came for... isn't it?"

Taking a breath to steel herself, Katherine strode slowly towards Tommy.

She was shaken by Billy's story. She was afraid of how severely Tommy had been hurt. She was afraid that, no matter how much she loved him, she would never be able to help him heal as Kimberly had.

But she wouldn't let that stop her. Nothing would stop her from being there for him... when it counted the most.

Chapter Four

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Well it's all I'm after
Just call my name
And I'll be there

She couldn't stand seeing him like this. He seemed so broken and small... so fragile. It was as if life had dealt him a blow that he couldn't stand up against.

He had never seemed so... hollow. Now, seeing him so fragile and exposed, Katherine had to accept the fact that perhaps Tommy wasn't the indomitable hero she always perceived him to be. He was just another teenager, with the same weaknesses as anyone else. The difference was that Tommy could usually push passed the pain to accomplish his goal.

This time, however... he'd need help. Under normal circumstances, all the help he needed was the faith his friends put in him. But now, something in Katherine's soul made her feel that Tommy needed her help specifically.

Perhaps she could ease the pain a little.

"Tommy?" she whispered cautiously, standing a few feet from the engrossed Red Ranger, "Are you okay?"

Tommy startled at the sudden voice, turning around in an urgent motion as if he was moving on the defensive. Kat backed away a bit, watching his eyes carefully. He seemed confused, as if he had woken from a dream. Perhaps he was having a hard time facing the reality of the letter he had received.

"Yeah," he said half-heartedly, forcing his dismal countenance into a reassuring smile.

Katherine's worried expression collapsed into a dissatisfied frown at her leader's lie. "Everyone's really worried about you," she offered.

"I'm sorry," Tommy sighed defeatedly, turning from his companion to the clear waters of the lake, "but I just don't get it. I mean, Kimberly never mentioned anything like this to me before." His voice caught in his throat as he added grimly, "Until now."

Katherine bit her lower lip, her practiced self-control maintaining her reserved expression. The last thing she wanted to do was make him feel less comfortable by shedding tears. "I... I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better, but I know there isn't."

"Thanks anyway."

"Will you call one of us?" Katherine pressed.

"Yeah, sure," Tommy answered absently, turning once again to the lake, "No problem."

"You take care," Kat said sternly.

"Yeah," Tommy muttered, not even saying goodbye as the Pink Ranger slowly walked away from the lake, casting one final glance at him.

Taking a deep breath, Katherine walked towards the park benches near the lake, hugging herself in a desperate attempt to keep the coldness that enveloped the Red Ranger from entering her own heart.

She felt so guilty... so very guilty. She couldn't help but feel her love for Tommy was a sin. She loved a man she couldn't have, which necessarily meant that, on occasion, she wished she could be with him.

She couldn't deny it, no matter how wretched it made her feel. She had wished for this to happen.

In the darker, more selfish recesses of her consciousness, Katherine had wished that Tommy and Kimberly would break up.

The guilt threatened to swallow her whole as she walked away from the lake. Yes, she had wanted a chance to be with Tommy. But she never, ever expected it to happen so suddenly.

And after gazing into his hollow eyes, she wished with all her might that this never had happened. If it were in her power to restore Tommy and Kimberly's relationship, she would do it in an eyeblink.

She couldn't stand to see her friend in such agony.

As the faint breeze carried her flaxen locks around her eyes, she continued to walk towards an occupied bench, where Billy was waiting.

"Hey," she greeted, touching his shoulder as she passed. He quickly rose to his feet, and fell into step beside her.

"Any luck?" Billy inquired, shoving his hands into his jeans' pockets. Although he asked the question, it was clear that Billy knew the answer.

"He's really in bad shape," Katherine reported, shaking her head in remorse.

"This calls for drastic measures," Billy decided, a sly smile spreading onto his face, "We're going to have to do something to cheer him up."

"What?" Kat asked, curiosity building at her friend's knowing expression. "Do you have something in mind?"

"I think I just might," he responded, his pace quickening. Curiosity fueling her weak body, Kat raced to catch up.

"What is it?" she demanded.

"It's gonna take some effort," he answered, "and I'll need your help."

"You got it," she said without the slightest hesitation. She felt her spirits lift slightly at the thought that maybe... just maybe... she'd be able to help Tommy cope with his loss.

She was determined to do anything under the sun to contribute to his recovery from heartbreak... and there was no selfish desire fueling that. Once again, while she did want to be with him, her strongest wish was that he'd be happy.

She would work to that goal, no matter what sacrifices she'd have to make.

Chapter Five

I'll be there to protect you
With an unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name
And I'll be there

Katherine trembled with cold as she trudged through the thick layer of snow that covered the ground of the ski resort. Even when covered by several layers of warm clothing, her lips quickly chapped and her nose and cheeks stung with the mountain winds.

Katherine had been in snow before, but she had never become used to it. The almost tropical weather of Surrey Hill, as well as Angel Grove, was the weather she was comfortable with.

She carried her heavy rented skiing equipment without giving any inkling to her discomfort. After all, when Billy had recommended a trip to the ski resort, she offered no complaint then, and she certainly wouldn't do it now.

When Billy decided to invite Tommy on this trip, he explained that the best thing they could do was take Tommy away from things associated with Kimberly. It was the best way to get him to take his mind off of her. And considering the fact that Kimberly was one of the first people he met after moving to Angel Grove, surely much of the city would be associated with her. The Youth Center, where he first saw her. The school, where he first met her. The park, where he first kissed her. Those memories, and all the memories that followed, took place in the locations in which he lived much of his life. So logically, going into an environment completely different from Angel Grove will spark less painful associations for Tommy.

Katherine found no flaw in Billy's logical psychoanalysis, and nowhere in the general area was more different from Angel Grove then their crisp new surroundings. And perhaps, the frigid mountain air would carry away Tommy's deeper thoughts, and let him enjoy the weekend.

So Katherine continued to smile warmly, despite her chapped lips and numbed nose, and managed to keep step beside Tommy and Billy.

"Guys," Tommy sighed after a long silence, as the group reached the slopes, "I... I just don't think it's such a good idea. I don't want to ruin your weekend."

"Come on, Tommy," Billy argued, "If anything will get your mind off Kimberly, it's a weekend away with your friends."

"Right," Katherine contributed surely.

"You guys ready to shred?" Billy asked.

Katherine scrunched her nose slightly. "Uh... I'm going to get some hot chocolate first... I'm not quite used to the cold yet."

"Okay, we'll see you at the top," Billy said, waving slightly.

"Cool. Have fun!" Katherine called, smiling cheerily as she walked towards the restaurant. Once she turned her back, she no longer needed to hold up cheerful appearances. Her smile quickly melted, and her lips trembled with cold.

"Please let this work," she whispered.

With all her being, she prayed that the trip would help pull Tommy out of the enclosure he erected around himself... and maybe let her in.

Chapter Six

I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know I'll keep holding on

As the pair of snowmobiles shredded through the soft powder, Katherine reflected on the whirlwind of events that packed their trip to the mountains.

Firstly, after a rather long silence, the Machine Empire was back in full swing. Not long after her arrival at the mountain, she spotted a group of Cogs headed for the slopes. Although she did her best to stop them, she didn't manage to prevent them from taking the warning sign off one of the dangerous cliffs on the monstrous slope the Widowmaker. As a consequence, a young and talented skier named Heather Thompson, whom Tommy and Billy had met in the inn, almost hurtled off the cliff completely unaware of the danger. Fortunately, Tommy managed to put together a human chain, and pulled her to safety.

And then... something happened.

Katherine wasn't there when Tommy first encountered the bright and energetic ski champion, but she wished she had been. She had wanted to pinpoint exactly what point Heather first became interested in Tommy... and just when he reciprocated that feeling.

She knew that something

had happened, for now, there was a glimmer of light in Tommy's gaze again. He was still hurting... that can't be denied... but at least there was hope in those dark chocolate pools of color.

Could it possibly be that Tommy really had feelings for Heather? True, Katherine couldn't deny that Heather had a lot to offer. She was beautiful, famous, athletic, and entirely friendly and likeable. But still... it all happened so quickly.

Too quickly.

Katherine wanted him to heal, but she was suspicious. He only received the infamous letter three days ago, and now he was ready to start all over?

She watched them from her position behind Billy on their snowmobile. She then caught Billy's eye as he glanced behind him, and gave her a knowing grin. He was clearly observing the same thing she was.

Heather's arms were gripping Tommy's waist quite

tightly. Her interest in him was as clear as day.

Katherine felt a twinge of jealousy. She hated that feeling, but it was always there, peaking up to the surface time and again.

She pushed the green-eyed monster in her heart aside, and tried her best to look at the situation from Tommy's perspective.

True, he's probably reacting to Heather's bold attention as a result of lowered self-esteem. He may be on the rebound, but that doesn't mean there isn't a genuine attraction there.

Katherine silently decided she's support him on this new romantic interest. Surely Heather could bring a smile to his face... even if she couldn't.

"Not bad, you guys," Heather giggled, as the two snowmobiles slowed to a halt, "You almost

beat us!"

"Hey Billy," Tommy commented, leaning on the handles of the snowmobile, "I thought you said you never drove one of these before."

"The snowmobile basically rides like the Waverunners back home." He then shrugged his shoulders. "It's easy once you get the hang of it."

"So," Heather said, a competitive smile lighting up her face, "ready for another race?"

Katherine kept her gaze on the couple. Both Heather and Tommy wore energetic smiles, and Heather's arms once again made themselves comfortable around Tommy's waist.

They'd make a good couple. They each had a powerful, winning spirit. They liked to compete. They liked the thrill of competition. They liked to live on the edge.

Their personalities matched nicely.

"Actually," Kat said finally, "I've got a bit of a chill. Do you mind if we headed back, Billy?"

Billy thought about it, casting a glance at Tommy and Heather before turning to Kat. "No problem. I getting hungry anyway."

"Uh, Tommy," Heather picked up, "there's something I'd love to show you, if you have time?"

Tommy frowned slightly. "I... I don't know. We sorta said we'd spend the rest of the day together..."

"Don't worry about it," Billy assured him, "We'll be all right."

"You sure?" Tommy asked.

Katherine smiled, waving him away. "Of course! Go!"

"Okay, cool," Tommy said, his gloved hands gripping the handles again, "I'll see you guys at the bottom of the hill!"

"Bye!" Heather called, as their snowmobile pulled away. Katherine kept her gaze on them, watching the machine disappear into the ivory white distance while they continued in another direction. She sighed quietly to herself, her body jostling slightly as the machine raced along the powder.

At least there's a bright side. At least he's smiling again.

Chapter Seven

If you should ever find someone new
I know she better be good to you
'Cause if she doesn't then I'll be there
Don't you know baby?

Kat gazed into the distance, watching the sun set over the high slopes. She tossled a lock of her straw-gold hair pensively, letting her mind wander at the beauty of the sunset.

True, she also wondered how Heather and Tommy were getting along. They had been gone for quite a while, it seemed.

"Heather seems like a nice girl," Billy commented, resting his mug on the table before them, "Maybe things will work out between Tommy and her." He paused, looking back at his silent companion. "Kat? Are you okay?"

Billy's words had fallen onto her ear as a gentle background sound to the complex thoughts swimming through her mind. She startled slightly at the direct address, dropping her twisted curl and sitting up straight.

"Sure... I'm fine," she assured him, turning away from the window, "What were you saying?"

"I was saying how I hope things will work out between Tommy and Heather," he repeated, folding his hands in his lap.

Katherine lowered her gaze, toying with her fingers. "Yeah," she said quietly, "that'd be great." She nodded her head, lifting her chin. "As long as Tommy's happy."

The one sentence she constantly used to summarize her feelings for her close friend and beloved teammate. She had said it so many times, both in her mind and out loud, to friends, family members, and even her reflection. Usually, she was referring to Tommy and Kimberly's long-standing relationship. Now, it referred to a possible relationship with a young woman neither Tommy nor Kat knew very well.

Truth be told... it was much harder saying it now.

But she said it anyway. She made it her entire motivation for any action she would take... any interference she would make into Tommy's romantic life.

It was all for him.

Her love for Tommy had always been from a distance. Although the idea didn't sit well with her heart of hearts, she accepted it, and refused to think otherwise.

She would not be selfish. She could

not be selfish.

Tommy was so fragile now... so in need of friends without ulterior motives. She wouldn't dare spoil their friendship. He trusted her... that much was made quite clear during their lengthening friendship.

She had always been there for him, and she always would.

Chapter Eight

I'll be there
I'll be there
Just call my name
And I'll be there

As the radio played in the background, Katherine busily laid a lace tablecloth over the solitary table on the raised section of the Youth Center. She placed two long candlesticks in the center, and fine china plates at opposite ends.

Her mother wasn't exactly thrilled when Katherine had asked to use the elegant diningware, but she didn't prevent her from taking it.

The mood was set nicely. Flowers were draped on a little gazebo she brought inside from outdoors, and their fresh natural scent filled the Youth Center. The lights were dimmed, allowing the candles to glow boldly. Smooth music hummed from a portable radio. Lush planters, filled with various flower arrangements, were placed along the wall, giving the feel of a night in a romantic garden.

She smiled at her handiwork, tugging at the hem of her modest pink tank dress. Everything was perfect.

It had taken a good amount of planning and effort, but it was worth it. Tommy was worth it.

She heard the sound of footsteps over the soft music, and glanced at the doorway. Amazingly, he was right on time.

He stepped into the Youth Center, wearing a distinguished black suit, red bow tie, and a confused expression. He toyed with the cuffs of his jacket, a smile forming on his face as he took in the display before him.

"Kat?" he asked, gazing at her questioningly. Katherine looked up at him, standing up straight after lying a basket of freshly baked rolls on the table.

"Ah, Mr. Oliver. You're table is ready."

Tommy blinked, slowly walking toward Katherine. "I... I don't understand," he admitted, "You did all this?"

Katherine lowered her gaze from his, straightening the tablecloth once again. "Please, be seated."

Tommy was silent for a moment, before finally taking a seat. "Thanks."

Katherine folded her hands nervously, watching Tommy's expression as he gazed at the table. She felt herself blush slightly when his dark eyes turned to her, and remained on her for a long moment.

"Kat," he said quietly, "you... you look amazing!"

Katherine smiled, her blush deepening as she bowed her gaze from Tommy. As she turned away, she noticed Heather slowly walk into the Youth Center, waving slightly at Kat.

"I believe your guest has arrived," she said to Tommy.

He turned around, his eyes widening in surprise as Heather walked to the table.

"Heather!" he exclaimed, standing up.

"Surprised to see me?" she responded, folding her hands behind her back.

"Yeah," he said, his brow furrowing slightly, "I... I don't get it."

"Well, Kat called me and told me you needed some cheering up, so I figured I'd give you one more chance."

Tommy's bewildered gaze fell upon Katherine once again. She once again averted her eyes, and pulled Heather's seat out from the table. "Your dinner will be out shortly."

The couple was quickly seated, and Katherine left the room towards the kitchen. Once she reached the corner, she took one glance back at them.

Heather and Tommy were involved in a conversation, both smiling widely. She had made the right decision.

During their skiing trip, Tommy had to make several quick departures, thanks to the constant threat of the Machine Empire's newest abominations Robo-Cupid and Defoliator. Unfortunately, the constant disappearances interfered with several rendezvous Heather and Tommy had planned, putting a great deal of strain on their budding relationship. And one final emergency that forced the vacationing Zeo Rangers home early left Heather quite upset, and Tommy quite disappointed.

Katherine saw how Tommy quickly isolated himself again, trying to force out his frustrations through exercise. It was clear he certainly couldn't heal from Kimberly's letter with new angst weighing down his heart.

That made it easier for Kat to arrange the surprise dinner date for them. Of course, the pang in her heart remained as she turned from them, and put the finishing touches on the elaborate dinner she had spent the entire afternoon preparing.

Hopefully, her small effort would mend their rocky start, and help their relationship bloom.


I'll be there baby
You know I'll be there
Just call my name
And I'll be there

Together, they sat in silence on opposite sides of the round table. No, not Tommy and Heather. Tommy and Katherine.

After one final disturbance by the Machine Empire, Tommy was forced to bow out of his dinner with Heather. And after an extended period of patient waiting, Heather was ready to leave.

Katherine felt horrible, as she rested her folded hands in her lap and kept her head bowed. She watched as Tommy twisted his glass in pensive silence. She was thoroughly convinced that this most recent heartbreak was completely her fault.

She was the one who arranged the dinner. She should have known better than to bring Heather over before the emergency was completely over. She should have known the Machines would attack again.

And, she should have put up a better fight. She and Tanya were ambushed by the Defoliator monster. If she had been a better, more accomplished Power Ranger, perhaps the battle could have been won without Tommy's assistance.

Katherine sighed again, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands. "I'm so sorry things didn't work out, Tommy," she repeated, "I wanted everything to be perfect."

And she did. She honestly did. She wasn't just trying to convince herself that she wanted Heather and Tommy to be together. She wanted Tommy to be happy, and if that meant having Heather Thompson in his life, she was completely ready to do whatever she could to make it happen.

"Forget about it, Kat," he said, "What you did was incredible." His dark eyes locked with her crystal ones. "I'm just really lucky to have a friend like you."

A genuine smile crept on Tommy's face. And an equally genuine one lit up Katherine's expression.

In silence, they gazed into one another's eyes for a long moment, Katherine's slow music mix serenading them in the background.

"I... I just thought it would make things easier for you if you had someone in your life," she revealed.

"It's just going to take some time is all," he responded casually.

Katherine nodded in understanding. Suddenly, her smile lit up once again as a new song played over the radio.

"Oh, I love this song!" she commented, closing her eyes to relish the soft ballad.

"Hey," Tommy said, his own smile returning, "what would I say if I asked you to dance?"

Kat blinked in surprise, her smile falling. She hadn't expected him to utter those words, or anything like them. In fact, before that very moment, besides the comment he made about her appearance earlier he had never shown any sign of interest in her.

She felt warmth build in her heart as she said "I'd say... promise not to step on my feet, and you've got a deal."

"All right," Tommy said, rising from his seat and taking her hand. Katherine let him escort her to the cleared floor, and together they swayed to the music. Tommy hesitantly wrapped his arm around her waist, and she laid her arm around his neck. As they moved to the music, their foreheads moved closer, resting upon one another. Leaning upon one another.

Katherine lost herself in the moment. A song she had always loved played in her ear, and the man she had always loved held her close.

She knew at that moment that what she felt for him wasn't wrong. Her love was too pure and undefiled to constantly urge fiery guilt in her heart. She had remained loyal to her love and her friendship throughout the time Kimberly and Tommy were dating, and she was more than willing to give Tommy his space afterwards.

And now, the possibility of her having a future relationship with Tommy appeared on the horizon. In the future, of course... but it's there.

Fate works in mysterious ways. Her friendship with Tommy would help her help him while his heart mended. And her love for Tommy would make her more enduring than merely a friend.

At first, she loved the noble, indomitable hero she thought Tommy was. Now, the recent tragedies in his life have shown her his true self. He wasn't unbreakable. He wasn't invincible. He wasn't perfect.

He needed someone. And she loved him all the more for it.

Perhaps at some future time he would feel towards her what she felt towards him. But until that time, she'd be at his side... in whatever form he needed her.

Just look over your shoulder,
Just call my name,
And I'll be there...

Character Thesaurus

Power Rangers

When the threat of Earth being taken over by Rita Repulsa arose after she was freed from her dumpster prison on the Moon, a wise old sage named Zordon, who had established a Command Center in Angel Grove, recruited five teenagers to assume the power of the Morphing Grid to defend the planet as Power Rangers - Jason, Zack, Kimberly, Billy, and Trini. When the battle escalated, they would call on their individual assault vehicles named Zords and destroy the monsters who threatened peace in Angel Grove, all while trying to live normal lives as high school students.

The Rangers have gone through many roster, Zord, and power changes. Rita gave the Dragon Coin to a new student at Angel Grove High- Tommy, who fought against the Rangers as the evil Green Ranger, and later joined the team once the spell over him was broken. Tommy eventually lost his powers as the Green Ranger and gained new powers as the White Ranger.

To defeat Lord Zedd, who arrived to take over Rita's task, the Rangers needed to upgrade their Dinozords into Thunderzords, and later bring back Tommy as the White Ranger. Shortly after, Jason, Zack and Trini left for Switzerland to attend a peace conference, and left their powers to three allies of the Rangers- Rocky, Adam and Aisha, who became the new Red, Yellow, and Black Rangers.

When the team lost their powers after an attack by Rita's brother Rito, the Rangers took a trip to the Temple of Power, where Ninjor gave them new powers and Ninja Zords, which were later joined by the Shogun Zords.

Kimberly's departure to train for the Pan Global Games paved the way for Katherine, who took her place as the Pink Ranger. The Rangers' Power Coins were stolen by Goldar, and destroyed by Rita and Zedd, putting an end to the Power Rangers as we knew them, and setting forth the events that would transform them into Zeo Rangers.

Jason - Red Ranger

Full Name:

Jason Lee Scott
Ranger Designation:

Red Power Ranger

Power Sword, Blade Blaster, Dragon Dagger (post Green Ranger)


Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Dragon Shield (post Green Ranger)


Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, Dragonzord (post Green Ranger)

, Red Dragon Thunderzord

Strong and fearless, Jason is the former Red Ranger and original leader of the Power Rangers. To Jason went the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin, giving him the power of the Tyrannosaurus, and control of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. Red Ranger's power weapon is the Power Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Red Ranger, Jason gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability. His tactical knowledge and fighting skill make him the ultimate Ranger. Jason closely follows the rules of Martial Arts, and promotes discipline and making friends out of enemies. It is this attitude that got him chosen to represent Angel Grove at the World Teen Summit, a peace conference in Switzerland he attended, leaving the Rangers.

He returned to Angel Grove years later to take on the powers of an injured alien, becoming the Gold Ranger. After the alien reclaimed his powers, Jason was powerless once again, but was able to return years later as the Red Ranger for a special mission in which 10 Red Rangers joined forces to stop the Machine Empire from destroying Earth with Serpentera.

After Tommy lost his powers as the Green Ranger, he passed on the Dragon Shield to Jason, who wore it on certain occasions. He also received Tommy's Dragon Dagger, which he would use to summon Dragonzord.

Zack - Black Ranger

Full Name:

Zack Taylor
Ranger Designation:

Black Power Ranger

Power Axe, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Mastodon Dinozord, Lion Thunderzord

Quick witted and clever, Zack relies on speed and cunning to win his battles. The former Black Ranger was the jokester of team, loving dancing, magic, and girls, especially Angela. He cares for his friends and always tried to cheer them up when they're feeling down. A good friend with a good heart, Zack always loved a good joke, and loved it when Bulk and Skull embarrassed themselves in public. Zack is currently promoting world peace at a peace conference in Switzerland. To Zack went the Mastodon Power Coin, giving him the power of the Mastodon, and control of the Mastodon Dinozord. Black Ranger's power weapon is the Power Axe, which doubles as a powerful cannon. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Black Ranger, Zack gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability.

Trini - Yellow Ranger

Full Name:

Trini Kwan
Ranger Designation:

Yellow Power Ranger

Power Daggers, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord, Griffin Thunderzord

Trini is a quiet, spiritual, and honourable person. She believes in a fair fight, and has practiced the Mantis style of Kung Fu. Although quiet and reserved, Trini is very strong willed and courageous. The former Yellow Ranger now fights for peace in a different way - at a peace conference in Switzerland. To Trini went the Sabretooth Tiger Power Coin, giving her the power of the Sabretooth Tiger, and control of the Sabretooth Tiger Dinozord. Yellow Ranger's power weapon is the Power Daggers, powerful blades used for defense and for throwing. Her weapons combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Yellow Ranger, Trini gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability.

Kimberly - Pink Ranger

Full Name:

Kimberly Ann Hart
Ranger Designation:

Pink Power Ranger, Pink Ninja Ranger

Power Bow, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Pink Shark Cycle

Pterodactyl Dinozord, Firebird Thunderzord, Crane Ninja Zord, White Shogun Zord (shared with White Ranger)

Kimberly was one of the five Rangers originally chosen by Zordon to protect the Earth against Rita Repulsa. She was given the Pterodactyl Power Coin and ability to morph into the Pink Ranger. Once ditzy and materialistic, Kimberly has evolved into a strong, confident, and caring person. A kind and compassionate soul, Kim cares a great deal about her friends, and will not take kindly to anyone messing with them. Kimberly left the Power Rangers to pursue a life as a gymnast by training with Gunthar Schmidt in Florida to compete in the Pan Global Games. To Kimberly went the Pterodactyl Power Coin, giving her the power of the Pterodactyl, and control of the Pterodactyl Dinozord. When Kim lost her powers after Rito Revolto's attack on Angel Grove, she gained new powers with the Crane Power Coin given to her by Ninjor on the Rangers' journey to the Temple of Power. Pink Ranger's power weapon is the Power Bow, which can shoot either normal or energized arrows. Her weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Pink Ranger, Kim gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.

When Rita Repulsa's brother, Rito Revolto, came to Earth, he succeeded in destroying the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers. The six teens had to travel to the Temple of Power, where the legendary warrior Ninjor gave them all the power of Ninja. Using this power, they could all transform into the Ninja Rangers, then morph into Power Rangers and take command of the Ninja Zords. The Pink Ninja Ranger has heightened strength, speed, and durability. She also has the powers of ground swimming, line of sight teleportation, phasing, multiplication, energy projection, hypnotic persuasion, and many other "ninja magic"

powers. Presumably, all Ninja Rangers have the same powers, although not each one has demonstrated all of them.

Billy - Blue Ranger

Full Name:

Billy Mitchell
Ranger Designation:

Blue Power Ranger, Blue Ninja Ranger

Power Lance, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Metallic Armor, Blue Shark Cycle


Triceratops Dinozord, Unicorn Thunderzord, Wolf Ninja Zord, Blue Shogun Zord

Billy is one of the original five teenagers chosen by Zordon to defend the planet from the forces of Rita Repulsa. As the Blue Ranger, Billy fought well against Putties and Tengas, and saved the Power Rangers on numerous occasions with devices that he created. Billy is the smartest of the Rangers, with a super genius IQ level. Once awkward and shy, Billy has evolved over time into the confident and capable person he is today. During the Rangers' time of crisis when time was reversed by Master Vile, Billy assumed command and proved himself to be a capable leader. After the Rangers obtained their Zeo powers, he stayed on the team as an advisor, communicating with them from the Power Chamber, and creating weapons and Zords for them. To Billy went the Triceratops Power Coin, giving him the power of the Triceratops, and control of the Triceratops Dinozord. When Billy lost his powers after Rito Revolto's attack on Angel Grove, he gained new powers with the Wolf Power Coin given to him by Ninjor on the Rangers' journey to the Temple of Power. The Wolf Power Coin was later destroyed by Zedd and Rita when Master Vile reversed time and reverted the Rangers to children. Blue Ranger's power weapon is the Power Lance, which can separate into two halves. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Blue Ranger, Billy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.

When Rita Repulsa's brother, Rito Revolto, came to Earth, he succeeded in destroying the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers. The six teens had to travel to the Temple of Power, where the legendary warrior Ninjor gave them all the power of Ninja. Using this power, they could all transform into the Ninja Rangers, then morph into Power Rangers and take command of the Ninja Zords. The Blue Ninja Ranger has heightened strength, speed, and durability. He also has the powers of ground swimming, line of sight teleportation, phasing, multiplication, energy projection, hypnotic persuasion, and many other "ninja magic"

powers. Presumably, all Ninja Rangers have the same powers, although not each one has demonstrated all of them.

Master Vile once used the Orb of Doom to revert the Rangers into powerless children. To restore their ages, and obtain new powers, the children had to each retrieve a Zeo crystal.

Billy, however, restored his age before the others with a device he created. He then sent the kids on their Zeo quests.

Tommy - Green Ranger

Full Name:

Tommy Oliver
Ranger Designation:

Green Power Ranger

Dragon Dagger

Dragon Shield, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Wrist Communicator


When Tommy arrived at Angel Grove High, Rita saw him as the perfect person to become her evil Green Ranger. She put him under a spell and gave him the Dragon Power Coin. With it, Tommy morphed into the Green Ranger and fought the Power Rangers, defeating them in a couple of battles. Tommy was given the Sword of Darkness to finish off the Rangers, but Jason defeated Green Ranger in combat and destroyed the Sword of Darkness, releasing the spell over Tommy, making him the newest Power Ranger. Green Ranger's power weapon is the Dragon Dagger, which doubles as a flute and plays music to summon the Dragonzord. As Green Ranger, Tommy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection. Green Ranger also wore a special shield around his chest which protected him from many attacks. Tommy is a bit forgetful and dim-witted at times, but he more than makes up for it with his nobility and courage. Tommy eventually lost his powers after Rita created a Green Candle that took his powers away as it burned down. After losing their Power Coins, the Rangers called on Tommy to once again become the Green Ranger by using the Dragon Coin and Zordon's energy. The powers were only temporary, and Tommy once again lost his powers as Green Ranger.

Tommy would later be given new powers by Zordon, making him the White Ranger. After losing these powers to Lord Zedd and Rita, he used the Zeo Crystal to become the Red Zeo Ranger. Another power upgrade later made him the Red Turbo Ranger, powers which he eventually passed on to a successor, TJ. Tommy returned years later as the Red Zeo Ranger to lead 9 other Red Rangers on a mission to prevent the Machine Empire from using Serpentera to destroy Earth.

Tommy - White Ranger

Full Name:

Tommy Oliver
Ranger Designation:

White Power Ranger, White Ninja Ranger


White Ranger Shield, Power Morpher with Power Coin, White Shark Cycle, Wrist Communicator


Tigerzord, Falconzord, White Shogunzord (shared with Pink Ranger)

After he lost the Green Ranger powers, the Power Rangers team was down to five. To keep up with the increasing intensity of Lord Zedd's attacks, Zordon created new White Ranger Powers and gave them to the only one he felt was worthy of receiving them - Tommy. With the Tiger Power Coin, Tommy rejoined the team and led them into one victory after another. White Ranger's power weapon is Saba, a talking Sabre that also controls the Tigerzord. As White Ranger, Tommy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection. He wore a special shield around his chest which protected him from many attacks. His powers were greater than those of the other Rangers, making him a nearly invincible opponent. When Tommy lost his powers after Rito Revolto's attack on Angel Grove, he gained new powers with the Falcon Power Coin given to him by Ninjor on the Rangers' journey to the Temple of Power.

The Falcon Power Coin was later destroyed by Zedd and Rita when Master Vile reversed time and reverted the Rangers to children. When the Rangers obtained Zeo Powers, Tommy became the Red Zeo Ranger. Another power upgrade later made him the Red Turbo Ranger, powers which he eventually passed on to a successor, TJ. Tommy returned years later as the Red Zeo Ranger to lead 9 other Red Rangers on a mission to prevent the Machine Empire from using Serpentera to destroy Earth.

When Rita Repulsa's brother, Rito Revolto, came to Earth, he succeeded in destroying the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers. The six teens had to travel to the Temple of Power, where the legendary warrior Ninjor gave them all the power of Ninja. Using this power, they could all transform into the Ninja Rangers, then morph into Power Rangers and take command of the Ninja Zords. The White Ninja Ranger has heightened strength, speed, and durability. Also has the powers of ground swimming, line of sight teleportation, phasing, multiplication, energy projection, hypnotic persuasion, and many other "ninja magic"

powers. Presumably, all Ninja Rangers have the same powers, although not each one has demonstrated all of them.

Master Vile once used the Orb of Doom to revert the Rangers into powerless children. To restore their ages, and obtain new powers, the children had to each retrieve a Zeo crystal.

Tommy was given his crystal by a wise old shaman, who taught him to see with his heart.

Rocky - Red Ranger

Full Name:

Rocky DeSantos
Ranger Designation:

Red Power Ranger, Red Ninja Ranger

Power Sword, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power COin, Metallic Armor, Red Shark Cycle


Red Dragon Thunderzord, Ape Ninja Zord, Red Shogun Zord

Rocky is like the class clown of the Rangers. Good natured, spirited, and likes to have fun. He may be low on the IQ points, but Rocky's martial arts prowess and stubbornness make him an excellent fighter and asset to the team. He first met the Rangers on a trip to Angel Grove to compete in the Ninja Competition, and helped them save a baby in danger. Proving himself worthy by assisting the Rangers several times, Rocky was given the power of the Red Ranger by the departing Jason. Jason used the Sword of Light to transfer his powers to Rocky. Red Ranger's power weapon is the Power Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Red Ranger, Rocky gained enhanced strength, speed, durability, and limited energy projection. When Rocky lost his powers after Rito Revolto's attack on Angel Grove, he gained new powers with the Ape Power Coin given to him by Ninjor on the Rangers' journey to the Temple of Power. The Ape Power Coin was later destroyed by Zedd and Rita when Master Vile reversed time and reverted the Rangers to children. Rocky later gained Zeo Powers along with the rest, and became the Blue Zeo Ranger. When Rocky injured his back training for a martial arts competition, he sent Justin to the Power Chamber to take his place in becoming the Blue Turbo Ranger.

When Rita Repulsa's brother, Rito Revolto, came to Earth, he succeeded in destroying the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers. The six teens had to travel to the Temple of Power, where the legendary warrior Ninjor gave them all the power of Ninja. Using this power, they could all transform into the Ninja Rangers, then morph into Power Rangers and take command of the Ninja Zords. The Red Ninja Ranger has heightened strength, speed, and durability. He also has the powers of ground swimming, line of sight teleportation, phasing, multiplication, energy projection, hypnotic persuasion, and many other "ninja magic"

powers. Presumably, all Ninja Rangers have the same powers, although not each one has demonstrated all of them.

Master Vile once used the Orb of Doom to revert the Rangers into powerless children. To restore their ages, and obtain new powers, the children had to each retrieve a Zeo crystal.

Rocky earned his crystal in Mexico, by bravely saving a village from an unstable volcano.

Adam - Black Ranger

Full Name:

Adam Park
Ranger Designation:

Black Power Ranger, Black Ninja Ranger

Power Axe, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Metallic Armor, Black Shark Cycle


Lion Thunderzord, Frog Ninja Zord, Black Shogun Zord

Adam is shy, sensitive and spiritual. His training has made him a disciplined and efficient fighter specializing in Shaolin Kung-Fu. He first met the Rangers while attempting to save a child in danger alongside of them. Originally from Stone Canyon, Adam moved to Angel Grove and transferred to Angel Grove High School. By fighting Zedd's forces with the Power Rangers, Adam proved himself to be a suitable replacement for Zack as the Black Ranger. Zack transferred his powers to Adam using the Sword of Light. Black Ranger's power weapon is the Power Axe, which doubles as a powerful cannon. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Black Ranger, Adam gained enhanced strength, speed, durability, and limited energy projection. His powers were lost after Goldar and Rito destroyed the Power Coins after Master Vile had turned the Rangers into children. Since then, Adam became the Green Zeo Ranger, and later the Green Turbo Ranger, before giving his place to Carlos. He returned to help his successor as the Black Ranger, using his morpher without a Power Coin, risking his life.

When Rita Repulsa's brother, Rito Revolto, came to Earth, he succeeded in destroying the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers. The six teens had to travel to the Temple of Power, where the legendary warrior Ninjor gave them all the power of Ninja. Using this power, they could all transform into the Ninja Rangers, then morph into Power Rangers and take command of the Ninja Zords. The Black Ninja Ranger has heightened strength, speed, and durability. He also has the powers of ground swimming, line of sight teleportation, phasing, multiplication, energy projection, hypnotic persuasion, and many other "ninja magic"

powers. Presumably, all Ninja Rangers have the same powers, although not each one has demonstrated all of them.

Master Vile once used the Orb of Doom to revert the Rangers into powerless children. To restore their ages, and obtain new powers, the children had to each retrieve a Zeo crystal.

Adam was sent to Korea to obtain his from a wise old man named Kyogi.

Aisha - Yellow Ranger

Full Name:

Aisha Campbell
Ranger Designation:

Yellow Power Ranger, Yellow Ninja Ranger

Power Daggers, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Metallic Armor, Yellow Shark Cycle


Griffin Thunderzord, Bear Ninja Zord, Yellow Shogun Zord

Spirited and full of energy, Aisha was always up to the challenge as a Power Ranger. She met the Power Rangers on a trip to Angel Grove, where she competed in the Ninja Competition along with Rocky and Adam. Aisha and her friends assisted the Rangers in the rescue of a baby in danger. She continued assisting the Rangers when they needed it, proving herself a formidable replacement for Trini as the Yellow Ranger. Trini left Aisha her powers by transferring them to her with the Sword of Light. Yellow Ranger's power weapons are the Power Daggers, powerful blades used for defense and for throwing. Her weapons combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Yellow Ranger, Aisha gained enhanced strength, speed, durability, and limited energy projection. Her Yellow Ranger powers were lost when Master Vile turned the team into children, and Goldar destroyed the Power Coins. Upon retrieving the Yellow Zeo Crystal, she sent Tanya back to the team in her place, and stayed in Africa to help the animals.

When Rita Repulsa's brother, Rito Revolto, came to Earth, he succeeded in destroying the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers. The six teens had to travel to the Temple of Power, where the legendary warrior Ninjor gave them all the power of Ninja. Using this power, they could all transform into the Ninja Rangers, then morph into Power Rangers and take command of the Ninja Zords. The Yellow Ninja Ranger has heightened strength, speed, and durability. She also has the powers of ground swimming, line of sight teleportation, phasing, multiplication, energy projection, hypnotic persuasion, and many other "ninja magic"

powers. Presumably, all Ninja Rangers have the same powers, although not each one has demonstrated all of them.

Master Vile once used the Orb of Doom to revert the Rangers into powerless children. To restore their ages, and obtain new powers, the children had to each retrieve a Zeo crystal.

Aisha obtained hers from Africa, but instead of returning to the Rangers with it, she sent a young girl named Tanya in her place. Aisha remained to help the dying animals of the land.

Kat - Pink Ranger

Full Name:

Katherine Hillard
Ranger Designation:

Pink Power Ranger, Pink Ninja Ranger

Power Bow, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Metallic Armor, Pink Shark Cycle


Crane Ninja Zord, White Shogun Zord (shared with White Ranger)

Kat is mature and sophisticated beyond her years. She recently came to Angel Grove from Australia, only to be captured by Rita and placed under a spell. Kat befriended the Rangers, and got close enough to steal the Falconzord and Kimberly's Power Coin. Her memories of being good broke the spell, and she became an ally, retrieving Kimberly's coin, which quickly became her own once Kimberly decided to leave for Florida and pass the coin to Kat, so that she would become the new Pink Ranger. Kat maintained a partial telepathic link with Rita, a lingering effect of the spell she was once under. Pink Ranger's power weapon is the Power Bow, which can shoot either normal or energized arrows. Her weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Pink Ranger, Kat gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.

Kat lost her powers when Master Vile turned her and the other Rangers into children and destroyed the Power Coins. Using the Zeo Crystal, she became the Pink Zeo Ranger, and later on upgraded to Turbo Powers, which she eventually passed on to a successor, Cassie.

When Kimberly had to leave the Rangers to train for the Pan Global Games, she left with villain-turned-ally Katherine the power of the Pink Ninja, which she had received from Ninjor on a dangerous journey with her team-mates to the Temple of Power. The Pink Ninja Ranger has heightened strength, speed, and durability. She also has the powers of ground swimming, line of sight teleportation, phasing, multiplication, energy projection, hypnotic persuasion, and many other "ninja magic" powers. Presumably, all Ninja Rangers have the same powers, although not each one has demonstrated all of them.

Master Vile once used the Orb of Doom to revert the Rangers into powerless children. To restore their ages, and obtain new powers, the children had to each retrieve a Zeo crystal.

Kat obtained her crystal in Australia, where she was tested for goodness of heart.

Mentors and Allies to the Power Rangers


A wise old sage, Zordon used to fight evil around the galaxy, eventually establishing a base of operations on Earth. In a final battle with Rita Repulsa, Zordon was trapped in a time warp, his only window to our reality being a giant tube in the Command Center. During the Power Rangers in Space saga

, Zordon was destroyed, using his energy to wipe out evil forces.

Alpha 5

Alpha 5, a fully sentient automaton, or robot, is the loyal assistant to Zordon in the Power Chamber. He was built on Edenoi by King Lexian, and recruited by Zordon to assist him in establishing a vanguard against evil on Earth. Alpha was last seen leaving Earth with Zordon to help defend Eltare, during Power Rangers Turbo


Bulk and Skull

Bulk and Skull are Angel Grove High's resident punks, bullying those smaller than them, and always coming up with schemes to get fame or fortune, like finding out the identities of the Power Rangers. Years later, they were separated when Bulk took off on space station Terra Venture during Power Rangers Lost Galaxy



Ernie is the owner of the Angel Grove Youth Center, the most popular hang out spot for the teens of Angel Grove. Ernie is generous and good-natured, often giving out free drinks and food for special occasions, and helping out his customers if they need it. During Power Rangers Turbo

, he left the Youth Center to do emergency volunteer work in South America.

Ms. Appleby

Ms. Appleby is one of Angel Grove's most dedicated and tolerant teachers. She constantly put up with the wacky antics of Bulk and Skull, and seems to have them in every subject she teaches.

Mr. Caplan

Mr. Caplan believes in three things- detention, wearing a toupee, and detention. A strict disciplinarian, Mr. Caplan never hesitates in issuing detention to those who deserve it. He loves seeing the students do things for the community and for the environment and does his best to encourage them all do it.

Masked Rider

Masked Rider is a hero from the planet Edenoi, Alpha 5's home planet. When Alpha found out that Edenoi was under attack by Count Dregon, the Rangers travelled there and helped Masked Rider battle Dregon's forces. Masked Rider's secret identity is Dex, the Prince of Edenoi. When Dregon took off for Earth, Dex followed to continue battling him.


Hot headed and impulsive, Ninjor loves nothing more than a good fight. He is the guardian of the Temple of Power, the source of the Ninja Rangers' powers. When the Rangers came to him in their time of need, he was reluctant at first, but eventually gave them the Power of Ninja and the Ninja Zords.

Ninjor could increase in size and transform into a powered up mode. He used a sword in combat, and shot energy balls.

Ninjor currently resides at the temple, and no longer communicates with any Ranger team.

Villains of the Power Rangers

Rita and her minions were based in a palace on the moon. They were eventually driven out by the Machine Empire. The palace remains on the moon, vacant.

Rita Repulsa

A feared sorceress, Rita attempts to conquer all in sight. After being released from a dumpster in which Zordon imprisoned her in a final battle, she tried to conquer Earth, with her crew. Rita had no luck however, being defeated by the Rangers time and time again. She was finally turned good by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space

. Later it was revealed she became the empress of all good magic referred to as the Mystic Mother in Power Rangers Mystic Force



Goldar is Rita's top warrior. He frequently accompanies monsters to Angel Grove, and holds his own against the Rangers. His wings were restored by Lord Zedd when he arrived on the moon. Goldar was destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space


Squatt and Baboo

Rita's two bumbling henchmen do their best to help their mistress in her war against the Rangers, but usually end up screwing up. Both were destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space



Finster was part magician, part scientist. He created Putties and monsters for Rita, along with the occasional technological device. Finster was very easy going and gentle by nature. He was destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space



Scorpina is a ruthless and cunning femme fatale who served on Rita's side since the time of the evil Green Ranger. She used a sword in combat, which doubled as a boomerang. When she grew in size to battle the Zords, she assumed a monstrous appearance. Scorpina's final fate after Countdown to Destruction

is unknown.

Lord Zedd

Disgusted at Rita's performance at attempting to conquer Earth, Zedd came to the Moon himself to get rid of Rita and do the job right himself, but would also be unsuccessful. Rita found her way back to the Moon, and placed Zedd under a love spell. The two got married, and continued to fail at world domination. Zedd was finally turned good, along with Rita, by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space

. He also received a human form.

Rito Revolto

Unwelcome by Zedd on the Moon Palace, Rito dropped in unannounced to pay a visit to his sister Rita. A bumbling idiot who couldn't get anything right since he destroyed the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers, Rito is a constant annoyance to his brother-in-law Zedd, especially by calling him Ed. He brought to Zedd and Rita some Tengas and a Vampirus Monster as a wedding present. Rito was destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space


Master Vile

Master Vile is one of the universe's great evils. He paid a visit to his daughter Rita, and brought with him a special food which would enhance the Tengas' powers. He also created Globbor, an energy draining monster who absorbed Ninjor's energy and nearly defeated the Power Rangers. Master Vile also gained possession of the Zeo Crystal, which he lost to the Power Rangers when they raided the location the Zords were being kept after Globbor disabled them. Master Vile was destroyed by Zordon's energy wave in Power Rangers in Space


Putty Patrol

Putties are the expendable warriors made of clay who are sent down to Earth to wear down the Rangers before a monster fight, as well as for sabotage and special missions. Rita's putties would take many different forms, including pumpkin head putties, ball handed putties, and football player putties. Using a powerful clay she found, she created super putties, which were significantly harder to defeat.

Z Putties

When Lord Zedd arrived, he brought with him the Z Putty Patrol, which were more powerful than any previous putties, and had to be hit in the Z spot to be destroyed.

Tenga Warriors

The Tengas are crow-like humanoid creatures sent down to Earth by Zedd and Rita to battle the Power Rangers. Tengas can fly long distances, and they are very strong and stubborn. When Master Vile came to the Moon, he brought a special food with him which was fed to the Tengas to enhance their strength and durability. Only with the metallic armor could these improved Tengas be defeated.


The evil sorcerer known as Lokar appears as a giant floating head. He helped Rita a couple of times during her earlier period of attempting to conquer Earth.


Cyclopsis was Goldar's own war Zord. It incapacitated and nearly destroyed the Dinozords, but eventually lost, getting destroyed itself.


Lord Zedd's enormous war machine, Serpentera was rarely used, since its gigantic size made it difficult to fuel. It was piloted by Goldar and Lord Zedd.

Serpentera was left buried on the moon, unused for years until remnants of the Machine Empire unearthed it. They equipped it with a neo-plutonium reactor, and plotted to use it to destroy Earth. As Serpentera made its way towards Earth, it was destroyed by Cole, the Red Wild Force Ranger, using the Wild Force Rider.

Hydro Hog

Hydro Hog is the Alien Rangers' arch enemy. Lord Zedd summoned him to Earth to help him defeat the Alien Rangers by draining the Earth's water supply with his power of evaporation. Hydro Hog was destroyed by the Alien Rangers.

About the Author

Heather Ray lives in Logansport, Indiana where she enjoys spending time with family and friends. In her spare time when she isn't reading, writing, going to school at the local college of Ivy Tech Community College or working on various art projects, she enjoys swimming and playing basketball with the Special Olympics, watching movies with her god daughter, Lucy, (who happens to be the reason why Heather decided to transfer the fanfiction that she originally wrote this and other book series' into books!)

, acting with the local theater troupe in her hometown, singing, and working on her voice over work.

Her favorite book series includes The House of Night, Peter and the Starcatchers, Daughters of the Moon, The Nick Chronicles

(among other Dark Hunters books!)

, the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Book Series, the Harry Potter series, the Sookie Stackhouse series

, and she is also a bit of a comics 'nerd'

with her love for X-Men, Batman, Avengers,

just to name a few of her favorite comics. She also enjoys reading several mangas which include Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Vampire Knight,

and Sailor Moon


Not only does she enjoy reading, as is stated above, she also loves watching movies and various TV Shows. Her favorite TV Shows include True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel

, all the seasons of Power Rangers, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Doctor Who

and Once Upon a Time

. Her favorite movies include all the Star Wars

movies, all the Star Trek

movies, the Lord of the Rings

trilogy (she is really looking forward to see The Hobbit


, all the Marvel Comics

movies, the Chronicles of Narnia

movies and all the Harry Potter

movies! She also enjoys several animes including Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight,

and her favorite: Sailor Moon

(she is a bit obsessed with Sailor Moon what with not only enjoying the anime but also the live action series from Japan, and the musical series: Sera Myu

! She also cannot wait for the new anime series of Sailor Moon that is due out in a year!)

When she isn't at home writing or spending time with her friends and family, Heather can be found going around her home town (where she picked up a lot of her ideas for these books)

or at her local library, picking up new ideas for her next book!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2012

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