

How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

Rangers are Saban's. Song is Foreigner's but having a hard time finding it so using Mariah Carey's for the trailer. Oh yeah...wondering what trailer I'm talking about? Go to the youtube channel: Hraygurl

and you'll be able to see book trailers I've been creating advertising these books!


"By the Fates," she breathed, leaning her forehead against the cold, thick glass of the window, "I can see it..."

Moisture built in her eyes as the beautiful blue and green orb hovering in space grew larger. With each passing moment, the lush features of the planet grew clearer to her view. She could already make out the swirling clouds that floated carelessly through the atmosphere. Large oceans spread across the circumference, appearing calm and still due to distance.

While from afar the planet looked so vibrant and serene, a tear slid down her cheek as the truth stung her heart like a stab wound: the surface wasn't serene. It was recovering from the massive destruction that she

had caused.

She pressed her lips together to slow the trembling, and moved away from the window. She wrapped her arms around her slender body, as if by some miracle the gesture could warm the hollow cold that seeped into her heart. There was a pit there, sucking the life out of the young woman like a black hole. And just like a black hole, nothing could escape its pull.

Chapter One

I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines,
In case I need it when I'm older

She could never escape the guilt. As the Megaship slowly approached Earth, the pain in her chest grew. It was only days ago that she was Astronema, the self-proclaimed Queen of the Universe. She had launched a devastating attack on all creation, commanding the alliance of evil that included the feared Machine Empire, Divatox, Rita, and Lord Zedd. She had organized an enormous invasion, intent upon crushing all resistance to her throne.

She was a hair's width from succeeding.

She had succeeded where so many before her failed. She had the Power Rangers on their knees. Not just the Power Rangers of Earth, but even Prince Trey of Triforia and the Aquitian Rangers. She had Zordon in her grasp, and she slowly drained away his life-force to augment her nigh-fathomless power. Earth became her stepping-stool, and thousands of Velocifighters buzzed through the sky, firing at anything and everything within range... whether or not it posed a threat. Swarms of Quantrons and Piranhatrons filled the streets of Angel Grove, the home and haven of the Power Rangers since the very beginning, and laid waste to corporate buildings, residential areas, parks, and schools without discrimination. Blazing fires lit up the night sky, and smoke clouded the sun's beaming gaze during the day.

She had humanity on its knees, and she wasn't about to show any mercy. For two cataclysmic days, the planet stared into the face of Armageddon. If it weren't for luck, primarily, Earth would've fallen victim to her elaborately-planned Countdown to Destruction. As Astronema, she was so close to annihilating mankind on a whim.

And now, she dared to go back to Earth as if nothing had ever happened.

Chapter Two

Now this mountain I must climb,
Feels like the world upon my shoulders
Through the clouds I see love shine,
It keeps me warm as life grows colder

In all honesty, Karone had no desire to return to Earth. Almost immediately after Andros' love and Zordon's purifying stream had purged her of Dark Specter's wicked influence, the Space Rangers had traveled to KO-35, to assist the disparate colonies in the revival of their community. Karone couldn't express the joy she felt at seeing her home planet slowly thrive, reflecting the peaceful memories of childhood she managed to retain.

Things were different on KO-35. Astronema's icy reach never imposed upon that planet. No, Astronema had never even set foot on the planet until Andros coaxed her to go, in the hopes of reviving memories of her past. She had no part in the destruction of her native world, and most of the people had no knowledge of Astronema at all. To the people she encountered during their short stay, she was welcomed with open arms as Karone, the long-lost sister of the heroic Red Ranger and youngest child of an influential family. While she was saddened that she didn't get the chance to see her parents again, she was thrilled that she was able to contribute to the restoration of her planet.

With all the destruction she had caused in the universe, a bit of work restoring it was on the right path to making amends. Still, while she felt great joy at being amongst her people, free from judgement, she couldn't stay in that bliss. Instead, she was being forced to face her nightmare.

Going back to Earth.

Of course, it was her decision to join the others. She had intended to remain on KO-35 with Andros and Zhane, but it was very clear the moment the bay door closed that Andros could not be happy separated from Ashley Hammond by millions of miles. Their short acquaintance had somehow developed into a love so strong, Andros was willing to forsake the planet he had missed so dearly just to be with her.

It didn't take long for both herself and Zhane to realize that they would be incomplete without Andros, so hand in hand they boarded the Megaship behind him. And with smiles and warm hugs, the crew sped towards Earth.

For Karone, however, the smile was only skin deep... and as Earth grew closer, the fear escalated.

She felt like a lost child. She didn't have a normal development, to say the least. Only weeks ago, Andros had introduced her to feelings such as trust or loyalty. She had just been acquainted with the concept of love.

Surely, she was indeed as human as everyone else on the ship. But, she was lacking in a full comprehension of love. She knew the others cared for her, but she couldn't overcome the fact that all the people aboard the ship were her enemies just days ago. She had nearly killed them all. Could they ever forgive her?

They all hated Astronema, but suddenly, they all loved Karone? It didn't make sense to her. All she had ever known was hatred, envy, deceit, and treachery. She couldn't get her mind around pure, selfless emotions.

She wanted so much to just be like everyone else. With all her being, she wished she could just erase the past ten years of her life, and start out fresh. Evil was all she had known, and while her brother had managed to penetrate the glacial wall Astronema had erected around her heart, there was nothing to replace it.

Everything that was Astronema was evil. Everything she thought to be true was a lie. And now, she had to start all over again... with the weight of guilt hovering over her like a perpetual storm cloud.

Chapter Three

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far,
To change this lonely life

However, with all of Karone's deep contemplation, there was one anomaly. One factor just didn't seem to fit in with everything else that she had understood to be true.


Just the thought of his name eased some of the pain she felt, and as she lay upon her bed and gazed at the ceiling, she reflected on how she first met him.

He was different. He just didn't... fit. While no one else loved Astronema, he felt something

towards her. Even before he knew of her true identity, he was drawn to her. And he made her feel something so different from that to which she had been accustomed- something light and free, rather than that cold void. His sunny smile sparked something that she didn't know had died... or even that it had existed.

He didn't make sense, frankly. She had decided that as Astronema, she was a completely evil being. She was devoid of anything pure or good. She ravaged planets, murdered innocents, and crushed civilizations... all without remorse or even a second thought. As Astronema, she was a being to be hated or feared.

But Zhane showed neither hatred nor fear.

There was something about Zhane that was qualitatively different from the other Rangers. Even Andros. Surely, when Andros discovered Astronema's true identity, he wouldn't be dissuaded from reaching out to her. But, that was only after he discovered the truth. The other Rangers welcomed her with open arms... but only after

she had proven her loyalties by saving them from Dark Specter's trap on Yotoba. But Zhane needed no evidence that Astronema wasn't simply a witch. He saw a potential that no one else saw... long before the truth was finally uncovered.

While she felt she needed the forgiveness of the other Rangers, she didn't feel she needed Zhane's. It was as if he had never held her accountable for any crime.

... as if he knew just when they met that she wasn't evil.


she wondered silently, what is it you know, that no one else knows? How could you have found something worth caring about in Astronema? And, what does that mean for us? What do you feel about me

... plain and simple Karone?

Chapter Four

I want to know what love is,
I want you to show me
I want to feel what love is,
I know you can show me


He gazed at her fondly, taking in her appearance with appreciation. Her slim body was curled in a fetal position, her arms tight around the blanket as if she needed security. Her face seemed so serene and peaceful, without the lines of tension and worry that he had become accustomed to seeing.

He grinned as he absorbed the vision of pure innocence. She was a complete paradox... such a puzzle. A beautiful woman with the soul of a child, but with the memories of pure evil and corruption.

It was a tragedy that such a tender heart should bear such tremendous guilt. It darkened her gaze nearly ever time he laid eyes on her. Even in her smile, there was a deep sadness just beneath the surface.

But at that moment, she was at peace. Sleeping securely, her mind free from anguish as it sailed in an ocean of dreams. It almost hurt him to pull her from her respite, but he had the distinct feeling there was a reason for his presence.

"Hey, Karone," he said a bit more sternly, his hand on her bare shoulder, "are you alright?"

She awoke, weary eyes staring in confusion. She saw him sitting on her bed beside her, his hand secure against her skin and that magical smile lighting face.

Without a thought, her lips mirrored his smile. Yet he could tell that the inner peace had fled. Her smile was only a mirror, generated from without rather than within.

He then determined to make her truly smile before he left her quarters.

"Zhane," she yawned, "what are you doing here?"

"I came over as soon as you called me," he answered, straightening his back. Even after all this time, whenever he was the center of her attention, he felt the need to present the air of utter confidence. She needed it. "You didn't answer when I knocked, and I realized the door was unlocked... so I let myself in."

Karone's forehead furrowed. "I didn't call you."

Zhane blinked in surprise. "I got the distinct impression that you needed me. You called to me, with your thoughts."

Her frown deepened and she stared at the Silver Ranger blankly. "You can read minds?"

He smiled in amusement. There was so much about Karone that even she

was ignorant of. She didn't know herself... which was part of her problem. "I guess we really need to fill you in on Kerovan neurology," he quipped, "You know we have mastered telekinesis, right?"

She nodded.

"Well, we also are capable of low-level telepathy. We can't carry on conversations in our heads, but we can transmit some basic thoughts and feelings, like as anger, fear, or danger." He paused for a moment, deciding the best manner to phrase his next statement. "And I'm sure I picked up some strong vibes from you."

Karone blushed at that, looking away from Zhane quickly. His grin widened at her reaction. "Uh... I guess I'm just scared is all."

Zhane's eyebrows rose with interest. "About what? Going back to Earth?"

She nodded slowly, her chin-length tresses falling over her cheek. He then stretched out his arm, wrapping her shoulder in a blanket of tender affection. He so much wanted to be her security... something she so desperately needed, and felt she was lacking.

"Don't worry about it," he assured her, "There's no way anyone will be able to identify you as Astronema. No one was close enough to the Dark Fortress to really witness your transformation."

She shook her head emphatically, pulling away from him and rising to her feet. He watched as she paced around the room nervously, her shoulders straight and arms tightly wound around her chest.

She felt his stare upon her, absorbing her every move. His silent inquiry urged her to put her feelings into words.

"It's just that... I..." she stammered, her frustration building, "How can I live with myself... with what I've done? How can anyone truly accept me, knowing the monster I've been all my life?"

She grimaced, her haunted gaze rising to glance at Zhane. Her voice then lowered, soft with shame. "I... don't think they can. Not Andros, not the Rangers... no one."

Zhane watched her, sadness clouding his expression. He honestly had no idea what it was like to hold in so much guilt. If only he could somehow implant into her mind what he knew to be true... that the only one holding any blame upon her was herself.

"Karone, you know that's not true. It's plain as day how much Andros loves you. He almost died trying to save you during the Countdown."

Karone cringed at the memory, closing her eyes against the sickening vision of her Wrath Staff slashing against his armor. "No, Zhane," she murmured, "Andros doesn't even know me. He just associates me with that little girl that was stolen away from KO-35 ten years ago. He loves me because I'm his sister... I've done nothing to earn it."

She moved back to the window, glassy eyes staring at the approaching planet once again. "I'm not the same person I was back then. I have so much evil in me now. Even after Zordon's purification, I can still feel

the darkness. The... loneliness. It didn't just evaporate."

She kept her back to Zhane, blankly gazing into the infinite distance of space. After all she had confessed... she couldn't bear to look at him.

Her heart suddenly leapt as hands crept around her waist, taking hold of her hands and offering a gentle squeeze. Without a thought she leaned against him, a breath escaping her as she savored the warmth and of his touch.

In that moment, she felt safe. Safe from the judgement of others. Safe from the revenge of her former allies. Safe from the darkness within her soul.

Security. That was part of what he was offering. Only... there was so much more he wanted to give. She could feel it stirring within him.

Chapter Five

I'm gonna take a little time,
A little time to look around me
I've got nowhere left to hide,
It looks like love has finally found me

Zhane followed her gaze, staring off into space with the wonder of a child. It was clear that Karone was overcome with anxiety over their future on Earth, but to Zhane, all he saw was freedom.

A chance to start out fresh, without the weight of the silver armor on his shoulders. A chance to finally live again, without being reminded of the sacrifices he had to make to protect his home and friends. Pure freedom was what he sought... and perhaps, with a little luck, someone to share it with.

But... she couldn't see happiness in her future. If only she'd unchain her soul, and fly toward possibilities rather than fleeing from them! If only she'd take his hand, and trust him to guide her out of the shadow of her former life, and into the glow of a new beginning.

She wasn't ready to take that leap... but he loved her enough to help her.

"I shouldn't have to convince you that the Rangers all love you, Karone," he said, the vibration of his speech passing from his body to hers, "You should be able to see it in their eyes... in their faces. If their friendship was fake, you'd feel it. Even if you weren't Kerovan, that kind of lie is hard to miss."

He then began rocking her slowly. "Yeah, they haven't had a chance to know you as you

, but that's something they want to change. And the same goes to Andros. He's so excited to have you back in his life he's on a high right now. But he's very concerned about you; most of all how you're dealing with your new life."

He then released her, and turned her around to face him. "You really should tell him about your feelings. I know Andros better than I know myself, so take it on good authority that he'd do anything in his power to make the transition easier for you."

His smile deepened. "The Rangers wouldn't hold a grudge. I mean, they must know how powerful evil spells can be. You're not responsible for your actions."

Karone's face fell. "I was only under a spell after I joined the Rangers against Dark Specter. For ten years I was Astronema of my own free will. I did horrible things, and I never felt guilt for any of it... until now. And now, everything's crashing over me at once."

She moved away from Zhane with a heavy pace. She then stopped in front of her closed door, and breathed out slowly.

"Zhane, I'm so sorry," she muttered, rolling her moist eyes at her own foolish display, "I mean... I can't believe I'm standing here, pouring out my troubles to you. I'm sure you've got better things to do."

She waved her hand over the sensor panel, and the gray doors slid open. "Thanks for you time. I think I'd like to be alone now."

Zhane stared at her, surprise widening his green eyes. He felt his own frustration build. After all of this... sharing, she was ready to push him aside again. She reached out for help, but she rejected it just as quickly.

She couldn't deal with it alone... that was crystal clear. Her fears were very specific. She was afraid

of being alone, but she was also afraid of letting people in.

He had his foot in the door. He was determined not to turn back now.

Chapter Six

In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far,
To change this lonely life

Slowly, Zhane shook his head. "There's nothing more important for me to do... I can't even think of something more important." He watched her face, noting a glimmer of surprise of his steadfast denial of her request. "And I'm not leaving until I get through to you."

Karone's eyebrow arched suspiciously. "Get what through?"

"That Astronema wasn't evil. Ever


His bold statement rang in her ears like a soft echo. It was so outlandish she almost wanted to laugh. She stared at him in silence, a look of annoyance flattening her expression. "Very funny."

"I'm serious," he stated, leaning against the far wall and folding his arms. Karone rolled her eyes at Zhane's trademark "cocky stance." It was his method of asserting that his opinion was correct, and that no argument could make him change his mind.

"So, what're you going to do?" she asked, throwing up her hands in frustration. As she approached, her gait almost menacing, the door slid closed with a hissing noise. "Convince me that it wasn't evil to kill hundreds of people throughout the galaxy? As Astronema, I was feared by some of the most powerful villains to ever exist! I earned that reputation by showing no mercy! I carved a path of blood for Dark Specter... and I can never wash my hands of it!"

Zhane could see he was pushing her. Karone was now lashing out at him, her inward-focused anger brewing to the surface. He was very close to cracking that shell of self-hatred she had constructed around herself, preventing her from allowing anyone into her heart. Alienating her from the very people she wanted to love her.

"I've been a Power Ranger for two years... not including my nap, of course... and I've seen what Evil is." He gazed deeply into her eyes, honesty pouring out into the open. "And I knew the minute I saw you that you weren't evil. There's a difference between doing

evil things, and being

evil in your heart of hearts. If you were truly evil by nature, you would've killed me in the park that day."

Despite everything, a faint smile conquered her grim expression at the memory. That was the day... everything changed. The beginning of her restoration. The first time her heart felt anything other than a numb void.

"If you were evil, I wouldn't be here now," Zhane stated, "and neither would the other Rangers. You had us all! You could've killed us. Just because Andros is your brother, isn't enough for truly evil beings to show mercy. A truly evil being cannot show loyalty, concern, compassion, sincerity... or anything like them. Even as Astronema, you showed those things. You were loyal to Dark Specter, for no other reason then real respect. You were concerned for Ecliptor, and even for me, the enemy. And you can't deny you showed compassion. When you attacked Angel Grove yourself, you wouldn't attack the children. That wouldn't stop you if you were as evil as you'd like to believe."

Karone's eyes began to overflow, and she shut them in an effort to hold back the tears. She tried her best not to let her defenses completely down.

"How did you know?" she breathed, her lips trembling slightly.

"Know what?"

"That I wasn't evil."

Chapter Seven

I want to know what love is,
I want you to show me

She gazed up at him again, this time with hesitation. "What did you see, when we met, that no one else saw? Why did you save me from that monster? He would've killed me, and saved you all a lot of problems."

Zhane breathed out slowly. In that brief instant of silence, he explored the feelings that he had pondered every day since he made that fateful decision to override common sense on behalf of intuition. "It was instinct that made me save you," he admitted, "I couldn't let that creature just kill you. I had intended on bringing you to the Megaship brig." He shrugged futily, his grin widening. "But something stopped me from just dumping you into a detention center. You looked so... cute while you were unconscious, and there was no way I could tell just by glancing at you that you didn't need some care. I obviously couldn't bring you to the Megaship unless you were going straight to the brig, so I decided to wait until you woke up." Zhane shook his head again, almost laughing at himself for the complete irrationality of his actions that day. "If the Rangers had found out I gave up the chance to capture you, they would've put out a want ad for a new Silver Ranger. But I couldn't help it. First, you were a damsel in distress. I couldn't ignore that. And after you woke up... you were kinda... sweet."

Karone stared at him incredulously. "Sweet? I shoved my Wrath Staff in your face!"

Zhane answered with a laugh. He knew it sounded ludicrous, but it was the truth... and she needed to know it. He

needed her

to know it. "You were still

sweet. Something deeper than the whole 'powerful sorceress'

mask shined through, and it just hit me. I knew you were more than met the eye. And later, when Andros told me you were his sister, everything fell into place."

She blinked, obviously trying to picture herself through his eyes. it was an enormously difficult thing to do. "And... what do you think of me now?" she murmured.

Zhane responded with his patented half-grin. "You're absolutely perfect," he revealed frankly, "If only you'd let yourself believe it."

Karone blushed at the compliment. She then smiled, his warmth wrapping her in a spiritual embrace so enticing, she wanted it matched with a physical one. Emboldened, she inched closer until their toes practically touched. "Right now," she whispered, her eyes closing slowly, "I think I'd believe anything you said."

She raised her head in sweet expectation. Zhane cradled her flushed cheeks, lowering his lips to hers. Against the backdrop of the planet Earth, and the fathomless expanse of the universe, they lived the daydream that had distracted them both the day they met... a tender kiss in the sky.

Chapter Eight

I want to feel what love is
I know you can show me...

As their lips slowly parted, Karone opened her watery eyes and lost herself in that soft green stare. But it wouldn't last.

"Zhane..." she choked, "I... I can't love you. I don't know how. I can't remember ever loving anyone, or anything. I don't know what to do..."

He grinned softly at her, wrapping his arms around her back just in case she tried to pull away. After everything that had been shared, he refused to let her retreat into that defensive shell again.

"One step at a time, Karone," he murmured, resting his chin atop her head, "One step at a time."

Character Thesaurus

Space Rangers

The four remaining powerless Turbo Rangers travelled to outer space to prevent Dark Specter from draining Zordon's powers. On their way to Eltare, they met Andros, a Red Ranger from a distant space colony, who took them in as his crew and gave them powers as Space Rangers.

The Rangers travelled in the Astro Megaship, which had living quarters, a training area, jump tubes, a synthetron, and was armed with megalasers. The Megaship was destroyed in battle against Trakeena in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy


Andros - Red Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ranger Designation:

Red Space Ranger

Spiral Saber, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Red Battlizer Armor, Red Galaxy Glider

Astro Megazord, Delta Megazord, Mega V1

Andros is the stubborn, brooding leader of the Rangers. Upon meeting them, he was unwilling to accept their help, but after a little convincing he let them join him on the Megaship as Power Rangers. Andros is from the planet KO-35, a human colonization which was evacuated. He is serious and decisive, and did not rest until he found his long lost sister Karone, who was revealed to be Astronema. He appealed to the good in her, and successfully brought her over to the side of good. His weapon is the Spiral Sabre, and he piloted Mega V1, the robot. Using the Battlizer, he could control the Delta Megazord, and summon armor and a wings.

After years of inactivity, Andros returned as the Red Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Andros was once again called into action to help the legendary Ranger Tommy gather intelligence on the Machine Empire's plans to unearth Serpentera and destroy Earth. Using his new space ship, the Astro Megaship mark 2, he teamed up with 9 other Red Rangers and traveled to the moon to stop the Machine Empire.

TJ - Blue Space Ranger

Full Name:

Theodore J. Jarvis Johnson
Ranger Designation:

Blue Space Ranger

Astro Axe, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Blue Galaxy Glider

Mega V3

T.J. is the courageous and fearless second in command. After the Turbo Rangers lost their powers, he successfully led the team into space, where they found Andros and the Megaship. While fighting Darkonda, TJ took a serious blow to head, and lost his memory. By remembering his friends and what they meant to him, he was able to regain his memory just in time to help Andros and save his captive friends. His weapon is the Astro Axe, and he pilots Mega V3, the missile.

After years of inactivity, TJ returned as the Blue Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

When Machine Empire forces unearthed Serpentera to destroy Earth, TJ regained his Turbo powers to team up with 9 other Red Rangers and travel to the moon to stop them.

Carlos - Black Space Ranger

Full Name:

Carlos Vallerte
Ranger Designation:

Black Space Ranger

Lunar Lance, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Blue Galaxy Glider

Mega V2

Carlos is a good natured and friendly person, and has a strong sense of loyalty and compassion. He has taken a shine to fiddling with the technology on the Megaship, and takes full advantage of his resources. During a battle with a monster who could instantaneously switch places with anyone in contact, Carlos accidentally attacked and injured Cassie, which led to him resigning as a Ranger. With Adam's help, he regained his confidence and overcame his fears, returning to the team. His weapon was the Lunar Lance, and he piloted Mega V2, the shuttle. After years of inactivity, Carlos returned as the Black Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Ashley - Yellow Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ashley Hammond
Ranger Designation:

Yellow Space Ranger

Star Slinger, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Yellow Galaxy Glider

Mega V4

Ashley provides the team with a shoulder to lean on. She is very sweet and caring, and comforts those who need it. Her bright and cheery personality, coupled with her slightly ditzy nature bring a smile to anyone's face. When her grandmother came by for a visit, she was so eager to see Ashley with a nice boy, that Ashley made Carlos pretend to be her boyfriend. Her weapon was the Star Slinger, and she piloted Mega V4, the flying saucer. After years of inactivity, Ashley returned as the Yellow Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers.

Cassie - Pink Space Ranger

Full Name:

Cassie Chan
Ranger Designation:

Pink Space Ranger

Satellite Stunner, Astro Blaster

Astro Morpher, Pink Galaxy Glider

Mega V5

Beneath Cassie's sarcastic and gutsy exterior lies a caring and compassionate soul who finds it difficult at times to show her true feelings. She gives everyone a chance to prove themselves to her, and puts a lot of faith into people. Cassie discovered a wasp with a heart, one of Astronema's monsters who did not want to be evil. She stuck by him, and defended him against both the Rangers and Astronema's forces. Her weapon was the Satellite Stunner, and she piloted Mega V5, the tank. After years of inactivity, Cassie returned as the Pink Space Ranger to help the Galaxy Rangers fight the Psycho Rangers, and almost lost her powers to Psycho Pink.

Zhane - Silver Space Ranger

Full Name:

Ranger Designation:

Silver Space Ranger

Super Silverizer

Digimorpher, Galactic Rover, Silver Cycle

Mega Winger

The Silver Ranger is said to be the most powerful Ranger in the universe. Zhane is an old friend of Andros' who was injured in a battle on KO-35 a few years before he was released from a cryogenic chamber which kept him alive on the Megaship. His powers were weakened upon release from his cryo-sleep, and he was recharged by being struck by lightning. Zhane is smooth and charming, and lives life to its fullest, at times being a bit of a hotshot. When Astronema was attacked by her own monster, Zhane rescued her, and the encounter led to a romance between the two. His weapon is the Super Silverizer, and he pilots the Mega Winger, as well as the Galactic Rover. His whereabouts after heading to Earth with the Space Rangers in unknown.

Mentors and Allies to the Space Rangers

Alpha 6

Alpha 6 continues to assist the Rangers, travelling to outer space with them, and finding a new home in the Astro Megaship. He remained on the Megaship to assist its new crew - the Galaxy Rangers. He currently resides on Mirinoi, the "new world" found by Terra Venture.


The original mentor of the Rangers became a captive of the evil Dark Specter. Before his powers were completely drained, Dark Specter was destroyed. Zordon was reluctantly destroyed by Andros so that his energy could destroy the combined evil forces that had been attacking the universe.


D.E.C.A. is the Astro Megaship's computerized operating system, and controls the ship's functions, manages security, and responds to verbal commands. She went offline when the Megaship was destroyed in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy


Bulk and Skull

Bulk and Skull are now assistants to Professor Phenomenus, reluctantly following his foolish plans to find aliens on Earth. When the Prof. went off in space on Terra Venture, only Bulk followed, with Skull remaining on Earth.

Professor Phenomenus

This nutty professor has undertaken the mission of finding alien life on Earth. His attempts are often misguided, and end up in catastrophic and embarrassing failures. He took his research to space on board Terra Venture in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

, where he took a job at the Comet Cafe.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The Turtles were turned evil and teleported from New York by Astronema to infiltrate the Astro Megaship and take control of it to destroy the Power Rangers. They were broken free of the spell, and helped the Rangers take on the Quantrons.

Phantom Ranger

The Phantom Ranger has once again reappeared into the adventures of the Power Rangers, this time revealing himself to be searching for Zordon on his own throughout the galaxy. In his first encounter with the new team, he gave Andros the Delta Megaship.

Justin - Blue Turbo Ranger

When the Rangers were captured, Storm Blaster left and came back with Justin, reuniting him with his Turbo Morpher. Justin freed the others as the Blue Turbo Ranger, and later returned to his normal life with his dad.

Adam - Black Power Ranger

The former Black Ranger reappeared to help Carlos through a rough time. When a monster attacked a powerless Carlos, Adam risked his life by morphing without a Power Coin and holding off the monster until the rest of the team arrived.


Adele runs the Surf Spot, an Angel Grove eating establishment where the Rangers hang out when they aren't on duty. Her tough love teaches customers valuable lessons in life.


Karone is Andros' sister, formerly known as Astronema. She was kidnapped by Darkonda years ago on KO-35, and raised by Ecliptor to be evil. When she discovered her true heritage, she joined Andros' side. Karone later joined the Galaxy Rangers as the Pink Ranger.

Villains of the Space Rangers

Astronema and her forces operated from the Dark Fortress, which was armed with satellasers to make monsters grow. The Dark Fortress was last seen on Earth, after being commandeered by Red Space Ranger Andros.


Among the new faces at the summit is Astronema, a stylish vixen who commands an army of robots called Quantrons, and pilots the Dark Fortress. Astronema was revealed to be Andros' long lost sister Karone. When she discovered this, she joined her brother on the side of good.

Dark Specter

The mastermind behind it all- Dark Specter has managed to attack Eltare and successfully abduct the wizard Zordon, who's powers he plans to drain and use for his own evil agenda. Before completing his agenda, he was destroyed by the treacherous Darkonda, who used a missile meant for Earth.


Ecliptor is Astronema's ruthless and powerful warrior. His expert swordfighting skill and tremendous firepower make him one of the Rangers most dangerous villains. He helped the Rangers when Astronema joined their side, but was turned evil again by Dark Specter, only to be destroyed by Zordon's energy.


This treacherous bounty hunter assisted Astronema in battling the Rangers, but only to serve his own agenda. Andros discovered that it was Darkonda who kidnapped his sister from KO-35 years ago. Darkonda died after attacking Dark Specter, who killed him just before going down himself.


This obnoxious and dim witted goon was transferred by Dark Specter from Divatox's command to work with Astronema, much to her chagrin. He was destroyed by Zordon's wave.

Psycho Rangers

Astronema created the Psycho Rangers, insane machines with insatiable lusts to destroy their heroic counterparts. The Psycho Rangers each read their respective Ranger's mind to be able to read their moves, making them nearly impossible to defeat. Using a special machine, the Psychos were digitzed and stored on data cards, which would later be recovered in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy



The Quantrons are Astronema's robotic soldiers who attack with enormous bladed weapons.


The Quantrons pilot Velocifighters, which can fly through space and shoot energy blasts.

About the Author

Heather Ray lives in Logansport, Indiana where she enjoys spending time with family and friends. In her spare time when she isn't reading, writing, going to school at the local college of Ivy Tech Community College or working on various art projects, she enjoys swimming and playing basketball with the Special Olympics, watching movies with her god daughter, Lucy, (who happens to be the reason why Heather decided to transfer the fanfiction that she originally wrote this and other book series' into books!)

, acting with the local theater troupe in her hometown, singing, and working on her voice over work.

Her favorite book series includes The House of Night, Peter and the Starcatchers, Daughters of the Moon, The Nick Chronicles

(among other Dark Hunters books!)

, the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Book Series, the Harry Potter series, the Sookie Stackhouse series

, and she is also a bit of a comics 'nerd'

with her love for X-Men, Batman, Avengers,

just to name a few of her favorite comics. She also enjoys reading several mangas which include Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Vampire Knight,

and Sailor Moon


Not only does she enjoy reading, as is stated above, she also loves watching movies and various TV Shows. Her favorite TV Shows include True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel

, all the seasons of Power Rangers, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Doctor Who

and Once Upon a Time

. Her favorite movies include all the Star Wars

movies, all the Star Trek

movies, the Lord of the Rings

trilogy (she is really looking forward to see The Hobbit


, all the Marvel Comics

movies, the Chronicles of Narnia

movies and all the Harry Potter

movies! She also enjoys several animes including Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight,

and her favorite: Sailor Moon

(she is a bit obsessed with Sailor Moon what with not only enjoying the anime but also the live action series from Japan, and the musical series: Sera Myu

! She also cannot wait for the new anime series of Sailor Moon that is due out in a year!)

When she isn't at home writing or spending time with her friends and family, Heather can be found going around her home town (where she picked up a lot of her ideas for these books)

or at her local library, picking up new ideas for her next book!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.09.2012

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