

To everyone that has been with this series since the start, thank you SO much!!!! I started writing this series back when I was in a creative writing class in High School and posted these stories on a site I created a year later, but had to shut down due to lack of time to keep it up. This will be the last book of the Spectrum Force series but that does not mean that this is the end of the books coming from me. There are more to come, so keep a lookout for them!

Author's Note

The Spectrum Force is obviously mine. All the characters and situations in this story are mine as well. I'll warn you off the bat, this fic is not linear. It consists of various flashbacks pointing to different times in the past. However, since the majority of the fic is flashbacks, it'd be annoying to put them all in italics. So... just pay attention. As always, scene changes will be signaled by the triple-asterisk.

Chapter One

"Is this the place?" the driver asked, craning his head back to his passenger.

"Yeah, this is it," the passenger responded, fishing through his leather wallet, "Thanks a lot."

"Nice house," the driver added, counting the money the young man left in his hand, "Ain't this where that guy from M.E.C. lives?"

The passenger cracked a small smile as he slid along the torn seat. "Yeah, this is the place. Keep the change, Sir."

The driver tipped his hat in response. "Ya need help with your stuff?"

"No, thank you."

The young man stepped out of the yellow cab and made his way to the trunk. He unlatched the trunk, and pulled out the backpack and a single dufflebag that it contained. He then stepped to the sidewalk, and watched as the cab drove into the distance.

The arid Texas winds wove through his honey-blonde hair as he made his way to the gate of the large ranch. Covering several acres, the bountiful and luxurious property was certainly quick to catch the eye of any visitor to the area. It was well known with the local community for being the home of Stephen Maloy III, the founder and chief executive officer of M.E.C., the Maloy Engineering Corporation. The sound of horses racing through soft turf and lawnmowers grinding the healthy yard greeted the young man, who had been absent from the estate for several months. The scent of fresh-cut grass and fragrant flowers filled the air, and the hot sun beat upon the Earth from its hovering station.

"There's no place like home," Keith whispered to himself, sliding his sunglasses off his eyes once he reached the gate on the driveway. He stopped at the intercom, and quickly pushed in the access code. A loud buzz signaled his permission to enter as the heavy metal grid slid open, revealing the long asphalt driveway leading to the large mansion. Keith balanced his backpack more comfortably on his shoulders, and began his long trek to the front door.

Everything looked the same, despite his long absence. Not even the frigid cold that blanketed the city during the infamous Nightfall seemed to have any lasting effects upon the property. In the distance, past the lush green yard, were the stables, where several healthy horses were kept. The sound of hooves crushing the dust and grass beneath them brought the memory of his eighth birthday to mind, when he first got a pony all his own. Learning to ride was extremely taxing for him, and the fact that his younger sister mastered the art of controlling the beast long before him only made matters worse.

He was never patient enough for horseback riding. He couldn't create a bond with Blaze, his pony during his youth, or any of the other horses on the property. Not long after he had first begun to learn how to ride Blaze, the pony became extremely aggressive towards him, refusing to let him mount.

Why was it that every time he came home, it was the bad memories that always struck him? Perhaps that contributed to his long absence.

Things were different now, though. Even though the place called "home" harbored some bad experiences, compared to his most recent nightmare it was a sacred haven.

At least no one died here.

"Keith?" called a heavily accented voice, "Is that you?"

Keith's attention turned to the source of the voice, and habitually smiled as a tall, full-figured middle-aged woman raced to him. She was quick to embrace him tightly, her long chestnut hair pouring over his shoulders.

"Mari," he greeted, as the woman released him, "How are you?"

Keith locked eyes with Marisol Vera for a moment, realizing quickly that her rich dark eyes were moist with tears. She had worked in the Maloy household for as long as Keith could remember, taking care of the horses as well as the children on occasion. Marisol was like a second mother to him, and as he gazed at her for the first time in over six months, he realized how much he had missed her.

"You never call, you never write," she chided, sniffling slightly, "Dios mio

, I think you've gotten taller!"

Keith chuckled weakly. "I doubt it."

"So, chiquito

, how are you?" she asked earnestly, quickly taking Keith's larger bag from his grip and taking his hand, "How is your father?"

"Better," he said, as they stepped into the large ranch, "He's been in the hospital three days now, and when I left L.A., they said he'd made incredible progress. In fact, they're thinking of releasing him soon."

"It's a miracle," she whispered, dropping Keith's bag at the entrance to the kitchen. She motioned the young man to take a seat at the counter, and she quickly sifted through the refrigerator. "How about some peanut butter and bananas on lightly toasted wheat bread, and pink lemonade on ice?" she offered.

Keith grinned, freeing his shoulders from the weight of his backpack and leaning his elbows on the spotless countertop. "How could I turn down my favorite snack, Mari?"

Marisol busily prepared the food as she hurriedly informed the young man about what had been going on. "It was so horrifying when the sun went black," she recapped, lying her hand on her chest, "I thought the Final Judgement Day had come!"

"God had nothing to do with that nightmare," Keith said in a low voice, "Did you see the news reports?"


I was so worried when I learned that aliens invaded Langstrum Alps! And when your madre

called, and told me what happened to Stephen, I was so stunned! One would never think such a horror could happen."

Keith swallowed, staring at the condensation on his glass of lemonade. He brushed his thumb along the glass, moistening his hand with the water and then rubbing his fingers together. "Well, I certainly wasn't ready for it."

Marisol sat the sandwich in front of Keith, and laid her hand on his shoulder. "And Monica told me about Tamara, also."

Keith stopped breathing for a moment.

"Don't give up hope, chiquito

. I understand she is missing, but she may very well still be alive. Have a little bit of faith."

Keith closed his cerulean eyes tightly, shaking his head slightly. "It... it's not like that," Keith explained weakly, "She's dead

. Gone. She's not coming back to me."

Marisol kissed the young man's forehead. "Have a little bit of faith," she repeated, stepping away from the counter. "Here, let me take your bags upstairs. Monica wanted us to call her at the hotel once you arrived, to make sure you got back safely."

Keith instinctively reached into his pocket and pulled out his small cellular phone. Yet, before he could press a button, Marisol tossed a balled-up paper towel at him, instantly getting his fleeting attention.

"You realize the cellular phone costs three times as much as the house phone, don't you?" she scolded, shaking her head in disbelief, "I hope you're more responsible than that."

Responsible. It's funny how that word could have such different connotations.

"Believe me, Mari," Keith said in a low voice, lying his phone on the countertop, "I'm definitely responsible. For a lot of things."

Marisol gazed at Keith for a moment, clearly confused by his cryptic reply. She shook her head in dismay, leaning against the wall and folding her arms. "I'll call your mother," she assured him, "Finish your snack, and get some rest. You need it."

Keith watched Marisol leave the kitchen, and then cast his blank gaze to the sandwich and glass seated before him. Any appetite he may have had previously was washed away as a very familiar feeling seeped into his gut, leaving room for nothing else.

It was the guilt. It was always the guilt.

Guilt for specific errors. Guilt for much more diffuse, general shortcomings.

Guilt for not being an obedient son. For not being a reliable friend. For not being an adequate super-hero. For not being a compassionate boyfriend.

Basically, for not being anything

worth mentioning.

He wanted to escape the guilt. The emptiness. He wanted to turn his back on his friends... to shirk his responsibilities as the Red Enforcer. But he realized almost immediately after he purchased the tickets that it didn't help. In fact, it only made the guilt worse.

Not only was he disobedient, unreliable, inadequate, and egocentric. Now, he was a coward too.

"I've got to sort things out," he convinced himself, "I needed the break. I have a lot to deal with now. I lost Tammy... and I almost lost my father. I have a responsibility to my family, and that can't be fulfilled by anyone other than me. But anyone can wear that ring."

Was that really true? Was it really that easy to release himself from the burden?

No, it wasn't. And he couldn't let that go, as his right index finger felt so naked without the silver band and red crystal he had grown accustomed to wearing.

With a heavy sigh, Keith rose from the stool upon which he was planted, and walked out of the kitchen. Wearily, he made his way up the large carpeted staircase to the second floor.

He pushed open the door, and stood at the threshold of his bedroom.

A numb smile crossed his lips as he absorbed the overall simplicity of the room. His bed was perfectly made, and the room was in infallible order. Of course, no one has lived in this room for quite some time. A comfortable blue plaid bedspread hung over the full sized bed, which was placed between two nightstands, each beneath a window. The shades were closed, but still the powerful afternoon sun crushed the darkness through the narrow space between the shade and the edge of the window. Atop the nightstands sat a lamp, a digital clock, and a box filled with CDs. The majority of his music collection was in his apartment, but the ones that he had gotten tired of remained at home, here in a cardboard box. On his dresser sat various trophies and awards for karate tournaments, sitting proudly in a row with the tallest ones furthest from the center.

Keith relaxed the urge to knock those trophies from his sight. He knew he didn't deserve them.

He laid upon his bed, staring at the white walls of his room. He still had some posters decorating the planes, of sports heroes as well as action stars. They were his heroes throughout his youth, but the thought of them offered no comfort. They were all successes. He was a failure.

"There's no peace anywhere," he moaned, pulling himself into a sitting position. He lowered his head, and thrust his balled fists into the soft mattress. "I've gotta clear my mind."

After the decision was made, Keith rose from his bed, and began rummaging through his cardboard box of CDs. Although the majority of his collection was in his L.A. apartment, he was sure he'd find something suitable.

After a few moments, he blindly pulled out a CD. His breath caught in his throat as he examined the jacket.

"Holy..." he whispered, staring at the soundtrack. He blinked in absolute astonishment at the rare find, which instantly sparked a cherished memory.

The irony of the situation struck him like a slap in the face. There he was, trying so desperately to leave Langstrum Alps behind him, and suddenly he was faced with something that he hadn't seen in months, that he would never forget.

In silence, he pulled out the silver disc, and took a seat on the edge of his bed. As he gazed at his own reflection in the metal, his mind drifted to another time.

It was the Halloween of his junior year, about eighteen months ago...

Chapter Two

Tuesday, October 31, 1995

"There!" he declared, holding his hands upon his hips and admiring his reflection, "It's perfect!"

Keith whirled around dramatically, puffing out his chest. He wore baggy black pants, which where tucked into knee-high brown leather boots that adorned his feet. His shirt was white with wide red stripes, also loose-fitting and tucked into his pants and tied with a broad red sash. A gold chain hung from his neck, and a stuffed parrot sat on his shoulder. A handkerchief was tied at his brow, and a short blonde ponytail hung from the bottom. Finally, a black felt eye patch hid his right eye, and a flowing black beard hung from his chin.

"Hey Craig!" Keith called, knocking on his roommate's bedroom door, "You ready yet? The Phi Sigma Epsilon party is gonna start in twenty minutes!"

"Just a minute!" Craig's voice replied, as the door swung open.

Keith released a powerful laugh when he saw his best friend step out of his room, a large white sheet covering him completely with the exception of two holes cut into the top.

"A ghost!" Keith managed to state between gasps for breath, "Isn't that a little grade school-ish?"

"You should talk!" Craig defended, folding his arms beneath the sheet, "I mean c'mon! A Blackbeard with blonde hair?"

Keith's smile fell as he reached back and clenched his little stub. "Hey! This is a genuine ponytail! It's finally long enough to reach the band! Don't mock the hair!"

Craig tilted his head to one side. "Besides, I'm not a ghost. I'm a bedsheet


The pirate's smile quickly returned. "Now that's

pretty original."

Craig reached out from beneath the blanket and grabbed his wallet from the table. "Let's move. Rachel's gonna meet us downstairs."

After a quick elevator trip to the lobby floor of the High Rise, Keith and Craig arrived at the entrance to the building, where a witch in a sleek black gown with jagged hem stood, leaning against a scraggly wooden broom.

"Hey, Ray," Craig called, as he and Keith walked towards her, "Lookin' pretty good."

"Especially for a witch," Keith added, his eyebrow raised, "Aren't witches supposed to have warts or something?"

Rachel's eyes widened in disgust at the suggestion as she lifted her hand to straighten her flowing ebony wig. "This is

a frat party, Keith. I don't want to look repulsive!"

Her dark gaze turned from Keith to Craig, and a smile tugged at her devil red lips. "And are you a ghost?"

Craig shook his head. "Give me a little credit, Ray. I'm a snowman."

Keith gazed at his friend for a moment, his brow wrinkling in confusion. He then shrugged his shoulders, and laid his hands on both his friend's backs. "So, shall we get going?"

The trio began their stroll to the party site. While they walked, Rachel dug her fingers into her purse, careful not to damage her long press-on nails. After a few moments she finally pulled out three slips of paper.

"Here're your tickets," she declared, handing one to each of her friends.

"Cool," Craig said, his hand disappearing beneath his blanket.

"So, where did you get these from, Ray?" Keith inquired, staring at the little ticket for a moment, "I thought these frat parties were totally exclusive. You're not a member."

"But my roommate Lydia is," Rachel pointed out, "She's a member of the sorority chapter that throws this party annually in conjunction with Phi Sigma Epsilon. Each member gets five tickets to give to friends. She kept two for her boyfriend and herself, and gave me the other three."

"That's nice of her," Craig remarked.

"She's a great person," Rachel commented, "And get this! Lydia told me she's applying for the study abroad program for next year! If she gets accepted, she'll be in Argentina for spring semester next school year."

"That's actually pretty cool," Keith said, "I've been thinking about applying for that study abroad opportunity in Japan. It's a one-semester session, from October to March."

Craig frowned. "March? But the spring semester begins in February!"

"I'll have to talk to my advisor about it, but I'm pretty sure I can start classes while in Tokyo. I can have my assignments forwarded to me. I'd only miss the first few weeks of class. There won't be any exams I'd miss or anything."

"So, I guess both of us will be down a roommate next year," Rachel said, nudging Craig."

Craig grimaced. "I just hope the school doesn't stick me with some freshman next year."

"Why?" Rachel inquired with interest.

"Freshmen are all so anal about schoolwork. Especially the ones with really tough majors, like pre-meds or something."

Rachel giggled slightly. "Maybe you should adopt one, and teach him how to enjoy his time at U.C.L.A.?"

Craig scoffed. "I'm not patient enough."

The trio quickly reached a small, two-floor house just off Hamilton Walkway. The pulsing sound of dance music and brilliant array of vibrant lights poured through the partially open door, and a long table was placed just outside the house, with a vampire and Marilyn Monroe seated behind it.

"Hey, Lydia," Rachel greeted, smiling widely at her roommate, "How long do you have to be out here in the cold?"

The woman with the full platinum blonde wig shivered slightly at the comment, and rolled her deep brown eyes. "My shift's for half an hour, which isn't too bad." She reached out and took Rachel's ticket, tearing it in half and returning the stub. "Make sure you're ready to show that stub in case you leave tonight," she cautioned.

"Hey, Lydia," Craig said, handing her the ticket from beneath the bedsheet, "Nice likeness."

Lydia beamed at the compliment. "And what are you, anyway?"

"A ski slope," he responded matter-of-factly. Keith stared at his friend in absolute bewilderment, as he handed in his ticket.

"Okay, kiddos, here are the rules," the vampire said, rising to his feet, "Once you step inside the party, you shirk your real identity. You can only refer to yourself, and be referred to, as your costume. You can't take off any part of your costume, or divulge your real name. Total anonymity is part of the tradition of the Phi Sigma Epsilon Masquerade!"

"We got it, Dracula," Keith said with a mock salute.

"Take a deep breath, guys," Craig said, pulling open the door, "and get ready to dive in!"

Craig stepped into the frat house, and the loud music and pulsing red lights hit him like a wall. A wide grin spread onto his lips.

"This is gonna be awesome!" he declared, jerking his neck to the beat of Montell Jordan's "This is How We Do it." He paused when he saw the refreshment table, covered with assorted beverages and snacks.

"Hmm," he pondered out loud, "I wonder if they have Heineken in the keg? Those domestic brews just don't hold a candle..."

"Cra- uh... Snowman," Rachel said sternly, folding her arms, "You promised-"

"I promised I'd drink responsibly

," he pointed out, wiggling his finger in Rachel's face, "A single beer won't hurt anyone."

"Well, I'm not carrying you home," she argued.

"Hey, Wicked Witch of the West, I've only been drunk once

in my whole life, and that's because they spiked the punch at my first frat party."

Rachel rolled her eyes as Craig weaved his way through the crowd. "Famous last words," she muttered under her breath. She sighed as she felt a hand fall upon her shoulder.

"Loosen up a bit," Keith advised, "Seriously, Craig rarely drinks. And he never

gets drunk."

He then grinned. "Care to dance?"

Rachel smirked as she gazed at the thick crowd of costumed people on the floor. "Don't you even want to scope out your options, Blackbeard? A masquerade like this is the perfect time to let yourself get wisked away into a fantasy! You can dance with Madonna, Rapunzel... or whoever else is here."

"Good point," Keith conceded, "but don't forget to put me on your dance card!"

Keith waved farewell to Rachel, straightened his bandana, and moved into the ocean of people moving to the intense dance beat. Although he was a veteran at college parties, there was something exotic about this particular engagement. Faces were cloaked in masks, heavy paint, and shadowed hoods. He had an inkling as to the identities of several party-goers, but with the pulsing red-tinged lighting coupled with the costumes, it was almost like dancing in a dream world.

He felt slightly intimidated by the waves of cloaked students before him. At this stage in the game, he couldn't resort to popularity, or even common ground in an attempt to get a woman's attention. Instead, sheer charm would have to be essential to his success.

He had plenty to fall back on.

Keith startled a bit as a force pushed into the small of his back, causing him to lurch forward. He caught himself before tumbling into the sea of dancers, and turned around quickly to see what had hit him.

"I'm sorry about that," said a softly accented voice from below his field of vision, "These parties get a little crowded, don't they?"

He looked down, and saw a spun pile of vibrant ebony hair woven around a crystalline tiara. The woman then rose to her full height after she had located her fallen scepter, and smiled brightly.

Keith discovered that whatever words he was about to say had taken flight.

She was slender and of medium height, but her posture and warm smile spoke of a confidence that most college women lacked. A film of silver glitter covered all her exposed skin, giving way to a lightweight layered gown of pastels, complete with a daring neckline and sweeping hem. Still, the gown wasn't completely opaque, hinting at her shapely legs beneath. In addition to the sparkling tiara, a glittered facemask covered the area around her eyes, but it couldn't take his attention from the wide, rich brown eyes behind them.

Keith blinked in amazement. She seemed almost like a celestial apparition.

"I know," she sighed, biting her glittered lip, "I guess the outfit's too much. It's my costume from our school play last year. It's a bit elaborate for this kind of party. I know if I wore the wings, they would have been ruined!"

"Who are you?" Keith found himself asking. It wasn't exactly his most impressive first words, but they were exceedingly direct.

Her smile widened. "What do I look like?"

"I... I don't know," Keith confessed, his gaze fixed upon her, "Like no one I've ever seen before."

She blushed slightly at the compliment. "Well, I'm sure you aren't asking for my name, since according to the rules I can't divulge that. I'm Titania, Queen of the Fairies."

Keith didn't find that hard to believe.

"Say, Blackbeard," she said, sliding her hand into his, "Would you care to dance?"

Keith grinned, gripping her hand with equal pressure. "It would be my pleasure."

Hand in hand, they weaved their way onto the crowded dance floor, and let the powerful dance mix take them in. Keith found himself amazed at how gracefully Titania moved on the dance floor. Even with that elaborate costume, she flowed with the fastest beat that echoed through the room, her eyes dancing with energy. Keith relished just watching her dance, as he could tell with ease that he would have difficulty keeping up with her.

So, she's a dancer, and she was in a school play, he deduced, If she was a fairy, then she certainly didn't go to U.C.L.A. last year. There weren't any plays involving fairy characters. So she's either a transfer student or a freshman. And from her accent, she's from the South... the Carolinas, Georgia, or something like that.

He found himself quite fascinated by the Southern Belle that had grasped his attention.

After a few powerful beats that blended into each other, the music faded, and the dense population of the dance floor applauded merrily for the extended dance mix.

"Okay, guys and gouls!" the DJ called, tipping his cowboy hat, "It's time for all you lovers out there to take the stage. We've got a few softies up next."

An immense wave of shuffling began, with party-goers trading places on the dance floor. Titania tilted her head slightly, smiling broadly.

"Well, thanks for the dance," she said, waving. But before she could get very far, Keith was quick to get a hold of her hand.

"What's the rush?" he inquired innocently.

Titania once again bit her lip. "Well, I do have to get going... but I guess one more dance couldn't hurt."

She turned back to the pirate, and hung her hands around his neck. "So, do you slow-dance much?"

Keith grinned. "Not at all," he admitted, "but I'm a quick study."

The dance floor had become more sparsely crowded, making it easier for couples to move about. The vibrant red light flashing above the floor dimmed and steadied, pacifying the tone of entire party. And then, a soft melody began, with Celine Dion's powerful vocals taking center stage.

When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love
In a restless world
Like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart
I give it completely
Or I'll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love...

Chapter Three

Wednesday, November 1st

"Hmm, hmmm..." Keith hummed quietly, his pursed lips vibrating the note as he turned the page in his statistics text. He leaned deeply into his soft couch, his feet propped on the coffee table below.

Rachel gazed at her long-time friend for a moment from her seat beside him. She shook her head in amazement as she watched his foot sway back and forth in time with the song he constantly hummed. With a deep sigh, Rachel shoved her pen into her copy of Thomas Paine's Common Sense

, tossed it onto the coffee table, and leaned her arm on the back of the sofa.

"Okay," she said defeatedly, "spill it. What happened?" Keith continued to hum the verse to the song, his cerulean eyes passing over the text methodically. Rachel rolled her eyes impatiently, and snatched the book from Keith's grasp, warranting his full attention.

"What're you doing?" he objected, trying to reach for his book, "You know I have a midterm on Monday! I'm four chapters behind!"

"And you're not getting anywhere," Rachel pointed out, glancing at the page he was on, "What's this chapter about?"

"Uh..." Keith muttered, frowning slightly.

"Can you even tell me what chapter you're on

?" Rachel inquired, a knowing grin appearing on her lips.

Keith sighed dramatically, leaning back into his chair and propping his chin on his knuckles. "Point taken."

"So, what's on your mind, my friend?" Rachel persisted, smiling innocently, "I know Stat isn't your favorite class, and since you don't even remember what you've been reading the past hour, I can say that multiple regression isn't what's got you singing the theme to Sleepless in Seattle."

Keith smiled. "So that's

where I heard that song before."

Rachel nodded. "It was also playing at the party last night. I'm sure that's the association you're making with it."

Rachel bit her lip to hold back a gasp as a faint blush peaked through Keith's tan complexion.

"Don't even think about clamming up on me," Rachel persisted, punching him lightly in the shoulder, "I even saved you a dance! You just disappeared!"

"Yeah, I meant to apologize for that. Well, what happened was... I... I kinda bumped into this girl at the party..."

"Anyone I know?" Rachel interrupted.


don't even know," Keith sighed, "I didn't recognize her, and she didn't tell me her name. But I'm sure I'd know her if I saw her again... even without the costume."

"What was she wearing?" Rachel asked, her eyes narrowed with intense interest.

"She was a fairy named Titania," Keith revealed, "Ring any bells?"

"Titania is a rather generic name for a Fairy Queen," Rachel reflected, "Hmm. I'd say... Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream

is your best bet. So, you've fallen for a Shakespeare fan?"

"Who said anything about 'falling' for her?" Keith objected almost immediately, raising his eyebrow, "We just danced a bit. That's all."

Rachel huffed. "Keith, I've known you for two whole years now! I've witnessed your initial reactions to your last three girlfriends, and none

of them had you humming the song you danced to... not to mention the song is coincidentally entitled When I Fall in Love

! I'd say you were pretty hung up on this Titania. Maybe it's the mystique about not knowing who she is?"

Keith remained silent for a moment, considering the consequences of what his friend was suggesting. "I don't know," Keith admitted, "but she made one big impression. We danced to some of the fast mixes, and then she tried to leave when the slow stuff came on. She agreed to dance a little more, so we danced to that Sleepless in Seattle song. We got some drinks and talked after that, but she insisted she had another appointment. I don't know... maybe she was just trying to shrug me off."

"I doubt it," Rachel stated, "If she didn't like you, she wouldn't have stuck around with you so much. If she was the only person you danced with, and you were with her through that song, you were dancing with her for at least half an hour!"

Keith blinked. "Wow... it didn't seem that long. Well, anyway, at about midnight she insisted she had to leave."

"Maybe her coach was about to turn into a pumpkin," Rachel suggested, a giggle escaping her. Keith threw her an impatient glare. "Sorry," she whispered, suppressing her amused grin.

"But... I don't understand why she didn't just tell me her name!" he complained, "She could've written it down on a piece of paper... or at least her number. There are seven thousand students here! It'll be like finding a needle in a haystack!"

"Relax, Keith," Rachel said soothingly, lying her hand on his shoulder, "Just because she didn't give you any personal information doesn't mean she wasn't interested. The rules of the dance were that no one should reveal his or her identity. That's the whole tradition of the Phi Sigma Epsilon Masquerade."

"I know," Keith muttered, "I heard Dracula's little speech. But still, what would they have done to us? Kicked us out?"

"What if she's a member of the sorority chapter?" Rachel suggested, "Or, what if she's rushing? Lydia told me that the prospective candidates for membership had to attend the party, and were absolutely forbidden from revealing their identities to anyone other than their Big Sister... the member who will wind up determining whether a candidate will get in. Did you even think

of that?"

"No, I didn't," Keith confessed, his smile returning, "So... maybe I didn't make such a bad impression after all. I was so tongue-tied!"

Rachel couldn't help but laugh at that comment. "I wish I was there to see it!" she giggled, "Anyway, since you left

me all alone, I had to make due without you!"

"Craig was there!" Keith protested.

"Yeah, but Craig couldn't stay long. He had an early class today, and he's at basketball practice now."

"So what did you do?"

Rachel looked away for a moment. "I... bumped into someone."

Keith's brow wrinkled in thought, until he saw the cold expression on his companion's face. "Uh oh... one of the Ex's. Uh... Aaron?"

She nodded in response.

"You know, I just don't get you," Keith said, frowning slightly, "I mean, I could never understand why you broke up with Aaron in the first place! He was a nice guy, an amazing athlete, and Craig could certainly vouch for him. They're on the same basketball team, after all. They spend a lot of time together."

Rachel scowled slightly at Keith's comment. "It was mutual

, Keith."

"No, it wasn't. You pulled that 'Let's just be friends' routine on him, and he agreed to it. It was all

you, Ray. And I thought you really liked him, too."

"We're still friends," Rachel protested, folding her arms and leaning heavily into the couch, "I really don't feel like discussing it, if you don't mind."

Both remained quiet for a moment, until Keith finally cleared his throat.

"So... what happened with Aaron yesterday?" he inquired, dismissing the effects of his comment on the first of Rachel's several ill-fated relationships.

"So, Aaron told me about a big sale they're having at Sports Stadium at the Everclear Plaza this week," she responded quietly, "They're closing the store, so all sports equipment is marked down. I need to get some new kick-boxing gear, and now's as good a time as any."

Keith leaned back in his couch for a moment, as a thought occurred to him. "Why don't we go now?"

Rachel blinked in surprise. "We?

But, you hate malls!"

"There's something I'd like to pick up."

Chapter Four

Monday, November 6th

The harsh rain pelted against his sturdy umbrella, and he splashed his boots in deep pools of water, but all he could hear was the melody playing directly into his ear.

He continued to hum the song during his walk to his exam site. After Craig had offered a strong complaint about the constant "When I Fall in Love"

pouring from Keith's CD player, the latter decided to just start using his Discman.

Ever since he purchased the Sleepless in Seattle soundtrack at the mall, he'd play the tune to relax.

It was amazing the effect it had on him. He was so calm, he barely even thought about the massive midterm exam he was about to take. Still, considering the powerful rain, he had allotted himself a good twenty minutes to get across campus in time.

He turned off the Discman once the song had finished playing, and was about to turn into the Addam's Hall, when he heard the sound of a large group moving toward the exit from inside. He waited patiently as several hundred students just dismissed from a lecture poured through the massive double doors, as it would be quite difficult to fight the traffic to get into the building. As he waited, something caught his eye.

Flowing raven hair.

Keith's eyes widened, as he tried desperately to keep his eye upon the figure he saw. The crowd started to disperse, as various students pulled out their umbrellas and headed onto Hamilton Walkway to reach their next destination.

And standing beside the building, watching as bullets of heavy water fell from the sky, was Titania.

She wore no glitter, nor a tiara. But he still knew it was her.

"Hey!" he called, weaving his way through the remaining crowd. She didn't turn to him until he was already beside her, hovering his umbrella over her head. "Don't I know you?"

She smiled widely, her eyes wide with surprise. "Blackbeard?" she questioned. She giggled when he nodded in response. "You look better without the patch and beard."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was intended to be."

Keith cast a quick glance at his watch. He still had ten minutes before his exam would begin- plenty of time to take advantage of the rare opportunity.

"So," he said, "where're you heading?"

"Oh, I have to go to Zellberg Auditorium," she sighed, staring at the heavy cloud cover, "You know, it wasn't raining when I left the dorm this morning. I guess I can wait it out..."

"How about allowing me the privilege of escorting you?" Keith offered, his smile widening, "Zellberg's only two blocks from here."

Her brow wrinkled slightly. "Are you sure it isn't out of your way? Weren't you going somewhere?"

Keith cast one more glance at his watch. "Don't worry about it."

"Well, thanks a lot," she said, smiling widely as the pair began walking back onto the soaked stone pathway of Hamilton Walk. As they hurried along the relatively empty walkway, Keith felt her dark brown eyes on his face for an extended period of time.

"Bye the way," she said, pursing her lips for a moment, "My name's Tamara Fox... but everyone calls me Tammy."

"Pleased to meet you," Keith responded, shaking her offered hand, "I'm Keith Maloy."

"Charmed," she responded, gripping his hand with equal force. After an extended moment, they both released each other, and focused their eyes upon the path in front of him. Keith smiled slightly to himself as an extremely loud crash of thunder struck in the heavens, causing Tamara to edge just a little closer to him.

"By the way," she said, not taking her eyes off the pathway, "I'm really glad we bumped into each other. I... I was kind of hoping we'd see each other again."

Keith felt a broad smile tugging on his lips, but he made a conscious effort not to relay to Tamara how ecstatic he was to find her. "Me too," he said earnestly, "I mean, our meeting circumstances weren't exactly optimal for getting to know one another."

Tamara blushed cutely. "I'm sorry about that, Keith. I would have liked to be more disclosing, but I'm rushing, and it's strictly forbidden for sorority candidates to break the rules of the Phi Sigma Epsilon Masquerade."

"So, you really want to be part of a sorority?" Keith inquired, "I'm sorry... it's not my business-"

"That's okay," Tamara interrupted, "Actually, I don't think I want to join up. A friend of mine is rushing, and I figured I'd give it a try, but it turns out I won't really have the time. Rushing is really a big investment of time, and I'm already working with the T.T.T."

"I'm sorry," Keith said, "the what?"

"The Thalia Theater Troupe," she answered, "It's one of the entertainment groups on campus. It's named for the Greek muse of comedy, because the vast majority of the plays we put on are comedies rather than tragedies. You know... with happy endings."

"Oh yeah... I think they put on Rhinoceros

last year."

"Right. This year, we're staging Gilbert and Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance

. It's a fabulous, really funny light opera."

"Opera?" Keith inquired, nodding slowly, "So, you can dance, act, and


Tamara's faint blush returned. "Well... I don't sing all that

well. Actually, I'd rather just put on a regular play, but it's not really my choice."

The pair paused at the cement stairs leading to the entrance to Zellberg Auditorium. In unison, they climbed the case, and paused right outside the door. Keith maneuvered the umbrella so it remained above Tamara's head, even though he felt his back soaking in large drops of rain.

"Thanks so much for the walk over," Tamara said, waving as she opened the door, "I'd be completely drenched!"

"Say," he said, reaching out and touching her hand to prevent her from leaving, "this storm doesn't look like it's gonna let up. In fact, the weather report did say it'd get even worse this afternoon."

Tamara grimaced. "I really should check the forecast before I leave the dorm," she sighed.

"Well, why don't I just give you my umbrella?" Keith offered nonchalantly.

"Don't be silly," Tamara stated firmly, "I certainly can't let you get soaked on my account!"

"Really, it's no big deal-"

"Nonsense," she interrupted firmly, "Actually, I have a better idea. What are you doing in three hours?"

Keith shook his head. "Nothing in particular. Want me to walk you home?"

Tamara's sweet, almost shy grin returned. "Well, maybe we can go get coffee or something?" she suggested. "That is, if you have the time..."

"That'd be terrific," Keith assured her, "So, I'll pick you up at four?"

Tamara nodded, opening the front door once again. "See you then!"

Keith watched for a moment as the heavy wood door slowly closed behind her. As soon as she was gone, an immense smile stretched his lips, and in an ecstatic reaction, he hopped down the fight of stairs, splashing through a deep puddle. But, he didn't care.

"Yes!" he whispered, balling his fist. He almost had to pinch himself, for it was too good to be true. Just minutes ago, he was almost convinced he'd never find her again... and now, he had a date with her in just three hours. Thank goodness he had bumped into her just outside Addam's Hall...

Uh oh.

"My test!" he shrieked, his azure eyes widening, "I'm late!"

Without another coherent thought, Keith raced through the torrential rain like a madman, ignoring the hard rain that stung his eyes due to his pace. He was only three minutes late so far... plenty of time to take the exam remained.

Still, the smile on his face didn't fade at all.

Chapter Five

"So," Keith said, pulling out Tamara's chair for her, "what were you doing in Zellberg? Rehearsing your play?"

"Actually, yes," she answered, following him with her steady gaze as he took his own seat. She leaned her elbows on the edge of the circular table, her gentle and disarming smile lighting up her features. "The play opens in about two weeks, so we're trying our best to get as much practice time in as possible."

"So, what's the play about?" Keith inquired.

Tamara giggled slightly. "Okay, here's the deal: there's this guy Frederic, who was accidentally sent to become an apprentice to a pirate."

"Accidentally?" Keith repeated, his eyebrow rising.

Tamara's shoulders quivered slightly with repressed laughter. "Yeah. You see, his nursemaid was supposed to see that he was apprenticed to a pilot

, but she misheard Frederic's mother's request. So he was indentured to serve as a pirate's apprentice until his twenty-first birthday."

"Sucks for him," Keith chuckled.

"It only gets worse

," Tamara continued animatedly, "You see, once Frederic reaches twenty-one, he bids farewell to his pirate cohorts, deciding it's time for him to give up crime since he was no longer under contract. But the Pirate King Richard brings to Frederic's attention that on his twenty-first birthday he'd be free from the contract... and he was born on February 29th."

Keith's smile widened, and he rolled his eyes. "Frederic's luck just keeps getting better!"

Tamara was giggling openly now, holding her hand to her lips. "So, the rest of the story deals with Frederic's attempt to get out of the contract, as well as a division of loyalty that develops. You see, he winds up torn between loyalty to the pirates he grew up with, or the family of the woman he falls in love with."

"And let me guess," Keith said with a charming grin, "you're the woman he falls in love with?"

Tamara nodded silently, averting her gaze slightly.

"It figures."

Keith watched as Tamara's soft pink color rose on her cheeks again. She was simply captivating, with an innocence that seemed to gush from every pore in her being.

She was so completely charming, and she wasn't even trying

. It must have been a natural ability of hers.

"Welcome to Xando's Coffee Shoppe," the waitress greeted, stepping beside the table, "May I take your order?"

"Yeah, I'll have a vanilla cappuccino," Keith requested.

"Hot chocolate, please," Tamara stated with a smile, "With whipped cream?"

"You got it," the waitress said, collecting the menus. She then left, leaving Tamara and Keith in silence once again.

"So, where are you from?" Keith inquired, his eyebrows rising with interest, "The Carolinas?"

She smiled. "Georgia, actually. Let me guess... my accent gave it away?"

Keith nodded.

"Well, I live in Atlanta," Tamara extrapolated, "It's just me and my parents. My dad works in Human Resources for the Coca-Cola bottler in Atlanta, and my mother is a costume designer for various stage productions. She's actually the one who put together my Titania costume."

"Quite an impressive job," Keith said truthfully.

"Yeah, it's such a fabulous costume," Tamara agreed, "I just love

theater! I grew up with it... so it's almost in my blood. It wasn't a hard decision for me to take up theater arts, and I wanted to come to Langstrum Alps because there's so much culture

here! I want to take advantage of it."

Her smile was almost nostalgic as she played with her silverware. She then lifted her mocha gaze, and smiled inquiringly at her companion. "How about you?"


"Tell me about yourself."

"Anything in particular?"

"No. Whatever comes to mind."

Keith was silent for a few moments, as he folded his hands atop the table. "Well, I'm from Austin Texas. I have two siblings, one older brother and one younger sister, and both my parents. I'm a junior..."

"A junior?" Tamara repeated, her eyes wide.

Keith shrugged. "Yeah, I'm gettin' up there. I hit my second decade of life in April."

Tamara smiled once again, tilting her head to the side. Her eyes narrowed slightly, almost as if she were placing Keith under heavy scrutiny.

"Don't feel bad," she assured him with a mischievous grin, "You don't look a day over eighteen."

The two laughed together for a moment, while the waitress placed two steaming mugs on the table. After a few moments, Tamara began stirring her beverage, and licked the whipped cream from the spoon.

"You know, that wasn't really the information I was looking for," she informed him with a half-smile.

"You did say whatever comes to mind," Keith pointed out.

"True, but I was hoping to get a bit more than your bio. Like... what are your dreams?"

Keith blinked at the completely unanticipated question.

"What do you mean?" he asked, almost cautiously.

"Do you have dreams, Keith?" Tamara inquired in her smooth, lightly accented voice, "I know you must, because everyone has a dream. Is there something you want you life to contain? Is there a passion that you want to pursue? A fantasy you'd like to come true? What's the driving force that pushes your life forward?"

Keith bit his lip, leaning back into his seat and stirring his cappuccino slowly. Tamara pursed her lips, once again averting her penetrating gaze from her companion.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly, almost laughing at herself, "That's kind of a weighted question to discuss over a cup of coffee. I guess... I just like to get to know people, and the greatest insight a person can have to another's mind is through their dreams, their goals... what they cherish most in life."

Keith chuckled a moment, shaking his head in amazement as he lifted his mug to take a sip.

"You certainly don't have to answer," Tamara persisted, "Just forget it."

"No!" Keith stated suddenly, "Actually, I'm kind of glad you asked. I just... never really gave it much thought."

He tapped his chin as the pair continued drinking their beverages in silence. Finally, he sighed quietly.

"You know... I don't have a dream," Keith admitted, "I never realized it before, but I don't have a clear goal. I'm a business management major, but that doesn't say much. I guess I'll take over my Dad's company some day, but that's not really my goal. It's more like... my responsibility. I guess... I guess I'm still trying to find myself. Figure out what's really 'me,' if that makes any sense."

Tamara nodded, her brow wrinkled with interest. "It makes perfect sense," she assured him.

"I think that's why I came to California. I just had to get away... separate myself from the little, secluded world I grew up in. Live my own life, before I'm forced to live my father's life. Sometimes, it just feels like it doesn't matter what I want in life. It's like... I have no choice."

He then paused his stream of consciousness, and dramatically touched his forehead with his fingertips. His smile broadened. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't want to hear all this..."

"I'm enjoying it," Tamara contradicted, "I'm having a great time."

"Me too," Keith admitted, "but next time I take you out, it'll have to be a nicer place than just a coffee shop."

Tamara raised an eyebrow. "You're assuming we'll go out again."

Keith blinked in surprise. "Shouldn't I?"

She smiled at his discomfort. "Well, you could ask

me first. You know, humor me by making me feel like I have some sort of agency."

Keith chuckled. "Okay... may I please have the honor of taking you out for dinner on Friday?"

Tamara smiled in reply. "It's a date."

Chapter Six

Friday, November 10th

There was a skip in his step as Keith casually strolled from the elevator to his apartment. He loosened his burgundy tie and released the top button of his white dress shirt.

He was simply on top of the world.

Unconsciously, he hummed the familiar tune that always brought the object of his affection to mind. Not that he needed help to divert his attention to her.

It was almost frightening how quickly he had fallen for Tamara Fox. He'd only known her for a week and a half, but he couldn't get her gleaming smile out of his mind. Or her delectable sense of humor. Her sharp wit. The grace and elegance that exuded from her, no matter what act she performed.

He continued humming as he fished through his pocket for the key. He pushed open the door, and his eyes widened when he saw both Rachel and Craig sitting on the couch, their attention drawn to the television screen.

Both looked up when they heard the door open, and immediately leapt to their feet.

"So," Craig said, glancing at the wall clock, "it's past eleven. And you left at seven-thirty."

Keith nodded, shedding his blazer. "Yeah. And?"


?!" Rachel repeated, folding her arms, "C'mon, Keith! Fill us in!"

"What happened?" Craig asked with a half-smile. He took a few steps back, and sank deeply into the couch, "We're not letting you go to sleep until you start talking."

"Craig..." "Don't even think about it," Craig interrupted, "Considering all that Celine Dion you've been subjecting me to, the least you can do is satiate my curiosity!"

Keith exhaled deeply, tossed his blazer onto the back of the lounge chair, and sat down heavily. He cracked an amused smile as both Craig and Rachel fixed their total attention on him.

"Well, we went to Mario's," Keith began.

"Wow," Craig interrupted, "Mario's on a first date? You must really like her!"

"I think that's already established," Rachel contributed, leaning forward, "So, what did you talk about?"

Keith shrugged. "Well... everything. Whatever came to mind. School, our families, travel... even our long-term goals."

Rachel blinked. "Since when did you

have any goals?"

"Ha, ha," Keith muttered sarcastically, "For your information, I have been thinking about what I'm planning on doing for the rest of my life."

"Incredible," Craig whistled, "This girl's really having an effect on you!"

"What did you do after dinner?" Rachel demanded.

Keith squirmed slightly. "Jeez, you guys are so nosy


"That's what friends are for, my man," Craig responded smugly.

"We walked around downtown for a while. There was a jazz band playing in the park, so we sat in on the outdoor concert. Then we got some coffee at Xando."

"I honestly never thought I'd see the day," Rachel whispered, gazing dreamily at nothing in particular.

"What day?" Keith asked curiously.

"The day I'd see you in love."

Keith gnawed on his lip for a moment, bringing his hand to his chin. "Me neither," he admitted softly.

"So, when do we get to meet this dream-come-true?" Craig asked, "You'd think you'd want her to meet the people you spend your time with."

"Well, I wouldn't want to scare her off," Keith quipped.

"Ha, ha," Craig groaned.

"Seriously!" Rachel contributed, "I want to meet her. Why don't you invite her to the basketball game on Tuesday? We're up against the Drexford Lions."

"The natural enemies of the U.C.L.A. Sharks," Craig affirmed.

"It's kind of short notice," Keith pointed out, "The U.C.L.A./Drexford games usually sell out months in advance! It's one of the longest running confrontations in college sports."

"Keith, I'm on the team," Craig reminded him, "I can get tickets easily!"

"So, it's settled," Rachel said, rising from her seat, "Craig has to be there early, so we should all go together at six. We can pick up Tamara, and chat while the teams practice. Then we'll get a bite after the game!"

"Sounds great!" Craig chimed in.

"Guys!" Keith protested, "I don't even know if Tammy likes basketball!"

"Keith, everybody

on this campus likes basketball. Especially the Drexford games."

Chapter Seven

Tuesday, November 14th

"Well, here we are," Keith said, pausing before room 115 in Henderson House dormitory.

Craig and Rachel stood side by side, glancing at the door. "Aren't you gonna knock?" Craig asked with a grin.

"Be nice," Keith warned.

"What do you think, we're going to eat her or something?" Rachel asked, rolling her eyes.

Keith sighed defeatedly, and knocked on the door. Moments later, the lock clicked open, and the door opened wide.

Tamara smiled widely at Keith, and then turned her attention to Craig and Rachel.

"Hi!" she said cheerily, casting her disarming smile to the two strangers. She enthusiastically held out her hand first to Craig. "I take it your Craig."

"That would be me," Craig responded, heartily shaking her hand, "but sometimes people do get me and Rachel confused."

Rachel was quick to jab him with her elbow before she shook Tamara's hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you, Tamara."

"Call me Tammy," she insisted, "Everyone does."

"Are you ready?" Keith inquired.

"Just one second," Tamara said, hurrying back into her room, "Let me get my jacket."

Keith waited as the door slowly closed, and then turned to his friends. "Well?" he whispered.

"She's not on trial, here," Craig said.

"I know... but what do you think of her?"

"She seems really sweet," Rachel commented, "Very likeable."

Tamara then reappeared, closing the door behind her. "Shall we?"

Chapter Eight

The crowds of densely packed students released a unified cry of excitement as the three-point shot sank into the basket cleanly. Buried deep within the cheering crowd, Keith, Rachel, and Tamara rose from their seats, clapping loudly.

"GO CRAIG!" Rachel cried, waving as the power forward moved back to the other side of the court. He waved back before the opposite team in-bounded the ball.

"Craig must've been working on his three-pointers," Keith mentioned, as the trio took their seats once again, "I haven't seen him hit one all year."

"I'm actually surprised he took that shot," Rachel added, "He must've been pretty confident."

"So, are you and Craig dating?" Tamara inquired. Rachel turned to her in surprise.

"What makes you think so?"

"Well, you seem very close, and it looks like you'd make a good couple."

Rachel smiled. "Actually, no."

"Then, how did you all wind up friends?" Tamara asked, "Keith told me that you and he have been friends throughout your U.C.L.A. careers. That's absolutely amazing that you found such good friends so quickly!"

"Rachel and I lived on the same floor at Henderson Hall freshman year," Keith recounted, "Fifth floor. The designated party floor."

"As in, extremely loud music," Rachel clarified, "At all


Tamara giggled. "Well, I guess it still lives up to its reputation."

"Keith and I were both enrolled in the same Calculus class first semester," Rachel continued, "Ech, it was Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at eight in the morning!"

Tamara's eyes widened. "I didn't even know classes started

that early."

"This was an exception," Keith uttered, rolling his eyes, "Our professor was absolutely nuts! He taught classes at Drexford in the afternoons, so he taught all his U.C.L.A. classes as early as possible."

"In any event, Keith managed to miss the entire first week of classes," Rachel reminisced, laughing slightly, "He just couldn't get out of bed."

"I finally managed to show up the second week. I didn't know it was such a small class... there were only twenty kids there! So the professor takes one look at me and says, 'So, you are Mister Maloy? I'm glad you finally decided to join us. Perhaps you weren't aware of it, but attendance counts heavily in this class. As I told everyone last week, students are allowed three free absences. After that, your final grade is deducted by 1/3 a grade.' Obviously, I wasn't too happy about that."

"So, Keith asked me to make sure he got to class every morning," Rachel picked up, "And every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, I called his room at 7:30 to make sure he was awake."

"Did you have a roommate?" Tamara asked.

"Yeah, but Darren slept like the dead. He slept through five fire drills... and two of them were in the afternoon!"

"Wow," Tamara whispered incredulously.

"So that's how Keith and I became good friends," Rachel finished, "We dragged each other through Calculus."

"And how did Craig come into the picture?"

"Craig's a year behind us," Keith revealed, "And we met him last year. Rachel was dating another guy on the basketball team at the time, and he basically became a sort of big brother for Craig."

"Craig found out about halfway through October that he was in deep trouble in his Spanish class," Rachel interjected, "He needed to pass a proficiency exam at the end of the term to complete the Language Requirement for the school, and Spanish was always tough for him. He was taking Spanish 140, which is supposed to prepare students for the proficiency exam, but he failed the first practice test they took. Aaron asked me if I would tutor Craig, since I'm fluent in Spanish. I agreed, and the rest is history."

"Yeah. Craig passed Spanish, and we all became good friends."

Tamara smiled broadly. "So Rachel, you've managed to single-handedly keep both Keith and Craig from flunking out of school?"

"In a manner of speaking," Rachel chuckled.

"You can give us some credit," Keith argued, "You got us through first semester Freshman year, but we managed to survive without too much help for the rest of it!"

"Good point," Rachel agreed. She then leapt to her feet and began cheering wildly as the Sharks stole the ball from the Lions, and managed to score an easy dunk. "So Tammy," Rachel said, sitting back down, "Keith mentioned you were in The Pirates of Penzance


"Yes, I am," she answered.

"We saw that performed in my high school," Rachel recounted, "It was a class trip for my drama class sophomore year. It's such fabulous production!"

"It'll be fantastic," Tamara stated enthusiastically, "College dramas are so much more involved than the high school plays I got so used to. I'm really excited about the show. You will come see it, won't you?"

"We'll be there with bells on," Keith assured her.

Rachel grimaced. "Well, he'll

be there with bells on. Craig and I will deny any acquaintance with him if anyone asks."

"You all have

to come to the show," Tamara persisted, "I'd love to see you there! It's playing next Friday and Saturday at Zellberg Auditorium."

Rachel smiled, and nodded her head. "We won't miss it."

Chapter Nine

Saturday, November 25th

"Poor wandering one!
Though thou hast surely strayed,
Take heart of grace,
Thy steps retrace..."

He sat in the audience, leaning back into the plush velvet seat at the Zellberg Auditorium. On his right was a plentiful bouquet of colorful flowers, woven with pink and yellow ribbon. Sitting on his left were Rachel and Craig, his dearest and most trusted friends. They, just like he, were completely enthralled in the play.

The plot was indeed fun and entertaining. The audience watched the misadventures of the loveable pirates, how Frederic tried to leave piracy behind, and how he had fallen in love with Mabel, one of the daughters of General Stanley of the British army. Obviously, a pairing between a pirate and the General's youngest daughter wouldn't be an ideal one, but the action of the play served them well. Frederic had a chance to save Mabel and her family from the pirates, and the General welcomed him to the family. And now, in true comedic tradition, everyone had to have a happy ending. The entire gang of pirates had decided to reform, and each asked the General if he could marry one of his daughters.

The perfect ending.

During the past week and a half, Keith had a hard time getting in touch with Tamara. Of course, being the week right before the opening of a big production, Tamara and the entire theater troupe had scheduled a great deal of rehearsal time. Keith had only seen her twice since the basketball game, once for a quick lunch, and once they happened into each other en route to class.

He found that the days seemed to drag on, as he anticipated her moment in the spotlight. He had gotten so attached to her that he came to miss her a great deal during the time they spent apart.

Was it really

love? Could it be love, since it happened so quickly? With other relationships, Keith was always quick to deny any deep emotional bond. But this time... things were inexplicably different.

This time, he was humming love songs. He was risking missing an important midterm, just to see she got to her destination comfortably. The whole world seemed brighter.

The chorus ended, with each former pirate holding the hand of one of the maidens. In the center stage, Tamara stood hand in hand with the actor playing Frederic, and they both took deep bows. The audience broke into a loud ovation, and Keith was quick to add his own applause to the cacophony.

Tamara's performance was simply perfect. Her gentle soprano easily reached the more difficult notes in Mabel's part, and her natural grace made it easy for her to maneuver the stage in the frilly costume she wore. And it was clear, even from the distance, that Tamara put her whole heart into the project.

The audience rose to their feet, still applauding as the heavy red curtain swung closed, and the lights illuminated the auditorium. Keith pulled on his jacket, and collected the bouquet as his friends prepared to leave.

"That was so great!" Craig said gleefully, "Tammy's got a terrific voice."

"I think I liked this performance better than the professional one I saw," Rachel commented, "C'mon, let's go congratulate them. The actors are coming to the floor now."

Rachel, Craig, and Keith wove their way through the dense audience to reach Tamara, who was standing beside Frederic and graciously accepting all the praise and hugs from friends and even strangers. Her smile broadened when she caught site of the trio, and excused herself so she could meet them en route.

"Hi!" she called, wrapping her arms around Keith in a tight hug, "What did you think?"

"You were spectacular," he said truthfully, returning the hug with full force. Once she released him, he presented her with the bright bouquet.

"They're beautiful," she cooed, planting a kiss on his cheek. She hugged the flowers to her chest as she greeted both Craig and Rachel.

"Great job!" Craig stated.

"Congratulations," Rachel contributed.

"Thanks so much," Tamara gushed, "It went off without a hitch! I was so nervous- this is my first collegiate play. But it was perfect!"

"So, who's up for Baskin Robbins?" Craig asked.

"Definitely," Rachel agreed.

"Actually, I'm a bit tired," Tamara admitted, "I'll take a raincheck."

"I'll walk you home," Keith offered.

"That's okay," Tamara assured him, "I'll be okay."

"No, it's fine," Keith responded, "I'll wait here for you."

"You sure?" she asked.


She smiled, holding his hand for a moment. "I'll get changed, and I'll be right with you." She then waved at Rachel and Craig, and disappeared behind the stage into the dressing rooms.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys later," Keith said to his friends.

Rachel and Craig exchanged humored glances. "Take care," Rachel said.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Craig warned with a smile.

Keith punched his roommate in the shoulder playfully, as the pair vanished into the dense crowd. He then took a seat in the front row of the auditorium, and waited.

Chapter Ten

Keith watched as Tamara bent her head forward, to breathe in the fragrance of the bouquet. She raised her head to the stars, a gentle smile spread on her face as she gazed at the brilliant autumn moon above them.

Tamara noticed his interest in the corner of her eye, and turned to face him, a humored smile on her lips. "What?"

Keith shrugged dismissively. "Oh, nothing."

"What's on your mind?" she insisted.

"I was just thinking," he admitted, averting his gaze, "about Halloween. I... I'm just so glad you bumped into me at the party."

Tamara giggled slightly, releasing his hand and leaning her head against his shoulder. Keith responded by casting his arms around her back, and holding her near as they walked across the campus.

"I am too," she said quietly, "The funny thing is, I almost didn't go to the party at all."

"Really?" Keith said in surprise, "I thought you were rushing."

"I wasn't wholly dedicated

to it," she revealed, "Actually, I had an Italian vocabulary quiz the next morning, so I didn't even want to go out. I figured I could spend a few hours there. That's why I had to leave so early."

"I thought you were just getting tired of me," Keith confessed.

Tamara giggled again, wrapping her arm around his waist. "Never."

The couple came to a stop at the street, and waited for the Walk sign to be displayed. As they waited, Tamara slipped out from Keith's arm, and gazed at him face to face.

"There's... something I need to tell you," she confessed, "I've been debating about whether or not I should, but I just have to."

Keith stared at her, almost in fear. "What is it?"

Tamara bit her lip, and grasped on of his hands. "Usually, when I say this to a guy, he tends to run the other way. But, I'll take my chances."

She paused, locking her eyes with Keith's. "The past few weeks have been the best in my life," she said quietly, "The time we spend together... it's what I look forward to every day. You've come to mean a lot to me."

Tamara then laughed weakly at herself, releasing his hand. "Now, this is the part that you say 'Tammy, I'm not interested in a serious relationship.'"

"What makes you think I'd say that?" Keith asked quietly.

She shrugged. "I just find that if I expect the worst, then I won't get hurt as easily."

Keith was amazed by her admission. "You don't seem like the pessimistic type, Tammy."

"Only when it comes to love."

Keith blinked at her blunt statement. She used the "L" word so casually. Of course, she didn't necessarily have to mean that she actually loved him... she could be referring to matters of the heart in general.

Still, the way she opened her heart to him gave him a boost of confidence. It was only fair for him to be frank with her, without worrying about the consequences tied to laying one's heart bare.

"You've come to mean a lot to me too," he said quietly, lifting her chin with his fingers, "So much... that it almost scares me." He then smiled gently. "Almost."

Tamara's eyes glassed over quickly, and her lip trembled. Slowly, he lowered his head to her, closing his eyes along the way. She raised hers, meeting his lips halfway.

The light had changed several times during the interval, and several groups of students had passed them, watching in amazement at how long two people can be locked together.

But they didn't care. There was nothing to worry about. Nothing else mattered but each other.

It was only the beginning.

Chapter Eleven

Tears dripped from his chin as Keith slipped the silver disc into the stereo. Once the disc tray disappeared into the machine, he pressed the commands needed to skip to the song he desired to hear.

When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love
In a restless world
Like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart
I give it completely
Or I'll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you

Keith felt his eyes swell even more as the sweet ballad lapsed into a repetition of the first verse. The strong, passionate voices of both performers melded into a swirl of emotion.

Never did a song have so much power behind it. The light, liberating tune weighed heavily upon the young man... so much so, he felt his knees grow weak. Tears blurred his vision as he lumbered back onto his bed, and lied flat on the mattress. The remote for his CD player hung from numb fingers as the song continued.

When I fall in love
It will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love
In a restless world
Like this is
Love is ended before it's begun
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

It felt like his very life was bleeding through his eyes. His lips trembled, and a sob escaped him.

He never felt so weak.

He shivered miserably, the emotional pain he felt pulsing through his mind, giving him an intensely real physical headache. His stomach flipped, making Keith quite relieved that he hadn't eaten earlier. He surely wouldn't have kept it down.

His entire body was working against him... punishing him for what he let slip away. Punishing him for even trying

to push the memories out of his mind.

He had left Langstrum Alps for many reasons... including to leave the memories behind.

But he was wrong. There was no way he could leave Tamara behind. True, her death was... and always would be... a painful, traumatic memory. Yet, he couldn't deny that the happiest moments of his life were also wrapped around images of her. Of her magnetic smile. Of her hypnotic gaze. Of how right

it felt to be in her presence, to wrap his arms around her.

When I give my heart
It will be completely
Or I'll never give
I'll never give
My heart
No, I'll never give my heart
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I fall in love...
When I fall in love...
When I fall in love...

The song faded out of existence, leaving Keith trapped in the deafening silence of solitude. Almost desperately, he grabbed the remote control, and programmed the CD player to play that track in a continuous loop.

He wanted to let the pain go, but he wasn't ready to give up all the joy that was interminably tied to it.

The End

Character Thesaurus

You wanted to learn more about the Spectrum Force, their mentors and the enemies they fight? Read on and you shall find information on these characters and more!

The Spectrum Force

Rachel Castaneda - The Purple Enforcer

Full Name:

Rachel Castenda
Enforcer Designation:

Purple Enforcer

Date of Birth:

February 24, 1978



Year in College:


Legal Studies

Miami, Florida
Vital Traits:

Practices kick-boxing; active in various university organizations; studious; very private; fluent in Spanish.

Keith Maloy - The Red Enforcer

Full Name:

Keith Maloy
Enforcer Designation:

The Red Enforcer

Date of Birth:

July 11, 1978



Year in College:


Business Management

Houston, Texas
Vital Traits:

Achieved black-belt level in karate; enjoys water sports; mostly light-hearted and energetic; proficient in Japanese.

Craig Gillis - The Blue Enforcer

Full Name:

Craig Gillis
Enforcer Designation:

The Blue Enforcer

Date of Birth:

December 17, 1978



Year in College:



New York City, New York
Vital Traits:

Member of Dreiser University Varsity Basketball team; all-around athlete; often clownish; enjoys mostly laid-back lifestyle.

Jocelyn Armand - The Orange Enforcer

Full Name:

Jocelyn Armand
Enforcer Designation:

The Orange Enforcer

Date of Birth:

November 9, 1982


Light Brown

Year in College:



San Francisco, California
Vital Traits:

Extremely intelligent, with excellent memory and problem-solving skills; participates in intramural beach volleyball and Dreiser University Women's Swim Team.

Matthew O'Conner - The Green Enforcer

Full Name:

Matthew O'Conner
Enforcer Designation:

The Green Enforcer

Date of Birth:

August 25, 1981


Copper Brown

Year in College:


Biology (Pre-Med)


Greenwich, Connecticut
Vital Traits:

Tends to be impatient and often sarcastic; volatile temper; sensitive.

Tamara Fox - The Yellow Enforcer

Full Name:

Tamara Fox
Enforcer Designation:

The Yellow Enforcer

Date of Birth:

April 21, 1980



Year in College:


Theater Arts

Savannah, Georgia
Vital Traits:

Highly energetic, optimistic, and creative; athletic (particularly jogging and softball)

; artistic (sculpting, singing, dancing, and composing)


Mentors and Allies to the Spectrum Force

Spectra - Mentor to the Spectrum Force

Full Name:


Mentor to the Spectrum Force

Date of Birth:



Black with red highlights


Lumina City, Fesp
Vital Traits:

Determined to help the Spectrum Force complete their task in protecting the Earth, Spectra herself was once a member of her own Spectrum Force when she lived on Fesp.

Gaius – Mentor to Spectra and the Spectrum Force

Full Name:


Mentor to Spectra and the Spectrum Force

Date of Birth:





Lumina City, Fesp
Vital Traits:

He was the mentor of the original Spectrum Force. Passing his knowledge onto Spectra, he was on his way to returning to help her with this new generation of Spectrum Force when Phaedra struck him done with a virus called the Blight. Currently, he is in the care of Spectra and the Spectrum Force and has yet to awaken.

Luminus – Guardian of the Gateway Between Worlds

Full Name:


Guardian of the Gateway Between Worlds

Date of Birth:





<font_bold>Vital Traits: Not much is known about Luminus at all. All that is known is that he guards the Gateway the divides different Worlds.

Chris Greyson - Friend of the Spectrum Force

Full Name:

Chris Greyson

Friend of the Spectrum Force

Date of Birth:

December 25, 1978




Miami, Florida
Vital Traits:

Polite manner, has the ability of telepathy, determined personality.

Villains of the Spectrum Force

Phaedra - Empress of Denebia

Full Name:


Empress of Denebia

Date of Birth:





Vital Traits:

Determined to take over the Earth, Phaedra is empress of the planet Denebia. Violent and Deadly when she is angered, she is truly dangerous to approach one on one.

Celea – Princess of Denebia

Full Name:


Date of Birth:





Vital Traits:

Celea is Phaedra’s daughter. She is spoiled and when she doesn’t get her own way she is known to fly into severe temper tantrums. She was raised to be a warrior which she uses those skills to their fullest when fighting her enemies.

Acheron - Emperor of Denebia

Full Name:


Date of Birth:



Black with Red Highlights

White with Black pupils

Vital Traits:

Acheron is the Emperor of Denebia and one not to be trifled with. He is the husband of Phaedra, Empress of Denebia and father of Celea, Princess of Denebia. When he sets his sights on what he wants, he is known to not give up easily until he wins.

About the Author

Heather Ray lives in Logansport, Indiana where she enjoys spending time with family and friends. In her spare time when she isn't reading, writing, going to school at the local college of Ivy Tech Community College or working on various art projects, she enjoys swimming and playing basketball with the Special Olympics, watching movies with her god daughter, Lucy, (who happens to be the reason why Heather decided to transfer the fanfiction that she originally wrote this and other book series' into books!)

, acting with the local theater troupe in her hometown, singing, and working on her voice over work.

Her favorite book series includes The House of Night, Peter and the Starcatchers, Daughters of the Moon, The Nick Chronicles

(among other Dark Hunters books!)

, the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Book Series, the Harry Potter series, the Sookie Stackhouse series

, and she is also a bit of a comics 'nerd'

with her love for X-Men, Batman, Avengers,

just to name a few of her favorite comics. She also enjoys reading several mangas which include Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Vampire Knight,

and Sailor Moon


Not only does she enjoy reading, as is stated above, she also loves watching movies and various TV Shows. Her favorite TV Shows include True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel

, all the seasons of Power Rangers, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Doctor Who

and Once Upon a Time

. Her favorite movies include all the Star Wars

movies, all the Star Trek

movies, the Lord of the Rings

trilogy (she is really looking forward to see The Hobbit


, all the Marvel Comics

movies, the Chronicles of Narnia

movies and all the Harry Potter

movies! She also enjoys several animes including Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight,

and her favorite: Sailor Moon

(she is a bit obsessed with Sailor Moon what with not only enjoying the anime but also the live action series from Japan, and the musical series: Sera Myu

! She also cannot wait for the new anime series of Sailor Moon that is due out in a year!)

When she isn't at home writing or spending time with her friends and family, Heather can be found going around her home town (where she picked up a lot of her ideas for these books)

or at her local library, picking up new ideas for her next book!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.07.2012

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