
Part One

Chapter One

Monday, October 30th

He heard it.

The extended tone continued to run, it's steady, shrill ring speaking utter finality.

So much was packed into that tone. Horror. Sorrow. Loss. Death...

A chill stung his heart at the thought that hers would never beat again. That chill spread throughout his body, causing him to leap from his bed.

He panted heavily, fists clenching the corner of his plaid blue sheets. "Mom..."

It always happened without warning. Once in a while, his peaceful slumber would be interrupted by the shrill tone of Rebecca Cranston's heart monitor going dead. The sound would always bring back the agony he suffered at the tender age of nine, when he and his father stood vigil over the dying patient. After days of struggling for her life after the horrific car accident, she simply couldn't fight the inevitable any longer.

He could still feel his father's cold hand gripping his arm as his high school sweetheart passed. He could still feel ice settle in his own heart, freezing it in time with the final beat of his mother's. He could still feel the cold wetness of tears streaking down his pale face.

No... as his fingers grazed his cheek, he realized the tears were fresh.

"Desist," he reprimanded, throwing off the bed sheets, "Such a morbid reverie is counter-productive."

Billy blindly reached for his glasses, which sat beside his digital clock in their usual location. Once the lenses were firmly in place, the vibrant red blur that was the time gave way to legible numbers.

The genius nearly squealed. "I'm tardy!"

He jumped from his bed, bounding across his room to where his custom-assembled laptop stood in wait. After a few keystrokes, an electronic calendar program booted.

He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thankfully I have no pertinent exams or activities scheduled. In fact, considering the special assembly on World Peace to be held this morning, this ought to be an academically-unchallenging day."

He then rose to his feet, and hurried to the bathroom.

Chapter Two

It took precisely fourteen minutes for Billy to finish bathing and dressing. He bounded down the stairs of his family's colonial, and blinked in surprise when he saw James Cranston seated at the kitchen counter, tapping his chin as he perused the large graph sheets spread out before him.

"Dad... you're still here?"

The middle-aged chemical engineer offered his son an absent wave, his green eyes not rising from the diagram. As if he were suddenly struck with lightning, he grabbed a red pencil, and began tracing on the sheet. "My limousine will be arriving in twelve minutes. If I don't finalize this process flow diagram..."


"To the airport."

Billy suppressed the urge to blink again. "You're going on a trip?"

"To Singapore," Mr. Cranston elaborated, "to evaluate the proposed job site." His elbow flexed as he drew a long line across the page, bringing his arm in contact with a Styrofoam cup. He didn't even notice the black coffee had spilled until the warm liquid touched the corner of his graph.

An embarrassed grin crossed his face. "It was a wise decision to utilize disposable cups."

His son watched, both angry and perplexed, as James inefficiently mopped up the spill with a handful of napkins. Shaking his head in atypical exasperation, Billy took the sponge from the sink and helped clean up.

"Did you have any intention of informing me of this agenda prior to your departure?" he demanded.

James folded the graphs quickly, oblivious to his son's tone. "I'm certain I mentioned it earlier."

"Not that I recall."

The engineer frowned, skimming through his disorganized memory. "I know I sent you an e-mail with my itinerary."

Billy stared at his father for a long moment, but the senior man paid no attention. Finally, the doorbell interrupted the unnerving quiet.

"I'm off," James noted, snatching his briefcase and hurrying to the door where his suitcase waited. "If you need anything, all my contact information is on the itinerary I sent you."

Billy nodded absently as his father followed the driver to the waiting car.

Chapter Three

"...and she had the nerve

to ground me!" Alexis groaned, tiredly stuffing unneeded textbooks into her locker.

Zack grimaced. "That bites, Lex. Zedd's been really rough on us the past week... with those lipstick and purse monsters, then the magnet guy just days later... it's exhausting!"

Kim sighed. "Too bad Zedd couldn't be more accommodating, you know? He keeps making Alexis miss her curfew!"

Zack grinned as an idea struck him. "Hey! Wouldn't be cool if Zedd only attacked during the afternoon. You know, right after school, but before dinner!"

Jason smirked. "Somehow, I doubt Zedd's willing to conform to our schedules."

Alexis watched her teammates' amused expressions. "Guys, this isn't funny. I'm grounded! What if Lord Zedd does attack? And even if he doesn't, my plans for tonight are done

. I won't be able to help out with the Trick or Treating preparations!"

Jason frowned. "We've still got to sort candy, schedule chaperons for all the kids, and coordinate Trick or Treating routes. It'll be a lot of work... but the rest of us should be able to handle it."

"But you will be able to chaperon tomorrow, right?" Kimberly urged. "I've posted flyers in the Youth Center, but we really will need all the help we can get."

"My Mom's giving me a 'trial' today. If I'm home by four today, hopefully she'll let me out for Halloween." She sighed deeply "Just how do you guys deal with your

parents? I've been a Ranger for less than two weeks, and my mother's on my case!"

"My parents never give me a hard time with curfews," the Trini reported, "I always get my homework and chores done, and since I've been pretty active in the Clean-Up Club and other after school projects, they never found my absence unusual."

Alexis settled an astonished gaze on her. "Oookay... how do the Rangers who aren't

candidates for America's Most Perfect Teenagers handle their parents?"

If Trini hadn't been so amused by the Purple Ranger's predicament, she might've been offended.

Tommy shrugged. "My parents know I've got the worst memory in human history, so they've gotten used to me not calling in."

Kim giggled, lacing her arm through her boyfriend's. "That excuse only works for you. Probably won't do Alexis much good."

"One thing that really takes the heat off is that our parents know all of us," Jason contributed. "Maybe if we all make a point of meeting your mom, she'll trust that you're not doing anything illegal when you're hanging out with us."

Zack smiled with inspiration. "I got it! We should make the preparations at Alexis' house! Then we can meet your mom, and get some extra help at the same time!"

Alexis shook her head. "That definitely won't fly. She's way

to steamed to let me bring friends over tonight."

"Maybe we can hang out over the weekend?" Kim piped up. "Rent a movie or something?"

Billy leaned against the neighboring locker, absently wiping the lens of his glasses with a cloth. "Rather than allow yourself to grow irate over your mother's attention, you should appreciate that she invests the effort to discipline you. Although it may not seem as such, discipline is one of the foremost acts of concern parents display to their children."

Everyone turned surprised stares to the Blue Ranger. The genius glanced up, noticing the sudden attention of his teammates. He managed a small, self-conscious grin.

Trini settled a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering her support without a word. As she turned her head, she just happened to notice a pair of unfamiliar teens exit Mr. Caplan's office.

Her eyes widened as she recognized one of them. "I don't believe it..."

Chapter Four

"So this is Angel Grove High," Aisha said quietly, stepping out of the main office into the bustling hallway, "It's small."

"Angel Grove is a small town compared to Stone Canyon," Adam contributed, "Look on the bright side- at least we won't get lost on our first day."

Aisha rolled her large brown eyes. "Well, somebody managed to get lost. What the heck could be taking Rocky so long?"

"I think he still has to take Carmen to school. Usually, it's no big deal, but now it's really out of the way. Eventually, he'll need to work out a better schedule."

"Speaking of schedules..." Aisha piped up, pulling a folded sheet from her pocket. "Let's compare. The least the school system can do is try to keep the Stone Canyon transferees together whenever possible."

"So you just transferred?" a new voice asked. Aisha and Adam turned around, and were surprised to see a group of seven teens gathered near them. The one who had spoken, a pretty Asian girl, extended her hand to Aisha.

"Then let me welcome you to Angel Grove High," she continued, "I'm Trini."

Aisha smiled in return, shaking her hand. "My name's Aisha, and this is Adam."

Adam grinned shyly, taking Trini's hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." She then indicated her friends. "This is Alexis, Jason, Zack, Kim, Tommy, and Billy."

"So, you're from Stone Canyon?" Zack noted, "I did hear something about some students transferring to Angel Grove. Your school got pretty messed up in that monster attack last week, right?"

Aisha huffed. "Tell

me about it. An entire wing of the building was totally flattened. The school can only handle about three-quarters the student population, so the Board decided to distribute three-hundred students amongst all neighboring high schools."

"Estimates say it'll take about two years until the school's back in top shape," Adam picked up, "so the transfers are permanent. Everyone moved to a different high school will have to graduate there."

Kim noticed the white cloth that peeked out of Aisha's sweater sleeve. "Uh... was anyone hurt in that battle?"

"Not seriously," Aisha responded. She then rolled up her sleeve, revealing the bandaging that wrapped her entire forearm. "In fact, I think I'm the only one who was hurt." She then grinned fiercely. "But I did

get to meet the Yellow Ranger, though. It was totally worth it! Get this, I was in the computer lab-"

As his animated friend dove into the tale of her Ranger encounter, Adam watched his new friends' reaction. He noted with surprise that they all seemed to be fighting back smiles.

What's so funny about Aisha's story? Maybe because seeing those alien monsters is an everyday thing around here...

He blinked curiously as the rest of the group sneaked fleeting glances at Trini.

Is she... blushing?

"Besides," Aisha continued, "it's no biggie. My dad assures me I'll be back in my gi by Monday, though I won't be able to compete anytime soon..."

That tickled Tommy's ear. "You take martial arts?"

Adam smiled widely. "We both do. In fact, before Aisha's injury we were in the running for the Team Ninja Finals with our friend R-"

His thoughts were interrupted by the shrill tone of the bell.

Kim cringed. "Sorry! We made you late to your first class!"

Aisha smirked. "Yeah right... like I

wasn't doing all the talking!"

"Maybe you can help us find our classes?" Adam suggested, "That way, we'll be less late."

"Sure," Jason offered, "where're you heading?"

Aisha and Adam consulted their schedules.

"Honors U.S. History, room 112," Aisha answered.

"A.P. Physics, in lab 101," Adam responded.

Billy's face instantly lit up in excitement. "The Advanced Placement Physics program desperately needs able participants. Only five students signed up."

"Well... now there're six."

"We'd be happy to show you the way," Trini offered.

"We've got the same History class," Jason informed Aisha.

The group began to disperse, forming smaller groups to head to class. Kim took a moment to wave to the crowd. "See you all at the assembly!"

Chapter Five

"And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war any more."

The Dutch scholar closed the leather-bound volume cradled in his palm, and slid his reading glasses off his aquiline nose. "A quotation from the Biblical book of Isaiah, made famous by the United Nations. A powerful image, is it not? All forms of war will end. Even the tools of war- swords, canons, guns, missiles- will be transformed into farming implements. Made productive, rather than destructive."

He rested the Bible on his podium, and leaned closer to the microphone. "There used to be a statue of a man beating a sword into a plowshare on display in the United Nations building in New York. But I believe... and always have believed... that the emphasis was misguided. For the statue brought focus to the goal... the worldwide peace... instead of the means to get there. A world of peace seems impossible, unless you examine the path that brings us there. And that very path is identified by the prophet: 'neither will they learn war any more.'"

He was silent for a moment, letting the observation sink in. "The key to ending all strife in this world by ending the learning

of war. My generation, and those before me, have learned war. We have learned to hate and mistrust others, based solely on their appearance, language, or religion. So many are misguided, because they have been taught that war is the only way to insure peace. But the only peace in their minds is a world without bombs dropping in their backyards. The heart of the matter... the hatred and mistrust... must be addressed. The next generation must learn

peace. Must learn to see beyond the superficial, and accept those different from themselves. Your

generation, now filled with hope and youthful zeal, must never learn to hate."

The audience was absolutely rapt at the message carried by the gentle European accent. All the students watched him walk away from the podium, and lift a remote control. The lights dimmed, and a slideshow began to play on the large white projection screen.

On the screen were various pictures of youths... just like them. Teenagers of so many different backgrounds it was impossible to count them all. Laughing, eating, talking, debating as equals.

The speaker paused at one screen, which displayed a large stadium. Hundreds of people filled the stands, and the sign hanging above the center stage read "1st Annual Teen Youth Summit."

"This had been my dream for decades," he continued, "A forum of exchange, designed for youths around the world. A chance for your generation to avoid the pitfalls of hate and scorn by meeting the individuals so often buried under stereotype. After a lifetime of work, last year we held the First Annual Teen Youth Summit in Geneva, Switzerland. Nearly a thousand youths... just like you... attended the year-long program. Think of it as a foreign studies program, only instead of learning one culture, delegates learned dozens. This first year was such an overwhelming success, we've decided to expand the program even further, including as many as five thousand high school age students from every walk of life."

The lights came back on, illuminating the wide, fatherly smile of the speaker. "That is why I am here. Representatives from the First Annual Teen Youth Summit have traveled around the world, promoting this campaign for world peace. As optimistic as I may be, I know it is not within the power of my generation to bring about true, lasting peace. But I do

believe it can be achieved... by you. So much can be achieved in your youth, when your mind and heart are open to compromise and understanding. Thank you."

The room erupted into applause as the speaker took a courteous bow, and sat down amongst the row of presenters on stage. Then, Mr. Caplan rose from his seat, clapping as he made his way to the podium.

"Thank you very much, Dr. Kuiperi, for your enlightening, inspiring message of peace. Dr. Kuiperi and his staff will be in Angel Grove for the next two weeks, holding interviews with those of you interested in applying for the Second Teen Youth Summit. Three students from Angel Grove High will be selected, and will subsequently join Dr. Kuiperi in Geneva for a twelve-month program. Now, are there any questions?"

The lights above the audience blazed to life, and the principal scanned the raised hands. "Yes, Trini?"

Trini stood up. "What will the program entail?"

A handheld microphone was passed to Natasha Trotsky, Program Coordinator. "The program will span twelve months, December 1, 1995 to December 1, 1996. Individual students will take four hours of high-school equivalency education daily, administered in small classes that are carefully designed to match the education that delegates will miss due to participation in the program. Also, there will be mock-debates on world issues, presentations by each student describing his or her worldview, and several good-will trips to impoverished, war-torn, or otherwise needy lands, under the direction of the World Health Organization. In addition, each delegate will have the opportunity to take four week-long trips to the capitals of different members of the United Nations."

"Next question?" Mr. Caplan requested, scanning the audience. "Zack?"

"Yeah... what happens after the year's up?"

Natasha handed the microphone to Tamara, delegate from Tel Aviv, Israel. "That is an excellent question. As was determined for the First summit, a select group of participants will be invited to remain in the program, to assist with the coordination of the following year's summit. Also, others have chosen to volunteer several months to localized humanitarian projects, assisting in not-for-profit distribution of medical supplies, food, clothing, and education to needy lands. Still others, such as myself, remain for a few months to travel the world, spreading the lessons learned from the summit to dozens of cities. And, of course, all have the opportunity to return home, and continue their education and careers. Though, those who do remain in the program are also given equivalent education, so they don't fall behind."

"Violet?" Mr. Caplan called.

The shy brunette rose. "How are the three Angel Grove representatives chosen?"

The microphone was returned to Dr. Kuiperi. "The first step involves a written application, which are available in the main office once this assembly ends. The application is similar to one used for college admission or a scholarship, including a few background questions, grade reports, awards earned, activities, and several paragraph-long written answers. Those applications are reviewed on a first-come basis, and fifty will be selected for fifteen-minute interviews, conducted by any one of us. Finally, we convene again and discuss our selection. The selected delegates will be contacted privately, and subsequently released to local media by November 15th. That leaves candidates two weeks to settle their affairs, and they will come to Geneva sometime before December 1st, when orientation begins."

"Okay, we have time for one more question," Mr. Caplan revealed, glancing at his watch. "Go ahead, Carlos."

"How often do delegates visit their families?" the freshman soccer star inquired.

Natasha chose to answer. "The program is designed to fully immerse participants in other cultures and ways of thinking. As a consequence, while there is a great deal of travel during the thirteen-month program, schedules will be too full for regular visits home. All participants get two weeks of free time in the spring and late summer, but few decide to go home during this time. More often than not, participants journey to one of Europe's more famous vacation spots."

Carlos nodded, and took his seat.

"That's all the time we have for this afternoon," Mr. Caplan announced, "No dilly-dallying; third period begins in precisely two minutes."

"And I'd like to thank you all for your attention," Dr. Kuiperi stated, "If any of you have further questions, feel free to visit us. We have set up temporary offices in the auxiliary gymnasium, and will operate from there for the next two weeks."

Chapter Six

"That was so incredible," Trini sighed, hands clasped tightly, "Dr. Kuiperi is such a powerful speaker..."

"Funky program," Zack confessed, "It'd be pretty cool to travel the world, try and get a new perspective on things."


," Kim drawled, nudging the Black Ranger, "and I'll bet it'd look better than 'Hip-Hop Kido' on a college application."

Zack responded with a Cheshire grin. "I'm the man, Kim. I can do both!"

Billy quirked his head. "Can you?" he wondered, "The word 'martial arts' implies war. While it is true one doesn't need to be warlike to participate in most schools of martial arts, the most basic use would be self-defense. That might be problematic to pursue such a course of study in an environment professing absolute and uncompromised pacifism."

As the conversation grew philosophical, a short, elderly man watched the tight-knit group walk passed. A scornful smirk pulled his lip as he walked in the opposite direction, towards the school library.

Silly creatures. Don't they realize it's a moot point? There are far more dangerous forces with which to contend than mere opposing nations.

He stepped into the small library, the scent of paper and leather tickling his adept sense of smell. He looked around curiously, tightly clutching his laptop against his plaid blazer, when the librarian emerged from the stacks.

"Dr. Fin!" she greeted, "So good to see you again."

"Good morning, Barbara," he responded, nodding in greeting.

Barbara approached him, tucking back a lock of red hair that had fallen from her French braid. "I take it you're here for more Halloween research?"

He smiled his unique, insincere smile. "I intend to conclude my research today, so I can begin my analysis when I return home."

"Let's check out the stacks," she decided, beckoning him to the history section. Dr. Fin sat his laptop on one large desk, and followed the taller woman into an aisle.

"So, did you happen to attend the conference?" she inquired, making small talk.

Dr. Fin scoffed. "The world peace thing? It's simply impossible for humans to achieve such a goal."

Barbara's smile fell. "Do you really believe that?"

"Humans are not peaceful creatures," he analyzed, burying his nose in a particularly old volume, "The irony of it all doesn't escape me, either. Did you note that this World Peace affair is being held on Devil's Night? Once the sun sets, the very same youths spouting peace and tranquility will be tormenting neighbors, tossing eggs, and draping toilet paper over their homes. And that is just a precursor to Halloween, when children demand candies and treats, threatening to perform harm if their desires go unsatisfied!"

Barbara couldn't help but stare at the quirky teacher. "Halloween is just for children's fun. A little harmless mischief."

In response, Dr. Fin revealed a toothy, mocking grin. "As you say, my dear." He then closed the volume he was studying, and placed it back on the shelf. "Is there another section on holiday traditions?"

Chapter Seven

"Now here's an interesting question... 'What is your definition of peace?' And I have no more than one hundred words to answer."

She took another bite of her veggie pita, wiped her hands of the sloppy dressing, and began jotting notes. "Hmm... do you think it'd be good to include a quote? Dr. King is an obvious choice, so maybe something more obscure?"

When she didn't receive an answer, her dark eyes slid to her companion. "Billy?"

She released a quiet sigh when she noticed Billy hadn't even touched his hamburger. Gently, she touched his shoulder, chasing away his distraction.

"I didn't realize I was such dull company," she quipped.

"I apologize profusely-"

She leaned against her palm. "You only slip into Techno-Babble when you're

upset. Holiday Blues again?"

He bit his lip. "Again, I apologize. Seven years have traversed since the... event, yet I still seem to repeatedly fall into a depression around most holidays."

She squeezed his hand. "Billy, it's nothing to be ashamed of. You lost your mother when you were a kid... that kind of thing stays with you forever."

His free hand reached to his glasses, pulling them off and reducing the world around him into a fuzzy blur. "It's Christmas and Halloween that hurt the most. I remember her taking me Trick or Treating, or thwarting my every attempt to locate my Christmas presents prematurely. Ever since the... the accident... our entire family entity has disintegrated. My father seems to alienate me more and more as the years progress."

He then shook his head, freeing himself from the oft-traveled train of thought upon which he was about to embark. He offered Trini a soft smile. "In any event, your company is hardly dull."

His comment was rewarded with a soft giggle, a sound very few individuals have heard Trini Kwan make. "It's incredible how charming you've become," she realized, shaking her head, "No wonder Laura couldn't resist you."

Billy felt the heat rise on his cheeks. While he'd always felt awkward around girls, she was the only one still able to make him blush. "Your tone seems to suggest you don't fully approve of the change."

Trini blinked in surprise. "I hope I didn't imply that. I'm glad you've come out of your shell." She bit back a small grin. "But

, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the thick-framed glasses, blue overalls, and complete lack of coordination. Not to mention the incomprehensible Techno-Babble!"

As he watched his dearest friend smile at the memories, something brightened Billy's eyes. "You were the only person who ever understood me, Trini."

He hadn't consciously intended to inflect a deeper meaning to that statement... but something in his tone resonated. Trini glanced at Billy in surprise, and found herself speechless when her friend avoided her gaze.

The pair of friends was saved from the unsettling silence by a rather rude voice, shouting, "Hey Ernie! Are our sandwiches ready yet?"

The pleasant restaurant owner appeared from the kitchen, and threw Bulk a disapproving frown. "There's no need to shout. They're in the back."

Trini and Billy watched as Ernie disappeared into the kitchen, emerging with four large sacks the size of grocery bags.

Billy's eyes widened in astonishment as Bulk and Skull began foraging through the bags, counting heaps of deli sandwiches, bags of potato chips, and boxes of bite-sized cookies. "Phenomenal," he observed, "I had no idea even you were capable of consuming such an enormous lunch."

The young genius hadn't meant to sound insulting, but the larger of the two misfits fixed him with a steady glare. "For your information, this isn't my lunch. This here is lunch and dinner, for a bunch of us. It's gonna be a long night."

Trini smirked wryly. "So I take it you won't be going back to school after lunch period," she noted.

Skull answered with a snort. "This is Devil's Night!" he informed her. "Can't be bothered with schoolwork when there are pranks to plan!"

With that, the leather-clad pair gathered their purchase, and left the Youth Center.

Trini rolled her eyes. "Like those two need a holiday to start trouble."

Chapter Eight

Barbara stopped imputing returned books to glance at the only other person of the spacious, silent library. Dr. Fin remained in the seat he had occupied for the entire day, thoroughly examining some eclectic text while entering notes into his laptop.

At least twelve thick books rested in piles on the table, along with numerous photocopies of newspaper articles and other materials strewn around them.

The librarian shook her head in disbelief as the old scholar adjusted his lens to read small print. Just what does he do at this school that he can take an entire day off for research?

Finally, when the final bell of the day rang, Dr. Fin closed his laptop, and readily walked out of the library without a word.

Barbara frowned as she began picking up the books he had used. "Goodbye, Barbara," she grumbled, "'Thank you so very much for your help. Here, let me help you carry these.' Honestly, that man is so...!"

Unable to come up with a word to describe him, she only sighed in defeat.

Chapter Nine

Dr. Fin fastidiously adjusted his lapel, keen eye watching the streams of teenagers funnel through the hallway. Tidbits of various conversations wafted passed his ear.

" think about that Peace Conference thing?"

" is definitely

the in color this season. It's the new black!"

"...gonna tear them apart in the Homecoming game!"

" a lot of nerve asking me

to the Halloween Ball. As if


"...know you were with her when she bought her costume!"

Dr. Fin honed in on that particular voice, which struck a familiar chord with his uncanny hearing. His eyes tracked to a nearby locker, where the voice originated.

He frowned at the dark-skinned boy staring incredulously at a flame-haired classmate.

"No!" she maintained, shaking her head for emphasis. "Angela doesn't want anyone

to know what she's wearing. Don't even ask me why."

"C'mon, Lex! I won't tell her you told me!"

A giggle. "Zack, you're not really

planning to coordinate, are you?"

Dr. Fin smirked in amusement as he ducked into the nearby men's lavatory. How do such typical teenagers

constantly succeed in destroying my monsters?

He then shook off the thought, and bowed his head deeply. In a rush of displaced air, he vanished from the bathroom.

The illusion evaporated along with the teleportation spell, and Finster, renowned Monster-Baker and head alchemist, materialized in his ominous laboratory.

His furry lips stretched into an excited smile as he activated his computer. Quickly, he scrolled through the notes he'd taken in the library.

Chapter Ten

"I have been inspired, my Lord."

The Emperor of Evil glanced up from his musings. While he was surprised to see the diminutive scientist standing before his throne, he chose not to display it.

After the disappointing loss of the Scarlet Sentinel, followed by the humiliating defeats of Impursinator, Lipsynchor, and Magnetbrain in rapid succession, his patience had already worn dangerously thin. So he leaned forward in his throne, his posture threatening. "I have yet to see a monster of yours that is worth my attention."

Finster ignored the insult to his Monster-Baking prowess. "This time, I believe I have a model that is perfectly suited to destroy the Rangers."

Rather than wait for Zedd's permission, Finster presented his research. "I've spent several days performing a detailed study of All Hallow's Eve, or 'Halloween', as the Angel Grovites deem it. The rituals coinciding with this dark holiday, and its precursor Devil's Night, are most intriguing. Though mythologies vary, there is evidence of a dark spirit that permeates both days. While most times of the year mischief is frowned upon in Western culture, tonight and tomorrow tricks and deceit run rampant, and humans dressed as goblins and ghouls traverse the streets. These two days are considered days of release, when the 'inner demons,' so to speak, are freely accepted by society."

"There are very few topics that interest me less

than human rituals," Zedd grumbled. "This conversation is one of them."

"Tonight is Devil's Night," Finster continued, unimpeded, "Tonight thousands of youths will vandalize their neighbors' houses. Tonight, these youths will embrace their baser desires, tormenting those around them for their own amusement. Tonight, a dark shadow of malice will descend upon Angel Grove. I propose we capture

that malice, and use it to meet our own ends."

Finster gazed up at Lord Zedd, a confident smile on his face. The mere fact Zedd hadn't thrown him from his presence meant he was listening.

"Have you determined a method of containing this cruel spirit that possesses the humans?"

"I've already completed my calculations, and have designed a precise method for gathering the malice."

"And what will you do with it?"

"Channel it into some very unique Putty Patrollers. The malice will feed my creations, maximizing their dark strength and viciousness. Then I will unleash them on the Rangers when they are unwary of the danger."

The dark emperor took a few moments to consider Finster's plan. Though he never had much faith in the Utonian alchemy the scientist mastered, there did seem to be some creativity involved in this particular scheme.

Finally, he nodded. "Play your game little, Finster," he decreed magnanimously. "Keep me informed of your progress."

Chapter Eleven

"So," Bulk shouted over his shoulder, turning down the thundering music vibrating from the Jeep's stereo system, "Whadda we got?"

"The works, Bulky-Boy," one of the back-seat passengers responded. He smirked cruelly, ticking off the items with his fingers. "Thirty cans of whipped cream, Eight dozen eggs, an economy pack of Quilted Northern... double rolls."

"Double rolls!" Skull repeated, a snort of laughter following the exclamation. "You went all out, Spike."

Stone Canyon High's most infamous delinquent steepled his fingers "What can I say? I take my work very seriously."

"Then we're all set to rock!" Bulk shouted, "Jaime, which geek's getting 'papered first?"

Jaime giggled as she leaned between the two front seats, holding up a list. "We gotta hit these houses... Frank, Dylon, Bryant, Anderson, Masters, Hart-"

"Hey," Skull interrupted. Suddenly, his mirthful grin collapsed. "How many times do I have to tell ya... we don't hit Kim! She's not a geek!"

Jaime released a very unladylike snort. "She's such a goody-goody Miss Perfect, she makes me hurl! That should put 'er on the top

of the list!"

The moment Jaime finished her argument, the jeep came to a screeching halt. Jaime yelped as she fell forward, practically into Bulk's lap.

Skull glowered at each of his companions in turn, his fingers clutching the steering wheel. "If you want to hit Kim's house, then find another driver."

Bulk huffed at his best friend's thunderous expression. "Relax, Skull." he sneered. "Jaime, cross Hart off the list."

Jaime opened her mouth to protest, only to be silenced by Bulk's dark blue stare. "How many names are on that list, Jaime?"


"So think about it... we can't 'visit' thirty-two houses in one night! Do I look like Santa Claus to you?"

Spike bit back a laugh at the irony of Bulk's question. "Yeah, let's prioritize. Pick a Top Ten to make sure we get 'em all."

Bulk's face then split into a Cheshire grin. "Definitely put that geek Billy at the top. He's forgotten to respect his betters."

Skull seemed appeased, his frown smoothing as he turned the car back into the street. The group began to cackle as the small Jeep tore into the night.

Chapter Twelve

When Zack stepped into the spacious colonial, his eyes quickly scanned the den in which his friends were collected. "Hey Kim... have you seen Alexis?"

The Pink Ranger looked up from her task sorting candy, and shook her head. "Sorry, Zack, but she's not coming. She didn't want to take the chance of missing curfew, so she went directly home after school."

Zack huffed his frustration, earning Jason's attention. "What's eating you, Man?"

Kim gave a knowing grin. "Someone

is trying to figure out what Angela's wearing for the masquerade," she chirped.

Zack's peeved frown won laughter from the entire group.

Trini shook her head. "How did you find out last year? You matched her Egyptian princess outfit with a Pharaoh costume."

The Black Ranger fell into the couch, leaning his head on the armrest. "Dumb luck. I overheard her describing her outfit to some friends of hers."

Kim rolled her eyes theatrically. "You could always ask her. I thought you two were on better terms... especially after that kiss


"She's giving me mixed signals," Zack confessed. "I can't really tell what she thinks of me. One day she's nice, then she gets all weird

... like I insulted her or something. I hope if I surprise her with a matching costume, she'd get a kick out of it."

"And Alexis won't tell you?" Jason wondered, surprised.

Zack pouted tragically. "I think she's enjoying torturing me."

The teens erupted into immediate laughter at Zack's antics, the light exchange helping to ease the Black Ranger's gloom. Soon, the team separated into various work stations, Trini, Billy, and Jason charting routes for Trick or Treat groups, while Zack settled down to help Kimberly complete the inventory of candy and decorations that needed to be transferred to the Youth Center the following afternoon. The groups continued working, chatting amiably, until the door swung open again.

Tommy grinned at his friends, holding up a paper bag. "Dinner's here!"

Zack rubbed his palms in anticipation. "Lemme at it!"

Kim rose to her feet, and peeked into the bag. "Just a minute, Zack. These subs needs to be cut and served." She nodded her head to the kitchen. "Lend a hand?"

"Sure," the White Ranger volunteered.

Billy glanced up from his laptop. "I'll show you where the plates and silverware are."

As the trio disappeared into the kitchen, Zack eagerly planted himself on the floor beside the coffee table. With a grin, Jason sat beside him.

Since the group had apparently taken a break from their Trick or Treating plans, Trini turned her attention to her notebook, flipping to her latest project.

Jason glanced at her thoughtful face. "What are you working on, Trini?"

"The essay," she told him, chewing on her pen. "It's actually quite challenging, defining 'peace.'"

Zack shook his head, an amused grin on his face. "Leave it to Trini... she's already writing the essay, and I barely read through the application!"

Jason turned to the Black Ranger in surprise. "You're applying for the Youth Summit?"

Zack's eyebrow quirked. "Wow... don't have a heart-attack over it!"

"Sorry. But it just didn't strike me as something you'd be interested in." He then glanced to Trini. "I know you've

always been involved in projects to save the environment and stuff, but Zack...?"

The Black Ranger rolled his eyes. "Yes... even I

can get serious once in a while." His face then grew pensive. "Besides, it really does look like a great opportunity. After I became a Ranger, I've become more aware of the planet as a whole. I look at it as one united entity: we protect the Earth

, not the U.S., not just Angel Grove... wherever Zedd strikes, we strike back."

His fingers ran through his short braids. "Only... Earth's not like that. We're not one big, happy family. And when we do manage to finally end the alien invasion, Earth still won't be safe. It'll still be torn apart... and that's dangerous."

He finally looked up, meeting the startled eyes of both his friends. "I'd like the chance to expand my worldview, and maybe even influence others with all that I've learned from being the Black Ranger. I think Dr. Kuiperi is really on to something."

Jason leaned back into the sofa behind him, slowly absorbing the surprising insight from his easy-going friend. He felt Trini's inquisitive gaze even before she spoke.

"Have you thought about it, Jase?"

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded. "The program does sound incredible... but I can't just up and leave Angel Grove! I mean... let's just say I get picked. Then the team is out a Red Ranger. You both remember how we struggled when the Green Ranger was at half power, right? The team really needs

to be complete. Zedd's only getting more determined to beat us. What's the point in winning world peace if aliens blow the planet out from under us?"

His arms folded. "Some conflicts can't be resolved diplomatically. Even if international peace can be achieved through dialogue, that won't get us anywhere with Lord Zedd."

The trio was silent for an extended moment, as each individually perused the very valid points Zack had raised promoting the conference, and Jason raised denying it. Then, Trini decided to speak.

"We should discuss it with Zordon," she proposed. "I mean, surely there is a way for one to leave the Power Rangers without weakening the team. There were

Rangers before us... dozens of them. If any one of us is chosen, we can select a replacement."

"Easier said than done," Zack noted, "It's a big responsibility... how'd we find

someone we can trust with-"

Their discussion was rudely interrupted by a loud crash, drawing their startled attention to the window.

They watched, perplexed, as a gooey substance streaked down the glass pane. It was shortly followed by an onslaught of more projectiles, splattering against the window in rapid succession.

The noise urged Billy, Kim, and Tommy to hurry into the den.

"Eggs?" Kim murmured, aghast. "Ew!"

Billy shook his head, mildly embarrassed. "Devil's Night," he murmured, "This sort of vandalism occurs annually."

Jason's face darkened as he rose to his feet. "It won't happen again," he determined.

Chapter Thirteen

The Rangers were treated to a cacophony of painfully shrill laughter as they stepped onto the Cranston porch, arms crossed and faces tight. Once the trespassing quartet realized they were caught, they immediately stopped pelting the house with dairy and paper products, and congregated on the front lawn.

Jason's dark eyes passed from one masked vandal to another. When he spoke, his tone carried no patience whatsoever. "Bulk, that's enough."

The largest member of the band snorted disdainfully. "What makes you think I'm Bulk?"

"You're kidding, right?" Kim countered, "Like we need fingerprints

to recognize you?"

The sardonic retort brought amused grins to the other Rangers, and outright laughter from Jaime and Spike. Skull chose not to react, but it took Bulk a few moments to realize he'd been direly insulted. "You callin' me fat, Shrimp?"

The petite gymnast frowned, hands on her hips. But before another sharp word could be exchanged, a faint mist gathered in the air, suddenly fogging the clear night with supernatural speed.

"What's going on?" Tommy wondered, suddenly alarmed.

"Fog can't possibly gather so quickly," Billy contributed.

The Rangers huddled close together, for fear any of their member would be lost in the thick gloom. After a few tense moments, the blanket passed, leaving the Rangers blinking in astonishment.

"Guys!" Zack suddenly shouted, eyes wide, "Look!"

The Rangers turned to where their comrade pointed. They gasped aloud as they stared at the punks' prone bodies.

As one, the six heroes ran to the fallen teens.

"They're still breathing," Trini assessed, "But... they're out cold."

Kim knelt beside Skull, pulling the black ski mask from his face. She drew her hand back from his disturbingly cold, pale cheek.

"What do we do?" she murmured, horrified.

"Bring them in for analysis," Tommy decided, his face grim. "Nothing on Earth could've done this. Zedd must be up to something."

"We needn't bring them all in," Billy contributed, "It will only crowd the Command Center, and increase the risk of any one of them waking to a sight they shouldn't see."

"Then take Skull," Kim decided, standing up. "He's the most harmless of this bunch."

Jason nodded his agreement, and then turned his gaze down the street. His eyes narrowed at the cloud that continued its path through Angel Grove. "Billy, call the police and tell them exactly what happened. Something tells me these four aren't the only victims of that weird fog."

The Blue Ranger nodded.

"After you give your report, join the rest of us in the Command Center."

Chapter Fourteen

'The margin contains a brief list of randomly selected digits. Use these random numbers to develop a simulation for finding the probability of getting exactly three girls in a family of four children. Describe the simulation, then estimate the probability based on its results.'

She felt her eyes drooping heavily, her mind only half registering the word problem. With a frustrated grumble, she cupped her forehead in her palms.

Why the hell did I take Statistics again?! This is impossible!

Granted, it would be much easier if she weren't in such a sour mood. After nearly two weeks of service as the Purple Ranger, she discovered one of her favorite perks was doing her homework with the rest of the gang. Jokes and the occasional flying snack food helped lighten the mood, and Billy was always eager to help reinforce concepts she'd fallen asleep on in class... even though he didn't even take Statistics.

She pushed her book away, folding her arms tightly.

"Problem, Alexis?"

The Purple Ranger slid her eyes to her mother, who settled on the seat across from her. She met the sharp green gaze with a quirked eyebrow.

"I don't appreciate your glaring at me like that," she commented wryly.

Alexis deflated, releasing her tense anger in a long, loud breath.

"Stop showing up after midnight without an explanation, and you won't have to endure the utter boredom of spending the evening with me."

"I told you, I was doing schoolwork!" Alexis protested. "Call Billy... he'll vouch for me!"

Amanda smirked at her daughter. "Do I have 'Born Yesterday' stamped on my forehead? Lex, I did

attend high school. Yes, it may have been a century ago, but I remember it well. And even though I was a dedicated student, I never

spent so many nights on group projects."

She then stood up. "I'll start the pasta. Maybe, if you get a few minutes, you can make the salad? Wouldn't kill you."

Alexis watched her mother move to the stove, filling the pot with water. With another annoyed sigh, she pulled the Statistics textbook towards her...

...when a six tone signal erupted from her wristwatch.

Startled, Alexis covered her communicator to muffle the last few notes.

Amanda frowned, looking around the kitchen curiously. "What was that?"

Alexis hesitated, formulating as decent an excuse as she could. "My... my watch alarm."

"Really? And what reason would you possibly have for setting your watch for.." she glanced at the wall clock, "7:08pm?"

"Billy's very precise," she answered, carefully keeping her exasperation from her voice. "He said he'd be back from the chem lab at 7:08pm. Some kind of scientist thing."

"And what would Billy's schedule have to do with someone grounded

for the evening?" Amanda wondered, pointedly.

Surprisingly, the lie rolled off her tongue easily. "I left my statistics calculator in my locker, and I need it for these problems. Billy's the only person I know who has one. I really

need to run to his place and pick it up."

Her mother's lilting glare spoke volumes.

"I'm serious!" Alexis maintained. "I'll just go to his house, get the calculator, and come right back! I'll be home in half an hour, tops." She clasped her hands under her chin. "Pleeeaaase...?

You wouldn't let me get a zero on this homework assignment, would you?"

Mrs. Darling stared at her daughter, inexplicably amused by her theatrical begging. Finally, she relented.

"Fine," she decided, consulting her watch again. "I expect you back here no later than 7:39pm. I can be just as precise as your genius friend."

Alexis grinned, taking a moment to plant a harried kiss on her mother's cheek before racing out the door and down the street.

Chapter Fifteen

"Okay, Rangers, I have precisely... twenty-eight minutes before I turn into a pumpkin," Alexis announced, just as soon as the purple aura of her arrival faded. "What's the 411?"

Jason nodded a brief greeting before gesturing to the cot.

"Skull?" she marveled, "In the Command Center? Whoa... did I step through an inter-dimensional gateway or something?"

"There's a strange mist passing through Angel Grove," Zack explained. "We saw Skull and his buddies disappear into the mist. When it faded, everyone was unconscious."

"Not everyone," Tommy corrected, his tone thoughtful, "We

were also swallowed by that mist, and nothing happened to us. The fog seems to be targeting specific people."

"You guys should hear some of this," Trini commented, removing an earpiece and shaking her head in amazement. "So far, I've picked up dozens of messages on the police band. At least thirty victims have been reported... all teenagers and young adults."

Kim jerked her thumb to the Viewing Globe, which followed the cloud's movements. "This is too weird..."

Folding her arms, the Pink Ranger returned to the prone victim. "Alpha, did you figure out what's wrong with him?"

The small robot shook his oblong head. "Skull seems to have been completely drained of all energy. He's comatose... but there is no physical injury whatsoever that would induce it. It doesn't make sense."

Jason looked up at Zordon. "Is it possible Zedd has come up with a way to drain the life out of people?"


At that moment, a streak of blue illuminated the Command Center. Billy materialized before his friends, his face grim.

"Billy, what's wrong?" Trini wondered.

"I spoke to the police, and gave my report. I also informed them that the victims were visiting my house with mischievous intent. I was shocked to discover that several

similar cases have been reported, and all the victims were also armed with vandalistic equipment."

Zack whistled. "The plot thickens."

Alexis' gaze remained transfixed on her watch, her tension rising. "Look guys... I think I'm gonna call it a night. If I'm late tonight, I'll have one heck of a time trying to convince my mom to let me out tomorrow... or ever again."

"We'll contact you if anything major develops," Tommy said. "If not, we'll give you an update at school."

The Purple Ranger nodded, waved to her teammates, and promptly vanished.

Chapter Sixteen

The sun slowly crept over the horizon, painting the sky red, orange, pink... and finally blue.

With the last wisps of darkness came the last wisps of a magical cloud, slowly funneling into an unassuming cave buried deep within the mountains against the coast.

Finster watched, smiling with triumph, as the dark mist seeped into a large boulder, nearly his own height. Now I have the malice. The mischief. The darkness that conquers human souls once a year is mine

to mold as I wish...

By the time the disc of the sun had fully emerged, the last traces of evil were captured by the magical boulder.

Finster gave a nod to the shadows.

With another nod of acknowledgement, an opposing figure emerged from the darkness and lifted the large rock with ease.

The blue snout split into a feral grin. "I can feel the evil in this stone."

"You sense the concentrated cruelty of a handful of humans," Finster explained. "It can only be properly collected on Devil's Night, when a dark shroud already covers the land. Holidays pollute the air with the intensified spirits of the people. Christmas creates a spirit of joy and giving that makes me utterly ill. But this holiday is perfect

... drawing out the darkness within upstanding citizens. Perhaps, with time, I will be able to collect the dark spirits of humans around the globe..." His short fingers hovered against the smooth surface of the stone, sending an excited shiver through the scientist. "..but this will suffice for the time being."

Part Two

Chapter Seventeen

Tuesday, October 31st

The young woman slowly pivoted, scrutinizing her reflection in the full-length mirror. It was a ritual she performed nearly every day, yet this time she took exceptional care. After all, she did have to keep in mind the hundreds of total strangers that would be staring at her in the hallways of Angel Grove High.

Attention never bothered her. In fact, she thrived on it. She was far from nervous... but it couldn't hurt to make sure she was flawless.

The yellow spandex cradled her entire body snugly, but not uncomfortably so. The white boots were actually quite comfortable, reaching a few inches below her knees and decorated with vibrant yellow diamond-shaped material. The gloves fit her well, though spending an entire day at school with thick elbow-length gloves didn't really appeal to her. The gloves, and the bold yellow helmet, would spend the majority of the day in her book bag: yellow to match her ensemble.

The thick white collar of the uniform was just slightly itchy, so to avoid further discomfort, she styled her thick hair in a neat French braid. Then, a touch of makeup, including an eye-catching red lipstick, completed the look.

Full lips parted into her unique killer smile. "Time to go!"

She arranged the rest of the essentials on her frilly bed, and fit them all in her bag. Once finished, she stepped out of her room, and joined her family in the kitchen.

Dr. Campbell's eyebrow quirked. "What is that


Aisha smiled sweetly, kissing her father's cheek as she sailed passed him. "My costume," she responded, grabbing a banana from the counter.

"Isn't it a little... tight?"

Aisha glanced down at herself. "Well, I wanted to wear that black leather bustier... the one with the spikes?... only it's too cold outside."

The surgeon's chin slowly dropped.

"Ben, she's joking," Belinda informed him, descending the stairs in her bathrobe. Her careful eye appraised her daughter's costume. "It looks fantastic!" she decided, "Customers are in for a surprise tonight when they see the Yellow Ranger working the register."

Aisha suddenly bit down on her lip, a sheepish grin forming. Belinda noticed the telltale signs, and frowned.


"Mom, it's already Halloween! There can't possibly be that many last minute shoppers."

"The local high schools won't have their Halloween dances until Friday," Mrs. Campbell reminded her daughter.

"I know... but there's an event after school. A Trick or Treating group will be taking out elementary school students, and I'd really

like to go." She turned on the wide-eyed, pleading stare full force. "It's a great way for me and the guys to get to know some Angel Grove students, and make some new friends. Please?"

Aisha knew she was almost irresistible in her 'begging' mode. She could see her mother's frown soften, and silently cheered her imminent triumph.

"How late will you be out?" Ben asked.

"The groups meet at four. Since the kids are pretty young, I'm sure we'll be done not long after sunset." She turned back to her mother. "I'm sure I can help close the store."

"All right," her mother conceded. She watched in amusement as Aisha's smile lit up the room.


, we want you to be careful," Ben stressed. "Angel Grove is a dangerous place. I don't want you to get involved in anything over your head... again."

Aisha followed her father's pointed gaze down to her arm. The bulge of bandaging was barely visible through the form-fitting costume. "In fact," he continued, "I don't like the idea of you parading around town as a Power Ranger. What if one of those creatures mistakes you for a Ranger?"

"Then... how 'bout I skip the helmet?" Aisha compromised. "There's no way anyone will take me for a Ranger then." She then smiled innocently. "Is this

the face of a superhero?"

Ben chuckled indulgently, his anxiety slowly easing. "Well... okay."

With another quick kiss to both parents, Aisha hurried out the front door.

Chapter Eighteen

"Hey, Tommy!"

The White Ranger turned from his locker, a smile forming on his face. "Hi, Kim. What's up?"

She absorbed his wan smile and dull eyes in a heartbeat. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just worried," he confessed, his voice low, "I mean, what is Zedd up to? Why would he target some harmless teenagers?"

Kim leaned closer, keeping their conversation private. "Did you see the news report this morning?"

He nodded, his face grim. "A total of sixty-two cases. All teens out for the night. Most confirmed to be equipped for Devil's Night. All still comatose."

Kim reached for his hand. "Zedd is never

subtle. Soon he'll send out his new monster, we'll kick its butt, and it'll all be over."

The White Ranger did his best to smile bravely for her, but she could tell something was still bothering him... something other than the emperor's latest scheme. "Tommy," she coaxed, "what else is on your mind?"

"You must be some kind of mind-reader," he quipped, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. He could never

hide anything from her. "I've been thinking about that Peace Conference."

He turned to her, a thought suddenly occurring to him. "You

haven't been thinking about the Peace Conference... have you?"

She hastily shook her head. "Not considering

the conference; no. There's too much I love here in Angel Grove to leave."

She caught his faint sigh of relief, and smiled up at him. "You?"

"Not a chance. Don't get me wrong; it's a terrific idea. It's just not for me. It's been years since I really felt at home... like I really belonged somewhere. I'm not giving that up now."

"Then what are you thinking about?"

Tommy chewed his lip, his grip on her hand tightening. "Jason, Zack, and Trini have all decided to apply."

Surprise widened Kim's doe eyes. "What

? Why didn't anyone say anything?"

"Jason called me this morning. With everything that's been going on the past twenty-four hours, we never discussed the conference as a team. But Jason thought that, since I'm the leader of the team, I should know what's going on. Trini and Zack really want to be involved. Jason... he's not quite sure about it, but he's willing to apply and see what happens."

He sighed again, dropping Kim's hand and closing his locker. "What if they're chosen, Kim? What will we do?"

For once, Kimberly had no reassuring words to offer him.

"Hey, Kim!"

For a moment, Kimberly was struck speechless. She blinked several times, as if doing so would induce a measure of sanity to the bizarre sight before her.

She stared into the opaque visor of the Yellow Ranger, immediately wondering why Trini was Morphed, why she would approach in public instead of using the communicator, and when the heck

did she get so short??

She heard a definitely un-Trini laugh issue from the plastic helmet. She watched wide-eyed as the helmet opened, revealing a jubilant smile on a new acquaintance's face.

"Aisha?" she breathed, shaking off her stupor.

"Admit it," the 'Yellow Ranger' demanded, winking playfully, "I totally

had you there."

"Wow..." Tommy murmured, staring openly at the transfer student, "where'd you get that costume?"

"Special order, care of Masquerade in the Plaza," she advertised, tucking her helmet in the crook of her arm. "Me and the guys decided to wear our costumes to school. You know... some last minute promotion of my mom's store."

Aisha then turned, waving into the crowded hall. Groups of students seemed to part, staring blankly and making way for two other anomalies: a cowboy and a knight.

Kim smothered a grin. "Adam... is that you?"

He grinned bashfully, tipping his ten-gallon hat.

"And this is our friend Rocky," Aisha introduced, "He was late yesterday, so you didn't get a chance to meet him."

Kim extended her hand. "Nice to meet you," she greeted, "I'm Kimberly, and this is Tommy."

"The pleasure's mine," he answered sunnily, shaking both their hands. "Rocky DeSantos: card-carrying class clown and certified babe magnet, at your service."

Kim and Tommy traded amused, and puzzled, glances.

Adam shook his head. "Don't mind him... he had two Jolts with his Frosted Flakes this morning."

Rocky defended himself with a shrug. "Hey, it's the perfect fuel for Halloween!"

"Speaking of which," Aisha interjected, pulling out a paper flyer, "These were posted all over the Youth Center. If you have room for more volunteers, we'd love to take some kids Trick or Treating."

A smile lit up Kimberly's face. "Terrific! There's always room for more!"

"You'll also get a chance to meet a lot of local teenagers and kids," Tommy added.

Kim linked her arm through Aisha's, her excitement almost palpable. "I can't wait for tonight! This'll be so much fun!"

Chapter Nineteen

Goldar watched through weary eyes as Finster continued the laborious effort of grinding the rock. Slowly the alchemist dragged the gold-flecked chunk of stone against a rough board, letting the dust particles slide into the tray beneath it. Once the fist-sized stone was reduced to powder, Finster scuttled back to the rest of the rock, still over a foot in width and breadth. Chisel in hand, he carefully broke the remainder in half, and began grinding anew.

The Titan warrior couldn't suppress a loud yawn.

Finster frowned at the interruption. "I have no further need of you. You're dismissed."

Goldar scowled at the condescending tone. "Lord Zedd has bidden me to keep my eye on you," he snarled, "That's what I will do."

Finster shrugged his indifference, and returned to his grinding.

Goldar adjusted his position, pushing off the wall to shake off his fatigue. "Why don't I just blast this cursed rock into dust? This is taking forever!"

"Any energy exerted into the dust will contaminate my clay," Finster responded. "I refuse to take a shortcut that will diminish the quality of my creations."

The Titan scoffed. "What difference does it make?" he hissed. "You're wasting this oh-so-precious mud on a pack of Putties

! The Rangers will obliterate them in minutes."

Finster's eyes narrowed. "This mold isn't a mere Putty. These will be Misfits... an entirely new breed of clay warrior. They are far more durable, and creative, than the drone model."

The massive blue brow quirked with poorly-hidden interest. "'Creative'?"

"This stone has been imbued with the malice of scores of humans," Finster pointed out, "The cruelty is reflected in the individual's malicious intent. When I absorbed the malice, I absorbed a part of their consciousness. Only the darker part. That is why the humans have not yet woken. So long as a part of them is trapped within my Misfits, they cannot regain full consciousness."

He lifted the tray, sifting through the fine powder. "Misfits can think, improvise, devise, and deceive. And now, bathed in the dark spirit of Halloween, they will wreak havoc on Angel Grove and its heroes."

He then replaced the tray, and continued grinding. "I am quite eager to see how this experiment turns out."

Chapter Twenty

Kimberly rushed around the Youth Center, her excitement lending her the energy to keep track of all the volunteers that had arrived, the children that had signed up, the candies that had been set up for an appetizer, and even the clock. As she moved, the bells hanging from her jester costume jingled, letting everyone know where the main organizer of the event was at all times.

She was reading over a list of children, making notes in the margin, when a hand tapped her shoulder. "Don't laugh."

Kim turned, and her absent smile perked. "Lex, you look great!"

Alexis pursed her lips, hiding her grin at the encouragement her friend offered. The soft lavender dress swept to about mid-thigh... any shorter and the Purple Ranger wouldn't have even considered it... and left her arms bare. Her legs were warmed by faintly shimmering sheer stockings, and white wings adorned her back.

Kim's attention trailed to the hem of the dress, a sudden gleam in her eye. "Are you trying to make Jason's eyes fall out of their sockets?"

The comment earned a sputtering, red-faced denial that triggered a giggle from the Pink Ranger. "Lex, I'm only teasing."

Alexis' composure slowly recovered, though she continued to eye her friend warily. "Kim, I don't know what Tommy said to you-"

Kimberly interrupted with a wave of her hand. "Tommy didn't say a word. Hasn't anyone told you yet? No one can hide anything

from me!"

Alexis stared at her petite friend, who hummed as she refilled the bowl of candy corn. Eager to steer the conversation away from any sensitive subjects, she asked "So, where's everyone else?"

"Billy and Jason are in the Command Center," Kim reported, her voice soft, "Billy wanted to see if there's been any change with last night's victims, and Jason needed to discuss something with Zordon." She then struggled to open a jar of Twizzlers. "Zack's playing games with some of the kids, and Trini... she's got an interview with Dr. Kuiperi."

The newest Ranger blinked in surprise. "The Peace Conference thing?"

"She, Zack, and Jason applied." Kim bit her lower lip in agitation. "I don't know, Lex... it feels so weird thinking they might get picked, you know? Billy, Jason and Trini have been my friends since second grade, and when Zack moved from D.C. in fourth, he joined our little group easily. We grew up together."

She released a soft sigh. "I'm not looking forward to that announcement. I just might lose three of the best friends I could ever hope for."

Alexis stared at Kimberly, her own mind running through the ramifications like quicksilver. What would it mean for the Rangers? For the entire Earth? Would they take their Power Coins with them... or could they be given to others?

What would the team... what would Angel Grove

be like without Jason, and his dependable strength and confidence?

She shook herself, banishing the disquieting thought. "There'll be dozens... no, hundreds

of applicants," she decided. "Chances are none of our friends will be picked."

Rather than actually considering those chances, she picked up a clipboard. "Lemme start matching up volunteers," she offered. "That way we can start letting groups out."

Kim agreed. "Make sure to assign volunteers by pairs. After what happened last night, we'd better take some precautions."

"You got it," Alexis stated with a mock-salute. She then walked toward the gym area of the Youth Center, where a large group of kids and teens were congregated.

"Watch closely, boys and girls," Zack sang, pulling off his top hat with a flourish, "as I accomplish the most amazing feat you will ever see!"

He tipped his hat, revealing its lack of contents to everyone watching. Then, he sat the hat, top down, onto a blanketed table. Theatrically clutching his cape, he waved his plastic wand over the hat's rim.

"Abracadabra! Bibbity, Boppity, Boo! Ala-kazaam! Voila!"

The audience snickered and giggled at his antics, watching with rapt attention as his free hand dove into the hat. With no further ado, he lifted his hand, carrying something white and fuzzy.

One young girl's smile fell. "It's not a real bunny!" she accused, "It's fake!"

His lips parting into his trademark smile, Zack descended from his "stage." "There's no fooling you, Trish," he admitted, "It's stuffed. You see, last time I did this trick, I used a real bunny. He got scared by all the noise, and ran away. We couldn't find him for hours."

He winked. "When we did find him, he left Ernie a 'present' in the kitchen. Ernie decided not to welcome pets anymore."

The teens and older kids laughed at the tale, and though Trish didn't quite follow, she laughed along with them. Zack gently tugged the young girl's ponytail, and set the stuffed bunny on her lap.

Alexis laughed with the others, separating herself from the spectators to finish taking count. Without warning, a warm hand enclosed hers. "So, we meet again."

The Purple Ranger froze, staring at the young man in open astonishment.

The knight... the

knight... grinned rakishly as he kissed her hand. His laughing eyes locked with hers, igniting a very similar peevish frustration he stirred in her the first time they met.

"Sorry," he demurred, though his gaze was anything but apologetic. "I seem to keep scaring you, Alexis."

"I wasn't scared," she defended, snatching her hand away.

He winked, casually waiting for her to simmer down. After a lengthy silence, she glanced at him again. "I see you traded in the full armor for something lighter."

He tapped the chain mail vest. "Yeah... the full suit looked great on display, but walking in it is a whole other story. I decided to tone it down for Trick or Treating, but I'm still every inch the dashing knight I was before!"

She chose not to comment. "What're you doing here? Do you go to this school?"

"I do now... I was transferred from Stone Canyon with some friends of mine." His grin widened. "And what luck! My second day here and I already find a familiar face!"

She smirked.

"So, are you assigning the chaperones?"

"Yeah... two per group of eight kids. I think that should keep the numbers pretty reasonable."

"Good," he agreed, peeking over her shoulder at the list. "So, how 'bout matching 'Darling' with 'DeSantos'?"

Her eyebrow quirked. "Gee, I wonder who 'Rocky DeSantos' could be..."

"Well, he sure sounds like a great guy to get to know! Besides, I hear he's from Stone Canyon... he probably doesn't know much about Angel Grove. He definitely needs to be matched with a local student."

Alexis elected to continue the light-hearted banter. "Too bad 'Alexis' has only lived in Angel Grove for a couple of months, and is terrible with directions."

He answered with an amused grin. "Good thing 'Rocky' can read a map in his sleep."

"Is that so?"

"Absolutely. A skill perfectly honed after years of Zelda games. You just can't rescue the princess if you can't navigate the world map."

Alexis couldn't resist a giggle. "Riiight

," she murmured, making the appropriate checks on the list to fulfill his request. "I just hope 'Alexis' can handle watching nine

kids all by herself."

Chapter Twenty-One

Meanwhile, as all the other children and teens kept themselves occupied with conversations and candy, a group of six small kids strolled unobtrusively into the Youth Center. Unlike all the other children present, they did not arrive with a parent, nor did they ask any questions. Instead, after one curt nod from the White Ranger, they separated into groups of two, slipping seamless into the huddles of smaller humans... listening intently, but saying nothing.

Chapter Twenty-Two

When Tommy Oliver stepped into the Youth Center, absently knotting a handkerchief over his loose hair, he was treated to an amusing sight. Kimberly was standing on the table, calling out names and ushering groups of children into proper order. With a bemused grin, he watched her work.

"Adam and Zack!" she called. The young cowboy and magician stepped forward. "You take Group One out, and focus on these blocks," she advised, handing them a map. "It's less than a quarter mile from here, to the east. You'll be there in minutes."

She then waved them away. With a wide grin, Zack waved his farewell, and he and his new acquaintance made their way to their eight charges.

Zack's grin widened even further when he noticed two of the costumes. "Hey... the Yellow and Black Rangers!" he awed, kneeling beside the short children. "Terrific! You guys can watch over us while we roam the spooky streets of Angel Grove!"

The two children made no response.

He then lightly elbowed the Black Ranger. "You know... you're my almost-girlfriend's favorite hero."

Again, no response.

Zack just shrugged, rising to his feet again. "Okay, troops... let's mosey!"

As Group One departed from the Youth Center, Kim arranged the next group. "Alexis and Rocky, you guys take Group Two out to Somerset Avenue." She handed Alexis the map. "You know where that is, right Lex? By the Burger King."

The angel nodded. "We'll find our way. See you tonight, Kim!"

Kim waved at her friends, watching them lead the second group of kids, including the Red and Blue Rangers, out into the neighborhood.

Chapter Twenty-Three

"Did you find anything useful, Billy?"

The young genius shook his head, causing the white wig of his 'mad scientist' costume to sway gently. "Nothing," he answered, "All the cases I've scanned remotely haven't changed. Though I would like to take a closer scan... just in case there's something I've missed."


"But how will Billy be able to examine the students?" Alpha wondered.

"I see no harm in visiting the hospital as the Blue Ranger," Billy proposed. "The condition of these victims is inexplicable to medical science. I'm sure the doctors will be willing to let a Power Ranger conduct a few scans."


Billy nodded, pulling his Morpher from underneath his cotton labcoat. "Triceratops!"

In a bright display of vibrant energy, sleek blue armor replaced the loose costume. With a brief nod to his friend and former leader, the Blue Ranger vanished.

Jason watched the afterimage fade, his mind rapidly spinning the right words together to broach a significant topic with his mentor.

"Zordon," he uttered, turning toward the near-fatherly figure, "there's a Youth Summit that's going on in Switzerland. Each year delegates from around the world are chosen to participate. The objective is to learn about other cultures, and create the kind of mutual understanding that could pave the way for global peace."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Alpha chirped. "It's such a shame people can't get along on this planet. Very few planets I'm familiar with have the kind of internal strife I've seen on Earth."


Jason nodded his agreement. "Zack and Trini think this conference is the best thing since sliced bread." His hand found his forehead, and began rubbing a faint throbbing sensation. "And I'll admit, I'm interested, too."

He fell silent, suddenly unable to keep his gaze on Zordon. Instead, he glanced at the Viewing Globe. "I've put a lot of thought into it, and I believe there's a lot we can learn from this conference. It's a terrific opportunity to get to know this planet as a whole, and understand the different pieces that make the mosaic of human kind. And... there's a lot we can offer the others, too. Our time as Rangers has changed us, Zordon. We've learned so much from you... from our mission... that we understand just how critical world peace is."

He took a deep breath. "The three of us want to be a part of this. So... we all applied. But, we won't go without your permission."

A silence fell upon the Command Center, causing Jason's discomfort to grow exponentially with each passing moment.

Thankfully, Zordon's answer was not long in coming. "YOU, TRINI, AND ZACK HAVE MY PERMISSION. AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, MY BLESSING."

Jason knew, deep down, that Zordon wouldn't refuse this request unless it was patently necessary that the three remain on active duty. Yet he couldn't hide his surprise at the ease with which Zordon dismissed half his team.

And... as absurd as it sounded... Jason felt a pang at the ease with which Zordon dismissed him

. If Dr. Kuiperi had presented the Peace Conference two weeks ago, as leader of the Power Rangers, Jason would never

have abandoned his team, no matter how attractive the opportunity.

How easily things change...

"Are you sure, Zordon? What about the team?"


Jason blinked. "It's that easy?"



The Red Ranger frowned. "There's no hurry, Zordon. We probably won't even get picked

. I just thought I should mention it, so you can be prepared in case the impossible happens."

Alpha chuckled. "The humans organizing this conference would be crazy

not to pick you three. You're special... and that shines through everything you say or do."

Jason stared at the small robot, profoundly flattered by the offhand comment.

Zordon observed Jason's reaction, surprised that the accomplished Ranger could ever think differently. "JASON, YOU HAVE MADE ME UNSPEAKABLY PROUD."

Jason turned his wide gaze from Alpha back to Zordon.



Jason couldn't find his voice to express his gratitude.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Yeow... this guy's so quiet I almost forgot he was here!

Zack slowed his pace, allowing several children to pass him in their enthusiastic pursuit of candy. He soon found himself in step with his distracted partner, who carefully observed every corner on the quiet residential street, and on occasion stared suspiciously at the darkening sky.

"Is your Spider Sense tingling?"

The joke drew Adam's attention, urging a grin. "Big time."

Zack grew marginally concerned. "Did you see something?"

"No, I didn't." Adam shrugged, self-consciously breaking eye contact. "But this town puts me on edge. With all the monster sightings you hear about, plus all those teenagers that were attacked last night, you have to admit it's dangerous out here."

"You'll get used to it," Zack assured him, "Hey, I've lived in Angel Grove ever since the aliens started attacking. Sooner or later you realize, you just can't let some extraterrestrial whackos dictate your life. Angel Grove always rebounds after an attack, and the people just keep on living."

"I respect that," Adam conceded, "and I'm not afraid; not for myself, at least. But, we are responsible for eight kids tonight. We have to make sure they get home just fine."

Zack stared at Adam as if a sudden transformation had taken place. Earlier, he thought he had the new kid pegged: a shy guy who'd rather remain invisible than let himself be noticed. Yet, the protective gleam in his eye spoke volumes. Adam Park was much more than a wallflower.

The Black Ranger was duly impressed, and found himself reflecting back on their first meeting. "You take martial arts, right?" he prompted.

A smile lit Adam's face at the topic. "All my life. My style of preference has been Tae Kwon Do, but I've picked up bits and pieces of other styles. Actually, the first time I attended a karate class, I met Rocky and Aisha." His smile turned wry. "Things were a little competitive between Aisha and me at first, but Rocky's influence definitely mellowed us out. It didn't take us long to become friends."

Adam glanced at Zack, noting his keen interest. "You and your friends study martial arts, right?"

Zack nodded proudly. "I've picked up some moves along the way, and kinda cobbled together my own groove. Trini's been studying different forms of Kung Fu for as long as I've known her. Kim, Billy, and Alexis have all been taking pointers from Jason and Tommy for self-defense. Those two are really serious artists; they even hold weekly karate classes for some of the local kids. One of these days you should check out a class at the Youth Center. Jason and Tommy are always interested in a challenge."

"I think I'll take you up on that. Rocky, Aisha, and I were in the running for next week's Team Ninja competition-"

Zack's eyes widened. "Wow, you three must be really


Adam grinned. "We can hold our own... but now that Aisha's hurt, we need a third team member to be eligible. Rocky and I were planning to bow out, but Aisha wouldn't hear of it. When Rocky brought it up, she grabbed both of us by the earlobes and demanded that we 'forget any crazy ideas about quitting.'"

Unbidden, a small grin pulled Zack's lip. "She sure sounds like a sparkplug!"

Adam released a short laugh. "That's one way of putting it..."

The pair paused their amiable conversation as the group assembled before the first door of their assigned territory. Zack watched as six of the kids chatted excitedly, boasting about all the candy they would collect, and just how quickly they'd be able to consume it all. Only, two children remained absurdly silent, standing a few feet away from the rest.

"Hey, Power Rangers!" he called, jogging toward them, "This house is all yours."

He settled one hand on each Ranger's shoulder, and guided them towards the door. They offered a small measure of resistance, but finally walked the rest of the way to the doorstep of their own volition.

Zack lingered a few yards behind them, watching as the Black Ranger rang the doorbell.

After a lengthy silence, the Black Ranger pressed the button again.

Obviously frustrated, he began knocking... hard.

"It's okay," Zack assured him, "There's probably no one home. You can try the next house... there're lights on inside."

The two Rangers shared a glance. Then, the Yellow Ranger glanced over her shoulder. "No."

The deep voice of the small child struck an odd chord with Zack Taylor. His muscles tensed warily, and his eyes widened. There was something cruel in the tone... something very different from childish petulance.

"C'mon guys," Zack persisted, wincing as the Black Ranger angrily held the button down, forcing the chime to repeat. "There are plenty of other houses..."

"I want this


Black hissed. Then, he thrust his foot through the heavy wood door.

The children shrieked in surprise as Black reduced the ornate door into splinters. Zack took a step back, his mind racing as he scanned the area for some corner or shadow in which he could Morph.

Either these kids are on steroids... or Zedd's decided to do some Trick or Treating of his own!

Zack continued to slowly inch away from the children, casually making room. "What are you?"

In response, the Black and Yellow Rangers stood side by side. Each one extended his arms, and slowly, their small, slight bodies began to transform. Limbs lengthened and clothing darkened, and finally two completely different beings stood on the porch.

"Why can't anything ever

be easy?" he murmured.

Chapter Twenty-Five

"So, you said you've only been in Angel Grove for a few months," Rocky prompted, falling into step beside Alexis. "Where're you from?"


He grinned. "The City of Brotherly Love, huh?"

"That's what they say, though I prefer to describe it as the City of Cheesesteaks and Cream Cheese."

She smiled, keeping a casual pace behind the children. Their animated smiles and eager chatter was particularly spirited, creating an air of overall enjoyment that was irresistible.

She turned to her partner. "Have you ever been to Philly?"

"I've been as far east as Mexico City," he related.

"The one in Mexico?"

He smirked. "Yes

, the one in Mexico. Lived the first three years of my life there, before my father was offered a promotion in Stone Canyon."

She nodded with interest. "What does your father do?"

Alexis watched with surprise as, for the first time in their acquaintance, Rocky's smile... faded a bit. "He was a construction superintendent for a company that did a lot of civil buildings. Best in the business."

Alexis observed his face, intrigued by the play of emotions. His eyes hinted at a great loss, yet by his tone of voice, and soft smile, he also carried an enduring love and open pride in his heart.

After seeing his carefree smile and mischievous smirk constantly since she met him, his more pensive, reserved grin hinted at much greater depth than she thought him capable. Yet it was a grin, nonetheless; Alexis found herself wondering if Rocky DeSantos even knew how to frown.

Suddenly feeling awkward, Alexis cleared her throat. "So, you want to take the first bunch to the door?"

Rocky's characteristic smile returned as he turned his attention to the children. "Who's ready for candy?" he called.

The overwhelming response made Alexis giggle as she watched the group crowd around Rocky as they approached the large house. She turned, and noted that two children lingered distant from the others.

"Hey," she greeted, bending to eye-level with the Red and Blue Rangers, "are you two okay?"

They both settled their gaze on her with an intensity Alexis could feel through their visors. "We're just peachy, Purple Ranger."

Alexis managed to release a startled yelp as each child grabbed one arm. Her teeth gnashed as she struggled against their supernatural strength to no avail. She winced helplessly as their grips tightened to bruising force.

"So, what game shall we play first?"

Blue wondered.

Red chuckled wickedly, giving Alexis' arm a sharp tug. "Ever played 'Wishbone'?"

"I have a better idea," a voice called, as a powerful leg swiftly crashed into the elbow of the Red Ranger, forcing his grip to loosen. "How 'bout Tag?" Another blow knocked the Blue Ranger off balance. "You're It!"

Without breaking stride, Rocky snatched Alexis by the wrist and hurried down the street. Eyes still glazed from the pain of having her arms nearly pulled from their sockets, Alexis glanced back at her attackers.

Her jaw hung open as their forms shifted, stretching into two sleek, tall, black-clad beings with green and white graffiti streaking their costumes.

I need to Morph...

Frowning, she pulled her hand from Rocky's, forcing him to come to a braking halt. "Rocky, the kids!" she shouted. "You've got to take them and get out of here, pronto!"

He blinked at the force in her tone. "Got it covered. I asked the lady in that last house to keep an eye on them. I figure they're safer off the street."

She grimaced. Dammit. With Rocky here, I can't Morph or contact the others!

Chapteer Twenty-Six

"Oookay," Kim murmured, chewing on her pen, "Once Billy and Trini get here, we'll be able to send out another group. Somebody's gotta stay here and hold down the fort."

"I can take care of that," Ernie volunteered, "Why don't you and Tommy take out the next bunch. I think they're getting antsy."

Kim smiled her gratitude, and nudged her pensive boyfriend. "C'mon, Swash-Buckler! Let's see some cheer!"

He offered a grin to appease her, and let her drag him to the nearest group of anxious children.

"Who's ready to get some treats?" Kim prompted with her beaming smile.

The loud chorus of agreement immediately followed. Kim giggled in response, and cast her eye across the group charged to her care.

Her eyes lingered on the Pink and White Rangers, who stood towards the back of the group, leaning close to each other in what seemed to be a private conversation.

"Aw, that's adorable," she sighed.

Tommy followed her gaze, yet was far from amused. His eyes narrowing, he tapped Kimberly's shoulder. "I need to talk to you."

She nodded, her smile fading as Tommy's serious tone resonated. The pair moved behind the large table of candy, allowing a modicum of privacy.

"Kim, I've only been the White Ranger for a week," he pointed out, his gaze never leaving the two young Rangers. "Where'd that kid get the costume from?"

Kim frowned. "Maybe his mother made it?"

"Doubtful. Especially since the media can't possibly have a decent picture of my uniform anyway."

Kim's hands fell to her hips. "Then I'll ask him."

After receiving a bare nod from her leader, Kim made her way back to the two children of interest. She smiled warmly at both, bending down to eye level. "So, what're your names? I don't think I have you signed in yet."

The Pink Ranger folded her arms. "Kimberly,"

she hissed in a sharp whisper.

The White Ranger took a step closer to the startled chaperone. "Tommy."

Alarmed, Kim tried to take a step back. Only, the White Ranger's hand darted like a viper, and managed a firm grip on her neck.

Tommy had already leapt over the table before Kim managed her choked gasp.


the Pink Ranger commanded, holding out her hand, "You don't want your little friend hurt

... do you?"

Tommy stopped, his fists clenching.

All conversation in the room ceased as slowly, everyone present realized the dangerous scene occurring just feet away. Frozen in fear, one and all held their ground, uncertain whether they should interfere.

All except one, who discreetly strapped on a bright yellow helmet. She slipped through the crowded Youth Center, feeling everyone's eyes on her back as she approached what looked like two obnoxious children.

"Didn't your mothers teach you any manners?" she demanded.

The two "Rangers" looked up to the Juice Bar, and stared openly at the petite form standing boldly at the step. Her arms folded over her chest, she glared down at the delinquents. "Now you're really

in trouble, Kids."

A low, rolling chuckle escaped the White Ranger. The grating sound made the lone heroine shiver. "Is that so, Yellow Ranger?"

White lifted his hand, bringing Kimberly's feet off the ground. Everyone blinked as the two small forms gradually stretched, pink and white darkening to black as new beings took shape.

"We are Misfits,"

the former "Pink Ranger" declared. She then turned to the Yellow Ranger, a cruel smirk on her wrinkled face. "And we're just looking to have a little fun


The other Misfit took one more glance at his victim, reveling in the pained grimace that marred Kimberly's face. With a dismissive shrug, he tossed her into the refreshment table, watching with wicked amusement as the force of her fall snapped the table like kindling.

He chuckled as Tommy raced to her side, and then turned back to his partner. "I'm curious to see what lesson the Yellow Ranger intends to teach us."

Grinning in agreement, the Misfits pounced on the Power Ranger as one. However, the young woman was ready. She held her ground, arms elevated to block the first jab aimed to her face.

She bit down against a yelp of pain as her forearm absorbed the supernatural impact.

Improvising at the speed of thought, she switched her defensive strategy from "block" to "dodge." She bent backward to avoid the follow-up blow, and leapt to the side to just barely miss a forceful kick from the other Misfit.

The errant kick collided with a load-bearing pillar, causing the children to shriek in panic as dust snowed from the ceiling.

A strange calm suffused her mind as an idea took form. She continued to dodge the subsequent blows, and delivered a fierce kick to one Misfit's unprotected abdomen. She grimaced at the odd feeling as her foot sank into the creature as if he were made of wet sand.

The creature's momentum forced it to crash into its partner, sending both into a row of stools near the Juice Bar. Seizing the opportunity, the Yellow Ranger turned around, and made a mad dash to the wide open doors of the Youth Center.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Tommy's face was set in a scowl so fierce all the children surrounding the broken table made adequate room for him. He tapped her shoulder gently, yet forcefully.

"Kim?" he urged, leaning as close to her face as possible. His hands hovered anxiously above her, his skin chilling as his harried mind mounted all the possible internal injuries that even jostling her could aggravate.

Only when her eyelids fluttered did he release the tense breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Kim! Can you hear me?"

"Tommy," she rasped. She flinched, her hands moving to her bruised neck. "What hap-"

Her eyes widened as her memory fell into place. "Where are those kids?"

"Aisha led them out of the Youth Center," he explained in a soft voice.

Kim gasped. "By herself? What was she thinking?"

"I'll make sure to ask her." He leaned closer, touching Kim's cheek. "Will you be okay?"

Her eyes narrowed as she grabbed his wrist. "Help me up."

He read the resolve in her eyes, and quickly shook his head. "Kim-"

"I'm fine," she protested. "Now, help me up!"

He knew better than to waste precious time arguing. Instead, he gently grasped Kim's hand, and wound his other arm behind her back. With the utmost care, he extricated her from the stakes of wood and strewn candy, keeping her weight against his chest.

"You hit the table hard," he pointed out. "Can you stand?"

She chewed her lip as she redistributed her weight. "I can handle it."

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Aisha's chest heaved as she ran faster than she'd ever run before. "Well, it seemed

like a good idea..."

Much to her irritation, her father's voice flowed through her mind.

"I don't want you to get involved in anything over your head... again


"I don't like the idea of you parading around town as a Power Ranger."

"I guess it's all moot now," she decided, rolling her eyes.

She came to a screeching halt as a black form stepped out of the shadows before her.

"You're rather slow today,"

he muttered, "Not on your game, eh, Trini?"

Despite the panic quickening her breaths, she gasped loudly at the shocking revelation. "What

did you call me??"

A hand tapped her helmet from behind. "Oopsie,"

the other Misfit sneered, "Looks like we let the cat out of the bag."

The light tap converted into a pounding blow so quickly, Aisha could do nothing but grunt as she fell face first into the grass.

"So, this isn't the Yellow Ranger?"

the first Misfit realized. He stepped closer to Aisha. "Boy did you

pick a bad time to play Poser."

He wedged his foot under her arm, forcing her to flip onto her back. His head quirked at the hiss of pain that caught his ear.

"What have we here?"

the second Misfit murmured, standing on Aisha's other side. "Sounds like someone has an injured arm."

"Sounds like. And I'm sure it needs special attention!"

The first heel that dug into her arm pulled against the stitches, winning a shriek of pain. The second reopened the wound completely, causing a spurt of blood to darken the bright yellow spandex in an ever-expanding stain. The third cleanly snapped the bone beneath the muscle, ripping another scream from Aisha's aching throat. The fourth drove one sharp end of the bone through tissue, penetrating through even the skin.

Before the fifth blow even fell, Aisha couldn't feel anything at all.

Thankfully, the sixth blow never connected. Instead, a piercing beam of laser struck the Misfit square in the chest, bowling her over with enough force to send her crashing into a nearby tree. The second Misfit turned in surprise, catching an arrow in his shoulder. Spinning from the momentum of the arrow, he stumbled away from his victim.

The White and Pink Rangers descended from the roof of the Youth Center in a controlled leap.

"Aisha!" Kim cried, dropping the Power Bow as she kneeled beside her new friend. "Oh gosh... there's so much blood!"

With the utmost care, Tommy unlatched the yellow helmet. He inhaled sharply at her face, moist with tears and wan from her injuries. "Kim, I need you to contact Zordon, and ask him what we should do about Aisha. I'll keep these things busy."

Kim's face tightened beneath her helmet. "Be careful, Tommy," she pleaded, "I'll be right with you."

Tommy nodded before snatching Saba by the hilt and racing to the recovering Misfits. Kim swallowed a lump of fear before raising her communicator to her mouth. "Zordon? Do you read?"


"A friend of ours has been hurt pretty bad. I know it's kinda against regulation, but can you take care of her? She was hurt trying to help us."


Kimberly watched as Aisha's form dissolved into particles of white light. As if a monumental weight had been lifted, Kim was able to focus on the task at hand. Grabbing her Power Bow, the Pink Ranger leapt back into action.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

one mocking voice sang.

"Oh stop it!"

the other voice hissed. "What's the fun of Tag if you don't hunt them down?"

The two creatures exchanged no more words. Alexis felt her heart sink as she realized she much preferred their banter to the eerie silence that followed.

"Tag," she breathed, shaking her head, "Great idea, Rocky."

He shrugged helplessly. "Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have given them any bright ideas. At least I got them off of you."

She grimaced, feeling a twinge of guilt for criticizing him. After all, if he hadn't interfered when he did, the two creatures would've torn her to pieces.

They're definitely strong enough,

she reflected, rubbing her shoulder to ease the strain. Still, if Rocky wasn't

here, I could just Morph and wipe out these punk monsters, no sweat!

Which posed a problem, since by all appearances Rocky had no plans of going anywhere.

"They're going to find us," Alexis whispered.

Rocky grinned. "Aren't you

a ray of sunshine?"

Her temper began to flicker. "This is serious, Rocky! We have to do something, or else we're just sitting ducks."

He leaned closer, his irreverent smile fading. "Do you have a plan?"

She nodded. "We should split up. That'll confuse them."

She watched as his copper eyes slowly widened. "That's a terrible

idea! You should never split up when you're being chased."

Alexis immediately went on the defensive. "Like you've done this before!"

"No... but I've seen enough movies."

Alexis shook her head fiercely. "We have to split up. Maybe one of us can slip by them, and call for help! All we're doing now is waiting for the inevitable!"

Sudden movement in the bushes behind them startled both teens. "And it looks like the inevitable has arrived."

The Misfit grinned ruthlessly as Rocky and Alexis leapt to their feet. He crushed the surrounding shrubbery, and closed his fist. "Tag,"

he muttered. The punch sank deeply into Rocky's stomach, forcing all the air from his lungs. "You're It!"

Rocky released a hoarse cough before crumbling to the ground.

"Rocky!" Alexis screamed. Emerald eyes narrowed as she glared at the Misfit. "You're in for it now!"

She reached for her Morpher, only for a black hand to wrap her wrist in a vice-like grip.

Alexis bit back a scream as the edge of her communicator pierced her skin.

"Big talker, Alexis,"

the second Misfit mocked, lifting her by the wrist. Alexis squeezed her eyes closed as the pain intensified.

"Ooo... does the Purple Ranger have a boo-boo?"

the first Misfit scoffed. Beady eyes followed the thin trickle of blood that seeped from beneath his partner's black grasp. "These humans are certainly fragile, aren't they?"

"Let me go and I'll show you 'fragile'," Alexis snarled.

Her goading earned another tight squeeze against her wrist. She shrieked aloud as the metal clasp snapped, biting deeper into her flesh.


the other Misfit called, "Don't humans die from slicing their wrists?"

The Misfit holding Alexis smiled widely. "I think we just found a new game to play..."

Alexis squeezed her eyes closed, an icy terror numbing her senses as she waited for the next wave of pain to strike. Instead, she heard a shrill howl, followed by a dizzying sensation of free fall that was quickly replaced by a solid warmth against her skin.

She opened her eyes warily, and stared at the bold white diamond that rested proudly against crimson armor. "Jase..."

"You're gonna be fine, Lex," he murmured, his deep voice vibrating through his chest. Alexis relaxed in his arms, eyes drooping closed as he carefully set her on the grass.

"Alexis!" he said sharply, "Stay with me!"

She shook her head, fighting against the exhaustion that seemed to swallow her whole. "I'm... with you."

His gloved hand cradled her chin, forcing her eyes to his. "Lex, Zedd has sent six monsters to Earth. Six.

So we'll need the whole team to take them down."

His gaze shifted from her glassy eyes to the rich crimson seeping from numerous small gashes in her wrist. "What happened?"

"My communicator," she whispered, blinking her injured arm into focus, "It cut into my skin. I... guess it fell off."

"Zordon," Jason called into his wrist, "Alexis has been wounded. Please teleport her in for treatment."

"Wait," she gasped, eyes widening to full consciousness, "Rocky! Is he okay?"

"Relax, Lex," he urged, watching her vanish from his arms, "I'll take care of everything."


you now?"

two voices chorused.

Jason rose to his feet, his expression darkening as he turned to face the two waiting Misfits.

Chapter Thirty

Adam watched as Zack leapt into the air. His feet plowed into the chests of both black creatures, causing them to stagger and earning the young man precious moments to regain his balance, and raise his guard.


he mused, staring openly at Zack's focused, attentive frown, He's so composed, you'd think he fought for his life every day!

As the creatures recovered, Zack began shifting his feet, almost like a football player itching to dash across the field. Then, his entire body bent, narrowly missing an angry fist from one creature, only to lean back into place just in time to fire another fierce kick.

His moves were almost serpentine in their agility.

What kind of style is that??

Adam then shook himself from his awe. There were more important things to do than gawk at an unfamiliar fighting style.

Thankfully, the children were out of harm's way. When the two quiet ones had knocked down the door of their first house, the others nearly panicked. It only took a few moments to designate one of them the leader, and ask her to guide the others back to the Youth Center.

True, that meant six unsupervised children would have to walk nearly a quarter of a mile, but there were few places in Angel Grove more dangerous than that quiet front yard at that moment. Also, he couldn't let Zack face such a threat by himself.

The two young men were able to keep up a decent contest for ten minutes. But the mocking grins of the creatures spoke volumes... they were merely playing.

And when they did

choose to hit with full force, Adam quickly realized he and Zack had no chance of overwhelming them.

Adam dusted himself off from his latest tumble in the grass, and rubbed the dull ache across his chest where the last blow had landed. He then took a steadying breath, and rushed back to his new friend.

Rather than waste the minor advantage surprise afforded him, he silently rushed toward the fighters. He channeled that momentum into a jump kick, connecting with the small of one monster's back, and driving her into her partner.

He then rushed to Zack's side. "Are you okay?'

"Just dandy," Zack heaved, "How 'bout yourself? That kick to the chest was nasty!"

Adam grimaced. "It was, but if it was any lower, I might've broken some ribs."

Zack nodded his understanding.

Adam stole another glance at his partner, curiosity finally overwhelming his focus. "Zack, I have to ask you something."

The young man stiffened. "Yeah?"

"How did you... bend like that?"

The inexplicable tension melted off Zack's face. "Bro, when this is all over, I'm introducing you to the beauty of Hip Hop Kido!"

At that moment, a flash of vibrant blue erupted just feet away. Both young men watched the light take shape, and stared openly at the newly-arrival hero.

"The Blue Ranger!" Adam gasped.

"What's going on?" Zack demanded.

"Both of you need to clear out immediately," Blue advised, spinning his Power Lance, "These are magical creatures from the moon, and are far more dangerous than they appear."

Adam's eyes widened. "Far

more dangerous?"

Zack frowned. "C'mon, Adam. Let's give the man room to work."

Together, Zack and Adam hurried away from the battle site, heading in the general direction of the Youth Center. After about a block, Zack slowed down.

"What?" Adam called, turning to his new friend.

"Listen, Man... I live that way," he explained, pointing down a cross street. "I'm kinda worried about my family, so I think I'll just go home."

Adam nodded. "I'll come with you. Just in case."

Zack's lip quirked. "I appreciate it, but one of us needs to see that the kids got back to the Youth Center safe and sound."

Adam found himself watching Zack's expression carefully. Why was he so nervous? Considering his poise facing evil alien creatures, his sudden discomfiture was inexplicable.

Finally, he nodded. "I'll make sure the kids are okay. Be careful, Zack."

Zack smiled gratefully, grasping Adam's hand and shaking it in earnest. "You too, Adam. And I'll catch ya tomorrow, okay?"

"You got it."

The two young men parted ways, racing to their destinations at breakneck speed. After running half a block, Zack stole a glance behind him. Then, without breaking stride, he dodged between two stores, and dug into his pocket.

"It's Morphin' Time!" he called into the night, "Mastodon!"

Chapter Thirty-One

They're Putties,

Kimberly determined, Just pumped up Putties...

True, Lord Zedd's typical Putty Patroller was far less of a threat. It couldn't speak, couldn't really think, and couldn't improvise. They always bumbled through a fight, falling for the same tricks over and over.

These creatures were much more. Not only could they talk, they were even capable of mockery and wit, not to mention strategy. Plus, their endurance was miles ahead of your average Putty, and they lacked the telltale Z plate on their chest.

But... the streaks on them look like Rita's Putties,

the Pink Ranger noted. Could Finster have baked these?

She deflected the Misfit's fists with her forearm, observing the fighting form with a critical eye. Yet what was most disturbing about the creature was its face. The mounting frustration was evident in the narrow, beady eyes and tightly-pursed lips. Even though the face was clearly constructed from moist clay, it was emotive.

"C'mon, Sweet Cheeks,"

he goaded, "Show me what you got!"

It was so strange to hear a monster leer at her. It almost made her feel awkward, like when she walked past a construction site and fell victim to degrading cat-calls. The Misfits acted far too... human

for comfort.

Not just human...

she realized, They're rude, obnoxious bullies!

Kimberly was so stunned by her conclusion that she left herself wide open for a sharp knee to her solar plexus. Gasping for breath, the Pink Ranger folded.

Chapter Thirty-Two

She seemed to collapse in slow motion. It was surreal, watching her fall forward without the barest sound. No scream of pain, no cry for help. Just... nothing.

And suddenly, Tommy Oliver was terrified.

The Misfit he faced must've sensed his tension, for she released a long, indulgent cackle. "Sorry, Big Guy... this isn't tag team. You wanna tackle my partner, you gotta get through me


It was the single biggest mistake the Misfit could've made.

The White Ranger reached for Saba, clenching the hilt so tightly the sword winced. "You squeezed?" the saber grumbled.

"We gotta make this quick, Saba," Tommy informed his partner. Rather than supply further wry commentary, Saba heeded the dark anger in the White Ranger's tone. Now was not the time for bickering.

The Misfit smirked. "Bring it on!"

The sharp edge of the enchanted saber began to glow with a faint aura. "You asked for it."

Between the fierce slices of heated steel, the Misfit managed a few grunts of pain. As reinforced metal cleaved through joints, even the pliable nature of the clay couldn't keep the being together. She struggled to maintain her balance... to retaliate, only to have each appendage methodically removed from her body. And as each piece slid to the ground, it crumbled to mud.

Tommy spun Saba in his hand, orienting the head upward. Reaching forward, a stream of laser struck the pile, obliterating any vestige of intelligent matter.

Then, the White Ranger quirked his head to the other Misfit.

The last creature took an involuntary step back. That step was soon followed by another, and before long, Misfit was making a hasty retreat into the surrounding shadows.

Chapter Thirty-Three

"And, yet again, you disappoint me, Finster." Lord Zedd stepped away from the parapet, turning his back to the planet that dared to defy his rule. "Why am I not surprised?"

Finster scowled, but put every effort into keeping his voice measured. "All is not lost, Sire."

Zedd responded with a low, chilling laugh. "Oh? I beg to differ, Alchemist. Tommy just annihilated one of your precious Misfits in fourteen seconds. Even someone of your

limited intelligence can calculate how long the remaining five will last!"

"My Misfit has not been annihilated," Finster corrected. "And as Tommy frets over his comrade, not only will my Misfits recuperate, they will retaliate with a force the Rangers cannot hope to conquer."

The Emperor scoffed. "That remains to be seen."

Chapter Thirty-Four

"Kim? Kim!"

"I'm okay, Tommy," she assured him, carefully sitting up from the grass, "That was just stupid. I let my guard down, and the jerk took advantage of it."

While Tommy was unspeakably relieved to see his girlfriend make such a speedy recovery, her comment struck an odd chord. "The 'jerk'?"

She nodded. "Have you noticed how strange these Misfits act? They make fun of us, they hassle us, and they just love sneaky attacks. They're acting like jerks!" She then grabbed Tommy's hand. "Very specific


Tommy blinked. "You mean...?"

"Zedd, or Finster, or whoever

has created these monsters from Bulk, Skull, and all the other punks that were attacked last night. I'm sure of it!"

The White Ranger frowned, his concern mounting as he considered the implications.

"These monsters and last night's attacks have

to be related," Kim pressed. "I don't know what has been done

to Skull and the others, but these monsters have... I don't know... a part

of them. The bully part."

"If that's true, then if we destroy the Misfits, we might..." Tommy found he couldn't finish his sentence. Instead, he turned around, looking for the scattered dust that was the remains of one Misfit.

Only, what he saw was far from remains.

"Kim, look!"

The two Rangers watched in silence as the mud specks gathered together, creating an amorphous pile that sat on the grass.

"You thought this was over?"

said the other Misfit, emerging from the surrounding trees to take his place beside his erstwhile partner.

He stood straight, his arms akimbo, as the clay merged with him. His voice deepened, his triumphant laughter rumbling as every muscle beneath his oily exterior inflated to double its breadth.

The nine-foot tall creature folded its thick arms, and stared down at the two shell-shocked Power Rangers. "Time for Round Two..."

Part Three

Chapter Thirty-Five

"And now, one final question, Miss Kwan. Why do you want to attend the Youth Summit?"

She took a moment to collect her thoughts before answering. "For years I've been trying to save the world. I've put a lot of effort into doing my part: helping clean up litter, planting young trees, organizing students to petition against toxic waste, and... other activities."

She smiled wryly as she considered just how much she had summarized in that catch-all addendum.

"I like to think that I've accomplished some good. But, I can't help but feel like... I'm heading in the wrong direction."

She took a breath as she explained. "The kind of service I participate in now is critical, but I've come to think that it's not me

. I can handle the work, and I feel fulfillment, but I find I'd really like to focus my effort in a new direction."

Trini's dark eyes fell to her hands, which had suddenly begun wringing. It was nearly impossible to explain what had been swimming in her mind of late. In fact, it was impossible to relate her feelings and frustrations to someone who didn't know her secret.

She had served as the Yellow Ranger for over a year. When Zordon first approached her group of friends with the opportunity to save the world, her initial reaction was disbelief. Yet, if nothing else, her service as a Power Ranger proved how much might one person could wield. She embraced her role as one of Earth's champions, defending her planet from evil aliens time and time again.

Yet, she had come to realize that she didn't want

to defend. At least, not with a gargantuan Griffin Zord, a pair of Power Daggers, or whatever other arsenal Zordon would develop.

She wanted to fight, but not with her body. She wanted to fight with words

, convincing mankind to preserve the beautiful planet it has inherited. She wanted to fight with her mind

, developing programs to spread education, medicine, and all the fundamentals of life to those who couldn't access them on their own.

Yes, she was capable of serving as the Yellow Ranger. She had the strength, determination, and intelligence to augment the team. However, she knew she couldn't be satisfied with that career. Her heart tugged her in a different direction... where her own unique talents and vision could be better utilized.

"This summit as the opportunity of a lifetime. Before your presentation, I didn't even know such an initiative existed. And hearing about this effort has planted a seed. I firmly believe that the summit can really make a difference. In time, as the participants spread what they've learned and grow into the leaders of the next generation, a new world can be built."

Her next words resonated with a deep meaning that eluded her interviewer. "I don't want to fight evil. I want to fight ignorance. I'd like to reach people's hearts... that's the only way we can win peace."

She glanced up, watching as Dr. Kuiperi casually wrote notes on his pad. She swallowed, suddenly nervous as she considered the answer she had given.

Then, he glanced up at her. "Miss Kwan, I must commend you. You speak with a sincerity that is rarely heard."

She grinned at the compliment. "Thank you, Sir."

He rose from his seat, shaking her hand. "It has been a pleasure to meet you. If you have any other questions about the program, don't hesitate to ask."

She shook his hand enthusiastically, and then collected her belongings. With a final wave, she left Dr. Kuiperi's temporary office, and made her way to her locker, a visible bounce in her step.

Before she rounded the corner, her communicator sounded.

All excitement immediately died. Trini cast careful eyes down the hall, then dodged into an empty classroom before answering the urgent call.

"Trini here."


I wonder what life would be like without the 'emergencies'...

"I'm on my way."

Trini hurried to the corner, staying clear from either the door or windows, before pressing the requisite code. A vibrant yellow carrier wave transferred her to the Command Center.

The Yellow Ranger materialized to an alarming sight. "Aisha??"

She stared, utterly dumbfounded, as Alpha scampered around the unconscious visitor. He typed a few commands, causing a soft blue beam of energy to flow from a lamp hanging over the cot. The light bathed the bloodied cloth that covered her arm.

"What's going on?" Trini demanded, approaching the injured young woman. "Why is she dressed like... me?"

"It's her Halloween costume," Alexis offered, "If I were you, I'd be pretty flattered." Trini turned, her eyes narrowing at the soft white gauze wrapping the Purple Ranger's wrist.

Alexis noticed her attention, and waved her good hand. "I'm fine, Trini. Zedd's new monster thought it was a riot to cut my wrist, but Alpha patched me up with the dermal regenerator. The skin's a little sensitive, but otherwise I'm A-okay."

"Aye yi yi..." the small robot moaned, typing a new sequence to adjust the blue energy beam, "Unfortunately Aisha's injuries aren't so easily repaired. I had to physically reset the bone before knitting it, and now I can mend the surrounding muscle and skin."

Alexis grimaced at the image. "Trust me, it wasn't a pretty sight."

Trini's fists clenched as she turned to Zordon. "What's the situation?"


Both Trini and Alexis hurried to the crystal orb, which displayed the Blue and Black Rangers facing two sleek, manlike creatures decorated with colored streaks.


The scene then switched to the Red Ranger, who leapt over two Misfits that had targeted him.


The Pink and White Rangers appeared, staring up at an exceptionally large, broad Misfit.

"Did you just zoom in or something?" Alexis murmured.


"What's the plan, Zordon?" Trini inquired.


The Purple Ranger grabbed her Morpher. "I'm more than able, Zordon."

The two women faced each other, cool brown eyes meeting fierce green ones. "It's Morphin' Time!" they stated in unison.

Chapter Thirty-Six

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

The urgent voice lanced through the daze of Rocky's senses. With a soft groan, he opened his heavy eyes, his hand absently rubbing the burning pain in his stomach.

When his vision cleared, his jaw hung open. "Purple Ranger?"

He heard an exhalation that almost sounded like a sigh of relief. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but...." His eyes widened. "Where's Alexis? Those freaks had attacked her, and...!"

The Purple Ranger raised her hand. "Don't worry, your friend is fine. She was injured, so we sent her away for medical attention."

Rocky grasped her arm, and she carefully helped him to his feet. "Did you send her to a hospital? Which one? I should check on her..."

He felt the Purple Ranger's eyes on him. "She's fine, Sir," she repeated. "Right now I'm more concerned for you. Can you walk?"

A quizzical frown formed at her evasiveness. "Yeah, but-"

"Then you'd better make tracks." She turned, looking over her shoulder. Rocky followed her gaze, watching as a bright form in red struggled against two shadows. "It's not safe here. The Youth Center has a monster shelter, and it's not far from here."

With that, she stepped away from him. Rocky watched, awed, as shimmering gold wings on her boots began to flap, carrying her into the air.

He then turned in the direction from which he had come. As he moved, a glint of metal caught his eye.

Curious, he stooped down to pick up a small, broken machine in the grass.

"Isn't this Alexis' watch?" he wondered. Dried blood covered much of the band, dulling its luster. "Kinda strange style."

He slipped it into his pocket.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The Purple Ranger called no warning as she rushed through the air, yet the Red Ranger caught the glimmer of energy in the evening sky. A fierce grin lit his face as he somersaulted backward, creating about a yard of additional distance between himself and his two opponents.

A heartbeat later, the biting edge of the Eagle Whip snatched one Misfit by the torso, dragging him into the air as the Purple Ranger arced upward.

The remaining Misfit stared as the Purple Ranger began to spin, pulling his helpless companion into a nauseating cyclone that built momentum.

The grounded Misfit turned just in time to receive the sharp heel of the Red Ranger's foot in his face.

Jason refused to allow a moment's letup. The snap kick was immediately followed by a devastating roundhouse, throwing the stunned creature into a nearby tree.

At the same time, the Purple Ranger released her whip, watching in grim satisfaction as the Misfit crashed headfirst into the quiet street, digging a deep furrow into the asphalt.

She folded her arms, casually descending to her teammate's side. "That should even out the odds," she commented smugly.

Jason straightened from his battle stance. "We have to finish these two off and then regroup with the other Rangers," he decided. "Can you generate an Eagleheart Pulse?"

Her arms lowered, hands pulsing brightly. "You got it, Jase."

As the Purple Ranger began concentrating her power, the second Misfit slowly extricated itself from the dirt and crumbled asphalt. The first Misfit also rose, its hands calmly reshaping the dents pressed into its face.

The two creatures drew closer together, watching as a flare of purple lit between Alexis' spread palms.

She smirked. "Yeah, line up in a row for me. Make it easier to pummel you both with one blast!"

Jason was far from amused. "They're regrouping..."

The Misfits stood side by side, the defined lines of their shapes blurring. "We bring a whole new meaning to the term 'regroup'," they sneered, their voices echoing in eerie unison.

And then, they began to merge.

"Alexis!" Jason shouted, urgency in his voice, "Fire!"

"Eagleheart... Pulse!" she called, thrusting her arms outward. The sparking globe of purple-gold energy split the atoms of the air, crashing into the liquefied creature dead on.

When the smoke cleared, the enhanced Misfit stood whole and unharmed.

"That almost singed me,"

it chuckled, flexing its bloated muscles. "Let me see if I can do better..."

The creature's laugh continued to roll as it stretched its arms forward. Thick waves of black energy poured from its palms, digging trenches in the ground as it streaked toward the Power Rangers.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Kimberly continued her routine of well-timed handsprings, weaving her body around and between deadly bolts of black energy. Dust and splinters from charred vegetation clouded the air, giving her ample cover under which to maneuver.

With a grunt of exertion, she pushed herself higher into the air, earning her a few moments to summon the Power Bow from its inter-dimensional pocket. She lined up her shot in mid-descent, and fired just before her feet touched the ground.

The arrow flew inexorably to its target... only to glance off the Misfit's chest as if it were a mere paper airplane.

The Pink Ranger ground her teeth. "Any ideas?" she called to her teammate.

"I'm not having any luck either," White admitted, rushing to her side. "Saba's lasers aren't having any effect."

Tommy's eyes narrowed as he watched the nine-foot beast cackle in malicious glee. "It's still playing with us."


us," Kim interjected, "It wants to get under our skin!"

"Which means it's not hitting us at full force," Tommy pointed out. "At least, not yet. We've gotta take advantage of its overconfidence while we still can."

He then flipped Saba, holding the blade up. "Let's try a close-quarters fight."

Kim nodded, her Power Bow vanishing at her silent command. She drew her Blade Blaster, oriented as a dagger.

As one, the Pink and White Rangers rushed at the enemy, each veering to attack one side. The Misfit's wide forearms proved strong enough to collide with Saba, bouncing back the mystical saber and knocking the White Ranger off balance with its parry.

The Pink Ranger leapt for its head, her dagger at the ready, only to be swatted like a fly before she could even make contact.

The Misfit turned its glowing eyes upon the leader of the Power Rangers. "This isn't fun anymore,"

it grumbled, clenching its beefy fists. An obscure aura built around its hands, sparking with intensity.

The White Ranger managed to evade the first few heavy-handed blows, yet he was not nimble enough to dodge indefinitely. One punch struck the Ranger's right shoulder, sending a shooting pain down the length of his arm and loosening his grip on Saba. Shaken, he fell prey to a second pulverizing strike to his stomach, throwing the limp Ranger into the air so forcefully he crashed through the outer wall of the Youth Center.

Kimberly's mouth hung open in paralyzed shock as she watched the dust climb from the hole in the sturdy building. Her heart pounding in her ears, she leapt to her feet and rushed toward him, jumping over his enchanted saber in her haste.

"Tommy," she murmured, anxiously digging through debris to reach the stunned hero. She hazarded a quick glance around the darkened Youth Center, silently grateful that there were no bystanders.

Ernie, you're a saint! That monster shelter sure comes in handy...

She finally managed to unearth the White Ranger, who was faintly groaning in pain. She sighed her relief that he was visibly unharmed. "Hang in there," she urged, squeezing his hand, "I'll buy us some time."

The Pink Ranger emerged from the battered building, and stood in the hole her boyfriend had punched through the wall. She carefully stepped onto the grass, watching as the towering menace lumbered closer.

"Now what will you do, little girl?"

it leered, its face twisted into a contemptuous smile. "Run and hide until the others show up to save you?"

Kimberly scowled, holding out her arm. "Power Bow!"

The white and pink archer's bow materialized in her firm grip. "Time to wipe that disgusting smirk off your face!"

She fired half a dozen arrows in rapid succession, hoping to catch the beast off guard. Unfortunately, even the arrows it failed to intercept bounced harmlessly off its sleek surface.

Kim felt the panic rise in her stomach, and bit it back. Oookay, no reason to freak out. This isn't the first time I faced the bad guy alone...

She yelped, flipping out of the way of a sudden blast of black energy.

"Maybe you should try another weapon,"

the monster cackled, "Your arrows just don't cut it, Sweet Cheeks."

That's it! Another weapon...

Inspired, Kimberly raced back toward the Youth Center, hunting down a gleam of polished metal.

"Saba!" she breathed, lifting the sword from the grass, "Saba, I need your help!"

The tiger's head smiled. "At your service, Pink Ranger."

Kim permitted a rueful smile. Saba seemed to revel in giving Tommy a hard time, yet for her

he was surprisingly cooperative.

"This monster's skin is too thick for my arrows, so I need something with a bit more bite."

"I understand," the saber replied, "Fire away! I'll do the rest."

Kimberly nodded once, lining up her shot with utmost care. As she drew back the tight chord, the tip of the curved blade flashed with brilliant white energy that collected along the entire edge.

"Hey, Ugly!" she called, pulling back her elbow, "Catch this!"

The mutated Misfit snorted derisively, watching the gleaming white streak ignite the air around it with energy as it shot toward it. It held out its hand, preparing to knock the projectile off target.

Only, to its horror, Saba tore right through its palm, and sliced cleanly through the creature's chest.

Kimberly watched, her face lighting up with excitement, as white energy sparked along the entire form of the Misfit. Then, with a heavy groan, it fell backward, erupting in sparks of energy and tossing wads of enchanted clay everywhere.

Moments later, Saba floated toward her under his own power. "Well done, Pink Ranger!"

"Thanks to you!" she replied, taking the living weapon by the hilt. "Let's go check on Tommy."

As she eagerly raced toward the dazed White Ranger, the smears of clay covering the grounds around the Youth Center began to glow.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

The Yellow Ranger let her body go limp as she crashed through the wall of the hapless Angel Grovite's home. Dizzily, she rose from the pile of debris she created, glancing around the darkened living room with a wince.

It's a good thing these people aren't home... but they're certainly in for a surprise when they return!

In the distance she heard a sharp cry in what sounded like Zack's voice. Her jaw setting, Trini desperately dug through the chunks of wall to retrieve her missing Power Dagger.

Once the weapon was uncovered, she leapt through the new aperture, and dashed to the hulking beast that held the Black Ranger in a painful looking headlock.

When she had first arrived, relieving Billy so the young genius could return to his analysis, she and Zack had faced two Misfits with great success. In fact, each Ranger had challenged a single Misfit, and both had performed extremely well against the frustrated constructs of evil. That is, until the two creatures merged.

Now, the Super Misfit, for lack of a better term, possessed a level of strength and durability that two Power Rangers simply couldn't match. Neither the bite of the Power Daggers, nor the battering-ram energy beam of the Cosmic Cannon could do any notable damage to the monster. In fact, at most the Rangers' combined attacks threw the beast off balance for a few precious seconds.

Trini pummeled into the small of the Misfit's back, forcing its grip to loosen. A desperate series of fevered kicks from the Black Ranger made the creature let go completely.

Zack fell on his back, sputtering for breath.

"You two are in way

over your head,"

the creature commented, chuckling coldly.

Trini ignored the taunt, gathering the Black Ranger in her arms and carrying him out of the Misfit's reach.

"We're... in trouble," Zack gasped.

"Tell me about it," Trini sighed, setting her teammate on his feet. "We need nothing less than the whole team to take down this thing."

She drew her daggers once again, crouching. "Zack, you contact Zordon and get his guidance. Maybe one of the other Rangers can be spared to help us. I'll hold this creature off."

Zack nodded, moving to activate his communicator. However, before he pressed a single button, the creature drew his attention... by running away at such a speed, he quickly vanished into the evening shadows.

"Hey!" Zack grumbled, "What gives?"

Trini stood beside her teammate. "I... I have no idea! That thing had us."

The Black Ranger lifted his wrist communicator. "Zordon? This is Zack!"

Chapter Forty

"I've got it," Billy sighed, his relief evident in his voice.

"Thank goodness!" Alpha cried, hurrying to the Blue Ranger's side. The small robot watched as Billy typed information into a computer, creating what appeared to be a black grid on the screen. "What exactly did you get?"

"Kim was right; these Misfits are indeed a result of whatever trick Lord Zedd pulled yesterday." He lifted a small handheld machine. "I ran a few scans on Skull, and after monitoring his brain functions, I've isolated the irregularity."

He pressed a few keys, sending an image to the Viewing Globe. It was a scan of a human brain, with different areas pulsing in colored light.

"See the green light?" he asked, gesturing to the area directly behind the forehead, "This is the frontal lobe, and is the focus of the irregular brain patterns. The frontal lobe is the location of a person's consciousness: how one knows what he is doing, how he reacts to the environment, some basic habitual actions, emotions, and judgement. Note that this discludes any true memory or memory acquisition, which is primarily housed in the temporal lobe."


"Then we must

determine how to separate the victims' consciousness from the Misfits." Billy began pacing, his brilliant mind skimming his knowledge of both the human brain and evil magic. "If we destroy the Misfits, what is the probability that we would do permanent cerebral damage to the victims?"


"A magical link," Billy repeated, his voice soft with thought.

At that moment, the communicator relay beeped. ^Zordon? This is Zack!^

The Blue Ranger hurried to the console. "Zack, this is Billy."

^Yo, the pumped-up Misfit Trini and I were tackling just high-tailed it!^

Billy frowned, turning to the Viewing Globe. "Yes, I see. According to its trajectory, it's heading... for the Youth Center?"

He typed in a few more commands. "The Super Misfit Alexis and Jason were battling are heading in that same direction!"


Chapter Forty-One

Tommy managed to regain his footing just in time to witness the Super Misfit explode into a theatrical display of sparks, smoke, and clay. The various small aches that assailed his body were immediately forgotten as his eyes lingered on Kimberly, standing a little straighter than usual as she slowly lowered the Power Bow.

"You did it, Kim!" he commended, moving toward her. She turned to him, and Tommy stared in surprise at the saber in her hand.

"Not by myself," she amended, offering the White Ranger his partner.

Tommy sheathed the magical blade. "Now that we're done here, we should-"

His words died when a vibrant energy caught his attention. Eyes narrow, he instinctively pushed Kim behind him, and more carefully surveyed the area.

There were sparks flying from everywhere... specifically, from all the piles of clay that coated the surrounding flora.

"This isn't over," he realized.


"Regrouping?" Kim repeated, fawn eyes wide, "How many of these things are there?"

"We'll find out in a minute," Tommy responded.

A heartbeat later, six columns of vibrant light appeared in a row mere feet away.

"Are we in time?" Yellow demanded, turning on her heel.

"Affirmative," Blue answered, stepping away from the team. He watched as the sparking energy streaming from the wads of clay began to leap, connecting the parts of the fallen Misfit in a circuit of evil energy.

"We don't have much time," White noted, pulling Saba from his sheath, "The two Misfits Kim and I battled had merged so quickly we couldn't stop them. If any more Misfits manage to combine with this one, then we might not have the strength to beat them." He turned to Jason, and both young men nodded once.

"The Power Blaster," they echoed.


The Red Ranger turned north, and peered into the dark, abandoned street. "Let's get ready!" he bellowed, holding out his hand, "Power Sword!"

"Power Daggers!"

"Power Lance!"

"Power Bow!"

"Power Ax!"

The core Rangers called upon their mystic arms, and assembled them immediately. Jason held the Power Blaster steady, his teammates at his sides, as they watched for any suspicious movement.

"Guys... there!" Trini shouted, pointing to the Youth Center. Just at its edge, a black form slipped out from behind the building, and hurried forward.

"We can't fire!" Kim realized, her heart sinking, "It's too fast... if we miss, we'll level the Youth Center!"

"And several buildings beyond it," Billy agreed.

"Wait for it..." Jason urged, his finger hovering at the trigger.

"Jason!" Tommy called, pointing Saba to the north, "There's the other one!"

The two remaining Super Misfits broke into a run, zigzagging over the pot-marked lawn as they approached their fallen brother. Jason set his jaw, watching the beings converge upon a point along the barrel of the Power Blaster.

"Now!" he bellowed, "Fire!"

The Rangers combined their power, creating a battering ram of laser energy that streaked directly to the merging Misfits. The grass and trees exploded from the force of the blast, creating a backlash that sent the Power Rangers stumbling backward.

"Are you guys okay?" Alexis demanded, hurrying with Tommy to rejoin the team.

Jason released a tense breath, his fist trembling with impotent fury. "It didn't work."

The Power Rangers watched, frozen in horror, as the shapeless, organic clay suddenly swelled. Like an oil geyser erupting, the arcane substance stretched heavenward, flowing into a man-like form that towered over the highest buildings in Angel Grove.

Chapter Forty-Two

"This is an interesting development."

Finster allowed a smug smile at Lord Zedd's understatement. The emperor was never generous with praise, so such a comment was truly the limit of congratulations.

"The Misfits have united their power," Finster revealed, "and now, the Mega Misfit will crush the Power Rangers and their Zords."

The Emperor proudly held on to his skepticism. "The Power Rangers will also unite their power," he sneered, "and that wretched power always proves just enough to defeat any aggressor."

The alchemist struggled to bite his tongue against any sharp words that could forfeit his life. Not for the first time, he found himself longing for the days when Rita Repulsa ruled the lunar forces. At least she

respected the art of Monster-Baking.

Chapter Forty-Three

"Okay, Rangers," Tommy uttered, sliding Saba into the control console of the Tigerzord, "let's form the Mega Tigerzord. That combination has the most firepower, and leaves us with two aerial zords."

"Good idea," Jason conceded. Tommy watched as the Red Dragon pulled higher into the night sky, with the Eaglezord hovering at starboard.

"Initiate Mega Tigerzord sequence," he commanded. Saba's eyes flashed as the sentient saber complied, programming the transformation. The Lion, Griffin, Unicorn, and Firebird reconfigured their shapes and snapped into place, and the Black, Yellow, Blue, and Pink Rangers joined him in the Megazord cockpit.

"Let's rock his world!" Zack cheered.

"We have to be careful," Trini warned, "The Misfits were incredible fast and agile. If this version is even a fraction as nimble, we'll never land a punch."

"Good point," Tommy murmured, activating his communicator, "Jason, Alexis, do you read?"

^I'm here, Bro.^

^So am I, Tommy.^

"You guys have to knock the Misfit off balance. Set him up, then we'll take him down."

Chapter Forty-Four

Jason quickly reviewed the information fed to the Red Dragon's computers. His face tight, he switched the all-call communication frequency to just the Eaglezord. "Alexis, we'll have to hit him together. Hopefully we can get him to stagger, and that'll open him up for the Megazord. So sweep in fast, hit hard, then get out of the way. Your Zord is more agile than mine, so you get first strike."

^Copy that.^

Jason tensed as the Eaglezord tore away from him, reaching speeds the hulking Red Dragon simply couldn't meet. The bird of prey made a daring swoop, edging so close to the towering menace it almost looked like she'd collide right into its broad chest. However, she angled perpendicular to the ground, skirting to the right while releasing a deadly volley of Wing Blades. The sharp metallic feathers bounced off the sleek surface without harm, but managed to get the Mega Misfit's attention.

"Not bad," Jason conceded, his left hand reaching for a lever, "My turn."

While the Red Dragon lacked the maneuverability of the far smaller Eaglezord, it did possess a brute strength and firepower befitting its larger size. The great flying Zord angled forward, spitting a stream of fire from its jaw that crashed into the Misfit's side. The monster stumbled at the force of the impact, and did not recover its bearings in time to dodge the Dragon's heavy tail.

The blow knocked the Super Misfit off its feet entirely, forcing him into the spacious school parking lot.

Jason winced. "Something tells me there'll be some new carpooling regulations for the rest of the year," he sighed, aiming the Red Dragon's flame-thrower. As the flowing stream of unearthly fire pummeled the shaken Misfit, he flipped his communicator. "Alexis, keep your distance," he advised, "Tommy, he's all yours!"

Chapter Forty-Five

"Nice work, guys," Tommy congratulated, "Let's veer left, and keep clear of Jason's fire."

Blue and Yellow nodded in compliance, and programmed the path in which the Mega Tigerzord would tread. Once the large Zord was about fifty feet away, a grid covered the screen, targeting a shot.

"Kim, fire at will!"

Fierce triumph lit Pink's eye. "Firebird, locked on and ready!"

Energy engulfed the arm-mounted Firebird, sending it tearing through the air at speeds that broke the sound barrier. The energy storm it created crashed into the Mega Misfit dead on, tossing the beast into the hard pavement with enough force to utterly decimate much of the area.

However, to the Rangers' astonishment, the creature did not explode into a fiery burst of magic. Instead, it rose to its feet.

"Now what?" Zack demanded, snarling in frustration, "We served it the Firebird and he's coming back for seconds!"

"We won't beat this Misfit with brute force," Trini realized, turning to Billy, "Did you figure out the connection between the Misfits and last night's victims?"

"Actually, we did hit upon a development..."

"I knew it!" Kim interjected, "So can we do anything; like break the bond or something?"

Billy was startled by her choice of words. "Zordon and I had hypothesized that if we were to destroy the Misfits, the victims would likely regain consciousness."

Zack huffed. "Easier said than done!"

"However, we never had the opportunity to consider the reversed causal factor."

Trini's smile lit up. "So what would

happen if the victims regained consciousness? Would that destroy the Misfits?"

"Perhaps," the genius murmured, his thoughts shaping a new plan of action, "If I had some time, I could investigate the possibility of 'breaking the bond,' as Kimberly put it. It might have a staggering effect on the Misfits, which would turn the tide of this confrontation."

"Then go back to the Command Center and keep working on it," Tommy decided, "Trini, you go with him. Hopefully the two of you can bail us out again."

Trini frowned. "Both of us?"

"Right. We're disconnecting the Megazord, and the Griffin and Unicorn will retreat for now." Tommy grimaced. "We don't have the firepower to destroy the Misfit, so our most powerful attacks will only flatten the neighborhood. We'll resort to smaller Zords and quicker strikes to keep the Misfit distracted and minimize damage."

"Sounds like a plan!" Kim agreed.

Tommy activated his communications relay. "Alexis, Jase, you two keep the Misfit busy. We're disengaging the Megazord, and Trini and Billy will work on a Trump card."

^We're on it,^ Jason replied.

^Good luck, you guys!^ Alexis called.

The five Rangers exited the cockpit, each one hurrying to his Zord as the Megazord separated.

Chapter Forty-Six

Within moments the Yellow and Blue Rangers materialized in the Command Center.

"Alpha," Trini murmured, her eyes sweeping across the headquarters, "where's Aisha?"

"I healed her as best as I could, and then teleported her to one of the living quarters so she could rest without being in our way," the small robot explained, "Once she wakes up I can send her back to Angel Grove."


Trini pulled off her helmet, and rested it against a console. "There must be some

way to block

their minds from the Misfit."

"What do you mean?" Alpha questioned.

Billy also removed his helmet, and began pacing as he thought aloud. "Earlier, we had determined that the victims' consciousness is being channeled into the Misfits. So, it follows that there is a channel through which that neural energy is traveling. There is a connection... perhaps a magical link... between the victims and the Misfits. If that link was severed, if Zedd's magic could be blocked out, then the victims should recover, and the Misfits would be cut from their neural sustenance."

Billy raced to the nearest computer interface. "Some kind of mental shield," he muttered, a plan taking shape.

Trini turned her gaze to her mentor. "Zordon, do you have access to any technology that protects the mind from magical influence?"


"Great idea!" Alpha chirped before hurrying toward the elevator.

Both Trini and Billy stared up at Zordon. "Kerovan?" Billy repeated, his tone curious.


Billy's green eyes widened in awed astonishment. "There's a human colony? Remarkable!"



"It's still a step in the right direction," Trini recognized, "but, we'll need the technical blueprint of the helmet if we're to make changes to the design."


"Good," Billy murmured, picking up his helmet. "Trini, please conduct the initial research. I will join you momentarily."

"Where are you going?"

He hurried to the teleporter. "To the hospital. We'll need to test the helmet on someone already under Lord Zedd's enchantment."

Chapter Forty-Seven

Once upon a time, Angel Grove Memorial Hospital could have been compared to any other medical institution in a small American city. However, once the alien threat had manifested over a year ago, the sudden influx of patients with injuries associated with the monster attacks had forced the staff to grow accustomed to emergency situations. Victims of these attacks appeared on a semi-weekly basis, and while the injuries themselves were routine enough, the sheer volume of broken bones and lacerations taxed the facility to its limits. As a result, Angel Grove had the unique recognition of having one of the most capable hospital staffs in the United States.

However, even this experienced group of physicians had been unprepared for the sixty-two comatose teenagers delivered to their doors over the course of two hours. None of the victims had any outward signs of injury, and from the puzzling reports given by police officers and witnesses, it seemed as if a strange mist had rendered them all unconscious, while sparing dozens of onlookers. Such a tale would be ludicrous, and perhaps laughable, in any other city. Yet in Angel Grove, the account inspired a cold fear in the hardened personnel.

Up until that day, the victims of alien attacks had only received injuries resulting from being near a battle site. This time, the victims had clearly been targeted for an unknown purpose.

The staff handled the unexpected challenge with notable professionalism. Doctors and nurses had taken every possible physical measurement to determine the functionality of the patients, and receptionists and assistants calmly assured the panic-stricken family members that while the injury had not yet been identified, the victims had stabilized and were in no discernible danger of deteriorating.

When the Blue Ranger had appeared several hours ago to conduct his own analysis, a raucous had sprung up in the complex. The Power Rangers were rarely seen up close, and when they did appear before an audience, their visit was always brief. This time, the Blue Ranger spent an extended time at the hospital, discussing the information he was collecting with the head doctor on duty, and even demonstrating the use of his space-age scanning device to appease the doctor's curiosity. Unfortunately, he did not reveal any miracle cure for the fallen teenagers, to the disappointment of scores of desperate families and puzzled practitioners.

So when the Blue Ranger returned, materializing in the lobby in a brilliant wash of light, the heartbeats of everyone present quickened as they immediately assumed the worst.

The hero disregarded the awed and alarmed stares lingering on him, and approached the receptionist. "Excuse me, Sir, could you please page Doctor Andrea Johnson?"

He nodded, shaking his head to focus his attention on the task at hand. "Doctor Johnson, please report to the main desk," he spoke over the intercom. "You have a... visitor."

He then turned back to the Blue Ranger, staring openly at the stylized helmet. "Have a seat," he murmured, gesturing to the couches, "She'll be... right with you."

"Thanks, I'll remain standing."

It took less than a minute for the zealous middle-aged physician to rush down the hallway. "Blue Ranger!" she gasped, "I was hoping it was you!"

The Blue Ranger nodded in greeting. "I'd like to update you on our progress, as well as determine if there have been any changes."

"Great! Come with me."

Everyone in the halls moved aside as the familiar doctor and the awe-inspiring superhero made their way to the wing that housed the victims.

"They've all remained stable," Andrea supplied, "No increased neural activity. But at least they haven't deteriorated. They're all breathing fine, and the pulse is regular. Still no sign of what's wrong with them."

She watched as the Blue Ranger crossed the large room, glancing at each unconscious teen in turn. "Have you figured anything out yet?"

The hero chose his words carefully. "The Power Rangers have consulted an ally whose experience with magic spells and human physiology exceeds our own," he related. "He has provided us with a device that should be able to block out the alien influence that has rendered these youths comatose. As we speak my teammates are preparing this device for testing."

The doctor sat heavily on a hard plastic chair. "Testing," she repeated, "This 'device' you're talking about has never been used on a human before, has it?"

"It was designed for human beings," Blue replied, "However, it needs to be modified for this specific purpose."

Blue then turned back to the victims. "I will need to take one of these victims back to our base to make sure the device is functioning optimally. Once testing is complete, I will return to treat everyone else."

Andrea's anxiety was obvious. "Blue Ranger, I can't release one of my patients to you. And I won't let them serve as guinea pigs for some alien technology."

Blue took a long, slow breath. "Andrea, I promise no harm will come to them. The initial test to insure the safety of the mechanism will be performed on a volunteer. Only once I am satisfied that there is no danger in using the device will I then perform the second test, to see if the device accomplishes what we need it to."

He then approached the conflicted physician. "You will hear from me within an hour, hopefully with a solution, and absolutely with your patient unharmed. You have my word."

After a few more moments of silent consideration, Andrea Johnson nodded her consent.

Chapter Forty-Eight

Trini chewed her lip as she contemplated the wealth of information in Zordon's extensive data banks. Her almond eyes followed the movement of the three dimensional model, slowly turning as different systems within the amplifier were highlighted and described with text.

"Alpha," she called over her shoulder, "do we have a working amplifier anywhere?"

The small robot nodded, producing a device that was strangely reminiscent of a phonograph. "I found it when I got the helmet," he related, "It's pretty easy to set up."

"Yes, it seems to be," she agreed, walking to the far corner of the Command Center. In that separated area was the lab table on which she and Billy had performed their most ambitious work. From repairing Alpha 5 after the Green Ranger fed him a virus, all the way to developing the weapon that saved the Rangers from Zedd's monstrous Saliguana; she'd spent nearly as much time in this niche as she did in Billy's garage laboratory. For over a year she gained experience with technology light years beyond human industry, yet she was never intimidated. Billy had a talent for making it all seem so easy, leaving her confident that she could lend assistance, even when dealing with problems that would've rendered degreed astrophysicists hopelessly baffled.

She sat down at the workstation, pulling open a drawer to access the most frequently used hand tools. On the table before her, the cumbersome Kerovan helmet and amplifier sat whole and intact, yet in her mind's eye she could visualize the key operating systems as laid out in the diagram.

Just one more puzzle for Billy and me to piece together.

She had just finished removing the exterior paneling of the helmet when a wave of blue-white light brightened the Command Center.

"Alpha, set up the med-unit," the Blue Ranger advised. In his arms lay the prone form of the Rangers' chosen test subject.

"You brought Skull back?" Trini remarked.

"We've already performed the rudimentary analysis on him, and have established a status baseline from which we can easily detect any changes," Billy reminded her, setting the teen on the soft cot. Alpha scampered around, activating the appropriate scanners and uploading the applicable data collected previously.

The Blue Ranger then grabbed his Morpher, breaking contact with the Power. "Where are we?" he asked.

Trini gestured to the gadgets spread out before her. "We've got a functional helmet and amplifier to work with. We'll need to augment the helmet's internal systems to recognize and deflect magical energy, and I've started looking at the Command Center's own shielding."

Billy grinned. "That's a good place to begin; the Command Center's shield systems resist magical and technical scanning and infiltration."

The genius picked up a pair of safety goggles and fit them over his glasses. "Let's get to work."

Part Four

Chapter Forty-Nine

^Zack, are you okay?^

The Black Ranger took a deep breath, wincing at the pain in his chest.

^Zack! Do you hear me??^

He pushed forward to reach for the communications relay, only to grimace at the wave of dizziness that blurred his vision.

"Kim," he grunted when he finally found the right button, "where the hell do I keep the Advil in this thing?"

The panic flowed out of her voice like water. ^I don't think you ever bothered to stock the Lion,^ she answered glibly, ^but when this is over, I'll treat you to one of Ernie's banana splits. Enough sugar will cure any pain.^

"If that's not an incentive, I don't know what is!" he responded, his senses quickly returning.

^Be careful, Zack,^ she advised, ^The Misfit kicked your Zord like a soccer ball!^

The Black Ranger snarled. "Time to show that freak this Lion's bite is worse than it's bark!"

^Lions don't bark, Zack.^

"Black Ranger out," he grumbled, switching off the link. The Lion emerged from the tangled heap of fallen trees that gathered around him after the Misfit's last assault, and hurried back toward the main battle.

Thankfully, the Rangers had driven the Misfit away from the high school and Youth Center, moving toward the more spacious park that stretched through the center of Angel Grove. Now, the creature had extricated itself from the depths of the lake, shaking off the moisture and throwing a venomous glare toward the Zords that had begun lining up at the water's edge.

^Rangers,^ Tommy's voice called, ^Check in.^

^Jason here,^ the former leader responded, ^I'm a little banged up, but otherwise okay.^

^I'm okay,^ Alexis returned, ^but I'm running out of Wing Blades, and that last volley of energy damaged my left wing. Either I fly around in a neat circle, or I'm grounded.^

^The Firebird and I are fine,^ Kim answered, ^He hasn't landed a direct hit yet, but my laser banks are getting low.^

"Zack here," the Black Ranger reported, his eyes still scanning the readout of his main system, "That last kick knocked me for a loop, but I think I'm up for more. No critical damage."

^Zack, you linger back,^ Tommy decided, ^We can't risk any damage to the Lion that'll stop us from forming a Megazord. Alexis, you should take cover. If possible get into a position that allows you to open fire. The Wing Blades aren't having much effect now, but we might need the distraction.^

^That'll just leave three Zords,^ Kim realized.

^We'll have to make due. Jason, you and I are going Battle Mode. Kim, you stay airborne and hit the Misfit whenever you have an opening. If you get a chance to use your Firebird Cyclone, then let it loose. That usually leaves the bad guy dizzy.^

^Good plan,^ Jason encouraged, ^Okay team, take your positions!^

Chapter Fifty

Adam Park was not

claustrophobic. He'd never had a problem sitting in a small space, even for long periods of time. Nor was he one to easily bow to the weight of anxiety.

Still, not even the closeness of an elevator could compare to the stifling monster shelter beneath the Youth Center. Due to the large number of patrons who had taken refuge in the hangout, the basement was exceptionally crowded... mostly with crying, shivering children.

Adam had tried his best to console the youths, and was greatly heartened when he was able to identify all six normal

children that were placed under his and Zack's care. Still, he had little experience with Power Ranger battles. He had no idea how to reassure the children that everything would be all right.

Ernie seemed more than equipped for the job, and eagerly distributed water and flashlights to help ease the discomfort. Adam tried to distract himself by assisting, but the cold fear in his heart only grew with each tremor that shook the enclosure.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. He made his way through the crowds to Ernie. "Do you know what happened to Aisha? I don't see her anywhere."

The kindly proprietor averted his gaze. "Your friend was dressed up as the Yellow Ranger, right?"

The sorrow in Ernie's tone made Adam's heartbeat quicken. "Yes."

"When those black monsters attacked Kim and Tommy, Aisha distracted them and led them out of the Youth Center. That's when we evacuated, and packed into this shelter."

Adam's eyes narrowed. "Aisha never came in, did she."

It wasn't a question. Ernie slowly shook his head. "I'm sorry, Adam... I haven't seen her. About a dozen other people followed us into the basement, including yourself... but there was no sign of Aisha."

He then squeezed the young man's shoulder. "Don't worry, though; the Power Rangers showed up not long after. I saw the White and Pink Rangers fighting when I took a last look in the Juice Bar to make sure we didn't miss anyone. They always make sure the bystanders are clear, so I'm sure Aisha's okay."

Adam tried to take the consolation to heart, but he couldn't shake the feeling of dread. Last time Aisha had gotten entangled with Power Ranger business, she'd received fifty-seven stitches for her troubles. "Where are Kim and Tommy?" he wondered, "Maybe they saw something?"

This time, Ernie shrugged. "You know, it's weird: I don't think I saw them down here, either."

Before Adam could ponder this latest piece of information, a sharp banging on the outer door drew everyone's attention. All the children froze in ambiguous fear, but Ernie hurried to the door, and pulled it open without hesitation.

Rocky stumbled into the enclosure, panting heavily.

"Rocky!" Adam called, rushing to help Ernie lean the exhausted teen into the nearest chair, "What happened?"

"We... were attacked by... by monsters," he gasped, struggling to catch his breath. Ernie set a small cup of water in his hand, which Rocky swallowed in one gulp.

"I'll get you some more," Ernie offered, leaving the two boys alone.

"Where's Alexis now?" Adam asked.

Rocky grimaced. "A Power Ranger told me she had been hurt, and that they took her away for treatment." His frown deepened. "She wouldn't tell me where, though."

Adam saw the frustration in his best friend's eyes. "What happened to the kids you were chaperoning?"

"I left them at the house we had visited. I figured they were safer there than roaming the streets."

Adam nodded, looking up to see Ernie kneel beside them. "Here," he urged, offering Rocky a refilled cup, "Are you hurt at all?"

"Nah, I'm fit as a fiddle," Rocky answered, this time sipping the water slowly. "Thanks a lot, Ernie."

The portly man smiled, and then turned his attention to his other 'guests.'

Adam took a deep breath before revealing the most unsettling news. "I don't know where Aisha is," he reported.

Rocky choked on the water he was about to swallow. After coughing viciously to clear his airway, he grabbed his best friend by the collar of his cowboy vest. "We've got to find her."

Adam's jaw set as he nodded in agreement.

Chapter Fifty-One

As Billy carefully adjusted the wiring in the Kerovan helmet, Trini hazarded a glance at the Viewing Globe. The Lion and Eagle had pulled back from the battle, leaving the Red Dragon and White Tiger, both in Battle Mode, to duel with the Misfit. The two anthropomorphic Zords were more agile than either Megazord, giving the Rangers a desperately needed edge. Still, while the Misfit was outnumbered, it was far from outmatched.

"Trini, please hand me-"

Before he could finish the request, the desired tool laid in his palm.

"Thanks," he murmured, his mind lost in quick calculations as he calibrated the tool to suit his needs. Trini turned her attention back to Billy, watching him reroute wiring and adjust circuit boards with surgical precision.

"And? that ought to do it," the genius reported, sliding the paneling back in place, "Now to make sure these modifications don't damage any brain cells."

Trini frowned. "How likely is that?"

"Not likely; I was very careful when making my adjustments. Still, I won't try an untested device on Skull. He is unable to give his consent."

"Then what are you?" She froze as Billy slid the helmet over his head. "Billy, you can't!"

"Our options are limited," he pointed out, fastening the clasp beneath his chin, "and so is time."

"Then I'll

test it!"

She returned his stare without flinching at its incredulity. "It makes sense," she defended, "If there are any adjustments that need to be made, you're in a much better position to make them than I am."

Billy stiffened, his eyes darting away as he visibly searched for an argument. Yet, he couldn't come up with a single convincing reason why he should take the risk.

I couldn't stand to see you hurt by one of my experiments!

He knew that irrational answer wouldn't suit Trini? or was he merely afraid to utter it?

"Trini, please let me do this."

She opened her mouth to protest, only his green eyes pleaded with her in a way words never could. She met his gaze for a long moment, oddly curious of its intensity. Her argument died at the tip of her tongue. "?okay."

The genius sighed in relief as he stepped away from her. "The kill switch is right here," he pointed out, "If I look like I'm in real trouble, and I'm unable to deactivate the helmet myself, please take the initiative."

"We're ready," Alpha spoke, standing next to Trini with a small scanner in his hand. "I'll keep an eye on your vitals to determine if you're in any danger."

"Good." Billy took a seat, held his breath, and turned on the helmet.

The initial sensation was most similar to wearing glasses far too strong for one's vision. The world became bizarrely sharp and bright, causing a dull pain to pool behind his eyes. He winced, squeezing his eyes closed to block out the discomfort.

"Billy? Can you hear me?"

Trini's voice was urgent, yet somehow it felt deafening.

"Yes," he murmured softly, "I'm okay."

Enhanced vision and hearing,

Billy realized, Part of this helmet's function is to amplify the soldier's senses.

And then suddenly, something else floated through his mind.

Billy, please be okay!

He opened his eyes again, staring at Trini in surprise. Only, her voice sounded different than just moments ago. It faintly echoed between his ears, like a whisper overheard.

He kept his eyes on her, waiting for her to say something more.

Why couldn't you let me do this??

Her lips hadn't moved. Somehow, he was hearing her thoughts.

I should've taken the risk. I'm far more expendable than you are.

The passing thought sent a chill through Billy. At a loss, he covered his ears with his hands, desperate the stop the violation of his best friend's privacy. And yet, he couldn't stop himself from peering even deeper into her consciousness, peeling back the layers of her awareness to those other thoughts that passed through her mind.

He shivered at the myriad of sensations: fear, concern, determination? and to his utter astonishment, a deep longing.

Puzzled, he focused on that aspect of her consciousness without even realizing it, and even more thoughts and feelings were exposed to him.

Her frustration with her service as the Yellow Ranger. A concern that she wasn't doing enough, that someone else could offer the Power Team more. An instinct that perhaps her future laid somewhere far, far away from Angel Grove.


Suddenly, Billy couldn't breathe. He began gasping, clutching the back of his chair.

Moments later, he felt a sensation similar to ice water thrown in his face. Startled, he opened his eyes again, and lost himself in Trini's dark, worried gaze.

"I shut it off," she told him, slowly pulling off the helmet, "You looked like you were in pain, and you had trouble breathing."

Billy swallowed to moisten his raw throat. "Alpha?"

"The helmet seems to have a phased activation," he responded, moving the scanning device over Billy's forehead. "At first, I picked up a spike in brain activity, though nothing I could determine dangerous. Then for some reason I couldn't pick up anything at all."


"At first? it felt like I could see too well," he answered, absently rubbing his eyes. "Then it went to hearing, augmenting my senses. Finally, I?" He felt the heat rise in his cheeks, yet he couldn't hide this important detail. "I heard Trini's thoughts."

"What?" Trini murmured.

"I apologize," he hastened to add, suddenly wishing he could sink into the floor, "I couldn't stop it! Suddenly I heard your voice in my head, but then? sensations followed. I think that was about the point you deactivated the helmet."

Billy looked at Trini, stricken by her thunderstruck expression.

Finally, she recovered her voice. "What? did you hear?"

"It was a jumble," he told her, "Too much to really process." It was only half true.

The Yellow Ranger searched Billy's gaze with her own. Finally, she squeezed his hand. "It's okay, Billy? there's no harm done."

The genius deflated at his best friend's forgiving gesture.


"Everything's back to normal. No side effects."

"How long was I wearing the helmet?" Billy asked.

"Seven minutes before you began hyperventilating."

"Will that be enough time for the Rangers to destroy the Misfit?" Trini wondered.

"It'll have to be," Billy decided, "We can't risk damaging the victims, and we don't have time for adjustments."

Billy then moved to the med-unit, where Skull lay comatose. "We need to test it on him and see if the helmet will break the spell."


"Right," Trini consented, "We should go to the hospital and get the other victims ready."

Billy nodded his agreement, pulling out his Morpher. "Triceratops!"

"Saber-Tooth Tiger!"

Chapter Fifty-Two

If the sight of one Power Ranger was a rarity, seeing two Power Rangers materialize right before one's eyes is an experience reserved for a select few.

Dr. Johnson stared at the two brightly-colored heroes, her mouth hanging open in surprise. "How? do you do


"Matter teleportation," Yellow informed her.

Blue turned around, scanning the medical ward carefully. "Are all the victims right here?"

"No, we have three other rooms like this. We tried to keep them together, but they couldn't all fit comfortably in one room."

"Then they'll have to fit uncomfortably," Blue decided, "We need to move everyone

into this space."

Andrea knew better than to question a Power Ranger. Instead, she hurried to the nearest telephone. "This is Johnson. I need every orderly on site, on the double!"

The response to Andrea's order was immediate. Dozens of assistants pooled into the area, and the Blue and Yellow Rangers directed traffic. The last few gurneys were being wheeled into the decidedly cramped medical ward just as the Blue Ranger's communicator beeped.

"This is the Blue Ranger," he spoke into his wrist.


"Then the helmet doesn't break the spell," Yellow hypothesized, "it only temporarily blocks it."

"How long did you test the helmet?" Blue asked of his associate.


"Did he ever regain consciousness?"


"Please teleport him and the requisite equipment to our location," Blue requested. "We will try to restore the victims now."


Before the medical staff could begin to contemplate the conversation they had overheard, a wave of light drew their attention to the center of the room. All eyes lingered on the short metallic form that had materialized, carrying a young man in his arms and accompanied by a tray covered with mechanical devices.

"Alpha," Yellow greeted, relieving the new arrival of its burden, "We'll need you to activate the helmet when we're ready."

"You got it!" it chirped in response. The Blue Ranger helped him set up the machinery, as the Yellow Ranger laid Skull on the single empty cot.

Finally, Dr. Johnson regained the ability to speak. "What is that?"

Alpha giggled at the question. "I'm a robot from the planet Edenoi. I help the Power Rangers monitor and protect the Earth."

He then returned to his work, heedless of the several dozen stunned hospital employees.

"We're ready," Yellow reported, "The amplifier should cover this entire room, and block out Zedd's magic."

"We'll only have twelve minutes at most before the device will have to be disabled," Blue noted. "Alpha, don't activate it until you receive my signal."

"You got it!"

Then, the Blue Ranger addressed the head physician. "Doctor Johnson, we have determined that these teenagers are under a spell."

Andrea blinked. "A spell?"

"Yes, a spell from the moon forces that siphons off their brain functions in order to feed the monster our teammates are currently battling. We can only hope that this blocking device will interrupt the link and weaken the monster long enough for us to destroy it. Then, hopefully the destruction of the monster will release the victims from this enchantment."

Andrea fixed the Blue Ranger with a steady gaze. "There were a lot of 'hopes' in that plan."

Blue nodded. "Yet it's our best option."

Slowly, the head doctor nodded, approving the action plan.

"We need to rejoin our teammates and prepare an all-out assault," Yellow informed her, "You must all clear out of this room. Alpha will take it from here."

The staff needed no more direction. They immediately began dispersing the crowded room, leaving only the Rangers, Alpha 5, and Andrea.

"Good luck, Rangers," she murmured, shaking their hands in turn. She then glanced at the small robot, and offered an unaffected smile. "And thanks for your help."

Chapter Fifty-Three

Typically, it took Aisha Campbell a good fifteen minutes to wake up from a deep sleep. However, when she finally roused from her restorative slumber, the sterile chill of the room drew her to full awareness.

The first oddity she noticed was the surprising lack of pain. Her confrontation with the mutated creatures outside the Youth Center had been burned into her memory, and the agony of their assault on her wounded arm made her shiver. Yet incredibly, her arm was as good as new.

Wide-eyed, Aisha stared at the unmarred flesh. The sleeve of her Yellow Ranger costume had been cut from the shoulder, exposing the length of her arm. Spots of red stained her torso and leg near the injury site served as evidence of the brutal beating.

"This is impossible," she murmured, flexing her arm experimentally. Other than stiffness and vague soreness, it was perfect.

Shaken, Aisha found the strength to step off the bed. The room was small and stifling, with no windows or decorations to offer a hint of personality. Yet she found what she was looking for with little difficulty, and relief flooded her when she turned the doorknob and discovered it was unlocked.

The wary teen left the sterile room to enter a sterile hallway, coated in black tile that tapped beneath her heels. Doors similar to the one she had just exited lined the wall, yet she continued down the hall, following the voices that vibrated from that direction.


The voice rumbled like an earthquake, causing Aisha to freeze in place. No man could produce such a sound!

^Please teleport him and the requisite equipment to our location. We will try to restore the victims now.^

The second voice did sound human? and oddly enough, almost familiar. Finally resolving to take her fate in her hands, she continued walking.


She had arrived in the heart of the Command Center just in time to witness the vibrant white light that carried away the only visible life form in the room.

"Hello?" she called, slowly stepping out of the hallway. She stared openly at the machines beeping and flashing all around, and the neon blue tube of light standing at the tip of a ring of computers that vaguely looked like the bridge on Star Trek.


She yelped, turning full circle but seeing no one. The booming voice seemed to emanate from near the blue column? which, Aisha just noticed, seemed to have something inside


"Oh my God," she breathed, stumbling backward.


Nearly a minute passed before her tongue loosened enough to speak. "Yes?"

She remembered consciously deciding to give two obnoxious children a stern lecture. She remembered watching in horror as they mutated, transforming into monsters with more than enough strength to finish her off.

She even remembered them referring to her as "Trini."

Her throat went dry. Trini's a Power Ranger. I'm in the Power Ranger headquarters! The Power Rangers are actually human!

The revelations flashed through her mind like quicksilver, draining the strength from her legs. Overwhelmed, she leaned against the nearest console.

"YOU SHOULD RETURN TO THE BARRACKS," the head advised. The concern in his tone was so at odds with the intimidating voice in which he spoke.

"I'll be okay," Aisha hastily reported, "Uh? how long are you planning to keep me here?"


His reassurance helped put Aisha at ease. "I appreciate that."

A strange, awkward silence fell. Aisha kept her eyes away from the floating blue head, finding the bright yellow diamonds on her boots oddly intriguing. So many questions swam in her mind that her tongue actually burned to ask them, yet she couldn't bring herself to demand information from this alien ally of the Power Rangers.

After a few more moments, the head himself broke the silence. "I THANK YOU FOR TRYING TO PROTECT THE YOUTHS TARGETED BY THOSE CREATURES."

His praise startled Aisha even more than his appearance. "Thank you." Her words didn't even come close to capturing the surge of pride that made her feel ten feet tall.


She stared at him several moments, dissecting his comments and listening to what he didn't

say. He didn't tell her to stay out of the Rangers' way, or even not to masquerade as a Power Ranger again.

Aisha met his vivid blue gaze for the first time. She could feel the warmth in those projected eyes, making her wonder how she could've been afraid of him mere minutes earlier. She grinned. "I'll just have to be more careful next time."

An expression of surprise opened the floating face, urging a small giggle from Aisha.


Suddenly, Aisha's burning curiosity turned to more immediate matters. She jumped up from the console and hurried to the Viewing Globe, watching in fascination as the park appeared before her eyes.

Chapter Fifty-Four

In a matter of seconds the Yellow and Blue Rangers reached the Zord hangar via direct teleportation. Together they stood at the top of the stairs to the enormous underground station, where only two Thunder Zords remained.

"It's now or never," Billy decided. His voice revealed none of the anxiety that knotted his stomach.

Trini squeezed his hand. "Let's go."

He nodded, grateful for the simple gesture. The two Rangers leapt into the air, the Power carrying them to their assault vehicles.

Billy strapped on his seatbelt, waiting as the Unicorn's systems flared to life. He flipped on his communicator. "Alpha, this is the Blue Ranger."

^I read you.^

"Activate the device."


The Blue Ranger then pressed several buttons on his controls. A digital clock appeared in the bottom corner of his view screen, and slowly incremented.

"Trini, let's join the others," he said, "We have a maximum of eleven minutes and fifty-one seconds to destroy the Misfit."

Chapter Fifty-Five

Kimberly watched the Red Dragon and White Tiger perform through her view screen. Not for the first time, she marveled at the agility such gargantuan mechanical constructs could display.

Combating the Misfit with the two anthropomorphic Zords proved to be a good idea. While even the combined firepower of the Zords could not damage the Misfit, at least the speed and maneuverability were comparable. And the two Zords had resorted to a hit and dodge tactic, stepping in for a few quick blows and stepping out before a proper retaliation could land, letting the other Zord take the offensive.

The Pink Ranger chewed her lip, her fingers tightly clenched on the steering lever of her Firebird. Her eyes barely blinked as she waited for an opening, so she could finally aid her friends and relieve some of the pressure.

Her moment finally came when the Red Dragon was unable to dodge out of the Misfit's reach in time. The more wiry Zord stumbled, falling heavily into the nearby lake.

The White Tiger visibly braced itself as the Misfit's haughty cackle rose.

"My turn," Kim murmured, activating the thrusters. The smallest Thunder Zord zipped through the air, skirting just out of the Misfit's reach. Her fly-by distracted the beast, drawing fire that she evaded with bare feet to spare.

"Firebird Cyclone... Activate!"

Reddish energy flowed from the Firebird, creating a circle of bright light and fierce winds that created a funnel of power. That cyclone drove to the earth, capturing the nightmarish creature in its irresistible pull.

"Who's laughing now, jerk?" she gloated. Just as she moved her hands to steer away from the monster, her communicator sounded.

^Kim, wait!^

"Trini, you're back! Tell me you figured something out!"

^Yes, we did. But we'll need you to maintain the cyclone for as long as you can. So long as you continue to feed the tornado winds, the Misfit should remain trapped.^

"I'll hold him as long as I can," Kim promised.

Chapter Fifty-Six

Billy oriented his Unicorn toward the battle, green eyes narrow as he perused the readings his scanners fed him. The Firebird Cyclone proved to be effective against the Misfit, buffeting the magical creature with enough raw power to keep it off balance. However, it was clear that the Firebird couldn't maintain the assault much longer, and the Misfit still manifested a dangerously high power level.

He activated the all-call. "Rangers, approximately one minute ago we activated a device that we hope will weaken the Misfit."

A whoop of joy from the Lion answered him. ^That's the best news I've heard all day!^

"Don't cheer yet," Billy cautioned, "We have no idea how long it will take for the Misfit to feel the effect. I suggest that we continue to fight him in the individual, more maneuverable Zords until we see some signs of vulnerability."

^Sounds good,^ Tommy agreed, ^Kim, what's-^

An unexpected surge of power flashed across the Unicorn's screen. "Kim, look out!" Billy suddenly shouted. Unfortunately, the warning came too late. A split second later, a burst of pure black energy erupted from within the cyclone, spreading in all directions with enough strength to strip the nearby trees of their leaves. The Rangers braced themselves as their Zords weathered the backlash.

The next sound was a sickening crash that shook the very ground.

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Aisha gasped loudly as she watched the streak of red smash into the ground. The haze of dust and uprooted verdure that followed clouded the Viewing Globe, but she still had a pretty good idea what had happened.

"The Pink Ranger's down!" she gasped.

The communicator then beeped urgently. ^Zordon! Is Ki-^


After a brief silence, the White Ranger's voice returned. ^It's as good as done, Zordon.^

Aisha's eyebrow rose as the vicious tone she'd heard. She turned to the floating head she now knew was named 'Zordon.' "Is there anything I can do to help? I'm certified in first aid."


She didn't even consider the consequences before she replied. "I already know Trini is a Power Ranger."

She felt Zordon's shocked gaze, and felt inclined to explain. "The... the monster called me 'Trini' when we fought. I'm sorry... I wasn't trying to impersonate her, honest! Things just got... out of hand."

She grimaced. "I promise, I won't tell anybody anything about the Rangers. Not my parents, not even my best friends. You have my word."

Aisha waited, agitated by the lengthy silence, as those ageless blue eyes stared at her. It almost felt like he was looking within

her, assessing her inner character. What did this alien being see when he stared at her so intensely?


"Right." Aisha hurried to the med-unit, her entire body tensed like a spring.

Zordon did not wait an instant longer. He immediately triggered the emergency teleport sequence, and watched as a vibrant pink form materialized on the cot.

Even though Aisha had prepared herself for the job ahead, the sight of a Power Ranger lying prone and unconscious was more disconcerting than she could imagine.


Aisha complied, and gaped as a flood of pink energy gathered around the heroine. When the light faded, the legend had vanished, and had been replaced by a normal teenaged girl.


Without hesitation she began to assess the victim's injuries.

Pulse is steady,

she realized, checking at the base of Kim's jaw, Breathing is fine. Visible lacerations... none!

While Aisha continued her assessment, Zordon opened a communications channel. "ALPHA FIVE, YOUR PRESENCE IS URGENTLY NEEDED."

^What about the victims?^ Alpha queried.


A heartbeat later, a small figure took shape in the center of the computer ring.

"Aye yi yi!" Alpha shrieked, hands clutching the sides of his oblong head, "What happened?"


Alpha scampered to the med-unit, and stared at the young woman who had already begun tending to Kimberly. "Aisha! You're awake! And..."

Aisha turned to the childish voice. She blinked in surprise at the diminutive robot, yet considering all the other shocks she'd endured that day, the sight wasn't too jarring. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

She then took a step back, watching in fascination as Zordon's assistant programmed the machine with practiced skill.

Chapter Fifty-Eight

Tommy's face was grim as he opened a channel to the Unicorn. "Billy, how much time do we have?"

^Eight minutes, thirty-eight seconds. If we take any longer, we risk harm to Zedd's victims.^

"Have the Misfit's power levels decreased?"

^Yes, though at this point it is impossible to tell if this is a result of our device, or a temporary depletion due to its... exertion against the Firebird.^

Tommy glanced up as a flash of light caught his eye. The Firebird Zord, which had lain half buried in a deep channel of soft earth and shrubbery, had disappeared. And he still

had no word on Kim's condition.

"Tommy?" a cultured voice urged.

The White Ranger ruthlessly banished all concern for his girlfriend from his mind. There was a job to be done. "I'm fine, Saba," he assured his partner, "and we're not out yet."

Taking a breath, he activated the all-call. "We've got less than ten minutes to finish this, and now there's no hope to create a Megazord."

^Then we'll pummel this bastard with what we've got!^ Jason snarled over the comm. It was obvious the former leader was just as outraged by his teammate's injury as the current one.

The Rangers needed no more prodding. Immediately the Unicorn and Griffin Zords opened fire, hammering the dazed Misfit with a flurry of energy bursts. The Lion had also trudged forward, opting for a closer encounter. He cut between the Unicorn and Griffins, and plowed into the Misfit's legs.

With a startled yelp, the creature toppled.

^Rangers,^ Billy reported, ^the energy levels are still

decreasing. It's now down to about seventy percent of the power it displayed at first.^

"Stand back, guys," Tommy advised. He turned, removing a sphere from the back of the cockpit and sliding it into a chute in the console. "White Tiger Thunderbolt!"

The tiger's head on the chest of the Tiger Zord opened, releasing a great sphere of fire that streaked into the monster's chest. The sphere exploded on impact, throwing the creature into a nearby hill.

"Dammit... still not enough!"

^It's steadily weakening!^ Billy reported, ^Now it's down to forty-eight percent.^

Tommy released a frustrated hiss. "Saba, how long until we can fire up another Thunderbolt?"

"The Zord will need at least ten minutes to charge another power burst of that magnitude."

"We don't have time

for this!" White groused, "We need a single attack that can wipe out the Misfit with no more hassle."

^Tommy, I'm gonna try something.^

Tommy turned back to the screen, watching the Red Dragon climb the hill toward the staggering Misfit. The slim Zord twirled a black staff in its hands, and delivered three powerful slashes in rapid succession. Instead of glancing off its impenetrable surface, the Misfit howled as sparks flew from its wounds.

"It's definitely getting weaker, and fast," Tommy realized, "But not fast enough..."

^I need more momentum... then I can cut this thing to pieces.^

"Tommy, I have a suggestion," Saba spoke, "We will shift the Zord into Animal Mode. Perhaps we can lend the Red Dragon the momentum it needs."

The White Ranger blinked. "Will that work?"

"The Tiger Zord was designed to function as a carrier zord."

"Like Titanus?"

"Yes... only it isn't able to support the entire Thunder Megazord. However, it is more than able to coordinate its power with the Red Dragon alone, and augment its attack."

"Then let's do it."

Chapter Fifty-Nine

The Red Ranger was backing away from the Misfit, preparing to get a running start for his next assault, when his communicator activated. ^Bro, we're gonna try something different.^

"I'm all ears," Jason urged.

^Our two Zords have the ability to form a joint Zord. It's not quite like forming a Megazord, but if the Red Dragon Warrior Mode rides the White Tiger Animal Mode, we'll have a combination attack that's stronger than anything we can muster without the Firebird.^

"I'm ready when you are."

Jason watched through his view screen as the White Tiger transformed into a quadruped. He then programmed his Zord for the combination, and directed it on the White Tiger's back.

The White Tiger reared back suddenly, and a stream of new information flooded Jason's computer. "Wow..." was all he could mutter.

^Jase? How's the view from up there?^

He grinned. "From where I'm sitting, things are looking up! Steer us into the Misfit, and I'll handle it from there."

^Steer us into

the Misfit?^

Jason's grin widened. "Into


He watched the world bounce as the Tiger Zord ran along the pot-marked park. As the heroes approached, the black baton of the Red Dragon began to glow.

"Time to go medieval on this thing!" he declared, engaging the final blow. As the two Zords raced toward the Misfit, the Red Dragon held out its pole as if jousting, as radiant energy collected at its tip.

The enhanced pole sliced through the magical creature easily, causing it to explode in a blinding display of released energy.

Chapter Sixty

"Yes!" Aisha cheered, clapping her hands as the Viewing Globe was suffused with white energy. "They did it!"

Zordon nodded, his own smile pronouncing deep pride in his chosen warriors. "NOW THAT THE RANGERS HAVE DISPATCHED OF THE MISFIT, I WILL TELEPORT YOU BACK TO ANGEL GROVE."

"You mean, now?" While she had been eager to return home when she first awoke in the Command Center, for some reason she felt the need to congratulate the Rangers upon their return, and at least remain until the Pink Ranger... Kimberly

... regained consciousness.


Aisha suddenly frowned. "Where should I say I've been?"


She nodded, her face resolute. "You can count on me. And... it was great meeting you, Sir. Thanks for all your help."

Zordon nodded as well. "Alpha, please send Aisha near the Youth Center."

Alpha turned away from the med-unit, and programmed the teleporter. Aisha smiled at him, offering her hand. "I'm glad I met you too, Alpha."

The small robot nodded. "Me too."

He then activated the teleporter, and watched as the young woman vanished in a carrier wave of white light.

Mere seconds later, five columns of light heralded the return of the Power Rangers. Without preamble they de-morphed, and congregated around the med-unit.

"How is she?" Tommy inquired.

"She's lucky," Alpha reported. Those two words eased most of the tension the teenagers felt. "Considering the Firebird was running on fumes thanks to the heavy use of laser fire and the Cyclone, the hull shielding wasn't at maximum. She could've been hurt much worse."

"What's the prognosis?" Billy asked.

"Cracked ribs are being knit as we speak. Neck strain due to whiplash, and a dislocated shoulder. Otherwise, just a few bruises. She'll be off the med-unit in less than an hour."

"Great," Billy commented. "Alpha, when you're finished with Kim, please join me in the Zord bay. I'd better begin the diagnostic on the Firebird, and then the Lion."

Trini frowned. "You're not planning on working on the Zords tonight, are you? It's almost midnight!"

Billy shrugged his shoulder. "My father's in Singapore, so no one is expecting me home. I might as well take advantage of-"

"Wait," Alexis interrupted, her eyes slowly widening, "it's that late?"

Zack shrugged. "Yeah? you didn't know?"

"I lost my watch earlier," Alexis recalled, glancing at her bare wrist, "Now I've missed by curfew! Dammit, I'm screwed


Without even a farewell to her friends, Alexis dashed to the teleporter. Jason couldn't resist amused grin as Alexis let her fingers hover over the dozens of buttons on the control panel, staring at the complex device helplessly.

"Here, let me help," he offered. He spared a glance at the agitated Ranger as he programmed the coordinates of her back yard, where no prying eyes would witness her return. "Maybe if you explain that we all got holed up in a monster shelter, she'll go easy on you?"

Alexis snorted indelicately just before vanishing in flash of purple.

Chapter Sixty-One

Aisha felt slightly dizzy as her senses slowly recovered from the trauma of teleportation. Vaguely, she wondered how the Power Rangers could grow accustomed to having their molecules separated, transformed to light, and catapulted to locations far and near.

She grinned ruefully. Trini and Kim... Power Rangers

! It's unbelievable! And I have a pretty good idea who the other five are.

She felt an excited shiver as she began to walk through the torn streets of Angel Grove. She was in on the biggest secret of her generation. The question scientists pondered, police considered, tabloid reporters guessed about, and the general populace gossiped about... and she knew the answer.

Yet her elation slowly tapered as she continued her trek through the ravished block. Enormous footprints left their indelible mark in the grass and pavement, and flattened trees and crushed walls gave testament to the great battle that took place on this very site.

One battle amongst dozens. According to the news, the Rangers tackled the forces of evil on a weekly basis, sometimes even more often. And even though the heroes tried valiantly to protect the public and its property, no battle was won without sacrifice, and scars that didn't heal as miraculously as her own.

Aisha paused just outside the Youth Center, frozen by the sight of the outer wall that had been reduced to rubble. Just a few scant feet from that very spot she came a hair's width from death. She had been foolishly brave, throwing caution to the winds. And once she realized just how much danger she faced, she was positively terrified.

Absently, she rubbed her healed forearm. The Power Rangers had uncanny technology at their fingertips, with the power to heal any physical scar. The seven heroes could return to their more normal lives with no visible evidence of their regular battles. Yet... how often did the Rangers themselves receive such wounds? How often did those seven teenagers

brush so close to death that their lives flashed before their eyes?

When the Firebird first crashed into the sloping hill of the park, for a brief moment Aisha was convinced that the Pink Ranger was dead. It was so disturbing seeing that hero lie still on the medical cot, utterly powerless. Then, Alpha 5 tended to her with practiced ease, as if he served as the team medic on a regular basis.

Kimberly would be in school the next morning; Aisha was convinced of this. She also knew Kim would be just as chipper as she was that afternoon at the Youth Center. She would carry on as if nothing had happened, for the world could never know that Kimberly Hart nearly died in battle. The world could never know Kimberly Hart was a Power Ranger.

Yet Aisha knew. And Aisha could do everything in her power to show her appreciation to Kimberly Hart, as well as Trini Kwan, Zordon, Alpha 5, and the five other Power Rangers. She could keep the monumental secret of their true identities, even from Rocky and Adam, from whom she'd never hidden anything. She could offer her assistance, however meager it might be, if she was ever again given the opportunity.


Before she could even answer, Aisha found herself wrapped in an embrace strong enough to lift her off the ground in its enthusiasm.

"Rocky!" she gasped, "You're okay!"

No sooner did he put her down did another set of arms whirl her around, and inspect her carefully.

"Where have you been?" Adam demanded, "We've been looking all over for you!"

Aisha blinked. "Really?"

"Of course!" Rocky huffed. "As soon as the Power Rangers lured that big monster away from the Youth Center, we started searching the neighborhood. No one had seen hide or hair of you! What happened?"

Aisha was rendered speechless as she realized what incredible friends she'd found in Rocky and Adam. They'd risked their lives

looking for her in the throes of a dangerous monster attack. She was confident she could trust them with anything. Still, she couldn't be completely honest with them... for the secret she swore to protect was not hers to tell.

"I... I don't even know how to describe it, " she began haltingly, "One minute, these two black monsters were attacking the Youth Center, and I stupidly got myself involved... "

She rolled her eyes as both boys exchanged a meaningful look. "What? Is that your way of saying 'Aisha's poor judgement strikes again?'"

Adam grinned at her defensive tone. "Not at all. It's just kinda ironic that we all somehow got involved in Ranger business today."


Rocky shrugged. "Chalk it up to the Halloween spirit, I guess. I decided to play the role of the knight in shining armor, Adam took a turn as a thrill-seeking cowboy, and you got your chance to be a Power Ranger."

Aisha was too startled to speak.

"Though it looks like you got the biggest beating, " Adam noted, taking her arm, "You lost your entire sleeve... " His eyes widened in alarm. "..and there's blood splattered all over you."

Rocky peered closer at Aisha's arm, examining her with sudden concern. "Aisha," he murmured, thunderstruck, "where's the scar?"

Aisha shook herself from her daze, and met the demanding dark gazes of her best friends. "I managed to reopen my wound in my fight with those black things," she explained, "I blacked out, but the Power Rangers saved me and took care of me."

"You met more Rangers?" Rocky concluded, "Which ones?"

Aisha grimaced as she uttered the lie. "I don't remember clearly; I was really out of it. I'm pretty sure they took me to their base or something. I don't know where exactly I was, or how long I was there, but when I came to the Rangers were all fighting the monster. This... this voice told me the Rangers had brought me there to treat my injury, and then he sent me back here."

"What did this other guy look like?" Adam inquired.

"I don't know, honestly. The voice was... disembodied." Which isn't really a lie... Zordon doesn't seem to have

a body.

"This is amazing," Rocky muttered, gently running his fingers over Aisha's arm, "There isn't even a hint

of the scar you got in Stone Canyon!"

"You're right," Aisha confirmed, feigning awed surprise, "It's as good as new!"

"You know what this means?" Rocky gushed, his excitement growing, "We don't need to find a replacement for you in the Team Ninja competition next week! Together, the three of us can finally

dethrone Hasper City for the championship!"

Adam grimaced. "I don't think that's such a good idea. Aisha, do you really think you're up to competing? Just hours ago you had fifty-seven stitches in your forearm! You can't possibly be-"

Without warning, Aisha leaned her shoulder into her friend's chest, grabbed his arm, and with a fierce grunt, threw him over her shoulder. With a startled yelp, Adam landed hard on his backside, sprawled limply on the cool grass.

Rocky chuckled as he offered his friend a hand. "You were saying?"

Adam grinned as he stood up, and glanced at Aisha's triumphant smirk. "So... who's free for practice tomorrow after school?"

Chapter Sixty-Two

She felt the icy blue glare before she even saw it. Wincing theatrically, wildly praying

her mother was feeling charitable, Alexis closed the front door behind her.

When she finally did see the fierce eyes, set in a hard, angry mask, Alexis wondered why she didn't try asking Jason to send her directly to her bedroom.

It wouldn't have worked? she would've nailed me to the wall for trying to sneak in!

"Mom, I'm really sorry about missing curfew?"

"It's nearly midnight," Amanda interrupted. Alexis winced again at the furious tone. "You didn't just 'miss curfew', young lady, you are five hours late

. And not only

are you five hours late

, but you didn't even call

me to tell me!"

Alexis grimaced, tensing as her mother stepped closer.

"There was a monster attack

in Angel Grove. A monster

trampled around Angel Grove, and you

were parading around for five hours

without even calling me?"

"I'm sorry! I didn't get a chance! I didn't think-"

The usually soft-spoken woman was absolutely livid. "You never

think, do you?? You just ignore any attempts at discipline I make, don't you??"

"No!" Alexis shouted, desperate to turn the argument away from the path it was heading, "I...I don't mean to-"

"Like it or not, I am

the voice of authority in this household! I tried to be understanding, I tried to be flexible, but enough is enough


Alexis closed her eyes as her sentence was delivered.

"You're grounded for two weeks," Amanda proclaimed. "That's fourteen days. You can only leave to go to school and church. For every day you walk into this house even a minute

after three-thirty, I will tack another

week to your punishment."

"What?? But-"

"Is that clear??"

Alexis leaned forward, a sharp retort at the tip of her tongue, when she miraculously managed to get a hold on her temper.

She knew it was pointless to try and reason with her mother when she was this

worked up. Talking back would only increase her punishment, or worse -- inspire her mother to ask questions about her whereabouts for which Alexis didn't have answers.

Instead, her shoulders slumped as she dragged her feet passed her mother and marched up the stairs, tears of helpless frustration stinging her eyes.


Part One

Friday, November 3rd

"I've reached a point in my life where I'm ready for new challenges. I've been very... active in the community, especially the past couple years, and I'm proud of what I've accomplished. And at the same time, I'm eager to take on something new. Broaden my horizons... get a new perspective on the world, and the issues that we face as a global community. I know I get a lot out of the Youth Summit, like meet teenagers from around the world, and learn what's on their minds, and the problems they face. We can all learn from each other, and maybe even come up with solutions to each other's challenges."

He sat up a little straighter. "Teamwork is the only way people can achieve great things. No individual is fully self-sufficient, and when we cooperate and work to the mutual benefit of all involved, we can strengthen each other's weaker traits and encourage each other. And in the end, that team can achieve truly great things. I want to be part of a global team, and let my teammates motivate and inspire me to strive for some meaningful goals. And hopefully, I'll hold up my end, and do my part to motivate and inspire others as well."

Jason kept his dark gaze on Natasha Trotsky, who was busily writing notes. After a few moments, the Russian delegate looked up from her notes, smiling softly.

"Thank you very much for your time and interest, Mr. Scott," she praised, shaking his hand. "I must say, rarely meet someone with your conviction!"

Jason grinned at the compliment. "Thanks for seeing me, Ma'am. So, what happens now?"

"Once Dr. Kuiperi and the rest of his team complete the interviews, we'll discuss our findings and come to a mutual decision. We'll make our selection within the next two weeks, and contact the three nominees. Once all three are confirmed, there will be a public announcement on November 15th."

Jason nodded, taking his backpack as he approached the door. "Good luck to you, then."

The moment Jason stepped out of the temporary office, he let out a loud breath. He hadn't realized just how nervous he was until he was sitting across from the desk, watching program coordinator take scrupulous notes as he articulated just why he felt he belonged at the Peace Conference.

Dr. Kuiperi and his team truly wanted to make sure they selected three delegates who would make the most of the opportunity. They certainly wouldn't waste the space on someone who was only vaguely interested.

Did Jason really

want to go? It was a question he'd been considering more and more the past few days. While he couldn't muster the excitement both Zack and Trini had displayed over the idea, he couldn't deny it sounded like the chance of a lifetime. But, was it the right choice for him

? Would he truly feel comfortable at a summit focusing on world peace? Or would he feel guilty that he left the war for Earth in someone else's hands, just so he could explore other interests?

He wasn't a peacemaker by nature. He fought with heart, and he couldn't deny that he liked

a good contest with a challenging opponent. Trini strove to make the world a better place, and even Zack preferred to diffuse tough situations that let them resort to violence. Both viewed their personal martial styles as art forms, and preferred to perform them strictly as such. They never competed, and they rarely sparred for fun. Only to keep their skills sharp, and learn new techniques. Never just to see who is better



I'll just have to see,

he decided, I was as honest with Miss Trotsky as I could be without bringing up the Rangers. I'll have to trust that if I am

chosen for this summit, then I belong there.

"Hey Jason! Earth to Jason Scott!"

Jason blinked, stirred from his thoughts by the peeved voice. He turned around, surprised to see Alexis standing directly behind him, her lips pressed in an irritated moue.

"Are you going deaf or something?"

He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, Lex. I was distracted."

"Story of your life," she sighed with a dismissive wave. "So, how'd the interview go?"

"I think it went pretty well. Miss Trotsky seemed really genuine, and said that I have a lot of 'conviction.' Looks like I got a shot at being chosen."

He noticed Alexis turn away, taking a sudden interest in the wall behind him. Was it his imagination, or was she shuffling her feet? "So you really want to go, huh?"

It felt so strange hearing aloud the question that he had been considering and reconsidering for the better part of a week.

He didn't particularly care to speak to the side of her face. So without thinking, his fingers brushed her cheek, urging her to face him. And in doing so, he broke down an unspoken barrier that had existed between them.

He looked into her eyes, surprised by the sudden need to see her reaction to his words. "Yeah, I think I do. I think it would be a mistake for me to let an opportunity like this pass without even trying for it. I mean… it's not like the team really needs

me, so I can..."

His words died on his lips as Alexis' gaze hardened. Eyes that were a moment ago quietly resigned suddenly blazed with determination.

"Look, Jase, I may not know much about being a Power Ranger. I've only been one for two weeks, and I still haven't got the hang of it. Still, even the newbie can make out the team dynamic easily enough."

She reached out, taking his hand between hers. Her grip was firm, silently pleading with him to listen to her next words. "I see how the other Rangers look at you, how they listen when you speak. They all respect you. Especially

Tommy. Haven't you noticed that nearly all his orders sound like suggestions? He's running his every idea by you, and you're validating his tactical plans. Your opinion holds just as much weight as it did when you were giving the orders. You're a great value to the team... don't ever

doubt that."

Jason stared at Alexis for a long moment, both surprised and awed by the absolute confidence that resounded in her words. Just like that fateful day in the school weight room when he first talked to her, genuine concern shone in those green eyes, promising that she would listen without judgement, and give an honest, insightful answer to any question he related. Only now, it was different. Now she actually knew him, quite well given the brevity of their friendship.

Her grip then shifted. One arm threaded through his, and with a small nudge the pair continued their trek through the quiet halls side by side.

After a few steps, she spoke again. "But, we can exist without you."

Jason froze dead in his tracks. "Huh?"

She chewed her lip, as if reconsidering the assertion she just made. Yet she didn't take it back. Instead, she continued, even though the expression on her face made it clear that it cost her to do so.

"The Rangers can go on without you," she elaborated. "I don't want you to think you have to stay in Angel Grove, especially if you want to go somewhere else. We'll keep saving humanity from evil aliens while you figure out a way to save humanity from itself. If you leave, we'll miss you… a lot

… but we'll make you proud."

They continued walking, both absorbed in their own thoughts, as they approached the front doors of the high school. As they walked passed a bench, Alexis paused to take a seat. Confused, Jason turned around, and watched the Purple Ranger draw her roller-blades from her backpack, and replace her sneakers.

"You're not coming to the Youth Center?"

She didn't look up. "Nah, if I miss curfew, my mom'll ship me off to military school or something."

Jason frowned. "What did you tell her happened?"

"Nothing… she was just so beyond upset, I couldn't get a word in edgewise." She sighed softly, finally looking up. "Hey, could you do me a favor?"


"Tell Zack that Angela's going to the ball as a belly dancer."

An amused smile softened Jason's expression. "So you decided to tell him after all?"

She giggled. "I probably shouldn't have made him squirm, but he is

funny when he's desperate. Hopefully he'll be able to find a matching costume in…" She glanced at the new wrist unit Billy had provided. "..three hours."

She then rose from the bench, and slowly rolled away. "I'll see you Monday, Jase," she murmured, "Have fun at the party tonight, okay?"

He waved silently, watching as she picked up speed. By the time she had disappeared down the street, an idea had already begun to take shape.

Part Two

The mall was oddly quiet for a Friday night… which wasn't all that

surprising, considering the big Halloween Ball that would occupy a large part of the teenage population.

Aisha sighed quietly as she continued through the aisles, straightening the hanging costumes for the umpteenth time. Another not-surprise: a full hour into her shift, and there hadn't been a single customer. After all, it was already three days after Halloween. The only event left in the season was the Halloween Ball, and anyone who planned to attend that party had already lined up a costume for use on Halloween as well. Well, except for her, who managed to ruin her Halloween costume beyond repair.

The teen passed a full-length mirror, and took an appraising look at her reflection.

All things considered, I look pretty darn good!

she decided, adjusting the thick leather belt that fit snugly around her hips. After her "adventure" on Halloween, she'd spent hours trying to piece together a decent costume for her first party as an Angel Grove High student. While the result wasn't as eye-catching as her incredibly authentic Yellow Ranger costume, the seventies style disco outfit had plenty of sass to make up for it. The striped bell-bottoms and frilly top only needed some simple alterations to fit like a dream, and she even scrounged up a wild Afro wig and preposterously wide leather belt. Add platform shoes, courtesy of Steve Madden, some dangling jewelry from her mother's nostalgic collection, and costume makeup to exaggerate her eyes and lips, and she was ready to go.

Of course, she had to spend the next two hours sitting in her mother's store, bored out of her mind

, until the proprietor returned for the closing shift.

"Hello? Anybody here?"

Aisha peeked over the clothes rack, and watched as a young man with ear-length braids wandered around the store.

Grinning, Aisha emerged from the aisle. "Hi, Zack," she greeted.

Zack turned, and took a moment to take in Aisha's appearance from head to toe. "Wow… that's a great

costume! Lemme guess… Pam Grier?"

His compliment earned a wide smile. "Close enough. So, what can I do for you?"

He quickly grew serious. "I've got a Costume Emergency."

"Really? I thought you were going as a magician."

His eyes widened. "How'd you know that?"

"We were at the same Youth Center for Trick or Treating."

"Right. Good eye," he commented, tapping his temple illustratively.

She laughed lightly. "Well, I'm in the business."

As he watched her lean against the counter, a playful smile lighting up her face, Zack almost forgot what he was looking for. "Yeah, well… I'd like to coordinate my costume with my girlfriend, and she's going as a belly dancer."

Aisha nodded, her smile fading just a little. "Lucky girl."

Zack's puzzled gaze urged her to elaborate. "It's hard to get a guy to even coordinate colors

, much less themes."

Her explanation waved away any awkwardness. "Please

tell me you got something


Aisha rolled her eyes at his theatrical begging. "You're in luck, Zack… I believe we do have some sultan outfits. Just a second." She stepped behind the counter, and pulled out a binder. Glancing at him through the corner of her eye, she asked as casually as possible, "We've got five colors: blue, red, black, purple, and white. What's your pleasure?"

If Zack was disturbed by the question, he didn't show it. "I'm into black, but beggars can't be choosers."


Aisha sang in her mind, That's three down, four to go!

Zack noticed her mysterious grin. "What's so funny?"

Aisha shook her head dismissively. "That's just what I thought you'd say." She then nodded toward the display floor. "Let's see if we have your size, shall we?"

Part Three

The words in the textbook melted into a black blur that was beyond comprehension.

With a grunt of annoyance, Alexis rubbed her eyes, trying to force her mind back on her homework, and off

a certain handsome, strong, intelligent, considerate...

There I go again


Of course, it was a monumental task, considering she could still feel the warmth of Jason's fingers on her cheek.

Sure, he'd touched her before. In fact, he touched her often, adjusting her position in their practice sessions, tapping her shoulder to get her attention, shoving her out of the way of a Putty. She even had the distinct memory of being cradled to his chest on Halloween, as she struggled to stay conscious after the Misfits' sneak attack.

Why did this

touch feel different? Why was it so… intimate?

She could've sworn

the touch meant something. He drew her eyes toward his, and when she saw the disquiet in that deep gaze, she felt like they'd connected.

That brief touch… that momentary contact… brought them so much closer. It gave her the nerve to touch him in return, first taking his hand, then gripping his arm, in the hopes that the physical exchange could make her words poignant enough to get passed Jason's stubborn tendencies.

Thus far, their relationship had been casual. It had to be, considering that she was absorbed into his world of fierce battles and evil magic the day he finally learned her name. His attention that first day made her heart flutter, but the reality of being a Ranger quickly smothered any sparks before they really caught fire.

He walked her home, they shared smoothies, he taught her how to defend herself, and they came to each other's rescue a handful of times… that about summed it up.

Which is fine… I'm more than willing to take it slow, see what happens between us. Kim told me it took Tommy months

before he caught a hint, and now they're living a fairy tale. Jason's worth waiting for.

Only, out of nowhere came the sudden reality that perhaps she'd be waiting a full year

to even see him again.

She desperately hoped that he wouldn't be chosen for the Youth Summit, but even that hope made her feel guilty. He wanted to go… and he was more than qualified for the role. The fact of the matter was, Trini, Jason, and Zack had an excellent chance of being chosen. True, hundreds of teens throughout the county no doubt applied, but Trini, Jason, and Zack had strength of character that few could match.

He's going to be picked. He's going to leave. We never even had a chance

, did we?

She'd noticed him nearly two months ago, on the first day of the school year when he stepped into Mr. Wilton's chemistry class. She finally met him two weeks ago, in the weight room early in the morning. And after two weeks of near constant association, she finally reached him today.

Alexis frowned deeply, a sudden burst of frustrated anger making her slam her book shut and bury her face in her hands. She'd finally reached him, and there was even a dance that could help them continue down this new and exciting path in their relationship, and she was grounded for two weeks.

Time was of the essence. If Jason were chosen, he'd leave in a month's time. If there was something between them that could last, she had less than four weeks to figure it out. And half that time would be wasted as she rotted in her bedroom in solitary confinement.

Figures… you risk your life saving the friggin' planet, and what do you get? Punished!

Suddenly depressed, Alexis rose from her desk and headed to the kitchen to drown her sorrows in some sort of comfort food. As she descended the stairs, she heard a key turn in the lock. For a brief moment, she considered retreating to her bedroom. Ever since her mother's explosion three days ago, Alexis gave her a very

wide berth at the risk of angering her further.

Just as Alexis turned around, she heard her mother's voice. "Can you join me for some hot cocoa?"

Alexis stared at her. Back in happier times, the Darling girls often shared the day's events over a hot mug of cocoa. It was a practice that grew lax once Denise moved away to attend college, and finally died when Peter left.

"Okay," she finally breathed.

Amanda nodded and went into the kitchen, carrying a grocery bag. Slightly stunned, Alexis slowly walked down the rest of the stairs, listening to her mother pour milk in a pot.

Silence hung as the women waited for the milk to heat. Watching her mother stir the milk, Alexis retrieved the powdered mix and teaspoons.

"We don't have marshmallows," she murmured, scanning the cabinet.

"I just bought some; check the bag."

Sure enough a bag of mini marshmallows sat in the paper sack.

Alexis felt her eyes sting as she brought the marshmallows and spoons to the table. She then selected two coffee mugs, and set them on the counter.

A few minutes later, Amanda poured two mugs of cocoa, and carried them to the table where Alexis sat waiting.

Silence continued to reign as they each prepared their cocoa to taste: Amanda dropping two marshmallows into her mug, and Alexis dumping as many marshmallows as the mug would allow.

"How was your day?"

Alexis decided not to inform her mother of the only significant occurrence, and opted for something safer. "Not bad. We had a quiz in Statistics, and I think I did okay. I have an essay to write for History over the weekend." She took a sip of the chocolate, its sweet warmth easing her tension. "How was yours?"

"I got a very interesting phone call this afternoon," Amanda revealed, "from a Jason Scott."

Alexis suddenly froze, her eyes wide and mouth slowly falling open. Amanda regarded her youngest daughter with a raised eyebrow as she continued. "We had a nice conversation. He'd apologized for not meeting me yet, but told me he was a good friend of yours. He also let me know that he and a group of mutual friends were with you on Halloween night. The monster had attacked near the Youth Center before most of the Trick or Treat groups even left, and you all retreated to the nearest monster shelter. Phones were out of service, and the children were panicking, so you all made sure they were as comfortable as possible until the fight was finally over, and it was safe to leave. Which was, I understand, just about midnight."

She took a moment to sip her cocoa. "Did I miss anything?"

Alexis cleared her throat, slowly recovering. "Jason told you all that?"

"Yes he did. The question is: why didn't you


Alexis felt like the world was spinning. "I… tried, but you were just so mad, I didn't bother."

"I was angry that night because I was worried sick

!" Amanda stressed, "When I finally calmed down, it felt like I was walking on eggshells with you."

Amanda took a long sip of her cocoa. "I don't know what it is… but it just feels like you're slipping away from me."

Alexis pursed her lips.

"Maybe I'm hypersensitive… no, I know

I am… but it hurts me when you're so secretive. You stay out late, never call in, and give me excuses that I know aren't the whole truth. I'm… losing you."

At that moment, watching her mother fight for composure, Alexis almost told her the truth. The secrets were at the tip of her tongue, about her grandmother's coin, the Purple Ranger powers, even the Eaglezord… but she fought against the nearly overwhelming urge, and bit her tongue.

"I know you need your space… I was a teenager too," Amanda continued, filling the silence, "I remember feeling like I was suffocating. I'm trying

not to do that to you. And when I think about what I did to you by uprooting you from Philadelphia to live out here, I know you resent me for it."

"I don't!" Alexis interrupted in a sudden outburst. "I mean… I did… at first. It was a shock to my system, changing schools and moving to a whole different climate

, but I got over it. I just needed to find my place here."

She drew her thumb along the rim of the mug, watching the small white marshmallows melt into a sugary foam. "I'm sorry I was so inconsiderate. I guess I got so wrapped up in my Angel Grove life, I didn't pay enough attention to the life I brought with me."

The women exchanged a smile, without words accepting the apologies offered, and finally restoring the peace their household had been devoid of for some time. They sat in a comfortable silence, sipping their cocoa and just enjoying each other's company.

Finally, Amanda glanced at the clock, and swallowed the rest of her beverage in a harried gulp. "Well, that's enough dilly-dallying… your date will be here in less than an hour!"

Alexis choked on the mouthful of cocoa she was in the middle of swallowing. Struggling against the overwhelming urge to gasp in open shock, she forced down the beverage and stared at her mother, breathing heavily. "Date? What date?"

Amanda grinned slyly. "That boy Jason is really nice… I'm looking forward to meeting him."

That statement only confused Alexis more. "What?"

"After Jason had explained the situation on Halloween, he also requested that, in light of the circumstances, I reconsider grounding you. He was very respectful; he acknowledged that, as your mother, I'm within my rights to do as I see fit, but he noted that you'd been rather depressed the passed few days, and disappointed that you'd be missing the ball tonight."

Alexis felt the urge to pinch herself. "What does that have to do with the date?"

Amanda laughed openly at her daughter's shell-shocked stare. "He also let me know that he had been planning to pick you up tonight and take you to the ball. So if I let you go, I'd finally have the chance to meet one of your friends. He really is a charming young man, isn't he?"

Alexis was slightly dizzy. Wow… and Jase didn't think he'd be cut out for a Peace Conference! He made my mother do a 180 on my punishment in one

phone call!

Amanda leaned closer to her daughter, grinning widely. "Why haven't I heard anything about this Jason Scott before?"

When Alexis responded with startled sounds not even resembling speech, Amanda stood up and took her daughter's arm. "Tell you what, you get washed up and dressed, and then you'll tell me all about Jason as I do your hair and makeup?"

Tears sliding down her cheeks, Alexis leaped from her seat and caught her mother in a fierce hug. "Thank you, Mom!!"

Part Four

Forty-five minutes later, a red jeep pulled into the driveway. Taking a deep breath Jason slid out of the driver's seat, and tied the black cape over his shoulders. Settling his hat on his head, "Zorro" rang the doorbell.

Moments later, the door opened. "Jason, come on in."

"Hi, Mrs. Darling," he greeted, taking off the hat and bowing, "it's great to finally meet you."

She smiled at the chivalrous greeting, and shook his proffered hand. "Likewise. Would you like anything to drink? Alexis will be down in a minute."

"No thank you, I'm fine."

Amanda gestured to the sofa, and together they sat down. Jason felt Mrs. Darling's appraisal, and politely waited for the inevitable investigation to begin.

"I'm sorry, Jason… but this has been bothering me all afternoon. How

did you know where I worked?"

He grinned. "I asked Kim. She's been my friend since grade school, and she absorbs just about everything a person says. She's always my first stop for info. She told me you worked at First National Bank, so I just looked them up in the yellow pages and called each branch in the area until I found the right one."

Amanda nodded, clearly impressed. "There are over twenty branch offices in the county… that must've taken some time."

"I started with your house, and called each branch in order of distance. It was only the fourth call, so it wasn't too bad." He leaned forward. "I'm just really glad I got through."

Amanda considered the potential double meaning… was he referring to getting through by telephone, or getting through to her

and her sense of reason.

"Thanks again for reconsidering, Mrs. Darling," he continued, his face earnest. "We've been looking forward to this dance for a couple weeks, and we're all glad she'll be able to join us."

"You seem to have a tight knit circle of friends," Amanda noted.

"You really should meet them all. Kim's always planning some kind of activity. She organized the Trick or Treating so the local kids could be chaperoned and orderly, and she teaches step aerobics and runs a garden club. Trini's the nicest girl I've ever met, and she founded the Clean Up Club and other environmental programs at our school. Zack's always a lot of fun; he teaches some dance steps to kids, and puts on magic shows once in a while. Billy is a certified genius; not only does he get straight A's in A.P. courses, but he also tinkers in his garage lab. And Tommy's my best friend, he's a little shy, but he'd do anything for his friends. Plus he's our starting quarterback."

And in mere seconds, Jason had delivered a broad picture of who Alexis' new friends really were. Shaking her head in amazement, Amanda leaned deeper into her seat. "And what about you, Jason? What are you like?"

Jason obviously prepared for the question. "Let's see… I'm a junior, like Alexis and all the others, and I'm a fairly strong student. I'm on the football team, I lift weights, and I'm involved in school activities… mostly because either Kim or Trini plans most of them. After school, I usually work out in the Youth Center. I teach martial arts classes at no charge, usually with Tommy. We have beginner classes for the younger kids, and self-defense structured for the ladies in the community..."

Jason stopped in mid sentence, his eyes sliding passed Amanda to the stairwell. Amanda smiled fondly at Jason's expression, and hurried to get her camera.

"Hey, Jase," Alexis called as she descended the stairs. She wore the daringly-short linen dress that miraculously survived the nightmare with the Misfits, with pearly white stockings and satin sandals. The same wings hung from her back, catching the soft lighting above her to create the illusion of a natural glow.

Even though Jason had seen her costume on Halloween, he wasn't prepared for the transformation that had taken place.

Delicate fresh water pearls adorned her neck and wrist, and matching strands hung from her ears, nearly to the nape of her neck. Also, her bold red hair, typically hanging casually around her shoulders, was arranged in a graceful twist with frosted beads pulled through it. Her pale face was highlighted by shimmering makeup, giving her soft smile and emerald eyes an ethereal quality.

Alexis glanced away, a pleased blush collecting on her cheek. "Um… I think you're distracted again."

Jason suddenly realized he'd been staring, and grinned sheepishly. "Story of my life."

Before Alexis could ponder what else to say, her mother entered the room, fiddling with a camera. Amanda glanced up, and a tremulous smile lit her face. "You both look terrific!" she gushed, "Let's get some pictures before you go."

Alexis gave Jason a long-suffering look, but the tall man just grinned. "Sure. Do you want me with or without the hat and mask?"

"Both, actually."


Alexis moaned.

Jason laughed outright. "Hey, what's the rush? Besides, I for one am pretty proud of this costume. I wouldn't mind a few shots."

Then, he rested his arm around Alexis' shoulders. The Purple Ranger felt her heart quicken at the near-embrace.

Eager to capture the utter perfection of the evening, Amanda insisted on trying different lighting, backgrounds, and orientations. She wasn't satisfied until she'd used up half the roll.

Alexis was itching to leave, but Jason was, once again, the perfect gentleman. "So, Mrs. Darling, what time would you like Alexis home?"

Amanda blinked, flabbergasted that he'd asked. "Her weekend curfew is midnight."

"You got it." He then tipped his hat again. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Darling. Maybe sometime soon the guys and I could come by? You'll really like them."

Amanda smiled as if inspired. "That's a wonderful idea! Yes, we'll do that."

Jason then opened the door, waited for Alexis to walk through, and closed it behind him.

The moment the door was closed, Alexis released long breath. "I'm really sorry about all that."

He waved dismissively. "Don't be… I have a mother too, you know. Two years ago when I attended my first formal, my mother actually followed me to my date's doorstep with a camcorder." He laughed at the memory as he opened the passenger's side door. "It was humiliating, but it made her happy."

Alexis glanced away, wondering whether Jason noticed he'd drawn a comparison between this evening and a formal date. She waited, hands clasped tightly in her lap, as Jason closed her door and circled the car.

When he finally stepped into the car, she forced out the question that had been repeating in her mind for an hour. "Jase, why'd you do it?"

He knew exactly what she was talking about, so he didn't pretend otherwise. "Honestly, it was a pretty selfish reason." He glanced at her once before turning onto the street. "I wanted to dance with you."

Alexis squeezed her mouth shut to prevent a squeal from escaping.

Part Five

Green eyes stared out from beneath white bangs, cutting across the dance floor with experienced precision. He carefully scanned for the assortment of colors that would help him distinguish his friends from the rest of the partygoers.

Finally, he found a cluster of teens wearing predominately pink, white, and yellow. With a grin, he wound his way through the crowds to join them.

"Hey, Billy!" Kim called, waving eagerly upon his arrival, "What took you so long?"

"I wanted to make sure the repairs were complete on the Firebird before I left the Command Center," he murmured to the group. "I'm happy to report that your Zord is fully functional, Kim."


she sighed, "I was worried I'd be grounded next time Zedd came a'calling."

Billy then smiled his greeting to Trini and Tommy, a question quickly forming. "Where are the others?"

"No one has ever

been able to keep Zack Taylor off the dance floor," Trini reminded him, "He's been showing off to Angela since we got here."

"And as for Jase and Lex," Tommy uttered, a smirk pulling his lip, "They're otherwise occupied."

At Billy's curious frown, Kim jerked her thumb to the dance floor. The "mad scientist" blinked when he saw his friends swaying slowly to the ballad.


for one am not the least bit surprised," Kim declared, "They're adorable together!"

Part Six

By the main refreshment table, someone else noticed the couple in question. His dark eyes watched them sway to the music, the sharp black of his costume contrasting to the soft lavender of hers. They had been talking moments before, sharing a laugh over something "Zorro" had said. Now, they were engaged in the dance, her head resting comfortably against his cheek.


Rocky blinked, bringing the pale green vegetable into focus. A grin slowly forming, he welcomed the distraction. "Thanks, Adam."

The "cowboy" nodded, leaning against the wall beside his best friend. "So, shall we do the pep talk?" he asked Aisha.

She watched Rocky absently bite into the bland snack. "Couldn't hurt."

Adam cleared his throat. "Rocky, you're now going to a school filled

with available women you haven't even met yet."

Aisha then threw her arm over Rocky's shoulder. "This is the perfect opportunity for you to scope out your options. So why don't you stop moping, and start mingling?"

"I thought I saw a group of cheerleaders dressed as the Sailor Scouts over by the restrooms," Adam prompted. "Really

short skirts."

Aisha rolled her eyes. "Men


The knight in shining armor chuckled at his friends' antics, his spirits rising to the Rocky DeSantos norm. He quickly washed down the celery with fruit punch. "I'm game."

Side by side, the three friends wandered away from the dance floor.

The End...For Now!

To Be Continued In...

Streaks of Purple Saga/The Spectrum Force:

The Bridge

Excerpt from Streaks of Purple Saga/Spectrum Force: The Bridge

Chapter One

The North Pole

A heavy blanket of white powder covered the hills and vales so completely it was nearly impossible to distinguish solid ground from frozen lake. The sky above was thickly overcast, creating a murky gray canvas that stretched into the endless distance.

No human eye could possibly see through the snowdrifts well enough to note the streak of crimson that stained the tundra, painting a trail toward a small opening in a nearby mountain.

The crimson trail ended at an ivory bear, freshly killed and still warm from when life ran through those veins. Now, the veins were dry, and a large chalice stood nearby, steam curling from its contents into the torch-lit cavern.

A delicate ash-gray finger dipped into the cup, swirling its contents before rising to greet a pair of bow-shaped lips.

"Ech," she murmured, "what a miserable planet! At least the mammals on Fesp had a decent texture to their blood."

Though there were many things the planet Fesp did not have. It did not have a social structure, as the Fespin armies had been crushed, leaving conquering Denebian Empire to do what it would. Like a pack of locusts, the invaders stripped planets clean of any useful technology or magic, and shipped captives off as slaves to the four-corners of the Empire.

Since victory had been secured, and the assimilation of their knowledge was well under way, there was little reason for the Empire's princess to remain. So she had been assigned another mission, from the lips of the emperor himself.

"Celea, I am sending you to the Outskirts, where Phaedra currently struggles against Spectra and a handful of indigenous creatures called Humans. She has demonstrated quite well that she is incapable of gaining a foothold on Earth, so you will see that this mission succeeds."

At first it seemed like an amusing project, to journey to the edge of the galaxy and wipe out a species incapable of even interstellar travel, yet the young princess quickly discovered the tedium of working with her mother after a humiliating defeat.

"I don't care what

Acheron 'ordains,' you are not

needed here! I

will conquer Earth, and I

will lay the foundation for the Empire's expansion into this sector of the galaxy! I will tear Spectra limb from limb, and feed on the blood of her human pets myself!!


The humans that called themselves the Spectrum Force. Six individuals channeling the power of a White Stone. There were other Warriors of Light in the galaxy, and those who relied on White Stones were among the most formidable. The princess would have welcomed the opportunity to test her scythes against the combined might of this Spectrum Force, and typically her mother would have given her leave; but this battle had become personal for Empress Phaedra, and by no means would she allow her daughter the freedom of openly challenging these heroes.

Which left the princess frustrated and extremely

bored, a very dangerous combination.

Left to her own devices, but sworn not to interfere with her mother's plans, the princess had spent her time continuing the study of stolen legends she had begun on Fesp. Several weeks ago, she'd found a very interesting account of alternate planes of existence, which had piqued her interest.

She had begun a diligent study of all the scrolls she could find until she cobbled together some means of opening a pathway to such a dimension.

Grinning in gleeful expectation, Celea lifted the goblet of blood, and poured it into the shallow design she had carved into the frozen soil.

Chapter Two

Angel Grove


Billy looked up from the thick study aid he'd been perusing, and examined his friends' faces in turn. Trini looked confident, Jason seemed to still be teasing out the answer, and Zack frowned in frustration.

"This is nuts," he grumbled. "I mean, why would anyone need to know that word?"

"You could challenge the practicality of just about everything we do in school," Billy responded with a wry grin. "At least standardized testing directly impacts our futures. A better SAT score means a better chance at getting into your top choice school."

"Yeah, but tomorrow is the P

SAT. It's just practice! Why are we even studying for it?"

"The PSAT serves its purpose," Trini answered. "It's a good measure of how you'll do on the real test, and your scores can be forwarded to universities. Over the next few months you'll get pamphlets from colleges all over the country, along with scholarship and financial aid information."

"The bottom line is, it's worth spending a couple hours on," Jason finished. "So 'verisimilitude'… that has something to do with the truth, right?"

"Right. Something that has the appearance of being true or real."

A sudden grin crossed Zack's face, and he jumped from his seat at the round patio table, hurrying to the screen door of the house. He held open the door for Alexis, who precariously balanced a large tray of tortilla chips with bowls of salsa, nacho cheese dip, guacamole and sour cream.

The Purple Ranger stared at him in surprise. "How'd you know I was coming?"

Jason chuckled, standing up to take some of the bowls from her overstocked tray. "We think he's part bloodhound. He can smell food a mile away."

Zack immediately proceeded to pile a single chip high with all the flavorful options.

"So, what's the next vocab word?" Alexis prompted, hovering at Jason's shoulder.

"Here's a challenging one: Sesquipedalian."

Jason's eyebrow quirked. "Gesundheit."

Alexis grimaced. "Are you sure that's not Greek or something?"

"The use of really big words," Zack muttered around a mouthful of chip and dip. He glanced up when he felt the startled stares of his friends. "What?"

"How'd you know that?" Trini demanded to know.

The Black Ranger shrugged. "You can't grow up with Billy Cranston without picking up something

. Besides, there's no better word to describe my main brain!" He tossed another chip into his mouth. "So when's the food coming?"

Alexis brushed her hands together. "Salad's all done, and the burgers and hot dogs are ready for grilling. Mom'll be right out."

As if on cue, Amanda Darling pushed through the door holding a tray of seasoned meat. She smiled warmly at the group of teenagers, and set the tray beside the charcoal grill.

"Do you need refills on drinks or anything?" she offered. "Lunch will be ready soon."

"We're fine, Mrs. Darling," Jason answered.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Trini volunteered.

"No thank you; everything's under control. Just keep hitting those books!"

"Here's a good one," Billy stated with a grin. "Egregious."

"Ooo… I know

this one," Alexis grumbled, rubbing her forehead.

"Doesn't it mean like really social?" Zack suggested.

"Bro, you're thinking of 'gregarious.'"

"Oh. Yeah, that sounds about right."

Amanda smiled warmly as she watched her youngest daughter interact with her new friends. When she first met Jason that Friday, he'd suggested that the entire group come over at once, to give Amanda the chance to meet them. Amanda had taken to the idea quickly, and opened up her home to the group for a picnic. And after less than an hour in the company of Trini, Jason, Billy and Zack, Amanda found herself completely charmed by them.

"Any word from Kimberly or Tommy?" she wondered aloud.

Trini politely swallowed the tortilla chip before replying. "They went to pick up the pictures from the Halloween Ball. They should get here any minute now."

Character Thesaurus

So, you wanted to know about the characters in this book? )(That is....if you don't know them already!)

That is why I created this character thesaurus for you all! Enjoy!

Power Rangers

Jason Lee Scott - Red Power Ranger

Full Name:

Jason Lee Scott
Ranger Designation:

Red Power Ranger

Power Sword, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Red Dragon Thunderzord

Strong and fearless, Jason is the former Red Ranger and original leader of the Power Rangers. To Jason went the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin, giving him the power of the Tyrannosaurus, and control of the Tyrannosaurus Dino Thunderzord. Red Ranger's power weapon is the Power Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Red Ranger, Jason gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability. His tactical knowledge and fighting skill make him the ultimate Ranger. Jason closely follows the rules of Martial Arts, and promotes discipline and making friends out of enemies. It is this attitude that got him chosen to represent Angel Grove at the World Teen Summit, a peace conference in Switzerland he attended, leaving the Rangers with Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor that left a gap in the team which was then filled by Rocky DeSantos.

Zack Taylor - Black Power Ranger

Full Name:

Zack Taylor
Ranger Designation:

Black Power Ranger

Power Axe, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Lion Thunderzord

Quick witted and clever, Zack relies on speed and cunning to win his battles. The former Black Ranger was the jokester of team, loving dancing, magic, and girls, especially Angela. He cares for his friends and always tried to cheer them up when they're feeling down. A good friend with a good heart, Zack always loved a good joke, and loved it when Bulk and Skull embarrassed themselves in public. Zack is currently promoting world peace at a peace conference in Switzerland. To Zack went the Mastodon Power Coin, giving him the power of the Mastodon, and control of the Mastodon Dino Thunderzord. Black Ranger's power weapon is the Power Axe, which doubles as a powerful cannon. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Black Ranger, Zack gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability. It is this attitude that got him chosen to represent Angel Grove at the World Teen Summit, a peace conference in Switzerland he attended, leaving the Rangers with Trini Kwan and Jason Lee Scott leaving a gap in the team to be filled by Adam Park.

Trini Kwan - Yellow Power Ranger

Full Name:

Trini Kwan
Ranger Designation:

Yellow Power Ranger

Power Daggers, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Griffin Thunderzord

Trini is a quiet, spiritual, and honourable person. She believes in a fair fight, and has practiced the Mantis style of Kung Fu. Although quiet and reserved, Trini is very strong willed and courageous. Yellow Ranger's power weapon is the Power Daggers, powerful blades used for defense and for throwing. Her weapons combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Yellow Ranger, Trini gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability and gained control of the Sabertooth Tiger Dino Thunderzord. It is this attitude that got her chosen to represent Angel Grove at the World Teen Summit, a peace conference in Switzerland she attended, leaving the Rangers with Jason Lee Scott and Zack Taylor leaving a gap in the team to be filled by Aisha Campbell.

Kimberly Hart - Pink Power Ranger

Full Name:

Kimberly Hart
Ranger Designation:

Pink Power Ranger

Power Bow, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Pterodactyl Dino Thunderzord

Kimberly was one of the five Rangers originally chosen by Zordon to protect the Earth against Rita Repulsa. She was given the Pterodactyl Power Coin and ability to morph into the Pink Ranger and control of the Pterodactyl Dino Thunderzord. Once ditzy and materialistic, Kimberly has evolved into a strong, confident, and caring person. A kind and compassionate soul, Kim cares a great deal about her friends, and will not take kindly to anyone messing with them. Her weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Pink Ranger, Kim gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.

Billy Cranston - Blue Power Ranger

Full Name:

Billy Cranston
Ranger Designation:

Blue Power Ranger

Power Lance, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Triceratops Dino Thunderzord

Billy is one of the original five teenagers chosen by Zordon to defend the planet from the forces of Rita Repulsa. As the Blue Ranger, Billy fought well against Putties and Tengas, and saved the Power Rangers on numerous occasions with devices that he created. Billy is the smartest of the Rangers, with a super genius IQ level. Once awkward and shy, Billy has evolved over time into the confident and capable person he is today. To Billy went the Triceratops Power Coin, giving him the power of the Triceratops, and control of the Triceratops Dinozord. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Blue Ranger, Billy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.

Tommy Oliver – White Power Ranger

Full Name:

Tommy Oliver
Ranger Designation:

White Power Ranger


White Ranger Shield, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Wrist Communicator


After he lost the Green Ranger powers, the Power Rangers team was down to five. To keep up with the increasing intensity of Lord Zedd's attacks, Zordon created new White Ranger Powers and gave them to the only one he felt was worthy of receiving them - Tommy. With the Tiger Power Coin, Tommy rejoined the team and led them into one victory after another. White Ranger's power weapon is Saba, a talking Sabre that also controls the Tigerzord. As White Ranger, Tommy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection. He wore a special shield around his chest which protected him from many attacks. His powers were greater than those of the other Rangers, making him a nearly invincible opponent.

Alexis Darling - Purple Power Ranger

Full Name:

Alexis Darling
Ranger Designation:

Purple Power Ranger

Eagle Whip

Eagle Shield, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Wrist Communicator


Eagle Heart Pulse Blast

Alexis moved from Philadelphia to Angel Grove with her mother when her mother gained a job at an art gallery. Being new to Angel Grove, she didn't know what to expect and everything was brand new to her. Meeting the six teenagers that were the Power Rangers, she was accepted into their group and they were all later surprised when she became the Purple Power Ranger, inheriting her powers from an ancestor from long ago.

Rocky DeSantos - Red Power Ranger

Full Name:

Rocky DeSantos
Ranger Designation:

Red Power Ranger

Power Sword, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Metallic Armor, Red Shark Cycle

Red Dragon Thunderzord

Rocky is like the class clown of the Rangers. Good natured, spirited, and likes to have fun. He may be low on the IQ points, but Rocky's martial arts prowess and stubbornness make him an excellent fighter and asset to the team. He first met the Rangers on a trip to Angel Grove to compete in the Ninja Competition, and helped them save a baby in danger. Proving himself worthy by assisting the Rangers several times, Rocky was given the power of the Red Ranger by the departing Jason. Jason used the Sword of Light to transfer his powers to Rocky. Red Ranger's power weapon is the Power Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Red Ranger, Rocky gained enhanced strength, speed, durability, and limited energy projection.

Adam Park - Black Power Ranger

Full Name:

Adam Park
Ranger Designation:

Black Power Ranger

Power Axe, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Metallic Armor, Black Shark Cycle

Lion Thunderzord

Adam is shy, sensitive and spiritual. His training has made him a disciplined and efficient fighter specializing in Shaolin Kung-Fu. He first met the Rangers while attempting to save a child in danger alongside of them. Originally from Stone Canyon, Adam moved to Angel Grove and transferred to Angel Grove High School. By fighting Zedd's forces with the Power Rangers, Adam proved himself to be a suitable replacement for Zack as the Black Ranger. Zack transferred his powers to Adam using the Sword of Light. Black Ranger's power weapon is the Power Axe, which doubles as a powerful cannon. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Black Ranger, Adam gained enhanced strength, speed, durability, and limited energy projection.

Aisha Campbell - Yellow Power Ranger

Full Name:

Aisha Campbell
Ranger Designation:

Yellow Power Ranger

Power Daggers, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Metallic Armor, Yellow Shark Cycle

Griffin Thunderzord

Spirited and full of energy, Aisha was always up to the challenge as a Power Ranger. She met the Power Rangers on a trip to Angel Grove, where she competed in the Ninja Competition along with Rocky and Adam. Aisha and her friends assisted the Rangers in the rescue of a baby in danger. She continued assisting the Rangers when they needed it, proving herself a formidable replacement for Trini as the Yellow Ranger. Trini left Aisha her powers by transferring them to her with the Sword of Light. Yellow Ranger's power weapons are the Power Daggers, powerful blades used for defense and for throwing. Her weapons combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Yellow Ranger, Aisha gained enhanced strength, speed, durability, and limited energy projection.

Mentors and Allies


A wise old sage, Zordon used to fight evil around the galaxy, eventually establishing a base of operations on Earth. In a final battle with Rita Repulsa, Zordon was trapped in a time warp, his only window to our reality being a giant tube in the Command Center.

Alpha Five

Alpha 5, a fully sentient automaton, or robot, is the loyal assistant to Zordon in the Power Chamber. He was built on Edenoi by King Lexian, and recruited by Zordon to assist him in establishing a vanguard against evil on Earth.

Bulk and Skull

Bulk and Skull are Angel Grove High's resident punks, bullying those smaller than them, and always coming up with schemes to get fame or fortune, like finding out the identities of the Power Rangers.


Ernie is the owner of the Angel Grove Youth Center, the most popular hang out spot for the teens of Angel Grove. Ernie is generous and good-natured, often giving out free drinks and food for special occasions, and helping out his customers if they need it.

Ms. Appleby

Ms. Appleby is one of Angel Grove's most dedicated and tolerant teachers. She constantly put up with the wacky antics of Bulk and Skull, and seems to have them in every subject she teaches.

Mr. Caplan

Mr. Caplan believes in three things- detention, wearing a toupee, and detention. A strict disciplinarian, Mr. Caplan never hesitates in issuing detention to those who deserve it. He loves seeing the students do things for the community and for the environment and does his best to encourage them all do it.


Zack attempted to gain the affections of Angela, often to no avail. She would turn him down several times before conceding to go on a date with him. When their date was ruined by a monster attack, Zack's chances with Angela seemed slim. However, he refused to give up and succeeded in making amends with her after several ruined attempts, earning a kiss on a lips for his efforts.


Lord Zedd

Disgusted at Rita's performance at attempting to conquer Earth, Zedd came to the Moon himself to get rid of Rita and do the job right himself, but would also be unsuccessful. Rita found her way back to the Moon, and placed Zedd under a love spell. The two got married, and continued to fail at world domination.

Rita Repulsa

A feared sorceress, Rita attempts to conquer all in sight. After being released from a dumpster in which Zordon imprisoned her in a final battle, she tried to conquer Earth, with her crew. Rita had no luck however, being defeated by the Rangers time and time again.


Goldar is Rita's top warrior. He frequently accompanies monsters to Angel Grove, and holds his own against the Rangers.

Squatt and Babboo

Rita's two bumbling henchmen do their best to help their mistress in her war against the Rangers, but usually end up screwing up.


Finster was part magician, part scientist. He created Putties and monsters for Rita, along with the occasional technological device. Finster was very easy going and gentle by nature.


Scorpina is a ruthless and cunning femme fatale who served on Rita's side since the time of the evil Green Ranger. She used a sword in combat, which doubled as a boomerang. When she grew in size to battle the Zords, she assumed a monstrous appearance.

Z Putties

When Lord Zedd arrived, he brought with him the Z Putty Patrol, which were more powerful than any previous putties, and had to be hit in the Z spot to be destroyed.

About the Author

Heather Ray lives in Logansport, Indiana where she enjoys spending time with family and friends. In her spare time when she isn't reading, writing, going to school at the local college of Ivy Tech Community College or working on various art projects, she enjoys swimming and playing basketball with the Special Olympics, watching movies with her god daughter, Lucy, (who happens to be the reason why Heather decided to transfer the fanfiction that she originally wrote this and other book series' into books!)

, acting with the local theater troupe in her hometown, singing, and working on her voice over work.

Her favorite book series includes The House of Night, Peter and the Starcatchers, Daughters of the Moon, The Nick Chronicles

(among other Dark Hunters books!)

, the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Book Series, the Harry Potter series, the Sookie Stackhouse series

, and she is also a bit of a comics 'nerd'

with her love for X-Men, Batman, Avengers,

just to name a few of her favorite comics. She also enjoys reading several mangas which include Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Vampire Knight,

and Sailor Moon


Not only does she enjoy reading, as is stated above, she also loves watching movies and various TV Shows. Her favorite TV Shows include True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel

, all the seasons of Power Rangers, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Doctor Who

and Once Upon a Time

. Her favorite movies include all the Star Wars

movies, all the Star Trek

movies, the Lord of the Rings

trilogy (she is really looking forward to see The Hobbit


, all the Marvel Comics

movies, the Chronicles of Narnia

movies and all the Harry Potter

movies! She also enjoys several animes including Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight,

and her favorite: Sailor Moon

(she is a bit obsessed with Sailor Moon what with not only enjoying the anime but also the live action series from Japan, and the musical series: Sera Myu

! She also cannot wait for the new anime series of Sailor Moon that is due out in a year!)

When she isn't at home writing or spending time with her friends and family, Heather can be found going around her home town (where she picked up a lot of her ideas for these books)

or at her local library, picking up new ideas for her next book!


Texte: The Power Rangers belong to Saban Entertainment. Alexis and her family belong to me. This story takes place about a week after "Green to White," but things have happened in between (specifically the events of "Two for One," in which Lord Zedd broke up Kim and Tommy's date, and "Opposites Attract," when Billy meets Kim's friend Laura). This particular story takes the place of "Zedd's Monster Mash." I can't very well call it a rewrite, because I've taken an exorbitant amount of dramatic license. This story also incorporates the critical elements of "A Ninja Encounter."
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.07.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To the people that have been following this series to the end. Much hugs and luv to you all! I appreciate you all! If you think this will be the last of Alexis you will see, don't worry, there's more to come! Thank you all!

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