
Part One

Chapter One

A soft scratch disturbed the sleepy silence of the bedroom.

A girl groaned, lifting her heavy head from the textbook that served as her pillow through the night. She blindly pushed back the reddish-brown hair that hung in her face as she sat up.

Green eyes swept the room in confusion. Sunlight trickled through the windows, illuminating the primarily cream-colored room. Her bed was still neatly made from the previous day.

The scratching sound began again, this time accompanied by a soft meow.

Alexis Darling smiled, walking to the door to the bedroom and pulled it open. A small gray cat pushed against the door, meowing beseechingly and rubbing against her ankle.

“Morning, April,” she yawned, bending to rub the imploring cat’s head. She then turned to the clock beside her bed.

“Wow. I might actually be on time.”

Chapter Two

Amanda Darling leaned against the countertop as she poured a serving of coffee. In silence, she added the customary cream and sugar, and sat at the small table adjacent to the kitchenette.

She looked up from the mail she was reading when she heard footsteps approach. She stared in confusion as her daughter stepped into the kitchen, fully dressed in a crop top and flare jeans, and began searching the cabinets.

"Lex, it's six-thirty. What are you doing up?"

"Mr. Wilton is giving a quiz tomorrow. Since we're flying to England tonight, I'm going to miss it."

She found a box of cat food, and kneeled on the floor beside a plastic tray.

"I'd rather get it over with now then have it hang over my head during Nana's party."

Alexis watched April approach the food, and then pulled a box of cereal from another cabinet. She managed to balance the cereal, milk, and bowl in her arms, and carry a spoon in her hand. She set the objects on the table, and sat across from her mother.

As she reached for the cereal, her gaze fell upon her mother's coffee mug. It was a large mug of white glass with violet words painted on it. Written diagonally, vertically, and horizontally was the word "King" in about a dozen languages.

Her eyes hardened as she stared at her mother. Amanda felt the chill, and looked up from yesterday's mail.

"Where did you find that cup?"

Amanda looked away for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I had just gotten around to emptying some of those odds and ends left over from the move. I found it in one of the boxes yesterday."

Alexis' jaw set as she studied her mother's reaction. Amanda gazed at the mug wistfully, lifting it with her fingers and turning it slowly.

"It was the first present you bought for him for Father's Day. We were in Macy's, and you wandered away when I was looking at utensil sets. You pulled me to the mug display, pointed at it, and said 'Daddy would love

this! If I'm the princess, he must be the king!' You paid for it with your birthday money, and you actually waited until Father's Day to give it to him. He wouldn't drink his morning coffee from another mug since."

She paused for a moment, a film of moisture coating her eyes. "Ten years of memories... in a piece of glass."

She fell into silence, taking another sip of coffee and closing her eyes. Alexis stared into her bowl, dunking the Cheerios as she slowly chewed on a spoonful.

"You should throw it away," Alexis decided. "He didn't take it with him, so he obviously didn't want it."

Amanda flinched at the chill in her daughter's tone. She set the cup down, and fixed her daughter with a searching gaze.

"Lex, we never really... talked about what happened. It's been three months since your father left-"

"There's nothing to talk about," Alexis interrupted, picking herself up from her seat. "Mid-life crisis hit him like the atomic bomb, and he decided he wasn't happy with how his life turned out. So he dropped us like a bad habit to start a whole new life for himself." She sat on the floor near the front door, and tied on her black roller-blades. "And we decided the best way to cope was to start fresh 3,000 miles away from the city I was born and raised in."

Amanda cringed as the door slammed, and watched out the window as Alexis glided down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. She sighed wearily, gazing at the full bowl of cereal seated on the table before her.

Chapter Three

Alexis ascended the stairs of Angel Grove High School, her roller blades hanging from her fist. She stared up at the clock above the large double doors leading to the main hall.

“I’m fifteen minutes early,” she realized with slight annoyance, “I guess I skated a bit hard today.”

She walked into the school absently, her mind wandering.

She hadn’t meant to be so sharp with her mother. She never really meant to be harsh to anyone, but whenever she felt threatened, she flew on the defensive with a surprising amount of cruelty.

Ever since Peter Darling shattered their happy family with his long-hidden lack of fulfillment, Alexis hadn’t been the same. It hurt so much to discover that her father, a man whom she had loved more than anyone else, could just leave her behind without a second thought. The fact that he actually had it in him to leave their comfortable home in Philadelphia gave her a whole new outlook on the world.

The world was a cold, cruel place, with very few people worth trusting.
She wanted so much to push him out of her mind, and all that would trigger memories of a happier time. But it was impossible. Her mother clung so desperately to his memory, as if by drinking from his mug or wearing his shirt she would be close to him. She hadn’t given up hope that he’d come to his senses and reconcile, despite the fact that she constantly denied it.

The small, desperate family tried to deal with the shocking upheaval.

Amanda immediately had gone about finding employment as far away from the northeast as possible, as if distance could separate her from the pain. She and Alexis crossed the country, opting to live in a small city named Angel Grove. Despite the fact that the town was notorious for alien attacks and Power Ranger sightings, it was a charming place to live.

A city that could endure interplanetary war must have the strength to inspire the Darlings to be strong as well, and cope with their change in situation.

She walked through the empty halls slowly, her shoulders heaving under the weight of her musings.

This weekend was her grandmother’s birthday. What if her father showed up for the party? It wasn’t likely, considering how he’d never gotten along with his mother. In fact, Nana had often said to Amanda that she was by far a more loving daughter than Peter was a son, despite the fact that Amanda was only her daughter through marriage.

But if Dad does show…things’ll be…weird.

She paused as a clanging sound reached her ear. She noticed she was passing the weight room, and glanced through the window curiously. Lying on the bench, grunting as he lifted the heavy dumbbell, was a tall, muscled student. His expression was pure concentration, a shiny film of sweat coating his tan skin and a sharp frown narrowing his dark eyes. He clenched his teeth tightly, giving him an almost feral look that was so intense it was almost frightening.

Ironically, despite his powerful presence, he was the nicest, most considerate guy she’d met in Angel Grove. But his mannerism demanded respect. Sensitivity and power, rolled into one human being. Strength of body, mind, and will, yet somehow with a nurturing spirit. It was an odd, and intriguing combination.

Jason Scott was a puzzle she had been considering since she first saw him in her Chemistry class.

He settled the weight on its stand and sat up, wrapping a towel around his neck.

When he turned around, his eyes met hers through the glass. He smiled in greeting, invoking her to smile in return…despite the embarrassed flush that tinged her cheeks.

Way to go, gawking at the guy. Jeez…

She held her breath as he approached.

“Looking for something?” Jason inquired, leaning upon the door.

“No,” she answered quickly, “I’m just a bit early for an appointment with Mr. Wilton.”

“I’m surprised to see you. There’s never anyone

here this early, except for a few industrious teachers and janitors.”

Her fingers tightened on her roller blades. “So, what are you doing here?”

He smirked as he gestured to the weight room. “I thought it was obvious.”

She pursed her lips tightly, inwardly scolding herself for being so inept during this conversation.

“I usually work out at the Youth Center, but it’s not open this early,” he explained after a brief silence.

Alexis watched as he tugged on his towel thoughtfully. There was an odd tone in his voice. He sounded stifled, as if his focus was on something utterly separate from the here and now. As if he was wrestling with some weighty crisis.

She was quick to recognize the visible signs. She saw them every day, when she looked in the mirror.

“Are you okay, Jason?” she ventured at last.

Jason looked alarmed, until he consciously hid it with a hasty smile.

“I’m okay. I’ve just got some…issues.”
With that, he threw a small wave, and walked back into the weight room.

“You…look like you’ve lost something,” Alexis blurted. It was rather obvious to her what he was dealing with, but she should have known better than to confront him.

Why would he want to talk to me? He probably doesn’t even know my name!

Her bold observation startled the young man, who turned around and gazed at her with renewed surprise. He paused, chewing his lip for a moment as he thought how to respond.

He decided the truth was the best route to take. Beside, he’d bottled up his feelings for so long, in an attempt to appear strong to his friends. Perhaps it’d be good for him to vent a little.

Just a little.

“You’re right,” he confessed, deep sadness in his voice, “I did lose something…someone

. My best friend. He’s not dead or anything…but I failed him.

He fell silent, his mind drifting as he stepped further into the hallway. He began pacing tensely, feeling Alexis’ rapt observation.

“How did you fail him?” she asked gently.

“I didn’t come through when he needed me. He…he was…hurt

, a few months ago, and it was my fault. I should’ve been able to help him, before things got out of hand.”

Jason paused again, glancing up at the fluorescent light hanging on the ceiling. It was difficult recounting the torturous story of the Green Ranger without actually telling

the story. He couldn’t put into words what really happened. How Tommy Oliver, his best friend, lost the Power because of his bungling.

There was absolutely no good reason why it took him so long to get the Green Candle! He should’ve been able to slip past Goldar. All he had to do was grab

it, and get out of there! Just a few months before that, he spent hours alone with Goldar in Rita’s Dark Dimension. He managed to survive that, despite being without powers.

By failing Tommy, he proved how poor a leader he truly was.

“But, that’s not how it ends,” he continued. “He eventually recovered. He wasn’t as strong anymore – that wound would never heal completely – but he was back in action. But it happened again

! And this time, he’s never

coming back.”

Zordon had managed to temporarily restore the Green Ranger powers, but those months weighed heavily on all the Power Rangers. Everyone was in constant fear of his powers fading in the midst of combat, leaving him vulnerable on the battlefield. Jason wanted so much to let Tommy take it easy, but it just didn’t work. In nearly every battle, they needed the Green Ranger. They couldn’t win without him.

Jason couldn’t lead them to victory. He kept screwing up.

When Lord Zedd arrived, things only got worse. He purposely targeted the Green Ranger, recognizing a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Those few weeks were utter hell for the team, as each day Tommy’s powers dwindled lower and lower. Finally…it was over. A green crystal absorbed the very last drop of power Tommy had left. Zedd had created a team of Dark Rangers, and had finally put an end to the Dragon Ranger.

Tommy had taken it pretty well, but there was a void in his eyes as he bid farewell.

That emptiness haunted Jason nearly every waking moment since that last battle.

The very next day, Tommy was gone. He had said goodbye in the Command Center, and mentioned something about needing a break, and how he’d miss everyone. But that didn’t lessen the pain.

How could he let a friend suffer

like that?

He shivered when a hand gently fell on his shoulder. He blinked, pulling himself back to reality. His vision was blurred with a thin veil of moisture, and he glanced down at Alexis, who watched him with deep sympathy.

He wasn’t even sure how long he had been silently soaking his guilty.

“I’m so sorry,” she said quietly, “I wish there was something…”

“It’s okay,” he answered, a smile forming on his lips again. “Thanks for listening. It helped.”

He stepped away from her, and turned to the clock on the wall.

“I’d better shower,” he commented. “The bell rings in twenty minutes.

Alexis’ eyes widened in alarm. “I’d better hurry up to Mr. Wilton.” She moved through the hallway, turning after a few steps. “See you in class, Jase.”

Chapter Four

"Lex, I think that fry has enough ketchup on it."

Alexis blinked, lifting her chin from her palm and shaking off the numbness that set into her hand. She then gazed at her other hand, which had soaked a single French fry in ketchup so long it had become soggy.

"I can see how interested you are in my ballet recital," Angela muttered, sipping her diet Coke.

Alexis sighed, chewing on her sodden fry. "Sorry. I've just been thinking."

"It happens to everyone once in a while."

Alexis smirked, tossing a dry fry at Angela. The target ducked, giggling
at the frustration on her friend's face.

"You throw like a girl!"

Alexis rolled her eyes, trying to suppress a giggle of her own.

"So, what're you dreaming about today?" Angela inquired, her sculpted eyebrow rising with interest, "Or better yet... who?"

Alexis pursed her lips. Angela grinned.

"What happened?"

"I saw Jason this morning in the weight room at school," she began, absently dunking another fry mercilessly, "We talked."

"About what? The weather, or something more serious? Like... the Halloween dance coming up?"

Alexis raised her drenched fry threateningly, prompting her friend to shut up. "He was really down, actually, and he kept talking about losing his best friend. Do you know what he was talking about?"

Angela craned her neck to the front of the Youth Center. From their table, she had a clear view of the bar, where Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan, and Billy Cranston were involved in some conversation. She then turned towards the gym area, where Jason and Zack Taylor were sparring.

"I don't know... but there's definitely

something going on with them," Angela decided, leaning back in her chair, "Zack hasn't called me in two weeks straight!"

Alexis blinked. "Wow... that's not good."

"Tell me about it!" Angela huffed, "That boy treated me like a queen all last year. Then, I saw less and less of him." She folded her arms. "I should've known Zack Taylor couldn't take anything seriously."

Alexis frowned in comiseration, but the latter brushed the thought aside. "Jason's probably upset about Tommy."


"Yeah, Tommy Oliver. Tall, cute smile, ponytail. He's Kim Hart's boyfriend."

"The quarterback, right?" Alexis noted after a moment. "I think I've seen him around."

Angela smirked. "He's always sparring with Jason, but I can guess where your eyes always were..."

Alexis glared, once again lifting a fry menacingly. Angela smothered a laugh, but promptly stopped teasing.

"So, what happened to Tommy?"

Angela shrugged, picking up her soda again. "He hasn't been in class all week. Rumor has it he's really sick. He's taken off several weeks from school."

"Wow... things must be pretty bad."

Angela watched as Alexis' gaze fell upon the mats. She too craned her neck, and watched as Jason prepared to kick a board elevated for practice. He moved in to attack, but hesitated, bouncing back on one leg.

Angela frowned with slight concern, looking away as Zack moved in to whisper something to his friend. "Whatever's going on, it's totally wrecking his concentration."

Chapter Five

“Okay, Jason,” Zack instructed, his index fingers indicating the tall, padded structure that would serve as the recipient of the day’s exercise, “place your foot high, and concentrate on the midsection.”

“Alright,” Jason breathed, his eyes narrow. He hopped from foot to foot in preparation, and then launched his body into a spin kick. However, his arm was off the mark, and his foot missed the target entirely.

Zack sighed with worried frustration, while Jason growled at his own failure.

“I…I just can’t concentrate,” he excused, pushing back his sweat-soaked hair from his eyes.

“Try again,” Zack said patiently, his thumbs tucked into the band of his sweat pants.

Jason frowned.

“Come on, Man,” Zack coaxed, this time more insistent. “Try again! The tournament’s only a few hours away.”

Jason’s face remained wrinkled with impatience, as he licked his lips and stepped back. After adjusting his pants, he once again shifted between his two feet to catch his balance.

He moved forward, preparing to strike the target. But to his horror, the target no longer looked like a wooden, padded dummy.

It became Tommy.

Jason nearly stumbled, holding his leg in mid-air. He backed away, his eyes wide.

What was happening to him?

“I…I just can’t,” he groaned, his brow knitted in worry.
In all honesty, the tournament couldn’t be less important to him.

“What’s wrong?” Zack asked gently, hanging his arm on the dummy. Jason fidgeted, leaning against the dummy himself.

“I know,” Zack whispered, nodding with realization. “It’s Tommy. You miss him.”

Jason bit his lip in frustration. “It’s more than that.”


“It’s my

fault he lost his powers in the first place.” He bowed his head, lips twisting into an angry snarl. “If I had gotten the Green Candle, he’d still be one of us!”

Zack sighed, shaking his head. “Come on, Jase, you had no choice! I know. I was there!”

“No,” Jason growled, more to himself than Zack. His hands were tense with frustration as he clutched the back of his head. “I should’ve gotten the candle.”

A fierce snarl on his face, he once again launched into a fierce kick, aiming at the padded structure. Once again, he missed…by a good six inches.

Releasing a grunt of disgust, Jason left the Youth Center. Zack stared after him, pity in his gaze.

Chapter Six

In all honesty, she didn't know why she was hurrying after him. It was more of a reflex than a conscious decision, and no doubt it had surprised Angela to no end.

She watched the exchange between Zack and Jason. While she couldn't hear

what was said, she could read the torment in Jason's face. It left a powerful impression, to say the least. What could have happened to Tommy to make Jason feel so guilty?

True, he's been reported sick, and apparently Jason has taken the blame.

But how is that possible?

Still, while the questions swam through her mind, it was his expression that moved her to action.

She didn't want to ask questions, or try to make sense out of his erratic behavior. She just wanted to be there for him, as if somehow it could help him.

After all, without her mother and sister, dealing with her father's departure would've been impossible.

So, without hesitation she rose from her seat, and followed him out of the Youth Center. "Jason!"

Her first call received no response, despite the fact he was only a few yards in front of her.

"Jason, wait! Please!"

This time he responded, turning around slowly. It was obvious from his surprised expression that he hadn't expected to see her.

Alexis took the opportunity to catch up to him, jumping down the few stairs and hurrying along the sidewalk. Once she reached him, she did her best to smile.

"Can I help you?" he asked, his tone disturbingly flat.

Alexis' smile fell. "I... I thought maybe I could help you."

He considered this in silence, his eyes shifting from her towards the Youth Center he had just left. He shook his head. "I don't need help. I just need to think."

And with that, he turned his back to her, and continued on his way.

Alexis watched him leave. Part of her wanted to follow, but she knew deep down that chasing him wouldn't make him feel more at ease.

Instead, she decided to challenge him. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe that's your problem?"

"What?" he answered, stopping again.

This time, she didn't try to bridge the distance between them.
"Thinking," she answered, "You're thinking too hard about whatever it is that's eating you. You're obsessing over something, and it frustrates you that you have absolutely no power to change it. Unless you make an effort to just accept what's happened, all you'll do is think

about it!"

She'd gone through that stage, and only so recently forced herself to stop thinking about it. About what she lost, and worse yet, how she could have prevented it.

Jason was speechless, his gaze so hard and narrow Alexis was forced to glance away. She only looked back when the sound of footsteps reached her ears.

She sighed quietly when she saw him walk away from her.

Chapter Seven

She sat in darkness, chewing on her bottom lip absently while staring at the ceiling above her. Through the ajar door, she heard conversation buzz faintly from downstairs. Still, despite the celebratory atmosphere,
Alexis found herself downhearted.

So rather than interrupt the party, she secluded herself in the small, unused bedroom.

Even though the room was no longer regularly used, her skin tingled at the thought that he

lived there. He slept in that very bed, studied at that very desk, and stared out at the streets of Liverpool through that very window. He was once like her: a teenage just trying to make sense of the world, and find his place within it.

Unfortunately, he never did seem to find it.

The long squeal of the door inching open caused Alexis to jump from the bed in surprise.

“You’ve been terribly uneasy all day,” the visitor noted. She switched on the light, flooding the small room instantly. Alexis blinked as the light attacked her eyes, and then watched as her grandmother sat down beside her.

“I guess so, Nana,” Alexis responded. “I’m sorry I’m ruining the party.”

Wendy Darling smiled, squeezing her granddaughter’s hand. “You’re not ruining anything, Dear. I’m sure things have been hard on you. This was Peter’s room, you know.”

Alexis nodded quietly, her gaze slowly sweeping about the room for the hundredth time as she imagined her father as a boy.

“How’s Denise doing?” Wendy asked, “I see she didn’t make the party.”

“No; she has midterms,” Alexis reported. “College exams are nothing to mess with.”

Wendy smiled mildly. “Well, it’s all right. It was you I really needed
to talk to.”

“About what?”

Wendy then took Alexis’ hand. “Come with me.”

Alexis obliged, following her grandmother’s lead. They went down the hall of the large home and into the master bedroom, decorated with antique furniture that gave the spacious room an almost regal feel.

“You probably can’t even imagine this long ago,” Wendy began, sitting on her own bed and beckoning Alexis to follow, “but when I was seventeen, my father gave me something to be treasured. It was the first real affirmation of adulthood, to be entrusted with something so sacred to our family. And now, I’m going to give it to you.”

Alexis watched as her grandmother reached beneath the neck of her blouse, and pulled out a small golden key hanging like a pendant form her chain. She then laid it in Alexis’ palm.

“Be a dear and go into the safe in my closet,” she instructed. “You know the combination.”

“But what’s the key for?”

Wendy smiled. “You’ll see.”

Alexis complied, opening the small safe bolted to the floor of the spacious closet. She pulled open the heavy iron door, and gazed at the folders filled with important documents, valuable trinkets, and other prized possessions.

“There’s a small wooden box in the back, with an engraving.”

Alexis nodded, pushing aside objects in her path. Her gaze fell upon a box roughly the size of an index card, made of smooth cherry wood. The top was lined with a thin stretch of gold, and within that frame lay a graceful carving of a bird, its wings spread wide as it rose heavenward.

“It’s…beautiful,” Alexis whispered, cradling the box with both hands. She nudged the safe closed and exited the closet, lifting her awed gaze to her grandmother. “An antique jewelry box?”

Wendy shook her head, folding her hands on her lap. “No, the box was carved by my great-grandfather, Ernest Washington, who then gave it to his daughter, who gave it to her son, who in turn gave it to his only child. Me.”

Alexis’ eyes widened with heightened appreciation for the beautiful box.
“But…it’s what’s inside that is truly magnificent. The box was merely created as something worth of holding what was inside.”

Alexis blinked, and stared at her grandmother in surprise. “What’s inside?”

Wendy smiled mysteriously. “Why not use the key I gave you to find out?”

Alexis stared at the small golden keyhole on the box. She then approached the bed, laying the box on the mattress while kneeling on the lush carpet.

She lifted the small key, and slid it into the lock. After a moment’s hesitation, she turned the key, and slowly opened the box.

Within was a small golden coin, laying on a velvet pillow of rick violet.

“A coin?” Alexis inquired, lowering her head to look closer at the object. “With a picture of a bird?”

“It is an eagle,” Wendy corrected. “Now eagles are considered patrons of liberty, thanks to the United States using them as their symbolic animal. However, long before that, it was considered an almost regal animal, endowed with the power and grace of the gods.

“How long before?” Alexis wondered, gazing even closer at the heirloom.

“I’d say…as long ago as human history reaches.”

“This coin is that

old? But it looks brand new!”

Wendy smiled. “This coin has been passed down between friends and family members for millennia. And the story has been passed down with it. The reason why this coin has never tarnished is simple…it is no ordinary coin. It is magical.”

Alexis turned to her grandmother, staring at her incredulously. She then smirked. “Yeah…right.”

Wendy’s smile stretched. “Touch it.”

Alexis turned to the lustrous coin again. She then reach out, somewhat begrudgingly, and touched her fingertip to its surface.

She started as, upon contact, a slight jolt raced through her body.

“Wh…what was that?” she whispered, her voice weak with a measure of

“The energy of the coin,” Wendy explained. “It is a charm, that came to Earth in the hands of a mysterious being. She was a woman of glowing countenance, shrouded in rich purple. Her eyes were black as coals, deep with experience and power. Her hair shimmered as the sun, bright and pure. Some believe she was an Angel, or some other high being. But when she died, she left this coin with a human girl who helped her in her time of need. Since then, it has granted all the keepers good luck. It must be cared for.”

Alexis’ fingers hovered near the coin. “Why are you telling me all this?”

“Because I am giving it to you.”

Alexis startled again. “Me? Why me?”

Wendy then took her hand, and rubbed it gently. “Like I said, the coin has been passed down for millennia. Sometimes to dear friends. Sometimes to trusted family. Always to someone mature and responsible, so as to keep the coin protected. You’ve always been so dear to me, Alexis. So sweet…but so strong

. Your strength of character has always been an inspiration to me. You could survive anything.”

Alexis looked away, blushing at the praise. It felt strange to hear it, especially after the incredible weakness she’d been feeling recently.

Then, a question dawned on her.

“Why didn’t you give it to Dad? He’s your son, after all.”

Wendy shook her head sadly. “Peter…never grew up.”

That simple statement summarized all of Peter Darling’s faults. His selfishness, his irresponsibility…his cruelty.

He never really grew up, and became an adult in spirit.

“But you, Alexis…you are different,” Wendy continued. “Your eyes shine with strength.”

Alexis blinked.

“I had wanted to give it to you on your sixteenth birthday, but I didn’t see you, and I certainly couldn’t mail this

. So here is the perfect opportunity.”

Wendy rose to her feet, and picked up the box, beckoning Alexis to follow. “Take this coin, and promise me that you will treasure it like the priceless heirloom that it is.”

Alexis grinned, tears forming in her eyes at the incredible gift she had received. “I promise, Nana.”

Chapter Eight

"No! Get back


She trembled with fear and anxiety, shaking her entire core.

It couldn't be happening! It couldn't!

The strange witch cackled cruelly, her long silver locks falling from their cone-like style as she struggled against her victim, a young man with deep black hair. He choked a cry of distress as the witch dug razor-tipped fingernails into the tender skin of his neck.

Thick red blood spilled from the open wounds, and stained both his skin and the witch's.

She froze. She felt the weakness throughout her body, yet she mustered every last trace of strength left in her. Whiteness built around her body, obscuring everything around her, and causing the witch to scream with rage.

Chapter Nine

Alexis gasped, her eyes jumping open and her head bolting off the small pillow urgently.

She breathed heavily, gazing around the crowded airplane as she pulled the blanket tighter around her body. Slowly, she glanced beside her.

Her mother was still sleeping soundly.

Alexis closed her eyes, regulating her breath to calm herself. She then shook her head slightly to clear it.

What…what kind of dream was that


Granted, she’d had nightmares before. But this dream was so…real. She actually felt the weakness in her own limbs, as if she had endured a tormenting fight. And the sight of the blood pouring from “Erol’s” body truly terrified her.

And stranger still, she wasn’t herself in her dream. She clearly remembered what her dream-identity looked like: flowing blonde hair, and a strange purple uniform that seemed almost luminescent.

Maybe it was that fish dinner? I probably should’ve gotten the beef.

She then slid open the window beside her, wary to keep the brilliant sunlight from waking her mother. Outside, it was a perfect day, with a few puffy clouds coloring the vibrant blue. Far below, the jagged cliffs of the Rocky Mountains streamed beneath. From this distance, they looked like a wrinkled paper bag.

Then, the intercom clicked on. “This is your captain speaking. We’re now approaching the coast. We’ll loop around, and then reach the Angel Grove International Airport. We’ll be arriving in twenty minutes.

Alexis eased back into her chair, her eyes shining at the breathtaking bird’s-eye view of the famous mountain range. A thrilled smile stretched her lips at the experience of flying higher than the clouds.

Chapter Ten

Meanwhile, in another plane of existence, a pair of ancient eyes sprang to life.

He felt something he hadn't felt in one hundred centuries. It was faint, yet it was distinguishable from the pulsing wave of energy he always tapped into.

It was a stream of Power, pulsing with a warm radiance similar to the Morphin' Grid he himself constructed in his youth to harness the intense might he was given care of.

And it was Purple.

*Can it be?* he whispered, gazing at his surroundings. The Astral Plane looked as it always had... a swirling mix of light and color. It was undisturbed by this small glint of power, which gave no testament to the true nature of its source.

In an eye-blink, he poured his essence back into the crystal cylinder that connected him to the dimension of his birth. His brilliant power lit up the Command Center, instantly bringing his assistant to call.

"Zordon," Alpha V stated with some surprise, "You're back! Is something wrong? I thought you were going to rest!"

"I DID, BUT I SENSED A DISTURBANCE," the sage responded, his tone heavy, "WE MUST LOCATE ITS ORIGIN."

"You didn't detect its origin?" Alpha repeated.


"What is it?" Alpha inquired, hurrying to the nearest console to plot in specifications, "What are we looking for?"

Zordon remained silent for a moment before he offered response. "THE PURPLE EAGLE COIN."

Alpha gasped as only a robot could. "Aye yi yi! But it was destroyed in the Moon Palace's explosion!"


Chapter Eleven

“And that one looks like…an archer!”

The girl scoffed, leaning into the strong chest of her beloved as she cast her gaze to the heavens. “I don’t see it.”

She then glanced at her companion, whose tender eyes shone with surprise. He chuckled, causing his fine ebony hair to tremble even more in the evening breeze.

“Look closer,” he instructed, wrapping one arm around her waist. His other hand pointed to the starry sky. “See, those stars create the bow…”

She giggled, her hand reaching to her shoulder and toying with a strand of ashen blonde hair. “Erol, there’s no way you can convince me that a bunch of stars can form a picture

! I confess they’re beautiful, but there isn’t a pattern.”

She shook her head. “No, the stars aren’t paintings. They are sprinkles of light, given to humankind by the gods to brighten the sky at night.”

He smirked. “Well, I like my

story better.”

The girl smiled, sighing contentedly as her eyes shuttered closed. “Do you think someday we will be painted onto the heavens?”

He paused for a moment, planting a kiss on the crown of her head. “Of course. There’s plenty of room.”

Chapter Twelve

Once again, Alexis' eyes sprang open, her breath heaving from her chest in trembling gasps.

With a groan of annoyance, she stretched into a sitting position, resting her forehead onto her raised knees.

This was the third time her slumber was interrupted by bizarre dreams.

There didn't seem to be an exact pattern, but she was certain they were more than just typical dreams.

They were too coherent. There was a story being told, with the same characters enacting different scenes. True, the scenes weren't in order, but they were so vibrant they felt like reality.

And in each dream, she wasn't Alexis Darling. But she wasn't merely observing, either. Instead, she was a girl named Kreia.

A girl who wore Purple, who had golden blonde hair.

In the first dream, which she experienced on the flight back to Angel Grove from England, she had envisioned herself with her companion Erol, battling a silver-haired witch.

Then that evening, she saw herself splashing in a tranquil lake with Erol, this time a few years younger. An elderly man introduced himself, and offered them a chance to be Power Rangers, endowed with the might necessary to save the Earth.

After that dream was interrupted by a rude awakening, she fell back asleep, and found herself in another scenario. This time, she was an armored warrior, in brilliant purple, white, and gold, flying a gargantuan vessel shaped as a bird.

And finally, the dream of the night sky.

"It's all that silly story Nana told me," she sighed, falling back to her pillow. She couldn't deny the residuals that kept occurring in her dreams: the figure in purple with flowing blonde hair, the constant presence of magic, the powerful Eagle that was tattooed on "Kreia's" palm.

The pieces fit together into a strange puzzle. It seemed that Kreia and Erol were Power Rangers together, along with several other youths. Kreia wore purple, and seemed strongly connected to the Eagle. Also, Kreia and Erol were in love.

And finally, they seemed to perish in a battle against the silver-haired sorceress that dug her fingertips into Erol's neck.

That vision, which was the first in the series, still caused chills to creep up Alexis' spine. Her stomach seemed to retch at the sight, as if she could feel his pain somehow.

Or was it Kreia's pain she was feeling, as she watched her beloved slip away into an untimely death?

"This is all just nonsense," Alexis growled to herself, "I must be... unconsciously trying to pull the different dreams together, that's all. It's no message from beyond. Just meaningless dreams."

She hesitantly cast her bloodshot gaze to her night table, where the cherry wood box sat beside the gold key. Alexis chewed her lip, and reached over to the box. Carrying it and the key back to her bed, she slowly unlocked the clasp and pulled it open.

There, snuggled peacefully on the pillow, was the Eagle medallion her grandmother gave her.

The talisman presumably given to a human girl by an Angel, with pale skin, flowing blonde hair, coal black eyes, and a purple garment.

"Yeah, right," Alexis muttered, shaking her head. "Silly superstition."
She looked back at the coin, and gasped in shock. Why was the coin suddenly gleaming... purple?

Alexis' eyes grew wide as she promptly shut the box. "I need some water."

Her entire body trembled as she shoved the box under her bed. Throwing on a robe to keep out the chill, she hurried down the darkened hallway to the bathroom. She switched on the bathroom light, and stared at her exhausted countenance. With a heavy sigh, she turned to the clock hanging on the wall.

"Four-thirty," she groaned, turning on the faucet, "Now how the heck am I going to get through the school day? I can't get any sleep


She lowered her face to the sink, and splashed the cool water onto her face. Blindly, she reached behind her and pulled a towel from the rack, and dried her face.

When her eyes opened, she released a horrified shriek.

In her reflection, coal black eyes stared back at her.

She stumbled backward, tripping over the hamper and falling to the floor.

"Alexis!" Amanda called urgently, throwing open the bathroom door. She gasped when she saw her daughter on the floor, her legs gathered to her body, and her face buried into her knees.

Amanda fell onto the floor beside her, and shook her gently. "What happened?"

"I... I..." Alexis muttered, lifting her head. She hesitantly opened her eyes, bracing herself for the terrified scream she expected her mother to expel at the sight of her unnaturally black eyes.

She was surprised when Amanda made no such reaction.

"Are you okay?" Amanda whispered, gazing at her daughter worriedly,
"what's wrong?"

Alexis blinked in confusion. "I... uh..." she stammered, rising to her feet. She caught her reflection in the mirror, and marveled at her restored green eyes.

She swallowed, and turned back to her mother, a weak smile on her face.

"I saw... a cockroach."

Amanda's eyebrow rose. "A cockroach?" she repeated.

Alexis nodded. "Yeah. A cockroach. It crawled back into the wall."

Amanda released a small chuckle. "A cockroach," she marveled, "After living in Philadelphia for sixteen years, you scream at a cockroach? I thought there was a burglar or something!"

Alexis tried to laugh. "Yeah. Silly, huh?"

Part Two

Chapter One

There was a bounce in his step as Jason strode into the crowded halls of Angel Grove High Monday morning. He wore a smile that, for the first time in days, was purely genuine.

Finally, after all the torment he had suffered since Tommy first lost his Green Ranger powers, the leader of the Power Rangers was at peace.

No more guilt, no more relentless questions. He had proven

he was a capable leader, rather than a useless flop.

And strangely enough, he had Lord Zedd and Goldar to thank for his renewed self-esteem.

In an admittedly inspired plan, the reigning Emperor of Evil decided to capitalize on Jason's feelings of inadequacy by targeting the four remaining Power Rangers. He managed to kidnap Kimberly, Zack, Trini, and Billy while en route to visit Tommy, and forged magical waxen candles to drain them of their Morphin' powers as well.

Once again, Jason had to face Goldar to save his teammates. But, much to the surprise of his opponents, Jason was able to pull together enough to emerge victorious.

Zedd had inadvertently given Jason the opportunity to redeem himself of the failures he had made with Tommy.

Jason felt completely renewed. He forced himself to face the demons of failure, in order to cleanse his mind for the situation at hand.

He couldn't succumb to doubts with four dear friends on the line.

And he finally learned that he was a capable leader. No, he wasn't perfect

... but he did succeed when it really counted.

And that helped him look at the Green Ranger catastrophe with new eyes.

True, Tommy's powers were stolen by the Green Candle. But Jason did manage to save his dear friend's life, by leaving the Candle behind.

It was a difficult decision, but in the end, what was more important: his best friend, or a coin?

Yes, the Green Ranger was gone forever. But Tommy Oliver was alive and well, and ready to live out his life as a normal person. He was free from the responsibilities of being a Ranger, and he had been able to make up for the destruction he had caused as Rita's pawn early in his career.

He had a clean slate, and Jason finally recognized that Tommy was okay. Sure, he missed being part of a team, but he had made true friends in the process.

The friendships he had forged amongst the Rangers would live far beyond the extent of their Ranger careers.

"Jason, you're looking well this morning."

Jason grinned, and turned to Billy, who stood with Trini at the latter's locker. Both Rangers eagerly returned their leader's smile.

"Absolutely," Trini commented, giving Jason a tight hug, "It's great to have you back!"

"I feel

again!" Jason sighed. "It's amazing. I'm finally free of all the guilt I've been carrying around."

"You should never had let yourself sink so low," Trini chided gently,

"We're your friends! We're supposed to lighten your burden, not add to it."

Jason nodded, a small smirk on his face. "I realize that now. I don't need to alienate myself from my friends."

He had learned that lesson in part a few days ago, when he confided somewhat in that girl from his Chemistry class.

"I'm satisfied that you're not thinking

about it so much," Billy commented, glancing at his watch, "While I'm certainly cerebral, analyzing problems one can't solve is pointless, and terribly stressful."

He then touched Trini's shoulder, and gestured to the stairs. "We still have a few minutes. We can probably catch up with Mr. Hepsburg about that aerodynamics project."

Trini nodded, waving at Jason as the pair hurried to their destined classroom. Jason leaned against the lockers, a pensive frown on his face.

That girl had advised him not to think about it. The same one that reached out to him earlier that day, right before Goldar and Zedd struck. She had followed him out of the Youth Center, only trying to help him see how useless all his worrying really was.

Of course, he didn't see. He didn't want

to see. Perhaps, he wasn't ready to just accept his faults and move on.

But that didn't excuse how rudely he treated her the last time he saw her.

I'd better apologize,

he decided, I shouldn't have brushed her off. She didn't deserve that.

He tried to remember her name. She didn't introduce herself when they met outside the weight room; but she had already known who he was.

He did recognize her from Chemistry class, though. She sat in the back, next to Angela.

Angela would know who she is,

he realized, a smile returning to his face, I think I've seen them together at the Juice Bar.

His plan of action decided, Jason hurried to Angela's locker, where he'd seen Zack hover many times before.

Chapter Two

Her legs felt like lead. Her backpack felt heavy enough to be carrying a bowling ball or two. Her eyes stung, begging her to just close her eyelids and give them rest.

That was easily the worst night’s sleep Alexis had ever experienced.

She exhaled slowly as she weakly pushed open the bathroom door. She braced herself as she made her way to the sink, and leaned against the mirror.

Her eyes were still the deep emerald green she was familiar with.

“Thank God," she sighed inwardly, shaking her head. She then dug into her backpack for a brush and hastily touched up her hair in an attempt to appear somewhat normal.

“Something tells me this isn’t going to be a good day,” she muttered, heaving her bag onto her back. She then exited the bathroom, weaving her way through groups of students to reach her locker.

To her surprise, she saw a familiar form in red leaning against it.

“Jason?” she gawked. Still, as the name passed through her mouth, her lips automatically curved into a smile.

Her heart leapt when he met her gaze with a warm grin.

“Morning, Alexis,” he greeted, moving out of her way. She stared at him incredulously, standing before her locker.

“How’d you know where my locker was?”

“I asked around,” he confessed with a shrug.

“Really?” Alexis asked, her smile widening. “Why?”

“I wanted to apologize for being rude to you outside the Youth Center last week. I just wasn’t myself that day.”

Alexis nodded. “I know where you’re coming from. And you’re ‘yourself’ now?”

Jason nodded proudly. “Absolutely, I think I’ve gotten over my…issues.”

Alexis couldn’t help mirror his elated expression. “That’s really terrific, Jason. Congratulations.”

Then the first bell rang, alerting the students to go to homeroom.

“I still feel I need to thank you for your help,” Jason decided.

Alexis shook her head, opening her locker. “You just did.”

Jason shrugged. “Well, not enough. How about a smoothie after school? I could show you what you missed in Chemistry when you went to your grandmother’s birthday party.”

Alexis startled, turning to him in shock. “How’d you know that?”

Jason grinned mysteriously. “I have my ways. So, I’ll meet you here at three?”

She giggled. “Sounds terrific.”

“See you in Chem!” Jason called, hurrying down the hall. Alexis continued to shake her head in disbelief as she absently fished through her locker’s contents.

Maybe this wouldn’t be such an awful day after all.

Chapter Three

"Aye yi yi," Alpha whispered, his stubby fingers tapping away at various buttons. He then pushed a switch, causing the scanner to hum to life.

He still couldn't believe it. The Purple Coin? But... how? True, the Power Coins were much more than pieces of metal. They were magically forged, designed to channel incredible power beyond mortal understanding. They were a reflection of the ultimate Power. It wasn't so impossible for a Power Coin to survive an explosion, even one that had put an end to Rita Repulsa's wicked schemes for ten thousand years.

But the "how" of the matter wasn't what really bothered Zordon's faithful assistant. The real question was... why?

Why had the coin mysteriously appeared now?

Ten thousand years was quite a long time, and it couldn't take the coin that

long to return to Earth.

Why couldn't Zordon sense its existence before? When Kreia had destroyed the Moon Palace, Zordon lost all connection with the Purple Ranger. It wasn't just that the physical coin was gone, but the energy behind it seemed to be muted somehow.

Everyone had assumed it was part of the Ascension. Not only had she nearly killed Rita and her henchmen, but she razed the magical palace and killed herself in the process. She expended the full extent of the Purple energies, far beyond the limits a Power Ranger should have. The intensity of the Ascension caused Zordon to redesign the Morphin' Grid, to ensure that the five remaining Rangers would never be able to Ascend.

But there was no evidence that Kreia had died in the explosion. When Alpha and the others had explored the ravaged moon, they couldn't find a sign of Kreia or Erol. They had assumed the two were obliterated.
After all, there was no possible way Erol, even within the protective shell of the Green armor, could have survived. And as for Kreia... well... she couldn't have fared better.

They knew that because young Kreia wasn't the first Power Ranger to Ascend. There was one before her... of the generation before her. That Ranger was the one that defeated the Shadow Lord of the Morpheonites.

His name was Ghedaliah, the Red Power Ranger.

Alpha didn't know him... he was sent to Earth after the historic battle. But during the years he served Regita, he had heard the former Purple Ranger tell the story of that great battle many times.

The Shadow Lord was all but omnipotent. He had armies of otherworldly monsters, fierce generals eager to do his bidding, as well as the unspeakable power of his magical crystal. So many dozens of Rangers had died trying to destroy him.

Regita's story still caused the small robot to tremble. The battle, long and fierce, against an unbeatable opponent. Still, the seven Rangers were determined to do their utmost.

The Shadow Lord had made the deadly mistake of challenging the Rangers to their limit. He had somehow discovered the true identities of the Rangers, and his thirst for information led him to their families.

In a show of immeasurable wickedness, the Shadow Lord had determined to execute every single person remotely connected to the Rangers.

Ghedaliah's loved ones were the first to suffer. The despot had killed everyone... the Red Ranger's family, friends, and even the religious shrine that he had dedicated so many prayers to.

The emptiness that filled Ghedaliah's heart pushed him over the edge.

His rage was unspeakable as he challenged the Shadow Lord, within the very palace of the alien ruler. The other Rangers, as well as Zordon himself, followed the brash young man, and the resulting cataclysmic fight was truly a show of power the likes of which the Earth had never seen, nor would see again. If it weren't for Zordon, the Rangers wouldn't have lasted long at all against such a foe.

But Zordon had died... or rather, his body was destroyed. To the Rangers, though, it seemed their beloved mentor and father-figure had perished, in an effort to save his children.

That was the final straw for Ghedaliah.

White light cracked his red armor, which instantly flashed the core Rangers' armor out of existence. Suddenly, the humans were severed from the Morphin' Grid. All save Ghedaliah, and the Purple and Green Rangers, were completely helpless, and struck silent in awe.

His power erupted like a volcano, morphing his physical body and immersing him in a blinding whiteness.

That was the last Regita had seen of his friend Ghedaliah. It was also the last he ever saw of the Shadow Lord.

The six other Rangers knew one thing... they had to leave

. The rage flaming in their leader's heart was too much. Thanks to the sustained power of the Green and Purple Rangers, all save Ghedaliah managed to flee, racing through the winding hallways, weaving their way between dozens of panicking Imperials who felt the quaking of the castle and the dark omen it brought.

The six remaining Rangers escaped the palace only seconds before the white light obliterated everything.

Ghedaliah was never found. Neither was the Shadow Lord. Nor Zordon's body.

So, it was assumed that Kreia suffered a similar fate. But there were no witnesses to her incredible power. And, they had

been able to find the Red Coin amidst the vaporized hole that was once the Shadow Lord's great palace.

Therefore, it wasn't hard to believe that the Purple Coin existed. But that still didn't bring Alpha any comfort.

"Where has it been all this time?" he wondered, "And why hasn't Zordon been able to sense it before?"

He cast his gaze toward the Transdimension Cylinder. Faint sparks of energy flashed within the thick smoke, showing that Zordon had temporarily terminated his link to Earth.

He was searching once again. Searching for any further sign of the coin.
Alpha sighed quietly, shaking his head. He could almost feel the desperation Zordon felt at this incredible find.

He knew deep down, Zordon blamed himself for Kreia's fate. He was, after all, responsible for the lives of each and every one of his Rangers, even the ones he didn't select personally. Over the few months of their acquaintance, the ancient wizard couldn't help but be impressed by her indomitable will.

He owed it to her, and to her predecessors, that the Purple Ranger would serve again. Perhaps he felt that restoring her coin to active service was one step in the right direction to letting the ghosts of the past finally rest.

A faint beeping sound drew the small robot from his thoughts. He examined a small computer screen that showed a rough map of Angel Grove and its immediate territories.

"ZORDON!" Alpha shrieked, "I FOUND IT!"

The shout somehow reached the being, who once again fused with the physical plane through his tube. His eager gaze fell upon his assistant.


"It's... in Angel Grove," Alpha reported, "I've narrowed its location to a four-mile radius. It's somewhere between the high school and the border of Angel Grove and Stone Canyon."

"SO CLOSE?" Zordon marveled, his ethereal face folding into a thoughtful frown. "INTERESTING..."

Chapter Four

"And while the majority of you managed to pass this test, I still feel as if you failed. The average score was a 72, which is appalling for such simple

subject matter."

Wilbur Wilton raked his icy blue gaze across the classroom, watching as several students winced at his sharp rebuke. The balding blonde Chemistry teacher rose from his seat, straightening his tie before leaning forward against his desk. "We're only six weeks into the school year. The exams will only get harder

. This is Chemistry here... not English. You will be handling dangerous chemicals. If you can't hack a simple test of basic mathematical understanding, then you certainly can't handle flammable materials."

That said, he grabbed a small pile of papers and he stalked to the students. He glanced down at the papers, stopping at the third desk from the front.

"Eric Henderson... 59 percent," he announced, dropping the paper on the boy's desk. Eric winced, sinking slightly in his seat in embarrassment.

Mr. Wilton looked up again, and walked to the following row. "Jason Scott... 94 percent." The smallest hint of a smile pulled at his thin lips. "Not bad."

Jason couldn't help but smile slightly at what was the closest thing to praise anyone would ever get from Angel Grove High's resident army commando.

The teacher then moved to the back of the classroom, halting at one of the furthest chairs. His harsh gaze fell upon a girl who seemed to struggle to stay conscious.

"Alexis Darling!" he growled. Alexis jumped. "Is there a reason

why you're falling asleep in my class?"

Jason turned around curiously as Alexis shrank into her seat.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wilton," she stammered weakly, "I'm not feeling well..."

Her voice died on her lips, and Mr. Wilton turned, gazing sidelong at the student. While she was a quiet student, from her test scores he could see that she wasn't the type to cause any trouble. She probably really was sick.

"Then you should go to the nurse," he advised, handing Alexis her test,
"you can't learn anything if you're dozing off."

"Thank you," she said, weakly rising to her feet. She fumbled while trying to collect her belongings, and slinked between the rows.

Jason watched her with a worried gaze.

"Mr. Wilton," he said cautiously, "can I walk her to the nurse?"

Alexis turned to him, her eyes wide with surprise.

Mr. Wilton nodded. "But I expect you back in five minutes, Jason."

Jason grinned, rising from his seat and following Alexis out the door.

Alexis watched his movements almost incredulously. She smiled her gratitude as Jason took her backpack, alleviating her burden.

"You didn't have to do this, Jason," she said, averting her eyes from her escort.

"It's no problem," he answered. "What's wrong? Didn't get enough sleep?"

She grinned guiltily. "No... but I don't think that's it. I just have a killer headache." She reached up, rubbing her temples slowly. "It was a dull pain at first, but as the day wore on, it kept getting worse. My head just feels so... heavy."

Jason frowned with compassion. "Well, maybe a bit of rest and some aspirin can help."

"I hope so," Alexis sighed. The rest of the walk was in silence, and finally they paused together outside of the nurse's office.

"Thanks so much," Alexis said quietly, smiling weakly as Jason returned her backpack. His gaze locked with hers, and he observed the redness in her black eyes, as well as the dark circles beneath them. She almost looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"It's not a problem," he assured her once again, "I'll see you later. Feel better!"

Alexis lingered outside the nurse's office, watching as Jason went back towards Chemistry. Is it just me, or is he getting cuter

by the minute?

she wondered, biting back her smile as she finally went into the office.

Down the hall, Jason slowly continued towards Chemistry. But only one thing occupied his thoughts... Alexis' bloodshot black eyes.

Black eyes... why didn't that seem right?

Chapter Five

The ancient man stood before the pair, leaning his crooked wooden walking staff against a console. With both hands, he cradled a large wooden box in his palms, as if he were offering it to them.

“There have been scores of Power Rangers before you,” he explained. “The vast majority had died in battle. All sacrificed their family lives, for fear of endangering loved ones. All Rangers must disappear from Gateway City, and remain here in the Command Center. Always on duty, always striving to learn and grow so as to defend the world all the better. Once the Power is taken, it cannot be returned until the battle is over.”

He then opened the ornate box, etched with animal pictures on all panels. Within, lying on a black pillow, lay seven glittering gold coins arranged in rows of three and four. Each coin had a different image, all of animals made legendary by the Rangers of earlier generations.

Her gaze instinctively fell to the Eagle, with its wide feathered wings outstretched as it ascended to the heavens.

“Once you choose a Power Coin, you accept the duty of being a Ranger,” Regita explained. “Take your pick.”

She stepped forward instantly. While she did gaze at each coin for a few moments, she knew that the Eagle was hers. It almost…called to her. It was more like recognizing an old friend than selecting a color.

The old man smiled tenderly, almost with a touch of nostalgia. “You have selected the Eagle, Kreia. You will be the Purple Ranger, as I was a lifetime ago.”

She smiled, gazing at the coin in her palm. She hadn’t even known which Ranger her ancient relative had been, but somehow a force she couldn’t explain drew her to the winged creature.

Erol’s jaw set as he stepped forward. “Which is Green?” he demanded.

The old man blinked in surprise at the odd query. “Why do you ask?”

“I know something of the Power Rangers,” he related, “and I do recall that the Purple and Green Rangers were different. They fought side by side as if they were somehow separate from the other five. They are a team within a team.”

He then turned to Kreia, his incredible jade gaze locking with hers. “If you are the Purple Ranger, than I must be your partner.”

The look in his eyes was so intense, it sent chills along her skin. Her heart fluttered as she stared into those powerful pools of color…so familiar to her since childhood, and so dear to her that much of the time those very eyes dictated her own emotions.

She felt such a bond between them, and as he selected the Green coin, she could feel the bond grow stronger.

And somehow, deep down in her heart, she knew that the bond would only grow with time.

The old man consented, although he did seem hesitant, somehow. “Then here is your coin, Green Ranger.”

Chapter Six

Another sharp intake of air accompanied Alexis' jarring awakening, and her eyelids jumped open almost desperately.

Another dream. Or was it a vision?

The content of the dream itself wasn't disturbing. It wasn't even a nightmare. But these constant visions of this girl named Kreia unsettled Alexis more and more.

She sat up on the cot, rubbing her temples vigorously. The aspirin didn't seem to quell the pain, but at least she had been able to fall asleep.

"What's wrong with me?" she whispered, lying back on the cot weakly. She stared at the sterile ceiling, and frowned thoughtfully.

Turning her head slightly, she noticed the nurse enter the back room.

The nurse gazed at her with concern, holding a notepad with both hands.

"Feeling any better?"


The nurse sighed quietly, gesturing to the clock. "It's a quarter of three o'clock, and school's been dismissed. I tried to call your mother, but she's not at her desk. Is there anyone else who can pick you up?"

Alexis shook her head, planting her feet on the ground. She held her breath as she shifted her weight, pushing off the hard cot and rising to a full standing position. "No, it's okay. I'll just walk home."

The nurse grimaced. "I don't know how safe that is, in your condition."

Alexis turned her gaze to the nurse. "So I have a headache... it's not like I'm dying."

"But you seem to be uncoordinated, Alexis," the nurse pointed out.

"Maybe I should call an ambulance?"

Alexis rolled her coal black eyes ruefully. "That's a bit extreme. Trust me, I've had worse headaches before. I'll be fine."

And with a reassuring grin, Alexis pulled on her backpack, and hurried out of the office.

But as soon as she escaped the nurse's observant gaze, her smile crumbled to a worried frown.

She'd never experienced such a headache before. It was almost... numbing. She almost felt like she were sleepwalking, so confused were her senses.

She kept her gaze to the ground, watching as first the tiled ground of the school passed beneath her, and then the sharp blades of grass. Finally, she arrived on the concrete of the sidewalk, and focused her mind to count the cracks in the white cement. It was an effort to keep herself at least somewhat attentive to her environment.

"Hey Alexis! Alexis?"

The voice seemed faint, almost drowned out by the constant buzz of conversation that typically surrounded a high school at dismissal. Still, that voice did emerge from the chaos, drawing her attention enough to turn around.

She offered a weak smile as Jason jogged up to her, a confounded expression on his face.

"I thought we were going for shakes..." he began, his brow creasing further when he noticed the pallor of her skin, and the redness in her dark eyes. "Wow... you look like you were hit by a truck!"

Alexis smirked. "You sure know how to charm a girl."

Jason's frown softened, but his concerned gaze never wavered from her puzzling black eyes. "Sorry about that."

He still couldn't figure out why her dark eyes unsettled him so.

Jason shrugged off the odd feeling that had settled in, and gently laid a hand on her shoulder. "Can I walk you home?"

Despite herself, Alexis felt a rising annoyance. She was, after all, more than capable of walking home. So much concern so clearly directed at her was quite... unnerving.

Nevertheless, she nodded. "Sure. Thanks."

She did enjoy his company, after all.

Chapter Seven

Goldar stepped carefully into the throne room, crossing the cold stone chamber towards the intense red light that radiated from the balcony.

The mighty Titan warrior shivered, as he could only guess what the Emperor had in store for him.

“What took you so long?” the Emperor growled, turning around. Despite the fact that Goldar was over a foot taller than the vertically-challenged ruler, the crimson gaze of the powerful wizard made the warrior feel like an ant.

“I’m sorry, Lord Zedd,” Goldar grunted, falling to one knee. He tried his hardest to maintain some shred of dignity, even in the face of so great a failure.

“FOOL!” Zedd howled, the bright red aura intensifying, Goldar bowed his head lower, closing his eyes to block out the blinding fury of his ruler.

Zedd’s aura lessened slightly, and he walked past his soldier. He sat wearily upon his iron throne. “You had four…four

magic candles, and you still failed! You couldn’t even destroy one Ranger! They all


Goldar shuddered with humiliation, but could not deny the truth.

“And worse yet, your pathetic battle against the Red Ranger has only strengthened his confidence. Now he is more formidable than ever before, and when a leader gains strength, the entire team follows suit!”

Goldar swallowed fearfully. “I…I won’t fail again, my Lord.”

“And how many times do I have to hear that?!” Zedd roared. Goldar cringed again, keeping his eyes closed and his head low.

Finally, after an intolerable silence, Zedd sighed quietly. “So be it. Go, destroy the Red Ranger. Now!”

Goldar lifted his head, frowning in confusion. “You mean, right now?”

Zedd fixed his champion with an impatient glare. “Yes. I observed him just moments ago, walking in the park with some human girl. If you attack them now, her presence will make it impossible for him to Morph, or call the others for aid. If you are swift and cunning, you will only have to face Jason. I absolutely must have the Red Ranger destroyed by moonrise.” His voice suddenly took on a mocking tone. “Do you think you can handle that


Goldar just barely contained the furious growl that folded the skin on his snout. “I will not fail,” he assured Lord Zedd, rising to his feet.

In moments, he had vanished in a thick cloud of golden smoke.

Chapter Eight

"And when he came at me with a roundhouse, I ducked out of the way, and swept his feet," Jason narrated, crouching to the grass and swinging his powerful right leg in demonstration.

Alexis could barely contain the small laugh that Jason's reenactment had triggered. Instead, she smiled at the excitement and pride that seemed to shine in Jason's eyes, and she watched with full attention as he rose back to his feet, brushing the grass from his jeans, and picking up his backpack.

"That was it," he concluded, his proud grin never wavering. "I got the trophy."

"That's fabulous, Jason," Alexis said sincerely, "You really deserved it. I saw all the hard work you put into that tournament."

Jason shrugged modestly. "Well, all the trophies in the world don't prove anything. It's more than just skill. It's heart." He smirked. "Still, its nice to have something to decorate your bookshelf."

Alexis kept her gaze on Jason with intense interest. He was so animated and alive... so different from the sullen young man she encountered in the weight room. He really was restored, back to the way she so fondly remembered him. But although he didn't say it, she could tell that winning the tournament wasn't the impetus for the new attitude.

"And how's your friend?" she ventured carefully, "The one who had been hurt?"

Jason's smile only widened. "He's doing just great. Hopefully, we'll be seeing him in school soon. We got a letter from him over the weekend-"

Alexis looked up in surprise when Jason cut off his own sentence. She saw the shock in his gaze, mixed with a healthy dose of anger, as he stared at something in the distance. Befuddled, she followed his eyes, and a yelp of horror erupted from her throat.
Standing only a few yards in front of them was a hideous blue-furred beast, with golden armor gleaming in the afternoon sunlight.

"Hello, Jason," he grumbled, slowly approaching the pair. Jason's response was instinctive- he quickly grabbed Alexis' arm, and pushed her behind him as they backed away.

"What do you want?" Jason demanded. Alexis shivered at the deep, cold tone Jason had suddenly adopted. That, and the obvious fact that he knew the creature assured her that Jason Scott was more than met the eye.

"I just thought a rematch was in order," the alien responded, a feral smirk on his lips. He unsheathed his mighty gold broadsword, and pointed it directly at Jason's face. "Considering the circumstances, this shouldn't be hard."

"What?" Alexis whispered, overwhelmed. Jason swallowed hard, his grip tightening on Alexis' arm.

"Listen," he whispered, "you've got to run. Run and get help. I'll hold him off."

Alexis' dark eyes widened with disbelief. "Are you nuts?! You can't fight this thing!"

Goldar cackled, the bone-chilling sound breaking up the conversation instantly. "No, boy... your little friend won't be going anywhere. I need a witness, to see how weak and pathetic you really are!"

Jason ground his teeth, his mind swimming. He knew he couldn't Morph; not with Alexis right beside him. He couldn't break the code he swore to abide on the day he became the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger.

But what was the alternative? He was no match for Goldar one on one, not when the seven-foot gladiator was this

riled up.

Jason released Alexis, his hand quickly grabbing hers. After giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, he let her go completely, and slowly stalked toward the imposing creature, both arms falling into a defensive position.

Alexis trembled with fear and confusion, her black gaze leaping from Goldar to Jason and back again. Her terror kept her feet planted on the ground, making it impossible for her to make a getaway.

Still, despite her building panic, she managed to notice how many times

Jason's scrutiny passed from Goldar to her. She could tell her presence was distracting. And he did win a tournament just the other day...

This is still crazy! He may be a black-belt, but that's one of those alien invaders! He's no Power Ranger!

Her panic-stricken eyes subtly narrowed as anger began to slowly brew within her.

Goldar growled deeply, his sword held with both hands as he raced at Jason. His blade swung down like an ax, but it only managed to chisel the ground, for Jason had already moved out of the way. Goldar rumbled, turning to see Jason roll out of the way, and leap back to his feet.

Goldar was able to turn and block just in time to keep Jason's sneaker from pounding his face. Goldar's throat rumbled with a mocking laugh as he caught Jason's follow-up punch, squeezing the Red Ranger's fist with his much broader hand.

His eyes glinted with glee at the pained frown that folded the young human's features.

"This brings back so many memories," Goldar grunted, baring his yellowed fangs, "You, so helpless in Rita's Dark Dimension, as I pummeled you like a rag doll!"

Despite the pain he felt, Jason could tell Goldar wasn't using his full strength... if he were, numerous bones would've shattered already.

Goldar was just toying with him for now.

Jason forced a cold smirk on his face. "Yeah, I remember," he breathed,
"It still amazes me how big a coward you were- forcing me to fight unarmed. And now you're doing it again. It's almost as if you can't beat me otherwise."

Goldar's triumphant chuckle was replaced by a low growl. Ruby eyes narrowing, he tossed Jason aside with all his might, sending the limp boy into a nearby tree.

Jason fought for consciousness, the sharp pain in the back of his head shooting stars through his vision.

"Jason!" Alexis shrieked. She was still almost numb with tormenting emotions, but the sickening crash with which Jason met the unyielding oak had snapped her back to her senses.

Without thinking, she began to run. Not away from the battle, but toward it.

"Stay... back!" Jason forced through pained lungs. He struggled to his feet. "I'm fine!"

Goldar glanced at the approaching human through the corner of his eye.

She was a mere slip of a girl, slender in frame and rather clumsy in motion. And without a Power Coin? Did she have a death wish?

He grinned, the cold humor in his expression chilling Jason to the bone.
"You had best listen, girl," he warned, pointing his sword toward her,

"If I kill you now, no one will be around to witness Jason's fated death."

Jason watched in horror as a sickening mist appeared around Goldar's blade. He cried out the warning, but Alexis couldn't move out of the way.

The cloud flared with energy, and shot at her like a bullet. The force of the impact knocked the girl clean off her feet, sending her flying into the soft grass with a strange glow still surrounding her frame.

"Alexis!" Jason hollered, frozen with disbelief.

Goldar smirked again, turning his attention back to his prey. "Relax, Human. She is alive. She is even conscious. If I kill her, then what is there to stop you from Morphing? I am no fool."

Jason inwardly cursed the beast, but nonetheless he breathed a sigh of relief when Alexis lifted her head from the ground. Still, the golden aura remained.

"What did you do to her?" the leader of the Power Rangers demanded.

"I thought I'd hold her down."

And with that, the battle raged on.

Chapter Nine

The dizziness soon left her, and Alexis was able to focus her gaze once again.

But before she could clearly see anything, she could hear

what was happening before her. She heard the grunts, screams, battle cries, and choked roars.

She could even hear the sound of that deadly sword smash into the pavement time and again.

At least that was a good sound. If the sword hit the pavement, then it wasn't

hitting Jason.


She tried to reach out, to steady herself enough to stand, but to her astonishment her arms were trapped at her sides. She gasped, struggling against the faint energy that held her body in a cocoon.

"Dammit," she growled, grinding her teeth. She continued to push against the gold energy desperately, in the hopes that she could free herself, and possibly call for help? which she should

have done much earlier, if she hadn't been rooted to the ground!

Frustration settling in, she decided to give up trying to break the cocoon. Instead, she struggled against the ground she lay on, shifting her body to turn herself around. That she did manage to accomplish, and soon she was lying on her stomach, holding her head up to see the fight before her.

She shuddered when she saw a terrible knee-thrust from the monster connect with Jason's gut, followed by his clenched fists pounding into Jason's back. The boy collapsed at that point, falling limply to the ground.

The monster cackled as it placed its enormous foot upon Jason's back. He watched in amusement as Jason tried to push himself off the ground, but the added weight made it impossible. Then, he pressed.

Jason groaned as the weight crushed his body. Still, he managed to lift his face just enough to lie on his cheek, enabling him to see Goldar through the corner of his eye.

"This is how our last battle should have ended, Red Ranger," Goldar spat in a low voice, "You at my feet, begging for mercy."

Jason rasped for breath, but his frown remained. "Beg? Not on your life, Dogbreath."

Goldar chuckled. "You Humans are a proud race, aren't you?"

"Stop it!" a desperate voice cried, startling both Goldar and Jason. Both turned, and saw Alexis staring wide-eyed at them, once again struggling against the magical bonds that held her.

"Now this is precious!" Goldar remarked, throwing his head back with deep laughter. "You really were in the wrong place at the wrong time, girl. And you certainly picked the wrong boy to befriend. His time has expired, and unfortunately... he's dragged you into this too."

The laughter grated on Alexis' patience as nothing else ever did, and the slowly-brewing rage began to boil over. The terror, confusion, rage, and panic stewing in her heart exploded, and a strange new feeling poured through her body, giving her an almost electric surge.
Suddenly, her body was not her own.

It almost felt like she was a stranger looking in, like her dreams, which were her observations of another life, but from within. She watched in mute intrigue as her body somehow shattered the magic bonds, dispelling the energy almost thoughtlessly.

Goldar stared at the scrawny Human as she stood up, mockingly cracking her neck and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She then fixed her ebony gaze at the beast.

Impossibly, a strange aura of her own began to crackle, building around her clenched fist and throwing her shoulder-length hair in a feverish dance.

"Goldar... still targeting the defenseless, I see," she commented with a disdainful twist of her lip.

Despite himself, the warrior shuddered. The voice with which the human girl spoke was not her own. At least, it wasn't the same voice she used when she was speaking earlier. It was cold, sardonic. And inexplicably... familiar.

The girl gazed at Goldar from a distance. "You are a weak coward, little Titan. As you always were."

Goldar felt his rage building, despite the frightful new appearance of the seemingly helpless girl. She dared

mock him, an elite warrior of
Lord Zedd?

Who was


The girl lifted her slender arm, the tight fist slowly opening high over her head.

Her eyes shuttered closed.

"Eagleheart Pulse!" she summoned.

Goldar's breath caught in his throat as a crackling sphere of energy erupted from the girl's open palm, streaking at him at the speed of light and crashing into his unprepared body dead on. The impact was incredible... the pain blinding as all the breath escaped his lungs in one agonized scream. He kept flying back, helpless against the force of the explosion that rocked his organs. Then, his body crashed against the hard asphalt, and everything slipped into a dazed blackness.

It was at this tense moment that four streams of bright color appeared at the park.

"Ohmigosh!" the Pink Ranger gasped, "Jason!"

She hurried to the side of the wounded young man, still lying on the grass in a spot that seemed imprinted with Jason's body shape. She gently rolled him onto his back, cringing as a sharp rasp of pain passed through his teeth.

"You're hurt!"

But Jason ignored the Pink Ranger's revelation. His gaze was fixed upon
Alexis, who stood in the same position in which she blasted Goldar. Her aura had faded, though, leaving a normal-looking girl in its wake.
But the cold expression remained, and it chilled him even more than Goldar's earlier taunts.

"What happened?" the Black Ranger wondered, as he and Yellow surveyed the area. Zack's gaze fell upon Goldar, who lay completely motionless some twenty yards away on the barren basketball court.

Trini, on the other hand, kept her scrutiny upon Alexis. But Alexis was in a world of her own. Her body remained motionless, simply standing with one arm extended.

Intrigued, Trini approached. "Are you all right, Miss?"

Trini felt her concern rise as the girl made no response. Finally, she reached forward and touched her shoulder.

The Yellow Ranger yelped as a surge of energy ripped through her body, knocking her clear off her feet.

"Yellow Ranger!" Blue shouted, as he and Black hurried to help their dazed friend. The trio backed away slightly, staring in bewilderment at the frozen person.

"What's going on?" Pink inquired, directing her question to Jason. He frowned, struggling against the soreness in his body in an effort to stand. Kimberly perceived his intention, and leaned his body against her own. Together, they rose to their feet.

"Goldar attacked us," he recapped, "and somehow, she shot him."

Zack looked from Jason to the girl in amazement. "Alexis? Alexis shot Goldar? With what... a spit-ball?"

Jason's expression was dark as he shook his head. "No. She called it an Eagleheart Pulse."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kimberly mused.

Jason bit his lip, visualizing the crackling sphere of swirling laser energy that crashed into Goldar like a wrecking ball. It was almost identical to another blast he'd seen, many months ago.

The spherical energy attack the Evil Green Ranger had used.

With the single exception of the differing colors, the two attacks were identical.

Chapter Ten

The mental fog faded, pulling Alexis back to reality. But this time was different.

She had been watching, but the story wasn’t about some ancient Purple Ranger. It was a golden beast attacking, not some boy named Erol, but Jason.



She shuddered, feeling an electric wave ebb within her. Also, to her astonishment, an aching feeling built in her arm, that for some reason was extended before her.

Her eyes fluttered open, and her face wrinkled in sheer confusion. Before her stood four Power Rangers, one of them holding Jason on his feet.

“What…?” she gasped, her voice hoarse.

The pain in her hand continued to build, causing her to cringe again.

She finally grabbed her arm, gently rubbing the forearm and hand.

It was then that her emerald gaze fell upon her palm…more specifically, the black circular tattoo that stood boldly on her skin.

Her instinctive reaction was obvious: she screamed.

Chapter Eleven

All she could do was gasp air into her starved lungs, forcing her sobs to quiet just enough to breathe.

What was happening to her? The dreams, the headache…and now this


This couldn’t be dismissed so easily. It felt like a dream, and it was impossible for it to have been real…but it was.

She wasn’t Alexis Darling any longer. She was something else. Something with power


She continued to shiver as she cradled her body against the wall in her bedroom. She didn’t even remember how she wound up there. Did she fly? Or magically transport her body? Or maybe even run at a phenomenal speed?

Or, could it all have been a really long, really horrible nightmare?

Maybe none of it had happened at all. No bizarre eye-color shifts, or blackouts, or visions…

But the tattoo remained. A circle on her skin, with an eagle with outstretched wings.

It was real. It was all


And that damned coin had something to do with it.

Slowly, she recovered from the panic that had consumed all rational thought. She calmed down, sucking in air at a more regulated rate, and finally finding enough strength to rise to her feet.

Her green eyes narrowed as she stared at the wooden box that still sat upon her bed.

“It’s all you,” she whispered, swallowing hard. “It all started when Nana gave you to me. What the hell are you? A…a witch’s talisman? Or maybe you’re a spirit yourself. Are you…are you Kreia?”

The box didn’t answer her. But Alexis was undaunted, and she slowly crept toward the box, fixing the lifeless object with an accusing stare.

“I was just fine before,” she barked, her anger building, “I was normal. But now…now I’m some kind of freak. I can’t..I can’t tell what’s real anymore.”

She sniffled, leaning weakly upon her bed. Her gaze saw only the box. “I need answers.”

Almost mechanically, she pulled the key from the chain around her neck, and unlocked the box. The coin reflected the faint light from the window, staring at her almost enticingly.

She gazed at the coin for a long moment, and then turned to the matching brand on her palm.

“You’re the Purple Ranger,” she whispered, her eyes widening with realization, “Kreia was the Purple Ranger, so many years ago. And that Power rests in you. And back there, in the park…you saved Jason. You.”

She swallowed, ignoring the warning that flashed in her mind. Slowly, she reached her hand to the coin. The moment her fingers touched the glossy surface, a brilliant wash of purple energy flooded the entire room.

Part Three

Chapter One

"Okay, okay... I am hopelessly

lost here!" Kimberly complained, pulling off her helmet. Her exasperated gaze scanned the entire Command Center, quickly noting each of her teammates as they also removed their helmets.

Her stare settled on Jason as Trini eased him onto a seat. Alpha immediately rushed to him, carrying a medical scanner.

"You're not the only one who's confused, Kim," Jason forced through clenched teeth, as Alpha cautiously probed his wounds.

"Sorry," Alpha whispered, holding Jason's arm above his head despite the tremors of pain that ailed the Red Ranger, "But I've got to assess how bad the damage is."

"And how bad is it?" Trini asked.

"Not too bad, all things considered," Alpha revealed. A general sigh escaped the worried Rangers. "Cuts and bruises, cracked bones, but nothing's broken. Looks like Goldar was just having some fun."

Jason frowned pensively at that. It hurt to admit it, but Alpha was right... he had been at Goldar's mercy from the moment he had arrived in the park. It was all he could do to keep away as Goldar launched attack after attack.

But with Alexis there, what could he do?


"Guys, we need to figure out what happened back there," Jason determined, his voice adopting the authoritative "leader tone" that all but demanded attention.

"Who is she?" Trini wondered.

"I think

it was Alexis Darling," Zack offered, a small frown on his face.

"What do you mean, you think?" Kim inquired.

Zack shrugged. "It looked like her, but... I don't know; she was creepy

back there. She looked like her as far as features go, but she acted really weird."

"AND HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW ALEXIS DARLING?" Zordon questioned, speaking for the first time since his Rangers appeared.

"Not all that well personally, but I know her through Angela. They're pretty good friends."

"It was

Alexis," Jason confirmed, running his hand through his disheveled hair, "I was walking her home after school when Goldar attacked."

"And then what happened?" Billy asked.

"I'm not sure. I was fighting Goldar, and Alexis was still there. I couldn't Morph with her standing there, and Goldar knew it. He cast this... energy bubble on her, freezing her in place so she couldn't run. But somehow, she broke free, and fired an energy sphere at Goldar."

Jason shook his head at the recollection. "It was so weird. Goldar was terrified, and with good reason. Suddenly, Alexis... generated an incredible power. I could feel the hairs on my arms standing up. She stood in the center of a cyclone of power, and then she shot Goldar with something she called an Eagleheart Pulse... almost casually, like she could cream him in her sleep."

The Rangers didn't notice, but at the mention of the Eagleheart Pulse,

Alpha dropped his scanner, shaking his head slowly with amazed denial.

Zordon remained silent.

"Then you guys showed up," Jason concluded. "That blast knocked Goldar into the basketball court. Alexis was frozen for a bit, but she finally seemed to snap out of it."

Zack nodded. "Yeah, that's when she screamed. And somehow, she took off into the sky. She flew

, Man... like a rocket or something. What are we dealing with here?"


The Rangers jumped at the startling announcement Zordon had delivered.

All five turned to him, gazing up at their trusted leader with mutually incredulous expressions.

Zordon nodded slowly, to affirm the stricken Rangers that they heard

"Another Ranger?" Kimberly repeated.

Zack was thunderstruck. "First the Green Ranger, and now a Purple one? How many Rangers are

there, anyway?"

Despite the gravity of the situation, Zordon spared a smile at Zack's slightly irritated question. But his smile fell quickly, as he prepared himself to enlighten his Rangers of the grim past.

"Many?" Billy repeated. "How many?"


Kimberly gasped quietly. "The Dragon? As in... the Green Ranger?"


He was silent for a moment, struggling for words... "DIED IN BATTLE, AND WERE REPLACED BY OTHERS. BUT THE STRUGGLE FOR THE SALVATION OF THE UNIVERSE CONTINUED FOR SO LONG, IT FELT LIKE AN ETERNITY." Zordon sighed sullenly, as the memories of the Shadow Era returned. Still, he pushed back his guilt and shame, and continued.



A chill crept down Kim's spine as she recalled the cruelty and brutality Tommy had been capable of as the Evil Green Ranger. Faintly, she wondered if the goodness in his predecessor's heart had been so horribly twisted.


Silence fell, as the Rangers tried to imagine it. Rita hanging on by a thread? Defeated by a single Power Ranger?


"Right," Billy mused, "It is only logical that the Purple Coin survived the explosion. After all, the Green Coin did. Rita must have had it on her person when she was captured, and she kept it until she used it to draft Tommy as her Green Ranger."

"But how did the Purple Coin get to Earth?" Trini asked, "And why didn't anyone know about it?"



"You knew?" Zack repeated, incredulously.


Jason scowled. "Somehow, Alexis got a hold of the Purple Coin."

Billy chewed his lip thoughtfully. "Actually, that doesn't fit our scenario. Something much more must have happened. Merely holding a Power Coin doesn't result in infusing that person with power. How was Alexis able to manifest such power without Morphin'?"

Jason raked his memory for any clues. "She's been a little sick ever since she got back."


"She went to England for her grandmother's birthday," Zack explained,

"She just got back yesterday."

"The same time Zordon sensed the Purple Power!" Alpha realized.

"Coincidence?" Billy posed, "I think not."

"What were her symptoms, Jase?" Trini pressed.

"She seemed kinda dazed, like she wasn't completely attentive to what was going on around her. And she said she had a killer headache."

He sighed again. "But the thing is, there was something about her eyes that seemed almost... spooky. I don't know; it doesn't make sense. Her eyes were black. That's not so unusual, but somehow, they looked wrong


"Hold up," Zack interrupted, a puzzled scowl on his brow, "You said her eyes were black?"

Jason nodded.

"Then something is definitely wrong," he decided, folding his arms.
"Alexis' eyes are green, guys."

"Are you sure?" Kim demanded.

"Absolutely. Angela once told me that she wished her eyes were green like Alexis' were. So I'm sure her eyes are green."

"Maybe she wears colored contact lenses?" Trini proposed.

"I guess that's not impossible," Zack conceded, "but I don't think so."

Jason then rose from his seat, despite the shots of pain that accompanied his movement, and began pacing. "We won't have any answers until we find Alexis," he decided, "We can't pick up that energy any longer?"

Alpha shook his head. "The power exploded at the park, and overloaded our sensors. By the time we were back online, it was gone."

"Overloaded?" Trini gasped. "How is that possible?"

"I had adjusted the scanners to detect even the faintest blurb of purple energy. We were trying to pinpoint the coin's exact location at rest. It doesn't emit too much power, so we had to adjust our scanners to find it."

"I see," Billy realized, "It's like flashing a light on someone wearing night-goggles. It intensifies the light, blinding the person temporarily."

"Exactly," Alpha commented.

Suddenly, the sensors screamed as the Viewing Globe flashed to life.

"What's going on?" Trini called over the alarms.

"The sensors found something," Billy answered, staring at the readout in awe, "The location is on the Viewing Globe."

"A house," Zack realized, "So the coin's there?"

Billy frowned in concern. "The Purple power is building... slowly, but-"

At that moment, a flash of pure, blinding lavender energy filled the Viewing Globe.

Chapter Two

“This is terrific!”

The Purple Ranger squealed in delight, stretching her arms as she streaked through the early evening sky. Of all the incredible abilities the Purple Coin had given her, flying had easily been her favorite. She could still recall the few joyrides she had taken, when Regita had begrudgingly given her a moment free from her rigorous training in the magical arts.

It was always such a shame that Erol couldn’t fly. He couldn’t enjoy the same thrill of ascending high into the sky, where the air grew thin, only to plummet towards the sea like a stone, turning up at the last moment and watching the ocean splash in response to the force that had so nearly hit it.

Still, Erol did fly with her on occasion…and she doubted he minded having to hold onto her arm to join her.

A small sigh escaped her at the thought. Just how long ago had it been since she had flown with Erol? It felt like forever…but she could remember it as if it were yesterday.

Strange…her memories were slightly juggled. It was as if she had just woke from a dream, and still fluttered between the dream and full consciousness. It was hard to tell exactly what was real, and what was still only a dream.

She paused her flight, hanging above what seemed like a castle beneath her. The structure amazed her…rocks as white as ivory, smooth as a calm pond and shaped into perfect walls. And hundreds of humans, walking in and out of strange metallic boxes whose roar reminded her of the Rangers’ Zords.

“I’ve never seen anything quite like this, she realized, a frown forming on her face. Her eyes followed the Zord-like machines as they rolled along long, winding roads, made out of black rock just as smooth as flawless as the white rock of the building.

A world filled with perfect structures and buzzing with life. Intriguing…

“Where am I?” she asked, dread slowly rising in her heart. “Who

am I?”

An odd question to ask, but she couldn’t help it. Curious, she further inspected her appearance.

Her uniform was unchanged; smooth, luminescent purple armor accepted with white boots and gloves, gold shield, and gold trimmings. Golden ankle wings fluttered, holding her aloft magically. Still, for some reason her body looked, and felt

wrong. The legs seemed longer, and thinner, as well as her arms. And there was just a…feeling inside her. A feeling of distance. Her body felt foreign, in some inexplicable way.

The Purple Ranger tried to shake off the odd inkling. “I’m only upset because I feel so out of place,” she told herself. “All I need is a familiar face to make things right again.”

And there was one face she longed to see.

A grin pulling her lips, she ascended higher into the air, closing her eyes to focus her attention. Slowly, she reached out, searching the web of energy around her for the familiar green gleam she missed so much.

Chapter Three

Goldar groaned, his ruby eyes dull as he forced them open. He gazed dazedly at the clammy stone ceiling above him, blinking to recover his bearings.

That was when he felt a sharp pain driving from his gut throughout his entire frame.

A low growl erupted from his throat as he painfully rose to a sitting position. A true warrior of Titan would never show such weakness.

“Goldar! You’re awake.”

Goldar grunted at the short scientist, who was busy dripping the contents of a steaming vial into a larger flask. He snarled.

“A science experiment?”

“Hardly, Finster responded, offering the flask to Goldar, “Lord Zedd has little need of my…particular talents. So, I seem to serve only in a medical capacity, which is quite limited, considering the Power Rangers don’t usually leave our monsters in any state needing medical care.”

Goldar didn’t answer as he swallowed the rancid potion in a single swig. He then wiped the moisture off his mouth with the back of his hand, and put down the vial. “What happened?”

Finster blinked in surprise. “You don’t remember?”

“Remind me.”

“Well, it seemed you were knocked unconscious by an unidentified human girl.”

Goldar’s fists clenched furiously. Yes…that was what he had thought…

“If you’re feeling better, Lord Zedd would like to see you,” Finster announced, before leaving the lab. Goldar shuddered as he rose to his feet.

Chapter Four

“You wished to see me, Lord?”

Lord Zedd turned from his balcony, his telescopic eyebeam flashing out of existence as he gazed at his right-hand warrior. He chuckled slightly, much to Goldar’s consternation.

“Well, you seem none the worse for wear,” he mocked, leaning against his Z-staff casually. “You were in much worse shape when I transported you back here. Lucky for you the Rangers were so distracted, otherwise you might not have survived this fight.”

Goldar seethed quietly, infuriated by this most recent humiliation.

“What do you know of that girl?”

Goldar blinked in surprise at the question. “Nothing, Lord. I had never seen her before.”

Zedd nodded slowly. “Well, perhaps you will recognize her newest


“Transformation?” Goldar repeated incredulously.

“Take a look.”

Goldar moved to obey, staring into the one object from Rita’s throne room that Zedd had kept intact. It made sense, considering none but the dreaded Lord himself had the ability to scan the Earth with the naked eye. The telescope was already set, and the sight that hit Goldar’s eye triggered a profound realization.

“The Purple Ranger!” he shrieked, lifting his gaze to his master. “Of course! That’s why she seemed so familiar…and that attack she used. It’s the same attack she had ten thousand years ago!”

Zedd folded his arms, and moved back to his throne. “So, my suspicions are correct. There was

a seventh Power Ranger, with abilities similar to the Green Ranger.”

Goldar nodded. “Yes. When we first came to Earth, there were seven Rangers. But it seemed that the Purple Ranger had died in the same blast that led to our capture. She had come to save the Green Ranger, who Rita had turned evil with her magic.”

Zedd slowly began tapping his fingers against his armrest once again.

“Well, she may have died, but apparently the girl that trounced you in the park has become the new Purple Ranger. But I have yet to determine what her agenda is…”

“Are you thinking of converting her to our side?” Goldar questioned.

Zedd chuckled. “How many times do you think I’m going to try that? Evil spells only work temporarily, and the last thing I want to do is resurrect a Purple Ranger just to join Zordon and even further postpone my victory over Earth. No, Goldar…we must terminate this Purple Ranger before

she becomes a problem.”

The Emperor then rose to his feet, creating a surprisingly intimidating figure. “We are running out of time. Soon, it will be time to implement my ultimate plan. Unfortunately, circumstances are no longer ideal – the Red Ranger still lives, and now we have this…anomaly to contend with.”

Goldar stepped back as a field of powerful lightning crackled along Zedd’s silver staff.

“Considering your latest embarrassing defeat, I think I shall handle this personally.”

Chapter Five

"Now what's going on?" Kim queried.

"Just a second," Billy answered, madly pressing buttons on the console,

"I've adjusted the scanners, and they're coming back online. That massive energy burst has dissipated, but it's still a very powerful focus of purple energy. And it's on the move."

"Can you bring up an image?" Trini suggested, falling to Billy's side and watching him work.

"Bringing it up... now."

The five Rangers turned their attention to the Viewing Globe, and all five suffered similar shock.

"The Purple Ranger?" Zack whispered, "But how?"

"Is it Alexis?" Jason wondered.

"Well, who else could it be?" Trini pointed out.

Kimberly frowned deeply. "But how would she know how

to Morph? Did she even have the Morpher?"

"The ancient Power Ranger teams didn't use Morphers," Alpha revealed,

"Instead, they absorbed their Power Coins into their bodies, and Morphed that way."

Zack cringed. "Absorbed? Whoa..."

"Why do we use Morphers then?" Billy inquired, "Logically, direct connection to our outlet of power is better, for utilizing the external Morpher makes it possible for our enemies to separate us from our power sources."


Trini's face folded into a confused scowl. "But it still doesn't make sense," she protested, "How could Alexis manifest the Eagleheart Pulse without Morphin'? Even if she did somehow become the Purple Ranger, Morphin' is an essential step to summoning any aspect of the Power."


"Wow, this is too much!" Zack moaned.

"We'd better get out there," Jason decided, reaching for his Morpher,

"Where is she now?"

Billy squinted through his wire-frame glasses. "It looks like she's hovering over Angel Grove Plaza... no wait, now she's on the move again, flying much faster than before. She's moving northwest."

Billy turned his pale green eyes to Jason. "Before she was flying at a cruising speed, but now, she's definitely

moving with a specific goal in mind. Her speed is approaching... three hundred miles per hour!"

Trini blinked in astonishment. "What? That's... incredible."

Jason scowled. "She'll be hard to catch up with now," he realized, gazing at the Morpher that sat in his palm. "We'll wait until she lands.
Her destination might give us some clue to what's going on it that head of hers."

Chapter Six

A young man stretched his arms lazily and fell back into the long, swaying green grass. The cool evening breeze rustled the wild grass, causing it to wave like an emerald ocean. The grass was so tall someone gazing in his direction from the lake wouldn't even notice his presence.

He grinned, a look of utter calm smoothing his tan face as he gazed at the stars that just managed to twinkle in the sunset.

It was always peaceful in his uncle's wooden retreat. A rustic cabin perched in a forest clearing, a stone's throw from a peaceful lake. A perfect escape from the hectic world of racing that earned John Rush his living. And when John was busy touring the United States at various races, it was available for his favorite nephew to take advantage of.

And how Tommy Oliver had needed such a refuge!

His life hadn't been "normal" for some time. His emotions were on a constant roller-coaster ride since his family's hasty move to Angel Grove.

Moving to a new city. Finally facing a martial artist he honestly couldn't best. Meeting a cheerful, beautiful

girl so eager to make his acquaintance...

Being kidnapped by a diabolical alien sorceress to be molded into the perfect killing machine.

His hand blindly reached into his pocket and retrieved a small golden coin. Even in the dim light, he could make out the embossed three-toed footprint on its face.

It was a curse. It brought incredible suffering to Angel Grove, as the Green Ranger and his mighty Dragonzord laid waste to the downtown district and the harbor. Its power nearly murdered Zordon, destroyed the Command Center, and annihilated the Power Rangers, Earth's only defense against powers beyond human imagining.

But, it was also a blessing. The coin gave him a place amongst five of the most noble, wonderful...unforgettable

people he'd ever met.

Billy... so mild-mannered, but with a unique genius that would make Albert Einstein green with envy.

Trini... the perfect blend of a peaceful spirit and a mighty body.

Zack... an inspiringly joyful young man with the determination to move mountains.

Kimberly... a beautiful young woman with a sterling, loving heart.

Jason... the absolute personification of courage and strength.

They were the kind of people he really wanted to emulate. As Rita's toy, he learned their strengths and weaknesses. He was created to be their downfall. But they gave him the precious opportunity to make amends, to join their noble cause and ascend to their level.

He became their ally. And more than that, he became their friend.

When that very coin was wrenched from his hands, when Rita lit the Green Candle, he had desperately needed to escape. He had disappeared for weeks, avoiding Angel Grove like the plague. He didn't want to be reminded of all he had lost. He didn't want to face that loss every day, watching his friends disappear every time a monster attacked. He so desperately hated

feeling helpless.

But, he bounced back. Slowly, he realized that Rita may have been able to extinguish his powers, but she could never take away all he had gained. She could strip away armor and weapons, but the friendships he had forged were permanent. He had a place amongst the Rangers, coin or no coin. So he ventured back to the fold, once to participate in the honor Angel Grove bestowed upon their heroes on the first annual Power Ranger Day, and a second time to celebrate Parent's Day with them.

The second time brought about more than a return of an old friend. It brought back the Green Ranger. Not to full fighting ability, but definitely back to action.

Weeks of excitement, mixed with a seething fear that kept him awake many nights. He knew his powers were only temporary. How long would they last? How much abuse could his powers take, before he became more of a liability than an asset?

He learned the answer when Lord Zedd arrived, and pounded the Green Ranger mercilessly until there was nothing left.

Nothing left... except Tommy Oliver.

But that wasn't so bad. Tommy Oliver was more than he had been one year ago when he first moved to Angel Grove. He wasn't a Power Ranger in strength or speed, but definitely in heart.

And that heart gave him the courage to stand up to Zedd, to save the Dark Rangers and stop the Emperor of Evil's latest deadly scheme.

He had the last laugh.

And he had grown much wiser.

His uncle's cabin was no longer an escape, as it had been all his life.

He wasn't running away from Zedd, from his friends, or even from the bittersweet memories of his last days as the Green Ranger.

He was much too strong to run from his past, or cower in fear of his future.

He just wanted to relax

for a while. And his last letter to Jason and the others had made that perfectly clear.

Sure, he'd miss being a Power Ranger. But he was also happy to just lie back in the long, cool grass. To enjoy the simple things that he didn't seem to have time for with his communicator constantly buzzing.

With a lopsided grin, he rested his coin atop his thumb, and flipped it into the air. It rolled, the moonlight glinting off its polished surface as it descended back into his waiting palm.

His fist clenched over the coin, and his hand rested atop his stomach.

His eyelids lowered lazily.

This time, he'd keep the coin. Treasure the memories it carried.

"You know, you really should keep your guard up, Erol."

Tommy blinked in astonishment, his dark eyes focusing on the form above him. A Power Ranger... a Purple

Power Ranger, floated about a foot above him, her pose mimicking his own.

He gasped, rolling out from under the stranger. In one deft motion, he flipped onto his feet, and assumed a fierce defensive stance.

The Purple Ranger laughed languidly, twisting so she could watch him. She leaned her helmeted head against her palm, and continued lying on a bed of air.

Tommy stared at the figure in open-mouthed shock. With the exception of the design of the helmet, the primary color of the costume, and the odd glowing ankle wings... she was the very picture of the Green Ranger.

Same golden shield, perched proudly across her chest. Same gold armbands, belt, and trim atop the gloves and boots. But where the Dragon Dagger would be nestled at his hip, a coiled whip hung.

"P... Purple Ranger?" he breathed, once he recovered enough of his senses to speak.

Her soft laughter chimed again, and slowly her body rose from the ground and turned clockwise. In moments, her boots were firmly planted on the thick glade.

"Very good," she cooed, amusement evident in her voice. Her hands fell to her hips and her head bobbed slowly, clearly studying him from a distance.

"Are you planning on fighting me?" she inquired.

Tommy's stance relaxed slightly. "Only if you're planning on attacking."

She cocked her head to one side. "I don't feel like sparring tonight, Erol. It's too beautiful a night, and if there's one thing you tried to teach me, it's never to waste a beautiful night."

His arms fell to his sides. "Who's Erol?"

The Purple Ranger froze for a moment, obviously thrown by the odd question. Then, she laughed again, shaking her head in disbelief.

"You're certainly acting strangely," she commented, "Hiding out so far from the Command Center, sleeping out in the woods... did Sener put you up to this?"

"Sener?" Tommy whispered.

"Some kind of practical joke?" Her tone switched from amusement to mild exasperation. "I'm sorry I've been so busy... I don't even remember

the last night we spent together..."

Eyes wide with alarm Tommy backed away, stumbling over a lounge chair as he neared the lake. He hastily recovered his bearings, throwing up his hands as if in surrender.

The Purple Ranger's words died on her lips, and she stared at the retreating figure.

"Look," Tommy said, an awkward chuckle in his voice, "I don't know who you think

I am, but I don't know you. My name's not Erol, and I don't know anyone named Sener."

"Enough, Erol," she sigh. "I'm really not in the mood for this.

Something... strange is going on." Her hand rose to her helmet.

"There's... so much I don't remember clearly. I need... your help."

She sounded so tired... so very tired. And nearly as confused as he was.

His gut instinct was to flee, to get to the cabin and find his communicator, to summon the Power Rangers. After all, this could easily have been one of Zedd's tricks, to trap him and use him against the others. Again.

But something else rooted him to the ground. Compassion.

He'd been confused and alone before. He knew how it felt. And hers seemed too genuine

to be a ploy.

He may no longer be the Green Ranger, but he could still try and help.

"Okay," he conceded, stepping cautiously toward her, "Maybe we should slow down, and take this one step at a time. You're obviously a Power Ranger-"

He cut his sentence short when the helmeted girl's head leapt up.

"Obviously," she muttered, frustrated. "Are you honestly trying to tell me that you don't know who

I am?"

Tommy shrugged helplessly.

With a deep sigh, she reached up and unlatched her helmet. Shoulder-length red hair spilled out of confinement, framing her pale face and only emphasizing the darkness of her ebony eyes.

Tommy's eyes widened. Yes, the face was familiar... though he couldn't place it. He knew her. But surely he didn't know her as intimately as she claimed to know him


She read the recognition in his eyes, and frowned as he shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry, Miss. You do look familiar, but I can't say I know you."

She quickly closed the space between them, dropped her helmet, and gazed deeply into Tommy's dark brown eyes.

"Something... is wrong," she realized, her voice the barest whisper.

She couldn't deny it. In fact, it surprised her that she didn't take note of the difference earlier. He was taller and slightly broader in frame. Instead of a silken curtain of pitch-black hair, soft brown waves tumbled past the nape of his neck. His face was darker, softer in shape.
And his eyes... deep and dark. Where were the emerald jewels that always managed to peer into her deepest soul, and read her very heart?

The woman in purple shivered, a gasp pulling air in like a sob.

Tommy frowned, disturbed by the distress that had overtaken the girl before him. He had decided she was completely harmless... only confused.
Slowly, he reached his hands to her shoulders, touching her as gently as he could. "I'm really sorry."

Her glassy eyes sealed tightly, her face twisting with rage. "No!" she rasped, "This is a trick! It has to be! Rita... Rita did

She opened her eyes again, desperately searching those foreign dark eyes for some hint of the man she knew. Of the man she loved.

"It's me... Kreia," she whispered, laying her hands atop his. Tommy jumped, startled by the grip that tightened over his fingers. While it didn't hurt, her Power Ranger strength was evident. He couldn't fight her hold.

"You have to know me," she stated, "You have to! You've loved me your whole life! And I've loved you!" Her voice began to tremble, tears beginning to gather. "I know it's you, Erol! I searched for you! As soon as I woke up, I searched for you. And I followed your power... it's you!"

Her eyes fell from his frightened gaze, and locked upon his jeans. An invisible force rustled in Tommy's pocket, forcing the Green Power Coin into the air.

Tommy blinked in surprise, and watched as the woman who called herself Kreia released his hands, and held out her palm. The coin obediently fell into her glove.

"It's your coin," she whispered, "Erol's coin. It's Erol's." Her gaze then lifted again to Tommy's. "You are Erol. You have

to be!"

Tommy's face was the very picture of confusion, laced with a significant measure of fear at the erratic behavior the Purple Ranger displayed. He stood stiffly, watching as she took his hand, and laid his coin in his palm.

Slowly, she closed his fingers over the coin, and cradled his fist between both her hands.

"I'll find you, Erol," she whispered. "I promise."

Tommy opened his mouth to reason with her, but all words were lost as Kreia suddenly stood upon her toes, and crushed her lips against his.

Chapter Seven

“Humph!” Kimberly grumbled, furiously spinning on her heel. Her arms folded tightly over her chest as she took short breaths in rapid succession.

A hand gripped her shoulder. “You okay, Kim?”

“Sure, Jase,” she droned, “I just love

seeing my boyfriend lip-locked with that psycho!”

She groaned inwardly, looking up at her trusted friend. “And just when

are we going to do something? When she sucks his head off?”

“She’s not hurting him, nor has she tried to,” the Blue Ranger stated.

“By watching their interaction, we’ll better understand what’s going on.”

Trini cast a consoling look at her best friend. “I think we’ve seen and heard enough to come to a reasonable conclusion,” she decided, “Alexis got her hands on the Purple Coin and somehow, she has become

Kreia, the last Purple Ranger. She thinks she’s Kreia, and apparently has at least some of Kreia’s abilities.”

“That makes her dangerous,” Kim protested, “and Tommy’s defenseless!”

“But if she thinks Tommy is her lover, I doubt she’ll harm him.” Billy winced when the Pink Ranger’s head turned in his direction. He couldn’t see the glare the petite gymnast threw at him, but he could certainly feel it. “Uh…sorry, Kim.”

“Hey guys!” Zack shouted, pointing at the display by the lake. “Check it out. Something’s happening!”

“What?” Kim demanded, as the other Rangers returned their attention to the lip-locked pair. Flashes of purple energy seemed to spark along the Purple Ranger’s body, assaulting Tommy like electricity.

Chapter Eight

Emerald eyes opened slowly, as if awakening from a dream. But instead of opening her eyes to the sight of her alarm clock, Alexis found the terrified gaze of a stranger.

She tried to gasp in a breath, only then realizing that her lips were crushed against his. Terror and confusion flooding her, she pushed away.

The young man in front of her slid to the ground, his panic-stricken eyes staring blindly into the night sky. And to add to her astonishment, his body seemed to glow with purple electricity.

“TOMMY!” a horrified voice shrieked. Alexis whirled, and watched in astonishment as five Power Rangers dashed toward her.

Panic settling in, Alexis began to back away from her apparent victim. She soon stumbled over an object, falling clumsily to the thick grass beneath her.

Brushing her wayward hair out of her eyes, Alexis noticed the object she had fallen over. A purple and white helmet.

She reached over cautiously, marveling at the white gloves that covered her arms. She picked up the helmet, and stared at it in wonder.

Slowly, her eyes lifted again, to where the Rangers crowded around the young man on the grass.

Her uncomprehending gaze slowly took it all in: the helmet in her arms, the strange clothing she wore, the five Power Rangers wearing uniforms that looked a great deal like her own.

Her mouth suddenly became dry as a startling thought occurred to her.

Slowly, she turned her eyes to her trembling palm.

The black brand of the eagle stared back at her.

That was the last sight she saw before every ounce of strength left her body. Darkness overwhelmed her senses, and she no longer had the power to sit up.

Chapter Nine

"Tommy!" Kim cried, tears spilling down her cheeks, "Please say something!"

She stared at his wide-open eyes, falling to her knees beside his too-still body. She reached out to touch him, but a hand quickly grabbed her arm.

"Don't," Billy advised, "He's still channeling that energy Alexis... I mean Kreia... infused him with. It might be dangerous. Remember what happened to Trini when she touched Alexis?"

Kim fought her friend's grip. "But if it'll harm a Power Ranger, then it'll kill


Jason turned from his stunned best friend to the stricken Pink Ranger.

His wrist rose to his helmet. "Alpha, can you teleport Tommy to the Command Center?"

After several moments of silence, the response came through. ^I can't get a lock on Tommy's coordinates. There's something interfering with the teleport!^

Trini scowled. "Whatever that purple energy is, it's cloaking Tommy from the transporter. And if he's not safe to touch, we can't do anything until that energy fades."

A flash of purple energy drew the Rangers' attention to a few yards distance. Lying on the grass was Alexis, sprawled out in the dense grass.

Jason was quick to check on her. Hesitantly, he touched his gloved hand to her cheek. "She de-Morphed, and there's no energy field around her," he realized, with a small measure of relief.

"Is she okay?" Zack asked, crouching beside his friend.

Jason leaning closer. Tenderly, he set his fingers on her face, and slowly forced her eye open.

He breathed a sigh of relief at the unseeing emerald eyes revealed.
"She's out cold, but at least she's back to normal."

"I wouldn't say that," Zack countered, taking her hand. He pointed to the black brand on her palm. "If that means she's still got the Purple Coin in her body, then she's definitely not back to normal."

"Jason! Zack!" Trini called urgently, "Something's happening to Tommy!"

The two young men quickly raced to the rest of the team, who hovered around Tommy. Before he was lying still, but now his whole body convulsed madly.

"What's wrong with him?" Kim whispered, her voice trembling.

"Billy?" Jason demanded.

The Blue Ranger shrugged helplessly. "He was in a state of shock before, but now something else is going on. The purple energy has stopped flashing..."

Jason's eyes narrowed beneath his helmet, and he stared at Tommy's tightly clenched fist. Without hesitation, he reached for his best friend's hand.

"Jason, no!" Trini protested, but her warning was unheeded.

Jason gripped Tommy's hand, and nothing happened to him.

"The energy field is gone," Billy hypothesized, "It should be safe to teleport him back to the Command Center. There we have the equipment needed to properly treat him."

Kimberly gingerly reached her hand to her convulsing boyfriend, her fingers wiping the sweat that beaded on his forehead. "Hold on, Tommy..." she pleaded.

Suddenly, the dark skies flashed with unnatural lightning. The Rangers all leapt to their feet, circling the former Green Ranger protectively.

"Silly Rangers," a deep voice cackled, "What could I possibly want from the Power-less

Ranger? I've already milked his energies dry."

A bolt of lightning then struck the ground where Alexis lie helpless.

Jason's eyes widened. "No..."

The Red Ranger was quick to react, the Yellow and Black Rangers hot on his heels. But when they reached the spot where the young woman had been, all that remained was singed, smoking grass and dirt.

Trini clenched her fists furiously. "Zedd's handiwork."

"But, did he just teleport

Alexis somewhere, or...?"

Zack left the rest of the question unspoken.

Jason stood rigid, staring at the charred ground for a moment. He then activated his communicator. "Alpha, bring us all in," he commanded woodenly.

After a brief silence, the robot responded. ^I'm... only picking up six

in the-^

"That's right, Alpha," Jason interrupted, "Just six."

Part Four

Chapter One

Alexis yawned deeply, stretching her limbs to work the tension from her muscles.

She winced when her hand slammed into unyielding stone.

The pain that shot up her arm forced her to full consciousness. Panic-stricken green eyes darted through the dark surroundings.

She shrieked when she perceived the freakish stone chamber she was captive in.

Trembling like a leaf, she gathered herself atop the stone slab that served as a makeshift bed. She stared into the darkness, gazing wonderingly at the glowing gray smoke that gathered along the ground, climbing up the walls like serpents.

Just how far down was the floor, anyway?

And where was the door?

And how the hell did she wind up here???

"So you're finally awake," a deep voice thundered from the darkness. Alexis jumped again, frantically turning in the direction from which the voice seemed to emanate.

The spooky fog suddenly began to brighten the darkness, making out a tall, powerful being at the other end of the circular chamber. The faint light glimmered against his dazzling gold armor, and slowly illuminated his feral face as he approached.

Alexis gasped fearfully, leaning against the wall beside the stone bed. "You!"

Goldar smirked, thoroughly loving the taste of fear that dripped from the petrified girl. No, there was absolutely no sign of the awesome power she had yielded during their first encounter.

But then again... there was never a sign of that power until she wielded it.

The humor left Goldar' smile, and a low growl left his throat.

"Wh... what do you want with me?" Alexis demanded, gathering up a small measure of bravado. "Where am I? Where's Jason?"


will ask the questions," he grumbled. "What is the last thing you remember, girl?"

What a weird question!

Alexis mused, staring into the fathomless ruby eyes of her interrogator.

But, why couldn't she answer?

Everything was jumbled. The last clear

memory was seeing this nightmare pummel Jason to the ground. Then, she faintly remembered being in her bedroom, and taking hold of the eagle talisman her Nana had given her.

But there was something else... something dreamlike. She remembered panicked chocolate-brown eyes staring at her. She remembered falling into an ocean of long green grass, watching the Power Rangers rush to a young man's aid.

She remembered finding herself sprawled on the grass, wearing the Purple Ranger armor she'd seen in her dreams.

Her eyes widened even more, and she hastily glanced at her appearance.

No... nothing abnormal. She was simply wearing the clothes she had worn to school.

She swallowed, glancing up at the alien once again. While he was a terrifying figure, the fear he could inspire in her paled in comparison to the fear she felt at her own confusing situation.

What was happening to her?

"Are..." she whispered, her voice weak from terror, "are my eyes... black?"

Goldar stared at the puzzling human. What kind of answer was that?

"No," he growled, his anger rising, "and stop trying to buy time! The other Rangers will never

find you before Lord Zedd has finished you off!"

Alexis shuddered at the fearful roar, as well as the message he carried. There was no doubt in her mind... she was going to die. She was going to die alone, in this freakish gray room, with absolutely no idea why.

Wait a second... what did he say about the Rangers?



I'm the Purple Ranger,

she marveled, looking at her limp palm. The black line of the eagle sat on her skin, contrasting sharply to her pale complexion.

Goldar growled low, following her gaze to the black brand. "I don't know how you managed it," he admitted, "but it won't save you."

With that, he favored the girl with another blood-freezing smirk, and turned to leave.

"Wait!" she demanded, surprised at her own forwardness, "What have you done with Jason?"

She still had no idea what had become of her friend, and her last clear memory of him was not too comforting.

When the seven-foot beast failed to respond, she quickly leapt off the raised platform, her feet landing upon the fogged ground.

At the sound of her footfall, Goldar turned back to her with a knowing smirk.

Alexis gasped as the fog snaked around her, swirling in a column around her body. She shrieked, waving her arms in a feeble attempt to dissipate the assaulting smoke. She felt her skin burning with unnatural heat.

"Fool," he cackled, folding his arms, "You are in Lord Zedd's Dark Dimension! The focused location of his magical power! And this fog has been especially designed for you, to eat away your defenses until there is nothing left but a corpse."

Tears welled in Alexis' eyes as Goldar's hideous laugh echoed in her mind. But the tears weren't a result of pain.

In fact... she no longer felt

pain. How... odd.

Goldar's laughter soon died, replaced by a wicked growl of frustration. He glared at the weak girl, watching the smoky cocoon first tinged with purple energy, and then vanishing into nothingness.

For some inexplicable reason, she was still protected by that aura.

That magical force was the only thing that saved her from a speedy death. Lord Zedd didn't want to imprison the mysterious Purple Ranger... he wanted her dealt with permanently, rather than risk another Power Ranger to contend with. But the magical aura around her was strong enough to prevent even Zedd's mightiest magic from outright destroying her. So, he decided on teleporting her to the palace for further study.

The fog was designed to dispel whatever magical protection she seemed to possess. But impossibly, despite being inside the chamber for several hours, little was accomplished.

The smoke had at first flooded the chamber, but it seemed to flee from the unconscious girl as if she actually hurt

it. To both Goldar and Zedd's astonishment, the power sleeping within her was potent enough to fight against Zedd's most powerful spells.

What was


Goldar continued growling, watching impatiently at the scene before him. Once the gathered smoke had abandoned the girl completely, she scrambled back onto the stone slab, as if she felt protected by its elevation. She trembled, staring down at the ocean of baneful gas, squeezing her knees to her chest.

She didn't even notice the purple aura that surrounded her body. Was it out of her visual field, perhaps?

Pathetic humans. They can't even detect magic. But... how can she manipulate

it if she doesn't know of its existence? If she knew of the protective field around her body, she wouldn't be so afraid. Unless... could someone else have constructed the aura?

The idea puzzled Goldar. While he was certainly no expert in subjects magical, he knew for a fact that no one could penetrate Zedd's Dark Dimension magically.

There was no way Zordon could send a protection spell to the girl here... even if he were able to wield magic in such a manner.

The girl was a complete mystery. Somehow, an incredible power slept within her... a power that threatened not only Goldar, but perhaps Lord Zedd himself.

Such a threat could not be permitted to exist.

Chapter Two

The gathered moisture had long since reddened the whites of her eyes. But after two hours of silent vigil, the tears that had trickled down her flushed cheek had long since dried.

Kimberly stared at Tommy, who still lay prone on a flat bed just to the side of the main hub of the Command Center. She pressed her lips tightly, stroking his tightened fist as if to soothe him. From the scowl on his face, she knew his slumber was in no sense restful.

What was wrong with him? What had Alexis... or Kreia... done to him?

The energy field that had built around him had long since dissipated, but he never regained consciousness. From the monitors, the Rangers were able to keep strict watch over his vital functions. He was breathing normally, and there was no sign of REM sleep. He certainly wasn't dreaming.

But why was he frowning? Could he be in pain?

Kim continued to watch him, tentatively reaching forward to stroke his forehead and smooth dark hair.

How many times had he been in this condition? Stripped of his power, attacked when he was down? How many times was he brought to the Command Center unconscious, fighting for his life?

He wasn't even a Power Ranger anymore, but his life was still in jeopardy.

Some friends we are,

she mused bitterly. We let her do this to you. How could we let her hurt you?

The Red Ranger watched Kimberly and Tommy from a slight distance, leaning against a console. Unlike the others, who had long since de-Morphed, he had chosen to remain in his armor.

His helmet was firmly planted beneath his arm, and a scowl of pure determination wrinkled his face.

Zedd wouldn't get away with this. He wouldn't be allowed the upper hand.

The Power Rangers never let one of their own down. And in some weird way, Alexis was

one of their own.

Sort of.

The entire situation was a complex puzzle, with pieces clearly missing from the picture. No one really understood what had happened, either to Kreia ten thousand years ago, or to Alexis.

But one thing was certain. Alexis was alive... for now.

After some research, Zordon was able to pinpoint the Purple energies again. That gave ample evidence that the Purple Ranger was alive, and somehow tapping into her power.

But she wasn't Morphed... that could be determined by the power readout. Some other outlet was being used for that power... but what?

"Anything?" he spoke.

"Scanners haven't detected a thing," Trini reported, "Alexis is definitely not on Earth, and she's nowhere on the moon that's scan-able from here. So she's either in a shielded area, or somewhere else."

"If she's on the moon, she'll be in some kind of a holding cell," Zack noted.

Jason frowned thoughtfully. "When Rita kidnapped me, she held me in a Dark Dimension. It wasn't actually part of the palace, though. You had to teleport into it. A completely separate plane of existence."

Zack nodded. "Right. That was also where she had the Green Candle! But... that was Rita's dimension. Does Zedd pull the same trick?"

Billy then spoke up. "It's unlikely that Lord Zedd is using Rita's Dark Dimension. From what we know of them, Zedd is by far the more powerful sorcerer. Therefore, it follows to assume that he has his own Dark Dimension, or something like that, that is superior to Rita's. And if it's a different dimension, our knowledge of Rita's will do us no good in determining its location."


Zack, Trini, Jason, Billy, and Alpha assembled beneath the looming cylinder. Kimberly turned to face her mentor, her hand still resting atop Tommy's.

"What do you mean?" Trini inquired, "Have you figured something out?"


"She was trying to reach Erol," Billy recalled, "I don't know how exactly, but her intention was to probe Tommy's consciousness, and find some trace of Erol."

"I'm pretty sure it was Alexis who let him go, though," Zack mentioned, "Her eyes went back to green. So from the look of it, when she's Kreia, her eyes are black. But when she's Alexis, her eyes are green."

"If I remember right, Kreia did have black eyes," Alpha contributed.

Jason shook his head. "But she was Alexis all the time, until the fight with Goldar. Even when her eyes were black."

Kimberly groaned, withdrawing her hand from Tommy to bury her face in it. "This is so complicated..."


Trini frowned skeptically. "So when Kreia died, her soul was trapped inside the Purple Coin? How is that possible?"


Trini sighed tiredly, leaning against a console and staring down at the various control screens on it. "All we have to work with are tons of guesses as to what's going on," she pointed out. "No real facts."


As his image faded from the Transdimension Cylinder, Zordon met the puzzled stares of his five "children." And indeed, that's who they were. Brave, beautiful children, so young and new to the universe. Unlike their various predecessors, they never knew the true extent of power... wielded by either good or evil. Contemporary human society had no knowledge of the complexities of the universe. They didn't comprehend the existence of pocket dimensions, worlds within worlds, and dimensions between worlds.

The Rangers, even including brilliant Billy, had a hard enough time conceiving Rita's Dark Dimension, which was only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, reality was far more complex than a single plane of existence. It was more of a maze... a collection of interlocking and woven universes.

One such universe was the material, where all human beings, as well as any other corporeal form, lived. Most such beings had no ability to reach beyond that physical existence.

Another such universe was the whirling system of energies that compose the physical universe. That was where the Power truly existed... in a realm free of true matter. The Morphin' Grid itself, a material construct hidden within the Power Chamber, was only a device used to safely channel the Power. The Green and Purple Rangers' energies came from the Inochi Pool, a source of energy different from the Morphin' Grid's source, but nonetheless compatible.

Yet another was the universe of consciousness, where thought became, more or less, material. A realm populated only by those with intense mental discipline, who managed to transcend physical existence to experience a world where thought was truly mightier than any muscle.

That realm was the Astral Plane, the domain of the mind.

And as Zordon mentally separated himself from the material universe, allowing his consciousness to return to the dimension that had been his true home for over ten thousand years, he truly felt whole again.

His eyes fluttered open, gazing at the brilliant dance of vibrant energies that swirled in the sky. Of course, the sky and ground were constructed of the same energies as the people, meaning they, like the projected bodies of the resident consciousnesses, were subject to manipulation.

Zordon marveled as he stared at his astral body. It was merely a projection of his former physical body, except clothed in a strangely luminescent white armor that symbolized the telepathic defenses he had developed over the millennia of his existence.

Then, once he fully recovered his bearings, Zordon leapt into the liquid sky, opening up his very being in a desperate search.

His plan hinged on one crucial possibility: that Kreia, the young sorceress whose true potential was never quite realized, had developed the mental capacity required to reach the Astral Plane.

Such an achievement was painfully rare among humans. Some humans did try to clear their consciousnesses through meditation and prayer, reaching for the reality of pure thought. But so few truly succeeded.

The overwhelming majority of beings who could access the Astral Plane were those who had telepathic ability. The ability to use the force of thought and effect the physical world. Usually, this included mind-to-mind communication, but not always. Some minds actually manipulated physical objects, and proved telekinetic in nature.

Kreia was not a telepath, nor a telekinetic. She was a sorceress, and they tapped into the magical weave of energy. That was a different realm than the Astral Plane.

But years of intense training under Regita could have developed the mental discipline necessary to reach this higher realm.

Zordon was certain he recalled some measure of empathic ability with Kreia. She could feel others' minds and thoughts, at least to a limited degree. She felt danger, and on some level, she was bound to Erol. And it wasn't just love for him, either. She had connected to him.

And with every fiber of his non-corporeal being, Zordon hoped that those small abilities were evidence of something far greater.

The possibility wasn't great, but it did exist. Perhaps Kreia really was able to reach the Astral Plane. And if her mind could ascend to that level of awareness, then she could be reached. Not in the Physical Plane, where her whereabouts were shielded, but in the Mental Plane, where physical space had no meaning.

Chapter Three

Goldar stared off the edge of a deep crater, dug centuries ago into the face of the murky gray Moon by a passing meteor. It reached nearly a quarter mile in depth, leaving the very bottom obscured in darkness.

But his intensely keen eyesight was able to detect the burning sanguine light that smoldered in the epicenter of the pit.

Swallowing hard with dread, Goldar cast a single glance behind him. The towering palace of Lord Zedd was still visible in the distance, shining vibrantly in the light cast by the radiant sun that hovered over the blue jewel of Earth.

Goldar sighed inwardly. There was no use delaying the inevitable. Hopefully, the dreaded Lord was too busy working on his newest scheme to properly punish him.

So, he nimbly leapt into the darkness. After several seconds of slow descension, thanks to the limited gravity of the Moon, he landed on the dusty ground that ringed Zedd's workstation.

Goldar's ruby eyes widened when he saw the Emperor's staff dug into the ground, moving in a circular motion to stir a pit of quicksand. But unlike any other form of quicksand, this one sparkled with red dust, which littered the gray mud like the stars do the heavens.

Zedd didn't even bother looking up at Goldar. His visor remained fixed upon a large scroll, hanging in the air and illuminated by the light that flashed from Zedd's eyes.

"M...master," Goldar stuttered, his tone mirroring the fear in his heart, "The Imlit Fog has no effect."

Zedd glanced up, turning on his heel to fix the Titan with an incredulous gaze. "Impossible!" he scoffed, "No magical defense can withstand the Imlit Fog for so long! And certainly

not an Earthling."

"But she is unharmed," Goldar protested, very

carefully, "I probably couldn't even touch her."

"Did you try?" Zedd demanded. Goldar cringed, staring down at the ground again.

"I thought not," Zedd growled, turning back to the scroll. His silver-tipped finger passed along text, and his eyes then rose to the sky, where the Earth swallowed nearly a quarter of the space visible from the bottom of the deep pit.

"What... are you doing, Lord?"

Zedd lifted his thumb to measure the view above him. "Summoning a creature that will certainly destroy

the Power Rangers." He would have smirked, if his face were visible beneath his iron mask.

Goldar frowned thoughtfully, first following his Emperor's gaze to the heavens, and then looking back down at the pit of swirling, thick mud. His eyes widened in realization.

"The... the Erebus?" he gasped, stepping back timidly, "The beast that razed the temple of Phaedos? But, we are so far from its power source. Can the creature be summoned?"

Zedd folded his arms. "I didn't think so," he admitted, "but I spent some time calculating just how distant we are from the Great Tear. This night is the closest this solar system shall be to that epicenter of power for the next eight thousand years, so now is the time to try. The positioning of the planets will be able to reflect some of the Chaos energy this direction, magnifying the radiation Erebus can feed upon."

Zedd then looked down at the swirling pit, extending his hand. The staff obeyed his command, flying into his grasp. The pit continued to stir without the mixing rod, moving on its own volition. "If I do manage to raise Erebus, he will doubtless have only a fraction of the might he wielded on Phaedos. However, he should be powerful enough to destroy the Power Rangers."

His ruby stare fell onto Goldar once again. "He would have surely destroyed the four Rangers, if you hadn't been so inept as to let Jason live! Twice!"

Goldar scowled, but his face was invisible to Zedd, as it was bowed in submission.

Zedd calmed, turning his back to Goldar once again. "It is nearly complete," he decided, "So long as the Moon is high in the sky of Angel Grove, enough Chaos energy should be reflected to maintain his manifestation."

Zedd's hands stretched over the pool, crackling lightning flying between his fingers. "I don't have time to deal with the Purple Ranger now," he growled, his voice heavy with exertion, "This spell must be cast perfectly

, and I won't have another chance. If you can't destroy the girl, just keep her imprisoned for now. Make sure she doesn't somehow get back to Earth to help the Rangers. I want Earth's forces to be destroyed

this night."

Goldar watched, completely mesmerized, as the flashing lightning dove into the center of the whirlpool. At the touch of Lord Zedd's energy manifestation, the reddish-gray mud flashed into an angry red, which swirled throughout the puddle with the slow motion of the thickening mud.

Black lightning then leapt from the center of the abyss. Goldar pushed himself against the furthest wall of the pit, wide eyes staring in terrified wonder at the creature that lumbered out of the pit.

Of all of Earthly creation and imagination, it mostly resembled something of a wiry dinosaur, its skin covered with sharp scales that glistened in the red light of Zedd's magic. It stood on its two hind legs, allowing four equally-versatile limbs to hover in the air, stretching to flex the mighty, lean muscles corded beneath its oil-toned skin. Empty pits served for its eyes, three in all, that sat above the elongated snout with saber teeth peaking out from beneath its black lips.

Finally, a mighty tail swung behind it, connected to the small of its back and elevating above its head like a scorpion's stinger.

The creature blinked empty eye sockets, turning its attention to Lord Zedd. The Emperor stood undaunted as the creature's sockets flared with steady red energy that hovered in the empty pits and focused on him alone.

"YOU DARE SUMMON EREBUS, CHILD OF CHAOS, TO THE REALM OF MATTER?" the beast growled, its voice pulsing within a person like one's own heartbeat.

"Yes, I dare," Zedd growled defiantly. He lifted his staff threateningly, the platinum metal glistening with inner energy. "You may be a mighty beast of Chaos, but you are too far from the Tear to manifest your full power. I

have the power to control you, if you dare defy me."

After a few moments of silence, the beast smiled, revealing the full length of its numerous fangs.


Zedd's visor flared. "Umbriel is dead

, Destroyer. And those responsible for his demise are there!" He pointed his index finger to the Earth, which hovered ominously above them.

Despite the surprising news, the beast continued to smile. "THE LORD OF SHADOW IS NOT DEAD," he revealed.

Zedd clenched his fists furiously. "Don't toy with me," he hissed, on the very brink of outrage, "The Empire has collapsed beyond repair, and your precious god is history. Now, obey me

, and annihilate the Power Rangers!"

The monster's smile stretched into a curious smirk as he turned his pulsing jeweled gaze to the globe hovering above. "THE POWER RANGERS," he repeated with interest, "ZORDON OF ELTAR'S LITTLE EXPERIMENT?"

Zedd smiled beneath his mask. "Yes. The very same Zordon you were ordered

to kill on Phaedos. Not only did you not kill him or the Blacksmith, but you even let them finish the mission of creating the Power Rangers."

Erebus' ruby eyes tilted slightly toward Zedd, who remained standing defiantly under the twelve-foot beast. It then folded both sets of arms, glancing again at the Earth.


Once again, cold rubies fell toward Zedd. "REMEMBER, THIS MISSION IS FULFILLED ONLY


"You certainly spent a great deal of time talking," Zedd grumbled scornfully, "Now... be GONE!"

The beast frowned at the impudent monarch, and arched his back. Huge leathery wings sprouted from his back just above his thick tail, and stretched to the sky. With one powerful thrust, he hurled his body upwards.

Goldar slowly released the breath he was holding, and inched out of the wall he had practically dug himself into. Awed, his eyes followed the monster as it vanished from sight.

"You... you controlled the god of Chaos!" Goldar marveled.

Zedd chuckled, leaning heavily against his staff. "Don't be so dramatic. He is no god... only a manifestation of primordial energies. He is created from the First Realm, and he despises being summoned into the material world by anyone weaker than himself."

He then held his scepter tightly, lightning flashing about his body. "See to the girl. I must rest... the spell has exhausted me."

Goldar watched his monarch vanish.

Chapter Four

Billy's puzzled green gaze fixed upon the tremendous blue column that reached to the high ceiling of the Command Center.

About fifteen minutes ago, their mentor's visage had dissipated, leaving behind gaseous fumes and sparks of energy.

"How is he planning on reaching a consciousness

?" he mused. He then turned to Alpha, who had returned to Tommy's side to conduct another quick status check.

"Alpha, does Zordon have... telepathic ability?" he proposed.

Alpha nodded his saucer-shaped cranium. "Before his body was destroyed, Zordon was a sorcerer as well as a telepath. Therefore, he has access to both the Astral Plane, the reality of pure thought, and the Magical Plane, where the energies of the universe can be manipulated."

Kimberly cocked an eyebrow, watching Alpha work. "Uh... come again?"

"Think of reality as... your Firebird viewscreen," Alpha suggested. "Now, the default setting is Optical Lens, which lets you see your surroundings as if you were looking through a window. That's the Material or Physical Plane."

Kim nodded, following the illustration. Alpha noticed the other Rangers gather around, their brows furrowed with interest.

"The Optical Lens only allows you to see what you could see with your naked eye, but you all know there is much

more out there than the visible," Alpha resumed. "You can switch the visual to an Infrared view, X-Ray, Heatscan, Metal Detection, and Density scan, just to name a few. Each screen looks different, and makes visible different aspects of the environment. But they all exist, and take up the same space. That's how reality is structured... different layers that essentially occupy the same area. There are layers... or dimensions, to the universe. The Physical is only one."

Trini's almond eyes widened. "And Zordon is on the Mental Plane only?"

"Right. Without his body, he lost his link to the Physical Plane. But with this technology, he can interact with this reality, to a limited degree."

Zack scratched his head, clearly overwhelmed. "Wow... this is all so complicated


Alpha giggled. "Hey, give it time! You've only been Rangers for a year now. It took decades of programming to turn me into the encyclopedia I am today!"

With that, the cheerful robot tilted his head, his version of a smile, and moved to the small computer at the base of Zordon's cylinder.

"This scanner is our only access to the Astral Plane, where Zordon is," he explained, "We can't exactly explore it, but we can home in on Zordon, so we know if he's okay, and so we can re-establish connection if he's ever involuntarily separated-"

Suddenly, alarms screamed to life, jarring the unprepared Rangers. All five teens assembled tightly before the Viewing Globe, Jason looming behind his team with his arms crossed.

His dark eyes, which had been narrowed in preparation for Leader Mode, widened in absolute horror at the grotesque creature the Globe revealed.

He swallowed hard, turning to Alpha incredulously. "Please tell me that's some kind of hologram."

"We're getting an energy reading," Alpha reported, his voice trembling, "and... aye yi yi! Its power is incredible!"

"What is it?" Trini wondered, "Zedd didn't make this monster out of a household appliance."

"Finster?" Kim proposed.

"No, the energy readings aren't compatible with the Monster-Baking signature. It's... a summoned creature!"

"A what-now?" Zack muttered with a scowl.

"Monsters can be created magically, like Zedd and Finster do. But they can also be summoned, by casting spells that cut into the folds of reality to pull out different energies and give them life. This one is pulsing with energy from the Chaotic, the very first layer of Reality from which all else was formed. The energies in the Chaotic are... as the name suggests, wild!"

The small robot shuddered fearfully. "...and capable of terrible destruction."

Alpha looked to the Viewing Globe, almost dazed. "I didn't know Lord Zedd was able to control a Chaotic beast. No one

has been able to do that, except..."

His voice died, panic nearly blowing a fuse.

Jason's terrified expression hardened. "Alpha, keep conducting scans," he ordered, "Try and find a weak point of some kind. Figure out how we can beat it." He then turned to his team. "Let's move."

Kim bit her lip, casting a hesitant glance at their sixth member. Jason noticed. "Alpha, let us know the moment

there's any change in Tommy's condition."

Alpha snapped out of his daze, and straightened. "You've got it! But be careful, Rangers! That monster is different from everything you've ever faced!"

Jason nodded, striding to the console that carried his helmet. "Back to Action!"

Chapter Five

The tiny form shivered with sobs, rocking her entire frame and weakening the flickering power within.

She hovered like a helpless puppet on invisible strings, surrounded by a strange matrix of liquid color. In fact, for some reason, she was the only object in view that wasn't awesomely vibrant.

Her skin was a pallid gray, as well as her hair that fluttered about her fetal-positioned body as if she were immersed in water.


she wept, Not even a flicker of Erol! In all that boy's being, no sign of him. He is gone... completely...

Despair had claimed her completely, and she cared not that her achromatic body slowly dissolved into a formless, nearly invisible mist.


The shuddering stopped. Hollow eyes looked up from her knees, turning toward the gentle voice. The voice seemed to pulse in her mind, but she was able to detect its location on the Astral Plane as well.

It was almost ironic. She had always marveled of the layers of reality, especially the Astral Plane, which was always out of her reach. And now, it would be her grave.

A figure, covered in a protective pearly armor, hovered closer to her. While his manifestation was impossible to recognize, the energy he exuded was quite familiar.

*Zordon,* she whispered, her mind-voice as soft as a weak spring breeze.

Zordon floated to her side, gazing at the manifestation fearfully.

Yes... it was certainly Kreia. The Astral projection resembled her physical body, as it nearly always did. But, something was terribly wrong.

She wore no protective armor, meaning she was completely vulnerable to psychic assault. She almost seemed to flutter, like a weak leaf lost in a current of wind. Her limbs were far slimmer than he recalled, and the rich colors of the mental plane were absent. She was gray, and nearly translucent.

Kreia nodded weakly, stretching out of her fetal position. She bowed her head slowly, folding her hands before her. *I'm... fading.*

Zordon couldn't contain his discomfort at the emptiness he sensed. She was almost a ghost of an astral form. He had never encountered such a being.

Did she even realize the danger she was in? How frightfully weak she had become? *You aren't fading, Child... you are dying!*

She shrugged impotently. *I am already dead. Or, I was never alive. It all depends on how you look at it.*

Zordon frowned, removing his psychic helmet to help open up his senses to her pain. *I don't understand. What is happening to you, Kreia?*

She sighed deeply, unfolding her hands and staring at her fading palms. *I'm... I'm not Kreia,* she revealed, *Not really. The girl Kreia died not long after she Ascended. I am just a Shade.*

The ancient sage's eyes widened. *A Shade?*

*I am just a reflection of Kreia, caught between Realities by the energies she manifested when she died. I am her thoughts and feelings, given consciousness by the Power she wielded. When the Purple Coin was found, and brought close enough to the Command Center, I was awakened.*


She closed her eyes tiredly. *The familiarity,* she confessed. *I have been in limbo, my only connection to the Physical Plane being the coin in which Kreia focused her life energy for the Ascension. When the coin came so close to the Command Center, I could... feel that I had come home. The energies of the Morphin' Grid are active now, and that warmth reached me.*

She shivered again, wrapping her arms around her too-slim body. *I was so confused... lost. My thoughts mingled with the girl who awoke me, and when she accepted the coin, I fused with her. I didn't mean it... I didn't mean to hurt anyone. But... when I touched the new Green Ranger... it was so clear...*

Her voice faded.

*When I use my power, I weaken. I used so much when I touched Tommy, when I searched for Erol. I could no longer hold the Physical Plane, and I regressed here, into the realm of Thought. After I spent some time here, fully conscious, I... I realized what I was.*

After a few more moments of silence, she gazed back at Zordon. As always, he wore the most tender, remorseful expression.

*I'm so sorry, Kreia.*

She shook her head. *You couldn't help me, Zordon. You couldn't stop me... stop her, from sacrificing herself.* She inhaled a steadying breath. *How... long?*

*Nine-thousand, nine hundred and thirty six years,* he responded. With a slight grin he added, *Ten months, and twelve days.*

Kreia's shade blinked. *Gods...* she breathed, stunned. Then, she sighed. *Then it's all for the best that I am fading. There is nothing left in this world for me. The Earth I swore to protect is long gone.*

Zordon was solemn, watching the mists increasingly waft into the Astral Plane. With each passing moment, Kreia became less and less substantial.

*Fight it!* he pleaded, stung that she didn't even seem to care about her imminent demise. *You are strong, Kreia. You have the willpower to sustain yourself here! I am trapped on the Astral Plane too, with no body to return to. But I didn't let myself melt into oblivion!*

Kreia looked up again, smiling mildly at the compassion in her mentor astral eyes. *You know the difference, Zordon. You are

Zordon, in heart, mind, and spirit. You've only lost your body. I am a figment of the imagination. A dying thought. A final breath. I am not a person... I couldn't last long. How long does a single breath exist?*

Zordon watched helplessly as the last vestiges of the young Purple Ranger disappeared from existence. But before she faded completely, an alarming thought came to the sage's mind.

*Kreia, wait!* he pleaded, *What of Alexis? Where is she?*

The mist crawling up Kreia's image slowed, and faded. Her expression was thoughtful. *I do not know. I haven't seen the Physical Plane since I touched Tommy.* She then closed her eyes, her body trembling as she exerted her will to the Physical Plane. After several moments, her eyes widened in panic. *She is greatly alarmed, Zordon. I cannot see from her eyes unless I exert myself over her consciousness, but she is in danger.*

She frowned. *I can still feel the connection between us. So long as she holds the Purple Coin, and I still exist, she is protected by all my remaining power. However... she doesn't know how to use it. Her only protection is the involuntary protective spells. She doesn't know how to escape.*

Zordon nodded. *Thank you, Kreia, for your help in solving this dilemma. The Rangers will rescue her.* He smiled tenderly, reaching out and taking her hand. *Safe journey, my Child.*

Kreia hovered slightly away from his hand, startling the wizard. *Not yet,* she determined, *The Rangers may not find the girl in time to be of any use. The last action I will perform will be heroic. I am the one who pulled the innocent girl into our world of fierce battles. She will not be harmed so long as I exist.*

And with that, Kreia vanished from the Astral Plane in a faint flash of energy.

Chapter Six

Alexis took a moment to wipe away some of the cold sweat that had broken out over her face. It certainly wasn't particularly warm in the Dark Dimension, but the mind-numbing terror that assaulted her senses was more than enough stress to trigger the response.

She exhaled deeply, pushing away from the wall she had examined. Her feet were firmly planted on the ground, despite the snaking mists that had previously attacked her. She was quick to realize that somehow, the smoke was repelled by her. Therefore, she could safely traverse the clouded ground.

She was safe from the smoke, so it seemed... but certainly not from the gold monster. At some point, she was certain he'd come back to finish the job he started.

If she sat still, she was going to die.

Her first instinct was to sit and wait, like a child who wandered away from her parents at a mall. Sit and wait, and someone would find you.

But who would find her? If she waited too long, some bloodthirsty alien surely would.

What of the Power Rangers? The saviors of Angel Grove?

Well, technically, wasn't she

a Power Ranger? She didn't know how to don the armor, or summon the Power. She didn't even know what being a Power Ranger really meant. But if she really were a Power Ranger, then she'd be saving others, not vice versa.

Screw this damsel in distress crap. I'm getting outta here


After over an hour of various attempts, Alexis was forced to accept the truth: easier said than done.

"No doors, no loose tiles, no windows," she recounted, sitting back down on the raised slab of stone she at first found herself on. "In fact, the floor is completely seamless... like pure marble or something. And none of the pillars lining the room are loose... they're just as much a part of the room as the ground. Nothing moves

in this damn room."

She sighed, folding her legs beneath her to sit Indian style, and leaning her elbows on her knees. She glanced at the eagle design on her hand.

"Eagle!" she cried, for the fiftieth time since her capture. She recalled from her dreams how Kreia had transformed, but for some reason, the same command didn't work for her.

Alexis grimaced, folding her hands tightly. She absolutely refused

to cry, or to give up.

Nana said I was strong... that's why she gave me the coin. Now I've gotta prove she was right.

*You are

strong, Alexis.*

Her eyes widened to nearly impossible proportions. For some reason, she knew that voice. That voice rang in her dreams, screaming in horror, or whispering softly to the man she loved. That voice even tore through her own throat, calling upon magical power to save Jason's life.

Alexis swallowed fearfully. Kreia.

*You know me.* The mind voice almost amused. *I suppose I've made myself all too comfortable in your body if you can recognize me so easily.*

What's going on, Kreia? What's happening to me? Her eyes darted around the chamber. Where are you, anyway?

*I promise you, Alexis, I will answer your every question... but not at the moment. Now, I must ask you one more favor.*

Alexis bit her lip. From her dreams, she knew what kind of person Kreia was. Trustworthy, compassionate, powerful... if not a bit of a loose cannon. But, she was also the one who got her into her current situation, by manipulating her mind and body.

Could she really trust this mind-voice?

After a short deliberation, Alexis decided her chances were better with Kreia in her corner.

Okay, what do you have to do?

*I must free you, but I can only do it through your body. Just relax, and I will do the rest.*

Alexis shuddered slightly, but conceded. She stretched her body over the stone slab, and closed her eyes.

After nearly twenty minutes, her eyes opened once again... black as the darkest night.

Kreia blinked rapidly, trying to bring the occluded world into focus. A shudder ran down her spine as she noted the deep grooves etched into the high, ashy black ceiling.

A Dark Dimension...

She frowned, her emotions folding the smooth face that wasn't even her own. Slowly, she rose to a sitting position, adjusting herself once again to the Physical Plane.

"So, you aren't dead after all."

A cold smirk played on her lips. This should be fun...

She tried to put on some semblance of fear, and turned to Goldar with wide eyes. "You're back!"

Goldar smirked at her, striding deeper into the chamber. "Obviously. I've been here for ten minutes already, and you have barely breathed. I figured you just scared

yourself to death!"

Kreia frowned thoughtfully. Ten minutes? How did so much time elapse? Unless... I'm getting too weak. It took me a while to channel myself into this body. I had better save Alexis immediately... I can only guess how long I have until my energies fade completely.

She sighed quietly, jumping onto the ground. Goldar frowned slightly at the resignation in her eyes.

"So, you've given up?" he growled, a bit disappointed. "And I was hoping I'd get a few more screams out of you."

Kreia frowned slightly, shaking her head. "Sorry, Goldar. I don't have time to play."

Goldar shivered, noticing the drop in voice. Before, the girl had a high pitch, but now, it was cold and low.

Just like in the park, when...

Oh no.

Kreia smirked, as if reading his thoughts through the expression on his face. "Well done, Goldar. You're not as slow as we always thought."

Despite the fear pulsing through his entire body, Goldar stood firm, grasping his sword at the hilt.

He would not run. He would not behave so shamefully... Purple Ranger or no.

Kreia responded to his proud stance by letting her arms hang at her sides. She lifted her eyes, staring at the ceiling.

The weave of magic responded. Even within the Dark Dimension, created by Lord Zedd himself and obedient to his every whim, her magical power was impressive. Winds gathered, tossing aside the remaining fog as easily as the sun chased away darkness. Purple bolts of energy crackled from her body, catching the current of the cyclone and wrapping her in a whirling vortex of purple-hued power.

"I never actually had a chance to name this attack," she mused, more to herself than to the terrified Titan who stood before her. She then shrugged her shoulders. "How about... Eagle Storm? Or Thunder Cyclone?"

Her lips stretched into a ferocious smirk, as eyes as cold and black as space fell upon the trembling warrior. "I guess Goldar-Whacker will do."

The energy tornado leapt from her, encasing Goldar in a funnel of dynamic energy. Various shades of purple lasers and bolts struck the warrior from all directions, pummeling him with enough magical power to light the night sky.

By the time the cyclone ebbed, the screams of agony had long since ceased.

Kreia fell to her hands and knees as she released the spell. She struggled to catch her breath, sweat dripping from a forehead not her own.

"I... I must be more conservative," she realized, pushing herself to sit on her legs, "I can't afford using that kind of power."

She remained seated for another ten minutes, slowly regaining control over the host body. The dizziness eventually parted, allowing her clear sight once again.

Her balance restored, Kreia rose to her feet, leaning heavily against the stone platform. Her eyes fell upon Goldar, who lay perfectly still on the marble ground. His armor was covered with tears and dents, and brown blood poured from numerous wounds.

Kreia smirked coldly. "That brings back memories."

Part Five

Chapter One

His consciousness slowly returned to the Physical Plane. Stars covered his vision as his being adjusted to the Transdimension Cylinder once again.

His non-corporeal eyes cleared, only to blink at the assault of dozens of flashing alarm lights.


The small robot looked up from his work at a console, and hurried anxiously to stand before the wise mentor. "Aye yi yi!" he shrieked in panic, "The Power Rangers are fighting a Chaotic, and losing


Zordon's eyes widened with immeasurable disbelief. "A CHAOTIC? BUT THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE! ONLY THE SHADOW LORD CAN CONTAIN SUCH A BEING!"

The sage frowned at the very thought of his young, inexperienced Rangers facing a horror that extreme. "I SHALL SEE FOR MYSELF."

Alpha nodded, watching as Zordon closed his eyes, and accessed the Command Centers systems through the computers' connection to his Cylinder. He could see the battle through the Viewing Globe, and he shuddered at the familiar sight that tore through the heavy night skies, vomiting streams of black fire at the nearly helpless defenders of Earth.

Zordon was too overwhelmed to speak. Slowly, he regained some composure, and fixed a desperate gaze on Alpha. "IT IS EREBUS."

Alpha was so horrified he nearly overloaded his cognitive systems. He knew the story of the mighty Ninjetti cult of Phaedos, where hundreds of brave warriors from around the galaxy assembled to learn the secrets of true Power. Umbriel had sent the Erebus to Phaedos to follow Zordon, and prevent the young sage and his ally Ninjor from unleashing the Power given him. The entire assembly of Ninjetti failed to destroy the Erebus.

Now, nothing remained of the Ninjetti save the crushed remains of their sacred Temple, and the last Master Warrior, forced to live forever as the sole survivor of a dignified, spiritual nation.

A quiet groan distracted them. Alpha recovered enough to hurry to the medical table, where Tommy was stirring.

His eyes were still closed tightly, wrinkles of stress lining his face. His knuckles were almost white on his right hand, trapped in a perpetual fist.

"Tommy?" Alpha ventured, leaning in to look closer at the former Green Ranger.

The young man's expression softened, and slowly, dazed mahogany eyes slid open. "Alpha..."

Alpha sighed in relief. At least Tommy was all right...

His cheer died when Tommy's hand finally relaxed, revealing a small, circular design blazed onto his palm. Within the disc-shaped outline was a three-toed footprint.

"Aye yi yi!" Alpha shrieked in alarm, taking a step back, "Tommy, you're hand!"

Tommy struggled to sit up, drawing his sore hand toward him. His skin was reddened with some sort of burn, but the design was unmistakable.

His eyes widening, Tommy reached his other hand into his jeans pocket. After a brief search, he looked again at his hand.

"My coin?" he whispered, turning an incredulous glance at Zordon, "Is this my coin?"


"But, how did you do it, Tommy?" Alpha wondered. The boy was too overwhelmed to speak, his gaze boring into the design on his palm.

"I didn't!" Tommy argued, shaking his head to clear his mind. "I didn't even know it was possible. And my coin is dead! I lost every last drop of power, remember?"

It was then that Tommy noticed the alarm lights flashing all around him. Concern welling in his heart, he dashed to the Viewing Globe.

His stomach tightened as he witnessed some demonic creature swoop from the sky, grabbing the Black Ranger in one of its six clawed limbs.

"What is that

?" he gasped.


Tommy bit his lip, his considering gaze turning from the Viewing Globe to his palm, and then back again.

"Oh no you don't!" Alpha suddenly shouted, "There's no way you're going out there."

"But they need help!" Tommy protested, holding out his hand, "and it looks like I can give some!"


Tommy frowned heatedly, folding his arms as he watched the battle progress with hardened eyes.

He winced as the Black Ranger was released from the nightmare's grip, falling limply into the jagged cliff of the rock quarry.

"Hurry up," Tommy sighed. "They don't have much time."

Chapter Two

"Zack? Zack, answer me!"

Billy swallowed back his panic, gently jostling his close friend. Red blood stained the Blue Ranger's dust-blackened gloves, oozing steadily from several gashes along the Black Ranger's shoulders.

The monster's razor-sharp claws did a great deal of damage when he had plucked the Black Ranger off the ground to take him on a joyride.

Zack remained a dead weight, his arms hanging limply when Billy tried to adjust his position. With a heavy sigh, Billy gave up, doing his best to gently lay his friend on the ground.

The young genius gulped as his fingers hovered above the bleeding wound Zack had suffered.

"A monster was never able to penetrate our armor," he realized, his fear building. "In order to actually harm us while Morphed, the monster has to be able to not only penetrate the armor, but the energy layer between the outer armor and our skin beneath!"

Billy rose to his feet. "How does a monster tear through a transformation? What are we dealing with?"

Jason had asked him to make sure the Black Ranger was alive, and assess whether he could possibly continue fighting. After a quick observation, Billy decided that the Black Ranger was more or less all right. True, he was bleeding, and was also dazed. But the Morph would repair itself soon enough, restoring Zack to fighting form.

Of course, when the Morph was eventually broken, Zack would have to be properly treated. But considering the battle at hand, the Rangers couldn't afford to be short-handed.

Billy steeled himself, grasping his discarded Power Lance and hurrying out of the small, shallow cave in the rock that would serve as Zack's recovery area. He gazed at the battle from the mouth of the indenture, frowning deeply.

After realizing that an all-out attack strategy proved unsuccessful, the three remaining Rangers had opted for speed over strength. After all, even the most devastating attack would be useless against a monster that was too quick to be touched. The Rangers even managed to fire twice from the laser cannon assembled from their individual Power Weapons, but all they had managed to do was graze the beast's thick tail. It wasn't enough to do any observable damage either; it just seemed to irritate it.

Kimberly flipped into the air, barely missing the enormous tail that repeatedly stabbed the air. She landed perfectly after a follow-up handspring, but breathed in sharply and continued rolling. She took a brief second to glance at the spot where she had landed, the rock smoldering with an eerie black fire.

"He's so fast!" she panted, bolting into a run. She wanted to make as much room between her and the freakish creature as possible.

Erebus gave chase, smirking gleefully at the terror that hovered around the short girl like a delicious aura. Chaotics just loved

the taste of fear. It was like a fine wine... intoxicating and sooo satisfying.

And it didn't take much effort to make these colorful children bleed with terror.

Chapter Three

Meanwhile, far above, a glittering purple form hovered, watching the battle with grim interest.

"By the gods," she whispered, her entire body tingling with a creeping sensation, "What kind of horror is


Kreia hated being faced with puzzling circumstances. She prided herself in an extensive knowledge of all realities, through long hours of study, as well as some practice.

She closed her eyes, reaching out with her dwindling power. She needed to sense more, to create a mental picture of all the energies swirling around in the environment. Perhaps that would be the map to understanding.

She slowly detected the grim aura concentrated around the monster that faded slightly with distance. But that aura filled the area for miles, collecting around the individual Rangers as they fought for their lives.

"It feeds off of them," she noted, her stomach retching in disgust, "Off their fear."

Her scowl deepened, and she followed the column of energy she had seen stretch from the monster in her direction. It reached to the heavens, glittering with black energy.

Her brow folded thoughtfully at the source of the energy. The moon.

"But the moon isn't the ultimate source," she decided, "Only a mirror, like how the moon reflects the sunlight. It's reflecting this energy, and the energy is strengthening the beast."

A piercing scream drew her attention. She hovered lower, watching in horror as the monster crushed the Yellow Ranger beneath its claw. The screams of agony chilled the Purple Ranger, and even from that distance she could see crimson stain the bright color of the uniform.

"Kazu..." she whispered.

Of course, she knew the Ranger below was not Kazu, the indomitable, noble hunter. In fact, the current Yellow Ranger was female.

Kreia didn't recognize the form, nor the voice that rang with pleading as she screamed. But it didn't matter that she didn't know the girl below. It didn't matter that she barely had any energy left. She had to do something


She was, after all, a Power Ranger.

She gathered her energy once again, manifesting the cyclone of pure energy that had so nearly killed Goldar on the moon. But this time, the cyclone buzzed even louder, energy whirling brighter and faster than ever before.

Kreia poured all the energy she could spare, her head becoming light. Still, she forced herself to hold on... to remain connected to the Physical Plane through Alexis.

Just... hold... on...

Then, her breath escaped in a terrifying scream that might have shattered glass. Everything below stopped, as four pairs of human eyes, and one set of Chaotic, watched the swirling cyclone descend with terrible force.

Even though the Yellow Ranger was helpless beneath the weight of the monster, the precision of the cyclone was sharp enough to leave her completely unharmed. The brutal attack plucked the twelve-foot beast into the air, sending him spinning in a storm of violent energy.

Trini gasped as numbness crawled through her wounded body. The Pink and Blue Rangers were quick to rush to her side, Kimberly cradling her head while Billy gently probed the visible wounds.

"Trini?" Kim gasped, her voice shaking with fear, "Say something!"

"I'm... fine," she rasped, her voice grating on her sore throat.

"No you're not," Billy argued, his tone heavy with strained composure, "He may have cracked some ribs, and his claws cut deeply into your abdomen. I can't tell what's broken unless you move, but it'll be torturous."

"I said I'm fine," Trini repeated, trying to demonstrate by rising to her elbows. Her insides were aflame, and despite her incredible self-control, she shivered.

"That's it, you're going back to the Command Center," Billy decided, his tone brooking no argument, "There's no way you'll be in any shape to help us."

Billy rose to his feet, glancing toward his leader. "Jason, Trini has to get immediate medical attention!"

But the Red Ranger didn't hear his friend's report, too focused he was on the writhing beast high above. It screamed in tortured fury, swirling madly in the epicenter of a tornado strong enough to send him to Oz, but focused enough not to so much as jostle the air closer to the ground.

Jason's frown deepened when he turned his puzzled gaze slightly to the side. He saw a glint of purple energy high above, which was now slowly descending to the ground.

From this distance, he could clearly make out the figure in the sky.

"The Purple Ranger," he whispered thoughtfully. Part of him felt extreme relief, but another was worried once again.

Was that Alexis up there? How could she cast such a potent spell?

But if it wasn't Alexis, who was it? Kreia?

Had Kreia completely taken over, erasing the young woman Jason had only recently come to appreciate?

His eyes widened in concern as the slowly descending figure began to plummet, losing all control over gravity. He broke into a run, hurrying beneath her and leaping into the air to cradle her fall.

She trembled in his arms, her hands clutching her head and a low moan escaping her lips. Jason carried her over to where the other Rangers were assembled, and laid her down near Trini.

"Alexis," he said sternly, "Are you alright?"

"K...Kreia..." she whispered faintly.

Kim glanced worriedly at Jason. No reaction was discernible through his armor, but his face folded into a fierce scowl beneath his crimson helmet.

"Can't... hold," she breathed.

Billy looked toward the monster, whose tormented howls had softened. "Guys, the cyclone's dying. I think the monster's going to escape!"

He glanced back at the Purple Ranger. "She can't hold the spell."

"Let go!" Kim begged, "You'll hurt yourself. We can take it from here."

Kreia struggled to maintain focus, picking herself off the ground slowly. Her sweat dripped like blood from a fresh wound, and her starry eyes watched the beast slowly descend to the ground.

I can't... do anything more,

she realized despondently, I can barely hold onto Alexis. I... I'm fading...

She shuddered, releasing the spell finally. The monster yelped slightly as it crashed to the ground.

Kreia released a long breath as she collapsed.

"Zordon," Jason said into his communicator, "Bring both Trini and Kreia to the Command Center. They both need medical attention."


Jason watched as the two women vanished from the bloodied earth. He then straightened, his Power Sword once again forming in his hand. Behind him, the Pink and Blue Rangers steadied themselves, also clutching their trusted weapons.

"It's up to us," he decided, "Hopefully, whatever Kreia did to this thing weakened it."

Chapter Four

Alexis opened her eyes, unfolding her body from the protective fetal position she had found herself in. Her eyes darted around in concern, gazing at the swirling colors that danced around her like a fever dream.

Puzzled, she glanced down at her own body. Her brow folded in confusion at her appearance... she almost seemed to be an outline of a person, shaped properly only without any detail. She had the semblance of arms and legs, but they looked as if she were wearing a flesh-toned bodysuit that covered her features completely.

*Where am I?* she whispered to herself. Strangely, her voice didn't seem to quite emanate from her mouth. She had moved her lips, but the voice seemed to throb from within.

*You are in the Astral Plane,* a voice responded, also throbbing from within, *This is the realm of pure thought, Alexis.*

Alexis jumped, turning around full circle as she floated in mid air. She narrowed her eyes, finally recognizing a faint wisp of something

that obstructed the view before her. It was practically invisible.

But the voice was familiar, regardless of its source.

*Kreia?* she marveled, gazing at the transparent form, *What's happening?*

The form took a more concrete shape, becoming a faint gray image of a smallish girl. She did her best to smile at Alexis, in an effort to comfort the alarmed girl.

*I had to bring you here,* Kreia explained, *You see, I was in your body, and together we escaped the Dark Dimension. But when I arrived on Earth, the other Rangers needed assistance. I did my best to help, but I became too weak to maintain my hold of the Physical Plane. But I couldn't just fade without apologizing to you, and explaining at least somewhat what had happened.*

Alexis frowned. *What do you mean, fade?*

*I am not a person, Alexis. I am a manifestation of power and thought, completely insubstantial. I needed your body to connect to the Physical Plane, since you had the Purple Coin. But now, I have divested all my strength. I couldn't even reassert myself into your body if I tried.*

Alexis gazed at the small vision with a measure of pity. She didn't quite understand what was going on, but one thing was certain: Kreia was going to cease to exist.

*I'm... so sorry,* she offered impotently.

Kreia smiled. *You have nothing to apologize for. I am the one who mistreated you by manipulating your mind and body. Please believe me that I had no intention of hurting you in any way. I was so confused... I didn't even realize what I truly was, or what had happened, until I met the current Green Ranger.*

She sighed quietly, reaching her fading hands toward Alexis. *I wanted to make amends for the trouble I caused by helping you all defeat this newest monster. But I don't have the time. So I must ask you one last favor.*

Alexis nodded. *Name it.*

*Let me fuse with you.*

Alexis swallowed, staring at the fading shade with fearful eyes.

*I am far too insubstantial to be any real part of your consciousness,* Kreia assured her, *But I just can't

let the knowledge I've accumulated go to waste. I don't have time to explain everything I have done, or discovered. But if you let me fuse with the Purple Coin, my knowledge will join the pooled knowledge the Power carries. When a Power Ranger Morphs, she has access to a bed of knowledge on how to use it properly. I can give you insight into your powers, and perhaps help you.*

After a few moments, Alexis finally nodded. *Sounds like a plan,* she decided.

She braced herself, watching as the figure of Kreia melted into an amorphous cloud. The cloud leaked into her, covering her with a misty aura. Her essence burned as a light was turned on within her mind, filling her thoughts with the images Kreia had chosen to leave her with.

She knew what to do.

Chapter Five

Tommy smiled as he witnessed the Red Ranger leap toward the Erebus monster, catching the beast's leather wing with the razor edge of the Power Sword.

He then winced as the beast batted the Ranger away as he descended, sending Jason sprawling into the nearby mountains.

The former Green Ranger's fists clenched. In his heart, he could feel something

within him. Some kind of Power. It was different from what he was familiar with... far more intense than the comforting energies he always felt during his tenure as the Green Ranger. This time, a fire smoldered within him, the source of the ache being his marked palm.

The Power Coin was within his body. He was certain of it.

And it only infuriated him that even with the coin, it was dangerous for him to try and help his friends.

Tommy's jaw set, his heart climbing into his throat as the Pink Ranger decided to go on the offensive, leaping out of hiding as the monster passed and launching a series of rapid-fire arrows with professional precision. The monster growled with irritation, his eyes flashing with eerie energy that oozed toward the Pink Ranger as she dove in for a closer attack.

He peeled his eyes away painfully as Kimberly vanished within the cloud of crimson smoke.

His decision made, Tommy hurried to the teleporter, and began programming his destination.

"TOMMY, YOU CAN'T JOIN THE BATTLE NOW," Zordon commanded, his voice bringing the attention of both Alpha and Trini.

"Tommy!" Trini shouted, sitting up carefully despite Alpha's attempts to keep her flat on the medical bed, "What do you think you're doing?"

In answer, he held his hand forward, displaying his marked palm. Trini gaped at the design.

"I know

I have the Power again," he explained, "I don't know how long it'll last, but even if it's just a momentary distraction, it'll be worth it. Erebus isn't feeling anything they're hitting him with!"

Suddenly, Alexis sprang up from her bed, sitting straight up and eyes fully alert. All present startled at the sudden movement.

"What's going on?" she demanded, hopping off the bed and hurrying to the Viewing Globe, "How are the other Rangers?"

Tommy frowned in confusion, approaching her carefully. "Kreia?"

Alexis swallowed. "Kreia's... gone now. She couldn't hold herself together any longer, so she fused her remaining knowledge with the Purple Coin."

Silence settled in for a few moments.

Alexis glanced at Tommy uncomfortably, her cheeks flushing. She bit her lip, keeping her eyes carefully from his.

She could still feel his lips against hers.

"Um... I'm..." she stammered nervously, "I'm sorry

I kissed you like that. I totally

didn't mean anything by it!"

Despite the gravity of the situation, Tommy grinned. "I understand. You weren't... you

. It happens in this line of work."

He then offered her his hand. "I'm Tommy Oliver, the former Green Ranger."

Alexis offered a weak smile, turning to meet his gaze finally. She then reached out, and clasped his hand with hers.

"Kreia channeled her energies into you when she kissed you," she revealed, "She was trying to search the Power Coin for any signature that Erol was still alive. In order to do so, she needed to charge the coin, since it was lifeless."

She released his hand and spread open his fingers, noting the three-toed mark on his palm. She then revealed her own hand, the dark eagle brand bold against her pale skin.

"I know I'm not really a Power Ranger, and I don't know the first thing about fighting. But Kreia didn't have the strength to finish this, so she told me what to do."

Zordon blinked. "WHAT WILL YOU DO?"

Alexis glanced up at the floating head, her brow creased with slight puzzlement. The sight of Zordon made most humans quite uncomfortable, but on some level Alexis knew what he would look like.

She had a hard time delineating her memories from the flood of knowledge Kreia had granted her.

"The monster is powered by energy falling to Earth from the moon," she explained, "If we can somehow block that energy, it should weaken."


"Then... maybe it's not near?" Alpha suggested.

Zordon's eyes widened with realization. "OF COURSE! EXCELLENT, ALPHA!"

The small robot giggled sheepishly.

"What is it?" Tommy inquired.


Trini shivered, glancing at the bandages wrapped around her abdomen. "He's... usually stronger than this



"And somehow, this 'chaotic energy' is hitting the Earth from the moon," Tommy deduced, folding his arms, "Alpha, can these scanners detect exactly what

this chaotic energy is? And maybe shield it?"


"But... if we include the battle ground in the shield, then Erebus will see us!" Alpha stated, "Can we be sure he'll be weak enough to destroy?"


"And that will give the monster plenty

of time to destroy the Command Center," Trini observed. She grimaced as she sat up, and turned toward the Viewing Globe. "Maybe if we summon the Megazord, we'll have enough power to hit Erebus really hard, really fast."

"The Megazord is much too slow," Tommy noted grimly, "It'll be really hard to keep up with the Erebus. He's already too fast for the Rangers to keep up with!"

Alexis leaned against a console, staring hard at the mark on her palm. Her eyes widened as an idea struck her.

"If you can erect the shield, Tommy and I can destroy Erebus."

Tommy's eyebrow rose. "How?"

She smiled excitedly. "We're the Dragon and the Eagle! We have combined attacks just as powerful as the other five. I doubt that monster can take a full-blown Maelstrom!"

"A... a Maelstrom?"

Alexis' eyes widened, and she turned to Zordon. "He doesn't know about the Maelstrom?"


Alexis' jaw dropped. "Wait... so I can't use the Eagleheart Pulse either?"


She chewed her lip thoughtfully. "Well, I don't have a Morpher now. And neither does Tommy. The coin's inside his body, and it's got enough energy in it for at least one more fight at full strength."

Tommy's grim expression lit up. "Really?"

Alexis nodded, a small smile appearing as she noted his excited expression. She then glanced quickly to Trini, who was struggling to her feet despite Alpha's protests. A thoughtful frown creased her brow. "You're the Yellow Ranger," she realized, digging through her memory, "The one Erebus nearly crushed."

Trini nodded, a faint grin on her lips. "Trini Kwan. Nice to meet you, Alexis."

Alexis nodded, accepting the greeting. But her slight frown remained. "How are your injuries?"

Tommy's frown mirrored his new partner's as he caught on to her train of thought. "Will you be able to fight, Trini? We might need you guys to combine your weapons in case the Maelstrom isn't enough."

Trini nodded. "I'm up for it."

"And the Black Ranger?" Alexis asked. The last time she saw him, he was knocked out cold.

"We're keeping an eye on his vitals," Alpha reported, "He wasn't wounded enough to break the Morph, so he's actually regaining consciousness as we speak."

"Then let's get that shield reprogrammed," Tommy decided, hurrying to one of many computer consoles. "Show me how to help."

Chapter Six

Zack groaned quietly, his eyes fluttering open. A dull, throbbing pain assailed his senses, tensing the muscles in his face. He rasped inward, pushing past the pain to sit up as best he could.

He cringed as he recalled the enormous reject from a Scooby Doo movie digging its impossibly sharp claws into his shoulder, dragging him along the ground before pulling him helplessly into the air.

Slowly, Zack pushed himself to his feet, flexing his arms and legs to assess the damage.

"Nothing broken... the bleeding's stopped."

He shivered just thinking about how a Morphed Ranger could even bleed.

He gazed out of the mouth of the cavern, peering into the distance at the flashes of red energy that continued to flare at a patch of darkness.

"Jase is going for a distance strike with his Blade-Blaster," he realized, "but... where are the others?"

Zack swallowed fearfully, leaping from the cave to the ground. He reached his hand high over his head. "Cosmic Cannon!"

The Power Axe materialized, automatically adjusted for long distance energy fire. Zack hurried closer, steadying the large barreled weapon as he planted himself on his knees.

"Suck on this, Creep!" he growled, firing the weapon. Searing white energy leapt from the mouth of the canon, pushing Zack back with sheer force. The blast barreled through the unsuspecting monster's wing, tearing a gaping hole through the leathery skin.

"All right!" Zack shouted, "Now it's on


The monster was forced to draw back, giving the Rangers a few moments to regroup. Zack hurried to the location the red laser blasts had originated, and ducked into a small canyon where the Red Ranger took cover, the barrel of his energy pistol still smoking from excess use.

"Zack," he greeted, his tone heavy with exhaustion, "Good to see you're on your feet."

"Where's everyone else?" the Black Ranger asked worriedly.

"Trini's in the Command Center, and Billy is taking care of Kimberly. She's been encased in some kind of magical cocoon. We can't send her to the Command Center, because we don't know the nature of the cocoon. We may contaminate the computers or something."

Zack scowled, following Jason's gaze toward the monster. He gaped in surprise as the hole in its wing steadily sealed itself.

"Whoa... he regenerates fast


Jason nodded, leaping out of the crevice. "We have to hit him hard, and fast enough to counteract his healing. It we don't give him time to regenerate, maybe we'll be able to finish him off."

Zack obeyed, but he could tell from his tone that the Red Ranger had little faith in their chances.

Erebus turned his crimson gaze toward the two foolish beings that dared move into close proximity. Taking a moment, the grim beast tested out his freshly-healed wing.

Of course, it was perfect.

The Chaotic snarled, revealing dozens of razor-like teeth.

"FOOLS!" he growled, speaking to his opponents for the first time, "WHAT CHANCES DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE? THERE ARE ONLY TWO OF YOU LEFT!"

He stretched his wings to their fullest extent, catching a wind current to lift the large creature into the air once again. He breathed in, gathering energy to launch another assault of element-melting black fire.

Suddenly, a glint of energy in the distance caught his eye.

Stunned, the beast turned his attention to the top of the nearby cliffs, where a large complex flashed into existence.

Erebus blinked in surprise as his senses were flooded with new perception. He grinned wickedly when he recognized one particular energy.

"ZORDON OF ELTAR..." he whispered, almost trembling with excitement, "OUT OF HIDING, I SEE."

The energy was slightly different than before. Zordon almost seemed... greatly distant. But Erebus was certain his senses were correct. Zordon was nearby, within the large building.

The beast released a mocking laugh as the Black and Red Rangers noticed what he had seen.

"No!" Jason shouted, shocked beyond belief, "What happened to the shields?"


And with that, Erebus streaked towards the cliffs. Faintly, he perceived a marked decrease in visible light, as well as a slow deterioration of the energies that kept him vital. But he ignored these somewhat alarming sensations... all he could focus on was his target.

Until he felt some form of energy crash into his head, sending thunderous currents of energy into his entire body.

Startled and overwhelmed, Erebus couldn't maintain his flight any longer. He crashed into the rocky ground, digging up several feet of debris upon impact.

With a slight groan, he rose to stand upon six limbs. His face wrinkled with confusion... how could a puny Ranger hurt him so much? He was almost... dazed.

Then, he realized with immeasurable astonishment what had happened. The moon was gone.

And without the moon, the reflection of the Dark Light evaporated.

"Tommy! How'd you do that?" the Red Ranger shouted, watching in astonishment as two forms leapt down from the cliffs. While he couldn't recognize the forms at that great a distance, he did recognize the green energy sphere that was the Evil Green Ranger's signature attack.

When Jason got a closer look at Tommy, his eyes widened with disbelief.

Not only was the Green Ranger back in uniform, but the energy he exuded was more powerful than anything he'd been capable of since he joined the Power Rangers.

The Green Ranger stood proud, his armor shining with newly-imbued energy. He held out his hand, revealing to his best friend the black design that marked the palm of his glove.

"What does that mean?" Zack wondered, gazing from the Green Ranger's hand to his helmet.

"Kreia restored my powers... at least for a little while," he explained proudly, "I have the abilities all the other Green Rangers had... even the ones muted by the Morpher."

"Like that energy sphere," Jason realized. He then looked above, staring at the form still hovering in the air. "What's Kreia doing now?"

Tommy followed Jason's gaze, watching the Purple Ranger hover above. She was still too high to make out clearly, but it seemed her attention focused upon the dazed Chaotic.

"That's not Kreia anymore," Tommy corrected, "She's Alexis again."

Jason stared at his best friend in bewilderment. "Then what is she doing out here? This is a dangerous monster... she can get seriously hurt."

Tommy crossed his arms, watching his new partner with a measure of pride. "Don't worry... she knows the plan better than any of us."

Chapter Seven

With a wash of brilliant yellow-gold light, Trini materialized on the sharp cliffs of the rock quarry. She breathed in sharply as her walking jostled her mending ribcage, but she pushed back the pain, moving towards the two Rangers cradled nearby behind a series of large boulders.

"Trini!" Billy gasped, gazing up at her.

"I'm well enough to continue," she answered. She walked to Billy's side, her gaze falling upon the Pink Ranger, who lay half-covered in thick red grime.

"Kim? You okay?"

"No," she growled, her voice heavy with frustration, "This stupid... gunk

paralyzed me!"

"It was covering her entire body," Billy explained, as he resumed chipping away at the gooey substance with his Blade-Blaster, "but we've made a good deal of progress. Thankfully we uncovered her helmet before she suffocated."

The Blue Ranger raised his dagger, preparing to strike against the covering with all his might, but Trini quickly grabbed his arm before he could.

"What?" he asked.

Her head was tilted toward the darkened sky. "Just... wait."

Kim sighed. "Trini, we don't have time

to wait! Jason's all alone out here!"

"No... we're all here now," Trini revealed. She bit her lip thoughtfully, glancing back at Kim. The red goo slowly dulled to a grayish tone.

"What do you mean by that?" Kim demanded, her interest in Trini's statement completely distracting her from the magical cocoon surrounding much of her body.

"Zack's awake, and Tommy and Alexis are here too," she clarified.

"Tommy and Alexis?" Kim gasped, unconsciously jumping at the amazing statement. She managed to crumble the remaining cocoon, causing the crystallized chunks to fall to the ground impotently.

She gazed at her uniform, carefully rising to her feet. "Uh... what happened?"

Billy turned to the sky. "And what does it have to do with the disappearance of the moon?"

"The moon was the source of Erebus' power," Trini explained hastily, "Now let's go! We've gotta join the others!"

Chapter Eight

Alexis hovered high in the sky, safely distant from the bitterly enraged beast that climbed out of the crater it dug with its own body.

"It's taking stock," she analyzed, "trying to gauge its remaining power. It's noticed the moon is gone... but it also noticed the Command Center. We've got to stop it before it gets too close..."

She bit her lip, glancing toward the small dots of color. Tommy had joined the Black and Red Rangers, and Trini had teleported to the location of the Blue and Pink Rangers.

Alexis grinned when the latter trio raced to join the others.

"If the goop covering Pink is gone, then Erebus' power is really decreasing. He couldn't maintain the cocoon."

The monster then stood erect, raising his head to the skies to release a blood curdling growl of pure rage. Alexis cringed, fear shaking her resolve as she covered her ears.

Oh God oh God oh God... I can't believe I'm doing this!

she reflected, backing away slightly.

While she did manage to recall memories and knowledge stored in the Purple Coin, she couldn't simply absorb the years of experience Kreia had attained. No matter how well she understood the former Purple Ranger's last battle strategy, she couldn't deny the fact that this was her very first battle of any kind.

This momentary lapse of focus cost her dearly... she never even saw the boulder that flew into her with the speed of a bullet.

She grunted, her body crumbling under the incredible weight of the projectile. She smashed helplessly into the wall of the cliff, momentarily sandwiched between both hard surfaces until the boulder succumbed to gravity.

She collapsed into a limp heap, dust flying upon impact.

"Alexis! Are you okay?"

Her consciousness was hazy, but she still heard the voice. She blinked, trying to clear the stars that sprang into her vision, and gazed at the helmeted hero who helped her rise to her knees.

She knew that voice...

"Jason?" she whispered, shaking her head to clear her thoughts, "Is that you?"

The Red Ranger startled. "Yeah."

Her eyes were wide with shock. "You're a Power Ranger

?" she marveled, "That's just so... wow!"

Jason couldn't help but smile at the awe in her voice. "Well, it looks like you are too," he pointed out. "Tommy didn't tell you our names?"

"No time," she responded weakly, straightening out. She released Jason's sturdy grip, balancing herself carefully on her own two feet before gazing up the cliff. "Dammit! How can I be so stupid?"

"What?" Jason demanded, all humor in his voice dying.

Alexis clenched her fists tightly, nostrils flaring beneath her helmet. "I knew

Erebus feeds off negative emotions, and I let him get to me! I started doubting myself, giving him an open shot right for Zordon!"

Jason nodded, crouching slightly. "Don't worry, that thing won't get anywhere near Zordon. Just collect your bearings, and join us when you're ready."

Alexis nodded, watching in amazement as Jason extended his powerful legs, flying into the air as if he had been shot through a cannon.

"Jason... a Power Ranger," she marveled thoughtfully, "Well, it makes sense. He's amazing

. And if he, Trini, and Tommy are Rangers, then the others are probably their other friends..."

She shook her head, knocking the thoughts from her immediate consciousness. "Not now," she berated herself, leaping into the air. Her golden ankle wings began beating, carrying her into the air even faster than Jason's mighty bound.

When she got high enough, she saw what the Rangers were doing. Tommy was desperately pummeling the weakening monster with one Dragonheart Pulse after another, while the other Rangers took aim with their long-range weapons from the plateau. Black and Pink had opted for their cannon and bow respectively, while Yellow and Blue used their Blade-Blasters. Finally, Jason joined the fray, meeting up with the other core Rangers only a few meters away from the Command Center.

Alexis zipped just beneath the monster, cradling vibrant purple energy in her palms.

"Eagleheart Pulse!" she cried, straining her muscles to release the power. The crackling sphere struck the beast in the lower back, burning through the lower portion of one wing.

Erebus roared, desperately clutching at the mountain's wall as he began falling. After tumbling several meters, he managed to get a decent grip on the mountain.

"WEAKLING HUMAN FILTH," he rumbled furiously, grabbing hold of a protruding piece of rock. With one of its six limbs, Erebus wrenched a large slab of rock from the mountain, and tossed it at the Purple Ranger.

"Jeez!" she shrieked, lunging out of the way, "What's with this guy and throwing rocks?"

*He's conserving energy...*

Alexis' eyes widened at the realization, which echoed in her mind with a voice not her own. It was

weak... so weak that it had to restrain itself. It wouldn't take much to fully expend his power, breaking his hold on the material realm.

Just then, a searing burst of white energy, crackling with tendrils of colored light, smashed into Erebus, knocking the unsuspecting beast clear off the cliff and into the unyielding ground below. Alexis watched the beast's deadly plummet, cringing at the loud crash that echoed at its landing.

She hovered upwards, where the five core Rangers had gathered together, all clutching a composite weapon.

"I heard it crash," Tommy noted, stepping toward the rest of the team, "so it didn't disintegrate. It's probably still alive."

"I doubt we're capable of killing it," Trini noted, "We just need to weaken it enough to send it back to where it came from."

Tommy frowned, striding to the edge of the cliff. He peered into the darkness. "We've gotta go down. I can't see anything from here."

Alexis nodded, reaching her hand toward the Green Ranger. "Let's try the Maelstrom," she suggested, "I can bring us down at a controlled speed, so we can make sure Erebus doesn't get the drop on us."

"Good. You guys stay up here for now. Obviously, we've never tried this before."

Tommy clutched Alexis' hand, and together the Green and Purple Rangers descended to the ground, moving carefully away from the mountain to make room between themselves and the spot where the beast landed.

Before they even touched the ground, a piercing shriek of fury alerted them that Erebus was far from dead. Alexis set Tommy on the ground, and took a stance beside him.

"Well, what do we do?" he demanded.

Alexis responded by standing straight, parting her legs slightly and holding her palms together before her face as if in prayer. The winds picked up around her, faint specks of purple color flashing into existence around her body and extending outwards.

Tommy watched silently, and then mimicked her movements.

Erebus managed to dig himself out of the crater just in time to see the gathering clouds of purple and green energy, sparkling like a million tiny stars and swimming around their sources.

The small specks of energy stopped moving, hanging in a nimbus around their respective creators. Then, as if connected through some joint union of power, both Rangers separated their palms. One hand fell to their sides, but the other, with the animal marking, faced the monster.

Erebus grunted in surprise as the two circular tattoos glowed steadily, each the color of the Ranger. Then, the specks of energy obeyed the silent command, rapidly gathering around the target.

And then, without sound nor speedy movement to deliver warning, all the pockets of energy exploded in a violent eruption of blinding power.

Chapter Nine

"Oh my God," Kimberly gasped, her hands flying to her mouthpiece, "Alexis and Tommy did that


"Incredible," Billy reflected.

The five Rangers stood in silence for a moment, awed at the dazzling display of power that sent the Chaotic demon back to his own realm. When the light faded, a buzz from their communicators confirmed their expectations.


"How are Tommy and Alexis?" Trini wondered aloud, "Are they okay down there?"


Kimberly giggled triumphantly. "Then let's welcome them to the team!"

Chapter Ten

Tommy sighed quietly, his eyelids sliding open hesitantly. As he expected, the blinding light of the examination bed assailed his sensitive vision.

"Tommy? How do you feel?"

Even though he wasn't fully aware, a small grin pulled at his lips in reaction to the soft voice that greeted him.

She smiled back, taking his limp hand and cradling it gently. Finally, his eyes opened fully, and blinked several times as his bearings collected.

"Kim," he breathed, "What happened?"

"You did it. You and Alexis finished off Erebus. Zordon doesn't think he's actually dead, but at least he couldn't hold on to Earth anymore. It's... over."

Tommy frowned slightly, noticing the sadness that weighed her last word. He slowly sat up and met her hazel gaze. "And my powers?"

Rather than answer, Kim released his palm. Tommy examined his hand.

The black brand was gone.

He sighed quietly with disappointment.

"Sorry, Bro," Jason offered, hovering over Kim's shoulder, "That attack you guys launched completely decimated your power reserves. Both you and Alexis expelled your Power Coins from your bodies. The coins were so drained they couldn't even maintain their magical bond with you."

Somehow, Tommy found a small smile. "Hey, it's okay," he assured his friends, "At least I got one more good fight in. I knew it was only temporary."

Jason grinned at his best friend's strength.

"So how's Alexis?" Tommy asked, rising to his feet. Kimberly jerked her head toward a second bed, where the young woman lay unconscious. Zack and Trini were watching her vitals on the viewing screens, while Alpha and Billy discussed something within the ring of consoles that made up the hub of the Command Center.

"Her body's not used to wielding this kind of energy," Trini explained, "so it's taking her a bit longer to wake up."

Tommy nodded, his dark scrutiny passing along the entire Command Center. He gazed perplexed at the Transdimension Cylinder, which was suspiciously empty.

"Where's Zordon?"

Chapter Eleven

*Kreia?* he called one last time.

Once again, there was no response.

Heaviness settled into Zordon's overflowing heart as he finally was forced to come to terms with this newest loss.

She was gone again. And this time, there was no coming back.

The ancient wizard sighed, taking in one final glance at the dazzling colors of the Astral Plane.

*Alexis was correct,* he admitted to himself, *Kreia, you expended every last drop of your existence. Now, all that you were has been reduced to scant memories and abilities, locked into the well of knowledge the Eagle Coin taps into. But even that will have to die.*

It was an extremely difficult decision to make. But it had to be done.

He had taken the time to study the Purple Coin after it separated from Alexis' body. He understood the kind of powers Kreia had granted it with her last wisps of existence.

It could only be manifested in the Power Coin's true form... without being distilled by the Morpher.

If Alexis did decide to join the Power Rangers, she needed to use a Morpher. The Morpher greatly changed the abilities the Power Rangers had, primarily diverting a great deal of the attack energies into defense.

He had lost so many of his children over the centuries, but after Rita's incarceration he had ten thousand years of peace to develop technology to alter the Power. Before, Rangers bled in nearly every battle. Now, the energy matrix woven by the Morpher made a nearly impenetrable armor. True, Erebus managed to cut through, but not enough to seriously endanger the Rangers' lives. If Erebus had faced any previous team of Rangers, the attacks that maimed Zack and Trini could very well have been fatal.

If Alexis used the Power Coin in the raw form, not only would she not have the defenses the other Rangers enjoyed, but she'd also have knowledge of the attacks Kreia had developed. What if she were brave enough to try them? Or worst yet... what if Kreia had given her the secret to Ascending?

Zordon's thoughts turned to Ghedaliah. He hadn't witnessed the first Ascension, but the energy it released destroyed Umbriel. Kreia's Ascension was different, as she tapped not into the Morphin' Grid, but the energy pool the Green and Purple Rangers originated from. Still, that energy was devastating, and it cost Kreia her life.

These Rangers will never have to make such sacrifices, he vowed, It may take a bit more time, but they have enough power to stop Lord Zedd and secure peace for this planet. Slowly, they will grow stronger, and when they are ready to take on the next phase of the Power, they will do so... and then they will save the universe. But they will not

risk their lives foolishly.

Zordon gazed once again into the distance. *Kreia,* he called, *you cannot hear me, but I cannot remain silent. I'm sorry I couldn't save you... again. And I dearly thank you for all you did to help the Rangers. You didn't have to help them at all, but you died a true Power Ranger, a jewel of a human being. Your help in this last battle saved us all. But I cannot let the secrets of the Power that you have uncovered be discovered by the children just yet. I'm sorry... but your gift cannot be used now.*

And with that final, solemn apology, Zordon once again vanished from the Astral Plane to return to his dear children... now seven in all.

Chapter Twelve

Before her eyes even opened, she could feel the difference. An eerie emptiness tingled within her mind, and a chill seemed to gather in her palm.

The Power was gone... and so was Kreia.

Alexis gasped, her eyes shuttering open urgently. Confusion filled her mind as she desperately tried to fill in the blanks in her memory. Dazed, she stared at her naked palm.

All that she had experienced through Kreia was gone. All the memories and strategies the Purple Ranger had bestowed upon her had vanished like a vibrant dream faded upon awakening.

"Alexis?" Tommy's voice asked tenuously.

Alexis looked up from her palm, and smiled weakly at the six teens assembled before her.

She knew Tommy, Jason, and Trini were Power Rangers... and she had suspected Kimberly, Billy, and Zack were the other three.

Zack Taylor a Power Ranger... wouldn't Angela get a kick out of that


she wondered with amusement. No wonder he had so little time for her...

Jason's hand settled on her shoulder, an easy grin appearing on his lips. She couldn't help but smile in return. "What do you remember?" he asked.

She considered the question. "The last thing I remember was summoning the Maelstrom with Tommy. But then, I was too weak to hold on... I passed out."

She then regarded her hand once again. "Where's the coin?"

"It separated from your body after the Maelstrom," Billy reported, "We hypothesize that the cause for this separation was in fact Tommy's limited powers. His Green Ranger energies were restored, but not to their full power. He ran out of energy during the Maelstrom, forcing it to release rather violently. With all your energies drained, both coins separated from your bodies."

"But your power loss is only temporary," Tommy quickly interjected, "The Power replenishes itself, so the Purple Coin will be fine. The Green Coin had been magically stripped of its connection to the Power behind it some time ago, so it could never be properly restored. "

Alexis frowned. "I'm so sorry, Tommy. I could see how much you love being a Ranger."

Tommy smiled. "Hey, I've lost my powers before. At least this time, it really counted for something."

He extended his hand, clasping hers tightly. "Thanks a lot for your help, Alexis. You'll be a great Purple Ranger."

Her eyes widened. "Really? You guys actually want me to be the Purple Ranger?"

Kim blinked. "Of course! Why... don't want the job?"

"Oh no, not at all!" Alexis stammered, "I mean, sure

I want the job. I just figured I was kinda the default. But now that you have the coin again, you can pick someone who can fight."

"Fighting isn't all there is to being a Ranger," Billy announced with a sheepish grin. "Believe me... I know."

"It's all about heart, Alexis," Zack added, smiling broadly and thumping his chest once, "and from what I've seen, your heart is in the right place."

Alexis felt herself blush at the compliment, her gaze moving along the assembly of her peers. All wore warm smiles, openly welcoming her to join the fold.

"Oh wow..." she whispered. She was too overwhelmed to add anything more.

Just then, Zordon's essence returned to the Transdimension Cylinder. His gaze instantly fell upon the seven youths assembled in the back of the Command Center.


The Rangers all smiled bashfully, and together they approached their beloved mentor, standing in a row before him.

"Yes!" Alpha chimed in, "Great work! I was really worried there."


He smiled gently. Alexis could feel that there was absolutely no pressure on her to either accept or reject the offer.

She glanced once again at her six new friends. They all had reputations at Angel Grove High of being almost perfect. But, amazingly, they even exceeded those reputations. They were an incredibly close knit group... even a family... and together they managed to gather the strength necessary to live their double lives to the fullest. They were exemplary, model students and citizens... balancing all their responsibilities while still managing to save the world on a regular basis.

Did she really have what it took to join their ranks? Could she measure up to all this?

They seemed to have a great deal of faith in her... and that faith made it much easier for her to have a little faith in herself


Maybe she really wasn't so weak after all. Maybe her grandmother was right.

All these brave people seemed to think so.

"I'm in!" she declared, her face lighting up with excitement.

Kimberly squealed, embracing the new Purple Ranger as if she were her sister. Alexis marveled at the ease with which the Pink Ranger accepted people into her heart.

In turn, the other Rangers welcomed her personally to their ranks. Alexis felt her heart leap when Jason, now her leader, wrapped his strong arms around her shoulders.

"You'll be great, Alexis," he determined.

"Call me Lex, guys," she suggested with a half-smile, "All my best friends do."

Chapter Thirteen

"Oh gosh..." Alexis muttered, grinding her inline skates into the gravel, "I can't believe I'm so late!"

She had gotten a serious lecture the previous night from her mother for being so late in getting home, and had promptly crashed into bed at two in the morning. Despite the several "naps" she had taken during the exhausting evening, she found her body completely spent.

She bit back a grin. I guess I'd better get used to it! After all, I'm a Power Ranger


She skidded to a halt at the base of the stairs ascending to the high school, and hastily tore off her skates to replace them with fresh white sneakers. She then threw her skates into her duffel bag, and hurried into the building.

Thankfully, the hallways were still abuzz with students. She didn't miss first bell after all.

Her grin widening, Alexis made her way towards her locker, weaving through crowds of students.

"Hey girl!"

Alexis turned her head, and threw a smile at Angela, who waved at her from her locker.

"Hi Angela. What's up?"

Angela shrugged. "Nothing. Are you feeling any better? I called you like four times last night, and you never called me back!"

"Sorry. I was just dead tired last night," Alexis responded, "But I feel much better now."

It wasn't a total


"What was wrong with you? If you were sick enough to get out of Wilton's class, you must've been suffering!"

Alexis shrugged. "Bad headache and dizziness. I guess it was a virus or something, but it's passed."

She then glanced at the large wall clock that hung above the lockers. "I gotta get to my locker. See you in Chem?"

Angela nodded, waving. "Bye, Lex!"

Alexis waved after her, her gaze lingering on her friend for a few moments. Deep down, it pained her to have to hide something so significant from the first friend she made in Angel Grove. But those were the rules... do not reveal their identities to anyone.

Both she and Zack shared the same burden regarding Angela.

She sighed quietly, hurrying toward her locker without giving the predicament another thought.

A smile automatically pulled her lips when she recognized Jason leaning against her locker, glancing at his wrist.

"Hey Jase," she called, stopping next to him. He grinned, pulling away from her locker to give her room.

"Morning, Lex," he greeted, "Sleep well?"

"Like a rock," she reported, rolling her eyes, "but hey... it was great to sleep without being haunted by dreams. Now I feel great!"

Jason chuckled. "Good to hear... but it looks like you've slept in. Billy wanted to give you this, but he had another meeting for his aerodynamics experiment."

With that, he handed her a silver and purple bracelet, complete with a large face with a microphone, small screen, and several buttons along the perimeter.

"Wow," she gasped, staring at the device, "What is it?"

"It's one of our little gadgets," Jason explained, snapping it onto her wrist. He then pulled up the sleeve of his rust red sweater, revealing his own red and silver device. "Billy designed these after we were recruited. We all have one in our signature color. They're communicators, watches and limited teleportation units."

Alexis frowned in astonishment, staring at her wrist in awe. "Billy made these? Whoa... I've heard he was a genius, but... wow!"

Jason smirked. "Yeah, he slapped yours together last night. The original design didn't display the time, but whenever someone asks what they are, we automatically say they're watches. Billy figured it was best to make them watches too, so at least no one's suspicious of a watch that doesn't show time. Anyway, yours has eight buttons. The six colored ones are for one-on-one messages with each other Ranger, the silver one is for the Command Center, and the gold button is for all the Rangers. And this flat button on the bottom is the Express Transporter, which taps into our teleportation system in the Command Center to automatically send you there. If you press the flat button and a colored button at the same time, or if you press the flat button while the communication link is open to another Ranger, then you'll be teleported to the coordinates of that Ranger. And finally, the small screen near the top gives us the digital time. It automatically adjusts for Daylight Savings, by the way."

Alexis nodded, listening intently to Jason's instruction. She then glanced at his watch. "Yours doesn't have a purple button yet," she realized.

"Well, Billy thought the priority was giving you a wrist unit, so you can get in touch with us if an emergency arises. We can reach you with the gold button, since you're in the system, but when he gets some time he'll install purple buttons on all of our wrist units. Oh, and by the way, Tommy's no longer on the all-call command. But you can still reach him if you need to with the green button."

"Got it."

Just then, the first bell rang. Alexis frowned, hastily digging through her locker and struggling to fit her roller-skates into the compact storage area.

Jason glanced toward the hallway, but didn't move. "Hey, you busy after school?" he inquired.

Alexis didn't look up. "Nope. What's on the schedule? Martial arts training? Alien Technology 101?"

Jason smiled sheepishly. "Actually... I had something else in mind."

Alexis looked up, perplexed.

"Well, we never did get those smoothies."

The End

To Be Continued In...

The Streaks of Purple Saga Part Three:

Green to White

Excerpt From Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Three: From Green to White

"Ooo, Girl... this was just made

for you!"

Alexis looked up, her hand still absently browsing through blouses on the rack. Her dark green eyes narrowed as she appraised the cotton knit turtleneck, the material a cool jade.

Her nose pinched. "I don't know about the color."

Angela blinked, setting the sweater back on the rack. "Since when don't you like green? It brings out your eyes."

"I think I have enough green stuff in my closet. I'm looking for... something else..."

Angela smirked, jerking her thumb to the pile of clothing the girls deposited on a nearby counter. "Lemme guess. Something purple."

Alexis visibly cringed at the offhand comment, glancing sidelong at her friend. "What makes you say that?"

"Oh, just the fact that you're going on a wild shopping spree, and everything

you picked out has been purple!"

Alexis frowned, shifting her gaze from the blouse rack to the clothing she had selected thus far. Sure enough, it was predominately purple... royal purple skirt, soft lavender sweater set, flare jeans with orchids embroidered near the ankle, black Guess logo shirt with plum rhinestones... even the canvas sneakers she selected were violet!

"I read in 'Seventeen' that purple is the in-color for the fall season." In truth, she hadn't even realized her color preference.

Angela shrugged, turning back to the sweater. She eyed it critically, lifting it from the rack once again and pressing it to her body. "Hmm... it's a bit chunkier than most of my shirts, but... what do you think?"

Alexis smiled her approval. "It'll look great on you."

Angela nodded in agreement, tossing the sweater over her arm. "Okay, I think that's enough for this store. We still have to get over to Masquerade and look for costumes for the Halloween Ball."

Alexis nodded obediently, sweeping up her purchases and following Angela to the registers. While the pair waited on the rapidly moving line, Alexis took another appraising look at her selections.

She then nudged Angela with her elbow.

"Do you think it's too much purple?"

Angela tilted her head. "Well... no. Lucky for you, purple compliments your skin tone. Though I think the richer shades look better than the pastels." She then leaned closer. "But that new watch of yours has got

to go."

Alexis turned her attention to her purple and silver communicator band. "Really?"

Her friend nodded emphatically. "It's absolutely garish

. Your wrist is far too dainty for such a bulky accessory. That style may look good on Zack, but you really need a thin one... maybe gold-tone."

Alexis blinked incredulously, her anxiety escalating. She absently settled her purchase on the register counter once the cashier was free. "Z...Zack?"

"Oh yes, he's got a very similar watch." Angela took the opportunity to take Alexis' wrist now that her arms were free. "Identical even; except for the color. Funny... I don't see a name brand."

Alexis jerked her hand away as gently as possible, laughing nervously. "Yeah, well... it's some flashy new European brand. I can't remember the name. Nana gave it to me when I visited her last week."

The new Purple Ranger barely contained a sigh of relief when Angela nodded, apparently accepting the explanation.

After the girls finished making their purchases, they strode through the sparsely populated halls of Angel Grove Plaza, Angela dragging her disinterested shopping-mate into Masquerade, a new seasonal shop that boasted the largest selection of adult-size costumes in the county.

Alexis gasped at the sight of the store.

It was decorated like a cave, the shelves and walls all covered with gray plastic designed to look like rock formations. The relatively dim lighting and dense fog that crawled along the floor gave the store a chill, emphasized by the air conditioning that kept the store noticeably cooler than the hallway just outside. Mannequins lined the walls, costumes covering just enough of the skin to make one wonder whether there wasn't a person within.

Alexis gulped, staring out into the darkened corridors. Where was everyone?

"Freaky," Angela marveled, an excited gleam in her eye as she moved forward, "It's like a haunted house! No wonder everyone's raving about it!"

"R...right," Alexis whispered, nervous fingers tightly clenching her shopping bags. It had only been a few days since her encounter with Goldar, which left her confined in a creepy, foggy, dark room for several hours, just waiting for death to claim her. Such a memory would leave anyone on edge.

The new Purple Ranger watched her friend vanish down an aisle, excitedly skimming through the selection of women's costumes hanging inside a wall. Alexis hovered near the entrance, her face still tight with anxiety.

Slowly, her gaze slid to a mannequin wearing a suit of armor that seemed to guard the entrance. He stood on a small podium next to the glass door, the tip of his sword grazing the ground between his toes.

She sighed loudly, desperately trying to recompose herself. "Angela? I think I'll... wait outside a bit. It's freezing in here."

When her friend didn't respond, Alexis couldn't help but worry.

Don't be so irrational,

she chided, huffing aloud in disgust, It's just some stupid store...

Her lip quirking in a self-conscious laugh, she strolled toward the exit.

She promptly screamed when a silver sword suddenly appeared before her face, blocking her exit.

She didn't even think- her arms swung towards the left, where the knight stood at her side. Her heavy packages crashed into his gut, knocking the knight off his feet.

She almost broke into a run, but she heard the startled "Whumph!" from her would-be attacker, accompanied by a loud crash.

Alexis grimaced, dropping her bags and kneeling beside the knight, who had collided with a display of candy selections for Trick-or-Treaters. "I'm so

sorry!" she gasped, "You... you scared me!"

To her surprise, the knight laughed riotously. "No, I think I owe you the apology," he said, once he'd recovered himself, "I didn't mean to really

scare you... you were just too tempting a target."

He struggled to pull off his helmet, revealing a tan complexion and soft brown hair. He glanced up at Alexis, an impish grin spreading on his face. "Welcome to Masquerade. Mind helping me up? This suit's harder to move in than wet jeans."

Alexis sighed as she grasped the knight's hand, and pulled him to his feet. Once he was stable, he whistled, rubbing his sore neck. "You've got some quick reflexes," he commented, "Most people scream, but no one's hit me before."

Alexis glared at him, before turning away from his laughing copper gaze. Her face began to redden with humiliation. "I didn't mean it," she hissed, "But... that's what you deserve, sticking sharp swords in people's faces!"

He laughed again, bending down to pick up the "sharp" weapon. He held it before Alexis, and gripped the edge tightly. With little effort, he bent the sword into a U shape.

"Rubber," he explained with a smirk. He then tapped the edge of the blade against her forehead for emphasis.

Her face slowly folded into a snarl. This clown certainly

didn't need to make her feel all the more the idiot by making fun of her.

"Whatever," she grumbled, collecting her bags, "I'm outside, Angie!"

Without even a gesture of goodbye, Alexis turned away from the knight and headed into the halls.

She blinked in surprise when she heard a heavy metal footfall directly behind her.

"You're not actually mad, are you?" the knight asked, "I mean, I said I was sorry."

She turned around with every intention of chewing out the young man for scaring her half to death. But one look at his face, alight with penitence and just a touch of boyish mischief, and all she could do was sigh. Again.

"Well, no," she conceded.

His face instantly broke into a sunny smile, and he grabbed her hand. "Great! Since you're such a good sport, you get 10% off your purchase! Today only!"

Alexis watched helplessly as the exuberant teen dragged her back into the store. "But I wasn't even shopping!" she insisted, "I'm just here with my friend."

"So you have your Halloween costume already?"

"Well, no-"

"Then you'd better get crackin'... you've only got a week before the big day."

Her eyes rolled as the pair re-entered the store. "I'm a too old for Trick-or-Treating."

His eyebrow quirked. "No one's ever too old for Trick-or-Treating. Besides, who doesn't love getting all decked out in a costume?"

Her hand rose to her lips in an attempt to hide an ironic smile.

"So, what do you want to be?"

She puzzled over the question for a moment, before finally shrugging her shoulders. "I have no idea."

The knight frowned at her skeptically. "Well, lucky for you I'm a master at finding the perfect costume. Have a seat, Miss."

Alexis obeyed, sitting on the empty chair near the entrance. She watched as the knight then turned his attention to the destroyed candy display, and began cleaning it up.

"Let's start with the basics," he said, glancing at her. "What's your name?"


"Okay, Alexis... do you remember your childhood dreams?"

"What does that

have to do with anything?"

"Everything! The whole point of Halloween is wearing a costume... becoming a new person, just for one night."

"Really," she challenged, a smirk on her lips, "and silly me... all this time I thought it was a religious holiday which has been commercialized into games and candy by modern society, just like Christmas and Easter."

The knight paused his cleaning to stare at her. "You're sucking all the fun out of this, ya know."

She bit her lip to contain a giggle. "Sorry."

"Anyway," he resumed, "the best costume is one that feeds upon fantasy. That's when you really enjoy the holiday! Take me, for instance. I've always wanted to be a valiant hero, you know... rescuing a beautiful princess from a fire-breathing dragon, or saving the universe from a dark evil with my light saber. That kind of thing."

His smile widened, and he thumped his chest proudly. "This year, I'm the knight in shining armor. Last year, I was the masked superhero. The year before, I was the fearless cowboy."

Alexis leaned back, an amused grin on her lips. "I'm getting the picture."

"So, what's your

fantasy? Think about it."

And so she did. She reflected on her youth... not that long ago, but for some reason it felt so far away the past few months. She thought about the carefree imagination that drove her parents to insanity, as she bound through the hallways as Wonder Woman, slid down the staircase atop a flattened cardboard box like a champion skier, or even huddled around the corner with her trusted water pistol as an intrepid British super spy.

What hadn't

she dreamed to be? At some point she had been everything from G.I. Joe to Jem... how could she choose?

The knight noticed her overwhelmed expression, and smiled. "Hard to pick one, eh?"

"Yeah," she noted, absently fondling a lock of dark red hair, "How do I?"

"The next step is to focus on a theme- something that pervaded your dreams. Not a character, necessarily... but some aspect of a character that you cherish most. For me it's being heroic. Is there something you always wanted to experience?"

Then it dawned on her.

The thrill of sticking her head out the car window when her father sped down the highway, despite her mother's shrill demands for her to sit down and buckle her seatbelt. The rush that flooded her when she sat on the tire-swing in the middle school playground, always pulling her body higher. The feel of utter freedom when she swam in her grandmother's large pool, closing her eyes and just floating. The winter winds biting her cheeks as she glided along a frozen lake, only the thin blade of her skates touching the earth.

The feeling of freedom. Weightlessness. Full range of motion.

She had always wanted to fly.

Despite herself, she began chuckling. That's pretty stupid... I can fly! I've got wings now, for Pete's sake!

But the fantasy of flight was far different from reality. True, she could fly under her own power, but she couldn't really experience the pure thrill of it. She knew the rules... the Power was only to be used when necessary; and there was no time for dilly-dallying in the air during one of Lord Zedd's assaults.

The idealized dream was of hanging in the air, her hair free and floating in a glossy halo around her face. Her own wings... extensions of her body, not her uniform... holding her aloft. Cool breezes of the atmosphere tickling her flesh, contrasting with the warm glow of the sun that beat overhead. It was a far cry from reality, where her dense armor blocked out all the sensation... all the freedom

she actually dreamed about.

And so, with a half-dreamy smile spreading her lips, she answered him. "I want wings."

From there it was easy to find the perfect costume. After fifteen more minutes, during which the knight helped her select accessories to truly personalize the costume, he escorted her to the register, where a cappuccino-skinned clown stood waiting.

"By the way, Bel, she gets 10% off," the knight informed the cashier.

Belinda smirked at him as she scanned the purchases. "Get back in place, good Sir Knight," she advised him, "before you miss your chance to spook another customer."

Alexis giggled, paid for her costume, and then moved toward the front of the store. She noticed Angela was waiting for her, leaning against the wall and holding a Masquerade shopping bag in addition to her previous purchases.

Angela smirked triumphantly. "I knew

you'd find something," she teased.

"Well, I couldn't resist," Alexis admitted, as the pair moved to the exit side by side. On her way out, her gaze lingered on the silver knight, who had once again donned his helmet and taken his position beside the door. "So, what did you wind up buying?"

Angela's smile lit up. "The cutest frog-man helped me out, and I got this terrific

belly-dancing outfit! Perfect chance to show off the fruits of all those crunches I added to my exercise routine. And get this, the frog was so adorable... he turned red as a tomato when I asked him how he thought it'd look on me..."

The girls then fell out of earshot, but the smirk on the knight's hidden face didn't budge. His hidden gaze swept towards the door, where Kermit the Frog watched the girls leave.

"Belinda says you gave the redhead a discount," Kermit noted, turning to face the knight while pulling off the large, cumbersome headpiece, "So how many girls did you try to charm so far?"

The knight chuckled, lazily tapping his sword against his shoulder. "For your information, just this one."

The frog's eyebrow quirked. "Only one? That's not the Rocky DeSantos I know!"

Rocky smirked mischievously, and pointed the tip of his rubber-sword at his friend's chest. "You'd better get back to your place, Park... or I'll be having frog's legs for dinner."

Adam laughed, sliding the "blade" away from him with his fingertip. "No... if Mrs. Campbell sees us goofing off again, she'll have both

of us for dinner!"

Character Thesaurus

So, you wanted to know about the characters in this book? )(That is....if you don't know them already!)

That is why I created this character thesaurus for you all! Enjoy!

Power Rangers

Jason Lee Scott - Red Power Ranger

Full Name:

Jason Lee Scott
Ranger Designation:

Red Power Ranger

Power Sword, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Tyrannosaurus Dino Thunderzord

Strong and fearless, Jason is the former Red Ranger and original leader of the Power Rangers. To Jason went the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin, giving him the power of the Tyrannosaurus, and control of the Tyrannosaurus Dino Thunderzord. Red Ranger's power weapon is the Power Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Red Ranger, Jason gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability. His tactical knowledge and fighting skill make him the ultimate Ranger. Jason closely follows the rules of Martial Arts, and promotes discipline and making friends out of enemies.

Zack Taylor - Black Power Ranger

Full Name:

Zack Taylor
Ranger Designation:

Black Power Ranger

Power Axe, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Mastodon Dino Thunderzord

Quick witted and clever, Zack relies on speed and cunning to win his battles. The former Black Ranger was the jokester of team, loving dancing, magic, and girls, especially Angela. He cares for his friends and always tried to cheer them up when they're feeling down. A good friend with a good heart, Zack always loved a good joke, and loved it when Bulk and Skull embarrassed themselves in public. Zack is currently promoting world peace at a peace conference in Switzerland. To Zack went the Mastodon Power Coin, giving him the power of the Mastodon, and control of the Mastodon Dino Thunderzord. Black Ranger's power weapon is the Power Axe, which doubles as a powerful cannon. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Black Ranger, Zack gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability.

Trini Kwan - Yellow Power Ranger

Full Name:

Trini Kwan
Ranger Designation:

Yellow Power Ranger

Power Daggers, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Sabertooth Tiger Dino Thunderzord

Trini is a quiet, spiritual, and honourable person. She believes in a fair fight, and has practiced the Mantis style of Kung Fu. Although quiet and reserved, Trini is very strong willed and courageous. Yellow Ranger's power weapon is the Power Daggers, powerful blades used for defense and for throwing. Her weapons combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Yellow Ranger, Trini gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability and gained control of the Sabertooth Tiger Dino Thunderzord.

Kimberly Hart - Pink Power Ranger

Full Name:

Kimberly Hart
Ranger Designation:

Pink Power Ranger

Power Bow, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Pterodactyl Dino Thunderzord

Kimberly was one of the five Rangers originally chosen by Zordon to protect the Earth against Rita Repulsa. She was given the Pterodactyl Power Coin and ability to morph into the Pink Ranger and control of the Pterodactyl Dino Thunderzord. Once ditzy and materialistic, Kimberly has evolved into a strong, confident, and caring person. A kind and compassionate soul, Kim cares a great deal about her friends, and will not take kindly to anyone messing with them. Her weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Pink Ranger, Kim gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.

Billy Cranston - Blue Power Ranger

Full Name:

Billy Cranston
Ranger Designation:

Blue Power Ranger

Power Lance, Blade Blaster

Wrist Communicator, Power Morpher with Power Coin

Triceratops Dino Thunderzord

Billy is one of the original five teenagers chosen by Zordon to defend the planet from the forces of Rita Repulsa. As the Blue Ranger, Billy fought well against Putties and Tengas, and saved the Power Rangers on numerous occasions with devices that he created. Billy is the smartest of the Rangers, with a super genius IQ level. Once awkward and shy, Billy has evolved over time into the confident and capable person he is today. To Billy went the Triceratops Power Coin, giving him the power of the Triceratops, and control of the Triceratops Dinozord. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Blue Ranger, Billy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection.

Tommy Oliver - Green Power Ranger

Full Name:

Tommy Oliver
Ranger Designation:

Green Power Ranger

Dragon Dagger

Dragon Shield, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Wrist Communicator


When Tommy arrived at Angel Grove High, Rita saw him as the perfect person to become her evil Green Ranger. She put him under a spell and gave him the Dragon Power Coin. With it, Tommy morphed into the Green Ranger and fought the Power Rangers, defeating them in a couple of battles. Tommy was given the Sword of Darkness to finish off the Rangers, but Jason defeated Green Ranger in combat and destroyed the Sword of Darkness, releasing the spell over Tommy, making him the newest Power Ranger. Green Ranger's power weapon is the Dragon Dagger, which doubles as a flute and plays music to summon the Dragonzord. As Green Ranger, Tommy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection. Green Ranger also wore a special shield around his chest which protected him from many attacks. Tommy is a bit forgetful and dim-witted at times, but he more than makes up for it with his nobility and courage. Tommy eventually lost his powers after Rita created a Green Candle that took his powers away as it burned down. After losing their Power Coins, the Rangers called on Tommy to once again become the Green Ranger by using the Dragon Coin and Zordon's energy.

Alexis Darling - Purple Power Ranger

Full Name:

Alexis Darling
Ranger Designation:

Purple Power Ranger

Eagle Whip

Eagle Shield, Power Morpher with Power Coin, Wrist Communicator


Eagle Heart Pulse Blast

Alexis moved from Philadelphia to Angel Grove with her mother when her mother gained a job at an art gallery. Being new to Angel Grove, she didn't know what to expect and everything was brand new to her. Meeting the six teenagers that were the Power Rangers, she was accepted into their group and they were all later surprised when she became the Purple Power Ranger, inheriting her powers from an ancestor from long ago.

Mentors and Allies


A wise old sage, Zordon used to fight evil around the galaxy, eventually establishing a base of operations on Earth. In a final battle with Rita Repulsa, Zordon was trapped in a time warp, his only window to our reality being a giant tube in the Command Center.

Alpha Five

Alpha 5, a fully sentient automaton, or robot, is the loyal assistant to Zordon in the Power Chamber. He was built on Edenoi by King Lexian, and recruited by Zordon to assist him in establishing a vanguard against evil on Earth.

Bulk and Skull

Bulk and Skull are Angel Grove High's resident punks, bullying those smaller than them, and always coming up with schemes to get fame or fortune, like finding out the identities of the Power Rangers.


Ernie is the owner of the Angel Grove Youth Center, the most popular hang out spot for the teens of Angel Grove. Ernie is generous and good-natured, often giving out free drinks and food for special occasions, and helping out his customers if they need it.

Ms. Appleby

Ms. Appleby is one of Angel Grove's most dedicated and tolerant teachers. She constantly put up with the wacky antics of Bulk and Skull, and seems to have them in every subject she teaches.

Mr. Caplan

Mr. Caplan believes in three things- detention, wearing a toupee, and detention. A strict disciplinarian, Mr. Caplan never hesitates in issuing detention to those who deserve it. He loves seeing the students do things for the community and for the environment and does his best to encourage them all do it.


Rita Repulsa

A feared sorceress, Rita attempts to conquer all in sight. After being released from a dumpster in which Zordon imprisoned her in a final battle, she tried to conquer Earth, with her crew. Rita had no luck however, being defeated by the Rangers time and time again.


Goldar is Rita's top warrior. He frequently accompanies monsters to Angel Grove, and holds his own against the Rangers.

Squatt and Babboo

Rita's two bumbling henchmen do their best to help their mistress in her war against the Rangers, but usually end up screwing up.


Finster was part magician, part scientist. He created Putties and monsters for Rita, along with the occasional technological device. Finster was very easy going and gentle by nature.


Scorpina is a ruthless and cunning femme fatale who served on Rita's side since the time of the evil Green Ranger. She used a sword in combat, which doubled as a boomerang. When she grew in size to battle the Zords, she assumed a monstrous appearance.

Putty Patrol

Putties are the expendable warriors made of clay who are sent down to Earth to wear down the Rangers before a monster fight, as well as for sabotage and special missions. Rita's putties would take many different forms, including pumpkin head putties, ball handed putties, and football player putties. Using a powerful clay she found, she created super putties, which were significantly harder to defeat.

About the Author

Heather Ray lives in Logansport, Indiana where she enjoys spending time with family and friends. In her spare time when she isn't reading, writing, going to school at the local college of Ivy Tech Community College or working on various art projects, she enjoys swimming and playing basketball with the Special Olympics, watching movies with her god daughter, Lucy, (who happens to be the reason why Heather decided to transfer the fanfiction that she originally wrote this and other book series' into books!)

, acting with the local theater troupe in her hometown, singing, and working on her voice over work.

Her favorite book series includes The House of Night, Peter and the Starcatchers, Daughters of the Moon, The Nick Chronicles

(among other Dark Hunters books!)

, the Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings Book Series, the Harry Potter series, the Sookie Stackhouse series

, and she is also a bit of a comics 'nerd'

with her love for X-Men, Batman, Avengers,

just to name a few of her favorite comics. She also enjoys reading several mangas which include Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Vampire Knight,

and Sailor Moon


Not only does she enjoy reading, as is stated above, she also loves watching movies and various TV Shows. Her favorite TV Shows include True Blood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel

, all the seasons of Power Rangers, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Doctor Who

and Once Upon a Time

. Her favorite movies include all the Star Wars

movies, all the Star Trek

movies, the Lord of the Rings

trilogy (she is really looking forward to see The Hobbit


, all the Marvel Comics

movies, the Chronicles of Narnia

movies and all the Harry Potter

movies! She also enjoys several animes including Chobits, Ceres Celestial Legend, Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight,

and her favorite: Sailor Moon

(she is a bit obsessed with Sailor Moon what with not only enjoying the anime but also the live action series from Japan, and the musical series: Sera Myu

! She also cannot wait for the new anime series of Sailor Moon that is due out in a year!)

When she isn't at home writing or spending time with her friends and family, Heather can be found going around her home town (where she picked up a lot of her ideas for these books)

or at her local library, picking up new ideas for her next book!


Texte: I do not own Mighty Morphin Power Rangers let alone any of the Power Ranger Franchise. Haim Saban owns it all and bases it on the Japanese Sentai: Zyuranger among the other Sentais.I do not own Peter or Wendy Darling...J.M. Barrie owns those characters.All other characters in this novel belong to me such as Alexis Darling along with her family.Claire Danes represents Alexis Darling in the picture on the cover.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.10.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to the friends that have been with me through this process and have backed me up throughout it all: Alison, Frodo, Marcia, Mike, and everyone else! You guys are so awesome. To my aunt, Terry, thanks so much for introducing me to this awesome site! To Bookrix for creating this awesome site for us all to publish our books and letting others read them for free! And to everyone that has read the first book...thank you guys so much! Luvya all and hope you stick tight for the thrilling ride that the second volume is sure to bring!

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