

Chapter one


Chimgozirim Oba looks very smart in her new school uniform; white shirt under a green pinafore with a green tie or should I say a green large long rope knotted in a bow, pair of white stocking and a sandal. She was not looking forward to going to school with no friend and a teacher that treats her like she is the community placement of the school. When her dad drops her off at the front door of her class and says goodbye, she tries and put on a smile and waves back at her dad. Putting her bag and lunch pack at the proper place she goes to her seat to stare at empty space as she sips her hot chocolate which has just been handed to her, she could remember all her bad memories in this school which is actually the memory she has of this school. Staying in this class for the third year not because she has a dull brain but because as her teacher puts it “she is too small and has not also grown out of baby mind”. She can remember on one occasion where she has to spend the whole day without food not even the morning hot chocolate or the after lunch snack which the school gives to both its staff and student because a more deserving person is hungry, when anything goes wrong in the class it was entirely Me-goo’s fault and when something bad is done it sure was Me-goo who did it whether she was the one or not. Or when she had to be without textbooks because it should belong to someone who would read it and grow until her dad had to come and demand for them. Or when she faced her biggest embarrassment when she had to urinate on herself cause she wouldn’t be given permission to go to the convenience and was made to sit naked in class while there was many emergency gowns she would have been given but no. what happened to make her teacher hate her so much or was it as she said it loves her so much she can’t tell for things had always been normal until her birthday in her first year of being in school, her dad brought cupcakes and drinks to celebrate for her in school as they had told him that she had to celebrate it in school, when she came to say hello to her dad and thank him for the cakes and drinks she overheard her teacher telling him how disappointed I must be with the cake I was given, “How awkward she must be feeling having that little cake among those gigantic cakes of her birthday mates” she had said to him. At that moment she hated her cake and seeing how every student laughed at her small cake when she wanted to cut it made hot tears come to her eyes and from then she developed a hatred for cupcakes she found it very difficult eating her birthday cake but she had to eat it for dad, the phobia became so strong she has nausea anytime she sees anything that has to do with cupcakes; be it pictures, its pack or the real thing. She was snapped out of her deep thoughts by the call of her name at her ears, she stood up thinking what wrong has she been accused of this time, “the headmistress wants to see you” she heard the headmistress’s secretary say to her as she was leaving she could hear the two ladies talking about her.
“Is she not quite too young to be in such deep thought, who knows what she is thinking about?” the secretary ask her teacher who was staring at her.
“I will tell you; nothing” the teacher spat.
“What?” the secretary was shock at the venom in the words. The secretary me-goo has noticed to be a very cheerful and beautiful old lady in complete contrast to the grumpy, shrivelled young lady who she has been stuck with for three years. She laughed at the irony and gained an icy glare from her teacher.
“She is always absent minded she is not thinking about a thing” her catlike voice annoying me-goo more. Every time she uses that voice in an attempt to sound firm and well-informed me-goo felt like leaping upon her face which really isn’t that high a leap and scratching her eyes out.
“Ok then I have to go run other errands I will see you later”. The secretary waved and walked elegantly out the door, her stature too straight and slender for her age.
Me-goo walked slowly to the office which was a bit detached from the school with a driveway which enclosed the small house and its lawn at the far east of the premises in a square. After 20 minutes of sluggish walking preparing herself for the questions and punishment of what she knows entirely nothing about. She is going to be entirely mute during the questioning as she usually is during the process because she doesn’t know what to say and she learnt not to say she didn’t do it the bitter way, by serving a double; one punishment for the crime she didn’t commit and the other for a supposed lie she told by denying it and running from the responsibility of her action. Standing in the office furnished with a mahogany desk and three big leather rotating chair at opposite ends of the desk, a leather sofa adorning the side of the office, a very large painting that went from floor to almost the ceiling, and a big five step steel drawer placed strategically at the corner of the room for easy access. The head mistress asked her to sit at the chair at the other end of the desk opposite her, being terrible small she struggled to sit on it. On the desk there was a table phone and a desktop computer.
“Miss Oba it has come to my understanding that it’s your third year in your current class?” Me-goo nodded slowly in agreement and the head mistress continued. “From what your file says you’ve not had any bad grades at all in fact you’ve been outstanding”. She kept looking at the file in front of her while speaking to Me-goo.
“But I obviously need to grow physically and mentally” she mumbled.
“Miss Oba you’ve been promoted!” the head mistress announced expecting the child’s excitement but none came just a mumbled ok and a nod. “You’ll have to write an exam for me, can you do that dear?” The head mistress asked wanting to verify for herself that she was making the right decision. Me-goo already shutting off the lady before her from reflex suddenly realised that the information she was processing wasn’t bad news sparked up immediately.
“Yes….yes, I can, anything ma” she stuttered with surprise.
She put the desk phone receiver to her ears and with one click she was connected and talking to her secretary “bring the exam papers to my office immediately” she said to the receiver. And in two seconds the secretary came in with some papers. “Okay, hear you go” she said to Me-goo handing the papers her secretary had just brought to Me-goo who was done with the exam in 2 mins and gave it back to the headmistress.
The head mistress sent for her new teacher after she had scored the papers. The lady came into the office almost immediately and was just stunned at the results.

“Wow!!!!! Madam this is a perfect score” the lady who the head mistress addressed as Margret was saying and Me-goo just beamed with pride at her achievement.
“Yeah wow, and it was done in two minutes” the head mistress replied while moving with the lady into another room within the office which Chimgozirim had thought to be just a painting rather than a door.
“Then why in the same class for the third year now?” the lady enquired curious on what has kept this brainy child below her level.
“That’s what I’m about to really know, to think I actually asked for her to set up a kind of learning aid” the head mistress said picking up the phone and giving instructions to her secretary.
“What made you think about the exam then?” Margret continued when the head mistress dropped the receiver.
“Her grades. Actually, my initial intention was to promote her to the next class when my secretary told me she never really failed” the head mistress replied earnestly. “I became curious to know what really happened and when I saw her file I just couldn’t believe her scores from her first year in the class”
“Why was she retained?” Meg asked furiously, curious to know the excuse of her colleague this time, it was her favouritism that made the school board that bring in the exam body that take care of students exams, from the questions to the grades.
“Ha, the report said she needed to grow and the moment I saw her and the blank look on her face I knew the reason for the comment” the head mistress said humorously looking pointedly at the little girl who has already phased out on them “so I decided to test her first, when I asked the secretary to bring the exam papers she brought the one meant for the intending students vying for your class, she wrote it there in my office and on my desk with my pencil her eyes not leaving her papers”
“It wouldn’t be that bad if she really did this without any help, none of the students made such grade in the class” Meg said thinking this is the most ridiculous excuse ever. She had thought she heard it all ‘As if underscoring pupils and making them fail because she thought they could do better wasn’t the peak’.
“She is now your student along with the other two, she is in my office and you can go with her now but you will met the other two tomorrow” ignoring the sarcasm in Margret’s words. “But don’t be surprised if she is mute so you know she only opened her mouth when I told her she was promoted”
“Hello” Margret said to me-goo as she walked back out into the office.
“Hello” she replied coming back from her long journey in self and looking at the lady who had complimented her and had been introduced as her new teacher. She was ebony, slim but thick and tall well everyone seemed tall to her. Her face was set firm giving her the mean look that even when she smiled it was barely noticeable.
“I want to ask you some questions, can you help me with the answers?” Me-goo looked at the lady blankly and blocked her mind to whatever the teacher had to say ‘it hurts less when you don’t really hear what they have to say to you’ she always told herself. The next question sections were just the same, and then the teacher gave up. ‘Just tell me that I’m not promoted and I need to grow, your eyes are already telling me all there is to know, I wouldn’t be in anyway troubled it is no new news to my ears’ she was thinking when she saw the teacher stretch her hand towards her she withdrew thinking she wanted to hit her ‘maybe she is one to punish, my teacher might not like me but she has never hit me at all’ she thought. ‘Tell me, what I am going to tell this child for her to trust me enough to talk to me?’ Meg prayed seeing the child’s withdrawal.
“Don’t be afraid. I’ll be your new teacher from now, come with me let me introduce you to the class. Do you know you’ve been double promoted?” And that did the magic, wide eyed and jumping down from the high sit she had been sitting, the very distant and mute child started asking too many questions at once and not waiting for the answers, that all the teacher could do was smile and nod as response.
“Going well I can see” the headmistress was saying as she entered her office and seeing the excited girl.
“Yeah, I can rarely catch my breath. I’ll see you around madam, come on lets go see your new class and classmates.” The lady said lifting Me-goo.


“Mom?” James called to his mother
“Yes dear, are you nervous?” his mother replied with a smile
“No. Do you know that girl that just walked by?” thinking the absurdity of his mother’s question and not realizing his.
“No why should I? I’m just seeing her for the first time” his mother replied a little surprised at his interest.
“Do you think she is the headmistress’ daughter or in trouble?” he asked again
“I don’t know I just saw her.” His mom was flustered by his questions. There was silence for what seemed like eternity
“Don’t you think she has been in there a littles too long?”
“Stop already, I don’t know her and I don’t have any business with her affair here now concentrate on what you came here for and forget about what others are doing.” His mother said losing her patience completely.
When she emerged from the office, he couldn’t fathom how a particular person can change personality both physically and otherwise. He barely recognize the girl he saw some hours ago, he just sat in his moms car wondering how a simple half smile can make a face shine brighter than the sun. He got out his diary and started to draw and analyse the girl he just saw and comparing the distant one with the chattering one and just wrote “JUST BEAUTIFUL”. He has never considered black beautiful before (not as though he has seen many of them) even if she really wasn’t dark. As his mom brought the car to life he spared a look in her direction and was so stunned to find her looking at him (though it wasn’t him she was looking at actually), her chocolate coloured eyes was so piercing and luring he couldn’t help but stare straight into the eyes he thought for a second was calling him.


“Hello class” the teacher said as she walked into the class
“Hello Miss Margaret” the entire class replied
“I have two new people to introduce to you, Miss Ivan, Helen and Master Green, James. Make friends with them” the teacher instructed
“Yes aunty” the pupils chorused
“Me-goo, would you please come here for a minute?” The teacher introduced her since she didn’t do it yesterday to avoid monotony in activity. “So stand up one after the other and say your names to these three please” she instructed the class after she had finished introducing Me-goo.
The introduction took quite a while and me-goo found it so boring since she already knew everybody in the class they were her original classmates and she took the time to access the two new people beside her; Helen was so tall and looked older than every other person in the class, she had a blond hair but was auburn from the neck to her back. James had a charcoal black hair which looked nice on his very fair head. They both had blue eyes but Helen's looked more green than blue and James' looked just like the sky on a perfect day.
“Me-goo you can go back to your seat, thank you. Helen and James seat with her” Margret said to the three children.
‘Wow I’m in the same class with her and the better part I’ll be sitting with her’ why this made him happy he didn’t know but he was happy anyway. He just watched and listened as the two girls make conversations. Observed me-goo as they were talking and kept writing his observation in his diary; fluent British assent which almost every kid in the school had, long brunette hair in a single braid, red lipped, with eyes which he thought was chocolate initially, now changing from golden and golden-brown with every blink, her skin was something he would like to call cream-chocolate complexion.
“He is always writing in his diary” Helen said replying to the questioning look Me-goo gave James.
“Hello, mind if I see what you’re writing?” Me-goo asked politely
“Yes, it’s kind of private” he replied simply
“His always having his private gossip on his diary I won’t be surprised if it’s about you this time” Helen said and he reddened.
“Why are you always saying things you are not sure of?”
“I’ve seen it before I’m not lying”
“How do you know I’m writing about her?”
“You are looking at her while writing that is how you always do” he reddened more “see you are blushing”
“No I’m not”
“Then why are you so red”
“I’m getting angry”
“You’re lying”
“No, I’m not”
“Yes you are”
The two kids who seem to know each other quiet well, kept bickering until Me-goo couldn’t bare it anymore “Ok, ok stop you don’t have to fight, do you?”
“You started it.” The both of them chorused at once
“Ok none of you started it, I started it and I’m sorry” Me-goo said hoping they will both stop already before she would decides she hates them.
“We’re sorry too; it is just that she likes prying” James said softly not wanting to annoy her more than they already have
“No, I don’t, you’re always too secretive”
“No, I’m not, this is private”
‘And here we go again’ Me-goo thought “Stop already okay and stop confusing me. Mind if I ask you a question?” she asked.
“No, not all” they both answered at once.
“Have you two known each other that long or did you just meet and decided you would fight throughout your stay in this school?” she asked sarcastically.
“We’ve known each other that long, my dad and her mom worked together in London” James answered
“Ok, now you can tear each other apart if you wish, I guess you are used to it by now”. Me-goo said and they all laughed.
“Is your name really mi-go or is it a nickname?” Helen asked
“Yes, my name is me-goo; actually it is the short for Chimgozirim which is a pretty long name and difficult to pronounce as well. So everybody just calls me Me-goo, it is even written in my books”
“Does your dad or mum work here; with this company” James asked Me-goo
“Yes, my dad works here….” She was saying when the conversation was cut by the teacher’s hushing everyone to begin the class


Chapter 2

‘Oh no, not cupcakes and definitely not pools! Why of all wallpapers she should use the one with cupcakes and water, not to mention the big deep pool sitting outside the house. I’m going to go crazy if I spend one more day in this house with pool and cupcake wallpapers.’ She was thinking before her aunty walked in
“Slept well?”
“Yes aunty”
“What is wrong with you young lady”
“Hm oh, I’m fine aunty thank you”
“You look like you are being haunted by ghosts and you say you’re fine”
“Yes, seriously I’m fine”
“Hmmm some fine way to look around, are you ok here at my house?”
“Yes, thanks”
“Anything you want don’t hesitate to tell me and that is even what you want now, I’ve watched you grow and I know you quite well so don’t think I’m buying that nothing you’re saying”
“Ok aunty here it is and don’t think about laughing; the sight of cupcakes and water bodies sickens me”
“Oh I see”
“Nmhmm, I can see your eyes laughing at me”
“Not guilty. Get settled in, you were too tired when you arrived yesterday you didn’t even unpack before falling asleep and you slept for such a long time that for a second I thought you might not wake, I’ll be leaving now bye dear”
“Bye”. ‘Why am I dreaming of them after such a long time, I hope nothing bad is happening to any of them. No, it is the decoration of this room driving me to remember old memory of cupcake adventure’ She took a tour around the house, familiarized herself with some of the household equipment. She took a liking to the kitchen; it was a big one with almost every modern cooking equipment a woman could dream of. Standing in the kitchen made her feel so hungry all of a sudden. “I love to cook, you love to cook. What are you waiting for, let’s cook” she said to the kitchen and all its equipment. She made so much food she didn’t believe she had that much stamina or appetite for it. She cooked more food and stuck in the fridge. At 11.30am she decided to go check for things she would need but as she stepped outside she changed her mind and went back inside such a busy road with everyone looking angry and those cupcake vans.
“Went somewhere?” she turned and saw her aunt by her side
“No, not really. I thought of going to the mall I saw yesterday down the road as I was coming”
“And I changed my mind”
“I didn’t hear your car come up beside me” she tried to change the topic
“Is that why you changed your mind on your mall trip? It is okay to accept defeat sometimes; I guess you had difficulty trying to navigate to the mall and again cupcakes.” They both started to laugh. Just then she noticed a handsome looking young man with a very familiar smile coming to beside her aunt.
“Now let me introduce to you Mr Green, Gabriel and his going to be your guide, Gab this is Miss Oba, Chimgozirim”. ‘Hmmm such a handsome face and nice body, why does his name sound so familiar who cares he’ll be my guide’ she was thinking as she looked at him and he was having the exact same thought about her
“You two wipe that look from your faces; he is my son”
“What? You never told us you had a son” Me-goo screeched with shock evident in her face. Gab just had ‘yea yea big news’ look
“Yeah I can see you are not getting the information here young man, I mean you are cousins” Soma said pointedly to Gab
“That is not fair mom, you have to just go and kill the joy. Kill-joy” Gab whinned
“Nmhmm” Soma nodded “and keep your playboy attitude outside my house” she continued with an you know what i mean tone.
“How is it that he is white?” Me-goo asked her aunt curiously nodding in Gab’s direction.
“His father’s gene is dominant I guess. How about going to that mall with your guide? Take all the time you want, get to know each other I’ll see you two later, and take any of the cars you like”
As they left, she called in the interior decorators. With her personalities, likes and dislikes her room was transformed so was the whole house to suite the three of them since they are going to be staying together. After an hour the work was done but they didn’t return for another one and a half to meet a dashing surprise.
“Wow! Did we stay out that long?” Son and niece both gapped
“No, not really?”Soma replied smiling and feeling fulfilled at their reaction
“I’m so hungry” Gab whinnied
“I’ll order pizza”
“There will be no need for that there is more than enough food in the fridge, just take a seat at the table”. And Me-goo started pulling unending stacks of food from the fridge
“Woo-oh-ow! Where did all this come from?” surprised at the pure art storm called food her niece made in a very short time.
“Obviously I cooked aunt”
“All that?” Gad asked still awed that a single individual could do all that
“Don’t you think I can cook, pretty face?” shot back ready for any battle against her culinary skills.
“Well since we are having a party; this will do” Soma chanted breaking the mood
“Hell no mom not one of your……………” his word was cut short by the enchanting view of the very expensive champagne before him.
“Am happy to have you here son and my lil’ princess”
“It has been a long time since anyone called me that as I grew up to be a very stubborn and fierce person amidst my petty innocent looks” Me-goo said
“Fierce? Hmmm I see, and cupcakes are your weakness?” Gab mocked
“Aunty, what did you tell him?” Me-goo growled
Nothing” they both chorused. Me-goo kept glaring at him as though she would see the answer
“She really didn’t tell me anything, she didn’t have to; just one look at your face in the mall when I offered you a cupcake in the mall I knew you would ask for the bathroom and you did while almost running from the cupcakes and what else could explain the reason for the interior decoration with no single cupcake in sight when she loves them so much” Gab smirked
“Ha ha very funny pretty face”Me-goo retorted sarcastically
“I do have another reason for the interior deco” Soma in her defense but was ignored as the bickering started
“I’m a guy so you really shouldn’t be calling me pretty face, I know I’m very good looking and attractive even though too bad you can’t have me because I’m your cousin, but I think “handsome” is the word you’re looking for”
“I call you pretty face because you are so sissy and because I decide what name I’ll call you”
“I’m not sissy”
“Yes you are”
“Don’t you see my masculine body?”
“No I see your feminine mouth more”
“You argue like a girl”
“Do I? At least I’m not the one with the phobia for cupcakes”
“I fear nothing and no one at all” she blinked and her eyes turned to a very bright and sparkling golden
“Stop it the both of you, right now! I thought I’ll be happier with my children around me but you are just giving me headache” Soma scolded
“Sorry” they echoed. They both cleared the dishes together, the water she was using kept getting warmer and warmer and she didn’t even notice it until it started to steam which stunned her because the water felt normal
“See you turned on the hot water, the red is hot and the blue is cold” Gab said and she became angrier with the embarrassment she felt knowing it would sound so dump when she says she didn’t turn the hot water on; making the water even hotter. “Jeez how could you even touch that, I’ve not even touched it and I fell like my skin is pilling already and you could comfortably keep your hands in it without feeling an ounce of pain” he continued without noticing her confusion
“Rinsing with hot water is the best way to ensure that the plate is completely greaseless and I think she could touch the water because she is used to it, is that not so girl?” her aunt stepped in and saved her
“Yes, I’m used to it now and I’m not as soft as you are” she said while knowing she could never even touch anything hot. They said their good nights and went to bed
‘Fierce and stubborn right? Was the change in eye colour what I’m thinking or was it just mere anger? The hot water was not turned on so what made it hot almost to boiling point and why didn’t she feel the water was hot? Does this mean she inherited the burnt blood or was it all a coincidence? If it is not a coincidence does she know? So many questions and I don’t really want to know the answers’ Soma checked up on the children and went off to bed


Chapter 3

“I’ll see u tomorrow my dad is here” her face lit up when she saw her dad’s car “oh no, it’s not my dad but his friend and I really don’t like him” she said with a frown on her face when she spotted the driver and went towards him anyway. She didn't have a choice except she wants to trouble her dad with changing her pickup plans she really didn't want to worry her dad about little things like this.

“Hi baby come on lets go”

“I’m not a baby and what are you doing with my dad’s car?”

“Your dad asked me to come pick you up”

“I don’t like you so why don’t you stop making yourself available for my dad to ask you to help with picking me”

“Well you just have to get used to it”

“I won’t”. 

She didn’t speak to him again except to ask where he was taking her when he took a different part from her normal route home and then fell into silence again. She was different; bolder, wilder and harsh. She was so cold and lost when he joined their car that morning and nothing he could come up with in his brain could explain how she could have transformed in less than 24hrs and yes her piercing stare as though she could read your mind, she proved she could when she answered his thoughts he could still hear her voice even though she hadn’t really spoken 'I’m happy and that’s the reason for the change' could he have imagined those words or had she really talked to him? He dropped her at her dad’s office and the minute she saw her dad she started speaking again.

“Daddy please stop sending him to pick me from school I hate him”

“Shut up! You don’t hate people who have done nothing wrong to you, he did you a favour by accepting to bring you from school or you would have been there for a really long time”

“Ok but I’d really prefer it once I don’t get to see his face, I dislike him a lot dad”

“What is wrong with you today young lady? Apologise to him right this instant”

“I won’t, I don’t like him and it’s the truth”

“Young lady I demand you say I’m sorry right now”

“If I do that I would be lying and you said it is wrong to lie”

“I’m really sorry Ken for the embarrassment, I really don’t know what is wrong with her today” her dad said to the uncomfortable Ken who had just brought his daughter. 

“It’ ok chief, I prefer her outburst to the terrifying piercing glare she gives me each time she sees me it means she is getting used to my presence” ken said in reply.

“I really doubt that” Mr Oba said as he turned to his very sleepy baby girl. Ken excused himself and left the office.

“I can see your daughter is a fireball” his colleague said to him as he settled his daughter on the office couch.

“I sincerely hope she is not”

“Do you know why she doesn’t like him?”

“My girl is not the type to speak ill of someone and it’s the first time she has ever declared her dislike for him openly”

“Maybe it’s because she is getting used to his presence and she is trying to fight it”

“Like I said before I doubt that is the case. I think this is getting serious; she can’t contain the dislike within her anymore she had to say it. I just have to stop sending him to pick her up”

“And also try to find out the reason for the dislike” and just then James ran into the office.


James ran into the office screaming “Dad I’m hung…………..” his word was cut by the sight of the figure sleeping on the sofa in the office

“The little Mr Green! How are you doing today buddy?”

“Who is that?” he totally ignored the greeting to clear his curiosity. The person looked familiar but a lot of the parents here had their kids in his school and he really couldn't tell if the person was male or female in their P.E uniform which was a tshirt above a blue short. And the figure was twisted to a very irregular shape from sleep.

“She is my little girl and she didn’t eat her lunch again. I better wake her so we can eat together at the canteen I’m starving”

“Same here and I can see this little man is hungry too” Mr Green said. James was writing about the figure in the school uniform of his new school when she stired and recognition dawn on him.

“Zirim, wake up” her dad tapped her as he called and when she stood up she saw James staring back at her in disbelieve

“Me-go?” James called questioningly

“Yes it’s I and stop looking at me as if you have seen a ghost, I told you my dad works here and I’ll guess this is your dad”

“I see you’ve met already, now apart from miss Ivan you have Miss Oba” Mr Green said more poitedly to his son

“I see we are meant to be friends after all. Helen is down the hall I’ll tell her you are here” James was screeching unable to contain his excitement.

“You met my girl in school and she spoke to you, this is new she rarely ever talks after her first year in the school” Me-goo's dad asked in suprise.

“She was in my class and spoke just to Helen and I, that may be because we share a seat” James supplied the information

“I thought you are in nursery 3?” me-goo's dad asked unable to understand the information.

“Yes, I am” James replied

“Then how could she be your classmate?” Mr Oba asked again looking at his daughter hoping to get an explanation from her but she jst remained mute.

“I donno, I met her in the class” James supplied getting bored with the conversation.

“I think there has being a mix up somewhere” Mr Oba said, as he was about to pick the phone and call the school when the phone rang. “Hello. Yes you are. I was just about to call you regarding her. Oh I see. When did that happen? And you didn’t think I should know about it? Well, you know her well enough to know she won’t say a word” he spoke into the phone. He dropped the phone  and declared “Ok let’s go eat, what would you like baby?”

“Ice cream and burger”

“That is no food, it is junk”

“I love mint and strawberry scope blend of ice cream”

“Ok, ok you’ve got it but with real food”



The only thing she likes about these evening outings is the fact that she will be able to fool around with her brother without any adult on their tail. As much as all they do is tease each other till one of them can’t take it anymore and start a fight (in which she is usually the loser), she adores him as an elder brother and she knows he would never let anything or anyone hurt her (even though they would never admit it to each other).

“Let’s go for an ice cream”

“Again? If dad knows how many cones of ice cream we’ve eaten he will shove a hose in us to cleanse our system from the sugar”

“How would he know, except you tell him?”

“well, I love ice cream at least it is the only thing we enjoy here and thanks to them we can have as many as we like as long as we can operate the machine”

“I think that is too much ice cream for one cone” Dieby said to a blonde in front of the ice cream machine.

“I can’t make it stop the lever is stuck” she replied in panick.

“You have to eat well to be strong; I wonder why girls don’t eat”. Dieby said after successfully turning off the machine in one try, refering more to his sister than the really big girl he has just helped.

“Can’t you help without being sarcastic?" Me-goo retorted. "Oh it’s Helen”  

“Do you know her?” Dieby asked in suprise.

“Yeah. Helen, my brother Chukwudiebele; Dieby my friend Helen” Me-goo introduced them

“When did you start having friends and big ones at that?” Dieby sarcastically said still stunned his sister spoke to someone other than himself.

“Well I have friends, and here comes another friend his name is James” Me-goo retorted just as sarcastic

“Hmm this is serious” He was at loss for words as he saw james smile at them

“What? Am I not allowed to make friends?” she replied worried about the look on her brother's face.

“Your hair is funny Helen, wash it off. I guess you’re all bunch of weirdoes” he said passively

“I’m not weired so why will you think my friends are weird.” Me-goo whined

“You said it” he replied not wanting to state the obvious

“What?” she insisted

“You almost never talk, he has been writing in that book ever since and she sprayed her hair with that awkward colour” He knew she was hurt and he felt bad but he wasn't losing.

“Her hair colour is natural and I talk” she stated firmly

“And the chick crows” he mumbled.

“Is your brother always a jerk” James said for the first time and took his ice cream from Helen and left

“He is not a jerk." She said to James and turned to Dieby in anger "Can’t you treat other people nicely?”

“What did I do wrong?” Dieby asked with a shrug

“Never mind” replied in an 'I can't believe you' tone

“Ok ok you don’t have to be like that, I’m sorry” he said apologetically.

“Don’t apologise to me go to them” Me-goo said still pissed.

“I’m sorry, you know she is different and I don’t want anything upsetting her and everybody seems to be upsetting her but it is actually good she is happy with you guys. Is that hair really natural?” he said to Helen in his most coaxing tone.

“Yes, it has been like that as long as I’ve known myself.” Helen replied shyly.

“That is a beautiful representation of me and this place, I draw too you know and will be going to art school” he said to James as their dads appeared.

“Come on, it is time to go” Mr Oba called

“Bye”. As they got home Dieby went to his room locked the door and drew a portrait of Helen; her front and back. When he looked up from his canvass it was almost 3:00 am 'Thank God it’s Friday and thanks to the evening event I can wake up late and don’t have to explain'.



“What did you do to your hair?” Me-goo asked Helen who is now completely blonde.

“I cut the auburn part”

“I know but why would you do that?”

“Everyone thinks it is crazy”

“But I liked it”

“I do too, and I tried to sing it to her over the weekend but she had already made up her mind” James supplied.

“Yeah you heard what your brother said about my hair”

“He didn’t mean it and since when did you start listening to what others say about your hair?” said calmly but incredulously.

“I don’t know, it sounded very hurtful when your brother said it to me”

“I told you he is just a jerk” james snapped.

“He is not.” The girls chorused together “he is cute in a way” Helen continued

“Now I think I know what is going on here” James said with a smart look

“What” the girls chorused again

“She is crushing on him” James said like he has solved the world hunger problem.

“What does that mean?” Me-goo asked with total confusion

“She has a crush on him” He said as though it was an obvious tone

“I’m not crushing on anyone” Helen protested

“Then why did you cut your hair?” James asked

“I’m a bit lost here, what do you mean by ‘she has a crush on him’” Me-goo asked with innocent confusion at Helen's embarrassment.

“She likes him” James said.

“Is that a bad thing? I think I like the both of you and I don’t see why I should be embarrassed about it” Me-goo said still not getting their point.

“Uhm ok let me put it this way, she fell in love with him” James said smirking

“I don’t think that is true she is a little too young for that. That was something for adults especially before marriage” Me-goo replied in total disbelief.



Chapter 4

“Still sleeping?”

“Yes, go away” she turned to the other side

Are you still mad at me?”

“No, now go away I’m sleeping” she dragged the blanket over her head

“Why? Or have you forgotten school?”                                          

“It is still dark and cold”

He opened the curtains “and you’re almost late”

She got up hurried to the bathroom took her bath, dressed up and packed her hair in a bun.

“You look prettier without make-up”

“Don’t mock me”

“Okay” He threw the car keys to her


“You’re driving”

“If you have a death wish or something, I don’t”

“You can’t drive? Ok I’ll teach you, come on let’s go”

“We’re late”

“Alright, just thought maybe….”

“Not now let’s go”. All she needed now was to think hoping it would be a long drive since she didn’t have enough time to do that in the shower, he turned on the engine and they flew all the way to the school.

“Couldn’t you have gone a little slower?”

“You said “we’re late” and I’ve not gone beyond traffic speed limit”

“Yea, you were on point”

“I’m still a good citizen”

They got out of the car and headed to their lecture room together

“How is it we’re in the same level again at this little age?”

“I happen to be what you might call a genius”

“Ah happen to know a lot of nerds and they are all annoying”

“Well you would have to endure that much longer or you move to your dad’s.”

“I can run but I can’t hide, I have one of you at my dad’s and I’ll still have to endure three here in school.”

Mi-goo found the classes very boring and slipped out to take a tour of the school by herself without the knowledge of her guide who has found some girl to flirt with. Walked on finding everything around the social science building boring, everyone seemed to be buried in books or talking about politics so she strolled out the block and went to the commercial arts building. She was looking (making sure she didn’t appear to be staring which came easily with long practice) into a very familiar face she can swear she recognised from somewhere if she had not just come to London for the first time. He was muttering something and starring at her, they both didn’t notice how dangerously close they have gotten to each other until the collision.

“How rude, didn’t even apologize or offer to pick my books” she could hear him saying under his breath as she stood up, picked her bag and kept walking without a word.

 “How can he even blame me when we are clearly both at fault and he muttering to himself and staring like that? This place is full of weirdoes” on seeing the art building her eyes lit up in excitement, it had paintings and sculptures around it and the building was painted with a riot of colours that form different shapes when looked at from different angles. She went into the fine art display hall touching the outline of every sculpture and painting as she was living the hall a particular painting seemed to draw her even though it was well hidden behind a stack of other painting it was a familiar feeling she had with some of her brother’s paintings so search out the particular picture and when she felt the picture come alive under her touch, she checked for a signature and date but was disappointed when she didn’t see the carelessly written “Dieby” and the tail of the ‘Y’ underlining the word. She hadn’t seen her brother since he left for art school, he had not sent any word nor had he returned for their father’s burial, she had tried on many occasions to contact him but to no avail. How every male she cares about tends to disappear with no trace first it was her friend James then her brother and her father had to die in his sleep, well if they are happy she is happy, her brother’s paintings is everywhere and her dad always talked how happy life after death is for good people and there can never be a better man that has lived, but for James she has no idea if he is happy well he should be. She toured the art building and signed up for dance and music classes which was like shooting three birds with one arrow; enjoying herself for singing and dancing where her hobby, filling work load and getting away from the boring social science building.

“Where have you been?”

“I signed up for dance and music classes”

“You didn’t, why you would waste your time singing and dancing when you could read your head out in with the meds or analyse with the managers or argue with the lawyers anything but the freaking artists, ok if you needed a bit of exercise you would have joined the sportsmen and gymnast”

“Now who is being boring, the knack or party freak? You know, I’m just a whiz-kid not a nerd”

“I just thought that you’d prefer those things and sports is not boring”

“Probably, if you enjoy watching people go after a ball, running around, swimming uniformly or jumping up and down like monkeys and even fighting”

“Interesting description, I think I’ll try watching it with your description in mind” the engine came alive and he backed out of the drive with such speed and nearly knocked down his step brother

“I thought that was the way home so where are we going?”

“Don’t give me that look I’m not going to hurt you, but we are not going home just yet.” he made a sharp turn and came to a bouncy stop “Here we are”

“And where exactly is here?”

“Sports building”

“And what are we here for? Did you bring me to watch you and people going after a ball, running around, swimming uniformly, fighting and jumping up and down like monkeys? Or maybe to brag about your skills, is that it?”

“Well maybe, but no, no, no and no”

“Ok, so what?”

“Why are you sulking don’t tell me you are disappointed?”

“Yeah I was actually hoping to see you do something and watch a little gymnastics”

“I thought that was like watching monkeys jumping around?”

“Yeah, and swinging monkeys are very entertaining”

“You have an um… unusual way of complementing, here we are”

“And what should I be doing here?”


“What? In this place? You must be joking”

“No kidding. This is where the drift kings here learn to drive. “Sit” he commanded dragging her to a sit in front of a computer

“It is too small?”

“Not anymore” he pressed a button to reveal an empty room only for a seat and car steering. He commanded me to wear funny looking goggles and as I sat on the chair I noticed three paddles at the steering hooded foot.

“Remind me again how meant to learn to drive with this things without a car?”

“It is called ‘Virtual reality’ or ‘Virtual space’”

“Oh, I’ve heard of it but never experienced one. My dad uses it whenever he teaches driving in his workplace”

“Yeah, I know a lot about your dad that is why I’m surprised you can’t drive” she is strapped with the presumable sit belt puts on the goggles and is whizzed away from the natural world and into a lonely road with her cousins voice which seems to be coming from the well car as the only trace of reality.

“Start your engine and let’s drive.” As the engine roared to life she stamped down on the accelerator and drifted with full speed along the road following the instruction on the screen and from the instructor.

“Not bad for a first trial”

“It’s actually not a fist trial”

“Hmm I was wondering if you were born with the knowledge of everything”

“Not really but I don’t have to practice hard; if I were to blow my trumpet, I’ll say really good for a second trial”

“What a show off, they say you don’t have to blow your trumpet you know”

“If the trumpet is mine I don’t see anybody who could blow it better”

“Show off”

They walked back to out and he did some boxing practice while she watched in amazement, he was really hot too bad he was his cousin or she would have dated him. Aunt Soma just had to go have a very sexy son and keep him a secret from us so like her very irresponsible.

“Hey stop drooling” Gab said walking up to megoo. She was so lost in her toughts she didn’t even notice he has finished practice. “I’m not and it’s not like I’m permitted to anyway”.

“I think you will have to appease some kind of gods for even staring at me with that look in your eyes”

“Shut up pretty face and what do you even know about my culture” he started laughing hysterically at the look of horror in my face as we got into the car to leave so she turned away from him towards the window as she got a glimpse of her face in the side mirror she started laughing too. And just then he barked out of the parking space and nearly ran over some dude who was just standing there waving. He sped off way too fast for me-goo to try and gather up herself to apologise to the poor guy.“I happen to be what you might call a genius And we aren't in the same level. I am just doing an extra certification course. And you should remember to address me as Dr. from now” She winked at him and his look of horror and surprise.
“Ah happen to know a lot of nerds and they are all annoying”
“Well you would have to endure that much longer or you move to your dad’s.”
“I can run but I can’t hide, I have one of you at my dad’s and I’ll still have to endure three here in school.”
Mi-goo found the classes very boring and slipped out to take a tour of the school by herself without the knowledge of her guide who has found some girl to flirt with. Walked on finding everything around the social science building boring, everyone seemed to be buried in books or talking about politics so she strolled out the block and decided to go to the commercial arts building. ‘If only the military didn't want her to get this stupid certification, she already knew whatever there's to the course anyway but no they want a stupid paper certifying her. She's had enough of politics and high usage of brain power, this is her break from it all, her time to be a youth like everyother 21 year old'. And then suddenly a male came hurrying in her direction and she was looking (making sure she didn’t appear to be staring which came easily with long practice) into a very familiar face she can swear she recognised from somewhere if she had not just come to London for the first time. He was muttering something and starring at her, they both didn’t notice how dangerously close they have gotten to each other until the collision.
“How rude, didn’t even apologize or offer to pick my books” she could hear him saying under his breath as she stood up, picked her bag and kept walking without a word.
‘How can he even blame me when we are clearly both at fault and he muttering to himself and staring like that? This place is full of weirdoes’ on seeing the art building her eyes lit up in excitement, it had paintings and sculptures around it and the building was painted with a riot of colours that form different shapes when looked at from different angles. She went into the fine art display hall touching the outline of every sculpture and painting as she was living the hall a particular painting seemed to draw her even though it was well hidden behind a stack of other painting it was a familiar feeling she had with some of her brother’s paintings, she searched out the particular picture and when she felt the picture come alive under her touch, she checked for a signature and date but was disappointed when she didn’t see the carelessly written “Dieby” and the tail of the ‘Y’ underlining the word. She hadn’t seen her brother since he left for art school, he had not sent any word nor had he returned for their father’s burial, she had tried on many occasions to contact him but to no avail. How every male she cares about tends to disappear with no trace first it was her friend James then her brother and her father had to die in his sleep, well if they are happy she is happy, her brother’s paintings is everywhere and her dad always talked how happy life after death is for good people and there can never be a better man that has lived, but for James she has no idea if he is happy well he should be. She toured the art building and signed up for dance and music classes which was like shooting three birds with one arrow; enjoying herself for singing and dancing where her hobby, filling work load and getting away from the boring social science building.
“Where have you been?” Gab asked the minute she got back to her faculty.
“I signed up for dance and music classes” She said thinking hoping the party king will approve.
“You didn’t” the disappointment evident in his voice and face. “why you would waste your time singing and dancing when you could read your head out in with the meds or analyse with the managers or argue with the lawyers anything but the freaking artists, ok if you needed a bit of exercise you would have joined the sportsmen and gymnast” And she didn't even notice a single trace of sarcasm in his words just pure distaste.
“Now who is being boring, the knack or party freak? You know, I’m just a whiz-kid not a nerd” She smirked.
“I just thought that you’d prefer those things and sports is not boring” He was now taking a defensive stance.
“Probably, if you enjoy watching people go after a ball, running around, swimming uniformly or jumping up and down like monkeys and even fighting”
“Interesting description, I think I’ll try watching it with your description in mind” the engine came alive and he backed out of the drive with such speed and nearly knocked down his step brother
“I thought that was the way home so where are we going?” Looking at him with suspicion.
“Don’t give me that look I’m not going to hurt you, but we are not going home just yet.” he made a sharp turn and came to a bouncy stop “Here we are”
“And where exactly is here?”
“Sports building”
“And what are we here for? Did you bring me to watch you and people going after a ball, running around, swimming uniformly, fighting and jumping up and down like monkeys? Or maybe to brag about your skills, is that it?”
“Well maybe, but no, no, no and no”
“Ok, so what?” Her voice fell a bit in disappointment and she pouted
“Why are you sulking don’t tell me you are disappointed?”
“Yeah I was actually hoping to see you do something and watch a little gymnastics”
“I thought that was like watching monkeys jumping around?”
“Yeah, and swinging monkeys are very entertaining”
“You have an um… unusual way of complementing, here we are”
“And what should I be doing here?”
“What? In this place? You must be joking” Her horror was accompanied with anger but she reminded herself she was going to do normal youth things from now on well till her break is over an no nomal 21 year old goes around with top security or drivers or jets. She had specifically ordered for non of that but she was sure security was till on her and as long as they keep their distance she was fine. But driving was her dad's job he had promised to teach her himself and after one lesson he was gone so she had decided not to drive even though she already learnt it and somehow she didn't even need to.
“No kidding. This is where the drift kings here learn to drive. Sit” he commanded dragging her to a sit in front of a computer sensing her shifting emotions and didn't want to deal with her drama now.
“It is too small?”
“Not anymore” he pressed a button to reveal an empty room only for a seat and car steering.
‘He has gone couch on me, commanding me to wear funny looking goggles which I had to wear because all of a sudden I just felt I had to obey him or he will get really mad. And as I sat on the chair I noticed three paddles at the steering hooded foot.’ She realized for the first time that there is more to her cousin tgan just women and parties.
“Remind me again how I am meant to learn to drive with this things without a car?”
“It is called ‘Virtual reality’ or ‘Virtual space’”
“Oh, I’ve heard of it but never experienced one. My dad uses it whenever he teaches driving in his workplace”
“Yeah, I know a lot about your dad that is why I’m surprised you can’t drive” she is strapped with the presumable sit belt puts on the goggles and is whizzed away from the natural world and into a lonely road with her cousins voice which seems to be coming from the well car as the only trace of reality.
“Start your engine and let’s drive.” As the engine roared to life she stamped down on the accelerator and drifted with full speed along the road following the instruction on the screen and from the instructor.
“Not bad for a first trial”
“It’s actually not a fist trial”
“Hmm I was wondering if you were born with the knowledge of everything” He was being his sarcastic self again
“Not really but I don’t have to practice hard; if I were to blow my trumpet, I’ll say really good for a second trial”
“What a show off, they say you don’t have to blow your trumpet you know”
“If the trumpet is mine I don’t see anybody who could blow it better”
“Show off”
They walked back out and he did some boxing practice while she watched in amazement, he was really hot too bad he was her cousin or she would have dated him. Aunt Soma just had to go have a very sexy son and keep him a secret from us so like her very irresponsible.
“Hey stop drooling” Gab said walking up to Me-goo. She was so lost in her toughts she didn’t even notice he has finished practice.
“I’m not and it’s not like I’m permitted to anyway”.
“I think you will have to appease some kind of gods for even staring at me with that look in your eyes”
“Shut up pretty face and what do you even know about my culture” he started laughing hysterically at the look of horror in her face as they got into the car to leave so she turned away from him towards the window as she got a glimpse of her face in the side mirror she started laughing too. And just then he barked out of the parking space and nearly ran over some dude who was just standing there waving. He sped off way too fast for me-goo to try and gather up herself to apologise to the poor guy.


Chapter 5

“Dear God! I’m so late, that bastard with no care in the world” he can’t believe he stayed up waiting for him “I’ll have his head whenever I see him” why did he ever wait up for him when he knew he would not show up as usual? He thought he had righted his ways, how naïve of him to think he has stop his addiction of alcohol and parties, he had a very good brain on his head but he never used it for anything apart from gambling, fashion and girls. He just couldn’t help waiting up for him just in case there was trouble which rarely happens, so why on earth did he wait up? Ok he felt a great sense of responsibility towards him, “the heck is I’m not his elder brother so why in the name of the creator should I feel as such? This is so burdensome”. He grumbling to himself and not really paying attention when he came up close to a very blank looking familiar face he didn’t have time to think or move out of the way before she crashed into him bringing him to the floor with her, she just got up picked her bag and kept walking without a word.

“Really? That fool; just like him to stay out all night hanging around bimbos and don’t even care how others feel, rather what does he do? Try to run me over. And who in the name of the saints was that girl? Well why would I care they are birds of the same feather; she knocked me down and didn’t even notice ‘humph’”. He picked up his phone and called Helen and then ordered pizza.


“You’re doing that thing with water again”

“I found you ‘out’ here and the poor pizza guy being frustrated at the door so I decided to release the poor guy from his misery and try to resurrect you”

“That thing freaks me out”

“Tell me about it”


“Your dream”

“I was not dreaming”

“It’s about her right? The same old dream”

“Get out of my head”

“I can help you get rid of her if you want or you can go find her”

“Help me with your creepy water thing, no thanks I’ll pass”

“Then find her”

“That, dear friend, is going to be a wild goose chase we don’t have her contact address, phone number, nothing. Sometimes I wonder how you have such high IQ and still act like a dummy; I guess it’s the blonde trait”

“I’ll love that complement but I think finding lost friends is why we have SNS; social networking services”

“Ok let’s give it a try”

“But we have to ask google to know where we should look”

After hours of surfing the net and eating three box of pizza they found a match to an odd SNS account but the user England instead of Nigeria and married and profile picture was the painting of some guy.

“This is useless”

“Don’t give up just yet. Maybe she is the one, she just don’t want people to know and she made up the married and England thing or she came to England……”

“And she is married.”

“Not necessarily”

“The dream is always so real. I can feel her touch on my skin, the heat of the sun burning my skin, the taste of food in my tongue, and the kiss like it’s just happening plus I’m no longer a 4 year old but me”

“I guess the sun will explain the sweating”

“Is that it great witch”

“You need to go out there and find your handsome self a date and forget the past which might just be married and I’m not a witch”


“‘The prodigal son returns’ and where have you been?”

“You really expect me to answer that? Anyway, I came by to pick my things I’m moving”



“Did you tell father?”


“Is he okay with it?”

“I don’t care”

“Where are you moving to?”

“A house”

“With that bitchy girl I saw you with today?”

“As a matter of fact yes, though I never knew you saw me today”

“You guys are made for each other”

“You think?”

“Yea, you almost ran me over without a backwards glance and she literally walked over me at the hall and kept walking saying it was both our fault. Perfect match”

“I didn’t see you”

“But she saw me kept looking back and kept laughing. And stop grinning”

“I can sense jealousy. Someone is being too clingy”

“How can I be clingy to an elder brother who is always out to party and never comes home, comes home after a night out to announce he is moving in with some bitchy girl who he met yesterday for the first time, who leaves his younger brother alone in the house to die of boredom while he has fun time with a stranger? No I’m not jealous of her either because she is so unlucky”

“Sometimes you can be very annoying and at other times very entertaining, right now you’re entertaining but I just have to go she is waiting”


“What I won’t give to wipe that scowl from your face” (through clenched teeth)

“What I won’t give to wipe that grin from your face” (through clenched teeth)



James couldn’t believe his brother actually carried his bag and left with a complete stranger, what is worse is he being jealousy and wishing he was the one moving in with the girl. She looks so familiar and has this blank look that reminds me of someone but I can’t remember who. He is determined not to think about him or her either, he couldn’t think of his brother and not have ‘a comic cloud of betrayal’ hanging over his head, how could he leave him and worse to be with her. He has never thought he was ever going to miss his brother this much, he loved his brother and hoped his brother loved him even a little but living only proves he has just been wrong to have such hope, no one cared about his feelings, his mum left him though his father isn’t the best of person to stay with but she would have at least thought of him and it was just too much to ask someone who cares about looks and career more than anything else and now his brother is going to do the same. He kept packing his brothers belongings into boxes without considering how he was going to carry it downstairs done.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?”

“That box can’t fit through the door you’ll have to turn it horizontally”

“Are you going to just tire me out talking or help me?

“You are blocking the doorway so I can’t help you even if I wanted to so I might just stand over here and talk”

“Where is help when you need it? This is the best time to display your powers and make this things move themselves to the guest room downstairs but no, you rather stand here and talk”

“Again I can’t do that even if I wanted to so talking is still my best option”

“So what good are you then?

“Making you relax?

“I don’t want to relax, I want to make it easier for him to leave”

“That’s it! Why don’t you keep this over here and come with me”. She moved the boxes to the end of the room making them pile on each other with just a wave of her hand. They went to the café near the house, she ordered lemon ice and chocolate chips cookies for the both of them.

“I never thought you would miss your brother this much or is there something else?”

“I can’t believe he would leave like that”

“I can sense that this your paranoia has more to do with you than him”

“Why would think that?”

“I moved heavy boxes without touching any, if you allow me to order water I would tell you what is going on in your head”

“No I’d rather tell you than have you messing with my head”

“Ok then start talking”

“I know I love my brother and all but I think this is more of jealousy than love. He never has to please anybody, he is allowed to do whatever he likes, and now he is the one to leave; I’ve always wanted to leave this house, it should be I not him”

“Is that it?”

“Yeah, I think so”

“Waiter can I get water please?”

“No she doesn’t need water”

“Yes I do, save you want to let it out”


“The part you are hiding”

“Please you have to decide if you need water or not, I have other costumers to attend to

“This is invasions of privacy”

“What is it going to be?”

“I guess I have no choice”         

“I guess I won’t be needing the water”

“Here it is; I think I’m in love with her”

“Oh no! By ‘her’ do you mean…?”

“The bitchy girl; the one that knocked me down, the one he is moving in with”

“That explains the jealousy”

“In my dream now she takes the face of Me-goo”. Helen started laughing so hard that she was causing a scene. “It isn’t funny”

“I’m sorry but I can’t stop laughing. I told you; you need to get out there and start dating”


Chapter 6

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah I’m fine”

“You don’t look fine to me”

“Really I’m ok just need the bathroom”

“Ok if you say so”

As she tried to open the bathroom door, she became so queasy and could not hold it back anymore, she knew that if she threw-up that she was bound for the sick bay and the emergency gown. All she needed right now was to get away from the cursed snacks they were holding but could they not leave and stop staring at me as though I were mad. She hadn’t noticed that she has drifted again and was already lost in the refuge of her thoughts when the door was opened. Oh God, no! I’m being hunted! Then she soiled the Oncoming boy’s shoes before passing out.

“I knew you weren’t fine”

“I’m fine”

“Ok, so what happened, why are you wearing that gown?”


“Did you mess up your uniform?”

“Not really?”

“What Happened?”

“She was sick and will need her rest now” the minder interrupted

“I don’t need rest I’ll be fine just need to get back to class”

“You can learn tomorrow but may die today”

“I won’t die I promise, but I don’t want to be at the sick bay”

“Ok, how about tea?”

“I’d love a cup, thank you.”

The minder made a very creamy cup of hot chocolate and instead of cookies decided on the box of cupcakes not giving her a chance to protest, fed them to her me-goo gulped the tea trying to supress the sickness forming in her throat with no success and turning green with the effort. Just as the minder was about to comment on her colour she lost the fight and knew she was no escaping the bay now and worse she was feeling really ill.



She looked so serene and beautiful in her sleep that all he thought of or wanted to do was kiss her; her lips felt soft and warm against his and got warmer with the kiss. Where the thought had been hiding or where it had come from he couldn’t say but the kiss felt right nevertheless, who would have thought that his first kiss would be stolen from a sleeping unsuspecting black girl who he has known for less than a month. He has never been this attracted to a girl, ok maybe he has never been attracted to any girl before but this was crazy and nice.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was brought in for being tired, I thought you would be lonely so I decided to stay after I woke up”

“How long did I sleep?”

“Long enough to take that queasy look off your face, you should have seen yourself earlier you were as green as an elf”

“I really wasn’t sick”

“If you say so”

“Thanks for staying with me”

“You’re welcome. Will you come to the welcome party that will be held at the club this evening for us?”

“I’ll try but I honestly don’t enjoy the evenings with the parents; it’s so boring”

“We will be there to keep you company”


“We should be getting back to class”

“I don’t think so”

“Mrs Ifeoma” they said in unison as they saw the minder appear at the door.

“You’ll have to stay here until your parents come to pick you for more medical attention, we don’t want you stressing yourselves and getting worse and it’s almost closing time”

“But we are fine now Ma”

“A doctor should be a judge of that Mr. green”


“I guess we are stuck here”

“Yes Miss, you are stuck with me”


“Hey guys”


“It’s time to go”

“Finally, is my dad here?”

“No, but his dad is and we’ll all be going together”

“Really? Meaning we still have a while together”

“Yeah and I heard my mom talk about some party today at the club”

“Yeah, it’s our welcome party I already told her about it”

“Where do you two think you’re going” the minder said as they were about to leave


“Obviously” Helen added

“Where are your parents?”

“My dad is not coming” she looked and them quizzically

“But my dad is here and we usually go together”

“Call him”


“I understand that you are here to take this children home sir”

“Yes I am”

“I’m sorry sir, but you can’t take Chigozirim with you”

“And why not, her father ask me to”

“I left a message that says she can only be taken by either of her parents or she’ll be transferred to the company’s hospital did he not get it?”

“If you are talking of the same message you left me, he got it but he can’t be here the fact is we both can’t be here either and her mom is tied up at work as well”

“I’m sorry sir but you’ll have to go without her”

“I know you are doing your job but do you think I’d be here if he had the slightest doubt about my ability to take care of his daughter, if you have anything to say to him say it to me because my time is running out”

“I’ll have to confirm from him, your ID pls. hello, please confirm the ID being fax to you as the person you sent to pick your child from school notwithstanding the situation; I could give him information regarding her health. Have a nice day”

“Ok you got your confirmation, so”

“Here, the report on their health. Sorry for the delay sir, you can go now”

“Thank you”

“Do have a nice day sir”

“Goodbye Madam Ifeoma”



Chapter 7

“I need to forget the past and move on, I can’t believe I remember something that happened to me when I was four so vividly. It has to do with the sight of that black girl and my brother.” He started parking everything that reminded him of Nigeria and all he gave up for his father’s dream. He would get out there and start dating surely he find a girl out there who would awaken him again to the present but the problem was he already found her and she was with someone else; his brother of all the men in this universe to be with. He had his differences with his brother but he would never betray him for the least reason not even love. When found his pile of diaries he hesitated, he still wanted to draw but he just couldn’t, he wanted to keep the little reminder of his dream but he knew that would only take him back to what he desperately need to forget, it would do him no good to long for the pencil and paper when he should be longing for the blades and syringes. He still couldn’t overcome the urge to go through it, “one last time” he said to himself “how would this last time hurt”

He flipped through the pages laughing at the illustration and description of the people and places he had ever seen since he learnt how to handle the pencil. Time flew as his diary took him back to his carefree years when he didn’t have to worry of anything but packing his things and traveling, the heap of diary around him grew as he kept bringing digging into the box for more, his amateur works were good even though they were far from perfect he knew cause he studied art secretly and had a degree in art in the hope to recapture something in his heart that opens only when he draws but he can’t paint, mould, carve or even name it he ends up with a heart arching void that he gave up all together; Just as he was about to pack up he saw her. He though his imagination was playing mind games on him, he pick up the diary that was dedicated to her; the cover drawing a spitting image of her smiling at him and her golden brown gleaming and her name boldly written across the page.

 “Why in God’s name did I see it, one time hurts more than a life time. How am I going to get myself out of this mess, it’s like the more I try the more it comes back to hit me right in the face. First I’m in love with my brother’s girlfriend and now she is my first love. I hate him even more now, how could he put me in such a situation just like him to create confusion anywhere he goes and leave me to clear the mess”.



“We need to talk”

“Can it wait till tomorrow?”

“I really need to talk to you about my new crush”

“Ok now you need to calm down and go to bed. It is way past talking time and I need to sleep”

“Oh ok I’m sorry didn’t realize how late it is. Goodnight”. He could not sleep and he didn’t want to get out of bed either, all he wanted was to somehow erase last night. How could it be her? Maybe it is just a black girl that looks like her, she probably isn’t Nigerian and has no idea who me-goo is? But those eyes are so striking, I am yet to see eyes as piercing as hers those eyes are unique and changes with each thought and emotion.


This is the strangest thing to happen in human history Helen thought. What is the probability of her coming here after so long and to our school, this is too much of a coincidence. It is obviously her those eyes are so unique and unforgettable plus she didn’t change at all, how could she not recognize her after seeing her through James and his drawings. Why now that I am beginning to make him realize he might never see her again even if for now he is crushing on his brother’s girlfriend, I was just nurturing the thought that maybe just maybe he will begin to see me as a girl and not just his best friend. Today deserves a self-pampering  



Chapter 8

There is something definitely wrong with his cousin even though she looks alright, intelligent and funny. There is more to that fireball than what meets the eye and he is prepared to find out although his mother would not tell him anything and will try to cover some of her actions but even without his studies in psychology he is aware of normal human behaviour, on the slightest provocation she could literately heat up a room or chill your bones depending on her conduct, and that is definitely not normal. Only to go and meet his brother out of it too and that also was not normal.

“I guess it has something to do with the geniuses”

“What now?”

“No, nothing”

“Yes, definitely something. So what is it?”

“Ok, please promise not to get offended”

“I won’t”

“Why are you so strange?”

“By strange you mean awesome!”

“Kind of but not really”


“I know I shouldn’t be so direct but you act out of the natural, like you hear know things people are thinking”

“I don’t think I do, is not like I have super powers or something. It must be the genius”

“Yeah, or something. Like I’m so sure I didn’t say the geniuses stuff out loud I was just thinking it”

“Oh yeah”

He went straight to his brother on seeing him his willing to end this madness. He was used to his brother’s weird thoughts which he actually provoked but he has never been this cold to him, if he dared say he was his best friend apart from his other genus Barbie.

Does she know what you are doing with her car?”

Nice to see you too dear brother”

Is this your brother, the nerd?”

Yes, the nerd”

I think we’ve met somewhere?”

Yes we met alright”

What is with the attitude?”

Attitude? Seriously? Coming from someone who can’t apologize for crashing into me or her boyfriend trying to run me over. And I’m a genus not a nerd.

“I guess you are brothers alright, so much cuteness and rudeness. I’ll leave you two to whatever you were talking about I thought  I should introduce myself but I guess since he is such a genus and already had it figured out there will be no need”

Don’t be such a bitch about it”

This is cute but you both better stop, and come on I want to talk to you. I’ll see you later little princess.

Little princess huh?

Isn’t she cute, but try not to get on her bad side or all those cuteness will become ferocious.

“I see you have her all figured out. If all you want to talk about is your new girlfriend, I think I know her enough already”

“Wait what? Girlfriend? Anyway I didn’t call you to talk about her, I want to talk about us. I don’t like your indifference towards me since I moved out of the house, I understand that maybe it was impromptu and you didn’t have time to prepare to be alone with dad and all his demands but isn’t ignoring me a bit overboard?”

“I am still very mad at you. How could you betray me like that, moving in with a fling and leave me at home alone”

“She is not a fling …….”

“But you just denied the fact that she is your girlfriend meaning you don’t intend to take the relationship forward or are too married already” he challenged his brother to answer with the arch of an eyebrow, he needed to know their relationship and how his brother with trust issues would just bond to someone he barely knows enough to move in with them. Or maybe it’s an origin thing and a sense of longing.

“Where do you get your ridiculous ideas from? I can’t marry without inviting you and you know that. I’m staying at my mom’s and she is staying there too. I told you about it when my mom asked some months ago but she just told me to follow her home someday ago with an urgency in her voice so I didn’t have the time to tell you about it. I’m sorry, I really am.”

Your story is nice and all but how does she fit into it”

“She is kind of family….”

“Shut up Gabriel” James yelled angrily how could he lie in my face so easily while keeping a straight face “How is mi-goo family” and with the surprised look on Gab’s face he knew he got him where he wanted him so he continued yelling “FYI, I know Oba Chigozirim and her family very well and aside from the fact her dad is friends with dad WE AREN’T FAMILY” he scream the last part to get his message clear and then stormed off.



Chapter 9

“Dieby do you realise how bad you can make people feel when you say things you shouldn’t be saying”

“If this is about the monkey looking dog you drew I’m sorry but it is just horrible and I’ve decided to be your tutor in painting after all I don’t see who can do it better”

“Thanks for that show-off but that is not what I’m talking about; it’s Helen”

“Oh your friend but I never said much to her or at least not as much as I would have liked”

“She cut her hair”

“How was it what I said, I remember telling her I liked it”

“But that is not the way we remember it and I always remember quite a lot”

“What did I say?”

“To quote you ‘your hair is funny Helen, wash it off; I guess you’re all bunch of weirdoes.’ That simple statement made her to cut it”

“But I didn’t know it was natural at the time I said it”

“And I got in trouble for showing her I know how it feels to be the biggest in the class”

“Tell me about it”

“As she was being introduced everybody laughed and kept screaming ‘class mamma’ I guess she didn’t realise what it meant at the time and when I tried to console her I told her that they are just stunned on how big she is and made the mistake of asking her age and the next thing I knew she was crying and calling her mom and the rest you can figure out on your own”

“So how old is she?”

“She is same age with mua (meaning me)”

“And how old are you exactly?”

“I’m 4”

“Not too young but looking at you I forget how grown up a 4 year old can be”

“No offence taken, I can see how small I’m but she is way too grown to be 4”

“So how bad is the hair?”

“She cut out all the red part so for now she is a blondie. Anyway, I can see you have a new painting, can I see?”



“I said no”


“It is private”

“You’ve never had a private painting before so why is this one”

“Just leave it alone ok”




After drawing another portrait of the back view of Helen the blondie he decided to make a painting his sister could see when she comes around again wanting to see the new painting for he knew she certainly would but as he put the brush to the canvas he lost all sense of the present and was drawing the colours that where flashing before him, he tried so hard to make it stop but he couldn’t control either the vision or his hands until the painting was done. When it all ended his vision was blur from all the colours rolling in his brains, he knew that his sister or father would walk in and he prayed that it be his father this time but his sister came in and on seeing the painting she frowned at him and then he looked at the painting to see that he has just drawn helen with auburn hair floating on her head as she swam but the thing is she had fish tail instead of legs.

“What is the meaning of this?”

 “I don’t know I just drew it”

“Why would you draw Helen as a mermaid with red hair?”

“I said I don’t know”

“I can see how private this is and what do you have there? A picture of James as a horse or me as an ant”

“I just drew this picture and stop being paranoid” but before he could stop her she unveiled the other two canvas to reveal another portrait of Helen.

“Why are you drawing Helen?”


“It seems you liked her”

“Yes her hair was unique”

“But you made her cut it and she’ll keep cutting it”

“Really? Well that is her problem at least I got to see the painting material”

“You’re impossible”



“That picture may mean so many things; it could be her beauty dazzled you to think of her as a mermaid or she is really a mermaid if you think that is possible or it is not her just a look alike”

“Dad I don’t understand”

“There is something you have to know about yourself”

“I’m going to be a great artist and will be having a lot of vision, but dad they are not visions just colours flashing before me like a kaleidoscope and making me paint the pattern.”

“Listen to me very carefully and don’t interrupt. You have a special gift that makes you see the future through the visions or kaleidoscope as you wish to call it and not just the future but the past as well, you can only see them when you put them into painting”

“So I’m a psychic, yeah right and I thought I was the normal one”

“Only your sister can interpret your drawing correctly, I could though but not as perfectly as your sister. Everyone else will only understand it as just a work of art. Do you know how many family history you’ve revealed without understanding it? Like that baby picture of your sister with fire and ice and you drawing in the air?”

“Yes, the one you didn’t want anyone to see and took as private property”

“Yes that one; was only saying that she inherited the hot blood or burnt blood as it is formally called and you are going to draw her part.”

“Really dad this is disturbing! What is the hot or burnt blood?”

“Just try to keep her temper at a minimum always or you’ll find out the meaning the hard way and don’t tell anybody what I just told you not even her”

“Ok dad”

“You’ve to promise me”

“I promise”

“Another thing a promise either to or by a burnt blood can’t be broken and we are both burnt, well maybe in a different way”

“So you are a psychic too; and mom?”


“At last a normal person in the family!”



Chapter 10

“Hello dear, it’s your aunt Summer”

“This is the weirdest thing that has happened to me so far.”

“No you didn’t draw a talking picture, I only travelled from my canvass to yours”

“That is freaky. I have no idea I have an aunt Summer and I’m finding out in the worst way possible”

“I’m your dad’s younger sister Nmesoma and we have similar ability though I still don’t understand why”

“You are the adult I guess you should know better than me”

“It’s the females that usually possess this power and I needed to know if you have any idea why you can paint?”

“I have a doctorate in art”

“You are talking to your canvass right now and I’m sure a doctorate can give you that ability, and as my brother’s son I know you are burnt but I want to know who is hot blooded and I hope to God you have a brother who is”

“No there is no brother, just a sister and she is. Is there a problem with that?”

Soma told him her fears and concerns in having a burnt girl skipping the history and prophesy about it, how she was blooming fast and unveiling abilities she is not supposed to have just yet. Then there was her temperament and nonchalance, she loves to have fun but can get really aggressive over petty arguments and that worried her lot; if she could boil water over cupcakes who knows. Dieby didn’t know how to take the information he heard about his sister, he missed her a lot but she sure is changing from that withdrawn girl he used to know to an aggressive woman. He knew better than anyone that she channelled all the anger she had holed up in her for so long and turned it into aggression and who in the world sent her to the military with that heart of hers made of steel. She would kill instantly just by thinking about it his dad had told him that much, a great weapon the government has without knowing it. He still remembered Ken after he tried to abuse her signed his death warrant, she did was scream and stare at him but he claimed he could hear her talking angrily in his head saying “I told you I hate you, you should have stayed away from me you dirty big man”. The report said that certain cells in his brain were missing and his insides are like someone who had being in a fire but his skin was glowing with no single blemish, saying that his death was caused by excessive smoking. But my dad knew it wasn’t smoking but that was the only explanation the doctor could come up with. She had no idea what she did or how she did it only that she hated the man and at the moment scared of him. He wished he could help her out or be there for her when she bloomed but this people won’t even let him contact his family the fact is he is a prisoner in the middle of an island having comfort in the letters from his family sent which has long since stopped coming, he wasn’t even allowed to attend his father’s funeral so he doesn’t blame them for losing hope on him. She sure would be thinking he has forgotten all about her in his successful life, she was quick to anger so he wouldn’t be surprised if she now totally hates him. He knows that there is something big happening since he had that that dream and the visit from his supposed aunt hadn’t helped his uneasiness at all. His sister’s alpha powers started manifesting in childhood and if she does anything extraordinary and this facility hears of it she would be a wanted specimen, he was getting more frustrated and angry at the facility and his uselessness. He was still thinking about the night’s activities when he fell asleep.


The party was perfect with plenty of ice cream and sugar coated snacks. all she wanted was to pack her stomach full of all the confectioneries and toothpick chews she could lay her hands on meanwhile she has lost count of how many trips she has made to the ice cream machine(plus offered treats). Dieby on the other hand was being a sweet loving brother who protected my shy self from the other nosy and noisy kids. The fun was highlighted with Helen and all her fun stories about London and her friends over there in London. Having being a close to Helen I’d realised that she was a smart and calculating girl and not the ‘oversize Barbie doll at a tea party’ she appeared to be. She had the ability to deduce what you were thinking or what you had in mind to say, she could most times finish the speech of a speaker correctly without even knowing the person. Maybe it’s her mind playing tricks on her but the all she could hear from Helen’s story was about James, she couldn’t help it but ask if all her friends had the same name or they all just sounded alike to her but Helen just laughed and said that it was just one person she was talking about, she didn’t have much friends because her mom travelled a lot which left her always in James’ home with his mother who is mostly on business trips too, and it seems people are not so different after all no matter the skin colour they come in they are always nosy and disapprove anything they didn’t have a business meddling in anyway and to add to their curiosity she was  American with the weird hair and size. James was more to himself and diary than anyone, he meet the world through his diary capturing the slightest expression. He is the typical recluse, scared to death how fake people behave backstabbing and all, he preferred his own company and that didn’t give Helen much of a chance to have friends, nobody wanted to be friends with a loser except you’re a loser yourself. As she asked where James was he showed up in front of her pulling her towards the pool.

“Hey what’s going on?”


“I don’t swim”

“You have a fine suit it would feel bad if you do not put it to use”

“I wore it because Helen and my brother asked me to and I hate cold water”. And where is Dieby when you need him. Just as they got to the edge of the pool she willed all the strength in her and waited for them to push her and then nothing happened.

“Ok we give up just stay and watch us enjoy the pool”

“You are a very stubborn girl”

She sighed with relief and relaxed watched her friends and the other swimmers for a while and drifted away from the present and then the next thing she knew, she was floating on water. It all happened so fast that all she could remember was puking her heads off and having an irritation that lasted a whole week.

Dieby couldn’t believe it the water is frozen from bottom up to the surface around his sister who apparently is face down with her hands over eyes looking as slivery as the moon above her, He knew he would never forget how beautiful she looked here and is going to have a picture of this moment. But as he approached her he saw the ice melting away and felt the temperature of pool rising, he jolted away from the heat of the water to notice it was still cool on the other side and the heat was being directed to the ice from where his father’s hand was submerged in the pool. He just picked up his sister and left the pool knowing he was not going to get any answer to his numerous questions here not with so many people around anyway. His father made excuses and invited his friends to dinner to make up for ruining their welcome party which was not ruined one bit and left.

The rest of the week was troubling for Dieby his sister hadn’t regained consciousness and her skin very irritated. She looked so small and weak well most of the times, other times she looked like she was controlling everything and everyone from her unconscious mind. He couldn’t explain it even though his father has told him that she is a powerful being but the power she emanates is too much for a small creature like her. But his father has refused to be anywhere close to him but tells him to concentrate and be patient. It happed on the full moon well he knew the reason because of the picture he painted before watching the little creature in front of him transform before his eyes, His dad too. She became a fully grown woman looking even more silvery than she looked in the pool and almost transparent with her hair golden and flaming just like the sun and then she opened her mouth and he felt a chill that made him feel stronger and wiser than was and he understood everything and seeing my dad stand behind her like a guard I knew she was the queen of the universe. When the whole episode was over she woke up and was helthier than ever and so was the entire clinic and the entire surrounding as they drove home. He went straight to his room to draw her the way he saw her but there was already a picture of the whole event, he could remember having his usual vision but he didn’t understand the picture he produced then.

“Oh dear! My little sister just healed the world!”

“Yes, but not just the world but the whole universe and has given you the ability to understand your drawings.”

“But dad, why are you her bodyguard not her father?”

“Like you must know now she is the protector of the universe and you are the guardian of its histories. Over time the queen sends in her subordinates into different worlds to maintain balance and comes in person after a century or as she deems fit. She came a bit earlier than usual which means that there is going to be a big event that would shake the balance of this world, but she was not supposed to manifest now.”

“What about her eyes? She had no eye.”

“You are her eyes so make sure to guide it because no eyes can be as effective as hers, I could give her mine but things would not be very clear.”

“What triggered her early manifestation?”

“The pool; the water had chlorine in it and that is not natural. It made her read high pollution level in the waters, and came to clean it up. Didn’t you notice that every natural thing looks healthier than before? Please take care of her and her eyes or this world might go to ruins”.

He needed to get out of there and be with his sister before her transfiguration and yeah there can be no transfiguration without him. It is a disaster and these men are still looking for a means to get their hands on something from history or future which he has no idea what it is or have no intention of predicting. If it is so powerful then they don’t need to know where it is.




This book was written when I was a child and still has its original plot and less edit. I stopped because I became too busy with "LIFE" but promise to venture back to my childmind and complete the book soon. hope you like it. Please leave a comment below....


Texte: Obika Ogochukwu
Lektorat: Obika Ogochukwu
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.10.2017

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To my long gone imaginary friends.

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