

In a land plagued by a devastating curse, Lara, a captivating goddess, bears the burden of her bewitching beauty, which threatens to reduce the kingdom to ruins. Determined to save their realm, King Arthur, the deity ruling over Sky City, devises a plan to break the curse. He transports Lara to an alternate universe, tasking her with the mission of finding her one true love’s kiss, the key to salvation. The success of this quest is vital to imprison the wicked princess of darkness within the confines of her own abode, ensuring her eternal confinement.


Chapter One………………..The curse

Chapter Two……………A new family

Chapter Three…………Heartfelt love

Chapter Four………Unannounced visit

Chapter Five…………...Max accident

Chapter Six………………The King rage

Chapter Seven…………Angered goddess

Chapter Eight……….……Found love

Chapter Nine………….. Family meeting

Chapter Ten……………….The attack

Chapter Eleven…..The beginning of the end


True love kiss

Lara the Charming goddess.


Chapter one


In a distant realm, amidst a tapestry of wonder, resided Princess Lara—a beacon of grace and allure. Her ethereal beauty bewitched the hearts of men, leaving them yearning for her affection. Suitors, both married and unwed, dreamt of tasting her lips, captivated by their tender allure. The charm of her roseate embrace enticed the young and old alike, stirring desires that whispered in every corner of the kingdom.

Yet, in her youth and splendor, Lara found herself devoid of true love’s touch. Her maidens longed for a stolen moment with their beloved princess, while even her stalwart guards harbored secret fantasies. Even her own father, King Arthur, dared not leave her unattended, fearing his own vulnerability to the temptation of claiming her hand in marriage. Feeling the weight of unwelcome desires that surrounded her, Lara sought refuge within the confines of the castle dungeon, clutching the keys tightly, lest she fall victim to the unspeakable acts of her protectors or companions.

In the depths of the dungeon, she weeps night after night, burdened by the inexplicable curse of her extraordinary beauty. This curse has robbed her of companionship and a life of freedom, leaving her isolated and desolate. Zara, her mother and the esteemed Queen of Sky City, is tormented by the sight of her beloved daughter, Lara, shedding tears. Zara cannot help but shed her own tears, pondering why she was cursed with such overwhelming beauty, a gift bestowed upon her by Lucy, King Arthur’s former lover.

Every evening, Zara faithfully visits Lara in the confines of the dungeon, sitting beside the cold iron gates, and listening to the melancholic sound of her daughter’s weeping. Although Lara senses her mother’s presence, she remains unaware of why her remarkable beauty seems to have no effect on Zara. Trapped within the castle walls, unable to explore the world beyond her home, Lara finds solace only in her tears, which eventually lull her into a restless sleep.

As Lara slumbers, Zara watches over her, her eyes brimming with unspoken concern. She yearns for answers as to why her daughter’s beauty grows with each passing year, fearing the impending chaos that might ensue when Lara reaches her twentieth birthday, which looms just nine months away. Zara dreads the unknown depths of her daughter’s beauty, fearing that it may cause the kingdom and its cities to crumble under its weight.

Driven by her desperation for answers, Zara sets off to find King Arthur, who is already seated upon his majestic throne, attending to the suitors who have caught a glimpse or heard rumors of Lara’s ethereal beauty from the towering watchtowers overlooking the realm. With determination in her eyes, Zara marches toward Arthur, whispering to herself, “King Arthur must reveal the reasons behind Lucy’s actions.”

King Arthur, upon spotting Zara in his presence, discreetly motioned for the suitors to excuse them. They obediently stepped away, their interests predominantly fixated on the princess. Arthur, acknowledging Zara’s unexpected arrival, spoke up.

“Thank you for interrupting me like this,” Arthur expressed.

Zara, slightly taken aback, responded, “Wait, aren’t you bothered by my actions? I am aware of the law that forbids interference during your meetings.”

“In this instance, the law holds no weight. I am weary of these men who are solely captivated by our daughter’s physical appearance. Not a single one of them truly loves her,” Arthur lamented.

“Very well, then. That means you are going to explain to me why Lucy cast an unbreakable spell on our daughter,” Zara asserted.

“Take a seat beside me, my queen. I shall reveal why she committed this unforgivable act,” King Arthur replied.

Zara settled into her royal throne, her gaze fixed upon Arthur. Aware of her piercing eyes upon him, Arthur took a deep breath, cognizant that his forthcoming words would pale in comparison to what was to come if he did not bring an end to his only daughter’s life.

“Zara, my love, as I once mentioned, Lucy was deeply in love with me. However, what I failed to disclose was that she is the daughter of the night. She rules as the mistress of all witches in the realm beneath ours. Many of the wizards and witches I have vanquished did not acquire their powers from me but from her. Years ago, I ventured into the dark realm to confront their ruler. During this encounter, I accused her mother of bestowing dark powers upon my subjects of light. It was then that I beheld Lucy herself. She was as strikingly beautiful as our daughter. With her desperation to make me love her, she attempted numerous times, resorting even to casting a love spell. Yet, her magic had no effect on me. Realizing my lack of interest in her or her beauty, she resorted to a cursed spell, using her own blood, decreeing that our first child would be a daughter and possess greater beauty than her. This curse was meant to ravage the lands and the kingdom. And she carried out this act right before me.”

Zara’s heart sank as she realized her intentions had fallen far short of her expectations. “I thought she did this because you hurt her,” Zara said, her voice filled with sadness.

“I did hurt her by not loving her. My eyes were already fixed on you, my goddess of beauty. Why would I need to marry a daughter of the night when you possess the breath of immortals?” Arthur replied.

“What has become of her? Let us plead with her to remove this spell from our daughter, for I fear things will worsen on her birthday night. With each passing year, she transforms into even greater beauty. I fear for the lands,” Zara expressed her concerns.

“After she cast her spell before me, I used my own power against her. I cursed the earth and the sky, decreeing that they would be against her existence should she ever attempt to enter the Sky City. She lost the ability to teleport to the Outside world, and her home became her prison, just as ours became Lara's,” Arthur explained.

“Let us go to her, so you can undo what you have done to her and she can release our daughter from this curse,” Zara suggested.

“I went to her on Lara’s eighteenth birthday, seeking freedom for our daughter in exchange for her own. But she laughed at me and revealed that Lara’s beauty would destroy the lands, breaking the laws of nature. The world would turn against me, and only then would she come to fight, when I have lost the mercy of the universal order,” King Arthur recounted.

“What shall we do then?” Zara asked, her voice filled with worry.

Arthur stood up from his throne, knowing his next words would strike Zara like lightning. As gods, they were only allowed to bear one child for each woman they had intimate relations with. He knew that doing what he wished to do would set the kingdom free and keep Lucy locked in the night realm forever. He remained silent, sadly gazing at Zara’s face. Whom was unaware of his thoughts, Zara decided to read his mind to understand his innermost desires. However, Arthur had shielded his thoughts from her, using his blood to prevent her from accessing them all these years. Zara froze in shock, realizing she couldn’t hear his thoughts anymore, remembering that the day she started asking questions about Lucy’s curse on Lara was the day his thoughts became inaccessible. She rose from her seat, approached Arthur, and placed her hands on his shoulders, longing to understand his thoughts.

“What is it? Talk to me, for you know you have shut me out from knowing your words without the movement of your lips,” Zara pleaded.

“The only way to keep Lucy locked in the night realm is to kill our daughter, Lara,” Arthur confessed.

“No, you mustn’t do that. As a goddess, I can no longer bear any children for you, for the universal order has decreed that we gods can only have one offspring each,” Zara argued.

“If I don’t do this before her twentieth birthday, her beauty may break the laws of nature, and the curse will spread everywhere, affecting everyone who would want to have intimate relations with her. Lara cannot be killed by mortals, and it is not her purpose to kill them either. If she intentionally does so, she will join Lucy, and together they will rule the world and all realms. I cannot let that happen. My father, Sylas, will be forever displeased with me, and I will be unable to join him in the universal realm of gods,” Arthur explained, his voice filled with anguish.

“There must be another way,” Zara pleaded desperately.

One of the new maidens, born from the womb of a defeated witch, happened to overhear their conversation. She entered the room with boldness, as if she were a goddess herself.

“There is a way, my queen,” Hellas declared.

King Arthur’s gaze shifted towards Hellas, who possessed the same dark magic as her defeated mother, as well as the light magic of a demi-god with whom her mother had laid.

“What manner of solution do you propose?” Arthur questioned. “I have tirelessly sought answers, only to come up empty-handed.”

“Silence, my husband,” interjected Zara, addressing Arthur. “Allow the maiden to speak, for she is a chosen goddess who has found favor in my eyes.”

“Thank you, my queen,” Hellas began apologetically. “My king, I do not wish any harm to befall this kingdom. I offer my assistance as a token of gratitude for sparing my life months ago and appointing me as the queen’s personal mini goddess.”

Arthur nodded, granting permission for Hellas to continue. “You may speak,” he said.

“Send the Princess to an alternate universe, far beyond the reach of your people, where she can live as the goddess she truly is,” Hellas proposed.

“But I know of an alternate universe,” Arthur countered. “My father, Sylas, visited the god of that realm. What guarantee do we have that its inhabitants will not desire her?”

“My king, the curse was directed at your people and not the inhabitants of another universe,” explained Hellas. “The curse will lose its power there, and when she finds true love, only a genuine kiss will break the curse. She cannot obtain this here. Send her away to find her true love’s kiss.”

“How will she know if the curse has been broken?” inquired Zara.

Hellas closed her eyes, suspending herself in the air for a few moments, creating a sense of anticipation. Suddenly, a golden bracelet materialized on her wrist. Descending from the air, she presented it to the king and queen.

“My king and queen, this bracelet in my hand is enchanted,” Hellas proclaimed. “I have placed a curse upon it so that when Princess Lara finds her true love’s kiss, the bracelet will break free from my wrist.”

Arthur hesitated before expressing his doubts. “Hellas, I do not wish to doubt your abilities, but how can we be certain that it will work?”

“Summon the princess,” Hellas suggested. “Instruct her to kiss one of the guards. If she kisses someone who is not her true love, the golden bracelet will turn silver for an hour.”

Acting upon Arthur’s command, Princess Lara was summoned and entered the room, visibly surprised to find Hellas and her parents engaged in conversation.

“Father, you sent for me?” Lara questioned.

“Yes, my dear,” replied Arthur. “Kiss one of the guards, so we may ascertain whether Hellas’s bracelet indeed works.”

Lara, without questioning her father’s command, glanced at her mother, finding reassurance in her eyes. She then shifted her gaze towards Hellas’s eyes, fixating on the bracelet adorning her wrist. Slowly, she approached the guard who had always shown her kindness, often singing to uplift her spirits. She hoped that he truly loved her. She pressed a gentle kiss upon his lips. Arthur and Zara turned their attention to the bracelet, which immediately transformed into silver at the conclusion of Lara’s tender kiss.

“Without a doubt, I believe it works,” Arthur declared. “Lara, my daughter, tomorrow morning, I shall send you to an alternate universe. There, you shall live as a mortal until you find a man who truly loves you.”

“Dad, an alternate universe? I’ll be so far away from you and our people,” Lara expressed with concern.

“My daughter, it’s only temporary. We will stay in touch with you. You know how the people in our realm desire you. Staying here would make it difficult for you to find love and happiness, especially when you turn twenty,” Zara explained.

“Lara, let me tell you the truth behind your beauty,” Arthur intervened. He proceeded to reveal everything he had shared with Zara, including the potential consequence of her refusal to go—her own father taking her life. Gods alone possess the power to end the lives of their offspring. Arthur emphasized that it was better for Lara to dwell in another universe than to become a fallen princess. Listening intently, Lara acknowledged the weight of his words and agreed to journey to the universe of her father’s choosing. However, she requested that the people there be no different from her own, as she had yet to fully master her powers and needed to ensure her safety.

“I will comply with your command, but promise me you will speak to me as you speak to your people, as their lord,” Lara requested.

“I promise, and I will do even more,” Arthur assured her.

Arthur turned his gaze towards Hellas, offering her a grateful smile. A smile from a god or goddess was a sign of approval. Lara embraced her family for a few moments before returning to her room and where she would spend her last night in the dungeon. As the morning’s bright, glorious light began to shine, Lara exited the dungeon and proceeded to freshen up in her room. Arriving in the throne room, she found her mother and father waiting for her. Once again, they embraced her tightly, and a single tear escaped Zara’s eye, causing rain to pour from the sky.

“Mother, look what you’ve caused. A single tear from your eyes makes the clouds weep upon our people,” Lara observed.

“Forgive me, daughter. I will now watch you through the goddess mirror and in your dreams. I won’t be able to physically touch you anymore,” Zara lamented.

Lara bid farewell to her mortal maidens and the warrior guards who had been like older brothers to her. She then turned to Hellas, her eyes fixated on the bracelet.

“How long do you think I’ll be gone?” Lara inquired.

“Go and live your life until you find true love, my princess. You are immortal, and time should not hinder you,” Hellas responded.

“I’m glad you’re a demi-god. When I return, I won’t see many of my maidens anymore, as old age will have taken them to the universal realm,” Lara remarked.

“Enough with the lengthy talk. My father, Sylas, has secured the approval of the god on Earth to permit your presence among humans there. The portal to that world will be opening any moment now,” Arthur informed her.

Suddenly, the portal opened, and Lara waved goodbye to her mother and father before stepping into it. A powerful force pulled her deep into the alternate universe, causing her to plummet towards the earth. As she descended, she screamed, and upon impact, an explosion ensued. Curiously, a group of young adults who were spending time with their parents on an island witnessed the extraordinary sight—a falling object followed by an explosion. They hurried towards the scene, only to discover a young woman lying on the ground, similar in age to them. Intrigued, they wondered if she was an alien. Their parents followed closely behind and were equally astonished to find a royal-looking young woman in their midst. They cautiously approached her, touching her to check for signs of life. Lara opened her eyes, amazed that her fall had ceased. She stood up and gazed at the bewildered family before her.

“Who are you?” Stella asked.

“I am Lara,” she replied.

“Mom, you should be asking ‘What are you?’” Jane interjected.

“What happened to you? Did you just fall from the sky and survive? Who are you?” Max questioned.

“Once again, Dad, listen to Jane. You should be asking ‘What are you?’” Collins added.

Lara realized she needed to come up with a plausible explanation to avoid alarming them. Revealing herself as a goddess from another universe wouldn’t be the best approach.

“Yes, I fell from the sky. No, I’m not what you’re thinking. I’m just fortunate to still be alive,” Lara responded, carefully choosing her words.

“Will you come with us? It wouldn’t be right to leave you out here,” Stella offered.

“Yes, I will,” Lara accepted.

Lara followed them to their campsite, lost in her thoughts as they walked through the forest. She couldn’t help but think about home and how she would survive in this new world into which she had fallen.

After Lara had traversed the portal to the alternate universe, Zara couldn’t hold back her tears, causing the clouds to release a torrential downpour upon the mortals below. The subjects of King Arthur pleaded with him through prayers, bewildered by the abnormal rainfall during a non-rainy season. Arthur, hearing their desperate pleas, approached Zara with a heavy heart, unsure of how to console her.

“Please, my Queen, calm yourself. The people beseech me to stop this rain. You are the goddess of the clouds, and they weep when you weep. Cease your tears, my love, lest our people drown in the ocean of your sorrow,” Arthur implored.

Upon hearing Arthur’s words, Zara yearned more than ever to see her daughter. She wiped away her tears, and the clouds ceased their weeping. Zara activated the universal set to catch a glimpse of her daughter. Arthur joined her, gazing at the screen that displayed their daughter sitting amongst humans in the forest. Seeing Lara safe and unharmed, and realizing that the people of Earth treated her with kindness, brought Zara a sense of relief.

“You see now that there is nothing to worry about,” Arthur said softly.

“Yes, I see. Forgive me, my Lord. Sometimes, I forget that I am a goddess,” Zara confessed, remorseful.

She knelt before Arthur, who was already seated upon his throne. Arthur, witnessing her act of submission, marveled at the woman who revered him just like a subject, despite being his beloved.

“Come, my lovely wife, sit with me. Let us watch our daughter a little longer before retiring to our chambers,” Arthur suggested.

While Lara’s parents observed her through the universal set, she felt an eerie presence watching her from afar. Rising from her seated position, she startled Max and his family, who noticed her sudden change in demeanor, as if fleeing from an unseen pursuer. Lara scanned her surroundings, attempting to discern who was observing her. Insecurity and fear gripped her, unsure of the magical forces or beings that might be spying on her. She closed her eyes, seeking respite. Just then, Collins moved closer to examine her, when they all heard a noise.

“Mom, Dad, did you hear that?” Collins asked, alarmed.

Stepping away from Lara, whose eyes remained shut, Max signaled for them to stay put while he investigated the source of the sound. As he disappeared from their sight, a piercing scream echoed through the forest. Stella trembled with fear, while Jane and Collins tried to break free from their mother’s grip.

“Mom, let go! We need to find Father and leave this place. I told you it wasn’t safe,” Jane urged.

“How can we be sure that whatever took Father isn’t after Lara?” Collins added.

Their astonishment grew as they realized Lara was no longer seated on the log.

“Did any of you see where she went?” Stella asked, bewildered.

“No, Mom, she was here just a second ago. How could she disappear without us noticing?” Jane replied.

“Where could she be?” Stella pondered.

As they contemplated Lara’s whereabouts, she opened her eyes and discovered she had become invisible to them. She desperately tried to make herself visible, running toward Max, who was being dragged away by menacing creatures. Max witnessed the attackers being beaten by an invisible force wielding a branch. Astonished, they dropped him and fled in terror. Max, his legs still bound, watched in silence as the chains inexplicably broke free. In haste, he raced back to his family.

“Let’s get out of here!” Max shouted upon seeing his wife and children.

“Thank God you’re safe. What happened?” Stella asked, relieved.

“This island is perilous. There are man-eating creatures lurking here. I was fortunate to be saved by some unknown power,” Max explained.

“We can’t leave without Lara. We have to find her,” Stella insisted.

Meanwhile, Lara, having reached Max family just in time before Max’s return, tried to make herself visible again. Fortunately, Jane caught sight of her but couldn’t fathom how she had appeared without making a sound.

“Mom, she’s already here. How did you get here without us noticing?” Jane exclaimed.

“I’m sorry. I went to relieve myself,” Lara replied.

“Don’t scare us like that again, okay? You had us really worried,” Stella scolded gently.

“Now that Lara is here, let’s hurry and leave this place,” Max urged.

Jane felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of returning home. The forest had never been her preference; she longed for electricity and an internet connection. She eagerly anticipated their departure. They gathered their belongings and loaded them into the car. Lara, unfamiliar with human ways, observed


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Uwuoroya Michael
Lektorat: Uwuoroya Michael
Korrektorat: Uwuoroya Michael
Übersetzung: Uwuoroya Michael
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.07.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-4642-2

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