

He knows he doesn't have much time left... But he wishes to spend it with me. He has become weak and unable to walk. His beautiful eyes still glow with the light that started when I met him. I bring a knife to his throat and tears rush down my cheeks as the knife slices through and he smiles as the light fades. Death is cruel, but life is crueler... I will soon join you... Soon...


 "Lydia? This is where you were... all this time?" He walks over to me and Archer quickly points the gun towards him. Blake smiles at him as he walks closer to the barrel of the gun until it is right against his forehead. "Government scum." He mutters and brings the gun down until it is pointed towards the floor.

"Stay... stay away from me." I walk backwards into Ace and he looks down at me with his one good eye. Blake continues to walk towards me until we are almost touching and I can feel our breaths mingle into one. He strokes my cheek and softly kisses my forehead. He places a stay hair behind my ear.

"Come back to us..." He whispers, "come back to me..." I look into his bright blue eyes, as he smiles down at me.

"We have nothing... I..." I kiss him on the cheek and walk over to Archer. He hugs me tightly. I start to cry into the fabric of his shirt. He gently strokes my hair as I hear muffled talk between Ace and Blake.

"You have nothing to worry about... my sector girl." I look up at him as a ghost of a smile appears on my face. "You know how much I hate to see tears in your beautiful eyes." He wipes the tears from my eyes and lifts my chin so he can kiss me.

"I love you, Archer." He kisses my forehead.

"Love you too, sector." I then hear heavy footsteps towards us as Archer lets go of me. He picks up his gun and aims it behind me, I turn around to see Blake with a gun pointed at me. I press the barrel against my forehead, and look up at him. His eyes have turned a deep grey as they look at Archer.

"Shoot... no one cares about me anymore... if you love me, kill me." I whisper. He lowers the gun as I take it from him. I walk over to him and hug him. "One day...I'll come back." I let go of him and smile up to him. Then i walk away. I don't know where I'm walking, just...away. Then I feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders. They're Ace's. I breath a sigh of relief as I wrap my arms around his neck. He smiles and blushes. "My beautiful Lydia... I've hurt you... a lot... but you still forgive me..." I kiss him... Why... I don't know. Then I break away quickly. 

"Sorry... I really shouldn't have done that... don't tell Archer." I look up at him as he smiles down at me. 

"I knew you still had feelings for me. I'll keep it secret... My beautiful Lydia." I blush and walk away. I wish I didn't blush. I feel like a traitor to ,not Archer, but myself. I need to stop letting myself go like that...

Archer or Ace...

Archer takes me into his arms and I wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses me softly as I pull him closer, he then pulls away slowly and looks at his watch. I grab his wrist and look. Time to visit Ace. "Are you sure you're alright going alone?"

"Yes, I am the only one he will trust." I wish what I was telling him was true. I know it's not, Ace knows it's not. But Archer, he doesn't. I kiss him on the cheek and walk out the door. Then, I start to run. Running, I don't notice Ace is already there and crash into him. We fall over and I lay flat against the floor with Ace positioned just above me. He looks down at me and smiles. We stay there for a minute and then he sits up. He stands up and pulls me with him and I almost fall over. He laughs and leads me back to his room. In the sunlight his eyes shine like emeralds as he looks down at me. I kiss his cheek and start towards the bathroom but he grabs my waist and pulls me back to him. I blush and look down. "My beautiful Lydia, why do you continue to lie to Archer?"

"Because, it would kill him." I look up at him, "he doesn't deserve it."

"Well he doesn't need you. Does he?"

"What does that mean?"

"I'm just saying, there are tons of girls waiting to be with him." He looks down at me, "and look how many girls are lined up for me..." I remove his arm from around my waist. Then walk into the bathroom to get a bandage. When I walk out, Ace isn't there. I'm scared, would he have done that? Without a second thought I reach for the door handle only for the door to be flung open. Archer and Ace stand in the door, Archer's brown eyes filled with anger and hatred. In that split second I feel my heart stop as I collapse to the floor. "Lydia, what have you done?" Archer asks in a small voice. This was why he was scared of me. He was scared of this. He pulls me up and shows me something. It shines in the sun. A ring. A blue and black gemstone ring made of gold. "Archer... I...I..." He opens up my hand and places it in my palm. "Are you happy now, Lydia?" 

"I'm sorry... Arch, he convinced me to do it... I didn't want to but..."

"Enough, Lydia..." He whispers. "We're done." He then walks out of the room. Ace walks up behind me and hugs me from behind.

"Get off of me!" I shout and untangle myself from his grip. I run out of the door after Archer. I reach the door of his room, and open it slowly. He is stood on the balcony and is looking out. I walk up to him and touch his shoulder. He looks around at me and then looks back. "Leave."

"No, Archer... I won't."

"Isn't Ace's eye hurting him or something. Go help with that."

"Archer, I love you. Ace told me that apparently you had tons of girls waiting for this to happen so they could be with you."

"That's true, but I hate them all."

"Why?" In that moment he looks at me and smiles, he stands up straight and stares at me lovingly. I blush as he kisses my forehead.

"Because, they aren't you..." I put my arms around his neck and kiss him. He pulls me closer to him as I hear thunder in the distance. He laughs as it starts to rain and he pulls away. He places his forehead against mine as we laugh. "What was the ring for, Archer?"

"I love you and I want to be with you, forever." I hug him and rest my head against his chest.

"I love you too, I need you. So I accept." He laughs and strokes my hair softly.

"Thank you. Thank you so much.... my sector girl." I kiss him on the cheek and drag him inside. We sit on the edge of the bed as he kisses me, his fingers trace my spine as he reaches the end he grabs the fabric of my shirt as his hands shake. I reach down and pull off my t-shirt and then his. I fall back onto the bed and Archer follows, laying above me. He kisses me as if I will break and his hands shake as they stroke my hair. I smile and laugh softly at him. Even Ace wasn't this careful. "I won't break, Archer... just don't worry about it..." With that, he kisses me harder, then breaks away. He looks down at me with his brown eyes and smiles.

"I could love any one of those other girls, but it wouldn't be the same as you... you make me scared, happy, safe and horrified all at once. You're beautiful Lydia... and I love you." I look up at him, blush and smile. Laughing, he sits up and then lays down next to me. I turn over to see him as he smiles and puts a stray hair behind my ear. He reaches into his pocket and produces a ring. The ring he gave me in Ace's room. Taking my hand, he kisses my forehead and places the ring on my finger. I look down at it and smile. "I've broken way to many promises in the past." I whisper, "This is one I'll try to keep..." Then I curl up to him and fall asleep...


I wake to see Archer gone from my side. After a moment of panic I hear the bathroom door open and see Archer standing there with a smile. Archer is wearing a navy blue suit which leaves me to think something is going on. At the end of the bed I see a dress. Gold and turquoise colors shine from the dress as I stand up and walk towards it. "Nice dress."

"Glad you think that, because I'm not the one wearing it." I smile at him as I pick up the dress. He walks up to me and hugs me from behind.

"This is for the wedding, right?" 

"Yes, I love you Lydia... I want you to be happy."

"I already am." He kisses my cheek then chucks me some clothes. I place the dress back on the bed and put on the clothes. After Archer had changed out of the suit, he headed for the door. "Where are you going?"

"To see Ace... are you coming?"

"Sure..." He walks to me and kisses my forehead and smirks. I laugh and he wraps his arm around my waist. We walk through the long hallway. We reach the main hall and someone walks up to us. Her red hair and green eyes shine in the light. "Well if it isn't soldier Archer and his show-off girlfriend Lydia."

"Go away, Anaconda." Her eyes looked at Archer with admiration but they glared upon me with hate. She then turned to me. "When he gets bored of you like everyone else, he'll be mine." I looked at her with a smirk and lifted up my hand showing the ring. She looked at me in disgust and walked off. We both collapsed into each other laughing. When we were finished we continued to Ace. Archer opened the door and Ace was laying in bed sobbing. I ran up to him and hugged him. He looked up and pushed me away. Archer runs up to me and hugs me, as I rest my head against his chest. "Lydia, get out of here!" Ace shouts. I look up at Archer and he looks down at me. I let go of Archer and slowly make my way towards Ace.

"Ace, I'm here for you..." Ace sits up and looks at my hand and, spotting the ring, looks at Archer.

"You really think that she's going to keep a promise that big?"

"I don't expect her too. She's not government, she's sector... I'm surprised she trusts any of us."

"I gave up job, family and friends to be with her... Now i only get pity." He stands up and wraps his hands around my throat. I gasp for air as my vision blurs in and out of focus. Tears fill my eyes as I close my eyes. Then I hear a gun click. "Get off, or I will shoot." I try to say something but the hands are still there. That's when I hear the gun fire and the hands are removed. I slump to the floor crying. A pool of cold liquid  touches my hand as I open my eyes to see Ace on the floor. The liquid is blood, Ace's blood. "What is... what is wrong with you people!?!" Archer pulls me to my feet. "No... not Ace." I look up at Archer, "let go of me!" I run over to Ace and pick him up. He is only shot in the knee, I smile and rush to the bathroom taking tons of bandages. I take Ace into my arms again and place him on the bed, then wrap up his knee, carefully. "Even... even after that... you still care for me?"

"Shh..." I kiss him softly on the lips as he smiles, "I have never stopped caring for you..." I break away and sit up. Then see Archer looking out of the window. I look back down at Ace and lift him up. I kiss him as he touches my hair. I hear Archer move and break away. "Lydia, I'm going back to the room, when Ace is able to do things for himself, come back." He walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead as he pushes a stray hair behind my ear. I smile up at him.

"I will, Arch. Love you."

"Love you too, sector." With that, he walks out of the room. Ace looks at me.

"This can't go on for much longer Lydia... You're getting married to him... Stay with him." I rest my forehead against his and I smile like an idiot. "But, I want you as well..."

"Get rid of that thought... you'll get hurt again." I lean in to kiss him, but he stops me. I remove the finger from my lips and kiss him. He relaxes and falls back onto the bed and he takes me with him, I lay next to him as he runs his fingers through my hair. He breaks away and I lay against his chest. "My beautiful Lydia, I want you more than anything in the world... but Archer needs you more..."

"I know, but we should keep this whole thing secret..."

"Not this again, Lydia... I have someone now... not as amazing as you but...someone." At that moment I hear a door open, but ignore it. I kiss his cheek and stand up to see Anaconda in the doorway. " first you date Archer and then you try to take Ace, what is it with you?" She runs towards me and kicks my metallic leg forcing her to fall in pain. I run out of the room and into Archer's room and hug him tightly. "Shhh.... what's wrong sector?"

"I kissed Ace accidentally and when I was laying on the bed next to him, Anaconda tried to attack me for sleeping with him." He looks down at me and starts to walk off. I finally catch up to him as he goes into the room. Ace and Anaconda are sitting there on the bed talking. Archer and I walk in and they turn around. " Well if it isn't the person who thinks she can sleep around... and her boyfriend." Archer looks down at me with his beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry... but I have to do this..." He whispers to me and walks over to Anaconda. He kisses her for a minute then breaks away. "Happy, now?" He asks,she nods and smiles, "Now, leave Lydia alone..."

"Yes, soldier." She says as she looks at him lovingly.

"Now, let's leave Lydia..." with that he wraps an arm around my waist as we walk down the hallway back to the room.


 When we reach the room, Archer looks at me sternly. I look at the ground and put my hands behind my back. His expression softens, "I know you have been through a lot and almost everyone hates us now, but I love you." His blond hair shines as he looks down at me. "I love you, Lydia, I don't know if that is enough but I..." I silence him by placing a finger against his lips. "You still talk too much." I kiss him and he pushes me away. I fall to the floor and look up at him. "You still think that's going to work? No... Lydia I think I love you too much for that to work anymore..."

"What... what are you saying?" I knew exactly what he was saying. He lifts me up and kisses me as he takes my wrists and pushes me against the wall. He takes off my shirt and trousers, doing the same he places me on the bed. He lays above me and kisses me softly. That is when I choose to escape. I kick him using my metal leg and he falls to the floor, I put on a long t-shirt and run out of the room. I knock on the room next to me. No answer. Then the next and the next. No answer. I reach the fourth room and to my surprise someone answers it. Blake. This must be temporary housing. I hug him, thanking him for letting me in. I realise the room is bare and some bags are packed. "Blake? Where are you going?"

"Who?" I look up and realize that this isn't Blake but someone who looks like him.

"I'm sorry, but I was trying to find help... and I..." 

"Don't worry... you're that sector girl Ace dragged in. The one who is dating Archer?"

"Yes...yes... but Archer's the problem. You see..." He sat me down and I told him everything...

"When everyone said that you'd been through a lot, I didn't think this much..."

"Wait, you listened to me?" 

"Yeah, when I saw you while I was out I always wanted to learn more about you." I hug him and thank him some more. "My name is Blaze." I smile at him and he bushes.

"Why do I always have that effect on people?" I laugh. He looks down at my hands and takes them in his he realizes the ring and removes it. "This... this is beautiful... where did you get it?"

"Archer proposed to me a couple of days ago. I got it from him..." I sigh, and look down. Blaze places the ring back on my finger and smiles at me.

"Anyone who does what Archer recently did, does not deserve you." He takes me into his arms and he rests his chin on my head as I curl up to him.

"Stupid, isn't it? I've been alone for most of my life but I can't stand a night without anyone now. I'm useless."

"Believe me, I've been alone for years too, it's not stupid. You're amazing, Lydia." I blush and curse myself for doing so. "Sorry. I...I need to go." 

"Lydia, has anyone ever shown you kindness without wanting to kiss you?" I stand up and sigh. It's true. No one has ever done this for me. I take off the ring and look at it. It glows in the moonlight, "screw it." I mutter under my breath. I shove the ring in the pocket of my shirt and hug him. He seems taken back by this and then he wraps his arms around me. I smile. "Thank you...thank you..."

"No more thank you's are necessary. Look, I'll talk to Archer. If you're happy staying here..." he stands up as I lay down on th bed.



"Please stay with me... I can't bear to be alone."

"Okay, we'll talk tomorrow..."

"Are you sure?"

"Who wouldn't want to spend a night with a beautiful girl like you?" I sigh and laugh. He lays next to me, but far enough away so I cant feel him. So i roll over and wrap his arms around me, he blushes as i wrap my arms around him and he pulls me closer so that my head rests on his chest. I look up and smile at him and he smiles down at me as i close my eyes and fall asleep...


 I wake up and see Blaze sitting up with my head in his lap, stroking my hair. "You finally decided to wake up..." He leans down and kisses my forehead. I look at him as he takes my hands and sits me up. "You looked too peaceful to wake up, so I have been sitting here for two hours waiting." I blush and rest my head on his shoulder. He laughs as I yawn, then hug him. "Sooo, after we have talked to Archer. Maybe we could go for a.... walk..." I smile at him.

"You're asking me on a date aren't you?"

"No....ummm... well... you could say that..." I laugh as he turns a bright shade of red.

"You are one of the most awkward people I have ever met." 

"So will you?"

"Sure... just don't try anything..." He smiles and takes my hands as he stands up. I stand up in front of him and look up at him. He looks away and smiles. "Are you going to stand here or walk me over there?" I ask. He lets go of my hands and slowly moves one arm behind me. I take his arm and wrap it around me to save us an hour. "Ummm... let's go..." We walk four doors down to Archer's room. I open the door and see Archer standing on the balcony again. I untangle myself from Blaze's grip and walk over to him. I take the ring from my pocket and touch Archer's shoulder as I take his hand. I open up his hand and place the ring in his palm, then I close his fingers over it. "One day, Archer, one day." I hug him as he starts to cry.

"But you were perfect to me, please, don't go..."

"I was not perfect for you, no one is, no one is perfect for anyone, we just accept their flaws."

"Goodbye, my sector girl."

"Goodbye, soldier." I let go of him as I walk away. I walk into Blaze and hug him. "Let's go, Blaze." He nods and wraps his arm around my waist. We walk to one of the fountains outside the building and sit on its ledge. "I can't do it anymore, I don't think I can trust anyone who tells me they love me." He smiles at me as I look into the water. "I can barely even trust myself, I keeping falling but the ones I think are there won't catch me." 

"Let's continue walking, Lyds." I look at him as he takes my hands and pulls me to my feet. He lets go of me as we head towards the large field behind the building.The trees are beautiful with their orange and yellow. I drag Blaze up a hill and we slump against a tall tree."I still can't figure out how you do that with your mechanical leg..." I laugh as I curl up against him. "How have I still not fallen for you? You're the nicest guy I've ever met." He smiles down at me as I realize how cold I am. I shiver and without a second, Blaze gives me his jacket. "You have a leaf in your hair. Let me get it." He runs his fingers through my hair as I look away in embarrassment and blush. "Wait you have something there too." He points to my cheek, "let me get it." He leans down and brushes his lips over my cheek. I turn a bright shade of red and look up at him. "I...I need to go..." I pull myself up and collapse on to the floor. 

"Lyds, wait." He lifts me up off the floor and embraces me. I pull away from him and start walking down the hill. Why do I fall in love this easily? Why couldn't I be one of those self-centred people who push everyone away? "Lydia, come back." I start to jog, then I break into a run. All of a sudden I feel myself falling as I land on my back on the hill. Really, am I that stupid? I hear footsteps as someone picks me up in their arms. Everything goes black...


No... I can't...

 I awake to the bare walls of the room and the moon shining in through the balcony doors. I sit up and walk out onto the balcony. The moon reaches its silver tendrils out onto the land. "You look beautiful in the moonlight, Lyds." I turn to see Blaze's piercing blue eyes looking at me.

"Everyone does, it's the moon that is beautiful. Not me."

"You, Lyds, are beautiful. You might try to push me away, but I'll never give up a split second where I can be with you..." I blush in the darkness but I then remember that falling means breaking, so I look away. He walks up to me and hugs me from behind. He kisses my cheek then works his way down to my shoulder. Blaze then rests his head on my shoulder as we look out onto the fields. "I love you, Lyds. I really do."

"That's what Archer said and Blake, Ace and Sebastian. No one means it."

"You mean it... if someone can get you to say it, they know they're lucky..." I smile at him while I move his hands so that they rest on my waist. "What would you say if I have already fallen for you?" I ask with a small smile.

"Then I'd say I'm the luckiest person on the planet..." I turn around and face him. He strokes my cheek as I smile at him. I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses me and runs his fingers through my hair. He kisses me more meaningfully every time. I love him too much to leave him, like the rest. I break away as he smirks at me. "I knew you loved me, you just didn't know how to say it... I love you Lyds."

"Blaze... I..." I start, but he puts a finger to my lips to silence me. He kisses both cheeks then my forehead. Then he picks me up and carries me to the bed, he lays down as I curl up next to him. Then I fall into a beautiful, dreamless sleep.

"Lyds, wake up." I hear Blaze's voice as I look up and see him looking down at me with a wide smile. "Thank you for yesterday, Lyds. Actually every moment I have spent with you. I love you." I sigh and sit up. I think that he loves me too much to do anything to me. He is to afraid of driving me away to do anything. "Blaze, I love you too." I hug him and he blushes. "What happened to your neck, Lyds?" I wonder what he is on about until I look in the mirror. A necklace of bruises decorates my neck. I sigh as I wash my face. When I walk out again, Blaze hugs me as I look into his beautiful eyes. "I'm fine... really." He lets go of me as I stroke his cheek. He kisses my forehead softly and when I close my eyes, he kisses my eyelids as I smile and he kisses my cheeks and then finally, he kisses my lips lovingly as I smile against him. "I love you, Lyds, so much." 

"I love you too..." He smiles at me as his blue eyes glow. Why do people do this to me? They say they love me and expect it back. Then they break me. But I don't know about Blaze, he seems different... But they were all like that to me... once.


   "Lyds, wake up." I smile as I stretch and yawn. Blaze laughs at me as I finally sit up, I punch him on the shoulder lightly. He looks down at my necklace of bruises and traces them lightly with his hands. I look at him as he strokes my cheek lightly. He frowns at me as I wince from the pain of the bruises. Kissing me softly, he lays me back on the bed and breaks away. He proceeds to stand up and make his way into the bathroom and return a minute later with a bottle. He lays next to me as he applies it to my neck. I frown at him but he waves it off. Sitting up, I kiss him softly and then pull him back down with me. We both smile as we start to kiss, but then I remember Archer and push him off of me. Quickly, I sit up crying, Blaze sits next to me and strokes my hair. "Lyds, it's ok, I understand... it's about Archer... I don't mind."

"Sorry...I'm so sorry..."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I just won't take it that far...ok?"

"Thank you... I love you..." He hugs me close to his chest as I cry into the fabric of his shirt.

"I love you too, Lyds, now let's get up." He doesn't want to hurt me. He didn't know that about me... So I still love him. Smiling, he stands up and takes my hands and pulls me up so that I stand facing him. "I'm going to go talk to Archer, if you want to come with me..." 

"Sure..." He wraps an arm around my waist as we walk out of the room. I kiss him softly on the cheek just before we open the door. He smirks and I blush, he laughs at me and I punch him lightly on the shoulder. When I open the door...I see Archer... That's when I feel the knife go into my side. I scream in agony as I fall to the ground. Blaze looks down at me and picks me up in his arms. Resting my head against his chest, I close my eyes and smile. " Lyds... you're gonna be" I reach up and stroke his cheek as I look into his tear-filled eyes. I let out a half-hearted laugh.

"That's what everyone says..." My vision fades as the world turns black...


I wake up to a sharp pain in my right side. I go to touch it and find a scar there. I wince in pain as I place my hand on it. "Lyds?" I look up and smile, it's Blaze. I laugh.

"Yeah, still here, well some of me." He goes to hug me but knocks my scar. I grit my teeth and he takes his hand away from me. "You're okay, right?"

"I've been through worse, I'm fine... really... I am." He strokes my cheek as I smile at him. "Love you..." He leans down and kisses my forehead as he strokes my hair. "Love you too, Lyds. You need to rest, I'll leave now..."

"No...please, stay with me." He sits on the bed and lies next to me wrapping his arms around me as I curl up against him. He runs his fingers through my hair as I slowly fall asleep...


 I wake to see Blaze smiling down at me. I blush and look away, he laughs, then leans down and kisses me. "I feel like I don't deserve you."

"No. I think I don't deserve you." He strokes my cheek and looks at me lovingly.

"Well I'm from a sector and you're government. You are higher in society then I am."

"I love you Lyds, nothing will change that...." My mind knows that I don't really love him, but I act as if I do. The one person I truly love is Ace, but I can't go back. I barely trust anyone, all my life I have been used and tortured, so I will keep trying to conceal my feelings. No one really understands how trapped I feel... He helps stand me up, but I fall backwards onto the bed pulling him with me. Smiling, he asks "Can we continue this time?" I smile back and pull him closer to me as he kisses me softly, I laugh under my breath. Our t-shirts come off as his hands trace my sides. He reaches my trousers and tries to pull them down. Slapping his hand, I whisper, "Not yet, Blaze. I have never loved anyone that much..." Blaze removes his hands from my trouser pockets and reaches up to stroke my face. As soon as his hands reach my face I break away. He smiles at me as he stands up pulling me with him. I fall into him and laugh softly. "I'm sorry, but, I don't trust or love anyone enough for that." 

"You don't need to apologise, I love you." He places a hand under my chin and raises it up so I look into his beautiful eyes. Our breaths mingle, as he places his forehead on mine. I take his hands as I stand upright and quickly kiss him on the lips. Dragging him behind me, I lead him out of the room. Looking at me in confusion, he asks, "where are we going?" Rolling my eyes, I laugh at him as he looks down at me. "Now i know why Archer was scared of you..." My smile slowly turns into a frown as I let go off his hands and turn my back on him. "Lyds, I'm... I'm so..."

"Don't worry about it, just go back to the room, I'm going outside." Hugging myself, I start to walk towards the main hall. Opening up the main doors, I look out into the storm and perch on the ledge of the fountain. The rain starts to clear and I hear the symphony of voices from the building. I hear the doors open and I see a head look through the doors. Blaze. He approaches me slowly and sits next to me. I look up at him, and he looks down at me and gives a half-hearted smile. Without thinking, I kiss him softly on the lips and he tenses up then relaxes. Resting his hand on top of mine, he holds my other hand, that's when my hand slips and sends both of us into the fountain. I sit up as he starts to laugh and I laugh too. This is the feeling of pure happiness, Blaze stands up and pulls me out of the water, both of us are soaked. We go back to the room and change out of the clothes. As I change I feel his eyes on me. "Yes, Blaze?" I say with a small smirk. Footsteps walk over to me as he grabs me by the waist, lightly. His eyes look into mine as our foreheads rest against each others. I laugh and blush. "I love you more everyday, Lyds." Sighing, I take his hand from my waist and place it in mine, I look up at him with soft eyes full of sorrow. "I'm sorry, Blaze... I just don't love you." He looks at me in complete shock as I putt on my t-shirt and gather my clothes. "Lydia, please... don't leave me." Looking down at the ground, I start to cry as I walk out of the room. Walking down the hallway, I look back, seeing Blaze leaning through the door frame, tear-clouded eyes. I'm going back to Ace whether Anaconda likes it or not, we've been through to much to just leave each other.

Going back

 I run down the hall way, tears flow down my cheeks as the door comes into view. I burst the door open to find Ace... and Anaconda, there, kissing, in the middle of the room. Ace looks over Anaconda's shoulder at me and pushes her away. "Lydia... My beautiful Lydia." He runs up to me and hugs me as i cry into his shirt, he strokes my hair. I missed his touch, his warmth and i'm so glad that i'm back. "I want my world back.." I cry, as i look up at him. His amazing green eye looks down at me. "Lydia, I will do anything to get you back." He hugs me tighter as I rest my head on his chest. "Are you forgetting about me, Ace?" A voice behind Ace asks. He unwillingly lets go of me and turns around. "No, I haven't, get out... now."

"But..." Ace points towards the door and Anaconda grabs a bottle and smashes it on the side of the table, leaving razor-sharp edges on the bottle. She walks up to me as I close my eyes, waiting for her to hit. Instead, I feel the blades run down my face from the top of my forehead, over my right eye and down to my chin. She whispers in my ear "Not so beautiful now, are you, Lyds..." I collapse to the floor grasping the side of my face as my tears mix with the blood. Ace's hand carefully traces my wound before he goes off to the bathroom to get bandages for my face. After a few minutes,he returns and carefully wraps it around my wound. Smiling, I open my good eye. "I was never beautiful anyway..." I mutter under my breath. His arms wrap around me as i start to stand, I blush as i wonder how he took me back so quickly. As if he knew what I was thinking he bursts into tears and hugs me. I amtaken back by this action and ask him what's wrong... I wish I hadn't asked. "They're finally gonna do it."

"Do what? Ace you're scaring me..."

"The world will go up in fire and flames, I'm so sorry..." My smile fades as he says that. I know what he means.The air raids, they were tests... The real thing will happen soon. All those people, dead. I even feel sorry for Sebastian. I start to cry too, soon we are a wreck. "Well, this won't help, let's go do things we have always wanted."

"Sure, thanks Lydia." Standing up, I take his hand and pull him up wth me.

"What are we doing first?" He gives me a look which I know. I shake my head. "That will be the last thing we do..." Ace smiles when he figures out we are still going to do it. It starts to rain,when I hear it I turn my head in the direction of the balcony. "Perfect timing..." I drag him outside into the rain and hold his hands tightly in mine. He kisses me as I push my back against the railing. His hands are placed on my face as he kisses me softly, and putting a small bit of pressure on me every minute. Finally,he stops and he leads me back inside, my hair is soaked so I go and dry off. As soon as I appear out of the bathroom, a flyer is shoved int my face. "A disco? What's that?"

"A big dance party."

"I can't dance, Ace, my normal daily routine used to only consist of survival." Taking my hands again, he spins me around and pulls me against him. "Lydia, I'll teach you." I blush and stare at the ground and timidly nod.

"I'd like that, a lot." He takes my hands as the music starts, placing mine around his neck and his at my waist. I look at my feet. "I feel like I'm gonna step on your feet."

"Trust me, you won't." I smile up at him as he looks down at me. "See, you're doing great..." He stops the music and disappears into the cupboard in the corner of the room. He pulls out a black and turquoise dress and hands it to me. "I know you hate dresses, but I think you would look beautiful in it." I blush.

"It looks awesome! I love you..." I kiss his cheek and he blushes.

"Love you too, now go put it on, then we'll be off." I take the dress into the bathroom and change into it, wash my face and plait my hair, which i can now do, I don't know how my hair grew that long, that quick. Walking out of the bathroom, Ace looks absolutely amazed and I laugh nervously and look to the floor. "Do you think I over-did it?"

"Not at all... wow... I knew you looked beautiful, but I never thought that if you dressed up you would look even better..." He leads me back into the bathroom and removes the bandage as i see small scratches down my face. Sighing, I look over at Ace. "How can you think that I am still beautiful?"

"Because you are and small scratches don't change my opinion of you." He looks pretty good in his uniform though, the white and black look really does actually suit him. Holding out a hand, I take it and we walk out the bathroom, then out of the main door. We rush down the hallways, laughing as we do so. Eventually, we reach the main hall and lots of people are already there.


I walk in timidly, as I get stared, winked and smiled at by some of the boys there, Ace starts acting protectively and  wraps his arm around my waist. After a while Ace goes to fetch some drinks as I hopelessly, and aimlessly, make my way through the crowd. A boy winks at me and I giggle slightly, he obviously takes this as an invitation to walk up to me. He has blond hair and green eyes, also in the uniform of the soldiers. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me into him. "So, what's your name beautiful?"

"It's Lydia, how about you?"

"I love it. The name's Lysandre." He smirks at me and leans into me as I start to blush, He looks down at me as I look up into his eyes. "Are you one of those hopeless romantic types, Lysandre?" I smile up at him as he nods. "That explains a lot." He laughs and strokes my cheek, making me blush further.

"I haven't really seen you around, but the name rings a bell. When did you arrive?"

"I am the rebel Ace dragged in." I smirk as he gives off a look of confusion. "Afraid of a rebel soldier are we?"

"No, I just never knew girls in sectors were as pretty as you, otherwise I would do way more field work." I laugh as we continue to dance. He leans down and kisses me and, to my surprise, I kiss back. Breaking away, I hear cheers and laughter as I stand up. Quietly, I say,"Sorry, that was a mistake."

"A good mistake." I push him away, then walk off. "Come on Lyds, what do you say? You could be mine." Rolling my eyes, I shout back, "I'm already Ace's!" I move so that he can't follow me and I eventually find Ace. "Why can't boys just take a hint?" He laughs and nods. I punch him lightly on the shoulder and he kisses my cheek, blushing, I take his hand and pull him into the crowd, ignoring the people around me. Wrapping our arms around each other, we sway side to side, I rest my head on his chest as he strokes my hair. "Can it just stay like this?"

"I wish it could, but you know it can't." I start to quietly sob into Ace's uniform. Lifting up my chin, he kisses me and all of a sudden stops and turns around. It's the commander. "Ace, I can see that you are in the middle of something, but I would just like to say, thank you for serving us." He salutes and walks off. Just then Lysandre appears behind Ace and I blush. Ace laughs and kisses me, turning me bright red but I close my eyes and melt into him. When I open my eyes I see people all around us cheering and laughing. I take a sarcastic bow and walk off, Ace following behind. We walk back and collapse on the bed. Sitting up, I undo my dress letting it drop around my waist, Ace looks at me and I nod.

Finshed Bucketlist

 I wake up, next to Ace, who is still asleep. Looking down at myself I blush in embarrassment at the state of me, did I really let myself go that much? "Luckily the bucketlist is finished now..." I quickly get dressed into some shorts and a really saggy t-shirt. Laughing at how big it is on me, I sit back down on the bed and place Ace's head on my lap and stroke his hair. Slowly, he starts to wake up, he smiles up at me and sits up. "Love you, my beautiful Lydia."

"Love you too, Ace."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.10.2014

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