
Meet the Crew

As Roger L. Maxwell rushes down the hallway his shoes make skid marks on the light green tile floor as he turns left, then right, then left again and finally runs into room 12. He sits down just as the late bell finishes ringing. Roger is a 5ft 2inch 6th grader with spiky dark brown hair, small dark blue eyes… but one of his eyes is electronic. It looks just like his left eye but can record video and sounds and take pictures. He is extremely fast, super skinny but not very strong. He looks to his left and almost faints as he sees her.
Tina Harrison is the world’s prettiest girl, or that’s what Roger thinks. Tina has shoulder length super curly, but never frizzy, blonde hair. She has beautiful green eyes and is perfect in every way, except for the fact that she has braces. She has them on all of her teeth and the braces themselves are purple. Today she is wearing a long purple shirt, with a brown braided belt, with her hair in perfect pigtails (no surprise there).

On the other side of Tina, there’s Liam Travois. He is a tall blonde jock with a surprising IQ. He’s got a blonde buzz cut, big brown eyes, a small nose and he wears earrings. Not big hoop ones like Tina’s but little studs in both ears.
There are a lot of other kids in our class, but none of them bug me like these three.
Last, but not least, there’s me. Amanda Jones, the least popular girl on the planet. I have short black hair and my bangs cover my right eye. Everyone says my eyes are so dark they look black… well my left eye looks like that but my right eye, on the other hand, is hot pink. That’s why I cover it all the time. Today I’m wearing a black shirt with a white scull on it, with a plaid black & white skirt, a chain choker, chain bracelet and army boots (black of course). I’m also wearing black eye shadow, eyeliner, lipstick and nail polish.
Anyway back to school, Ms. Raymond our homeroom teacher turns around and says, “Roger darling, I see that you just made it to class..., again”.
Ms. Raymond is a tall red head middle-aged woman with very pretty blue eyes that sparkle through her glasses like diamonds. Her ears poke out of her straight hair a little, which flows to her waist. She has a small nose and a big smile with sparkling white teeth.
Roger sheepishly replies, “ I had trouble with…” he looks out of the corner of his eye at Liam, “with my locker.”
Ms. Raymond sighs, “Again? Maybe we should have the custodian look at that. Remind me after class and we’ll send him an email. Okay, today class your book reports are due. Amanda, will you collect them for me please?”
I stand up and walk to the front of the room saying, “ Sure, whatever you say.” As I walk down the rows of kids I notice not many people are holding up papers for me to take. It seems like two out of three kids forgot their book reports. When I get to Tina she stands up and walks out the door. We all stare after her. Soon she comes back with a wheelbarrow overflowing with paper.

“Is that your book report…. and is the paper purple?” I almost shout.
“Of course it’s purple and yes this my book report, how long is yours?” she sneers.
“Three pages. Yours?”
“3,333 pages. Three is my lucky number.” She rolls the wheelbarrow to Ms. Raymond’s desk and sets it down with a smile.
“I thought 20 was your lucky number.”
“Why would 20 be my lucky number?” she asks with a flip of her hair as she walks back and gracefully sits down at her desk, Smoothing out her shirt.
“Because T is the 20th number of the alphabet and your name starts with T. Don’t you remember telling us last month when you turned in your extra credit assignments?” I say with a brief smile. She doesn’t say anything so I assume this conversation is over.

As I walk up to Ms. Raymond I realize I don’t have my book report. I excuse myself and quickly run into the hallway and straight into Tracy McMullen my best friend (she is the only person besides my family that knows about my right eye). We both collapse on the floor and start laughing. We have every class together besides homeroom. Tracy has light-ish brown skin, a small but frizzy Afro, her hair is a milk chocolaty brown. She has brown eyes, but never wears brown, only fun colors like red, blue, green, white, purple, orange, and my favorite black. Today she is wearing a tie-dye t-shirt of all those colors and black short-shorts with neon green converse. We stand up and she says to me,
“Wow, you came out fast, why?”
“I need to get my book report. I left it in my locker. Sorry for knocking you over, Tracy.”
“No problem, but what’s the rush?” she asks while smoothing her shirt. She has such a smooth tone to her voice.
“They’re due…”
We both jump when Ms. Raymond shouts, “NOW!! THEY’RE DUE NOW!!” Ms. Raymond is really nice, but sometimes she can turn into something so scary you think she’s actually a devil that came to kill you from the deepest holes of hell.

We give each other our eye roll and I say goodbye to Tracy. Sliding across the hall I whip open my locker and grab my book report and scurry back into room 12.

The Stuff That Matters

The next week we get our report results as soon as Ms. Raymond enters the classroom.
“Class, Tina will pass out your reports. And Tina?”
“Yes Ms. Raymond?”
“I graded yours up to chapter 20. There was just too much. Try to make it shorter next time. It’s still in the trunk of my car. You’ll have to come pick it up from me in the parking lot after school.”
“That’s okay. I just got so into it I guess I couldn’t stop.” With that Tina smiles and starts passing out book reports. When she gets to me she stops, takes out her purple pen (with purple ink) writes something and hands it to me.
My report score was 100% but over it, it says, “You should have gotten a 0% it was the worst book report EVER!! Love Tina Harrison your loving classmate!”

I don’t crumple it up and throw it away. Instead I put it in my folder and sit smugly in my seat. For the rest of the hour I daydream about after class. As soon as the bell rings, I run into the hall and then I put my report on the big bulletin board with a big circle around what Tina wrote, in pen so it can’t be erased. Leaving class, Tina walks by with her BFF Katrina. Now Katrina is a 5ft 9in blonde. Her hair is wavy down to her shoulders. She has really big blue eyes and TOWERS over Tina (nobody knows this but they’re actually sisters, I’ll explain that later, much MUCH later.)
As Tracy leaves her class I grab her and pull her with me. We camp out around the corner from the bulletin board to see what will happen. Tina almost walked past but the purple ink must have drawn her in. She took one look and started to scream, ripping my paper off the board. Then she starts to yell at top of her lungs, “AMANDA JONES I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO!!” She smashes my report into a ball and tries to throw it, but it doesn’t go very far. Then she tries to kick it but misses.
After that she storms off with a giggling Katrina behind her.

Tracy and I couldn’t help ourselves, we fell out from behind the corner onto the floor laughing so hard we had stomach and head aches for the rest of the day. Every time we saw Tina she would glare at us and turn her head quickly away, making her pony tails fly. She hit more than one person with them, including Katrina, who didn’t find it very funny anymore.
I picked up my report and smoothed it out. I put it into my backpack and we walked to our next class trying to catch our breath. Every time we looked at each other for the rest of the day, we would start to laugh again. I had to sit in the hallway during science for disrupting class, but it was worth it.
When I got home I texted Tracy.

T: 2day tina-beana was lol
A: ikr did u c ti look on her face
T: wat did ti paper say?
A: it was my book report tina-beana had written somting mean on it
T: well… whatev wat u wearing 2morrow?
A: I cant tel u gtg luv ya!
T: u 2!!
Amy is off txt chat
Trace is off txt chat

Importent News

When Tracy and I got to school we hugged, split up and each went to our different classes. You’ve might have been thinking I look Goth, but I don’t act Goth. Well okay, I can’t deny it, it’s true I’m a happy, loving Goth girl.

When I got to class I sat down and took out my cell. It ringed and almost scared me half to death, considering my ring tone for Tina is funeral organs (he he). It said: Amanda I will get u 4 that so b ready from Tina
I snapped my phone closed. I think she’s crazy and when class was over I told Tracy in the hall between classes.
“Guess what Tina texted me.”
“What? Tell me!” Tracy practically screamed. (She has a thing for getting people into trouble for electronically bullying).
“She said that she would take revenge on me for the report.”
Tracy got a serious look on her face and said, “Save that text just in case something happens, so you can show the principal and prove that she threatened you!”
“Why do you think I saved my report? I’m making sure that if she does anything, I can prove that she has it in for me.” I smiled wickedly and Tracy started to smile too.
“Good thinking! She is just making it worse every time she leaves something she writes to you… you’ve got her red handed!”
“Don’t you mean purple penned?” We both started laughing so hard tears were starting to form in our eyes. We had to hold onto each other so we wouldn’t fall over. Just then the bell rang, so we got ready to run to our next class.
Tina rounded the corner and saw us laughing. “What are you two losers so happy about? Don’t you know no one likes you?”
“Whatev Tina! Forget about it, lets get to class.” I grinned at Tracy and we turned our backs on her and walked casually down the hall.

When we got to math Tracy and I sat down. Roger walked up to me and said “uh… Amanda can I um… you see I kinda need to um… borrow a pen?” He might have said that, but I knew he meant “can you introduce me to Tina” because he kept looking over at her and kind of nodding in her direction. Roger is kinda my friend and all but sometimes he is SO CLUELESS… well, he’s not really my friend but he calls me that so in his mind, we are friends. But in reality he annoys me to death so I give him my blue pen and make him walk away.
Miss Benison our math teacher is, I’m not going to lie, very overweight. She has black ear length hair, like that evil lady from Indiana Jones 4, green eyes and loves, and I mean LOVES the color blue. Today she is wearing a blue blouse with a light blue skirt and a lot of blue eye shadow. She turns around and announces in her thick Irish accent “Today class we have a pop quiz.” Before we all start groaning too loud she says, “First off, I need to tell you all about the Halloween dance in two weeks!”
I grinned at Tracy but then I looked past her and saw Tina glance at me smugly and lean back in her chair. I returned my gaze to Miss Benison and listened intently.
“The Halloween dance is the one and only time during the school year where you get to wear costumes, dance all night and have contests. Just some of those contests are as follows: best costume, scariest costume, sweetest costume and so on.”
We all started getting excited and whispering to each other about what we wanted to wear and who we thought might go to the dance together. Then Miss Benison cleared her throat to get our attention and said, “Now its time for your pop quiz.”
The whole class sighs/groans and reached down into their backpacks for pens and pencils. I take out my pencil and sit and wait for my quiz while watching everyone still digging in their backpacks. I look over at Tina and watch her take out a purple pencil that has a little chain around the eraser with a purple pom-pom at the end of it, but what’s really weird is that she pushes a little button and the eraser pops open and perfume comes out. The perfume smells like candy and is so strong that Tracy and I both gag.
Tracy whimpers, “Tina are you trying to poison the class?, because it’s working!”
“No,” Tina sneers back, “I’m not, it’s my perfume.”
“Well it’s killing me anyway!” with that Tracy starts making choking noises and falls on the floor grabbing at nothing (those drama classes sure paid off) and Tina’s face turns so red that she looks like a ugly tomato (no offensive to tomato’s). The entire class starts laughing, including me. Katrina starts to pass out the pop quizzes. Miss Benison is writing homework assignments on the board and turns around to see what all the noise is about. She doesn’t seem to be able to figure it out, so she scowls and we all try to stop laughing. When she doesn’t turn back around and keeps staring at us, we get real quiet and look down at our quizzes. I glance up and see that Miss Benison is wrinkling her nose. She must have just smelled Tina’s perfume. She opens the window and fans her face with some papers as we work on the quiz. I can’t help but smile to myself as I write.
When were done with them Katrina takes them up to the front of the room and gives them to Miss Benison. Miss Benison sets them down on her desk, writes a math problem on the chalkboard and asks, “Tina would you like to solve this for me?”
Tina replies, with a big smile and a flip of her hair, “Absolutely!”
Tina stands up takes out her own purple chalk and walks up to the front of the room. As she passes people, she looks at everyone as she passes them, like she’s a queen and we are the peasants. I look at her and see her nod at Katrina who quickly gets up and sneaks out of the room while Tina distracts Miss Benison by showing her the chalk she brought from home. Katrina comes back about three minutes later and says “uhh… Miss B, Mr. R wants to see you.”
Miss Benison looks a little confused, but nods to Tina and tells her to complete the problem while she’s gone. When Miss Benison walked out of the room, Tina’s wrist came alive and starts to write super fast. When she stepped away everyone’s jaws dropped including Tracy’s and mine because the bored said: Did you know that Amanda Jones collects unicorns and has a crush on Liam T. (From Tina H.)
The second after I read that I took a picture of it on my cell. Then I stood up and walked up to Tina, took her chalk right out of her hand, turned to the letter and wrote under what she wrote it said: she said that about me because she’s mad at me. Just think what she would write or say about you if she got mad at you. And neither of those things are true! (Think about it )
After that the bell rang for lunch, I quickly erase what I had written but not what Tina wrote. When Tracy and I get to the cafeteria we get our food and sit down at our table where we always sit. No one else will sit at our table because if they do they know that after that there is no chance for them to become popular or stay popular. Cause we are the queens of unpopularness. Go us.
During lunch I’m about to take a bite of plastic (grilled cheese sandwich) when Roger walks up to me and asks, “ um… Amy can you uhh… introduce me to um… Tina?”
I shrug and smile at Tracy, “Sure, why not!” (I wink at her slyly)
“Really? Thanks a lot Amy I owe you!” he practically gushes! He really doesn’t pay much attention to what’s happening around him does he? So I stand up, push Roger out of the way (he’s got terrible balance and tips right over), since he doesn’t seem to understand that he needs to make room for me and walk to the popular table were Tina and Liam are talking. Roger stands up, brushes himself off and runs after me. When I get there I look up and see Liam looking at me. I start to feel weird like when you like someone and you just feel weird around them. To Tina I say “ Tina this is Roger Maxwell, Roger this is Tina Harrison” I turn to Roger and whisper, “ Now are you satisfied?” He says a little too loud, “ Yes, thank you Amy, I mean Amanda.” He sorta stutters, so I walk away leaving Roger with Tina. As I’m leaving I hear them,
“So, Roger umm how are you?”
“Great, what about you?” It’s amazing he’s not saying um!
“I’m fine…” Tina looks at Liam, like what a dork, and smiles.
“You look very lovely Tina.”
“Why thank you Roger.” She blushes and then gives him her boy magnet smile where she shows all her teeth and kind of shies away. Then she invited him to sit with her and I couldn’t believe it! As I start to look away, I can’t help but notice that Liam was watching me almost like longingly, it was starting to freak me out.
After lunch Tracy and I were walking down the hallway talking about stuff when we walked past a poster for the Halloween dance and we kinda just walked past it but I stopped in my tracks when I glanced at the word DANCE I walked backwards and stared at the poster and read aloud what it said,
“This year’s Halloween dance has a new feature!
Has to know how to dance! Ballroom dancing at it’s best!
And we need people to be on the decorations committee… we’ll only take SIX people, so sign up today”

I was thinking: “has to know how to dance!” I can’t even swing my hips much less ballroom dance!
I must have been making a face cause Tracy says to me, “Amanda are you OK?”
“Yeah, just freaking out cause I CAN’T DANCE!”
Liam happened to be walking past at just that moment and heard me say that I can’t dance. He paused for just a second and he said, “What? Ballroom dance? Well I guess you’re going to have to learn, right?” then he smiles at me as he walks past and I get an uncomfortable feeling that he was saying this for a reason.
As he’s walking away I yell, “Well duh! What else am I suppose to do stand there like a dork?!” More quietly I say “ Jerk” and Tracy and I walk to Social Studies.
After school Tracy and I were walking home and of all people Liam jogged up next to me and says to Tracy, “Hey Tracy. Could Amanda and I have a moment alone?”
Tracy winks at me and teasingly says, “Sure whatever you say.” in a silky voice and walks ahead. I blush as much out of anger as embarrassment.
Liam says, more to his shoes than me; “ I can teach you to ballroom dance.”
I said, “What did you say?” I had no idea what he said.
He repeated, “ I can teach you to ballroom dance,” and without a pause he rushed on and said, “and will you go with me to the Halloween dance?”
I was so shocked that I stared blankly at him for what felt like ten minutes but was actually more like ten seconds then replied, “Sure I’d love to.”
Liam got this huge grin on his face and told me he’d call me later, then slowly walked away backwards. It was kind of cute, but kind of awkward since he tripped on a crack in the sidewalk and almost fell. He turned red and gave me a little wave before he turned around and ran down the street. After that I rushed ahead to Tracy, who riddled me with questions after she found out what he wanted.

The Dance......But Not Really

At my house Tracy and I asked my mom if we could have a sleepover that night.
She said, “As long as you have fun and no one else comes over.”
My mom is average in size and height. Middle aged with long, shiny, curly, black hair. She has BIG dark blue eyes and a small nose, small chin and small ears. My dad, on the other hand is HUGE (he used to be a wrestler.) He has buzz cut brown hair, green eyes, a sharp chin and nose. Once he came into the room we said hi to him and before he could try to hug us Tracy and I ran upstairs. We turned left at the top and then continued down the hallway and to the last door on the left. We turned right and I jumped up and grabbed onto a hook in the ceiling and pulled down. The little door came down with a latter that folded out. My room is in the attic so we climbed into my room.
Once we were up there Tracy remembered that she didn’t have her stuff so she texted her older sister Claire (sometimes she can be really stupid). It went something like this:

T: Clair can u brings my blanket& pillow over to Amanda’s?
C: y do u wants them?
T: cause were havin a slepover
C: lily’s over I’m buzy
T: ppppppllllllllzzzzzzzzz 4 meh!!!
C: hmmmmm… fine
T: thx so much!!!!!
C: whatev Ur welcome
Claire is off txt chat
Tracy is off txt chat

So Tracy and I played X-box until she came over. When Claire finally got here my big sister Jamie got to the door first. Tracy and I waited at the top of the stairs where we could watch them. Their conversation went like this:
“Hi Claire. Sup?”
“My little brat, I mean sister, asked me to bring her stupid stuff over.”
“Ohhh that makes sense… I’ll take that stuff-and-what-not. Teehee.”
“Thanks. Oh, you want to come over to my house Jamie? We’re having a sleepover too.”
“What do you mean “we” Claire?”
“Oh duh. Ha-ha. Lily’s at my house.”
“Omg! Really! I’ll go ask my mom.”
“Ok, I’ll wait for you.”
(Distant) “Mom can I go over to Claire’s?” We could hear her feet pounding across the living room to the front door.
“Well can you come over?”
After that they did this awesome handshake that all high school girls know (Boo hoo! I’ve been trying to get Jamie to teach it to me but she won’t.)
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you what they look like. Claire is a tall brown skinned girl with brown hair dyed dark red. She has creamy light brown eyes with a small nose and big lips. Not huge lips but bigger than normal lips that actually makes her SUPER pretty.
Then there’s Jamie, my brick-headed sister. She’s really short for her age and has brown hair, green eyes and is super mean. Like Miss Raymond, cause she’s like a devil that came to kill me from the deepest holes of hell. Mom keeps telling me to stop saying hell, but I don’t say it very often so I don’t get it.

Anyway Tracy and me were all set up ready to watch a scary movie (Nightmare on Elm Street. YHA!!) At 9:00pm I got a text so I answered.

L: so Amanda wat time should I pick u up Friday? & Wat time 2morrow?
A: wat? O this is Liam umm Fri 6 & 2morrow after school at ti gym
L: ok 4-ti dance wat color r u wering??
A: red & black im a devil
L: k good 2 no gtg bi!
A: bi  c u 2morrow!!
Liam is off txt chat
Amanda is off txt chat

Apparently Tracy was reading over my shoulder and said
“Amanda what were you and Liam talking about?”
“Oh right I forgot to tell you Liam is going to teach how to ballroom dance and take me to the Halloween dance”
“That is… AWESOME omg ok you need a costume and makeup oh! And shoes-“
“Tracy, shut up, aren’t we exposed to be watching a movie?” I gesture at my TV
“Right! Sorry…”
So we watch the movie. Tracy and me watch it over and over and over again till my mom comes up and says “ WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TURN THAT FREAKING THING OFF!” and she’s telling me to stop saying hell.
So I yell at my mom for saying hell and she yells at me for yelling in the house at night and Tracy can’t take it any more and yells so loud that a jet engine sounds like a mouse!
My mom and I are so surprised we stop and just stare at her. Normally she is so uhhh… soft not loud and I sit down on the floor next to her and my mom walks out stunned. When she leaves and we burst out laughing and about half an hour we fall asleep and that’s that.

The next morning I woke up and thought to myself today is Wednesday and the dance is on Friday and Liam is teaching me today so tomorrow Tracy and I can go to Halloween 101. Tracy and I got dressed and then went outside to wait for the bus with our breakfast bars. When the bus came we got on and went to the last seat on the left cause it faces backwards so we can look out the back window.
When we drove past the last bus picker-upper place we were going pretty fast then suddenly we stopped and Tracy and I were slammed backwards and we hit our heads on the back of the seat and I fell of on to the floor when I got up to my knees and saw why we stopped. Tina Harrison had walked on to the bus.
She walked over to where Liam was sitting and with one of his friends. She gave the other guy the stink eye; he got up, and moved so she could sit there. She sat down, looked at me and laughed hysterically. Liam saw me and stood up, pushed pass Tina and walked over to me.
“Are you OK?”
“ I’m fine” (I blush)
“Well then, remember after school” (he winks at me)
“ Right ok, umm” I try to stand up “Ow! I think I twisted my ankle”
“Oh! Here let me help you.” He moves next to me, puts his arm under mine and helps me up.
As I’m getting up I look over at Tina and smile to myself. She looks soooooo jealous. When we get to school Tina stands up and is walking down the aisle when she trips and Roger catches her. I think she wanted Liam to catch her, but she looked happy anyway cause he caught her in a way so it looked like the dip when you’re dancing.

At school I pass a sign-up sheet for the decoration committee. I text Tracy and tell her were I am.
A: trace COM 2 ti  wing bi Mr. r office
T: y? Do u need meh Amy?
A: yea so COM ok! 
T: oky doky art-a-choky!!!!! 
Amanda is of txt chat
Tracy is off txt chat
(Trace and Amy are our nicknames)

After Tracy comes I show her the sign-up sheet and say,
“We should sign up!”
“ Uh, are you sure?”
“Well if you do it with me I’ll take you to Halloween 101” I say tempting her.
“OK! LET’S DO IT!!! WHAT ARE WE WHATING FOR!!!” she practically screams.
“ Tracy McMullen shut up”
“Ok……… yea!” she whispers so I take out my special pen and look at the sign up sheet.

Katrina Harrison
Lisa Lenders

If you’re thinking, “who the hell is Lisa Lenders,” you don’t know who Lisa Lenders is (Of course you don’t). She is the world’s smartest girl and one of the most pretty. Lisa has long blonde hair always in a braid down her back, eyebrow length, strait, bangs, sparkling light blue eyes and black-rimed glasses. She normally wears a super short black skirt with a white long sleeve shirt with a collar, knee-high black socks and white heels. (Weird combo I know). After we signed up Tracy realized something “Katrina signed up, but, what about Tina wouldn’t she be signed up to?” I said, “I guess not” so we walked away.
After school I went into the gym and stood there staring at the door looking for Liam. Then Liam comes and for some reason he comes in the back door and scares me when he says: “Uh… hi” I turn around and I look at him like really look at him… all that’s different is the boom box he’s carrying. But he still seems different to me.
He walks onto the stage and sets the boom box down, plugs it in and looks at me and says: “Come.” With a little underhanded wave, which reminds me of some movie, but I can’t think of what it is. It’s hard to think with him standing they’re waiting for me. So I walk up onto the stage and stand they’re watching him.
We just stand there for a moment and after about 1/500th of a second then he says to me, “You know how to stand when you are going to start ballroom dancing, right?”
I think to myself, “Duh, of course. I mean who doesn’t?” But my mouth isn’t working right, so I put my hand on his shoulder and he puts his hand on my waist. Then we grasp hands and he pushes the top of the boom box with his sneaker and classical music slowly starts to play, Mozart I think, but what do I know? I’m lost in classical music, not tripping and learning how to ballroom dance.
He steps forward and I automatically step back. We move across the gym floor this way for a few steps before he turns me to the right and starts gliding us toward the bleachers. Every now and then he says things like, “Keep up with me.” Or “Step back now.” It isn’t that bad I guess, but I feel kind of weird with him holding me.

Halloween 101

After school Tracy and me walk to Halloween 101 the only Halloween store open 24/7, 365 days a year. When we get there it’s so crowded it feels like Christmas Eve at the mall. Tracy and I walk in and head to the section with the bright dresses and wigs. Then we start looking at all the costumes and there all so amazing it’s scary. But that’s because they’re all handmade and guess who makes them ALL (well with a little help).

MY MOM!!! I know awesome right; so that means Tracy and me get our costumes FOR FREE. So we started looking and there were some interesting ones.

#1 Blue little pointy hat, long same color of blue dress, white shoes.
#2 Red Tiara, strapless red dress pull-on sleeves, black heels.

I would say more but that’s when I saw Tina and her group of BFF’s arrive. They are:

Tina is wearing: purple tank top with skinny blue jeans. Hair: high pony tail.
Hair color: Blonde.

Katrina is wearing: Blue baggy shirt, short-shorts. Hair: 2 braids.
Hair color: Blonde.

Lulu is wearing: red dress, brown cowboy boots. Hair: pony over shoulder.
Hair color: Brown.

Missy is wearing: pink t-shirt, weight bell-bottoms Hair: sloppy bun on top of head.
Hair color: Red.

Sarah is wearing: green jacket, pink flowing skirt. Hair: bob cut with 2 pink hair clips.
Hair color: Light Brown.

Ally is wearing: light blue floral dress. Hair: down braided bangs on booth sides.
Hair color: Black.

Tina and her crew didn’t see us at first so we hide behind some costume racks. While were back there I, the smart one of the two of us, was making sure that Tina or any of her friends didn’t see us. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tracy rifling threw costumes. Then all of a sudden she whispered loudly “hey I think I just found a costume”
“For me or for you?”
“Me, you dummy”
“Ha Ha sooooo funny Tracy”
“Why thank you, I try my best” since we were auguring I didn’t notice Lulu standing there until she said “Nice costumes, a hippie and a emo chick, Wait! Never mind that’s how you look all the time” with that she started to giggle and that evil giggling attracted the mob of Tina followers over to our hiding spot. I had to think fast, I searched the store for some costume that could distract them long enough for us to make our escape. Then I saw it, the perfect costume: C@$$!E. Cassie is the most famous teen sensation of the year! Almost every girl in the world knows and loves her except for Tracy and me. I point at the costume and say,

“hey look! A Cassie costume, but to bad that is the ONLY one left, I should know” after I say that I look into every single one of there eyes and see the terror of them not getting the costume first. They all broke into a sprint, running and pushing. Then all of a sudden, Tina who is in the back, grabs Lulu and Ally’s dresses and pulls them back, then runs and trips Missy and Sarah, going into the lead then like in slow motion Tina jumps, pushing Katrina down with her shoulders, and jumping over her with her legs apart like her cheer leading self. Then she lands, grasping the costume and, smoothing her hair, walks to the front counter. I look at Tracy and her mouth is hanging open just like mine. I mean, I knew Tina was a fantastic cheerleader, but how, why would she do something like pushing her sister down with her shoulders. This is a most likely the best time to tell you how Tracy and I know that Katrina and Tina are sisters. It happened during 3rd grade in the middle of the year. Tracy and I were at our cubbies, talking about summer and boys and the new toys we got for Christmas. All the other kids went back to class while we kept talking. Then the front doors blew open and Tina, Katrina and their Mom walked in. Tina was wearing little purple shoes with light purple socks that were trimmed with lace at the top. Her dress was purple; it puffed out then went skinny at the waist. It to had a lace trimming. The two front parts of her blonde hair was pulled back and held in place with a purple bow. Katrina was wearing the same exact thing but in pink. When I first saw them I thought that Katrina was a clone of Tina but then I saw that Katrina had wavy hair and was wearing glasses. Their Mom was holding their hands; she turned them around then knelt down to their height and said “ well this is a splendid school, don’t you girls think so?” she had a British accent, unlike her kids who had All-American accents. Katrina nodded her head and Tina said “ whatever” their mom ignored Tina’s comment and said “isn’t lucky that you to both got into the same class, considering sisters like yourselves usually don’t get into the same class together you girls are super lucky!” with that being said, Ms. Harrison walked out of the building leaving her fraternal twins standing there with their backpacks in their hands. When Tina turned around she saw us and froze. She dropped her backpack, ran down the five stairs towards us, she grabbed our collars and held us at an angle so our feet were behind us. She said through gritted teeth “if ether of you tell ANYONE that me and Katrina are sisters I will make your lives miserable!” with that she let go of our collars and walked away with a flip of her hair. Tracy and me fell to the floor on our backs. So for the three years we have been together in Woodwickerson Middle School and the two at Recordglance Elementary School we have told no one. Back to reality, with all the girls except Tina getting up we snuck over to the scary/gothic costumes. Tracy had forgotten her wonderful costume discovery and left it there. We started searching for costumes, and right away Tracy found what she was looking for; a evil angel. It took me awhile to find my costume but eventually I found the perfect costume. If you had forgotten I am being a devil and it is hard to find devil costumes that are NOT inappropriate, so when I found this devil costume I was happy. The strapless dress is a blood red silky fabric that goes down to my ankles. It comes with black ballet flats, and a cape that is black then fades into red.
We grabbed our costumes and ran to the accessories/make up section and started riffling through the merchandise. While I’m in my room reading that nights homework I hear my the song “If I die young” by The Band Perry and I realized that is the ring tone for Liam so I grab my phone and read:
L: Hey! Can you go to the park tonight??
A: uh… it’s kinda late…
L: I no but can you??
A: I guess…
L: see ya there! O_o
A: heh heh see ya x_x
Liam is of txt chat
Amanda is of txt chat

I put my phone into my pocket and jump out of my bed and walk over to the window. I open the window and climb through. You might be thinking “is she crazy?!?!? Her room is in the attic!” well, when I was in 6th grade I used to climb through my window to go with Tracy to party’s. I have a special way of getting down. I stood on the roof and sat down with my legs hanging off the edge. I put my hands next to my thighs and push myself up so I am holding all my body weight up with my arms. I flip over and slid down a little bit so my belly button is touching the rim of the roof. Then I push back and fall. I catch my self with my arms and wince with pain of my arms snapping into place. I drop and land, balancing on the railing. I jump down and run down the driveway. I grab my bike and jump on. The night air makes me shiver as I bike down Tucker Street.



Texte: Lora C
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.06.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

WARNING: This is one of the most unrealistic stories I have ever written. I re-read it one day and thought: What? This is so unrealistic! Just a heads up. I also want to say that this book is dedicated to my Momers(mom). She gave the ideas with her crazy mind.

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