
P.S. I Love You
Dear diary,
It’s so different here in Rosewood. It’s quiet. Although ever since my dad died it’s been that way. My mom thought dragging me down here would let us start fresh. Although it doesn’t help because I still think of him at night, in the afternoon, in the mornings, and in my dreams. Even moving won’t help us try to let go of the past. I‘ve been to counseling along with my mom but it just makes the hole inside me go deeper.
“Aubrey,” my mom said exhaustingly. “It’s going to take you forever to unpack if you just keep leaving things a mess. This is a fresh start. A new life,” my mom said as she took all of my dirty clothes off of my bed and put boxes there. “Unpack these tonight Aubrey Marie Miller,” she said sternly as if I had no other choice. “This is our new life?” I started to question her. “What about our old one?” I finished. I swiped my back bag off of my wooden desk and headed for the door for my first day of school.
“Okay now everyone take your seats. I am Mr.McCuller. Since that is my name I expect to be called that. Welcome to science,” he said to everyone as he wrote his name and then science on the chalkboard. “I hope you enjoy your first day of school,” he added and pushed his glasses further up his nose. I looked around the room but most of these people didn’t look like juniors at all even though this is a junior class. “I will change seats so don’t get too comfortable. In row 1 section A is…..” he started but I drowned out every noise in the classroom and just stared at the wall until I heard my name. I was in row 4 section A. I sat down and short after felt someone sit next to me.
“Hey I’m James,” he said in a soft quiet voice as he was getting settled in.
“Hey I’m Aubrey,” I said in an even softer voice. Through the corner of my eye I could see him studying every detail of my body until I turned my head.
“Why are you staring at me?” I asked and he snapped his head up.
“Because I can, can’t I?” he asked the corners of his lips lifting up into a smiling.
“It’s weird and uncomfortable,” I said and looked forward again. I crossed my hands and set them on the polished wooden desk.
By the time everyone was settled the bell had rung and class was over.
“Hey I’m Layla,” a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes said. Her elbow was against mine.
“Oh hey I’m Aubrey,” I said and held out my hand for her to shake. She took it and smiled at me.
“I see you’ve warmed James’s heart. You know the way he was staring at you was like the way he stared at me,” she started and was lost in thought as her smile faded.
“What happened?” I asked and we stopped walking in the middle of the hallway people pushing past us.
“Well I broke up with him because he was cheating on me with, well I don’t want you to have any enemy’s so I won’t name names,” she said and looked off into the hallway people were laughing and walking. I looked at the clock and we still had 3 minutes to get to calculus. I have it 6th period. So does James. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Layla started talking to me again.
“Anyway just be careful with him,” she handed over a piece of paper with her number scattered across it. She started to walk away.
“Who did he… you know cheat on you with?” I asked. She stopped walking away and turned towards me.
“Kylie,” she shouted and continued walking down the yellow hallway with white and black marble flooring.
When I walked into calculus I noticed James in the back of the room. It was like he sensed me because he looked up and patted the spot next to him. I looked at his offer and it was the only seat left so I had to take it. I grunted and then sat down next to him.
“Ha I’m sorry are you mad at me?” he asked and then put his hand over his heart mockingly and then he grinned. I ignored him and stared at the board as the teacher wrote Mrs.Saphire.
“Oh now you’re giving me the silent treatment?” He asked staring at me grinning even bigger with those brown eyes.
“Leave me alone,” I yelled but in a whisper. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.
“Students now this assignment is very important,” Mrs.Saphire started to say.
“You have to get to know your partner down to the very core. Every single solitary detail,” she raised a finger at all of us. “It’s due tomorrow for 250 points. Have fun,” she said and smirked at us all. She is trying to kill me and I don’t even know her.
“So now you have to talk to me,” he said grinning darkly. “Unless you want a bad grade,” he smirked.
“What do you want from me?” I hissed.
“I want you,” his smile widened now.
“That’s not funny,” I said staring seriously at him.
“It was to me,” he smiled to himself.
He started scribbling stuff down on his paper. He didn’t even ask me anything.
“What are you writing?” I asked astonished that he thought that he knew me.
“I am writing you hate to be wrong, you don’t trust the right people, you’re a procrastinator, you like pop music, your favorite artist is Auburn, and you love the color yellow,” he stared at my jaw which seconds after falling snapped shut.
“How did you know all of that? You never even asked me anything,” I asked looking into his eyes.
“I know everything about you,” he smiled darkly and his eyes turned darker. Just then the bell rang and he stood up and went out the door. I caught up with him.
“Hey I never got anything on you,” I stated. He took my arm and wrote his number on it with his pen. My skin was warm where he had touched.
“Call me” he said and turned away and disappeared into the crowd of the hallway.
I was in 7th period which is my P.E class. Layla is here with me. I walked out onto the field where she and a guy that was checking me out stood.
“Hey Layla,” I yelled walking over to her. She looked at me and smiled.
“Oh hey,” she turned to the boy that was tall dark and handsome.
“This is my new friend Aubrey. Don’t you just love her name?” she talks like a prep with that perfect tone that makes you think she’s sweat, nice, and innocent.
“Yeah it’s pretty. My name is Matt,” he looked deep into my eyes with his dark brown eyes as he shook my hand. He is really cute I wonder if he and Layla are dating.
“So I didn’t know you two love birds would be in my P.E class,” I said trying to figure out if they were dating.
“Oh please me and Matt hahaha no way I’m dating Dylan. Wow your funny,” she looked hysterical as if the funniest thing just happened. Matt knew what I was doing he smiled at me and winked. HE WINKED!!! He looked at Layla and whispered something in her ear and she left.
“So where are you from?” he asked.
“How’d you know I wasn’t from here?” he was a very mysterious guy. But I like mysterious.
“A hunch,” his eyes grew darker than they already were.
“Uh anyway I’m from Ohio,” I smiled and shrugged.
“Well Ohio I hear is very cold. So what made you move here to California?” he asked and grabbed my arm and we started walking.
“My uh um dad died,” I started to tear up and swiped the first one to escape my eyes.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” he pulled me into a tight hug. He smelt very musk, it was a strong smell. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
“You smell really good. I’m sorry that was weird,” I said and started to back away but he pulled me into the hug again. He buried his nose into my neck and was sniffing it. I pulled away.
“Did you just sniff my neck?” I asked a little creeped out.
“No you just. You just had a……what perfume do you use it smells good. See you’re not the only one that’s weird, he said and laughed awkwardly.
“Rose love is the scent. It smells really good to me,” I said and put my hand cupping my neck.
“Yeah it does smell good,” his eyes were super dark now like he was thirsty or dyeing or something. He had lust and desire in them.
The bell rang and I walked away but he caught my wrist.
“Here is my number,” he put his number on a piece of paper and shoved it in my back pocket lingering his hand there for a few seconds longer. My skin was tingling where he had touched and I blushed so he smiled.
“There’s a party. Call me if you’re interested,” he turned and ran away. Not walk but ran. I went to the parking lot got in my car and headed home.
I took out my calc. homework and remembered the classwork. He never told me anything about him. I glanced at my arm and punched in the numbers scribbled across my arm in the homophone. He answered on the 3rd ring.
“Hello,” he said like he knew it was me.
“I need you to answer a few questions for calculus Remember?” I asked and crossed one arm over to my other.
“Oh well right now I’m in the middle of something important,” I could feel him smile over the phone.
“What could you possibly be doing at 10:00 at night?” I asked frustrated.
“Oh I dunno come to Play-J casino and find out,” he hung up. I grunted and scribbled on a blank piece of paper jerk and gambler. There! That is some things I know about him. I went upstairs put on a pink lace kami and a victoria secret jacket with some skinny jeans and left.
I pulled into Play-J’s casino and got out. I opened the door while people stopped and stared at me. Some people had angry faces some were checking me out and sizing me up. I felt a hand grab my shoulder firmly. I turned around to scream only to find that it was James’s hand. He looked surprised and confused, his mouth fighting to dare twist up in the corners.
“You actually came?” it seemed like he was asking.
“Yeah I have questions for you,” I said and saw that he was playing pool with a few other guys. He waved them off and they left seeming mad at me. He looked around at my back pocket and snatched the paper before I even realized what he was looking at.
“A jerk, a gambler, really you couldn’t think of anything else better?” he looked at me. He was so close to me I felt his breath as he talked. I felt the flush in my cheeks. He took a pencil out of his back pocket and wrote reliable, irresistible, and attractive.
“Oh I don’t think so, none of this is true!” I argued. I tried to snatch the paper back but he put it over his head keeping it from me.
“Keep it on there,” he demanded.
“No give me it I’ll just use a different piece of paper when I get home,” I said and put both hands on my hips.
“No, I know you won’t because you know all of this is true. I know how I make you feel. You’re blushing underneath, you’re also nervous,” his face was very close to mine he was breathing on me. His breath smelt like mint.
“No that’s a lie, I mean I’m nervous because you’re in my personal bubble I’m Closter phobic,” my breath was shaky and uneasy. He could tell because he was grinning now and he took a step closer. He put his hand on my cheek and stroked it. He smiled and touched my lip with his thumb and dragged it down. He rubbed my lipstick between his fingers.
“You would look so much prettier without it,” he looked sincere. I peeled his hand off of my face and coughed.
“Will you just answer my questions so I can go?” I held out my hand for the paper back.
“Aubrey?” he looked into my eyes.
“Yes, James,” I said in response and he gave me the paper.
“I don’t care what you take off and fix,” he said as if to be giving me permission to take it off.
“Okay, good,” I said as I grabbed the piece of paper and erased everything.
“What do you like to do?” I wrote number one on my crinkled F work paper.
“Um, play pool. C’mon that’s an easy question I mean you did come down here just for me,” he batted his eyelashes.
“Actually I came down here to save my grade. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I’m not obsessive or a stalker so I know nothing about you at all,” I had batted my eyelashes mocking him. He backed my body against the pool table and put both of his arms on either side of me.
“I’m not a stalker I just know you really well,” his lips were centimeters away from mine I ducked under him and backed away.
“Can you just finish writing down stuff about yourself I have to call Matt and tell him I’m going to a party with him,” I shook the paper in front of me and his body turned fast in my direction.
“Matt Cedar?” he asked and took another step closer to me.
“Um yeah him,” I said. I was confused of his horrid expression though.
“You’re not going anywhere with him,” he demanded.
“You’re not my mom last time I checked my mom was a girl,” my voice had a lot of venom in the sarcasm.
“Then call me your dad,” his boyish smile was gone this was all serious.
“Last time I checked my dad was dead,” I said and pushed past him tears spilling out the corners of my eyes. He tried to grab my elbow but it slipped from his grip. I pushed open the doors and ran to my car. I sat there and cried. Why did he bring that up? I heard the trickling of the rain on my car and tried to start the ignition.
“Damn it!” I screamed and hit the steering wheel with my head. Then I heard pounding on my door I looked up and it was James.
“Open the door,” he screamed through my windshield.
“Why?” I asked and he started to walk to the passenger’s side. He opened it and sat down.
“You need a ride,” he didn’t ask well he kinda more of told me.
“No I can walk,” I said and got out of the car.
“No you can’t its freezing and you live 3 miles away,” he said and shrugged out of his jacket and gave it to me.
“Who are you? How do you know where I live? How do you know everything I like? How did you know this was my car? Why do you tease me? Why do you not want me to hang out with Matt?” all of my questions were just coming out now. He picked me up and took me to his car and put me in the passenger’s side. He shut the door and went to his side and got in and started his black jeep.
“I’m sorry about your dad,” he said as he was driving.
“I don’t want to talk about it. My mom’s not home tonight either so I’m alone again,” I said and his eyebrow shot up. It was quiet for the rest of the way home. When I got home he got up and went to my front door I followed and he took a key out of his pocket. He saw my shocked face.
“You dropped it back at the casino,” he said innocently giving me the keys back.
I opened the door and his hands were on my door frame.
“Going to invite me in?” he asked already inside.
“Are you hungry?” he asked and walked into the kitchen.
“Can you answer my questions?” I asked.
“I’m afraid not,” he looked at me curiously.
“Well then get out of my house and if you’re going to the party see you there,” I said pushing him out of the door.
“No don’t go to the party,” he looked hurt.
“Then I want answers,” I demanded and tapped my foot on my floor waiting.
“I can’t tell you,” he said. I pushed him all the way out of the door and slammed it. I ran upstairs and jumped on my bed and screamed into my pillow. He was there beside my bed.
“You can’t get rid of me that fast,” he said with a grin spread wide across his face.
“How did you get in my house?” I asked demanding an answer.
“You should try to actually lock the door,” he said sitting on the edge of my bed.
“What do you want from me?” I asked sitting up.
“I want you to eat you must be starving,” he said and grabbed my hand. His smile was all fox and playful.
“Don’t touch me,” I stammered and pushed him back. He didn’t move at all.
“Seriously let me make you a taco you have to be hungry,” he said and started to walk down stairs but I stopped him short.
“Look I’ll let you make me a taco if you tell me who you are. How did you know so much about me? Why do you want me to stay away from matt? I just don’t understand,” I said but my eyes started to water.
“Then looks like you’re going to starve,” he said as he walked out of my house. I went and dead bolted the door. I didn’t know if he was gone for sure until I looked out the window and he was gone. So I went upstairs got in my night clothes and wrote in my diary.
Dear diary,
It has been a long day today. First I met this really cute guy named Matt except he did something strange in P.E. He smelt my neck. How weird is that? Then I met this other cute guy named James who just seemed to love my company. Matt asked me to go to a party with him, so I told James and he said not to go and I don’t know why. He said Matt was dangerous. But I’m going to risk my chances and go to that party I mean how dangerous could he be.
Aubrey <3
Then I went to bed and fell asleep.
It was light outside had to of been morning. I was by a monument in central park. New York? I have always wanted to go for some reason but I don’t know why. It has just always fascinated me. The date on the central park old fashioned clock read January 3rd, 1834. I turned to my side and there was me and James. I was watching myself? James doesn’t look different at all still cute and wait, why is he here with me? “Hey so how did you like the O blood? Is it better than the A?” he asked me and I turned to him drinking the O blood. Ewww that is gross. What was my problem? “Yes it is delicious. Its sweet just like you,” the other me said and planted a kiss on his lips and he kissed me back but for a longer time. He grabbed my face with both of his hands. “I love you Rose Bennder,” he said softly. My name is not Rose what is he talking about and why is the other me smiling? “I love you to Jake Renner,” the other one of me said.
I awoke to my mom shaking me telling me I was going to be late to school I put on a pink silk long-sleeved shirt from victoria secret that sagged at the neck hole leaving it exposed so i put a white V tank underneath it. I grabbed my backpack and left for school.
When I arrived to first period I saw James. “So you didn’t die of starvation last night?” he asked and folded his arms across. I rolled my eyes.
“I’ve decided I’m going to that party,” I said as I rolled some lip gloss over my lips. He looked at me like I was crazy.
“You’re not going to listen to my warning I told you he’s not safe. He’s a dangerous guy but if you want to put yourself in danger fine by me,” I could tell in his eyes he wasn’t okay with me getting hurt but I don t know why.
“Well good because I’m going and that’s that,” I said matter-of-fact. I looked forward and he just stared at me with longing. It was really creepy. He looks at me like he’s known me forever. The only thing is I have never seen him before in my life.
“Uh you are impossible,” he said and collapsed his head into his hands.
“So are you,” Did I counter attacked his insult? I think I did. I sat there still staring straight for some reason loving the attention I was getting from him. His eyes were all over me and I love it. After a few beats of silence he smiled at me. I don’t know why but all the sudden his smile was comforting and it seemed familiar like I’ve seen it before the 2 days I’ve known him for. Then I remembered my dream last night. He was in it and he kissed me. I felt hot in the cheeks and it took me a minute to realize I was blushing. The teacher was talking but I was giving him the least bit of my attention.
“I had a weird dream last night,” I confessed to him in a whisper afraid the teacher would over hear.
“And?” he bobbed his head slightly, telling me to go on.
“You were in it and we were in central park in 1834,” I paused for a short moment. “It was odd I’ve never had a dream like that in my life. We were drinking blood. My name was Rose and yours was Jake,” I sounded a bit hesitant in going on with my dream so I stopped. He smiled like that had made its day.
“So you remember?” he asked looking into my eyes.
“Remember what? It was a dream,” I said kinda harshly, but it was just a dream.
“Dreams are memories, hopes, and fears,” he said a little hesitantly. Then the teacher called on me. I felt the burn come up to my cheeks. “Can you repeat the question?” I asked humiliated.
“What physical traits would you like a male mate to have?” he asked but sounded very impatient.
“Uh well…..” I started. “Dark hair, big brown eyes, tall, and muscular,” I said a little relieved of how quick I thought of those.
“Great qualities, plenty of examples,” Mr.McCuller said. Then he turned to James. “How about you?” he asked. Then James said without hesitating.
“Long brown hair, blue eyes that sparkle, a beautiful face, perfect teeth, and perfect lips,” he said then snuck a quick glance at me when he was finished. I looked back at him and he winked.
The bell rang and I got up. I was out of the door when James caught my wrist and wrenched me towards him. “You know I listed your physical qualities as what I wanted to see on a potential mate right?” he asked.
“That’s good for you,” I said. Then I broke free of his grip and walked to the library.
When I was in the library I was looking for a horror book. Anything but romance right now. “Hey,” a deep quiet voice whispered from fairly close behind me. I turned around and there was Matt.
“Oh hi, you scared me,” I said putting the book I had picked up back.
“So are you coming to the party or not? You never told me,” he asked and he picked up a random book waiting for my answer.
“I am coming, but I don’t know who I will bring as my date,” I said walking aimlessly around him in the tight space we were squeezed into.
“You know maybe someone tall dark and handsome,” he suggested shrugging his shoulders.
“Maybe……..I’ll go look for someone like that,” I said and started to walk forward jokingly. He put his arm around my stomach and pulled me back. I started to laugh in a whisper. I play punched his arm. He looked at me and stopped laughing.
“I got to go,” he said. He started to lean forward slowly. He was watching my facial expression to see if he should go further. I smiled and he gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. He smiled showing teeth and left. I put my back on the book shelf and that was the only thing supporting it.
I walked into 7th period and Layla ran up to me.
“Hey. How are you? Matt told me he was taking you to the party. I just want to say that we should hang out tonight like double date I told him about it and he wasn’t happy but I have a feeling you can change his mind, please please please,” she said in a rush I only got about half of it.
“Okay, where is he?” I asked looking over her shoulder.
“Oh he’s over there trying to get your attention,” she turned my head around so I could see him. I walked over where he was.
“Hey,” he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey,” I said and gave him a kiss on his cheek in return. “So Layla wanted to go on a double date tonight and I really want to go,” I said biting my lower lip.
“Yeah she did mention it to me,” he said with a nod of his head.
“And,” I asked wanting him to continue.
“I don’t want to go,” he said tiredly.
“Well I’m not going to be the one to tell her we’re not going,” I said and folded my arms.
“I like the ‘we,’ he said and skimmed my arm with his fingers. That sent a chill up my body. For the rest of 7th period we played dodge ball.
When I got home I pulled out my homework and sat on my bed starting it. While I was doing it I fell asleep. It was dark outside this time and I was again with “Jake” that’s how I knew it was a dream. “So what are you going to say to him Rose?” Jake asked.
“I don’t know I don’t want to turn him down though he could kill you or me or my family,” the other I said. I wanted to run up to me and punch her why is she in love with him?
“It’s worth a try, I mean he has more heart than that,” he said. All of the sudden the scene changed I was in a castle in front of Matt. “Bram,” the other me started. “I don’t wish to marry you it is absurd, I am in love with someone else,” the other me started to protest.
“Well if I can’t have you then no one can and that’s that. You know if I killed you, you will be reincarnated and you’ll be human a few hundred years from now. You won’t remember anything from this life not even that annoying Jake kid you’re in love with. I will be prince of vampires but you don’t have to know. I shall charm you all over again and then bite you and suck your blood and make you my princess. Trust me your blood will be good,” “Bram” said with a devious smile. He got up and kissed me then he lifted up a knife and I woke up. I was gasping for air and I was shaking. I clutched my sheets to my heart waiting for it to stop pumping so rapidly. I looked at the clock and the time was 6:17 in the morning. I put my homework away because I can finish it in study hall and I went downstairs to my kitchen to eat breakfast. School starts in less than an hour so I don’t have much time to get ready.
I was staring at my clothes in my closet. I picked out a strapless Hollister white beach shirt that was saggy and ended a little over my bellybutton with a short tank top and a blue scarf and some Hollister skinny jeans that were skin tight and dark blue. I went downstairs and my mom was drinking coffee at the table.
“Hey sweetie,” she said as I grabbed my back pack.
“I have to go to school, bye,” I said and walked out the door.
I walked into first period as the bell rang and sat down………by James.
“I had another dream last night,” I said and looked at him. “Why is that happening to me?” I asked.
“If you let me come over later we’ll talk about it I know what’s going on,” he said surely.
“The dreams are about you and Matt and me,” I said my voice cracking towards the end. The Mr.McCuller gave us a test that took all period to take. So we couldn’t talk. I dragged on all day until 7th period when I saw Matt.
“Hey so what are you going to wear to the party,” Matt asked me juggling the basketball around in his hands.
“Uh a dress,” I said unsure because I honestly didn’t know what I was wearing.
“Well the party is tonight, and I’m picking you up. I drive a black Porsche so be looking for that,” he said as the bell rang. I started to leave but he grabbed my elbow gently and put one of his hands around my neck and the other on the small of my back and I felt his breath on my face and then he kissed me for the first time. He crushed his lips to mine and he was kissing me hungrily. I got in my car and went home. I walked in and set my back pack down when James rang the doorbell. I opened the door and he came in.
“So can you explain why I’m dreaming these things? I asked and put my hands on my hips. We were standing in the middle of my living room.
“They are memories Rose, I’m so glad you remember. I thought I was going to lose you forever when he hurt you I just wanted to kill him but I couldn’t he’s our prince soon to be king,” he said but I knew he was talking gibberish.
“I don’t believe you I just met you,” I said my eyes tearing.
“But you’ve known me forever I mean look at you, look what he did to us. He wants you and he wants me out of the picture I love you and you used to love me to I want my Rose,” he said with two pleading eyes.
“You’re lying,” I said not knowing what to believe. That’s when the doorbell rang it was Matt.
“Why is he here?” he asked furiously.
“He’s my date to the party remember?” I asked and opened the door.
“I’ll be ready in like 5 minutes,” I said and shut the door in his face.
“Go home. I don’t love you,” I told James as I went up the stairs. I pulled on black bloomers like the things cheerleaders wear under their skirts. Then I put a light orange strapless dress on with a black belt in the middle with a black leather flower in the center and some black heels and a black half jacket. I brushed through my straight brown hair and rolled a tube of lip gloss over my lips and applied mascara got my phone and put it in a black little handbag and went down the stairs. James was gone so I smiled. I walked outside and Matt’s eyes were about to pop out of his head.
“Sorry I couldn’t look nicer,” I said as he took my hand and walked me to his car.
“You’re absolutely stunning,” he said as we sat in the car. He started it and we drove to the party.
It was about 5 when we left and now it’s 8.
“How far away is the party?” I asked looking at him. He grinned and looked at me.
“We are not going to a party,” he said and we stopped. We were at a castle, Bram’s castle.
“Bram,” I looked at him with a questioning face. He didn’t say anything else he grabbed my wrist and pulled me up about 100 flights of stairs into a room. It was dark and I couldn’t see anything other than him. He stopped us and got in front of me.
“So you remember my dear Rose,” he said and stroked my arm with 4 fingers.
“So James was right,” I said feeling like an idiot for not believing him.
“Yeah and I do love you and I always have you know that don’t you remember. I mean originally you weren’t supposed to remember a thing but here you are and you remember a lot,” he said. His fangs came down from his two K-9 teeth.
“And now I have to make you a vampire so we can be together forever, I’ll enjoy sucking your blood all over again. That’s right don’t you remember that part? You were a human in 1763. You were an exquisite creature absolutely beautiful I just had to have you. So I brought you in this very spot and made you my vampire and you loved me for a century until Jake came along and you fell in love with him, he took you from me and I was devastated,” he said shaking his head.
“Yeah and then you killed me and I died,” I said tearing.
“Oh please I knew you were getting a second chance at life. That’s when I thought it would be a good idea to kill you and have you reincarnated. I made sure you looked the same and had the same attitude just a different name and different family, I was hoping you wouldn’t remember anything but you remember,” he said disappointedly. “I’m still going to make you my vampire,” he said as he took a step closer to me and pinned me against a wall. He put his thumbs gently into my neck tipping my neck backwards.
“Please don’t do this,” I cried my voice breaking at the end.
“I have to for us,” he said. He leaned in closer and closer until his fangs pierced my skin. I clutched his arms tight and accidentally slipped a quiet moan. He heard it because I felt him smile on my neck. It felt surprisingly good for things that felt like knives. He was sucking and I felt all the blood drain from my body. Then I blacked out.
I woke up and I was lying on a bed. There was a young girl about 13 years old that came inside with a tray filled with 2 glasses.
“Here is your blood Bram told me to give to you. It’s your favorite O blood. Welcome back Rose. Bram will be here soon, he had royal duties to take care of first,” she said and handed me the blood. “Drink it and you will look much younger,” she finished and left. I got up and looked at my reflection in the mirror and I had wrinkles. I looked like a prune. Oh no….. I ran back to the cups and drank both of them. They were delicious which was very weird. I went to the mirror again and I looked the age I was when I was bitten. I looked at the two puncture wounds on my neck. They were a little swollen. I rubbed my fingers across them. Matt walked in my room.
“Welcome back Rose,” he said and shut the door behind him.
“My name is Aubrey,” I said and backed against the makeup table.
“I’m sorry, Aubrey. You know this is your room,” he said and dragged his finger across the desk.
“No I don’t remember I only have a few memories,” I said as he came all the way over to me. “I didn’t want to be a vampire,” I said staring into his eyes.
“Well now we can be together forever,” he said taking my hands. I withdrew mine from his and looked at the floor. He tried to hug me but I pushed his chest back then he went to kiss me and I moved. I saw my chance and bolted for the door but he was faster and met me there. ”Where are you going?” he asked and grabbed both of my shoulders and lifted me up. He dragged me over to the bed and threw me on it. He got on top of me straddling my hips. I was punching him so he put both of my hands above my head. I was just squirming now wasting my energy, so I stopped. “Are you done?” he asked lifting a little weight of me. I shook my head and he let go of my hands. He leaned down and kissed me. I took his chin and pushed it away. “Don’t fight the love Rose,” then he started to kiss me again. I was wiggling but every time I tried to pull away he held my hand tighter and squeezed down on my stomach. His lips moved from my lips down my jaw then down my neck. He held both of my hands with one of his and the other was on the inside of my thigh. He started rubbing it and went up higher.
“Get off of me!” I screamed and struggled to get free but he held his grip tighter. I was slashing my body back and forth trying to get free but nothing was working. Suddenly I felt his hand move up my dress higher on my thigh. I started to cry. He brought his hand up and wiped the tears that fell. Then he went right back to what he was doing. “HELP, SOMEONE HELP ME!” I screamed. He let go of my hands and covered my mouth.
“Shhhhh, it’s okay,” he said and I bit his hand with my fangs. I took in a deep breath and used all of my power to push him off. He flew on the floor and I ran for the door but it flew open. On the other end I saw James. I was scared at first but then I ran up to him and hugged him.
“Did he change you?” he asked. I opened my mouth and showed him my fangs.
“She’s mine, you can’t take her away from me,” Matt said.
“I took her from you once I can do it again,” He grabbed my face and moved my hair out of it. “Did he hurt you?” he asked his voice and facial expression going cold.
“Yes,” I stuttered. James dropped my face and furiously strode over to Matt. They started fighting. James punched Matt and Matt punched James. Matt missed James the 2nd time he went to hit him and broke the desk. He held his hand and James bit his neck and held on until Matt was on the floor with agony.
“How did you find me?” I asked him as he walked back to me.
“I have no fucking idea, I just knew you were in danger then I knew you were here,” he said and grabbed my wrist and pulled me down all those stairs again until we were at his car. He opened my side and I sat down then he went to his. He started the car and drove away from this nightmare.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you before,” I said and looked at him.
“Well if I was having dreams about vampires and then someone told me they were a vampire and tried to make me believe I was I wouldn’t believe them either, so it’s okay,” he said and we stopped at a house.
“This isn’t my house,” I said.
“I know but he knows where you live. If you stay at my place you’ll be fine,” he said helping me up to his door. His house was no castle but it was perfectly little.
“Where’s your family?” I asked noticing how empty of people it looked.
“They died a while ago. Now I have a roommate, Dylan,” he said painfully, and it showed on his face.
“I’m sorry,” I said and hugged him.
“I missed you,” he said and put his cheek on the top of my head.
“Oh I miss you too, I remember everything now,” I gained all of my memory back throughout that process. I put my hand behind James’s neck and pulled him to me crushing our lips together. He skimmed my arm and stopped at the bottom of my back. He pulled us closer together and kissed me a little more hardly. I could feel my lips bruising. He pinned me against the wall and took off my jacket. I took off his Jacket and his mouth moved down from my mouth to my neck. He gently sucked on my neck and then bit down. I moaned and moved my hand from his neck to his hair. I was grabbing a handful of it pulling him closer. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to the couch and he was on top of me fangs still in my neck. He started kissing up my neck again to my mouth then he unzipped my dress and took off his shirt then someone walked in. James was kissing me like no one else was in here.
“Well James, thought you’d have another one around sometime,” his friend said in an English accent. I sat up on my elbows, supporting me. James stopped kissing my lips and went for my neck.
“What does that mean?” I asked pushing him back a little with my hand on his bare chest, so he would stop kissing me and focus.
“Nothing,” he said to me.
“Really, you know today before he had to go to take care of a chore he was hooking up with my ex right there,” he said pointing to the couch. I turned to James and nodded my head with a facial expression that said really?
“A chore, is that what I am to you?” I asked getting up. I zipped up my dress.
“No because I love you,” he got up off the couch and grabbed my face. I let my eyes wonder somewhere else not wanting to see his eyes, melt and forgive him right there.
“I love you more than anything, and every girl,” he said. Dylan walked passed us shaking his head. I looked into James’s big brown eyes. I put my hands on either side of his cheek and started kissing him. He put his hands around my waist pulling me closer. I bit his bottom lip playfully and let go. He moaned and put me on the couch. Then he took my jacket off again. I started to laugh and we both sat up. I started laughing.
“It’s funny,” I said laughing again even harder.
“What is?” he said sarcastically.
“Nothing,” I said and raised my eyebrows.
“Okay,” he said confused. He said and stood up.
“Look I want to go home,” I said and stood up as well. I crossed my arms. I nodded toward the door. He wasn’t looking at me he was looking at the floor. I started gliding to the door slowly, swinging my arms by my sides. He caught me by the shoulder.
“You can’t leave. He will find you if you do. He probably has some under cover vampires working for him,” he said. He took me to a room in the back. The bed was made and the room was nice and clean. “This is my room but you use to sleep in it all the time,” he said smiling.
“Well looks like you weren’t in a rush at all to come get me,” I said sitting on the bed and setting my purse down.
“I had some time,” he admitted he wasn’t rushing.
“Why didn’t you rush,” I asked curious. I mean I thought he loved me.
“Well you said I don’t love you when I went to your house, I was hurt you’ve loved me all your life Rose,” he sat beside me.
“My name is Aubrey,” I put my head in my hands and sighed.
“Okay, Aubrey,” he corrected himself and got up. He left. I stayed put. I needed pajamas it’s late and I’m tired. IU dialed my mom’s number. She picked up.
“Hey mom me and my friends are at a hotel for a week for spring break. We are still here in California and I’ll call you soon love you,” I hung up before she could say anything like no.
“James, I need pajamas,” I said getting up and going toward the door. I opened it and walked out into the living room. It was empty. I walked into the small kitchen attached to the living room. The kitchen was empty to. “Hello, James,” I walked to the front door and found a note.
To Aubrey,
I am going out for a little bit……… I have clothes for you in the bottom drawer of my room. DO NOT LEAVE the house. Sweat dreams.
I went to his room and opened the bottom drawer. I took out a big white t-shirt that had a black quicksilver logo on the back. I took off my dress and put the shirt on so I was in the t-shirt and my bloomers. I crawled in the bed and heard the front door open soon after. I got off the bed slowly and quietly. I hid behind the wall by the door. Someone walked by, so I jumped on their back and put my arms around their neck chocking them. I put my fangs in their neck and bit down hard. “Aubrey!” James screamed. He unpeeled my mouth from my neck and flipped me onto the floor. “Ow,” I said and got up and whipped my but off with my hands.
“Sorry I didn’t know it was you, you could have turned a light on when you walked in,” I said tiredly and exasperated. “And you could of not threw me on the floor,” I said and pointed to the hard, wooden, and cold floor.
“I’m sorry I wanted to get you to stop attacking me, and I didn’t turn a light on because I thought you were sleeping,” he finished. The holes in his neck closed up. I ignored him and went over to the bed and sat down on a pillow. He climbed over to me and tilted my chin up with his finger and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He pushed me down gently and got on top of me. I broke away from his lips and went down his neck. Then I went all the way back up and reconnected our lips. His left arm was supporting him and his right arm was going down my body. He pulled me up and took my big shirt off and put his hand on my boob. Then he started kissing me again. I grabbed his face and kissed him even harder. I took his shirt off and he pushed me back down.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said and kissed my neck. I felt a little tongue and my heart started pumping rapidly. His fangs grazed my skin. Then he bit down and I moaned. His arm went down my body and stopped at my bloomers. He started to peel them down when Dylan walked in.
“James, Sarah left and I’m bored,” Dylan said. James took his fangs out of mme and looked up at Dylan.
“Seriously dude, do you not see that we are in the middle of something. Jeez. Every time I’m in the middle of it with her you walk in,” he said and dragged his hand down his face. He got my shirt and handed it to me and I put it on. He did the same with his.
“I’m sorry I’m just bored,” he walked over to us and sat on the bed.
“Well why don’t you go play Xbox with Austin and Avery,” James suggested and Dylan shrugged his shoulders and went to the door. Before he left he turned around to James and said, “By the way your mate has ginormous boobs,” then he winked at me and James hurled a pillow at him. Then Dylan left.
“I am so sorry,” he said and put his hand on his forehead. “Now where were we?” he asked and he kissed me. I pulled away.
“I’m actually kind of tired now,” I said teasingly. I pushed him off and lied down. He sighed angrily.
“I haven’t been with you in centuries. I’m having a hard time not keeping my hands off of you, and I haven’t been with you since you’ve been here,” he said and groaned.
“You are with me right now,” I said and smiled. I rolled over so I was facing him.
“I meant intimately, you haven’t intimately been with me,” he said and lied down. I put the covers over me and he looked at me. I kissed him softly on the lips. I pulled away and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.
When I woke up James’s arms were around me and his chest was against my back. Our fingers were interlaced with each other’s. I unlaced our fingers and tried to get up carefully without awaking him. When I was up and he was still sleeping I went to the living room. Dylan was on the couch and I sat by him.
“Still sleeping?” Dylan asked as if he already knew the answer.
“Um yeah,” I responded. A sharp pain was in my stomach and I knew I was hungry, or thirsty. Dylan saw me grip my stomach. He walked to the fridge and pulled out a gallon of blood and poured it into a large cup. He put the gallon back and walked over to me. He handed me the cup.
“It’s the O blood,” he said and nodded toward the cup. I took a sip and then drank the whole thing really fast.
“You know you’re the only girl that James has ever loved. I mean he has dated other girls and has been intimate with a lot of girls as well, but you’re the only person that he talks about to me,” he said hitting the controller keys to his Xbox. I put my cup in the sink and went to sit by Dylan.
“Can you take me to my house? I need clothes,” I asked.
“No, no way. James said not to take you anywhere without his permission,” he said still staring at the TV screen.
“Ugh, he has to make everything difficult,” I said and sighed loudly. I went back in the room and he was still sleeping. I ran forward and jumped on the bed, nothing. I started rattling him until he woke up.
“What,” he whirled awake and sat up. I got off the bed and stood there.
“I have to go home because I need clothes, I can’t wear my dress for who knows how long,” I said sourly.
“Okay we’ll go, but first,” he pulled me onto the bed and started kissing me. I was on top of him. I pulled off his shirt and slid my hands over his abs. He kissed down my neck and peeled off my shirt. I giggled and kissed him. I unbuttoned his pants and started pulling down his zipper. Dylan walked in.
“So you’re awake,” he said and sighed. “Man this always happens,” he stuck his hands up in the air. James’s fangs shot out from their hiding spot and he looked up angrily at Dylan. I buttoned his pants and put my shirt on.
“Dylan I am going to kill you,” James threatened. I calmed him down by kissing him and rubbing his arms.
“Shhhhhhhh it’s okay,” I reassured Matt. His fangs went back in and he took a deep breath.
“Let’s go,” he said tiredly and sighed angrily at Dylan.
“Sorry,” Dylan apologized.
“It’s okay,” I said at the same time James said whatever. James put his arm
Sorry I ended here....rust me it's not over writing more :)


Texte: @Copywrite all rights reserved. Title page pcture is from google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.07.2011

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