
"My Special One"

Our first meeting was such a delight
as we grew closer, it felt so right
it’s been a long time since I felt this way
For it to last forever, is the wish I pray
we connect together in so many ways
and for this, I give God the praise

You are my ray of hope I thought had died
I couldn’t find love because to me, men lied
my trust was gone until I met you
You make me happy and no one else will do
you warm my heart; make me feel special & good
I could love you forever, I know I could

We received a miracle from up above
it was each other, on the wings of a dove
you are one in a million, Ricky, precious & rare
I cherish each and every moment that we share
so every day I smile when my day is done
I thank God for you, Ricky, you’re my special one


Texte: Brenda R.
Bildmaterialien: Guideposts
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is dedicated to Ricky, the man I love, with all of my heart.

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