
Chapter 1

I arrive at school. Not knowing what to expect. But I do know, Miranda is going to tackle me because she got the role of Juliet in our school play, Romeo and Juliet.
How do I know you may ask? She sent a text message on everyone on her contact list saying, "I GOT THE PART OF JULIET!!! OMG OMG OMGGGGG!!!"
I just hurry on up to my locker and protect myself before she comes. And before you know it, I close my locker and there she is.
"Woah," I said, surprised.
"I got the part!!" Miranda squealed.
This is not much like her.. She's usually down to earth, really quiet, and not into school plays. But I pleaded her to go try out just one play. And this is how she reacts.
I'm really proud of her and all but, she's way too excited. I wonder who got to be the role of Romeo. Maybe it's Miranda's crush, Jonathan. Or maybe some other cute boy.
"Hey who's play Romeo?" I asked.
"Well I saw Jonathan try out for it.. I hope he got the part!!" Miranda squealed.
"Not to be rude, but can you just shush for a minute? I know you're excited," I said.
"Sorry, just REALLY excited. But I promise I'll be quiet," Miranda promised.
I hope Jonathan did try out and got the part. Because that would make Miranda so happy. She's my best friend. I want her to be happy. Just not too happy..
I do think that the play list will be on the bulletin board tomorrow.. I hope it does. I want to see who got what parts.
"Are you going to be there?" Miranda asked me.
"Omg, of course I am. Why would I be not?" I replied.
"Oh, I just thought you wouldn't come," she said with a little despair in her voice.
"I swear and I cross my heart, I will be there. No matter what!!" I promised.
"Really? YAY!!!!: Miranda squealed.
I look at her with the Really? look. She looks at me back and mouths Sorry.
The first bell rings and Miranda and I rush to class. Right on time. We always got to do the pledge of allegiance. Then after that they announce special and important news.
As I hoped, they named the names for the cast of the Romeo and Juliet play.
"Okay, today we have out cast of the play we're doing this year. I will name all casts. Students please listen very carefully," the announcer said.
"Miranda Godina for Juliet. Jonathan Nguyen for Romeo. Emila Pennington for mother of Juliet. Dustin Atrovart for father of Juliet. Reem Koncarly for mother of Romeo. Joshua Luu for father of Romeo. Mr. Pickering, you are the priest. That's it! Remember everybody! The play is on April 17 7:00pm-8:00pm Thank you and have a nice day," the announcer said.
Of course after first period, Miranda was all jumpy again because Jonathan is Romeo. And Romeo kisses Juliet. And you get my point.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited!! Jonathan will kiss me!! Ahhh!!" Miranda squealed.
"Girl, OMG. I wonder what kind of kiss he'll do.. The romantic, the sloppy, the rush," Kathy explained.
"Kathy! Don't get Miranda worried!! Let her find out. And she'll tell us!" Sheila said.
"Maybe they'll be together as boyfriend and girlfriend after the play," Melissa said.
"Eh, probably.. But it depends how you kiss too, you know?" I asked.
"Yeah, I know. I'm going to practice," Miranda said.
We all look at her confused..
"Practice? With who?" I asked.
"Mr. Snuggles," Miranda replied.
"Your teddy bear? Seriously?" Kathy questioned.
"Hey, I got no one else. I at least got to try," Miranda said.
"Eh, true," Sheila said.
In the middle of out conversation it was second period. We all rush to class. And again, we nailed it.

Chapter 2

Second period was quite long. It was only forty minutes, but it seemed quite long. After second period, it was third period. Then lunch. Then recess. The two more classes. And we leave. I was really happy to get home. To write in my diary, watch tv, and play and relax all I wanted.
I seemed really tired because my parents said that when I got home I fell right into bed, well I got dressed into house clothes first, but I still fell in bed.
It looks like I slept through the day and night. I must've been really tired... When I woke up, it was morning. So it was a surprise.
Today we only have one period. Because today Mrs. Dooley, our reading teacher, has vacation. Woop!!I wonder what we'll do for the extra time we have..
I arrive to school to some news. Not bad ones. Really good ones.
"Hey Miranda!" I said.
"Omg, guess what?" Miranda asked.
"What?" I said.
"Jonathan asked me out!!!" Miranda squealed.
"Omg, really?" I said with great shock.
"Yeah, really!! Now my biggest crush ever turns into my boyfriend. AHHH!!" She squeal again.
"I'm so happy for you!!" I said.
She looked at me and smiled. She must've been really happy because I usually never see her smile that wide..
I was talking to Miranda when Hunter comes walking towards us. Oh my gosh. My biggest crush. What do I do? Act normal Cynthia. Put yourself together!!
"Hey ladies!" Hunter said.
"Hey Hunter!" Miranda and I say at the same time.
"I heard that one of you two got into a play? Is that right?" He asked.
"Yep, that's totally right!!" Miranda squealed.
"And guess who it is?" I asked him.
Before Hunter could talk Miranda blurts out MEEEEE!!
"Wow! Congrats!!" Hunter said.
"Thank you, Thank you," Miranda said.
Before we could talk anymore, the first period bell rings. Math. I love math. Math is so easy, so great, sometimes it has challenges, but eh. It's good for your brain.
Some people ask me to tutor them because I make straight A's in math. Well mostly every subject, but you get my point.
Every student I get always gets a hundred on their sheet. I blame my brain. I also hate it though too.
Because, every guy that asks me out, usually wants me for my brains. So they can use be and beat me like some rag doll.
That's why I don't date anymore. But if Hunter asks me out one day. I would totally say Yes.
Math today was totally easy. We learned about formulas for perimeter, area, and volume. Pretty easy. Some people didn't get it. But one day they will.
After math ends we got to our lockers. I've heard that today you get 40 minutes of just standing in the hallways and talk until the lunch bell rings.
I got to my locker and Miranda and the girls are already there. We sit on the bench right in front of us and we talk about Miranda's play.
"What are you going to dress like?" Melissa asked.
"Well, I think it's going to be some sort of modern look. But I don't know yet." Miranda replied.
"Are you nervous?" Sheila asked.
"Yeah, I'm super nervous.." Miranda said.
"I know you'll do great," I said.
"Really? You think so?" Miranda asked.
"Yeah I really think so," I said.
In the middle of our conversation the announcement thing came on.
"Sorry student of eighth grade, Mr. Balderson forgot to remind you that there is a test on all that you've learned called STAAR next week. Sorry for confusion."
Miranda, I, and the girls moan. I thought it was going to be a test-less month. But I guess not..
"Aww, dang it.. Now I got to study," Miranda said.
"I know right," Melissa said.
"Good luck on the test girls!" I said.
"You too!" Sheila said.
Then all of us go to our lockers and get our math books. I put them in my backpack. I hope it won;t be heavy, with my binder and such.
Then I sit on the bench with one of my math books and I study on formulas. Then I look to my left and I see Hunter.
"Hey Cynthia," Hunter said.
"Hey Hunter!" I replied.
"How are you?" He asked me.
"I'm good, you?" I replied.
"I'm good, just sad we got to study.. Thought it was going to be a test-less free month." He said.
"That's what I thought!" I said.
"Really? Cool," He said.
"Um hey Cynthia, you want to come over my house to study today?" He asked me.
Oh my gosh.

Chapter 3

Did Hunter really ask me that? I can't believe over anybody in eighth grade, he chose me to study with him. Of course I said yes.
I had to call my parents and Grandpa that today I was going to be at Hunter's house studying. My parents said be careful, Grandpa said okay, buy you're walking home.
I couldn't wait for today!! I just wanted school to get over with. At lunch, Miranda said she saw me and Hunter sitting together talking. She asked me what we were talking about.
"He asked me to come over to his house to study today," I said.
"Omg, really? Do you know what this means? This can be your only chance to tell him you have a crush on him!" Miranda squealed.
"Really? I guess it could," I said, confused.
"Yep, text me all the details of what happened.. And did your parents let you?" Miranda asked me.
"Yeah, I called them, they said they let me, but I got to walk home," I said.
"Oh, okay. Remember. Text me all the details!!!" She said.
"Got it," I said giving her the thumbs up sign.
After lunch we had recess, which seemed kind of short. And our two classes were ever shorter.. All we did was play board games and such. I guess when you're having too much fun, time runs past you.
The leaving bell rings and everybody grabs their backpacks and rush out the door. I wait at the door for Hunter. Then when we go outside, he shows me where his house is.
It looks pretty close but not that close. Just close. We walked there. It took like twenty minutes but it was fast, because we talked through then entire walk.
Then we arrived at his house. Just as I remembered. Nice and pretty. The lawn looked nice with the flowers.
The inside of his house was really tidy and clean. Then he took me upstairs to his room.
We laid down on the mattress and took our books out.
We started with the first page, lines. Even though lines are easy, we still had to study.
After we studied lines, we quizzed each other.
Then we went on to the next page. Polygons. Again it was easy, but we still had to study it. And after that we quizzed each other.
Then the next page, Fractions, Improper Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and How To Turn A Mixed Number Into An Improper Fraction and How To Turn An Improper Fraction To A Mixed Number. That was kind of hard. Because there were a lot of words and pages.
In the middle of studying, I put my hand out in front of me. My arm was tired so I thought I'd move it there. Then I saw Hunter's hand move. Right next to mine. Then on top of it. A first I thought it was an accident. But when I moved my hand to flip the page and put it in front of me again, Hunter put his hand on top of mine.
Then I thought he's doing this on purpose. Does he like me? Probably not..
Then while I was reading a sentence Hunter looked at me and said, "Cynthia, I've been wanting to tell you this since we started middle school."
"What?" I asked.
"Well, it's kind of embarrassing but, I sort of, have a crush on you," he said.
Is this true?Is this a dream? Is he saying the words Ive been wanting to hear my entire life?
"Oh, really?" I said.
"What you don't like me?" he asked.
"No, it's just, I've been having a crush on you too," I said.
"Really? How come you never told me?" he asked.
"I thought you didn't like me, so I kept it to myself," I said.
"Really? That's why I haven't told you," he said.
"Oh," I said, still shocked.
I tried to talk about something else to change the subject. Like Miranda's play. But all he did was just sit there and watch me. Saying no words.
Then he leaned into me and kissed me on my lips. I was in shock. My biggest crush ever. Said he had a crush on me and now he's kissing me? This is a dream come true!!
He finally let go and said, "Sorry.."
"It's just you're so beautiful," he said.
"Oh, really?" I said, blushing.
"Yeah," he said, smiling.
He really likes me.. For me. Not for my brains. Not for my looks. Well kinda my looks but he likes me. For me. Oh my gosh.. I'm in love.
Then I leaned closer to him and kissed him on the lips. This time longer. It felt good. I felt brave. I felt free.
I felt Hunter's hand on my waist, so I put my arms around him. His lips tasted like heaven. As I dreamt it would be.
Then he let go and said the words I wanted to hear my entire life.
"Cynthia Tran, I love you."
"I love you too," I said.
Then he grabs me and kisses me some more.
I can't believe it. He really does love me. I've been waiting for this to happen for my entire life.
I let go and he says, "You sure do kiss good for a 15 year old."
"You too," I said, in love.
Then I get up and put my math textbook in my backpack. And I put my backpack on my back.
"Well, I better get going. Bye Hunter," I said.
"Aww, You have to leave?" He asked
"Yeah. It's getting dark," I said.
"Oh, well. Bye," He said with sadness in his voice.
"Don't worry, we'll see each other tomorrow," I said, trying to cheer him up.
"Yeah, true," he said.
"Here's my number. Call me or text me," I said with a wink.
I wrote down my phone number and I set it on the table in front of me. Then I went up to him and hugged him then left.

Chapter 4

When I got home, I went into my bedroom, and texted Miranda immediately.

Me: Hey!!
Miranda: Heyyy ;-D How did it go?
Me: Good. It went awesome <3
Miranda: Really? Tell me all the details.
Me: Well he said he had a crush on me... <3
Miranda: Then what!?
Me: He kissed me and I kissed him ;3
Miranda: No way.. I don't believe you.
Me: Way. It's real..
Miranda: AHHHHH
Me: Ikr!!! AHHH
Miranda: Awh poo, i gtg byee D;
Me: Aww Bye Mir Mir D;

Then I check my phone for any messages, and I got one. From Hunter!! Wow that was fast!

I got bored..
So yeah..
Um anyways. I love you <3
Love Hunter <3

I can't believe that Hunter and I are together!! I can't believe I'm with the man of my dreams!!
I wonder what the girls would think. I think Miranda would tell them.. I'm kinda glad if she would. So I don't have to waste my voice telling them.
So now my life is perfect. I got the perfect friends. The perfect family. The perfect school. And the perfect boyfriend!!
I wonder what Hunter will do tomorrow.. Will he tell his friends? Will he tell everybody? Will they be mad at me? Will they make fun of me? Sigh. Guess not perfect after all.

Chapter 5

The next day seems like usual. Everyone goes on with their lives at school. The girls come and talk to me about Hunter. I guess everything is normal.
"Omg, you and Hunter kissed?" Kathy asked.
"Yeah, we did," I replied.
"No way," said Sheila.
"Way," Miranda said.
"He also told me he had a crush on me all this time," I said.
"And so were you!!!" Melissa squealed.
"Yep," I said.
Then Hunter comes right the the middle of Miranda and I. He puts his arms around me.
"Hey ladies," Hunter said.
"Hey Hunter!" We all said at the same time.
"How's everybody?" he asked.
"Good," Miranda said.
"Great," Melissa said.
"Epic," Sheila said.
"Awesome," Kathy said.
"Its great now that you're here," I said with a wink.
All the girls awed.
Hunter smiles at me. I was going to say something but the first period bell rings.
"Aww, I got to go to my class.. Bye ladies! Bye Cynthia," he said kissing me on the cheek and rushing to class.
"Oh my gosh, you two are so cute together!!!" Miranda said.
"Hush," I said, embarrassed.
"No need to be embarrassed, it's a good thing!" Kathy said.
"Come one girls, we got to get to class. We're going to be late," Sheila said.
We all rushed to class and we got there there on time. A minute early. Mr. Balderson was talking about the STAAR test.
Turns out there's about 60-70 questions. That's a lot. But he said that we have four hours. And when we're done early, we raise our hand for the teacher to collect it. Then we just sit there and wait until everybody else is done.
Then he tells me the most important thing ever. The test determines if you pass eighth grade or not..
I'm pretty scared, but I have faith in myself. I get good grades so I should get a good grade on this. Sigh.
Then after the test talk, we had some schoolwork about all we learned about. Only ten questions, but they took some time.
I was the first one to turn it in to Mr. Balderson. Everyone else was still concentrating. And taking their time. Well I kinda write fast, so that explains it.

Chapter 6

I stare into space, and wait for Mr. Balderson to say time. So I just get out a book and start reading it.
By the time I get on the twenty-seventh chapter. He calls time. That took quite a while. Then when I put my book away, I get a vibration in my pocket. I want to check my phone but Mr. Balderson might see. And first period is almost done.
When the ending of first bell rings. I rush outside and sit on the bench to check my phone. I got two text messages.
One was from mom. Saying:

Today Grandpa had to go get his car fixed. You have to walk today. You can go to that Hunter's house if you want. Just be home by 7pm. Sharp.
Love Mom

Well that was good to know. I get to go to Hunter's house again! Then I check on my second message. It was from Hunter.

Hey Cynthia!
How are you? I'm bored...
Wanna come to my house again?
See you there!
Hunter xoxo

Look at that. He invited me over to his house again. I can't wait until school is over. Then today I learned that Mrs. Dooley is still on vacation so we stay out here until lunch.
I sit on the bench then Miranda and the girls come sit with me.
"Hey Cynthia!!!" Miranda said.
"Hey!" I said.
"How's it going?" Sheila asked.
"Good, and you all?" I replied.
"Good," They all said at the same time.
"I'm bored," I said.
"Me too," Kathy said.
We all just sit there and said nothing. It looks like we sat for about twenty minutes because the lunch bell rang.
We all went to lunch, hoping there was something good today. And today we got chicken nuggets. Not much but it'll do.
I must've been really hungry because I ate all my food before Miranda and the girls.. We all started talking about Miranda's play.
"So.. When's your play?" Kathy asked.
"April 17," Miranda replied.
"Oh, when it start?" Sheila asked.
"7:00pm-8:00pm," Miranda said.
"It's coming so fast! Today's April 12!" I said.
It also reminds me that Hunter and I met on April 11. Got to remember that.
"Yeah, I know right? I'm so excited!!!" Miranda squealed.
"We will all be there to support you!!" Melissa said.
"I know you girls will. You guys are the bestest friends I could ever have!" Miranda said.
"Awww!!!!" Kathy said.
We all hugged each other. Then I looked around and people were staring at us like we were crazy. So I snapped at them.
"What are you looking at? Mind your own business.."
I felt kind of brave doing that. I'm not afraid of anyone anymore. I'm me and I'm free. Yeah..
After lunch was recess. Recess was kinda short. It started to rain. So we went in. We stayed inside and Mrs. Pace told us to read or do something.
I started to text. Reading got too boring right now.

Me: Hey Mirandaaa
Miranda: Hey Gurll
Me: I'm boreddddddd
Miranda: IKRRRR
Me: Now how am I supposed to walk with Hunter today?
Miranda: Whut do u mean?
Me: He invited me over to his house again.
Me: And yes my parents let me.
Miranda: Ahh well idk
Me: Maybe he'll surprise me
Me: Or maybe I can't go. idk
Miranda: ahh..

Then five minutes later, recess if over. Mrs. Pace gets on with her teaching about reading and stuff. Then she tells us we have to do a project called PROBE in out write journals about authors. We got to choose from a list. There were tons of authors, but I wanted to choose Cynthia Rylants, since she has my name, but Reem took that. So I got C. S. Lewis. The guy who wrote the Narnia series. So PROBE means Physical Research on Basically Everything.
There's got to be a border, at least one picture, paragraphs about his life, accomplishments, and we got to show where we got our information. Seems like a fun project. I can't wait to get to go home and do it.
Then the thought pops to me. Oh yeah, I go to Hunter's house today. So, I can do it tomorrow.
Mrs. Pace said that it's due April 18. So I have plenty of time. After she's done explaining it all, she lets us work on it a little bit.
While I'm working I hear heavy raindrops and loud thunder. I hope I could still go to Hunter's house.
After twenty minutes, Mrs. Pace tells us to put our write journals away. Then she teaches us about our Math STAAR Test and what we should do.
It takes about half an hour for her to explain everything. Then while she talks the bell rings.
I go get my backpack hoping I had brought a jacket. And I look everywhere around my backpack. And I find a jacket!
Thank you!!!! Woop woop!! I quickly put it on and rush out of class.
I look around for Hunter. He's not there. I guess I got to walk alone. I walk but it was a quick walk. Then Hunter leaps out in front of me.
"Woah!" I said surprised.
"How'd you get here?"
"I was behind you and thought 'Eh, Why not give her a scare?'"
"You're so mean!!"
"Ha ha, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, it was just a joke."
"Yeah.. Well we better walk quickly to my house before the rain gets even harder."
"Yeah, let's go."
We run quickly to Hunter's house. I'm so glad that our backpacks weren't heavy. That would've took us a long time.
We quickly go in his door and take our shoes off. Don't want the house to be muddy. Then we ran upstairs.
"That was some rain!" Hunter said.
"It sure was," I said, laughing after.
"So, what do you want to do now?" .
"I don't know, what do you want to do?"
"Anything's fine.."
We sit there for a moment, then I ruin the silence.
"I'm going to work on the PROBE project, Mrs. Pace gave us."
I start working on my project, then I get a text. It's from Hunter. I laugh. Wow Hunter, we're right next to each other and you have to text your words.

Hunter: Whatcha working on?
Me: PROBE project..
Hunter: Cool... xD
Hunter: I'm bored.
Me: Me too..
Hunter: You know why I texted instead of talking?
Me: Y?
Hunter: I didn't want to break the silence xD
Hunter: LOL :P

Then Hunter stops texting and looks at me. I look at him. Then he smiles at me, and I smile at him back.
Every time I look at him, I get lost in his eyes. They're just nice. He has nice eyes.

Chapter 7

He keeps staring at me. I want to know what he's thinking right now. 3 minutes pass, and he's still staring.
I didn't know what to do, so I kept working on my PROBE. Then when I turn around to look at Hunter one more time, he kisses me.
He lets go and he smiles. Then he does that yawning thing and puts his arms around me. Then he goes back looking at his phone like nothing happened.
I do the same and get back to work. I grab my phone out from my pocket, and search the name C.S. Lewis. A bunch of things come up, but I see what I'm looking for.
I press it and write the information on it. I try my best not to copy every word. Just make my own sentences.
Then Hunter looks at me again, and speaks.
"Hey Cynthia, since Miranda's play is coming up.. Do you want to go with me?"
Oh my gosh, I never thought he would ask that. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to get home and sort everything out. What am I going to wear? But never mind that for a moment, I got to answer Hunter's question.
"Sure, sounds fun!"
"Great! Pick you up at 6?"
"Sure, sounds great!"
The play is almost here. Today was the 15th. April the 15th. Only two more days. I couldn't wait until then. What's Hunter going to wear? What am I going to wear?
Time passes when 6:58 strikes the clock. I better get going, before my parents worry.
"Hey Hunter, I got to go.."
"Aw what?"
"Yeah, my parents told me to be home by 7."
"But you go two minutes?"
"It takes longer than two minutes to walk all the way to my house.."
"But I don't want you to leave.."
"I don't want to leave you either, but I have to.."
"See you tomorrow?"
"Well yeah, of course."
"Okay, see you tomorrow."
He walks me out the door. We kiss at the doorway and I leave. I rush home, trying to get everything ready.
Once I get into my house, my parents ask,
"Why in a rush?"
"I'll explain later."
I rush into my room and go into my closet. I look for the perfect dress.

Dress 1: Yellow Sparkly Dress. (Nah, Too bright.)
Dress 2: Black Normal Dress (Too dark.)
Dress 3: Red Dress (Nah, not my favorite color.)
Dress 4: Orange Dress (Why do I even have that?)
Dress 5: Blue Dress with Bow (Nah, Too Summery.)
Dress 6 and final dress: Blue Strapless Dress. (PERFECT)

The last one is always the perfect one. I set it all out in my closet, knowing where it is. Then I get on my bed and text Miranda.

Miranda: HEYYYY :D
Me: Play's almost coming!! You excited?
Miranda: You bet, and a bit nervous.
Miranda: Well maybe a truckload of nervous.
Me: LOL Don't worry! You'll be great.
Miranda: Really? You think so?
Me: Yep. Why wouldn't I?
Miranda: LOL
Me: How's it going with u and Jon?
Miranda: GOOODDDDD, Hows u and Hunter?
Me: Its Awesome ;D
Miranda: Really???!!!
Me: Really ;DDDDDD
Me: He asked to take me to your play!!
Miranda: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH You got ur dress yet?
Me: Totes!!

I turn off my phone because mom called for dinner. I'm so excited!! Can't wait until the play! I'm gonna tell my parents about Hunter and him taking me to the play. I wonder what they'll say!

Chapter 8

Well turns out my parents are really okay with me and Hunter going out! Today I'm walking to school because it's only 5 minutes away.
I arrive at school hoping to find Miranda and the girls outside school. But they're not, so I walk inside the school building and I am stampeded by the girls. And when I arrive they ask a billion of questions. I guess Miranda told them about Hunter taking me to the play.
"What dress are you wearing?"
"Can I help you get ready?"
"What's the color of your dress?"
"What time is he picking you up?"
"How are you getting your hair done?"
"Are you excited?"
I try to answer all of the question, they asked so much, I forgot who even asked them!
"I'm wearing a strapless dress, I don't need any help right now, but I'll call you if I need help. The color of my dress is blue, Hunter's picking me up at 6, I'm getting my hair straightened and yes, I'm really excited."
Then out of the corner of my eye, I see Hunter approaching. If he does come, I hope the girls won't go crazy over him just because he's taking me to the play.
"Hey ladies!"
"Hi Hunter!"
"Can't wait for tomorrow, right Cynthia?"
"Yep, me either."
"Anyway, good luck Miranda!"
Then the bell rings. Since tomorrow is the play and we don't have school, all of the eight-graders are going to the same classes, because some of the teachers offered to help on the play. So.. Yeah. Hunter goes to my class today!!
"Okay students, settle down. I know that tomorrow is the school play, and we don't have school tomorrow, that doesn't mean we can be wild today. Since right now you have been studying for the Math STAAR test, next week. I decided to give you a day off from studying. Today we will play some games, and watch some movies."
"But please be silent, classes are still working. So please be quiet."
Mr. Balderson handed out some board games and some card games like, Uno, Sorry Sliders, Solitaire, and a bunch more.
We spent the entire time playing. I played against Hunter on Uno, and I won every time. Hunter kept saying rematch but it was no use. I was a champion.
Then after another 20 minutes or so, it was time to go to reading. I hope we get some free time off too. Turns out Mrs. Dooley was one of the teachers who volunteered to help out with the play. So Mr. Balderson came over and said we could read a book or do something but we have to be quiet. So I decided to text Miranda.

Me: Hai Gurlie
Miranda: Hola Senorita, Como Stas?
Me: Bien xD
Miranda: LOL, Im boredddd
Me: Ikr, me 2
Miranda: Omg I cant wait 4 tommorowz
Me: Me either, I cant wait ;D
Miranda: I wonder what you're going 2 look like
Me: I bet u'll look purdy ;)
Miranda: Nah, xD
Me: Dont lie, u no u will
Miranda: Yea I kinda do xD
Me: LOL xD
Me: Good luck on the stage!
Miranda: Thnx I hope I do good :P
Me: U will
Me: I promise!!! <3
Miranda: K, I believe in myself :D
Me: Gud.

Then while we were texting, the 3rd bell rang and we went to Science with Ms. Wade. Today was really gross, but it was really fun. We dissected frogs! We got to choose partners. I chose Miranda, and Hunter chose Christian, Hunter's buddy since 5th grade.
Miranda was such a wimp, she didn't want to dissected the heart, even when we were wearing gloves. She didn't want to.
So I said to her, "Miranda, if you don't dissect this heart right now I will pick it up and put it down your shirt. And I am not kidding."
Then she got scared because she knows I never kid around. Only at funny times, but not in class.
So she picked up the knife and dissected the frog's heart. Poor froggy. Good thing it was already dead. When Miranda dissected the heart, she kept saying ew. Then I kept reminding her about what I was going to do and she shut right up.
When the day was over, I was told that Hunter already went home. I guess he's still finding an outfit. So my grandfather drove me home, and I started to plan everything out for tomorrow. I couldn't wait!

Chapter 9

Today was the day, today is Miranda's play! I'm so lucky we don't have school today, or else I would've been late for everything.
I go into the bathroom and the the hair iron. I carefully straighten my hair, while doing it sort of quick. Then I put on my dress, which took some time because I forgot to unzip the zipper.
Then I brushed my hair, because when I was putting on the dress, it made my hair sort of messy. After brushing my hair, I go to put on my makeup.
I try to put some on without going to far. I didn't want to look like a circus clown. After putting on my makeup I put on my pair of leg wear fishnets, then my heels. I kept practicing walking in the heels all night. I didn't want to fall and look like a complete idiot.
At first it was hard, because I was wearing my mom's heels, which were really tall. So I just put on my short heeled heels. They were much better.
Then I wore my earrings and put on some final finishing touches. I kept looking at the clock. I know Hunter would never bail on me, but I was just afraid he was going to come late.
But it was me who dressed up way too early. Hunter picks me up at 6. But I got ready at 4:59. So I was pretty early. I ended up waiting 2 hours, but it was worth it because 6:00 strucked the clock.
It only took 5 minutes for Hunter to arrive, but it was still worth it. He rang the doorbell and I opened the door.
"Hey Mr- Woah. Cynthia, you look incredible. I'm speechless."
"Thanks. Not bad so yourself. You look really nice."
"Nah, you look better than me."
"Well if you say so."
We both laugh.
"I'm kidding, you look good too. I'm serious."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2012

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