
Chapter one

She stared around the small cafe, taking in the noises of other chatters, the different smells wafting around. She fiddled with the sugar pot on the table, it was nothing fancy just a small clear plastic tub, with different sugar packets inside, white sugar, brown sugar. Continuing her gazing tour round the cafe she took in the different paintings on the wall, coastal and farmland, nothing to her a taste... until she looked down at the table under a rather dull countryside painting and noticed a pair of deep blue eyes staring back at her. She was lost instantly everything around her dulled out it was just him and her. She felt a rush of excitement, the same rush she had felt more then an hour ago when she had managed to escape the clutches of her dull bedroom which she nicknamed her prison and made it out to the big wide world for the first time in a long time.

The owner of the blue eyes smiled and she couldn't help herself she had to smile back, she could feel her face flushing. "Well who wouldn't flush at those beautiful eyes" she thought to herself. She took in the rest of him, there was a slight tan to his face and his dark hair just flopped boyishly where it wanted, then there was his lips, the oh so kissable lips. She fancied nothing more then to kiss those lips right now. Instead she broke the eye contact aware that she had been gone to long and should make her way home.

She rose from her chair, pulled her black hooded jacket of the back and made her way out. Not daring to look at those blue eyes again. She moved quickly weaved her way through the tables and was out of the door in a heartbeat. Looking up and down the street she made her way home. Thinking only of those blue eyes. Lost in her own world, not realizing she was being followed, she jumped from her skin when a hand gently grabbed her wrist, giving a small scream she turned and was faced with those blue eyes again, the ones moments ago she had avoided.
He smiled at her, letting go of her wrist "I needed to know your name" he told her as simply as that. She thought through the answer for a moment, instead of giving her name she said "That's very forward of you". He chuckled and moved a section of dark hair from his eyes, "I couldn't let you go without knowing, so please what is it?". Taken back she stared like an idiot, just staring into his eyes, then before she started drooling she guessed she had better answer him. "I'm Katie" she smiled, he smiled back. "And I'm Karl, nice to meet you Katie and can I just say you are beautiful. He took in the figure before him she was a lot smaller then himself, she had beautiful chestnut hair that sat just below her shoulders without a curl in sight, and the eyes the beautiful green eyes, they just finished off her wonderful English rose complexion.
"I need to go", she half smiled and turned to carry on her journey, the house wasn't far, a few minutes and she would be home. She got to the end of the street and turn right being careful as she approached the third house down, her house. Creeping up the side of the gravel drive so she didn't alert anyone to her presence she crept around the back of the house then down to some old stone steps to her room... the basement.

Katie couldn't remember the last time she had been out, four maybe five years, when your locked up all the time for being "crazy" you don't get much chance to see the outside world. Daddy had made sure of that, but then he had made a mistake leaving her in the house on her own, leaving the key to the door in such an easy place to find, not that she had been looking for it, it just fell from a shelf in his study while she was hunting for a book to read. She shouldn't resist the urge to use it and get out, and the thrill it had given her knowing that she could escape even for just a short time was amazing. Returning to her room she flopped down on her bed and looked about, it was dull and boring, the lilac paint had faded and grown grubby over the years. The only thing she was grateful for was having anything she wanted, her T.V, the stereo the laptop. Those things made life bearable even though she had no internet access.

She laid for a while and thought of her mother, who had passed when she was only two, she had photo's of her, but could never remembered being held by her mother or what her mother was like. From the photo's Katie could tell that her and her mother were very much alike, the same figure and eyes, the colour of her hair must have come from some where on her daddy's side. All Katie knew was herself and her mother had been in a terrible accident, her mother's car had skidded on some ice on the road late one January evening, they had been on their way home from shopping, the car had collided with another car then continued to skid into a wall it had killed her mother out right but by some miracle Katie survived.

Katie soon dozed into a peaceful fulfilled sleep dreaming of nothing but the man she had met today, the man with the beautiful blue eyes... Karl.


He was hypnotized by the girl, the way she moved, the way she had been looking round the cafe as though she had never seen anything like it before. As though she had been a tourist seeing everything for the first time. He had watched her taking in the smells and the noises, watching the other people, he'd been praying she would glance his way and when she had it was as though an angel and looked at him.

He didn't often pay much attention to girls, well not enough attention that a girl would put a hold on him like she had, he'd had girlfriends nothing important, nothing that would ever of lasted. She had been different, she was something else, something out of this world. His heart had leaped into his throat when she had smiled back at him, and now, here he was, standing in a street people all carrying on with business while he watched her go, powerless to stop her, as much as he longed too. It was over within minutes when he rushed from the cafe to catch her the conversation was short and sweet not what he had in mind. At least he had a name for her now... Katie.... sweet Katie.

The familiar ringing noise brought him back to life, reaching into his jean pocket through some change and a reciept, he dug out his mobile phone, looking at the caller I.D he could see it was his boss probably ready to give him an ear bashing for being late. He pressed the green answer button and held the phone to his ear.
"Ah so you live then?" came the familiar voice "are ya planning on working today, Karl?". He chuckled "Possibly Jack, but that would all depend on what ya have for me". "You Karl Jenson are a cheeky good for nothing brat", The annoyed voice on the end of the line retorted. Unable to help himself Karl responded "And this my dear Jack is why you employ me, so what do i have?". "Right son two jobs, I need you in town to do a repair job at Martylands, shouldn't be anything too difficult an hours worth I reckon. Then I need you to whip to the supply shop to grab some materials and go along to Mrs Dubes and do some work there." Karl stared at the phone - anything but Mrs Dubes, her numerous clan of cats and the cold tea. "Anything you say boss" pressing the end call button he hung up and turned back, away from the direction in which Katie had gone, to go back to his van - yes he was a white van man - and how the public hated the white van man at times. He still longed to chase Katie, to talk to her more, but work called finding his van along the street he climbed in and started the engine to make his way to Martyland.

Chapter Two

Katie woke to the sound of footsteps above her, rubbing her eyes, she stretched across her bed. It had been a nice sleep filled with dreams of a man with beautiful eyes, though as hard as she tried she couldn't remember where she had seen him, what his name was and she wasn't to sure if he was real or not. Listening to the footsteps she realized her father had returned, and pondered on whether going upstairs was worth it or not. Her stomache gave her the answer and rising of her bed she made her way to the door. Checking herself in the mirror, hair was a mess and she didn't bother to tidy it up.

Quietly making her way up the stairs leading to the kitchen she listened for any more noise in the house. She was sure she knew where to find her father if she needed too. Once she reached the kitchen she searched the fridge and cupboards for food settling on an apple from the fruit bowl on the side she left the kitchen and made her way in the hall to head up the stairs. Quietly creeping up the stairs running her hand along the oak banister, trying to miss any creaking floorboards she made it up the stairs successfully. She took a peep into the first door she came too and sure enough there was her father.

"Hello daddy" she called. Her father turned to the door and smiled. He was a tall man, the lose of her mother had aged him, he certainly wasn't old enough to look how he did. Yet he was still handsome. Broad shoulders, graying black hair, a well defined chin and brown eyes, not like her own green ones.
"Hello Katie, how are you? was everything OK while I was gone?" he asked her. "It was fine daddy, I was fine, I just did the normal really, read some new books I found." This pleased her father, he came out from behind his desk and rested an arm on her shoulder in a lose hug. "That's good." he smiled at her. He was after all a man of few words when it came to Katie. It felt for her that even being with her hurt him, too many painful memories, but she knew deep down that he loved her like a father should even if he struggled to show it. She removed his arm, gave him a warm smile and left the room, deciding her father had many things he needed to be doing, even if she couldn't remember what it was he does.


Across town Karl had made it to Mrs Dubose despite wanting to be a million miles else where and was currently refitting a faulty front door for her. An easy enough job and hopefully wouldn't take him long, the thought of cold tea was terrifying. As Mrs Dubose had other things she needed to be doing Karl was free to put his headphones for his mobile into his ears and drown out all other noises while he worked. Until they bleeped at him announcing he had a call coming. Flicking the switch on the headphones he answered the call.

"You have to be the most unreachable man on the planet at times Karl!" a man jokingly moaned into the phone. "And you should know I'm working!" Karl moaned back, they both chuckled. "So Danny what ya want?" Karl asked. "I was seeing what your doing tonight Mr Karl, I thought of hitting the local but didn't fancy sitting on my own". Karl thought this through for a moment, did he fancy going out? sounded better then sitting in front of the box with a microwavable meal. "Count me in" Karl sighed "what time?" "Cool, how does eight sound?". "That will do me Danny see you then". He flicked the switch again to end the call. Well that was his evening planned for him.

An hour or so later, having finished Mrs Dubose's door and suffering enough cold tea, Karl was making his way back at home, was a nice early finish for a change, Jack had called with no more jobs. Finishing at four in the afternoon was definitely a bonus today. Driving home he passed the corner where the girl... Katie had turned earlier. Would of been nice to know how to contact her again - thinking out loud - shame she didn't stay long enough to leave a number. This, he found, was a very depressing thought. Not that things like that usually bothered him. He usually viewed it as the other persons loss, not this time though, this was different. He wanted to see Katie again, he wanted to talk to her and find out things about her... her likes, her dislikes, what she enjoys doing... unless he bumped into her again he would never know.

Finally arriving home he put his key in the lock for his small flat, he wasn't a rich man but a small, two bedroom flat did him nicely. Costly though but most places in this town were. It wasn't well decorated all mismatched furniture and colours on the wall, but it was home for him. Getting himself a bottle of coke from his fridge he went through to the lounge and plonked himself down on his old brown leather sofa, resting his head against the back and letting his mind wonder. He was tired it had been an early morning when a burst pipe had him rushing out of bed at some ungodly hour. The joys of being a handy man. Letting his eyes close Katie's face appeared from the darkness, she looked nothing more then a scared child in a world she didn't know he wondered what her story was. Where she was brought up and schooled... brothers and sisters? For a reason he didn't know about all this seemed important to him right now.

Opening his eyes again and staring at the wall he began talking to himself "Which is crazy" he thought to himself, "But i have to talk to someone!" He said out loudly. "That girl I only saw her for a few brief moments and yet I cant forget her might start charging her space in my head". Karl kicked his coffee table needless to say the coffee table won, and Karl shot up from his sofa and started dancing around his living room in an odd fashion cursing loudly and shouting at his table for being.. in the wrong place at the wrong time. Deciding dinner would be skipped and giving in to tiredness Karl climbed into bed, a huge king size, one of his not so little treats he brought when he moved in, turning off the light and rolling over tucking the duvet up around his neck and succumbing to sleep he drifted off into a beautiful sleep, enjoying romantic dreams of walks across quiet meadows hand in hand with Katie.


After having tea alone in her room, then heading to the kitchen to clear up her own plates and placing them all away, Katie wondered aimlessly about the house. She could hear the phone ring from her daddy's office every now and then and could make out his voice talking over the phone, sometimes he seemed mad as though the other person wasn't telling him what he wanted to hear other times Katie could make out her daddy deep chuckle when she heard this she smiled. Enjoying nothing more then hearing her daddy chuckle, something he seemed to do so rarely at home.
Other then her daddy's voice there was only the ticking of the few clocks around the house to make any noise. The house cleaner who popped in for a few hours each day had been and gone. Leaving their dinner in the fridge and some cooked ham in there too for Katie if she felt like having it in sandwiches the next day for lunch.

Wondering into the kitchen and peering into the fridge now Katie took a slice of the ham and ate it. Enjoying the taste and being in her own world she failed to hear the footsteps creeping up behind her. "KATIE!" Her daddy's voice boomed behind her, "How many times have I told you not to pick at food from the fridge?". She swung round just as her daddy reached her he raised his hand and thinking she was going to get to get a slap she flinched and closed her eyes, opening them after a few seconds to find her daddy standing a few steps away near the cooker eating his own slice of ham. Katie chuckled at her daddy's smug expression and he shrugged his shoulders at her. "Mrs Higgins sure cooks a nice bit ham" carrying on tucking into his slice he gave Katie a stern look. She knew what this meant, something was required of her she had seen the same look so often growing up.

She had a feeling she knew what was coming next.... "I have a handy man coming out tomorrow morning to do some work," She already had the exact words in her head as to what was next she needn't wait long to find out she was right. "As always my love, I must ask you to remain in your room, take what you need down with you, and i shall leave a note for Mrs Higgins to allow you out in the afternoon when he has left". Knowing that arguing would be pointless as they had done so, so many times before with a nod of her head she simply said "Yes daddy". He nodded back at her and made to walk past her to leave the kitchen to return to his office she presumed he paused by her before leaving and putting a hand on her shoulder he half smiled "Your a good girl Katie you really are". He then left and Katie lent back on the fridge and watched him go. Frustrated that she again wasn't allowed to be seen when there was an outsider in the house she stormed back down to her room.

Slamming her door and flopping back down on her bed, Katie struggled to find something to do with her time now, although it wasn't late and she'd not long had a nap she felt tired again. Tired but upset and she could feel the tears waiting to be released pushing her hair away from her face as the first of many started to fall she let them all out. Katie kept going til she couldn't possibly cry anymore. She cried for many things the hurt she felt not allowed to live a normal life, the fact she may never see the man with beautiful eyes again. Katie cried for not Knowing why she was classed as "crazy". Her memory never served her well in that area. She knew a few things, she knew that something must have triggered whatever the "craziness" was about her and she has a particular feeling it was linked to the car accident. The miracle she heard it referred to that she survived with almost all her health while her mother hadn't. Katie could never understand the meaning of this when she had heard it, almost all her health what exactly did that mean.

Settling back down on her bed and cuddling her pillow fed up of thinking, Katie drifted off into a sleep, one mixed with pain and sorrow of not being able to live the life she craved and one of joy and pleasure as she imagined living the life she wanted with the man that had beautiful eyes.

Chapter Three

Waking up with the birds, Karl smiled as her remembered his sweet dreams through out the night. Slowly dragging himself from his bed and walking hap hazardously to his bathroom he brushed his teeth and showered. Once he had thrown a t-shirt and worn through jeans on he plodding back to his kitchen and flicked the switch on his kettle. He filled his mug with coffee and some sugar and stared willing the kettle to hurry up and boil, looking at his mobile he noted the time and decided he had half an hour before he had to go across town to his first job of the day. With the click of the kettle he filled his mug and sat at the kitchen table and made a mental note all he'd need for the day. Karl's first job was odds and ends eh had to fit a new lock to a side door of the house and plumb in a washing machine. "Nothing to technical" he thought, "just the way i like it".

Finishing the last of his coffee he left for work locking his door and checking all windows were closed. He looked through the contents of his van, luckily everything he needed was there and sliding the door closed he made his way to the drivers side. Climbing in and dumping his mobile on the passenger seat he rubbed his face, although he had slept well he still felt tired, Katie had wondered through his mind all night, at one point he relieved the moment he spoke to her and kicked himself for not getting her number or something that meant he could talk to her again. Starting his van he made his way out to the main road across town. Luckily he hadn't far to go and within minutes he pulled up to the drive way of his first house, checking the number on the post at the beginning of the drive he slowly made his way up the gravel. Pulling up to the front of the garage of the house he jumped out his van and collected his clipboard and phone, and made his way up to the front door.

Searching for the bell Karl didn't find one so he gave its wood a sharp knock instead and as he waited for an answer he gazed about at the rose bushes and fir trees that lined the garden. He noticed the beginning of some steps to the side of the house and figured it was a basement of something a long those lines.

Turning as he heard the door unlocked Karl was faced with an tidy but plump, middle aged lady, her gray hair was neatly tied back and she had the whitest apron on he'd ever seen. "Hi I'm Karl the handy man," He flashed his I.D card at the lady, "I'm here to do a couple of jobs for you today." She gave him a warm wrinkly smile and Karl felt himself ease "Of course come on in". She guided him into the hallway "Let me show you what we need doing and then I'll make us a nice cup of tea". "Oh no tea for me thank you but I would love a black coffee". Karl gave her a cheeky grin and the lady responded with a chuckle and nod.

First he was taken to the kitchen where he plumbed in the washing machine while the lady, obviously a cleaner or house keeper chatted idly to him while she washed the breakfast plates. She asked him about his job and did he enjoy the usual simple chit chat that he endured most days. Karl gave all the correct answers and smiled, nodded and used his pleases and thank you's in the right places, thoroughly enjoying the coffee she had made for him to drink while he worked.

Once the washing machine was in and working the house keeper took him upstairs to the office and explained what the boss of the house wanted done it was a simple fix no more then half hours worked and he went off downstairs again to grab the tools he would need and of course the lock for the door....


Katie woke well aware of the voices in the house one was definitely the house keeper Mrs Higgins but who was she talking to. Getting up and walking to the door she pressed her ear to it, was a male voice but wasn't her daddy then the penny dropped, the handy man was here. "Lucky Mrs Higgins" Katie thought to herself. Going to her bathroom she showered and got dressed as she wasn't going anywhere today, "As usual", She thought to herself bitterly she pulled on a white hoody and a pair of black sweat pant and trainers. Looking herself over in the mirror she shrugged "That will do I guess".

Feeling hungry she wondered if she could escape her room and sneak to the kitchen, she knew Mrs Higgins would be where ever the handy man was, the problem was she didn't know where he was. Hunting around her room for the key to the door and then doing an overly enthusiastic dance when she found it, she then proceeded to leave her room and creep along the hall way.

To her surprise Mrs Higgins was not in the hallway, but the handy man was. He making his way to the stairs when he stopped suddenly. He had his back to her and she stared at him admiring his dark hair. So like the man she had seen yesterday. He turned, to come back down the stairs as though he had forgotten something and she continued to watch... looking at his face as he spotted her and she him. It was the man from yesterday she was sure of that, in the same instance he had recognized her, his face lit up as he approached her, he gave a quick glance back then turned to her again "Hello Katie", He smiled at her. She knew she should run back to her room in the basement, but she couldn't he held her captivated by his gaze, without a second thought she smiled back, "Hello..ummm Mr Handyman". He laughed, "That's right I didn't tell you my name yesterday... I'm Karl".
"Wow" she smiled at him "I thought the name the man with the beautiful smile suited you, I guess Karl is ok though".

The two stared smiling like idiots at each other unaware that Mrs Higgins was slowly approaching the pair and their time together would be short lived. Karl heard it first and Katie watched him as he looked away from her, over the top of her head, first he was smiling and then his smile dropped to a frown, on that note she turned herself to see Mrs Higgins behind her. "KATIE!, you know you are not to be out of your room young lady your father gave you orders last night" She roared at Katie. "Get back in there NOW!" Not sure what else to do Katie side stepped Karl and made her way back to the basement. Behind her she could hear Mrs Higgins telling Karl to pay "No mind to her" and then she asked him how long it would take to finish the job.

Back in her room Katie sat in her chair in the corner of the room not sure what to do then as the temper flared up in her she grabbed her rucksack from under her bed, not even sure why she filled it with clothes her hair brush tooth brush and anything else she could find that would be useful, then she shoved it back under her bed. Her thoughts full of Karl and the unfairness of it all. Making her head hurt she could hear a hammer in the house and still the talking from Karl and Mrs Higgins, Katie didn't move just stared at the wall from the chair.


Trying hard to concentrate on changing the stupid lock but failing Karl thought about what had happened to Katie and why the house keeper sent her flying back to her room. Why would a grown girl be made to stay in her room? He tried to finish the job as quickly as he could so he could get out of the house and get his thoughts straight. The chit chat from the house keeper more annoying now then pleasant. Karl packed up his tools and gave the instructions for the house keeper to write out the check in his bosses name he left the house and headed for the silence of his van.

Shoving his tools in the back and slamming the sliding door closed he was about to make his way round to the drivers side when he spotted the stair at the side of the house. Karl though back to when Katie went back to her room, it seemed like she had gone down some stairs at the other end of the hall but he wasn't sure. Its not like he could go and look in the door was it? Although he shouldn't he wanted to and before he thought more about it his feet had already led him round to the steps. He crept down them quietly and tried the worn door at the bottom it was locked and bolted.

Karl called out through the door "Katie?". He didn't hear an answer but there was a slight noise that sounded like clothes moving from inside the room. Standing back and looking at the door in puzzlement he was tried again a little louder this time "Katie?". Still no answer, shaking his head as though he was crazy Karl started to back away from the door when he heard it, it wasn't too loud but loud enough that he heard it and he recognized the voice. "Karl?". It was her!

"Are you OK in there Katie?" he called to her "I'm going to get you out". His head told him he was crazy his heart told him "Yes you are crazy in love". She called back to him "I'm OK Karl I'm OK daddy will be cross if I leave", She sounded scared but relieved at the same time. "Hold on Katie I'm going to get my tools". He shot of back to his van grabbing his tool bag out from the back and ran back to the basement door again.

Karl started to pick the lock to the door it wasn't hard, maybe Katie's father should of paid to have this one replaced, he thought. Calling out to Katie he said "just another minute or two". Years of criminal past had him well trained at picking all sorts of locks and within a minute or two like he said the door was open cautiously he made his way in to the room taking in the dull lilac paint, the books around the room on shelves the telly in the corner and last but not least his beautiful Katie.

Smiling he reached his hand for her and she took it, whispering into her ear "I don't know whats happening here but tell me Katie are you unhappy?" Tucked neatly into his arms the child like girl nodded "Very", was the only noise she made. His heart pounded, he was right he didn't know what was happening but his instinct to protect her kicked he, gently pulling her away from him he looked down at her lifting her head so her eyes met his, "Do you have a bag?". Laughing Katie scrambled to the floor under her bed and pulled out the rucksack she had thrown under there earlier. Karl laughed as he undid it and saw the contents, "Running away?" he chuckled. "I was mad" she replied " I wanted to run but obviously I couldn't". Taking her hand again he lead her out the basement door and the pair crept around the house to the van.

"We'll go to my flat" Karl told her and closed the door as she buckled herself into the passenger seat he ran round to the drivers side and started the van. As the drove off Karl noticed Katie looked back on the house with a slight smile, like she was relieved from something, he wondered what that something could be...

Chapter Four

Katie watched out of the window as the town passed her by on the way to Karl's place. "Maybe I am crazy" she thought to herself "This certainly seems crazy". Stealing a look across the van to Karl he too seemed deep in thought, she wondered what was passing his mind "Maybe he's realized how crazy he is" She smiled at the thought. She knew her daddy was going to be cross when he realized she wasn't there and had defied what he had told her last night. It was certain that Mrs Higgins would know she was gone by now and had more then likely contacted her daddy at his office.

Karl stopped out side the 4 story high block of flats, he shot out of the van and round to Katie's side and opened the door for her. She gave him her best smile, and he returned it. Getting out of the van Katie looked up at the building.
Turning to Karl she asked "Which is yours?"
"The ground floor one there" and he pointed to the flat at the bottom with silver blinds at the two visible windows.
Katie followed behind Karl as he led the way into the block and too his front door, as he opened it he stated that it wasn't much but it was home. Guiding her into the front room holding her rucksack, Katie looked around it was indeed small she took in the old worn leather sofa the coffee table sitting at a slight angle in the middle of the floor, the silver blind she had just seen from outside. There was a television and bookshelf sitting on the far wall opposite the door she had come in.
"It's homely" she turned and smiled at Karl.
Resting his hand on her shoulder he gave it a slight squeeze, "It will do us for now have a seat I have to call my boss and I'll make us a coffee".
"Tea please, I don't like coffee that much"
Laughing Karl said "Opposites attract I guess we have a lot to learn about each other still".
He left the room then and chuckled at how his day was turning out, so far today he had technically committed a kidnapping, even if it was consented to and of course picking a lock. Filling his kettle up then flicking the switch to boil Karl pulled his phone from his pocket.


Dialing the number for Jack, he lent against the side and waited while the phone on the other end started to ring, after the fifth ring the voice he knew so well answered, this man will know what to do he thought.
"Well if it isn't the thorn in my backside checking in, whats wrong son?"
Karl took a deep breathe "Well.." and he began to relay to jack what happened when he went to the house and about Katie and how he found her in the basement and picked the lock. Silence greeted him when he finished, Karl waited a moment or two and there was still no reply.
"Jack?" He asked.
"I'm here boy, I don't really know what to say. I mean your in trouble, deep trouble. I know the father he's a rich guy Karl. Influences in high places, if they catch you your gonna do time buddy" Jack's voice with deep with concern for Karl, and to a degree Katie.
Karl shuddered "What do I do?"
"I'm guessing you have both fallen for each other, you could go back to the house with her talk to her father, see if that comes to anything explain that you'd like to see each other, or you can run...I'll help you with a little money boy but I wont take the wrap for you". This was all Jack could come up with to help the boy, he cared for him, had taken him under his wing when he was nothing but a young rebellious teen. Jack provided for him gave him a job and put him back on the straight and narrow, but he could tell from Karl's voice that this girl meant something, and that Karl was concerned for her that something was right in her own home.
Cutting into Jack's thoughts, "I'll go speak to Katie see what she wants to do. I'll call you later Jack".
"Bye son, be careful OK"
"Bye Jack" and Karl hung up.
Grabbing the two mugs he made his way back into the front room and placed them on the coffee table in front of Katie...


Katie looked up as Karl entered with the cups he looked stressed and she was concerned, he still managed to look unbelievably handsome. Karl settled himself next to Katie on the sofa and gave her crooked smile.
"So we have to make a decision here Katie, what are going to do next?".
Katie shrugged not entirely sure what he meant by the do next it. Guessing by the hesitation Karl decided he should elaborate a little more.
"Technically I have broken into someone's property, and kidnapped their daughter. That kind of leaves me in a lot of trouble" he ran his fingers through his hair and looked at her. Again he reminded her of a child and his heart beat faster at the sight of her sitting looking so fragile. He felt like he might explode with the rate it was going.
"Do you want go back and face your father?"
A shake of the head followed his question her hair fell in front of her eyes, and he fought the urge to move it away.
"why?" He asked her.
"He'll put me back in the basement again. I'm not allowed to leave the house at all daddy is going to be so cross by now." Tears welled in her eyes.
"He makes you stay in the basement?" The anger was rising in him.
"Daddy says I'm "crazy" and I'm not sure why... do you think I'm crazy Karl?"
Did he think he she was crazy... no he thought he was crazy, but not Katie.
"If you don't want to face him then we won't I cant make you do anything you don't want to do", and I don't fancy facing him either he added silently.
"I feel I'll be OK as long as I'm with you Karl", she surprised not only herself but Karl with that statement and she started to laugh watching the surprise cross his face.
"Guess that just leaves us with one more problem Katie"
"What's that?"
"It's lunchtime and I'm hungry and I don't have much in for food so where do you fancy going for lunch?" He asked her.
Smiling she shrugged again "I'm easy"
That your not Katie he thought your certainly not easy.


Climbing back in the van they decided leaving the town would be the better option Katie was positive that her daddy would have all sorts of people out looking for her by now. Being a small town it wouldn't take them long to be found. They drove out into the country side, five or six miles from the town, finding a small and quiet pub they ate their lunch in companionable silence then both drank a beer out in the pub garden enjoying the afternoon sunshine. Neither were in a rush to return to the flat, they enjoyed learning new things about each other their dislikes and their likes.

Karl felt himself falling for Katie more and more everything he learned about her surprised him and made him feel fuzzy inside. Despite his bad boy looks Katie was shocked to find he had a love of books as she did they discussed their particular favorites they then moved onto music and though they differed somewhat they agreed to disagree, the afternoon passed so fast and before they knew it, evening was closing in on them fast and they made the decision to leave the pub and head for home, they both smiled as Karl suggested it.
Home, Katie thought it sounded like heaven, Home with Karl.
Home, Karl smiled, I'm going home with the most beautiful girl I've ever met.
Karl opened the van door and helped Katie climbed in her check was so close to his face and he hesitated a moment not wanting to scare her away. He kissed her gently on it as she got in, her cheek was amazingly soft, and though it was an awkward peck on the cheek rather then the lusty kiss he longed to give her, it was enough to have Katie blushing as her hand rose up to the cheek.
"Our first kiss" she teased.
"I was hoping for a slightly better one then that" Karl retorted.
"Give me time Karl, it's all so new to me" and she stroked his cheek gently, obviously not as smooth as her own.
Taking her hand and kissing the back of it. "I know Katie".
Before anything else could be said Karl's mobile sprung into life again. Making them both jump he searched around til he found the offending object and looked at the display screen. It was Jack..

Chapter Five

Looking from Jack's name on the display screen to the time, 5:45pm, He frowned knowing this couldn't be a good call and the urge to ignore it was there but wasn't enough. If it has something to do with his and Katie's safety then he had to answer. There was no there reason for Jack to call unless something had happened.
"I have to take this Katie, it's my boss".
Without needing to know more she nodded she understood that something may well have happened.

Karl walked away from the van and kept his back turned on her while he answered his phone.
Jack's voice was urgent on the other end."Son your ok?"
"I am Jack"
"And Katie?" he asked.
"She's fine too".
"That's good that's OK then". The relief in his voice was clear. "I sent one of the other lads around to your flat to check on your. They told me there was no one there but the front door was open. Your place has been trashed".
Damn thought Karl, he wouldn't turn around to look at Katie but he knew she was watching could feel it.
"You there Karl?"
"I'm here... any idea who's involved although I'm guessing its to do with Katie and her father"
Jack sighed "I don't have a clue".
"What do I do Jack?"
"I've put some money into your account, it's not a lot mind but it's enough. Get back to mine as quick as you can, take all back roads around town. Take the spare care I have. I'll not be in but the key is under the pot by the back gate. Take it and get the hell out of here as far as you can go and buckle down in a hotel somewhere for a couple of days til I can think of something. I'll ring you when I can".
Realizing he was nodding rather then using his voice Karl snapped into life. "OK, I'll come now, thank you Jack"
"Your OK boy, I'll make sure it's OK. I know your a good lad, you've done it out of love, I'm sure of it"
"I did Jack". With that Karl hung up the phone and jogged back to Katie and the van.


Starting the engine and pulling out of the pub car park a little to fast he explained to Katie what happened and where they we're going next. Too shocked to speak for the moment she just watched him. They'd been with each other less then a day and already she had turned this poor man's life upside down, to the point where he was now on the run and couldn't return to his home. She felt awful and knew the only thing she could do was art ways with him herself. Maybe she should leave the moment he had his back turned to her. Her heart cried out in her chest, the pain was immense of course she didn't want to leave his side. She didn't know what this feeling was that she had when she was with him ut it was amazing. So deep and pure, and she didn't want it to stop, ever.

The drive back to town was short Karl knew he was driving way to fast but all he could think of was getting that car and getting the hell out of there. He made his way to Jack's home near the town center completely forgetting Jack's instructions to take the back roads. Swinging into Jack's driveway knocking over a plant pot Karl jumped out of the van like it was on fire heading to the back gate like Jack instructed lifting the terracotta pot he found the key and made his way back to the van.

The pair transferred anything they may need from the van to Jack's small car. Coats, phone, phone charger for the car and Karl's wallet. Giving the van the once over Karl declared they weren't likely to need tools and anything of that nature and Katie laughed at the humour. Karl locked up the van, popping the keys into the letter box of Jack's front door. He hesitated watching Katie squeeze herself in to the car, it would be so easy to hand her back to her father. OK so his flat was trashed and people obviously wanted his head but the hassle this would cause for her, after all he was a tough guy. He'd been in enough trouble to handle himself, but she, she was so vulnerable. Katie caught him looking and blushed again, so sweet he thought. He couldn't leave her, there was still no reason that this beautiful girl was locked in day and night crazy was not a word he would use to describe her. Unsure, pure a little naive but carefree and loving. Katie couldn't harm anyone it just wasn't in her nature.

They made it out of town in one piece no idea where they we're heading too. They drove in silence but it was comfortable.
"Where should we head to?" Looking over at Katie.
"Could we maybe go to the coast? I've never seen it except for pictures" she looked like a five year old asking for a biscuit before dinner.
"Never?" The thought was alien to him, imagine never breathing in sea air, watching the waves crash against the beach whilst eating fish and chips.
She hesitated guessing to him it sounded so out of place "No, never".
"Right, coast it is if that is what my dear lady asks" lifting her hand from her lap and kissing it. She giggled like a teenager.
"Thank you sir".
Karl swapped lanes on the motorway and headed off towards the next turn off to take him and his fair lady to the coast, he was getting tired but knew a nice warm bed was waiting at the other end, who knows maybe other things. No thinking in his head that wouldn't be right not right at all..

Driving felt like it took hours for Karl reality was only a short time, speeding again, probably getting himself into more trouble. Finally though they were at the coast and Karl found a public car park and a cash point. Taking everything out him and Katie strolled the sea front sharing chips and taking in the view. The colourful lights that lined the sea front along the lamp posts. Katie was amazed by the lights and noises that were emitting from the numerous arcades scattered between restaurants and guest houses.
"It's like nothing I've ever seen before" she exclaimed in awe. "Honestly I could live here forever".
A child at Christmas Karl thought to himself, "Well we're here for the moment".
"That suits me fine, I don't ever want to go home to the basement".

Making their way to a town house painted in blue that was slowly peeling away, they decided it was time to turn in for the night. Climbing the steps and entering a small reception area they we eyes by an old couple with a some what distasteful look on their faces.
"We're looking for a room for the night please, a double with two single beds if you have one?" Karl took the lead figuring Katie wouldn't have a clue how this was done.
"A double bed will do just fine if you don't" Katie chipped in, apparently she did have a clue. Karl looked at her from the corner of his eye, her face was neutral no hints of anything on her mind.
"We have a double room with a double bed will that do sir?" asked the old lady, who seemed to completely over look Katie.
"That would be perfect if you wouldn't mind, for 3 nights maybe longer we aren't sure yet."
"Three nights are fine for the moment sir", the old lady was now giving Karl the stern eye. "Could we just take your names and how would you like to pay?"
Karl pulled his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans, "The names are Katie and Karl Jensen and we can pay by cash if that's OK".
"Cash is fine sir, that will be £200, this includes your breakfast each morning"
"Thank you" Karl smiled taking the keys from the old lady, putting an arm around Katie's waist.
"Your room is on the second floor right at the end, luckily you have an en suite, do you have any luggage?".
"No no just us" Karl grinned at her and turning away with Katie they made their way up the stairs.

Finding their room Karl opened the door and let Katie in, by chance there was another couple coming from their room at the other end of the bright hall way. Karl glanced up as he heard the voices, sub conscious told him he recognized the female voice of the pair, as he saw the woman leave the room he knew for sure he knew who it was. Not sure whether to push Katie into the room, which would then alert her to a problem or whether to just keep his back turned and hope for the best Karl made a quick decision to do the latter choice. Probably seconds to late..

"Karl.. Karl Jensen is that you?" called the female voice. Karl's head snapped back round as Katie turned in the door frame.
"Stacey... wow fancy seeing.. YOU... here" Karl greeted her. Of all the god damn places he said to himself.
"Hey long time no see... or phone call Karl" Already Karl could hear the desperation in her voice, he glanced to the side and eyed the short blonde hair fella in his sharp black suit and shoes next to her.
"I was busy Stacey you know that"
Stacey eyed Katie up, giving the snobbish look she could muster "That I can see... So who is she?" referring to Katie, Stacey pointed a long slender finger with a bright red nail at her.
Instinctively Karl wrapped his arm around Katie's shoulders, the look on Stacey's face was enough to get his back up. "This is my girlfriend Katie" he saw the slight smile on Katie's face as he said this.
Stacey's face fell "I see... Well I have to go we're off to an important club tonight". Turning on her heel she grabbed the blonde haired guy and stormed off down the stairs.
Karl turned to look at Katie's questioning face "An ex" he stated, "An overly attached ex".

Katie tossed and turned all night under the stiff starchy sheets. The room was small and hot, the bed felt antique and lumpy, creaking under any movement they made. The en suite wasn't much better. Small and tiled with a horrible set of off white tiles with a bathroom suite consisting of an out dated shower a toilet and wash basin. "It will do" Karl had declared after looking round their temporary lodgings. Luckily there was tea and coffee with an old kettle and cups sat on top of the mahogany draws in the corner of the room along with a small TV.
She couldn't sleep thinking over the scenario in the hall with Karl's past. Of course he'd have past she thought he wasn't locked in a house for most of his life, but still surely the past could of laid off for one day at least. Obviously some form of fate had other plans. Karl had pretty much tucked her into bed as soon as they got in the room and finished looking about. "Tomorrow we'll get up and go shopping we need clothes and things". After another awkward peck to the cheek he laid down next to her and almost fell asleep instantly. Katie just couldn't settle her nerves were on edge. It was the first time she had been away from home from what she knew, every noise made her jumpy. She thought of her daddy and what he would be thinking now, many hours had passed since Karl had taken her from the basement. So much had happened in one day,she wondered what tomorrow would bring and as the morning sun started to rise Katie slowly drifted off.

Chapter Six

Fighting the sun shining in through the curtains Karl gave up and opened his eyes, above him was a slightly yellowed ceiling desperately in need of a coat or two of paint, rolling onto his right side he found Katie asleep and snoring yet it was almost soundless, her hair had fallen over her face and Karl reached over and pushed it gently behind her ears. She half opened her eyes.
"Morning?" her voice was thick with sleep.
"So it was seem"
"I have to get up?", she didn't sound like she wanted to.
"That was the plan, shopping and breakfast in town go get a shower and i'll make a coffee" then he remembered " me a coffee you a tea".
She dragged herself from the bed and Karl was surprised with his own will power at not taking it to the the next level last night though he didn't have the energy for that himself.
He made the coffee and tea and listened to Katie singing to herself in the shower, 'Build me up buttercup' by the The Foundations, seemed a little outdated for her.

Both ready for the morning they left the door to the guest house and stepped into the already warm morning sun, looking along the street they saw people wondering around already. At the far end of the street there seemed to be a market, judging from the shouts to by certain fruit or veg and the blue and white stripped stands.
"Where to first?" Katie asked, her stomache was talking to her and she prayed he said food first.
Having the same thought as Katie, after having refused breakfast inside also, the smell hadn't appealed to him, he took Katie's had and they made their way towards the market. Again Katie was amazed at the sights and sounds, having never seen a market before, she pulled him around several different stalls before finally letting him take her to the cafe.
Ordering a full English for both they took a table by the window so that Katie could continue to watch the market place, and she did intently making comments to Karl and asking questions, some he could answer the others he didn't have a clue.
"Is there a market back home?" she quizzed him
"On Fridays, yes. Only small though a few dozen stalls nothing like here". In fact the market back home had nothing on this one but why ruin Katie's wonderment at the moment.
Food arrived moments later and eating in near enough silence they both watched the market with the sea and beach as it scenery, it looked as though it should belong on post card, Karl considered by a camera and sending Jack a photo with wish you were here written on the back of it. Chuckling to himself Katie asked what he found amusing. Explaining to Katie what he was thinking, she laughed to.
"You and Jack are close, and he calls you son, is he your daddy?".
"No, an adoptive dad at most, he took me in when I was younger, gave me a job and we've been best friends since. He's a good man".
"You do speak very highly of him, I would like to meet him, do you think he'll like me?".
"He'd love to meet you" Karl was sure of this. "He'll love you hopefully when this has all blown over you will get your chance".

Finishing their food they headed back out into the market, buying clothes, tooth brushes flannels and bath stuff. Karl kept a close eye on his wallet but was surprised to find that unlike other girls he'd been in relationships with, like Stacey, Katie wasn't trying to break his wallet. Not sure if this was because she had never had the chance to spend like other people or whether she was careful with money naturally Karl decided not to knock it. After all they needed the money at the moment.
Arms full with bags they headed back to the guest house the made their way to the room. Katie flung her self on the bed declaring she was shattered. Karl turned the TV.
"You sleep I'll watch a bit of TV and pack our stuff away".
Not needed much more temptation Katie snuggled under the sheets and feel asleep. Karl sat on the end of the bed watching a mixture of her and the telly for a while, deciding he should really get the stuff put away, he made himself a coffee and started folding the clothes and placing them in the draws. Never having to fold a females clothes and fit them in with his own he did best and put them in the drawers separating them. With that finished he moved into the bathroom with the bag of toiletries and placed them in the rightful places. Rinsing his cup in the sink he looked at Katie still asleep in the bed, she looked angelic and so innocent with the light shining on her. His heart melt for her. Placing his cup back on the draws he pulled his wallet back out of his pocket, checking the cash left in it and realizing he had enough money for them to live, he rummaged back through the draw pretty sure he had seen a pen and notepad in there. Finding them under some of the folded jeans he left Katie a note explaining that he was going to find the owners and pay them for another 5 days, and that he was going out to find a payphone to call Jack rather then use his mobile and she should wait here til he comes back and they would go for dinner somewhere nice. Folding the note in half and writing her name on the front he propped it against the kettle and headed out of the door, closing it as quietly as he could.

Making his way to the hall he found the old lady dusting the various painting of the sea front and beaches, none to his liking he much preferred looking at the real thing. Not wanting to make her jump he cleared his throat and she swiftly turned from her dusting and looked at him.
"Good afternoon Mr Jensen is there anything I can help with you with?", there did seem an ounce of honest wanting to help him in her but Karl smiled a nicely as he could.
"I was wondering if it was possible to pay for another 5 days on top of the ones paid for already, Mrs Jensen is really enjoying herself and there's no rush for either of us to return back to work at the moment".
"Of course you can sir, in cash again?"
"Yes mam in cash" he flashed her a huge smile "Is there anything I need to sign?"
"No no Mr Jensen I'll pop your names in the book for you and that's all done then".
"Excellent", having bid the lady goodbye he headed out the door. Shoving his hands into his jeans he made his way out into the street and headed off to find a phone box.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Katie sat up in the bed, Karl was no where in sight but as she sleepily glanced around she spotted the folded paper by the kettle and guessing ti was for her she jumped out of bed and grabbed it, reading it through and feeling her heart fall a little she placed it back by the kettle.
"I'll have to find something to do then" talking aloud to herself. Digging through the draws she found a pair of washed out jeans she had brought and a plain pink sleeveless vest and headed to the bathroom for another shower. Enjoying the warmth of the water flowing over there she'd stayed there longer then planned, and had to drag herself away but feeling more relaxed she dried and dressed herself then brushing her wet hair back into a high ponytail she checked herself in the mirror above the sink.
Heading for a walk along the sea front seemed like a good option right now and thinking no more of it she made her way down the stairs and out of the guest house. No one in sight inside she opened the door and was about to make her way out when she walked straight into the lady from last night. Katie looked her up and down she was dressed in a black, just about the knee, pencil skirt and a whit short sleeved blouse. Her hair was tied in a bun, Katie could see why a man would find her attractive she was curved but only in the right places and her face had the features of a Hollywood star.
"Oh its you!" the disgust in Stacey's voice was obvious. Katie was taken back by the dislike and wasn't sure what to reply back.
"Karl has replaced me for a dumb one then" her laugh was evil, Katie backed away from her and back into the hallway.
"It figures" the onslaught continued. "He's decided to lower his standards, although why leaving me and settling for something so plain and simple like you is not so obvious but each to their own".
Anger rose in her and finding her voice Katie responded, "Maybe he got fed up of listening to your whining voice".
Stacey's face changed as though Katie her had slapped her. "What did you say!"
"I think you heard me loud and clear Stacey". Katie was now on a roll. "Your whining voice!".
"Don't think your above me miss, I'm prettier then you, I have a career and I have something that can bring Karl back in an instance!" Stacey shouted back at her.
"And what what would that be?"
"His child" Stacey watched Katie face fall as it went from victory to disbelief. If Stacey was at all the victory dance kind of person this is certainly a time do one but she didn't she just looked smug as Katie pushed passed her and ran out the door and down the steps. On high Stacey ran to her room and changed herself into a black dress and let her hair lose from its bun. Sitting on her bed and reading some notes through that we're in her bag she sat and waited for the noise of someone returning to Karl's room.

Katie ran along the sea front her head was in a spin, she felt hurt like, Stacey had taken a knife and plunged it through her heart a million times. No idea where she was going Katie stopped and made her way down to the waters edge. Sitting herself down she pulled her knees up to her chest she sat and stared across the water. this would be the best time to turn back home she thought to herself, remembering she had no money she was kind of stumped as to what she should do. I could hitch hike it back I'm sure some one will take me. Pulling herself back up she turned her heels and headed back up the beach and made her way back into town, in search of someone that would take her back home, or at least close to it.

Chapter Seven

Phone box finding was successful but getting hold of Jack wasn't so good and this worried Karl immensely. After trying his home and mobile phone numerous times and getting no response, Karl phoned the business number only for it to be picked up by one of the other workers. According to this guy Jack hadn't been into work today at all. This is what had Karl worried Jack hadn't taken a day of work in the five years Karl had known him. Unable to get any more information from the worker Karl hung up the phone and rang Jack's mobile, again the voice mail rolled on and leaving a message Karl gave up defeated and made his way back to the guest house and Katie
Karl bounced back into the guest house pausing only to give the old man behind the desk a cheery nod and bounded up the stairs. Surprisingly he had missed being away from Katie and the ease of being with her, watching the world through her eyes at times made it seem more simple peaceful and calm.
Opening the door to their room he looked in the bed was empty and he noted that the note he had left was indeed read. "Thought I asked her to stay where she was". No note back and no sign or hint where she's gone to. Leaving the door open he walked in to the room and double checked definitely no note. Frustrated he rubbed his forehead, "well that makes things more complicated" he said to himself. "What does", a female voice from behind him at the door replied, sending shivers down his spine he swung round to face the voice. "Dammit", Karl muttered under his breath, "Hello Stacey, I don't suppose you have seen my other half?".
"Oh you mean the girl, wells he was here earlier I passed her as I came in earlier", Stacey shifted her position in the door frame so she looked more seductive. At one point Karl might have fallen for it like he used to, not this time though, this time it irritated him.
"When you say pass Stacey, I'm guessing you had a few words with her?" accusing her knowing her manipulative personality well enough now.
"I only told her some home truths darling" She moved over to where Karl was stood and snaked an arm around his waist. "Just that you and me are meant to be together, we know that she needed to know, you shouldn't string the young thing along like that".
Moving swiftly away from her Karl glared at her, "I'm not stringing her along, I love her and I walk to the ends of the earth for her, I would do anything for her", he pointed a finger at Stacey "Unlike you, you want me for show, to take to all your glitzy do's and fancy hotels, to show off to your work colleagues like I'm some sot of trophy. Katie wants me for me, she asks nothing more of me!".
"Karl, darling I know you inside out, your past, everything, you spent enough time telling me about it all, we were meant to be". Stacey attempted again to pull Karl closer, only to face more rejection.
"I don't want you", firmly and with all the calmness he could muster, he walked out the room resisting an urge to push her from his way. "I want Katie, I will always want Katie".

He ran down the hall and stairs out of the guest house. he had to find her, the panic was rising in him, she wouldn't know where to go, or what to do. She was vulnerable - bloody Stacey he should of known that it was going to be hassle. Sprinting to where they left the car the night before he figured it would be quicker to drive around looking for her rather then walk. Driving along the sea front slowly, checking every female he passed to see if it was Katie, the sea front turned up nothing, he drove round the town checking in the cafes and restaurants, still he couldn't see her. Trying his luck he drove a little out of town and checked more restaurants and garages.
Running out of options he turned back towards the town and guest house, passing a garage he already checked he pulled in for fuel. Filling up the car he thought of other places he could try, the guest house was his first choice in case she had come back, he put the fuel pump back and went into the shop to pay, on his way back out he sported a girl in a pink vest, hair tied back stood on the main road, at the edge of the garage. IT was Katie he knew, could sense it.
Running from the shop, he sprinted to where she was stood.
"Katie" he called as he approached.
She jumped and hesitated, before turning to face him, her face was blotchy and her eyes were red, she had been crying. He ran to her and folded her into his arms. "What on earth are you doing?", he tried not to sound like a bossy father but he was so worried.
"She said... she said she had your child", Katie tried hard to not cry again, "I cant compete with that".
"My child? Oh Katie you fool, she's jealous, she's jealous of you, of us." Karl pushed her away and looked at her, "She wanted you to feel the way you do that's why she said those things to you, she knew they would upset you, I promise you Katie there's no child, none anywhere".
Looking up at him, Katie seemed in two minds, he looked in to her eyes, "I love you Katie no one else, just you, your what I want, I wouldn't be going through all this if I didn't".
Katie's eyes filled up again and she started to sob, yet she smiled, Karl relieved to find he had not upset her further pulled her back in, and tucked her head under his chin, kissing her hair. God do I love her he thought to himself.
From some where in his chest he heard it, it was ever so quiet and if he hadn't been so close he would of missed it, "I love you too Karl". The heart jumped up into his throat and for a moment he thought he might cry.
"Lets go, we'll grab a take out and eat it in our room tonight. we'll slob out in front of the TV."
"What about Stacey?"
Karl put a finger to her lips, "You don't worry about Stacey, let me worry about that you've had enough Stacey for one day", he kissed her then, properly no awkward kiss on the check, ever so gently he kissed her lips and she returned it.

Hiding out in their room eating Chinese from the metal containers they watched TV together, there wasn't anything to interesting on, the usual soap operas and game shows. Was enough for them, they had each other and knew it. Declaring it was bed time, after yet another uninteresting game show had finished Karl stripped to his boxers and climbed into the bed, Katie watched him and looked him up and down, his arms had a slight muscle to them the same as his chest, only a very light tan, there was no sign of unsightly hair on his chest or back. Katie found herself pleased by that, her daddy had a hairy back, and she hated it.
Unsure what to do with herself, she looked up at Karl for help, he guessed what was wrong.
"If you feel you want to undress Katie then you can, if you don't want to its your choice, IT doesn't change a thing if you do or don't, I won't make you do and I won't do anything you don't want". He was male after all and would love nothing more then take more love to her but he knew it was in her time, not his.
She nodded and slowly undressed to her bra and knickers, not looking at him once she climbed into the bed with him under the sheets he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. Karl noticed that her body was perfect, her stomache was flat and her breasts were just right, her skin was as pale as her face further proof she rarely saw the sun, yet it made her beautiful.

Karl used his free hand to push the hair away from her ear,"I love you, your beautiful", he whispered into it, Katie turned her head and she kissed him, it was gentle and very unsure but it was nice, he could feel himself harden but reminded himself only what she wanted. Katie rolled onto her side to face him and in turn he did the same, they stared at each other for a while, "I love you to Karl, I feel tingly down there", she pointed her finger a the lower part of her body.
Looking down Karl chuckled, "Well that happens Katie".
"Oh I know what it means Karl, I'm just trying to tell you that I want to".
There was no more that needed to be said then that. Karl stripped her down removing the last items of clothing, kissing her neck down along her shoulders, touching her gently and listening to her moans of pleasure. Making sure not to miss an inch of her body he touched everywhere, kissed every smooth beautiful inch. Katie was unsure what she was meant to do but Karl didn't mind he took the lead, it didn't take a genius to work out she had never done this, even if they didn't know her back ground. He made love to her when he couldn't contain himself any more, the first time was rushed and he kicked himself for being so fast, but Katie asked to do it again, and they did, a few more times.
When the early hours of the morning came the pair drifted off together, wrapped in each others arms both exhausted but fulfilled and content. Dreams of the future for both involved the other, a home of their own, marriage and of course children, sleeping peacefully they stayed that way until the glaring sun woke them in the morning. There was no awkwardness no regrets, just smiles, Karl made love to her again and they showered together. After asking her how it was, she simply smiled and said "amazing", Karl felt that was enough, she enjoyed it and he had pleased her. Both showered and dressed they lay on the bed, Karl with his coffee and Katie with her tea, making plans for today... for the future, they were excited.

"Shall we go into town and put these plans into action Mrs Jensen?" Karl teased her.
"YES YES YES!" Katie jumped on the bed, Karl clutched his sides laughing at her enthusiasm til she launched herself at him. He caught but toppled at the same time and they feel to the floor with a huge crash.
"If anyone's below us their going to think we killed each other, or throwing the furniture around". between gasps of laughter Karl shouted.
"I don't care"

Chapter Eight

Full of excitement and enthusiam the pair headed into town. Whilst laying in bed that morning Karl asked Katie where she wanted to live, her reply "As long as you are with me I don't mind" had him thinking that they were already staying in a perfect town by the sea why change. Mentioning that to Katie proved to be a great idea and the pair decided to go to estate agents and see if they could find themselves some where to live. Barging into the first place they came across they were greeted by a well dressed young mad who's shoes looked as though they were polished to with in an inch of their lives no less then five minutes ago. Mr well dressed introduced himself as Roger and showed them to a pine desk with a glass top in the far corner of the bright and modernly decorated shop. Roger listened to their requirements, affordable flat, two rooms in the town center would be prefect. Typing into his state of the art computer, Roger pulled up a file on a flat.
"This one" he started "is in the main center, so easy access to everything, its part furnished, has a kitchen with cooker and washing machine already there, two double bedrooms, a front room that opens on to your own garden. Central heating and a car parking spot".
Katie looked at Karl nodding, "When could we view it? We are currently staying in a guest house so the sooner the better".
Roger looked back at his screen, "According to the information given b the landlord, we currently hold the keys, so I can take you straight away. Also he's stated that he would like it rented out as soon as possible. I believe he works abroad most of the time so he's decided his place his better off rented out rather then sitting and doing nothing".
Katie's hands flew up to her mouth, and she slightly bounced in her seat, Roger looked on her the way an adult would look at a child irritating him.
Stepping in Karl made his decision, "we'll take a look now if that is OK with you Roger?"
"Of course although I did forget to mention its above a bakers shop in the town, nice shop I use it a lot on my lunch breaks and the guy who owns it, hes nice. I should imagine though it wont be too much of a problem for you".
"oh no that's fine" Karl agreed "No problem at all".

Leaving the office they followed Roger along the high street, a short walk and Roger stopped at a gap between two shops, on one side was the bakers that the flat was the above on the other was a small charity shop. Karl looked up and down the street and considering it was another lovely day it was not as busy as he imagined it would be, must be at the beach he thought to himself.
"Right the door is at the back here" Roger guided them to the back of the bakers and through a small wooden gate. "This belong to the baker down here, once up the stairs its yours".
Roger guided them up the stone steps leading to a small balcony and a white plastic door sliding the keys in he unlocked it and made way for Katie and Karl to walk in.
Entering a small they looked around them everything they could see from there was bright and clean. walls were all white and the carpets a very light cream colour.
"This way to the from room" as Roger guided them further into the flat."Here's the front room, as you can see its a reasonable size and the patio doors lead out on to the terrace". Roger turned to take them down the hall. "on the left here there's the two bedrooms then on the right is the bathroom and kitchen and the door at the very end there is your storage cupboard".
"It's lovely" Katie claimed as she walked about peeking through doors.
"You like it?"
"Karl, it's not just me who has to like it, you do too!".
Having his own nose around, Karl appeared from the second bedroom, "Of course I like it".
Roger piped in "Here's the details of the rent and the example contract, I'm going to step out onto the balcony at the front and leave you guys to have another look round on your own. If it's what your have in mind then I can have things rolling at the end of the day and I'm pretty sure we can have you signing the contract by Tuesday next week, hopefully the keys the same day".
Karl thanked him and waited for him to leave, "Did you hear that Katie, the keys could be ours on Tuesday next week that's only 5 days away, imagine that this could be ours!". Karl danced around, Katie couldn't help herself, she had to join in, our own home she thought. Caught of guard Karl nearly knocked her over when he grabbed and pulled her in for a kiss, she kissed him back wrapping her arms around his neck as he picked her up. Although the kiss could last forever Karl put her down, she grabbed his hand and pulled him back to lounge "I wanna see the terrace" she exclaimed.
Nothing could prepare them for the view they would have as the opened the patio doors, although it was small, it had a little set of wooden chairs and a matching table there were little pots dotted around with plants that neither of them could name but looked so pretty. It was the view of the sea front that had them both speechless, they could see the arcades and where the beach curved round to a small fishing quay, there boats out fishing, the cliffs at the opposite end were in view. It was breath taking and reminded Karl of one of the paintings the old lady at the guest house was dusting yesterday.
Karl stood behind Katie and rested his head on her shoulder tying his arms around her waist, "What do you think then? Do you see yourself living her?". Unable to find any words she nodded, turning to kiss him again, taking a breather Karl agreed with her.
"The sooner we go and let Roger know the sooner he can start it off".

Katie followed Karl back through the flat and out the front door where Roger waited. Karl let him know they would love to take it and after discussing any details, Roger handed Karl a business card, so Karl could contact him at any time should he need to, walking back down the steps Katie and Karl said goodbye to Roger and they parted ways. Holding hands the pair chatted about what they would need and once back at the guest house Katie made her way to their room while Karl hunted down the old lady.
Karl found her just behind the reception in a very tiny room which he guessed as an office and he thought he probably shouldn't be there, habit of his. Tapping the door he waited for her to look up then entered the room just a couple of steps.
"Good afternoon Mr Jensen, what can I do for you today?". she asked him popping her glasses on the desk.
Karl reeled of hat they had decided and added that he just thought he should let her know.
Clapping her hands in delight the old smiled from ear to ear, "I must say that's a first, guests deciding to rent after staying here, from no on you must call me Rosie and the husband he's Albert". Rosie got up from her chair and patted his arm. Karl felt like it was a motherly thing to do. "I said to Albert you were a good sort, he gets a little suspicious of young couples coming here but I liked you, not like that other couple, the woman swanning around in her fancy clothes looking don her nose at everyone. One of the restaurant owners was complaining about her just the other day and the way she picked holes at the meal she was served".
Karl smiled at Rosie "Luckily we are nothing like that couple, I think I would have to have Katie locked up before I let her be like that". It was out before he even knew he'd said it and as it played back in his mind for a second he thought of the irony of it all, maybe Stacey should be locked up he chuckled in his head would do her some good if she came back in to the world with a personality like Katie.
Rosie nodded in agreement with him, "It's a good thing, but let me tell you this now young man if your making a new start here that's good but start with truth not lies, I know you and Katie aren't married, very obvious nothing gets passed this old girl, so don't you be leading anyone else in the town on!" her voice was stern but at the same type it was the same voice a mother would give her son when giving him some friendly advice.
Karl was warming to the lady already, he'd not spoken to her husband at all so the judgement couldn't be passed there but Rosie was lovely and seemed genuinely interested in developing a friendship with his self and Katie.
"Furniture young man what are you going to do about that and work?", she seemed concerned as though it bothered her a little.
"I haven't got that far along" he replied sheepishly.
"Good job that you did come and see me then, there's lots of furniture out in the garage, you and Albert can go through it later, take what you need. As for a job well I can help there too, though I'll have to talk to Albert first".
Karl couldn't be more grateful, he couldn't help himself he hugged Rosie and shot off up the stairs to their room. Relaying all back to Katie, trying to keep it slow so she actually caught what she as saying rather then letting it flow out in a ton of messy words. Katie's own face lit up and she could hardly contain herself either, once he'd finished, Katie told him she must go see her at once to thank her, and left the room.
Karl perched himself on the bed full of excitement, things were going to be fine they had their on place coming, furniture for it and the possibility of a job all in one day, they certainly don't get better then that. His heart fell though thinking about Jack and how he wish he could tell him but in the few spare moments he'd had that day every time he called there as still no answer, even work still hadn't seen him. Karl as concerned but didn't know what to do. I'll try again in the morning he thought.

In bed that night there as more talk about the future, Katie's enthusiasm was that of a child's as it always was, Karl's being the opposite, enthusiastic but the one to worry about bills and rent. He knew they could afford the deposit and one month in advance, he also knew there as enough left to keep them living comfortable for a month maybe two, if he cleared his second account they might even stretch to three. Not bothering Katie with these thoughts, he continued to talk with her. Rosie will help us he knew she would. Making love again that night they both fell asleep exhausted. Happy with the way their near future was panning out before them....

Chapter Nine

Days passed fast now for both Katie and Karl, they were filled with plans, trips into town and walking along the beach. Karl was offered a job with Rosie and Albert, although Rosie told him it wouldn't be a top paid job it would be enough to make sure him and Katie were looked after. Karl and Albert had cleared the garage round the back of the house into the garden and between the four of them they picked out furniture for the flat. Katie filled in spare time when Karl was busy by helping Rosie around the guest house, doing small tasks of cleaning or a little cooking.

Tuesday arrived and the pair headed to meet Roger at the estate agents, they were eager and praying that they would have the keys that day. As they entered the shop Roger rose from his desk to greet them.
"Good morning"
In unison they returned the greeting.
"Right" Roger started. "I have the contract drawn up for you, the only down fall is I can't let you move into the flat til Monday coming, I hope this wont be too much of a issue to you both".
"It should be fine" Karl gave the answer trying not to sound as disappointed as he felt.
It took less then half an hour to sign the contract, had over money, and arrange a time to collect the keys from the office on Monday.
Returning to the guest house, they were surprised to find Rosie pacing around the hall waiting for them, Katie told her about the situation with the keys.
"Not to worry loves, your welcome here for as long as you like, you should both know that" Rosie patted Katie on the arm.
"Karl, Albert is looking for a hand out back moving some heavy boxes about could you give him a hand, me and Katie will go put the kettle on".
Karl nodded and made his way off to find Albert struggling out back. Rosie and Katie headed to the kitchen, working together they organised the cups and put the coffee and tea in. Katie's tummy rumbled loudly and Rosie chuckled and pulled out a fresh loaf of bread from the bread bin and started cutting it in to slices.
"Go to the fridge Katie, get the cheese out for me".
Katie did as she was asked and handed the huge chunk of cheese to Rosie and watched while Rosie cut it into thick slices and placed it on the bred she had cut so they could all have sandwiches. Once it was ready Rosie sent Katie to the garden with the men's and told her to come back and sit with her in the dining room.

The two ladies sat and chatted idly as they ate they discussed the weather and other things.
"Stacey has left this morning" it was an out of the blue announcement from Rosie,"In her usual snobby manner she said she was off up north to do some work. She's left a not for Karl, was tempting to read it mind, but its all sealed up".
Katie had already confined in Rosie the whole episode they had had with Stacey herself, Rosie was already to go and give the girl something to moan about but Katie asked her not to mention it. It had felt good for Katie to have someone she could talk to, obviously she talked to Karl but she felt mentioning Stacey to him would upset him, Rosie with her motherly ways made it so easy to open up to.
"Where is it?" she asked.
"Albert has it love he figured he'd be better to give to Karl, apparently he's no a nosy old bag like myself".
This made Katie smile, she loved the way Albert and Rosie would tease each other. Albert was usually the one to instigate it, Rosie would always be ready for it, most of the time sending him off with a flea in his ear for it. Katie discovered the pair were in their late 50's and they had married when they were both still in their early twenties. Rosie had told her also of their two grown up boys, one was in the royal marines and the other was studying at Oxford University, Katie couldn't remember their names now or what the one studying was actually studying but she knew she had been told. It hit her like a ton of bricks as she thought about her grown up boys and how she couldn't remember their names, something so simple. Sitting listening to Rosie talking about the note from Stacey, her mind whirled as she struggled to remember other things. Thinking of her daddy she could picture him clearly,that had never been a problem, but where was he now? Obviously the people around her she knew, she knew Stacey had been here could remember what Stacey had said, but she couldn't figure out where her daddy was.
Rosie glanced over the table at Katie, she was frowning. "You OK love? try not to worry about the note I'm sure its nothing remember your not to get upset, she's only jealous".
"No no I'm fine Rosie I'm sure Karl will tell me won't he?"
"Of course he will, that young man would walk on hot coals if it kept you happy" stated in a matter of fact manor Rosie hoped it was enough to convince the young girl.
"I'm tired Rosie, can you tell Karl I've gone for a lay down?".
"As soon as he's finished with Albert, I'll send him up to you Katie".
Katie rose from the table and went to Rosie's side and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, "Thank you Rosie", she made her way out the room and up the stairs to their room laying her self on the bed.

Karl came up to find Katie laying on her side staring at the window an hour later. Climbing onto the bed with her, he wrapped an arm over her waist.
"What's wrong, Rosie told me you seemed upset or ill, or something, she didn't know". He was filled with concern for her, usually she was buzzing with life it was unusual for her to retreat like this.
Rolling back over Katie faced him. "I'm confused Karl, I remember my daddy, his face and things but I don't remember how or why I got here, with you". She sounded as though tears would take over any moment, Karl stoked her face "Try and explain to me a little more love".
"I remember the cafe where we met, but I'm lost as to how we got here, I remember waking up here in the bed both fully clothed". Her face flushed as neither had worn clothes, in bed, after the first time she woke up clothed. "I remember everything after that morning but before I can't".
Karl's forehead wrinkled as concern set deeper, he had no reason to disbelieve what she was saying but it certainly didn't make sense. "Should we see a doctor Katie, do you feel the need to?".
"I shouldn't go bothering doctors, maybe its lack of sleep", she smiled up at him and he got what she meant.
"Go get yourself a nice hot shower, put your pj's on and get some rest" Karl climbed of the bed, "I'll let Rosie know where you are and that your ok, we'll see how you feel after you've had a good rest".
Karl blew a kiss from the door way and she caught it, once he'd gone she did as he said and placed herself back in bed in front of the TV, eventually she drifted off into a much needed deep sleep.

Karl returned back downstairs and sought out Rosie, he assured her all was fine, and that Katie would be back to herself once she'd had some good rest. Happy with the assurance from Karl, Rosie set about the kitchen and started to make a beef stew telling Karl he could take some up for Katie for dinner later, after checking he wasn't needed he excused himself saying he was nipping into town and headed for the door.
Karl sought out the phone box and tried Jack's mobile number again, it was off. Replacing the hand set, he dug in his pocket for more change. Lifting the handset again he rang Jack's home number, on the fifth ring there was an answer.
"Hello", the voice didn't sound like Jack's, it was male but Karl was unsure as to who it was.
"Jack is that you? its Karl".
"Hello son, are you OK?"
Relieved Karl assured him that both him and Katie were indeed OK. He filled him in a little on the flat and Rosie and Albert.
"I've tried calling every day Jack, your mobile the work number everything, and no one had seen you what happened?".
Jack sighed on the other end he knew he couldn't keep this from Karl as much as he wanted to.
"I don't want you to worry, I got into a bit of a fight, Katie's dad has sent the heavies he knows hunting you down so far they have ransacked every home that has ever had a connection to you, they showed up here went through the house. I came back in the middle of it all and they took it upon themselves to beat me, trying to get info. I'm OK though son sore, nothing a few days rest wont solve".
"Bastards!" Karl shouted down the phone "I'll come back, I'll hunt them down and give them the worst beating of their miserable lives".
"you'll do nothing but stay there with Katie, I've not said a word to them they still have no idea where either of you are, they aren't even sure if your together or not, then again the thugs don't have a brain cell between them to rub together".
"But Jack, they can't get away with it".
"No buts son, as long as you and your girl are safe that's the important thing here judging by the type of people her dad hangs around with she's better off with you then anywhere else. Now listen carefully, I'm going to transfer some more money into your account again its not much but will keep you going til i can put more in, i'll put some in whenever i get the chance Karl, it will help you and Katie keep the roof over your heads and food in your belly's".
"Jack you shouldn't" Karl attempted to argue but was aware it would get him no where as Jack cut him off half way through.
"Nonsense your my boy and don't forget it, now get off my phone and stop whining don't worry about me now, them men will leave me alone for the moment, just watch your own back now Karl".
Saying goodbye and promising he'd ring him again soon Karl hung up the hand set, he was angry, relieved and thankful all in one go, he headed to the nearest cash point and pulled out the money Jack had already transferred, reminding himself to check his account at least twice a week in case Jack had put more in.
Feeling lost he headed back to the guest house, deciding he'd be more useful helping Rosie and Albert then going on a rampage to hunt the men down who'd hurt Jack. Working at the odd jobs Rosie had given him, it helped calm his thoughts. Peeking in on Katie from time to time, she was always sleeping soundly, he would smile and close the door, deep down he wanted her to wake for someone to talk to about Jack, Albert and Rosie aren't aware of how Katie and Karl came to be under their roof and Karl figured it was probably best not to tell them, but it left no one to talk to til Katie was in the land of the living again.
At dinner he popped up the stairs with Katie's, getting her half awake he let her know her dinner was on the drawers, kissing her forehead he left the room again and went to eat with Rosie and Albert. The other guests we're in the dinning room and he could hear the chatter from them all. Rosie and Albert often ate in the kitchen and popped in and out of the dinning room through out their meal to check the guests and see if they needed anything.
Once the evening was over and the guests had either headed out or gone to bed Karl helped clear up and do the washing up with Albert while Rosie went off to the office, everything tidy again Karl excused himself to bed. Creeping into the room he found the tray on the bed and a few mouthfuls missing, Katie was asleep again, moving the tray back to the draws he climbed in clothed next to Katie wrapping his arm over her waist again as he always did, he fell asleep with the light sound of her snoring and the strawberry smell of her hair.


Texte: Copyright Hollys 2012
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.01.2012

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