
Chapter One

My alarm beeped annoyingly and with a huge effort i leaned over to my bedside table and turned it off. I looked at the clock on my wall; it read 6:30am. What was i doing up so early? It was a Saturday and i was supposed to be sleeping in until around lunchtime, like normal. With a sigh I turned over, and tried to get back to sleep. After five minutes i realized that i was too awake to go back to sleep, so i grabbed my phone and checked my messages. I has three, so i checked then with what must have been a confused expression on my face, because i never normally had any messages. The first one read:

Hey,just to say that i hope you have an amazing time on holiday, and that i'm so sorry about what happened last night, i didn't mean for you to see that. That doesn't make it any better though, so, i'm sorry. Have a nice time, A xxx


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.01.2011

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