
It was dark outside with only the small amount of light the moon would allow. Rain pattered heavily throughout the village of Grinwell as if mourning for its loss. Ayden stood at the middle of the village looking around at the bodies and ruble with sad disbelieving eyes. A small group of bandits had attacked Grinwell not long ago killing almost everyone. Those who survived without being injured looked after the young or tended to the wounded.
If only I had woke up sooner, Ayden thought to himself. He had been one of the few who fought off the bandits. Ayden was seventeen, handsome with thick dark brown hair that matched his eyes. His cloths were torn and charred. Two bloodstained short swords were sheathed at his sides. He stumbled through the village being carful not to trip over any debris while he surveyed the damage. The darkness didn't make this task any easier for him, soon at least the morning sun would come out showing him the true sight of the village. After some time he made his way over to Dairen his best friend who had been talking to Elusia, the village healer.
Dairen! Ayden blurted out when he had gotten close.
Dairen turned around but was silent, his face, dirty from fighting had two clean lines that tears had made running down to his chin. Ayden followed Dairens gaze which let to a makeshift bed in front of Elusia. Ayden stopped next to Dairen and starred at the bed before him. Nydel, his mentor and Dairens father was laying on the bed, his eyes lifeless. Nydel had raised Ayden ever since his parents had died as an infant.
Im sorry, Elusia said looking at Ayden with tearful eyes. His wounds were to great.
The attack had happened so suddenly no one had time to put their armor on. he thought to himself. Ayden turned to Darien with determination in his eyes. We'll find those bandits, I promise.
Not so fast, someone stated from behind them.
Ayden recognized the voice as Taron, a old wise man who had lived in Grinwell his entire life, everyone looked to him for help and advice. He had been tending to the wounded when he over heard Ayden.
The bandits will kill you if you go running after them, we got lucky that it was only a small group that attacked us.
Nydel is dead, Taron. We cant just do nothing. Bandits attack the village and you want us to give up?
I never said that, Taron said crossing his arms. I simply said that you cant go chasing the bandits blindly. If you insist on getting revenge the smart thing to do is for both of you to go to Gadewain. Inform the King of the attack, and ask for help. From there they will handle the bandits. Taron was starring at the ground now. Just because you two are skilled with swords doesn't mean you can take on an army.
He's right, Dairen said looking at Ayden. We won't solve anything by getting ourselves killed. We need to go to Gadewain and inform the King.
Gadewain was the capital of Aldell, and the home of the king. Ayden looked around observing the damage again, the sun had come out of hiding proving damage had been severe. The smell of blood and burned wood lingered in the air like a cloud watching over them. He didn't want to admit it, but Taron was right. If they chased the bandits they'd probably run right into an ambush. Okay, Ayden said. But what will you and the rest of the villagers do?
We'll be okay I don't see the bandits coming back, they'll need to regroup. They didn't expect us to fight back, and they lost a few men because of it. Just try to hurry and be safe, with that Taron walked off towards a group of men who were moving bodies and clearing debris.
Ayden and Dairen immediately started walking to their house. It had been in one of the few areas that wasn't badly damaged from the attack. When they closed in on the house Dairen broke off and headed for the back to ready their horses while Ayden went to fetch his armor and some food for the trip.
The first thing Ayden went to pack was the food, Gadewain was about two days ride he thought to himself. So he packed enough meat and bread for five days just to be sure. He found his armor next to his bed and began putting it on starting from the bottom. The armor was only leather and covered only the most vital areas of the body. He planned on wearing plate armor someday, but he wouldn't have that kind of money for awhile, if ever. Once he was finished putting his armor on he went out back to check on Dairens progress.
You go put your armor on, I'll finish getting the horses ready, Ayden said packing the food into one of the saddlebags.
Dairen had already saddled both horses and made sure they were fit to travel so there wasn't much Ayden could do. He fed both horses so that they could ride longer without needed to stop. I wonder what will come of all this? Ayden thought to himself. He wanted revenge, to get the bandits who did this. But he and Dairen weren't strong enough to face the bandits themselves, and there was no guarantee that the king would send help. Even if the king did send troops they would probably just defend the village instead of going after the bandits. Well, I guess we'll worry about that when the time comes, Ayden said to himself as Dairen walked toward him.
Are you ready to go? Ayden said when Dairen was close enough.
Yeah, lets get this over with, Dairen mumbled while getting onto his horse.
Ayden hopped onto his horse and started off. Taron was waiting for them along the road that would lead them out the village. He was standing there with two other men from the village. Ayden and Dairen slowed to a stop as they approached them.
We just wanted to wish you luck again, Taron said, waving his hand as to signify the entire village. The people are in need right now, and the two of you going for help gives them some hope. Everyone pitched in as much as they could, Taron said handing a small bag to Ayden. It's not much, but we thought you could use a little money while your gone.
Thank you, Ayden said tieing the bag to his belt. I'm sure this will help us plenty.
Tell everyone we appreciate it, Dairen said.
I will, and be careful while your gone were all counting on you. After a pause Taron said. Nydel would be very proud of the both of you.
Thanks, Ayden said spurring his horse forward.
They rode in silence for the first few miles, both having alot on their mind. Ayden looked around taking in the surroundings. The sun had found its perch high in the sky, cloaking the world with bright sunshine bringing out every detail of the land before them.
By noon Ayden was starving, they hadn't ate anything all morning due to the excitement. He reached into the saddlebag and tore two chunks off of one of the loafs of bread.
Want some? Ayden asked, holding one of the chunks towards Dairen.
Yeah I'm starving, Dairen said taking the chunk of bread and immediately took a bite.
So what are we going to do now? Ayden said in between mouthfuls of bread. About training I mean. Nydel taught us everything we know.
Well we could keep sparing with each other like we usually do. It'll still help us get better and keep us in shape.
Ayden nodded in response but didn't say anything.
After the next few miles the road widened and occasionally forked. If Nydel hadn't taken them with him to Gadewain a few times when they were younger it would be easy to take the wrong road. For that reason Ayden was glad that Nydel had never left them behind.
Ayden took the knife he had sheathed in his boot and began going over some movements Nydel had taught him. Using a knife was a specialty of his. The knife was a reliable hidden weapon. Dairen had always prefered a bow. Nydel always laughed at how different their choice of weapons where. Ayden dual wielded two short swords with his knife as a side weapon, where Dairen used a long sword and a shield with his bow as a side weapon.
Ayden was still practicing with his knife when evening set in and the sun started going down. They found a clearing surrounded by a few small trees to make camp. Ayden started a fire with some branches he found and put some meat on to cook while Dairen tied up the horses and fed them.
Ayden stood up unsheathing his swords, we may as well spar while we wait on the meat to finish. It'll do us some good, help us clear our minds.
Dairen nodded in agreement grabbing his sword and shield.
Dairen was the first to strike dropping his sword from above his head. Ayden quickly blocked the attack with one sword and swung his other sword at chest level which Dairen blocked. Ayden dodged another blow releasing another counter attack which bounced off of Dairens shield.
The fought until both of them tired, and could hardly lift their own swords. They sat down across from each other by the fire exhausted. When the meat was ready they both ate hastily. They hadn't ate much today and the fight didn't help their hunger any.
After they had eaten they found a place to lay and slept.
The next day after breakfast they were on their way again. Mile after mile disappeared behind them as they rode. If all went well they would be entering Gadewain by nightfall. They planned on staying at an inn for the night and would attempt for a council with the king in the morning. Hopefully everything would go according to plan Ayden thought to himself. Neither he nor Dairen had ever talked with anyone of such importance. They wasn't even sure how to request a council. He pushed the worry out of his mind and decided to practice with his knife. It forced him to concentrate making the miles go by faster.
When evening came they stopped for dinner and let the horses eat and rest. They could see Gadewain far in the distance, which gave them comfort knowing they were so close. After they finished eating they pushed hard trying to make it before darkness set in.
Ayden starred in admiration as they approached Gadewain. The city was hidden behind a stone wall easily seventy feet tall and several feet thick. Sentry towers that lined every corner were barely visible above the wall. The castle itself was the only building that could be clearly seen. Ayden turned to Dairen realizing he to was amazed by the sight.
Guards were stationed at the city gates talking to one another. One of the guards noticed them out of the corner of his eye and snapped to attention after nudging the other guard.
State yer name and business, one of the guards demanded in a bored tone that suggested he was tired of asking that question.
Im Ayden and this is Dairen, he said pointing. We come from the village of Grinwell.
Grinwell, repeated the other guard. What brings you youngsters this far from home?
Ayden looked at the ground and with a soft voice said, Grinwell was attacked by bandits night before last. We've come to request an audience with the king for help.
Bandits eh? Sorry to hear that, go on through then, he said in a gentle voice gesturing towards the city.
Thank you, Dairen said leading them into the city.
The cities insides were as admirable as the outside. The houses were clean and well taken care of suggesting they were in the better part of Gadewain. Even with the sky steadily getting darker the streets were alive with people doing late shopping at the few stores still open.
Excuse me miss, Ayden said stopping a lady who was crossing the street. Can you point us to the nearest inn please?
All the way down the street on your left. The lady said and walked off before Ayden could say thank you.
They found the inn where the lady said it would be and came to a stop in front of the large building. It was tall and made of stone with a thin metal roof. The building had several small windows and a large sturdy wooden door. Above the door was a sign stating the inn was called "The Dancing Donkey".
Dairen gave Ayden a mocking look at the mention of the inns name but said nothing.
Are ya'll planning on going in? A young boy asked walking towards them. He was short and Ayden could tell he wasn't any older then fourteen.
Why? Ayden said eyeing the boy accusingly.
I'm the stable boy for the Inn sir, for two sliver I'll take care of your horses, feed and brush em too if you'd like.
Ayden looked towards the back of the Inn and noticed a small building that he presumed to be the stable. Convinced he dismounted his horse pulling two silver from his belt pouch and handed them to the young boy along with his and Dairens horse.
The inside of the Inn was well furnished with sturdy wooden tables lining the main room. A group of men sat at the far wall tending to the fireplace as they gambled and drank. Other tables had lonely men drinking by themselves or women taking amongst friends sharing the latest gossip.
How much for a room? Dairen asked taking a seat at the bar. Ayden joined him in silence waiting for the bartenders answer.
Fifteen silver for one bed and twenty-five for two beds and we provide breakfast and dinner, the bartender said.
We'll take two beds, Ayden said sliding twenty-five silver to the man. Is there any dinner left we could do with a plate.
Sure thing, the bartender said taking the money. He disappeared through a door behind the bar. He came back out carrying two bowls, meat stew he said placing the bowls in front of them. You got here just in time, we were getting ready to throw out what was left.
The stew was hardly warm from setting so long but was otherwise good. Dairen fell silent as he ate leaving Ayden to do the talking.
What's your name son? The bartender asked propping himself against the wall behind him. He crossed his arms and looked at Ayden with curiosity.
Ayden, was his reply and this is Dairen he said twitching his head towards his friend. Yours? He asked before taking a bite of his stew.
Allister, the bartender said placing mugs on the bar and filling them with beer. So were you from? He asked pushing the mugs toward Ayden and Dairen. I can tell you're not from around these parts.
Grinwell, Dairen answered pushing his bowl away from him which was now empty.
I see, Allister said looking even more curious now. What brings you here? If you don't mind my asking. He grabbed Dairens empty bowl and placed it under the bar while he spoke.
Bandits attacked us a few days ago, we've come for help if we can get it. Dairen spoke softly remembering the outcome of the attack.
Damn bandits, another man who was sitting at the bar interrupted in a deep voice. Someone needs to put a stop to them bastards. Dorwyn got attacked few weeks back. Nearly burned the whole town down them bandits did. The man got up and took the seat next to Ayden. The names Derek, the man said leaning back in the stool. Blacksmith, got my own shop down the street o'ways.
What did the king do? Ayden asked starring at Derek. He was large and very muscular in size, his hands and arms were scarred and rough from all the years of being a smith.
Sent help of course, Derek drank from his mug before speaking again. Been tryin t'find the bandits since.
I'm going to find the room, Dairen said standing up. Fill me in tomorrow morning.
I'll show you to your room, Allister said leading Dairen upstairs.
Your friend okay? Derek said after a pause.
Yeah he's just tired and upset. We both are, we'll feel alot better after we have help on it's way to Grinwell.
Lose someone close in the attack did ya? Derek asked finishing off his mug of beer and slamming the mug down on the bar, damned thugs.
Dairens father "Nydel" was killed fighting off bandits in the attack. Ayden starred at his beer trying to control his anger. Nydel took me in after my parents died when I was still an infant, raised Dairen and me as brothers and taught us to fight.
I'm sorry t'hear that, Derek said taking a full mug of beer from Allister who had just got back. The king'll find them bandits and when he does they'll pay plenty.
That they will, Allister said taking Aydens empty mug. You want more?
No thanks, I should probably be going to bed. Can you show me to the room?
Good luck, Derek said as Ayden walked up the stairs behind Allister.
Dairen was already asleep when Ayden got there. The room was small and simple with two beds and oak dressers to match. He laid down on his bed welcoming the sleep that overtook him.

Ayden and Dairen were already dressed and downstairs before the sun came out the next morning. Allister handed them two fresh plates of eggs and toast which they ate gratefully.
It took them almost all morning after breakfast to reach the castle, the streets were packed with people running their errands for the morning. They were stopped at the castle gates by four well armed guards who eyed them closely.
What business do you have in these parts? One of the guards demanded, holding his pike outwards toward Ayden.
Grinwell was attacked by bandits Sir. We've come to ask the king for help.
The guard who spoke seemed to be the one in charge, he thought about what Ayden had said for a moment before he spoke again.
Silas take this news to the king and ask if he wishes to see these boys.
Yes Captain, the guard answered and ran off off toward the castle.
The guard looked back at Ayden now. You two don't move until he gets back.
Ayden and Dairen waited impatiently for the guard named Silas to get back. When he returned he ran straight to the Captain.
The king wished to see them immediately, he blurted out in-between breaths.
Very well, the Captain said withdrawing his pike and leading them through the gate and down the courtyard.
Ayden and Dairen were both nervous about meeting with the king, even though they tried not to show it. The Captain stopped at the large doors to the castle and turned around.
These men will watch take your horses, he said pointing and remember who your talking to while your inside. This isn't just anybody.
Yes Sir, Ayden and Dairen both said in sequence.
The Captain opened one of the large doors and led them inside the castles main room.
Ayden and Dairen looked around with awe as they entered the castle. Two large stair cases at the far end of the room led to a balcony. Red flags trimmed with gold were hung at every window and door signifying the colors of the kingdom.
The Captain opened another door which led them to the audience chamber. He took a few steps inside the room and bowed deep.
Ayden and Dairen copied his movement noticing the man standing not to far from them looking out of a window. This man was obviously the king. Ayden thought to himself. The king wore a white shirt with light red pants almost completely covered by his dark red cloak heavily trimmed with gold. Ayden was surprised at how young the king looked, he had expected much older yet this man was barely in his thirties by looks.
Thank you, Captain. You may leave us. The king said with a voice that was soft but signified his authority. Stand up please, he said walking in Ayden and Dairens direction. One of my guards tell me that you say Grinwell was attacked by bandits. Is this true?
Yes, you highness almost three days ago. Ayden said lowering his head. They destroyed over half the village. Us two and a few others were barely able to fend them off.
My apologies, the king said in his soft voice. Blame me if you must, my men have been tracking the bandits for some time. When we heard they were in that area I should have sent military to your village and surrounding towns. At the time we thought they had just been running from us. I presume you came here to ask for men to aid in your defense yes?
Yes, your highness we lost alot of our men in the attack. At this time we don't have the strength to defend against them if they come back.
You must be very strong, the king said eyeing them both. It's not often people get ambushed by bandits and live. Even with the training I assume you've had.
My father was a good teacher, your highness Dairen said closing his eyes.
Was it the attack? The king said realizing what Dairen had meant.
Yes, Dairen said in a soft almost non existent voice.
I'm truly sorry, the king said. You did right by him coming here to help your village. I'll prepare a group of my best, they'll be on their way by midafternoon. You should get back to your village, it needs brave men like you right now.
Thank you, your highness and with that Ayden and Darien bowed once more before taking their leave. They found their horses outside and set off down the street. Finding their way back towards the inn proved easy enough and from there they left Gadewain the same way they had entered.
It was still morning when they left Gadewain so they rode fast trying to cover as many miles as they could before nightfall.
We did it, Dairen said. He was smiling for the first time since they left Grinwell. Now we can help rebuild the village with everyone else. If only father were here to help us, he said slowly losing the smile as he spoke.
Everyone was right you know. Nydel would be proud of us, Ayden said. We helped fight off the bandits, got the kings help, and we'll help rebuild the village when we get back. That's exactly what Nydel would have done. Also he died protecting his village and family. That's a heros death. We both know Nydel wanted that over dieing of old age any day.
Yeah, I guess your right, Dairen said laughing. We have a lot of struggle ahead. I'm glad we're going through it together brother.
Me to, Ayden said with a smile. It wasn't often they called each other brother but they had always considered each other family.
After that they were silent while they rode doing their best to keep a steady pace without pushing the horses to hard. At noon they stopped to eat and let the horses rest before continuing on their way.
The only thing Ayden could think about was getting back to the village. He wondered if the people had already started rebuilding or if they were still cleaning debris. Either way he couldn't wait to get back, he was homesick. He wanted to sleep in his own bed again and go about his normal village life. Of course things wouldn't be normal for awhile but once the kings men got there they could rebuild and live in peace. Just as they once had.
We should stop for the night and rest, we covered a good distance today, Dairen said. We'll probably make it to Grinwell a little after noon tomorrow if we ride the same.
Ayden nodded in agreement and pulled off the rode.
They made camp on the edge of the forest and sat close to the fire while they waiting for the meat to cook.
What are you thinking about? Ayden asked trying to break the silence.
Money, was Dairens simple reply. We can't just sit around the house training all day like before. We'll need food for us and the horses. I was wondering if Vernon might need any help on the farm. I don't think he lost more than a few cattle in the attack. His crops were untouched and it's almost harvest. Plus Nydel was his main hand, he could probably use the both of us I'm sure.
Yeah, I guess your right. I haven't even thought about what we would do for money. I'll go with you when you talk to Vernon.
When the meat was done Ayden broke off a piece of bread and tossed it to Dairen. After they ate they packed everything they didn't need for the night before going to sleep.
They continued their riding early the next day eating bread for breakfast as they rode. By noon they neared the forest that hid Grinwell a few miles on its other side.
We've almost made it, Ayden was thinking to himself until Dairen screamed and took off racing past Ayden.
What wrong? Ayden yelled trying to catch up when he saw the thick black smoke rising from behind the forest. Dammit, he said to himself pushing his horse even faster knowing that the smoke wasn't coming from the forest but from what laid beyond it. Tears began filling his eyes as they rounded the forests edge and saw their village on fire yet again.
We're to late, Dairen cried as Ayden matched his pace. The damned bandits made it back before we did.
They rode fast cursing the bandits all the way to what used to be their home. Ayden didn't try to hide his tears as they entered the village. It was worse than before, the smell of burnt flesh hung in Aydens nose. The bandits didn't leave anything behind this time.
Dairen dismounted his horse and bowed over the charred body of Taron crying.
Ayden, still on his horse wept with him. Everything they had just accomplished was all for nothing. There wasn't a village to defend anymore. Nothing was left, the bandits had burned everything.
Their mourning was interrupted by a noise, like someone was moving.
Someone's alive! Dairen shouted and turned towards the noise.
Ayden started to follow Dairens movement but was frozen by a sharp pain in his right shoulder. His thoughts blurred and he became dizzy as the pain started to overtake him, he tried to fight but with no prevail. He looked down noticing the space between him and the ground becoming increasingly short before everything went black.

Send for the king, he's waking up. Said a womens voice.
A young woman by the sound of it, Ayden thought to himself. His head throbbed and his entire body ached. He opened his eyes looking around. He was correct the voice came from a young woman who was sitting beside him. Where am I? He asked in a weak tone trying to sit up. A sharp pain shot through his body originating from his right shoulder and arm. He screamed and fell back against the bed he was laying on.
Try not to move, the young woman instructed him. You're weak from your injury.
What happened, Ayden said trying to hold back tears from the pain in his shoulder. Then he remembered about Grinwell and became frantic. Where's Dairen? He said trying to sit up again with no more luck than the first time he tried. He screamed once more in pain, Where's Dairen. He tried asking again.
Please calm down, the young woman pleaded with Ayden. It you keep this up you'll reopen your wound.
Leave us please, said a voice that Ayden remembered. Soft and full of authority, why am I back in Gadewain Ayden thought to himself, and why is the king here to see me? Ayden looked up and met the kings gaze.
How are you feeling? the king asked with concern. You were in bad shape when my men found you. You're lucky to be alive.
My entire body hurts, Ayden whispered in response. Where am I? Where's Dairen? With that last question the king looked to the floor with a look of guilt in his eyes answering the question without even speaking. This time when the tears came Ayden didn't try holding them back, he cried for his best friend and brother. He couldn't believe this was happening after everything they had done to prevent it.
You're in the private medical ward, here in my castle. My men found you in the middle of the village nearly dead. You had an arrow half sunk in your right shoulder and you had a broken arm probably from falling from your horse. Luckily I had sent a healer who was able to remove the arrow and stop the bleeding after which they brought you back here. Regretfully none of my healers were able to do more than fix your arm with magic. The arrow had done to much damage. How long will my shoulder take to heal? Ayden managed to say through his physical and now emotional pain.
The healer taking care of you says it could take a few months for you to reach your full strength again. Like I said the arrow did quite a bit of damage. You're pretty lucky to go up against bandits twice and survive.
What going to happen to Grinwell now? Ayden said.
Three of the soldiers I sent stayed behind out of respect to bury the dead. The king sat down where the young woman had been sitting earlier. I'm sorry for your loss once again. I've sent troops to every town and village in the kingdom so that this won't happen again. I've also sent more men to search for the bandits.
Thank you, your highness. Ayden said. He was glad those soldiers were kind enough to bury the villagers even though they didn't have to.
Please, call me David. The king said. I tire of being called "Your Highness" all the time, and what would I call you? I don't believe it was mentioned in our last meeting.
Ayden, your highness.
Ayden, please call me David the king said with a laugh.
What will I do after I get out of the medical ward? Grinwell was my home I'll have no where else to go. Ayden said feeling his eyes tear up again.
If you wish to stay in Gadewain, you'll have a house. It's the least I can do for you after everything that has happened.
Well I guess I don't have much of a choice, thank you again, Ayden said.
I must go now, as I am a busy man. Don't try anything that'll strain your shoulder, David said and then he was gone.
Once David had left, the woman from before re-entered the room, Ayden watched her as she walked across the room and took her seat beside him once more. She had a soft, caring face with bright blue eyes. Her long blonde hair wove down to the middle of her back. All of her bodily features stated that she was mature, though her face suggested she was probably the same age as he.
How's the pain? She asked him once she had situated herself comfortably in the chair.
Terrible, Ayden said with a grunt. Not as bad as when I first woke up though.
Yeah, you were out for three days so your joints were more than likely stiff. You'll naturally feel more pain in the mornings, so be carful to move slowly when you wake up.
I was out for three days? Ayden fought to keep his voice down. Although he half expected it to have been that long. The ride from Grinwell back to Gadewain took at least two days and he didn't remember any of it.
You were barely alive when we got you. We wasn't sure if you would make it or not. You must be pretty strong to hold on like you did.
We? Ayden repeated. I have more than one healer looking after me?
Just Selena, and I'm Allison her apprentice. I'll be helping you manage until you've made a full recovery. With that she stood and walked for the door. You should try and get some more sleep. I'll be back in the morning to check on you.
Even though he'd slept for almost three full days he was exhausted. He pulled his blanket over his head with his left arm and cried to himself for Dairen and Nydel until sleep got the best of him.

When Ayden woke up the next morning Allison was already there, sitting in her chair next to his bed.
I brought you some breakfast, she said when she noticed him waking up.
Thank you I'm starving, Ayden said rubbing his eyes and looking at her. I feel like I haven't ate for days. He laughed at himself after he said it. He really hadn't ate for days.
Allison had brought him sausage and toast with milk. He ate it quickly and washed it down with the milk. After he ate she helped him lean forward so she could check his shoulder. The pain was agonizing and leaning forward made him nauseous and dizzy but he dealt with it as best he could. She changed the bandage and put more salve on the wound.
I feel dizzy, he said after he laid back down. Is that normal?
Yes, she said. You lost alot of blood before you were found. It'll take you a few days to recover from that.
The next three days followed the same pattern, Allison would change his bandage every morning and even a night one of the days, sometimes Selena would accompany Allison to check on his progress. Allison brought him three meals a day, sometimes bringing her own and they would talk while they ate.
On the fifth day of him being in the medical ward he was able to lean forward on his own without feeling sick or dizzy, although still painful. He was happy with this and decided to try standing.
Careful, Allison warned. Just because you can sit now doesn't mean your better.
Stop worrying and help me out, Ayden said laughing. With Allison always around to help Ayden, they grew comfortable with one another often making jokes about the other.
Ayden sat on the edge of the bed using his left arm to push him upwards. He wobbled at first thought he would fall but caught his balance. I told you I could do it, he said walking around the room slowly. His legs felt weak from not using them for so long.
Just be careful, Allison said. I'm going to let Selena know your able to walk.
Okay, Ayden said trying to walk the stiffness out of his legs. For the last five days his left arm was the only part of his body he was able to use. He felt like an animal that just escaped from its cage. He tried jumping but only managed to throw himself off balance. He decided he would wait until his legs were used to walking before trying that again.
Careful, Selena said. You don't want to overdue it already would you? Allison was standing next to her watching Ayden.
No, Ayden said his face turning red, he hoped they didn't see him trying to jump although he was almost certain they did.
How do you feel? Selena said watching him closely in case his legs gave out.
My shoulder hurts like hell, as usual. But I can obviously walk so overall I feel great, he said laughing.
Good, Selena said smiling. In that case King David wished to speak with you in his quarters once you were strong enough to walk. Allison will accompany you, you're still not strong enough to go about by yourself. Is that okay with you?
Yes, Ayden said. He agreed that he wasn't strong enough to walk around by himself, if his legs gave out or he became dizzy he'd appreciate the help. Plus Allison had taken care of him since he came to the medical ward, he couldn't just push her away.
Very well, Selena said. Allison will show you to King David's quarters. And if anything should happen I'd like to know about it Allison.
Yes ma'am, Allison said as she led Ayden down the hall.
How far is it? Asked Ayden as they turned onto the third hallway.
A little further, she said as she started laughing.
What so funny, Ayden said looking at her. It wasn't the normal sweet laugh but had more of an evil tone with it.
Theirs a flight of stairs ahead, she said laughing again. I almost forgot about it.
Ayden mocked her laugh as they approached the stairs, it can't be that bad, he said aloud. He was quickly proven wrong, his right arm was braced to his chest to keep him from using it. So he had to rely on his left arm to brace him on the stairs with weak unused legs.
How was it? Allison said when they had made it to the bottom.
No problem, Ayden lied, he could tell she didn't believe him but he smiled and stuck with it. So now where do we go?
Allison led him down two more hallways before they found the right one. Two guards stood at the start of the hallway before they finally came upon a large half wood half iron door signifying King David's room.
Ayden knocked on the door then leaned again the wall giving his legs a break as they waited for an answer.
Ayden! King David said half surprised. He cleared his throat before speaking again. Please, please come in. Sorry to keep you waiting. How are you? Have a seat, he said pointing towards some chairs in the middle of the room. Then taking his seat behind a heavy wooden desk scattered with papers.
Thank you, Ayden and Allison both said taking a seat in the appointed chairs.
Well my shoulder doesn't feel much better if that's what you mean. Ayden said answering David's question.
Well no matter, it'll get better in time. As long as you don't strain it too much.
I'll do my best, Ayden said. So I was told you wished to see me? Did you find anything out about the bandits?
I'm afraid not, David said. We're positive that the bandits that attacked Grinwell are the same ones who attacked Dorwyn over a month ago. When we find them, you have my word that you'll be one of the first to know.
Thank you, Ayden said.
I actually wanted to let you know that your house is ready. It's a small house, not much.
That's all I need, Ayden said. I appreciate it.
In that case, David said standing. I'll have a guard escort you.
Ayden and Allison followed David as he led them through the castle. They passed through a room that Ayden recognized as the room he had first met King David in. The next room was the main entrance that Ayden also remembered. The called on a guard and charged him with escorting Ayden to his house.
The guard led them outside to the stables and began saddling his horse, Ayden looked at Allison and realized she to was saddling a horse. You have a horse at the castle? Ayden asked.
Yes, Selena and I are the castle healers. We live and work at the castle.
Impressive, Ayden said with a smile. Only one problem though. I don't have a horse anymore.
The guard saddled an extra horse and handed the reins to Ayden. This one is your's he said. The king had us get you one. Since yours was lost in the attack.
He's beautiful, Ayden said petting the large beast. It was a stallion, pitch black in color. Muscle bulged from every part of the animals body. He grabbed the saddle with his left arm struggled awkwardly into it. He groaned as a bolt of pain ran through his shoulder. At least he could mount the horse he thought, no matter how hard it was.
You all right? The guard asked moving his horse closer to Aydens.
Yeah, I'm fine. My right arm was always my strongest. Now I have to get used to doing everything with my left. It'll just take some time, I'll be all right.
Well I'll be around if you need me, the guard said. The king had charged me with helping you in anyway possible, if you want the help that is.
I'd rather try to attempt most task myself, but you're welcome to stick around as much as you'd like. The extra company wouldn't be such a bad thing. Ayden soon realized that riding put more stress on his shoulder than he thought it would. It wasn't enough to make him stop, just an unwelcome discomfort he wished would go away before long. When they had made it through the castle gate, the guard followed the road to his left and followed it all the way to the city wall where he stopped.
There's your house, the guard said pointing. It's one of the few houses within city walls that secluded.
It's perfect, Ayden said ushering his horse in the direction of the house. The house was small, which was fine with Ayden. There was a small stable on it's side closest to the giant city wall. The stable had two rooms separated by a wall for the horses. Behind the house stood a large strong oak tree. Ayden dismounted his horse as they entered one of the stable rooms and shut a makeshift gate behind him.
Allison and the guard tied their horses to poles on either side of the stable, and followed Ayden to the house.
The inside of the house was even smaller than it looked consisting only of a main room, bedroom, and kitchen. Two chairs sat in the middle of the main room in front of a small fireplace, a bookshelf sat a little ways from the fireplace on the same wall. A few extra chairs lined the edges of the room. He walked through a small walkway and entered the bed room, that furnished only a bed and dresser. His swords and leather armor were set neatly beside the dresser. He walked back to the main room taking a seat in one of the chairs next to the un-lit fireplace. Allison and the guard were already sitting down waiting for him.
So what will you do now? Allison asked after Ayden took his seat.
What do you mean?
Well you're not stuck in a bed at the medical ward anymore.
With my shoulder the way it is there's not much I can do. But I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy. He turned his attention to the guard now. So what do we call you?
Philip, the guard said looking up.
Good to meet you.
And you, said Philip.
So are you any good with a sword? I could use someone to spar with once my shoulder get to feeling better.
I'm actually still learning, Philip admitted. Guards aren't trained as much as soldiers are, and I've only been a guard for a few months now.
Perfect, It'll do us both some good then. But for now please deliver a message to the king for me. Tell him I said thank you again for the house, I'm deeply in his debt.
Yes sir, Philip said and left without another word.
I'll make us some lunch, Allison said walking into the kitchen. Some tea too, if you'd like.
Yeah thanks Ayden said walking over to the bookshelf. He had always enjoyed reading, although Nydel had never kept many books around. He ran his fingers across the books until he found one named "History". He took the book and sat back down in his chair opening the book to it's first page.
Dwarves, masters of mining and the art of blacksmiths. Like humans only a certain few posses the power to wield magic. Native to large underground mines...
He stopped reading and looked at Allison. Dwarves still exist? He asked still surprised by what he'd read. He had only heard about dwarves in passing as well as Elves who he'd thought no longer existed.
Of course, Allison said. Although they don't have anything to do with outsiders. There a rude bunch.
So then Elves are still around as well? He continued.
Yes, she answered again. You really don't know?
No, he said. People in Grinwell never spoke much about what went on in the world, and Nydel never kept any books around.
When Allison finished cooking she brought Ayden a plate of food and did her best to explain what she knew about Dwarves and Elves.
Ayden read the book over the next few days when Allison and Philip weren't around. He learned that Elves were nomads some living in the mountains were called "high elves" and some lives off the land who were called "wood elves". High elves relied on their magic more than any weapon whereas "wood elves" infused their magic with archery.
Dwarves, like humans, built cities. Though their cities were built underground, and they usually possessed small but powerful armies, and would occasionally come across one who could wield magic. Their sole profession was mining and blacksmithing.
He put the book back on the shelf when he had finished reading it, and decided he would find another book later. In the few days he'd spent reading the pain in his shoulder became less painful and considerably easier to tolerate. With this progress he decided to visit an old friend and look for small and easy work he could do with arm.
He petted his horse before hoisting himself into the saddle. He looked down at the horse and thought to himself. We'll be together for awhile, so I guess I should give you a name. A few different names came to mind but in the end he decided on "Midnight". It was a common name for black horses but he liked it anyway. He led Midnight through the city, which was surprising busy making him ride slower than he would have liked. He found "The Dancing Donkey" the Inn in which he had stayed at on his previous stay in Gadewain. He turned on the street the Inn was on and followed it until he found a small building with a sign above the door of two hammers crossing each other. He tied Midnight out front and walked into the building.
Derek was at the far corner of the store rearranging some weapons on their racks.
How are you? Ayden said trying to get Dereks attention.
Great, have yerself a look round. Lemme know'v somethin catches yer fancy. He said without turning around.
I was actually wondering if you could maybe use some help.
Derek stopped and turned around. Ayden me boy, I din realize it was you. Ow are ye? He said walking towards Ayden. Was wonderin when ye would show yer face.
You knew I was here? Ayden asked. How?
Whole city been talking bout ye. How ye survived bandits twice, and come close t' dyin. M'sorry bout ye village and friend. He added softly, tis a shame.
Thank you, Ayden said softly. I plan on making those bandits suffer once I recover.
Jus be carful. Derek paused then changed the subject. So yer lookin fer work are ye? There's not much ye can do wit one arm.
I know, Ayden admitted. I just looking to help out on anything if you need. I have no money and I can't rely on King David for everything.
Tell ye what, lot o' people special order weapons an armor. I'll let ye deliver em if ye wan? I only do one order a week, so is not much. But special orders cos extra, so I can pay ye pretty good for yer help and some o'the people tip.
I'll do it, Ayden said smiling. Is the anything I can take now?
Already got it, next should be done bout four days from now.
Okay, Ayden said. I'll be here. It had started getting dark by the time he made back to his house. He walked straight to his room and picked one of his swords up. He'd been wondering if he would be able to continue his training. He took the sword and walked out to the large oak tree. He was already used to wielding a sword with his left arm but even then his right arm did most of the work. He hoped that by training with his left arm while his right shoulder healed he could rely on it more in battle. That alone would make him a much better fighter. He raised the sword and ran it through a few motions testing how his shoulder would react. When he was finished his shoulder hurt slightly worse than before but not enough to bother him to much. Now he began swinging at the oak tree, twisting and turning while parried hitting the tree a few more times doing his best to simulate a real fight. Because he hadn't trained in almost two weeks he tired faster than usual, and by when he was finished his shoulders pain had gotten worse. Even so he was happy to be able to train again.
For the next month he trained every night when he was by himself. Now when he trained his shoulder gave him little pain and he could go longer before tiring.
Well your shoulder is healed up, Allison said that morning taking the bandages off exposing the scar his wound had left. You're still not fully recovered though, your arm will still be sore for awhile and hurt when you try moving it. Just try bending it a little everyday.
I will, he said happily. Almost he thought. Before long he'd be getting the revenge he dreamed about ever since this all started.
You don't have to get revenge, Allison said noticing the look on Ayden face. You should let the king and his men handle it.
I can't, he said leaning back in his chair. I'm sorry, but when my shoulder is back to normal I have to go after them. I promised Dairen that those bandits would pay, and they will.
Allison looked down avoided Aydens stare. You might not be so lucky this time. You can't just go out and get yourself killed. It's suicide, she said holding back tears.
I'll be prepared this time, I'm not just going to charge in without help. Once I find out where their hiding I'll lead the kings men to them. He grabbed her chin lifting it until their eyes met. You've been by me, taking care of me, ever since I was first injured. I won't ignore that, nor will I ever forget it. He wiped the tears from her eyes, but please understand that this is something I have to do. This is my home and once I am finished, this is where I will return. I won't be leaving for good.
Ayden looked up as Philip walked entered through the front door. Allison stood and silently left through the same door.
Sorry, Philip said. I can come back later?
No you're fine. She just needs some time to think. I'm actually glad you're here, Ayden said walking to his room and returning with one of his swords. Are you still interested in sparring? I still can't use my right arm, he said gesturing to his injured shoulder, but the pain had dulled enough to fight something other than a tree.
Yeah, I'd like to spar. But we're not using real swords, he said looking at Ayden as if he was crazy.
Me and Dairen used to do it all the time. We just went easy.
Yeah, but going easy means you're not fighting to your fullest and therefore not really learning much.
Well what would we spar with then? Ayden said understanding Philips point.
There's fake metal swords at the training grounds where the pages and squires train. I'm sure if we ask nicely they may let us borrow two of them. There perfect for training and we won't kill each other in the process.
Very well, Ayden said laughing. He was eager to try these fake swords out. He wished he would have known about a long time ago. He had acquired several cuts while sparring with Dairen in the past.
It didn't take long for them to make it to the training grounds. Ayden could see a few pages and squires already beating each other with the training swords. Most of them, pages he assumed, swung the piece of metal clumsily not yet sure how to handle it.
They tied their horses and stood watching the young would be knights learn how to survive. One of the teachers walked their way curious as to why they were watching his students train.
What business do you have here? The man said in a calm voice. Surely you haven't come simply to watch a few pages and squires hit each other.
Excuse us Sir, I'm Ayden and this Philip, he said pointing in Philips direction. We were wondering if we may borrow two of your training swords-
Ayden? The man interrupted eyeing him closely now. Looks like you've made a decent recovery so far. Although you seem to still be favoring your arm. How to you plan on swinging a sword?
Is there anyone in this city that doesn't know who I am? Ayden said out loud, irritation in his voice.
I'm sure there are a few. Although as a Knight it is my duty to know what goes on in this city, and most of all this kingdom.
My apologies, Ayden quickly said. I didn't realize who I was speaking with.
No need, the knight said in his calm voice. I understand your irritation, and you may call me Brent. Now back to my question, how do you wish to swing a sword if you're obviously having trouble moving your arm?
I wield swords in both arms Sir, I had intended on fighting with my left arm.
Very well, you may use them. Although I would much like to watch you spar. If that's okay with you that is.
Sure, Ayden said not wanting to tell the knight no. He looked at Philip noticing he to seemed nervous about this ordeal.
Brent shouted over his shoulder for the boys to stop fighting, and led them to the fight pit. He then ushered for the two students who had been fighting to hand the training swords over to Ayden and Philip.
Ayden gripped the fake sword in his left hand surprised at how real it felt. He bent his knees slightly but made no move to attack. He and Philip stood for a long moment watching each other waiting for the other to make his first move.
Ayden ducked as Philip finally decided to swing first, then quickly brought his sword above his head stopping Philips downward attack. He broke the connection between the swords following through with a successful hit to Philips ribs. He deflected a jab at his chest and rapped Philip hard on shin ending the fight as Ayden slid forward placing the tip of the fake sword on Philips heart.
Whoa, that was incredible, Philip said panting, as Ayden offered him a hand to stand up with. Even with your hurt arm I didn't stand a chance.
Agreed, Brent said walking in his direction. You show great talent even with an injured arm. Not many would be able to say that.
Thank you, Ayden speaking to Philip and Brent both. I had a good teacher, Ayden said plainly.
A good teacher indeed, Brent said smiling. In fact im not sure you realize just how good of a teacher you really had.
What do you mean? Ayden said starring at the Brent. He was curious as to why the knight would say that.
Sir Nydel happened to be one of the best knights of his time. You're very lucky to have trained under him. And by all rights would have made you a knight in training.
Nydel was a knight! Ayden blurted out. He never told us that. Ayden suddenly felt like he barely even knew his own mentor. And how would that have made me a knight in training?
Nydel retired from knighthood to start a new life. He must have decided to leave it in the past. Also, even retired knights hold the privilege of training future knights if they so wish.
Aydens surprise soon vanished. It actually made sense, he thought to himself. He and Dairen had always wondering where Nydel learned to fight, but when they would ask him about it he would simply tell them that he had seen many things in his time.
Well now my pride doesn't hurt so much, Philip said bringing Ayden back from his thoughts.
If you wish to finish you're training your welcome to join us. Brent said. That is if King David would allow it.
Sorry, Ayden said. But I can't. As soon as I am able to freely use my right arm I'll be leaving for awhile.
Going in search of the bandits is a dangerous road. Brent said knowing exactly what Ayden was implying. You're not strong enough to take them out by yourself. You don't even know where to find them. Will you search blindly?
I don't know, Ayden admitted. But I'll find them one way or another.
Very well, Brent said. Perhaps we can talk again at another time, but now we must get back to our training. And with that he walked back to his students.
He couldn't believe he had been a knight in training and didn't even know it. He wondered what this would mean for him. He wasn't sure if he even wanted to be a knight.
Over the next week Allison only came to check on him once, he felt guilty. He knew how she felt about him, and admittedly he felt the same about her. Being together for the last two months had made them close. Although neither of them had openly admitted it they both knew.


Texte: Holden Hansford
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2012

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